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地道西西里风情美味 集高贵优雅于一身
《时尚北京》对话意大利对外贸易委员会北京办事处首席代表 暨中国区总协调官司凯培
《时尚北京》:谈谈您对当下中国消费者口味的认识吧。 司凯培:今天的中国消费者越来越讲究,勇于体验新的食品、新的口味。他们准备尝试新品种, 包括新鲜水果。但同时也是越来越关注餐桌上的安全性和可靠性。 《时尚北京》:为什么意大利制造产品在今天比过去更能符合中国消费者的新需求? 司凯培:中国消费者越来越关注餐饮安全。包括西西里橙在内的意大利制造产品,在今天比过去 更能符合中国消费者的新需求,因为它们的安全性是经质量标准认证和生产工艺保证的,符合安全 要求。 《时尚北京》:众多国际品牌都在瞄准中国消费市场,您如何评价中国的消费市场潜力? 司凯培:这个市场的增长空间十分巨大,我认为供应和经销渠道还可以利用电子商务平台。中国 在营业额方面是世界上最大的B2C市场:2018年达到8000亿美元,即世界B2C贸易的一半是通过这些 电子商务平台进行的。
地道西西里风情美味 集高贵优雅于一身
文:本刊记者 王元
说起意大利,西西里岛是个不得不提的地 方,有这样一句名言被广为流传:“如果不去西西 里,就像没有到过意大利。因为在西西里你才能 找到意大利的美丽之源。”
西西里是地中海当中面积最大、人口最多的 一个岛屿,其历史底蕴厚重。众多影视作品在这 里取景,其中电影《西西里的美丽传说》最被我 们熟知。影片中女神莫妮卡·贝鲁奇的万般风情, 烂漫海滩、新鲜水果、特色美食……是我们对西西里最初印象。
西西里的血橙是意大利珍贵的物产,是欧洲最重要的农产 品之一,也是本次活动的主角。Oranfrize公司此次主要向中国出 口莫罗血橙和塔罗血橙两个品种。这批柑橘种植在埃特纳火山脚
下,位于西 西里东部 中心,是 当 地 主 要 的 特 定 种 植 区。得 益于 当地独特的微气候条 件、温 差 和 对 农作 物 的 持 续 呵护,血橙 独 一无二、口味独特、口 感好,富含维生素C和 花青素。血橙的果皮会在阳光作用下呈现出血一样的颜色,加上 绯红的果肉,一看就让人垂涎三尺。同时,带着玫瑰香的味道和香 甜多汁的橙肉,更是让人欲罢不能。
ICN 电视联播网16个中英文电视频道(其中四套中文、一套英文节目),24小时不间断播出,已覆盖美国7大城市(洛杉矶、旧金山、纽约、西雅图、休斯顿、达拉斯、奥斯丁),收视人群超过7000万。
ICN 电视联播网是中国文化海外推广的重要平台。
【摘要】国际目的地营销协会(Destination Marketing Association International,DMAI)是世界上规模最大、拥有最可信赖资源的官方目的地营销机构,协会的历史超过100年。
1.国际旅游岛与自由贸易港建设背景下三亚会奖旅游目的地发展策略探究 [J], 孙行;杨亚雯
2.第三届目的地品牌化与目的地营销国际会议征文启事 [J],
3.旅游通过国际关系对目的地政治的一般性影响——国际政治与经济发展前沿研究系列之四 [J], 徐亮
4.抓住机遇寻求变革——国际报纸营销协会第78届年会发言摘选 [J], 岳嵘嵘;张世海;陈志娟;肖梦
5.国际旅游目的地形象标杆对比评价模型构建及其应用——以中国·长阳卓尔国际旅游度假区为例 [J], 石军伟;皮君;蒋军成
凯度:2015 全球品牌足迹报告(2015 Brand Footprint Report)
A Global Ranking of the MostChosen Consumer Brands2015This year’s data has good news and a warning for the FMCG sector in the 2015 Global RankingIn New York, a fan buys snacks to eat while watching a Giants game. In rural Vietnam,a mother purchases her daughter’s first deodorant in a local store. Thousandsof miles apart, these consumers are experiencing what Kantar Worldpanel calls the ‘moment of truth’: the point at which a shopper chooses one brand over another.Today’s value-chasing consumers are as likely to choose local brands, shaped by local cultures, tastes and nuances, as brands produced by global FMCG giants.sector in 2015 as ‘fast-moving’ as its name suggests it should be? GEoGRAPhICAL hoTSPoTSEmerging or fast growth markets are where 85% of the population lives; they account for 80% of CRP growth. Kantar Worldpanel forecasts that FMCG value in developing countries will grow by 7% in 2015.While 50:50 is the global average brand growth: decline ratio, Peru, Russia and Brazil saw more brands grow than decline; in Italy, 74% of brands declined. All this emphasises the need for brands to balance their portfolio growth, to avoid overexposure to local conditions and mitigate the impact of local brand competition.ToP RISERS: CoNSISTENCy WINS ThRouGh Observe the fastest growing brands globally to see they have added more than 13 million new households each—that’s three times what other growing brands achieved. On average, brands growing globally add five million to their shopper base.Fabric softener Downy leads the top CRP risers for the second year running, with Vim, Doritos, Lay’s, Cheetos and Dove returning too. These brands also grow valueconsistently, on average by 10% globally.To buy or not to buy – that decision determines whether abrand will grow. Brand Footprint maps this growth using abespoke metric, Consumer Reach Points (CRPs), to indicatehow often and where in the world a brand is chosen byconsumers (see page 8).Using data from Kantar Worldpanel’s 412,000-householdpanels in 35 countries*, the CRP metric provides a levelplaying field for comparing FMCG brands. These rangefrom basic to luxury, local to global, applicable across allcategories, from instant noodles to anti-ageing cream. All ofthis reflects how real shoppers purchased in 2014.FMCG – NoT So FAST MovINGNine out of the 2015 Top 10 brands by CRPs featured in 2014’sleader board, with one new entrant for 2015: Dove.This year’s Global Ranking reveals that 50% of the 11,000 brandsanalysed are growing their CRPs, with 50% declining. This splitis evident in the Top 10, where six brands have rising CRPs.This demonstrates the need for brand owners to balance theirportfolios. Pantene’s reductions in CRPs, for example, wascounterbalanced by strong growth of other Procter & Gambleproducts such as Downy (+23%) and Oral-B (+9%).Overall, growth brands expanded their CRPs by 9.8% last year;declining products saw a drop of 8.3%. This suggests thatwinning brands may have grown their categories at the expenseof other FMCG purchases.It's a reminder that with competition from other growingmarkets, FMCG is not guaranteed its current share ofwallet. Interest needs to be stimulated through innovations,engagement with technology and the creation of brands thatmake consumers lives easier, happier or healthier.Brand Footprint calculates that 250 billion FMCG shopperdecisions were taken last year – a similar figure the previousyear. Flat CRP growth poses a key question for FMCG: is theDowny has done particularly well in Indonesia, Philippinesand Thailand, with rising penetration, brand stretching andinnovation such as Downy Unstopables scent boosters helpingto fuel a great CRP performance.BRANdS WITh PuRPoSEColgate is the brand which is recruiting the greatest number ofnew shoppers, most of whom are in India.Consumers are increasingly responsive to brands such asLifebuoy (+7%) that show a social purpose through theirmarketing and offer a gateway to healthier lifestyles.BIG RooM FoR BRANd GRoWThThe Global Ranking lists the world’s most chosen brands,achieving high penetration in their markets. Yet only Colgatereaches more than half the world’s households. All otherFMCG brands, including table leader Coca-Cola, still do notpenetrate a majority of households.Of the 11,000 brands analysed, only 2% are purchasedby more than 80% of a country’s shoppers – so eventhe most successful brands have room to grow.(See page 6, Brand Growth: A roadmap).Consumer Reach PointsBrands adding the most shoppers in 2015Behind the NumbersDoritos11m75% of allgrowing FMCGbrands haveexpanded theirshopper base“Luis Simoes, Global Strategy Director, Kantar WorldpanelHow many householdsbuy it/universeHow many householdsin a countryHow often each householdbuys it on average in a yearSources: Kantar Worldpanel 2014. Germany, Italy, Russia and US datasupplied by GfK and IRI* includes households from GfK (Russia, Italy, Germany) and IRI (USA)P ENETRATIoN××PoPuLATIoN FREquENCyBrand Growth: A roadmapRULE 1 Increasing brand penetration is pivotalPenetration needs to be earned againand again. Kantar Worldpanel’shistorical panel data shows that thevast majority of your brand's buyerswill buy your brand once, and thatthe most common shopper behaviourwithin the category is not to buy yourbrand at all. This is largely becausein most FMCG categories, consumershave a multitude of brands to choosefrom.The majority of a category’s shopperbase is light buyers, who are “veryimportant because there are somany of them,” notes Alison Martin,Director of Kantar Worldpanel. Penetration is a measure of brandor category popularity. If your brandis popular, says Richard Herbert,Global Insight Director at Europanel,“everything else follows”.Europanel’s BG20 study of 16countries in Europe, Asia and theAmericas explored 9,000 brands in 79categories covering foods, beverages,household and personal care.The strong relationship betweenpenetration growth and brand growthis clear, where no such correlationexists between frequency and growth.Few of the Top 10 brands in the GlobalRanking Top 50 (page 8) dip below20% penetration, with the strongest,Colgate, exceeding 60%. This meansevery brand has room for growth. Ofall the growing brands in the world,75% have grown in penetration.What Brand Footprint datatells us about growing brands and shopper behaviourThere’s a fundamental truth about FMCG brands: the key to growth is attracting more buyers. In other words, increasing penetration,as measured by the number of households buying a brand in oneMake your brandaccessible to as manyshoppers as possibleRULE 4Your buyers don’tbelong to youyear, is the secret of successfulFMCG brands and growingConsumer Reach Points (CRPs).Many marketing theorists supportthe penetration proposition,including Professor Byron Sharpin How Brands Grow, where heuses empirical evidence thatincludes Kantar Worldpanel data.To win the penetration game, FMCGbrands need to be distributed andmarketed to as many consumersas possible. Sharp urges brandsto ‘refresh and build memorystructures’ with mass marketadvertising that features distinctiveyet simple messaging.The Top 50 brands spend millionsof dollars annually on marketing inall its forms – expenditure that givesthem a better chance of succeedingin the moment of truth and validatethe CRPs they achieve.Snack brand Lay’s is one of thefastest growing brands in terms ofCRP. Its launches in Italy and Brazilused all the levers to make its brandmemorable, from traditional push-marketing (celebrity endorsementby footballer Lionel Messi in TV,outdoor, digital, in-store and on-packadvertising in time with the 2014FIFA World Cup) to ‘pull’ marketingYour buyers are another brand’sbuyers, who also buy your brand.Kantar Worldpanel data indicates thatconsumers buy a range of brands inmost categories.This underlines the need for constantbuyer recruitment, even for high-penetration brands. A KantarWorldpanel study of 2,000 brands inFrance in 2014 found 50% customerchurn for each brand examined.Chocolate spread Nutella is boughtby 60% of households in France,but still has to renew a third of itscustomers every year.Idriss El Ganari, Knowledge Directorat Kantar Worldpanel France, saysthe reality of customer churn hasimplications for marketers focusedon loyalty programmes. El Ganariexplains: “Loyalty can't be efficientbecause customers don’t come toyour brand on a long term basis.”Kantar Worldpanel’s Brand Footprinthas access to panels making up412,000 households across 35countries. Experts across theglobe have observed consumerand shopper behaviour in relationto over 11,000 brands. Here wefocus on four rules for brandgrowth that contribute to achievingconsistently high CRP scores.RULE 3Retain and attract lightor occasional buyers“Heavy buyers are important too, butchances are there aren’t so many.”While new shoppers come in, othersare lost; the challenge is to achievea positive balance.So brand penetration strategiesneed to focus on increasing thenumber of light buyers, rather thanheavy or core shoppers. This caninclude targeting new usages, newconsumption occasions, expandingequity into new categories, smartsizing or new brands to cover allprice ranges.SET youR PENETRATIoN GoALSInnovation is a key penetration strategyfor Top 50 growing brands. Downy,an outstanding example, increasedCRPs last year by 23% with campaignsensuring mental and physicalavailability across country and acrosscategory. In February 2015 the brandstretched outside the laundry categorywith the launch of the UnstopableCollection of home scenting products,including air sprays and candles.(More on Downy, page 12.)Only five brands in the world getclose to 100% penetration in theirmarkets – Coca-Cola in Mexico, forexample – however the most commonbrand penetration is five per cent.So marketers need to be realistic insetting targets and these should bebased on growing penetration.through a global crowd-sourcingcampaign to create new flavours.AvAILABLE To PuRChASECoca-Cola, the world’s leadingFMCG brand by CRPs, has long madephysical availability one of its threecore marketing principles. Throughglobal distribution networks andfranchise systems, Coca-Cola haslived up to its late president RobertWoodruff’s promise to put Coke’sproducts “within arm’s reach ofdesire”.In Asia’s growing urban centres,distribution assumes even greatermarketing significance. Local brandgrowth comes from concentratingon outlets in lower tier cities whereglobal brands are often not foundand boosting brand awareness instore. Chinese toothpaste brandSaky, for instance, has grownby being well-distributed andhighly visible on store shelves.Brand Footprint Global Ranking Top 50The Next 20Notable in the Next 20 this year are budding brands within global portfoliosPlucky and dynamic, the strongest growth among these is achieved by Dettol. Its 10.9% increase in CRPs saw it climb five places in the 2015 Global Ranking to number 57.Also rising fast are Procter & Gamble’s premium toothpasteOral-B and Kellogg’s latest recruit, Pringles, as strong marketing investment pays dividends for both players.kEEPING IT CLEANLaunched in Indian hospitals over 80 years ago, Dettol Antiseptic Liquid was first used during surgical pro-cedures. Since then, the brand has diversified to categories including bar soaps, liquid hand wash, body wash, shaving cream and plasters.Universally positioned as ‘protector from germs’, it gains most of its CRPs from Asia and the Middle East, in particular India, where it experienced double digit growth in 2014 alone. Dettol’s brandequity there is such that the Indian Prime Minister launched its latest campaign, Swachh Bharat, endorsing its Clean India message as one of his key governmental policies.Like many premium brands in the report, Dettol recently launched a smaller, affordable pack, increasing penetration in rural areas and smaller towns.Most of Dettol’s European sales are within the UK, with CRPs growing by 13%. Its new ‘Laundry Sanitiser’ product extends the anti-bacterial pledge to the washing machine.TEETh ANd TEChOral-B rose three places to enter the Next 20 for the first time. With a9% increase in global CRPs, it is the world’s 67th most chosen brand and the fifth most chosen in oral care.One of P&G’s billion-dollar brands, Oral-B is on the cusp of a truly global reach, among the top 100 brands in three continents: US, Latin America and Europe. Growth has been slower in Asia and the Middle East, but it has nonetheless climbed the ranking in every region across the world, especially inEurope (+15.2%) and Latin America, where its Dare to Change campaign contributed to a 10.4% rise in CRPs.While toothpaste has the highest global penetration in the health and beauty category, there is still headroom for brand growth in oral care. Mouthwash, for example, has only 27.3% global penetration and new ranges such as whitening toothpastes have bolstered sales in many markets.But Oral-B shows most promise in premiumisation. Investing heavily in new product development, the brand demonstrates the first real collabora-tion between FMCG and technology.This year it introduced a toothbrush for the information age, which connects via Bluetooth to a smartphone app, congratulatesusers on brushing strategy and warns them if they ‘missed a bit’.SNAP, CRACkLE… ANd PoPSqueezed by changing breakfast habits in its key markets of Germany and the UK, Kellogg’s needed a star brand to spearhead the growth of its snack portfolio. It appears to have found it in Pringles.Well established in USA and Eu-rope, Pringles' 6.7% rise in CRPs saw it climb two places in the global ranking to become 68th most chosen brand, mainly due to fast growth in its core US market, the UK, Germany, France and Russia.Pringles is both leading and riding a category wave. One of the fast-est-growing FMCG categories this year, savoury snacks are in very good health: now bought by 11% of households globally. Sales within the category increased by 80% in 2014.Kellogg's continues to work the brand hard. Pringles Tortillalaunched in the US, Mexico and Cen-tral America last summer with three different flavours, and its 2014 World Cup marketing in the UK saw it boost CRPs by 12% in the country.The brands knocking on the door of the Top 50Source: KWP Brand Footprint 2015For full global, regional, country and sector rankings, information on panel sizes and a complete index of the Top 50 brands included in this report, visit Today’s smaller but rapidly climbing brands could well be tomorrow’s major global brandsGrowth typically comes in at least one of three ways: acquiring brands to extend portfolio, extending into new or adjacent categories and positioning to cover new targets,consumption occasions or price tiers. Here we look beyond the Top 70 to our next generation of brand titans according to CRP growth. What strategies are these promisingbrands using to improve penetration and frequency in different markets?IF you CAN’T BuILd IT, Buy IT Professor John Quelch, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, told BrandFootprint:"If you are a multi-national corporation looking to grow a brand globally, one option is to develop one’s own product portfolio, or alternatively acquire established local brands. International beer companies have principally operated in that fashion."Indeed, Brahma’s global success is a story of mergers and acquisitions. In 1999, Ambev acquired the brandalong with its longstanding rivalAntarctica and was widely tipped to be Brazil’s first international player. But it was only to enjoy global distribution upon its merger with Belgian brewer Interbrew five years later.The brand has nonetheless become a totem of success for Brazil, which according to Devin Kelly, Inbev’s vice president at the time, was always its ambition. “The emotional context of Brahma, at the heart and soul of this incredible country called Brazil, was the single most important factor.”In 2005, Brahma was made available for the first time in 15 countries,including the UK, US, Canada, Russia and France. Now, as part of American-based brewing giant Anheuser-Busch, it is the world’s third most chosen beer brand and has seen 63% growth in spend. In the 2015 ranking Brahma has seen 23% CRP growth and it has shown consistent growth in the ranking over the past three years.RISING STARSHaircare brand Tresemmé has beenpart of the Unilever portfolio since2010 with rapid roll out around theworld in the last five years. Now placed at 105 in the global brand rankings, itlooks set to soon join the top 100.Marketed as ‘used by theprofessionals’ due to the brand’sheritage in salons, Tresemmé is priced to fit into a niche more expensive than value brands but still an everyday option.CRP growth has been particularlystrong in Asia (94%) where thebrand has risen 51 places, and yetis a relative unknown currently onlyreaching 1.3% of this vast population. A partnership with the televisionshow ‘Asia’s next top model’ hasraised awareness across the region, especially India and Indonesia. The range has continually expandedacross shampoos, conditioners andstyling aids. Much success has comefrom the innovative 7 Day Keratin Smooth system.Coffee brand Dolce Gusto CRP has grown by 16% in the last year, powered by strong performances in Western Europe, especially Spain and France. The most recent opening of a new factory in Brazil (the firstoutside Europe) shows the brand has the ambition to grow globally.Consumers the world over love coffee. Instant, roast and ground coffee are purchased and taken home by at least half of shoppers globally. The ease of preparation and long shelf life of instant make it the most likely entry point to the category in countries with a weaker coffee culture. Consuming on the go or in a café is an affordable piece of luxury. Coffee capsules have helped create the holy grail of marketing a newcategory – combining the indulgence of café culture with the convenience and speed of the capsules.The 10 fastest growing brands in the top 50 have had an exceptional 2014, cumulatively reaching consumers on an additional 10.6 billion occasions Six of the top 10 return from last year: Downy (top for the second year running), Vim, Doritos, Lay’s, Cheetos and Dove. This shows that even the very biggest brands have the capacity to grow consistently.doWNy STAyS uPThe Procter&Gamble fabric softener Downy remains the world’s fastestgrowing brand, increasing its Consumer Reach Points by 23%, and moving up four places to 14. This is the first time Downy has achieved over 1billion CRPs, joining the Billionaire Club.Growth has been fuelled by Indonesia, Brazil, Thailand, Peru, Venezuela and the Philippines. Building on its multi-sensory campaign, Downy used a Game of Thrones theme encouraging dual usage such as Downy fabric conditioner with Tide Laundry.While its global growth levels are not reflected in the US, Downy features in the US top 100 with penetration of 28.4 of US households. 2014 saw the launch of the ‘Rip your clothes on’ commercial during the Victoria’s Secret fashion show. The importance of softness and comfort is further promoted with the #Hugmore video and consumers have been invited to design the next Downy Simple Pleasure scent.MouNTAIN dEW’S GLoBAL RANGEMoving five places up the ranking and increasing its CRPs by 7%, Mountain Dew has entered the ranking at number 50. While the US is Mountain Dew’s biggest market, we have seen growth in Asia, especially in Thailand and Vietnam.Mountain Dew has managed this strong performance in the face of a slow-down in the carbonated soft drinks market as consumers lean towards healthier alternatives. 2014 saw plenty of innovation with new variants and flavours as well as a Mountain Dew Diet, promoted by car racer Dale Earnhardt. With the Millennial target clearly in mind, the ‘Dew After Dark’ game-on tournament featured the newly released Call of Duty Advanced Warfare.The Next Generation: Beyond the top 70Movers and ShakersSuNSILk: SMooTh GRoWThSunsilk, also known as Sedal or Sedã,has consistently innovated across the marketing mix, making it more accessible to young, middle-class women in developing regions.In Malaysia and Indonesia, Sunsilk engaged young hijab-wearing working women: its Hijabista campaign in2013 ranged from TV to targeting hijab bloggers. In 2014 the brand saw nearly 22% CRP growth in the Philippines, 12.5% in Mexico and 12.1% in Indonesia.LAy’S: FooTBALL ANd FLAvouRSThe PepsiCo-owned snack brand features in the top 10 recruiters for 2014. Strong CRP growth in the core US market (up 5.4%) has been backed up by Asia and the Middle East (up 10.6%) and Europe (up 7.4%).LIFEBuoy: PRoFIT ThRouGh PhILANThRoPyWith Lifebuoy, Unilever's ambitious task is to change the hygiene behaviour of 1 billion consumers across Asia, Africa and Latin America. Lifebuoy has executed educational campaigns, such as World Handwashing Day, and local initiatives supported by NGOs to spread awareness about hygiene among children.Developing products to suit newusage occasions, such as the colour-changing handwash indicating when germs have been killed, the Lifebuoy Handwashing Behaviour Change Programme has helped increase the brand’s CRPs 7% globally.ToP 10 RISERS GLoBALLy BASEd oN CRP GRoWTh2 out of3 Filipino homes buy 3-in-1 White CoffeedId you kNoW?If you are a multi-national corporation looking to grow a brand globally, either develop your own product portfolio, or acquire established local brands “Countries worldwide have different brand preferences, as depicted in our map of top brands around the globe, with food and beverage products dominating the list On average, number one brands reach 85% of shoppers in their country, a level achieved by only one per cent of FMCG brands across the world. While this level of penetration is crucial to success, Consumer Reach Points (CRPs) are dependent on purchase frequency also, which tends to be higher infood and beverage categories.With the exception of Coca-Cola, top brands per country are invariably local, integral to a country´s culture and symbols of both consumer habits and tastes.“We see local brands taking the number one position in more than three quarters of the 35 countries profiled,” says Virginia Garavaglia, Global Brand Footprint Project Director.” These brands tend to be tried and trusted by almost every household in the country. Theyare part of consumers’ daily lives, generation after generation.”A mere five brands in the world have reached over 99% shoppers locally. These are Pil in Bolivia, Coca-Cola in Chile and Mexico,Indomie in Indonesia, Gloria in Peru and Almarai in Saudi Arabia. These brands have reached the Holy Grail in terms of attracting buyers and can now focus on increasing the number of times they are purchased.PENETRATIoN BooSTS ALquERíANoteworthy is the performance ofdairy brand Alquería, which this year takes top spot as Colombia’s number one brand based on CRPs. In doing so, it nudges aside fellow local dairy and food producer Colanta, 2014’s leading brand in Colombia.Alquería is a study in meticulously planned local expansion. The family-owned brand owner was founded in 1959 as a milk processor and has gradually diversified into other foods and beverages such as juices and ice cream. “Alquería started small, but growth was steady;consistent with its ambition to be market leader,” says Garavaglia.Garavaglia highlights Alquería’s high penetration rate of 71% and notes the company partners to gain necessary expertise in new categories. Alquería has, for instance, embarked on a joint venture with Danone, to create DASA which supplies the local market with yogurt products.TRuST MATTERSAnother change in this year's Number One Brand By Country ranking saw Taiwanese food brand I-Meiemerge triumphant from a market marred by food safety scandals. As its competitors lost shoppers, I-Mei stood out as a company willing to act fast and take responsibility.Held up as a role model for food standards nationwide, I-Mei was able to trade on a reputation for honesty and integrity. It is now the most popular brand in the country and purchased by 82% of Taiwanese households. I-Mei products were chosen 44 million times in 2014, which contributed to a sales increase of 4.7%.Number 1 Brand By CountryIndonesia, China and Vietnam: growth based on urban population CRP growth, based on top 50 FMCG brands in each country .KEy +3%1 to 3%0%up to -4%-4% onwardsSOUTH KOREA PHILIPPINES VIETNAM SAUDI ARABIATAIWAN IRELAND FRANCE PERU CHILE ARGENTINAIndia is polarised in terms of FMCG performance: sales volume is down by 3% year-on-year in rural areas but buoyant in urban areasGlobal Trends, Brand ResponsesUnderstanding consumer trends and behaviour allows brands to plan for the futureConsumption habits around the world continue to evolve and brands that cater for these shifts create new opportunities for their businesses. The world is diverse in shopping behaviour and tastes, but there are four common trends to note.dEMoGRAPhIC ShIFTSPopulations are changing the world over, but not necessarily in the same way. Rising affluence across Asia is changing how brands are positionedand bought. In India the rise of e-commerce is partly fuelled bymore middle-class women going out to work.The boom of the Millennial generation in developing markets brings consumers with different needs and attitudes. India’s Engage, for example, offers couples matching deodorant pairs such as Rush & Blush, Frost & Drizzle.In the West, L’Oreal Paris is using more mature models to appeal to specific targets, and smallerhouseholds are targeted by products such as Loyd Grossman for One sauce in the UK.ThE hEALTh PARALLELSome brands are moving beyond reactive health to proactive and restorative, with anti-ageing properties and nutritionalboosts: Activia yoghurt’s ‘happy tummy’ is one example.The trend extends to personalcare. Premium Chinese toothpaste YunNanBaiYao uses a traditional medicine to help with pain relief.Brands and retailers are in step with the fight against obesity: discounter Lidl made a strongstatement in 2014 by removing sweets and crisps from thecheckout in 600+ stores in the UK.BuILdING TRuSTIn an age of abundant choice, consumers are drawn to brands with a commitment to deliver their promises. Confidence lost is hard to win back, as recent meat scandals in Taiwan and Europe showed.Consumers are looking forsustainability as part of a brand’s quality promise, in response to complex FMCG supply chains. French food producer and grocer Fleury Michon unveiled its #venezvérifier campaign so consumers can follow its surimi (fish and meat paste) range, from fishing vessels in Alaska to the supermarket shelf.October 2014 saw Unileverlaunch its first TV ad to associate sustainability with the Unilever logo. Downy and Comfort single rinse fabric conditioners have thrived in South East Asia, saving precious water, good for the environment and good for the consumer.ME, NoT WEConsumers demand the unique and unexpected. Ferrero’s Nutellapartnered with premium British store Selfridges allowing shoppers to create a jar with their name on it.Crowd sourcing is popular, with brands such as Downy and Lay’s developing new variants. Blends for Friends in the UK lets consumers design and name their own tea, while Concoction shampoo does the same personalisation for haircare.In India the rise of e-commerce is partly fuelled by more middle-class women going out to work“。
童星高林宇个人简历 PPT课件
2015年中国国际时装周jnby by JNBY 童装走秀 2015年水孩新款发布会走秀 2015年暇步士童装走秀发布会 2016年中国国际时装周 哈尼尚 纸飞机 小鬼当佳等多家影楼样片 小模特 2015/2016年 探路者童装品牌广 告及平面拍摄及宣传片拍摄 2015/2016年KAPPA广告及平面拍 摄 2016年水孩童装平面拍摄等2016年摩比童装拍摄 蓝天城广告宣传片 中国人寿广告宣传片 拜尔口腔医院广告宣传片及平面 拍摄 鑫雅肤护肤品广告拍摄
高 林 宇
高 林 宇
年龄:6岁 身高:122cm 体重:39斤 鞋号:29码 特长:唱歌,跳舞, 表演
高 林 宇
电影 《鬼拳》饰演男主童年 贝 贝 电视剧 《我的青春谁做主 》饰 演男一号儿子文文 电视剧 《王子的咖啡店》饰演小 鹏 电视剧 《复合大师》 饰演 贾乃 亮童年 院线电影《黑色曼陀罗》饰演孤 儿 院线电影《高跟鞋先生》饰演被 打小学生
COMDEX的兴衰与重生07公管1班魏红梁爱伟吕晓丹陈帆樊蕊COMDEXCOMputer Dealer`s eXpo即计算机经销商博览会,是科技产业享誉盛名的会展品牌.首届COMDEX举办于1979年,曾是信息产业的第一盛会;2001年开始因各种原因而逐渐衰落,在2004、2005两年停办,2006年主办方艰难地举行了最后一届.此后,COMDEX蛰伏3年.2010年,COMDEX强势回归,将在今年11月16日盛大开幕.以下将根据COMDEX的7个发展阶段对其进行详细介绍:一、起步阶段.1979年,Interface Group首次举办COMDEX,当时主要展示电脑的最新硬件、软件、外围设备、网络产品和最新技术.创办者是美国赌王谢尔登·阿德尔森,他投资Interface Group的一本计算机杂志,在拉斯维加斯创办了计算机经销商展览COMDEX,当时只吸引了4000名参观者.伴随着20世界80年代计算机业开始蓬勃发展,COMDEX成为最新科技产品汇集的展会.眼光独到的阿德尔森看好计算机业的美好前景,将原本只对计算机行业专业人士开放的展会转而面向公众,并力邀比尔·盖茨微软公司总裁和史蒂夫·贾泊斯苹果计算机创办人等计算机业领军人物到展会上演讲.他们的观点可谓代表着计算机业的发展方向,这成为COMDEX吸引业界眼光的又一亮点.为适应当时计算机行业更新的迅猛之势,COMDEX每年在春秋二季各举行一次,吸引了大批厂商和专业观众.在1979年到1994年的15年里,COMDEX与计算机行业一起蓬勃发展,一派欣欣向荣的景象.从那时起,COMDEX成为了计算机技术高瞻远瞩的理念诞生之处,代表着世界科技发展的方向和IT行业的发展趋势.二、繁荣时期.创办COMDEX的传奇商人阿德尔森为完成其职业梦想,于1995年将COMDEX出售给Soft Bank Corp..SBC是日本最大的个人电脑软件销售商,占据70%的市场份额,出版10多种杂志,向日本人普及电脑知识,宣传自己的产品.同年,SBC创始人孙正义购买了Ziff-Davis出版公司部分股权,用于助推COMDEX的营销策略.SBC凭借雄厚的实力成功将COMDEX进一步推广,并将展会的参展商品范围扩大到各类电子产品,吸引全球生产计算机和电子产品的厂商参展,并吸引了越来越多的参观者,微软等主要厂商更是充分利用COMDEX的平台展示它们的新产品,开展营销活动.这一切都使得COMDEX成为享誉全球的高新科技展会.当时, COMDEX是当时最新技术与产品展示的平台,是参展商创利比率最高的展会之一,在高新科技类展会中独占鳌头.参加COMDEX已成为计算机业和电子产业内的一种风尚,是媒体和高新科技迷每年期待的盛事.三、巅峰时期.1997年,SBC将COMDEX出售给Media Live International,后更名为Key3Media.Key3Media抛弃了阿尔德森的经营模式——只将展位出租给IT 行业厂商,将参展商范围扩大至所谓的“技术相关产业”,包括汽车、按摩器等.尽管因此失去了以戴尔为代表的部分客户,Key3Media仍然凭借着COMDEX提前定位的降价传统和在业内的盛名维持着较高的展位出租率和经济拉动比率.同时,COMDEX大幅增加了表演和互动活动的比例,吸引了大批普通观众.1998年—2000年,COMDEX曾一度达到10万多平方米的展区面积和超20万人次的参观者数目,成为名副其实的全球最大规模科技类展会.四、衰落阶段.2001年的“911”事件震惊了全世界,尤其是美国民众.这对以美国本土为重心的COMDEX打击不小,参观者从巅峰阶段的20万人次锐减到12万人.但相较在同一时间CESConsumer Electrics Show的异军突起可见“911”事件的影响并不是COMDEX衰落的本质原因.21世纪初“经济”泡沫的破灭对初生的IT业冲击很大,与之同生同荣的COMDEX失去了稳定的行业背景支持,规模急剧缩水.经过短暂调整,IT业逐步回稳,但却出现了重视消费类IT产品的转向.与此同时,CES、SID等以消费类IT产品展示为特色的展会成绩不俗.这些共同构成了COMDEX衰落的外因.而COMDEX自身运营存在的问题则是内因,主要是背离COMDEX的特色——纯IT性的战略性错误、定价策略失误.抛弃纯IT特色使得COMDEX 失去了往日在业界着称的专业性,引起了从定位到具体运营策略的系统性错误.正如业界专家所说的“当我在COMDEX上看见某品牌的按摩器时就意识到了COMDEX已经终结了”.而高价展位使得大批厂商望而却步,只有美国本土厂商仍鼎力支持,其他国家的厂商们选择参加其他同类展会或本土展会.在IT业不稳定的大背景下,COMDEX失去了金字招牌专业优势,大批参展商逐年减少,其效益逐年降低,且其主办方Key3Media面临破产.在2001年到2003年的短短三年里,COMDEX急剧衰落.五、窒息阶段.经历了连年的参展规模缩水、主办单位财政危机、经济效益下降的多重危机,COMDEX在2004到2006年走向终结,如同一个病入膏肓的人近乎窒息.2004年,Key3Media取消了该年的COMDEX,并称将在2005年重新举办.但2005年COMDEX依然停办,主办方Key3Media仍陷破产危机.经过两年的修整,COMDEX以“重回商用IT”为主轴,并配合降价措施,吸引了戴尔等曾流失的客户回归.但业界对此评价不高,更多人静观2006年的COMDEX能否力挽狂澜.然而,Key3Media最终迫于财政困难被美国着名商务媒介公司United Business Media全盘收购.六、蛰伏阶段.UBM从1843年以来一直蝉联美国商务媒介公司的冠军,实力雄厚,经营模式成熟灵活,成功经营着数个不同特色的系列会展品牌.2007年到2009年的三年间,人们没能获得更多COMDEX的消息,只知道UBM正对它进行内部重组.至于这个科技类会展传奇能否重生一直是疑问.七、复兴阶段.以“Legendary COMDEX is back this fall.”为标题的消息出现在全美各大报刊杂志的头条,所有业界人士都为之一振DEX以“COMDEX Virtual”,即“COMDEX虚拟”强势回归.UBM三年磨一剑.经过对COMDEX发展历程系统分析、评估COMDEX品牌市场价值、目标市场调查分析和内部项目协调等繁杂工作之后,UBM确定了COMDEX“返璞归真,为核心客户提供专业服务”的战略.并且选择旗下着名的Everything Channel负责本年度的COMDEX Virtual.EC作为技术销售渠道媒体和服务领域的领导者,为此次虚拟活动确保了专业技术支持.业界和媒体都表示对此次COMDEX充满期待.本小组的成员经过对UBM、EC和此次COMDEX Virtual的了解,认为UBM 对COMDEX的改造符合COMDEX数十年树立的品牌特色,顺应了当前IT业的发展需求,有能力使得COMDEX这一传奇性的全球科技会展品牌重获新生,并能创造新高度.参考文献[1]胡平,会展管理——理论与实务M上海,·华东师范大学出版社,2007[2]张义,杨顺勇主编,会展导论M.上海,复旦大学出版社,2009[3]过聚荣,会展导论M,上海,上海交通大学出版社,2006[4]GOOGLE搜索引擎的新闻资讯[5]搜狐IT频道2002年COMDEX专题。
1.佳能:影像公益的力量 [J], 张思;孙彤
2.佳能:影像公益的力量 [J], 张思;孙彤
3.佳能的“影像公益” [J],
4.佳能:影像公益感动常在 [J],
5.“佳能影像发现丝路之美”影像展西安拉开帷幕 [J],
(汉诺威展览(上海)有限公司 供稿)动力传动与物流双剑合璧,助推工业技术快发展 2008年10月27-30日,2008亚洲国际动力传动与控制技术展览会和2008亚洲国际物流技术与运输系统展览会将在上海新国际博览中心隆重举行。
(汉诺威展览(上海)有限公司 供稿)【企业动态En ter pr ise】西门子“知其道觅其妙”媒体行正式拉开帷幕“首战”告捷2008年9月23日,秋高气爽,西门子自动化与驱动集团(A&D)主办的“知其道觅其妙”媒体行活动在北京举行。
数据来源:iResearch iVideoTracker 监测媒体:国内15家主流视 频网站 (含部分客户端数据) 时间:2015年4月 地域:全国 目标人群:7-60岁网民
数据来源:CSM Infosys 频道组:省级上星卫视、中 夬级频道 时间: 2015年4月 城市组:25省网+4直辖市 目标人群:4岁以上所有人
揭秘2015Q1不去年同期双屏广告规模不投放分布;《王大花癿革命生涯》电视 荧屏收视红火,革命题材剧网络端亦获青少年青睐;爱奇艺自制综艺《爱上超 模》反向输出湖北卫视,电视观众反哺网络收视,双屏互动效果奇佳。
本期报告中,我们为您呈现: 2015Q1:OTV广告同比高涨 双屏媒体格局稳定 亦正亦”谐”革命剧 青少年也爱《王大花》 爱奇艺精品自制吸睛 《爱上超模》玩转双屏互动
18岁以下 TGI:137
19-24岁 36-40岁
25-30岁 >40岁
话题推广成功 搜索热度攀升
• 《王大花癿革命生 涯》在开播初期和收 官阶段都引収对电视 剧和主角癿热议。
• “大花闫妮不少年” 话题在微博刷屏,总 结了女主角闫妮在丌 同剧中不“小鲜肉” 男主们癿激情互动。 同时也带动了对电视 剧癿热议指数。
男女分布差丌多 老幼双屏两极化
• 从性别构成来看,《王大花癿革命生涯》在电视端占比均衡,没有明显癿性别趋向。网 络端男性观众稍多亍女性观众。
• 从年龄构成来看,电视端40岁以上癿观众是主体,几乎占到全部观众癿70%,TGI 高达 150,不革命题材电视剧更叐中老年欢迎有关。在网络端,18岁以下癿青少年观众对该 剧表现出明显癿倾向性,TGI 达到137。
企业报道ENTERPRISE8月6日,中国(北京)国际工程机械、建材机械及矿山机械展览与技术交流会(BICES)主办方宣布,BICES 2015将于2015年9月22-25日在中国国际展览中心新馆举办。
B IC E S 2015展览面积将突破200,000m2,将会招募超过1,000家各国参展商,并邀请到更多的国内专业观众以及全球更多新兴市场的专业观众。
BICES 2015将继续由中国工程机械工业协会、中工工程机械成套有限公司、中国国际贸促会机械行业分会共同主办,北京天施华工国际会展有限公司承办。
美国设备制造商协会(A E M)作为国际合作方继续承担国际展商招募和各项推广组织工作。
中国工程机械工业协会的副会长、秘书长苏子孟,做了题为《2014年工程机械行业运行分析和BICES 2015筹备情况》的报告。
在硬件条件上,本届展会选定了北京中国国际展览中心新馆(新国展)作为BICES 2015的举办场地,并针对工程机械设备的展出条件进行了改造。
组委会目前已经与16大行业的46家行业协会或大用户单位建立了良好的合作关系,同时BICES的海外合作伙伴已经覆盖相关行业的各个权威协会和组织,如美国设备制造商协会(A E M)、印尼承包商会、英国建筑设备协会等。
这些国家和地区的行业组织作为BICES的长期合作伙伴, 通过自身协会、政府及媒体渠道向其会员及非会员相关单位发送BICES展会信息,大力推动组织海外展商和观众团体来京观展,每届数量都在逐步递增,有效扩大了BICES在海外地区的影响和知名度。
阳狮集团——迟到的领先者阳狮集团(Publicis Group),是法国最大的广告与传播集团,创建于1926年,总部位于法国巴黎。
创始人是:Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet(1906-1996)。
旗下的广告代理公司有阳狮(Publicis)、萨奇、李奥贝纳(Leo Burnett)、Arc(原D'Arcy北美的通用(GM)部门和宝洁(P&G)部门)等;媒介服务公司包括:实力传播集团(Zenith Optimedia)、星传媒体(Starcom MediaVest)等。
还拥有MS&L公关服务(Manning Selvage & Lee)和Publicis Dialog 客户关系和市场营销服务等。
阳狮集团在2000年进入中国大陆市场,目前拥有广告创意、媒介、公共关系、客户关系营销等多种服务,其进驻单位包括:广告创意:盛世长城国际广告有限公司(Saatchi & Saatchi);上海李奥贝纳广告有限公司(Leo Burnett);阳狮广告公司(Publicis);Arc媒介服务:实力媒体(Zenith Media);实力传播(Zenith Optimedia);星传媒体(Starcom);博睿传播(China Media Exchange)公共关系服务:MS&L China;客户关系营销:Publicis Dialog ;历史与发展前景阳狮集团的成长过程:1)法国小店的成长Publicis初期是巴黎一家专做平面的广告公司,于1926年由Marcel Bleustein创建,后来随着业务的扩展成为了全面代理的广告公司,并在1946年后进入英国、德国、美国等市场。
品牌展会作者:来源:《消费导刊》2015年第09期2016第十五届北京奢侈品博览会开始日期:2016-7-3结束日期:2016-7-5会展地点:北京展览馆承办单位:振威展览主办单位:中国国际商会会展类型:贸易,代理,进出口国家,城市:北京2014年7月,Luxury China吸引了意大利、瑞士、法国、美国、德国、西班牙、韩国、马来西亚、澳大利亚等20多个国家和地区的300多个国际高端品牌,参展商品涵盖豪车、游艇、珠宝、腕表、箱包皮具等众多品类,法拉利、玛莎拉蒂、兰博基尼、爱马仕、古驰等国际线品牌纷纷到场,展出面积达20000平米,彰显着此次博览会的“高端”。
日期Date10月24日星期一时间Time15︰0020:0009︰0009︰3013︰00内容Events梅赛德斯-奔驰xx国际时装周新闻发布会xx·2012春夏发布会2011xx时尚论坛——中意时尚峰会2011xx时尚论坛——VLOV·大学生辩论会(分组赛)媒体采访注册xx·xx2012作品发布会2011xx时尚论坛——VLOV·大学生辩论会(总决赛)Cabbeen Chic·卡宾2012春夏男装发布会2012Marisfrolg春夏时装发布会2012 NE·TIGER高级华服发布会梅赛德斯-奔驰呈现淑美赫·2012春夏时装发布会浩沙杯·首届中国瑜伽健身服装设计大赛新闻发布会xxxx·xx兔绒时装发布会xx和听xx·xx艳2012春夏时装发布会xx杯·2011xx内衣设计大赛才子·2012春夏男装发布会xx时尚集团十周年xx晚宴左岸·xxxx2012春夏男装发布会xx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx丽人·新闻发布会AS AUGUST SILK·郭宝宝2012春夏时装发布会维斯xx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx杯·第6届xx运动装备设计大赛xx·xx2012春夏运动装发布会VLOV·xxxx2012春夏男装发布会SCFASHION·祁刚2012春夏时装发布会应大杯·第3届xx时尚皮装设计大赛应大杯·皮装设计大赛新闻发布会xx芸·xx2012春夏时装发布会POKER·xx2012春夏男装发布会麦包包·JAMIE MOORE 2012春夏新品发布会Garywat·屈汀南2012春夏时装发布会利郎·计文波时装发布会xx丽人·xx时装发布会名瑞杯·2011xx婚纱设计大赛xx杯·男装设计大赛新闻发布会GIOIA PAN·潘怡良2012春夏时装发布会秋冬国际成衣流行趋势讲座Zeng Fengfei ·曾凤飞2012春夏男装发布会地点VenuexxA座2楼多功能厅国家会议中心xx半岛酒店2xx宴会厅2ndD·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所新闻中心D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所七九罐xx万达xxxxxx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所七九罐xxxx饭店D·PARKxx会所第一车间xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所七九罐xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARK北京会所第一车间中国国际时装周组委会xxxx内衣有限公司主承办单位Organizers 10月25日星期二25thOct.Tuesday 14︰3015︰3018︰0018︰3020︰0021︰0011︰0013︰0015︰0010月26日星期三26thOct.Wednesday 16︰0017︰3018︰0018︰3020︰3011︰0012︰0014︰00中国服装设计师协会/意大利时尚协会北京市经济和信息化委员会北京市经济和信息化委员会/中国服装设计师协会服装设计师杂志社xx国际时装周组委会xx株式会社/xx工作室北京市经济和信息化委员会/中国服装设计师协会服装设计师杂志社xxxx服饰有限公司xxxx菲尔时装有限公司NE·TIGER时装有限公司梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)汽车销售有限公司/德国淑美赫服装公司中国服装设计师协会/浩沙集团xx昊天服装实业有限公司北京服装学院/北京楚和听香服装服饰有限公司中国服装设计师协会/欧迪芬国际集团才子服饰股份有限公司xx时尚集团xx佐岸服饰有限公司xx时尚集团xxxx服饰有限公司新疆维吾尔自治区妇女联合会/新疆库车县人民政府达利(中国)有限公司xx科曼维斯xx服饰有限公司中国服装设计师协会/乔丹体育股份有限公司东容(xx)有限公司xx森创服装有限公司中国服装设计师协会/天津应大国际服饰有限公司中国服装设计师协会/天津应大国际服饰有限公司杭州威芸服饰制作有限公司北京服装学院/扑克时尚(北京)时装有限公司嘉兴麦宝科技信息有限公司xxxx服饰设计中心利郎集团新疆维吾尔自治区妇女联合会/新疆库车县人民政府中国服装设计师协会/广东名瑞(集团)股份有限公司中国服装设计师协会/湖南圣得西实业有限公司北京潘怡良服饰有限公司xx服装设计师协会培训中心服装设计师杂志社/巴黎娜丽罗荻设计事务所厦门凤飞服饰设计有限公司10月27日星期四27th Oct.Thursdays 15︰4516︰3019︰0021︰0010︰3012︰0014︰0015︰4516︰3018︰3019︰3021︰0010︰3012︰0010月29日星期六14︰0014︰3015︰4510月28日星期五28th Oct.Friday18︰3019︰30TANYA 高级定制时装发布会旭化成·中国时装设计师创意大奖新闻发布会xx化成·xx时装设计师创意大奖——xx作品发布会L&XF·xx2012春夏男装发布会L&XF杯·第10届时装画大赛颁奖及新闻酒会xx美月2012春夏婚纱作品发布会xx·xx2012春夏男装发布会第20届xxxx杯休闲装设计大赛领秀(xx)新闻发布会领秀(xx)·xx2012春夏发布会EACHWAY·赵卉洲2012春夏时装发布会xxxx·xx2012春夏时装发布会xx·新闻发布会xx·xx2012春夏男装发布会Beauty Berry·王玉涛2012春夏男装发布会弄影·xx2012春夏时装发布会S·DEER刘丽丽2012春夏时装发布会邓皓2012高级定制发布会xx/xx·2012高级定制时装秀xx服装设计师协会第六次会员代表大会TORAY·中国时尚大奖2011年度评选酒会xx服装设计师协会七届一次理事会xx国际时装周2011年度理事会北服-莱佛士国际学院毕业生设计作品发布会MGPIN·毛戈平2012彩妆造型设计发布会贵之步女鞋·新闻发布会贵之步·2012春夏产品发布会狼道·xx奕群2012春夏牛仔装发布会WHITE COLLAR·2012春夏高级成衣发布会梅赛德斯-奔驰中国国际时装周2011年度颁奖典礼芭莎男士品位成功年度人物颁奖盛典暨梅赛德斯-奔驰中国国际时装周庆祝派对D·PARK北京会所第一车间xxA座18楼宴会厅xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所第一车间xx宴会大厅xx宴会大厅xxA座2楼多功能厅xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅798创意广场玫瑰之名xx宴会大厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间xxA座18楼会见厅xxA座18楼宴会厅xxA座18楼会见厅D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅D·PARKxx会所不拘讲堂D·PARKxx会所第一车间D·PARKxx会所中央大厅xx宴会大厅D·PARK北京会所七九罐北京泰雅伊丽商贸有限公司xx国际时装周组委会旭化成株式会社/旭化成纺织株式会社中国国际时装周组委会旭化成株式会社/旭化成纺织株式会社上海沸森实业有限公司服装设计师杂志社xxLXF时装发展有限公司xxxx栊服饰有限公司xx(xx)有限公司中国服装协会/中国服装设计师协会真维斯国际(香港)有限公司xx领秀服饰有限公司xx领秀服饰有限公司艺之卉时尚集团xxxxxx服饰有限公司xxxx服饰有限公司xxxx服饰有限公司贝迪百瑞商贸(北京)有限责任公司上海弄影时装有限公司xx圣xx时装有限公司xx邓皓时尚服饰有限公司Maryma高级时装定制中心/北京肇达·张服装设计院中国服装设计师协会中国国际时装周组委会/东丽(中国)投资有限公司中国服装设计师协会/中国国际时装周组委会北服-莱佛士国际学院xx形象设计艺术学校xx贵之步实业有限公司xx贵之步实业有限公司xx狼道服饰贸易有限公司xx国际时装周组委会xxxx时装有限公司梅赛德斯-奔驰(中国)汽车销售有限公司/时尚芭莎杂志21︰0011︰0012︰0014︰0010月30日星期日15︰4516︰3017︰3019︰0021︰0011︰0012︰0014︰0010月31日星期一15︰45 16︰3017︰3019︰3021︰0009︰0011︰3013︰0013︰4011月1日星期二15︰00 16︰0017︰1018︰0020︰3011月2日星期三19︰00。
參賽公司 靈獅廣告股份有限公司
地區 台灣
P03-002 新生兒篇 Sony充電器
1 Sony
P03-003 仰臥起坐篇 Sony / Walkman
1 新力
P03-007 歌林液晶電視 著色系列-熱帶雨林篇/嘉年華會篇/時代廣場篇
3 歌林股份有限公司
達彼思廣告股份有限公司 台灣
2 Sony
P09-013 汽車篇,跳水篇 迪寶皮鞋
2 東莞市琪勝鞋業有限公司 黑弧奧美廣告傳媒廣州公司 中國大陸
P09-016 包篇、鞋篇、衣篇 N/A
3 探路者戶外用品
電腦資訊項 作品編號 作品名稱 P10-001 曲棍球篇
產品/服務名稱 新力/8cm DVD片
P03-013 發電的電梯篇 奧的斯電梯
1 天津奧的斯電梯有限公司 揚羅必凱(北京)廣告有限公司 中國大陸
交通項 作品編號 作品名稱
P04-001 Passat領馭上市 Passat領馭上市(分子篇/時鐘篇/金字塔篇)
3 上海大眾
精信廣告有限公司上海分公司 中國大陸
1 ASUS華碩
P14-006 電腦零件篇 N系列
1 台灣諾基亞股份有限公司 達彼思廣告股份有限公司 台灣
P14-015 解放系列 Z6
3 摩托羅拉
P14-016 掌上娛樂系列 E6
5 摩托羅拉
咨询有限公司总经理谷俊,国内知 我国化妆 品市场销 售额平 均 以每年 2 . 3 本刊副总编姚舜耕等专家学者应邀 有相 当大 的发展 潜力 。 我国化妆 品传统
此 外,姚 舜耕 在 ( 营店如 何运 《 专 营 进 口化妆 运作进 口品牌应该从品牌历史、 人手 。其中特别强调应该从如何
交 流和 相互学 习的 良好氛 围,而 且 后 春 笋般尽 是 各 式各 样 的 化妆 品 专营
更 重要 的是 还解决 了经销 商在经 营 店。 随着企业 开发的 专营 店产 品越来越
自身 品牌 的 独有 特性 。其 中针 对 专 柜 、 A等小 处更 应该 从精 致 、 节人 B 细 于 , 口的品牌 操作 手法 一定 要细腻 、 进
消费力的普遍提升,同时也促进专营 店 的升级转型,这两方面都决定专营
店 对 中高 档化 妆 品 的需求 ,这 正 是进
口化妆 品的一个机遇,因此经销商更
在会 上,亚洲 P P ( 人护 H C 个
店 员 、店 长 等 。
要 注重 变革 ,通 过促 进 品牌调 整 ,促 进店 面升 级 ,提升 团队 的管理 能力 以 及增 加培 训 ,从 而 在新 一 轮竞争 中胜
这 些 得 奖 的 公 司 可 能 并 非 都 是 行 业 内最优 秀 的, 至少 他们 在创 新上 或 但 报 、 妆 品洗 涤周 刊 、 化 中国化 妆 品网
兴致都很高, 品牌发布会也博得了大
家 的好感 和认 同 。 在 活 动 的最 后, 家都 很 期 待 的 大 “ 丽 中华 ”化 妆 品 年度 颁 奖 盛典 揭 美 开 神秘 “ 纱 ” 此次 盛典 共 颁 出 “ 面 。 优 秀连 锁运 营商 ” “ 秀百 货商 场 ” 和 优 两 项 大 奖 , 于表 彰行 业 内表 现 卓著 的 基 企 业 和机 构 , 今 年 首 次 设 立 这 个 奖 项 。 选 中,主 办方 与 多 家专 业媒 体 评 以及 学 术机 构 联 合组 成 评 选 委员 会 , 依 照严 格 的 评 选 程 序 ,历 经 层 层 斟 酌 、 拔 , 终 遴选 出两项 大 奖 的候 选 最
附件1:《推介知名品牌登记表》附件2:《向东盟推介中国知名品牌和向中国推介东盟知名品牌工作意见》联系人:联络信息部杨琼电话/传真:66602805 邮箱:#url#2015年12月15日推介知名品牌登记表工作意见品牌邀请函 [篇2]各有关企业:中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局,中国国家标准化管理委员会2011年12月30日颁布了《商业企业品牌评价与企业文化建设指南》(gb/t27925-2011),旨在贯彻国家品牌强国战略方针,逐步使中国企业由“中国制造”走向“中国创造”,提高中华民族品牌在世界的独特地位。
FASHION /时尚/ 2311月29日,以“新时尚·新格局·新希望”为主题的2020华夏基石(青岛)国际时尚产业峰会暨中意时尚对接会于青岛举办。
青岛市副市长耿涛、意大利驻华大使馆一等秘书Stefania Commegno、中国纺织品进出口商会会长曹甲昌、意大利国家时装商会(CNMI)中国首席代表陈卓、中国意大利商会秘书长朱莉娅、华夏基石产业服务集团CEO张文锋等领导和行业领袖、专家学者出席此次峰会并发表重要讲话。
意大利国家时装商会(CNMI)主席Carlo Capasa表示,CNMI与华夏基石合作,一起致力于共同推动中意时尚产业的可持续发展、新锐品牌和设计师的孵化和推广,数字化转型、时尚艺术文化传播等。