BT8123 规格书
BT8123规格书文件编号:VS_11061501版本:V1.0日期: 2013-7-12深圳市百泰实业有限公司地址: 深圳宝安区西乡镇固戍村榆盛工业区6栋6楼东TEL: +86-755-27491316/26/36FAX: +86-755-27491346BT8123—恒定5.0W输出功率、FM无干扰F类音频功率放大器一 概述BT8123是一款F类音频功率放大器。
当BOOST模块在3.7W的情况下,4Ω的负载时功率恒定,并通过MUCH使能端的控制,BOOST模块可以单独提供最高可达2A的电流输出;当BOOST模块在5W的情况下,4Ω的负载时功率恒定.AB类D类可切换模式的设计,最大限度的减少音频子系统中功放对FM的干扰. BT8123在锂电池的供电电压范围内提供了极致的功率输出,使得BT8123成为便携式音箱设备特别是扩音器产品的最优选择. BT8123的全差分架构和极高的PSRR有效地提高了BT8123对RF噪声的抑制能力。
BT8123提供了纤小的的SOP16L封装形式供客户选择,其额定的工作温度范围为-40℃至85℃二 特点● 内置BOOST模块,AB类D类集成的特殊F类结构● 输出功率PO at 10% THD+N, VIN = 3.7VRL = 4Ω 3.70W(BOOST 功率值为3.7W)RL = 4Ω 5.00W(BOOST 功率值为5W )● 优异的"噼噗-咔嗒"(pop-noise)杂音抑制能力● 工作电压范围:2.5V到5.0V● MUCH功能:功放静音同时,PVDD可输出最高2A的电流● 无需滤波的Class-D结构● 72%的效率● 高电源抑制比(PSRR):在217Hz下为70dB● 启动时间 (260ms)● 静态电流 (10mA)● 低关断电流 (<0.1µA)● 过流保护,短路保护和过热保护● 符合Rohs标准的无铅封装三 管脚排列图四极限参数五推荐工作参数六电气参数七工作特性八应用线路图九典型特征曲线(TA=25°C, RL = 4Ω,ΑΒD=1,VMODE=1(D类模式除非特殊说明)类模式 除非特殊说明)(TA=25°C, RL=4Ω,ABD=0(AB去耦电容(Cs)BT8123是一款高性能音频放大器,电源端需要加适当的电源供电去耦电容来确保其高效率和最佳的总谐波失真。
∑-∆型模数转换器ADS1213简介§1. 芯片结构概述ADS121X 为具有22位高精度的∑-∆A/D 转换器,它包括一个增益可编程的放大器(PGA )、一个二阶的∑-∆调制器、一个程控的数字滤波器、一个时钟振荡器、一个片内的+2.5V 基准电源、一个串行接口以及一个包括指令寄存器、命令寄存器和校准寄存器的片内微控制器,对ADS1213还具有4通道的多路转换开关,其结构框图如图1所示。
A PIN 1A IN 2A P IN 3A PIN 4A N IN 4A N IN 3A IN 2A NIN 1DGND SCLK SDIO SDOUTDV DD图1 ADS12X 芯片内部结构简图ADS12X 具有22位分辨率,是高精度、大动态范围的∑-∆型A/D 转换器。
在10HZ 转换速率时,用低噪的输入放大器可获得20位的有效分辨率。
在10HZ 转换速率时,用独特的增强模式可获得16位的有效分辨率。
转换器包括一个灵活的异步串行接口,该接口是SPI 兼容的。
图中芯片的引脚功能介绍如下:§2. 工作原理输入的数据通过A P IN 和A N IN (对ADS1213先进入多路转换开关)进入增益可编程的放大器(PGA ),由于输入信号为差动输入,因此必须保证输入端的电压满足共模电压的要求。
芯片内部具有一个偏置电压发生器,它的工作与否由片内的微控制器控制,其提供的电压大小为基准电压的1.33倍,也即电压V BIAS 。
如基准电压为+2.5V ,那么该偏置电压发生器提供的偏置电压大小为+3.3V,而输入的共模电压范围为AGND mV -30到AV mV DD +30,通过此偏置电压就可以达到使输入信号满足要求。
PGA 中的增益可通过片内寄存器进行设置,具体可设置的大小为1,2,4,8,16,由此增加了转换器的动态输入范围,简化了与大多数的变送器的接口电路。
1 2英寸数字扭力适配器说明书
1/2"Drive Digital TorqueAdapterWhen unpacking your new digital torque adapter and related parts &accessories,please inspect it carefully for any damage that may haveoccurred during transit.If you have any questions,or require assistance with damaged or missing parts,please contact our factorycustomer servicedepartmentat:1-800-386-0191Pleasehavethe serialnumber,modelnumberand dateofpurchaseavailableforreferencewhencalling.This instruction manual is intended for your benefit.Please read and follow the safety,installation,maintenance and troubleshooting steps described within to ensure your safety and satisfaction.The contents of this instruction manual are based upon the latest product information available at the time of publication.Due to continuing improvements,actual product may differ slightly from the prod-uct described herein.Tools required for assembly and servicing are not included.INTRODUCTIONAfter opening the carton,unpack your new digital torque wrench adapter and related parts &acces-sories.Please inspect it carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Please check it against the photograph on carton.If any parts are missing,please call factory customer ser-vice at 1-800-386-0191.UNPACKING &INSPECTIONDo not operate this tool if damaged during shipment,handling or misuse.Do not operate the tool until the parts have been replaced or the fault rectified.Failure to do so may result in serious per-sonal injury or property damage.All damaged parts must be repaired or replaced asneeded prior to operating this tool.Check to see that all nuts,bolts and fittings are secure before putting this tool into service.If you have any questions,or require assistance with damaged or missing parts,please contact our factory customer service department at:1-800-386-0191Please have the serial number,model number and date of purchase available for reference whencalling.WARNING -RISK OF FLYING PARTICLESREAD THIS MANUAL COMPLETELY BEFORE USING THE DIGITAL TORQUE ADAPTER•To insure accuracy,work must not move in angle mode.•For personal safety and to avoid wrench damage,follow good professional tool and fas-tener installation practices.•Periodic recalibration is necessary to maintain tool accuracy.USERS AND BYSTANDERS SHOULD ALWAYS WEAREYE PROTECTION•Besure all components,including adapters,extensions,drivers and sockets are rated to match or exceed the torque being applied with tool.•Observe all equipment,system and manufacturer’s warnings,cautions and procedures when using this adapter•Always use the correct size socket for the fastener being torqued.•Do not use damaged sockets,showing signs of wear or cracks.•Always replace damaged fasteners before applying torque.WARNING -Electrical Shock Hazard•Electrical shock can cause injury.•Plastic handle is not insulated.•Do not use on live electrical circuits.Over-torquing can cause breakage.An out of calibration torque wrench can cause part or tool breakage.Broken hand tools,sockets or accessories can cause injury.Excess force can cause crow foot or flare nut wrench slippage.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSIMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSto applying torque.•Never use this digital torque adapter to loosen fasteners as damage may occur.•Do not exceed the rated maximum torque value for the digital torque adapter as break-age and/or a loss of accuracy could occur.•Always verify the calibration of the digital torque adapter if you know or suspect its capac-ity has been exceeded.•Always pull-do not push-on the drive tool(ratchet)handle that is connected to the digi-tal torque adapter.•Adjust your stance to prevent a possible fall while applying torque.•Apply torque slowly and grasp the center of the handle.Do not apply load to the end ofthe handle.•Avoid applying excessive torque,turn the ratchet slowly and steadily as you apply torque.Pay attention to the LED light and sound indicators.•Never submerge the digital torque adapter in water or any other liquid.•If the tool gets wet,immediately wipe it dry with a soft,clean towel.•Do not expose this wrench to dust or sand as this could cause serious damage.•Use the digital torque adapter only for its intended purpose as described in this manual.•Do not use the digital torque adapter if it is not working properly or if it has suffered anydamage.•Do not disassemble the digital torque adapter.•Do not expose the digital torque adapter to extreme temperatures,humidity,direct sun-light.•Do not shake violently or drop digital torque adapter.•Do not use this tool as a hammer.•Position batteries in proper polarity.•Do not mix batteries of different type.•Never clean the digital torque adapter with soap or solvents.•Use a soft,dry,clean cloth to clean the digital torque adapter and LCD panel.•Do not apply excessive force to the LCD display panel.•Store in a clean dry place.•Keep this tool away from magnets.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSDrive size:1/2inchAccuracy:CW:±1%CCW:±2%Memory presets:10Display resolution:0.1NmOperation mode:Peak/TraceUnit selection:kg-cm,kg-m,lb-in,lb-ft,N-mBattery:(1)DC3V,CR2032Ambient temperature range:Operating:-10°C–60°C(13.9°F–139.9°F)Storage:-20°C-70°C(-4°F–157.9°F)Auto shut-off:80secondsTorque range:30-150Ft-lbs(41-203N-m)PRODUCT FEATURES•Digital torque readout.•Selectable for five torque units of measure:lb-ft,lb-in,kg-cm,kg-m and N-m.•+/-1%CW and +/-2%accuracy•Clockwise (CC)and counterclockwise (CCW)operation indicated on display.•Peak torque hold mode and Tracking torque mode selectable.•White LED backlight for easy reading.•Reverisble LCD display viewing orientation.•Multiple preset torque value indicators:audible buzzer,vibration alarm,red LED warning light.•Displays percentage of preset torque value attained.•Power saving automatic sleep mode activates after 3minues of inactivity.•Uses one (1)DC 3V,CR2032battery.•Batteries,storage case and calibration adapter included.displaybacklight barMain keyboardCONTROLSThe Titan Digital Torque Adapter displays fastener torque specification settings,torque readings and peak hold measurements.Mode key Warning buzzerpreset torque battery icon value of measure LCD DISPLAY INDICATORSWhen battery voltage drops below 2.6volts,a low battery warning icon willappear on the LCD display.When the battery voltage drops below 2.4volts,the low battery warning icon will begin to flash,indicating that immediate battery replacement isrequired.LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE INDICATIONBattery voltage under 2.4V POWERING ON DIGITAL TORQUE ADAPTERPress Mode button to turn digital torque adapter on and activate auto-zeroing process.Auto-zeroing processNormal mode(Preset number 0shown)CAUTION:Make sure the displayed applied torque value is zero during the auto-zeroing period.Otherwise a torque offset will be included.Select 1of 10user programable memory presets.SELECTING MEMORY PRESETSSETTING PRESET VALUES4.Five different unit selections are available:kg-cm,k-gm,in-lb,ft-lb,and N-m.SELECTING UNITS OF MEASURENOTE:When you change units,any target torque setting you have already entered will now be displayed in the new unit value.SELECTING PEAK HOLD/TRACKING MODESPressIn Track mode -The display will register “real-time”torque as it is applied.This is useful when you are able to observe the digital display while applying torque to a fastener.Watching the torque value increase can assist you in applying torque evenly and safely,especially as you approach your target torque setting.FullyreleaseDisplay retains peak torque achieved.PEAK HOLD MODE OPERATIONPeak Hold ModePercent of Target torqueApplytorque activatesRelease torque to zero-out torquereading and then apply torque again.Select pre-setting:200kg-cm(in this example)Applytorque and hold2sec.Toggle screen from Auto mode to Manual mode.Continue applying torque until preset torque value In Peak hold mode,the digital display shows the maximum torque applied,which can be helpful for verifying that the correct torque was applied when the digital display is not visible during use.This mode is also handy when using the adapter to calibrate a torque wrench.TRACKING MODE OPERATIONTracking ModeAt50%of Target torque:•Percentage of preset torque value is displayed•Buzzer sounds:Bi---Bi---Bi---•Select pre-setting:200kg-cmApply torque to reach preset torque value(200kg-cm in this example)At70%of target torque:At90%of target torque:At100%of target torque:•Percentage of preset torque value is displayed•Buzzer sounds:Bi-Bi-Bi-Bi•Red LED flashes:alert•Percentage of preset torque value is displayed•Buzzer sounds:BiBiBiBiBiBiBi•Percentage of preset torque value is displayedApplytorqueApplytorqueApplytorqueIn Tracking mode,the display will register torque as it is applied in real-time.This allows you to observe the digital display while applying torque to a fastener.Watching the torque value increase can assist you in applying torque evenly and safely,especially as you approach your target torque setting.Press and hold Mode button for 2seconds to turn unit off.NOTE:This tool will automatically enter sleep mode after 3minutes of inactivity.BATTERY INSTALLATION AND REPLACEMENT POWERING OFF DIGITAL TORQUEADAPTERPress and for 2seconds to toggle the orientation of the display readout.CHANGING ORIENTATION OFDISPLAYPress1.Requires one (1)DC 3V,CR2032.2.Unscrew battery cover fastener with a jewelers’phillips screwdriver.3.Remove the battery cover.4.Remove the old battery.5.Clean battery terminals.6.Install fresh battery in the digital torque adapter (with the “+”sign end facing upward).7.Replace the battery cover and screw tight.Note•Remove battery if stored for a long period of time.•Oil,water,dirt and sweat can prevent a battery’s terminals from making electrical contact.Wipe both terminals before installing batteries.Battery disposalOnly dispose of battery when fully discharged.DO NOT dispose of battery in a fire.Dispose of expended batteries andpackagingmaterialsinan environmentallyresponsiblemanner.1.Set your torque wrench to a value of approxi-mately 25%of its maximum capacity.Forexample,if your torque wrench has a maximumcapacity of 150lb-ft,set it to 40lb-ft.2.Program the digital torque adapter for a torquevalue that matches the torque wrench setting.In our example,you would set the adapter for40lb-ft.Ensure the adapter is in the “peak”mode as this will make it easy to referenceactual torque versus the torque indicated onthe wrench.3.Connect the pre-set torque wrench and theincluded calibration adapter to the digital torqueadapter.Secure the calibration adapter in abench vise.Ensure the calibration adapter issecurely tightened in the vise.4.Turn the torque wrench smoothly and steadily,applying torque to the calibration adapter untilyour torque wrench reaches the preset value,either by “clicking”(micrometer style torquewrench),or displaying the desired setting(digital or dial torque wrench).5.Read the peak torque value shown on the digi-tal torque adapter.Adjust your torque wrenchand repeat the procedure until the trquewrench and digital torque adapter show identi-cal torque values.DisposalDo not dispose of this device in normal domestic waste.Observe the currently valid regulations.In case of doubt,consult your waste disposal facility.CALIBRATING A TORQUE WRENCH USING DIGITAL ADAPTERIMPORTANT -Service,repair and calibration are to be performed by Star-Asia USA,LLC only.Cali-bration by the user is recorded in the wrench and voids factory certification.Contact Star-Asia USA,LLC for information on calibration service.PLEASENOTEUSER QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEMeasure Torque Presetting Target Torque90DAY LIMITED WARRANTY-STAR ASIA-USA,LLC POWER TOOLSStar Asia-USA,LLC(hereinafter“seller”)warrants to the original purchaser only,that this product will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase for home domestic use. Warranty PerformanceWarranty coverage is conditioned upon purchaser furnishing seller or its authorized service center with adequate written proof of the original purchase date.Products returned,freight prepaid and insured,to our factory or to an Authorized Service Center will be inspected and repaired or replaced,at seller‘s option,free of charge if found to be defective and subject to warranty.Defective parts not subject to normal wear and tear will be repaired or replaced,at our option during the above stated warranty periods.In any event,reimbursement is limited to the pur-chase price paid.Other than the postage and insurance requirement,no charge will be made for repairs or replacements covered by this warranty.Under no circumstances shall the manufacturer bear any responsibility for loss of the unit,loss of time or rental,inconvenience,commercial loss or consequential damages.There are no warranties which extend beyond the description of the face hereof.ExclusionsThis warranty does not cover parts damaged due to normal wear,abnormal conditions,misapplication,misuse, abuse,accidents,operation at other than recommended pressures or temperatures,improper storage or freight damage.Parts damaged or worn by operation in dusty environments are not warranted.Failure to follow recom-mended operating and maintenance procedures also voids warranty.Additional items not covered under this warranty:product failure caused by rain,excessive humidity,corrosive environments or other contaminants;cosmetic defects that do not interfere with product‘s functionality.This warranty shall not apply when:the product has been used for commercial or rental purposes;defects in mate-rials or workmanship or damages result from repairs or alterations which have been made or attempted by others or the unauthorized use of nonconforming parts;this damage is due to abuse,improper maintenance,neglect or accident;or the damage is due to use of the product after partial failure or use with improper accessories.Warran-ty does not apply to accessory items such as batteries.Seller will not be liable for:labor charges,loss or damage resulting from improper operation,maintenance or repairs made by persons other than a Star Asia-USA,LLC Authorized Service Center.The use of other than genuine Star Asia-USA,LLC Repair Parts will void warranty.Warranty DisclaimersNO WARRANTY,ORAL OR WRITTEN,OTHER THAN THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS MADE WITH REGARD TO THIS PRODUCT,ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF SELLER REGARDING THIS PRODUCT INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,ARE EXCLUDED.BUYER‘S OR USER‘S REMEDIES ARE SOLELY AND EXCLUSIVELY AS STATED ABOVE.STAR ASIA-USA,LLC SHALL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,INDI-RECT,OR SPECIAL DAMAGES.IN NO EVENT,WHETHER AS A RESULT OF A BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY,TORT(INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE)OR OTHERWISE,SHALL SELLER‘S LIABILITY EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT WHICH HAS GIVEN RISE TO THE CLAIM OR LIABILITY.ANY LIABILITY CON-NECTED WITH THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT SHALL TERMINATE UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THE WAR-RANTY PERIODS SPECIFIED ABOVE.Limitations on Warranty DisclaimersAny implied warranties shall be limited in duration to one year from the date of purchase.In some states of the U.S.A.and in some provinces of Canada there is no limitation for how long an implied warranty is valid,so the aforementioned limitation may not apply to you.Star Asia-USA,LLC(hereinafter“seller”)warrants to the original purchaser only,that this product will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from date of purchase for home domestic use. Distributed by Star Asia-USA,LLCP.O.Box58399,Renton,WA98058Consumer Service:800-386-0191e-mail:*****************©2013Star Asia-USA,LLC。
Supertex inc.MD1213DB1MD1213 + TC6320 DemoboardHigh Speed ±100V 2A PulserGeneral DescriptionThe MD1213DB1 can drive a transducer as a single chan-nel transmitter for ultrasound and other applications. The demoboard consists of one MD1213 in a 12-Lead 4x4x0.9mm QFN (K6) package, combined with Supertex’s TC6320, an IC containing high voltage P- and N- channel FETs in a 8-Lead SOIC package.Logic control inputs INA, INB and OE of the MD1213 are controlled via the six-pin head connector on the board. Due to the fast signal rise and fall time requirement, every ground wire of the ribbon cable must be used to connect from the logic signal source. When OE is enabled, it should recieve the same voltage as the logic source circuit’s power supply. The MD1213DB1 output waveforms can be displayed direct-ly using an oscilloscope by connecting the scope probe to the test point TP10-1 and TP10-2 (GND). The J5 jumper can select whether or not to connect the on-board equivalent-load, a 220pF 200V capacitor paralleled with a 1.0kΩ, 1W resistor. Also, a coaxial cable can be used to easily connect to the user’s transducer.Demoboard Features► Demonstrates one channel ultrasound transmitter► MD1213 driving a TC6320 power MOSFET► ±2.0 A source and sink current capability► Logic control signal input connector► SMA connectors for cable to a transducer► 1.8 to 3.3V CMOS logic interfaceDesigning a Pulser with the MD1213Low input capacitance and fast switching speed are the important features of the MD1213’s input stage. Its logic inputs have an input impedance of about 20kΩ in parallel with 5pF, and an internal speed of around 100MHz. The output enable pin, OE, determines the threshold voltage for the input-channel level translators. The input stage logic is fully compatible with 1.8V, 2.0V, 2.5V, 3.3V, or 5.0V CMOS logic. The level translators are also compatible with these logic voltage levels, up to the MOSFET’s gate-driver voltage level, which is typically 5.0 to 12V. When OE is low, the chip disables its’ outputs, setting OUTA high and OUTB low. This condition helps to properly pre-charge the AC coupling capacitors that the user can optionally add in series with the gate-driver circuit of the external P/N-channel FET pair.Block DiagramThe MD1213’s output stage has separate power pins that enable users to select the output signal’s high and low levels independently from the supply voltages used by the main the circuit. For example, the input logic levels could be 0V and 3.3V, and the output levels may lie anywhere in the range of ±5.0V. Typically, the MD1213’s output has rise and fall times of about 6.0ns when driving a 1000pF load. The output stage is capable of peak currents of up to ±2.0A, depending on the system’s supply voltages and load capacitance. Such high currents are necessary to drive the input capacitances of the output MOSFET s for fast switching speeds.The bottom of the MD1213 12-Lead QFN package has a ther-mal pad for power dissipation enhancement. It must externally connect to the VSS pin on the PCB. This pad is connected internally to the substrate of the IC circuit. It must have the low-est potential voltage of the circuit at all times, including during the power up or down periods, or it could cause circuit latch-up or damage.The Supertex TC6320 is comprised of an N- and P-channel MOSFET pair with low threshold voltages (2.0V maximum). This 8-Lead SO packaged device features 200V breakdown voltage, 2.0A peak current output capabilities, and low input capacitance (110pF maximum). The TC6320 integrates the gate-source resistors and Zener diodes that a high voltage pulse-driver requires. The high output current capability of the TC6320 MOSFET speeds output waveform rise and fall time, while their low input capacitance minimizes propagation de-lays. During power up/down conditions, the high voltage sup-plies VPPand VNNcan inject transient voltages greater than 20V via the output transistor’s parasitic gate-to-source capacitanc-es. The maximum permissible gate-to-source voltage (VGS) is ±20V. The TC6320’s integral 15 - 18V Zener diodes across its’ gate and source terminals protect against such transient volt-ages. But even if it is possible to slowly ramp the high voltage supplies, these Zener diodes are still crucial, as they also serve as the DC voltage restoration stage for the gates.Note that it is possible to vary the VPPand VNNvoltages with-out making significant changes to the circuit configuration. For example, VNNcan be 0V and VPP+200V for positive unipolar pulses. Or VNNcan be -200V and VPP0V for a negative unipolar pulser. If the user plans to operate the demoboard above 100V, he must adjust the bypass capacitors (C8 or C16) to a voltage rating of 200V. Due to the BV limitation of the TC6320, the dif-ferential voltage (VPP-VNN) must not be greater then 200V.Board LayoutWaveform C, 20MHz, 8 cycles, VSS = VL= 0 Load: 220pF//1.0kMD1213DB1Schematic Diagram6 D C RV C 220.1D 100-13VSupertex inc. does not recommend the use of its products in life support applications, and will not knowingly sell them for use in such applications unless it receives an adequate “product liability indemnification insurance agreement.” Supertex inc. does not assume responsibility for use of devices described, and limits its liability to the replacement of the devices determined defective due to workmanship. No responsibility is assumed for possible omissions and inaccuracies. Circuitry and specifications are subject to change without notice. For the latest product specifications refer to the Supertex inc. (website: http//)©2014 Supertex inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.Supertex inc.MD1213DB1WaveformsFig 1: INA, INB, OUTA, OUTB and HV OUT with 220pF//1K Load, V DD = V H =+12V, V SS = V L = 0V, V PP /V NN= +/-100V, 10MHzFig 2: INA, INB, OUTA, OUTB and HV OUT with 220pF//1K Load, V DD = V H = +12V, V SS = V L = 0V, V PP /V NN= +/-100V, 20MHzFig 3 :INA, INB, OUTA, OUTB and HV OUT with 220pF//1K Load, V DD = V H =+12V, V SS = V L = 0V, V PP /V NN= +/-100V, 312.5kHz。
1/7®BTA/BTB12 and T12 SeriesSNUBBERLESS ™, LOGIC LEVEL & STANDARD12A TRIAC SSeptember 2002 - Ed: 6AMAIN FEATURES:DESCRIPTIONAvailable either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA/BTB12 and T12 triac series is suitable for general purpose AC switching. They can be used as an ON/OFF function in applications such as static relays, heating regulation, induction motor starting circuits... or for phase control operation in light dimmers, motor speed controllers,...The snubberless versions (BTA/BTB...W and T12series) are specially recommended for use on inductive loads, thanks to their high commutation performances. Logic level versions are designed to interface directly with low power drivers such as microcontrollers. By using an internal ceramic pad, the BTA series provides voltage insulated tab (rated at 2500V RMS) complying with UL standards (File ref.: E81734)Symbol Value Unit I T(RMS)12A V DRM /V RRM 600 and 800V I GT (Q 1)5 to 50mAABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol ParameterValueUnit I T(RMS)RMS on-state current (full sine wave)D ²PAK/TO-220AB Tc = 105°C 12A TO-220AB Ins.Tc = 90°C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, Tj initial = 25°C) F = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 120AF = 60 Hzt = 16.7 ms126I ²t I ²t Value for fusingtp = 10 ms78A ²s dI/dtCritical rate of rise of on-state current I G = 2 x I GT , tr ≤ 100 nsF = 120 Hz Tj = 125°C 50A/µs V DSM /V RSM Non repetitive surge peak off-statevoltagetp = 10 ms Tj = 25°C V DRM /V RRM+ 100V I GM Peak gate currenttp = 20 µsTj = 125°C 4A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation Tj = 125°C1W T stg T jStorage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range- 40 to + 150- 40 to + 125°CBTA/BTB12 and T12 Series2/7ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tj = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)sSNUBBERLESS™ and LOGIC LEVEL (3 Quadrants)sSTANDARD (4 Quadrants)STATIC CHARACTERISTICSNote 1: minimum IGT is guaranted at 5% of IGT max.Note 2: for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrantT12BTA/BTB12UnitT1235TW SW CW BW I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 30 ΩI - II - III MAX.355103550mA V GT I - II - III MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k ΩTj = 125°C I - II - IIIMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 100 mA MAX.3510153550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III MAX.5010255070mA II6015306080dV/dt (2)V D = 67 %V DRM gate open Tj = 125°CMIN.50020405001000V/µs (dI/dt)c (2)(dV/dt)c = 0.1 V/µs Tj = 125°CMIN.- 3.5 6.5--A/ms(dV/dt)c = 10 V/µs Tj = 125°C -1 2.9--Without snubber Tj = 125°C6.5-- 6.512Symbol Test ConditionsQuadrant BTA/BTB12UnitCB I GT (1)V D = 12 V R L = 30 ΩI - II - III IV MAX.255050100mA V GT ALL MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω Tj = 125°C ALLMIN.0.2V I H (2)I T = 500 mA MAX.2550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III - IVMAX.4050mA II80100dV/dt (2)V D = 67 %V DRM gate open Tj = 125°CMIN.200400V/µs (dV/dt)c (2)(dI/dt)c = 5.3 A/ms Tj = 125°CMIN.510V/µsSymbol Test ConditionsValue Unit V T (2)I TM = 17 A tp = 380 µs Tj = 25°C MAX. 1.55V V to (2)Threshold voltage Tj = 125°C MAX.0.85V R d (2)Dynamic resistance Tj = 125°C MAX.35m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM = V RRMTj = 25°C MAX.5µA Tj = 125°C1mABTA/BTB12 and T12 Series3/7THERMAL RESISTANCESS = Copper surface under tabPRODUCT SELECTORBTB: non insulated TO-220AB packageORDERING INFORMATIONSymbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (AC)D ²PAK/TO-220AB 1.4°C/W TO-220AB Insulated2.3R th(j-a)Junction to ambientS = 1 cm ²D ²PAK45°C/WTO-220ABTO-220AB Insulated60Part NumberVoltage (xxx)Sensitivity Type Package 600 V 800 V BTA/BTB12-xxxB X X 50 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxBW X X 50 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxC X X 25 mA Standard TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxCW X X 35 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxSW X X 10 mA Logic level TO-220AB BTA/BTB12-xxxTW X X 5 mA Logic Level TO-220AB T1235-xxxGXX35 mASnubberlessD ²PAKBTA/BTB12 and T12 Series4/7OTHER INFORMATIONNote: xxx = voltage, yy = sensitivity, z = typePart NumberMarkingWeight Base quantity Packing mode BTA/BTB12-xxxyz BTA/BTB12-xxxyz 2.3 g 250Bulk BTA/BTB12-xxxyzRG BTA/BTB12-xxxyz 2.3 g 50Tube T1235-xxxG T1235xxxG 1.5 g 50Tube T1235-xxxG-TRT1235xxxG1.5 g1000Tape & reelFig. 1: Maximum power dissipation versus RMSon-state current (full cycle).Fig. 2-1: RMS on-state current versus case temperature (full cycle).Fig. 2-2: RMS on-state current versus ambient temperature (printed circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35µm),full cycle.Fig. 3: Relative variation of thermal impedance versus pulse duration.BTA/BTB12 and T12 Series5/7Fig. 4: On-state characteristics (maximum values).Fig. 5: Surge peak on-state current versus number of cycles.Fig. 6: Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width tp <10ms, and corresponding value of I²t.Fig. 7: Relative variation of gate trigger current,holding current and latching current versus junction temperature (typical values).Fig. 8-1: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values) (BW/CW/T1235).Fig. 8-2: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values) (TW).BTA/BTB12 and T12 Series6/7Fig. 9: Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus junction temperature.Fig. 10: D²PAK Thermal resistance junction to ambient versus copper surface under tab (printed circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35µm).PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATAFOOTPRINT DIMENSIONS (in millimeters)BTA/BTB12 and T12 Series PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATAInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - GermanyHong Kong - India - Isreal - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - SingaporeSpain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.7/7。
AES 1235 品牌 BNS 产品名称 磁性安全传感器 型号 101170049说明书
DATASHEETDataOrdering dataNote (Delivery capacity)Phased-out product Product type description AES 1235101170049Article number (ordernumber)EAN (European Article4030661297118 Number)27-37-18-19eCl@ss number, version12.027-37-18-19eCl@ss number, version11.027-37-18-19eCl@ss number, version9.0EC001449ETIM number, version7.0EC001449ETIM number, version6.0Available until31.12.2023Approvals - StandardsCertificates BGcULusGeneral dataStandards BG-GS-ET-14BG-GS-ET-20EN IEC 62061EN ISO 13849-1EN IEC 60947-5-1EN IEC 60947-5-3EN IEC 60947-5-5EN IEC 60204-1EN IEC 60947-1Climatic stress EN 60068-2-3BG-GS-ET-14Enclosure material Glass-fibre reinforced thermoplastic, ventilated Gross weight240 gGeneral data - FeaturesStop-Category0Wire breakageYesdetectionCross-circuit detection YesFeedback circuit YesYesAutomatic resetfunctionReset afterYesdisconnection of supplyvoltageEarth connectionYesdetectionYesIntegral systemdiagnostics, statusNumber of LEDs12Number of normallyclosed (NC)1Number of normallyopen (NO)Number of undelayed2semi-conductor outputswith signaling functionNumber of safety2contactsNumber of signalling2outputsSafety classificationStandards EN ISO 13849-1EN IEC 61508Safety classification - Relay outputsdPerformance Level, uptoCategory3PFH value 1.00 x 10⁻⁷ /hNotice for max. 50,000 switching cycles/year and max. 80% contact load2Safety Integrity Level(SIL), suitable forapplications inMission time20 Year(s)Mechanical data20,000,000 OperationsMechanical life,minimumMounting Snaps onto standard DIN rail to EN 60715Mechanical data - Connection techniqueTerminal designations IEC/EN 60947-1Termination rigid or flexibleScrew terminals M20 x 1.5Cable section, minimum0.25 mm²2.5 mm²Cable section,maximumTightening torque of0.6 NmClipsMechanical data - DimensionsWidth22.5 mmHeight100 mmDepth121 mmAmbient conditionsDegree of protection ofIP40the enclosureDegree of protection ofIP54the mounting spaceDegree of protection ofIP20clips or terminalsAmbient temperature+0 ... +55 °CStorage and transport-25 °Ctemperature, minimumStorage and transport+70 °Ctemperature, maximumResistance to vibrations10...55 Hz, Amplitude 0.35 mm, ± 15 % Restistance to shock30 g / 11 msAmbient conditions - Insulation valuesRated impulse4 kVwithstand voltage UimpOvervoltage category IIIDegree of pollution2Electrical dataFrequency range50 Hz60 HzOperating voltage24 VAC -15 % / +10 %24 VDC -10 % / +20 %Ripple voltage10 %Thermal test current 6 ARated operating voltage24 VACRated operating voltage24 VDC20.4 VACRated AC voltage forcontrols, 50 Hz,minimum26.4 VACRated control voltage atAC 50 Hz, maximum20.4 VACRated AC voltage forcontrols, 60 Hz,minimum26.4 VACRated control voltage atAC 60 Hz, maximum20.4 VDCRated AC voltage forcontrols at DC minimumRated control voltage at28.8 VDCDC, maximum5 WElectrical powerconsumption0.1 ΩContact resistance,maximumin new stateNote (Contactresistance)Drop-out delay in case80 msof power failure,typically20 msDrop-out delay in caseof emergency, typically100 msPull-in delay atautomatic start,maximum, typically20 msPull-in delay at RESET,typicallyMaterial of the contacts,Ag-Ni 10 and 0.2 µm gold-plated electricalElectrical data - Safe relay outputsVoltage, Utilisation230 VACcategory AC-156 ACurrent, Utilisationcategory AC-15Voltage, Utilisation24 VDCcategory DC-136 ACurrent, Utilisationcategory DC-13Switching capacity,10 VDCminimum10 mASwitching capacity,minimum250 VACSwitching capacity,maximum8 ASwitching capacity,maximumElectrical data - Digital inputs10 … 30 VDCInput signal, HIGHSignal "1"0 … 2 VDCInput signal, LOW Signal"0"40 ΩConduction resistance,maximumElectrical data - Digital OutputVoltage, Utilisation24 VDCcategory DC-120.1 ACurrent, Utilisationcategory DC-12Electrical data - Relay outputs (auxiliary contacts) Switching capacity,24 VDCmaximumSwitching capacity,2 AmaximumElectrical data - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)EMC rating EMC-DirectiveIntegral system diagnosis (ISD)Note (ISD -Faults)The following faults are registered by the safety monitoring modules and indicated by ISD.Faults Failure of the safety relay to pull-in or drop-outFailure of door contacts to open or closeCross-wire or short-circuit monitoring of the switch connectionsInterruption of the switch connectionsFault on the input circuits or the relay control circuits of the safety monitoring moduleOther dataNote (applications)Safety sensorGuard systemNoteNote (General)Inductive loads (e.g. contactors, relays, etc.) are to be suppressed by means of asuitable circuit.Wiring exampleNote (Wiring diagram)The wiring diagram is shown with guard doors closed and in de-energised condition.To secure a guard door up to PL d and Category 3Monitoring 1 guard door(s), each with a magnetic safety sensor of the BNS rangeThe ISD tables (Intergral System Diagnostics) for analysis of the fault indications andtheir causes are shown in the appendix.Expansion of enable delay time: The enable delay time can be increased from 0.1 s to1 s by changing the position of a jumper link connection under the cover of the unit.The feedback circuit monitors the position of the contactors K3 and K4.Start push button: A start push button (NO) can optionally be connected into thefeedback circuit. With the guard door closed, the enabling paths are then not closeduntil the start push button has been operated.If only one external relay or contactor is used to switch the load, the system can beclassified in Control Category 3 to ISO 13849-1, if exclusion of the fault “Failure of theexternal contactor” can be substantiated and is documented, e.g. by using a reliabledown-rated contactor. A second contactor leads to an increase in the level of securityby redundant switching to switch the load off.If neither start button nor feedback circuit are connected, a jumper connection must bemounted between X1 and A1.Modification for 2 NC contacts: The safety monitoring module can be modified tomonitor two NC contacts by bridging the terminals A1 and X2. In this configuration, theshort-circuit detection becomes inoperative.Ordering codeProduct type description:AES 123(1)(1)56without start-up test6with start-up testDocumentsOperating instructions and Declaration of conformityAES 1235 / AES 1236(245.3 kB, 10.05.2019, Revision D)BG-test certificateAES and BNS - BG-GS-ET-14 - AES 1135 / AES 1136 / AES 1145 / AES 1146 / AES 1155 / AES 1156 / AES 1165 / AES 1166 / AES 1175 / AES 1176 / AES 1235 / AES 1236 / AES 1265 / AES 1266 / AES 1185(1.4 MB, 10.05.2019, Revision F)BG-test certificateAES - BG-GS-ET-20 - AES 1135 / AES 1136 / AES 1145 / AES 1146 / AES 1155 / AES 1156 / AES 1165 / AES 1166 / AES 1175 / AES 1176 / AES 1235 / AES 1236 / AES 1265 / AES 1266(738.9 kB, 10.05.2019, Revision D)UL CertificateAES / FWS / BNS / BN(415.3 kB, 01.08.2019)Wiring example (electr. wiring)AES 123x(19.6 kB, 10.05.2019)Wiring example (electr. wiring)AES 123x(19.7 kB, 10.05.2019)InfoAES 1135 / AES 1136 / AES 1165 / AES 1166 / AES 1185 / AES 1235 / AES 1236(34.3 kB, 30.06.2021)SISTEMA-VDMA library(659.5 kB, 23.03.2023)PicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kaes1f09| 711.0 kB | .jpg | 265.642 x 529.167 mm - 753 x 1500 px - 72 dpi| 84.7 kB | .png | 74.083 x 147.461 mm - 210 x 418 px - 72 dpiWiring exampleID: maes1l11| 34.0 kB | .cdr || 143.8 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 408.517 mm - 1000 x 1158 px - 72 dpiWiring exampleID: kaes1l41| 34.1 kB | .cdr || 139.5 kB | .jpg | 352.425 x 396.875 mm - 999 x 1125 px - 72 dpiK.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG, Möddinghofe 30, 42279 WuppertalThe details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on: 27/07/2023, 01:44。
SVD501DEAG 说明书 - 30mA、600V N沟道耗尽型场效应管
SVD501DEAG 说明书30mA 、600V N 沟道耗尽型场效应管描述SVD501DEAG N 沟道耗尽型高压功率MOS 场效应晶体管,采用士兰微电子的平面高压VDMOS 工艺技术制造。
特点♦ 30mA ,600V ♦ 耗尽型(常开器件) ♦ 提升了ESD 能力 ♦开关速度快♦提升了dv/dt 能力命名规则产品规格分类产品名称 封装形式 打印名称 环保等级 包装 SVD501DEAGTRSOT-23501DE无卤编带极限参数参数名称符号参数范围单位漏源电压V DS600 V 栅源电压V GS±20 V漏极电流T C=25°CI D0.03A T C=70°C 0.024漏极冲击电流I DM0.12 A耗散功率(T C=25°C)-大于25°C每摄氏度减少P D0.8 W0.007 W/°C工作结温范围T J-55~+150 °C 贮存温度范围T stg-55~+150 °C热阻特性参数名称符号参数范围单位芯片对管壳热阻RθJC150 °C/W 芯片对环境的热阻RθJA250 °C/W 电性参数(除非特殊说明,TC=25°C)参数名称符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位漏源击穿电压BV DSS V GS=-5V,I D=250µA 600 -- -- V 漏源漏电流I D(off)V DS=600V,V GS=-5V -- -- 0.1 µA 栅源漏电流I GSS V GS=±20V,V DS=0V -- -- ±10 µA 栅极阈值电压V GS(th)V DS=3V,I D=8µA -2.7 -- -1.0 V 导通漏极电流I DSS V GS=0V,V DS=25V 12 -- -- mA导通电阻R DS(on)V GS=0V,I D=3mA -- 310 700ΩV GS=10V,I D=16mA -- 330 700输入电容C issV DS=25V,V GS=-5V,f=1.0MHZ -- 10.03pF输出电容C oss-- 2.92 反向传输电容C rss-- 0.12开启延迟时间t d(on)V DD=300V,I D=0.01AV GS=-5~7VR G=6Ω(注1,2) -- 12.36ns开启上升时间t r-- 60.44 关断延迟时间t d(off)-- 25.48 关断下降时间t f-- 100栅极电荷量Q g V DS=400V,I D=0.01AV GS=-5~7V(注1,2) -- 2.75nC栅极-源极电荷量Q gs-- 0.55 栅极-漏极电荷量Q gd-- 1.61源-漏二极管特性参数参数名称符号测试条件最小值典型值最大值单位源极电流I S MOS管中源极、漏极构成的反偏P-N结-- -- 0.03A源极脉冲电流I SM-- -- 0.12源-漏二极管压降V SD I F=16mA,V GS=-5V -- -- 1.2 V反向恢复时间T rr I F=0.01A,V R=300V,dI F/dt=100A/µs -- -- 367 ns反向恢复电荷Q rr-- -- 963 nC 注:1. 脉冲测试:脉冲宽度≤300μs,占空比≤2%;2. 基本不受工作温度的影响。
OCD-D2B1B-1213-C10S-CRW 编码器简介应用行业: 一. BEN 绝对值编码器的常规外形:38MM,58MM,66MM,80MM.100MM.二. BEN 绝对值编码器分为:单圈,多圈。
三. BEN 绝对值编码器按原理分为:磁绝对值编码器,光电绝对值编码器四. BEN 绝对值编码器出线方式分为:侧出线,后出线五. BEN 绝对值编码器轴分为:6MM,8MM,10MM,12MM,14MM,25MM.六.BEN 绝对值编码器分为:轴,盲孔,通孔。
七. BEN 绝对值编码器防护分为:IP54-68.八. BEN 绝对值编码器安装方式分为:夹紧法兰、同步法兰、夹紧带同步法兰、盲孔(弹簧片,抱紧)、通孔(弹簧片,键销)九. BEN 绝对值编码器精度分为:单圈精度和多圈精度,加起来是总精度,也就是通常的多少位(常规24位,25位,30位,32位。
十. BEN 绝对值编码器通讯协议波特率:4800~115200 bit/s,默认为9600 bit/s。
刷新周期约1.5ms ★精芬机电传感器 * 机床 * 航天航空、 * 造纸印刷、 * 水利闸门、 * 纺织机械 * 灌溉机械 * 军工设备 * 食品机械 * 钢铁冶金设备 * 机器人及机械手臂 * 港口起重运输机械 * 精密测量和数控设备OCD-D2B1B-1213-C10S-CRW 编码器外形尺寸OCD-D2B1B-1213-C10S-CRW编码器技术参数BEN编码器的发展,从增量值编码器以转动时输出脉冲,通过计数设备来计算其位置,当编码器不动或停电时,依靠计数设备的内部记忆来记住位置。
共射放大电路的放大倍数主要由 三极管的β值决定,同时受输入 电阻、输出电阻和电源电压等因
温度变化会影响偏置电阻的阻值,因此在选取偏置电阻时应考虑其 温度系数。
通过引入负反馈电路,可以减小三极管静态工作点的漂移,提高 偏置电路的稳定性。
通过引入温度补偿电路,可以减小温度变化对三极管静态工作点的 影响,提高偏置电路的稳定性。
设置合适的偏置电路,使三极管工作在放大 区,避免进入饱和或截止状态。
对音频放大器进行性能测试,包括频率响应、 失真度、输出功率等指标,确保满足设计要 求。
DMOS Transistors (N-Channel)
.181 (4.6) min. .492 (12.5) .181 (4.6) .142 (3.6)
FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
High input impedance Low gate threshold voltage Low drain-source ON resistance High-speed switching No minority carrier storage time CMOS logic compatible input No thermal runaway No secondary breakdown
Min. 60 – – – 1 –
Typ. 80 – – – 1.5 0.3
Max. – 500 500 250 3 0.4
Unit V nA nA µA V Ω
– – –
350 150 35
Ratings at 25 °C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified
Symbol Drain-Source Voltage Drain-Gate Voltage Gate-Source Voltage (pulsed) Drain Current (continuous) at Tamb1) = 25 °C, at TSB2) = 50 °C Power Dissipation at Tamb1) = 25 °C, at TSB2) = 50 °C Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range
©2019 Bose Corporation 。
Framingham, MA 01701-9168 USA AM827391 Rev. 002019 年 6月中国危险物质限用表台湾危险物质限用表设备名称:ControlCenter 数字区域控制器机型名称:808461、808928、808930限用物质及其化学符号单位铅 (Pb )汞 (Hg )镉 (Cd )六价铬 (Cr+6)多溴化联苯 (PBB )多溴二苯醚(PBDE )印刷电路板−○○○○○金属零件−○○○○○塑料零件○○○○○○扬声器−○○○○○线缆−○○○○○备注 1:“○”表示限用物质的百分比含量未超出参考值。
备注 2:“-”表示限用物质符合豁免规定。
ControlCenter数字区域控制器CC -1D / CC -2D / CC -3D安装指南技术信息接口以太网 (R J -45)电源需要以太网供电 (P o E ) 交换机运行温度0 °C 至 40 °C (32 °F 至 104 °F )运行湿度80%(无冷凝)尺寸请参阅另一侧的表。
简介C o n t r o l C e n t e r 数字区域控制器包装清单螺丝 (2)自定义标签安装指南设置信息通过 P o E 网络交换机(不随附)将一个或多个数字区域控制器连接至功放或 D S P 的N e t w o r k 端口。
有关连接要求的详细信息,请参阅功放或 D S P 安装指南。
兼容产品C o n t r o l C e n t e r 数字区域控制器与各种 B o s e 功放和D S P 兼容。
有关兼容产品的完整列表,请参阅 P R O .B O SE .C O M 上每个 C o n t r o l C e n t e r 数字区域控制器的技术参数表。
产品概述注意:有关所有可用 C o n t r o l C e n t e r 数字区控制器型号的信息,请参阅技术信息下的表格。
1.Product profile1.1General descriptionPassivated, new generation, high commutation triacs in a SOT404 plastic single-ended surface-mountable package1.2Features1.3Applications1.4Quick reference data2.Pinning informationBTA312B series B and C12 A Three-quadrant triacs high commutationRev. 01 — 12 April 2007Product data sheetI Very high commutation performance maximized at each gate sensitivityI High immunity to dV/dtI High power motor control -e.g.washing machines, vacuum cleanersI Non-linear rectifier-fed motor loads I Refrigeration and air conditioning compressorsI Electronic thermostats I V DRM ≤600V (BT A312B-600B/C)I I GT ≤50mA (BTA312B series B)I V DRM ≤800V (BT A312B-800B/C)I I GT ≤35mA (BTA312B series C)I I TSM ≤95A (t =20ms)I I T(RMS)≤12ATable 1.PinningPin Description Simplified outline Symbol1main terminal 1 (T1)SOT404 (D2PAK)2main terminal 2 (T2)3gate (G)mbmounting base; main terminal 2 (T2)mb132sym051T1GT23.Ordering information4.Limiting values[1]Although not recommended,off-state voltages up to 800V may be applied without damage,but the triac may switch to the on-state.The rate of rise of current should not exceed 15A/µs.Table 2.Ordering informationType numberPackage NameDescriptionVersionBT A312B-600B D2P AKplastic single-ended surface-mounted package (D2P AK);3-leads (one lead cropped)SOT404BT A312B-600C BT A312B-800B BT A312B-800CTable 3.Limiting valuesIn accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134).Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Max Unit V DRM repetitive peak off-state voltage BTA312B-600B; BTA312B-600C [1]-600V BTA312B-800B; BTA312B-800C -800V I T(RMS)RMS on-state currentfull sine wave; T mb ≤101°C; see Figure 4 and 5-12AI TSMnon-repetitive peak on-state currentfull sine wave; T j =25°C prior to surge; see Figure 2 and 3t = 20 ms -95A t = 16.7 ms-105A I 2t I 2t for fusingt = 10 ms-45A 2s dI T /dt rate of rise of on-state current I TM =20A; I G =0.2A;dI G /dt =0.2A/µs-100A/µs I GM peak gate current -2A P GM peak gate power -5W P G(AV)average gate power over any 20ms period -0.5W T stg storage temperature −40+150°C T jjunction temperature-125°Cα=conduction angleFig 1.Total power dissipation as a function of RMS on-state current; maximum valuesf =50HzFig 2.Non-repetitive peak on-state current as a function of the number of sinusoidal current cycles; maximumvalues003aab690481216036912I T(RMS) (A)P tot (W)α = 180°120°90°60°30°conduction angle (degrees)form factor a 30609012018042.α003aab680020406080100 110102103number of cycles (n)I TSM (A)I TSM tI T T j(init) = 25 °C max1/ft p ≤20ms (1)dI T /dt limitFig 3.Non-repetitive peak on-state current as a function of pulse duration; maximum valuesf =50Hz T mb =101°CFig 4.RMS on-state current as a function of surgeduration; maximum values Fig 5.RMS on-state current as a function of mountingbase temperature; maximum values003aab6911010210310-510-410-310-210-1t p (s)I TSM (A)I TSM tI TT j(init) = 25 °C maxt p(1)003aab6870102030405010-210-11 10surge duration (s)I T(RMS)(A)003aab686051015-50050100150T mb (°C)I T(RMS)(A)5.Thermal characteristicsTable 4.Thermal characteristics Symbol ParameterConditionsMin Typ Max Unit R th(j-mb)thermal resistance from junction to mounting base half cycle; see Figure 6-- 2.0K/W full cycle; see Figure 6-- 1.5K/W R th(j-a)thermal resistance from junction to ambient mounted on a printed circuit board; minimumfootprint-55-K/W(1)Unidirectional (half cycle)(2)Bidirectional (full cycle)Fig 6.Transient thermal impedance from junction to mounting base as a function of pulse duration003aab77510−110−2110Z th(j-mb)(K/W)10−3t p (s)10−511010−110−210−410−3t pPt(1)(2)6.Static characteristics Table 5.Static characteristicsT j=25°C unless otherwise specified.Symbol Parameter Conditions BTA312B-600BBTA312B-800B BTA312B-600CBTA312B-800CUnitMin Typ Max Min Typ MaxI GT gate triggercurrent V D=12V; I T=0.1A; see Figure8T2+ G+2-502-35mA T2+ G−2-502-35mA T2− G−2-502-35mAI L latching current V D=12V; I GT=0.1A; see Figure10T2+ G+--60--50mAT2+ G−--90--60mAT2− G−--60--50mA I H holding current V D=12V; I GT=0.1A; see Figure11--60--35mA V T on-statevoltageI T=15A; see Figure9- 1.3 1.6- 1.3 1.6VV GT gate triggervoltage V D=12V; I T=0.1A; see Figure7-0.8 1.5-0.8 1.5V V D=400V; I T=0.1A; T j=125°C0.250.4-0.250.4-VI D off-state current V D=V DRM(max); T j=125°C-0.10.5-0.10.5mA7.Dynamic characteristicsTable 6.Dynamic characteristicsSymbol ParameterConditionsBTA312B-600B BTA312B-800B BTA312B-600C BTA312B-800CUnitMinTyp Max MinTyp Max dV D /dtrate of rise of off-state voltageV DM =0.67× V DRM(max); T j =125°C;exponential waveform; gate open circuit10002000-500--V/µsdI com /dt rate of change of commutating current V DM =400V; T j =125°C; I T(RMS)=12A;without snubber; gate open circuit 30--20--A/mst gtgate-controlled turn-on time I TM =20A; V D =V DRM(max); I G =0.1A;dI G /dt =5A/µs-2--2-µs(1)T2− G −(2)T2+ G −(3)T2+ G+Fig 7.Normalized gate trigger voltage as a function ofjunction temperature Fig 8.Normalized gate trigger current as a function ofjunction temperatureT j (°C)−50150100050001aab1010. GT V GT(25°C)T j (°C)−50150100050001aac6691230(1)(2)(3)I GT I GT(25°C)V o =1.127V R s =0.027Ω(1)T j = 125°C; typical values (2)T j = 125°C; maximum values (3)T j = 25°C; maximum valuesFig 9.On-state current as a function of on-statevoltageFig 10.Normalized latching current as a function ofjunction temperatureFig 11.Normalized holding current as a function of junction temperature003aab6781020304000.51 1.522.5V T (V)I T (A)(1)(2)(3)T j (°C)−50150100050001aab1001230I L I L(25°C)T j (°C)−50150100050001aab0991230I H I H(25°C)8.Package outlineFig 12.Package outline SOT404 (D2PAK)UNIT A REFERENCESOUTLINE VERSION EUROPEAN PROJECTIONISSUE DATE IECJEDECJEITAmmA 1D 1D max.E e L p H D Q c 2.542.602.2015.8014.802.902.10111.601.2010.309.704.504.101.401.270.850.600.640.46b DIMENSIONS (mm are the original dimensions) SOT4040 2.5 5 mmscalePlastic single-ended surface-mounted package (D2PAK); 3 leads (one lead cropped)SOT404e eEbD 1H DDQL pc A 1A132mounting base05-02-1106-03-169.Revision historyTable 7.Revision historyDocument ID Release date Data sheet status Change notice Supersedes BT A312B_SER_B_C_120070412Product data sheet--BT A312B_SER_B_C_1© NXP B.V . 2007. All rights reserved.Product data sheet Rev. 01 — 12 April 200711 of 1210.Legal information10.1Data sheet status[1]Please consult the most recently issued document before initiating or completing a design.[2]The term ‘short data sheet’ is explained in section “Definitions”.[3]The product status of device(s)described in this document may have changed since this document was published and may differ in case of multiple devices.The latest product status information is available on the Internet at URL .10.2DefinitionsDraft —The document is a draft version only. The content is still under internal review and subject to formal approval, which may result in modifications or additions. NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness ofinformation included herein and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Short data sheet —A short data sheet is an extract from a full data sheet with the same product type number(s)and title.A short data sheet is intended for quick reference only and should not be relied upon to contain detailed and full information. For detailed and full information see the relevant full data sheet, which is available on request via the local NXP Semiconductors sales office. In case of any inconsistency or conflict with the short data sheet, the full data sheet shall prevail.10.3DisclaimersRight to make changes —NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document, including withoutlimitation specifications and product descriptions, at any time and without notice.This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to the publication hereof.General —Information in this document is believed to be accurate andreliable.However,NXP Semiconductors does not give any representations or warranties,expressed or implied,as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information.Suitability for use —NXP Semiconductors products are not designed,authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in medical, military, aircraft,space or life support equipment, nor in applications where failure ormalfunction of a NXP Semiconductors product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage.NXP Semiconductors accepts no liability for inclusion and/or use of NXP Semiconductors products in such equipment or applications and therefore such inclusion and/or use is at the customer’s own risk.Applications —Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. NXP Semiconductors makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.Limiting values —Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134)may cause permanent damage to the device.Limiting values are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in theCharacteristics sections of this document is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.Terms and conditions of sale —NXP Semiconductors products are sold subject to the general terms and conditions of commercial sale,as published at /profile/terms , including those pertaining to warranty,intellectual property rights infringement and limitation of liability, unless explicitly otherwise agreed to in writing by NXP Semiconductors. In case of any inconsistency or conflict between information in this document and such terms and conditions, the latter will prevail.No offer to sell or license —Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant,conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights,patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights.10.4TrademarksNotice:All referenced brands,product names,service names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.11.Contact informationFor additional information, please visit:For sales office addresses, send an email to:salesaddresses@Document status [1][2]Product status [3]DefinitionObjective [short] data sheet Development This document contains data from the objective specification for product development.Preliminary [short] data sheet Qualification This document contains data from the preliminary specification.Product [short] data sheetProductionThis document contains the product specification.12.Contents1Product profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1General description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.3Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.4Quick reference data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Pinning information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Limiting values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Thermal characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56Static characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67Dynamic characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78Package outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99Revision history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1010Legal information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110.1Data sheet status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110.2Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110.3Disclaimers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110.4T rademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1111Contact information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1112Contents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Please be aware that important notices concerning this document and the product(s)described herein, have been included in section ‘Legal information’.© NXP B.V.2007.All rights reserved.For more information, please visit: For sales office addresses, please send an email to: salesaddresses@Date of release: 12 April 2007Document identifier: BTA312B_SER_B_C_1。
ST BTA12 BTB12 T12xx 说明书
现货库存、技术资料、百科信息、热点资讯,精彩尽在鼎好!September 2007 Rev 91/12BTA12, BTB12, T12xx12 A Snubberless™, logic level and standard triacsFeatures■Medium current triac■Low thermal resistance with clip bonding ■Low thermal resistance insulation ceramic for insulated BTA■High commutation (4Q) or very high commutation (3Q) capability■BTA series UL1557 certified (File ref: 81734)■Packages are RoHS ( 2002/95/EC) compliantApplicationsON/OFF or phase angle function in applications such as static relays, light dimmers and appliance motors speed controllers.The snubberless versions (BT A/BTB...W and T12 series) are especially recommended for use on inductive loads, because of their highcommutation performances. The BTA series provides an insulated tab (rated at 2500 V RMS).DescriptionAvailable either in through-hole or surface-mount packages, the BTA12, BTB12 and T12xx triac series is suitable for general purpose mains power AC switching.Order codeSee Ordering information on page 11TM: Snubberless is a trademark of STMicroelectronicsTable 1.Device summarySymbol ParameterT12xx BTA12 (1)BTB12I T(RMS)RMS on-state current121212V DRM /V RRM Repetitive peak off-state voltage 600/800600/800600/800I GT (Snubberless)Triggering gate current 10/35/505/10/35/505/10/35/50I GT (Standard)Triggering gate current-35/5035/501.InsulatedCharacteristics BTA12, BTB12, T12xx2/121 CharacteristicsTable 2.Absolute maximum ratingsSymbolParameterValueUnitI T(RMS)RMS on-state current (full sine wave)I 2P AK / D 2P AK /TO-220AB T c = 105° C 12ATO-220AB Ins.T c = 90° C I TSM Non repetitive surge peak on-state current (full cycle, T j initial = 25° C) F = 50 Hz t = 20 ms 120A F = 60 Hz t = 16.7 ms126I 2t I 2t Value for fusingt p = 10 ms 78A ²s dI/dt Critical rate of rise of on-state current I G = 2 x I GT , t r ≤ 100 nsF = 120 Hz T j = 125° C 50A/µs V DSM /V RSMNon repetitive surge peak off-state voltaget p = 10 ms T j = 25° C V DRM /V RRM+ 100V I GM Peak gate currentt p = 20 µsT j = 125° C 4A P G(AV)Average gate power dissipation T j = 125° C 1W T stg T jStorage junction temperature range Operating junction temperature range- 40 to + 150- 40 to + 125°CTable 3.Electrical characteristics (T j = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)Snubberless and logic level (3 quadrants)Symbol Test conditionsQuadrantT12xxBTA12 / BTB12UnitT1210T1235T1250TW SW CW BW I GT (1)1.Minimum I GT is guaranted at 5% of I GT max V D = 12 V R L = 30 ΩI - II - III MAX.1035505103550mA V GT I - II - III MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k ΩT j = 125° C I - II - IIIMIN.0.2VI H (2)2.for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1I T = 100 mA MAX.15355010153550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III MAX.25507010255070mA II 30608015306080dV/dt (2)V D = 67 %V DRM gate open T j = 125° CMIN.40500100020405001000V/µs(dI/dt)c (2)(dV/dt)c = 0.1 V/µs T j = 125° CMIN.6.53.5 6.5A/ms(dV/dt)c = 10 V/µs T j = 125° C2.91 2.9Without snubber T j = 125° C6.5126.512BTA12, BTB12, T12xx Characteristics3/12Table 4.Electrical characteristics (T j = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)standard (4 quadrants)SymbolTest ConditionsQuadrantBTA12 / BTB12UnitCB I GT (1)1.Minimum I GT is guaranted at 5% of I GT max.V D = 12 V R L = 30 ΩI - II - III IV MAX.255050100mA V GT ALL MAX. 1.3V V GD V D = V DRM R L = 3.3 k Ω T j = 125° C ALLMIN.0.2V I H (2)2.for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1.I T = 500 mA MAX.2550mA I L I G = 1.2 I GTI - III - IVMAX.4050mA II 80100dV/dt (2)V D = 67% V DRM gate open T j = 125° C MIN.200400V/µs (dV/dt)c (2)(dI/dt)c = 5.3 A/ms T j = 125° CMIN.510V/µs Table 5.Static characteristicsSymbol Test conditionsValue Unit V T (1)1.for both polarities of A2 referenced to A1I TM = 17 A t p = 380 µs T j = 25° C MAX. 1.55V V t0 (1)Threshold voltage T j = 125° C MAX.0.85V R d (1)Dynamic resistance T j = 125° C MAX.35m ΩI DRM I RRMV DRM = V RRMT j = 25° C MAX.5µA T j = 125° C1mATable 6.Thermal resistanceSymbol ParameterValue Unit R th(j-c)Junction to case (AC)I 2P AK / D 2P AK / TO-220AB 1.4°C/WTO-220AB insulated 2.3R th(j-a)Junction to ambientS (1) = 1 cm 21.Copper surface under tab.D 2P AK45°C/W TO-220AB / I 2P AK TO-220AB insulated60CharacteristicsBTA12, BTB12, T12xx4/12Figure 1.Maximum power dissipation versusFigure 2.RMS on-state current versus caseFigure 3.RMS on-state current versus ambient temperature (printed circuit board FR4, copper Figure 4.Relative variation of thermalimpedance versus pulse durationFigure 5.On-state characteristics (maximumFigure 6.Surge peak on-state current versusBTA12, BTB12, T12xxCharacteristics5/12Figure 7.Non-repetitive surge peak on-state current for a sinusoidal pulse with width t p < 10 ms and corresponding2Figure 8.Figure 8: Relative variation of gate trigger current, holding current and latching current versus junctionFigure 9.Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus(dV/dt)c (typical values)Figure 10.Relative variation of critical rate ofdecrease of main current versus (dV/dt)c (typical values) (TW)Figure 11.Relative variation of critical rate of decrease of main current versus junction temperature Figure 12.D 2PAK thermal resistance junctionto ambient versus copper surface under tab (printed circuit boardOrdering information scheme BTA12, BTB12, T12xx 2 Ordering information scheme6/12BTA12, BTB12, T12xxOrdering information scheme7/12Table 7.Product selectorOrder code(1)1.BTB: non insulated TO-220AB packageVoltage (xxx)SensitivityTypePackage600 V800 V BT A/BTB12-xxxBRG X X 50 mA Standard TO-220AB BT A/BTB12-xxxBWRG X X 50 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BT A/BTB12-xxxCRG X X 25 mA Standard TO-220AB BT A/BTB12-xxxCWRG X X 35 mA Snubberless TO-220AB BT A/BTB12-xxxSWRG X X 10 mA Logic Level TO-220AB BT A/BTB12-xxxTWRG X X 5 mA Logic Level TO-220AB T1210-800G -X 10 mA Logic Level D 2P AK T1235-xxxG X X 35 mA Snubberless D 2P AK T1235-xxxR X X 35 mA Snubberless I 2P AK T1250-600GX-50 mASnubberlessD 2P AKPackaging information BTA12, BTB12, T12xx8/123 Packaging information●Epoxy meets UL94, V0In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in ECOPACK®packages. These packages have a lead-free second level interconnect. The category of second level interconnect is marked on the package and on the inner box label, in compliance with JEDEC Standard JESD97. The maximum ratings related to soldering conditions are also marked on the inner box label. ECOPACK is an ST trademark. ECOPACK specifications are available at: .2BTA12, BTB12, T12xx Packaging information29/12Packaging information BTA12, BTB12, T12xx10/12BTA12, BTB12, T12xx Ordering information11/124 Ordering information5 Revision historyTable 11.Ordering informationOrder code Marking Package Weight Base qtyDeliverymode BT A/BTB12-xxxyzRG BTA/BTB12-xxxyz TO-220AB 2.3 g 50Tube T1210-xxxG-TR T1210-xxxG D 2P AK 1.5 g 1000T ape and reelT1235-xxxG T1235xxxG D 2P AK 1.5 g 50Tube T1235-xxxG-TR T1235xxxG 1000T ape and reelT1235-xxxR T1235-xxxR I 2P AK 1.5 g 50Tube T1250-xxxG-TRT1250xxxGD 2P AK1.5 g1000T ape and reelNote: xxx = voltage, y = sensitivity, z = typeTable 12.Revision historyDate Revision ChangesSep-20026A Last update.25-Mar-20057 1. I 2P AK package added.2. TO-220AB delivery mode changed from bulk to tube.27-May-20058T1210 added28-Sep-20079Reformatted to current standards. T1250 addedBTA12, BTB12, T12xx12/12Please Read Carefully:Information in this document is provided solely in connection with ST products. STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, modifications or improvements, to this document, and the products and services described herein at any time, without notice.All ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection and use of the ST products and services described herein, and ST assumes no liability whatsoever relating to the choice, selection or use of the ST products and services described herein.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted under this document. If any part of this document refers to any third party products or services it shall not be deemed a license grant by ST for the use of such third party products or services, or any intellectual property contained therein or considered as a warranty covering the use in any manner whatsoever of such third party products or services or any intellectual property contained therein.UNLESS OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN ST’S TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE ST DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE USE AND/OR SALE OF ST PRODUCTS INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE (AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION), OR INFRINGEMENT OF ANY PATENT, COPYRIGHT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT. UNLESS EXPRESSLY APPROVED IN WRITING BY AN AUTHORIZED ST REPRESENTATIVE, ST PRODUCTS ARE NOT RECOMMENDED, AUTHORIZED OR WARRANTED FOR USE IN MILITARY, AIR CRAFT, SPACE, LIFE SAVING, OR LIFE SUSTAINING APPLICATIONS, NOR IN PRODUCTS OR SYSTEMS WHERE FAILURE OR MALFUNCTION MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. ST PRODUCTS WHICH ARE NOT SPECIFIED AS "AUTOMOTIVE GRADE" MAY ONLY BE USED IN AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS AT USER’S OWN RISK.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the statements and/or technical features set forth in this document shall immediately void any warranty granted by ST for the ST product or service described herein and shall not create or extend in any manner whatsoever, any liability of ST.ST and the ST logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of ST in various countries.Information in this document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics. All other names are the property of their respective owners.© 2007 STMicroelectronics - All rights reservedSTMicroelectronics group of companiesAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States of America。
TSDA-C12B 伺服驱动器用户手册说明书
TSDA-C12B 伺服用户手册【使用前请仔细阅读本手册,以免损坏驱动器】目录前言 (2)安全注意事项 (3)概述 (5)一.基本特性 (5)二.适用领域 (5)三.技术指标 (5)四.接口定义 (6)4.1电源/电机接口 (6)4.2编码器接口 (6)4.3通讯接口 (6)4.4报警信息查询 (7)4.5控制接口 (8)五.控制方式 (9)5.1基本控制 (9)5.2RS232通讯控制 (10)5.3CAN通讯控制 (14)5.4CAN通讯控制应用说明 (21)5.5CAN通讯控制应用实例 (22)5.6RS485通讯控制 (25)5.7RS485通讯控制实例 (28)5.8调试软件设置实例 (32)六.控制信号典型接线 (34)七.外形安装尺寸 (36)前言感谢选用TSDA系列低压伺服驱动器。
1. 最大电压(Vdrm):这是可控硅能够承受的最大交流电压。
2. 触发电流(Igt):这是可控硅开始导通所需的最小电流。
3. 维持电流(Ih):这是在可控硅导通状态下所需的最小电流。
4. 启动时间(Tgt):这是从触发到可控硅开始导通所需的时间。
5. 关断时间(tq):这是在可控硅关断状态下所需的时间。
6. 最大导通电流(IT(RMS)):这是可控硅最大允许的持续导
7. 最大功率(Ptot):这是可控硅最大允许的总功率。
8. 瞬态热阻(Rth(j-c)):这是可控硅导通状态下的瞬态热阻。
而博士能一代的SPORT 450,标称距离999码,测树距离450码,所以这款实际最远测量距离450码。
AS-12系列产品性能参数---------------------------------------Contents十分区寻呼器AS-1210P (2)寻呼麦克风AS-1210R (3)前置放大器AS-1211P (4)监听器AS-1212M (5)双五路十分区器AS-1213B (5)十分区矩阵器AS-1213D (6)警报器AS-1215E (7)定时器AS-1216T (8)市话接口AS-1218I (9)邻层报警器AS-1219A (10)强插电源AS-1220S (11)主备功放切换器AS-1221M (12)时序电源控制器AS-1228S (13)音频矩阵AS-1248S (14)功放(14)十分区寻呼器AS-1210P性能特点(1)10分区寻呼报警功能(2)音频信号采用优质平衡传输连接技术(3)音频信号、控制信号采用双绞线同缆实时传输连接技术(4)采用专业级钟声提示音音效电路技术(5)具有四级优先权设计,分别为:本机MIC 1、钟声提示音为最高优先级,紧急音频信号(EMC)为第二级,寻呼麦克风1(MIC1)为第三级,寻呼麦克风2、3、4 (RMIC 2、3、4)和线路(AUX)为第四级(6)采用地址拨码,同时最多8台分区寻呼器相连接(7)15针电脑激活接口,低电平报警激活性能规格表寻呼麦克风AS-1210R性能特点(1)具有8个分区寻呼器选择按键和10个分区选择键,能够对80个分区进行远程寻呼(2)具有全开,全关按键便于操作(3)具有一个鹅颈式麦克风和麦克风控制键,音频信号采用平衡传输方式,具有信号质量和传输距离(4)具有一个输出口,传输线采用屏蔽双绞线,同时传输音频信号的控制信号,方便安装感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
CF12B—1A型可控硅控制器技术说明书沈阳信达电力电子有限公司目录1 概述 (2)2 技术参数 (2)3 工作原理 (3)4 结构特征和安装 (4)5 使用方法 (4)6 问题与对策 (9)附图1外型及安装示意图 (11)2 电路原理图 (12)3整流电路接线示意图 (13)1 概述1.1 适用范围本控制器为六相全控十二脉冲输出的可控硅相控整流触发控制器。
1.2 产品特点锁相控制模拟—数字触发电路开环—闭环两种控制方式限压恒流或限流恒压两种调节方式相序自适应功能(应用时,不用找相序及定相定同步。
2 技术参数2.1 触发输出(十二路脉冲,每路双脉冲)脉冲宽度:>1.0ms脉冲电流峰值:>800mA桥内各相脉冲不均衡度:≤1°桥间脉冲整定范围:-10 — +10°移相范围:0—170°输出隔离电压:小于AC600V(用于主电路电压小于600V的装置)2.2 调节特性(电流电压双调节)恒压、恒流精度:优于1%调节时间:0.1S2.3 反馈参数电压反馈输入:直流15V,内阻6K。
电流反馈输入:直流分流器 75mV,内阻1KΩ。
2.4 输入控制电压:0 — -10V2.5 控制输入:运行:接点闭合运行,接点开路停止。
2.6 保护特性过流保护整定范围:额定负载电流的70—150%过压保护整定范围:额定电压的70—150%2.7 工作环境环境温度:-25—+40℃相对湿度:<85%2.8 电源:三相380V±10%,50Hz。
Agilent T-13 4(5 mm)、T-1(3 mm)、5伏特、12伏特、集成抗短流电阻LED
Agilent T-13/4 (5 mm), T-1 (3 mm),5 Volt, 12 Volt, Integrated Resistor LED Lamps Data SheetFigure A. T-1 package.Figure B. T-13/4 package.Package DimensionsHLMP-1600, HLMP-1601, HLMP-1620, HLMP-1621HLMP-1640, HLMP-1641, HLMP-3600, HLMP-3601HLMP-3650, HLMP-3651, HLMP-3680, HLMP-3681Features•Integral current limiting resistor •TTL compatibleRequires no external current Limiter with 5 volt/12 volt supply •Cost effectiveSaves space and resistor cost •Wide viewing angle •Available in all colorsRed, High Efficiency Red, Yellow,and High Performance Green in T-1and T-13/4packagesDescriptionThe 5 volt and 12 volt serieslamps contain an integral current limiting resistor in series with the LED. This allows the lamp to be driven from a 5 volt/12 voltsource without an externalcurrent limiter. The red LEDs are made from GaAsP on a GaAs substrate. The High Efficiency Red and Yellow devices use GaAsP on a GaP substrate.The green devices use GaP on a GaP substrate. The diffused lamps provide a wide off-axis viewing angle.The T-13/4 lamps are provided with sturdy leads suitable for wire wrap applications. The T-13/4lamps may be front panelmounted by using the HLMP-0103clip and ring.NOM.Selection GuideLuminous IntensityPackage Operating Part Number Iv (mcd)Color Package Description Outline2q1/2[1]Voltage (V)HLMP-Min.Max.6051600 2.1-T-1 Tinted Diffused A1600-D00xx 2.1-1601 2.1-Red60121601-D00xx 2.1-1601-GH0xx8.627.66053600 2.1-T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused B3600-D00xx 2.1-60123601 2.1-3601-D00xx 2.1-1620 2.2-6051620-C00xx 2.2-T-1 Tinted Diffused A1620-C0Bxx 2.2-1620-EFBxx 3.410.8 Yellow60121621 2.2-1621-C00xx 2.2-6053650 2.2-T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused B3650-C00xx 2.2-60123651 2.2-3651-C00xx 2.2-1640 1.6-6051640-B00xx 1.6-T-1 Tinted Diffused A1640-B0Dxx 1.6-1640-DE0xx 4.213.4 Green60121641 1.6-1641-B00xx 1.66053680 1.6-T-1 3/4 Tinted Diffused B3680-B00xx 1.6-60123681 1.6-3681-B00xx 1.6-Note:1.q1/2 is the off-axis angle at which the luminous intensity is 1/2 the axial luminous intensity.Part Numbering SystemHLMX-X 6 X X X X X XXMechanical Option00: Bulk01: Tape & Reel, Crimped Leads02: Tape & Reel, Straight LeadsA1,B1: Right Angle Housing, Uneven LeadsA2,B2: Right Angle Housing, Even LeadsColor Bin Options0: Full color bin distributionB: Color bin 2&3 onlyD: Color bin 4&5 onlyMaximum Iv Bin Options0: Open (No. max. limit)Others: Please refer to the Iv bin TableMinimum Iv Bin OptionsPlease refer to the Iv bin TableOperating Voltage0: 5 V1: 12 VColor Options0: GaP HER2,5: GaP Yellow4,8: GaP GreenPackage Options3: T-13/4 (5 mm)1: T-1 (3 mm)Absolute Maximum Ratings at T A = 25°CRed/HER/Yellow Red/HER/Yellow Green Green5 Volt Lamps12 Volt Lamps 5 Volt Lamps12 Volt Lamps DC Forward Voltage (T A = 25°C)7.5 Volts[2]15 Volts[3]7.5 Volts[2]15 Volts[3] Reverse Voltage (I R = 100 µA) 5 Volts 5 Volts 5 Volts 5 Volts Operating Temperature Range-40°C to 85°C-40°C to 85°C-20°C to 85°C-20°C to 85°C Storage Temperature Range-55°C to 100°C-55°C to 100°C-55°C to 100°C-55°C to 100°CNotes:2. Derate from T A = 50°C at 0.071 V/°C, see Figure3.3. Derate from T A = 50°C at 0.086 V/°C, see Figure4.Electrical/Optical Characteristics at T A = 25°CHigh Efficiency Red Yellow Green Test Symbol Description Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Unit Conditionl P Peak635583565nm Wavelengthl d Dominant626585569nm Note 4 WavelengthDl1/2Spectral Line403628nm HalfwidthR q J-PIN Thermal290290290°C/W Junction to Resistance Cathode Lead(Note 6)R q J-PIN Thermal210210210°C/W Junction to Resistance Cathode Lead(Note 7)I F Forward Current132013201320mA V F = 12 V12 V DevicesI F Forward Current101510151015mA V F = 5 V5 V Devicesh V Luminous145500595lumen Note 2Efficacy/WattV R Reverse 5.0 5.0 5.0V I R = 100 µA BreakdownVoltageNotes:4.The dominant wavelength, l d, is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of thedevice.5.Radiant intensity, I e, in watts/steradian, may be found from the equation I e = l V/h V, where l V is the luminous intensity in candelas and h V is theluminous efficacy in lumens/Watt.6.For Figure A package type.7.For Figure B package type.Figure 6. Relative luminous intensity vs. angular displacement for T-13/4 package.Figure 5. Relative luminous intensity vs. angular displacement for T-1 package.Figure 1. Forward current vs. applied forward voltage.5 volt devices.Figure 2. Forward current vs. applied forward voltage.12 volt devices.Figure 4. Maximum allowed applied forward voltage vs. ambient temperature R q JA = 175°C/W. 12 volt devices.Figure 3. Maximum allowed applied forward voltage vs. ambient temperature R q JA = 175°C/W. 5 volt devices.I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV CC – APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE – V 161247.52681014242016128415I F – F O R W A R D C U R R E N T – m AV CC – APPLIED FORWARD VOLTAGE – V161247.52681014242016128415V C C – A P P L I E D F O R W A R D V O L T A G E – V0T A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C 85204060807.58642V C C – A P P L I E D F O R W A R D V O L T A G E – V00T A – AMBIENT TEMPERATURE – °C852040608015161284°90°90Intensity Bin LimitIntensity Range (mcd)Color Bin Min.Max.D 2.4 3.8E 3.8 6.1F 6.19.7G 9.715.5H 15.524.8I 24.839.6J 39.663.4K 63.4101.5L 101.5162.4M 162.4234.6N 234.6340.0Red O 340.0540.0P 540.0850.0Q 850.01200.0R 1200.01700.0S 1700.02400.0T 2400.03400.0U 3400.04900.0V 4900.07100.0W 7100.010200.0X 10200.014800.0Y 14800.021400.0Z 21400.030900.0Maximum tolerance for each bin limit is ±18%.Figure 8. Relative luminous intensity vs. applied forward voltage.12 volt devices.Figure 7. Relative luminous intensity vs. applied forward voltage.5 volt devices.(Cont'd)(Cont'd)Intensity Range (mcd)Color BinMin.Max.C 2.5 4.0D 4.0 6.5E 6.510.3F 10.316.6G 16.626.5H 26.542.3I 42.367.7J 67.7108.2K108.2173.2Yellow L173.2250.0M 250.0360.0N 360.0510.0O 510.0800.0P 800.01250.0Q 1250.01800.0R 1800.02900.0S 2900.04700.0T 4700.07200.0U 7200.011700.0V 11700.018000.0W18000.027000.0Intensity Range (mcd) Color BinMin.Max.B 1.8 2.9C 2.9 4.7D 4.77.6E 7.612.0F 12.019.1G 19.130.7H 30.749.1I 49.178.5J 78.5125.7K125.7201.1 Green L201.1289.0M 289.0417.0N 417.0680.0O 680.01100.0P 1100.01800.0Q 1800.02700.0R 2700.04300.0S 4300.06800.0T 6800.010800.0U 10800.016000.0V 16000.025000.0W25000.040000. VOLT DEVICES R E L A T I V E I V1. VOLT DEVICESR E L A T I V E I VColor CategoriesLambda (nm)Color Cat #Min.Max.6561.5564.55564.5567.5Green4567.5570.53570.5573.52573.5576.51582.0584.53584.5587.0Yellow2587.0589.54589.5592.05592.0593.0Tolerance for each bin limit is ±0.5 nm.Mechanical Option MatrixMechanical Option Code Definition00Bulk Packaging, minimum increment 500 pcs/bag01Tape & Reel, crimped leads, minimum increment 1300 pcs/bag02Tape & Reel, straight leads, minimum increment 1300 pcs/bagA1T-1, Right Angle Housing, uneven leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagA2T-1, Right Angle Housing, even leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagB1T-13/4 Angle Housing, uneven lead, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagB2T-13/4 Angle Housing, even leads, minimum increment 500 pcs/bagNote: All categories are established for classification of products. Products may not be available in all categories. Please contact your local Agilent representative for further clarification/information.Precautions Lead Forming•The leads of an LED lamp may be preformed or cut to length prior to insertion and soldering into PC board.•If lead forming is required before soldering, care must be taken to avoid any excessive mechanical stress induced to LED package. Otherwise, cut the leads of LED to length after soldering process at roomtemperature. The solder joint formed will absorb the mechanical stress of the lead cutting from traveling to the LED chip die attach and wirebond.•It is recommended that tooling made to preciselyform and cut the leads to length rather than rely upon hand operation.Soldering Conditions•Care must be taken during PCB assembly and soldering process to prevent damage to LED component.•The closest LED is allowed to solder on board is 1.59mm below the body (encapsulant epoxy) for those parts without standoff.•Recommended soldering conditions:•Wave soldering parameter must be set andmaintained according to recommended temperature and dwell time in the solder wave. Customer isadvised to periodically check on the soldering profile to ensure the soldering profile used is always conforming to recommended soldering condition.•If necessary, use fixture to hold the LED component in proper orientation with respect to the PCB during soldering process.•Proper handling is imperative to avoid excessive thermal stresses to LED components when heated.Therefore, the soldered PCB must be allowed to cool to room temperature, 25°C, before handling.•Special attention must be given to board fabrication,solder masking, surface plating and lead holes size and component orientation to assure solderability.•Recommended PC board plated through hole sizes for LED component leads:Manual Solder Wave Soldering Dipping Pre-heat Temperature 105 °C Max.–Pre-heat Time 30 sec Max.–Peak Temperature 250 °C Max.260 °C Max.Dwell Time3 sec Max.5 sec Max.LED Component Plated Through Lead SizeDiagonal Hole Diameter 0.457 x 0.457 mm 0.646 mm 0.976 to 1.078 mm (0.018 x 0.018 inch)(0.025 inch)(0.038 to 0.042 inch)0.508 x 0.508 mm 0.718 mm 1.049 to 1.150 mm (0.020 x 0.020 inch)(0.028 inch)(0.041 to 0.045 inch)Note: Refer to application note AN1027 for more information on soldering LED components.Figure 9. Recommended wave soldering profile.BOTTOM SIDE OF PC BOARD TIME – SECONDST E M P E R A T U R E – °CTOP SIDE OF PC BOARDCONVEYOR SPEED = 1.83 M/MIN (6 FT/MIN)PREHEAT SETTING = 150°C (100°C PCB)SOLDER WAVE TEMPERATURE = 245°C AIR KNIFE AIR TEMPERATURE = 390°C AIR KNIFE DISTANCE = 1.91 mm (0.25 IN.)AIR KNIFE ANGLE = 40°SOLDER: SN63; FLUX: RMANOTE: ALLOW FOR BOARDS TO BESUFFICIENTL Y COOLED BEFORE EXERTING MECHANICAL FORCE./semiconductors For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site.For technical assistance call:Americas/Canada: +1 (800) 235-0312 or (916) 788-6763Europe: +49 (0) 6441 92460China: 10800 650 0017Hong Kong: (+65) 6756 2394India, Australia, New Zealand: (+65) 6755 1939 Japan: (+81 3) 3335-8152(Domestic/Interna-tional), or 0120-61-1280(Domestic Only) Korea: (+65) 6755 1989Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia: (+65) 6755 2044 Taiwan: (+65) 6755 1843Data subject to change.Copyright © 2001-2005 Agilent Technologies, Inc. Obsoletes 5989-3265ENNovember 13, 20055989-4263EN。
北京环益创智科技有限公司Beijing Huanyi Creative Technology Co., Ltd.设备名称EQUIPMENT ITEM NAME 空调自控系统设备型号EQUIPMENT MODELHY6202文件标题 DOCUMENT TITLE硬件设计说明书Hardware Design Specification文件编号 DOCUMENT CODEHY-DA-2013-09-HDS客户名称 Customer Name河北大安制药有限公司0 供批准For approval版本Rev. 日期Date 目的 Purpose 编制 Write 审核Review 批准Approval文件名称硬件设计说明书设备名称空调自控系统生产单位北京环益创智科技有限公司使用单位河北大安制药有限公司空调自控系统硬件设计说明书姓名部门签名/日期编制技术研发中心审核技术研发中心批准技术研发中心目录1前言 (5)2总览 (5)3参考文件 (5)4术语 (6)5计算机和服务器系统 (7)5.1工作站计算机系统 (7)5.1.1最小硬件要求 (7)5.1.2详细说明 (8)5.2服务器系统 (8)5.2.1最小硬件要求 (8)5.2.2详细说明 (9)6光纤网络系统 (9)6.1网络设计原则 (9)6.1.1总体设计原则 (9)6.1.2设备选型依据 (10)6.2网络设计方案 (10)6.2.1方案概述 (10)6.2.2设备选型清单 (11)6.3网络设备简介 (11)6.3.1SR1024系列交换机 (11)7自控系统 (12)7.1自控概述 (12)7.2硬件要求 (12)7.2.1DDC要求 (12)7.2.2HMI要求 (12)7.2.3电气设备要求 (13)7.3控制柜设计 (13)7.4控制柜清单 (13)7.4.1动力柜清单: (13)7.4.2自控柜清单: (15)7.5控制柜安装应用 (16)8阀门仪表 (16)8.1电动冷冻水调节阀选型 (16)8.2电动蒸汽调节阀选型 (16)8.3风阀执行器选型 (17)8.4传感器选型 (17)8.4.1温湿度传感器 (17)8.4.2温度传感器 (18)8.4.3微差压传感器 (18)8.4.4压力传感器 (18)8.4.5设备联动传感器和开关型的传感器 (18)8.5空调控制设备 (18)8.5.1空调核心控制器 (19)8.5.2传感器 (22)8.5.3执行器 (24)8.5.4自动控制柜设备方案 (27)9环境 (28)9.1湿度 (28)9.2温度 (28)9.3外部干扰 (28)9.4安全 (28)10供电 (28)10.1接地保护 (28)10.2电源 (28)1 前言本文件由北京环益创智科技有限公司根据河北大安制药有限公司对于洁净空调自控系统的用户要求而起草。
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TDK RF Products for Wireless LAN3/5/2004for 2.4GHzMultilayer Band Pass FilterStart Freq.Stop Freq.Ins. Loss Size Part No.MHz MHz dB (MAX)MHz dB MHz dB MHz dB mm (typ.)24002497 2.0199040217020489730 3.2x2.5x1.3DEA322448BT-200924002500 2.3125040217010480035 3.2x1.6x1.3DEA312450BT-2010A124002500 1.291535178535480030 2.5x2.0x1.0DEA252400BT-2027A123002500 1.491535191035480030 2.5x2.0x1.0DEA252450BT-2030A124002500 1.591535210020480023 2.5x2.0x1.0DEA252450BT-2031A124002500 2.191545217020480030 2.5x2.0x1.0DEA252450BT-2024C124002500 3.091543270025480025 2.5x2.0x1.3DEA252450BT-2037C124002500 1.5130022360030480038 2.0x1.2x1.0DEA202450BT-1213B124002500 2.3125030210010480025 2.0x1.2x1.0DEA202450BT-1195A12400 2500 3.0 1250 30 1900 30 4800 25 1.6x0.8x0.6 DEA162450BT-1210A2Block Band Pass FilterStart Freq.Stop Freq.Ins. Loss Size Part No.MHz MHz dB (MAX)MHz dB MHz dB MHz dBmm (typ.)24002500 1.01950462100213000243.2x3.0x1.8CF61A4601Sample AvailableNew ProducsUnder DevelopingAtenuation (MIN.)Atenuation (Typ.)TDK CorporationMULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N:DEA322448BT-2009[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS][ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS] Ta=25 °CNo. PARAMETER FREQ (MHz)SPECIFICATION UNIT Min. Max.1 Insertion Loss 2400-2497 - 2.0 dB2 Return Loss 2400-2497 9.0 - dB3 Attenuation DC-880 20.0 - dB4 Attenuation 880-1250 40.0 - dB5 Attenuation 1250-1680 20.0 - dB6 Attenuation 1680-1990 40.0 - dB7 Attenuation 1990-2170 20.0 - dB 8Attenuation2f0 & 3f030.0-dB[TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Operation Temperature-40 ~ +85 °C1.3 max0.6+/-0.2GNDTDK Corporation[ Recommended PCB Pattern ][Frequency characteristic ]Attenuation880[MHz]-46.536[dB]1250[MHz]-45.006[dB]1680[MHz]-49.46[dB]1990[MHz]-65.037[dB]2170[MHz]-23.663[dB]Insertion Loss2400[MHz]-1.612[dB]2497[MHz]-1.486[dB]Return Loss2400[MHz]-26.486[dB]2497[MHz]-13.81[dB]9dB min20dB min 2.0dB max 40dB min 2.0dB max 9dB min 40dB min 40dB min40dB minNotes : All the technical data and information contained herein are Subject to change without prior notice.Notes : These samples are marked with a trial sample identification. This applies for these samples only.In mass production, this sample marking will be changed to show in the TDK full specification.No. PARAMETERFREQ. (MHz)MIN TYPM A X Units 1 CENTER FREQUENCY 2450 - - - dB 2 INSERTION LOSS 2400 - 2500 - 2.3 dB 3 RETURN LOSS 2400 - 2500 9 - dB 4 ATTENUATION 880 - 1250 40 dB 5 ATTENUATION1710 - 1990 40 - dB 6 ATTENUATION 1990 - 2170 10 - dB 7 ATTENUATION 4800 - 5000 35 - dB 8ATTENUATION7200 - 750030-dBVer.4[ MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS ][ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS at 25 o C ]STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE : -40 o C ~ +85 o C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE : -40 o C ~ +85 o C[ TEMPERATURE RANGE ]0.5+/-0.15Notes : All the technical data and information contained herein are Subject to change without prior notice.[ FREQUENCY RESPONSE ]S212400MHz -1.93dB 2500MHz -1.62dB 880MHz -44.28dB 1250MHz -42.70dB 1990MHz -42.66dB 2170MHz -29.20dB 5000MHz -37.51dB 7500MHz -33.84dB S112400MHz -18.62dB 2500MHz -26.58dBNo Pattern solder resist*Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.MULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N: DEA252450BT-2027A1[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS]1.0maxUnit: mm(1)(1) IN/OUT(2) OUT/IN(3) GND(4) GND0.25±0.15[Top View][Bottom View][ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS] Ta=25 °CNo. PARAMETER FREQ (MHz) SPECIFICATION UNITMin. Max.1 Insertion Loss 2400-2500 - 1.20 dB2 Return Loss 2400-2500 10.0 - dB3 Attenuation 880-915 35.0 - dB4 Attenuation 1710-1785 35.0 - dB5 Attenuation 1850-1910 35.0 - dB6 Attenuation 4800-5000 30.0 - dB [TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °COperation Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C[FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS][ Recommended PCB Pattern ]* Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.0.802.301.100.40Land 0.602.300.300.300.600.40*(Unit:mm)1.902.000.550.301.40Solder resist0.600.300.60MULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N: DEA252400BT-2030A1[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS]1.0maxUnit: mm(1)(1) IN/OUT(2) OUT/IN(3) GND(4) GND0.25±0.15[Top View][Bottom View][ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS] Ta=25 °CNo. PARAMETER FREQ (MHz) SPECIFICATION UNITMin. Max.1 Insertion Loss 2300-2500 - 1.4 dB2 Return Loss 2300-2500 10.0 - dB3 Attenuation 880-915 35.0 - dB4 Attenuation 1710-1785 35.0 - dB5 Attenuation 1850-1910 35.0 - dB6 Attenuation 4800-5000 30.0 - dB [TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °COperation Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C[FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS][ Recommended PCB Pattern ]* Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.0.802.301.100.40Land 0.602.300.300.300.600.40*(Unit:mm)1.902.000.550.301.40Solder resist0.600.300.60MULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N: DEA252450BT-2031A1[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS]1.0maxUnit: mm(1)(1) IN/OUT(2) OUT/IN(3) GND(4) GND0.25±0.15[Top View][Bottom View][ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS] Ta=25 °CNo. PARAMETER FREQ (MHz) SPECIFICATION UNITMin. Max.1 Insertion Loss 2400-2500 - 1.50 dB2 Return Loss 2400-2500 10.0 - dB3 Attenuation 915 35.0 - dB4 Attenuation 1750 30.0 - dB5 Attenuation 2100 20.0 - dB6 Attenuation 4800-5000 23.0 - dB [TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °COperation Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C[FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS][ Recommended PCB Pattern ]* Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.0.802.301.100.40Land0.602.300.300.300.600.40*(Unit:mm)1.902.000.550.301.40Solder resist0.600.300.60MULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N: DEA252450BT-2024C1[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS]1.0maxUnit: mm(1)(1) IN/OUT(2) OUT/IN(3) GND(4) GND0.25±0.15[Top View][Bottom View][ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS]No. PARAMETER FREQ(MHz)SPECIFICATION UNITMin. Max.Center Frequency 2450 - -1 Insertion Loss 2400-2500 - 2.1 dB2 Return Loss 2400-2500 10.0 - dB3 Attenuation 880-915 45.0 - dB4 Attenuation 1710-1990 48.0 - dB5 Attenuation 2110-2170 20.06 Attenuation 4800-5000 30.0 - dB [TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °COperation Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C[FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS][ Recommended PCB Pattern ]* Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.0.802.301.100.40Land0.602.300.300.300.600.40*(Unit:mm)1.902.000.550.301.40Solder resist0.600.300.60Note: This document is PRELIMINARY. All specifications are subject to change and are not guaranteed.MULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N:DEA252450BT-2037C1[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS]1.5maxUnit: mm(1) (1) I N (2) OUT (3) GND (4) GND0.25±0.15[Top View][Bottom View][ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS] Ta=25 °CNo. PARAMETERFREQ (MHz)SPECIFICATION UNITMin. Max. Center Frequency 2450 - - 1 Insertion Loss 2400-2500 - 3.0 dB 2 Return Loss 2400-2500 10.0 - dB 3 Attenuation 880-915 43.0 - dB 4 Attenuation 1710-1990 24.0 - dB 5 Attenuation 2110-2170 14.0 - dB 6 Attenuation 2700 25.0 - dB 7Attenuation 4800-500025.0-dB[TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Operation Temperature-40 ~ +85 °CNote: This document is PRELIMINARY. All specifications are subject to change and are not guaranteed.[FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS][ Recommended PCB Pattern ]* Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.0.802.301.100.40Land 0.602.300.300.300.600.40*(Unit:mm)1.902.000.550.301.40Solder resist0.600.300.60MULTILAYER BANDPASS FILTER SPECIFICATIONP/N: DEA202450BT-1213C1[ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS] Ta=25 °C(MHz) SPECIFICATION UNIT No. PARAMETER FREQMin. Max.Loss 2400-2500 - 1.5 dB 1 InsertionLoss 2400-2500 10.0 - dB2 Return3 Attenuation 1200-1300 25.0 - dB4 Attenuation 2000 10.0 - dB5 Attenuation 3000 12.0 - dB6 Attenuation 3600-3800 30.0 dB7 Attenuation 4800-5000 34.0 - dB [TEMPERATURE RANGE]Storage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °COperation Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C[ Recommended PCB Pattern ][Frequency characteristic ]Date :2400[MHz]-1.221[dB]2500[MHz]-1.202[dB]2400[MHz]-28.573[dB]2500[MHz]-20.283[dB]1200[MHz]-61.487[dB]1300[MHz]-44.918[dB]2000[MHz]-13.083[dB]3000[MHz]-14.092[dB]3600[MHz]-33.109[dB]3800[MHz]-40.9[dB]4800[MHz]-39.925[dB]5000[MHz]-39.346[dB]Attenuation Insertion Loss Return Loss TDK Corporation2003/11/19DEA202450BT-1213C1Mark:8Kmesurement Frequency : 300MHz - 6000MHzCAL : OSLTN.W.A : HP8510Notes : All the technical data and information contained herein are subject to change without prior notice.Note : These samples are marked with a trial sample identification. This applies for these samples only.In mass production, this sample marking will be changed to show in the TDK full specification.No. PARAMETER FREQ. (MHz)MIN TYP M A XUnits 1 CENTER FREQUENCY 2450 - - - dB 2 INSERTION LOSS 2400 - 2500 - - 2.3 dB 3 RETURN LOSS 2400 - 2500 9 - -dB 4 ATTENUATION 880 - 915 40 - - dB 5 ATTENUATION 915 - 1250 30 - - dB 6 ATTENUATION 1710 - 1990 23 - - dB 7 ATTENUATION 1990 - 2100 10 - - dB 8 ATTENUATION 4800 - 5000 25 - - dB 9ATTENUATION7200 - 750013--dB[MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS][ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ] at 25 o CSTORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE : -40 o C ~ +85 o C OPERATING TEMPERATURE RANGE : -40 o C ~ +85 o C[TEMPERATURE RANGE]1.25 ± 0.2Notes : All the technical data and information contained herein are subject to change without prior notice.[ FREQUENCY RESPONSE ][ Recommended PCB Pattern ]* : Line width be designed to match 50ohm characteristic impedance,depending on PCB material and thickness.(mm)S212400MHz -1.848dB 2500MHz -1.581dB 880MHz -51.57dB 1250MHz -46.2dB 1710MHz -36.59dB 2100MHz -20.84dB 5000MHz -30.97dB 7500MHz -19.02dB S112400MHz -14.62dB 2500MHz -16.99dBNote: This document is PRELIMINARY.All specifications are subject to change and are not guaranteed.MULTILAYER BAND PASS FILTERP/N:DEA162450BT-1210A2MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSNote: These samples are marked with a trial sample identification. This applies for these samples only.In mass production, this sample marking will be changed to show in the TDK full specification.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ( at 25 °C )No. PARAMETERFrequency (MHz)MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit1 CENTER FREQUENCY 2450- - -2 INSERTION LOSS 2400 - 2500 - - 3.0dB 3 RETURN LOSS 2400 - 2500 7 - -dB4 ATTENUATION 880 - 915 32 - - dB 5 ATTENUATION 915 - 1250 30 - - dB6 ATTENUATION 1710 – 1900 30 - - dB7 ATTENUATION 1900 - 2000 20 25 - dB8 ATTENUATION 4800 - 5000 25 - - dBTEMPERATURE RANGEStorage Temperature -40 ~ +85 °C Operating Temperature-40 ~ +85 °C0.6±0.10.15 min.0.8±0.1Unit : mm0.2 min.(1) GND (2) IN/OUT (3) GND (4) IN/OUTNote: This document is PRELIMINARY. All specifications are subject to change and are not guaranteed.FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICSRECOMMENDED LAND PATTERNDEA162450BT-1210A2TDK CorporationS212400MHz -1.959dB 2500MHz -1.749dB 880MHz -35.35dB 1250MHz -32.74dB 1900MHz -38.46dB 2000MHz -26.28dB 5000MHz -51.89dBS112400MHz -12.4dB 2500MHz -10.5dB2003/Mar.TDK Compact FilterSample Part No. CF61A4601Feature1. Compact and High performance 2pole filter2. High reliability (Ceramic block filter)3. SMD typeFrequency Characteristics Electrical CharacteristicSample Part No. S0400Center Frequency [MHz] 2450 Band Width [MHz] 100 Insertion Loss [dB]Max. 1.00 Return Loss [dB]Min. 10.0Attenuation 1950MHz [dB] Min. 40.0Unit:mm2002.0350403020100190021202340256027803000Frequency[MHz]A t t e n u a t i o n [dB ]50403020100R e t u r n L o s s [d B ]。