onopendocument用法举例 -回复
这个事件通常在文档处理软件中使用,例如Microsoft Word、Google Docs或Adobe Acrobat等。
不同的软件可能使用不同的编程语言,例如Microsoft Word使用VBA(Visual Basic for Applications),GoogleDocs使用Google Apps Script等。
以下是一个使用VBA的Microsoft Word示例,展示了如何使用onopendocument事件来设置文档的默认字体和格式:Private Sub Document_Open()With ActiveDocument = "Arial".DefaultFormat.SpaceBefore = 12.DefaultFormat.SpaceAfter = 12.DefaultFormat.Alignment = wdAlignParagraphLeft End WithEnd Sub以上代码在文档打开时被自动执行。
openondemand介绍OpenOnDemand 是一个基于 web 的平台,旨在为用户提供简化的远程访问和管理 HPC(高性能计算)集群的工具。
该平台提供了一个直观易用的用户界面,用户可以通过 Web 浏览器从任何地方访问和管理远程 HPC 资源。
OpenOnDemand 提供了一个功能丰富的框架,可以让用户在没有专业知识或终端命令行经验的情况下,通过图形化界面轻松地执行复杂的任务。
用户只需使用鼠标点击和填写表单,就可以完成各种 HPC 操作,而无需编写和运行命令行脚本。
OpenOnDemand 的主要特点是它的可扩展性和灵活性。
用户可以根据特定的工作流程和需求,自定义和配置自己的 OpenOnDemand 界面。
通过OpenOnDemand,用户可以远程访问HPC 集群上的各种应用程序和工具,例如计算流体力学、生物信息学、数据分析和机器学习等。
用户可以在 Web 界面上启动和监控作业,管理文件和目录,查看作业输出和日志,以及与其他用户进行协作和共享数据。
此外,OpenOnDemand 还提供了一个资源管理器,用户可以轻松地管理自己的文件和目录。
除了远程访问和管理 HPC 资源,OpenOnDemand 还提供了一些其他功能和工具,以提高用户的工作效率和体验。
例如,它可以集成 Jupyter Notebook,让用户通过 Web 界面运行和管理 Notebooks。
它还提供了一个交互式的命令行终端,让用户可以直接在 Web 浏览器中执行命令和脚本。
总之,OpenOnDemand 是一个强大且易于使用的 web 平台,为用户提供了便捷的远程访问和管理高性能计算集群的工具。
二、京东方一体机中的软件Note 应用软件使用说明在软件安装完成后,双击桌面上的“EN”图标,即可启Note应用软件。
打开-------点击该图标打开软件默认的.enb 格式文件。
2 .点击“工具”弹出百宝箱页面,包括主题工具、学科工具、小工具,(1)主题工具点击主题,用户可根据需要选择纯色背景、方块底纹、斑点底纹、纹理、教学背景等,(2)学科工具点击学科工具,用户可根据当前授课场景选用对应的工具辅助授课,包括、数学、语文英语物理化学。
普罗米修斯白板使用说明 (2)
普罗米修斯(PROMETHEAN)国际公司ACTIVBoard交互式电子白板用户培训手册ACTIVStudio3.5版本A硬件与软件的安装1 从支架箱取出移动支架,按说明,可以很容易的安装好。
或把白板箱中的一付挂钩(4个挂钩)按安装图纸安装在墙上2 从白板包装箱中,取出白板,将白挂在移动支架或墙上的挂钩上3将电源线和USB 线与白板相连4将USB 的另一头接入所用电脑的某个USB口(注意,以后每次使用白板系统,都要将硬件的USB 接在同一个USB口上)5将投影仪安装好,用VGA线把电脑和投影仪连接好。
6 将软件盘按顺序安装到电脑光驱中,顺序为01)安装Activstudio_PE_v3[1].5.26_setup.exe程序(语言选择[中文],在程序运行的过程中,要求输入注册码,用户名和用户单位)02)activdriver_x32_v4.1.13.18_setup.exe(白板驱动程序)03)安装程序的说明文档(ActivstudioPE3_Help_(GBR)_v3[1].5.1_setup.exe)。
04)DirectX905)QuickTime06)Shockwave07)ACTIVstudio全版中文资源安装版08)备课板驱动09)双击桌面Activstudio Professional Edition V3,进行第一次运行,这时需要你选择用户模式(一般为中级就好)7 在电脑键盘上将画面切换到投影,将电脑桌面画面打到白板上8 调整投影机,使得画面能打到近似满屏9 进行鼠标笔的校准。
B主要培训第一模块:基本功能第一节运行白板系统软件ACTIVStudio PE31.确定投影仪,白板,计算机正确连接。
唐钢BO项目BOE平台安装与配置版本说明Revision Table分发Distribution TableContents1 部署架构 (3)1.1 逻辑架构 (3)1.1.1 特点 (3)1.1.2 架构图 (3)1.1.3 组件说明 (4)1.2 物理架构 (4)1.2.1 特点 (4)1.2.2 架构图 (4)1.2.3 组件说明 (5)2 BOE应用服务器安装概述 (6)2.1 BO服务器环境安装_oracle (8)2.2 BO服务器环境安装_SAP gui (15)2.3 Sybase客户端连接配置 (21)2.4 BOAPP1服务器BOE安装 (24)2.5 BOAPP2服务器BOE安装 (32)2.1 IK安装 (40)3 BO资源库配置(资源库迁移).............................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.1 将BO Audit资源库指向到Oracle ..................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2 本地更新CMS信息................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4 BOE集群配置 (51)4.1 配置BOE集群 (51)4.2 验证集群 (55)4.3 配置集群中的Input FRS和Output FRS (56)4.4 修改BOE集群名称 (57)5 容导入 (59)1部署架构1.1逻辑架构1.1.1特点●针对不同的应用采用BO集群的方式。
1.1.2架构图以下是BOE平台的逻辑架构图:1.1.3组件说明数据层数据源可以是各种关系型数据库或是通过ODBC连接其他数据源,例如Sybase、MS SQL Server 等。
SAP BO报表智能展现窗口介绍上海思由信息科技有限公司2014上海思由信息科技有限公司2014基本架构企业HR系统用户信息个性化首页Data Services业务数据源权限管理业务主数据企业门户单点登录个人电脑-浏览器直接登录报表访问接口(Token + Opendocument)参数值数据Business Objects Enterprise (BOE)Webi, Dashboard, CR…(CUID)报表管理器(报表注册)自定义报表任务队列报表参数集参数配置管理器(动态参数加载)主数据管理菜单管理自定义报表(任务调度管理)报表展现面板参数解析器上海思由信息科技有限公司2014用户权限策略关于用户账户:BOWIN的用户权限策略并不受SAP产品的限制。
企业HR用户信息BOWIN 用户组不同的用户组只能访问授权的报表做查询如财务用户组可以访问查看财务报表质保用户组可以访问质量信息报表车间用户组可以访问车间生产报表上海思由信息科技有限公司2014报表参数InfoView参数操作方式•参数名未体现业务名称,用户无法知道其含义。
1.1 系统简介ﻩ错误!未定义书签。
1.3.1系统配置工具.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.5 Kqcis(OA)配置........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.7 3DLib配置 ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.8注册........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1 系统主界面ﻩ错误!未定义书签。
2.1.1 收件箱....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1.1 在办箱....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
User:wushanxiPortal 应用的 SSO 集成 一、单点登录验证方式基于容器验证的 JAAS 方式二、PortalSSO 拦截器拦截所有 action,如果 request.getUserPrincipal()有用户名,则表示 portal 已经单点登录,则根据 用户名登录创建应用的 UserSession。
三、 web.xml 配置文件修改1)开发环境:增加如下俩个参数定义,其中 application 需在系统应用管理中>权限管理>应用系统维护 添加。
测试系统管理访问地址::9081/sysmgr-web/login.jsp 生成系统管理访问地址:/sysmgr-web/login.jsp <context-param> <param-name>application</param-name> <param-value>portal-pdm</param-value> </context-param> <context-param> <param-name>SSODebugMode</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> 2)部署环境: <security-constraint><display-name>portal-pdm</display-name> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>protected</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern> <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern> <url-pattern>*.html</url-pattern> <url-pattern>*.htm</url-pattern> <url-pattern>/</url-pattern> <http-method>GET</http-method> <http-method>PUT</http-method> <http-method>HEAD</http-method> <http-method>POST</http-method> <http-method>DELETE</http-method> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <description></description> <role-name>wpsadmins</role-name> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint><login-config> <auth-method>FORM</auth-method> <form-login-config> <form-login-page>/login.jsp</form-login-page> <form-error-page>/loginError.jsp</form-error-page> </form-login-config> </login-config> <security-role> <description></description> <role-name>wpsadmins</role-name> </security-role> 同时检查 ApplicationContextInit 是否存在(用于应用启动时初始化引用参数) <servlet><servlet-name>ApplicationContextInit</servlet-name> <servlet-class> mon.context.ApplicationContextInit</servlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> 五、struts-plugin.xml 文件修改增加<interceptor name="portal-sso" class="mon.login.interceptor.PortalSSOInterceptor"></inte rceptor>定义 <interceptor-stack name="webStack"> <interceptor-ref name="error" /> <interceptor-ref name="frameworkStack"/> <interceptor-ref name="portal-sso"></interceptor-ref> <interceptor-ref name="security"/> </interceptor-stack>四、jar 包修改更新、参数初始化和 PortalSSOInterceptor) 以及 boe.portal.module-base-0.1.jar五、调试开关开发时将 web.xml 的 SSODebugMode 为 true,登录还是采用原来的数据库验证; 部署后将 web.xml 的 SSODebugMode 改为 false,采用容器的 jaas 验证;六、编译打包工程下增加 build 目录,其中的几个文件为生成环境需要的 datasource 定义以及登录页和登录失败页 以及 web.xml修改模块包名和 war 包名) 执行 build_prod.xml 编译 war 包七、测试运行部署到 was,修改 portal 的原包含地址,去掉 sso 后缀。
1.There are two ways to build an URL to access BOBJ report or document:URL reporting for Crystal ReportsURL reporting using openDocument2.Should I use URL reporting for Crystal reports or URL reporting using openDocument? You should use URL reporting for Crystal reports under these circumstances:? You intend to use URL reporting with Crystal reports only. For example,you do not need to work with OLAP Intelligence reports or Web Intelligence documents.You should use URL reporting using openDocument under these circumstances:? You intend to use URL reporting with Crystal reports, OLAP Intelligence reports, Desktop Intelligence documents, or Web Intelligence documents.? You need multi-format support. For example, you plan to use URLs to view Crystal reports, OLAP Intelligence reports, Desktop Intelligence documents, or Web Intelligence documents. ? You want to create links between reports and documents.3.How to build the openDocument URL in BOE XI R2?You can use openDocument in BusinessObjects Enterprise to create cross-system links to and from the following document types:.wid: Web Intelligence documents.rep: Desktop Intelligence documents.rpt: Crystal OLAP Intelligence reportsAn openDocument URL is generally structured as follows:http://<webserver>:<port>/businessobjects/enterprise115/<platformSpecific>?<parameter1>& <parameter2>&...&<parameterN>For Java implementations, use desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp in place of the<platformSpecific> parameter.For .NET implementations, use InfoView/scripts/opendocument.aspx in place of the<platformSpecific> parameter.For other parameters please refer to following table.Parameter syntax Description of parameter Mandatory? Values accepted for parametersPathThe name of the Crystal folder and subfolder containing the target document.Yes if sDocName is specified and is not unique.Crystal folder and/or subfolder:folder,subfoldersTypeThe file type of target document or report.YeswidrptcarsKindThe file type of target Desktop Intelligence document.Yes if the target is a Desktop Intelligence document (otherwise, use sType)FullClientsDocNameDocument name.One of sDocName or iDocID is mandatory.Document name.iDocIDDocument identifier.One of sDocName or iDocID is mandatory.Document identifier.sIDTypeCrystal object type.Yes if the target is a Crystal report or OLAP Intelligence report (sType=rpt or =car) in an Object Package (otherwise, use sPath and sDocName)CUIDGUIDRUIDParentIDInfoObjectID (default)tokenA valid logon token for the current CMS session.NoThe logon token for the current CMS session.sViewerIndicates the viewer that is used to view the document.Nohtmlactx (Crystal reports only)java (Crystal reports only)sReportNameIndicates which report to open if target document is multi-report.No (default is the first report)Report name for Web Intelligence documents, sub-report for Crystal Reports, pages for OLAP Intelligence reports.sOutputFormatIndicates the format in which the target document is opened.No (default is HTML if the parameter is not specified in the link)H (HTML)P (PDF)E (Excel)W (Word)sReportPartIndicates which specific part of the target report to open.NoName of the report part.sPartContextIn Crystal Reports, a report part is associated to a data context.Yes if a value is specified for sReportPartData context of the report part.sInstanceIndicates which specific instance of the target report to open.No (use with sDocName and lsS NAME)User (Link to latest instance owned by current user)Last (Link to latest instance for report)Param (Link to latest instance of report with matching parameter values)sReportModeFor Crystal targets only, indicates whether the link should open the full target report or just the report part specified in sReportPart.No (default is Full)Only applies if a value is specified for sReportPartFullPartsRefreshIndicates whether a refresh should be forced when the target document or report is opened. NoY (forces the document's refresh)N (note that the refresh on open feature overrides this value)sWindowIndicates whether the target report will open in the current browser window or whether a new window will be launched.NoSame (current browser window)New (new browser window is launched)lsS NAMESpecifies a value for a single prompt. NAME is the text of the prompt.NoA single prompt value.lsM NAMESpecifies multiple values for a prompt. NAME is the text of the prompt.NoMultiple prompt values, separated by a comma. If the target is a Crystal report, each value must be enclosed in square brackets. If the target is a OLAP Intelligence report, use the MDX WITH clause .lsR NAMESpecifies a range of values for a prompt. NAME is the text of the prompt.Note: Not supported by OLAP IntelligenceNoA range of values for the prompt, separated by a double period (..). If the target is a Crystal report, the range must be enclosed in square brackets and/or parentheses (use a square bracket next to a value to include it in the range, and parentheses to exclude it). If the target is a OLAP Intelligence report, use the MDX WITH clause .lsCSpecifies a contextual prompt if there is an ambiguity during SQL generation (Business Objects and Web Intelligence documents only).Note: Not supported by OLAP IntelligenceNoA prompt value that resolves the ambiguity in the SQL generation.NAIIForces the display of the prompt selection page.Note: Not supported by OLAP IntelligenceNoY (all prompts whose values are passed with lsS, lsM or lsR are pre-selected)N (displays only the prompts whose values passed with lsS, lsM or lsR)4.How to build the URL reporting for Crystal reports URL in BOE XI R2?URL reporting for Crystal reports can only be used with Crystal reports.A URL reporting URL is generally structured as follows:http://<webserver>:<port>/businessobjects/viewrpt.cwr?<command1>&<command2>&...&<co mmandN>There are two implementations of URL reporting:In a Java environment, viewrpt.cwr is a servlet mapping to viewrpt. This servlet is configured in the web.xml file installed with InfoView.In an ASP or .NET environment, viewrpt.cwr is redirected to viewrpt.aspx or viewrpt.asp.URL reporting command overview:The following table lists the available viewer commands:Command DescriptionIDSpecifies the ID of the current report.APSTOKENSpecifies the logon token for the current CMS session.APSUSER, APSPASSWORD, APSAUTHTYPESpecifies the CMS user name, password, and authentication type.INITSpecifies the viewer.CONNECTRe-establishes a connection to the Page Server.PASSWORDSpecifies the passwords for logging on to SQL, ODBC, or password-protected databases that are used by the report.USERSpecifies the user IDs for logging on to SQL or ODBC databases that are used by the report.PROMPTEXSpecifies values for parameter fields in a report.PROMPT#Specifies values for parameter fields in a report. Parameter values are specified that way in earlier versions of Crystal Reports (for example, Crystal Reports 7).PromptOnRefreshSpecifies whether the report should prompt for parameter field values when the report refreshed.SFSpecifies a selection formula.GFSpecifies a group selection formula.CMD and EXPORT_FMTSpecifies that the report should be exported to the indicated format.EXPORT_OPTSpecifies the page range to export.5.How to build the openDocument URL in BOE XI R3 ?http://<servername>:<port>/OpenDocument/opendoc/<platformSpecific>?<parameter1>&<par ameter2>&...&<parameterN>The exact syntax of the <platformSpecific> parameter depends on your implementation:? For Java implementations, use openDocument.jsp in place of the <platformSpecific> parameter.? For .NET implementations, use opendocument.aspx in place of the <platformSpecific> parameter.Other parameters are almost same as XI R2.6.How to build the URL reporting for Crystal reports URL in BOE XI R3?http://<servername>:<port>/<platformSpecific>?<command1>&<command2>&...&<command N>The exact syntax of the <platformSpecific> parameter depends on your implementation:? In a Java environment, use CrystalReports/viewrpt.cwr in place of the <platformSpecific> parameter. viewrpt.cwr is a servlet mapping to viewrpt. This servlet is configured in a web.xml file installed with InfoView(/CrystalReports/WEB-INF/web.xml).? In a .NET environment, use CrystalReports/viewrpt.aspx in place of the <platformSpecific> parameter.Other commands are almost same as XI R2.7.Tips:A.How to get logonToken?Use BOE SDK to generate a logonToken.Here is an sample in attachment namedopendocument.jsp to use Java SDK to get a logonToken and open BOBJ report by sample URLs.-----------------------*opendocument.jsp Part 1*--------------------------<%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.ISessionMgr" %><%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.CrystalEnterprise" %><%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.framework.IEnterpriseSession" %><%@ page import=""%><%@ page import="store.*" %><%@ page import="*" %><%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.exception.SDKException" %><%@ page import="javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter" %><%String cms = "bej-l-01-sunzhang";String username = "Administrator";String password = "";String auth = "secEnterprise";String reportName ="Accessibility";int reportID=0;String token="";ISessionMgr sessionMgr = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr();IEnterpriseSession enterpriseSession = sessionMgr.logon(username, password, cms, auth); ILogonTokenMgr logonTokenMgr = enterpriseSession.getLogonTokenMgr();token=logonTokenMgr.createWCAToken("",10,5);IInfoStore infoStore = (IInfoStore)enterpriseSession.getService("", "InfoStore");IInfoObjects oInfoObjects = (IInfoObjects)infoStore.query("SELECT TOP 1 * " +"FROM CI_INFOOBJECTS " +"WHERE SI_PROGID = 'CrystalEnterprise.Report' AND SI_INSTANCE=0 AND SI_NAME='" + reportName + "'" );if (oInfoObjects.size() > 0) {IInfoObject oInfoObjectReport = (IInfoObject)oInfoObjects.get(0);IReport oIReport = (IReport)oInfoObjectReport;reportID=oIReport.getID();}//打开Crystal报表using URL reporting//String URLrequest ="http://"cms":8080/businessobjects/viewrpt.cwr?id="reportID"&apsuser="username"&apspass word="password"&apsauthtype="+auth;//打开Report(CR, WebI, CA or DeskI) by SI_CUID using openDocument// String URLrequest="http://bej-l-01-sunzhang:8080/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openD ocument.jsp?token=&iDocID=AT25ypn58nJPjNVU7MmuObc&sIDType=CUID"//打开Report(CR, WebI, CA or DeskI) by SI_ID// String URLrequest="http://bej-l-01-sunzhang:8080/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openD ocument.jsp?token=&iDocID=4125"//打开Report(CR, WebI, CA or DeskI) by SI_ID, parameter and newWindow// String URLrequest ="http://bej-l-01-sunzhang:8080/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openD ocument.jsp?token=" + token +"&iDocID=6159&lsSprodNameParam="+strParameter&sWindow=New;//打开Analitic报表// StringURLrequest="http://bej-l-01-sunzhang:8080/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/jsp /openAnalytic.jsp?token=" + token +"&DocumentName=Sunnytest1&RepositoryType=C&RepositoryName=Performance Management&DocumentId=AcgSw2IdPWtKkVWbZuvO0BY&mode=full";StringURLrequest="http://bej-l-01-sunzhang:8080/businessobjects/enterprise115/desktoplaunch/jsp /openAnalytic.jsp?token=" + token +"&DocumentName=racheltest1&RepositoryType=C&RepositoryName=Performance Management&DocumentId=ASpQ5RJNj51Ovyeg5jxXHnc&mode=full";response.sendRedirect(URLrequest);%>If you open a hyper link BOBJ report from another report within BOE managed environment.Token parameter can be ignored and do not need generate because you have logged on BOE and current session is not time out.B.How to get reportID?There are many kinds of ID in BOE world.I will explain the mainly used IDs as below.InfoObjectID (default) -- SI_IDIt uniquely identifies an object in the BusinessObjects Enterprise system.This property is used to uniquely identify an object. The number is assigned at creation time, and is never changed until the object is destroyed. You should never hard-code this number, however, since if the object is destroyed the number may be assigned to another object. No two objects have the same ID, even if they are different types of objects; that is, you will never find a report that has the same ID as a folder.CUID -- SI_CUIDThe unique cluster ID of the InfoObject in BOE system.This property uniquely identifies objects within a BusinessObjects Enterprise cluster. If theobject is migrated to a different deployment of BusinessObjects Enterprise, the CUID remains the same, and the ID reference is not corrupted.GUID -- SI_GUIDThe unique global object ID of the infoObject.This property is a globally unique identifier for an object. If the object is migrated to a different deployment of BusinessObjects Enterprise, the GUID changes.RUID -- SI_RUIDThe object unique ID of the InfoObject in the object package.ParentID -- SI_ParentIDIt refers to the unique ID(InfoObjectID) for a particular object's parent.C.How to get InfoObjectID? There are three ways as below:Query builderCR designer, CMC or InfoviewBOE SDKI'd like to explain the second way.For Crystal report,To obtain the document ID, navigate to the document in CR designer or CMC or InfoView, hover your mouse over the document name in CR designer repository explorer or Refresh Options of Property Tab in CMC or Instance status of history list in CMC and Infoview , and look for the ID number in the browser's status bar.For WebI,To obtain the document ID, navigate to the document in CMC or InfoView, hover your mouse over the Preview button in Property Tab in CMC or Instance status of history list in CMC and Infoview , and look for the ID number in the browser's status bar.D.How to get CUID? There are three ways as below:Query builderCR designerBOE SDKI'd like to explain the second way.For Crystal report and WebI,To obtain the document ID, navigate to the document in CR designer, hover your mouse over the document name in CR designer repository explorer and look for the ID number in the prompt box.Best regards,。
openproject使用手册OpenProject 使用手册OpenProject 是一个开源的项目管理工具,旨在帮助团队协作和项目管理。
本手册将引导你使用 OpenProject 的各种功能,并提供详细的操作指南。
无论你是项目经理、团队成员还是客户,掌握 OpenProject 的使用将对你的项目管理和协作带来很大的帮助。
1. 注册和登录在开始使用 OpenProject 之前,你需要注册一个账号并登录系统。
打开 OpenProject 的网页,在注册界面填写必要的个人信息,并创建一个用户名和密码。
2. 创建项目在登录后,你可以创建一个新的项目。
点击页面上的 "创建项目" 按钮,填写项目的名称、描述、开始日期和截止日期等信息。
3. 项目概览一旦项目创建成功,你将进入项目概览页面。
4. 问题跟踪OpenProject 提供了强大的问题跟踪功能,帮助你记录、分配和解决项目中的问题。
5. 计划和进度管理OpenProject 的日历和迭代功能可以帮助你制定项目计划并跟踪进度。
6. 文档管理OpenProject 还提供了文档管理功能,使你能够轻松共享和协作编辑文档。
e@Board 软件使用手册
第 - 3 - 页 共 25 页
e@Board 软件使用手册
三、 E@BOARD 交互式电子白板服务程序使用指南
1. 连接电子白板:
电子白板是要与电脑和投影仪一起连接使用的。 白板与电脑通过 USB 线连接, 电脑与 投影仪之间通过 VGA 线连接。连接好之后,需要将投影仪对准电子白板,并且调节投影仪, 将其有效投影范围与白板的有效书写范围(在白板的左上角和右下角分别有一个直角规定 其书写范围)重合。
2. MINIBOARD 功能使用说明
2.1 2.2 打开方式:可以在电脑开始菜单中启动 Miniboard 功能。 开机启动:安装 e@boardV6.0 软件之后每次开机会自动启动 Miniboard 功能。 (用户不希望开机启动 Miniboard 功能,请在开始_启动菜单中删除 Miniboard 功能) 2.3 功能:功能菜单显示在桌面左侧;可以实现当前页面的透明状态下进行基本书写、 移动等操作;可以配合 e@board 软件使用或单独使用。 2.4 菜单功能说明,如下图示:
ZhuHai Fortune Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
2010 -10
目 录
一、 E@BOARDV6.0 交互式电子白板软件 系统要求............................................................................. - 1 交互式电子白板软件系统要求 二、 E@BOARDV6.0 交互式电子白板软件安装 ..................................................................................... - 1 三、 E@BOARD 交互式电子白板服务程序使用指南 ............................................................................. - 4 1. 连接电子白板:.............................................................................................................................- 4 2. 定位:.............................................................................................................................................- 4 3. 退出:.............................................................................................................................................- 4 4. 屏幕按键:....................................................................................................................................... - 4 四、 E@BOARDV6.0 交互式电子白板软件使用指南 ............................................................................. - 5 1. 电子白板界面显示 :................................................................................................................... - 5 电子白板界面显示: 2. MINIBOARD 功能使用说明................................................................................................................. - 5 3. E@BOARD 软件界面显示:................................................................................................................ - 6 4. E@BOARD 软件功能菜单使用说明 .................................................................................................... - 7 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 【文件按钮】功能菜单 ......................................................................................................... - 7 【常用栏】功能介绍............................................................................................................. - 8 】............................................................................................................................- 15 【工具栏 工具栏】 【导航】................................................................................................................................- 22 】................................................................................................................... - 23 【快速工具栏 快速工具栏】 】................................................................................................................... - 25 【调用工具栏 调用工具栏】 】............................................................................................................... - 25 【其他按钮操作 其他按钮操作】
Adobe Dreamweaver 使用手册说明书
How to use the Assets panelYou can use the Assets panel in Dreamweaver to manage assets in the current site (Figure 1). The Assets panel displays assets for the site associated with the active document in the Document window. A library item is a special category of assets that can automatically update all instances of a library item whenever you edit the itemFigure 1Assets panel with Site list displayedThe Assets panel provides two ways to view assets:Site list shows all of the assets in your site, including colors and URLs that are used in any document in your site.Favorites list shows only the assets you’ve explicitly chosen. To switch between these two views, select either the Site or Favorites radio button above the preview area. (These two views are not available for the Templates and Library categories.)In both lists, assets fall into one of the following categories:Images image files in GIF, JPEG, or PNG formats.Colors colors used in documents and style sheets, including colors of text, backgrounds, and links.URLs external links in your current site documents, including FTP, gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, JavaScript, e-mail (mailto), and local file (file://) links.Flash files in any version of Adobe Flash. The Assets panel displays only SWF files (compressed files created with Flash), not FLA (Flash source) files.Shockwave files in any version of Adobe Shockwave.Movies QuickTime or MPEG files.Scripts JavaScript or VBScript files. Scripts in HTML files (rather than in independent JavaScript or VBScript files) do not appear in the Assets panel.Templates master page layouts used on multiple pages. Modifying a template automatically modifies all pages attached to it.Library items design elements that you use in multiple pages; when you modify a library item, all pages containing that item are updated.Asset categories:Insert buttonEdit buttonPreview areaImages Colors URLs SWF Shockwave Movies Scripts Templates LibraryBy default, assets in a category are listed alphabetically by name, but you can sort them by type and several other criteria. You can also preview assets and resize the columns and the preview area.Add an asset to a documentYou can insert most assets into a document by dragging them into Code view or Design view in the Document window, or by using the Insert button in the Assets panel. You can either insert colors and URLs or apply them to selected text in Design view. (URLs can also be applied to other elements in Design view, such as images.)To add an asset to a document:1.Start Dreamweaver.2.In Design view, place the insertion point where you wantthe asset to appear.3.In the Assets panel, select from the asset category buttonsat the left (Figure1).Note:Select any category except Templates. A template is applied to an entire document; it can’t be inserted intoa document.4.Select either Site or Favorites at the top of the panel, thenselect the asset.5.Do one of the following:•Drag the asset from the panel to the document (Figure2).You can drag scripts into the head content area of theDocument window; if that area isn’t visible, selectView > Head Content.•Select the asset in the panel and click the Insert button.If the inserted asset is a color, it applies to textappearing after the insertion point.6.If you are adding an image asset, and enabledAccesibility preferences (Edit > Preferences >Accessibility in Windows, Dreamweaver > Preferences > Accessibility in Mac OS), you will be presented with the Image Tag Accessibility Attributes dialog box. Enter a description of the image in the Alternate Text box.Figure2Drag asset from the Assets panel to the document windowFigure3Accessibilty dialog boxEdit an assetWhen you edit an asset in the Assets panel, the behavior varies according to the asset type. For some assets, such as images, you use an external editor, which opens automatically if you have defined an editor for that asset type. You can edit colors and URLs in the Favorites list only. When you edit templates and library items, you make the changes within Dreamweaver.To edit an asset:1.In the Assets panel, do one of the following:•Double-click the asset.•Select the asset, then click the Edit button. Note:If the asset must be edited in an external editor and one doesn’t open automatically, select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver >Preferences (Mac OS), select the File Types/Editors category, and define an external editor for that asset type.2.Make your changes.For example, in Figure 4, Fireworks opens in order to edit a selected button asset.3.When you finish, do one of the following:•If the asset is file-based (anything other than a color or URL), save it (in the editor you used), and close the external editor.•If the asset is a URL, click OK in the Edit URL dialog box.Note:If the asset is a color, the color picker closes automatically after you pick a color. To dismiss the color picker without picking a color, press Esc.The file is saved and updated within the Assets panel.Figure4Editing a button in FireworksHow to use librariesYou can use a library in Adobe Dreamweaver to store page elements such as images, text, sounds, or tables you want to reuse throughout your website (Figure 5). When you insert a library item, Dreamweaver inserts a link to thelibrary item. If you later need to make changes to a library item, such as changing some text or an image, updating the library item automatically updates each instance of the item on every page into which you’ve inserted it.Figure 5Assets panel, Library categoryLibrary buttonInsert buttonNew Library ItemEdit buttonDelete buttonCreating a library itemYou create library items out of existing page elements.To create a library item:1.In the Document window, select the element (such as animage or text) to save as a library item.2.In the Assets panel, click the Library button.3.Click the New Library Item button at the bottom of thepanel (Figure5).4.Type a name for the new library item, then press Enter(Windows) or Return (Mac OS). (Figure6).Dreamweaver saves each library item as a separate file(with the file extension .lbi) in the Library folder of thesite’s local root folder.Figure6Naming a new library itemInserting a library itemOnce an item is added to the Library, you can insert it onto a page.To insert a library item:1.Position the insertion point in the Document windowwhere you want to insert a library item.2.In the Assets panel, click the Library button.3.Drag a library item from the Assets panel to theDocument window, or select an item and click the Insertbutton at the bottom of the panel (Figure7).Figure7Inserting a library item on a pageEditing a library itemLibrary items can be edited in their own window. The changes you make then apply to the library item everywhere you have previously inserted it.To edit a library item:1.In the Assets panel, click the Library button.2.Select a library item.3.Click the Edit button at the bottom of the Assets panel.Dreamweaver opens a new window for editing the library item (Figure 8). This window is much like a Document window. You can tell it is a library item by the .lbi filename extension on the document’s tab.4.Edit the library item and then save your changes.The Update Library Items dialog box opens, with a list of the files that use the library item (Figure 9).5.Click Update to replace the original library item with your edited version in the files that use the library item. The Update Pages dialog box opens.6.To see a report on the updating process, make sure Show Log is selected (Figure 10).7.Click Close.Figure 8Library editing windowFigure 9Update Library Items dialog boxFigure 10Update Pages reportUpdating all documents to use current library itemsIf you do not choose to update documents that use library items as you edit individual library items, you can later update all pages in the site with the current version of all library items.To documents to use current library items:1.Select Modify > Library > Update Pages.The Update Pages dialog box opens (Figure 11).2.From the Look In pop-up menu, select Entire Site, and then select the site name from the adjacent pop-up menu. 3.Make sure Library Items is selected in the Update section. 4.Click Start.Dreamweaver updates the documents and provides a report on the updating process (Figure 12). If you have updated documents at the time you edited library items, this report confirms that no additional updating was required.5.Click Close.Figure 11Update Pages dialog boxFigure 12Update Pages report。
在作用这一栏里选择big bazaar admin,在点击OK。
Openbravo中文利用手册——采购治理采购治理采购管理(Procurement Management)采购治理是打算下达、采购单生成、采购单执行、到货接收、查验入库、采购发票的搜集到采购结算的采购活动的全进程,对采购进程中物流运动的各个环节状态进行周密的跟踪、监督,实现对企业采购活动执行进程的科学治理。
一、安装OpenStudio2. 按照安装向导的指示完成OpenStudio的安装。
2. 完成模拟后,可以查看模拟结果。
BOE OpenDocument 参数概述整理
BOE OpenDocument 参数概述一、OpenDocument 平台参数 (2)1、iDocID (2)2、sDocName (3)3、sIDType (3)4、sPath (4)5、sType (5)6、token (5)二、OpenDocument 输入参数 (6)1、lsC (6)2、lsM[NAME] (7)3、lsR[NAME] (8)4、lsS[NAME] (9)5、sInstance (10)6、sPartContext (10)7、sRefresh (11)8、sReportMode (11)9、sReportName (12)10、sReportPart (12)三、OpenDocument 输出参数 (13)1、NAII (13)2、sOutputFormat (13)3、sViewer (14)4、sWindow (14)四、有关语法和参数的进一步信息 (15)1、URL 编码 (15)2、尾随空格 (15)3、区分大小写 (15)4、长度限制 (15)5、OLAP Intelligence 报表目标的提示 (16)6、将 lsS 参数和 OLAP Intelligence 一起使用 (16)7、将 lsM 参数和 OLAP Intelligence 一起使用 (16)8、子报表 (17)本节简要概述openDocument 并包括可用命令列表。
<platformSpecific> 参数的确切语法取决于具体的实现:•对于Java 实现,请使用opendoc/openDocument.jsp 代替<platformSpecific> 参数。
第二代支付系统上海中心开放平台B O E安装配置手册中国人民银行清算总中心支付系统开发中心注:变化状态:A—增加,M—修改,D—删除目录1第一章引言 (4)1.1背景 (4)1.2定义和缩略语 (4)1.3参考资料 (4)1.4引用标准 (4)1.5从属关系 (4)2第二章介质清单 (4)3第三章安装BOE (5)3.1参考资料 (5)3.2安装准备 (5)3.2.1安装类型 (5)3.2.2组件说明 (5)3.2.3硬件环境 (7)3.2.4软件环境 (7)3.3配置CMS系统数据库 (7)3.4安装Oracle Client (7)3.5配置tnsnames.ora (8)3.6安装BOE (8)3.6.1上传安装介质 (8)3.6.2创建用户和组 (8)3.6.3创建文件系统 (8)3.6.4修改目录属主 (8)3.6.5设置环境变量 (8)3.6.6解压安装文件 (9)3.6.7执行安装 (9)3.6.8安装SP4补丁 (14)4第四章部署WEB应用 (15)4.1参考资料 (15)4.2创建文件系统 (15)4.3创建目录 (16)4.4拷贝文件 (16)4.5设置环境变量 (16)4.6预部署WEB应用 (16)4.7部署WEB应用 (16)5第五章日常管理 (17)5.1参考资料 (17)5.2启动与停止BOE (17)5.3服务器备份 (17)5.4注意事项 (17)6第六章软件调优 (18)6.1参考资料 (18)6.2关键参数 (18)6.3调整方法 (18)7第七章故障诊断 (18)7.1参考资料 (18)7.2关键日志 (18)7.3排错方法 (18)7.4常见故障 (18)7.4.1无法连接到WAS (18)1第一章引言1.1 背景BOE是一个灵活的、可扩展的、可靠的并且易于集成到现有IT架构的BI报表系统,支持多种商业标准的数据库,便于访问用于分析的组织数据。
Open Document 访问会话管理
连续会话 会话管理方式:通过插入 参数serSes到 Opendocument的URL中, 使用这种方式访问BO服务 器报表的时候,防止输入 用户名和密码,当前的 Session创建不会占用额外 的License,如果用户会话 过期或者注销,会结束当 前会话 密钥会话 会话管理方式:通过插入 参数Token到 Opendocument的URL中, Logon Token允许用户去加 载安全加密的BO服务器文 件并操作调用的文件,如 果用户重新打开该文件, 则会创建额外的Logon Token,将会占用一个额外 的License
பைடு நூலகம்
Open Document 连续会话管理
连续会话管理:中间标红的位置,使用公司自己定义的CMS和PORT的信息替换掉,即可 下面这段代码需要书写在安装BO服务器的OpenDocument.JSP文件中
String openDocumentSerSes() throws SDKException, UnsupportedEncodingException { IEnterpriseSession sess = CrystalEnterprise.getSessionMgr().logon ( "username", "password", "<cms>:<port>", "secEnterprise"); String serSession = sess.getSerializedSession(); String serSesEncode = URLEncoder.encode(serSession, "UTF-8"); return ( "http://<server>:<port>/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp ?iDocID=Aa6GrrM79cRAmaOSMGoadKI &sIDType=CUID &serSes=" + serSesEncode ); }
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
BusinessObjects Enterprise XIHow to Use the openDocument URL CommandOverviewThis document contains information on using the openDocumentcommand in order to call a report that is published in a BusinessObjectsEnterprise XI system. This URL command allows the easy integration ofEnterprise XI within web applications and portals without a deepknowledge of the underlying SDK.ContentsI NTRODUCTION (2)Background (2)D ETERMINING P LATFORM I NFORMATION (2)Query Builder (2)O PEN D OCUMENT P ARAMETERS (4)Undocumented openDocument parameters (4)Single Sign-on (4)Platform parameters (4)Deprecated parameters (6)I NPUT P ARAMETERS (6)Specifying prompts for OLAP Intelligence report targets (11)Understanding the OLAP context (11)Conventions used by OLAP Intelligence (12)Syntax for a member parameter (12)Syntax for a memberset parameter (12)Syntax for a cube parameter (13)Syntax for a page parameter (13)O UTPUT PARAMETERS (14)B EST PRACTICES (15)Integrating Universes (15)Using Repository custom functions (15)F INDING MORE INFORMATION (16)IntroductionThis document lists the parameters that are available to use with theopenDocument command and how to use them. It also explains somebest practices and shows the location of help files related to this usingthis technology.The typical URL syntax is:JAVA-http://<hostname>:<port>/businessobjects/enterprise11/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jspCOM-http://<hostname>:<port>/businessobjects/enterprise11/InfoView/scripts/opendocument.aspxBy default, Enterprise XI uses the <hostname> as the server name. Theport is 8080 for Tomcat web servers and 80 for IIS web servers (which isthe default HTTP port and can be omitted).Example URLs where the server name is “paris”:TOMCAT-http://paris:8080/businessobjects/enterprise11/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jspIIS-http://paris/businessobjects/enterprise11/InfoView/scripts/opendocument.aspxIMPORTANT For the remainder of the document, the term “openDocument.jsp” is used in place of thecomplete URL path.BackgroundIn BusinessObjects Enterprise XI, you can call the openDocument URLcommand to generate and display reports and other documents thathave been previously published to that Enterprise XI system.The openDocument command replaces the viewrpt.cwr command thatwas available in prior versions of Enterprise.Determining Platform InformationQuery BuilderEnterprise XI stores a lot of information. This is why Enterprise XIincludes a convenient web application, the Query Builder, to query theplatform. This application is found on the left side of the Enterprise XIAdministration Launchpad page. The Query Builder can help youdetermine the values you will use to build your completeopenDocument URL.The following diagram, Figure 1, shows what the Query Builder lookslike with a typical query entered into it.Figure 1: The Query BuilderThe query in the diagram above returns the Name, ID, Cluster ID, andPackage ID of the Web Intelligence documents that are published on thisEnterprise XI SI_NAME, SI_ID, SI_CUID, SI_RUID FROM CI_INFOOBJECTSWHERE SI_KIND = 'Webi'The complete syntax is detailed in the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI(COM or Java) SDK “Query Language Reference” chapter. To find thisreference see the Finding more information section below.OpenDocument ParametersUndocumented openDocument parametersThe following parameters are supported by openDocument, but are notdocumented in the Enterprise XI release documentation.Single Sign-onOpenDocument supports single sign-on (SSO). In order to achieve SSO,openDocument first checks if a session variable calledISEnterpriseSession is available (this variable contains an Enterprise XIsession). If this HTTP session variable is not available, thenopenDocument checks the new token parameter used to pass thesession identifier token. This token is returned by the Enterprise XI SDKwhen a session is created or via theILogonTokenMgr.getDefaultToken() API.Parameter Name Description MandatoryExampletoken Contains the user’ssession token generatedby the platformNoPlatform parametersEnterprise XI provides two options to reference a resource:• Enterprise XI platform resource identifiers• Enterprise XI platform resource names (name can be a concatenationof resource name and folder path to remove ambiguity)OpenDocument introduces a new way to identify the targeteddocuments. With BusinessObjects Enterprise 6.x, a mix of documentname, identifier and repository type were utilized to point to the rightdocument. In Enterprise XI, the name identification is still available but amuch more flexible way to reference your documents based on theEnterprise XI InfoObject identifier has been introduced.• Identifier (ID)• Cluster identifier (CUID)• Package identifier (RUID)• Global identifier (GUID)The choice is dependant on your deployment, however, resource namesare less robust to change when generating URLs programmatically.Parameter Name Description MandatoryExampleiDocID Document identifier Yes, but canbe replaced bysDocName Document identifier (InfoObjectID)sIDType Central Management Server(CMS) object identifiertype Yes, if thedefaultdocumentidentifier(InfoObjectID)is not used• CUID• GUID• RUID• InfoObjectID(default)Code samplesopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=342openDocument.jsp?iDocID=AWimiw9StnhGm993evk.Amc&sIDType=CUIDsType The file type of thetarget document orreport Yes, butignored foragnosticdocuments(xls, doc,txt, etc.)• wid• rpt• carCode samplesopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=342& sType=wid openDocument.jsp?iDocID=343& sType=rptsPath • The name of theEnterprise XI folderand subfolder thatcontains the targetdocument• This parameter isused in conjunctionwith sDocName No Enterprise XI folderand/or subfolder:[folder],[subfolder]sDocName • The name of thedocument withoutextension• This parameter isused in conjunctionwith sPathNo myDocumentCode samplesopenDocument.jsp?sPath=[reports]&sDocName=Charting&sType=rptopenDocument.jsp?sPath=[reports],[finance]&sDocName=Summary&sType=rptDeprecated parametersParameter Name Description MandatoryExamplesRepo Repository name (orDomain name),defaultsto “Document” No sRepo=Document(no longer used)sRepoType • Repository type(“corporate”,“personal”, “inbox”,“crystal”, or “URL”)• Defaults to“crystal”No RepoType=crystalInput ParametersThis information is provided to populate the different parameters orreference a specific location inside a document.Parameter Name Description MandatoryExamplesReportName Indicates which reportto open if targetdocument containsmulti-report (theactive report isopened by default) No Report name for WebIntelligencedocuments, sub-reportfor Crystal Reports,pages for OLAPIntelligence reports.Code sampleopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=342&sType=wid&sReportName=Report2sReportPart Indicates whichspecific part of thetarget Crystal reportto open No Name of the reportpartsPartContext In Crystal reports, areport part isassociated to a datacontext. Yes, if avalue isspecified forsReportPartData context of thereport partsReportModeFor Crystal report targets only,indicates whether the link should open the full target report or just the report part specified in sReportPartNo, default is Full(only applies if a value is specified for sReportPart)• Full •PartCode samplesThe World Sales Report provided with Enterprise XI contains report parts. To see the report parts information, open the report in the Designer, go to the File menu and click Report Options . See the Initial Report Part Settings section of the Report Options dialog.By default, the Object Name is “Text2;Graph1” and the Data Context is “/”.openDocument.jsp?sType =rpt&sDocName =World+Sales+Report&sReportPart =Text2;Grap h1&sPartContext =/Figure 2: The World Sales ReportopenDocument.jsp?sType =rpt&sDocName =World+Sales+Report&sReportPart =Text2;Grap h1&sPartContext =/Country[England]&sReportMode =PartNOTE In the above code sample, the addition sign (+) is a URL encoded character for the space character.Parameter Name Description MandatoryExamplesRefresh • Indicates whether arefresh should beforced when thetarget document orreport is opened• For Crystal reports,use the reportobject instead ofthe instances toconnect to thedatabase (on demandviewing) No • Y (refresh thedocument)• N (note that therefresh on openfeature overridesthis value)Code sampleopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=342&sType=wid&sRefresh=YlsS[NAME] • Specifies a valuefor a single prompt• [NAME] is the textof the promptNo A single prompt valueCode samplesopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=342& sType=wid&sRefresh=Y&lsS ProductName=CycleThe following sample uses almost all of the Crystal report parameter types: openDocument.jsp?sType=rpt&iDocID=858&sRefresh=Y&lsS paramString=h&lsS paramNumber=1&lsS paramCurrency=121&lsS paramDate=Date(2003,6,11)&lsS paramDateTime=DateTime(2003,6,11,14,38,37)&lsS paramBoolean=false&lsS paramTime=Time(12,39,2)&lsS paramStringDR=a&lsS paramDateDR=Date(2003,6,1)NamelsM[NAME] • Specifies multiplevalues for a prompt• [NAME] is the textof the promptNo • Multiple promptvalues separated bya comma for CR &OLAP• Separated by asemicolon for Webi• If the target is aCrystal report,each value must beenclosed in squarebrackets. If thetarget is a CrystalAnalysis report,use the MDX WITHclause.Code samplesopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=345& sType=wid&sRefresh=Y&lsM ProductName=Cycle;CaropenDocument.jsp?sType=rpt&iDocID=859&sRefresh=Y&lsM paramStringDR=[c],[d]&lsM paramNumberDR=[3],[4]&lsM paramDateDR=[Date(2003,6,3)],[Date(2003,6,4)]&lsM paramDateTimeDR=[DateTime(2003,6,1,3,1,1)],[DateTime(2003,6,1,4,1,1)]lsR[NAME] Specifies a range ofvalues for a prompt.[NAME] is the text ofthe prompt. No • A range of valuesfor the prompt,separated by adouble period (..)• If the target is aCrystal report, therange must beenclosed in squarebrackets and/orparentheses (use asquare bracket nextto a value toinclude it in therange, andparentheses toexclude it)• If the target is aOLAP report, usethe MDX WITH clauseNameCode samplesopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=345& sType=wid&sRefresh=Y&lsM ProductName=Cycle,CaropenDocument.jsp?sType=rpt&iDocID=860&lsR paramStringDR=[h..i]&lsR paramNumberDR=[7..8]&lsR paramCurrencyDR=[3..4]&lsR paramDateDR=[Date(2003,6,7)..Date(2003,6,8)]&lsR paramDateTimeDR=[DateTime(2003,6,1,7,1,1)..DateTime(2003,6,1,8,1,1)]& lsR paramTimeDR=[Time(1,1,7)..Time(1,1,8)]&lsR paramUnbound1=(..6)&lsR paramUnbound2=[6..)&lsR paramStringR=[a..d]&lsR paramNumberR=[1..3]&lsR paramCurrencyR=[1..3]&lsR paramDateR=[Date(2003,6,1)..Date(2003,6,3)]& lsR paramDateTimeR=[DateTime(2003,6,1,1,1,1)..DateTime(2003,6,1,3,1,1)]&lsR paramTimeR=[Time(1,1,1)..Time(3,1,1)]lsC Specifies a contextualprompt if there is anambiguity during SQLgeneration(BusinessObjects andWeb Intelligencedocuments only) No A prompt value thatresolves the ambiguityin the SQL generationCode sampleopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=346&sType=wid&sRefresh=Y&lsC=ReservationssInstance Indicates whichspecific instance ofthe target report toopen No• User (Link tolatest instanceowned by currentuser)• Last (Link tolatest instance forreport)• Param (Link tolatest instance ofreport withmatching parametervalues)Specifying prompts for OLAP Intelligence reporttargetsIf the target document is an OLAP Intelligence report (*.car) you mustuse the OLAP database vendor query language to pass the context to thedatabase. Each OLAP database vendor has implemented its own syntaxto reference a member or a child.In addition, the XI version of OLAP Intelligence has been updated tosupport SAP server and client side parameters. As a result of exposingSAP server side-defined parameters, report authors may not be aware ofthe parameter names used on the server, which could lead to a duplicateclient side parameter name to be used. In order to uniquely identify eachparameter, the unique name must be used in the openDocument URLcommand. An example is the name “YearSlice” which has to bereplaced by its unique name “1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B” as shown in the ParameterManager below.Figure 3: The Parameter ManagerUnderstanding the OLAP contextWhen linking to an OLAP Intelligence report, the prompt value needs tobe fully qualified (full hierarchy) with the full syntax which is providerdependant. For example: [Time].&[1997].&[Q4].&[10].When linking from OLAP Intelligence to Crystal or Web Intelligencedocuments, the user needs to provide only the prompt value. Forexample: 10 (with no brackets).Conventions used by OLAP IntelligenceThe following sections describe the conventions used for• Microsoft Analysis Services (MSAS)• Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Enhanced Driver)• Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Legacy Driver)• HolosNOTE The following examples use these URL encoding conventions:• %26 = & (ampersand)• %40 = @ (at sign)Syntax for a member parameteropenDocument.jsp?iDocID=367&sType=car&lsS[unique parametername]=[unique member name]Microsoft Analysis Services:lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=[Time].%26[1998]Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Enhanced Driver):lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B =Qtr4Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Legacy Driver):lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=Year%40Year%40Qtr4Holos:[unique member name]lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=Year%40’Qtr4’Syntax for a memberset parameteropenDocument.jsp?iDocID=367&sType=car&lsM[unique parametername]=[unique member name],[unique member name]Microsoft Analysis Services:NOTE As Microsoft Analysis Services unique member names contain brackets ( [ , ] ), add an additional set of brackets around the unique name.lsM1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=[[Time].%26[1997]],[[Time].%26[1998]]Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Enhanced Driver):lsM1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B =Qtr3,Qtr4 Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Legacy Driver):lsM1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=Year%40Year%40Qtr3,Year%40Year%40Qtr4Holos:lsM1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B =Year%40’Qtr3’, Year%40’Qtr4’Syntax for a cube parameteropenDocument.jsp?iDocID=367&sType=car&lsS[unique parameter name]=[cube location]Microsoft Analysis Services:lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=SERVER=server1,CATALOG=FoodMart 2000,CUBE=warehouse Essbase/DB2 OLAP (Enhanced Driver):lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=SERVER=server1,USER=bob,PWD=bobpassword,APPLICATION=Sam ppart,CUBE=CompanyEssbase/DB2 OLAP (Legacy Driver):lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=SERVER=server1,USER=bob,PWD=bobpassword,DATABASE=Sampp art,SCHEMA=Company,CUBE=CompanyHolos:lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B=NSHOST=NSserver1,NSPORT=10000,OCASERVER=test.server1,USER =bob,PWD=bobpassword,CUBE=cube1Syntax for a page parameteropenDocument.jsp?iDocID=367&sType=car&lsS[parameter name]=[page #]lsS1272DDB3-FC5B-40B7-81,E9,6F,3F,B0,3B,1F,7B =2Output parametersParameter Name Description Mandatory ExamplesOutputFormat Indicates theformat in whichthe targetdocument isdisplayed No.Defaultis HTML• H (HTML)• P (PDF)• E (Excel)Crystal reports only• W (Word)Code samplesopenDocument.jsp?iDocID=347&sType=wid&sOutputFormat=P openDocument.jsp?iDocID=861&sType=rpt&sOutputFormat=WsViewer Indicates theselected reportviewer (CR & CAonly)CAUTION: Thisparameter canconflict withsOutputFormatand should notbe combined No• CR & CAhtml (HTML)• CR onlyinteractive (dHTML)Code sampleopenDocument.jsp?sType=rpt&iDocID=860&sRefresh=Y&sViewer=interactivesWindow Indicateswhether thetarget reportwill open in thecurrent browserinstance orlaunch a new one No• Same• NewNAII Avoid thedisplay of thevalorizedprompts, justdisplay theprompts thathave no lsS, lsMor LsR No• Y (all prompts whose valuesare passed with lsS, lsM orlsR are pre-selected)• N (displays only the promptswhose values passed with lsS,lsM or lsR)Best practicesIntegrating UniversesA good practice is to create an object wrapping the complete URL thatincludes the openDocument command. This approach allows you tomigrate your deployment with just a Universe object update.Figure 4: A UniverseIn the above diagram, the Select statement contains:'<ahref=../../opendoc/openDocument.jsp?sType=wid&sIDType=CUID&iDocID=AWimiw9StnhGm993evk.Amc&lsSCountry?=''"target="_parent">''</a>'The href uses relative reference (../..) to synchronize with the newEnterprise XI Interactive Viewer.Another technique is to use the HTML target keyword (target=_parent)pointing to the parent frame to avoid nested frames.Using Repository custom functionsWhen using Crystal reports, it is a good practice to use a repositorycustom function to store your link definitions. With this approach, anychanges to a URL will be centralized and all the reports using this objectwill be automatically updated.Figure 2: The Formula WorkshopThe following is the content of the ReportLinker function from theabove diagram:function(stringvar doctype, stringvar idtype, stringvar id,stringvar otherparams);"http://cdi30xi:8080/businessobjects/enterprise11/desktoplaunch/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?" + "sType=" + doctype +"&sIDType=" + idtype + "&iDocID=" + id + (if otherparams >"" then "&" + otherparams)Finding more informationThe XI openDocument command is documented in the BusinessObjectsEnterprise SDK guides that are installed with the product.The COM SDK documentation is located in:[drive letter]:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 11\Help\[language]\Application\com_docs.zipThe Java SDK documentation is located in:[drive letter]:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjectsEnterprise 11\Help\[language]\Application\java_docs.zipDocumentation for the openDocument command is found in the sectionViewing Reports and Documents using URLs > URL Reporting UsingopenDocument of the Viewer COM SDK Guide (Report_Viewers.chm)and the Viewer Java SDK Guide (Viewers Java SDK Guide > GeneralReference).For more information and resources, refer to the product documentationand visit the support area of the web site at:/NOTE To highlight text in a PDF document for copying and pasting code, click the Text Select Tool toolbar button in Adobe Acrobat.This procedure applies to Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and 5.0.。