
How much should people get paid for investing in the stockmarket?
Investors are betting that high returns from equities will pay for decent pensions. They are kidding themselves. Equities, the best asset for the long run, higher returns, diversified portfolio, cash, government bonds, safety in the short term, risk from inflation over longer periods
unexpected death
fatal accident enquiry, inquiry court hearing庭审 awards for injury n. 判决;裁定;裁定额
prudential but non liability insurance prudential: 1. Arising from or characterized by prudence. 2. Exercising prudence, good judgment, or common sense business interruption insurance业务中断保险 loss of turnover or trading profits营业额 money insurance reimburse v. 偿还 is open to liability claims that are not quantifiable

Unit 7 The Trying Twenties
2. How will you describe people in their twenties?
Positive: energetic/incandescent with their energies, impatient to be on their own, eager to find their own way of living in the world, ambitious, brave, curious, adventurous, vivacious, confident, optimistic, cheerful, straightforward Negative: changeable, baffled, confused, lovelorn (sometimes), rash, reckless, immature
Additional Work
Unit 7 The Trying Twenties
Warm-up Activities 1. What does “the trying twenties” mean? Why is the twenties a “trying” period? Here “trying” means straining one’s power of endurance, so the phrase means that the twenties is a period in which people undergo many ordeals that will temper their willpower and make them more mature. Twenty-somethings are presented with numerous tasks which they are not yet equipped to deal with. For example, to prepare for a career, to find a mentor who will guide you through life, to find a mate with whom you will spend your life, etc. These are the things that were once irrelevant, but now have become imminent. In a sense these are the “trials” they need to go through as they are becoming an adult.
Unit7 复旦 研究生综合英语(1)(修订版)

feel fully grown up until they are in their 40‟s. The fact that we
Unit 7 The Trying Twenties
are taking much longer to grow up and much longer to grow old shifts all the stages of adult life ahead by about 10 years: 40 is what 30 used to be. 50 is what 40 used to be. 60 is what 50 used to be. 3. Ma Bell Mother Bell is a colloquial term for the Bell Syste, so named because of the 1984 antitrust case which forced it to divest its local phone network. The result was seven so-called Baby Bells. This is the largest telecommunications breakup in history.
Unit 7 The Trying Twenties
2. life as a series of stages Gail Sheehy divides life into the following stages: Provisional Adulthood Age 18 to 30 First Adulthood 30 to 45 Second Adulthood mid 40 s to 70 s. Third Adulthood — 75 and beyond.

Unit 7 The Trying Twenties
Warm-up Activities 1. What does “the trying twenties” mean? Why is the twenties a
“trying” period?
Here “trying” means straining one’s power of endurance, so the phrase means that the twenties is a period in which people undergo many ordeals that will temper their willpower and make them more mature. Twenty-somethings are presented with numerous tasks which they are not yet equipped to deal with. For example, to prepare for a career, to find a mentor who will guide you through life, to find a mate with whom you will spend your life, etc. These are the things that were once irrelevant, but now have become imminent. In a sense these are the “trials” they need to go through as they are becoming an adult.
Unit 7 The Trying Twenties

复旦研究生英语U n i t-F o u rThe Story of An HourKnowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to brea k to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing. Her husband's frien d Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intel ligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of "k illed." He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.马拉德太太有心脏病,要告知她丈夫意外身亡得格外小心才是。
复旦研究生英语Unit Four

The Story of An HourKnowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to brea k to her as gently as possible the news of her husband's death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing. Her husband's frien d Richards was there, too, near her. It was he who had been in the newspaper office when intel ligence of the railroad disaster was received, with Brently Mallard's name leading the list of "k illed." He had only taken the time to assure himself of its truth by a second telegram, and had hastened to forestall any less careful, less tender friend in bearing the sad message.马拉德太太有心脏病,要告知她丈夫意外身亡得格外小心才是。

Unit 4 We’ve Got Mail — Always
Additional lnformation for the Teacher’s Reference 1. Andrew Leonard Andrew Leonard is a senior editor at Salon. com and author of Salon’s Free Software Project, an online book-in-progress exploring the history and culture of the free software movement. He is now a contributing editor for Newsweek.
Additional Work
Unit 4 We’ve Got Mail — Always
Warm-up Activities 1. As people have been writing by means of email correspondence, some popular symbols have emerged increasingly to replace the full expressions. The following is a list of most common and funny smiling faces symbols. Do you know what each of them stands for?
Unit 4 We’ve Got Mail — Always
6. Netscape Netscape, ie Netscape Communications, is an American computer services company, best known for its web browser. The browser was once dominant in terms of usage share, but lost most of that share to Internet Explorer produced by Microsoft during the first browser war. By the end of 2006, the usage share of Netscape browsers had fallen, from over 90% in the mid 1990s, to less than 1%. It was later purchased by AOL that still uses the Netscape brand extensively. And some services currently offered under the Netscape brand, other than the web browser, include a discount Internet service provider and a popular social news website.
复旦研究生综合英语修订版unit3theantandthegrasshopper 共171页

Additional Work
Unit 3 The Ant and the Grasshopper
Warm-up Activities
1. The teacher may divide students into five or six groups and ask them to introduce any fable that they have heard of to their group members.
Unit 3 The Ant onte Carlo
Monte Carlo is a town in the independent principality of Monaco, on the Mediterranean coast known as the French Riviera. It is an international resort with a gambling casino, a yacht harbor and an annual automobile rally and the Monaco Grand Prix car race.
Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.
Unit 3 The Ant and the Grasshopper
Additional lnformation for the Teacher’s Reference
George was a hard-working and respectable man with a decent job as a lawyer. He was also a faithful husband and loving father to four daughters. He believed that the industry should be rewarded and giddiness punished. His brother Tom, however, was an unscrupulous and good-for-nothing scoundrel. He philandered with the prettiest girls, danced, ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beautifully. He borrowed money from relatives and friends. At the beginning, he fooled George

About Duty Report
• The task will be done in turn from the first student to the last one. (Will be started on the 2nd time of the course) • It is a kind of ―Free-talk‖. You can share with all of us any experience you had, or any interesting but instructive news you learned. (Best with PPT and pictures) • Can be done in groups. (The student on duty should be the group- leader.)
how to start a conversation
• Step-5: Keep the conversation going with small talk. This keeps the conversation light and simple, which is especially useful for people who are still getting to know one another better. Use small talk to establish rapport(relations) and similarities rather than set each other up for an opinionated (arbitrary固执的、武断的) argument.
how to start a conversation

How to summarize an article?
• Step one: • take a few minutes to preview the work. • 1. Title • 2. Subtitle • 3. First and last several paragraphs
How to summarize an article?
• as a “world language”, the lingua franca (通用语)of the modern era.
How to learn English well?
• Motivation: • Developing a passion for learning English
English for Graduate Students 研究生英语
An Introduction
About me
• 卢玉玲
• yllu@ • 13901663197
Course description
• Textbook • 《研究生英语》 • 曾建彬,卢玉玲主编 • 复旦大学出版社
• Step two: • Read the whole article. Do not slow down or turn back. Mark main points and key supporting details.
How to summarize an article?
• • • • Step three: Reread the important areas. Step four: Take notes on the material

幻灯片1ReviewBy Iris幻灯片2Review●When the Olympics r_____ around, Journalists tend to e_________ the GreekGames as being pure and uncommercial, which is sheer nonsense and thep________ modern invention.●As far as Homer’s Iliad, Greek athletes cheated with the entire e_______ based onwinning, like taking d_______, jumping the gun, or even viciously e________ the rivals, which was difficult in determining the responsible as the Greek athletes were obliged to compete in the n______.幻灯片3Review●The bareness may prevent the athletes to e________ the products, but the so-calledamateurs may be awarded with prize money, paid by the huge fees for personalappearance or even a_________ from the taxes.●The commercial Olympics were also political. The great athlete may change thec________ enticed by a big sum of money, which happens all the time today with corporate e___________.●The ancient misbehavior climaxed with two rather bizarre a________ of the kings;one p________ the winner who defeated him and the other was declared as thewinner in spite of the apparent defeat.幻灯片4Review●When the Games were revived in 1896, all the ancient shenanigans were revivedwith the added r________.●When the Greek Spiridon may win the marathon ________, he fortified himself alongthe road with swigs of sugared wine. By contrast, the American Fred was discovered that he had not gone the entire distance under his own s_____ just before he was awarded the winner.●More o______ is the fact that distance runner began taking stimulants. Hicks was apioneer in sustaining himself with small dozes of Strychnine and kept his medalalthough his physician was not s________ about it. Then in 1908, the Italian Dorando was not so lucky. He nearly died of the Strychnine dose and was d________. Since then, the tragic cases s________ the IOC to initiate drug testing.幻灯片5Review●In 1976, Olympic cheating entered the e_______ Age, when the Russian Borisrewired his sword to light at any time he would deem appropriate. Then there is the matter of s________ cheating, involving the women taking such large doses of maleh________ to improve their performance. The German Dora, who missed a goldmedal in he women’s high jump in the notorious Olympics of 1936, was found a mediocre male athletes.幻灯片6Review●Although I have presented an excessively b_________ picture of an inherentlyglorious even above, I still do not share the p_________ of the others. The anecdotes of the skullduggery is nothing just to prove that the games have always suffered from the “human f________”. And I firmly believe that the majority of spectators today watch the Olympics to see p_________ excellence.幻灯片7Idiom Study●Too big for one’s boots●妄自尊大, 目中无人●Hand in glove●亲密地,勾结着●Line one’s pocket●靠欺騙的手段賺錢,貪婪地賺錢●Cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth●量力而为●Lose one’s shirt●丧失全部财产幻灯片8Idiom Study●Below the belt●不公正地〔的〕●Step into sb.’s shoes●接替某人的位置●Be tied to sb.’s apron strings●依赖●Hot under the collar●发怒的, 气得要争吵的●On the wrong side of the blanket●私生的幻灯片9Idiom Studyhot under his collar●He became _______________ when he realized that he had been cheated.●You should not have used what you know of his past against him—that was_____________.●I won the third prize only. It is not enough for me to ___________. I will still have towork.●Sue‘s really been getting too ___________ since she became the ManagingDirector’s secretary.●The lady always boasted of being a Duke’s daughter, and so she might have been,but born ______________.below the beltline my pocketbig for her bootson the wrong side of the blanket幻灯片10Idiom Study●Did you hear what happened to Joe? He's ____________, the poor guy.●Then Mr. Jones retires, his son will __________.●How come your brand-new T-shirt ? How many times have I told you that you should_________?●Drug trafficking goes ______________ with other sorts of crime.●She will never leave home; she is too _________ to her mother's ________.lost his shirtstep into his shoeshand in glovetied ...apron strings幻灯片11Writing●An effective opening paragraph should do these things:●Get your readers’attention and interest them in reading more.●Announce or suggest you main idea without delay.●Give your readers a signal about the direction you intend to take.●Set the tone of your essay.幻灯片12Writing●Here are some approaches that writers rely on.● 1. Make a commitment to your readers.● A commitment introduces readers to a topic by promising to supply moreinformation.幻灯片13Writing●Example●…. I’d like to suggest a way that our firm can also contribute to this civic project.●The writer gives his audience the necessary background information about thecivic project, then commits himself to explaining his proposal.幻灯片14Writing● 2. Make a direct announcement of your intensions.●For a more formal paper, you may want to write a particularlystraightforward announcement in your opening paragraph, especially inapplied essays.幻灯片15Writing●Example●….. I’m writing to apply for the position advertised in Chinadaily.●….. Of all the developments of atomic physics, two possibilitiesaffect our future more than any other: electricity produced bythe fission(裂变) process and annihilation (灭绝)by nuclearstrike.幻灯片16Writing● 3. Ask a question● A third strategy is to pose a question that highlights a problemor piques readers’curiosity.●Not only can questions provide a tantalizing (着急) lead-in, butthey also make commitments.幻灯片17Writing●Example●What makes a good challenge? This question seems deceptively simple.However, for millions of students and parents who each year hope to choose“the right school”from a seemingly endless list of colleges and universities, theanswer rarely is simple.●The writer leads off with the central question she will answer in her article.幻灯片18Writing● 4. Focus on key facts●Another good anchor is the statement of an important fact that clues thereaders into what your topic is going to be and gives them the base ofinformation that they need to continue with their reading, especially in anargument paper.●You may talk about the other opinions and elicit your stand.幻灯片19Writing●An effective concluding paragraph for a paper should give your readers thesense that you have brought the paper to a satisfactory conclusion, that you have left no loose ends or unanswered questions.●Here are 3 patterns that make for satisfying endings.幻灯片20Writing● 1. Make a recommendation when one is appropriate.●Such a recommendation should grow out of the issue you have beendiscussing.幻灯片21Writing●Example●When you decide to change your eating habit, your motto should be “Eat better”,not “Eat Perfectly”.● A conclusion from a paper on nutrition幻灯片22Writing● 2. Summarize the main points you have made.●You can bring your paper to an effective close by reemphasizing you mainpoints (though not in precisely the same words you have used before) andclosing with a wind-up sentence.幻灯片23Writing●Example●…the bottom line is that tips are part of a waiter’s pay, and if you don’t tip, you’ve stolen part of his or her labor.● A conclusion from a paper in which the writer argues convincingly that restaurantcustomers should tip their waiters.幻灯片24Writing● 3. Link the end to the beginning●You may tie your conclusion back to your beginning in a way that makes akind of frame for the paper and unifies it.幻灯片25Writing●Example●Opening●An electrical engineer named Karl was trying to find out what was causingthe static….●Closing●If Karl had not stumbled onto the static in the Milky Way…..。
复旦研究生英语Unit Seven

Doctor’s Dilemma: Treat or Let Die?Medical advances in wonder drugs, daring surgical procedures, radiation therapies, and intensive-care units have brought new life to thousands of people. Yet to many of them, modern medicine has become a double-edged sword.特效药、冒险的手术、放疗以及重症监护等方面医学进步使成千上万人获得了新生。
Doctor’s power to treat with an array of space-age techniques has outstripped the body’s capacity to heal. More medical problems can be treated, but for many patients, there is little hope of recovery. Even the fundamental distinction between life and death has been blurred.医生可以用各式各样的太空时代的医疗技术治疗疾病,而病人康复的能力与之相比却相形见绌。
Many Americans are caught in medical limbo, as was the South Korean boxer Duk Koo Kim, who was kept alive by artificial means after he had been knocked unconscious in a fight and his brain ceased to function. With the permission of his family, doctors in Las Vegas disconnected the life-support machines and death quickly followed.许多美国人像韩国拳击手金得九一样身陷医学困境。

Unit 10n
2. Webster’s Webster’s Dictionary is the name given to a common type of English language dictionary in the United States. The name is derived from American lexicographer Noah Webster and has become a genericized trademark for this type of dictionary. Although Merriam-Webster dictionaries are descended from the original work of Noah Webster, many other dictionaries bear his name, such as those published by Random House and by John Wiley & Sons.
Unit 10 The Virtues of Ambition
6. Lord Acton John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron Acton, KCVO (10 January 183419 June 1902), commonly known as simply Lord Acton, was an English historian, the only son of Sir Ferdinand Dalberg-Acton, 7th Baronet and grandson of the Neapolitan admiral, Sir John Acton, 6th Baronet. He was born in Naples, Italy.

01 Introduction
Course Introduction
It focuses on developing expertise in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar, with a particular emphasis on academic writing and critical thinking
Graduate English Classroom Courseware Unit
• Introduction • Language knowledge and skills • Culture and intercultural
communication • Practical Application and Academic
• Adaptability: Being flexible and open to adapting to different cultural norms and behaviors can help avoid misunderstandings and improve communication
Literature citation
Learn to use appropriate citation formats, such as APA, MLA, etc., correctly label literature sources, and avoid academic misconduct.
Art and culture
Western art and culture are owned for their creativity, experience, and exploration of themes such as love, death, and the human condition
究生综合英语1课后答案 复旦大学出版社研Unit6-ppt课件

Unit 6 The Media and the Ethics of Cloning
Additional lnformation for the Teacher’s Reference 1. Leigh Turner Leigh Turner is an Associate Professor in the Biomedical Ethics Unit and Chair of the Master’s Specialization in Bioethics, who received his Ph. D. in Religion and Social Ethics from the University of Southern California. He has published many essays on such topics as agenda setting in bioethics, ethical issues in end-of-life care, ethical and social issues related to genetics and biotechnology, and bioethics and public policy.
University of Edinburgh. He is best known as the man who
played a supervisory role in the team that first cloned a mammal, a lamb named Dolly in 1997.
Unit 6 The Media and the Ethics of Cloning
Unit 6 The Media and the Ethics of Cloning
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10. For twenty-five years I’ve said that Tom would end in the gutter. (lin in that state of life in which it has pleased Providence to place me. (line 138-140) 12. If he occasionally borrows a trifle from me, that is merely force of habit. (line 158159)
A flashback of George’s brother Tom: how he changed from a respectable person to an unscrupulous fellow. And how he blackmailed his brother George again and again.
Organization of the text
• • • • Part I( Line 1— line 23) Part II (line 24—line 38) Part III (line 39—line 119) Part IV (line 120—line 150)
Part I( Line 1— line 23)
8. He was a most amusing companion and though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his society. (line 99-101)
9. I never grudged the contributions he regularly levied on me for the necessities of his existence. (line 102-103)
3. I do not ascribe it to perversity on my part, but rather to the inconsequence of childhood, which is deficient in moral sense, that I could never reconcile myself to the lesson. (line 19-21)
Part IV (line 120—line 150)
1.Among those learned was The Ant and the Grasshopper, which is devised to bring home to the young the useful lesson that in an imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness punished. (line 3-6) 2. I apologize for telling something which everyone is politely, but inexactly supposed to know (line 7-8)
Main Idea of the Text
In this short story, Somerset Maugham, by describing two brothers' attitudes toward life, examines the nature and inconsistent qualities of human beings. George was a hard-working and respectable man with a decent job as a lawyer. He was also a faithful husband and loving father to four daughters. He believed that the industry should be rewarded and giddiness punished. His brother Tom, however, was an unscrupulous and good-for-nothing scoundrel. He philandered with the prettiest girls, danced, ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beautifully. He borrowed money from relatives and friends. At the beginning, he fooled George by making empty promises repeatedly. Later on he even went to such an extreme that he blackmailed his brother.
Thank You!
Introduction of the fable and the author’s understanding about it.
Part II (line 24—line 38)
Beginning of the story about George and his brother.
Part III (line 39—line 119)
His players are no longer popular, and his fame rests on his many short stories and four of his novels: Of Human Bondage(1915),The Moon and Sixpence(1919), Cakes and Ale(1930) and The Razor’s Edge(1944). These reveal a cynical but sometimes compassionate view of humanity.
Unit 3
The Ant and the Grasshopper
余莎 陈娟娟 赵君 褚令令
Background Knowledge
William Somerset Maugham (18741965) was a famous English novelist, short-story writher, playwright and critic. He was born in Paris and educated at King’s School, Canterbury, and at Heidelberg. He qualified in 1897 as a doctor from St. Thomas’ medical school but abandoned medicine after the success of his first novels and plays.
4. I never saw anyone wear an expression of such deep gloom. (line 29) 5. Tom had been a sore trial to his for twenty years. (line 43-44)
6. But if George could oblige him with a couple of hundred pounds, he didn’t mind for the honour of the family giving it up. (line 7779) 7. It cost George an infinite deal of trouble and five hundred pounds to settle the affair. (line 89-90)
Loading money to his brother, George appeared to be in Tom's favor at the first sight. On a second thought, readers can find that George helped his brother only for his own sake. For instance, he gave Tom some money in order that Tom might quit his job as a bartender. By doing so, he saved his face and the good reputation of his family. But unfortunately Tom took advantage of his weakness of vanity over and over again. The story offers a new interpretation of the fable of La Fontaine The Ant and the Grasshopper whose classical teaching is that in an imperfect world industry is rewarded and giddiness punished, and reveals the dual personality of ordinary people.