升降机使用说明书(总7页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除物流输送线升降机使用说明书基信机械有限公司开机前的准备1.检查电源电压为3相4线制,380V,50Hz,无缺项;2.确认输送系统井口输送线与提升机的井口处及提升机上端倒料处无不安全情况(对设备和人体)存在;3.确认控制柜,操作箱上的紧急停止开关操作头处于旋出位置,还需确认上位机未给出急停信号;4.确认各光电开关没被遮挡;5.检查确认后,方能进行下述操作.电源操作1.合上控制柜上隔离开关QFO 为ON位置,接通给系统总电源;2.按压绿色启动开关,设备进入工作待机状态。
;控制流程1.选择运行方式:将现场操作箱上的手动/自动选择开关置手动位置,为手动方式;置自动位置,为自动方式.(注:在系统运行过程中切换手/自动运行方式时,系统会自动停机,再次启动系统需重新开机).2.运行操作:1)手动运行操作:当运行方式选择为手动运行模式时,按压升降机控制柜上的启动按钮 ,现场电柜上绿色运行指示灯亮。
三、操作指南1. 开机与关机操作a. 确保电源已连接并正常供电。
b. 按下开机按钮,升降机控制器将启动。
c. 为了安全起见,在结束使用后,请按下关机按钮,彻底断开电源。
2. 运行指令设置a. 本控制器提供多种运行指令可供选择,包括上升、下降、停止等。
b. 用户可以通过操作面板上的按钮选择所需的指令。
c. 操作时,请确保指令与实际需求相符,避免误操作导致危险情况的发生。
3. 速度调节a. 升降机控制器具备调节升降速度的功能,用户可以根据需要进行速度调整。
b. 首先,按下速度调节按钮,进入速度调节模式。
c. 然后,通过操作面板上的速度加/减按钮,逐步增加或减小速度。
d. 操作完毕后,再次按下速度调节按钮,退出速度调节模式。
4. 刹车操作a. 为了保证升降机的安全运行,本控制器设有刹车功能。
b. 当需要停止升降机运行时,用户可按下刹车按钮,即可实现快速刹车。
c. 刹车操作需要谨慎进行,避免过度刹车导致危险情况的发生。
5. 故障处理a. 在使用过程中,如发现升降机控制器出现故障,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务人员进行维修。
b. 用户不得私自拆卸或修理控制器,以免引发更严重的故障或安全隐患。
四、维护与保养1. 定期检查电源连接是否牢固,如发现松动或异常现象,应立即停止使用并进行修复。
2. 定期清洁操作面板及控制器外壳,保持设备的整洁。
3. 如长时间不使用,请断开电源,并妥善存放设备。
五、安全注意事项1. 使用本升降机控制器时,请务必遵守相关安全规定和操作规程。
2.产品标准2.1 IATA AHM910 《飞机地面支持设备基本要求》2.2 IATA AHM913 《飞机地面支持设备基本安全要求》2.3 ISO6968(1994) 《宽体飞机腹舱集装箱、集装板升降平台车-性能要求》2.4 IATA AHM931 《宽体飞机腹舱集装箱、集装板升降平台车-性能要求》2.5 Q/WGT020-2004 《WG系列集装箱、集装板升降平台车》3.工作条件3.1 海拔高度:≤2000m3.2 环境温度:-40°C~+65°C3.3 风速:≤22m/s注:严寒地区对发动机需提出低温启动配置要求,高海拔地区对发动机动力提出特殊要求4.技术规格4.1 最大提升量:≧6800kg4.2 主平台4.2.1 提升速度:≧14m/min4.2.2 传送速度:≧18m/min4.2.3 最小高度:≧480mm4.2.4 最大高度:≦3600mm4.2.5 挡板内宽:2480mm4.3 桥平台4.3.1 提升速度:≧4m/min4.3.2 传送速度:≧18m/min4.3.3 最小高度:≧1799mm4.3.4 最大高度:≦3550mm4.4 外形尺寸(长×宽×高):≦8620×3700×30404.5 行驶性能4.5.1 最高行驶速度:≦11km/h4.5.2 制动距离(最高时速时):≦4m4.5.3 最小转弯半径:≦8.5m4.5.4 最大转向角:30°4.6 整备重量:≧15000kg4.7 装载量:一次可同时装载集装板(3175×2438)一个,集装箱(LD-3)两个。
第6章 第7章
动 作 流 程 .................. 错误!未定义书签。 指 令 说 明 .................. 错误!未定义书签。
6-1 打开电源时的处理 ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
7-3 应用指令 ...................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。 ◎ 计数器.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 ◎ 计时器.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 ◎ RTC(万年历)指令 ..........................................................................26
錄 : 应 用 范 例 ................... 错误!未定义书签。
GENIE 是一个最大输入输出 20 点的智能继电器(Smart Relay) ,采用梯形 图编辑形式,适用于一些家用或是简单的工业控制场合,可实现一些简单的计时 计数功能,可代替配线复杂、更改费力的继电器控制;也可减少使用小型 PLC 时可能会增加的成本。 GENIE 具有如下特点: 特点一 机种齐全: (1) 10/20点标准机种体积小。 a) 10点机种: 72×90×55 b) 20点机种:126×90×55 (2) 万年历 、模拟量输入(8 bits)功能内建。 (3) 提供低价不附面板机种。 特点二 各种输入输出机种可选择: (1) 输入:交流 85~264V 或 直流 20.4~28.8V。 (2) 输出:继电器或晶体管。 特点三 容易操作与学习: (1) 内建12×4液晶显示与8个按键输入梯形图程序。 (2) 计算机编辑程序适用所有Win32平台(Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000) 。 (3) 多国语言可选:英语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、德语。 特点四 安装与维修容易: (1) 螺丝安装。 (2) 导轨(Din Rail)式安装。 (3) 有备份程序卡—PM04设计(选购件) 。
三、機器的操作1. 操作臺控制:操作員進入操作臺,系好安全帶。
四、使用完畢1. 按下緊急制動按鈕,再將地面控制面板鑰匙旋至OFF的位置,取下鑰匙,以防止未經許可的使用。
3. 選擇一個牢固的水平面、不受天氣的影響和無障礙物的地方停放。
合上控制柜上隔离开关QFO 为ON位置,接通给系统总电源;2。
物流输送线升降机使用说明书基信机械有限公司开机前的准备1.检查电源电压为3相4线制,380V,50Hz,无缺项;2.确认输送系统井口输送线与提升机的井口处及提升机上端倒料处无不安全情况(对设备和人体)存在;3.确认控制柜,操作箱上的紧急停止开关操作头处于旋出位置,还需确认上位机未给出急停信号;4.确认各光电开关没被遮挡;5.检查确认后,方能进行下述操作.电源操作1.合上控制柜上隔离开关QFO 为ON位置,接通给系统总电源;2.按压绿色启动开关,设备进入工作待机状态。
;控制流程1.选择运行方式:将现场操作箱上的手动/自动选择开关置手动位置,为手动方式;置自动位置,为自动方式.(注:在系统运行过程中切换手/自动运行方式时,系统会自动停机,再次启动系统需重新开机).2.运行操作:1)手动运行操作:当运行方式选择为手动运行模式时,按压升降机控制柜上的启动按钮 ,现场电柜上绿色运行指示灯亮。
(2)自动运行操作:当运行方式选择为自动运行模式且满足自动运行条件---升降机处于下平层位(入料进限光电开关X4都没有被遮挡时),按压升降机控制柜上的启动按钮,现场电柜绿色运行指示灯长亮,系统自动启动完成,即可进行以下的自动运行操作,注:若不满足自动启动条件启动自动运行时,系统不会自动启动,同时红灯闪烁,塔灯声讯报警器鸣响报警,提示未满足自动条件,此时需转换为手动模式启动,手动运行系统以满足自动启动条件后再启动自动运行模式.◆系统自动启动后,此时在现场上料人员可以放进规定尺寸内的物料.,输送系统则将上料人员放上的物料自动送入升降机小车内限位(物料尾部脱离升降机进料口保护光栅时)→升降机小车上升→上升到上限平层位后停止上升→物料小车正转将物料传送出去到工作台→当物料脱离小车内进限位后停2秒→升降机内小车下降到下限平层位置,如此循环进行.◆停机◆自动模式运行中停止: 在电柜上的绿色塔灯为点亮状态时,(1)按压控制柜上货操作箱上的停止按钮,在升降机内小车升降运行到下限平层时,电柜上的运行绿色塔灯熄灭,黄色塔灯长亮,即实现系统的自动模式运行中停机.◆自动模式原点停止: 在电柜上的绿色塔灯为长亮状态时,(1)按压控制柜上的停止按钮,电柜上的运行绿色塔灯熄灭,黄色塔灯长亮,即实现系统的自动模式原点停止机.◆电源解除: 选择控制柜上的空气开关旋钮为OFF位置,解除设备电源. 异常停机◆紧急停止:当设备运行中出现对人体及设备构成危害时,应立即安县现场操作箱上货控制柜上的紧急停止按钮,设备停止运行,进入紧急停止状态;故障排除后,先将紧急停止按钮操作头拔出,按压5秒升降机电控柜上的绿色启动按钮进行复位,紧急停止状态解除后,再启动系统。
吉尼 升降机 操作手册补充说明 - 吉尼 升降机 升降工具
![吉尼 升降机 操作手册补充说明 - 吉尼 升降机 升降工具](
Lift Tools™ Access DeckFirst EditionSecond PrintingPart No. 1292178CSGT操作手册补充说明 第一版 • 第二次印刷简介2 Lift Tools™ Access Deck零件号 1292178CSGT要点操作机器前,应阅读、理解并遵守这些安全规则和操作说明。
请与我们联系:网址:电子邮件:*********************认可的型号型号 序列号S-40/45 从 S4016H-22550 S-40/45 XC 从 S40XCH-101 S-40/45 TRAX 从 S4016H-22550 S-60/65 从 S60H-36659 S-60/65 XC 从 S60XCH-45001 S-60 X 从 S60H-36659 S-60 HC 从 S60H-36659 S-60/65 TX 从 S60H-36659 S-80/85 从 S85H-13582 S-80 X 从 S85H-13582 S-80/85 XC从 S80XCH-101型号 序列号S-100 从 S100D-1672 S-105 从 S105D-1665 S-120 从 S120D-1705 S-125 从 S125D-1660 S-100 HD 从 S100D-1672 S-120 HD 从 S120D-1705 SX-105 XC 从 SX105D-174 SX-135 XC 从 SX135H-127 SX-125 XC 从 SX125D-101 SX-150 从 SX150H-201 SX-180从 SX180H-365 Z-60/34从 Z60H-746 Z-60/37 从 Z60H-746 Z-62 从 Z62H-3077 Z-80/60 从 Z80H-6076 Z-135 从 ZX135H-2889 ZX-135从 ZX135H-2889切勿在任何非指定型号的 Genie 产品上安装Access Deck 系统。
Please read this manual before assembly.If this desk is sold, please provide the manual to the buyerUSER MANUALHeight Adjustable Standing DeskNote: Desktop must be purchased separatelySafety Information & Usage01 Package Contents and Part List02 Assembly Instructions04 Operational Guide08 Technical Specificaitons09 Trouble Shooting Table09 Accessories10 Warranty Information11This height adjustable desk has electric motors and is designed for use in dry work areas only.The desk height is adjustable so that it can be positioned at the most ergonomically suitable height.Any other use is at user’s risk.Under no circumstances does the manufacturer accept warranty claims or liability claims for damages caused from improper use or handling of the desk frame.When using this product, basic precautions should always be followed. Read all instructions before using the desk. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH OR OBSERVE ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS REGARDING THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT MAY RESUL T IN SERIOUS PROPERTY DAMAGE OR BODIL Y INJURY.DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock, always unplug the electrical outlet before cleaning, or before putting on or taking off parts.(included)Phillips Head Screwdriverand/or Power DrillTape MeasureTOOLSPARTS AND HARDWARE LISTTIGHTEN ALL THE SCREWS OF THE FRAME TO AVOID WOBBLING. IF THE DESKWOBBLES, TIGHTEN ALL THE SCREWS AGAIN.ATTENTION112A 113B4PARTSHARDWARESupport Beam x1Power Cable x1M8*16Screw x8M6*10Screw x4M6*12Screw x12ST3.5*16Screw x2ST4.8*16Screw x2ST4.8*19Screw x6Rubber Cushion x6Plastic Pad x6Plastic Mat x2Cable Tie x54mmHex Spanner x15mmHex Spanner x1NOTE: QUANTITY OF SOME SCREWS OR PARTS MAYBE MORE THAN MENTIONED. IF ANY CONTENT IS LESS OR MISSING PLEASE CONTACT USOR OUR RESELLER ASAP, DO NOT PROCEED WITH THE ASSEMBLY.Lifting System x1(Leg x2 + Keypad x1 + Control Box x1)Feet x2Bracket x2STEP 1Loosen 4 pcs M6*10 screws, they were attached before packing. Adjust the crossbar to proper position and then tighten the 8 pcs screws.STEP 2Attach legs to support beam ends using 8 pcs M6*12 screws.STEP 3Attach feet to leg using 8 pcs M8*16 screws and tighten with4mm hex spanner.STEP 4Attach brackets to each support beam end using 4 pcs M6*12 screws.STEP 5Put rubber cushions and plastic pads on the side brackets and support beam.STEP 6Attach the brackets and the support beam to the table top using 6 pcs ST4.8*19 screws. Attach the control box using 2pcs ST4.8*16 screws Attach the keypad to the table top using 2 pcs ST3.5*16 screws.Note: If your desktop does not have pre drilled holes, attach the frame with screws into the desk surface with an electric screwdriver.STEP 7Plug cables from two motors to the control box and cable from the keypad.1.System Initialization4.Cm and Inch Setting-Press “1”“2” and “3” button together for about 5 seconds, “C-I” should appear on the display, either press button “1” display show the desk is in metric mode or press button “2” display the desk is in Imperial ( inches ) mode .5.Notice-Press “1”“2” and “3” button together for about 5 seconds,“C-I” should appear on the display, either press button “1” display show the desk is in metric mode or press button “2” display the desk is in Imperial ( inches ) mode .-The system should be away from water and corrosion resistant gas.Please contact us or our distributors if there is anything wrong with the product.2.Normal Operation-When the desk rises to the height which you want to memorize, please press and hold the “↑”“1”button till display “P1”. Position 1 is now memorized. Please press and hold the “↑”“2” button till display “P2”. Position 2 is now memorized. These two number buttons can memorize two different heights repeatedly. And those data won’t be lost in case power is off.3.Setting the Memory Function-Drive the desk to the desired height when pressing and holding “↑” or “↓" button.The initialization procedure must be completed after the system has been installed,before its first run and after the replacement of any parts.Resetting procedure is as follows:-Press and hold on both “↑” and “↓" button together for 10-15 seconds and screen would show (000)until the lifting column be lowest and you will hear a beep, and the display shows the number for the l owest height, then whole steps finishes.-If the system doesn’t work normally when we use it, we need to repeat the above procedure.Frame SizeHeight Range(Without Top)Feet 25.2’’-50.8’’27.6’’Max Loading Speed Duty Cycle264lbs1.6’’/s (without load)10%. Max. 2 Min on, 18 mins off Soft start / stop 3 Memory Presents(42.3’’-70.9’’)*23.6’’ Height Adjustable Standing DeskProblemCodePossible Cause SolutionThe table stops during operation and thecontrol unit “beeps” 3 times.The height alteration of the desk is being overused and is exceeding the standard duty cycle.Stop using and let sit for 20 minutes.The table stops during operation and the control unit “beeps” 2 times.The legs are unbalanced.Balance the legs and restart.While pressing any button, the table stops moving and springs-back 40mm.The anti-collision function is blocked by an obstacle. Remove any obstacles intervening with the table’s vertical movement.While pressing any button, the table stops moving and springs-back 30mm.T-touch protection.•Make sure the control box in horizontalplace.•Make sure the control box fastened tightly.•Remove any obstacles.Control panel shows ‘E00’, no beeps.Unrest for the system.Press and hold on both “↑” and “↓" button together for 10-15 seconds and screen would show (000) until the lifting column be lowest and you will hear a beep, and the display shows the number for the lowest height, then whole steps finishes.E01E02E03E04E00This desk frame is enabled with Bluetooth technology. You can download the App THE BLUETOOTH AND SMART APP IS AN ADD ON BONUS FEATURE WE PROVIDE WITH THE DESK. WE ARE NOT LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS OR GLITCHES OF THE APP. SOME DEVICES MAY NOT BEABLE TO USE ALL THE FEATURES OR BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE SMART APP.“Stand up pls.” on your iOS devices and control the desk from your phone.The app provides a smarter and easier way to adjust your ergonomic desk. It allows you to control the height adjustable desk from your mobile device via Bluetooth.The key features include:Bluetooth synchronization Memory functionCustomized sit/stand cycleTracking/ calculating of calories burned Safety support- error alarm notices DISCLAIMERHeight Adjustable Standing DeskSysterm requires: iOS 13.0 or higher.Bluetooth & Smart AppConnect bluetooth dongle to the back of handset.This Warranty covers any defects in material or workmanship under normal use during the first five years from the date of purchase.The Warranty covers parts and labor costs to repair your Product if the product fails to properly operate due to defects in materials or workmanship of the frame, electric motors, control box, push-button control panel and the desktop. If we determine, at our sole discretion, that your Product cannot be repaired, we will replace it with a Product of like kind and quality that is of comparable performance. Replacement parts or products may be new or repaired to meet the specifications of the original p roduct at our discretion.Conditions, malfunctions or damage not resulting from defects in material or workmanship.Changes in sur face finish, including color-fastness or matching of colors, woodgrains, or textures Damage to your Product caused by accident, abuse, neglect, intentional physical damage, misuse (including faulty installation, repair, or maintenance by anyone other than the Manufacturer’s authorized service provider)Normal wear and tearDye transfers caused by external contaminantsModifications made by the user which is not authorizedProducts that were not installed, used, or maintained in accordance with product instructions and warningsDamage or marking of surfaces caused by sharp or foreign objectWhat does this warranty cover?How long does the coverage last?The Warranty Period any of the official resellers is 5 years from the date of purchase.A replacement product or part resumes the remaining warranty of the original product.What does this limited warranty not cover?This Warranty does not cover any problem that is caused by:How to claim Warranty?To obtain warranty service, you must first contact our official retailer or us in order to determine the problem.Warranty Info.Manufacturer Warranty Info.(FOR HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE FRAMENote: You must present proof of purchase (Receipt) to Obtain warranty service.Height Adjustable Standing Desk。
四.系统复位(1)当”急停”拍下或其它故障发生时,解除异常后按下”复位”按钮,才可启动系统.五.变频器异常,(1)提升机,进/出口电机都由变频器控制.(2)当变频器异常,系统会停止运行, 主控柜上相对应的指示灯亮并蜂鸣报警。
八.手动状态(1) 当设备需检修或出现异常,人员需要进入,首先要把系统切换到“手动”状态,主控柜上有提升机运行选择开关和进口短线运行选择开关,分别是在手动状态下使用的。
吉尼升降机 GS-30 GS-32 GS-46 GS-47 操作手册说明书
![吉尼升降机 GS-30 GS-32 GS-46 GS-47 操作手册说明书](
序號範圍GS-1530從GS3010A-110000ANSI/CSA North America South America AsiaGS-1930從GS3010A-110000GS-2032從 GS3211A-110000GS-2632從 GS3211A-110000GS-3232從 GS3211A-110000包含維修資訊GS-2046從 GS4612A-110000GS-2646從 GS4612A-110000GS-3246從 GS4612A-110000GS-4047從 GS4714D-317Sixth Edition Ninth PrintingPart No. T107026CT操作手冊 第六版 • 第九印刷廠GS-30 • GS-32 • GS-46 • GS-47零件號 T107026CT要點操作機器前,應閱讀、瞭解並遵守這些安全規則和操作說明。
請與我們聯繫:網址:電子郵件:*********************目錄簡介 ...................................................................1 符號與危險圖像定義 ..........................................3 一般安全 ............................................................5 人員安全 ..........................................................10 工作區安全 ......................................................11 示意圖 .............................................................20 控制器 .............................................................23 檢驗 .................................................................28 操作說明 ..........................................................54 搬運與提升說明 ...............................................67 維護 .................................................................72 規格 .. (74)© 1997 Terex Corporation 版權所有 第六版:第九印刷廠,2014 年 12 月「Genie 」 是 Terex South Dakota, Inc. 在美國及許多其他國家 的註冊商標。
WarningWhile every effort is made to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date, we are not ableto guarantee the completeness and accuracy of these instructions and you should therefore not rely on them.Nationwide Platforms Ltd accepts no liability for reliance on the contents of this information sheet which hasbeen produced as additional GUIDANCE ONLY and is not intended to replace the manufacturer’s manual. Youshould refer to the manufacturer’s manual.You should not operate this Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP) unless you are suitably trained and fullyfamiliarised with its operation and the emergency procedures set out in the manufacturer’s manual. Operatingplant necessarily involves risk of injury to the person.ABefore starting work consider the following:• Will there be a second person in the vicinity ofthe machine to undertake a rescue if required?(Panels may vary slightly in appearance dependingon year and model but all have the same functions) In the case of engine failure, obstructions or trapped operator:FootSwitch If the engine cannot be started from the platform:EmergencyAuxiliaryFunctionControlsTechnical advice and training courses:If the controls do not function or you are unsure of their operation please call our Technical Support team on 0845 745 0000。
潍坊分公司Weifang Branch移动升降平台操作规程文件编号:I2EN413-1受控状态:分发号:潍坊分公司Weifang Branch移动升降平台在使用时应注意下列事项1.升降平台使用时,工作台应保持水平状态2.室外作业,当风力较大时,应系安全带.3.升降平台在升降过程中,严禁一切人员攀爬,若需维修,平台升起后应将平台顶牢方可进行.4.平台升起后不得移动.四个支腿未撑紧不得升起作业5.平台在使用过程中严禁超载作业,提升重量不超过300kg,所载物品应安全放置在工作台上,不得移动6.当平台出现故障时应及时切断动力源进行维修,所用液压油应保持清洁,不得混入水及其它杂质,每年要更换.使用方法A.使用前检查1.升降平台使用前要认真检查液压集电气系统,无渗漏或裸露现象方可使用,2.使用时四个支腿应牢固支撑在坚实地面上,以行走轮将要离开地面为准3.平台空转1~3次后方可载荷作业,4.防护栏两端活动门应关牢销死后方可作业,B.具体操作方法1.使用手动泵升降作业时,先将回油阀旋钮顺时针方向拧紧,将手动换向阀手柄拉到”中立”①的位置,然后重复操作手动泵的压杆即可起升,下降时松开回油阀旋钮,平台靠自重下降.潍坊分公司Weifang Branch2.使用电动升降作业时,先将回油阀旋钮顺时针方向拧紧,将手动换向阀手柄拉到”中立”①的位置,启动电机(按绿色按钮)使系统工作,然后把换向手柄拉到”起升”②的位置,平台升起,到达所需要高度时,再将手动换向阀手柄拉到”中立”①的位置,平台停止上升同时要关闭电机(按红色按钮),即可作业.具体参见下图.结束。
Genie GS-30 GS-32 GS-46 操作手册说明书
![Genie GS-30 GS-32 GS-46 操作手册说明书](
序列号范围GS ™-1530/32 GS30P-200101 之后 GS32P-200101 之后 GS46P-200101 之后ANSI/CSANorth America South America AsiaGS ™-1930/32 GS30D-40101 之后 GS32D-10101 之后 GS46D-20101 之后GS ™-1932 XHGS ™-2032GS ™-2632带有维修信息GS ™-3232GS ™-2046GS ™-2646GS ™-2646 XHGS ™-3246 GS ™-3246 XH GS ™-4046原始说明的翻译 Eighth Edition Third PrintingPart No. 1296776CSGT操作手册 第八版 • 第三次印刷GS ™-30 • GS ™-32 • GS ™-46零件号 1296776CSGT目录简介 ...................................................................1 符号和危险图示定义 ..........................................5 一般安全 ............................................................7 人员安全 ..........................................................26 工作区安全 ......................................................27 图例 .................................................................36 控制器 .............................................................39 检查 .................................................................43 操作说明 ..........................................................69 运输和提升说明 ...............................................85 维护 .................................................................91 规格 .. (93)© 1997 Terex Corporation 版权所有 第八版:第三次印刷, 7 月 2022 年Genie 是 Terex South Dakota, Inc. 在美国和许多其他国家/地区的注册商标。
Genie AWP系列垂直升降平台规格说明书
![Genie AWP系列垂直升降平台规格说明书](
(1) The metric equivalent of working height adds 2 m to platform height. U.S. adds 6 ft to platform height.(2) Gradeability applies to driving on slopes and may vary depending on options and machine configurations. See operator’s manual for details regarding slope ratings.(3) Weight refers to standard configuration and may vary depending on options and/or country standards.(4) Floor loading information is approximate and may vary depending on options and machine configurations. It should be used only with adequate safety factors.ModelsAWP-36SAWP-40SMeasurementsUS METRICUS METRICWorking height max.(1)42 ft 5 in 12.90 m 46 ft 4 in 14.10 m P latform height 36 ft 5 in 11.10 m 40 ft 4 in 12.30 mS tandard platform dimensions (l/w/h)27 /26 /44.75 in 0.69 /0.66 /1.14 m 27 /26 /44.75 in 0.69 /0.66 /1.14 mG ated standard platform dimensions (l/w/h)27 /26 /44.75 in 0.69 /0.66 /1.14 m 27 /26 /44.75 in 0.69 /0.66 /1.14 m G ated narrow platform dimensions (l/w/h)26 /20 /44.75 in0.66 /0.51 /1.14 m26 /20 /44.75 in 0.66 /0.51 /1.14 mWeight and Floor Loading (4)A C models 1,017 lb 461 kg 1,040 lb 472 kg D C models 1,107 lb 502 kg 1,130 lb 513 kgO ccupied floor pressure 0.23 psi1.60 kPa0.20 psi1.37 kPaSpecifications PowerSound and Vibration LevelsP ower source - AC models 110V/50-60 Hz220V/50-60 HzS ound Pressure level (ground workstation)< 70 dBAP ower source - DC models 12V DCSound Pressure level (platform workstation)< 70 dBA V ibrations < 2.5 m/s²S Standard S+Standard + BtOBuild to Order ✔Standard Features ❍OptionsLow Floor LoadingEasy to Load and TransportLightweight•Platform-locating laser light •Fluorescent tube caddyGenie Genuine Accessories(1)(1) More accessories available from Genie Genuine Parts.* Build to Order 09/22Product specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Photographs and/or drawings herein are for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual for instructions on proper equipment use. Failure to follow instructions in the Operator’s Manual may result in serious injury or death. The only warranty applicable to our equipment is the standard written warranty applicable to the particular product and sale and we make no other warranty, express or implied. Products and services listed may be trademarks, service marks or trade names of Terex Corporation and/or their subsidiaries in the USA and many other countries. Terex, Genie, Xtra Capacity, Lift Power, Lift Guard, Lift Tools, Lift Connect and Tech Pro Link are registered trademarks of Terex Corporation or its subsidiaries.SKU: Stock Models •AWP-20S, DC Power *•AWP25S01AE0001: AWP-25S, DC Power •AWP30S01AE0001: AWP-30S, DC Power •AWP-36S, DC Power with Tilt-back frame *•AWP40S01AE0001: AWP-40S, DC Power with Tilt-back frameSKU: Stock Models •AWP-20S, AC Power *•AWP-25S, AC Power *•AWP-30S, AC Power *•AWP-36S, AC Power with Tilt-back frame *•AWP-40S, AC Power with Tilt-back frame*。
Genie SX-180 自行式伸缩臂式高空作业平台说明书
![Genie SX-180 自行式伸缩臂式高空作业平台说明书](
* T he metric equivalent of working height adds 2 m to platform height. U.S. adds 6 ft to platform height. ** G radeability applies to driving on slopes. See operator’s manual for details regarding slope ratings. *** W eight will vary depending on options and/or country standards.Range Of Motion SX-180SpecificationsMeasurements US MetricWorking height maximum* 186 ft 56.86 mPlatform height maximum 180 ft 54.86 mHorizontal reach maximum 80 ft 24.38 mBelow ground reach 2 ft 0.61 mProductivityLift capacity 750 lb 340 kgPlatform rotation 160°Vertical jib rotation 135°Horizontal jib rotation 60°Turntable rotation 360° continuousTurntable tailswing - axle retracted 3 ft 9 in 1.14 mTurntable tailswing - axle extended 3 ft 6 in 1.07 mDrive speed - stowed 2.3 mph 3.7 km/hDrive Speed - out of stowedbelow 125 ft (38.1 m) 0.4 mph 0.65 km/habove 125 ft (38.1 m) 0.1 mph 0.17 km/h Gradeability - stowed 35%Turning radius - axle retracted: inside 20 ft 7 in 6.27 moutside 28 ft 1 in 8.56 mTurning radius - axle extended: inside 9 ft 11 in 3.02 moutside 24 ft 1 in 7.34 mControls 12 V DC proportionalTires 445D50/710HDPowerPower source 74 hp (55 kW) Deutz turbo diesel, Tier 4f, 2.9 L74 hp (55 kW) Perkins turbo diesel, Tier 4f, 854F-E34T Auxiliary power unit 12 V DCHydraulic tank capacity 110 gal 416 LFuel tank capacity 50 gal 189 LWeight***55,000 lb 24,948 kg Standards Compliance ANSI A92.5, CSA B354.4, EN 280, AS 1418.10FeaturesGenie United States6464 185th Ave. NE Redmond, WA 98052Telephone +1 (425) 881-1800Toll Free in USA/Canada +1 (800)-536-1800 Fax +1 (425) 883-3475Distributed By:Effective Date: December, 2018. Product specifications and prices are subject to change without notice or obligation. The photographs and/or drawings in this document are for illustrative purposes only. Refer to the appropriate Operator’s Manual for instructions on the proper use of this equipment. Failure to follow the appropriate Operator’s Manual when using our equipment or to otherwise act irresponsibly may result in serious injury or death. The only warranty applicable to our equipment is the standard written warranty applicable to the particular product and sale and we make no other warranty, express or implied. Products and services listed may be trademarks, service marks or trade names of Terex Corporation and/or their subsidiaries in the USA and many other countries. Terex, Genie and AWP are registered trademarks of Terex Corporation or its subsidiaries. © 2018 Terex Corporation.Measurements• 186 ft (57 m) working height • 80 ft (24.4 m) horizontal reach • 750 lb (340 kg) lift capacityProductivity• XChassis ™ extendable axles • 10 ft (3.05 m) 60° rotating jib • Self-leveling platform• 160° hydraulic platform rotation • Proportional joystick controls • Hydraulic oil cooler • Drive enable• AC power in the platform • Horn• Hour meter • Tilt alarm• Descent alarm• 360° continuous turntable rotation • Positive traction 4WD • Two speed wheel motors • Four wheel high angle steer• Four steering modes: front, rear, crab and coordinated• On board full diagnostics and engine monitoring display • Work tray• Entry Toeboard• Lift Guard ™ Contact AlarmPower• 7.5 kW welder ready generator - 208V/120V/60Hz (North America)- 415V/240V/50Hz (Europe & Australia) - 110V/55V/50Hz (UK)•12 V DC auxiliary power • Auto engine fault protection • Swing out engine traySX180 0210A. Part No. 127301Platform Options• Steel 6 ft (1.83 m) platform with side swing gate• 8 ft (2.44 m) tri-entry platform with side swing gate (standard)Engine Options• 74 hp (55 kW) Deutz turbo diesel, T4f* (standard)• 74 hp (55 kW) Perkins turbo diesel, T4f*Drive/Steer• 4WD (standard)• 4WS (standard)Tires• Rough terrain foam-filled (standard)Productivity Options• Lift Guard Platform Mesh - Half • Lift Guard Platform Mesh - Full • Welder package• Welder Ready package• Cold weather, fire resistant, or biodegradable hydraulic oil • Hostile environment kit• Deluxe hostile environment kit • Thumb rocker steer • Light package • Entry toe boards • Pipe cradle (pair)• Alarm package**• Panel cradle package• Lockable platform control box cover • Operator Protective Structure**• Fall Arrest Bar • AnemometerPower Options• 12.5 kW welder ready AC generator 208V/110V/60Hz • Cold weather kit• Diesel scrubber/catalytic muffler • Intake air pre-cleaner• Positive air shutoff system (Deutz engine only)* Also available as Tier 4i in limited regions ** Available through aftermarket parts only。
物流输送线升降机使用说明书基信机械有限公司开机前的准备1.检查电源电压为3相4线制,380V,50Hz,无缺项;2.确认输送系统井口输送线与提升机的井口处及提升机上端倒料处无不安全情况(对设备和人体)存在;3.确认控制柜,操作箱上的紧急停止开关操作头处于旋出位置,还需确认上位机未给出急停信号;4.确认各光电开关没被遮挡;5.检查确认后,方能进行下述操作.电源操作1.合上控制柜上隔离开关QFO 为ON位置,接通给系统总电源;2.按压绿色启动开关,设备进入工作待机状态。
;控制流程1.选择运行方式:将现场操作箱上的手动/自动选择开关置手动位置,为手动方式;置自动位置,为自动方式.(注:在系统运行过程中切换手/自动运行方式时,系统会自动停机,再次启动系统需重新开机).2.运行操作:1)手动运行操作:当运行方式选择为手动运行模式时,按压升降机控制柜上的启动按钮 ,现场电柜上绿色运行指示灯亮。
(2)自动运行操作:当运行方式选择为自动运行模式且满足自动运行条件---升降机处于下平层位(入料进限光电开关X4都没有被遮挡时),按压升降机控制柜上的启动按钮,现场电柜绿色运行指示灯长亮,系统自动启动完成,即可进行以下的自动运行操作,注:若不满足自动启动条件启动自动运行时,系统不会自动启动,同时红灯闪烁,塔灯声讯报警器鸣响报警,提示未满足自动条件,此时需转换为手动模式启动,手动运行系统以满足自动启动条件后再启动自动运行模式.◆系统自动启动后,此时在现场上料人员可以放进规定尺寸内的物料.,输送系统则将上料人员放上的物料自动送入升降机小车内限位(物料尾部脱离升降机进料口保护光栅时)→升降机小车上升→上升到上限平层位后停止上升→物料小车正转将物料传送出去到工作台→当物料脱离小车内进限位后停2秒→升降机内小车下降到下限平层位置,如此循环进行.◆停机◆自动模式运行中停止: 在电柜上的绿色塔灯为点亮状态时,(1)按压控制柜上货操作箱上的停止按钮,在升降机内小车升降运行到下限平层时,电柜上的运行绿色塔灯熄灭,黄色塔灯长亮,即实现系统的自动模式运行中停机.◆自动模式原点停止: 在电柜上的绿色塔灯为长亮状态时,(1)按压控制柜上的停止按钮,电柜上的运行绿色塔灯熄灭,黄色塔灯长亮,即实现系统的自动模式原点停止机.◆电源解除: 选择控制柜上的空气开关旋钮为OFF位置,解除设备电源. 异常停机◆紧急停止:当设备运行中出现对人体及设备构成危害时,应立即安县现场操作箱上货控制柜上的紧急停止按钮,设备停止运行,进入紧急停止状态;故障排除后,先将紧急停止按钮操作头拔出,按压5秒升降机电控柜上的绿色启动按钮进行复位,紧急停止状态解除后,再启动系统。
移动升降平台操作规程1.安全操作注意事项1.1工作准备和检查1.1.1高空作业人员必须戴安全帽,作业高度超过2米时必须系安全带;1.1.2在使用前要认真检查设备各构件、液压和电器系统是否完好,设备操作开关、旋钮是否在原始位置上;1.1.3 检查车体无渗、漏液现象;1.1.4 各处联接件及紧固件无松动;1.2安全操作规程1.2.1升降平台应严格根据其规定的承载量工作,超载工作可能导致人员和设备损伤;1.2.2升降平台在上升和下降过程中严禁作业人员走动、摇晃。