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【摘要】Objective To analyze the correlation of the mutations of exon 4 of pulmonary surfactant protein (SP)-B and SP-C with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in Mongolian premature infants. Methods Fifty cases of hospitalized genetically unrelated Mongolian premature infants with RDS ( 31 males, 19 females) were recruited as RDS group. In the same period, 50 cases ( 27 males, 23 females) of non RDS genetically unrelated premature infants of same ethnicity were choose as the control group. PCR and gene detection were used to detect exon 4 of SP-B and SP-C genes. The differences of the genovariation and genotype frequency of 1580 locus in exon 4 in SP-B, and of c. 571 C > A (T 138 N) locus in exon 4 in SP-C were compared between two groups. Results The genovariation of 1580 locus in exon 4 in SP-B was detected in 14 cases (with aberration rate of 28%) in RDS group and in 11 cases (with aberration rate of 22%) in control group, and the difference is not signiifcant between two groups (χ2=0 . 480 , P > 0 . 05 ). The genotype frequency of CC, TT and CT gene in 1580 locus were 16%, 72%, and 12%respectively in RDS group;and 10%, 78%, and 12%respectively in control group. Meanwhile, the C and T gene
frequency was 22% and 78% respectively in RDS group, and 16% and 84% in control group. There was no significant difference in genotype frequency between two groups (χ2=1 . 170 , P > 0 . 05 ). The genovariation of c. 571 C > A (T 138 N) locus in exon 4 in SP-C was detected in 41 cases (with aberration rate of 82%) in RDS group and in 6 cases (with aberration rate of 12%) in control group, and the difference is signiifcant between the two groups (χ2=49 . 177 , P < 0 . 05 ). The genotype frequency of CC, AA and AC gene in c. 571 C > A (T 138 N) locus were 18%, 50%, and
32%respectively in RDS group;and 88%, 8%, and 4%in control group. Meanwhile, the C and A gene frequency was 34%and 66%respectively in RDS group, and 90%and 10%in control group. There was a signiifcant difference in A gene frequency between the two groups (χ2=66 . 553 ,
P < 0 . 05 ). Conclusions Mongolian premature infants who carry A allelic of c. 571 C > A (T 138 N) locus in exon 4 in SP-C gene were in a higher risk of RDS. The mutation of 1580 locus in exon 4 in SP-B had no correlation with Mongolian premature RDS.%目的:研究肺表面活性物质蛋白(SP)B、SP-C
基因外显子4(exon 4)区域基因变异与蒙古族早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征(RDS)
检测技术对SP-B、SP-C基因exon 4区域基因进行测序,并比较两组患儿SP-B
基因exon 4区域1580位点基因变异及基因型频率、SP-C基因exon 4区域
c.571 C > A(T 138 N)位点基因变异及基因型频率的差异。
结果检测出SP-B基因exon 4区域1580位点基因变异,RDS组14例,变异率为28%,非RDS组
11例,变异率为22%,两组差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.480,P > 0.05)。
(χ2=1.170,P > 0.05)。
检测出SP-C基因exon 4区域c.571 C > A(T 138 N)位点基因变异,RDS组41例,变异率为82%,非RDS组6例,变异率为12%,两组间差异有统计学意义(χ2 =49.177,P < 0.05)。
RDS组c.571 C > A(T
138 N)位点CC、AA、AC三种基因型频率分别为18%、50%和32%,非RDS
意义(χ2=66.553, P < 0.05)。
结论携带SP-C基因exon 4区域c.571 C > A (T 138 N)位点A等位基因的蒙古族早产儿患RDS的风险更高,而SP-B基因exon 4区域1580位点基因变异与蒙古族早产儿发生RDS无关。
【作者单位】内蒙古医科大学附属医院内蒙古呼和浩特 010050;内蒙古医科大学
附属医院内蒙古呼和浩特 010050;内蒙古医科大学附属医院内蒙古呼和浩特010050;内蒙古医科大学附属医院内蒙古呼和浩特 010050;内蒙古医科大学附属
医院内蒙古呼和浩特 010050;内蒙古医科大学附属医院内蒙古呼和浩特 010050【正文语种】中文
1.枸橼酸咖啡因联合肺表面活性物质及无创通气治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征的临床观察 [J], 罗丽平;叶荣静
2.气管插管-肺表面活性物质拔管后持续气道正压通气技术对早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征的血气分析、肺功能及结局的影响 [J], 许津莉;王佳慧;郭华贤;梁俊霞;罗庆花
3.早期CPAP联合牛肺表面活性物质与猪肺表面活性物质治疗早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征的临床效果比较 [J], 王芳;王军红
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5.肺表面活性物质联合双水平气道正压通气对早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征肺功能及安全性影响 [J], 卢玉朱;陈求凝;张雪梅