
ICEM网格划分原理ICEM(Icem CFD)是一种用于流体力学计算的网格生成软件,广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、能源、船舶等领域。

48Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition ReactorFigure 1.3.5:Creating copies ofupcyl5.Begin renaming the newly created objects by first highlightingupcyl.1 from the tree. Click right mouse button and opt for EditObject. > inl1 and Sides family > inlet (this must be manuallyentered)7.Select Update and then Done to complete the operation.8.Highlight upcyl.2from tree.9.Change Name to docyl and press Apply.The model will now consist of three cylinders on top of each other.The sides of the central cylinder form the inlet. The intended flowis depicted in Figure 1.3.6.Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor 49Figure 1.3.6:The intended flow forthe CVD reactor1.3.4: Creating ObjectsCreating CylindersCreate additional Cylinders by choosing Create cylinders iconfrom the top menu bar from each of following.Outduct1.Name > outduct 2.Plane > xz 3.C enter coordinates: (0.5, 0, 0.5)4.Height: 0.355.Radius: 0.156.Type > fluidNote: The changes are automatically implemented once the objectType is selected.Susceptor > susceptor2.Plane > xz3.C enter coordinates:(0.5, 0, 0.5)50Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor4.Height: 0.375.Radius: 0.036.Type > hollowSusceptor Top > susc-top2.Plane > xz3.C enter coordinates: (0.5, 0.37, 0.5)4.Height: 0.035.Radius: 0.26.Type > hollowThe Cylinders created so far are shown in Figure 1.3.7.Figure 1.3.7:View of theCylinders created sofarCreating CirclesInlet1.Select Create circles icon from the top menu bar to create acircle. Select it from the tree and choose for Edit object uponclicking right mouse button. Together you get screen as shownin Figure 1.3.8.Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor512.Change the Name to top-inl, signifying that this object will bethe top inlet to the reactor.3.Plane > X-Z4.C enter coordinates: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)5.Radius: 0.036.Face family > inlet7.Press Update to complete the modifications.Figure 1.3.8:Circles edit windowwith specificationsfor top-inlNow create the remaining Circles using Create circles icon fromthe top menu barSubstrate > substrate2.Plane > X-Z3.C enter coordinates: (0.5, 0, 0.5)4.Radius: 0.25.Select Update and Done to complete the operation.Outlet > outlet52Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor2.Plane > X-Z3.C enter coordinates: (0.5, 0, 0.5)4.Radius: 0.155.Face family > outlet (The user should enter this manually).6.Press Update and Done.The geometry for the CVD Reactor is now complete (Figure 1.3.9). Figure 1.3.9:Complete CVDreactor, with thecreated Circlesactivated1.3.5: Mesh GenerationCreating Cartesian Mesh1.From the AutoHexa viewing window, select Model > Gener-ate mesh to open the Mesh control window shown in Figure1.3.10. This is where all the mesh utilities are accessible.2.Select Mesh type > Cartesian to create a grid that is alignedwith the coordinate axes and quickly generated. Using thedefault parameters, select Generate mesh.Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor53 Figure 1.3.10:Mesh controlwindow with thedefault parameters forthis tutorialCut planes1.Begin by Orienting the model to the Home position.2.Toggle on Mesh control > Display > Cut plane > Set position> Vertical - screen select.3.Click the left-mouse button in the center of the Domain in theAutoHexa viewing window.4.Orient > Orient positive X, and then select Mesh control >Display > Display mesh to obtain the diagram shown by Fig-ure and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition ReactorFigure 1.3.11:Mesh cut plane asseen from thepositive X view usingdefault parametersLimiting Element Size1.The large element size may be controlled by adjusting the Uni-form spacing. Select Mesh control > Generate > Uniformspacing > (X count, Y count, Z count) > (50, 50, 50).2.Press Generate mesh to recalculate the mesh with the modi-fied counts. The new mesh should yield much finer mesh (i.e.50x50x50 nodes in a regular grid).3. Refer to Figure 1.3.12 to see the newly defined mesh cut plane. Figure 1.3.12:Diagram of the meshcut plane with newlyspecified X, Y, and Zcounts and higherelement count thanwhile using defaultparametersModeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor55 Surface Elements1.To view the mesh on various parts of the reactor itself, first turnoff the Mesh control > Display > Cut plane utility for aclearer view.2.Select Display tab and turn on Surface and Current type. Thiscreates a mesh on the current object type that is selected fromthe Model menu. In this situation, the current object type isCircle. The mesh will appear as in Figure 1.3.13.Figure 1.3.13:Reactor with Surfaceelements meshdisplayed on currentobject type Circles.3.Select File > Save project from the AutoHexa viewing win-dow to save both the model and the mesh.56Modeling and Meshing a Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor57Tutorial Example 1.4: Modeling and Meshing a LabOverview This tutorial, like the first tutorial, will focus on creating alaboratory for analyzation of the airflow through the room.Ventilation ducts on one side of the lab will supply air to the room,and a large fan on the other side of the lab will act as an outlet vent.The air will need to travel through the room, over and around thecreated obstructions, and depart through the exit vent. Thissimulation will illustrate the flow distribution inside of the room,allowing us to place the ventilation ducts at optimal locations thatare most beneficial to the occupant.Operations introduced in this example Starting a New Project•Initializing AutoHexa and beginning the projectCreating Objects•Developing the model, utilizing Domain, Hexas, Cylinders, Polygons, Circles andQuadsCopying Objects•Creating multiple entities by copy ing previously createdgeometryCreating Groups of Objects•Placing multiple objects into one Group, easing the copy ingprocessMoving Objects•Utilizing the Move function to translate geometrical entitiesinto new locationsMesh Generation•Generating Hexa mesh•Modifying the Per-object params•Generating Tetra meshConfiguration Options•Altering the Minimum object separation•Sorting the object edit lists, AlphabeticallyPrinting Screen•Doing Annotation, adding markers and getting a hardcopy ofthe modelSummary Creation•Accessing a summary of the specifications used in the cre-ation of the model1.4.1: Starting the Project1.Load ICEM CFD to open the main Mesh Editor viewingscreen, as well as the MED messages window and the Displaywindow. A File selection window should also appear, with theprompt to Select an ICEM CFD project to open,2.Type the new project name as tutorial-4 and pressAccept.3.Meshing > AutoHexa will initialize the AutoHexa modelingsystem.1.4.2: Creating ObjectsCreating the Domain1.Begin the creation of the territory of the laboratory by selectingModel > Domain from the tree.2.Resize the Domain with the following assignments: S tartpoints > (xS, yS, zS) -> (0, 0, 0) and E nd points > (xE, yE, zE)-> (10, 5, 6)3.Press Apply to activate the changes.4.Notice that the Domain is larger than the viewing window --select Orient > Isometric view to achieve a better view asshown in Figure 1.4.1.Figure 1.4.1:The modified domainCreating the HexasThe Divider1.To begin creation of the divider, select Create hexas icon fromthe top menu bar. > divider3.S tart points: (1, 0, 2.5) and E nd points: (6,4.5, 2.6)4.Select the object Type > hollow, since it is unnecessary to sim-ulate the heat transfer within the divider.Note: The changes are automatically activated when the objectType is assigned.5.Upon examination of the model, the user should notice that thedivider does not touch the wall on the low end of the X-axis.This entity may be moved by selecting Options > Interactiveediting from the tree. Toggle off Y and Z (Figure 1.4.2). Thisrestricts the motion of the divider to only along the X-axis. Figure 1.4.2:Restricting themotion of the divider6.Move the cursor to an edge of the divider. While holding theshift key down, press the middle mouse button, and drag thedivider towards the low end of the X axis, so that the divider isagainst the wall (Figure 1.4.3). The new S tart points are (0, 0,2.5), and the E nd points are (5, 4.5, 2.6).Figure 1.4.3:The new position ofthe dividerThe Worktable1.Click on Create hexas icon to create a new Hexa. > wktable3.S tart points: (6, 0, 3) and E nd points: (10, 1, 4)4.Type > solid5.Press ApplyThe Machine1. Click on Create hexas icon to create a new Hexa. > machine3.S tart points: (7, 1, 3.25) and E nd points: (10, 1.5, 3.75)4.Type > solid5.Press ApplyThe Person1.To begin creation of a person standing in front of the machine,click on Create hexas icon to create a new Hexa. > body3.S tart points: (6, 0,4.25) and E nd points: (7, 1.25, 4.5)4.Type > solid5.Press Apply6.To create the person’s head, click on Create hexas icon to cre-ate a new Hexa. > head8.S tart points: (6.25, 1.75, 4.25) and E nd points: (6.75, 2, 4.5)9.Type > solid10.Press Apply11.The person’s body and head is now complete. Refer to Figure1.4.4 to see the completed geometry created so far.Figure 1.4.4:The completegeometry created sofar1.4.3: Copying ObjectsThe Drawers1.The user will now add a file cabinet with three drawers to themodel. Click on Create hexas icon to create a new Hexa. > drawer13.S tart points: (0, 0, 0) and E nd points: (1, 0.5, 0.5)4.Type > solid5.The remaining drawers will have identical dimensions to thefirst drawer. To begin the Copy ing process, highlight drawer1from the Tree, click right mouse button on it and select Copyobject to obtain the Copy objects window, as shown in Figure1.4.5. Enter the following values.6.Number of copies > 27.Translate > Y offset > 0.5Figure 1.4.5:Copy panel8.Press Apply to create the remaining drawers. Proceed to pressDone.9.Highlight drawer1.1 from the tree and change its Name todrawer2. Select Apply when complete.10.Highlight drawer1.2 from the tree and change its Name todrawer3. Press Apply to update the change.Figure 1.4.6:The Hexas list can bemodifiedNote: Any of the three drawer s may be temporarily removed fromthe model in order to vary the conditions for the simulated flow.This is achieved by first selecting the desired object from the tree,pressing right button and then unselecting the Active option.Toggling on Active from the Inactive group from the tree, willreactivate the entity. To permanently remove an object from themodel, the user should first highlight the desired entity, and thenproceed to select Delete. This object then would show under Trashin the tree. The Undo option, however, can cancel the last action.1.4.4: Creating ObjectsCreating the PolygonThe Chair1.The user will now create a chair located next to the file cabinet.Click on Create polygons icon to create a new polygon.(Refer to Figure 1.4.7). > chair3.Plane > xy4. Height > 0.755.Highlight vert1 > (x1, y1, z1) -> (0, 1.25, 1)6.Highlight vert2 > (x2, y2, z2) -> (1.5, 0, ~)7.Highlight vert3 > (x3, y3, z3) -> (0, 0, ~)8.Type > solid9.Press Apply.Figure 1.4.7:Creation of chairusing polygons.10.Highlight vert1, as shown in Figure 1.4.711.Press Add once to create another vertex, vert2, and assign (x2,y2, z2) the values of (0.75, 0.5, ~).12.Press Add once again, creating vert3. (x3, y3, z3) > (1.5, 0.5, ~)13.To complete the chair and update the changes, select Apply.Refer to Figure 1.4.8 for the final shape of the chair.Figure 1.4.8:The final chairCreating the CylindersThe Table-legs1.Click on Create cylinders icon to create a new cylinder tobegin creation of the table-legs. > tleg13.Plane > xz4.C enter coordinates: (xC, yC, zC) > (2.25, 0, 0.5)5.Height: 0.756.Radius: 0.057.Type > solid8.To create tleg2, the user will copy tleg1. Highlight tleg1 fromthe tree,click right mouse button on it and select Copy object.This will open the Copy objects window.9.Number of copies > 110.Translate > X offset -> 1 > Y offset -> 0 > Z offset -> 011.Select Apply to create the copy, and then Done.12.Highlight tleg1.1 from the tree and change the Name to tleg2.13.Select Apply when complete with renaming the copied table-leg. Refer to Figure 1.4.9Figure 1.4.9:Geometry with Finaltable legs1.4.5: Creating Groups of Objects1.To place tleg1 and tleg2 into a group, access the tree. Clickright mouse button on Groups there and choose Create. > tlegs3.Select Orient > Orient negative Y. This will adjust the view,making tleg1 and tleg2 easily accessible.4.Right click on Groups > tlegs and choose Add > ScreenSelect.5.With the shift - left mouse button, select tleg1 and tleg2, turningthe entities red in color. Their names will appear under the treeas shown in Figure 1.4.10. Press shift - right mouse button toexit out of this selection mode.Figure 1.4.10:The tree6.To create the remaining table legs, the user should copy thenewly established group. In the tree, highlight tlegs underGroups, right click and then select Copy group. This willopen the Copy group tlegs window.7.Number of copies > 18.Translate > X offset -> 0 > Y offset -> 0 > Z offset -> 19.Press Apply to add the remaining table legs, and then Done.10.Highlight tleg1.1 from the tree, and change the Name to tleg3.Select Apply to activate the change.11.Highlight tleg2.1 from the tree, and change the Name to tleg4.Select Apply to activate the change.1.4.6: Creating ObjectsCreating the QuadsThe Table-top1.Click on Create quads icon to create a new quad. > ttop3.Plane > xz4.S tart points: (2, 0.75, 0.25) and E nd points: (3.5, ~, 1.75)5.Press Apply to complete the operationThe Inlet vents1.Click on Create quads icon to create a new quad > inl13.Plane > xy4.S tart points: (1, 0, 6) and E nd points: (4, 1, ~)5.Select this object from the tree, click right mouse button andchoose Edit object. Go to Properties and say Face family > inlet (The user will need to manually enter this assignment).6.Select Done to complete the first inlet.7.To create inl2, the user will need to copy inl1. Highlight inl1from the tree, click right mouse button and select Copy object to open the Copy objects window.8.Number of copies > 19.Translate > X offset -> 5 > Y offset -> 0 > Z offset -> 010.Select Apply > Done,11.Highlight inl1.1 and change the Name from inl1.1 to inl212.Select Apply to complete the operation. Refer to Figure 1.4.11for the completed quads.Figure 1.4.11:Geometry withcompleted quads1.4.7: Moving ObjectsThe air will enter the room via the inlet and exit via outlet fan thatwill be constructed during this section.Creating the CirclesThe Outlets1.Click on Create circles icon to create a new circle. > out13.Plane > xy4.C enter coordinates: (2.5, 2.5, 0)5.Radius: 0.756.Select this object from the tree, click right mouse button andchoose Edit object.Go to Properties and say Face family >outlet (The user will manually enter this assignment).7.Select Done to complete the outlet.8.Observing the configuration, the user should notice that out1 ispoorly situated behind the room divider. Alter its location byselecting Move object up on clicking right mouse button onout1 in the tree.9.Translate > X offset -> 5 > Y offset -> 0 > Z offset -> 010.Select Apply to move out1 to its new position, thus enabling itto remove hot air more efficiently.11.Select Done to complete the operation, and notice that the xCcenter coordinate in the Edit window has increased by 5 unitsto 7.5, as shown in Figure 1.4.12.Figure 1.4.12:New center positionof the circleThe Exhausting Create circles icon, the user will create an exhaust fan.Click on Create circles icon to create a new circle. > exhaust3.Plane > yz4.C enter coordinates: (10, 4, 3.5)5.Radius: 0.26.Select Apply to update the parameters.Creating the CylindersThe Tube1.The user will now create the tube needed to transport the hot airmoved by the exhaust fan, through the machine. Click on Cre-ate cylinders icon to create a new cylinder. > tube3.Plane > yz4.C enter coordinates: (7, 1.25, 3.5)5.Height: 1.256.Radius: 0.27.Type: fluid8.Select Apply to complete the task.Creating the CirclesThe Inlet Fan1.Click on Create circles icon to create a new circle. > inlfan3.Plane > yz4.C enter coordinates: (8.25, 1.25, 3.5)5.Radius: 0.26.Select this object from the tree, click right mouse button andchoose Edit object. Go to Properties and say Face family >source (The user will need to manually enter this assignment)7.Press Done to activate the modifications.When complete, the laboratory model should appear as in Figure1.4.13.Figure 1.4.13:Solid model of thelaboratory1.4.8: Mesh GenerationThe Hexa Mesh1.To begin mesh creation, select Model > Generate mesh. TheMesh control window depicted in Figure 1.4.14 will appear.2.Making sure that Mesh type > Hexa unstructured is selected,select Generate mesh, using the default parameters.Figure 1.4.14:Mesh ControlwindowNote: The mesh comes pretty decent in this geometry. Lessdistortion of the element quality means higher quality of mesh,providing the solver with an easier time with convergence. Checkthe AutoHexa messages window, and notice that there are nosignificantly distorted elements with a quality between 0 and0.25. There are a few between 0.25-0.5. To see where theseelements are located, go to Mesh control > Quality, replot thehistogram from 0.25 to 0.5 and then select the bars in the histogramto display the elements on the screen.1.4.9: The Tetra Meshing the same model, create a Tetra mesh by selecting Model> Generate mesh will open Mesh control window. From thiswindow select Generate > Mesh Type > Tetra. Unselect Maxtetra size, as well as Per-object params, as shown in Figure1.4.15.Figure 1.4.15:Tetra parameterwindow2.Continue by selecting Generate mesh. When complete, thenewly created tetra mesh should consist of approximately184000 elements and 42000 nodes.3.Select Display > Display mesh > Surface.4.Press Close to exit the Mesh control window.5.Select File > Save project to save the model and mesh.1.4.10: Configuration OptionsBefore a mesh is actually generated, AutoHexa will check themodel for gaps existing between objects that may interfere with thecreation of a uniform mesh.1.To modify the default Minimum object separation, selectOptions > Settings from the tree which will open the Config-uration options window seen in Figure 1.4.16.This feature is especially useful in cases where small gaps maypervade throughout the model, in which case AutoHexaautomatically closes any gaps that are larger than the specifiedMinimum object separation.Figure 1.4.16:ConfigurationOptions window2.The color of all the objects, text, and mesh lines are modifiableunder the Options > Graphical options.3.Since there were many Hexa objects created in this tutorial, itmay be beneficial to sort the object list alphabetically. From themain menu, select Tree > Sort > Alphabetical. Figure 1.4.17illustrates the difference between the two object lists.Figure 1.4.17:Left: before sorting,right: after sorting1.4.11: Hardcopy Creation1.At this point, it may be useful to print out a diagram of the finalmodel. Select File > Print screen to open the Print optionswindow shown in Figure 1.4.18Figure 1.4.18:Print options window2.The user may select Full screen or Mouse selection or Pixellocation.3.Select Color Mode > Color.4.Continuing on in the Print options window, select Print to getthe hardcopy.5.The user can change the Title of the project. In the tree go toProblem setup > Title/notes to get a window as shown in Fig-ure 1.4.19.Figure 1.4.19:Title/notes window6.The appearance of the printout may be further customized byaccessing the View > Add Marker from top menu bar. This willopen the Add Marker window shown in Figure 1.4.20. Thisallows the user to add text to the display at a specified location. Figure 1.4.20:Add marker window7.You can do the annotations on the screen by opting for Edit >Annotations from the top menu bar. This will open up a win-dow as shown in Figure 1.4.21.Figure 1.4.21:Annotations window1.4.12: Summary CreationAlong with a hardcopy of the model itself, a hardcopysummarizing the specifications you have used in its creation maybe useful. A printout of this information is accessible by selectingEdit > Summary from the top menu bar. This will open theParameter summary window as shown in Figure and Meshing a Lab Figure 1.4.22:Parameter summarywindow79Tutorial Example 1.5: Modeling and Meshing a WingOverview This tutorial will guide the user through creating a wing-shapedobject inside of a room in order to analyze the airflow over, under,and around the wing. On one side of the room, an inlet vent permitsair to flow into a duct that channels the airflow directly towards thewing. The airflow will pass by the wing and head directly towardthe outlet vent on the opposing room wall, passing over, under, andaround the wing during its travel.Operations introduced in this example Starting a New Project•Initializing AutoHexa and beginning the projectCreating Objects•Developing the model with the following geometrical entities: Domain, Ellipsoidal cylinders, Ellipsoids, Polygons andQuadsCopying Objects•Making modifications in the Copy window, copying the poly-gons80Modeling and Meshing a WingMesh Generation•Creating Tetra meshCreating a Cut Plane•Utilizing Cut plane techniques to obtain a clearer view of thetetra mesh around the wing1.5.1: Starting the Project1.Load ICEM CFD to open the main Mesh Editor viewingscreen, as well as the MED messages window and the Displaywindow. A File selection window should also appear, with theprompt to Select an ICEM CFD project to open.2.Type the new project name as tutorial-5 and pressAccept.3.Meshing > AutoHexa will initialize the AutoHexa modelingsystem.1.5.2: Creating ObjectsCreating the Domain1.Begin the creation of room by selecting Model > Domain fromthe tree.2.Resize the Domain with the following assignments: S tartpoints > (xS, yS, zS) -> (0, 0, 0) and E nd points > (xE, yE, zE)-> (100, 50, 40)3.Press Apply to activate the changes.4.Notice that the Domain is larger than the viewing window --select Orient > Isometric view to achieve a better view, asshown in Figure 1.5.1.Modeling and Meshing a Wing81 Figure 1.5.1:The Isometric viewof the modifiedDomainCreating the Ellipsoidal CylindersUtilizing an ellipsoidal cylinder will allow the user to create themain wing shape. Ellipsoidal cylinders are specified by twoellipses that are the ends of the object. Each end has a C entercoordinate (C1 on one end, and C2on the other), and twocorresponding radius vectors (vec1 and vec2 -- both assignedvalues at the Top and the Bottom of the wing.) If needed, theOnline Reference Manual provides a more detailed description ofthe ellipsoidal cylinder objects.1.From the AutoHexa top menu bar, select Create e. cylindersicon. Then proceed to select oval.1 from the right side tree,press right mouse button and choose option Edit object asshown in Figure and Meshing a WingFigure 1.5.2:E. cylinders editwindow with thespecified parameters2.Change the Name from oval.1 to wing13.Enter the bottom center (Bot cent) X, Y and Z coordinates as(48, 25, 0)4.Enter the top center (Top cent) X, Y and Z coordinates as (50,25, 18.25).5.(Bot vec1 x, Bot vec2 x, Top vec1 x, Top vec2 x) > (0, 4, 0, 2)6.(Bot vec1 y, Bot vec2 y, Top vec1 y, Top vec2 y) > (1, 0, 0.25,0)7.(Bot vec1 z, Bot vec2 z, Top vec1 z, Top vec2 z) > (0, 0, 0, 0)8.Family Type > Hollow from Properties9.Sides family > wing (manually typed)10.Select Update and Done to activate the changes as shown inFigure 1.5.3Modeling and Meshing a Wing83 Figure 1.5.3:wing1 with thelabeled top andbottom vectorsCreating the EllipsoidTo create the rounded tip of the wing, the user will implement anellipsoid object. An ellipsoid is a 3-dimensional ellipse where allthree axes are aligned to the coordinate axes. Like Hexa objects,Ellipsoids are specified by a bounding box. The Online ReferenceManual provides more information on ellipsoids.1.From the top menu bar, select Create ellipsoids icon. > wing-tip3.S tart points: (48, 24.75, 18) and E nd points: (52, 25.25, 18.5)4.Press Apply to confirm the changes.5.For a clearer view of the newly created Ellipsoid object, deacti-vate the wing by clicking right mouse button on wing1 fromthe tree and de-selecting Active. This temporarily removeswing1 from the display.6.Zoom in on the Ellipsoid object that is visible on the screenwith the right-mouse button.7.In the tree highlight wing-tip to apply more changes.8.Once in the Ellipsoid frame (Figure 1.5.4), unselect Corners >xyz, Xyz, xYz, XYz. Only half of the Ellipsoid is necessary torepresent the wing-tip.9.Type > hollow84Modeling and Meshing a WingFigure 1.5.4:Ellipsoids object editwindow with thespecifications10.Set the Outside family to wing from the edit window. Get thatwindow by clicking right mouse button on wing-tip in the treeand opting for Edit object.11.Press Update to activate the modifications, and then Done toclose the edit window. This should yield the model displayed inFigure 1.5.5.Figure 1.5.5:Close-up view of thewing-tip after settingthe parameters.12.Reactivate wing1 by toggling on Activate from Inactive groupfrom the tree to achieve Figure 1.5.6.。

面的块的定选 ”过穿“ dirg-O –
面加添 – sdirG-O 建创
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• 对不完整的几何体有容错能力
ICEMCFD/AI*Environment 5.0
特性: 六面体网格划分
• 强大的六面体网格生成能力 • 自顶向下或自底向上分块方法 • 复杂模型网格的快速生成 • 快速重复操作
– 弹性分块适合相似几何模型 – 对几何尺寸改变后的几何模型自动重划分网格
• 设定窗口显示的图形 • 包含5个主要项目; Geometry几何, Mesh网格,
Properties属性, Parts部分 and Subsets子集 • 单击模型树分枝上的眼镜图标控制可见与否
– 红 X 图标表示 这一分枝(包含所有子分枝) 不显示
– 整个眼镜图标表示这一分枝下所有可显示项均可见
• Tri (STL-like):
– 生成三角面面网格 – 没有内部点
ICEMCFD/AI*Environment 5.0
特性: 混合网格
• 棱柱层
– 在四面体网格中提高边界层计算结果
• 六面体和四面体区域交界处采用棱锥体 网格
ICEMCFD/AI*Environment 5.0
1 使用键盘: H – 主视图
Shift X - +X视图 Shift Y - +Y视图
Shift Z - +Z视图
2 单击视图中坐标图标
3 View > View Control
例如: 单击 Y 轴 使Y 轴 垂直屏幕
ICEMCFD/AI*EnvironmenEMCFD/AI*Environment 5.0

– Block 块
Point Surfaces
Material point/body Block
ICEMCFD/AI*Environment 5.0
分块过程 – 全部过程
– 自顶向下
• 分割及舍弃无用的块 – 自底向上 • 通过拉伸、创建、复制创建块 在块和几何之间建立关联 – 通常为边与曲线之间建立关联 在几何体上移动块顶点
所有块和顶点通过全局索引(index)表定义 – 初始块包含 i,j,k 索引, 并与全局直角坐标系 x,y,z,对齐 通过分割创建的子块维持这个方向
– O-grids 不符合这个方向, 因此每个 O-grid 创建一个新的索引方向(O3, O4, etc…)
– 顶点索引通过 Vertices -> Indices显示
ICEMCFD/AI*Environment 5.0
分块过程 – 在几何体和块之间建立关联
关联块和几何体 – 通常在边和曲线建立关联 – 在最后的网格中, 边将投影到这些曲线 – 在模型树中右击 Edges -> Show association 显示关联箭头
分块过程 – 观察网格
– 可以在过程任何时期创建网格 – 网格有不同的投影方法 – 选择 Projection faces 可以完全描绘几何体 – 通过在模型树中打开 Part观察指定曲面的网格 – 使用 Scan planes 观察内部网格
No projection

WorkBench ICEM CFD 网格划分入门【1 】111AnsysWB里集成了一个异常重要的对象:ICEM CFD.它是一个建模.划分网格的集成对象,功效异常壮大.我也只是蜻蜓点水的用了几回,感到确切异常棒,以前碰到庞杂的模子,用过几个划分网格的对象.但这是我认为最便利和最具效力的.网格划分很大程度上影响着后续的仿真剖析——信任列位都有所领会.而ICEM CFD特殊长于划分六面体网格,信任无论是构造或流体(当然铁别是流体),都邑得益于它的威力.ICEM CFD建模的才能不敢奉承,但划分网格确切有其独到之处.教程开端前,作一个简略的道理介绍,方面没有应用过ICEM CFD的同伙懂得重要的义务:111如下图:1:白色的物体是我们须要划分网格的,但是它异常不规矩.2:这时刻你必定想:怎么这个不规矩呢,如果它是一个方朴直正的外形多好(例如红色的谁人外形)01111于是有了如许一种思惟:1:对于异型,我们用一种规矩外形去描写它.2:或者说:假如目标外形异常庞杂,我们就用许多规矩的,简略的外形单元合成在一路,去描写它.之后,将网格划分的设置,做到规矩外形上.最后,这些规矩,经由过程最初的“描写”关系,主动的“映射”到本来的庞杂外形上——问题就得到懂得决ICEM CFD恰是应用了这种思惟.如下是一个三通管,在ProE里做得02在ProE里面直接启动WB进入WB后,选择如下图:03111如下:1:代表工作空间里的实体2:代表某实体的子实体,可以掌握它们的开关状况3:掌握显示的地方04下面须要创建一个Body实体这个实体代表了真实的物体.这个真实的物体的外形由我们导入的外形来界说.——我们导入的外形其实不是真实的实体.这个概念要清楚.但是往后根本上不会对这个真实的实体作什么操纵.这种处理方法主如果为工作空间内有多个物体的时刻预备的.051:点击“创建Body”2.3:点选这两个点4:于是创建出一个叫“Body”的实体操纵中,左键选择,中键确认,右键完成并退出——相似的操纵办法许多地方用到,要多演习,往后就不特殊说清楚明了06下面须要创建我们最须要的器械:谁人“规矩的外形”ICEM CFD里,这个实体叫 Block可以如下方法创建之:07留意到我们如今多了一个黑框,怎么样,够规矩吧?呵呵,开个打趣.还必须对这个黑框进行须要的“裁剪”之后才干用来“描写”我们的目标实体0809修剪Block实体的第一步是一个益智的工作:我们无妨简略绘制一下计谋:因为我们的现实物体像一个变形的“T”形,是以,无妨就用“T”来变形.最后要保存的部分用圆圈暗示,不要得部分用“X”.如下图:10如图:1:选择“Split”对象2:应用默认的第一个办法3:选择“选线”按钮4:在Block的黑线上选择,并“切”出一条黑线.以此类推.11最后的成果应当相似下图121:选择“Delete Block”2:选择“选择B lock”按钮3:删除不须要的部分.13得到相似的图形:14开端调节点的地位:1:选择“Move 极点”2:选择默认办法3:选择“多选”——填补一个,我们一向应用Y向视图!5:将Y固定掉落4:选择“选择点对象”6:之后调节Block的极点,到相似下图的地位15留意到在每个Pip的弯处,Block与Pip不克不及很好的贴合,这是因为我们的Block照样光滑.是以,须要持续“Split”现有的Block,并持续调节Block的极点.办法就是反复上面的步调,这里就不罗嗦了.细分和调节后的图形相似下图,当然寻求完美的同伙还可以持续细分——不过须要掌控一个度的问题,因为细分得太多,也就掉去“用简略描写庞杂”这个动身点了.16下面要做的是从Block到Pip的“对应关系指定”工作.——尽管现有已经有了描写Pip的Block,但一些细节的地方,须要手工指定它们的对应关系,在庞杂模子中尤为如斯.因为尽管软件有很大程度的智能,但它毕竟无法完整的主动的剖析出我们须要的对应关系来.关于指定“对应关系”的演习,最好请同伙们按照ICEM CFD 自带的教程来做几回.特殊是调节Block的极点技能,和往后流体盘算的网格质量有很大关系,不熟习的同伙须要补补课了.如下图:我们须要将Block上的这四个边同Pip三通处的衔接部分“绑定”在一路.相当于告知软件:“往后这四条边就代表了这两条圆弧哦!”17办法如下:1:选择“Associate”2:选择“Edge to Curve”——Edge是Block上的,Curve是Pip 上的3:选择Edges——留意这时必须要多选.4:再选择“Curve”——这时刻也要多选5:中键确认后,留意到已经制订了对应关系的边变成绿色.18下一步就可以应用主动指定的功效了:1:选择“Associate”2:选择主动捕获3:肯定4:留意到如今Block已经“完美”的包裹住Pip19别的,要将三个管口的Block的Edge和Pip的Curve“指定”对应关系,办法就和上面指定衔接处的时刻一样.请大家自行操纵了.20之后,就可以设定Mesh的参数了.1:打开实体参数设定窗口2:MaxSize设置为5——偏向对了今后往后可以调节到更小.3:HeightRetio设置为0.64:确认21激活适才的设置,为Pre-Mesh做预备1:选择“Pre-Mesh 参数”2:默认更新所有设置3:确认22预览Mesh:1:设置为实体状况2:显示设置的推举选项,同伙们可以自行调节3:成果应当和右图相似23关怀一下Mesh质量:1:打开Mesh质量检讨2:选择“Angle”——有许多种评价网格质量的办法,我比较爱好这个3:右键点选不睬想的部分4:选择“Show”5:这些单元格是今朝的设置情形下,不太幻想的地方24有许多种办法改良单元格的质量比方我在Bolock上,响应的地方添加了一条线,调节的地位后,从新应用一次“主动包裹”——办法同前面的讲述再次更新Pre-Mesh参数后,审查质量,适才的不良已经清除.25重要提醒:1:在制造Block的时刻,Block极点的地位,Bolock细分的后果,都可以在如许的轮回操纵中得到直不雅的成果.2:划分网格,我小我认为无外乎两步:一个清楚的思绪,和不竭的优化.前者须要见多识广,后者须要耐烦细心.假如是做构造剖析,在这一步可以打住了,直接生成最终的单元格文件即可;但做流体的同伙还须要持续:做流体的鸿沟层.1:创见O型格也是一种Split2:选择创建O型格3:选择所有的格体4:选择出.进口(不须要O型构造的面)26不雅察个中一个口:1:绿色的线是本来Block的Edge(因为我们本来制订了它和Pip上物理启齿的对应关系所以变成了绿色)2:小一点的黑色线,代表了往后的O型格体——ICEM CFD创建O型格的工作仍是在Block上开展的.27在O型格上设置鸿沟层的参数1:打开参数设置2:设置“线参数”3:选择一条衔接O型和边沿的联线4:往后鸿沟层为六层,是以格点为75:接近外缘的厚度暂定为0.2——往后可以调剂6:选择“复制参数”的功效7:将这个设置复制到所有相似的线上个中MeshLaw设置很有意思,同往后的求解器,液体属性等均有关系.有兴致的同伙本身去研讨了.我选择的是“Exponential1”28留意到此时O型到边沿的距离,就是我们方才设置了曾数等信息的那条黑线,还比较长是以,做如下修正:1:选择修正Block1.5:选择修正边长2:选择须要修正的边3:输入距离(留意“绝对距离”和“相对距离”的不同)29可以从新勾选“Pre-Mesh”留意到如今已经有O型构造了.30后续的工作中: 1:可以在“Pre-Mesh”上右键,选择“转换为非构造化网格”2:可以应用菜单项,输入须要后续剖析的软件的对应格局.3132结论:1:Ansys 的WB,对ICEM CFD的集成今朝(至少我应用的版本),其实不完美.譬如ZCCBEST同伙提出的若何保持参数化的问题,我也不知道是否能实现.但我想第一,ICEM CFD是异常棒的Mesh对象,重要照样用在庞杂模子的Mesh上,并且着重于Mesh本身.举例说,我用Maya制造的庞杂模子,也可以在ICEM CFD中进行网格划分,并且生成的BLOCK文件可以被单独的保管下来,往后假如修正不大,则直接挪用BLOCK文件,反复应用之即可(当然一般要做一些小的修正).第二:今天或许不克不及实现某些我们愿望的功效,并不是明天不成.我想来论坛的同伙更多的是抱着进修的目标,所以请临时把软件的瑕疵放一放,而不竭地,毫无偏看法去进步本身第三:从Ansys近两年的成长看,我信任我们期望的那些宜用功效,肯定会被完美.比方就我知道的:Ansys正在斟酌将Ansoft,Fluent等才收购的重量级软件也集成到WB中来.是以,我建议大家,在“幻想状况”到来前,不竭地进修进修再进修,从而争夺领先一步,步步领先!2:回想我所发的几个教程,其实很大程度上是想为同伙们抛砖引玉,引诱不熟习仿真软件的同伙懂得这个范畴——毕竟我们在这方面也太落伍了,许多行业根本没有这种意思.同伙们或许为不合的公司打工,但往后的临盆,何尝不都是用的我们中国人的资本.能勤俭点是一点,于公于私都不无大利——至少我们要知道可以怎么样将这些器械用于我们的设计吧.是以我真心的建议大家配合扶植这个板块,忘我的交换日常的心得,真正达到配合进步的目标.唉,不当心写多了.忘却了“少说多做”的原则,但想到确切是发自肺腑的文字,不忍删除,就以之与同伙们共勉吧——好累,抽根烟先!。

課程內容大綱:壹、ICEM CFD產品介紹。
一、Pipe-Junction Geometry。
二、Sphere-Cube Geometry。
一、Pipe-Junction Geometry。
二、Sphere-Cube Geometry。
一、Pipe-Junction Geometry。
二、Sphere-Cube Geometry。
一、Pipe-Junction Geometry。
二、Sphere-Cube Geometry。
陸、練習壹、ICEM CFD產品介紹。
此外,對產品先期開發上,ICEMCFD可直接接受CAD/CAM繪圖軟體Pre-E 所產生幾何外型之圖檔,另外,亦可接受如stl及igs等常用格式之圖檔,使設計與分析能有一貫性之介面接受度,減少開發上不同檔案的轉換。
ICEM-CFD 曲面网格划分

Surface Meshing 8
2010年11月28日 星期日
Quad—— ——创建闭环 ICEM CFD Quad——创建闭环
Geometry, Loop, Create
− Screen select • 在所选曲线的基础上创建闭环 − From surfaces • 为所选择的一组曲面创建一个闭环 • Select by family (‘f ’ hotkey) is often useful − From each surface
Surface Meshing 10
2010年11月28日 星期日
Quad – Meshing to Existing Mesh
Mesh to existing mesh or combination of mesh and geometry
− Example: 2-D blower meshed in Hexa, housing meshed with Quad
Surface Meshing 4
2010年11月28日 星期日
− 菜单:Edit mesh, Change Type Tri->Quad
− 选项: • Quadrization On:
– All-Quad – Finer mesh results
Surface Meshing 11
2010年11月28日 星期日
Quad——为所选单元重新划分网格 Quad——为所选单元重新划分网格 ——
要提高局部网格质量,我们可以为所选单元重 新划分网格
Surface Meshing 12
2010年11月28日 星期日

ICEM网格划分参数总结(仅可参考,不具备一般性)一、ICEM CFD网格划分1、模型特征长度1353mm,模型最窄边0.22mm,球体计算域半径28000mm2、各部分参数如下:勾选Prism的Parts就是飞机的机身、圆角、细小的面。
Fluid 是body指示网格生成位置。
依照图中所示参数所生成的网格部分信息:Total elements : 3560021、Total nodes : 12304013、依照上述参数生成网格,在窄边处网格还存在质量较差的部分,数量不是特别巨大,这一部分网格主要集中在机翼、尾翼的后边缘处。
二、Fluent求解1、General:Pressure-Based,Absolute Velocity Formulation,Time steady2、Models:开启能量方程、k-e-RNG湍流模型3、Materials:选择理想气体4、边界条件:将球体计算域far设置为压力远场,马赫数0.75,根据需要调整了风速方向(目前仅尝试了alpha=-5~15、beta=-25,21组实验),温度设定223K。
operating condition中operating pressure设定为26412Pa5、参考值:compute from 球体计算域。
参考面积设置为机翼迎风面积0.20762m^2(参考面积这一部分不知道对不对)6、Solution methods:coupled7、Solution controls:库朗数设置为68、初始化:Hybrid Initialization目前对飞机模型进行了修改,根据上述参数重新划分网格,再次调整风速方向进行了2次计算,还能够收敛。
ICEM_CFD 基础入门教程 操作界面 中文

• 许多分支允许通过双击获 取选项
模型树: Parts
• Parts 分枝包含加载的文件中所有的parts 列表 • 对于活动的parts 所有的网格单元和几何类型将显示在图
– 除非 “Subsets” (子集)激活 (见下一节)
• Create Part(创建): 右击弹出选项:
– 简便的限制数据显示 – 更易于使用 • 消隐特定的实体
在选择模式, 按 F9 切换到动态 取消 模式; 再按 F9 切换回来
选择实体(点、线、面、体、网格)时, 可以使用热键:
– a – 选择全部 – v – 所有可见 – m –切换框选择和多变形选择区域模式,在如下两种模式间切换:
工作流程 16
1 2
• 如果几何是其它 CAD或neutral 格式 选择 “File > Import Geometry > . . . “ 选择相应的 CAD File (ICEM 自动创建*.tin 文件)
• 如果几何已转为ICEM 格式 (*.tin), choose “File > Geometry > Open Geometry . . . “ 选择 .tin 文 件
Mesh Size Controls
Shell, Tet, Prism, Hexa (old gui) 面、四面体、棱柱体、六面体(老界面)
Create Connectors Create Elements
ICEM CFD 软件资料集锦之划分网格篇

Q11.ICEM画网格的时候,进行几何修复时候,Tolerance的值 应该怎么选取呀?
ICEM CFD 软件资料集锦之划 分网格篇
问答: Q1.ICEM CFD划分旋流器,混合网格:关于旋流器,旋 流器有下半部分圆锥和圆柱体,以及插入圆柱体部分的 小圆柱体组成,要求是下半部分圆锥和圆柱体作为整体 化为非结构化网格,插入圆柱体部分的小圆柱体画成结 构化网格,怎么处理?还请指教,不胜感激
A:假如来流为从左到右,那么左边的面为进口,为正;右边 出口为负;
Q9.我做的水轮机结构比较复杂,结构网格画不好,非 结构网格画好了,刚开始没有设置近壁面网格,书上说 近壁面网格如果没有,对结果会有影响,可是加了以后
Q2.怎样使用icem给闭式和半开式叶轮划分结构化网格?其划分 的思路和方法步骤是怎样的?还有在划分结构化网格时对半 开式叶轮叶顶间隙应该怎么处理?
A:大致思路:创建Block(块)-切分Block-删除多余的Block关联曲线与点-预览网格效果-增加节点加密网格-导入结构网 格。但是对于拥有像叶片这样不规则曲面的叶轮,建议采用
2.3.3 ICEM CFD划分非结构网格[共11页]
![2.3.3 ICEM CFD划分非结构网格[共11页]](
网格基础与操作 第 2 章用户在利用ICEM检查几何体时,通常会用到Tolerance(容差)这个参数来检查模型是否已经达到要求。
图2-153 Repair Geometry面板图2-154 容差如果用户设置了面板中的角度过滤,那么在检查几何体时,当曲线之间的切线夹角小于设定角度时,ICEM曲线上的点被过滤掉(同时对过滤的点作隐匿Made Dormant);当表面之间的切线夹角小于设定角度时,面之间的边线被过滤掉(同时对过滤的线作隐匿Made Dormant)。
如果这项操作不符合实际情况,那么用户应该增加容差或者重新创建几何模型并将其导入ICEM 中继续操作。
红线(Red Curve)表示该模型满足容差,几何模型的面与面之间的间隙在容差范围之内,无需修正,是用户需要的物理模型。
而黄线(Yellow Edges)表示表面是缺失的或者面之间的缝隙大于容差,通常是一些需要修补的几何模型,如图2-155所示。
图2-155 几何容差检查2.3.3 ICEM CFD划分非结构网格ICEM CFD 12.1为用户提供了强大的自动划分四面体网格的功能。
但是这个网格划分方法83精通CFD工程仿真与案例实战——FLUENT GAMBIT ICEM CFD Tecplot也存在一些缺陷,需要用户在使用这个功能划分网格的时候加以注意。
ICEM CFD划分网格(百度经验)

方法/步骤1. 1接上一篇《DesignModeler如何建立房间空气分析模型(3/3)》,打开I CEM网格划分软件,如图所示2. 2选择“File”,选择“import Geometry”,选择“Parasolid”导入方式,如图3. 3打开上一篇已经保存的房价分析模型,如图所示4. 4打开之后,叫你选择单位,这里选择“milimeter”单位,如图所示5. 5 点击“ok”按钮,如图6. 6弹出如图所示对话框(我这里是以前有相同名字的文件划分过网格),点击“yes”按钮,如图7.7然后又弹出一个窗口,问你是否要创建新project,选择“yes”,如图所示8.8模型就已经导入ICEM中了,按住鼠标左键旋转模型,如图所示9.9展开“Model”中的“parts”,如图所示10.10右键单击“parts”,选择“Create Part”,如图所示11.11 出现如图所示对话框12.12在“part”对话框中输入“INLET”,如图所示13.13展开“Geometry”,勾选“surface”,如图所示14.14选择“create part by selection”中“Entities”右边的鼠标箭头,如图15.15 出现如图所示对话框,16.16由于篇幅过大,图片过多。
第二部分《ICEM-CFD如何划分网格》分为五篇文章发出来,分别为:《ICEM-CFD如何划分网格(1/5)》,《ICEM-C FD如何划分网格(2/5)》,《ICEM-CFD如何划分网格(3/5)》,《IC EM-CFD如何划分网格(4/5)》,《ICEM-CFD如何划分网格(5/5)》.方法/步骤1. 1接上一篇《ICEM-CFD如何划分网格(1/5)》,选择空调进风口面,作为“INLET”,准备创建进口边界面,如图所示。
2. 2选中之后按鼠标中间或者“ok”按钮,“parts”栏中已经出现“INLET”了,如图3. 3再在“create part”中输入“OUTLET”,准备创建出口边界面,如图所示4. 4选择“create part by selection”中“Entities”右边的鼠标箭头,如图5. 5选择出风口面,作为“OUTLET”,准备创建出口边界面,如图所示。

WorkBench ICEM CFD 网格区分初教之阳早格格创做111AnsysWB里集成了一个非常要害的工具:ICEM CFD.它是一个建模、区分网格的集成工具,功能非常强盛.尔也不过蜻蜓面火的用了频频,感觉真真非常棒,往日逢到搀纯的模型,用过几个区分网格的工具.然而那是尔感触最便当战最具效用的.网格区分很大程度上做用着后绝的仿真分解——疑赖诸位皆有所体验.而ICEM CFD特天少于区分六里体网格,疑赖无论是结构大概流体(天然铁别是流体),皆市得益于它的能力.ICEM CFD建模的本收不敢阿谀,然而区分网格真真有其独到之处.教程开初前,做一个简朴的本理介绍,圆里不使用过ICEM CFD的伙伴明黑主要的任务:111如下图:1:红色的物体是咱们需要区分网格的,然而是它非常不准则.2:那时间您一定念:怎么那个不准则呢,假如它是一个圆圆正正的形状多佳(比圆红色的那个形状)01111于是有了那样一种思维:1:对付于同型,咱们用一种准则形状去形貌它.2:大概者道:如果目标形状非常搀纯,咱们便用很多准则的,简朴的形状单元合成正在所有,去形貌它.之后,将网格区分的树立,搞到准则形状上.末尾,那些准则,通过最初的“形貌”闭系,自动的“映射”到本先的搀纯形状上——问题便得到了办理!!!ICEM CFD正是使用了那种思维.如下是一个三通管,正在ProE里搞得02正在ProE内里间接开用WB加进WB后,采用如下图:03111如下:1:代表处事空间里的真体2:代表某真体的子真体,不妨统造它们的开闭状态3:统造隐现的场合04底下需要创造一个Body真体那个真体代表了真正在的物体.那个真正在的物体的形状由咱们导进的形状去定义.——咱们导进的形状本去不是真正在的真体.那个观念要收会.然而是以后基础上不会对付那个真正在的真体做什么支配.那种处理办法主假如为处事空间内有多个物体的时间准备的.051:面打“创造Body”2、3:面选那二个面4:于是创造出一个喊“Body”的真体支配中,左键采用,中键确认,左键完毕并退出——类似的支配要收很多场合用到,要多训练,以后便不特天证明黑06底下需要创造咱们最需要的物品:那个“准则的形状”ICEM CFD里,那个真体喊 Block不妨如下办法创造之:07注意到咱们当前多了一个乌框,怎么样,够准则吧?呵呵,开个玩笑.还必须对付那个乌框举止需要的“裁剪”之后才搞用去“形貌”咱们的目标真体0809建剪Block真体的第一步是一个益智的处事:咱们无妨简朴画造一下战术:果为咱们的本量物体像一个变形的“T”形,果此,无妨便用“T”去变形.末尾要死存的部分用圆圈表示,不要得部分用“X”.如下图:10如图:1:采用“Split”工具2:使用默认的第一个要收3:采用“选线”按钮4:正在Block的乌线上采用,并“切”出一条乌线.5、6、7、8、9:以此类推.11末尾的截止该当类似下图121:采用“Delete Block”2:采用“采用Block”按钮3:简略不需要的部分.13得到类似的图形:14开初安排面的位子:1:采用“Move 顶面”2:采用默认要收3:采用“多选”——补充一个,咱们背去使用Y背视图!5:将Y牢固掉4:采用“采用面工具”6:之后安排Block的顶面,到类似下图的位子15注意到正在每个Pip的直处,Block与Pip不克不迭很佳的揭合,那是果为咱们的Block仍旧细糙.果此,需要继承“Split”现有的Block,并继承安排Block 的顶面.要收便是沉复上头的步调,那里便不罗嗦了.细分战安排后的图形类似下图,天然探供完好的伙伴还不妨继承细分——不过需要掌控一个度的问题,果为细分得太多,也便得去“用简朴形貌搀纯”那个出收面了.16底下要搞的是从Block到Pip的“对付应闭系指定”处事.——纵然现有已经有了形貌Pip的Block,然而一些细节的场合,需要脚工指定它们的对付应闭系,正在搀纯模型中尤为如许.果为纵然硬件有很大程度的智能,然而它到底无法真足的自动的分解出咱们需要的对付应闭系去.闭于指定“对付应闭系”的训练,最佳请伙伴们依照ICEM CFD 自戴的教程去搞频频.特天是安排Block的顶面本收,战以后流体估计的网格品量有很大闭系,不认识的伙伴需要补补课了.如下图:咱们需要将Block上的那四个边共Pip三通处的对接部分“绑定”正在所有.相称于报告硬件:“以后那四条边便代表了那二条圆弧哦!”17要收如下:1:采用“Associate”2:采用“Edge to Curve”——Edge是Block上的,Curve是Pip上的3:采用Edges——注意那时必须要多选.4:再采用“Curve”——那时间也要多选5:中键确认后,注意到已经造定了对付应闭系的边形成绿色.18下一步便不妨使用自动指定的功能了:1:采用“Associate”2:采用自动捕获3:决定4:注意到当前Block已经“完好”的包裹住Pip19其余,要将三个管心的Block的Edge战Pip的Curve“指定”对付应闭系,要收便战上头指定对接处的时间一般.请大家自止支配了.20之后,便不妨设定Mesh的参数了.1:挨开真体参数设定窗心2:MaxSize树立为5——目标对付了以去以后不妨安排到更小.3:HeightRetio树立为0.64:确认21激活刚刚才的树立,为Pre-Mesh搞准备1:采用“Pre-Mesh 参数”2:默认革新所有树立3:确认22预览Mesh:1:树立为真体状态2:隐现树立的推荐选项,伙伴们不妨自止安排3:截止该当战左图类似23闭心一下Mesh品量:1:挨开Mesh品量查看2:采用“Angle”——有很多种评介网格品量的要收,尔比较喜欢那个3:左键面选不睬念的部分4:采用“Show”5:那些单元格是姑且的树立情况下,不太理念的场合24有很多种要收革新单元格的品量比圆尔正在Bolock上,相映的场合增加了一条线,安排的位子后,从新使用一次“自动包裹”——要收共前里的道述再次革新Pre-Mesh参数后,检察品量,刚刚才的不良已经与消.25要害提示:1:正在创造Block的时间,Block顶面的位子,Bolock细分的效验,皆不妨正在那样的循环支配中得到曲瞅的截止.2:区分网格,尔部分感触无中乎二步:一个浑晰的思路,战不竭的劣化.前者需要睹多识广,后者需要耐性留神.如果是搞结构分解,正在那一步不妨挨住了,间接死成最后的单元格文献即可;然而搞流体的伙伴还需要继承:搞流体的鸿沟层.1:创睹O型格也是一种Split2:采用创造O型格3:采用所有的格体4:采用出、出心(不需要O型结构的里)26瞅察其中一个心:1:绿色的线是本先Block的Edge(果为咱们本先造定了它战Pip上物理开心的对付应闭系所以形成了绿色)2:小一面的乌色线,代表了以后的O型格体!!!——ICEM CFD创造O型格的处事仍是正在Block上开展的.27正在O型格上树立鸿沟层的参数1:挨开参数树立2:树立“线参数”3:采用一条对接O型战边沿的联线4:以后鸿沟层为六层,果此格面为75:靠拢中缘的薄度久定为0.2——以后不妨安排6:采用“复造参数”的功能7:将那个树立复造到所有类似的线上其中MeshLaw树立很蓄意义,共以后的供解器,液体属性等均有闭系.有兴趣的伙伴自己去钻研了.尔采用的是“Exponential1”28注意到此时O型到边沿的距离,便是咱们刚刚刚刚树立了曾数等疑息的那条乌线,还比较少果此,搞如下建改:1:采用建改Block1.5:采用建改边少2:采用需要建改的边3:输进距离(注意“千万于距离”战“相对付距离”的不共)29不妨从新勾选“Pre-Mesh”注意到当前已经有O型结构了.30后绝的处事中:1:不妨正在“Pre-Mesh”上左键,采用“变换为非结构化网格”2:不妨使用菜单项,输进需要后绝分解的硬件的对付应要收.3132论断:1:Ansys 的WB,对付ICEM CFD的集成姑且(起码尔使用的版本),本去不完好.譬如ZCCBEST伙伴提出的怎么样脆持参数化的问题,尔也不相识是可能真止.然而尔念第一,ICEM CFD利害常棒的Mesh工具,主要仍旧用正在搀纯模型的Mesh上,而且偏偏沉于Mesh自己.举例道,尔用Maya创造的搀纯模型,也不妨正在ICEM CFD中举止网格区分,而且死成的BLOCK文献不妨被单独的死存下去,以后如果建改不大,则间接调用BLOCK文献,沉复利用之即可(天然普遍要搞一些小的建改).第二:即日大概许不克不迭真止某些咱们憧憬的功能,并不是来日诰日不可.尔念去论坛的伙伴更多的是抱着教习的脚段,所以请姑且把硬件的瑕疵搁一搁,而不竭天,毫无偏偏睹天去普及自己第三:从Ansys近二年的死少瞅,尔疑赖咱们憧憬的那些宜用功能,肯定会被完备.比便当尔相识的:Ansys正正在思量将Ansoft,Fluent等才支买的沉量级硬件也集成到WB中去.果此,尔提议大家,正在“理念状态”到去前,不竭天教习教习再教习,进而争与超过一步,步步超过!2:回瞅尔所收的几个教程,本去很大程度上是念为伙伴们举一反三,带收不认识仿真硬件的伙伴相识那个范围——到底咱们正在那圆里也太降后了,很多止业基础不那种意义.伙伴们大概许为分歧的公司挨工,然而以后的死产,何尝不皆是用的咱们华夏人的资材.能俭朴面是一面,于公于公皆不无大利——起码咱们要相识不妨怎么样将那些物品用于咱们的安排吧.果此尔忠心的提议大家共共建造那个板块,无公的接流凡是的心得,真真达到共共普及的脚段.唉,不留神写多了.记记了“少道多搞”的准则,然而料到真真是收自肺腑的笔墨,不忍简略,便以之与伙伴们共勉吧!!!——佳乏,抽根烟先!。

ICEM CFD中合并多个网格对于结构十分复杂的几何模型,若能够将几何体分割成多个部分由多人分别进行网格划分,生成网格后能够对网格进行组装,这恐怕是很多人梦寐以求的功能了。
今天要说的是如何在ICEM CFD中实现此功能。
图1 原始几何图2 几何1生成的网格图3 保存网格1、将几何1.x_t导入到ICEM CFD中进行网格划分。
选择菜单File > Mesh > Load From Blocking生成网格。
选择File > Mesh >Save Mesh As…,我们这里保存已生成的网格为1.uns,后面组装的时候要用到此文件。
图4 模型2的网格图5 模型3的网格4、网格组装先导入1.uns,点击菜单File > Mesh >Open Mesh…,选择第2步保存的网格文件1.uns,导入模型1的网格。
图6 对话框图7 全部倒入后的模型5、导出网格以常规方式导出网格。

基于块 能以非结构的形式输出
1. 几何实体
2. 反应特征的块
构造块:设法用组合 的块反映实体特征;
基 本 块
减少 网格 数量
M1 M2
只适用于几何相关 Pactch dependent 方法
最里一层的 网格高度
定义体区域(Geomerty-Creat Body-Material Point,选体上
Tetra/MixedRobust (Octree)
Compute Mesh-Surface Mesh Only(可更
改划分方法),检查网格质量Edit Mesh-Display Mesh ; Quality
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WorkBe nch ICEM CFD网格划分入门111A nsysWB!集成了一个非常重要的工具:ICEM CFD它是一个建模、划分网格的集成工具,功能非常强大。
教程开始前,作一个简单的原理介绍,方面没有使用过ICEM CFD的朋友理解主要的任务:111如下图:1:白色的物体是我们需要划分网格的,但是它非常不规则。
最后,这些规则,通过最初的“描述”关系,自动的“映射”到原先的复杂形状上一一问题就得到了解决!!!ICEM CFD E是使用了这种思想如下是一个三通管,在ProE里做得在ProE里面直接启动WB进入WE后,选择如下图:111如下:1:代表工作空间里的实体2:代表某实体的子实体,可以控制它们的开关状态3:控制显示的地方下面需要创建一个Body实体这个实体代表了真实的物体。
1:点击“创建Body”2、3:点选这两个点4:于是创建出一个叫“ Body”的实体操作中,左键选择,中键确认,右键完成并退出一一类似的操作方法很多地方用到,要多练习,今后就不特别说明了Sr U 119391% E Giiomady Mesh | Blocking [ Edfth^Mh | Propir1i#« | OsrffitojnlB ] La adv | Sokn Opimt DulpuK | CbrtJD ER 廉临创穆仔擔&侈責XX 豪MIX4 •__ < * * J —-下面需要创建我们最需要的东西:那个“规则的形状”ICEM CFD 里,这个实体叫Block可以如下方式创建之:1 S' Gfl nrYlFl^ 3jbset5 Pointe Ojrv«i Sirl^rn ■ End 旧倉| ■ IP_[?ro;ect] ] * PIP [Edvanceti Heshinsl x Properties Constraints Lcac Ulockm 冋怙 Edit View Info Settings Window/? Help 'Edilh/esh Zi Mud 』 Suos^ f Fonts r Cuves —□ Su-face? Bodies Fri-sr Parts —tf BODY L-tf PIP T 1 ▽ 13 curvesa jor3scribed points1 bodies c J 厂 Lag Save Clear R Cx Georelry Mesh Pdu( |DOO ^J 二 Create Black 二 Initialize Blocks Type |3D Eaunding Box 创 Errtftias | 傅… 1 Hroj^ctvertices Apply OK DismissCrpniR Rlnrk 注意到我们现在多了一个黑框,怎么样,够规则吧? 呵呵,开个玩笑。
还必须对这个黑框进行必要的“裁剪”之后才能用来“描述”我们的目标实体08修剪Block实体的第一步是一个益智的工作:我们不妨简单绘制一下策略:因为我们的实际物体像一个变形的“ T”形,因此,不妨就用“ T”来变形最后要保留的部分用圆圈表示,不要得部分用“ X”。
如下图:10如图:1 :选择“ Split ”工具2:使用默认的第一个方法3:选择“选线”按钮4:在Block的黑线上选择,并“切”出一条黑线5、6、7、8、9:以此类推。
11最后的结果应该类似下图11L_1:选择“ Delete Block ”2:选择“选择Block ”按钮3:删除不需要的部分。
得到类似的图形:开始调节点的位置:1:选择“ Move 顶点”2:选择默认方法3:选择“多选”一一补充一个,我们一直使用5:将丫固定掉4:选择“选择点工具”6:之后调节Block 的顶点,到类似下图的位置Ul 叭 E Smefty tvtedt單Q 反也锲念榕事松云谢轴詳电龙••工硯爨注意到在每个Pip 的弯处,Block 与Pip 不能很好的贴合,这是因为我们的 Block 还是粗糙 因此,需要继续“ Split ”现有的Block ,并继续调节Block 的顶点。
丫向视图! 15处口!旳 E 日对dush -r Q rtnr ■- LMfvl F*a£-piQzeqsngMim Venice^W 谓I”! J A IMev«WCHTtCEI - Fu drptron厂■dnrT -d t Sur删的■nt Gi"igLV>4.-i i”m 七• !別:;Mi 科■J 亍如小 W Edge- c —hue: n 仙bi—匚 RoMulaEh :J Tqaq|p^ Elr FK XG? Fu n £ rF EZ 」细分和调节后的图形类似下图,当然追求完美的朋友还可以继续细分一一不过需要把握一个度的问题,因为细分得太多,也就失去“用简单描述复杂”这个出发点了下面要做的是从Block到Pip的“对应关系指定”工作。
--------- 尽管现有已经有了描述Pip的Block,但一些细节的地方,需要手工指定它们的对应关系,在复杂模型中尤为如此。
相当于告诉软件:“今后这四条边就代表了这两条圆弧哦!”方法如下:选择“ Associate ”选择“ Edge to Curve选择Edges ----- 注意这时必须要多选。
Edge是Block上的,Curve是Pip上的再选择“ Curve” 一一这时候也要多选中键确认后,注意到已经制定了对应关系的边变成绿色。
「ilf Edt Msws- hlo SaQr^i WuiJijiwi halp| GeorrartF^ Mssh Backing EMM^sh =>-DpE:rtiBE Co^r rrts Loads 5ah-e 'Ztatiam Dt^ir | C^rt.lD Pan-pncessinq 翠a期幣国位伸止旷i i Mod&lI19仇5 0吟一口Sl±KQis:卜・RalwS QM'i--- Sl_rt3IZ9-5J SOOHIiT如蟲W1 EdgteI F BCHEa闻wI RB-Ue<ihNockmg^«od<QhonitEditAfl.'Rkieiiofi'a 荒3沁ASiiNJdiiir t 補芳i • > Gu刖护囱{到劭|r巨口己戊低川匚刊『Ffrojed I D sur^ectIW北加II 专3.3亠\418下一步就可以使用自动指定的功能了:1 :选择“ Associate ”2:选择自动捕捉3:确定4:注意到现在Block已经“完美”的包裹住Pip另外,要将三个管口的Block的Edge和Pip的Curve “指定”对应关系,方法就和上面指定连接处的时候一样。
之后,就可以设定Mesh 的参数了。
打开实体参数设定窗口MaxSize 设置为5――方向对了以后今后可以调节到更小。
HeightRetio 设置为 0.6确认20 Frcra : www. Si mW ccn21 激活刚才的设置,为Pre-Mesh 做准备1 2 3 41:选择“ Pre-Mesh 参数”2:默认更新所有设置3:确认 Fie Edit 'vis A I info Setinqs Wndows Helljp= 2352Gr:ucoc ouvoc: EDGEI8 EDGE17Grzu zoc 二bw&c: EDGE2J ELGEdJ fikii 厂口戶 LI funr ・ FHiTiF"Id^nGFIR预览Mesh1:设置为实体状态2:显示设置的推荐选项,朋友们可以自行调节3:结果应该和右图类似Lub-: C3 卜Poihle :—『Cuives:Surhcty—Bodies [? u Sleeking-I7 Sub? er?_□ Venice?: ■—W Edging r-CJ F OICHS Pitj-Mafeh Pturarric<nPtiTrirnHlHrsA IROCBlClliatG SlZDCMethnd拧 Updatt Altf - Keep D sir biifcors广 Keep Courts22厂Log关心一下Mesh 质量:1:打开Mesh 质量检查2:选择“ Angle ” ---- 有很多种评价网格质量的方法,我比较喜欢这个3:右键点选不理想的部分4:选择“ Show5:这些单元格是目前的设置情况下,不太理想的地方窗 PIP [pf 町出] Q HP [記池tH" Keahlftg] x : File Edri Vi®**1 Into 去和呦 <i WhWx Help 已氐卫凸至* >2L_ 2・ Rry-M^ch Paianny “”…””一Mu ch mg P^rmni 口⑷炖 \_I^ r\^ I MoMI GEoineiry Subieis Feirts Cugg Surteces Ad 斟 L z Dig nig Sijbt elf Venice 劈 氐Iq 孥 —Fscei —_ ahicks </ Fte-^esh LM W Top ala® Pant BO 口 W Recahjultite Si^tssGe 301 Btr y 卜护咄i Skckmg EditME-=h Pirp^dii^ C OTIB U E in^ Lo 吕衣 SoK-e Opli uns Oulput C^rt 巒酸*C 僚窗声每履 缴欝属 PtP [扛oMatJ ] PEF [LbvdUEcd le^jlincJ « * b有很多种方法改善单元格的质量比如我在Bolock 上,相应的地方添加了一条线,调节的位置后,从新使用一次“自动包裹” 同前面的讲述 25重要提示:1:在制作Block 的时候,Block 顶点的位置,Bolock 细分的效果,都可以在这样的循环操作中得到直 观的结果。