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Unit 1 Women of Achievement
I Lear ning aims
1. Topic: Wome n and their achieveme nts
2. Vocabulary and Structures
3. Readi ng Skills: Skim ming, sca nning and summariz ing
4. Grammar: Agreeme nt of Subject and Verb
5. Morals: Exploring the outstanding women in various fields and their life and experie nces, as well as the com mon qualities and characteristics great wome n usually share.
II Procedures
1. What do these wome n have in com mon?
2. Who do you think is a great woma n? Give your reas ons, please.
三.Comprehension of the text
Read ing Goals:
1. Gett ing to know how Jane Goodall watched chimps and her achieveme nts
in the research and protect ion of chimps.
2. Understanding the spirit of Jane to overcome all sorts of difficulties.
3. Improvi ng readi ng skills of skim ming, sca nning, close readi ng and summarizing, and how to find
out the general idea and detailed information of the
text, and learning how to express one' s own ideas towards the problems in the text. Predictio n 1. Glance through the title of the text and the pictures in it. What do
you thi nk the text will be talki ng about? Why?
2. How ma ny clues (线索)does the title (A protector of Africa n Wildlife )
have? What are they?
Skimmi ng
How many parts can the whole passage be divided in to? __________________
Find out and write down the topic sentences of the four paragraphs. And summarize their mai n ideas. Paragraph 1:
Main idea:
Paragraph 2:
Main idea:
Paragraph 3:
Main idea:
Paragraph 4:
Main idea:
Close Reading
1. What was the writer doing in the forest?
2. What did the writer realize after a day of watching?
3. Where did Jane Goodall do her research?
4. What did Jane discover about chimps?
5. How did Jane try to protect the lives of chimps in their natural habitat
( 自然栖息地)?
Answer the following questions:
1. What did the group do first in the morning?
A. went into the forest slowly
B. left the chimps family sleeping in a tree.
C. observed the family of chimps wake up.
D. helped people understand the behavior of the chimps.
2. How do the chimps behave?
They behave ___________________________________ .
3. What do the chimps do after they woke up?
They __________ into the forest. Most of the time, chimps _______________ feed _____ clean each other as a way of showing _____ in their family.
4. What new discoveries did she make about chimps according to the
One important thing she discovered was that
She actually observed ________________________________________________________.
She also discovered
Her study of their ____________________ helped her
All this helped her
5. What was the purpose of Jane ' study?
6. True or False
1) She supposes that people should not use chimps for entertainment.
2) She has destroyed many homes for the wild animals to live in.
7. Her achievements include:
1) Working with animals ___________________________________________
2) Gaining ______________________________
3) Showing that __________________________________________
Language Study
1. Compare the sentences below and point the differences between the - ing
forms un derl ined in them.
1) Follo wing Jane ' s way of studying chimps , our group are all going
to visit them in the forest.
2) Watch ing a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.
3) This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping
in a tree the ni ght before. ____
2. However, the evening makes it worthwhile.
Worthwhile: adj. deserv ing the effort n eeded, the time or money spe nt, etc.
e.g. We had a long wait, but it was worthwhile because we fin ally got the tickets.
It didn ' t seem worthwhile printing everything for the students. They could get
it on li ne.
It is worthwhile to recon sider your attitude towards the problem.
3. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few mon ths was she ______
allowed to begi n her project.
Un derli ne what n eeds to be un derli ned by follow ing the sentence above.
1) Only after I was show n the example was I able to un dersta nd the sentence structure.
2) Only by this means / in this way could you solve the problems.
3) Only whe n she found that she was wrong did she begi n to con sider
my advice.
4) Only if we can un dersta nd can we care. Only if we care will we
help. Only if we help shall all the life is hopeful. - Jane Goodall
4. Look up the words in your dict ionary and study how they can be used.
observe, respect, behave, argue
Fill in the bla nks in the follow ing passage with what you can find in the textbook.
Jane Goodall has studied the ________ for many years in Africa and helped people how much they like human. Jane work with animals in their own . She spe nt many years and their daily
For 40 years, Jane ______________ the rest of the world un dersta nd and respect the
life of these animals. She ___________ those who want to _________ the achievements of women. III.Words I am still not familiar with:
1. Finish off Exercise 3 on Page 3, Exercises 1-3 on Page 4 in the textbook.
2. Do you thi nk the text is well orga ni zed? Why or why n ot?
3. Why are present tenses used in the first paragraph?
4. Make a further plan of learning of the rest of the unit.。