



微软Visual Studio1微软Visual StudioVisual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio可以用来创建Windows平台下的Windows应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和Office 插件。

Visual Studio是一个来自微软的集成开发环境IDE,它可以用来开发由微软视窗,视窗手机,Windows CE、.NET框架、.NET精简框架和微软的Silverlight支持的控制台和图形用户界面的应用程序以及Windows窗体应用程序,网站,Web应用程序和网络服务中的本地代码连同托管代码。

Visual Studio包含一个由智能感知和代码重构支持的代码编辑器。



它有几乎各个层面的插件增强功能,包括增加对支持源代码控制系统(如Subversion和Visual SourceSafe)并添加新的工具集设计和可视化编辑器,如特定于域的语言或用于其他方面的软件开发生命周期的工具(例如Team Foundation Server的客户端:团队资源管理器)。

Visual Studio支持不同的编程语言的服务方式的语言,它允许代码编辑器和调试器(在不同程度上)支持几乎所有的编程语言,提供了一个语言特定服务的存在。

内置的语言中包括C/C + +中(通过Visual C++),(通过Visual ),C#中(通过Visual C#)和F#(作为Visual Studio 2010),为支持其他语言,如M,Python,和Ruby等,可通过安装单独的语言服务。

它也支持的XML/XSLT,HTML/XHTML,JavaScript和CSS.为特定用户提供服务的Visual Studio也是存在的:微软Visual Basic,Visual J#、Visual C#和Visual C++。



Visual Basic language and arithmetic  The United States launched the Microsoft Visual Basic (may be referred to VB), is the latest version of the current VB 2008 Beta2 (VB9) Chinese version. Visual meaning the visual, visible, referring to the development of operating systems like windows windows graphical graphical graphical user user user interface interface interface (Graphic (Graphic (Graphic User User User Interface, Interface, Interface, GUI) GUI) GUI) method, method, method, it it it does does does not not not need need need to to prepare a large number code to describe the appearance of the interface elements and location, as long as the pre - The establishment of good drag and drop objects on the screen corresponding to the location.  Basic Basic is is is actually actually actually an an an abbreviation abbreviation abbreviation of of of the the the phrase; phrase; phrase; this this this phrase phrase phrase is is is Beginners Beginners Beginners all-purpose all-purpose symbolic symbolic instruction instruction instruction code, code, code, the the the Chinese Chinese Chinese meaning meaning meaning "to "to "to the the the initial initial initial directive directive directive GM GM GM symbol symbol symbol code code language."  Visual Visual Basic Basic Basic learning, learning, learning, Professional Professional Professional Edition Edition Edition and and and Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Edition Edition Edition versions versions versions to to to meet meet meet the the different different needs needs needs of of of the the the development. development. development. Study Study Study and and and apply apply apply to to to the the the ordinary ordinary ordinary version version version of of of the the the majority majority majority of of learners and the use of Visual Basic development of the general staff of Windows applications, but; professional professional version version version for for for computer computer computer professional professional professional development development development of of of staff, staff, staff, including including including the the the study study study of of functional functional version version version of of of the the the full full full content content content control control control and and and Internet Internet Internet development development development tools tools tools such such such as as as advanced advanced features features ,Enterprise ,Enterprise ,Enterprise contain contain contain not not not only only only all all all the the the professional professional professional version version version of of of the the the content, content, content, there there there are are automated tools such as Component Manager, professional programmers to make the development of a powerful group essence of distributed applications. Visual Basic Section 1 the summary of Visual Basic Microsoft Visual Basic,( abbreviate VB )as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform. No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it can be relaxed and convenient. So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner. " Visual" mean method to adopt visual user of development figure interface (GUI), need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow Tow and and and show show show controlling controlling controlling part part part that that that need need need corresponding corresponding corresponding position position position to to to get get get screen screen screen can can can help help help figure figure design interface, user of figure,; " Basic" means BASIC language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language. VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development; Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present. Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, front, and and and adjustable adjustable adjustable service service service end end end part. part. part. Utilize Utilize Utilize ActiveX(TM) ActiveX(TM) ActiveX(TM) technology, technology, VB VB can can can use use use word word processor, processor, electronic electronic electronic data data data list list list he he he Windows Windows Windows function function function that that that application application application program program program offers offers offers extremely, extremely, Excel Excel of of of Microsoft,, Microsoft,, Microsoft,, Word Word Word of of of Microsoft,, Microsoft,, Microsoft,, Even Even Even can can can use use use by by by VB VB VB specialty specialty specialty edition edition edition or or or enterprise enterprise application program and target that edition establish directly. The procedure that users established finally is a real .EXE file , can issue freely . VB VB offer offer offer study study study edition, edition, edition, the the the specialty specialty specialty edition edition edition and and and enterprise enterprise enterprise edition, edition, edition, use use use to to to satisfied satisfied satisfied with with different different development development development demands. demands. demands. Study Study Study edition edition edition make make make programming programming programming personnel personnel personnel develop develop develop Windows Windows and and Windows Windows Windows application application application program program program of of of NT NT NT very very very easily. easily. easily. The The The specialty specialty specialty edition edition edition has has has offered offered offered the the developing instrument with complete function to programming personnel of the specialty, Include studying all functions of edition in the specialty edition. Enterprise edition allow the professional personnel to establish strong distributed application program in the form of group. It includes all characteristics characteristics of of of the the the specialty specialty specialty edition. edition. edition. So So So can can can choose choose choose different different different editions editions editions according according according to to to different different needs. Section 2 integrated development environments Integrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, fence, tool tool tool fence, fence, fence, controlling controlling controlling part part part case, case, case, And And And window window window body body body window, window, window, engineering engineering engineering management management device window, attribute window, code window and window body overall arrangement window body overall arrangement, etc. of designing etc.. Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc.. In VB, the application program calls the project too. When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show. Visual Basic Integrated development environment VB VB come come come and and and organize organize organize development development development of of of application application application program program program through through through project, project, project, use use use project project come come and and and manage manage manage and and and form form form files files files of of of application application application program. program. program. One One One project project project uses uses uses the the the environment environment environment to to make make up up up by by by several several several window window window bodies, bodies, bodies, standard standard standard module module module generally. generally. generally. The The The system system system manages manages manages project project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote . System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides. Section 3 Visual Basic language brief introductions Basic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most. Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC. As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular. Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line line by by by line line line , , , So So So it it it can can can see see see the the the result result result carried carried carried out out out at at at once once once , , , this this this is is is a a a very very very convenient convenient convenient design design design for for beginner. But it have concept of structure either, one that is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems. But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above (such as Quick Basic), make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too. The The language language language is is is the the the basic basic basic composition, composition, composition, which which which forms forms forms VB VB VB procedure. procedure. procedure. VB VB VB has has has stipulated stipulated stipulated the the form of sentences and function. Grammar: The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body] Sentence Sentence define define define agree agree agree with with with and and and used used used in in in fixed fixed fixed function function function of of of sentence, sentence, sentence, sentence sentence sentence body body body appoint appoint concrete concrete content content content or or or want want want concrete concrete concrete operation operation operation that that that carry carry carry out out out of of of sentence. sentence. sentence. All All All set set set of of of sentence sentence sentence VB VB language, language, carry carry carry on on on with with with VB VB VB sentence sentence sentence organic organic organic association association association finish finish finish a a a certain certain certain specific specific specific function function function the the procedure. Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem. VB application program code window write in" code editing machine" generally. " editing machine of code" is like the word processing software of a piece of height specialization, there are many easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In" code editing machine" code that window written. “Editing machine of code” windowSection 4 develop the application program with Visual Basic Use VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more. The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows: Establish application program interface The interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and and vision vision vision frame frame frame of of of the the the button, button, button, menu, menu, menu, text text text frameset. frameset. frameset. with with with standard standard standard WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWS interface interface interface of of application program that VB establish. Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface. 2. Design by each attributes of target in interface Demand Demand and and and set set set up up up each each each attribute attribute attribute of of of target target target such such such as as as appearance, appearance, appearance, name,, name,, name,, size size size of of of targeted. targeted. according to interface of planning. Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too Too can can can set set set up up up revising revising revising when when when operating operating operating in in in procedure procedure procedure through through through programming programming programming in in in procedure procedure procedure code. code. Have the targets respond programming by procedure code 3. Respond procedure code of programming target Interface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through" code editing editing machine" machine" machine" soon soon soon after after after the the the interface, interface, interface, Realize Realize Realize some some some make make make the the the tasks, tasks, tasks, such such such as as as responding, responding, information processing,etc. after accepting external message, Add code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task, As editor's window of code pursued shows add codes “code editing machine” window4. Keep project One VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called. Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated documents of project this at the same time. For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded and being called. Frm sum. In the window body of foxfire. At the time of opening a project( file), this project relevant files load at the same time. 5. Operate and debugged by procedure Operate the procedure thoroughpin operate" selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get rid of the mistake thoroughpin debug" within operate" menus too. 6. Can produce by executive program For For make make make procedure procedure procedure can can can break break break away away away from from from VB VB VB environment, environment, environment, order order order to to to become become become next next next life life through" file"" producing project 1.exe" of menu but executive program (eyeful), Can carry out this file directly after this. In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product. In In computer computer computer system's system's system's any any any software, software, software, is is is by by by the the the every every every large large large or or or small small small each each each kind kind kind of of of software software constituent constituent constitution, constitution, constitution, defers defers defers to to to the the the specific specific specific algorithm algorithm algorithm to to to realize realize realize respectively, respectively, respectively, the the the algorithm algorithm quality quality direct direct direct decision decision decision realizes realizes realizes the the the software software software performance performance performance fit fit fit and and and unfit unfit unfit quality. quality. Designs Designs the the algorithm algorithm with with with any any any method, method, method, what what what resources resources resources designs designs designs the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm to to to need, need, need, requires requires requires how how how many many running time, how many storage space, how to determine an algorithm the quality, when realizes a software, is must give to solve. In computer system's operating system, the language compiling system, system, the the the database database database management management management system system system as as as well well well as as as in in in various various various computer computer computer application application application system's system's software, must use each one concrete algorithm to realize. Therefore, the algorithm design and the analysis are the computer science and a technical core question. The The algorithm algorithm algorithm is is is the the the problem-solving problem-solving problem-solving step, step, step, we we we may may may define define define the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm Cheng Cheng Cheng Jie Jie Jie a a determination determination class class class question question question the the the random random random one one one special special special method. method. method. In In In the the the computer computer computer science, science, science, the the algorithm algorithm needs needs needs to to to use use use the the the computer computer computer algorithmic algorithmic algorithmic language language language to to to describe, describe, describe, the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm represents represents with with the the the computer computer computer solves solves solves a a a kind kind kind of of of question question question precisely, precisely, precisely, the the the effective effective effective method. method. method. The The The algorithm algorithm construction of data = procedure, solves one to assign may calculate or the solvable question, the different person may compile the different procedure, solves the identical problem, here has two problems: First, with computational method close related algorithm question; Second, programming technical question. Between the algorithm and the procedure has the close relationship. The algorithm is a group has the poor rule, they had stipulated solves some specific type type question question question a a a series series series of of of operations, operations, operations, is is is to to to the the the problem problem problem solving solving solving plan plan plan accurate accurate accurate and and and the the the complete complete description. description. Formulates Formulates Formulates an an an algorithm, algorithm, algorithm, generally generally generally must must must pass pass pass through through through stages stages stages and and and so so so on on on design, design, confirmation, confirmation, analysis, analysis, analysis, code, code, code, test, test, test, debugging, debugging, debugging, time. time. time. To To To algorithm algorithm algorithm study study study including including including five five five aspect aspect contents:① Design algorithm. The algorithm design work is impossible completely the automation, should study the understanding already by the practice to prove that was the useful some some basic basic basic algorithm algorithm algorithm design design design method, method, method, these these these basic basic basic design design design method method method was was was not not not only only only suitable suitable suitable for for for the the computer science, moreover was suitable for domains and so on electrical engineering, operations research;② Expresses the algorithm. The description algorithm's method has many kinds of forms, for example the natural language and the algorithmic language, have the suitable environment and the the characteristic characteristic characteristic respectively;respectively;③Confirms Confirms the the the algorithm. algorithm. algorithm. The The The algorithm algorithm algorithm confirmed confirmed confirmed the the the goal goal goal is is causes the people to believe firmly that this algorithm can work unmistakably correctly, namely this algorithm has the circularity. The correct algorithm describes with the computer algorithmic language, language, constitutes constitutes constitutes the the the computer computer computer program, program, program, the the the computer computer computer program program program moves moves moves on on on the the the computer, computer, obtains the algorithm operation result;④ Parsing algorithm. The algorithmic analysis is requires how many computing time and the storage space to an algorithm makes the quota the analysis. The The parsing parsing parsing algorithm algorithm algorithm may may may forecast forecast forecast that that that what what what environment environment environment this this this algorithm algorithm algorithm does does does suit suit suit in in in moves moves effectively, to solves the identical question different algorithm validity to make the comparison;⑤Confirmation Confirmation algorithm. algorithm. algorithm. With With With machine machine machine language language language description description description algorithm algorithm algorithm whether whether whether can can can calculate calculate effectively, reasonable, must carry on the test to the procedure, the test order work and makes the space and time distribution map by the debugging to be composed. But the algorithm has certain characteristic, it includes:① Determinism. Algorithm each kind of of operation operation operation must must must have have have the the the determination determination determination significance, significance, significance, this this this kind kind kind of of of operation operation operation should should should carry carry carry out out what what kind kind kind of of of movement movement movement should should should not not not to to to have have have the the the ambiguity, ambiguity, ambiguity, the the the goal goal goal is is is clear;clear;② Effectiveness. Requests the operation which in the algorithm waits for realizing is basic, each kind of operation can at least completes in the principle by the human with the paper and the pen in the limited time;③ Input. An algorithm has 0 or the many inputs, before the algorithm operation starts gives the algorithm to need the data the starting value, these inputs are from the specific object set;④Output. Does for the algorithm operation result, an algorithm has or many outputs, the output has some kind of specific relational quantity with the input;⑤ Has poor. An algorithm always after carrying out had the poor step operation has terminated, namely this algorithm was may reach. Satisfies a first four characteristic group of rule not to be able to be called the algorithm, can only be called the computational process, the operating system is a computational process example, the operating system uses for to manage the computer resources, controls the manufacture industry movement, when has not made industry the movement, the computational process does not stop, but is at the waiting status. The algorithm complexity is the algorithm efficiency measure, when appraises the algorithm performance, performance, the the the complexity complexity complexity is is is an an an important important important basis. basis. basis. The The The algorithm algorithm algorithm complex complex complex degree degree degree with with with moves moves computer resources how many which this algorithm needs related, needs the resources are more, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is higher; Needs the resources are less, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is lower. Th The spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time e spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time which which and and and the the the stored stored stored routine routine routine and and and the the the data data data need, need, need, the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm complexity complexity complexity has has has division division division time time complexity and the spatial complexity. The algorithm carries out the operation on the computer, needs the data which certain storage space space depositing depositing depositing description description description algorithm algorithm algorithm the the the procedure procedure procedure and and and the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm need, need, need, the the the computer computer completes the operation task to require certain time. The procedure which writes according to the different different algorithm algorithm algorithm places places places when when when on on on the the the computer computer computer operates, operates, operates, needs needs needs the the the time time time and and and the the the space space space are are different, the algorithm complexity is needs the time and the spatial one kind of measure to the algorithm operation. The different computer its operating speed difference is very big, is weighing an algorithm the complexity to note this point. Regarding question, which assigns willfully, a profitable target which designs, the complex low low algorithm algorithm algorithm is is is as as as far far far as as as possible possible possible when when when designs designs designs algorithm algorithm algorithm considered. considered. considered. Moreover, Moreover, Moreover, when when when the the question, which assigns already when has many kinds of algorithms, an important criterion which choice complexity low, is when selects algorithm should follow. Therefore, the algorithm complex analysis or selects to the algorithm design has the important guiding sense and the use value.  When discussion algorithm complexity, two questions need to clarify: (1) A n algorithm's complexity expresses with what kind of quantity; An algorithm's complexity expresses with what kind of quantity; (2) H ow How How to to to calculate calculate calculate one one one to to to assign assign assign the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm the the the complexity. complexity. complexity. After After After finding finding finding solves solves solves a a question the algorithm, is this algorithm realization, as for whether could find the method which realized, realized, was was was decided decided decided in in in the the the algorithm algorithm algorithm circularity circularity circularity and and and the the the computation computation computation complexity, complexity, complexity, whether whether whether this this question question did did did have have have the the the solution solution solution algorithm, algorithm, algorithm, whether whether whether to to to provide provide provide the the the time time time resources resources resources which which which and and and the the spatial resources the algorithm needed. Visual Basic 语言和算术 美国发动的美国发动的Microsoft Visual Basic (可简称(可简称VB )中,是当前VB 的2008 Beta2中(VB9)中文版的最新版本。

计算机外文资料翻译---Visual Basic简介

计算机外文资料翻译---Visual Basic简介

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系(院):计算机科学系专业:计算机科学与技术姓名:学号: 111001203外文出处:Learn Visual Basic in 24 hours--Hour 1 Visual Basic at Work 附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文Visual Basic简介什么是Visual BasicMicrosoft Visual Basic 5.0是旧的BASIC语言最近的最好的化身,在一个包里给你一个完全的Windows应用开发系统。

Visual Basic (我们常称它VB)能让你写、编辑,并且测试Windows应用程序。

另外,VB有包括你能用来写并且编译帮助文件那的工具,ActiveX控制,并且甚至因特网应用程序Visual Basic是它本身的一个Windows应用程序。




尽管程序员们经常可替交地使用术语程序和应用程序,当你正在描述一个Windows 程序时术语应用程序似乎最适合,因为一个Windows程序由若干份代表性的文件组成。




今天一种程序语言,例如Visual Basic,一些年以前与程序语言的非常不一致。






外文翻译Introduction of Visual Basic6.0Visual Basic, Listed VB, Microsoft Corporation to launch a Windows application development tool. Is the world's most widely used programming language, it was generally acknowledged to be the most efficient programming of a programming method. Whether the development of powerful, reliable performance of the business software, or can be prepared to deal with the practical problems of small practical procedures Visual Basic6.0 is the quickest, most convenient way.What is Visual Basic6.0? "Visual" refers to the use of visualization of the development of graphical user interface (GUI), generally do not need to prepare a large number of code interface elements to describe the appearance and location, and as long as necessary to drag and drop controls on the screen to the corresponding location will be; "Basic" refers to the BASIC language, Visual Basic6.0 is because the original BASIC language developed on the basis of that so far includes hundreds of phrases Function and keywords, and many Windows GUI are directly related. Professionals can use Visual Basic6.0 to any other Windows programming language function, you beginners and several Keywords can establish practical application.Visual Basic6.0 provides a learning version, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition to meet the needs of different developers. Learning version enables programmers to easily develop Windows and Windows NT applications; Professional Edition for professional programmers to provide the complete functions of development tools; Enterprise Edition allows professionals to form the group to create a strong distributed applications.1 Visual Basic6.0 featuresVisual Basic6.0 is running on the Windows platform under a visualization of high-level programming languages. Since inception in 1991. Visual Basic6.0 windows3.x to adapt to the Windows 95/98 and Windows NT etc. version of the operating system, widely used in ordinary window category, database management category, data communications network for such application development. Visual Basic6.0 as a computer visualization of the senior programming language, the following notable features:(1) Visual Basic6.0 inherited the Basic language is easy features in Microsoft Visual Basic6.0 development process never forget his roots, programming, even for beginners is a principle of computer-illiterate people, also in a relatively short period of time to prepare a viable Windows procedures.(2) Based on the Dos and the environment than the programming language, Visual Basic6.0 thinking about a fundamental change based on the Dos and the environment than the programming language, Visual Basic6.0 thinking about a fundamental change in the introduction of the Visual Basic6.0 Object-oriented program design, the process design staff from the tedious details of the procedures designed to extricate themselves, programming staff during program development, choose the right people need to structure their own interface. Then arrangements for a reception object to what information do whatever they can. Without the need to consider specific targets of what to do, what to do, what to do after the issue.(3) Visual Basic6.0 has powerful database management functions Visual Basic6.0 support SQL database inquiries, Visual Basic6.0 embedded database management functions can be manipulated almost all of the database format.(4) Development of highly integrated environment is a Visual Basic6.0 including editing, debugging procedures, operating procedures,Compiling procedures such as functional integration program development environment (IDE)(5) Visual Basic6.0 adaptation in the development of Windows-type application Visual Basic6.0 sequence contains a lot of functions, orders and keywords, Most Windows graphical user interface-related, professionals can easily use them to develop powerful Windows application.2 Visual Basic6.0 Common internal controlsControl options can be divided into check box control (Checkbox) and the radio buttons control (Option But ton). Checkbox control, the group revealed a number of options, provided these options True, False or Yes, No option, users can choose which one or more; Option Button controls, the user can choose single group. Option Button and Checkbox control similar functions, however, they also exist between those important differences: the same groups, may also select multiple Checkbox options; But they can only choose one option Button. In Frame, Picture Box Form containers or use both options controls, Users can use group.(1) Radio buttons control (Option Button) in the application process, Sometimes users needs such a choice: Several options were the only choice-species, and must make a choice. Several because it is mutually exclusive. Then, on the need to use Option Button buttons control; Figure 1 is a group of buttons controls, it only allows users in choosing a drink, and must election-species. Control buttons are always a group in the form of. In a control group, only one is always buttons at selected state; if selected by one of them. The remaining buttons will automatically remove non-selected.(2)Check box control (Checkbox) Checkbox control and OptionButton Controls somewhat similar, but the use of a very different, CheckBox controls that work independently of each other, and they separated without the slightest relationship of checks and balances. Allelected or not one can be elected. Each one is an independent, in which one or more optional.(3) Frame Controls Control framework is a very simple controls, Its mission is the Paleozoic body drawing a great sense of the three-dimensional framework, It is a common attribute caption attribute to show that the framework of the title. Frame Controls rarely used alone and it is always with other controls with the use. For example, we can in the TextBox, picture frames and an external add a framework to increase the three-dimensional effect, and so on.3 Visual Basic6.0 Programming LanguageIn human social life, "language" is pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar constitute the system, person-to-person transmission of information, exchange ideas tool. "Programming Language" (also called algorithm language) is a word, phrase, and the rules of grammar constitute the directive system and the computer is a tool for the exchange. Use programming language, we only need to tell the computer when and under what conditions they do, computer will be in accordance with a request to implement a directive, and the implementation tell us the results.From the machinery of the implementation perspective, the programming language can be divided into two major categories: low level language and high-level language. Low level language is the machine-oriented instructions, different models of the CPU (Central Processing Unit, acronym for the CPU) have different instruction system. Low level language is divided into machine language and assembler language. Machine-language instructions contain only by the "0" and "1" binary symbols formed by certain laws, machines can be directly executed. These directives memory quite difficult, for people on the use of specific Mnemonic representatives’machinery orders resulting in assembly language. Assembler language procedures require only a simple translation machines can be implemented. Low level language ischaracterized by faster procedures, high efficiency, but the programmer is required to understand the machine structure, Programming difficult for non-specialists to get involved. Senior language is easily accepted by the people; close to human language to describe the way constitute Instruction System. It need not machine-oriented, constitute simple, usually only one hundred scores of vocabulary, some of the rules that allow memory, and easy to learn. Programming speed. People say "programming languages" usually refers to high-level language. Senior language procedures require more complex compiler directives in order to become machines. In different applications often use different language design applications.Visual Basic6.0 language is a common senior programming language. Computer application areas is extensive, in order to meet different needs, programming language, often also the characteristics. For example, a system suitable for the preparation of the software, facilitate scientific computing, database management is good at. Suitable graphic design as well as dedicated to artificial intelligence, there are also some language also have multiple functions. From the application perspective, we can right programming language for the strict classification. Moreover, with the development of computer science and application of the rapid expansion of various language versions are constantly changing, function continuously update and enhance. Each period has a number of language in popular, there were a number of language in the disappearance. We should grasp programming language in nature, regularity of things.To meet specific needs, computer workers developed a variety of software tools. For example, word processing, spreadsheet, graphics, multimedia management, and systems management tools such as software. They are some special procedures for collection. User interface and interactive computer operation, which is called among the various subroutines.However, the world is complex and constantly changing, it will require the computer to do the work of diversity. We can say that the modern world of computer demand is endless. Computer manufacturers continue to produce more and more powerful and functional computer system Software developers have been designed to meet different needs of the application. But no matter how the structure of the computer, it has to do the work, it was always used as a form of a "language" with the computer exchange. From this idea of the computer system can be seen as a different level of linguistic composition system. People can use a different language and computer exchanges. If we use high-level language and computer exchange system to provide a translation tools, known as the compiler or interpreter, the first people to import computer instruction sequence translated into the machine language instruction sequence, then the computer's logic circuits decomposed into Micros for the implementation of the various components corresponding action.Visual Basic6.0简介Visual Basic6.0,简称VB,是Microsoft公司推出的一种Windows应用程序开发工具。



本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目(中文):具体数学:汉诺塔问题学院: 计算机科学与技术专业: 计算机科学与技术学号:学生姓名:指导教师:日期: 二○一二年六月1 Recurrent ProblemsTHIS CHAPTER EXPLORES three sample problems that give a feel for what’s to c ome. They have two traits in common: They’ve all been investigated repeatedly by mathe maticians; and their solutions all use the idea of recurrence, in which the solution to eac h problem depends on the solutions to smaller instances of the same problem.1.1 THE TOWER OF HANOILet’s look first at a neat little puzzle called the Tower of Hanoi,invented by the Fr ench mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883. We are given a tower of eight disks, initiall y stacked in decreasing size on one of three pegs:The objective is to transfer the entire tower to one of the other pegs, movingonly one disk at a time and never moving a larger one onto a smaller.Lucas furnished his toy with a romantic legend about a much larger Tower of Brah ma, which supposedly has 64 disks of pure gold resting on three diamond needles. At th e beginning of time, he said, God placed these golden disks on the first needle and orda ined that a group of priests should transfer them to the third, according to the rules abov e. The priests reportedly work day and night at their task. When they finish, the Tower will crumble and the world will end.It's not immediately obvious that the puzzle has a solution, but a little thought (or h aving seen the problem before) convinces us that it does. Now the question arises:What' s the best we can do?That is,how many moves are necessary and suff i cient to perfor m the task?The best way to tackle a question like this is to generalize it a bit. The Tower of Brahma has 64 disks and the Tower of Hanoi has 8;let's consider what happens if ther e are TL disks.One advantage of this generalization is that we can scale the problem down even m ore. In fact, we'll see repeatedly in this book that it's advantageous to LOOK AT SMAL L CASES first. It's easy to see how to transfer a tower that contains only one or two di sks. And a small amount of experimentation shows how to transfer a tower of three.The next step in solving the problem is to introduce appropriate notation:NAME ANO CONQUER. Let's say that T n is the minimum number of moves that will t ransfer n disks from one peg to another under Lucas's rules. Then T1is obviously 1 , an d T2= 3.We can also get another piece of data for free, by considering the smallest case of all:Clearly T0= 0,because no moves at all are needed to transfer a tower of n = 0 disks! Smart mathematicians are not ashamed to think small,because general patterns are easier to perceive when the extreme cases are well understood(even when they are trivial).But now let's change our perspective and try to think big;how can we transfer a la rge tower? Experiments with three disks show that the winning idea is to transfer the top two disks to the middle peg, then move the third, then bring the other two onto it. Thi s gives us a clue for transferring n disks in general:We first transfer the n−1 smallest t o a different peg (requiring T n-1moves), then move the largest (requiring one move), and finally transfer the n−1 smallest back onto the largest (req uiring another T n-1moves). Th us we can transfer n disks (for n > 0)in at most 2T n-1+1 moves:T n≤2T n—1+1,for n > 0.This formula uses '≤' instead of '=' because our construction proves only that 2T n—1+1 mo ves suffice; we haven't shown that 2T n—1+1 moves are necessary. A clever person might be able to think of a shortcut.But is there a better way? Actually no. At some point we must move the largest d isk. When we do, the n−1 smallest must be on a single peg, and it has taken at least T moves to put them there. We might move the largest disk more than once, if we're n n−1ot too alert. But after moving the largest disk for the last time, we must trans fr the n−1 smallest disks (which must again be on a single peg)back onto the largest;this too re quires T n−1moves. HenceT n≥ 2T n—1+1,for n > 0.These two inequalities, together with the trivial solution for n = 0, yieldT0=0;T n=2T n—1+1 , for n > 0. (1.1)(Notice that these formulas are consistent with the known values T1= 1 and T2= 3. Our experience with small cases has not only helped us to discover a general formula, it has also provided a convenient way to check that we haven't made a foolish error. Such che cks will be especially valuable when we get into more complicated maneuvers in later ch apters.)A set of equalities like (1.1) is called a recurrence (a. k. a. recurrence relation or r ecursion relation). It gives a boundary value and an equation for the general value in ter ms of earlier ones. Sometimes we refer to the general equation alone as a recurrence, alt hough technically it needs a boundary value to be complete.The recurrence allows us to compute T n for any n we like. But nobody really like to co m pute fro m a recurrence,when n is large;it takes too long. The recurrence only gives indirect, "local" information. A solution to the recurrence would make us much h appier. That is, we'd like a nice, neat, "closed form" for Tn that lets us compute it quic kly,even for large n. With a closed form, we can understand what T n really is.So how do we solve a recurrence? One way is to guess the correct solution,then to prove that our guess is correct. And our best hope for guessing the solution is t o look (again) at small cases. So we compute, successively,T3= 2×3+1= 7; T4= 2×7+1= 15; T5= 2×15+1= 31; T6= 2×31+1= 63.Aha! It certainly looks as ifTn = 2n−1,for n≥0. (1.2)At least this works for n≤6.Mathematical induction is a general way to prove that some statement aboutthe integer n is true for all n≥n0. First we prove the statement when n has its smallest v alue,no; this is called the basis. Then we prove the statement for n > n0,assuming that it has already been proved for all values between n0and n−1, inclusive; this is called th e induction. Such a proof gives infinitely many results with only a finite amount of wo rk.Recurrences are ideally set up for mathematical induction. In our case, for exampl e,(1.2) follows easily from (1.1):The basis is trivial,since T0 = 20−1= 0.And the indu ction follows for n > 0 if we assume that (1.2) holds when n is replaced by n−1:T n= 2T n+1= 2(2n−1−1)+1=2n−1.Hence (1.2) holds for n as well. Good! Our quest for T n has ended successfully.Of course the priests' task hasn't ended;they're still dutifully moving disks,and wil l be for a while, because for n = 64 there are 264−1 moves (about 18 quintillion). Even at the impossible rate of one move per microsecond, they will need more than 5000 cent uries to transfer the Tower of Brahma. Lucas's original puzzle is a bit more practical, It requires 28−1 = 255 moves, which takes about four minutes for the quick of hand.The Tower of Hanoi recurrence is typical of many that arise in applications of all kinds. In finding a closed-form expression for some quantity of interest like T n we go t hrough three stages:1 Look at small cases. This gives us insight into the problem and helps us in stages2 and 3.2 Find and prove a mathematical expression for the quantity of interest.For the Tower of Hanoi, this is the recurrence (1.1) that allows us, given the inc lination,to compute T n for any n.3 Find and prove a closed form for our mathematical expression.For the Tower of Hanoi, this is the recurrence solution (1.2).The third stage is the one we will concentrate on throughout this book. In fact, we'll fre quently skip stages I and 2 entirely, because a mathematical expression will be given tous as a starting point. But even then, we'll be getting into subproblems whose solutions will take us through all three stages.Our analysis of the Tower of Hanoi led to the correct answer, but it r equired an“i nductive leap”;we relied on a lucky guess about the answer. One of the main objectives of this book is to explain how a person can solve recurrences without being clairvoyant. For example, we'll see that recurrence (1.1) can be simplified by adding 1 to both sides of the equations:T0+ 1= 1;T n + 1= 2T n-1+ 2, for n >0.Now if we let U n= T n+1,we haveU0 =1;U n= 2U n-1,for n > 0. (1.3)It doesn't take genius to discover that the solution to this recurrence is just U n= 2n;he nce T n= 2n −1. Even a computer could discover this.Concrete MathematicsR. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth, O. Patashnik《Concrete Mathematics》,1.1 ,The Tower Of HanoiR. L. Graham, D. E. Knuth, O. PatashnikSixth printing, Printed in the United States of America1989 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,Reference 1-4 pages具体数学R.L.格雷厄姆,D.E.克努特,O.帕塔希尼克《具体数学》,1.1,汉诺塔R.L.格雷厄姆,D.E.克努特,O.帕塔希尼克第一版第六次印刷于美国,韦斯利出版公司,1989年,引用1-4页1 递归问题本章将通过对三个样本问题的分析来探讨递归的思想。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:1.VB的数据库编程分析2.数据库的发展、应用和基本原理文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:软件工程班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14学生公寓智能化管理系统——学生与房间管理子系统外文文献及翻译专业:软件工程ANALYSIS OF DATABASE PROGRAMMING IN VBVB (Visual Basic) is a visualization programming environment that Microsoft Corporation promotes based on the Basic language.It is simple and easy to study.It has formidable function so that many computer amateurs really like it.A lot of application softwares all use VB as the software development platform.When we use VB to develop the application software,how to use the database and carry on the management of the database is concerned by all exploiters.VB has provided many tools and methods for database programming.What method is used to visit the database depends on users’different demands,a simple analysis of the VB database programming is explained as followings.1.DAO TechnologyBy using Microsoft company’s Jet Database Engine (Jet database engine),DAO (Data Access Object) the technology mainly provides visit to ISAM (smooth index search method) type database,such as the realization of the visit to database like FoxPro,Access, Dbase.1.1 Use Data ControlsData controls are produced by using “Data” button in the toolbox.It has 3 basic attributes:Connect,Database Name and RecordSource.Connect attribute specifys the database type that data controls visit,the default database is the Access database.The value of the Database Name attribute is the database filename which contains the complete path.The Record Source attribute is the recordset that we visit,also can be tables or SQL sentences.If we will visit table stud of database file teacher mdb of TEMP folder under D plate,then Data controls’s Connect attribute is null,and the Database Name attribute is “D:\temp \ teacher mdb”,the value of the Record Source attribute is “stud”.This can accomplish the binding between Data controls and database records. Through the methods of Data controls like Add new,Update,Delete, Move last,we can visit the database as every request.When we browse the content in database,Data controlls is used frequently with DBGrid,it provides data inquiry in grid way.1.2 Use DAO Object StorehouseThe model of the DAO object storehouse is mainly using hierarchical structure, Dentine is the object in the topmost story,below it are two object sets,Errors and workspace, under the workspace object,is the Databases set.When the application procedure quotes the DAO object storehouse,it produces only a Dentine object,and produces a default automatical working space object named workspace.When not mentioned,all database operations are all work in workspace(0),which is a default work area.But we must pay attention:The Jet engine will not starts automatically after VB has been loaded. Only when we choose References in the menu of Project can we select Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library to use.We create databases with the method “Create Database”in DAO,use “CreateTable” method to bulid tables,use the “Open Database ” to open the database ,use “Open recordset”method to open recordset,use Add new,Update,Delete,Move first,Edit methods to realize each kind of operations about tables.2.RDO TechnologyRDO provides a connection to related ODBC data pool.When we need to visit other databases like SQL Server,Oracle,especially to establish the customer/server application procedure,we may use the long range data controls RDC (Remote Data Control) and long range data objects RDO (Remote Data Control) to realize the visit to the database through the ODBC driver.By using ODBC to visit some database we must first install the corresponding drivers,like establish a data pool,through assigned data pool to visit corresponding database.To establish the ODBC data pool is open the window of “the control panel”, double-clicks the icon of ODBC executive program,single-click “Add” butt on to create the data pool of the opening ODBC data pool supervisor dialog box,and choose corresponding database.2.1 Use RDC ControlsSimilar to the use of DATA Controls, we use Data source name attributes to assign the data source name that controls bind,and we use SQL attributes to assign the recordset, The difference is that,we have to use the SQL sentences to assign the SQL attribute in RDC Controls . When we browse the database we may find it is used with DBGrid frequently.2.2 Use RDO Object StorehouseBefore we use RDO object,we should choose References in the menu of Project, click”Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0”,then we can continue.The step we use RDO to visit the ODBC data pool is:。

外文翻译---Visual Basic 语言与算法

外文翻译---Visual Basic 语言与算法

附录A 英文原文Visual Basic language and arithmeticThe United States launched the Microsoft Visual Basic (may be referred to VB), is the latest version of the current VB 2008 Beta2 (VB9) Chinese version.Visual meaning the visual, visible, referring to the development of operating systems like windows graphical user interface (Graphic User Interface, GUI) method, it does not need to prepare a large number code to describe the appearance of the interface elements and location, as long as the pre - The establishment of good drag and drop objects on the screen corresponding to the location.Basic is actually an abbreviation of the phrase; this phrase is Beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code, the Chinese meaning "to the initial directive GM symbol code language."Visual Basic learning, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition versions to meet the different needs of the development. Study and apply to the ordinary version of the majority of learners and the use of Visual Basic development of the general staff of Windows applications, but; professional version for computer professional development of staff, including the study of functional version of the full content control and Internet development tools such as advanced features ,Enterprise contain not only all the professional version of the content, there are automated tools such as Component Manager, professional programmers to make the development of a powerful group essence of distributed applications.Visual BasicSection 1 the summary of Visual BasicMicrosoft Visual Basic,( abbreviate VB )as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform. No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it can be relaxed and convenient. So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner." Visual" mean method to adopt visual user of development figure interface(GUI), need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow and show controlling part that need corresponding position to get screen can help figure design interface, user of figure,; " Basic" means BASIC language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language.VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development; Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present.Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, and adjustable service end part. Utilize ActiveX(TM) technology, VB can use word processor, electronic data list he Windows function that application program offers extremely, Excel of Microsoft,, Word of Microsoft,, Even can use by VB specialty edition or enterprise application program and target that edition establish directly.The procedure that users established finally is a real .EXE file , can issue freely .VB offer study edition, the specialty edition and enterprise edition, use to satisfied with different development demands. Study edition make programming personnel develop Windows and Windows application program of NT very easily. The specialty edition has offered the developing instrument with complete function to programming personnel of the specialty, Include studying all functions of edition in the specialty edition. Enterprise edition allow the professional personnel to establish strong distributed application program in the form of group. It includes all characteristics of the specialty edition. So can choose different editions according to different needs.Section 2 integrated development environmentsIntegrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, tool fence, controlling part case, And window body window, engineering management device window, attribute window, code window andwindow body overall arrangement window body overall arrangement, etc. of designing etc.. Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc..In VB, the application program calls the project too. When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show.Visual Basic Integrated development environmentVB come and organize development of application program through project, use project come and manage and form files of application program. One project uses the environment to make up by several window bodies, standard module generally. The system manages project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote .System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides.Section 3 Visual Basic language brief introductionsBasic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most. Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC. As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular. Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line by line , So it can see the result carried out at once , this is a very convenient design for beginner. But it have concept of structure either, one that is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems. But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above (such as Quick Basic), make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too.The language is the basic composition, which forms VB procedure. VB has stipulated the form of sentences and function.Grammar:The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body]Sentence define agree with and used in fixed function of sentence, sentence body appoint concrete content or want concrete operation that carry out of sentence. All set of sentence VB language, carry on with VB sentence organic association finish a certain specific function the procedure. Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem.VB application program code window write in" code editing machine" generally. " editing machine of code" is like the word processing software of a piece of height specialization, there are many easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In" code editing machine" code that window written.“Editing machine of code” windowSection 4 develop the application program with Visual BasicUse VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more.The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows:Establish application program interfaceThe interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and vision frame of the button, menu, text frameset. with standard WINDOWS interface of application program that VB establish. Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface.2. Design by each attributes of target in interfaceDemand and set up each attribute of target such as appearance, name,, size of targeted. according to interface of planning.Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedure through programming in procedure code. Have the targets respond programming by procedure code3. Respond procedure code of programming targetInterface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through" code editing machine" soon after the interface, Realize some make the tasks, such as responding, information processing,etc. after accepting external message, Add code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task, As editor's window of code pursued shows add codes “code editing machine” window4. Keep projectOne VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called. Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated documents of project this at the same time. For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded and being called. Frm sum.In the window body of foxfire. At the time of opening a project( file), this project relevant files load at the same time.5. Operate and debugged by procedureOperate the procedure thoroughpin operate" selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get rid of the mistake thoroughpin debug" within operate" menus too.6. Can produce by executive programFor make procedure can break away from VB environment, order to become next life through" file"" producing project 1.exe" of menu but executive program (eyeful), Can carry out this file directly after this. In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product.In computer system's any software, is by the every large or small each kind of software constituent constitution, defers to the specific algorithm to realize respectively, the algorithm quality direct decision realizes the software performance fit and unfit quality. Designs the algorithm with any method, what resources designs the algorithm to need, requires how many running time, how many storage space, how to determine an algorithm the quality, when realizes a software, is must give to solve. In computer system's operating system, the language compiling system, the database management system as well as in various computer application system's software, must use each one concrete algorithm to realize. Therefore, the algorithm design and the analysis are the computer science and a technical core question.The algorithm is the problem-solving step, we may define the algorithm Cheng Jie a determination class question the random one special method. In the computer science, the algorithm needs to use the computer algorithmic language to describe, thealgorithm represents with the computer solves a kind of question precisely, the effective method. The algorithm construction of data = procedure, solves one to assign may calculate or the solvable question, the different person may compile the different procedure, solves the identical problem, here has two problems: First, with computational method close related algorithm question; Second, programming technical question. Between the algorithm and the procedure has the close relationship. The algorithm is a group has the poor rule, they had stipulated solves some specific type question a series of operations, is to the problem solving plan accurate and the complete description. Formulates an algorithm, generally must pass through stages and so on design, confirmation, analysis, code, test, debugging, time. To algorithm study including five aspect contents:①Design algorithm. The algorithm design work is impossible completely the automation, should study the understanding already by the practice to prove that was the useful some basic algorithm design method, these basic design method was not only suitable for the computer science, moreover was suitable for domains and so on electrical engineering, operations research;②Expresses the algorithm. The description algorithm's method has many kinds of forms, for example the natural language and the algorithmic language, have the suitable environment and the characteristic respectively;③Confirms the algorithm. The algorithm confirmed the goal is causes the people to believe firmly that this algorithm can work unmistakably correctly, namely this algorithm has the circularity. The correct algorithm describes with the computer algorithmic language, constitutes the computer program, the computer program moves on the computer, obtains the algorithm operation result;④Parsing algorithm. The algorithmic analysis is requires how many computing time and the storage space to an algorithm makes the quota the analysis. The parsing algorithm may forecast that what environment this algorithm does suit in moves effectively, to solves the identical question different algorithm validity to make the comparison;⑤Confirmation algorithm. With machine language description algorithm whether can calculate effectively, reasonable, must carry on the test to the procedure, the test order work and makes the space and time distribution map by the debugging to be composed.But the algorithm has certain characteristic, it includes:①Determinism.Algorithm each kind of operation must have the determination significance, this kind of operation should carry out what kind of movement should not to have the ambiguity, the goal is clear;②Effectiveness. Requests the operation which in the algorithm waits for realizing is basic, each kind of operation can at least completes in the principle by the human with the paper and the pen in the limited time;③Input. An algorithm has 0 or the many inputs, before the algorithm operation starts gives the algorithm to need the data the starting value, these inputs are from the specific object set;④Output. Does for the algorithm operation result, an algorithm has or many outputs, the output has some kind of specific relational quantity with the input;⑤Has poor. An algorithm always after carrying out had the poor step operation has terminated, namely this algorithm was may reach.Satisfies a first four characteristic group of rule not to be able to be called the algorithm, can only be called the computational process, the operating system is a computational process example, the operating system uses for to manage the computer resources, controls the manufacture industry movement, when has not made industry the movement, the computational process does not stop, but is at the waiting status.The algorithm complexity is the algorithm efficiency measure, when appraises the algorithm performance, the complexity is an important basis. The algorithm complex degree with moves computer resources how many which this algorithm needs related, needs the resources are more, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is higher; Needs the resources are less, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is lower.The spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time which and the stored routine and the data need, the algorithm complexity has division time complexity and the spatial complexity.The algorithm carries out the operation on the computer, needs the data which certain storage space depositing description algorithm the procedure and the algorithm need, the computer completes the operation task to require certain time. The procedure which writes according to the different algorithm places when on the computer operates, needs the time and the space are different, the algorithmcomplexity is needs the time and the spatial one kind of measure to the algorithm operation. The different computer its operating speed difference is very big, is weighing an algorithm the complexity to note this point.Regarding question, which assigns willfully, a profitable target which designs, the complex low algorithm is as far as possible when designs algorithm considered. Moreover, when the question, which assigns already when has many kinds of algorithms, an important criterion which choice complexity low, is when selects algorithm should follow. Therefore, the algorithm complex analysis or selects to the algorithm design has the important guiding sense and the use value.When discussion algorithm complexity, two questions need to clarify:(1)An algorithm's complexity expresses with what kind of quantity;(2) How to calculate one to assign the algorithm the complexity. After finding solves a question the algorithm, is this algorithm realization, as for whether could find the method which realized, was decided in the algorithm circularity and the computation complexity, whether this question did have the solution algorithm, whether to provide the time resources which and the spatial resources the algorithm needed.附录B 汉语翻译Visual Basic 语言与算法1991年,美国微软公司推出了Visual Basic(可简称VB),目前的最新版本是VB 2008 Beta2(VB9)中文版。

Visual Basic 语言与算法中英文对照外文翻译文献

Visual Basic 语言与算法中英文对照外文翻译文献

中英文资料外文翻译译文:Visual Basic 语言与算法1991年,美国微软公司推出了Visual Basic(可简称VB),目前的最新版本是VB 2008 Beta2(VB9)中文版。

Visual 意即可视的、可见的,指的是开发像windows操作系统的图形用户界面(Graphic User Interface,GUI)的方法,它不需要编写大量代码去描述界面元素的外观和位置,只要把预先建立好的对象拖放到屏幕上相应的位置即可。

Basic 实际上是一个短语的缩写,这个短语就是Beginners all_purpose symbolic instruction code ,其中文意思为“初始者通用符号指令代码语言”。

Visual Basic有学习版、专业版和企业版三种版本,以满足不同的开发需要。

学习版适用于普通学习者及大多数使用Visual Basic开发一般Windows应用程序的人员,但是;专业版适用于计算机专业开发人员,包括了学习版的全部内容功能以及Internet控件开发工具之类的高级特性;企业版除包含专业版全部的内容外,还有自动化构件管理器等工具,使得专业编程人员能够开发功能强大的组骨子里分布式应用程序。

Visual Basic第1节Visual Basic的概述Microsoft Visual Basic(简称VB)是在Windows操作平台下设计应用程序的最速度、最简捷的工具之一。



“Visual”指的是采用可视化的开发图形用户界面(GUI)的方法,一般不需要编写大量代码去描述界面元素的外观和位置,而只要把需要的控件拖放到屏幕上的相应位置即可方便图形设计图形用户界面;“Basic”指的是 BASIC语言,因为VB是在原有的BAISC语言的基础上发展起来的。



外文文献原文THE TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF JSPThe Java Server Pages( JSP) is a kind of according to web of the script plait distance technique, similar carries the script language of Java in the server of the Netscape company of server- side JavaScript( SSJS) and the Active Server Pages(ASP) of the Microsoft. JSP compares the SSJS and ASP to have better can expand sex, and it is no more exclusive than any factory or some one particular server of Web. Though the norm of JSP is to be draw up by the Sun company of, any factory can carry out the JSP on own system.The After Sun release the JSP( the Java Server Pages) formally, the this kind of new Web application development technique very quickly caused the people's concern. JSP provided a special development environment for the Web application that establishes the high dynamic state. According to the Sun parlance, the JSP can adapt to include the Apache WebServer, IIS4.0 on the market at inside of 85% server product.This chapter will introduce the related knowledge of JSP and Databases, and JavaBean related contents, is all certainly rougher introduction among them basic contents, say perhaps to is a Guide only, if the reader needs the more detailed information, pleasing the book of consult the homologous JSP.1.1 GENERALIZEThe JSP(Java Server Pages) is from the company of Sun Microsystems initiate, the many companies the participate to the build up the together of the a kind the of dynamic the state web the page technique standard, the it have the it in the construction the of the dynamic state the web page the strong but the do not the especially of the function. JSP and the technique of ASP of the Microsoft is very alike. Both all provide the ability that mixes with a certain procedure code and is explain by the language engine to carry out the procedure code in the code of HTML. Underneath we are simple of carry on the introduction to it.JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which you choose.JSP provides the following benefits over servlets alone:• It is easier to write and maintain the HTML. Your static code is ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no lurking Java syntax.• You can use standard Web-site development tools. Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSP can be used because they simply ignore the JSP tags.• You can divide up your development team. The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code. The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer. On large projects, this division is very important. Depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your project, you can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content.Now, this discussion is not to say that you should stop using servlets and use only JSP instead. By no means. Almost all projects will use both. For some requests in your project, you will use servlets. For others, you will use JSP. For still others, you will combine them with the MVC architecture . You want the appropriate tool for the job, and servlets, by themselves, do not complete your toolkit.1.2 SOURCE OF JSPThe technique of JSP of the company of Sun, making the page of Web develop the personnel can use the HTML perhaps marking of XML to design to turn the end page with format. Use the perhaps small script future life of marking of JSP becomes the dynamic state on the page contents.( the contents changes according to the claim of)The Java Servlet is a technical foundation of JSP, and the large Web applies the development of the procedure to need the Java Servlet to match with with the JSP and then can complete, this name of Servlet comes from the Applet, the local translation method of now is a lot of, this book in order not to misconstruction, decide the direct adoption Servlet but don't do any translation, if reader would like to, can call it as" small service procedure". The Servlet is similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, NSAPI etc. Web procedure development the function of the tool in fact, at use the Java Servlet hereafter, the customer need not use again the lowly method of CGI of efficiency, also need not use only the ability come to born page of Web of dynamic state in the method of API that a certain fixed Web server terrace circulate. Many servers of Web all support the Servlet, even not support the Servlet server of Web directly and can also pass the additional applied server and the mold pieces to support the Servlet. Receive benefit in the characteristic of the Java cross-platform, the Servlet is also a terrace irrelevant, actually, as long as match the norm of Java Servlet, the Servlet is complete to have nothing to do with terrace and is to have nothing to do with server of Web. Because the Java Servlet is internal to provide the service by the line distance, need not start a progress to the each claimses, and make use of the multi-threadingmechanism can at the same time for several claim service, therefore the efficiency of Java Servlet is very high.But the Java Servlet also is not to has no weakness, similar to traditional CGI, ISAPI, the NSAPI method, the Java Servlet is to make use of to output the HTML language sentence to carry out the dynamic state web page of, if develop the whole website with the Java Servlet, the integration process of the dynamic state part and the static state page is an evil-foreboding dream simply. For solving this kind of weakness of the Java Servlet, the SUN released the JSP.A number of years ago, Marty was invited to attend a small 20-person industry roundtable discussion on software technology. Sitting in the seat next to Marty was James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language. Sitting several seats away was a high-level manager from a very large software company in Redmond, Washington. During the discussion, the moderator brought up the subject of Jini, which at that time was a new Java technology. The moderator asked the manager what he thought of it, and the manager responded that it was too early to tell, but that it seemed to be an excellent idea. He went on to say that they would keep an eye on it, and if it seemed to be catching on, they would follow his company's usual "embrace and extend" strategy. At this point, Gosling lightheartedly interjected "You mean disgrace and distend."Now, the grievance that Gosling was airing was that he felt that this company would take technology from other companies and suborn it for their own purposes. But guess what? The shoe is on the other foot here. The Java community did not invent the idea of designing pages as a mixture of static HTML and dynamic code marked with special tags. For example, Cold Fusion did it years earlier. Even ASP (a product from the very software company of the aforementioned manager) popularized this approach before JSP came along and decided to jump on the bandwagon. In fact, JSP not only adopted the general idea, it even used many of the same special tags as ASP did.The JSP is an establishment at the model of Java servlets on of the expression layer technique, it makes the plait write the HTML to become more simple.Be like the SSJS, it also allows you carry the static state HTML contents and servers the script mix to put together the born dynamic state exportation. JSP the script language that the Java is the tacit approval, however, be like the ASP and can use other languages( such as JavaScript and VBScript), the norm of JSP also allows to use other languages.1.3 JSP CHARACTERISTICSIs a service according to the script language in some one language of the statures system this kind of discuss, the JSP should be see make is a kind of script language.However, be a kind of script language, the JSP seemed to be too strong again, almost can use all Javas in the JSP.Be a kind of according to text originally of, take manifestation as the central development technique, the JSP provided all advantages of the Java Servlet, and, when combine with a JavaBeans together, providing a kind of make contents and manifestation that simple way that logic separate. Separate the contents and advantage of logical manifestations is, the personnel who renews the page external appearance need not know the code of Java, and renew the JavaBeans personnel also need not be design the web page of expert in hand, can use to take the page of JavaBeans JSP to define the template of Web, to build up a from have the alike external appearance of the website that page constitute. JavaBeans completes the data to provide, having no code of Java in the template thus, this means that these templates can be written the personnel by a HTML plait to support. Certainly, can also make use of the Java Servlet to control the logic of the website, adjust through the Java Servlet to use the way of the document of JSP to separate website of logic and contents.Generally speaking, in actual engine of JSP, the page of JSP is the edit and translate type while carry out, not explain the type of. Explain the dynamic state web page development tool of the type, such as ASP, PHP3 etc., because speed etc. reason, have already can't satisfy current the large electronic commerce needs appliedly, traditional development techniques are all at to edit and translate the executive way change, such as the ASP → ASP+;PHP3 → PHP4.In the JSP norm book, did not request the procedure in the JSP code part( be called the Scriptlet) and must write with the Java definitely. Actually, have some engines of JSP are adoptive other script languages such as the EMAC- Script, etc., but actually this a few script languages also are to set up on the Java, edit and translate for the Servlet to carry out of. Write according to the norm of JSP, have no Scriptlet of relation with Java also is can of, however, mainly lie in the ability and JavaBeans, the Enterprise JavaBeanses because of the JSP strong function to work together, so even is the Scriptlet part not to use the Java, edit and translate of performance code also should is related with Java.1.4 JSP MECHANISMTo comprehend the JSP how unite the technical advantage that above various speak of, come to carry out various result easily, the customer must understand the differentiation of" the module develops for the web page of the center" and" the page develops for the web page of the center" first.The SSJS and ASP are all in several year ago to release, the network of that time is still very young, no one knows to still have in addition to making all business, datas and the expression logic enter the original web page entirely heap what better solvethe method. This kind of model that take page as the center studies and gets the very fast development easily. However, along with change of time, the people know that this kind of method is unwell in set up large, the Web that can upgrade applies the procedure. The expression logic write in the script environment was lock in the page, only passing to shear to slice and glue to stick then can drive heavy use. Express the logic to usually mix together with business and the data logics, when this makes be the procedure member to try to change an external appearance that applies the procedure but do not want to break with its llied business logic, apply the procedure of maintenance be like to walk the similar difficulty on the eggshell. In fact in the business enterprise, heavy use the application of the module already through very mature, no one would like to rewrite those logics for their applied procedure.HTML and sketch the designer handed over to the implement work of their design the Web plait the one who write, make they have to double work-Usually is the handicraft plait to write, because have no fit tool and can carry the script and the HTML contents knot to the server to put together. Chien but speech, apply the complexity of the procedure along with the Web to promote continuously, the development method that take page as the center limits sex to become to get up obviously.At the same time, the people always at look for the better method of build up the Web application procedure, the module spreads in customer's machine/ server the realm. JavaBeans and ActiveX were published the company to expand to apply the procedure developer for Java and Windows to use to come to develop the complicated procedure quickly by" the fast application procedure development"( RAD) tool. These techniques make the expert in the some realm be able to write the module for the perpendicular application plait in the skill area, but the developer can go fetch the usage directly but need not control the expertise of this realm.Be a kind of take module as the central development terrace, the JSP appeared. It with the JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans( EJB) module includes the model of the business and the data logic for foundation, provide a great deal of label and a script terraces to use to come to show in the HTML page from the contents of JavaBeans creation or send a present in return. Because of the property that regards the module as the center of the JSP, it can drive Java and not the developer of Java uses equally. Not the developer of Java can pass the JSP label( Tags) to use the JavaBeans that the deluxe developer of Java establish. The developer of Java not only can establish and use the JavaBeans, but also can use the language of Java to come to control more accurately in the JSP page according to the expression logic of the first floor JavaBeans.See now how JSP is handle claim of HTTP. In basic claim model, a claimdirectly was send to JSP page in. The code of JSP controls to carry on hour of the logic processing and module of JavaBeanses' hand over with each other, and the manifestation result in dynamic state bornly, mixing with the HTML page of the static state HTML code. The Beans can be JavaBeans or module of EJBs. Moreover, the more complicated claim model can see make from is request other JSP pages of the page call sign or Java Servlets.The engine of JSP wants to chase the code of Java that the label of JSP, code of Java in the JSP page even all converts into the big piece together with the static state HTML contents actually. These codes piece was organized the Java Servlet that customer can not see to go to by the engine of JSP, then the Servlet edits and translate them automatically byte code of Java.Thus, the visitant that is the website requests a JSP page, under the condition of it is not knowing, an already born, the Servlet actual full general that prepared to edit and translate completes all works, very concealment but again and efficiently. The Servlet is to edit and translate of, so the code of JSP in the web page does not need when the every time requests that page is explain. The engine of JSP need to be edit and translate after Servlet the code end is modify only once, then this Servlet that editted and translate can be carry out. The in view of the fact JSP engine auto is born to edit and translate the Servlet also, need not procedure member begins to edit and translate the code, so the JSP can bring vivid sex that function and fast developments need that you are efficiently.Compared with the traditional CGI, the JSP has the equal advantage. First, on the speed, the traditional procedure of CGI needs to use the standard importation of the system to output the equipments to carry out the dynamic state web page born, but the JSP is direct is mutually the connection with server. And say for the CGI, each interview needs to add to add a progress to handle, the progress build up and destroy by burning constantly and will be a not small burden for calculator of be the server of Web. The next in order, the JSP is specialized to develop but design for the Web of, its purpose is for building up according to the Web applied procedure, included the norm and the tool of a the whole set. Use the technique of JSP can combine a lot of JSP pages to become a Web application procedure very expediently.JSP six built-in objectsrequest for:The object of the package of information submitted by users, by calling the object corresponding way to access the information package, namely the use of the target users can access the information.response object:The customer's request dynamic response to the client sent the data.session object1. What is the session: session object is a built-in objects JSP, it in the first JSP pages loaded automatically create, complete the conversation of management.From a customer to open a browser and connect to the server, to close the browser, leaving the end of this server, known as a conversation.When a customer visits a server, the server may be a few pages link between repeatedly, repeatedly refresh a page, the server should bethrough some kind of way to know this is the same client, which requires session object.2. session object ID: When a customer's first visit to a server on the JSP pages, JSP engines produce a session object, and assigned aString type of ID number, JSP engine at the same time, the ID number sent to the client, stored in Cookie, this session objects, and customers on the establishment of a one-to-one relationship. When a customer to connect to the server of the other pages, customers no longer allocated to the new session object, until, close your browser, the client-server object to cancel the session, and the conversation, and customer relationship disappeared. When a customer re-open the browser to connect to the server, the server for the customer to create a new session object.aplication target1. What is the application:Servers have launched after the application object, when a customer to visit the site between the various pages here, this application objects are the same, until the server is down. But with the session difference is that all customers of the application objects are the same, that is, all customers share this built-in application objects.2. application objects commonly used methods:(1) public void setAttribute (String key, Object obj): Object specified parameters will be the object obj added to the application object, and to add the subject of the designation of a keyword index.(2) public Object getAttribute (String key): access to application objects containing keywords for.out targetsout as a target output flow, used to client output data. out targets for the output data.Cookie1. What is Cookie:Cookie is stored in Web server on the user's hard drive section of the text. Cookie allow a Web site on the user's computer to store information on and then get back to it.For example, a Web site may be generated for each visitor a unique ID, and then to Cookie in the form of documents stored in each user's machine.If you use IE browser to visit Web, you will see all stored on your hard drive on the Cookie. They are most often stored in places: c: \ windows \ cookies (in Window2000 is in the C: \ Documents and Settings \ your user name \ Cookies).Cookie is "keyword key = value value" to preserve the format of the record.2. Targets the creation of a Cookie, Cookie object called the constructor can create a Cookie. Cookie object constructor has two string .parameters: Cookie Cookie name and value.Cookie c = new Cookie ( "username", "john");3. If the JSP in the package good Cookie object to send to the client, the use of the response addCookie () method.Format: response.addCookie (c)4. Save to read the client's Cookie, the use of the object request getCookies () method will be implemented in all client came to an array of Cookie objects in the form of order, to meet the need to remove the Cookie object, it is necessary to compare an array cycle Each target keywords.JSP的技术发展历史Java Server Pages(JSP)是一种基于web的脚本编程技术,类似于网景公司的服务器端Java脚本语言—— server-side JavaScript(SSJS)和微软的Active Server Pages(ASP)。



英文文献及翻译(计算机专业)NET-BASED TASK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMHector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer WisdomABSTRACTIn net-based collaborative design environment, design resources become more and more varied and complex. Besides com mon in formatio n man ageme nt systems, desig n resources can be orga ni zed in connection with desig n activities.A set of activities and resources linked by logic relations can form a task. A task has at least one objective and can be broken down into smaller ones. So a design project can be separated in to many subtasks formi ng a hierarchical structure.Task Management System (TMS) is designed to break down these tasks and assig n certa in resources to its task no des. As a result of decompositi on. al1 desig n resources and activities could be man aged via this system.KEY WORDS : Collaborative Design, Task Management System (TMS), Task Decompositi on, In formati on Man ageme nt System1 IntroductionAlong with the rapid upgrade of request for adva need desig n methods, more and more desig n tool appeared to support new desig n methods and forms. Desig n in a web en vir onment with multi-part ners being invo Ived requires a more powerful and efficie nt man ageme ntsystem .Desig n part ners can be located everywhere over the n et with their own organizations. They could be mutually independent experts or teams of tens of employees. This article discussesa task man ageme nt system (TMS) which man agesdesig n activities and resources by break ing dow n desig n objectives and re-orga nizing desig n resources in conn ecti on with the activities. Compari ng with com mon information management systems (IMS) like product data management system and docume nt man ageme nt system, TMS can man age the whole desig n process. It has two tiers which make it much more flexible in structure.The lower tier con sists of traditi onal com mon IMSS and the upper one fulfillslogic activity management through controlling a tree-like structure, allocating design resources andmaking decisions about how to carry out a design project. Its functioning paradigm varies in differe nt projects depending on the project ' s scale and purpose. As a result of this structure, TMS can separate its data model from its logic mode1.lt could bring about structure optimization and efficiency improvement, especially in a large scale project.2 Task Management in Net-Based Collaborative Design Environment 2.1 Evolution of the Design Environment During a net-based collaborative design process, designers transform their working environment from a single PC desktop to LAN, and even extend to WAN. Each desig n part ner can be a sin gle expert or a comb in ati on of many teams of several subjects, even if they are far away from each other geographically. In the net-based collaborative desig n environment, people from every term inal of the net can excha nge their information interactively with each other and send data to authorized roles via their desig n tools. The Co Desig n Space is such an environment which provides a set of these tools to help desig n part ners com muni cate and obta in desig n in formatio n. Codesign Space aims at improving the efficiency of collaborative work, making en terprises in crease its sen sitivity to markets and optimize the con figurati on of resource.2.2 Management of Resources and Activities in Net-Based Collaborative EnvironmentThe expansion of design environment also caused a new problem of how to organize the resources and design activities in that environment. As the number of desig n part ners in creases, resources also in crease in direct proporti on. But relatio ns betwee n resources in crease in square ratio. To orga nize these resources and their relations needs an integrated management system which can recognize them and provide to desig ners in case of they are n eeded.One soluti on is to use special in formatio n man ageme nt system (IMS).A n IMS can provide database,file systems and in/out in terfaces to man age a give n resource. For example there are several IMS tools in Co Design Space such as Product Data Man ageme nt System, Docume nt Man ageme nt System and so on. These systemsca n provide its special information which design users want.But the structure of design activities is much more complicated than these IM S could man age, because eve n a simple desig n project may invo Ive differe nt desig n resources such asdocuments, drafts and equipments. Not only product data or documents, design activities also need the support of organizations in design processes. This article puts forward a new design system which attempts to integrate different resources into the related desig n activities. That is task man ageme nt system (TMS).3 Task Breakdown Model3.1 Basis of Task BreakdownWhen people set out to accomplish a project, they usually separate it into a seque nee of tasks and finish them one by one. Each desig n project can be regarded as an aggregate of activities, roles and data. Here we define a task as a set of activities and resources and also having at least one objective. Because large tasks can be separated into small ones, if we separate a project target into several lower—level objectives, we defi ne that the project is broke n dow n into subtasks and each objective maps to a subtask. Obviously if each subtask is accomplished, the project is surely finished. So TMS integrates design activities and resources through planning these tasks.Net-based collaborative design mostly aims at products development. Project man agers (PM) assig n subtasks to desig ners or desig n teams who may locate in other cities. The designers and teams execute their own tasks under the constraints which are defined by the PM and negotiated with each other via the collaborative design en vir onment. So the desig ners and teams are in depe ndent collaborative part ners and have in compact coupli ng relati on ships. They are drive n together only by theft desig n tasks. After the PM have finished decomposing the project, each designer or team leader who has bee n assig ned with a subtask become a low-class PM of his own task. And he can do the same thing as his PM done to him, re-breaking down and re-assig ning tasks.So we put forward two rules for Task Breakdown in a net-based environment, in compact coupli ng and object-drive n. In compact coupli ng mea ns the less relati on ship betwee n two tasks. Whe n two subtasks were coupled too tightly, therequireme nt for com muni cati on betwee n their desig ners will in crease a lot. Too much com muni cati on wil1 not only waste time and reduce efficiency, but also bring errors. It will become much more difficult to man age project process tha n usually in this situati on. On the other hand every task has its own objective. From the view point of PM of a superior task each subtask could be a black box and how to execute these subtasks is unknown. The PM concerns only the results and constraints of these subtasks, and may never concern what will happe n in side it.3.2 Task Breakdown MethodAccord ing to the above basis, a project can be separated into several subtasks. And whe n this separati ng con ti nu es, it will fin ally be decomposed into a task tree. Except the root of the tree is a project, all eaves and branches are subtasks. Since a design project can be separatedinto a task tree, all its resources can be added to it depe nding on their relati on ship. For example, a Small-Sized-Satellite.Desig n (3SD) project can be broke n dow n into two desig n objectives as Satellite Hardware. Design (SHD) and Satellite-Software-Exploit (SSE). And it also has two teams. Desig n team A and desig n team B which we regard as desig n resources. Whe n A is assig ned to SSE and B to SHD. We break dow n the project as show n in Fig 1.It is alike to man age other resources in a project in this way. So whe n we defi ne a collaborative design project ' s task m od e lshould first claim the project ' s targets These targets in clude fun cti onal goals, performa nee goals, and quality goals and so on. Then we could confirm how to execute this project. Next we can go on to break dow n it. The project can be separated into two or more subtasks since there are at least two part ners in acollaborative project. Either we could separate the project into stepwise tasks, which have time seque nee relati on ships in case of some more complex projects and the n break dow n the stepwise tasks accord ing to their phase-to-phase goals.There is also another trouble in executing a task breakdown. When a task is broke n into several subtasks; it is not merely “ a simple sum motioof other tasks. In most cases their subtasks could have more complex relati ons.To solve this problem we use constraints. There are time sequenee constraint (TSC) and logic constraint (LC). The time sequence constraint defines the time relati on ships among subtasks. The TSC has four differe nt types, FF, FS, SF and SS. F means finish and S presents start. If we say Tabb is FS and lag four days, it means Tb should start no later tha n four days after Ta is fini shed.The logic constraint is much more complicated. It defines logic relationship among multiple tasks.Here is give n an example:Task TA is separated into three subtasks, Ta, T b and Tc. But there are two more rules.Tb and Tc can not be executed until T a is finished.Tb and T c can not be executed both that means if Tb was executed, Tc should not be executed, and vice versa. This depe nds on the result of Ta.So we say Tb and Tc have a logic con stra int. After finishing break ing dow n the tasks, we can get a task tree as Fig, 2 illustrates.4 TMS Realization4.1 TMS StructureAccord ing to our discussi on about task tree model and taskbreakdow n basis, we can develop a Task Man ageme nt System (TMS) based on Co Desig n Space using Java Ian guage, JSP tech no logy and Microsoft SQL 2000. The task man ageme nt system ' s structure is shown in Fig. 3.TMS has four main modules namely Task Breakdown, Role Management, Statistics and Query and Data In tegrati on. The Task Breakdow n module helps users to work out task tree. Role Management module performs authentication and authorization of access control. Statistics and Query module is an extra tool for users to find more information about their task. The last Data Integration Module provides in/out in terface for TMS with its peripheral en vir onment.4.2 Key Points in System Realization4.2.1 Integration with Co Design SpaceCo Desig n Space is an in tegrated in formatio n man ageme nt system which stores, shares and processes desig n data and provides a series of tools to support users. These tools can share all information in the database because they have a universal DataModel. Which is defined in an XML (extensible Markup Language) file, and has a hierarchical structure. Based on this XML structure the TMS h data mode1 definition is orga ni zed as follow ing.Notes: Element “Pros” a task node object, and “Processis a task set object which contains subtask objects and is bel ongs to a higher class task object. One task object can have no more than one “ Presseso b jects. According to this definition,“ Prcs o bjects are organized in a tree-formation process. The other objects are resources, such as task link object ( “ Presage ”sk notes ( “ ProNotes ”, )and task documents( “Attachments ” ) .These resources are shared in Co Design d atabase文章出处:计算机智能研究[J],47 卷,2007: 647-703基于网络的任务管理系统摘要在网络与设计协同化的环境下,设计资源变得越来越多样化和复杂化。

计算机毕业设计外文翻译-- 电路交换网与vb调用数据库

计算机毕业设计外文翻译-- 电路交换网与vb调用数据库




计算机专业中英文翻译外文翻译文献翻译英文参考文献及翻译Linux - Operating system of cybertimes Though for a lot of people , regard Linux as the main operating system to make up huge work station group, finish special effects of " Titanic " make , already can be regarded as and show talent fully. But for Linux, this only numerous news one of. Recently, the manufacturers concerned have announced that support the news of Linux to increase day by day, users' enthusiasm to Linux runs high unprecedentedly too. Then, Linux only have operating system not free more than on earth on 7 year this piece what glamour, get the favors of such numerous important software and hardware manufacturers as the masses of users and Orac le , Informix , HP , Sybase , Corel , Intel , Netscape , Dell ,etc. , OK?1.The background of Linux and characteristicLinux is a kind of " free (Free ) software ": What is called free, mean users can obtain the procedure and source code freely , and can use them freely , including revise or copy etc.. It is a result of cybertimes, numerous technical staff finish its research and development together through Inte rnet, countless user is it test and except fault , can add user expansion function that oneself make conveniently to participate in. As the most outstanding one in free software, Linux has characteristic of the following:(1)Totally follow POSLX standard, expand the network operatingsystem of supporting all AT&T and BSD Unix characteristic. Because of inheritting Unix outstanding design philosophy , and there are clean , stalwart , high-efficient and steady kernels, their all key codes are finished by Li nus T orvalds and otheroutstanding programmers, without any Unix code of AT&T or Berkeley, so Linu x is not Unix, but Linux and Unix are totally compatible.(2)Real many tasks, multi-user's system, the built-in networksupports, can be with such seamless links as NetWare , Windows NT , OS/2 ,Unix ,etc.. Network in various kinds of Unix it tests to be fastest in comparing and assess efficiency. Support such many kinds of files systems as FAT16 , FAT32 , NTFS , Ex t2FS , ISO9600 ,etc. at the same time .(3) Can operate it in many kinds of hardwares platform , including such processors as Alpha , SunSparc , PowerPC , MIPS ,etc., to various kinds of new-type peripheral hardwares, can from distribute on global numerous programmer there getting support rapidly too.(4) To that the hardware requires lower, can obtain very good performance on more low-grade machine , what deserves particular mention is Linux outstanding stability , permitted " year " count often its running times.2.Main application of Linux At present,Now, the application of Linux mainly includes:(1) Internet/Intranet: This is one that Linux was used most at present, it can offer and include Web server , all such Inter net services as Ftp server , Gopher server , SMTP/POP3 mail server , Proxy/Cache server , DNS server ,etc.. Linux kernel supports IPalias , PPP and IPtunneling, these functions can be used for setting up fictitious host computer , fictitious service , VPN (fictitious special-purpose network ) ,etc.. Operating Apache Web server on Linux mainly, the occupation rate of market in 1998 is 49%, far exceeds the sum of such several big companies asMicrosoft , Netscape ,etc..(2) Because Linux has outstanding networking ability , it can be usedin calculating distributedly large-scaly, for instance cartoon making , scientific caculation , database and file server ,etc..(3) As realization that is can under low platform fullness of Unix that operate , apply at all levels teaching and research work of universities and colleges extensively, if Mexico government announce middle and primary schools in the whole country dispose Linux and offer Internet service for student already.(4) Tabletop and handling official business appliedly. Application number of people of in this respect at present not so good as Windows of Microsoft far also, reason its lie in Lin ux quantity , desk-top of application software not so good as Windows application far not merely, because the characteristic of the freedom software makes it not almost have advertisement thatsupport (though the function of Star Office is not second to MS Office at the same time, but there are actually few people knowing).3.Can Linux become a kind of major operating system?In the face of the pressure of coming from users that is strengthened day by day, more and more commercial companies transplant its application to Linux platform, comparatively important incident was as follows, in 1998 ①Compaq and HP determine to put forward user of requirement truss up Linux at their servers , IBM and Dell promise to offer customized Linux system to user too. ②Lotus announce, Notes the next edition include one special-purpose edition in Linux. ③Corel Company transplants its famous WordPerfect to on Linux, and free issue.Corel also plans to move the other figure pattern process products to Linux platform completely.④Main database producer: Sybase , Informix , Oracle , CA , IBM have already been transplanted one's own database products to on Linux, or has finished Beta edition, among them Oracle and Informix also offer technical support to their products.4.The gratifying one is, some farsighted domestic corporations have begun to try hard to change this kind of current situation already. Stone Co. not long ago is it invest a huge sum of money to claim , regard Linux as platform develop a Internet/Intranet solution, regard this as the core and launch Stone's system integration business , plan to set up nationwide Linux technical support organization at the same time , take the lead to promote the freedom software application and development in China. In addition domestic computer Company , person who win of China , devoted to Linux relevant software and hardware application of system popularize too. Is it to intensification that Linux know , will have more and more enterprises accede to the ranks that Linux will be used with domestic every enterprise to believe, more software will be planted in Linux platform. Meanwhile, the domestic university should regard Linux as the original version and upgrade already existing Unix content of courses , start with analysing the source code and revising the kernel and train a large number of senior Linux talents, improve our country's own operating system. Having only really grasped the operating system, the software industry of our country could be got rid of and aped sedulously at present, the passive state led by the nose by others, create conditions for revitalizing the software industry of our country fundamentally.。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译(本科学生用)题目:Plc based control system for the music fountain 学生姓名:_ ___学号:060108011117 学部(系): 信息学部专业年级: _06自动化(1)班_指导教师: ___职称或学位:助教__20 年月日外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右):【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出版社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。

提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】英文节选原文:Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of a PLC controller. CPU itself is usually one of the microcontrollers. Aforetime these were 8-bit microcontrollers such as 8051, and now these are 16-and 32-bit microcontrollers. Unspoken rule is that you’ll find mostly Hitachi and Fujicu microcontrollers in PLC controllers by Japanese makers, Siemens in European controllers, and Motorola microcontrollers in American ones. CPU also takes care of communication, interconnectedness among other parts of PLC controllers, program execution, memory operation, overseeing input and setting up of an output. PLC controllers have complex routines for memory checkup in order to ensure that PLC memory was not damaged (memory checkup is done for safety reasons).Generally speaking, CPU unit makes a great number of check-ups of the PLC controller itself so eventual errors would be discovered early. You can simply look at any PLC controller and see that there are several indicators in the form. of light diodes for error signalization.System memory (today mostly implemented in FLASH technology) is used by a PLC for a process control system. Aside form. this operating system it also contains a user program translated forma ladder diagram to a binary form. FLASH memory contents can be changed only in case where user program is being changed. PLC controllers were used earlier instead of PLASH memory and have had EPROM memory instead of FLASH memory which had to be erased with UV lamp and programmed on programmers. With the use of FLASH technology this process was greatly shortened. Reprogramming a program memory is done through a serial cable in a program for application development.User memory is divided into blocks having special functions. Some parts of a memory are used for storing input and output status. The real status of an input is stored either as “1”or as “0”in a specific memory bit/ each input or output has one corresponding bit in memory. Other parts of memory are used to store variable contents for variables used in used program. For example, time value, or counter value would be stored in this part of the memory.PLC controller can be reprogrammed through a computer (usual way), but also through manual programmers (consoles). This practically means that each PLC controller can programmed through a computer if you have the software needed for programming. Today’s transmission computers are ideal for reprogramming a PLC controller in factory itself. This is of great importance to industry. Once the system is corrected, it is also important to read the right program into a PLC again. It is also good to check from time to time whether program in a PLC has not changed. This helps to avoid hazardous situations in factory rooms (some automakers have established communication networks which regularly check programs in PLC controllers to ensure execution only of good programs). Almost every program for programming a PLC controller possesses various useful options such as: forced switching on and off of the system input/outputs (I/O lines),program follow up in real time as well as documenting a diagram. This documenting is necessary to understand and define failures and malfunctions. Programmer can add remarks, names of input or output devices, and comments that can be useful when finding errors, or with system maintenance. Adding comments and remarks enables any technician (and not just a person who developed the system) to understand a ladder diagram right away. Comments and remarks can even quote precisely part numbers if replacements would be needed. This would speed up a repair of any problems that come up due to bad parts. The old way was such that a person who developed a system had protection on the program, so nobody aside from this person could understand how it was done. Correctly documented ladder diagram allows any technician to understand thoroughly how system functions.Electrical supply is used in bringing electrical energy to central processing unit. Most PLC controllers work either at 24 VDC or 220 VAC. On some PLC controllers you’ll find electrical supply as a separate module. Those are usually bigger PLC controllers, while small and medium series already contain the supply module. User has to determine how much current to take from I/O module to ensure that electrical supply provides appropriate amount of current. Different types of modules use different amounts of electrical current. This electrical supply is usually not used to start external input or output. User has to provide separate supplies in starting PLC controller inputs because then you can ensure so called “pure” supply for the PLC controller. With pure supply we mean supply where industrial environment can not affect it damagingly. Some of the smaller PLC controllers supply their inputs with voltage from a small supply source already incorporated into a PLC.中文翻译:从结构上分,PLC分为固定式和组合式(模块式)两种。

计算机专业b-s模式 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照

计算机专业b-s模式  外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照

外文翻译ENGLISHE:Develop Web application program using ASP the architecture that must first establish Web application. Now in application frequently with to have two: The architecture of C/S and the architecture of B/S.Client/server and customer end / server hold the architecture of C/S.The customer / server structure of two floor.Customer / server ( Client/Server ) model is a kind of good software architecture, it is the one of best application pattern of network. From technology, see that it is a logic concept, denote will a application many tasks of decomposing difference carry out , common completion is entire to apply the function of task. On each network main computer of web site, resource ( hardware, software and data ) divide into step, is not balanced, under customer / server structure, without the client computer of resource through sending request to the server that has resource , get resource request, so meet the resource distribution in network not balancedness. With this kind of structure, can synthesize various computers to cooperate with work, let it each can, realize the scale for the system of computer optimization ( Rightsizing ) with scale reduce to melt ( Downsizing ). Picture is as follows:It is most of to divide into computer network application into two, in which the resource and function that part supports many users to share , it is realized by server; Another part faces every user , is realized by client computer, also namely, client computer is usual to carry out proscenium function , realizes man-machine interaction through user interface , or is the application program of specific conducted user. And server usually carries out the function of backstage supporter , manages the outside request concerning seting up, accepting and replying user that shared. For a computer, it can have double function , is being certain and momentary to carve to act as server , and again becomes client computer in another time.Customer / server type computer divide into two kinds, one side who offers service is called as server , asks one side of service to be called as customer. To be able to offer service, server one side must have certain hardware and corresponding server software; Also, customer one side mustalso have certain hardware and corresponding customer software.There must be a agreement between server and customer, both sides communicate according to this agreement.Apply customer / server model in Internet service , the relation between customer and server is not immutable. Some Internet node offers service on the one hand , also gets service on the other hand from other node; It is even in one time dialogue course, mutual role also exchanges probably. As in carry out file transmission , if be called as one side who offers file server, is called as one side who gets file customer, when using get or mget order since another node takes file, can think that what self use and it is client computer , is using put or mput order to another node dispatch file can again think the machine that used self is server.Multilayer customer / server structureAlong with the development of enterprise application, recently, have again arisen a kind of new multilayer architecture, it applies customer end to divide into two minutes: Customer application and server apply. Customer application is the part of original customer application , is another and partial to have been transfered to server to apply. New customer application takes the responsibility for user interface and simple regular business logic and new server application resident core , changeable business logic. Therefore its structure has become new ( Client application + Server application )/Server structure. Following picture shows:This kind of structure has solved traditional Client/Server can expand problem, have reduced customer end business logic , and have reduced the requirement of customer end for hardware. At the same time because of a lot of business logic concentrations have gone to unitary application server on, the maintenance work of application system had been also concentrated together, have eliminated the problem in the traditional structure of Client/Server that software distributes. This kind of structure is called as the architecture of B/S.Browser/Server and browser / server hold the architecture of B/S. Onessence, Browser/Server is also a kind of structure of Client/Server, it is a kind of from the traditional two levels of structural development of Client/Server come to the three-layer structural special case of Client/Server that applied on Web.In the system of Browser/Server, user can pass through browser to a lot of servers that spread on network to send request. The structure of Browser/Server is maximum to have simplified the work of client computer, on client computer, need to install and deploy few customer end software only , server will bear more work, for database visit and apply program carry out will in server finish.Under the three-layer architecture of Browser/Server, express layer ( Presentatioon ) , function layer ( Business Logic ) , data layer ( Data Service ) have been cut the unit of 3 relative independences: It is the first layer of to express layer: Web browser.In expressing layer contain system show logic, locate in customer end. It's task is to suggest by Web browser to the certain a Web server on network that service is asked , after verifying for user identity, Web server delivers needed homepage with HTTP agreement to customer end, client computer accept the homepage file that passed , and show it in Web browser on.Second layer function layer: Have the Web server of the application function of program extension.In function layer contain the systematic handling of general affairs logic, locate in Web server end. It's task is the request concerning accepting user , need to be first conducted and corresponding to expand application program and database to carry out connection , passes through the waies such as SQL to database server to put forward data handling to apply for, then etc. database server the result of handling data submit to Web server, deliver again by Web server to return customer end.The number of plies of 3th according to layer: Database server.In data layer contain systematic data handling logic, locate in database server end. It's task is to accept the request that Web server controls for database, realization is inquired and modified for database , update etc. function, submit operation result to Web server.Careful analysis is been easy to see , the architecture of Browser/Server of three-layer is the handling of general affairs of the two levels of structure of Client/Server logic modular from the task of client computer in split , from the first floor of individual composition bear the pressure of its task and such client computer have alleviated greatly, distribute load balancedly and have given Web server, so from the structural change of Client/server of original two floor the structure of Browser/Server of three-layer. This kind of three-layer architecture following picture shows.This kind of structure not only client computer from heavy burden andthe requirement of performance that rises continuously for it in liberation come out , also defend technology people from heavy maintenance upgrading work in free oneself. Since client computer handles general affairs , logic partial minutes have given function server, make client computer right off " slender " a lot of, do not take the responsibility for handling complex calculation and data again visit etc. crucial general affairs, is responsible to show part, so, maintenance people do not rush about again for the maintenance work of program between every client computer, and put major energy in the program on function server update work. Between this kind of three-layer structural layer and layer, the mutually independent change of any first floor does not affect the function of other layer. It has changed the defect of the two levels of architecture of Client/Server of tradition from foundation, it is the transform with deep once in application systematic architecture.The contrast of two architecturesThe architecture of Browser/Server and the architecture ofClient/Server compare with all advantages that not only have the architecture of Client/Server and also have the architecture ofClinet/Server the unique advantage that place does not have: Open standard: The standard adopted by Client/Server only in department unification for but, it's application is often for special purpose.It is lower to develop and defend cost: It need to be implemented on all client computers that the application of Client/Server must develop the customer end software for special purpose, no matter installation and disposition escalate still, have wasted manpower and material resources maximumly. The application of Browser/Server need in customer end have general browser , defend and escalate to work in server end go on , need not carry out any change as customer holds , have reduced the cost of development and maintenance so greatly.It is simple to use , interface friendly: The interface of the user of Client/Server is decided by customer end software, interface and the method of its use are not identical each, per popularize a system of Client/Server ask user study from the beginning, is hard to use. The interface of the user of Browser/Server is unified on browser, browser is easy to use , interface friendly, must not study use again other software, the use of a Lao Yong Yi that has solved user problem.Customer end detumescence: The customer end of Client/Server has the function that shows and handles data , as the requirement of customer end is a client computer " it is fat " very high. The customer of Browser/Server holds the access that not takes the responsibility for database again and the etc. task of complex data calculation, need it only show , the powerful role that has played server fully is so large to have reduced the requirement for customer end, customer end become very " thin ".System is flexible: The 3 minutes of the system of Client/Server, in modular, have the part that need to change to want relation to the change of other modular, make system very difficult upgrading. The 3 minutes of the system of Browser/Server modular relative independence, in which a part of modular change, other modular does not get influence, it is very easy that system improve to become, and can form the system with much better performance with the product of different manufacturer.Ensure systematic safety: In the system of Client/Server, directly join with database server because of client computer, user can very easily change the data on server, can not guarantee systematic safety. The system of Browser/Server has increased a level of Web server between client computer and database server , makes two not to be directly linked again, client computer can not be directly controled for database, prevent user efficiently invade illegally.The architecture of Browser/Server of three-layer has the advantage that a lot of traditional architectures of Client/Server does not have , and is close to have combined the technology of Internet/Intranet, is that the tendency of technical development tends to , it application system tape into one brand-new develop times. From this us option the configuration of B/S the architecture that develops as system.what are C/S with B/SFor " C/S " with the technology of " B/S " develop change know , first,must make it clear that 3 problems.( 1 ) What is the structure of C/S.C/S ( Client/Server ) structure, the server structure and client computer that all know well. It is software systematic architecture, through it can hold hardware environment fully using two advantage, realize task reasonable distribution to Client end and Server end , have reduced systematic communication expense. Now, the most systems of application software are the two levels of structure of the form of Client/Server , are developing to the Web application of distribution type since current software application is systematic, Web and the application of Client/Server can carry out same business handling , apply different modular to share logic assembly; Therefore it is systematic that built-in and external user can visit new and existing application , through the logic in existing application system, can expand new application system. This is also present application system develop direction. Traditional C /S architecture though adopting is open pattern, but this is the openness that system develops a level , in specific application no matter Client end orServer end the software that need to still specify support. Because of the software software that need to develop different edition according to the different system of operating system that can not offer the structure of C/S and the open environment of user genuine expectation , besides, the renovation of product is very rapid, is nearly impossible to already meet the 100 computer above users of local area network at the same time use. Price has low efficiency high. If my courtyard uses , Shanghai exceed the orchid company's management software " statistics of law case" is typical C /S architecture management software.( 2 ) What is the structure of B/S.B/S ( Browser/Server ) structure browser and server structure. It is along with the technology of Internet spring up , it is for the structure of improvement or a kind of change of the structure of C/S. Under this kind of structure, user working interface is to realize through WWW browser, lose the logic of general affairs very much in front( Browser) realization, but the major logic of general affairs in server end( Server) realization, form the three-layer claimed 3-tier structure. So, have simplified customer end computer load greatly , have alleviated system to defend workload and the cost with upgrading , have reduced the overall cost of user ( TCO ). With present technology see , local area network the network application that establishes the structure of B/S , and under the pattern of Internet/Intranet, database application is easy to hold relatively , cost also is lower. It is that oneness goes to the development of position , can realize different people, never same place, with difference receive the way of entering ( for example LAN, WAN, Internet/Intranet etc.) visit and operate common database; It can protect data platform efficiently with management visit limits of authority, server database is also safe. Now in my courtyard, net ( Intranet ) , outer net ( Internet ) with Beijing eastern clear big company " law case and the management software of official business " is the structural management software of B/S , policemen each working station in local area network pass through WWW browser can realize working business. Especially in JAVA step platform language appearance after, the configuration management software of B/S is more facilitated , is shortcut, efficient.( 3 ) The management software technology of main stream.The technology of main stream of management software technology is as management thought , have also gone through 3 develop period. First, interface technology goes to Windows graph interface ( or graph user interface GUI ) from last century DOS character interface, till Browser browser interface 3 differences develop period. Secondly, today own the browser interface of computer, is not only visual and is easy to use , what is more major is that any its style of application software based on browser platform is as, make the requirement of choosing a person for the job for operating training not high and software operability is strong , is easy to distinguish; Moreover platform architecture the file that also goes to today from past single user development /server ( F /S ) system and client computer /server ( C /S ) system and browser /server ( B /S ) system.The comparison of C/S and B/SC/S and B/S is the now world two technologies of main stream of developing pattern technical configuration. C/S is that American Borland company researches and develop most early, B/S is that American Microsoft researches and develop. Now this two technologies with quilt world countries grasp , it is many that domestic company produce article with C/S and the technical development of B/S. This two technologies have the certain market share of self , is with customer crowd , each domestic enterprise says that own management software configuration technical function is powerful, advanced, convenient , the customer group that can lift , have a crowd scholar ink guest to shake flag self cry out , advertisement flies all over the sky , may be called benevolent to see kernel, sage sees wisdomC/S configures inferior position and the advantage of software( 1 ) Application server operation data load is lightcomparatively.The database application of the most simple architecture of C/S is become by two partial groups, customer applies program and database server program. Both can be called as proscenium program and the program of backstage supporter respectively. The machine of operation database server program is also called as application server. Once server program had been started , waits the request concerning responding customer program hair at any time; Customer application program operation can becalled as customer computer on the own computer of user, in correspondence with database server, when needs carry out any operation for the data in database, customer program seeks server program voluntarily , and sends request to it, server program is regular as basis intends to make to reply, send to return result, application server operation data load is lighter.( 2 ) Data store management function relatively transparent.In database application data store management function, is carried out respectively independently by server program and customer application program , is regular as proscenium application can violate , and usually those different( no matter is have known still unknown ) operations data, in server program, do not concentrate realization, for instance visit limits of authority, serial number can be repeated , must have customer talent establishment the rule order. It is these to own , for the last user that works on proscenium program is " transparent ", they need not be interest in ( can not usually also interfere ) the course of behind, can complete own all work. In the application of customer server configuration proscenium program not is very " thin ", troublesome matter is delivered to server and network. In the system of C/S take off , database can not become public really , professionally more competent storehouse, it gets independent special management.( 3 ) The inferior position of the configuration of C/S is high maintenance cost make investment just big.First, with the configuration of C/S, will select proper database platform to realize the genuine "unification" of database data, make the data synchronism that spreads in two lands complete deliver by database system go to manage, but the logically two operators of land will directly visit a same database to realize efficiently , have so some problems, if needs establishment the data synchronism of " real time ", the database server that must establish real time communication connection between two places and maintains two lands is online to run , network management staff will again want to defend and manage for customer end as server defends management , maintenance and complex tech support and the investment of this high needs have very high cost, maintenance task is measured.Secondly, the software of the structure of C/S of tradition need to develop thesoftware of different edition according to the different system of operating system , is very rapid because of the renovation of product, price is working needs high with inefficient already do not meet. In JAVA step platform language appearance after, the configuration of B/S is more vigorous impact C/S , and forms threat and challenge for it. .The advantage of B/S configuration software( 1 ) The Maintenance of inferior position and upgrading way are simple.Now upgrading and the improvement of software system more and more frequently, the product of the configuration of B/S embodies more convenient property obviously. For one a little a little bit big unit , if systematic administrator needs , between hundreds of 1000 even last computers round trip run , efficiency and workload is to can imagine, but the configuration of B/S software needs management server have been all right , all customer ends are browser only, need not do any maintenance at all. No matter the scale of user has , is what , has how many branch will not increase any workload of maintenance upgrading , is all to operate needs to aim at server to go on; If need differently only, net server connection specially , realize long-range maintenance and upgrading and share. So client computer more and more " thin ", and server more and more " fat " is the direction of main stream of future informative development. In the future, software upgrading and maintenance will be more and more easy , and use can more and more simple, this is for user manpower , material resources, time and cost save is obvious , it is astonishing. Therefore defend and escalate revolutionary way is the client computer " it is thin ", " is fat " server.( 2 ) Cost reduction, it is more to select.All know windows in the computer of top of a table on nearly one Tong world, browser has become standard disposition, but on server operating system, windows is in absolute dominance position not. Current tendency is the application management software that uses the configuration of B/S all , need to install only in Linux server on , and safety is high. The so server option of operating system is many, no matter choosing those operating system, can let the most of ones use windows in order to the computer of top of a table of operating system does not get influence, this for make most popular free Linux operating system develop fast, Linux except operatingsystem is free besides, it is also free to link database, this kind of option is very pupular.Say, many persons on daily, "Sina website" nets , so long as having installed browser for can , and what need not know the server of " Sina website " to use is that what operating system, and in fact the most of websites do not use windows operating system really, but the computer of user is most of as installing to be windows operating system.( 3 ) Application server operation data load value comparatively.Since B/S configures management, software installation in server end ( Server ) on, it is been all right that network administrator need to manage server only, the user interface major logic of general affairs in server ( Server ) end pass through WWW browser completely realization, lose the logic of general affairs very much in front( Browser) realization, all customer ends has only browser, network administrator need to do hardware maintenance only. But application server operation data load is heavier, once occuring " server collapse " to wait for problem, consequence is unimaginable. Therefore a lot of units have database to stock server , are ready for any eventuality.原文翻译:利用ASP开发Web应用程序首先必须确立Web应用的体系结构。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料题目:B/S结构文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14附件1:外文资料翻译译文B/S结构B/S结构即Browser/Server(浏览器/服务器)结构,是伴随着互联网技术出现的一种对C/S结构的改变或者说是改进。

在这种结构中,用户界面通过WWW 来达到在前端充分实现部分逻辑的目的,但最主要的逻辑在服务器中实现,从而形成一个所谓的三层结构。

B/S结构主要被用于成熟的WWW技术,与多种浏览器脚本语言(VBScript, JavaScript)以及ActiveX技术相结合。

















计算机专业VB类通用外文翻译及文献Visual Basic language and arithmeticThe United States launched the Microsoft Visual Basic (may be referred to VB, is the latest version of the current VB 2021 Beta2 (VB9 Chinese version.Visual meaning the visual, visible, referring to the development of operating systems like windows graphical user interface (Graphic User Interface, GUI method, it does not need to prepare a large number code to describe the appearance of the interface elements and location, as long as the pre - The establishment of good drag and drop objects on the screen corresponding to the location.Basic is actually an abbreviation of the phrase; this phrase is Beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code, the Chinese meaning \language.\Visual Basic learning, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition versions to meet the different needs of the development. Study and apply to the ordinary version of the majority of learners and the use of Visual Basic development of the general staff of Windows applications, but; professional version for computer professional development of staff, including the study of functional version of the full content control and Internet development tools such as advanced features ,Enterprise contain not only all the professional version of the content, there are automated tools such as Component Manager, professional programmers to make the development of a powerful group essence of distributed applications.Visual BasicSection 1 the summary of Visual BasicMicrosoft Visual Basic,( abbreviate VB as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform. No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it canbe relaxed and convenient. So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner.\need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow and show controlling part that need corresponding position to get screen can help figure design interface, user of figure,; \language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language.VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development; Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present.Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, and adjustable service end part. Utilize ActiveX(TM technology, VB can use word processor, electronic data list he Windows function that application program offers extremely, Excel of Microsoft,, Word of Microsoft,, Even can use by VB specialty edition or enterprise application program and target thatedition establish directly.The procedure that users established finally is a real .EXE file , can issue freely . VB offer study edition, the specialty edition and enterprise edition, use to satisfied with different development demands. Study edition make programming personnel develop Windows and Windows application program of NT very easily. The specialty edition has offered the developing instrument with complete function to programming personnel of the specialty, Include studying all functions of edition in the specialty edition. Enterprise edition allow the professional personnel to establish strong distributedapplication program in the form of group. It includes all characteristics of the specialty edition. So can choose different editions according to different needs.Section 2 integrated development environmentsIntegrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, tool fence, controlling part case, And window body window, engineering management device window, attribute window, code window and window body overall arrangement window body overall arrangement, etc. of designing etc.. Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc..In VB, the application program calls the project too. When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show.Visual Basic Integrated development environmentVB come and organize development of application program through project, use project come and manage and form files of application program. One project uses the environment to make up by several window bodies, standard module generally. The system manages project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote . System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides.Section 3 Visual Basic language brief introductionsBasic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most. Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC. As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular. Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line by line , So it can see the result carried out at once , this is a very convenient design for beginner. But it have concept of structure either, onethat is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems. But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above (such as Quick Basic, make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too.The language is the basic composition, which forms VB procedure. VB has stipulated the form of sentences and function.Grammar:The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body]Sentence define agree with and used in fixed function of sentence, sentence body appoint concrete content or want concrete operation that carry out of sentence. All set of sentence VB language, carry on with VB sentence organic association finish acertain specific function the procedure. Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem.VB application program code window write in\editing machine ofcode\specialization, there are many easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In\“Editing machine of code” windowSection 4 develop the application program with Visual BasicUse VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more.The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows:Establish application program interfaceThe interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and vision frame of the button, menu, text frameset. with standard WINDOWS interface of application program that VB establish. Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface.2. Design by each attributes of target in interfaceDemand and set up each attribute of target such as appearance, name,, size of targeted. according to interface of planning.Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedurethrough programming in procedure code. Have the targets respond programming by procedure code3. Respond procedure code of programming targetInterface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through\such as responding, information processing,etc. after acceptingexternal message, Add code , realize some response, information processingthat make after accepting external information task, As editor's window ofcode pursued shows add codes “code editing machine” wi ndow4. Keep projectOne VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called. Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associated感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。



Analysis of Database Programming in VBVB (Visual Basic) is Microsoft Corporation promotes based on the Basic language visualization programming environment, but by its simple easy to study, the function formidable time the general computer amateur's favor, many application software all use VB to take the software development platform. In uses VB to develop the application software in the process, how uses the database and carries on the management for the database is all exploiter issue of concern.VB was the database programming has provided very many tools and the way, actually selected what method to carry on the database the visit to rely on user's different demand, the following on makes a simple analysis to the VB database programming way.1.DAO technologyThrough Microsoft Jet Database Engine (Jet database engine), DAO (Data Access Object) the technology mainly provides visit to ISAM (smooth index search method) type database, like realization visit to database and so on FoxPro, Access, Dbase.1.1 uses Data to controlData controls are uses in the toolbox “Data” the button to produce. Should control to have 3 basic attributes: Connect, Database Name and RecordSource.Connect attribute specified data controls the database type which must visit, the default is the Access database; The Database Name attribute value for contains the complete way the database filename; The Record Source attribute value for the record compendium which must visit, may be shows, but also SQL sentence. If visits under D plate TEMP folder teacher mdb in the database file table stud, then Data controls the Connect attribute for spatially, the Database Name attribute is “D: \ temp \ teacher mdb”, the Record Source attribute value is “stud”.Like this realized Data to control and between the database recording data binding, through transferred Data to control method realizations and so on the Add new, Update, Delete, Move last visit to the database each kind of request, when carried on the database content browsing, Data controlled also frequently to control the coordinate use with Degrade, provided the grid way the data inquiry.1.2 uses the DAO object storehouseThe DAO object storehouse model mainly uses the hierarchical structure, Dentine is the topmost story object, below has Errors and the workspace two object sets, under the workspace object is the Databases set. Quotes the DAO object storehouse when the application procedure, only can produce a Dentine object, and produces a default automatically working space object workspace, in other has not assigned in the situation, all database operation all is in workspace(0) carries out in the default work area, but must pay attention: The Jet engine starts after VB cannot load automatically, only then chooses References in the Project menu item, then selects Microsoft DAO 3.5 Object Library only then to be possible to use. uses the Create Database method foundation database in DAO, with the CreateTableDef method foundation table, opens the database with the Open Database method which assigns, opens the record compendium with the Open record set method, uses Add new, Update, Delete, Move first, Edit methods and so on record set object to be possible to realize for table each kind of operation.Through the DAO other method transfer, may realize to the table other operations.1.RDO technologyRDO is provides to relates the ODBC data pool visit connection. When needs to visit other database like SQL Server, Oracle, when specially needs to establish the customer/server application procedure, may use the long range data to control RDC (Remote Data Control) and long range data object RDO (Remote Data Control) realizes through the ODBC driver visit to the database.Uses ODBC visits when some database must first install the corresponding driver, establishes a data pool, through data pool visit corresponding database which assigns. Establishes the ODBC data pool is turns on “the control panel” the window, double-clicks the ODBC executive program the icon, in opens in the ODBC data pool supervisor dialog box single-clicks “Add” the butt on to found the data pool, and chooses corresponding database.2.1 uses RDC to controlControls with DATA to be very similar in the use, assigns with the Data source name attribute to control a binding the data source name, assigns the record compendium with the SQL attribute, different is, controls in the SQL attribute in RDC to have to use the SQL sentence to assign. When database browsing also frequently controls the union use with DBGrid.2.2 uses the RDO object storehouseIn uses in front of the RDO object, should choose References in the Project menu item, after selects “Microsoft Remote Data Object 2.0”only then to be possible to use.uses RDO to visit the ODBC data pool the step is:(1) Establishes a RDO environment object.(2) Uses the Open connection method to open an ODBC data pool.(3) Uses the Open Result set method to establish the result collection object.(4) Use assigns the method, carries on each kind of operation to the result centralism recording.After founds the as this result collection object, is similar with the DAO object storehouse use, may through transfer method realizations and so on its Add new, Update, Delete visit to assign the data pool each kind of request.3.ADO technologyADO (ActiveX Data Objects) is the Microsoft most recent data accessing technology, he uses general data accessing connection UDA (Universal Data Access), all data standard will be one kind of data pool, passes through OLE the DB connection filtration, transforms one kind of general data format by the same way, enables the application procedure to visit this kind of data.OLE DB is an underlying bed data accessing connection, may visit each kind of data pool with him, including traditional relations database, as well as electronic mail system and from definition commercial object.3.1 uses ADO to controlsingle-clicks the Components order in the Project menu, selects “Microsoft ADO Data Control in the Components dialog box 6.0 (OLE DB)”, may control ADO to increase to controls in a box.controls the Connection string attribute through ADO to establish the database file which OLE DB Provider and assigns, the Record Source attribute establishes ADO to control the connected record source. Are similar with DAO and RDO, controls through ADO with the recording source connection, may realize to each kind of databasefast access.3.2 uses the ADO object storehouseSingle-clicks the References order i n the Project menu, selects “Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library” in the References dialog box, may increase in the project to the ADO object storehouse quotation.Beforehand object model, like DAO and RDO all are the level, low data object like Record set is several high level object like Environment and the Queried sub-object. But ADO is actually different, he has defined a group of plane top object, the most important 3 ADO object is Connection, Record set and Command.The Connection object uses in establishing the application procedure and the data pool connection; The Command object uses in defining a SQL sentence, a memory process or other carries on the operation to the data the order; After the Record set object preservation execution order returns record compendium.Through transfers the Record set object the alternative means, may realize to operations and so on record compendium revision, deletion, inquiry.4 conclusionsVB provided the very many method realization to the database operation, in which DAO main realization visit to ISAM database, RDO has provided to the ODBC data pool connection, RDO and DAO all has developed for the quite mature technology, in VB in front of 6.0 is the main database visit technology, but Active Data Objects(ADO) the recent generation of database interface which promotes as Microsoft, is designed with recent data accessing level OLE DB the Provider together joint operation, provides the general data accessing (Universal Data Access), he has provided very many advantage to the VB programmer, including easy to use, the familiar contact surface, the high velocity as well as the low memory takes (Has realized ADO2.0 Msado15.dll to need to take the 342K memory, is slightly smaller than RDO Msrdo20.dll 368K, probably is DAO3.5 Dao350.dll occupies the memory 60%), as a result of above reason, ADO gradually will replace other data accessing connection, will become the VB visit database the fundamental mode.VB的数据库编程方案分析VB(Visual Basic)是微软公司推出的基于Basic语言的可视化编程环境,以其简单易学、功能强大而倍受广大电脑爱好者的青睐,许多应用软件都采用VB作为软件开发平台。



communication method of computer and total—station instruments of data at VB environment [Summary]this text mainly inquiry in to carried out communication between computer and the total-station instrument data under VisualBasic6.0(call VB as follows) environments。

Two kinds of communication methods:the usage mscomm control and the function of windows API. The application that also combined a solid example to carry out their string to go communication Procedure and step。

Finally carried on comparison and summary to two kinds of methods.[Keyword]Visual Basic 6。

0 data communication the mscomm controlAll of the electronics total—station instrument because its function is strong and operate convenience and consumedly raised an open country homework efficiency。

Therefore it just and gradually replace traditional diagraph instrument and it is expanded for an application。

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Visual Basic language and arithmeticThe United States launched the Microsoft Visual Basic (may be referred to VB, is the latest version of the current VB 2008 Beta2 (VB9 Chinese version.Visual meaning the visual, visible, referring to the development of operating systems like windows graphical user interface (Graphic User Interface, GUI method, it does not need to prepare a large number code to describe the appearance of the interface elements and location, as long as the pre - The establishment of good drag and drop objects on the screen corresponding to the location.Basic is actually an abbreviation of the phrase; this phrase is Beginners all-purpose symbolic instruction code, the Chinese meaning "to the initial directive GM symbol code language."Visual Basic learning, Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition versions to meet the different needs of the development. Study and apply to the ordinary version of the majority of learners and the use of Visual Basic development of the general staff of Windows applications, but; professional version for computer professional development of staff, including the study of functional version of the full content control and Internet development tools such as advanced features ,Enterprise contain not only all the professional version of the content, there are automated tools such as Component Manager, professional programmers to make the development of a powerful group essence of distributed applications.Visual BasicSection 1 the summary of Visual BasicMicrosoft Visual Basic,( abbreviate VB as tool the most of application program one of under Windows operating platform. No matter beginner or professional developer, VB has all offered a whole set of tools to them, Development application program that it canbe relaxed and convenient. So VB as most computer first-selected the ABC of programming language of beginner." Visual" mean method to adopt visual user of development figure interface (GUI, need and write a large number of code go and describe interface appearance and position of element seldom, Tow and show controlling part that need corresponding position to get screen can help figure design interface, user of figure,; " Basic" means BASIC language, because VB is developed on the basis of already existing BAISC language.VB is a kind of programming language in common use of Microsoft, It, including VBA of the numerous Windows application software use VB language in Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Accessed., For users to carry on the secondary development; Make web page use more VBScript script language sub collection of VB too at present.Utilize data of VB visit characteristic user can establish the data base to most data base forms including Microsoft SQL Server and other enterprises data base With the application program of front, and adjustable service end part. Utilize ActiveX(TM technology, VB can use word processor, electronic data list he Windows function that application program offers extremely, Excel of Microsoft,, Word of Microsoft,, Even can use by VB specialty edition or enterprise application program and target thatedition establish directly.The procedure that users established finally is a real .EXE file , can issue freely .VB offer study edition, the specialty edition and enterprise edition, use to satisfied with different development demands. Study edition make programming personnel develop Windows and Windows application program of NT very easily. The specialty edition has offered the developing instrument with complete function to programming personnel of the specialty, Include studying all functions of edition in the specialty edition. Enterprise edition allow the professional personnel to establish strong distributedapplication program in the form of group. It includes all characteristics of the specialty edition. So can choose different editions according to different needs.Section 2 integrated development environmentsIntegrated environment of VB call IDE, made up of a lot of parts , include title board, menu fence, tool fence, controlling part case, And window body window, engineering management device window, attribute window, code window and window body overall arrangement window body overall arrangement, etc. of designing etc.. Have covered all functions, such as design which develops the application program, editting, compiling and debugging, etc..In VB, the application program calls the project too. When start VB and open a new project for the first time, can see and pursue integrated development environment interface that show.Visual Basic Integrated development environmentVB come and organize development of application program through project, use project come and manage and form files of application program. One project uses the environment to make up by several window bodies, standard module generally. The system manages project through the project menu, for instance add the window body, quote . System allow turn on and manage a lot of projects besides.Section 3 Visual Basic language brief introductionsBasic use and do the elementary high-level language that used often most. Its full name is Beginner' s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, abbreviate as BASIC. As its name suggests, Basic one specially for language that beginner design, because it easy to learn easy to know, So the body is popular. Early Basic language to belong to and solve translating type, so can carry out line by line , So it can see the result carried out at once , this is a very convenient design for beginner. But it have concept of structure either, onethat is in procedure maintain and management have as much as other language problems. But back-end Basic correct shortcoming of the above (such as Quick Basic, make it may used for and develop the large-scaler procedure too.The language is the basic composition, which forms VB procedure. VB has stipulated the form of sentences and function.Grammar:The sentence defines incantations [Sentence body]Sentence define agree with and used in fixed function of sentence, sentence body appoint concrete content or want concrete operation that carry out of sentence. All set of sentence VB language, carry on with VB sentence organic association finish acertain specific function the procedure. Interface + procedure can solve a certain application problem.VB application program code window write in" code editing machine" generally. " editing machine of code" is like the word processing software of a piece of height specialization, there are many easies function of writing VB code, Pursue to show [Example Ex-Hello ]In" code editing machine" code that window written.“Editing machine of code” windowSection 4 develop the application program with Visual BasicUse VB programming, design appearance of application program first generally, write every target procedure code or other treatment procedure of incident respectively, Work of programming should be light more.The procedure of establishing the application program is as follows:Establish application program interfaceThe interface is the mutual bridge of user and procedure, Generally formed of window body and vision frame of the button, menu, text frameset. with standard WINDOWS interface of application program that VB establish. Require according to function of procedure and user and need of information interchange of procedure, Come to confirm that need those targets , plan the overall arrangement of the interface.2. Design by each attributes of target in interfaceDemand and set up each attribute of target such as appearance, name,, size of targeted. according to interface of planning.Most attribute person who fetch can set up through the attribute window when design already, Too can set up revising when operating in procedure through programming in procedure code. Have the targets respond programming by procedure code3. Respond procedure code of programming targetInterface determine appearance of procedure only, design window add codes through" code editing machine" soon after the interface, Realize some make the tasks, such as responding, information processing,etc. after accepting external message, Add code , realize some response, information processing that make after accepting external information task, As editor's window of code pursued shows add codes “code editing machine” wi ndow4. Keep projectOne VB procedure one project, at the time of designing a application program, system will set up one be expanded and called. Project file of vbp, project file include all relevant information of file that project set up this, Keep project keep associateddocuments of project this at the same time. For example the window body produced when design interfaces is kept and being expanded and being called. Frm sum. In the window body of foxfire. At the time of opening a project( file, this project relevant files load at the same time.5. Operate and debugged by procedureOperate the procedure thoroughpin operate" selecting in the menu, when the mistake appears, VB system can offer information prompt can looked for and get ridof the mistake thoroughpin debug" within operate" menus too.6. Can produce by executive programFor make procedure can break away from VB environment, order to become next life through" file"" producing project 1.exe" of menu but executive program (eyeful, Can carry out this file directly after this. In produce, + executive program, and then through install guide bale all associated documents, Can run independently after installation under the environment of windows 9 x/2000 as a software product.In computer system's any software, is by the every large or small each kind of software constituent constitution, defers to the specific algorithm to realize respectively, the algorithm quality direct decision realizes the software performance fit and unfit quality. Designs the algorithm with any method, what resources designs the algorithm to need, requires how many running time, how many storage space, how to determine an algorithm the quality, when realizes a software, is must give to solve. In computer system's operating system, the language compiling system, the database management system as well as in various computer application system's software, must use each one concrete algorithm to realize. Therefore, the algorithm design and the analysis are the computer science and a technical core question.The algorithm is the problem-solving step, we may define the algorithm Cheng Jie a determination class question the random one special method. In the computer science, the algorithm needs to use the computer algorithmic language to describe, the algorithm represents with the computer solves a kind of question precisely, the effective method. The algorithm construction of data = procedure, solves one to assign may calculate or the solvable question, the different person may compile the different procedure, solves the identical problem, here has two problems: First, with computational method close related algorithm question; Second, programming technical question. Between the algorithm and the procedure has the close relationship. The algorithm is a group has the poor rule, they had stipulated solves some specific type question a series of operations, is to the problem solving plan accurate and the complete description. Formulates an algorithm, generally must pass through stages and so on design, confirmation, analysis, code, test, debugging, time. To algorithm study including five aspect contents:① Design algorithm. The algorithm design work is impossible completely the automation, should study the understanding already by the practice to prove that was the useful some basic algorithm design method, these basic design method was not only suitable for the computer science, moreover was suitable for domains and so on electrical engineering, operations research;②Expresses the algorithm. The description algorithm's method has many kinds of forms, for example the natural language and the algorithmic language, have the suitable environment and the characteristic respectively;③Confirms the algorithm. The algorithm confirmed the goal is causes the people to believe firmly that this algorithm can work unmistakably correctly, namely this algorithm has the circularity. The correct algorithm describes with the computer algorithmic language, constitutes the computer program, the computer program moves on the computer, obtains thealgorithm operation result;④ Parsing algorithm. The algorithmic analysis is requires how many computing time and the storage space to an algorithm makes the quota the analysis. The parsing algorithm may forecast that what environment this algorithm does suit in moves effectively, to solves the identical question different algorithm validity tomake the comparison;⑤ Confirmation algorithm. With machine language description algorithm whether can calculate effectively, reasonable, must carry on the test to the procedure, the test order work and makes the space and time distribution map by the debugging to be composed.But the algorithm has certain characteristic, it includes:①Determinism. Algorithm each kind of operation must have the determination significance, this kind of operation should carry out what kind of movement should not to have the ambiguity, the goal is clear;②Effectiveness. Requests the operation which in the algorithm waits for realizing is basic, each kind of operation can at least completes in the principle by the human with the paper and the pen in the limited time;③ Input. An algorithm has 0 or the many inputs, before the algorithm operation starts gives the algorithm to need the data the starting value, these inputs are from the specific object set;④Output. Does for the algorithm operation result, an algorithm has or many outputs, the output has some kind of specific relational quantity with the input;⑤ Has poor. An algorithm always after carrying out had the poor step operation has terminated, namely this algorithm was may reach.Satisfies a first four characteristic group of rule not to be able to be called the algorithm, can only be called the computational process, the operating system is a computational process example, the operating system uses for to manage the computer resources, controls the manufacture industry movement, when has not made industry the movement, the computational process does not stop, but is at the waiting status.The algorithm complexity is the algorithm efficiency measure, when appraises the algorithm performance, the complexity is an important basis. The algorithm complex degree with moves computer resources how many which this algorithm needs related, needs the resources are more, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is higher; Needs the resources are less, indicated that this algorithm the complexity is lower.The spatial resources, which computer’s resources, operate most importantly, needs the time which and the stored routine and the data need, the algorithm complexity has division time complexity and the spatial complexity.The algorithm carries out the operation on the computer, needs the data which certain storage space depositing description algorithm the procedure and the algorithm need, the computer completes the operation task to require certain time. The procedure which writes according to the different algorithm places when on the computer operates, needs the time and the space are different, the algorithm complexity is needs the time and the spatial one kind of measure to the algorithm operation. The different computer its operating speed difference is very big, is weighing an algorithm the complexity to note this point.Regarding question, which assigns willfully, a profitable target which designs,the complex low algorithm is as far as possible when designs algorithm considered. Moreover, when the question, which assigns already when has many kinds of algorithms, an important criterion which choice complexity low, is when selects algorithm should follow. Therefore, the algorithm complex analysis or selects to the algorithm design has the important guiding sense and the use value.When discussion algorithm complexity, two questions need to clarify:(1 An algorithm's complexity expresses with what kind of quantity;(2 How to calculate one to assign the algorithm the complexity. After finding solvesa question the algorithm, is this algorithm realization, as for whether could find the method which realized, was decided in the algorithm circularity and the computation complexity, whether this question did have the solution algorithm, whether to provide the time resources which and the spatial resources the algorithm needed.Visual Basic 语言与算法1991年,美国微软公司推出了Visual Basic(可简称VB,目前的最新版本是VB 2008 Beta2(VB9中文版。
