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TED 演讲中英文本—《怎样从错误中学习》
I have been teaching for a long time, andin doing so have acquired a body of knowledge about kids
and learning that Ireally wish more people would understand aboutthe potential of students. In1931, my grandmother -- bottom left for you guys over here -- graduated fromthe eighth grade. She went to school to get the information because that'swhere the information lived. It was in the books, it was inside the teacher'shead, and she needed to go there to get the information, because that's how youlearned. Fast-forward a generation: this is theone room schoolhouse, Oak Grove, where my father went to a one roomschoolhouse. And he again had to travel to the school to get theinformation from the teacher, store it in the only portable memory he has,which is inside his own head, and take it with him, because that is howinformation was being transported from teacher to student and then used in theworld. When I was a kid, we had a set of encyclopedias at my house. It was purchased the year Iwas born, and it was extraordinary, because I did not have to wait to go to thelibrary to get to the information; the information was inside my house and itwas awesome. This was different than either generation had experienced before,and it changed the way I interacted with information even at just a smalllevel. But the information was closer to me. I could getaccess to it.
了一代,这是 Oak Grove的校舍,只有一间,我父亲去只有一间校舍的学校上学。
代人经历过的相比之下与众不同, 它改变了我与知识的互动, 即使只有一点点程度。
In the time thatpasses between when I was a kid in high school and when I started teaching, wereally see the advent of the internet. Right about the time the internet getsgoing as an educationa l tool, I take off from Wisconsin and move to Kansas,small town Kansas, where I had an opportunity to teach in a lovely, small townrural Kansas school district, where I was teaching my favorite subjec t,American government. My first year -- super gung ho --going to teach American government, loved political system. Kids in the 12thgrade: not exactly all that enthusiastic about the American govern mentsystem. Year two: learned a few things -- had to change my tactic. And I put in front of them an authentic experience that allowedthem to learn for themselves. I didn't tell them what to do, or h ow to do it. Iposed a problem in front of them, which was to put on an election forumfor their own community.
They producedfliers, they called offices, they checked schedules, they were meeting with secretaries, they produced an election forum booklet for the entire town tolearn more
about their candidates. They invited everyone into the schoolfor an evening of conversation about government and politics and whether or notthe streets were done well, and really had this robust experiential learning.The older teachers -- more experienced -- looked at me and went, "Oh,there she is. That's so cute. She's trying to get that done." (Laughter"She doesn't know what she's in for." But I knew that the kids wouldshow up. And I believed it. And I told them every week what I expected out ofthem. And that night, all 90 kids -- dressed appropriately, doing their job,owning it. I had to just sit and watch. It was theirs. It wasexperiential. It was authentic. It meant something to them. And they will stepup.
第一年我满怀热情,卖力教授美国政府这门我所喜爱的政治体制, 12年级的孩子们并不完全热衷于美国政府体制。
他们邀请大家到学校进行夜间会谈, 关于政府与政治的议题, 以及街道是否都已建设完善? 并真正拥有这个强大的学习体验。
具经验的年长的老师看着我并走过来说, “ 哦,就是她,多天真!她真以为自己办得
到! ” (笑声“ 她根本不知道自己会遭遇什么状况。
” 但我知道这些孩子会出席,我相信这一点。
那天晚上,全部 90个孩子穿着适当,做本分的工作,并拥有这个体验,我只需坐着旁观。
(事例 1:体验式学习让学生获益匪浅
From Kansas, Imoved on to lovely Arizona, where I taught in Flagstaff for a number of years,this time with middle school students. Luckily I didn't have to teach themAmerican government. Could teach them the more exciting topic of geography.Again, thrilled to learn. But what was interesting about this position I foundmyself in in Arizona, was I had this really extraordinarily eclectic groupof kids to work with in a truly public school. And we got to have these momentswhere we would get these opportunities. And one opportunity was we got to goand meet Paul Rusesabagina, which is the gentleman that the movie "HotelRwanda" is based after. And he was going to speak at the high school nextdoor to us. We could walk there; we didn't even have to pay for the buses.There was no expense cost. Perfect field trip.
The problem thenbecomes how do you take seventh- and eighth-graders to a talk about genocideand deal with the subject in a way that is responsible and respectful, andthey know what to do with it. And so we chose to look at Paul Rusesabagina asan example of a gentleman who singularly used his life to do somethingpositive. I then challenged the kids to identify someone in their own life, orin their own story, or in their own world, that they could identify that haddone a similar thing. I asked them to produce a little movie about it. It's thefirst time we'd done this. Nobody really knew how to make these little movieson the computer. But they were into it. And I asked them to put their own voiceover it. It was the most awesome moment of revelation that when you askkids to use their own voice and ask them to speak for themselves, what they'rewilling to share. The last question of the assignment is: how do you plan touse your life to positively impact other people? The things that kids will saywhen you ask them and take the time to listen is extraordinary.
我从堪萨斯搬到可爱的亚利桑那,我在 Flagstaff 教了好几年,这次是教中学生。
刻,这个机会是,我们要去与 Paul Rusesabagina见面。
所以我们选择将 Paul Rusesabagina 视为一位绅士的典范,他令人罕见的用自己生命做一些正面的事,然后我给了学生一个挑战,要他们在自己的生活、故事或世界中,定义一个他们认为做了类似事情的人。
(事例 2:自主式学习让学生获益匪浅
Fast-forward to Pennsylvania, where I find myself today. I teach at the Science LeadershipAcademy, which is a partnership school between the Franklin Institute and theschool district of Philadelphia. We are a nine through 12 public school,but we do school quite differently. I moved there primarily to be part of alearning environment that validated the way that I knew that kids learned, andthat really wanted to investigate what was possible when you are willing to letgo of some of the paradigms of the past, of information scarcity when mygrandmother was in school and when my father was in school and even when I
wasin school, and to a moment when we have information surplus. So what do you do when the information is all around you? Whydo you have kids come to school if they no longer have to come there toget the information?
In Philadelphia wehave a one-to-one laptop program, so the kids are bringing laptops with themeveryday, taking them home, getting access to information. And here's
the thingthat you need to get comfortable with when you've given the tool to acquireinformation to students, is that you have to be comfortable with this idea ofallowing kids to fail as part of the learning process.We deal right now in the educational landscape with an infatuation with theculture of one right them to always have the right answer doesn't allow themto learn. So we did this project, and this is one of the artifacts ofthe project. I almost never show them off because of the issue of the idea offailure.
My studentsproduced these info-graphics as a result of a unit that we decided to do at theend of the year responding to the oil spill. I asked them to take the examplesthat we were seeing of the info-graphics that existed in a lot of mass media,and take a look at what were the interesting components of it, and produce onefor themselves from a different man-made disaster from American history. Andthey had certain criteria to do it. They were a little uncomfortable with it,because we'd never done this before, and they didn't know exactly how to do it.They can talk -- they're very smooth, and they can write very, very well, butasking them to communicate ideas in a different way was a little uncomfortablefor them. But I gave them the room to just do the thing. Go create. Go figureit out. Let's see what we can do. And the student that persistently turns outthe best visual product did not disappoint. This was done in like twoor three days. And this is the work of the student that consistently didit. And when I sat thestudents down, I said, "Who's got the best one?" And they immediatelywent, "There it is." Didn't read anything. "There it is."And I said, "Well what makes it great?" And they're like, "Oh,the design's good, and he's using good color. And there's some ... " Andthey went through all that we processed out loud. And I said, "Go readit." And they're like, "Oh, that one wasn't so awesome." Andthen we went to another one -- it didn't have great visuals, but it had greatinformation -- and spent an hour talking about the learning process, because it wasn't about whether or not it was perfect,or whether or not it was what I could create; it asked them to create forthemselves. And it allowed them to fail, process, learn from. And when
we doanother round of this in my class this year, they will do better this time.Because learning has to include an amount of failure,because failure is instructional in the process.
我在领导科学研究院教书,这是 Franklin 研究所和费城学区间的联合建教学校。
这是一所 9到 12年级的公立学校,但我们用十分不同的方法教学。
但要求他们以不同的方式做想法交流, 让他们有点不自在。
但我给他们空间, 就只是做这件事, 去创造、去弄明白,看看我们能做些什么。
我要学生坐下来,问:“ 谁的作品最好? ”他们立刻开口, “ 那个” ,上面没有可读的数据, “ 就是那个” 。
我说, “ 好在哪里? ” 他们这么说, “ 哦,设计的很好,色彩用的很好,还有什么什么…” 他们在整个过程中大声讨论。
我说, “ 念出来” 。
他们说, “ 喔,
那个也不是那么棒” 。
没有很好的视觉效果, 但有很多的数据,并花了一个小时讨论学习过程。
(事例 3:学会接受体验式学习的过程中必然包括失败,并且还是学习中至关重要的一部分
There are amillion pictures that I could click through here, and had to choose carefully-- this is one of my favorites -- of students learning, of what learning canlook like in a
landscape where we let go of the idea that kids have tocome to school to get the information, but instead, ask them what they can dowith it. Ask them really interesting questions. Theywill not disappoint. Ask them to go to places, to see things for themselves, toactually experience the learning, to play, to inquire. This is one of myfavorite photos, because this was taken on Tuesday, when I asked the studentsto go to the polls. This is Robbie, and this was his first day of voting, andhe wanted to share that with everybody and do that. But this is learning too,because we asked them to go out into real spaces.
The main point isthat, if we continue to look at education as if it'sabout coming to school to get the information and not about experientiallearning, empowering student voice and embracing failure, we're missingthe mark. And everything that everybody is talking about today isn't possibleif we keep having an educational system that does not value these qualities, because we won't get there with a standardized test, and wewon't get there with a culture of one right answer. We know how to do thisbetter, and it's time
to do better. 在这个过程中有很多照片,我可以从这里点击出来,但得谨慎选择,
我们知道如何做得更好,现在正是将它做得更好的时候!(结尾:在学校和教育不再是获取知识的唯一途径时,其职责应是引导学生进行经验式学习,赋予学生发声的权利并拥抱失败) TED 演讲中英文本——《在死之前,我想...》 There are a lot ofways the people around us can help improve our lives. We don't bump into everyneighbor, so a lot of wisdom never gets passed on, though we do share the samepublic spaces. So over the pastfew years, I've tried ways to share more with my neighbors in public space,using simple tools like stickers, stencils and chalk. And these projects camefrom questions I had, like, how much are my neighbors paying for theirapartments? (Laughter How can we lend and borrow more things without knockingon each other's doors at a bad time? How can we share more of our memories ofour abandoned buildings, and gain a better understanding of our landscape? Andhow can we share more of our hopes for our vacant storefronts, so ourcommunities can reflect our needs and dreams today? Now, I live in NewOrleans, and I am in love with New Orleans. My soul is always soothed by thegiant live oak trees, shading lovers, drunks and dreamers for hundreds ofyears, and I trust a city that always makes way for music. (Laughter I feellike every time someone sneezes, New Orleans has a parade. (Laughter The cityhas some of the most beautiful
architecture in the world, but it also has oneof the highest amounts of abandoned properties in America. I live near thishouse, and I thought about how I could make it a nicer space for myneighborhood, and I also thought about something that changed my life forever. 我们周围的人能以很多种方式来帮我们把生活变得更美好我们不一定能常常碰到我们的邻居所以即使我们生活在同一片公共空间里邻居的智慧也难以被传递开来所以在过去的几年里,我尝试着以不同的方式如用贴纸、展板和粉笔这些
简单工具来在公共空间里与邻居分享更多的东西这些项目都源自于我自己的一些疑问,如我的邻居得付多少房租?(笑声)我们怎么样能够从邻里间互借到更多的东西同时避免在不合时宜的时候敲开对方的门?我们怎样能够更好地分享各自的关于被毁弃的建筑的回忆并更好地理解我们居住的这片土地?怎样更能表达我们对空置的店面的期待使我们的社区能反映出我们现在的需求和梦想?我现时住在新奥尔良并深深地爱上了这座城市那些生生不息的巨型橡树总是可以抚慰我的灵魂几百年来,情侣、醉汉和追梦人们总会稍息在树影下我深信这一座充满着音乐律动的城市每当有人打喷嚏时,我都感觉新奥尔良来了一只游行队伍(笑声)新奥尔良拥有世界上很多最漂亮的建筑但同时,她也是全美拥有最多废弃建筑的城市我住在这栋房子附近,我就想如何让它在这片社区里成为一个更好的地方也思考了另一件事这件事彻底改变了我的人生 In 2009, I lostsomeone I loved very much. Her name was Joan, and she was a mother to me, andher death was sudden and unexpected. And I thoughtabout death a lot, and this made me feel deep gratitude for the time I've had,and brought clarity to the things that are meaningful to my life now. But Istruggle to maintain this perspective in my daily life. I feel like it's easyto get caught up in the day-to-day, and forget what really matters to you. So with help fromold and new friends, I turned the side of this abandoned house into a giantchalkboard and stenciled it with a fill-in-the-blank sentence: "Before Idie, I want to ... " So anyone walking by can pick up a piece of chalk,reflect on their lives, and share their personal aspirations in public space. I didn't know whatto expect from this experiment, but by the next day, the wall was entirelyfilled out, and it kept growing. And I'd like to share a few things that peoplewrote on this wall. "Before Idie, I want to be tried for piracy." (Laughter "Before I die, I wantto straddle the International Date Line." "Before I die, I want tosing for millions." "Before I die, I want to plant a tree.""Before I die, I want to live off the grid." "Before I die, Iwant to hold her one more time." "Before I die, I want to besomeone's cavalry." "Before I die, I want to be completelymyself."
So this neglectedspace became a constructive one, and people's hopes and dreams made me laughout loud, tear up, and they consoled me during my own tough times. It's
aboutknowing you're not alone. It's about understanding our neighbors in new andenlightening ways. It's about making space for reflection and contemplation,and remembering what really matters most to us as we grow and change. I made this lastyear, and started receiving hundreds of messages from passionate people whowanted to make a wall with their community, so my civic center colleagues and Imade a tool kit, and now walls have been made in countries around the world,including Kazakhstan, South Africa, Australia, Argentina and beyond. Together,we've shown how powerful our public spaces can be if we're given theopportunity to have a voice and share more with one another. 2009 年,我失去了一个我挚爱的人她的名字叫琼,对我来讲,她就像我的母亲一样她死得很突然,没有人预料到然后我思考了很多关于死亡的事然后..这件事让我对我拥有的时光怀着深切致意并且显现出了那些对我的生命有真正意义的东西但我却很难在日常生活中保持这种心态我觉得人们太容易被日复一日的琐碎困住而忘记什么才是真正重要的事我于是在一些新老朋友的帮助下把这栋废弃的房子的一面墙做成了一个巨型黑板我在上面写满了同一道填空题“在死之前,我想..” 所以每一个路过的人都可以捡起一根粉笔在公共场合里留下一些他们人生的痕迹且来分享他们内心深处的愿望我并不知道该从这个实验里期待些什么但是第二天,整个墙壁都被填满了而且不断有人添加新的答案我想跟大家分享一些人们在那面墙上写的东西“在死之前,我想为我的海盗行为接受审判”(笑声)“在死之前,我想跨过国际日期变更线” “在死之前,我想在上百万的观众面前唱歌” “在死之前,我想种一棵树” “在死之前,我想过隐居的生活” “在死之前,我想再抱她一次” “在死之前,我想成为某个人的骑士” “在死之前,我想要做完全真实的自己” 这个本来被遗忘的建筑变成了一个极具建设性的地方这些人的希望和梦想让我放声大笑,也黯然落泪也曾在我经历困境的时候给我安慰这让我们相信自己并不孤单让我们对邻居有了全新的启发心智的了解这为我们营造了一个反省和思考的空间也提醒我们在不断成长改变的过程中什么才是最为重要的这个黑板是我去年做的,然后我就不断收到一些热情的人们给我发的信息说想在他们的社区里也设立一面这样的墙壁所以我和我的同事们就做了一个小型工具箱现在,这面墙壁已经遍布全球包括哈萨克斯坦,南非澳大利亚阿根廷等地这些迹象表明,如果我们
能有一个表达自己的意愿并与他人分享的机会那么公共空间将发挥巨大的作用Two of the mostvaluable things we have are time and our relationships with other people. Inour age of increasing distractions, it's more important than ever to find waysto maintain perspective and remember that life is brief and tender. Death issomething that we're often
discouraged to talk about or even think about, butI've realized that preparing for death is one of the most empowering things youcan do. Thinking about death clarifies your life. Our shared spacescan better reflect what matters to us as individuals and as a community, andwith more ways to share our hopes, fears and stories, the people around us cannot only help us make better places, they can help us lead better lives. Thankyou. (Applause 我们所拥有的最珍贵的两样东西,一个是时间还有一个,是与他人的联系在这个物欲横流的时代里努力坚持自我,铭记人生的短暂与生命的脆弱变得比以往任何时代都更重要我们总是没有勇气谈论死亡甚至没有勇气去想着死亡但是我意识到,为死亡做心理准备是我们能够做到的最有力的事情之一思考死亡能够让你对自己的人生有更清醒的认识公共空间可以更好的体现到底什么对我们是真正重要的无论是对个人来说或者对于整个社区来说有了更多的方式来分享我们的希望,恐惧和经历我们身边的人不仅能够帮助我们创造更美好的地方更帮助我们过上更美好的生活谢谢(掌声)。