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f Complete the following sentences with a suitable word used
in an
1. Though we have stated what we are willing to pay a suitable candidate, negotiable the salary is in fact __________. 2. Experience and qualifications are ________ essential for this job and the candidate should have worked for at least three years with a reputable company. advantage to this job is that there is an opportunity for 3. One great _________ on-the-job training. necessary for the job of secretary as 4. No previous experience is _________ training is provided.
c In pairs, practice making suggestions about how to start job
hunting. Use the phrases in the box to help you. I think it’s time to start . . . Maybe we should begin by . . . Let’s go see . . . Why don’t we read . . . We need to think about where . . . I suppose we should think about . . . We could find out about available jobs . . . I suggest we start by . . .
5. What feature of the sales representative job might be a motivating factor? The on-the-job training and the commission on car sales. _________________________________________________________

b Listen to two friends talking about job hunting. Check √ the
points that are mentioned in their conversation.
Script Key
____ consult with different businesses and find out what is required in each department ____ go to an employment agency ____ look at some ads and see what is available ____ think about your specific interest in business ____ get in touch with any business contacts your family might have ____ identify strengths and weaknesses for specific areas of business ____ visit college counselor and discuss
Unit 1 Making your way
Team Project
Additional Resources
Unit 1 Making your way
Lesson 1 Time to make a decision Lesson 2 Following through
g In pairs, or small groups, discuss the relative merits of each
of the three jobs.
Martha: I think it’s time we started thinking about our future and making decisions about what we want to do when we finish this course. John: Oh, Martha, you’re always so serious! We still have two months before we take our final exams. Martha: I know, but you can’t just suddenly wake up the day you finish college and find a job. You need to plan. John: You’re right, of course. But where do we start? The course we’re taking is General Business and there are so many choices like Human Resources, Sales, Marketing, Finance, and so on. And I’m not even sure what I’m interested in. Martha: Yes, I know. There’s a lot to think about, but maybe we can start by thinking about our specific interests in Business. For example, I think that you should go into Marketing. John: I’ve thought about that too, but I’m not sure. I suppose we should think about our different strengths and weaknesses in each area. A job in Human Resources or Management would
none needed
e Read the ads again and answer the questions.
1. What qualifications are essential for the Secretary/Receptionist position? A diploma from a recognized business school. _________________________________________________________ 2. What responsibilities are listed for the Accounts Manager? Responsibility for a number of key existing accounts and the development of new business. _________________________________________________________ 3. From the new graduate’s point of view, what advantages are offered by jobs 1 and 3? Experience not a necessity. _________________________________________________________ 4. Is it essential that the Accounts Manager have a university qualification? No, but it is preferable. _________________________________________________________
discuss which ones you agree with and why.
Contact your friends and see how they can help. Visit an employment agency and ask about available jobs. Look for the job that gives the best salary. Read the advertisements in the Business Section of your local newspaper and try to find a job that matches your skills, qualifications, and interests. Ask your parents or their colleagues to get you a job in the companies where they work. Discuss your goals and interests with your friends and make a plan for how to proceed. Talk to a counselor at the place where you are studying and ask for some advice.
probably suit you. You are bossy—you just love telling people what to do! Martha: Hey, that’s not true. It’s just that I like organizing people and I think I’m pretty good at it. John: Well, build on your strengths. I think we should also have a look at some ads and find out what kinds of jobs are out there in the real world. Martha: Okay. Let’s buy the newspaper every day this week and look at job ads in Business. We could also go to some companies and find out what skills and qualifications are needed for each department. John: Good plan. I think maybe we should go see our college counselor too. She may have some useful advice for us. Martha: Let’s do that. I’ll call her office tomorrow and see when we can get an appointment. I’ll arrange for both of us to see her. John: Great! I’ve got to hurry. I have a class in ten minutes. Bye. Martha: Okay. See you later.
Additional Resources
Additional Activities
Reading Writing Resources Resources
Unit Test
Grammar Resources

Lesson 1
Time to make a decision
a Read the following suggestions for finding a job and, in pairs,
d Look at the following ads and underline the skills and
qualifications needed for each job.
Skills Qualifications
1 2
_________ ______________ ____ ______________ __ ____________
Lesson 3 Filling out forms
Lesson 4 Preparing your resume Lesson 5 Sending it all off Lesson 6 Finally, it’s time for the interview
Unit 1 Making your way