Cool Turtle
人们为什么喜欢宠物乌龟英语作文Why Do People Like Pet Turtles?Have you ever had a pet turtle? I have one and his name is Shelly! Shelly is my best friend and I love taking care of him. Turtles make really cool pets and I think a lot of people like having them for many good reasons.First of all, turtles are super cute and fun to watch. They have such funny faces with their beaks and big round eyes poking out from under their shells. When Shelly is swimming around in his tank, I could watch him for hours as he paddles his little legs and sticks his head out to breathe air. Shelly's shell is olive green on top and bright yellow on the bottom. I think turtle shells look so neat and special!Another reason people enjoy pet turtles is because they are relatively easy to take care of compared to other pets like dogs or cats. Turtles don't need to be bathed, brushed, walked, or let outside to use the bathroom. Their habitat can just be a simple tank or outdoor pond area. As long as you keep their water clean and feed them the right foods, turtles are pretty low maintenance pets.Taking care of Shelly has taught me a lot of responsibility too. I have to remember to feed him his turtle pellets and give him fresh water every day. If I forget, he could get sick or dehydrated. I also have to clean out his tank once a week by vacuuming the gravel and scrubbing off any algae on the glass. It's important to keep his home nice and clean for good health. I'm proud that I can be responsible for Shelly's care.Pet turtles are also really cool because they can live for such a super long time if you treat them well. Some turtles can even live over 100 years! Shelly is only 5 years old right now, so he still has many, many years ahead of him. I like to imagine keeping Shelly forever and watching him grow so old with me as I become an adult, have a family, and maybe even let my own kids enjoy Shelly one day. It would be amazing to have a pet turtle friend for my entire life!People get very attached to their turtles and think of them as members of the family. I know I sure do with Shelly. When I come home from school, the first thing I do is go say hello to Shelly and check on how he's doing in his tank. Sometimes I'll even read books out loud to Shelly or just chat with him about my day. My parents joke that Shelly is like my little scaly brother!I've also learned that turtles are really important animals for the environment too. Turtles help keep waterways clean by eating dead plants and bugs. Their eggs are also an important food source for other animals like raccoons, birds, and fish. I try my best to care for Shelly properly so he can grow up big and strong to protect nature when I release him back into the wild someday.Having Shelly has taught me so much about the responsibility of caring for a living creature and why conservation matters. He brings me a lot of joy and companionship. Turtles make wonderful classroom pets too because kids get to learn about their behaviors and needs up close. I bet a lot of schools have class turtles like my teacher Mrs. Jones does! Puddles the turtle is the class favorite.So in the end, those are the main reasons why people love having pet turtles - they are cute and entertaining to watch, easy to care for, can live super long lives, become like family members, and are important for the environment. Turtles are just really cool pets overall! If you've never had a turtle before, I highly recommend getting one. You'll learn a ton and have a brilliant new friend. Just be sure you're ready for the commitment ofkeeping your turtle healthy and happy for its very long life. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go feed Shelly his dinner!。
小学英语顺口溜记忆大全元音a,e,i,o,u及其字母组合我家dad(爸爸),脾气bad(坏),让我sad(伤心难过) 有只cat(猫咪),非常fat(肥胖),专吃rat(鼠)放下plate(盘子),赶到gate(门口),已经late(晚了) 清晨wake(醒),来到lake(湖边),钓上snake(蛇) 撇下net(网),鱼没get(得到),衣服wet(湿了)为捉pest(害虫),从不rest(休息),本领best(最棒) 一只pig(猪),非常big(大),把洞dig(挖)没给tip(小费),把我lip(唇),装上zip(拉链)一只kite(风筝),颜色white(白色),被狗bite(咬)学会ride(骑车),妈妈pride(自豪)清晨jog(慢跑),带上dog(狗),踩到frog(青蛙)轻轻hop(跳),跳上top(顶部),唱起pop(流行音乐) 把眼close(闭上),用我nose(鼻子),去闻rose(玫瑰) 喝着coke(可乐),听着joke(笑话),把腰broke(扭伤) 举着gun(枪),瞄准sun(太阳),不停run(跑)小小bug(虫),把我hug(环抱)找个excuse(借口),借车use(用),遭到refuse(拒绝) 假装mute(哑巴的),真是cute(聪明的)元音a,e,i,o,u+r的组合发音开着car(车),向着star(星星),路途far(遥远)想变smart(睿智),必须start(开始) ,学习art(艺术) 一个driver(司机),掉进river(河里),生命over(结束) 一个robber(强盗),专抢rubber(橡胶)穿上shirt(衬衫),脱下skirt(裙子),扔进dirt(污垢)这只bird(鸟),总跑third(第三)个子short(短小),喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport(太空) 拿着fork(叉),吃着pork(猪肉)一个nurse(护士),丢了purse(钱包)买只turtle(龟),颜色purple(紫色)o及其字母组合的发音一只goat(山羊),穿件coat(外套),上了boat(小船)一片oat(燕麦),卡在throat(喉咙)燃烧oil(石油),直到boil(沸腾),倒进soil(土壤)是否join(加入),抛起coin(硬币)带上hook(钩),来到brook(溪),水面look(看)手拿book(书),一边look(看),开始cook(做饭)炎热noon(中午),跳上spoon(勺子),飞到moon(月球)一个fool(傻瓜),掉进pool(水池),真是cool(凉爽)西瓜round(圆的),长在ground(地面),被我found(发现)一只mouse(耗子), 穿件blouse(衬衫),走进house(屋子)天在snow(下雪),风在blow(吹),树在grow(生长)秋风follow(追随),树叶yellow(黄色),落到pillow(枕头)不知cow(牛),近况how(怎样),去问now(现在)一座town(镇),不停down(下沉),快要drown(埋没) e,a字母组合的发音一只bee(蜜蜂),躲进tree(树),没人see(看见)悬崖deep(深),开着jeep(吉普),莫要sleep(睡觉)抱着Barbie(芭比),吃着cookie(饼干), 看着movie(电影)被我niece(侄女),摔成piece(碎片)丢了glue(胶水),没有clue(线索),脸气blue(蓝色)手拿tissue(组织,薄纱),排好queue(列队)一颗pea(豌豆),掉进sea(大海),泡壶tea(茶)身体weak(虚弱),爬上peak(高峰),无力speak(说话)吞进lead(铅,领导),摸摸head(头),已经dead(死了)吃着bread(面包),报纸spread(展开),开始read(读)不停train(训练),没有pain(付出),哪有gain(收货)把手raise(举起),老师praise(赞扬)小狗paw(爪子),拿根straw(稻草,吸管),把画draw(画,拉)坐在lawn(草坪),学习law(法律)y及其字母组合的发音抱着puppy(小狗),心里happy(快乐)被窝cozy(舒适),床上lazy(怠惰的),真是crazy(疯狂的,着迷的)如果shy(腼腆),不敢try(尝试),飞机会fly(飞行)不停cry(哭泣),眼泪dry(干涸),下锅fry(油炸)很多day(天),没发pay(薪水,工资),无话say(说)天空gray(灰暗),无心play (玩耍),回家stay(呆着)顽皮monkey(猴子),捡起key(钥匙),扔向donkey (驴,傻瓜)为了honey(亲爱的,宝贝),节省money(钱,支出)有个boy(男孩),玩着toy(玩具),心中joy(喜悦)跳进soy(黄豆,酱油),尽情enjoy(享受)一只hare(野兔),居然dare(敢),对我stare(盯)困难share(分担),互相care(关心),赶走scare(恐惧) 天气fair(转晴,公平),凉爽air(空气),吹拂hair(头发) 崭新chair(椅子),滚下stair(楼梯),需要repair(维修) 昨天fire(火,开除),今天hire(聘请),后天retire(退休) 扑灭fire(大火),真是tire(疲惫)离我near(近),含着tear(泪,撕扯),叫我dear(亲爱的) 一头bear(熊,承受),裙子wear(穿着),采摘pear(梨) 一只deer(鹿),举起beer(啤酒),大喊cheers(干杯) 这个engineer(工程师),事事pioneer(先锋)洗完face(脸),系好lace(带子,花边),参加race(竞赛) 吃着rice(米),加点ice(冰),口喊nice(好)听听music(音乐),变变magic(魔术),吃吃garlic(大蒜) 看完comic(滑稽,喜剧),野外picnic(野餐)动作quick(迅速),把只cock(公鸡),藏进sock(袜子) 脱下jacket(夹克),忘记ticket(车票), 还在pocket(口袋) 同学each(每),手拿peach(桃子),来到beach(海滩) 观众watch(观看),激烈match(比赛),球来catch(接着) n及其字母组合的发音天气sunny(晴朗),身无penny(一分钱),感觉funny(滑稽,有趣)最快runner(跑步者), 成了winner(胜利者), 享受dinner(晚餐)拿起ink(墨),不加think(考虑),仰头drink(饮用)敌人tank(坦克,池塘),装上bank(银行,储库),老天thank(感谢)山路along(顺着,沿着),跑步long(过长),身体strong(强壮)像个king(国王),插上wing(翼,翅膀),不停swing(摆动,挥舞)美好spring(春天),歌儿sing(唱),鲜花bring(带来)一首song(歌),歌词long(长),总唱wrong(错)q,x,l,r及其dr,tr的发音一头fox(狐狸),躲避ox(牛),藏进box(盒子)忘背text(文本,课本),绝无next(下次)身体ill(生病),买来 pill(药),堆成hill(山)饭后hurry(匆忙),书包carry(带上),迟到sorry(对不起)一根needle(针),掉进noodle(面条)我家parrot(鹦鹉),爱吃carrot(胡萝卜)做个dream(梦),掉进stream(溪流), 大声scream(惊叫)穿着dress(礼服),下着chess(棋), 结果mess(糟糕)一辆truck(大卡车),满载duck(鸭子),一路luck(顺利)其他辅音字母组合的发音规律小小age(年纪),读读page(书,页),提高wage(工资)碰到trouble(问题),努力double(加倍)打开fridge(冰箱), 端出porridge(稀饭), 扔下bridge(桥)他很tough(艰难), 喝酒enough(很多),从不laugh(笑)心中wish(愿望),钓到fish(鱼),做成dish(菜)飞机crash(崩溃,坠毁),烧成ash(灰烬),损失cash(现金)一个youth(青年人),张开mouth(嘴),吹到south(南边)洗完bath(澡),学习math(数学)我的mother(妈妈), 生个brother(弟弟), 想要another(另一个)寒冷weather(天气), 身披leather(皮革), 头戴feather(羽毛)高高sky(天空) ,不知why(为什么),掉下spy(间谍)站在peak(高峰),对天speak(说)到了night(晚上),打开light(灯),保护sight(视力)方法right(正确),坚持fight(加油),前途bright(光明)一只chick(小鸡),动作quick(快),把我kick(踢)吃饭quiet(安静,平和),注意diet(饮食)猫吃mice(老鼠mouse的复数),味道nice(好),想吃twice(第二次)这对twin(双胞胎),总是win(赢)!lion狮子百兽王,key是钥匙开锁忙,juice果汁有营养,ice cream冰淇淋甜又香。
英文趣味三字经:ar :开着car,向着star,路途far(遥远)。
想变smart(聪明)必须start(开始)学习art艺术er :一个driver,掉进river(河),生命over。
ir :穿上shirt,脱下skirt,扔进dirt(污泥)。
or :个子short,喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport。
拿着fork,吃着pork(猪肉)机场ur :一个nurse,丢了purse(钱包)。
oo :带上hook,来到brook,感觉good。
英文趣味三字经:ar :开着car,向着star,路途far(遥远)。
想变smart(聪明)必须start(开始)学习art艺术er :一个driver,掉进river(河),生命over。
ir :穿上shirt,脱下skirt,扔进dirt(污泥)。
or :个子short,喜欢sport(运动),跑到airport。
拿着fork,吃着pork(猪肉)机场ur :一个nurse,丢了purse(钱包)。
oo :带上hook,来到brook,感觉good。
英文趣味三字经:ar :开着car,向着star,路途far(遥远)。
想变smart(聪明)必须start(开始)学习art艺术er :一个driver,掉进river(河),生命over。
关于介绍乌龟的英语作文标题,The Amazing World of Turtles。
Introduction:Turtles, often referred to as the ancient mariners of the sea, are fascinating creatures that have captured the imagination of people around the world for centuries. With their unique characteristics and diverse species, turtles hold a special place in the natural world. In this essay, we will delve into the intriguing world of turtles, exploring their habitat, behavior, diet, and conservation efforts.Habitat:Turtles inhabit various environments, including oceans, rivers, lakes, and even land. Marine turtles, such as the majestic leatherback and the graceful green sea turtle, roam the vast expanses of the ocean, traveling thousands ofmiles during their lifetimes. Freshwater turtles, like the red-eared slider and the snapping turtle, prefer lakes, rivers, and ponds, where they can bask in the sun and forage for food. Land turtles, such as the iconic Galapagos tortoise and the agile box turtle, inhabit terrestrial habitats ranging from forests to deserts.Behavior:Turtles exhibit a wide range of behaviors that reflect their adaptation to their respective habitats. Marine turtles are renowned for their incredible navigational abilities, using Earth's magnetic field to navigate vast oceanic distances with remarkable precision. Freshwater turtles are often observed basking on logs or rocks to regulate their body temperature, while land turtles are known for their slow and steady pace, traversing their habitats with patience and resilience.Diet:The diet of turtles varies depending on their speciesand habitat. Marine turtles are primarily herbivorous, feeding on sea grasses, algae, and jellyfish. Some species, like the loggerhead turtle, also consume crustaceans and mollusks. Freshwater turtles have a diverse diet that includes aquatic plants, insects, fish, and small amphibians. Land turtles are predominantly herbivorous, feeding on grasses, fruits, and leaves, although some species, like the omnivorous box turtle, also consume insects and carrion.Conservation Efforts:Turtles face numerous threats in the wild, including habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and illegal trade. Conservation efforts aimed at protecting turtles and their habitats are essential for their survival. Marine protected areas, such as marine reserves and sanctuaries, play a crucial role in safeguarding nesting beaches and foraging grounds for marine turtles. Conservation initiatives also focus on reducing bycatch in fishing gear, minimizing plastic pollution in oceans and rivers, and raising awareness about the importance of turtle conservation.Conclusion:Turtles are truly remarkable creatures that have adapted to a wide range of habitats and ecosystems over millions of years. From the depths of the ocean to the forests and deserts of the land, turtles continue to thrive despite facing numerous challenges in the modern world. By understanding and appreciating the unique characteristics and behaviors of turtles, we can work together to ensure their conservation and protect the natural world for future generations to enjoy.。
描写turtle的英文作文英文回答:Turtles are fascinating, long-lived reptiles that have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. Their unique appearance, slow movements, and mysterious nature have made them a popular subject of study and mythology.One of the most distinctive features of turtles istheir shell, which is made up of two parts: the carapace (top) and the plastron (bottom). The shell is made of bone and covered with scales, providing turtles with excellent protection from predators. The shell also helps turtles to regulate their body temperature, as it can absorb heat from the sun.Turtles have a long, slender neck that they can retract into their shell for protection. Their heads are small and have a beak-like mouth. Turtles have sharp eyesight and excellent hearing, which help them to detect predators andlocate prey.Turtles are ectothermic, meaning that they rely on external sources to regulate their body temperature. They are typically found in warm, aquatic environments, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers. Some turtles are also found in saltwater environments, such as oceans and estuaries.Turtles are omnivorous and their diet consists of a variety of plants and animals, including insects, worms, fish, and snails. Some turtles are also known to eat fruits and vegetables.Turtles are typically solitary animals, but they may come together during breeding season. Females lay eggs in nests that they dig in the sand or mud. The eggs are incubated by the sun and hatch after several weeks. Baby turtles are called hatchlings and are vulnerable to predators.Turtles are keystone species in many ecosystems, meaning that they play a crucial role in maintaining thebalance of the ecosystem. They help to control populations of prey species and provide food for predators. Turtles are also important for nutrient cycling, as they consume plants and animals and release nutrients back into the environment through their waste.Turtles are facing a number of threats, including habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Many turtle species are now listed as endangered or threatened. Conservation efforts are underway to protect turtles and their habitats.中文回答:乌龟是迷人的长寿爬行动物,几个世纪以来一直吸引着人类的想象力。
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我最喜欢的动物是乌龟英语作文My Favorite Animal is the TurtleDo you know what my favorite animal is? It's the turtle! Turtles are the coolest animals ever. I love how slow they move and how their shells look. Some people might think turtles are boring, but I think they are totally awesome. Let me tell you all about why I love turtles so much.First of all, turtles are really cool looking animals. Their shells are so neat! A turtle's shell is actually its spine and rib cage. Can you believe that? It's like they are wearing a little house on their back all the time. The shell protects the turtle and lets it hide safely inside if it gets scared. Different turtles have different patterns on their shells too. Some are plain green or brown, but others have beautiful designs like stars, splotches, or stripes. I especially love turtles with bright colors like red or yellow on their shells. So pretty!The way turtles move is hilarious to watch too. They walk sooooo slowly, taking tiny steps. It looks like they are moving in super slow motion. I laugh every time I see a turtle walking because it seems like they aren't even moving at all! Of course, they can swim much faster in the water. But on land they are theslowest movers around. I guess there's no need to rush when you have a sturdy shell to protect you.Speaking of the water, I love how some turtles live in the ocean and others live in lakes or rivers. Sea turtles are massive, with some growing as big as a couch! But freshwater turtles are usually smaller, around the size of a plate. No matter where they live though, turtles are really good swimmers. They can hold their breath for a super long time underwater. Some turtles can stay underwater for up to 7 hours! That's longer than I can sleep at night.Turtles have a few other cool talents too. For one, they are experts at camouflage and hiding. They tuck themselves into their shells and you can barely even see them. Or they bury themselves under leaves and rocks. Sneaky turtles! Turtles can also live for a reeeeeally long time. The oldest turtle ever was over 180 years old! That means it was born before cars were even invented. Can you imagine being that old? I'm only 8 years old but I bet a 180-year-old turtle could tell me some amazing stories.Of course, not everything about turtles is perfect. They might be tough with their shells, but they have to watch out for predators that want to eat them like raccoons, crows, and evenhumans in some places. Turtles also face habitat loss as their forests, oceans, and lakes get disrupted or polluted by people. It makes me sad to think about turtles and other animals losing their homes. We need to take care of the planet so turtles and all animals have safe spaces to live.Still, despite those challenges, turtles are incredible creatures. They have been around for over 200 million years, even surviving when the dinosaurs went extinct! Talk about tough. Turtles are definitely built to last. I hope they stick around for many more millions of years.I feel so lucky that I got to go see turtles up close at the zoo last year. It was the best day ever! Our class got to watch a zookeeper feed the big river turtles. She dropped lettuce and fruit right into their tank and those turtles gobbled it up like little hungry monsters. Even though they move slowly, boy can they eat fast! After the feeding, the zookeeper brought out a turtle for us to meet. I was picked to gently pet its shell. It felt so cool and bumpy. Not at all what I expected! I was a little scared at first, but then I saw how calmly the turtle looked at me and I knew it wouldn't hurt me. животные тоже могут быть милыми идружелюбными друзьями.Now I keep begging my parents to let me have a turtle as a pet. So far they keep saying no, because turtles require special lamps, tanks, and lots of care. Plus they can live for decades, which is a huge responsibility. My parents say I should start with a easier pet first, like a hermit crab. But a turtle is still my dream pet. I would name it Shelly or Franklin and it would be my bestie. We could have so much fun hanging out together! I bet my turtle and I would do everything at a nice, slow, relaxing pace. Maybe I could even get it to race my pet snail someday for a championship of slowness. Now that would be an exciting event!Yep, turtles are simply the greatest animals in the world in my opinion. They are unique, peaceful, ancient, and justall-around terrific. I will always love turtles, no matter how old I get. In fact, I hope I can live to be as old as that 180-year-old turtle so I have more time to appreciate them! Turtles forever!。
人们为什么喜欢宠物乌龟英语作文Why People Like Pet TurtlesHave you ever seen a turtle? They are such cool creatures, aren't they? With their hard shells and slow movements, turtles are very unique animals. Many people love keeping turtles as pets because they are fascinating, low-maintenance, and can live for a really long time!One reason why people like pet turtles is that they are super interesting to watch and learn about. Turtles are reptiles, which means they are cold-blooded and lay eggs. They have a bony shell that protects their body, and they can retract their head and legs into the shell when they feel threatened. It's like they have a little house they carry around with them wherever they go!Turtles move slowly and gracefully, which can be very calming to observe. Some turtles, like the red-eared slider, are semi-aquatic, which means they spend part of their time in the water and part on land. It's fun to see them swim and then bask on a rock or log in their habitat. Other turtles, like the box turtle, are mostly terrestrial and prefer to live on land.Another cool thing about turtles is that they come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some turtles are tiny, like thespotted turtle, which is only about four inches long. Others, like the alligator snapping turtle, can grow to be massive, weighing over 200 pounds! There are turtles with bright yellow, red, or green shells, and some have interesting patterns or markings on their shells and skin.Not only are turtles fascinating to observe, but they also make great pets because they are relatively low-maintenance compared to other animals. Turtles don't need to be walked or played with as much as dogs or cats. They are content to spend most of their time in their habitat, basking under a heat lamp or swimming in their water area.Caring for a pet turtle is not too difficult, but it does require some special equipment and knowledge. Turtles need a tank or pond with both a water area and a dry basking area. They also need a heat lamp and a UVB light to stay healthy. Their diet consists of things like commercial turtle pellets, leafy greens, and occasional protein sources like crickets or mealworms.One of the best things about pet turtles is that they can live for a very long time. Some species, like the Russian tortoise, can live for over 100 years! This means that if you get a turtle as a pet when you're a kid, you could potentially have that same turtle asa pet when you're an adult with kids of your own. That's pretty amazing!But for those who are willing to put in the effort, pet turtles can be incredibly rewarding animals to own. They are fascinating to observe, relatively low-maintenance, and can provide years (or even decades!) of companionship.So, if you're thinking about getting a pet and you're interested in something a little bit different, a turtle might be the perfect choice for you. Just remember to do your research, set up a proper habitat, and be prepared for a long-term commitment. With the right care and attention, your pet turtle could be a part of your family for generations to come!。
描写乌龟外形的英文作文The turtle has a hard shell on its back, which is usually dark green or brown in color. Its shell is covered with scutes, which are like scales that protect the turtle from harm.The turtle's head is small and round, with a sharp beak-like mouth. It has small, beady eyes that can move independently of each other. Its long neck allows it to reach out and grab food from the water or land.The turtle's legs are short and sturdy, with webbed feet that help it swim through the water. Its claws are strong and sharp, allowing it to grip onto rocks or tree branches as it climbs out of the water.The turtle's tail is short and stubby, often hidden within its shell. It uses its tail for balance andstability as it moves on land or swims in the water.The turtle's skin is covered in scales and can vary in color from dark green to light brown. It is tough and leathery, providing protection from predators and the environment.The turtle's overall appearance is slow and steady, with a wise and ancient quality that reflects its long lifespan. It moves with deliberate purpose, carrying the weight of its shell with grace and strength.。
描写乌龟外貌的英语作文30词左右四年级全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Fascinating TurtleTurtles are one of the most unique and interesting animals I've ever seen! The first thing you notice about a turtle is its shell.A turtle's shell is like a special little house that it carries around on its back. The shell is made up of two main parts - the domed upper portion called the carapace, and the flat lower portion called the plastron.The carapace is lined with plates called scutes. The scutes come in different shapes, colors and patterns depending on the type of turtle. Some turtle shells are bright green, while others are more of a dull brown or olive color. My favorite are the box turtles with the neat patterns on their high-domed shells that almost look like a sculptured design.Underneath the carapace, the turtle can completely tuck in its head and legs when it feels threatened or scared. This is such a cool defense mechanism! The plastron has a neat hinged areathat allows the turtle to close up the front opening of the shell like a trap door when it pulls everything inside.Another amazing turtle feature is its head and face. A turtle's head looks almost dinosaur-like, with a pointed beak-like mouth and beady little eyes on the sides. Some turtles have long, snake-like necks that can quickly dart in and out. Others have shorter, fatter necks that don't extend out as far. When they are basking in the sun, you can sometimes see turtles sticking just their heads out of their shells while their bodies remain safely tucked inside.Turtles use their mouths and tough jaws to rip and tear food. Most turtles are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and meat. Their diets can consist of things like aquatic plants, worms, insects, fish and even small rodents or birds. It's kind of creepy but fascinating to watch a turtle rapidly chomp down on its prey with those beak-like jaws!Attached to a turtle's body are four clawed feet that could not look more different from human feet if they tried! Turtle feet are thick, scaly and end in sharp claws perfect for allowing them to grip surfaces, walk on land, and tear food. The front feet tend to be flatter and look more like flippers to aid in swimming. The back feet are more curved and rounded.Some turtles, like the red-eared slider, have an easier time walking on land since their feet stick out straight from their bodies. Other aquatic turtles, such as the diamond-backed terrapin, have more splayed feet that angle outward from their bodies. This makes it harder for these turtles to walk well on land but gives them an added boost when swimming through water.I think one of the coolest turtle body parts is the tail. A turtle's tail can tell you its age and gender! Younger turtles tend to have longer, skinner tails that become shorter and more stumpy as they get older. Male turtles usually have longer tails than females to help with mating. Just by looking at a turtle's tail, you may be able to figure out how old it is and if it's a boy or girl!In conclusion, turtles are constructed in such an awesome and unique way compared to most other animals. Their hard shells,dinosaur-like heads, sharp beaks, thick scaly feet, and long tails all make them look almost prehistoric. Turtles are like little living fossils that have been around for millions of years. I find them to be incredibly fascinating creatures and they make me want to learn more about reptiles and their amazing adaptations for survival. Maybe I'll be a herpetologist someday to study and work with these incredible shelled creatures!篇2A Turtle's Amazing AppearanceTurtles are one of the coolest animals I've ever seen! They look really strange and unique compared to most other creatures. I'm going to describe the awesome appearance of turtles in this essay.The most obvious thing about a turtle is its shell. A turtle's shell is like a special house that it carries around everywhere it goes. The top part is called the carapace and the bottom part is called the plastron. The carapace is shaped like an oval dome or arch. It protects the turtle's body from predators and the elements. The plastron is flat and covers the turtle's belly area.Turtle shells are made of bone and keratin, which is the same material that makes up our fingernails. But unlike our nails, a turtle's shell is thick, hard, and strong. Shells can be different colors like green, brown, yellow, or red. Some shells are very plain while others have cool patterns and markings. My favorite are the brightly patterned shells that almost look painted!Under its shell, a turtle has a long neck and small head with a beak-like mouth instead of teeth. The neck is really flexible and can stretch out far from the shell opening. That's how turtles are able to reach vegetation and food sources. Their eyes are on the sides of their head, allowing them to see wide areas to the leftand right. Some turtle species can even absorb oxygen through their mouths and butts when underwater!Turtles have four короткие, stumpy legs that stick out from their shells. Each leg has claws or webbed feet depending on whether the species lives on land or in water. Land turtles have stumpy feet with claws for digging and gripping. Water turtles have webbed feet that act like paddles to help them swim gracefully through lakes and oceans.Even though turtles look a bit bizarre, I think their appearance is super cool and unique! Their shells provide portable shelter and protection. Their long necks can stretch in all directions. And their specialized feet are perfect for their habitats. Turtles are definitely one of the most amazingly designed animals on our planet!篇3The Wonderful TurtleTurtles are one of the coolest animals ever! They are reptiles that live a really long time. Some turtles can even live over 100 years! Turtles are sorta like little dinosaurs walking around today. How awesome is that?There are different types of turtles, but they all have a few things in common. First, they have a special shell that protects their body. This shell is actually their rib cage and backbone all fused together into one hard covering. The top part is called the carapace and the bottom is called the plastron.A turtle's shell is made up of bony plates covered by scales called scutes. The colors and patterns on the scutes can be different shades of green, brown, yellow, red, black, and more. Some turtles have really bright patterns while others are more dull and camouflaged. The patterns help them blend into their environment.Under their shell, turtles have a head, four legs, a tail, and no teeth! Instead of teeth, they have a beak-like mouth that is curved and sharp for crunching up food. Their neck is long and bendy so they can stick their head out far from the safety of their shell when needed.A turtle's legs are thick and stumpy. They have claws on their "toes" to help them walk and dig. Some turtles that live on land have club-like feet, while aquatic turtles have webbed feet that are perfect for swimming. Their tail sticks out from their shell too and helps them swim.When you look closely at a turtle's eyes, you can see they have thick eyelids and eyelashes to protect their eyes. Their eyes are usually dark and round, giving them an innocent but wise look. The color of the skin on their face and limbs ranges from shades of green to browns and yellows.Overall, turtles have such a unique shape and look that sets them apart from other animals. With their domed shell, plodding legs, and curious eyes peeking out, they are unlike any other creature. To me, turtles seem both ancient and modern at the same time.The shell of a turtle is like a mobile home that they carry everywhere. When turtles want to rest or hide, they simply tuck their head, legs, and tail inside the safety of their shell. It protects them from predators and the elements. What a clever design by nature!I find turtles fascinating to watch. They move very slowly and deliberately. It's funny to see their little legs carrying their bulky body and heavy shell step by step. Because of their slow pace, turtles always seem calm and peaceful, never in a hurry to get anywhere.Turtles can live on land or in the water depending on the species. Some turtles split their time between both! Sea turtlesare born on land but spend most of their lives swimming in the ocean. They are excellent swimmers and can hold their breath for a very long time underwater.Land turtles lumber across deserts, forests, and grasslands looking for food and shelter. I've seen box turtles before and they are so cute! Their shell looks just like a little box and when they tuck inside, you can barely tell there's an animal in there. Tortoises are a type of land turtle too. They can grow to be massive in size!Water turtles like the red-eared slider are some of the most colorful, in my opinion. Their shell is a gorgeous shade of green with yellow stripes. They also have bright red splotches on the sides of their head, which is where they get their name. Super cool!No matter what type of turtle, they are all amazing reptiles. From their unique shell to their dinosaur-like features, there is just something prehistoric and mythical about turtles. They have been around for over 200 million years, way before humans!Some people even believe that the turtle is one of the oldest living species on Earth. Ancient cultures and myths told stories about a turtle supporting the world on its back. Maybe those myths were inspired by how old and wise turtles seem.For kids like me who love turtles, we are lucky they are still around today. Sadly, many turtle species are endangered due to things like the pet trade, hunting, and loss of habitat. We need to protect these living relics of the past for future generations to appreciate.Just imagine if turtles went extinct - it would be like dinosaurs disappearing all over again! The world would lose such an incredible, one-of-a-kind creature that has been around since prehistoric times. We can't let that happen.There are tons of fun facts about turtles that blow my mind. Like how some turtles can breathe through their butts! Or that a turtle's skull is actually part of its shell. Some turtles are born with an egg tooth to help break out of their shell. The more I learn about turtles, the more amazing they become.I will never get tired of watching turtles slowly plod along, their little legs marching in tracks behind them. It's almost like they are moving in slow motion compared to the busy world around them. Turtles just seem to take things easy, never stressed, and focused on the journey not the destination.What I love most about turtles is their longevity. The thought of a single turtle living over 100 years absolutely boggles mymind! A turtle could be born around the same time as your great-great-grandparents and still be alive today. Mind blown!I have so much respect for creatures that can live for multiple human lifetimes. Turtles are like living history books, quiet observers of how the world has changed over decades and centuries. With their wise eyes and weathered shells, turtles are basically the elder statesmen of the animal kingdom.From their unique shells to their chilled-out lifestyles, there is just something irresistibly fascinating about turtles. They are one of the most recognizable and beloved animals in the world, celebrated by cultures across the globe. And for a good reason!Turtles are living reminders that some of the most extraordinary things can come in unassuming, humble packages. Though they may seem simple on the surface, turtles haveso many amazing traits if you just slow down and appreciate them. Something we could all learn from.So next time you see a turtle basking on a rock or slowly crossing the street, don't just pass it by. Stop for a moment and marvel at this ancient, armored reptile - a living dinosaur and amazing survivor that has been roaming the Earth long before humans. Appreciate turtles for the wondrous, one-of-a-kind creatures they are. They truly are nature's timeless treasures.篇4A Turtle's Fascinating LookTurtles are some of the coolest animals ever! They have such an interesting appearance that makes them look almost like little dinosaurs. I'm going to describe what a turtle looks like from my own observations.First, let's talk about their shells. A turtle's shell is like a hard house that protects their body. The top part is called the carapace, and the bottom part is called the plastron. The carapace is shaped kind of like a dome or an upside-down bowl. It has groovy patterns made up of shaped segments called scutes. The scutes are arranged in a beautiful symmetrical pattern. Some turtles have smoother shells, while others have bumpy, ridged shells. The color of the carapace varies between shades of green, brown, black, yellow and sometimes even reddish tones. The plastron on the bottom is flatter and often has a yellowish tint.When you look closely at a turtle's face, they have such a quirky, funny expression! Their mouths are shaped like a beak, kind of like a bird's mouth. Some turtles have hints of a smile because of how their mouth is curved upwards at the edges.Their eyes are these perfectly round bulging spheres that stick out from their heads. Turtles can actually see really well from those big peepers! Their eyes are usually brownish or black in color.Another funny thing about turtles is their legs篇5The Amazing TurtleTurtles are some of the coolest animals around! I had the chance to see one up close at the zoo last weekend and I couldn't believe how incredible they look.The turtle's body is covered by a special shell called a carapace. This shell is made up of bony plates that are fused together into a hard, protective covering. The carapace on the turtle I saw was a greenish-brown color with sort of a bumpy texture. It almost looked like a little rocky mountain on the turtle's back!Underneath the carapace, the turtle can retract its head and all four legs when it feels threatened. The turtle's head is attached to a long, wrinkly neck that can stretch out pretty far. Its head is small with two big eyes that seem to bulge out a little bit.The turtle's mouth looks like a beak, kind of similar to a bird's beak. I watched as it slowly opened and closed its mouth while basking in the sun.The turtle's four legs are thick and stumpy with long claws at the end of each foot. The front legs look like little arms almost. I thought it was really cool how slowly the turtle moved its head from side to side on its long neck while its stubby legs plodded along underneath its shell.One of the zookeepers told me that the turtle's shell is actually part of its skeleton! The bony carapace on the top and the flat plastron on the bottom are connected so the whole shell is one integrated piece. That means the turtle literally carries its bones on the outside of its body, which is mind-blowing to think about.I also learned that turtles can live an incredibly long time, sometimes over 100 years! The one at the zoo was only about 25 years old though, so it still has many more decades ahead of it. I can't even imagine being able to live that long.After watching the turtle bask on a warm rock for a while, it eventually slid off the rock and into the water of its habitat. It looked so funny and clumsy on land with its swaying neck and stomping feet. But as soon as it hit the water, the turtle was like acompletely different creature! It could glide through the water smoothly and quickly, using its sturdy legs to propel itself along.I was completely in awe of this amazing turtle. Its body is likea living tank with its tough, bony shell and the ability to retract everything inside when needed. Yet it also moves with a startling grace and speed when swimming too. Turtles are definitely one of the most unique animals I've ever seen. I'm already counting down the days until I can go back to the zoo and see them again!篇6The Fascinating TurtleTurtles are one of the most interesting animals I've ever seen!I became fascinated with turtles after my class went on a field trip to the zoo last month. In the reptile house, I saw many different kinds of turtles and spent a long time watching them and learning about their unique appearance.One of the first things I noticed about turtles is their shell. A turtle's shell is like a portable little house that it carries around on its back! The top part is called the carapace and the bottom part is called the plastron. The carapace is shaped like a dome or oval, providing protection for the turtle's body. The plastron is the flatunderside that the turtle can retract its head and legs into when threatened.Turtle shells come in many different colors and patterns depending on the species. Some are solid shades of green, brown, or black. Others have beautifully intricate designs with stripes, splotches, and geometric shapes in contrasting colors like yellow, orange, and red. The shells often look old and weathered with grooves and ridges. I think this makes them look very wise and aged, like little dinosaurs!Poking out from the openings of the shell are the turtle's head and four clawed feet. Most turtles have a pointed snout with a slight beak and two beady eyes on either side of their head. Some species have tough, scaly skin on their legs while others have wrinkly, leathery skin. Their feet have long claws to help them grip surfaces and dig. I watched one turtle use its front claws to tear up pieces of lettuce to eat!Another cool feature of turtles is their unique way of walking. Since their bodies are weighed down by their heavy shells, they have an awkward waddling gait as they pull themselves along. It's pretty funny to watch them hike across their enclosures! They can also tuck all their limbs and head inside their shell when resting.Some key differences I noticed between species related to their appearance. Sea turtles have flat, streamlined shells and flipper-like feet adapted for swimming in the ocean. Others like box turtles have a hinged plastron that allows them to completely enclose their body when threatened. Larger species like the alligator snapping turtle have massive, spiked shells and terrifying bear-trap-like jaws. The smallest turtle I saw was only the size of a quarter!Despite their differences, all the turtles shared that signature reptilian look - scaly skin, claws, and beaks. They almost seemed prehistoric to me, like they could have been around in dinosaur times. I found their old, weathered shells, protruding limbs, and curious way of moving absolutely fascinating. After seeing them up close, I can understand why many cultures view turtles as symbols of longevity, perseverance, and wisdom. Just from their appearance, they seem ancient and timeless. I'll never look at a turtle the same way again!Word count: 2003。
介绍小乌龟的英语作文Title: The Wonderful World of Turtles。
Turtles are fascinating creatures that inhabit various environments across the globe. These gentle reptiles belong to the order Testudines and are characterized by their unique shell, which acts as both a protective shield and a mobile home. Let's delve into the captivating world ofturtles and explore their diverse characteristics, habitats, and significance in the ecosystem.To begin with, turtles come in a wide array of species, each with its own distinct features and habits. From thetiny bog turtles to the enormous leatherback turtles, these creatures exhibit remarkable diversity in size, shape, and coloration. Some turtles, like the red-eared slider, are popular as pets due to their manageable size and relatively easy care requirements. Others, such as the majestic sea turtles, undertake incredible migrations across oceans, traveling thousands of miles to reach nesting beaches.One of the most striking features of turtles is their shell, which serves as a protective armor against predators and environmental hazards. The shell is composed of two main parts: the carapace, which covers the turtle's back, and the plastron, which shields its underside. Contrary to popular belief, a turtle cannot leave its shell; it is an integral part of its skeletal structure and grows along with the turtle throughout its life. Additionally, theshell provides buoyancy for aquatic turtles, allowing them to float effortlessly in water.Turtles are ectothermic, meaning they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. This trait influences their behavior and habitat preferences. While some turtles, like the desert-dwelling desert tortoise, bask in the sun to absorb warmth, others, such as the painted turtle, seek refuge in cool, shaded areas during hot weather. Aquatic turtles, like the green sea turtle, often spend the majority of their lives in water, where they can regulate their body temperature more effectively.In terms of diet, turtles are opportunistic omnivores, meaning they consume a variety of plant and animal matter. Herbivorous turtles primarily feed on vegetation such as algae, grasses, and aquatic plants, while carnivorous species prey on insects, fish, crustaceans, and even small mammals. This dietary flexibility enables turtles to adapt to a wide range of environments, from freshwater ponds to tropical rainforests.The significance of turtles in the ecosystem cannot be overstated. As both predators and prey, turtles play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance. For instance, freshwater turtles help control populations of aquatic organisms such as snails and insects, thus influencing nutrient cycling and water quality. Moreover, sea turtles contribute to the health of coral reefs by controlling the growth of algae, which can smother coral and hinder reef growth.Unfortunately, turtles face numerous threats that jeopardize their survival. Habitat loss, pollution, climatechange, and illegal trade pose significant challenges to turtle populations worldwide. Efforts to conserve these iconic reptiles include habitat restoration, captive breeding programs, and public education initiatives aimed at raising awareness about the importance of turtle conservation.In conclusion, turtles are extraordinary creatures with a rich evolutionary history and ecological significance. From their resilient shells to their diverse habitats and behaviors, turtles captivate our imagination and inspire us to protect the natural world. By understanding and appreciating these remarkable reptiles, we can work together to ensure a brighter future for turtles and the ecosystems they inhabit.。
小乌龟的生活特点及外形三年级英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Amazing Life of a Tiny TurtleHave you ever seen a little turtle before? They are super cool creatures! I love watching them slowly walk around with their funny little legs sticking out from their shells. My friend Tommy has a pet turtle named Shelly, and I got to learn all about how turtles live. Let me tell you all about it!Turtles are reptiles, which means they are cold-blooded animals that lay eggs. Their bodies are covered in special bony plates called scutes that make up their shells. The top part is called the carapace and the bottom part is called the plastron. The shell protects their squishy bodies and organs from getting hurt.Shelly's shell is brown and green and very hard. Tommy says her shell will keep growing a little bit bigger each year as she gets older, kind of like how we kids grow taller! The scutes have groovy patterns that help turtles camouflage or blend in withtheir surroundings so predators can't see them easily. Pretty neat, right?Instead of having teeth, turtles have a beak-like mouth that they use for biting and tearing food. Shelly loves munching on things like lettuce, strawberries, and fish food pellets. She sticks her little head out from her shell and opens wide to munch away. It's really funny to watch!Turtles don't drink water by sipping it like we do. Instead, they take gulps of water into their mouths and let the skin absorb the moisture. Shelly's tank has a small pool of water that she can soak in. Tommy puts special vitamins and nutrients in the water to keep her healthy.One of the weirdest things about turtles is how slowly they move. Their stubby little feet plod along at a snail's pace. It probably takes Shelly half an hour just to walk across Tommy's bedroom floor! I think it would be so frustrating to move that slowly. But turtles don't seem to mind taking their sweet time.Turtles can't really get up and run around like dogs or cats. Their bodies are built for swimming more than walking on land. That's why they spend most of their time just chilling out in the water. Shelly's tank has a warm basking area with a heat lamp where she can sun herself when she wants to dry off.When turtles get scared or threatened, they tuck all their arms, legs and head into their shells. Their shells protect them from danger, kind of like a personal little fortress! Shelly closes up her shell whenever Tommy's little sister tries to pick her up and carry her around.In the wild, turtles are pretty solitary animals that don't hang out together much. But sometimes you can see them gathered in the same areas to bask in the sun or lay their eggs. Some turtles travel really long distances just to find the perfect nesting spot to dig a hole and lay their eggs in the dirt. The baby turtles hatch from the eggs all by themselves and have to dig their way up out of the nest. Crazy, right?As turtles get older, their shells get bigger and more textured. Some bigger species of turtles can live for over 100 years! That's ancient compared to us. I'll be an old, old person before Shelly even becomes a middle-aged turtle. Tommy says he plans to keep Shelly as a pet her whole life.Turtles are really low maintenance pets compared to dogs or cats. They don't need to be walked, bathed, or brushed. As long as they have a proper habitat with fresh water, food, heat lamps, and places to bask, they can live happily all by themselves. Easy peasy!Even though turtles seem kind of boring since they don't do much, I still think they are awesome little creatures. Their slow motions and chilled-out personalities are kind of calming to watch. And how cool is it that turtles have their own portable hideaway homes on their backs? I'd love to have a shell to retreat into whenever I felt scared or anxious.Turtles are also super ancient animals that have been around for millions of years. Can you imagine how many turtles have roamed the earth before us humans even existed? No wonder they seem so wise and unbothered by the worries of the world. Turtles are living reminders that life moves at its own natural pace, whether we're rushing around or not.I feel so lucky that Tommy shares his pet turtle with me and lets me learn about her. Shelly is living proof that you don't need to be a big, loud creature to be interesting and unique. Sometimes the smallest, quietest animals have the most fascinating stories to tell. I have a ton of respect for Shelly and all her shelled sisters and brothers out there living their slow-paced, peaceful turtle lives. The world would be a duller place without them!篇2My Favorite Animal: The Little TurtleHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my favorite animal: the little turtle! Turtles are so cool. They are like little tanks that can go anywhere. Some turtles live in the water and some live on land, but they all have the same basic body shape with a hard shell on their back.Turtles are reptiles, which means they are cold-blooded animals that lay eggs. Baby turtles hatch out of leathery eggs laid by the mother turtle in a nest she digs in the dirt or sand. When they hatch, the little turtles use a special egg tooth to break out of their shells. Then they have to find their way to water or somewhere safe to hide all on their own, without any help from their mom!The turtle's shell is made up of two main parts - the upper part called the carapace and the lower part called the plastron. Both parts are bony and covered in plates called scutes made of keratin, which is the same material our fingernails are made of. Under the shell is where the turtle's body is, with its head, legs, and tail sticking out. They can pull all of those body parts inside their shell when they want to protect themselves.Turtles have really cool eyes! Most turtles can actually see really well on land and in the water. Their eyes have three eyelidsand they can close one at a time to keep their eyes wet and clean. Turtles also have an excellent sense of smell which helps them find food. Some turtles can actually breathe through their butts - isn't that weird and funny?Speaking of food, turtles are omnivores which means they eat both plants and meat. On the plant side they'll munch on things like aquatic plants, grasses, fruits and vegetables. As for meat, turtles eat insects, worms, snails, fish and even smaller turtles sometimes! Their jaws are very strong and some larger turtles can even bite off a human's finger if you're not careful. Yikes!Most turtles LOVE to bask in the sun and soak up its warmth. That's because as reptiles they can't generate their own body heat so they rely on external sources like basking to stay warm. You'll often see them piled up on logs or rocks sticking their heads and legs out to absorb the sun's rays.There are over 300 different species of turtles in the world that come in many different shapes, sizes and colors. Some turtles are just a few inches long while others can be over 6 feet! Some live only 20-30 years but others can live over 100 years. The biggest turtles are the leatherback sea turtles that can weigh over 2000 pounds! That's about as much as a small car. Woah!My personal favorite kind of turtle is the cute little Russian tortoise. These guys are only about 8 inches long when fully grown. They have a neat looking oblong-shaped shell that is brown or black in color. What I love most is their funny looking feet at the end of their stumpy legs. Russian tortoises make great pets and can live over 50 years with the right care!Sadly, many turtle species are endangered these days due to pollution, habitat loss, and illegal hunting and trading. It's important we protect turtles and let them live freely in the wild like they're supposed to. If everybody learns about how amazing turtles are and how important they are to the environment, maybe we can keep these awesome little tank animals around for many more years to come!That's all I've got to share about the awesome world of turtles for today. Weren't those facts cool? Let me know if you have any other questions - I'm like a turtle expert now after all my research! Thanks for reading, future turtle fans!篇3The Amazing Life of Little TurtlesHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about one of my favorite animals - turtles! Turtles are amazing little creatures thathave been around for millions of years. They are so cool and interesting. Let me share some fun facts about them!First, let's talk about what turtles look like. Turtles have a special shell called a carapace that covers their body. This shell is made up of bony plates with scales on the outside. The top part is called the carapace and the bottom part is called the plastron. Their shells come in many different colors like green, brown, yellow and red. Some turtles even have pretty patterns on their shells!Turtles have a cool head that sticks out from their shell. They have a beak-like mouth instead of teeth to bite and chew their food. Their eyes always look so wise and peaceful. My favorite part about their head is their retractable neck that they can pull all the way back into their shell when they feel scared or threatened. How amazing is that?Turtles also have four strong, stubby legs with sharp claws on their "hands" and "feet" to help them walk and climb. Some turtles that live in the water have webbed feet like ducks to help them swim. The ones that live on land have stumpy legs to walk and dig with. No matter where they live, their legs tuck up perfectly under their shell to protect them.Now let me tell you about how turtles live their lives! Turtles can live a really, really long time - some can even live over 100 years old! They live all over the world in many different habitats like forests, deserts, marshes and even the ocean. The ocean turtles are my favorites because they get to swim all day in the beautiful, blue waters.Most turtles are pretty slow moving on land, but they are super fast swimmers in the water. Their strong legs paddle through the water currents with ease. Ocean turtles can hold their breath underwater for up to 5 hours! How crazy is that? I can barely hold my breath for 1 minute.When turtles aren't swimming, they spend a lot of time basking in the warm sun on rocks or logs. This helps keep their body temperature just right since they are cold-blooded animals. At night, many turtles burrow under dirt, plants or coral to stay safe and hidden from predators while they sleep.Baby turtles have a very dangerous life in the beginning. As soon as they hatch from their eggs, they have to quickly make their way into the water or find shelter on land. There are many animals like raccoons, birds and fish that love to eat the tiny babies! The mothers can't help protect the babies, so they are ontheir own from the moment they are born. The babies that survive to become adults have a much safer life.Speaking of babies, that's another cool thing about turtles - they lay eggs! Female turtles climb onto land and dig a hole with their strong claws to lay their eggs in the dirt or sand. Then they cover it back up and leave the nest all alone. The warm sun helps incubate the eggs until the babies start to hatch a couple months later. Most turtles lay around 100 eggs at a time!Turtles are pretty slow moving, but also very strong creatures. Their hard shells protect them from being eaten by predators, and they can tuck everything inside when threatened. Some turtles are so strong they can actually break through wood and plastic with their powerful jaws!What do turtles like to eat? Different turtles eat different foods depending on if they live on land or in the water. The ones that live in the ocean mainly eat seaweed, shrimp, crabs and jellyfish. Land turtles chomp on plants, insects, worms and fruit. My lizard loves to munch on worms and crickets too!Turtles are really cool, but sadly they are endangered and threatened by humans. Pollution in the ocean makes turtles sick from eating plastic or getting tangled in trash. On land, turtles get run over by cars or their habitats get destroyed forconstruction projects. Illegal hunting and the pet trade are dangers too. We need to protect these amazing reptiles so they can live long, happy lives!I hope you learned some new fun facts about the awesome lives of little turtles. They are one of the oldest creatures on the planet and so interesting to learn about. From their unique body designs to their incredible survival skills, turtles are truly an amazing animal. Maybe you can dream about being a turtle scientist when you grow up to help study and protect these shelled reptiles! Let's all do our part to take care of turtles and their homes.。
描写乌龟英文作文I saw a turtle at the park yesterday. It was just chilling by the pond, not really doing much. I thought it was kind of cute, with its little green shell and slow movements. I wonder what it does all day.Turtles are supposed to live for a really long time, right? Like, way longer than humans. I wonder what it's like to live for so many years. Do they get bored? Do they have turtle friends that they hang out with? I bet they have some interesting stories to tell.I heard that turtles can live on land and in water. That's pretty cool, being able to switch between the two like that. I wish I could do that sometimes, especially on hot days when I want to cool off in the water.I wonder if turtles ever get scared of anything. Like, do they have any natural predators that they have to watch out for? Or are they just super chill and nothing reallybothers them? I guess having a hard shell would make you feel pretty safe all the time.I read somewhere that turtles are really important for the environment. They help keep the balance of ecosystems in check, or something like that. It's pretty amazing how such a small creature can have such a big impact on the world.。
我的吉祥物英语作文5句小学My lucky mascot is a small turtle that I carry with me everywhere I go. 我的吉祥物是一只小乌龟,我随身携带它到哪里都带着。
I received this turtle as a gift from my grandmother when I was a child. 我小时候是我奶奶送给我的这只乌龟。
It is made of green jade and has a smooth surface that feels cool to the touch. 它由绿玉制成,表面光滑,触感凉爽。
I believe that this turtle brings me luck and protection wherever I go. 我相信这只乌龟无论我走到哪里都能带给我好运和保护。
Whenever I feel anxious or uncertain, I hold onto my turtle and feel a sense of comfort and reassurance. 每当我感到焦虑或不确定时,我抓住我的乌龟,感到舒适和安心。
Carrying this turtle with me is like having a piece of my grandma with me at all times. 将这只乌龟随身携带,就像随时随地有我奶奶在身边一样。
My turtle has been with me through many important moments in my life, acting as a silent witness to my joys and sorrows. 我的乌龟伴随我度过了生命中许多重要时刻,它是我欢乐和悲伤的默默见证者。
I remember clutching onto it tightly during exams and job interviews, seeking its calming presence. 我记得在考试和求职面试时,紧紧抓着它,寻求它的安静陪伴。
乌龟的英文作文怎么写作文I saw a turtle today. It was just chilling by the pond, not doing much. I think turtles are pretty cool animals. They have those hard shells and slow movements. It's like they're always taking their time, not in a rush like therest of us.Turtles can live for a really long time. I heard somewhere that some turtles can live for over 100 years. That's crazy! Imagine living for a whole century, seeing so many things change around you. I wonder what it's like tobe a turtle, just watching the world go by at your own pace.I remember when I was a kid, I had a pet turtle. I named him Speedy, which was kind of ironic because he was anything but speedy. He would just crawl around his tank, munching on lettuce and basking under his heat lamp. I used to think he was the coolest pet ever, even if he wasn't the most exciting.Turtles are also really cute. I love how they poke their heads out of their shells and look around with those little beady eyes. They seem so curious about everything, like they're always exploring and taking in the world around them. I wish I could be as carefree as a turtle, just going with the flow and not worrying about anything.。
乌龟的知识(Turtle knowledge)Many people think the tortoise, the tortoise because feel fun, strong vitality, quiet, need a small place, I have a lot of friends, you can not have a few good feed, are bought by pet dealers said to raise, the results did not take long to die, really regrettable, this shows that the turtle although vitality in most pets, but also did not imagine so good, for a lot of innocent tortoise again from misfortune, here is my own more than 10 years yanggui experience to talk about, there is wrong a lot of hope that.Article 1.: buy a pet turtle there are several Mississippi red eared turtle, Clemmys mutica, Burma tortoises, snapping turtle, the most common is the only thing I have is the Mississippi red eared turtle species, its nice color, individual size, better support, so I recommend you to buy this turtle. Clemmys mutica heads are relatively large, not good-looking, are generally used to cultivate green turtle, the Burma tortoise is relatively rare, and old habits are also different, so if the tortoise is raised in the water will you buy turtle turtle life, be sure to ask when the tortoise or turtle, to avoid being cheated by unscrupulous merchants as for the appearance, turtle well, more personality, but the turtle ferocious, raised after accidentally hurt you.2.: the living turtle bought to a new home for it, this is very important, because some people have drowned in the fish bowl raising turtle, don't laugh, this is really the first Mississippi red eared turtles are reptiles, not fish, it will directly absorb oxygen from the air. Instead, in the water, so you to its new home ready to consider it convenient to breathedeeply, the aquarium is not appropriate, especially when filled with water to keep the tortoise into it very hard to swim to the surface to head out of breath, a long time will not get tired drowned the aquarium and this is long but narrow, is not conducive to the turtle movement, because of its radius is small, so you can use the kind of goldfish shape spittoon circular tank, but the fish mouth small, is not conducive to the observation of Mock Turtle, small basin It's fine, too. I used the glass tank in the chemistry laboratory. It's just the same size. It's great! A stone is placed in the middle of the fish bowl, which is for the turtles to rest in the sun. Because turtles can not always soak in water, otherwise they will seriously affect their health, and even the shell will rot! The size of the stone to more than a turtle, fish accounted for about 1/6 for suitable area, height is slightly higher than the two turtle pile up, above the flat, the fish bowl of water, the water is slightly lower than the stone surface, because the turtle is breathing in the water, so the water requirement is far lower than the standard of fish, as long as the water is too muddy smelly fish can, also do not put in the corner and toilet too dark place, the best placed in the sun can shine, some quiet place, my family is put on the table in the library.3. diet article: what does turtle eat after all? Many people have bought a buy sell pet profiteers recommended "special turtle food", back only to find that the tortoise does not eat or not eat, in fact, the so-called "turtle food" basically is a scam, profiteers only for the money don't care just bought a small turtle or sell that the tortoise did not eat the junk they give you, wish you a dead to buy another one, so buy a tortoise don't buy profiteers recommended the so-called"turtle food", a death I'm not responsible for oh! This red eared turtles mainly eat meat, fish and shrimp, loach, earthworms, insects, I often kill flies to it as a snack, just bought a small turtle eating is usually weak, also not eat live food, so you need a little bit to feed it, give it to feed to it have patience, the meat is cut into mung bean size, with tweezers slowly stretching to turtle nose, it will smell carefully before eating, sometimes the reaction is very slow, so do not worry, try a few times a hello when general Practice makes perfect., a total of feeding a cigarette so much meat can be a little. The time to feed to feed three or four times a week, let it grow up quickly to adapt to the environment,Because the hungry for a long time it will sleep, too small turtles are often dormant again wake up, so to feed, avoid its dormancy, when more than a matchbox generally it will feed themselves, then you can put some small fish in the water and let it exercise prey not to put too much, otherwise it will kill a lot but do not eat, so long as the most time of day water will stink, feed meat is the same, do not waste, it is not as much as you can eat how much to feed, otherwise it will hold bad, My tortoise had often stretched head and limbs contraction don't go back, very funny, and several times actually stays spit, visible tortoise how worthless! Feeding too much will make the tortoise grow so fast that it won't be fun at all. Unless you're keeping food, huh?! I have a friend and I bought the turtle, the feeding too much, less than two years long to say so, the patterns of the body was gone, his very ugly, also issued a wheeze sound, so great when dinosaurs, can have a week to eat a face the basin loach, showing its horror, so he grew up every week to feed a can, the best feed some fish, so you can makeit the calcium shell length of hard.4. daily life articles: turtles grow up will encounter some special physiological phenomena, if not handled properly will also have a great impact, which impressed me most is molting.Tortoise and snake are close relatives, so will molt, but the snake is not the same, turtle scutes will fall off!! My tortoise is around four molt, there was no digital camera, so there is no record of this strange look, everybody is here to tell the tortoise in the molting process do not artificially help it, they will fix it, because I don't know "help help" caused by it the lifelong harm to it, here to apologize to the poor turtle, tortoise below carefully introduces molt is what appearance, if your tortoise to molt age, then congratulations, this means that in front of your pet tortoise is right, otherwise it would not live to this day. Oh!/read.php? Tid=3245?Most turtles are tame, and any food is acceptable. From food, pets are easy to raise. But tortoises and lizards need sunbathing. In addition, the tortoise is close to the round shape, weight than open, it seems more than a lot, and the amount of exercise is also very large. The average cage tends to be too narrow, and this point can be more troublesome than other reptiles.1. foodAlthough the turtles eat any food, but has been feeding cheapand low nutritional value of food, may cause malnutrition, must be particularly careful. Turtles need large amounts of calcium and should be fed foods containing a lot of calcium. Recently launched on the market nutritionally balanced turtle feed, you can rest assured that eating. In addition, carp feed, dog food is also very appropriate food. Occasionally some boneless fish feeding, snake, mice and other fresh food, will be able to win the love of the tortoise. Feeding only fish and meat can cause malnutrition and need to add water soluble nutrients. Described above, is often provided to inhabit water turtle food, such as water, tortoise like plant food is not suitable for the use of artificial turtle feed. Vegetables, such as leafy vegetables, Korea food, carrots and so on, can be fed with nutrients. You can feed on nine official bird feed.2. cageA water dwelling turtle that can be raised by a tank, such as a water tank. The actual size of the tortoise is larger than the size of the eye, and the amount of exercise is great, so a larger cage is needed. On average, 60 cm long sinks are still too small, and it is better to keep them in storage bins.3. otherTurtles do not irradiate ultraviolet light, nor can they use calcium. Compared with lizards, it is easy to prevent the turtles from escaping, as long as the water supply facilities and cool places rest,It's not easy to get heatstroke, and sunbathing is easier. Asif insufficient calcium, tortoise shell easily become soft state; the intake of vitamin A deficiencies, eyes may become white. When the above phenomenon occurs, in addition to vitamin A and calcium deficiency problems, may also involve long-term feeding, low nutrient food, lack of UV and other issues, may be in the breeding methods on the wrong. The heart must provide a balanced diet, use of daylight lamp bath, completely change the feeding environment.Common diseasesCrustacean diseases of aquatic turtlesArtificially raised aquatic turtle with an ulcerated carapace. Although the lesions are crustacean, due to different symptoms, pathogenic bacteria are not the same species. Gram negative bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria. A crustacean peeling, pigmentation, ulcer, four feet off, technical paralysis, visceral necrosis and other symptoms. Crayfish, snakes, sea worms, such as feed animals, and soil, polluted water, etc., may be the source of infection. Bacteria enter the body through a scraped wound. Treatment by medicine bath, systemic proper antibiotics. However, various turtles are allergic to certain antibiotics, poisoning, the use of special attention should be paid.It may be used in the future/printpage.asp?BoardID=8&ID=1218?Http:// Forum=39&topic=45?The tortoise is a kind of new alien pets, pet lovers are. He has a gentle disposition, is not choosy about food, and is easily kept. But what should notice is, the tortoise is active, the space that cannot raise is not too narrow, had better be able to undertake sunbathe everyday.Buy.Buying a healthy turtle is an important first step, so it will be much easier in the future. Before buying the best look at some pictures to buy the turtle or tortoise has reference to others, so that at the time of purchase deceived; when buying with Lara gently turtle limbs, if its strong retraction or struggle, that is a healthy turtle; then view the turtle's anus, such as big and pollution. It is showed that the digestive tract may have problems. In addition, we must carefully observe whether it is lively, whether the pace is normal, whether the reaction is sensitive.Feeding.Turtles need large amounts of calcium and should be fed foods containing a lot of calcium. Can feed some nutritionally balanced turtle feed, and occasionally feed some boneless fish, shrimp and other fresh food. But only feed the fish, meat and other causes of malnutrition, need to add water soluble nutrient type, can also feed some collocation leaves, carrots and other vegetables, need vitamin supplements.Cooking.If you do not often cannot use ultraviolet irradiation, turtle shell calcium, juveniles tend to become soft. Therefore, you can put it outdoors before going to work in the morning, and then move to the room after work at night, so as to let the sun shine properly, and strengthen the physique, but remember to bask in the summer. In the case of disease, prevention is still the main factor to prevent bacteria from scratching wounds into the body. When treatment is available to the appropriate medicine bath, systemic antibiotics, but some turtle would be allergic to antibiotics, antibiotic use should pay special attention to./GB/paper1787/12966/1165491.htmlThe late autumn and early winter, the tortoise into hibernation, do not eat or drink, quietly stay. As the weather became warmer and warmer before and after the Qingming Festival, the turtles began to move and eat. This time you can prepare some lean meat or fish and shrimp feed to eat it, look at it devoured, heart indescribably happy, love it with water, put during the day in the sun on the balcony. The summer sun can do harm to it, so put it in a cool place. Feed him something every day. It also likes a clean environment, changing water every day to keep water clean. May your little turtle grow healthilyBuy a turtle first and tell you what to choose. One look. Turtle body shape is beautiful, the geometric pattern on the turtle to orderly arrangement.Turtle shell should be flat and oval, without deformity. When the tortoise crawls, the pace should be steady, and the belly nail is superior to those who do not touch the ground.Two touch. Gently stroking the tortoise, tortoise shell should be flat and smooth, no stick, no corners. When touching, the glans and limbs should be retracted into the turtle shell immediately. The epidermis should not be too rough.Three test. The selected turtles are placed in the glass tank separately, and then the water is released. The height of the water is usually 3:1 or 5:1 by the height of the water. If a turtle sinks into the water, it is better to put food into it, and a voracious turtle will devour it immediately.In fact, the tortoise is tame, any food can be accepted, from the food point of view, it is easy to raise pets. But turtles and lizards need sunbathing together. In addition, the tortoise is close to the round shape, weight than open, it seems more than a lot, and the amount of exercise is also very large. The average cage tends to be too narrow, and this point can be more troublesome than other reptiles.1. foodAlthough the turtles eat any food, but has been feeding cheap and low nutritional value of food, may cause malnutrition, must be particularly careful. Turtles need large amounts of calcium and should be fed foods containing a lot of calcium. Recently launched on the market nutritionally balanced turtle feed, you can rest assured that eating. In addition, carp feed, dog foodis also very appropriate food. Occasionally some boneless fish feeding, snake, mice and other fresh food, will be able to win the love of the tortoise. Feeding only fish and meat can cause malnutrition and need to add water soluble nutrients. Described above, is often provided to inhabit water turtle food, such as water, tortoise like plant food is not suitable for the use of artificial turtle feed. Vegetables, such as leafy vegetables, Korea food, carrots and so on, can be fed with nutrients. You can feed on nine official bird feed.2. cageA water dwelling turtle that can be raised by a tank, such as a water tank. The actual size of the tortoise is larger than the size of the eye, and the amount of exercise is great, so a larger cage is needed. On average, 60 cm long sinks are still too small, and it is better to keep them in storage bins.3. otherTurtles do not irradiate ultraviolet light, nor can they use calcium. Compared with lizards, the facilities for preventing turtles from escaping are relatively simple. As long as the water supply facilities and the cool place are rested, heat stroke is not easy to happen, and the method of sunbathing is simpler. As if insufficient calcium, tortoise shell easily become soft state; the intake of vitamin A deficiencies, eyes may become white. When the above phenomenon occurs, in addition to vitamin A and calcium deficiency problems, may also involve long-term feeding, low nutrient food, lack of UV and other issues, may be in the breeding methods on the wrong. The heartmust provide a balanced diet, use of daylight lamp bath, completely change the feeding environment.。
软件准备: Python3.7、pycharm、anaconda
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图形绘制 2、 绘制小猪佩奇 篇 3、 绘制动态钟表
使用Python中的turtle 库,加入时间datetime 库,完成一个会 动的钟表,活学活用,将所学到的知识应用到实际生活中。
1、使用turtle库绘制钟表。 2、理解钟表的逻辑关系并和静态的表 盘结合,完成动态的钟表。
1、tkinter库的使用方法。 2、requests的使用方法。 3、PIL库的使用。
1、能够生成个性签名图片。 2、能够修改对话框中的文字和字体。
12 创客教育普惠行动
13 创客教育普惠行动
第三等级 程序代码:
8 创客教育普惠行动
第二等级 代码实现:
1、学会从网络上爬取资源。 2、学会使用网络爬虫常用的requests 库和BeautifulSoup库。
15创客教ຫໍສະໝຸດ 普惠行动第三等级第3课:拼图游戏