新目标七年级下unit 3 period 2


2023年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school(第2课

2023年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 3 How do you get to school(第2课

Unit 3 How do you get to school(第2课时)教案Unit 3How do you get to school?Period 2Content Section A 2d, 2e, Grammar focus, 3a, 3b, 3c教学目标要求1.能够用How询问交通方式,如:How do you get to school? I …2.能够用How long询问时长,如:How long does it take…? It takes …3.能学用How far询问距离,如:How far is it from…to…? It’s about …4.能够掌握本课出现的固定套语,如:It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.5.能够正确区分词组,如:take the bus和by bus等。

6.能认读并能工整书写所学单词:new, every, by, drive, car, live等。

7.在目标语言中能熟练运用一般现在时的一般疑问句及其回答,如:Does Jane walk to school? No, she doesn’t.8.能模仿录音正确朗读和表演教材上的对话并能分角色对目标语进行进一步的表达(会话)。


1 / 10教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复习时间4 m 1复习已学目标语和导入谈论交通方式的话题Look at the picture. The girl is Mary. How does Mary get to school? (She takes the subway.)2仿照上述对话,组织Pair work复习活动OK. Now look at the pictures. Let’s do pair work, ask and answer the questions.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生导入时间2 m 3导入新课话题Look at the picture and now you are Tom, answer my questions.—How do you get to school?—How long does it take to get to school?—How far is it from the school to your home?4引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:Unit 3 How do you get to school?2 / 102d 时间6 m 5齐读,然后分角色读Let’s read Conversations.6仿照上述对话,组织Pair workNow work in pairs, Student A is Jane, Student B is Tom. Use the information in 2b to make conversations.3 / 107拓展训练活动:哪位同学离校近,哪位离校远1.How do you get to school every day? Do you want to know how your classmates get to school? Whose home is near to school? And whose home is far from school? Please workwith your group and try to give me the answers.学生以小组为单元展开活动,询问彼此上学的途径、耗时及路程并填写右侧表格2.Now report your survey result. Others please write down the result.3.Discuss: How many students go to school by bus? How many go to school by bike? How many walk to school? How many go to school by other means?4 / 102e 时间6 m 8读图,了解对话情景—地点和谈论的话题First, look at the picture and read 2d.Then, answer:T: Who are the girls?S:(Lisa and Jane)T: Where are they?S: Near the school第一步:要求学生集体放声朗读对话,并从中发现学生的生词障碍;第二步:简短讲解、学习生词;9分角色练习对话以提升口语表达水平Role-play the conversation.Ask 1 or 2 pairs to show the conversation.5 / 1010语言探索发现,找出固定套语1.学生自主摘录出对话中新出现的固定套语;2.将自己的结论与周边同学合作对照,互通有无,修改完善;3.课堂师生讨论,确认答案。



1、语言知识 词汇: A、重点掌握表示建筑物种类的名词, 如post office, hotel, bank, supermarket, street, pay phone, avenue, B、掌握如下描绘性形容词及方位副词,如 clean, quiet, dirty, busy, right, left, down, along, C、方位介词,如next to, across from, in front of, near, between, behind D、短语,如 turn right, turn left, go down, go straight on, walk along, go along,
2、教材的地位及其作用 、 本单元的教学主要内容是:学习“问路指路”的 常用表达方式 ,该话题与学生的日常生活紧密 联系在一起,容易唤起学生的学习兴趣,这对 于提高学生的综合能力很有帮助,特别是说的 能力。通过本单元的学习描述某一建筑物的位 置,学会问路,指路,学会利用地图描述某一 社区。 本单元继续使用一般现在时,这是一个生活中离 不开的时态,也是最基本的一个时态。新课程 标准要求学生重点掌握一般现在时,这在英语 中使用频率很高,学好这一时态的用法对以后 其他时态的学习和交际有很大的帮助。
Students listen to teacher’s instruction and draw out the maps:
Map 1: Across from the bank is a supermarket. There is a post office between the library and the supermarket. Across from the supermarket is a park. Next to the park is a restaurant. Map 2: A library is next to the park. Across from the park is a bank. Next to the bank is a post office. Across from the post office is the restaurant, which is across from the supermarket.



Unit 2 Where is the post office?Language goals:●In this unit students learn to talk about asking for and give directions on thestreet.New languages:●Excuse me, is there a bank near here?●Y es, there is. It’s on Center Street.●Where is the pay phone?●It’s across from / next to / in front of / behind the library.●It’s between the post office and the library.●Just go straight and turn left.●Turn left on First Avenue.●T ake a walk through the park on Center Avenue.●There is a clean / dirty park near my house.Difficult points:1. Listening for the information of the names of the neighborhoodRead the tour guide and an e-mail from a friend you’re going to visit.Write the dialogues about asking the way and giving directions.2. Where questions.Affirmative statementsPrepositions of placeTeaching aids:● A tape recorder●Some picturesTeaching periods:Period 1: Section A1a, 1b, 1cPeriod 2: Section A2a, 2b, 2cPeriod 3: Section A3a, 3b, 4Period 4: Section B 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2cPeriod 5: Section B 3a, 3b, 3c, 4Period 6: Self CheckTeaching aims:1. T each vocabulary words.2. T arget languages: Is there a bank near here? Y es, there is. It’s on CenterStreet.3. Enable the students to ask for and give directions on the street.4. Help the students to ask for and give directions on the street.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Warming upShow three pictures prepared before class to the students. There is acat in a box in picture 1. There is a cat on a box in picture 2. There is acat under the box in picture 3.Then ask some students to ask and answer these questions.Step 2.Match work (2a)Ask the students to read the picture and the words in the numbered list.Ask the students to match each word or phrase on the list with one of the pictures.Then check the answers.Present the new sentence patterns.Then ask the students to read the dialogue in the picture.Step 3. Listening (1b)Ask the students to listen to the conversations and circle the places in 1a.Change the roles and do the same again.Then students ask and answer without the help of the recording.Step 4. PracticePoint to the different locations shown in the picture. Ask different students to name each one.Then point to more locations and let the students to practice more.Homework1. Practice the conversation in the picture on page 7.2. Learn the new words and phrases in this period by heart.Teaching aims:1. Learn the vocabulary words and useful expressions.2. T arget languages:The pay phone is across from the library.The pay phone is next to the library.The pay phone is between the post office and the library.The pay phone is on Greet Street.The pay phone is in front of the library.The pay phone is behind the library.3. Enable the students to talk about the position of a place.4. Help the students to talk about the position of a place.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision and warming upCheck the homework by talking about the pictures on page 7 with thestudents or prepare some other pictures with different buildings in itand let the students practice asking and answering questions aboutthe places.Ask the students to practice more.Step 2. Presentation (2a)Introduce the items across from, next to, between, in front of, behindand on.Draw the following picture on the blackboard.Park 3 Centre StreetEncourage or help the students to answer: It’s across from the library.The same way goes with next to, on and in front of.Ask the students to match each sentence with one of the pictures.Then ask the students to read the six sentences and match thesentences the pictures.Check the answers.Step 3. Listening(2b)Review the buildings and street names in Activity 1a and the sixsentences in 2a.The read the six sentences in 2b to the class.Ask the students to listen to the recording and fill in the blanks.Play the tape. Check the answers.Step 4. Practice (2c)Ask the students to repeat the conversations after the recording.Ask the students to do the Pair work asking and answering questionsabout the places in 1a.Step 5.Grammar FocusAsk the students to read the sentences in the grammar box aloud. Theask them to answer the following questions. Explain some languagepoints if t he students can’t understand.HomeworkAsk the students to practice talking about their neighborhood in pairs.Period 3T eaching aims:1. T each vocabulary words.2. T arget languages:Just go straight and turn left.It’s down Bridge Street on the right.It’s next to a supermarket.3. Enable the students to talk about the neighborhood.4. Help the students to talk about the neighborhood.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionLet the students look at the picture in activity 1a. And ask somestudents to answer some questions in order to check the homework.Say, Is there a library near here? Where is it? Is there a bank near here?Where is it?Put up the picture of activity 2a on the blackboard and ask them tomake conversations.Step 2. Presentation (3a)Guide the students to guess the meanings of the three traffic signs.Show the pictures and ask some questions about the pictures.Then ask the students to hold up their left hands and then their righthands to practice “left” and “right”.Point to the picture and let the students read the conversation.Ask the students to read the conversations. Then ask them to find Pauland Nancy in the picture.Ask the students to role play the conversation then point out the placethat Paul wants to get to.Step 3. Complete the conversations (3b)Ask the students to make conversations and answer the questionsbelow each picture.The students point out the place in the picture. And write down theanswers on the line in the pictures. Or ask a pair of students to say theconversation, the others point to the speakers’ place.Step 4. GameAsk the students to look at the picture in Activity 1a and name all the buildings.Ask some students to read the conversation in the picture in Activity 4.And then explain the instruction to the student.Then ask some groups to present their work.HomeworkAsk the students to make a similar conversation to that in Activity 3a. Period 4Teaching aims:1. T each vocabulary words.2. T arget languages:Is there a big supermarket near your house?Y es, there is.There is a big supermarket.No! There is a small supermarket.3. Enable the students to describe the neighborhood.4. Help the students to describe the neighborhood.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the homework by asking the following questions.Say, Look at the picture in activity 3a. Suppose you are standing nearthe building on the side of New Street. Please answer my questions.Excuse me. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood?Ask another student to answer questions.Give more students chances to practice this dialogue.Step 2.Match work (1a)Bring in some objects or pictures to the students. (Two rulers, one is old,the other is new. Two boxes, one is big and the other is small. Two bottles, one is clean and the other is dirty. Two pictures of a street, one is busy and the other is quiet.)Say, Look at the rulers, please. Can you find the difference between them? Y es. This one is old. (Show the old ruler.) And this one is new.(Show the new ruler.) Do you understand old and new?Ask the students to talk about the picture.Point to each half of each picture and ask about the difference between the halves.Go on with the other pictures to teach the language items.Ask the students to match the words with the pictures.Step 3. Pair workCall attention to the conversation in the picture.Then ask the students to work in pairs and take turns asking each other questions about the things on the list of phrases in activity 1a on page 7. Step 4. Listening (2a, 2b)Ask the students to listen to the tape and circle the places in 1a.Say: Now please listen to the tape again. Listen to it and draw the places in Michael’s neighborhood on the street map. Just listen.Play the recording.Play the recording again.Then have some students show their completed drawing to the class. Step 5. Pair workAsk the students to work in pairs talking about drawings to the class.Then ask some pairs to present their dialogues to the class.Ask the students to work in pairs, draw a map of their own neighborhood and practice asking and answering questions about the places they live in.HomeworkAsk the students to make similar conversations to that in Activity 1b.Period 5Teaching aims:1. T each vocabulary words.2. T arget languages:Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and small parks.T ake a walk through the park on Center Avenue.This is the beginning of the garden tour.Bridge is a good place to have fun.3. Enable the students to write a tour guide and draw the rout to somewhere.4. How to write a tour guide and draw the rout to somewhere.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the homework by asking about the student’s neighborhood.Ask the students to work in pairs.Ask the students to work in pairs.Then ask some pairs to present their conversations to the whole class.Step 2. Reading (3a, 3b)Ask the students to read the tour guide.Divide the whole class into four groups to have a quiz.T ell the students to keep these words down and make at least two sentences with each word after class.After that ask the students to look at the pictures and fill in the blanks for this tour guide.Step 3.WritingAsk the students to write a tour guide with the students.Names of buildings and locations.Description wordsWords that talk about positions.Words that talk about directions.Step 4. Pair work (4b)Learn to draw a picture of neighborhood. First ask the students toanswer the questions according to the pictures.Then ask the students to draw a picture according to the followingconversation.Then ask students to present their drawings to the whole class.Homework1. Ask the students to talk about the street and buildings in their ownneighborhood.2. Ask the students to make sentences with the description words they keptdown in the class.Period 6Teaching aims1. T each vocabulary words.2. T arget languages:I know you are arriving next Sunday.Let me tell you the way to my house.I hope you have a good trip.3. Enable the students to write about the neighborhood.4. Help the students to learn how to write about the neighborhood.Teaching procedures:Step 1. RevisionCheck the homework by asking and answering some questions.Give more students chances to practice.Step 2.Key word check(1)Ask the students to check the words they know.Then ask the students to do the some exercises.Step 3.Vocab-Builders (2)Expand the students’ vocabulary.After that ask the students to share their list with other students.Step 4. ReadingAsk the students to read the letter and draw the rout on the map.Ask the students to change the letter into a telephone conversation.Let the students pay attention to the pictures.Say, Look at the picture of Sally. How old do you think she is? Where do you think she is from? What language do you think she speaks? What do you think she likes?What do you think she dislikes?The same step goes with Jim and Julie.After a few minutes, ask some students to read their descriptions to the class.Step 5. Just for Fun!Call attention to the conversation in the cartoons.Ask the students to read the conversation and then answer the questions.HomeworkAsk the students to do the following:1. Suppose your friend is going to visit you. He doesn’t know the way toyour house. Write a letter to him to tell him the route from the bus stop to your house.2. Review the next unit.。



Unit 3 How do you get to school?Learning Objectives一、Topics(话题):Transportation二、Functions (功能)Talk about how to get to places三、Structures (结构)1. How questions2. How long questions3. How far questions四、Target Language (目标语言)How do you get to school?I ride my bike.How long does it take to get to school?It takes about 20 minutes.How far is it from your home to school?It’s about two kilometers.五、V ocabulary (词汇)train, bus, subway, bike, car, boat, river, year, minute, kilometer, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, ride, drive, live, leave, cross take the train/bus, go by bike/subway, ride a bike, drive a car, think of, between … and …, leave home/school, come true六、Skills (技能)Listening for key informationScanning in reading七、Recycling (复习巩固)Numbers 1–30I usually …It is easy to …Thanks for …八、教材分析本单元以How do you get to school?为中心话题,主要运用How long/How far 询问“去某地的交通方式、时间、距离”,简单描述路线。

人教版新目标七年级下Unit3 How do you get to school_period 3课件

人教版新目标七年级下Unit3 How do you get to school_period 3课件

Listen and check (√) the things Mary wants to know. Mary wants to know… _____ where Bob lives. _____ how far he lives from his grandparents’ home. _____ how he gets to his grandparents’ home. _____ how long it takes to get to his grandparents’ home. _____ what he thinks of the trip.
How does he get to school?
By bike. By bus.
25 minutes
How long does it take?
10 minutes
Match the words with the pictures.
1. ________ bus stop /st ɔ p/ n. 车站;停止 b 2. ________ train stop a 3. _________ bus station c 4. _________ subway station d
How students get to school?
Try to fill in the blanks. A: How _______________________? do you get to school B: I usually ride my bike. A: How _______is far it from your home to school? B: About 10 kilometers. How long A: _________does it take? B: It ______me around 35 minutes. takes

人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 3 Section A (2e-3c)

人教版英语七年级下册  Unit 3 Section A (2e-3c)

Period 2Section A (2e-3c)1.The bus ride takes about 20 minutes.乘公共汽车大约需要20分钟。


如:a bus ride公共汽车旅程 a bike/horse ride骑自行车/马ride还可以作动词,意为“骑(马、自行车等)”。

如:I ride my bike to school every day.我每天骑自行车去上学。

2.-How long does it take you to get to school?你到学校要用多少时间?-About 15 minutes by bike.骑自行车大约15分钟。

(课本第14页)(1)how long意为“多久”,用来提问时间长短,通常指某个动作的持续时间的长短。

(2)句中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to get to school。


(3)take作动词,意为“需要;花费(时间)”,常用于“It takes sb.some time to do sth.”句型中,意为“做某事需要花费某人多长时间”。

3.-How far is it from your home to school?你家距离学校多远?-It's only about two kilometers.大约只有2千米。

(课本第15页)how far意为“多远”,用来询问距离或路程的远近。

常用句型有“How far is it from A to B?”=“How far isB from A?”,意为“从A到B有多远?”,其回答为:①It's...meters/kilometers/miles(away).②It's about+数词+minutes' walk/ride/drive.③It's about+数词+minutes on foot/by bus.4.Find someone who lives about five kilometers from school.找到一个住在离学校5千米远的人。



知【重点词汇】train火车subway 地铁ride 骑旅程minute 分钟far &远;远的kilometer千米;公里new 新的;刚出现的drive 开车live 生活;居住stop 车站停止cross 横过;越过afraid 害怕的;畏惧的leave 离开dream 梦想;睡梦true 真的;符合事实的bridge 桥take the subway 乘地铁ride a bike 骑自行车how far 多远how long 多长时间walk to school 步行去上学get to school 到校by bus 乘公汽by bike 骑自行车by train 乘坐火车by boat 乘坐小船cross the river 过河come true 实现;成为现实【重难点句子】1.It takes sb.some time to do sth.花费某人一段时间去做某事例如:It takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning.我每天早上花20分钟步行到学校。

☆take 还有“乘;坐”之意例如:Shall we go by bus or take a cab?我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租去?2.The bus ride is never boring because I always talk to my classmates.坐公交车从不会无聊,因为我总是跟同学们聊天。

在这句话中ride 是名词,表示“行程”。

How 引导的特殊疑问句3.用How do you...?询问别人做某事的方式。

回答可以用by sth.或take sth.的结构。

4.How far 引导的特殊疑问句用来询问两地之间的距离。

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七年级下册英语Period 2 预习案(课本P45~P46)

七年级下册英语Period 2    预习案(课本P45~P46)
the hospital is at the end of it.
15.在第一个十字路口向右转。 at the first crossing Turn right ____________________. 16.露西坐在我的右边。 on my right Lucy sits _______________. 17.旅馆在警察局的左边。
There is a hotel _______________of the on the left
police station.
目录 contents
一、go along意思是“沿着……走”。它的同 义短语是walk along/go down。 沿着中央大街走,你就能找到邮局。 Go along/Walk along/Go down Center ____________________________ Street and you will find the post office.
post office Where is the ___________________ ?
或者Can you tell me ____________________? the way to the post office
五、You’re welcome.意为“不客气。” 常用于应答别人的感谢。 还可以用以下句子表示应答感谢: That’s all right./ That’s OK./It’s my pleasure./Not at all./
Unit 8
Is there
a post office near here?
Period 2 预习案 (课ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้P45~P46)

新版七年级下英语Unit 3 Section B period 2

新版七年级下英语Unit 3 Section B period 2

8. In some parts p_______ of China, it rained a lot
last year. 9. Two r________ go through the mountains. rivers
按照要求完成句子, 每空一词。
1. My aunt walked to the supermarket yesterday. (改为同义句) My aunt went to the supermarket ______ on ______ foot yesterday. 2. The girl usually goes to work on a bus. (同上)
Questions 4. How far is it from Mary’s home to the library? 5. How long does it take Tony to get to school by bike? 6. How long does it take Mary to get to the library by bus?
7 km
15 km
10 minutes 40 minutes
How does Tony get to school? He gets to school by bike.
1. How does Tony get He gets to school by to school? bike. 2. How does Mary She gets to the get from home to the library by bus. library? 3. How far is it from It is 5 kilometers. Tony’s home to school?


UNIT 3 How do you get to school?
课时 2 Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)
一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. My father drives (开车)from Tianjin to Beijing every
Monday. 2.【易错题】The boy goes to Shanghai by ⁠ (乘)train to see

17. But at my school and other schools in our town, there 18. is a “Walk to School Day”. It is on Wednesday every week. On that day, parents send(送)their kids to a bus stop. There are 19. hundreds (hundred) of bus stops in our town.
his uncle every year.

3.[2023·松原期中改编]My parents and I live small city.
4. Mary, are these your model cars (小汽车)?
(居住)in a

( A )5. —
do you get to school?

11. It takes Jane about thirty minutes to walk to school every day.(对画线部分提问) How long does it take Jane to walk to school every day?



Unit 2 What time do you go to school?耿晶1. 教材分析本单元以Daily routinesand times为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。


Section A 学习谈论日常作息时间。

1a, 1b, 1c 重点学习和学生息息相关的几种日常行为的英文表示方法,学会询问和答复日常作息时间。

2a, 2b, 2c ,2d继续学习谈论自己或他人的日常作息时间。


3a, 3b, 3c 学会叙述他人的日常活动安排,同时学习询问时间和时间表达法,进一步巩固询问别人的日常作息时间的表达法。

Section B 继续学习询问和谈论别人的日常行为。

1a, 1b, 2a, 1c,1d,1e,学会谈论和询问一天内各个时间段的活动安排。


Self check 重点单词句型复习2. 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Listening and speaking (I)(Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c)Period 2 Listening and speaking (II)(Section A:2a, 2b, 2c,2d)Period 3 Integrating skills(Section A:3a, 3b, 3cSection B: 1a, 1b,1c,1d,1e)Period 4 Reading and writing(Section B:2a, 2b, 2c,3a,3b)Period 5 Self checkⅢ. Teaching plans for each periodPeriod 1 Listening and speaking(Ⅰ) Target language目标语言1. Words && phrases生词和短语Up,get up,dress,get dressed,brush,tooth,shower,take a shower,usually,forty, what time,2. Key sentences重点句子When do people usually ...? People usually ...What time do you usually ...? I usually ...Ability goals能力目标Enable students to learn to talk about daily routines.Learning ability goals学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about daily routines.Teaching important / difficult points教学重难点How to talk about daily routines.Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder and a model clock.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step ⅠWarming upIn this procedure, motivate students to learn some words and phrases by singing the songs they’ve learned before.T: Good morning, everyone. (sing) “Good morning to you. Good morning to you. Good morning, dear children. Good morning to you.” This song is easy to learn. Who can sing it to us?Encourage students to sing the song.T: Well done. Thank you! We sing “Good morning to you” in the morning. Then what do we sing in the afternoon and in the evening? S: We sing Good afternoon to you in the afternoon and Good evening to you in the evening.T: That’s right. I know all of you are very good at singing. Does anyone want to sing Good afternoon to you or Good evening to you to us?Step ⅡTalking and reading (1a)In this procedure, ask students to finish the required task and learn some key phrases about daily actions.T: As we all know, time is very important and in English there is a famous saying "An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening." So what do you do in the morning?S1: I read English. S2: I do morning exercise.T: And what do you do in the afternoon and in the evening?S1: I play basketball in the afternoon. S2: I watch TV in the evening.T: I’m very glad to hear that. You use your time very well. And there’re many daily things we can do. Now let’s read these phrases in 1a and match these actions and the time of day.Step ⅢPracticeIn this procedure, students will learn how to talk about actions and the time of day.T: I know you’re very clever. Now I want you to tell if my statements are right or wrong. First, I usually eat dinner in the morning. S: Wrong.T: When do I usually eat dinner? S: In the evening.T: Second, she gets up at 19:00 in the morning. S: Wrong.T: What is the correct way of saying the sentence? S: She gets up at 7:00 in the morning.T: How clever you are! Now let’s read the conversation in groups and see which group reads better.Ask students to do pairwork.T: Please ask your partner when people usually do these things: do homework, eat dinner, eat breakfast and go to bed.(Write “When do people usually ...”on the blackboard)Sample dialogue:S1: When do people usually do homework?S2: People usually do homework in the afternoon.Interest the students in going on practicing the conversation using a new way of reading.T: Now let’s try a new way of reading. First I name one student to ask a question, and then ask all of you repeat this question together. After that, I name another student to answer this question, and all of you repeat the answer together.Sample dialogue:S1: When do people usually go to bed?S: When do people usually go to bed?S2: People usually go to bed in the evening.S: People usually go to bed in the evening.Step ⅣTalking about time (1c)In this procedure, students will learn how to ask about and say hour times and learn some key phrases about daily routines.T: Boys and girls, please listen to what I’m saying and guess what it is. 小小骏马不停蹄,日日夜夜不休息,蹄声哒哒似战鼓,提醒人们争朝夕。

高中英语配套课件:选修7 Unit 3 Period 2(人教版)

高中英语配套课件:选修7 Unit 3 Period 2(人教版)

2.The fish didn't seem to mind me swimming among them.
[信息提取] me swimming among them是动名词的复合结
[例句仿写] 我非常钦佩她献身教育事业的精神。
that you feel great respect, worry, or fear
Ⅱ.短语天地 be/feel scared to death 吓死了 1.______________________ be aware of 2.________________ 对„„知道、明白;意识到„„
Her devoting I appreciate ________ ________ herself to the cause of education.
3.The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended, there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor. [信息提取] [例句仿写] where引导地点状语从句。 你最好把药放到孩子够不到的地方。
upside down 上下翻转;颠倒的;乱七八糟的/地 3.________________
be close to 4.________________ 临近;靠近 5._________________________ be concerned with/about 对„„关注;对„„感兴趣
[信息提取] with a cold drink in my hand是独立主格结构

七年级英语下Unit3 The second period课件ppt

七年级英语下Unit3 The second period课件ppt
. 一山难容二虎。
monkey s
Panda, panda, a lovely panda. Tiger, tiger, a scary tiger. Penguin, penguin, an interesting penguin. Elephant, elephant, a smart elephant. Koala, koala, a cute koala. Dolphin, dolphin, a friendly dolphin. Giraffe, giraffe, a beautiful giraffe. Lion, lion, an ugly lion.
Let’s see the koalas first. Why do you want to see the koalas? Because I think they’re very cute. Practice: Let’s see the ______ first. Why do you want to see the _____? Because I think they’re______.
Survey: What animals do you like best? What animals don’t you like best? Why?
Name Likes Why Dislikes Why Lucy pandas shy, cute lions scary, ugly
Report: Lucy likes pandas. Because she thinks they are shy but cute. But she doesn’t like lions. Because she thinks they are scary and ugly.

新版七年级下英语Unit 3 Section A period 2

新版七年级下英语Unit 3 Section A period 2

Report like this:
… get to Shanghai by … It takes about … It’s very cheap although it takes a longer time to get there. But it’s also very safe.
—______ is it from your home to the school?
— About ten minutes’ walk. (2011江苏宿迁)
A. How far B. How long
C. How often
D. How soon
【解析】本题考查词组辨析。how far意为“路 程有多远”; how long 意为“多长时间”; how often意为“多长时间一次”;how soon意 为“多少时间以后”。由答语可知是询问“你 家到学校路程有多远”,故选A。
3. school/your/from/it/is/how far/home/to How far is it from your home to school _______________________________________? It’s about two kilometers. _______________________________________ 4. you/to/walk/do/school Do you walk to school _______________________________________? No, I don’t. I always ride my bike. _______________________________________

2020人教版英语选修7 unit 3 under the sea Period 2

2020人教版英语选修7 unit 3 under the sea Period 2

Period Two Learning about Language&Using LanguageⅠ.重点单词1.jogvi.慢跑;vt.轻推;轻撞2.seasideadj.&n.海边(的);海滨(的)3.netn.网;网状物;网络4.targetn.目标;靶;受批评的对象5.tiden.潮(汐);潮水;潮流6.reflectvt.映射;反射;思考;vi.思考reflectionn.映射;反射;思考7.pureadj.纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的purelyadv.纯粹地8.awareadj.意识到的;知道的awarenessn.意识;认识;明白;知道9.vividadj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的vividlyadv.生动地;强烈地10.neatadj.(口)好的;整齐的;匀称的neatlyadv.整洁地11.narrowadj.狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的narrowlyadv.仔细地;勉强地;狭窄地;严密地12.sharpadj.锐利的;锋利的;敏捷的sharplyadv.急剧地;锐利地13.tastyadj.好吃的;可口的;tasten.味道;品味;审美;vt.尝;体验;vi.尝起来;有……的味道14.scarevt.恐吓;vi.受惊吓scaredadj.害怕的scaringadj.令人害怕的15.shallowadj.浅的;肤浅的;浅显的16.boundaryn.界限;分界线17.awesomeadj.使人敬畏的;令人畏惧的18.pensionn.养老金;退休金pensionern.领取养老金者Ⅱ.重点短语1.be/becomeawareof对……知道、明白;意识到……2.upsidedown上下翻转3.(be)scaredtodeath吓死了Ⅲ.好句积累1.The fish didn’t seem to mind me swimming among them.鱼儿好像不介意我在它们中间游动。

人教版七下英语Unit3 Period 2 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)

人教版七下英语Unit3 Period 2 Section A(Grammar Focus-3c)

15. Itisabouttwokilometersfrommyschooltothesports center. (对画线部分提问)
_____H__o_w_f_a_r_____isitfromyourschooltothesportsce nter?
四、短文填空 阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连
8. 我们每天都看电视。 WewatchTV______e_v_e_r_y_d_a_y_______.
9. 做家庭作业通常花费我半个小时。
Itusually________mehalfanhour_____________ takesto
___myhomework. do
10. 他需要一个小时到学校。 Heneedsanhour_________t_o_g_e_t ___toschool.
A. I; doB. me; todo
C. me; doingD. my; todo
【点拨】考查固定句式。It作形式主语,真正的主语 为动词不定式to do。It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人花费一些时间做某事,这里的sb.用宾格形式。
Period2SectionA (GrammarFocus-3c)
提示:点击 进入习题
1 far
6 takesthesubway
2 kilometer
7 livesin
3 car
8 everyday

Unit 3 school 单元整体教学设计单元分析22-23初中人教版七年级下册

Unit 3  school 单元整体教学设计单元分析22-23初中人教版七年级下册

课本:Mary询问Bob祖父母 家住在哪里、距离Bob家有 多远、Bob如何去看望他么 以及路途花费的时间。
补充语篇:Molly, Dominic, Danny这三名伦敦学生每天 各自的上学方式。
能够介绍自己的出 行方式并描述自己 的出行路线。
课本:日常对话,复现了Period1 和Period2的语言,但在对话中提 到了去某地的换乘方式。
— So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. 描写村民生活状况的句子:
Many of the students and villagers never leave the village. It is their dream to have a bridge.
在时呈现,平铺直叙,易于理解。 补充语篇:以对比的形式展现了 悬崖村村民过去和现在生活的变 化,让学生更加直观地感受到交 通状况地改善对百姓生活的影响。 文中出现的少量地名、新闻热点 词汇、建筑名词可能对学生理解 造成一定困扰。
学生学习这个语篇 的目的是什么?
语篇的内容特征、文 体结构、语言特点
Lisa和Jane分别询问对方的家 校距离、乘坐什么交通工具 上学、上学路上需要花费多 长时间。
学生能够描述自己 的出行方式。
课本:发生在学校的日常对话。 对话内涉及到交通工具的词汇、 出行方式的短语、询问路途时 间和距离的问句及答句。对话 用一般现在时呈现、情节简单、 易于理解。 补充语篇:以总分的形式介绍 了从伦敦到巴黎的交通方式。 文章反复出现交通工具、时长、 距离的词汇及表达,时态采用 一般现在时,以客观介绍为主, 结构名清晰、易于理解。

2014年春人教版七年级下册Unit 3 How do you get to school?period 2

2014年春人教版七年级下册Unit 3  How do you get to school?period 2
84 105 99 200 72 61
61 sixty-one ___________ 99 ninety-nine ____________ 72 seventy-two __________ one hundred and five _______ 105 84 eighty-four ___________ 200 two hundred _____________

How does he go to work?
He takes the car.
How does she get to school?
She takes a bus.
I ride the bicycle.
It takes me about 10 minutes.
I walk to school. It takes me 20 minutes.
Can you say the numbers? 数字图片 twenty eleven twelve thirteen 20 thirt 30 fourteen fifteen y forty 40 sixteen seventeen eighteen 50 fifty 21 twenty-one nineteen 60 sixty 45 forty-five 70 seventy 98 ninety-eight 80 eighty 132 one hundred and thirty90 ninety 258 two hundred and fifty-e 100 one hundred
Words and expressions
Read the words and expressions loudly.
Words preview sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred minute take by by bus 六十 七十 八十 九十 一百 分钟 花费 (时间) 表示交通、传递等的方式 乘坐公共汽车

2019年沪教牛津版英语七年级下册 Unit 3 Our animal friends Period 2附答案

2019年沪教牛津版英语七年级下册 Unit 3 Our animal friends Period 2附答案

2019年沪教牛津版英语七年级下册 Unit 3 Our animal friends Period 2基础闯关训练Ⅰ.根据句意和汉语提示完成句子1.My uncle's work is training________(警犬).2.Rescue dogs can help the people in________(危险).3.Taoxian________(机场)is about 30 kilometres away from the centre of Shenyang.4. She________(扮演)in her first film when she was 13 years old.5.He is a popular actor and he often________(出现)on TV.Ⅱ.根据括号中的释义写出单词或短语1.He is_______in both of his eyes.( not able to see)2.He ________for breaking the glass.(said sorry)3.Please________David at 6 o'clock in the morning.( make... stop sleeping)4.Put the box down_______.( at or in any place)5.The ship went to the_______of the sea.( the lowest part)Ⅲ.单项选择1.He is a pilot. He works at the____.A.train stationB.hospitalC.airportD.school2.My aunt is a reporter. She____TV very often.A.appearsB.appears onC.appears inD.appeared in3.-Have you seen the movie Titanic,Wangwei?-Yes. The music in it____.A.looks greatB.sounds greatC.feels great4.Nowadays China has made great achievements in many fields. We really______our amazing China.A.take pride inB.take care ofC.take an interest in5.Look! The bus stop is______ of the river.A.on every sideB.on other sideC.on the other sideD.on others side6.-Who is in the classroom? -______.A.No oneB.NothingC.NoneD.No7.Our English teacher is______the classroom. She is writing on the blackboard.A.onB.underC.in front ofD.in the front of8.-Do you often help your sister with her English?-No. She learns English by____.A.himselfB.herselfC.myselfD.yourself能力提升训练Ⅰ.语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。



( B )9.What do you ________ the transportation(交通工具) in your city? A.think up B.think of C.think over D.think back ( A )10.—________ does it take you to finish reading the book? —About a month. A.How long B.How many C.How often D.How far
Unit 3 How do you get to school?
Period 2 训练案 (课本P15~P16)
( A )1.There are ________ students in the library.
A.two hundred
B.two hundreds
C.two hundreds of D.hundred of
( A )2.—________ is the bike? —Just $150. A.How much B.How far
C.How long D.How often
( D )3.—________ is it from your school to the zoo? —It's about six kilometers. A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How far ( B )4.—Have a good day at school,Susan! —________. A.Me,too B.You,too C.Bye D.Fine
Name: Dale Miller Date of Birth: August 22nd Age: 28 From: The UKFavorite: Strawberries
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Names Ann Animals he/she likes pandas Why kind of beautiful Animals he/she dislikes tigers Why too scary
Report: Ann likes pandas, because they are… Ann doesn’t like tigers, because…
Koalas eat leaves (树叶).
单数 leaf 复数 leaves
What food do they like?
seafood 海产食物
பைடு நூலகம்

meat 肉
grass 草
leaves 树叶
What food do they like? Pandas like bamboos. Koalas like leaves(树叶). Tigers like meat. Elephants like grass. Lions like meat. Giraffes like leaves. Penguins like seafood. Dolphins like fish.
very kind of
dolphins koalas
A: Look! There are so many animals in the zoo.What animals do you like (best)? B: I like…best.Let’s see…first. A: Why do you like …? B: Because they’re … A: Well, I like …,too.But I don’t like… B: Why don’t you like …? A: Because they’re …
pandas koalas elephants tigers China Asia 亚洲
The South Pole 南极
South Africa
Asia and Africa
A: Where are … from? =where do … come from? B: They are from../They come from…
panda H
kind of big
= a little big
very big
Animals koalas 1.________ dolphins 2._______ Description words a. interesting b. cute c. fun d. smart
Julia: Let’s see the koalas . (1) Henry : Why do you like koalas ______? (2) very Julia: Because they’re ______ cute. (3) dolphins Henry : Well, I like __________. (4) dolphins Julia: Why do you like _________? (5) kind of Henry: Because they’re _________ (6) interesting.
fun friendly cute smart very interesting kind of beautiful shy lazy ugly scary
A: What is your favorite animal?
B: My favorite animal is …s. Because they are…and…. A: What animal don’t you like? B: I don’t like …s. Because they are….
What animals do you like?
I like ….
Why do you like …?
Because they are ….
Where are … from?
… are from ...
A:What animals does … like best? B:He\She likes …best. A:Why does she\he like…best? B:Because she\he thinks… A:Where are …from? I like penguins B:They are from… because they are I like tigers because they are strong. cute and friendly.
elephants giraffes lions koalas tigers penguins pandas Africa(非洲) and Asia(亚洲 ) Africa (非洲) South Africa (南非) Australia Asia ( 亚洲) the South Pole (南极洲) China
horse and horse
ride the high horse
strong as a horse 精力充沛
When two ride on one horse, one
must sit behind 一山难容二虎
horse and horse 并驾齐驱、旗鼓相当
South Africa
South Afica
South Africa
A: Where are lions from? B: Lions are from South Afica.
Where are they from?They are from…
建 议
1.Let’s see the dolphins. 2.How about seeing the tigers. 3.What about seeing the koalas? 4.Why not see the pandas? 5. Why don’t you see the lions?
ride the high horse 趾高气扬
strong as a horse 精力充沛
When two ride on one horse, one must
sit behind 一山难容二虎
1.The old car is really a white elephant. 累赘 2. The leading actor always gets the lion’s
share of the applause. 最多的 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌
4.tiger-backed and bear-lioned. 虎背熊腰
5. Lively as a dragon or a tiger. 生龙活虎 6. The police dogged him for a whole
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? Period Two
Let’s go to the zoo.
There are many animals in it!
A penguin
B elephant
C lion
D dolphin
E koala
tiger F
giraffe G
跟踪 7. Don’t monkey the TV.
month. 冒这个风险
8. It’s well said, but who will bell the cat?
9. Every dog has his day.
1.完成《KKL》 P15-16。
2.朗读单词和课文。 3.完成拓展阅读两篇。