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地球上最寒冷地方The earth's coldest continent
极度不适合生物生存the one that is most hostile to life.
零下40摄氏度it's 40 degrees below zero.
地球上数百万种动物中Of all the millions of species of animals on Earth
只有一种能一直在此生存only one can live here permanently.
威德尔海豹A Weddell seal.
它能生存是因为可以潜到冰层下面She can survive because she can dive below the ice.
使自己不受上面的暴风雪袭击Here she is protected from the storms above
这里也能找到食物and here too
但它是哺乳动物,必须呼吸空气But she is a mammal
所以它必须守住一条通到冰层上面的生命线so she has to keep a lifeline open to the world above the ice.
不只是为自己Not only for her
也为刚出生的幼仔but now for her newborn pup.
它还没一周大,仍旧很脆弱He's less than a week old
暴风雪来袭,力量强劲A blizzard blows in
可以持续一周It could last for a week.
作为哺乳类,海豹可以体内产热Being mammals
皮毛下面是一层厚厚的脂肪And their fur
能防止绝大多数的热量散失prevents most of that heat from escaping
即便是在这么冷的情况下even in cold conditions like this.
更重要的是,它能用哺乳动物所特有的What is more
乳汁,来哺育后代with that mammalian speciality
哺乳时,它还为幼仔遮挡住暴风雪And while she does so
整个冬天,它都孜孜不倦地工作She has worked hard throughout the winter to prevent her breathing hole
防止通气孔被冰冻封住in the ice from freezing over.
这需要持久的专注That requires constant attention -
用牙齿清除洞周围的冰filing back the edges of the hole with her teeth.
一旦幼仔长到适合游泳,就得跟它一起下水Her pup needs to join her under the ice as soon as he can swim properly.
它鼓励它第一次下水She encourages him to take his first plunge
奇怪的是,它一点也不紧张hardly surprisingly
同时能够在水下迷宫里找到返回通气孔的路and to find his way back through the maze to his hole in the ice.
体温、皮毛、乳汁以及母亲的呵护A warm body
是海豹在这严寒里生存必不可少的for the Weddell seal's survival in this freezing environment. 这些特点有助哺乳动物And those qualities have helped the mammals
统治整个地球to colonise the entire globe.
东非赤道地带Equatorial East Africa.
是一个与南极洲完全不同的世界It's hard to image a place more different from Antarctica.
要在这里生存,哺乳类需要额外的智慧To survive here
这三个窝点是一种小动物的领地This tree shelters the territory of a tiny mammal
花费了它毕生的精力辛勤打理that spends its whole life in frenzied activity.
以前被称作长鼻鼩It used to be called an elephant shrew
现在有个非洲化的名字:森吉(扎伊尔硬币)but now it's called by its African name of sengi. 这是一只红褐色的雌性sengi This is a female rufous sengi.
为了得到足够的食物To get all the food she needs
它必须勤劳而又灵巧she has to be both industrious and ingenious.
它为设计了错综复杂的路线She has made an intricate network of trails
帮助自己有效地猎食昆虫that enable her to hunt her insect prey very efficiently.
但这些通道在遭遇天敌时But these pathways have another important function
有重要的作用when she meets her enemies.
能否在头脑中牢记这张路线图关系着Having a map of these trails in her head can mean the difference
生存between life...
或死亡..and death.
跟爬行类不同,像大多数哺乳类Like most mammals
它的腿长在身体正下方(爬行类在身体两侧)her legs are directly beneath her body.
这使它不太稳定,但是更加迅速灵巧That makes her less stable
它不但比这只蜥蜴跑得快,更比它聪明Not only has she outrun this reptile
还有And just as well
它是一位需要照顾幼仔的母亲for she is a mother and has a youngster to care for.
sengi依靠速度和智谋取得成功The sengi relies on speed and cunning for its success.
其它的哺乳类有不同的技能Other mammals have very different techniques.
马达加斯加Here in Madagascar
一种最为怪异的哺乳动物正在游荡one of the most bizarre of all mammals is on the prowl.
长指狐猴,跟sengi一样,吃昆虫The aye-aye
但它看不见所找的食物But the ones that she seeks
因为它们躲在树干深处for they're buried deep inside branches.
它们是挖虫高手They're beetle grubs.
为找到食物,它有特殊天分To find them
它用手指以每秒8次的速度敲击树干She taps her fingers on the wood up to eight times a second
通过分辨回声中的细微差别and listens for the tiny change in resonance
侦测出里面是否有洞that indicates a hollow spot within.
它的听力及其灵敏,能准确定位Her hearing is so acute
然后咬开树皮,找到虫子in which to gnaw a hole in order to reach the grub.
用它变态的超长中指And she has a grotesquely long middle finger
刺入洞中抓虫with which to skewer it.
长指狐猴要花费四年时间来完善这种技能It takes a young aye-aye four years to perfect this technique.
一旦练成But once it has done so
它就能得到别人吃不到的食物it can collect prey that no other mammal can reach.
北极冻原The Arctic tundra.
这里也很难找到食物Food is hard to find here too.
但有一种哺乳动物可以做到Yet one mammal has found a way to do so.
晚春It's late spring
太阳温暖大地and as the mounting strength of the sun warms the land
约8百万只驯鹿向北迁移eight million reindeer move north.
但是草木太过稀少But the vegetation is so meagre
鹿群想要吃饱,就必须that the only way the herds can get enough
一路吃下去is to keep constantly on the move.
新生小鹿很快就发觉Newborn calves soon discover
它们必须每天赶路找吃的that they will have to spend every day walking in search of food.
它们有着惊人的耐受力They have extraordinary endurance.
这种动物在死之前Some of these animals
已经走了很长的路will have trekked for a distance
足够绕地球三周equivalent to three times around the earth.
现在的牧场是最好的Grazing is now at its best.
吸血蝇Biting flies.
苍蝇不但扰得它们心烦意乱The flies not only drive them to distraction
而且每天可以吸掉它们一品脱的血but they can drain a pint of blood each day.
驯鹿们有一种防御策略But the reindeer have a defensive strategy.
每一只都尽力朝群体中心靠拢Each individual tries to push its way into the centre of a group
在那里苍蝇很少where there are fewer flies.
所有的鹿挤在一起With all this pushing and jostling
母亲们必须盯紧自己的孩子mothers need to keep their calves close.
有时候苍蝇太过分了Sometimes the flies become so bad
鹿群实在无法忍受the reindeer can stand them no longer
它们都逃向苍蝇们无法跟随的高地and they bolt to higher ground where the flies can't follow. 但这种逃避也有代价But the price of escape can be high.
慌乱中,一个鹿妈妈丢失了她的孩子In the rush
已经被别的生物找到了Others have already found it.
鹿群照旧前进The herd has long since moved on
但它母性本能十分强烈but her maternal instinct is so strong
它会留下来好几天,寻找丢失的孩子she'll stay to search for her missing calf for days.
鹿群现在摆脱了苍蝇的困扰The reindeer are free from flies for now
但在这高山上没有食物but with no food on these high slopes
它们将会被迫下山寻找草场they will eventually be forced to descend to find new pastures
再一次面对吸血蝇and face the biting swarms once more.
地球上没有哪种动物比它们No animal makes a longer migration across the lands of the earth 迁徙的更远了than these mammals.
有些生物找到了一种更经济的方式Other mammals have found a more economic way
进行更快速的远距离迁徙of travelling huge distances and at greater speed.
它们用飞的They go by air.
巨大的食果黄蝙蝠Giant straw-coloured fruit bats
栖居于刚果森林inhabit the great forests of the Congo.
它们的翼展达一米Their wings are nearly a metre across.
每年十月下旬In late October every year
它们动身越过森林,进行长途旅行they set off on a long journey across the forest canopy.
从几百只到几千只Flocks of hundreds become thousands.
然后几万、几十万And tens of thousands become hundreds of thousands.
它们是快速而强健的飞行家They are fast and powerful fliers
几个晚上就可以飞出上千英里and can travel a thousand miles in just a few nights. THUNDER RUMBLES
它们如何确定出发时间以及目的地仍旧是个谜How they know where and when to travel is a mystery
但它们都在同一地方落脚:卡桑卡,赞比亚的一个偏远沼泽but they all end up in one place - Kasanka
这里约有一千万只蝙蝠There are ten million of them here.
它们在差不多有两三个足球场大的They crowd together in just one small patch of forest
一小片丛林里聚集no bigger than two or three football pitches.
在此逗留几星期And here they take up residence for a few weeks.
这里成了地球上最大的食果蝙蝠栖息地It's the largest fruit bat roost on Earth.
经过长途跋涉,它们需要休息After their long journey
这里实在太挤,几乎肩靠着肩The roost is so crowded that complete strangers rub shoulders
甚至互相抱成一团and even snuggle up together.
夜幕降临As evening approaches
它们准备享用长途旅行的奖赏they prepare to reap the reward for their long journey.
它们越过中非来到这里They've come from all over Central Africa to this one place
因为because here
在每年此时at this time of the year
这里的芒果,还有其它果实正好丰收there is an extraordinary glut of mangoes and other fruit. 它们如潮水般涌出,去搜集食物Streaming out from the roost
每只蝙蝠一晚上,可以狂吞约两公斤的水果Each bat guzzles at least two kilos' worth of fruit every night.
几周下来,这一群In just a few weeks
将会吃下多达十亿只水果will devour more than a billion separate fruits.
也只因具备飞行的能力,它们才能It's only the power of flight that allows these mammals
如此千里迢迢赶来,大吃一顿to travel so far and so fast that they can reap such a brief harvest. 六周过后,树上的果子被吃个精光After six weeks
各自回到原来each bat returning to its own particular patch
位于刚果丛林的栖息地of the vast Congo forests.
非洲的陆生哺乳动物The land mammals of Africa
也进行大规模的迁徙also travel together in stupendous numbers.
东非草原上的动物数量The herds that graze the East African plains
比一个世纪前要少了很多are not nearly the size they were a century ago
但仍旧很庞大but they are still immense.
聚在一起是很好的防御策略Grazing together is a good defence.
以数量取胜There's safety in numbers.
集体捕猎也会带来好处But hunting together also brings advantages.
这只鬣狗,却在独自觅食This hyena
它得小心She needs to be careful.
但是它闻到了食物的味道But she smells food.
决定冒险And she takes risks.
皮开肉绽,它很幸运地在犯错后活了下来Bruised and bloodied
但它并没有被完全打败But she's not totally defeated -
它是一个家族的成员she belongs to a clan.
夜间,战斗的嚎叫响彻四方 A call to arms rings out through the night.
集结号Reinforcements assemble.
家族里成年的个体作出回应Every adult in the clan responds.
如果一个家族一起攻击,它们可以挑战那几头狮子If a clan attack together
一群鬣狗挑战一个狮群,双方都全力以赴It's a clan against a pride
鬣狗数量上占优势And the clan outnumbers the pride.
鬣狗们的强势The combined power of the hyenas
最终逼得狮子们撤退eventually forces the lions to retreat.
有组织地进行团队作战Attacking as a coherent team
需要高度的社会合作能力requires a high degree of social cooperation
这也是哺乳动物的另一专长and that is another of the mammals' specialities.
动物间的联系Social bonds between mammals begin
在母亲哺育后代时就开始建立when mothers feed their young on milk.
加上对幼小后代极好的照顾And few look after their young with greater care
哺乳动物统治了自然than the mammal which dominates this landscape.
一头母北极熊设正法为幼仔找食物A female polar bear is trying to find food for her cubs. 但这是一年中But this is a particularly
特别艰难的时日difficult time of the year.
供觅食的冰面正在开始融化The sea ice on which she hunts is melting beneath her feet.
它必须上岸She must look for food on land.
它们都安全上岸,但还需面临几个月的饥荒They're all safely ashore
在这寒冷贫瘠的海岸,寻找食物实在太难Finding food is not so easy on this cold and barren coast.
搜寻过程很漫长The search may be a long one.
北极熊有着异常敏锐的嗅觉Polar bears have an extraordinarily sensitive sense of smell.
它嗅到了一丝希望And she has caught a faint whiff of something promising.
是一具巨大的北极露脊鲸的尸体It's the immense carcass of a bowhead whale.
这具尸体可供这一家子吃好长时间A whale carcass could provide more than any one family could eat.
但毕竟不是它们But they're not the first here to find it...
最先发现的by any means.
气味将远处的熊都引来了The smell has brought in bears from miles away.
北极熊一家很少与另一家相处Bear families seldom get on with one another.
所以,带小熊来这里很冒险She's taking a risk bringing her cubs here.
公熊可能,也确实会杀死,吃掉小熊Male bears can
另一家向它挑战Another family challenges her.
它必须决定,是继续争夺食物还是带着孩子逃跑,然后挨饿She must decide whether to compete for food
它将幼仔护在自己身边,守住地盘She keeps her cubs close to her and stands her ground.
母亲的勇气为孩子挣来一餐Their mother's courage has won the cubs a meal.
群居生活可以带来回报Living as a family may bring rewards
但也会带来麻烦,因为兄弟姐妹之间会竞争but it can also create problems
南美长鼻浣熊A coati - a South American relative of the racoon.
这些小家伙是在树上的窝里出生的These babies were born in a nest high in a tree
现在第一次下地and are about to come down to the ground for the first time.
有些很排斥其它的浣熊Some more reluctantly than others.
一旦到了地面,母亲会把小仔们聚在一起Once on the ground
形成一个大的群体and takes them away to join a single large group.
数量多就安全Once again
最先觉察到危险的会警告所有的The first to spot danger will warn everyone.
但维持秩序就不容易了But keeping order isn't easy
一旦发现食物,熊熊有份and when they find food
卡拉哈利沙漠的猫鼬Meerkats in the Kalahari Desert
也是群体生活,但它们更有组织性also live in large groups
每个家族被一位年长雌性所掌控Each family band is controlled by a queen
几乎是唯一的有生育能力的who is nearly always the only female to breed.
它一直忙碌于哺育5个小仔She has been kept very busy suckling her five pups
它们是时候该独立自主了and it's high time they became more independent.
今天是这些新生儿第一次自己找早餐Today is the new brood's first trip to get breakfast for themselves.
新手们要花好几周学习如何找食物It takes weeks for youngsters to learn how to find food.
这个家伙试图抓蚂蚁This one is trying to catch ants
但还没掌握必需的技巧but hasn't quite grasped the necessary technique.
但这个小家伙说服了一个年长的,示范该怎么做But this youngster has persuaded an adult to show him what to do.
导师并不是父母,只是有了热情The tutor is not his parent
通过教学将能力传给学生and one who will adapt his lessons to the ability of his student.
这个是初学者This new one is a beginner
所以从简单的开始,如何挖出一只昆虫幼虫so he starts with something easy -how to dig for insect larvae.
另一位,如这个,则棘手的多Other meals
老师在让它对付蝎子之前So the tutor disables the scorpion's sting
会先搞定它的毒刺before he lets the youngster tackle it.
家族也会协同防御The family also cooperates in defence.
每一位都会轮流站岗,留心危险Every member does a tour of guard duty
其它的都可以放松everyone else can rest.
猫鼬的成功奥秘在于The secret of meerkats' success
每一位都轮流站岗is that everyone takes a turn in communal duties.
许多哺乳类不止是分担工作量But many mammals do more than just share their workload.
还可以通过好几代来分享智慧Some can share their knowledge
大象的生存得益于Elephant survival depends on profiting
好多代传下来的经验from the experience of many lifetimes.
这只小象是昨晚才出生的This baby elephant was born last night
整个家族都很欢迎它的加入and the whole herd seems to welcome this new addition.
但这位母亲很年轻,经验不足But the mother is young and inexperienced.
这是它第一个孩子This is her first baby.
母亲必须喝水,才能产奶If she is to produce milk
新生儿则要跟着它And the newborn calf must keep up with her
象群走上了寻找水源的路as the herd continues on their long journey to find water.
走了五英里,小象很疲惫After five miles
走够了Enough is enough.
年轻的母亲鼓励它继续The young mother encourages her calf to continue
但前路仍旧漫长but there is still a long way to go
小象已经开始脱水and the calf is already getting dehydrated.
现在象群已经离水不远了,可以嗅到水的味道The elephants are now so close to water that they can smell it.
这是小象第一次遇到水坑This is the calf's first encounter with a waterhole.
它不确定是怎么回事,也不知道怎么爬出来She's not sure what to make of it or
母亲试图帮助它Her mother tries to help her
但它没有带孩子的经验but she has no experience of dealing with babies.
小象跟着象群朝沼泽深处前进As the herd moves deeper into the swamp
现在,它真的麻烦大了but now she is in real trouble.
小象有可能会永远地陷入泥潭Elephant babies can
母亲试图帮助它,但只会越帮越糟糕Her mother's attempts to help her baby are only making matters worse.
会让它越陷越深It's stuck beneath her and she's pushing it deeper still.
这时孩子的祖母发现了问题,走了过来But now the baby's grandmother spots the problem and steps in.
将孩子妈妈推向一边with an unceremonious poke in the rump
使得它的孙子能够爬出来and enables her granddaughter to scramble free.
母亲和小孩从祖母那里学来重要一课Mother and calf have learned a valuable lesson from grandma.
智慧像这样代代相传Such passing of wisdom across generations
是大象能够生存的重要基础has been an important element in the survival of elephants.
最大的陆生动物大象,是哺乳类The largest animal on land
海洋里最大的动物也同样是哺乳类And so are the largest animals in the sea.
雌性驼背鲸和它的孩子A female humpback whale and her calf.
每隔几年,它都会游过3000英里Every few years
从南极富饶的水域from the rich waters of the Antarctic
到太平洋的温暖但是食物稀少的地区to these warm
产下一只幼仔to give birth to a single calf.
汤加周围的海域,不止是驼背鲸的育儿所The seas around Tonga are not only a nursery for humpbacks
也是它们的交配场所but also their mating ground.
这头50岁的母鲸来这里,寻找最佳配偶This 50-year-old female has come here to seek the best partner
它开始对潜在的追求者宣告自己的到来and she starts by announcing her arrival to potential suitors.
异性一个个到来One by one
但它却游走了But as they do
使得六头追随者跟着compelling her half a dozen or so suitors to follow her.
它领头,雄性们则在后面抢位置She leads
雄性们互相吼叫着示威The males bellow threats to one another
弄出巨大的水花creating huge plumes of bubbles.
直到现在,一切还算公平、缓和So far
眼下竞争变得严峻Now the competition becomes serious.
一小时一小时过去,雄性在它后面抢位置Hour after hour
40多吨重的鲸们开始互相撞击And now the 40-tonne males begin to smash into one another. 这是自然界最大块头的战斗This is the most massive battle in all nature.
它们可以使对手致死Rival males can kill one another.
在战斗最为激烈时As the conflict reaches its climax
它们希望对手都屈服they try to force each other downwards.
最后,胜者将会陪伴在母鲸身边At last
不会再有不服and remains unchallenged.
通过诱使雄性们决斗By inciting the males to fight
母鲸可以确保找到最佳的伴侣the female has secured the best mate for herself -
从而能够产下最强的后代the one who is most likely to father the strongest offspring.
但直到现在也没人知道它们在哪里交配But still
所有哺乳动物,包括我们All mammals
都有一系列领先的特征share a set of winning characteristics.
恒温的身体、敏锐的感官和高度发达的智力Warm bodies
这些特质帮助它们,和我们,成功and those qualities have contributed to their
也许,所有特征里最重要的But perhaps the most important characteristic of all
是来自我们的家庭力量lies in the strength of our family ties.
哺乳动物是以家族的方式占领地球的It is the mammal family that has conquered the earth.
汤加,以驼背鲸闻名Tonga is famous for humpback whales
但即便在这儿,想找到并拍摄鲸but even here
也是不小的挑战would prove challenging.
Life摄制组想要For the Life team
拍到驼背鲸独特而著名的capturing the humpback whales'unique mating contest
求爱竞赛known as a heat run
需要花大量时间、当地的知识和超好的运气would need local knowledge
我们听说靠近陆地的一只船We've heard that one of the boats further inland
见过一头带幼仔的母鲸和一批追随者has seen a female with a calf and an escort
这极有可能处于发情期which is something which might build to
所以我们朝那边赶,去看看so we're gonna head over there and take a look.
任何一头带小孩的母鲸都有可能出镜Any adult female with a calf could be coming into season 还会是发情的公鲸们的目标and so might be a target for amorous males.
到那里时,我非常兴奋When we got there
也有点紧张,不知道会发生什么a little bit nervous
一旦我潜到水里Once I got in the water and dived down
一片安静祥和it was surprisingly quiet and mellow.
当然没预料到接下来的事Certainly didn't expect what happened next.
那头小鲸直接冲我而来The calf just came straight up towards me.
它看上去很放松,对我很有兴趣She seemed really relaxed
就在我周围几米处游动,轻轻摇尾巴It's literally just swimming around within metres of them 我想,它应该很好奇吧flicking its tail
也有点好玩and having a bit of fun.
确实还很小It's obviously quite young
所以在水面呆的时间很长so it's staying on the surface quite a long time.
不能下潜很久It's not diving down for very long
大概几分钟吧,它母亲maybe a couple of minutes.The mother will be
会在下面5到10米处看守着about five or ten metres below just keeping an eye on it.
但即便是幼鲸,鳍和尾巴仍旧力量十足But even a calf has great power in its fins and tail. Roger需要小心为妙Roger will need to be careful.
接着Got it?
这是我见过的最荒诞的事情That was the most silly thing I've ever seen in my life.
它在周围玩耍,就像新生羔羊It was just gambolling around like a little newborn lamb.
但它有两吨重啊But it's two tonnes.
它朝我搅了些水流什么的Couple of bumps as it's come round
Jason,我拍到了一些画面I got a great shot of it
Jason后仰成这样了Jason was backpedalling like this!
只是头幼鲸,还小呢It's just a baby.Like a little puppy
你在和一个小动物玩,但是有四米长you're playing with a little puppy
很荒谬吧,它妈妈怎么样?It's just ludicrous.Was his mum all right?
它在下面怪吓人的She is just totally chilling out underneath.
在水下15米处像这样悬停着Pecs back. Just hanging like this at about 15 metres.
或许是没看见,但我不这么认为Probably didn't even see it
和贪玩的小鲸一起是一回事儿It's one thing to be close to a playful baby.
但和一群雄激素水平超高的It will be another to be in the path
体型是它十倍的雄性鲸of a testosterone-charged group of males
是另一回事each ten times her size.
这里有很多雄性鲸,但它们发情了吗?There are enough males here for a heat run
Woo-hoo! Yes!
真不错That was pretty good.
你们准备好了吗When you guys are ready.
越快越好Quick as you can.
这些鲸体重可达40吨,而且速度奇快These whales can weigh up to 40 tonnes and move surprisingly quickly.
摄影机拍到好的画面As well as getting the camera to get the shots -
得跟它们足够接近they have to be fairly close -
我们必须小心,不要被撞到we have to be careful they don't get bumped.
如果被它们撞一下If they get a knock from one of these guys
会造成严重的损害it could do some serious damage.
它朝你过来了He's right towards you.
为了不影响鲸的行为To avoid disturbing the whales' behaviour
组员们必须自由潜水,不带呼吸器the team need to free-dive
尽可能地憋气holding their breath as long as they can.
状态好的话,我可以憋气两分钟On a good dive
但这些家伙,可以憋住20多分钟These guys
然后再到水面换气before they have to come up for air.
没法比There's no contest.
越来越多的鲸聚集过来More and more whales are gathering
但还没有达到发情状态but it's not turning into a heat run yet.
很难说发生了什么Hard to say what's going on.
是不是有5头?Were there five that time?
它们只是游来游去,忽上忽下They're kind of moving around
莫非爱情在空中?Maybe love's in the air?
爱情也许是在空中,但水里是没有的Love may be in the air
接下来十天里,尽管一直跟着这些鲸Despite keeping tabs on the whales over the next ten days 但仍旧不见它们发情的迹象there was still no sign of a heat run starting.
你也许会认为,跟踪这些40多吨的家伙很容易You'd think it'd be quite easy to keep track of a 40-tonne animal.
我们一路跟着六头过来And we've got six of them out here
不断地跟丢,一分钟前它们还在这里and we keep losing them.One minute they're there
然后我们靠近we get up reasonably close
不到半分钟,它们又潜下去,失踪了and within 30 seconds
然后,再等五到十分钟And then it takes another maybe five minutes
它们会在300多码外又再次出现and then they'll come up again and they'll be 300 yards away 然后又得花很长时间跟进and it takes ages just to get close to them.
一直跟我们在玩猫捉老鼠的游戏So we're just playing a continuous game of cat and mouse.
猫和老鼠?它们是鲸鱼哦Cat and mouse? It's whales.
眼看繁殖季节就要结束了The mating season is coming to an end
制作组还没完成拍摄任务呢and the crew haven't completed their mission.
最后,那些鲸的行为看起来有变化But then
我们在远处地平线发现了六到七头鲸We just spotted about six or seven humpbacks on the horizon.
我们认为那就是求爱竞赛We think it's a heat run.
在水上的最后16、17天The last 16
取决于接下来两小时are probably gonna come down to the next two hours
我们能否拍到画面as to whether we get our shots or not.
追逐开始了The chase is on!
至少有三、四头鲸游过There was at least three or four males going past -
它们互相争斗、互相撞击they were competing and knocking into each other
尽力抢得母鲸后面的位置as they tried to get the poll position behind the female.
朝你过来了,冲你过来了It's right at you
鲸游得太快了,想要找机会拍到它们The whales are moving so fast that
组员们必须在它们正前方入水the crew needs to be dropped right in front of the charging group.
正当Roger来到鲸的旁边Just as Roger gets alongside the males
拍摄追逐的画面,忽然被the tempo of the chase suddenly shifts to full bore
一个摆尾扰乱with a flick of a tail.
面对发情的雄鲸,Roger在水下持续拍摄Facing the charging males deep underwater
屏住呼吸直到它们游过holding his breath until the group pass over.
然后迅速上来换口气,又继续下水A quick gasp of air
鲸们鱼贯而过The whales continue to rush by.
最后,Roger实在是憋不住了In the end
惊奇!实在是我最惊讶的一次经历Amazing! That was the most amazing experience I've ever had.
大约有There was about...
七到八头鲸,在前面水下20米左右seven or eight. Both dived down about 20 metres in front. 雌性先游过来,很近And then the female came through first
然后它们都一下子朝我冲过来And then they all just started diving towards me
就像面对着车流一样it was like standing in a stream of traffic.
这边一头,这边一头,另一边也有It was just one one side
再过了约40秒And then
我向上看,头顶上还有一头And then I looked up
你拍到了吗?我想是的Did you get it? I think so. Hope so.
如果没有,我们都会被炒鱿鱼的If not
花了18天,几百次潜水It's taken 18 days and hundreds of dives
最终,摄制组能够拍到but at last the team have been able to reveal a secret
鲜为人知的鲸鱼的秘密of these whales' lives that few people have ever seen.。
