PM Chapter5




口袋妖怪XY刑警事件与帅哥刑警的共事(围绕Lumiose City展开的支线)和博士对话得知mega进化的进一步消息后,到Lumiose City就收到不明人士的通讯,让我到Rouge Plaza的Looker Bureau(侦探事务所)去不知道怎么走就打的吧此时Chapter 1 开启Chapter 1 The man is real ... a Looker来到Looker Bureau,进去看到帅哥刑警,他先赞扬了我打败耀斑团,然后说他要保护Lumiose City免受犯罪分子的攻击,希望我成为他的助手选择愿意成为助手后,他先训练我作为侦探的能力,让我在Lumiose City的五个地方找到Looker Ticket五个地点分别在:1. Magenta Plaza旁的精灵中心2. Prism Tower里(也就是电系道馆的塔里1F)3. Vernal Avenue 里的一家药店4. North Boulevard 路边的Hotel Richissime5. North Boulevard 路边的Lumiose Museum完成后回到Looker Bureau,帅哥刑警再次确认要不要帮助他,选择是后他说当有任务的时候就会发来通讯Chapter 1结束Chapter 2 In the black alleys走过不久就收到通讯说回Looker Bureau有事要说,到了Looker Bureau他让我看桌上的笔记本内容:委托人:妈妈们委托内容:她们的孩子最近都在Lumiose City的一些小巷里不知道在干些什么,她们希望我们阻止孩子们做坏事报酬:能够供给一周的面团阅读完和帅哥刑警对话,他告诉你在South Bouvelard的小巷有些异样,让我先从这里开始调查,然后他在笔记本上写下了所有小巷的分布,可以在这里查找很快就能找到在Restaurant Le Nah(旁边有只睡着的小草羊)旁的小巷里就有一群小朋友,进去她们要把我赶出去要不然就对战当然就对战咯~打赢四个孩子后听到巷子里有PM的叫声,是超能小猫他们只是在和一个孤儿还有小猫一起玩,这个孤儿就住在黑暗的小巷里,然后帅哥刑警就请她住到Looker Bureau去,同时也能帮助他的工作,但是小猫太怕生跑了出去于是下一个任务就是找到小猫并和小猫混熟出了小巷就收到通讯说小猫可能会躲到其他的小巷里去,这些小巷在Galette Stand对面,Lumiose Station对面还有在Cafe Triste右边,入口都在North Boulevard路边最后在Cafe Triste 右边的小巷里找到了然后和它对话出现了几个选项,我选择了唱歌,然后它带着微笑又跑走了接下来在Galette Stand对面的小巷中找到了,第二次我选择了微笑,没有什么效果接下来就是Lumiose Station对面了,这次选择了跳舞,成功和它混熟了Chapter 2结束Chapter 3 Detective, Tourist, Gang同样是很快就收到通讯,回到Looker Bureau,说了一小段关于孤儿Emma的话接着有个旅行大妈进来求救,用日语(我选的是英语)说她重要的PM在车站被偷了,希望我们能尽快帮她找回来,因为飞机的时间快来不及了但是帅哥刑警误会了意思,以为她想要喝茶,就跑出去买茶了这时候Emma回来了,她能听的懂日语,然后她拜托超能小猫Mimi的超能力把大妈和Emma 心里的想法展示出来于是知道了事件缘由,大妈在车站的时候一个男人从后边偷走了她的包,她很努力追了还是没追上Emma貌似知道一些关于那个男人的线索这时候帅哥刑警把茶买回来了,Emma把事情缘由都说了一遍“那个男人可能还在Lumiose Station,可能是Lumiose Gang(Lumiose City的犯罪组织)的一员”然后帅哥刑警马上跑去Lumiose Station,但是他身上没有PM,Emma就求我们快过去帮他……前去Lumiose Station看到帅哥刑警在和那群团伙对峙触发战斗第一个女混混:秃鹰娜lv58第二个女混混:Pangoro(大熊猫,恶+格斗)lv56,爆爆头水牛lv56第三个男混混:赤面龙lv56,流氓鳄lv56全部战胜后Emma 出现了,原来Emma曾经是这些人的boss,现在她要求他们还回PM 并且向大妈道歉(其实是她打败了那个团伙其中一个人然后他们就想让她成为boss)临走之前帅哥刑警对他们说如果能够改邪归正的话就任何时候都能来Looker Bureau见Emma在事务所Emma 和帅哥刑警说她也希望能够有一份正直的工作,虽然她是帅哥刑警的助手,但是她什么都没有做……帅哥刑警安慰了她让她安心学习但是Emma还是决定去做一个part-time jobChapter 3结束Chapter 4 An Unforgiveable Crime还是走过不久就收到通讯,来到Looker Bureau,帅哥刑警说最近Emma经常出去甚至晚上也没回来,他很担心这时候收到一个通讯,是新闻的广播员的公告,说昨晚有个入侵者闯入了Lumiose Museum并且毁坏了一幅画,而且说犯罪嫌疑人留在馆内的可能性很大帅哥刑警有个人要见所以拜托我去美术馆调查前往Lumiose Museum进去后一个工作人员就和我说了事情经过,让我去3层找美术馆的经理到达三楼,经理就在画前,对话后下楼出了美术馆就收到了新闻广播员的通讯最近城里的精灵强盗很猖狂,他们都是在战斗结束后趁训练师不备抢走了精灵,这些案件都是发生在暗黑小巷里或者没什么人的地方接着又收到帅哥刑警的通讯,让我回Looker Bureau帅哥刑警想要让我通过装作在小巷里迷路直接把这些嫌疑人引出来第一个地点是在North Boulevard 的Galette Stand 对面的暗黑小巷,一进入小巷就收到了帅哥刑警的通讯,让我小心进去后看到一个人站在那里,上前对话触发战斗胖嘟嘟lv58火神虫lv60胜利后她想要抢走我的PM,这时候帅哥刑警冲了出来,发现这个人换了一身装束并戴上了面具,说了一段话后逃了帅哥刑警说从逃跑方向看应该是在North Boulevard 的Cafe Triste 旁边的暗黑小巷,并帮忙回复进去后同样收到帅哥刑警的通讯说要小心,还是有个人和你发生战斗风妖精lv57布卢皇lv57大嘴娃lv57还是一样的剧情,这个人逃向了North Boulevard 的Lumiose Station 对面的小巷进入小巷后发现只有一个空手道男在那,他说他的PM被抢走了,说那个人逃到South Boulevard去了帅哥刑警说South Boulevard 上只有一个暗黑小巷,就是之前我遇见Emma的地方进入小巷,帅哥刑警发来通讯说那个人确定是个年轻的女人,这次一定要抓住她触发战斗猫老大lv60胜利后她想要抢走我的PM,帅哥上来阻止,这时候超能小猫Mimi跑了出来,并且和那个人十分亲密那个人想要攻击Mimi,帅哥保护了Mimi,说那个人是Emma,让她住手,但是她说他是ESSENTIA不是EMMA这时候面具失效了一小段时间但是马上又恢复了电力,然后她逃走了帅哥受伤了回到事务所,说是他要找的人把Emma控制了,他上的再重也要把那个人找到救回EmmaChapter 4结束Chapter 5 A Fiery Woman And A Truth Revealed走不久就收到了Emma的通讯,让我到Looker Bureau进去后Emma说她找不到帅哥了,得知在医院后想去医院却发现时间到了她便离开了她已离开就有一个人进来委托,说在委托之前想确认一下我的实力然后触发战斗勇士鹰lv62原来他是原耀斑团的组织者之一,现在改邪归正成为一个管家,让我马上去Hotel Richissime 的Royal Suite(皇室套房)来到Hotel Richissime,皇室套房应该是在最高层(5F),来到最高层左边,原来那个人就是火系天王Malva她发起了挑战Pyroar(火狮子)lv63胜利后她说有些事想要找我,第一件就是那个精灵强盗Essentia的真实身份就是Emma,穿着高科技的衣服Expansion Suit,这个是由Dr. Xerosic发明的Dr. Xerosic就是耀斑团的研究员之一,她希望我能确认Dr. Xerosic是否已经不在了(原来火系天王也是耀斑团的一员)然后她说在Lysandre Cafe(耀斑团的基地)应该就能找到他,让我找他之前做好准备来到Lysandre Cafe,火系天王Malva已经在里面等着了,给我带路她说Dr. Xerosic就在实验室里,但是是在隐藏的某层里需要密码,她帮我输好了密码,剩下就交给我了隐藏的那层的结构和1F是一样的一出电梯门就有挑战第一个研究员:小灰怪lv60,齿轮怪lv60第二个研究员:双弹瓦斯lv61,Heliolisk(电蜥蜴二阶)lv59第一个女混混:秃鹰娜lv62(其实还是之前那些混混)第二个女混混:Pangoro(熊猫二阶)lv60,爆爆头水牛lv60第三个研究员:臭臭泥lv62第三个男混混:赤面龙lv59,流氓鳄lv61进到最深处,见到好多训练家的精灵球,那个混混说书架后应该会有什么东西在后排蓝色的第二个书架上找到了Secret Records: Volume 1,讲到那个Dr. Xerosic想要找个健康个体测试Expansion Suit后排第三个蓝色书架上找到Expansion Suit Specs后排第一个蓝色书架上找到了Secret Records: Volume 2,讲到Emma来应征那个part-time job,并且被利用前排左边第三个紫色书架上找到了Secret Records: Volume 3,讲到Dr. Xerosic训练Emma前排右边第三个红色书架上找到了Secret Records: Volume 4,讲到试验成功,Emma成功突破了美术馆防线,且Emma这段记忆空白前排右边第二个红色书架上找到了Secret Records: Volume 5,讲到他控制Emma抢来训练师的PM来做实验,还说到Emma在见到一个成为冠军的男孩的时候会出现错误按顺序读完后和混混对话后,Dr. Xerosic回来了,他召唤出了Essentia,发起战斗胖嘟嘟lv64火神虫lv66胜利后他不相信,又再一次战斗风妖精lv63布卢皇lv63大嘴娃lv63接着就是第三次战斗猫老大lv66胜利后超能小猫Mimi跑了出来,帅哥也跟了上来,Emma非常痛苦,帅哥让我帮助Emma 脱掉Expansion Suit最后一次战斗叉字蝠lv68Malamar(翻转墨鱼二阶)lv70Emma非常痛苦,Dr. Xerosic停止了Suit的运作,并且让Emma回来了然后我带着Emma走了,帅哥和Dr. Xerosic留下来对话,Dr. Xerosic承认了自己的罪行,帅哥让他陪Emma一起度过最后一个晚上Chapter 5结束Last Chapter Here's Looin' at You, Kid收到Emma讯息说有惊人的信息要和我说,让我到Looker Bureau进去后Emma说帅哥出院了,这时候Mimi跑了进来拿着帅哥的信信中,帅哥坦白了自己是国际刑警而不是一个私家侦探,自己的任务完成了要离开这里了,还有一些告别的话他把整栋Looker Bureau买了下来,这样Emma就不用担心住宿费了Emma非常难过,冲了出去在我也要出去的时候那个混混进来说过来串门,他说看到Emma哭着在跑,还说帅哥去了Lumiose Musuem前往Lumiose Museum,到三楼和经理对话他说画修复好了,警察也说抓到了犯罪嫌疑人下楼见到那个工作人员,说那个警察走出美术馆的时候表情非常难过走出美术馆收到Emma的通讯说她收到Dr. Xerosic的通讯,说他和帅哥在Lysandre Cafe (耀斑团的基地),让我赶快过去进入Lysandre Cafe看到帅哥和Dr. Xerosic,这时候Emma也赶上来,Emma希望帅哥能把她和Mimi也带上,她希望和帅哥在一起帅哥任命Emma为新的Looker Bureau主人,Dr. Xerosic把拆除了Expansion Suit里的控制装置并把它送给了Emma,让她用Essentia的力量来保护这个城市并且把他所有的PM都送给了Emma,然后他们就走了(这段真的好感人……)Last Chapter 结束卷尾语:We have our story ending here, but their story is just beginning...(有点记不清了,大致这个意思吧)后续剧情:每天下班的时间都能在Looker Bureau找到Essential对战叉字蝠lv73Malamar(翻转墨鱼二阶)lv75。



between Countries1.In the short-run specific-factors model, examine the impact on a small country fol-lowing a natural disaster that decreases its population. Assume that land is specific to agriculture, capital is specific to manufacturing, and labor is free to move between the two sectors.a.In a diagram similar to Figure 5-2, determine the impact of the decrease in work-force on the output of each industry and the equilibrium wage.Answer: The following diagram depicts a decrease in population (labor) in the specific-factors model. The origin for agriculture shifts inward by exactly the amount of the change in population, carrying with it the curve representing the marginal product of labor in agriculture. (Note: one could equivalently shift the origin and MPL curve in manufacturing and arrive at the same result.) The new equilibrium is determined at the intersection of P M ؒMPL M and (P A ؒMPL A )Ј,which corresponds to a higher wage W Ј. In manufacturing, the amount of labor decreases from O M L to O M L Јand the amount of capital remains the same. As a result, the output of manufacturing decreases. In agriculture, the amount of labor has decreased from O A L to O A ЈL Ј(note that (L ЈϪL ) is necessarily less than (O A ЈϪO A ) and the amount of land remains the same. As a result, the output of agriculture also decreases).S-39b.What happens to the rentals on capital and land?Answer: Because the quantity of labor in both industries decreases due to the nat-ural disaster, the marginal product of labor increases in both industries and the mar-ginal products of the industry-specific factors decrease. Because it is a small coun-try , the final output prices P A and P M remain unchanged; hence, the rental rate for capital, P M ؒMPK,decreases and the rental rate for land, P A ؒMPT ,decreases.2.How would your answer to problem 1 change if instead we use the long-run model,with shoes and computers produced using labor and capital?Answer: In the long-run model, a decrease in labor does not affect factor prices at all. Rather, the output of shoes and computers adjusts: according to the Rybczynski theorem, the output of the labor-intensive industry (shoes) decreases and the output of the capital-intensive industry (computers) increases. This point can be illustrated graphically as well, as in problem 3.3.Consider an increase in the supply of labor due to immigration, and use the long-runmodel. Figure 5-8 shows the box diagram and the leftward shift of the origin for the shoe industry. Redraw this diagram, but instead, shift to the right the origin for comput-ers.That is, expand the labor axis by the amount ⌬L,but shift it to the right rather than to the left. With the new diagram, show how the amount of labor and capital in shoes and computers is determined, without any change in factor prices. Carefully explain what has happened to the amount of labor and capital used in each industry and to the output of each industry.Answer: Keeping factor prices constant (i.e., W and R K constant), the K /L ratio in each industry remains unchanged. In the diagram below, this means that the slope of the arrows emanating from each origin stays the same even when the total endow-ments of capital or labor change. Shifting the origin for computers to the right ex-pands the horizontal axis and signifies the increase in labor due to immigration.Finding a new equilibrium involves scaling the arrows up or down from their re-spective origins to find a unique intersection. In this case, the only possible intersec-tion involves lengthening the shoes arrow and contracting the computers arrow. This illustrates the Rybczynski theorem: the output of the labor-intensive industry in-creases with additional labor in the economy (vice versa for the capital-intensive in-dustry). The new equilibrium is identical to that in Figure 5-8, so it does not matter to which industry the extra labor is initially added.S-40Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between CountriesWage, W W 1WO M O AL ЈL O A Ј4.In the short-run specific-factors model, consider a decrease in the stock of land. Forexample, suppose a natural disaster decreases the quantity of arable land used for planting crops.a.Redraw panel (a) of Figure 5-11 starting from the initial equilibrium at point A.Answer:b.What is the effect of this change in land on the quantity of labor in each indus-try and on the equilibrium wage?Answer: With less land per laborer in the agriculture sector, MPL A decreases.This is represented by an inward shift in the wage curve for agriculture and leads to a new equilibrium at point B.In words, wages in the agriculture sector drop,drawing labor into the manufacturing sector. The increased labor supply in theSolutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between CountriesS-41KO S L S K SO L O ЈC K ЈL ЈK ЈKL L ЈL Wage, W W O M O AL ЈW ЈLmanufacturing sector puts downward pressure on the wage. In the new equilib-rium, wages are once again equalized across industries at W ЈϽW ,manufactur-ing labor increases from O M L to O M L Ј, and agriculture labor decreases from O A L to O A L Ј.c.What is the effect on the rental on land and the rental on capital?Answer: In the manufacturing industry , the quantity of labor increases and the amount of capital remains the same (i.e., the labor/capital ratio increases). There-fore, the marginal product of capital increases due to the natural disaster because each unit of capital has more laborers working with it. As a result, the rental on capital, P M ؒMPK,increases. In agriculture, the result seems ambiguous at first.On one hand, the natural disaster decreases the stock of land, which increases the marginal product of land. On the other hand, the movement of labor from agri-culture to manufacturing decreases the marginal product of land. Which one of these effects is stronger? It is possible to answer this question by looking at the move from A to B in steps. Consider the contraction in the marginal product of labor in agriculture from A to C: The wage is held constant by (L ЈЈϪL ) workers leaving the agriculture industry. Because the wage has not changed, nor has the labor/land ratio or the rental on land. Then, allowing workers to migrate back into agriculture holding the amount of land fixed, going from C to B, the wage is depressed to W Јand the marginal product of land increases. Combining these steps, the land rental, P A ؒMPT ,increases from A to B.d.Now suppose that the international community wants to help the country struckby the natural disaster and decides to do so by increasing its level of FDI. So the rest of the world increases its investment in physical capital in the stricken coun-try. Illustrate the effect of this policy on the equilibrium wage and rentals.Answer: An increase in FDI increases the amount of capital in manufacturing,shifting out the wage curve in that sector. This has the effect of raising MPL M and hence wages, drawing additional labor into that sector. The new equilibrium occurs at a higher wage than after the disaster. (The total effect as compared with before the disaster will depend on the relative magnitude of the loss in land and inflow of capital, and is therefore ambiguous.) The agriculture sector shrinks fur-ther due to the capital inflow, but those still employed in it enjoy a higher wage than after the disaster. (W e do not know if the wage is higher or lower than be-fore the disaster.)S-42Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between CountriesWage, W WO M O AL ЈL ЈЈW ЈL5.According to part A of Table 5-1, what education level loses most (that is, has thegreatest decrease in wage) from immigration to the United States? Does this result depend on keeping the rental on capital constant? Explain why or why not.Answer: Holding capital fixed, the table shows immigration has the greatest negative impact on workers with very low or high levels of education and only a small nega-tive impact on those workers with mid-level education (12–15 years). The impacts are even smaller in the long run, when capital adjusts to keep the real return to cap-ital fixed in each industry: in that case, workers with very low or high levels of edu-cation lose due to immigration, but workers with mid-level education gain due to the immigration combined with the capital adjustment. The reason that the losses are smaller (and even become gains) in the long run is that immigration leads to capital growth in industries.6.Suppose that computers use 2 units of capital for each worker, so that K C ϭ2 ؒL C ,whereas shoes use 0.5 units of capital for each worker, so that K S ϭ0.5 ؒL S .There are 100 workers and 100 units of capital in the economy.a.Solve for the amount of labor and capital used in each industry. Hint:The boxdiagram shown in Figure 5-7 means that the amount of labor and capital used in each industry must add up to the total for the economy, so that:K C ϩK S ϭ100, and L C ϩL S ϭ100Use the facts that K C ϭ2 ؒL C and K S ϭ0.5 иL S to rewrite these equations as:2 ؒL C ϩ0.5 ؒL S ϭ100, and L C ϩL S ϭ100Use these two equations to solve for L C and L S ,and then calculate the amount of capital used in each industry using K C ϭ2 ؒL C and K S ϭ0.5 ؒL S .Answer: The above two equations can be solved as:2 ؒL C ϩ0.5 ؒL S ϭ1002 ؒL C ϩ2 ؒL S ϭ200Ϫ1.5 ؒL S ϭϪ100so that L S ϭ100 / 1.5 ϭ66.7. It follows from the same equations that L C ϭ33.3, and that K C ϭ2 ؒL C ϭ66.7 and K S ϭ0.5 ؒL S ϭ33.3.b.Suppose that the number of workers increases to 125 due to immigration, keep-ing total capital fixed at 100. Again solve for the amount of labor and capital used in each industry. Hint:Redo the calculations from part a, but using L C ϩL S ϭ125.Answer: The labor equations are now solved as:2 ؒL C ϩ0.5 ؒL S ϭ1002 ؒL C ϩ2 ؒL S ϭ250Ϫ1.5 ؒL S ϭϪ150so that L S ϭ150 / 1.5 ϭ100. It follows from the same equations that L C ϭ25,and that K C ϭ2 ؒL C ϭ50 and K S ϭ0.5 ؒL S ϭ50.Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between Countries S-43S-44Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between Countriesc.Suppose instead that the amount of capital increases to 125 due to FDI, keepingthe total number of workers fixed at 100. Again solve for the amount of laborand capital used in each industry.Hint:Redo the calculations from part (a), us-ing KCϩK Sϭ125.Answer: The first labor equation is now 2 ؒLCϩ0.5 ؒL Sϭ125, so the laborequations are solved as:2 ؒLCϩ0.5 ؒL Sϭ1252 ؒLCϩ2 ؒL Sϭ200Ϫ1.5 ؒL SϭϪ75so that LSϭ75 / 1.5 ϭ50. It follows from the same equations that L Cϭ50,and that KCϭ2 ؒL Cϭ100 and K Sϭ0.5 ؒL Sϭ25.d.Explain how your results in parts (b) and (c) are related to the Rybczynski the-orem.Answer: Comparing part (a) with part (b), the increase in the amount of laborin the economy has increased the amount of labor and capital devoted to shoes(from LSϭ66.7 and K Sϭ33.3 to L Sϭ100 and K Sϭ50) and decreased theamount of labor and capital devoted to computers (from LCϭ33.3 and K Cϭ66.7 to LCϭ25 and K Cϭ50).Therefore, the output of shoes increases and theoutput of computers decreases, due to the overall increase in labor. Shoes are la-bor-intensive because they use 0.5 units of capital per unit of labor, computersare capital-intensive because they use 2 units of capital per unit of labor. So thechange in outputs is in accordance with the Rybczynski theorem: the increase inlabor has increased the output of the labor-intensive good and decreased the out-put of the other good.Conversely, comparing part (b) with part (d), there has been an increase in theamount of capital in the economy. Consistent with the Rybczynski theorem,there has been a rise in the amount of labor and capital devoted to computer pro-duction (from LCϭ33.3 and K Cϭ66.7 to L Cϭ50 and K Cϭ100) and a fallin the amount of labor and capital devoted to shoe production (fromLSϭ66.7 and K Sϭ33.3 to L Sϭ50 and K Sϭ25).The following two questions explore the implications of the Rybczynski theorem and theFactor Price Insensitivity result for the Heckscher-Ohlin model, from Chapter 4.7.I n this question we use the Rybczynski theorem to review the derivation of theHeckscher-Ohlin theorem.a.Start at the no-trade equilibrium point A on the Home PPF in Figure 4-2, panel(a). Suppose that through immigration, the amount of labor in Home grows.Draw the new PPF and label the point B where production would occur withthe same prices for goods.Hint:Y ou can refer back to Figure 5-9 to see the ef-fect of immigration on the PPF.Answer: Figure 5-9, reproduced below, shows the shift in the Home PPF due tothe inflow of labor.With the same prices for goods, production occurs at pointB,with greater output of shoes and less output of computers, in accordance withthe Rybczynski theorem.b.Suppose that the only difference between Foreign and Home is that Foreign hasmore labor. Otherwise, the technologies used to produce each good are the same across countries. Then how does the Foreign PPF compare with the original Home PPF (without immigration) that you drew in part (a)? Is point B the no-trade equilibrium in Foreign? Explain why or why not.Answer: The Foreign PPF is shifted out and upward as compared with the orig-inal Home PPF , just like immigration shifted out the Home PPF. This result fol-lows because the only difference between Home and Foreign is that Foreign has more labor (but has the same technologies for producing the two goods as at Home). Therefore, the Foreign PPF is shifted out as compared with the original Home PPF , and is, in fact, identical to the Home PPF inclusive of the immigra-tion inflow. Assuming that point A is the no-trade equilibrium at Home, and that the two countries have the same tastes, then point B cannot be the no-trade equilibrium in Foreign. The reason for this is that because an indifference curve is tangent to the Home no-trade equilibrium at point A,then an indifference cannot also be tangent to point B.c.Illustrate a new point, A *, that is the no-trade equilibrium in Foreign. How dothe relative no-trade prices of computers compare in Home and Foreign? There-fore, what will be the pattern of trade between the countries, and why?Answer: The Foreign no-trade point A *is shown with an indifference curve tan-gent to it. The slope of the Foreign indifference curve at A *exceeds the slope of the Home indifference curve at A . Because the slopes of the indifference curves at the relative price of computers (the good on the horizontal axis), this proves that the no-trade relative price of computers in Foreign exceeds the no-trade relative price of computers at Home. With trade, Home will export computers (to obtain the higher relative price in Foreign), and Foreign will export shoes (to obtain the higher relative price at Home). Because Foreign is labor-abundant, this trade pat-tern is in accordance with the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem.Note: This question has redone the proof of the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem from the begin-ning of Chapter 4. Because we now have used the Rybczynski theorem in part (a), the comparison of the Home and Foreign PPFs is more precise than we achieved at the be-ginning of Chapter 4 (where we relied on an intuitive comparison of the two countries’PPFs).Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between CountriesS-45Output ofshoes, Q SOutput ofcomputers, Q C8.Continuing from problem 7, we now use the Factor Price Insensitivity result to com-pare factor prices across countries in the Heckscher-Ohlin model.a.Illustrate the international trade equilibrium on the Home and Foreign produc-tion possibility frontiers. Hint:Y ou can refer back to Figure 4-3 to see the inter-national trade equilibrium.Answer: The international trade equilibrium is as shown in Figures 4-3 and 4-4, with Home exporting computers and Foreign exporting shoes. Both coun-tries face the same world relative price of computers (or shoes).b.Suppose that the only difference between Foreign and Home is that Foreign hasmore labor. Otherwise, the technologies used to produce each good are the same across the countries. Then according to the Factor Price Insensitivity result, how will the wage and rental compare in the two countries?Answer: This is just like problem 7, where Foreign has more labor than Home but is otherwise identical. In particular, they face the same world relative price.So according to the Factor Price I nsensitivity result, the inflow of labor (into Foreign) has no effect on the wage or rental (as compared with those earned at Home). In other words, the wage and rental in the two countries are the same!This result is called the “factor price equalization” theorem and applies to coun-tries trading in the Heckscher-Ohlin model, where technologies are the same across countries.c.Call the result in part (b) “factor price equalization.” I s this a realistic result?Hint:Y ou can refer back to Figure 4-9 to see wages across countries.Answer: The “factor price equalization” theorem is a logical result in the Heckscher-Ohlin model, but it is not a very realistic result. In Figure 4-11 we showed that wage differs a great deal across countries, whereas the “factor price equalization” theorem would predict that wages are the same.d.Based on our extension of the Heckscher-Ohlin model at the end of Chapter 4,what is one reason why the “factor price equalization” result does not hold inr eality?Answer: The reason that the “factor price equalization” theorem does not hold in practice is that technologies differ quite a bit across countries, as we discussed at the end of Chapter 4. Just like we need to take into account the differences in technologies to obtain more realistic predictions about trade from the Heckscher-Ohlin model, so too we need to recognize that the differences in technologies will mean that factor prices differ across countries, even when they are engaged in free trade and the relative prices of goods are the same.9.Recall the formula ᎏR P ᎏϭᎏP P K ᎏ(i ϩd )from the application, “The Effect of FDI on Rentals and W ages in Singapore.” Give an intuitive explanation for this formula forthe rental rate. Hint:Describe one side of the equation as a marginal benefit and the other as a marginal cost.Answer: The equation above is one way to calculate the real returns to (rental of )capital, R /P.An intuitive way to think about this is to imagine that you are the owner of a unit of capital and you are considering whether to rent it out at the prevailing nominal rental rate, R,or to sell it and invest the proceeds. On one hand, you could sell each unit of capital for a price of P K and receive interest income on the proceeds of P K i.On the other hand, you could rent out the capital for a nominal payment of R and incur the direct depreciation cost of the asset of P K d.Thus, the nominal pay-ment you would require (R,the marginal benefit of rental) to make you indifferent between the two options would be P K i ϩP K d , the sum of direct costs of renting out and the opportunity cost of a sale (together, the marginal cost of rental). Dividing S-46Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between Countriesboth sides by the price level, P ,puts the equation into real terms and yields the de-sired equation.10.In Table 5-2, we show the growth in the real rental and real wages in Singapore, alongwith the implied productivity growth. One way to calculate the productivity growth is to take the average of the growth in the real rental and real wage. The idea is that firms can afford to pay labor and capital more if there is productivity growth, so in that case, real factor prices should be growing. But if there is no productivity growth,the average of the growth in the real rental and real wage should be close to zero.T o calculate the average of the growth in the real factor prices, we use the shares of GDP going to capital and labor. Specifically, we multiply the growth in the real rental by the capital share of GDP , and add the growth in the real wage multiplied by the labor share of GDP. Then answer:a.For a capital-rich country like Singapore, the share of capital in GDP is aboutone half and the share of labor is also one half. Using these shares, calculate the average of the growth in the real rental and real wage shown in each row of Table 5-2. How do your answers compare with the productivity growth shown in the last column of Table 5-2?Answer: As shown in column (3) of the table, when using a capital share of 0.5,as applies for a country like Singapore, the implied productivity growth is close to that in Table 5-2, shown in column (5).b.For an industrialized country like the United States, the share of capital in GDPis about one third, and the share of labor in GDP is about two thirds. Using these shares, calculate the average of the growth in the real rental and real wage shown in each row of Table 5-2. How do your answers now compare with the pro-ductivity growth shown in the last column?Answer: As shown in column (4) of the table, when using a capital share of 0.33,as applies for a country like the United States, the implied productivity growth is not as close to that in Table 5-2, shown in column (5).11.Figure 5-14 is a supply-and-demand diagram for the world labor market. Starting atpoints A and A *, consider a situation where some Foreign workers migrate to Home,but not enough to reach the equilibrium with full migration (point B ). As a result of the migration, the Home wage decreases from W to W ЉϾW Ј, and the Foreign wage increases from W *to W **ϽW Ј.a.Are there gains that accrue to the Home country? If so, redraw the graph andidentify the magnitude of the gains for each country. If not, say why not.Answer: Gains from trade in the following graph are analogous to consumer and producer surplus in the conventional supply and demand setting. In this case,Home employers are willing to pay up to W for the marginal product of laborSolutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between Countries S-47(3)(4)ProductivityProductivity (5)Using CapitalUsing Capital Productivity (1)(2)Share of 0.5 ϭShare of 0.33 ϭfrom Rental Wages (1) ؒ0.5 ϩ(2) ؒ0.5(1) ؒ0.33 ϩ(2) ؒ0.67Table 5-2Ϫ5.0 2.6Ϫ1.20.1Ϫ1.5Ϫ1.90.5Ϫ0.7Ϫ0.3Ϫ0.7Ϫ3.4 1.6Ϫ0.9Ϫ0.1Ϫ1.11.6 2.7 2.22.3 2.2Ϫ0.23.2 1.5 2.1 1.5Ϫ0.5 3.6 1.6 2.2 1.6that they obtain for W Љ; thus the gains to the Home country are illustrated by the horizontally striped triangle. Similarly, the immigrating Foreign workers are willing to supply their marginal product for a lower wage in the Foreign coun-try (W *) but receive a higher wage in the Home country (W **).b.Are there gains that accrue to the Foreign country? If so, again show the magni-tude of these gains in the diagram and show the world gains.Answer: Gains to Foreign (including foreign emigrants) are represented by the vertically striped triangle. Given positive gains to both countries, total gains from immigration are also positive in this model.12. A housekeeper from the Philippines is contemplating immigrating to Singapore insearch of higher wages. Suppose that the housekeeper earns approximately $2,000annually and expects to find a job in Singapore worth approximately $5,000 annu-ally for a period of 3 years. Furthermore, assume that the cost of living in Singapore is $500 more per year than at home.a.What can we say about the productivity of housekeepers in Singapore versus thePhilippines? Explain.Answer: Assuming that housekeeping is a perfectly competitive industry, house-keepers’ wages are equal to their marginal product of labor. Because wages are higher in Singapore, housekeepers there are more productive.b.What is the total gain to the housekeeper from migrating?Answer: The total gains from migrating are the net benefits relative to staying in the Philippines—that is, salary of $5,000 minus the opportunity cost of working in the Philippines of $2,000, minus the extra costs of living in Singapore of $500.Annual gains from migrating (over the first 3 years) are $2,500.c.Is there a corresponding gain for the employer in Singapore? Explain.Answer: The gains to the employer in Singapore depend on whether the wage is driven down by the migration, as shown in problem 11.S-48Solutions ■Chapter 5 Movement of Labor and Capital between CountriesWage, W OL ЈLWW ЈЈW ЈW **O *W *。












流程表12月22日AM 11:00 §保育园§看见天道在偷窥爱美12月23日 PM 12:00 §保育园§救起快被货车撞到的园儿-庆子(爱)“要如何感谢你呢?”☆(主)“一起去喝茶” (8)12月24日 §ATARU§←——————┐此事在救起园买天狗录影带│儿庆子至24日├→PM 05:00之前§学校3楼演剧部仓库§│去做都可以。

借圣诞老人衣服←——————┘PM 07:00~ §保育园§扮圣诞老人,给庆子天狗录影带之後圣诞老人衣服被天道拿走12月26日 §保育园§(天)“终於见到你了!!”(爱)“不要....不要这样子啦!”§88车站§(爱)“那个人....就叫做天道吗?”(主)“对、他是88学园的老师”§自宅§(天)“哈...我见到...我的天使”12月27日 §保育园§(爱)“啊!啊!啊!...够了”§芳树的家§(爱)“天道先生...真的是老师吗?” .. (9)12月28日 §88公园§(天)“爱美!!我好想见你!!”(爱)“真是的!!真伤脑筋!!”PM 05:00~ §自宅§爱美前来约谈天道的事☆(主)“前往88公园” (10)12月29日 §保育园§(爱)“说是可以说.....我喜欢的....是圣诞老公公”被揭发扮圣诞老人的事 (12)12月31日 PM 06:00 §自宅§(爱)“可以和我一起到保育园吗?”☆(主)“今天非常有空”§保育园§☆(主)“自己也喜欢她”..........(H) (14)1月 7日告白2=筱原泉美(しのはらいずみ)重点1)在咖啡店内依约请客2)射箭练习场见面3)要与泉美一起去看电影4)约泉美去温泉旅行概要1)12月22日在自宅前可以等到泉美。

Chapter 5 The Writing of Headlines

Chapter 5 The Writing of Headlines

Examples of Clipping
• Thai Leader Praises Co-op Ties (co-op: cooperative) • Grain Sale Expected to Fall at Euromart (Euromart: European Common Market) • 70 Pc Believe a Kiss Can Lead to AIDS (pc: percent)
• Your headline is the first, and perhaps the only, impression you make on a prospective reader. Without a headline or post title that turns a browser into a reader, the rest of your words may as well not even exist. But a headline can do more than simply grab attention. A great headline can also communicate a full message to its intended audience, and it absolutely must lure the reader into your body text.
5.2 Characteristics of News Headlines
• The purpose of a headline is to attract attention and usually to encourage the reading of the following copy, or in the case of broadcast, to encourage the listener or viewer to keep listening or reviewing. • In order to be catchy to lure the reader in, headline writers will usually entitle their headlines with some lexical, rhetorical or even grammatical characteristics.

哈工大chapter 05裁剪、反走样

哈工大chapter 05裁剪、反走样
P0 A
Pm B P1
ϒ 对分辩率为2N次。 ϒ 主要过程只用到加法和除法运算,适合硬件 实现,它可以用左右移位来代替乘除法,这 样就大大加快了速度。
设要裁剪的线段是P0P1。 P0P1和 窗口边界交于A,B,C,D四点,见图。 算法的基本思想是从A,B和P0三点中 找出最靠近的P1点,图中要找的点 是P0。从C,D和P1中找出最靠近P0的 点。图中要找的点是C点。那么P0C 就是P0P1线段上的可见部分。
哪些落在显示区之外,以便只显示落在显示区 内的那部分图形。这个选择过程称为裁剪。
ϒ 图形裁剪中最基本的问题。
为(xL,yB),右上角坐标 为(xR,yT),对于给定点 P(x,y),则P点在窗口内的条 件是要满足下列不等式: xL <= x <= xR (xL,yB ϒ 并且yB <= y <= yT ) 否则,P点就在窗口外。 ϒ 问题:对于任何多边形窗口, 如何判别?
第五章 裁剪、反走样 方法
反走样方法 裁剪算法
ϒ 用离散量表示连续量引起的失真现象称之为走样
(aliasing) 。 光栅图形的走样现象
阶梯状边界; 图形细节失真; 狭小图形遗失:动画序列中时隐时现,产生闪烁。
P0P1至少部分可见的充分条件是 max(0, t 0) ≤ min(1, t1 ) 且可见部分的参数区间为[max(0, t 0 ),min(1, t1)]。
t0 Q0 0 P0 t1 Q1 1 P1


2012-2-24 9
3.1 Project Management Processes
Most experienced project management practitioners recognize there is more than one way to manage a project. In addition, the application of the project management processes to a project is iterative and many processes are repeated and revised during the project.
项目管理过程组(Project Management Process Group) 之间以它们所产生的成果相互联系。一个过程的成果一 般成为另一过程的依据或成为项目的可交付成果。计划 过程组为执行过程组提供正式的项目管理计划和项目范 围说明书,并随着项目的绩效经常更新该项目管理计 划。此外,过程组极少是孤立或只执行一次的事件,它 们是在整个项目生命期内自始至终都以不同的程度互相 重叠的活动,如图3-1 。
2012-2-24 3
3.1 Project Management Processes 3.2 Project Management Process Group 3.3 Process Interactions 3.4 Project Management Process Mapping
Section Two
Standard for Project Management of a Project (项目管理标准)
2012-2-24 1



课后习题答案Chapter OneI. Fill in the blanks with the parts they represent信头letter Head 1日期Date 2封内地址Inside Address 3称呼Salutation 4正文Body 5结尾敬语Complimentary Close 6签名Signature 7事由Subject 8附件Enclosure 9参考号Ref. No. a)经办人Attention Line b)抄送Carton Copy c)II.Match the following words with their Chinese meanings(1)By Airmail 亲收Express Delivery 急件Registered; Recorded 密件Urgent 快件Confidential 私人信件Personal 挂号Private 航空(2)Deputy General Manager 厂长Sales Representative 采购人员Salesperson 副总经理General Manager/ President 销售代表Plant/ Factory Manager 销售员Purchasing staff 总经理(3)St. cityDr. northN. driveS.W roadApt. squareP.O. Box laneRd. avenueCt. southwestSq. ApartmentLa. post office boxAve. streetIII.Translate the following job titles:1. Deputy General Manager 副总经理2. Sales Representative 销售代表3. Salesperson 销售员4. General Manager/ President 总经理5. Plant/ Factory Manager 厂长6. Purchasing staff 采购人员IV. Translate the following address into English address with any type of address1. 美国Reagansvill市Jefferson路3200号Global Vision, Inc公司,邮编CA92040Global Vision Inc. 3200 Jefferson Road Reagansvill, CA 92040,U.S.A.2. 美国New York 市Goldsmith Street, 317号,Language and LiteratureResearch Institute,邮编NY10007Language and Literature Research Institute 317 Goldsmith Street New York V. According to the letter, answer the following questions1. What is the seller’s name, address and telephone number?Name: Royal Grosvenor Porcelain Company Ltd.Address; Grosvenor House, Renfrew Road, Oakley Staffordshire Telephone Number: (743069)760591/2/32. What is the buyer’s name and address?Name: The Colourfloor Co. Ltd.Address: 238Wilton Road, Axminster A Xz AS3. When does the seller write the letter?March 5,20044. What is the subject?Re: China5. What is the style of the letter?Block StyleChapter TwoI. Translate the following terms.1. trade relations 贸易关系2. Chamber of Commerce 商会3. equality and mutual benefit 平等互利4. financial condition 财务状况5.enjoy good reputation 享有盛誉6. 商品目录Commodity Catalogue7. 业务范围business scope8. 一流产品first –class product9. 竞争性价格competitive price10.展览exhibitionII. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.1-5 DBCAA 6-10 BBCABIII. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我们从事化学行业已经很多年了。

第五章 烯烃和炔烃

第五章 烯烃和炔烃
△H=-126.8 kJ· mol-1
+ H2
△H=-119.8 kJ· mol-1
+ H2
△H=-115.5 kJ· mol-1
一般有:C=C双键上连接的取代基 越多越稳定,反式烯烃比顺式稳定。
反应通常在烃类及中等极性的无水溶剂中进行。 烯烃与HX加成活性序: HI > HBr > HCl,与卤 化氢的酸性顺序相一致。HF也能发生加成反应, 但同时使烯烃聚合。极性催化剂可以加速反应。
马尔可夫尼可夫规则 (Markovnikov’s Rule): 不对称烯烃与不对称试剂的加成,氢主要加到 含氢较多的双键碳原子上.
dd+ C
d+ C

dH Cl
根据实验结果, 得出一些取代基的电负性次序如下:
N+R3 > -NO2 > C=O > -F > -Cl > -Br > -I > -OCH3 >
-NHCOCH3 > -C≡C > -C6H5 > -CH=CH2 > -H >
CH 例如:



2023 PART 05
概括当前制造业对NC程序的需求和应 用情况
2023 PART 02
根据机床类型和控制系统,设置 相应的机床参数,如机床坐标系 、单位制、最大行程、主轴转速 范围等。
根据加工需求和刀具类型,设置 相应的刀具参数,如刀具类型、 刀具直径、刀具长度、切削用量 等。
根据加工需求和机床性能,设置 相应的加工参数,如切削速度、 进给速度、切削深度、切削宽度 等。
读取PM模型和刀具 路径
启动后处理器,读取准备好的PM模 型和刀具路径。
根据设置的机床参数、刀具参数和加 工参数,对PM模型和刀具路径进行 后处理计算,生成符合要求的NC程序 。

报刊阅读-chapter 5 leads

报刊阅读-chapter 5  leads
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• Eyewitness accounts can provide the background for writing lucid descriptions which help the reader to visualise a news situation.
An ominous silence, broken only by the call of a faraway bird, hung over the battle-scarred hills when suddenly an explosion followed by the yells of charging troops smashed the stillness. The loyalist offensive, launched to clear roving guerrillas . . .
Types of leads
• There are two types of leads: direct (hard) and indirect (soft). Generally, journalists use the direct lead for news stories, and the indirect lead for features.
Chapter 5 Leads 导语
What’s a lead?
• A lead (also known as a lede) is the first paragraph or several paragraphs of a story. Its mission is to catch readers’ attention and draw them in. • It is the hardest part to write as it sets the tone and introduces the reader to the rest of the story. • A good lead paints a vivid picture of the story with a few words. Short leads are always desirable. If your lead is over 35 words, it probably is too long.

反应堆物理 CHAPTER 5-1

反应堆物理 CHAPTER 5-1


F a
F f M a

P a

F a P a
F f
M a

P a
k 'k F M k a a a

氙-135是热堆最重要的裂变产物,对反应 堆运行有重要影响。

Xe-135 热能区平均吸收截面达3106b。

1、高热中子通量密度,大于1013中子/(cm2s) 2、反应堆尺寸很大,要求大于30倍徙动长度

1、高热中子通量密度,一般大于1013; 2、反应堆尺寸大于30倍徙动长度。

氙震荡周期一般为15-30h,周期较长,可以 人为地控制。

对于天然铀或低富集铀气冷堆和大多数大型压水堆, 尺寸都超过30倍徙动长度,必须考虑氙振荡。 沸水堆中,由于局部功率升高,该区域的水立刻产生 更多的沸腾,负的空泡反应性效应使得该区的增殖系 数很快地减小,功率很快恢复到初始值。所以在沸水 堆中,产生氙振荡的可能性很小。 氙振荡产生时,对整个堆的氙总量影响不大,所以从 总的反应性测量中来发现氙振荡很困难,只有从测量 局部功率变化中发现。 氙振荡的危险在于反应堆热管位置转移和功率密度峰 因子改变,局部区域的温度升高,若不加控制,可能 导致燃料元件熔化。 氙振荡会使堆芯中温度场发生交替变化,加剧堆芯材 料温度应力的变化,使材料过早地损坏。
Xe aXe
f Xe aXe
dN Xe (t ) Xe f I N I (t ) [ Xe N Xe (t ) aXe N Xe (t ) ] dt 停堆后,氙-135的浓度先是增加到最大值,然后 逐渐地减小;剩余反应性随时间的变化刚好相反, 先减小到最小值,然后逐渐地增大,这一现象称为 “碘坑”。



Chapter 1:1)Project:A finite endeavor that:Has a definite beginning and definite endIs uniqueConsumes resource2) The main differences between a program and a project are that a programachieves a strategy or mission, is realized through multiple projects and ongoing activity, and has a scope that might either be broadly defined or be specific.3) Project Management is the management of:KnowledgeSkillsToolsTechniques4) The four important PM factors are:ScopeTimeCostResources5) Project Lifecycle:Projects are usually divided into phases(阶段)Collectively, the phases are called the project lifecycleProject lifecycles are often similar but rarely identical6) PMI (Project Management Institute),the worldwide project management organization, defined the project management process with 5 process groups and9 knowledge areas such as Integration,Scope, Time, Cost, Quality, Human resource, Communication, Risk and Procurement.7) Why the need to study project management?Often IT project came in behind schedule, over budget, or not at all.The compression of product life cycles.Global competitionKnowledge explosionCorporate downsizing –“right” sizing8) Advantages of Using Formal Project ManagementBetter control of financial, physical, and human resourcesImproved customer relationsShorter development timesLower costsHigher quality and increased reliabilityHigher profit marginsImproved productivityBetter internal coordinationHigher worker morale9) Attributes of a projectA project has a unique purpose.A project is temporary.A project requires resources, often from various areas.A project should have a primary sponsor or customer.A project involves uncertainty.10) Every project is constrained in different ways by itsScope goals: What is the project trying to accomplish?Time goals: How long should it take to complete?Cost goals: What should it cost?11)12) Project ManagerA project manager acts as the single point of contact on the project13) A project manager is the individual responsible for:Planning and organizing the workManaging the day-to-day activities of a projectDelivering the project deliverables to the clientIdentifying potential stakeholders(受项目影响的人)Planning the projectTechnical activitiesProject management activitiesManaging the triple constraint to the Project Sponsor’s satisfaction ScheduleCostScopeOrganizing the project:Forming the project teamSetting up systems to document and communicate the project objectives and statusEstablishing project plans and the processes by which the project will be controlledManaging or directing the project by:Tracking the technical performance of the project schedule and cost Tracking the financial performance of the projectAssessing and managing the project’s RisksDealing with issues and problems that occur during the projectTracking suppliers’ performance against their contractsBuilding and maintaining the morale of the project teamCommunicating with all stakeholdersTracking team member performanceUsing a change control process to manage scope14) Project Stakeholders:Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities Stakeholders include:The project sponsor(赞助者)and project teamExecutivesCustomersContractors(合约商)Functional managerssupport staffuserssuppliersopponents to the project15) Project Manager's ValueA project manager enhances the probability that a project will:Produce quality productsStay on scheduleComplete within budgetSatisfy the client's requirementsLead to follow-on businessAchieve success16) Project Management Knowledge Areas Classification4 core knowledge areas lead to specific project objectives (scope, time, cost,and quality)4 facilitating knowledge areas are the means through which the project objectivesare achieved (human resources, communication, risk, and procurementmanagement)1 knowledge area (project integration management) affects and is affected byall of the other knowledge areasChapter 5 Time:1) Developed in the 1950’s, Project network diagrams are the preferredtechnique for showing activity sequencing2) The critical path is the longest path through the network diagram andhas the least amount of slack or floatA critical path for a project is the series of activities that determines the earliesttime by which the project can be completedCPM is a project network analysis technique used to predict total project duration3)4)5)Total Float = LS - ES or LF - EFFree Float = ES (Successor) - EF (Predecessor)6)1. Calculate the forward and backward pass2. Calculate the float for each path3. Find the critical path7) PERT(Program Evaluation and Review Technique ) is a networkanalysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the individual activity durationestimates.PERT weighted average formula:(optimistic time + 4X most likely time + pessimistic time)/6According to normal distribution, the probability of completing the project within ±σ(ie. Between 47.304 days and 54.696 days) is 68%the probability of completing the project within ±2σ(ie. Between 43.608 days and58.393 days) is 95%the probability of completing the project within ±3σ(ie. Between 39.912 days and62.088 days) is 99%By checking the normal distribution table, you can determine the probability ofcompleting the project within a specific time:For example,if the customer requests to finish the project within 60 days, theprobability is:Chapter 5 cost:1)Project cost management includes the processes required to ensure thatthe project is completed within an approved budget(法定预算)2) Project Cost Management Processes:Resource planning: determining what resources and quantities of them shouldbe usedCost estimating: developing an estimate of the costs and resources needed tocomplete a projectCost budgeting: allocating the overall cost estimate to individual work items toestablish a baseline for measuring performanceCost control: controlling changes to the project budget3) Life cycle costing(寿命周期价格)is estimating the cost of a project plusthe maintenance costs(维修费用)of the products it produces4) Cash flow analysis is determining the estimated annual costs(年成本)and benefits for a project5) Items to Include in an EstimateT he scope of the work that is included in the estimateThe assumptions that were usedResources, such as staff, facilities, and material; consider the durationProject management should be includedExpenses, both direct and indirectRisk and the cost of managing it to acceptable levelsDocumentation, which is critically important6) Keep in mind that the time it takes to complete a task depends on bothavailability and productivity7) Estimating Formulas:Cost = (Effort/Productivity) x Unit CostDuration = (Effort/Productivity)/Availability8) Types of Cost EstimatesROM is a top-down approach used during the formation of the project for initialevaluation and during the concept phaseBudget is developed from more detailed project analysisDefinitive is a bottom-up (task-by-task) approach prepared from well-defineddata and specifications9) One reason for creating a project budget estimate is to provide a basis fortracking and managing project costs; specific tasks within the estimating process are cost estimating and cost budgetingCost estimating - consists of determining the cost of all of the elements neededto complete the projectCost budgeting - is the allocation of the determined cost estimates to individualproject components so that those costs can be measured and managed as theproject is executed10) B arry Boehm helped develop the COCOMO (构造性成本模型)models forestimating software development costs▪COCOMO II is a computerized model available on the Web▪Boehm suggests that only parametric models do not suffer from the limits of human decision-making11) P roject cost control includesmonitoring cost performance(控制成本效益)ensuring that only appropriate project changes are included in a revised costbaselineinforming project stakeholders of authorized changes to the project that will affect costs12) E arned value analysis is an important tool for cost control13) W hat is Earned ValueIt is a way of looking at how much of the expected value of the project has beenearned, at a particular point in time.It provides:A method for measuring project performanceA view of how much work has been done relative to how much was plannedto be done, at a point in timeA view of how much of the budget should have been spent to accomplish thework done so farA view of how what's required to complete the project (cost & schedule) basedon actual performance14) E arned Value Analysis TermsThe planned value (PV),(计划工作预算成本)formerly called the budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), also called the budget, is that portion of the approvedtotal cost estimate planned to be spent on an activity during a given periodActual cost (AC)(已完成工作实际成本), formerly called actual cost of workperformed (ACWP), is the total of direct and indirect costs incurred inaccomplishing work on an activity during a given periodThe earned value (EV)(完成工作预算成本), formerly called the budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), is an estimate of the value of the physical work actually completedSV - Schedule Variance(进度偏差), SV = EV - PVSPI - Schedule Performance Index(进度绩效指数), SPI = EV/PVCV - Cost Variance(成本偏差), CV = EV - ACCPI - Cost Performance Index, CPI = EV/ACBAC – Budget at CompletionEAC - Estimate At CompletionAre we ahead of or behind schedule? (SV)How efficiently are we using our time? (SPI)When is the project likely to be completed? (EAC)Are we under or over our budget? (CV)How efficiently are we using our resources? (CPI)How efficiently must we use our remaining resources? (TCPI)What is the entire project likely to cost? (EAC)How much are we under or over budget? (VAC)What is the remaining work likely to cost? (ETC)BAC: Budget At CompletionSum of all budges (PV). Your original budget.EAC: Estimate At CompletionForecast total cost at completionEAC = ((BAC – EV)/CPI) + AC or BAC/CPIUnfinished work divided by CPI added to sunk costIf CPI < 1, EAC will be > BACCR: Critical RatioSPI x CPI1: everything on track> .9 and < 1.2 okCan be charted▪Negative numbers for cost and schedule variance indicate problems in those areas. The project is costing more than planned or taking longer than planned ▪CPI and SPI less than 100% indicate problemsChapter 7 quantity:1)Project Quality Management processes include all the activities of the performing organization that determine quality policies, objectives, and responsibilities so that the project satisfies the needs for which it was undertaken2)A project quality management system that includes processes such as quality planning, quality assurance, and quality control i s established▪Quality planning: identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and how to satisfy them▪Quality assurance: evaluating overall project performance to ensure the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards▪Quality control: monitoring specific project results to ensure that they comply with the relevant quality standards while identifying ways to improve overall quality3)Quality Control:Some tools and techniques include:▪Pareto analysis✓Pareto analysis involves identifying the vital few contributors that account for the most quality problems in a system✓Also called the 80-20 rule, meaning that 80% of problems are often due to 20% of the causes✓Pareto diagrams are histograms(柱状图)that help identify and prioritize problem areas▪statistical sampling(统计抽样)▪Six Sigma(标准差)目标在于每百万个中有少于4个的错误。




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chapter5-2 The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes

chapter5-2 The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes

What is the driving force for a charged molecule?
Uncharged molecule: concentration gradient
charged molecule: electrochemial gradient Concentration gradient and membrane potential
Ⅱ.Two main classes of membrane transport proteins
A Carrier protein
B Channel protein
A Carrier protein
Carrier protein use for
both passive and active transport. Material need bind with carrier protein.
Transport of Macromolecules
Endocytosis (transport into cell) Exocytosis (transport out cell) Fusion model of transport vesicle and target membrane
Chapter 5 The Movement of Substances Across Cell Membranes
Learning Objectives:
Ⅰ. Principles of membrane transport; Ⅱ. Two main classes of membrane transport proteins: Carriers and Channels; Ⅲ. Passive transport and active transport;
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Chapter 5:Project Time Management2Learning ObjectivesExplain the basic process for developing project schedulesDescribe how various tools and techniques help project managers perform activity definition, activity sequencing, activity duration estimating, schedule development, and schedule controlUse a Gantt chart for schedule planning and tracking schedule informationConstruct a project network diagram and understand its importance for determining overall project completion dates Understand and use critical path analysisDescribe several techniques for shortening project schedules Explain the basic concepts behind critical chain schedulingDiscuss reality checks and people issues involved in project schedule management and controlDescribe how software can assist in project time management3Chapter OutlineImportance of Project SchedulesWhere Do Schedules Come From? Defining ActivitiesActivity SequencingProject Network Diagrams Activity Duration EstimatingSchedule Development Gantt ChartsCritical Path MethodProgram Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)Controlling Changes to the Project Schedule Reality Checks on Scheduling Working with People IssuesUsing Software to Assist in Time ManagementWords of Caution On Using Project Management Software1. Importance of Project Schedules5Importance of Project SchedulesManagers often cite delivering projects on time as one of their biggest challengesAverage time overrun from 1995 CHAOS report was 222%; improved to 63% in 2001 studyTime has the least amount of flexibility; it passes no matter whatSchedule issues are the main reason for conflicts on projects, especially during the second half of projects6Conflict Intensity Over the Life of a Project0. FormationEarly Phases Middle PhasesEnd PhasesC o n f l i c t I n t e n s i t ySchedulesPriorities Manpower Technical opinions Procedures CostPersonality conflictsAverage Total Conflict7Project Time Management ProcessesProject time management involves the processes required to ensure timely completion of a project. Processes include:Activity definition Activity sequencingActivity duration estimating Schedule developmentSchedule control2.Where Do Schedules Come From?9Defining ActivitiesProject schedules grow out of the basic document that initiate a projectProject charter includes start and end dates and budget informationScope statement and WBS help define what will be doneActivity definition involves developing a more detailed WBS and supportingexplanations to understand all the work to be done3.Activity Sequencing11Activity SequencingInvolves reviewing activities and determining dependenciesMandatory dependencies : inherent in the nature of the work; hard logicDiscretionary dependencies : defined by the project team; soft logicExternal dependencies : involve relationships between project and non-project activitiesExamples of each type of dependency from your team projects?You must determine dependencies in order to use critical path analysis12Project Network DiagramsProject network diagrams are thepreferred technique for showing activity sequencingA project network diagram is a schematic display of the logicalrelationships among, or sequencing of, project activities13Sample Activity-on-Arrow (AOA) Network Diagram for Project X14Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM)Also called activity-on-arrow (AOA) project network diagramsActivities are represented by arrowsNodes or circles are the starting and ending points of activitiesCan only show finish-to-start dependencies15Process for Creating AOA Diagrams1. Find all of the activities that start at node 1. Draw their finish nodes and draw arrows between node 1 and those finish nodes. Put the activity letter or name and duration estimate on the associated arrow2. Continuing drawing the network diagram, working from left to right. Look for bursts and merges. Bursts occur when a single node is followed by two or more activities. A merge occurs when two or more nodes precede a single node3. Continue drawing the project network diagram until all activities are included on the diagram that have dependencies4. As a rule of thumb, all arrowheads should face toward the right, and no arrows should cross on an AOA network diagram16Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)Activities are represented by boxesArrows show relationships between activitiesMore popular than ADM method and used by project management softwareBetter at showing different types of dependencies17Task Dependency Types18Sample PDM Network Diagram for Project XProject 2000 file4. Activity Duration Estimating20Duration EstimatingAfter defining activities and determining their sequence, the next step in time management is duration estimatingDuration includes the actual amount of time worked on an activity plus elapsed timeExamples of duration estimates toRead a favorite book?Prepare your team ’s final presentation?People doing the work should help create estimates, and an expert should review them5.Schedule Development22Schedule DevelopmentSchedule development uses results of the other time management processes to determine the start and end date of the project and its activitiesUltimate goal is to create a realistic project schedule that provides a basis for monitoring project progress for the time dimension of the projectImportant tools and techniques include Gantt charts, PERT analysis, critical path analysis, and critical chain scheduling23制定进度计划的重要方法、技术与工具甘特图与网络图甘特图(Gantt Chart)的构造网络图(Network Diagram)的构造用MS Project 构造甘特图与网络图分析项目网络图的关键路径关键路径(Critical Path )参数分析PERT随机活动历时的关键路径模拟分析24项目网络图的关键路径分析项目的关键路径(Project Critical Path)是指一系列决定项目最早完成时间的活动是网络图中最长的路径,并且有最少的浮动时间或时差关键路径法(Critical Path Method-CPM)是一种用来预测总体项目历时的项目网络分析技术25确定关键路径*计算最长路径计算如下参数ES,EF---向前递推 LS,LF---向后递推利用总时差决定关键路径26分析关键路径方法一:路径穷举27思考如下的项目网络图. 假设所有的时间都以天为单位.2345A=2B=5C=2D=716F=2E=1startfinisha. 该网络图中共有多少条路径?b. 每条路径有多长?c. 哪一条是关键路径?d. 完成本项目最短需要多长时间?28为某项目确定关键路径29分析关键路径方法二:参数标号法最早开始时间ES 最早结束时间EF 最迟开始时间LS 最迟结束时间LF 总时差TF自由时差FF网络计划时间参数30第一类参数ES (Early Start),EF (Early Finish)由前向后递推(箭头方向)EF=Max(ES 1+t 1,ES 2+t 2…)最早开始时间ESES =MAX{紧前工作的EF}最早结束时间EFEF =ES +工作延续时间t31A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:最早参数计算(练习)32A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:033531037101810161823最早参数计算(练习答案)33第二类参数LS (Lately Start),,LF (lately Finish) 由后向前递推LS=Min(LF 1-t 1,EF 2-t 2…)最迟结束时间LFLF =MIN{紧后工作的LS}最迟开始时间LSLS =LF—工作延续时间t34A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:033531037101810161823最迟参数计算(练习)35A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:0335310371018101618232318181218101281031083最迟参数计算(练习答案)36时差(机动时间)计算总时差的计算总时差=LF—EF或总时差=LS—ES自由时差自由时差=min{ES(紧后工作)} —EF37自由浮动时间或自由时差是指一项活动在不耽误后继活动的最早开始时间的情况下,可以延迟的长度只有在有两项或以上的活动指向同一活动时才存在自由时差总浮动时间或总时差是指在不拖延项目计划完成日期的情况下,一项活动从其最早开始时间算起,可以被拖延的时间38A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:0335310371018101618232318181218101281031083时差(机动时间)计算(练习)39A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:033531037101810161823231818121810128103108305050200203050时差(机动时间)计算(练习答案)40关键路径法补充说明如果关键路径上的一个或多个活动历时增加,则这个项目完成时间将会增加,除非采取相应的调整措施容易理解错误的地方:关键路径不是包括所有最重要活动的路径,它只与项目的时间维度有关如果两条或多条路径的长度相同,则关键路径可能不唯一关键路径可能随着项目进展而改变41总工期=MAX (活动最大的最早结束时间)总时差:活动不改变计划总工期的机动时间活动在总时差的范围内调整不影响项目的总工期总时差最小的活动是关键活动关键活动组成的路径是关键路径关键路径是工期最长(等于总工期)的路径自由时差:活动不改变紧前紧后活动的计划安排的机动时间活动在自由时差的范围内调整对项目计划没有影响42网络计划时间参数计算(复习)最早开始时间ES =MAX{紧前工作的EF 最早结束时间EF =ES +工作延续时间t 最迟结束时间LF =MIN{紧后工作的LS} 最迟开始时间LS =LF—工作延续时间t 总时差TF =LF—EF =LS—ES自由时差FF= min{ES(紧后工作)}-EF43搭接网络的时间参数计算结束—开始(FTS):最早时间:ES j =EF i +FTS EF j =ES j +D j 最迟时间:LF i =LS j −FTS LS i =LF i −D iiFTSj自由时差:FF i =ES j −FTS −EF i44搭接时的参数计算(FST )19910154530?24626420FS545网络参数计算(练习)A 3E 8C 7 F 6D 4B 2G 5代号时间示例:SS4FS8FF34603310351115715A 3E 8B 2F 6D 4C 7G 5SS 4FS 8FF 3152115242419211519111511119157304604000402001914有搭接情况的网络参数计算(练习答案)47Gantt ChartsGantt charts provide a standard format fordisplaying project schedule information by listing project activities and theircorresponding start and finish dates in a calendar formatSymbols include:A black diamond: milestones or significant events on a project with zero duration Thick black bars: summary tasks Lighter horizontal bars: tasksArrows: dependencies between tasks48Gantt Chart for Project XProject 2000 file49Gantt Chart for Software Launch ProjectProject 2000 file50Sample Tracking Gantt Chartwhite diamond: slipped milestone two bars: planned and actual times51Critical Path Method (CPM)CPM is a project network analysistechnique used to predict total project durationA critical path for a project is the series of activities that determines the earliest time by which the project can be completedThe critical path is the longest path through the network diagram and has the least amount of slack or float52Finding the Critical PathFirst develop a good project network diagramAdd the durations for all activities on each path through the project network diagramThe longest path is the critical path53Simple Example of Determining the Critical PathConsider the following project network diagram. Assume all times are in days.2345A=2B=5C=2D=716F=2E=1startfinisha. How many paths are on this network diagram?b. How long is each path?c. Which is the critical path?d. What is the shortest amount of time needed to complete this project?54Determining the Critical Path for Project X55More on the Critical PathIf one of more activities on the critical path takes longer than planned, the whole project schedule will slip unless corrective action is takenMisconceptions:The critical path is not the one with all the critical activities; it only accounts for timeThere can be more than one critical path if the lengths of two or more paths are the sameThe critical path can change as the project progresses56Using Critical Path Analysis to Make Schedule Trade-offsKnowing the critical path helps you make schedule trade-offsFree slack or free float is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start of any immediately following activitiesTotal slack or total float is the amount of time an activity may be delayed from its early start without delaying the planned project finish date57Free and Total Float or Slack for Project X58Techniques for Shortening a Project ScheduleShortening durations of critical tasks for adding more resources or changing their scopeCrashing tasks by obtaining the greatest amount of schedulecompression for the least incremental costFast tracking tasks by doing them in parallel or overlapping them59Shortening Project SchedulesOverlapped Tasks or fast trackingShortened duration thru crashingOriginal schedule60Project Cost-Time Graph61Activity Graph 62Cost-Time Trade-Off Example63Cost-Time Trade-Off Example (continued)6465Project Cost-Time Graph66Importance of Updating Critical Path DataIt is important to update project schedule informationThe critical path may change as you enter actual start and finish datesIf you know the project completion date will slip, negotiate with the project sponsor67Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)PERT is a network analysis technique used to estimate project duration when there is a high degree of uncertainty about the individual activity duration estimatesPERT uses probabilistic time estimates based on using optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates of activity durations68PERT Formula and ExamplePERT weighted average formula:optimistic time + 4X most likely time + pessimistic time6Example:PERT weighted average =8 workdays + 4 X 10 workdays + 24 workdays = 12 days 6where 8 = optimistic time, 10 = most likely time, and 24 = pessimistic time69计划评审技术(PERT)计划评审技术(Program Evaluationand Review Technique, PERT)当具体活动历时估算存在很大的不确定性时,用来估计项目历时的网络分析技术PERT 方法要回答如下问题:在得到了对每个活动工期的不确定估计情况下,项目在某一期限内完成的概率是多少?70PERT 的时间估计模式最大可能估计(most probable):完成某项活动最可能出现的工期估计乐观估计(optimistic):在最佳条件下完成某活动的工期估计悲观估计(pessimistic ):在最不利条件下完成某活动的工期估计71三种估计的概率分布模型d : expected durations : standard deviationp : parameter (usually 6)pa - b= s ,6b + 4m + a = d 72例1:一项活动的乐观时间为1周,最可能时间为5周,悲观时间为15周,这项活动的期望工期和方差为:6615541=+×+=e t 其β概率分布如图所示:1t 05t m 6t e 15t p概率时间有关参数的计算1. 活动的工期和方差的估计44.5)6115(22=−=σ73例2:另一活动的乐观时间为10周,最可能时间为15周,悲观时间为20周,这项活动的期望工期为:1562015410=+×+=e t 其β概率分布如图所示:10t o15t e20t p时间概率78.2)61020(22=−=σ74曲线的峰值代表了每项活动各自的最可能时间。
