1. 动力源:通常使用柴油机或电机作为抽沙泵的动力源。
2. 叶轮:抽沙泵的关键部分是叶轮。
3. 吸入管道:吸入管道通常位于离水面较近的位置,用于吸入泥浆和底泥。
4. 出口管道:出口管道通常位于泵的上部,在叶轮的作用下,将泥浆和砂粒推向管道的出口。
5. 过滤器:为了防止大颗粒物进入抽沙泵系统,通常在吸入管道中设置过滤器,用于过滤和阻止大颗粒物的进入。
6. 水泵系统:为了保证泵的正常工作,通常还需要配备冷却水和润滑油系统,以保持抽沙泵的工作温度和润滑状态。
耐磨管——疏浚抽沙管道在耐磨及耐冲击性能方面的具体表现:(1)耐磨性居塑料之冠,是碳钢、不锈钢的4-7倍;喷砂对比试验(SiO2) 30%SiO2泥浆冲刷对比试验材料体积减小材料体积损失超高分子量聚乙烯管道0.016超高分子量聚乙烯管道6(2)冲击强度列塑料之首,为PC的2倍、ABS的5倍,且能在液氮温度(-196℃)下保持;项目密度平均分子量抗张强度断裂伸长率抗冲击强度(无缺口)布氏硬度动摩擦系数热变形温度膨胀系数导热系数吸水率超高分子量聚乙烯0.935g/c m³250万400K g/cm²350% 破坏不了40 D0.2K g/c m².m/s85℃1.510-4/℃8.510-cal/c m.s.℃管一、耐磨管——疏浚抽沙管道具有以下特性:1、超高分子量聚乙烯输沙专用管重量轻,只有钢管道的八分之一;法兰连接,安装拆卸运输方便,缩短开工时间,提高效益。
挟带 了更多 的泥沙 , 消耗的水能更多 , 表现为流速 的降低 。
通 过 试 验 得 知 : 管 道进 口进 行 人 为 扰 动 , 水 更 少 、。但挟带 泥沙量与能量损 失问还没有 得 出量化的结果 , 待下一步解决 。 有
收 稿 日期 :0 0 2 2 2 1—0 - 2
修 建 水 库 是 为 了灌 溉 、 电 、 洪 和 供 水 等 , 是 随 着 水 库 发 防 但
时, 采用 相对 出库位置落差 分别 为 1 1 、 .5 0 3 n和 0 0 .5 0 7 、. 5i .3 m 的试 验 , 每组试 验分 为清 水 、 浑水 I( 扰动 ) 未 和浑水 Ⅱ( 扰 动) 3种情况 , 别测 定管道 的 出 口流 量 、 分 流速 以及 冲沙 量 , 以
文献标识码 : A d i1 .99 ji n 10 —3 9 2 1 .3 0 9 o:0 3 6 /. s .00 17 .0 10 .0 s 中 图 分 类 号 :P 3 33
则, 试验 内容 包括 在库 水 位分 别 为 4 、0 c 0 3 m和 2 c 模型 ) 0 m(
1 研究现状
置 了 1 主 管 道 和 5根 支 管 道 , 管 与 主 管 相 连 位 置 距 离 均 为 根 支 4 m, 道 主 要 物 理 参 数 ( 型 ) 表 1 0c 管 原 见 。
解决 水库 淤积 问题 。 水 库 排 沙 减 淤 措 施 主 要 有 滞 洪 排 沙 、 重 流 排 沙 、 空 排 异 泄 沙 、 流 排 沙 、 工 排 沙 和 机 械 排 沙 。其 中 泄 空 排 沙 是 较 为 有 基 人 效 的恢 复库 容 的一 种 排 沙 方 式 , 点 是 需 要 耗 费 大 量 的 水 , 缺 而 其 他 方法 要 么 冲沙 范 围 有 限 , 么 需 要 大 量 的 人 力 、 力 和 财 要 物 力 。高 航 等 I 对 小 浪 底库 区 管道 排 沙 进 行 了 了 初 步 研 究 , 4 针 对 泥 沙 淤 积 提 出 了新 的 解 决 方 法 。 笔 者 着 眼 于 自压 式 管 道 排
Ab t a t T et u d l r n mo e a e n t ek n t h o y o r n lrf w a e n a p id t r d c ei esu r o sr c h wo f i sEu e i d l s d o i ei t e r fg a u a l h sb e p l p e it h c l r f w l a b h c o e o t yl i e t a i e wi o t o sd r g i eme t g p o e s I c n b e n t a e ie p ri l e o i r f e i y n a v r c l p t u n i e i l n r c s . t a e s e h tt c atce v l c t p o l ss mme c lao g i p h c n c i h y i  ̄ a l n
随 着 低 碳 、高 效 、环 保 的用 能理 念 在 全 球 范 围 内推 广 , 以新 型 相 变 材 料代 替传 统 的载 冷 介 质 已成 为节 能型 空调 系统 设计方 案 的首选 。冰浆 作 为
性 及冰 粒子 浓度分 布 并没 能给 出量化 的计算 方法 。
近 年来 ,固液两 相流 计算流 体 力学 (F 模拟 技 术 C D) 给 冰 浆流 体流 动特 性 研 究带来 了新 的契机 [。鉴 于 7 】 此 ,通 过借 助 固液两 相流C D模 拟方 法 ,采 用 基于 F
第3 卷第 4 6 期
21 0 0年4月
大 库 盘水 库 自压式 管道
排 沙 的试 验 研 究
张 莉 ,夏 新 利 2 陈 成 林 ,侍 克 斌 ,
(. 1 新疆 农 业大学水 利与土 木工程 学 院,新疆 乌鲁木 齐 8 0 5 ; 3 0 2 2 新疆 克 孜尔水 库管理 局 ,新疆 . 阿克 苏 8 2 1 ) 4 3 3
Ex e i n a t d n S l- r s u e P p sl ng o s r o r wi r e Bo t m e p r me t l u y o ef p e s r i e De i i fRe e v i t La g t S t h o Ar a Z a gL Xi n i C e h n l S iK b n hn i , a Xi l , h n C e gi , h e i n
Ab t a t T e CO Ss cin fr s r orwi a g o tm r a a e mo t h tp r ld e - y e wi r a u fc . sr c : h R S e t so e e v i t l re b t o h o a e r sl t e U- y e o d r tp t a b o d s r e y a h a
( C l g f t o srac n il nier g Xni g gi l rl nvrt, rm i i a g80 5 ; 1 ol eo e C nevn yadCv gnei , i a r ut a U iesy Uu q X ̄i 30 2 . e Wa r iE n jn A c u i n 2 K z r ee or d iirt eB ra , ks ij n 4 3 . ei sr i A m n t i ueu A euX n ag8 2 ) eR v sav i 1 3
1. 工程准备:确定施工现场,清理并平整施工区域,设置施工平台和安全警示标志。
2. 开挖沉管槽:根据设计要求,使用挖掘机或其他适当的机械设备进行开挖沉管槽。
3. 安装管道:将预制的管道降入沉管槽内,根据设计要求做好管道的连接,通常使用橡胶密封圈或焊接等方式进行连接。
4. 固定管道:使用特殊的支撑和固定装置,如铁索、支架等将管道固定在沉管槽内,以防止管道在施工和运营过程中产生位移。
5. 倒填沉管槽:倒入细沙或砂浆等填充材料将沉管槽填平,以增加管道的稳定性和承载能力。
6. 接口处理:对于管道端部和接口处进行密封处理,以防止渗漏和破坏。
7. 进行管道试验:使用相应的方法对管道进行压力测试、水密性测试、泄漏检测等,确保管道的质量和可靠性。
8. 恢复地表:根据需要,对施工区域进行填平处理,并进行相关的道路、绿化、排水等恢复工作。
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下面是一步一步的工艺流程:1. 准备工作:在施工前,需要对施工区域进行勘察,确保土壤的质量和承载力符合要求。
第39卷 第3期Vol.39 No.3洪振国水电站排沙漏斗水沙运动规律洪振国 ,田辉(云南省水利水电勘测设计研究院,云南昆明650021)收稿日期:2019-09-10;修回日期:2019-10-27;网络出版时间:2021-03-17网络出版地址:https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/32.1814.TH.20210314.1735.016.html第一作者简介:洪振国(1976—),男,云南洱源人,高级工程师(通信作者,402897694@qq.com),主要从事水工建筑物设计研究.第二作者简介:田辉(1971—),男,云南昭通人,高级工程师(tian12345@sina.com),主要从事水工建筑物设计研究.摘要:以燕子崖水电站为例,采用流体体积模型(VOF)方法耦合、雷诺应力模型(RSM)、离散控制方程、五阶Runge-Kutta变步长积分法模拟排沙漏斗水沙运动规律,并通过物理模型试验论证数学模型计算合理性.结果表明:排沙漏斗切向流速总体呈现中间小、两头大的特点,在排沙底孔位置产生空气漏斗,空气漏斗周围产生强迫涡流;径向流速随径向位置半径增大而先小后大,方向由内到外,在漏斗排沙底孔位置存在向内的、较大的径向流速;轴向速度值随径向位置半径增大作上下波动而波幅逐渐减小,轴向流速波动变化较为强烈并形成一个势涡;含沙量垂向分布为上小、下大分布,含泥沙量在近底部附近较高,底部附近形成较高含泥沙水流;在漏斗圆形边壁的约束下水体产生一个强迫涡流,强迫涡流具有高排沙能力,将漏斗排沙底孔附近的泥沙快速带入排沙底孔,通过与排沙底孔连接的排沙廊道排走泥沙.切向、轴向、径向流速以及含泥量的模型试验值与数学模型计算值相差较小.关键词:水电站;水沙运动规律;排沙漏斗;数学模型;物理模型中图分类号:S277.9;TV673 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-8530(2021)03-0251-06Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-8530.19.0238 洪振国,田辉.水电站排沙漏斗水沙运动规律[J].排灌机械工程学报,2021,39(3):251-256. HONGZhenguo,TIANHui.Waterandsedimentmotionlawofsedimentdrainagefunnelinhydropowerstation[J].Journalofdrai nageandirrigationmachineryengineering(JDIME),2021,39(3):251-256.(inChinese)WaterandsedimentmotionlawofsedimentdrainagefunnelinhydropowerstationHONGZhenguo,TIANHui(YunnanInstituteofWaterandHydropowerEngineeringInvestigation,DesignandResearch,Kunming,Yunnan650021,China)Abstract:TakingYanziyahydropowerstationasanexample,thewaterandsedimentmotionlawofsedimentdrainagefunnelwassimulatedbyusingvolumeoffluid(VOF)model,Reynoldsstressmodel(RSM),discreteN-Sequationsandfifth orderRunge-Kuttavariablestepintegrationmethod,andtherationalityofmathematicalmodelpredictionswasdemonstratedthroughphysicalmodeltest.There sultsshowthatthetangentialvelocityofthesedimentdrainagefunnelisgenerallysmallinthemiddleandlargeatbothends.Theairfunnelisgeneratedinthebottomofthesedimentdrainagefunnel,andaforcededdycurrentisgeneratedaroundtheairfunnel.Theradialvelocitymagnitudeissmallatfirstandthengetslargewithincreasingradius,andthevelocitydirectionisfromtheinsidetotheoutside.Thereisaninwardandlargerradialvelocityinthebottomofthesedimentdrainagefunnel.Theaxialvelocitymagnitudeisinoscillation,butitsamplitudereduceswithincreasingradius.Atop-lowandbottom-highverticaldistributionofsedimentconcentrationisexhibited,ahighersedimentcontentisfoundnearthebottom,resultinginahighersedimentflownearthebottom.Underconstraintofthefun nelcircularsidewall,thewaterbodygeneratesaforcededdywithastrongsedimentdischargecapaci ty.Theeddycanbringthesedimentnearthesanddischargingbottomholeintotheholequickly,thenthesedimentisdischargeddownstreamviaasanddischargetunnelconnectedwiththehole.Thediffer encesofthepredictedtangential,axial,radialvelocities,andsedimentcontentfromthecounterpartsinmodeltestaresmall.Keywords:hydropowerstation;waterandsedimentmotionlaw;sedimentdrainagefunnel;mathematicalmodel;physicalmodel 漏斗式排沙已经成为了经济、节水、高效泥沙处理的一种技术,并在灌溉、水电、引水工程等各领域成功应用,取得了较好的环境效益、经济效益、社会效益[1],受到国内外学者的广泛关注.1975年俄罗斯专家SALAKHOV[2]提出了的环流室理论,随后芬兰、伊朗、中国等多个国家的专家进行了排沙漏斗结构分析和优化研究[3].1984年四川大学高速水力学国家重点实验室和新疆农业大学水工实验室对排沙漏斗涡流的清、浑水流场进行了试验[4],排沙漏斗首次在新疆迪那河总干渠工程应用.目前,国内排沙漏斗的排沙效果、结构优化等方面取得了较好的成果.王顺久等[5]进行了排沙漏斗特性模型试验研究及其工程应用,刘善均等[6]进行了排沙漏斗优化及输沙特性试验研究.但是排沙漏斗中存在的吸气旋涡和泥沙湍流扩散导致泥沙运动规律十分复杂,目前排沙漏斗的水沙运动规律尚不清楚.文中以燕子崖水电站为例,通过数学模型计算分析排沙漏斗水沙运动规律,并采用物理模型试验论证数学模型计算合理性.1 工程概况燕子崖水电站为引水式径流电站,装机容量为30MW,年利用时长为6276h,开发任务为单一发电.主要建筑物由大坝、引水渠道、排沙漏斗、无压引水隧洞、前池、压力钢管道、电站厂房等组成[7-8].大坝坝顶全长64.700m,最大坝高为13.945m,排沙漏斗直径为16m,引水隧洞全长5797.078m,压力前池长70.004m,顶宽10m.压力钢管道上游接压力前池,管道长428.6m;下游接水轮机.多年平均总输沙量为104万t,其中多年平均推移质输沙量、悬移质多年平均输沙量分别为17.3万t,86.7万t.燕子崖水电站设计水头为204.12m,水流通过水轮的相对流速为3.260m/s;多年平均水中泥沙质量浓度为1 59kg/m3,排沙漏斗排除的泥沙最小危害粒径为0.25mm;泥沙颗粒级配见表1,表中d,ws,v分别为分组粒径、泥沙质量分数、粒径沉降速度.表1 泥沙颗粒级配Tab.1 Gradingofsedimentparticlesd/mmws/%v/(cm·s-1)>0.501.05.670(0.25,0.50]19.02.520(0.10,0.25]20.00.820(0.05,0.10]10.00.150[0.02,0.05]22.50.024<0.0227.50.005 排沙漏斗结构主要由漏斗进水涵洞、悬板、漏斗、溢流堰、排沙底孔和排沙廊道等组成[9-10],平面结构如图1所示.图1 排沙漏斗平面图Fig.1 Plainviewofsedimentdrainagefunnel含沙水流通过进水涵洞进入漏斗,在悬板和漏斗边壁的约束作用下产生螺旋流;螺旋流进行水沙分离,泥沙从排沙底孔进入排沙廊道并排走,较清的水从溢流堰流入原引水渠道.排沙漏斗进水涵洞流量为16m3/s,进水涵洞断面尺寸为1.8m×1.8m,底坡i=0.005,长20m,底板高程为1671 594m.漏斗按圆形结构设计,漏斗直径为16m,衬砌厚60cm.溢流堰堰长20m,堰顶高程为1673.294m.排沙底孔按圆形结构设计,直径为32cm.排沙廊道按Φ400钢管长60m设计,底坡为2.5%,排沙廊道的水直接排至漾弓江.侧槽明渠宽2.5m,高度为3m.2522 数学模型2.1 控制方程采用流体体积模型(VOF)方法耦合和雷诺应力模型(RSM)计算排沙漏斗清水流场,控制方程为ρt+ (ρUi) χi=0,(1)式中:ρ为流体密度;t为时间;Ui为时均速度;χi为水力参数.泥沙颗粒的运动方程为mpdupdt=mpg1-ρρp()+FD+Fp+FV,(2)式中:mp为泥沙颗粒质量;up为泥沙颗粒速度;g为重力加速度;ρp为泥沙颗粒密度;FD为悬移质泥沙颗粒在水流中受到的阻力;Fp为水平方向压强梯度力;FV为虚拟质量力.2.2 计算方法数学模型计算采用有限体积法离散控制方程,采用SIMPLEC算法求解压力-速度的耦合.压力插值格式为Presto格式,采用二阶迎风格式对流项离散,对时间项采用二阶隐式格式离散.采用几何重建格式构建自由水面,采用五阶Runge-Kutta变步长积分法进行泥沙运动轨迹模拟,排沙漏斗含泥沙量根据泥沙颗粒的运动方程确定.2.3 边界条件进水涵洞入口为水流进口边界,根据断面面积和流量求解速度大小.溢流堰出口、漏斗顶部边界和排沙底孔出口等边界为大气压边界条件,采用壁面函数法得到壁面近邻控制体的流速与耗散率等.泥沙从进水涵洞入口断面进入计算区域,入口断面的泥沙分布均匀,速度等于水流进口速度.排沙漏斗进水涵洞高0.225m,宽0.225m;排沙漏斗直径为2m、径向底坡为90%;排沙底孔直径为6.25cm;其他参数、排沙漏斗数学模型结构图与模型试验的物理模型结构图一致.2.4 网格划分采用八结点六面体结构网格单元剖分计算区域,采用三角形非结构网格单元剖分漏斗与进水涵洞连接部位,共生成网格单元2.7×105个,在漏斗中心轴附近的网格单元较密集.3 物理模型试验排沙漏斗物理模型采用有机玻璃制作,模型试验流量由90°直角三角堰测量,流速测试采用声学多普勒流速仪(ADV)测量三维流速;含沙量采用自制的虹吸式采样器采集浑水,然后用烘干法测量.排沙漏斗物理模型按照重力相似准则设计,由进水涵洞、漏斗、排沙底孔、悬板组成.物理模型比尺为1∶8,排沙漏斗直径和径向底坡、排沙底孔直径与数学模型的一致.排沙漏斗进口流量为15.6L/s,泥沙质量浓度为1.59kg/m3,排沙漏斗主要用于排除粒径大于0.25mm的泥沙,物理模型沙使用粉煤灰筛分得到.测试断面布置如图2所示,流速测试断面选择2个垂直断面,分别命名为断面A,B;每个测试断面布置5条间距为16cm的水平测线,其中悬板与最上面的水平测线距离为6cm,每条水平测线从距离漏斗室中心轴20cm的径向位置开始往外每隔10cm布设1个测点,最远的水平测点其径向位置半径为60cm.图2 测试断面布置示意图Fig.2 Layoutoftestsection4 结果分析经过排沙漏斗数学模型计算和物理模型试验,得到断面A和B上的水流切向流速分布,如图3所示,图中r,vt分别为径向位置半径、切向速度.图3 断面A和B上的水流切向速度分布Fig.3 TangentialvelocitydistributioninsectionsAandB由图3得到断面A和B上的水流切向流速运动规律,见表2.由表中运动规律可知:切向流速总体253呈现中间小、两头大的特点,在排沙底孔位置产生空气漏斗,空气漏斗周围产生强迫涡流.强迫涡流具有高排沙能力,在径向位置半径较大区域里,在漏斗圆形边壁的约束下,促使水体产生一个强迫涡.表2 断面A和B上的水流切向流速运动规律Tab.2 TangentialvelocitymotionlawinsectionsAandB断面r/mvt/(m·s-1)变化规律A[0.100,0.291](0.291,1.000]0.31~0.560.31~0.46切向速度随径向位置半径增大而逐渐变小切向速度随径向位置半径增大而逐渐增大B[0.100,0.320](0.320,1.000]0.29~0.880.46~0.88切向速度随径向位置半径增大而逐渐变小切向速度随径向位置半径增大而逐渐增大 由图3得到断面A和B上的切向流速数学模型计算值和物理试验值,见表3,表中vtt,vtc分别为切向速度试验值与计算值.由表可知切向速度数学模型计算值与物理试验值相差较小,因此物理模型试验验证了由数学模型计算切向速度是可行的.表3 断面A和B上的切向流速数学模型计算值和物理试验值Tab.3 CalculatedandtestedtangentialvelocitiesinsectionsAandB断面r/mvtt/(m·s-1)vtc/(m·s-1)A0.20.390.390.30.320.310.40.320.320.50.320.330.60.350.35B0.20.360.340.30.280.300. 经过排沙漏斗数学模型计算和物理模型试验,得到断面A和B上的径向流速分布,如图4所示,图中vr为径向速度.图中正值表示径向流速指向漏斗中心轴,即向内;负值表示向外.图4 断面A和B上的水流径向速度分布Fig.4 RadialvelocityinsectionsAandB由图4得到断面A和B上的水流径向流速运动规律,见表4.由表中运动规律可知:径向流速整体上随径向位置半径增大而先小后大,方向由内到外,在漏斗排沙底孔位置存在向内的、较大的径向流速,快速地把内侧区域底的泥沙运移至排沙底孔.表4 断面A和B上的水流径向流速运动规律Tab.4 RadialvelocitymotionlawinsectionsAandB断面r/mvr/(m·s-1)变化规律A[0.100,0.113](0.113,1.000]0~0.010-1.012~0径向速度随径向位置半径增大而减小,方向向内径向速度随径向位置半径增大而逐渐增大,方向向外B[0.100,0.124](0.124,1.000]0.080~0-1.012~0径向速度随径向位置半径增大而减小,方向向内径向速度随径向位置半径增大而逐渐增大,方向向外 由图4得到断面A和B上的径向流速数学模型计算值和物理试验值,见表5,表中vrt,vrc分别为径向速度试验值与计算值.由表可知径向速度数学模型计算值与物理试验值相差较小,因此物理模型试验验证了由数学模型计算径向速度是可行的.表5 断面A和B上的径向流速数学模型计算值和物理试验值Tab.5 CalculatedandtestedradialvelocitiesinsectionsAandB断面r/mvrt/(m·s-1)vrc/(m·s-1)A0.2-0.03-0.060.3-0.07-0.080.4-0.08-0.090.5-0.09-0.090.6-0.09-0.10B0.2-0.09-0.070.3-0.01-0.090.4-0.11-0.100.5-0.13-0.110.6-0.15-0.12 经过排沙漏斗数学模型计算和物理模型试验,得到断面A和B上的轴向流速va分布,如图5所示.图中正值表示向上,负值表示向下.图5 断面A和B上的水流轴向速度分布Fig.5 AxialvelocitydistributioninsectionsAandB由图5得到断面A和B上的水流轴向流速运动规律,见表6.由表中运动规律可知,轴向速度值随径向位置半径增大作上下波动而波幅逐渐减小,轴向流速波动变化较为强烈并形成一个势涡,在漏斗圆形边壁的约束下促使水体产生一个强迫涡流.强254迫涡流具有高排沙能力,将漏斗排沙底孔附近的泥沙快速运移至排沙底孔,通过与排沙底孔连接的排沙廊道排走泥沙.表6 断面A和B上的水流轴向流速运动规律Tab.6 AxialvelocitymotionlawinsectionsAandB断面r/mva/(m·s-1)变化规律A[0.100,0.692](0.692,1.000]-0.026~0.024-0.005~0.024轴向速度随径向位置半径增大而上下波动且波幅逐渐减小,方向由下至上轴向速度随径向位置半径增大而上下波动且波幅逐渐减小,方向由上至下B[0.100,0.810](0.810,1.000]0~0.028-0.004~0轴向速度随径向位置半径增大而上下波动且波幅逐渐减小,方向向上轴向速度随径向位置半径增大而上下波动且波幅逐渐减小,方向向下 由图5得到断面A和B上的轴向流速数学模型计算值和物理试验值,见表7.表中vat,vac分别为径向速度试验值与计算值.由表可知轴向速度数学模型计算值与物理试验值相差较小,因此物理模型试验验证了由数学模型计算轴向速度是可行的.表7 断面A和B上的轴向流速数学模型计算值和物理试验值Tab.7 CalculatedandtestedaxialvelocitiesinsectionsAandB断面r/mvat/(m·s-1)vac/(m·s-1)A0.2-0.020-0.0200.30.0040.0100.40.0100.0100.5-0.0010.0010.60.0080.011B0.20.0000.0000.30.0100.0040.40.001-0.0120.50.0120.0080.60.0180.023 经过排沙漏斗数学模型计算和物理模型试验,得到断面A和B上的垂向含沙量分布,如图6所示,图中h,ω分别为相对水深、泥沙质量浓度.图6 断面A和B上的垂向含沙量分布Fig.6 SedimentconcentrationverticaldistributioninsectionsAandB由图6得到断面A和B上的垂向含泥沙量分布规律,见表8.由表8的分布规律可知,漏斗内含泥沙量整体垂向分布为“上小下大”型分布,含泥沙量在近底部附近较高,底部附近形成较高含泥沙水流,悬板使漏斗在排沙底孔轴线上充分发展,使排沙底孔过水断面减小,排沙漏斗具有截沙率高、耗水率低的优点.表8 断面A和B上的垂向含泥沙量分布规律Tab.8 SedimentconcentrationverticaldistributionlawinsectionsAandB断面h/mω/(kg·m-3)变化规律AB0.004~0.0750.004~0.0930.130~0.4100.130~0.480含泥沙量随着相对水深减小而增加 由图7得到断面A和B上的垂直向含沙量数学模型计算值和物理试验值,见表9,表中ωt,ωc分别为泥沙质量浓度试验值与计算值.表9 断面A和B上的垂向含沙量数学模型计算值和物理试验值Tab.9 CalculatedandtestedsedimentconcentrationsinsectionsAandB断面h/mωt/(kg·m-3)ωc/(kg·m-3)A0.700.2510.2770.600.3620.3850.400.4100.4440.200.4740.5010.040.4850.507B0.700.3330.3130.600.4070.3820.400.5220.5660.200.5530.5660.040.5640.579 由表9可知,垂向含泥沙量数学模型计算值与物理试验值相差较小,因此物理模型试验验证了由数学模型计算垂向含泥沙量是可行的.5 结 论1)排沙漏斗切向流速总体呈现中间小、两头大的特点;径向流速随径向位置半径增大而先小后大,方向由内到外;轴向速度值随径向位置半径增大作上下波动而波幅逐渐减小.在漏斗圆形边壁的约束下,水体产生一个强迫涡流;强迫涡流具有高排沙能力,将漏斗排沙底孔附近的泥沙快速运移至排沙底孔,通过与排沙底孔连接的排沙廊道排走泥沙.2)排沙漏斗内含泥沙量整体垂向分布为“上小下大”型,含泥沙量在近底部附近较高,形成含泥沙量较高的水流.悬板使漏斗在排沙底孔轴线上充分发展,使排沙底孔过水断面减小.排沙漏斗具有截沙255率高、耗水率低的优点.3)排沙漏斗切向、轴向、径向流速,以及含泥沙量数学模型计算值与物理试验值相差较小,因此物理模型试验验证了由数学模型计算是可行的.参考文献(References)[1] 索丽生,刘宁,高安泽,等.水工设计手册[M].2版.北京:中国水利水电出版社,2013.[2] SALAKHOVFS.Rationaldesignsandmethodsofhy drauliccalculationsofload 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【结果】(1)管道断面垂向泥沙质量浓度分布受压力、体积含沙量及管径等因素的影响;当压力及管径较小时,泥沙淤积厚度为6.3~8.0 mm,压力及管径较大时,在Y=-0.07区域以下淤积较多,淤积厚度达到8.6~9.4 mm;(2)同一管径及流速下,随着体积含沙量的增大,该区域流速梯度增大,最大增幅为14%;(3)随着水流速度增大,水流挟沙力增大,悬移质质量浓度也越大,但是悬浮指标逐渐变小。
边坡竖向排水通道施工方案1. 引言边坡是指山体或路堤等在垂直方向上向下倾斜的地表部分。
2. 施工前的准备工作在施工边坡竖向排水通道之前,需要进行一系列的准备工作。
2.1 勘察与设计首先,需要进行边坡和周边环境的勘察与设计。
2.2 材料准备根据设计要求和工程施工方案,准备好需要使用到的材料,包括排水管道、过滤材料、排水材料等。
2.3 施工设备准备根据施工方案和具体工艺要求,准备好需要使用的施工设备和工具,包括挖掘机、运输设备、水泥搅拌机等。
3. 施工步骤边坡竖向排水通道的施工主要包括以下步骤:3.1 确定施工起点和终点根据设计要求,确定边坡竖向排水通道的起点和终点,并进行标志。
3.2 竖向挖掘使用挖掘机等设备,在边坡上进行竖向挖掘,按照设计要求挖掘出排水通道的形状和尺寸。
3.3 清理排水通道清理排水通道中的杂物和泥沙,确保通道的畅通。
3.4 安装排水管道根据设计要求,在挖掘好的排水通道中安装排水管道,并与边坡顶部的排水系统相连。
3.5 填充过滤材料在排水管道周围填充过滤材料,如碎石、粉煤灰等,以防止泥沙进入管道影响通畅。
3.6 填充排水材料在排水通道上方填充排水材料,如细砂、砂砾等,以提供较好的排水性能。
3.7 固结和维护排水通道施工完成后,对边坡进行固结和维护,确保边坡的稳定性和安全性。
4. 施工注意事项在进行边坡竖向排水通道施工时,需要注意以下事项:4.1 安全施工施工人员必须佩戴必要的个人防护装备,并按照相关安全操作规程进行施工,确保施工安全。
二、施工准备1. 材料准备在施工前,需要准备以下材料:•螺旋钢管:根据现场实际情况确定管道直径和长度,并根据设计要求采购相应规格的螺旋钢管;•管件:包括弯头、法兰、承插件等,根据设计要求采购相应规格的管件;•基础材料:水泥、沙子等;•施工工具:锯子、水平仪、扳手等。
2. 设备准备在施工前,需要准备以下设备:•手持挖掘机:用于挖掘管道沟槽;•卡车:用于运输螺旋钢管和其他材料;•起重机:用于吊装螺旋钢管和其他重物。
3. 施工图纸准备在施工前,需要准备相关的施工图纸,包括管道布置图、管道连接图等。
三、施工过程1. 挖掘沟槽根据设计要求,使用手持挖掘机挖掘出给水管道的沟槽,保证沟槽的宽度和深度符合要求。
2.1 搭设脚手架为了确保施工安全和施工质量,需要在沟槽两侧搭设脚手架,以便进行螺旋钢管的安装。
2.2 螺旋钢管预处理将螺旋钢管进行除锈处理,去除表面的油污和杂质,确保管道的质量和使用寿命。
2.3 管道安装将螺旋钢管置于沟槽中,注意保持管道的水平和垂直,并按照设计要求进行连接。
3. 管道连接3.1 管件预处理对管件进行除锈处理,并进行检查,确保管件的质量和使用安全。
4. 基础施工4.1 基础准备根据设计要求,进行基础的施工准备工作,包括准备水泥、沙子等材料以及施工工具。
4.2 基础施工将准备的水泥和沙子按照设计要求进行配比,并进行基础的浇筑工作。
5. 完善施工5.1 检查施工质量在施工完成后,对安装的螺旋钢管和管件进行检查,确保施工质量符合设计要求和安全标准。
5.2 清理施工现场清理施工现场,包括清除沟槽中的杂物和垃圾,保持施工现场整洁。
5.3 缺陷修复如发现施工中存在的问题和缺陷,及时进行修复和处理,确保工程的完美性和可靠性。
1. 定期清洗水管:定期清洗山溪水管可以有效地去除堆积在管道内的泥沙。
2. 安装过滤器:在水管入口处安装过滤器可以有效地阻止泥沙进入管道。
3. 加强山溪保护工作:通过加强山溪保护工作,减少泥沙在源头处的产生。
4. 设置拦沙坝:在山溪中设置拦沙坝,有效地截留泥沙,阻止其进入水管。
5. 定期检查水管:定期检查水管的状态,及时发现泥沙堵塞的迹象。
6. 控制水流速度:合理控制山溪水流速度,避免过快的水流冲刷管道内的泥沙,导
7. 设置沉淀池:在水管进口处设置沉淀池,利用静水的原理,让泥沙沉淀在池中。
8. 加强水域管理:加强对水域的管理,包括岸线治理、河道疏浚等,减少泥沙的输入。
9. 增加泥沙分拣装置:在水管入口处增加泥沙分拣装置,将泥沙分离出来,只让清
10. 定期疏通管道:定期使用专业疏通工具对水管进行清理,及时清除管道内的泥沙。
砂石厂冲沙管施工方案1. 引言砂石厂冲沙管施工方案是为了解决在砂石生产过程中产生的废渣物料和废水的处理问题。
2. 方案概述本施工方案旨在建设一个完备的冲沙管道系统,包括管道设计、施工流程和监测方案。
3. 管道设计3.1 管道材料选择在冲沙管道的设计中,应选择耐磨、抗腐蚀的材料。
3.2 管道布局根据砂石厂的实际情况,设计合理的管道布局。
4. 施工流程4.1 前期准备在施工前,需要进行详细的规划和准备工作。
4.2 管道安装根据设计方案,进行管道的安装工作。
4.3 密封材料填充在管道安装完成后,进行密封材料填充工作。
4.5 系统测试在管道安装和连接完成后,进行系统测试工作。
5. 监测方案为了确保冲沙管道系统的正常运行,需制定监测方案。
主要包括以下几个方面:5.1 流量监测定期对冲沙管道系统的流量进行监测,了解流量变化情况,及时处理可能出现的问题。
5.2 管道压力监测对冲沙管道系统的管道压力进行监测,确保工作压力在安全范围内,同时及时发现和处理可能的泄漏问题。
观察一 :饮水建渠
观察 实录
分析 评价
沙水游戏开始已经十多分钟了,看到喆喆拿着小铲子挖坑也已经十来分钟了, 但是依旧很认真地在挖着,好像这个坑还不够大。“我要挖一个很大很大的河,把 这些河都连起来。”轩轩解释道。
又过了 5 分钟,坑已经初具规模,不停地在坑的周围围起了沙堡。“这个是做 什么的呢?”我问道。“这个是围栏,河道的围栏”,轩轩一边挖一边说到。只见, 轩轩在坑边上开始挖出一条路来。“这里有有两条河。”“不对,是有三条河!” 小伙伴帅帅补充到,“喆喆这边挖一个,轩轩这边挖一个,我这边也挖一个”。“不 能破坏其他的河道哦。”
2.《指南》中社会领域指出“愿意与人交往”。在游戏中,幼儿喜欢和同伴一 起游戏,与同伴协商,分工合作,有着较强的领导能力和社会交往能力,同时,也 有着较强的观察能力和分析能力。
3.在挖河道时,提醒“不能破坏其他的河道哦。”幼儿有相互提醒行为,遵守 游戏的规则,不随意破坏别人的劳动成果。此外,在分享交流中,教师通过“水道 怎么引水?”,让幼儿一起集思广益,探讨材料的运用。并通过现场演示的方式, 进一步加深幼儿对于“水从高处往低处”的理解。
这时,轩轩在沙池转来转去,像是在寻找什么。转了两圈之后,看到空空的水 坑,好像又想起什么嘴上喊着“哎呀,没水啦。”快速地提起手边的水桶跑向了水 池。提来水之后,发现水不会往前流动。
1.《指南》中科学领域指出“幼儿亲近自然,喜欢探究”。在活动中,幼儿常 常动手动脑探索物体和材料,幼儿对于挖沙的时间持续比较久,能够根据现场情况 进行协商和调整,如:将坑挖深、围砖墙、并将河道连接等,全程认真专注并乐在 其中。
观察三 :饮水成功
观察 实录
玩沙又开始啦。这时,水流到管道的一半时,馨馨边挖沙子,边说:“这里太高 啦,水还是流不过去。看到孩子们依然忙碌着,又开始了讨论。轩轩:“水流到一半就 流不过去了,我们不能造小河啦。”馨馨:“因为沙子挖的太浅了,所以水流不过去。” 轩轩:“我们把下面挖深一些。”
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AbstractThe diameter of a slurry pipeline is an important factor in a design and an operation of a pipeline and pump system connected with a dredger. However, the effect of pipe diameter on the slurry flow behaviour (frictional head losses, specific energy consumption, deposition limit velocity) is not well understood. Moreover, there is a lack of experimental data that could be used to study the pipe size effect on slurry flow behavior and thus on efficiency of slurry transport operation. Recently, tests were carried out in the dredging test loop of Hyundai Institute of Construction Technology with an aim to collect information on the effect of pipe size on pipeline characteristics (I-V curves and specific energy curves) for aqueous slurries of the Jumoonjin sand (a medium tocoarse sand with d50= 0.54 mm). The measurementswere carried out in straight horizontal pipelines of three different diameters – 155 mm, 204 mm, 305 mm. The article describes and analyses results of these tests. It is reprinted from the WODCON 2004 Proceedings in Hamburg, Germany, with permission. IntroductionThe diameter of a slurry pipeline is an important factor in a design and an operation of a pipeline and pump system connected with a dredger. However, the effect of pipe diameter on the slurry flow behaviour (frictional head losses, specific energy consumption, deposition limit velocity) is not well understood. Moreover, there is a lack of experimental data that could be used to study the pipe size effect on a slurry flow behaviour and thus on the efficiency of a slurry transport operation.H YUNDAI D REDGING T EST L OOPThe Hyundai Dredging Test Loop was completed in 2001 with an objective to investigate both the effect of a pipe size and the effect of pipe bends on slurry flow properties in pipelines. The test loop is a part of the Civil Laboratory of Hyundai Institute of Construction Technology in Yongin-city near Seoul in Korea. Basically, the dredging test loop consists of the engine connected with the centrifugal slurry pump, the pipe circuit with parallel pipe sections and the measuring system. CircuitFigure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the dredging test loop. The entire circuit is 160 metre long and it is composed of a vertical U-bend, horizontal pipelines, 45o and 90o bends, a cyclone tank and 12 main control valves. The vertical U-bend is 13 m long and positioned downwards from the level of the pump station.The steel pipe of the U bend has a diameter 204 mm. Horizontal sections of the circuit are equipped with3M.S. Lee, V. Matousek, C.K. Chung and Y.N. LeePipe Size Effect on Hydraulic Transport of Jumoonjin Sand –Experiments in a Dredging Test LoopNOMENCLATUREc u uniformity coefficient of sand[-]c v curvature coefficient of sand[-]C vd delivered volumetric concentration[%]C vi spatial volumetric concentration[%]d 50mass-median particle diameter[m]D pipe diameter[m]I w hydraulic gradient of water[-]I m hydraulic gradient of mixture[-]k pipe-wall roughness[m]NFr Froude number of pipe flow[-]Re Reynolds number of pipe flow[-]S m relative density of mixture[-]S w relative density of water[-]V m mean velocity of mixture[m/s]␥density of water/mixture[kg/m3]friction coefficient[-]Abbreviationsr.p.m.revolutions per minuteRSE relative solid effectSEC specific energy consumptionSEM scanning electric microscopeparallel pipes of different diameters: 155 mm, 204 mm,305 mm (circular steel pipes with nominal diameters 150,200 and 300 mm) and 200 mm (rectangular steel pipe). Each horizontal circular pipe has a 80-cm long perspex section for visual observations and taking photos (see Figure 1). There are 45˚ bends and 90˚ bends mounted to the circuit at the end of the horizontal pipes. Using the bends and the ball valves the flow is directed to one of the parallel horizontal pipes. The entire circuit contains 49 taps and sedimentation pots at every pressure measuring point.A cyclone tank is used to introduce solids in the circuit and collect the solids after a test. The cyclone has the diameter 2 metre and the height 3 metre. Inside the cyclone is a wire mesh screen that helps sand to settle down. The cyclone is equipped with 5 control valves and a 15 cm long perspex tube beneath the ball valve at the cyclone outlet. This helps to observe whether the inflow of sand to the circuit is steady.The centrifugal pump used in the test loop is theJOOHO dredging slurry pump with the 4-blade impeller of the diameter 0.45 metre and the diameters of pump inlet and outlet 0.3 metre and 0.25 metre, respectively.The pump is driven by a HMC 255kW diesel engine equipped with BOSCH governor and turbocharger. The engine is connected with the centrifugal slurry pump by V belts. The speed of the pump can be controlled within the range of 530 to 2,000 r.p.m.Figure 2 shows the pump performance curve when clean water was transported.Measuring systemThe dredging test loop is equipped with 17 measuring devices. The measuring system contains tachometers,flow meters, density meter, absolute pressure and differential pressure transducers and manometers. The flow rate of slurry through the circuit is measured using two instruments both mounted to the descending pipe of the vertical U-bend. One instrument is the ABB magnetic flow meter and the other the CONTROLTRON ultrasonic spectra flow meter. The density of the flowing slurry is determined using the BERTHOLD radiometric (Cs137) density meter mounted in the ascending pipe of the vertical U-bend (Figure 3). The absolute pressures at both the inlet and the outlet of the pump and in several points along the circuit are measured by the WYKEHAM-FARRANCE pressure transducers and the GDS pressure controllers and simultaneously by the absolute-pressure manometers.The pressure drops over the 2-metre long measuring sections in both vertical and horizontal pipes are measured using the SENSOTEC 1-psi capacity differential pressure transducers and differential manometers. Two AUTONICS tachometers and4Dr. Man-soo Lee graduated with a PhD (2004) and MSc (1992) from Seoul National University in Korea.He joined Hyundai Engineering and Construction in 1991 as a research engineer. While recently assisting at a large dredging and reclamation project of Hyundai near Incheon airport in Korea, he was responsible for the geotechnical researching team of civil engineering division at HyundaiInstitute of Construction Technology.Man-soo LeeAfter receiving a PhD in civil engineer-ing from Northwestern University,Illinois, USA in 1991 and spending a year as a post-doctoral fellow in the same institute, Prof. Choong-Ki Chung joined the faculty of civil engineering at Seoul National University (SNU) in 1992. He is in charge of the SNU soil mechanics laboratory and has performed research on engineering properties by lab and field testing. In addition, he is interested in developing GIS-based a geotechnical information system andfield monitoring system.Choong-Ki ChungDr. Vaclav Matousek holds a Masters in civil engineering (Czech Technical University, 1986) and a PhD degree in mechanical engineering (Delft University of Technology, 1997). Since 1996 he has been employed by the Delft University of Technology,Section Dredging Engineering. He conducts research on dredging processes, in particular on hydraulictransport.Vaclav MatousekDr. Young-nam Lee has received a Masters in geotechnical engineering from Asian Institute of Technology,Thailand in 1978 and PhD in civil engineering from University of Western Ontario, Canada in 1988.After receiving his Masters, Dr. Lee joined Hyundai Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd. in 1979 and is currently working as Director of Hyundai Institute of Construction Technology, at the moment speciali-sing in planning, execution, evaluation and supervision of research works atthe Institute.Y. N. Leeproximity sensors on the pulley of V-belts sense the speed of both the pump and the engine.The data acquisition system is composed of two WYKEHAM-FARRANCE data loggers and a noise filter to store simultaneously electric signals from all transducers and to convert the electric signals into digital data collected in data files of the ASCII format.Figure 4 shows the booth with the remote-controlled data acquisition system.E XPERIMENTSTested solidsThe material tested was the Jumoonjin sand that is the Korea Standard Sand. Three tonnes of the Jumoonjin sand were used in this study has the specific gravity (Gs) 2.65. Figure 3 shows the particle size distribution and Figure 4 shows the Jumoonjin sand photography from a scanning electric microscope (SEM).Test methodologyBefore each test run, all sensors were checked on calibration and if necessary recalibrated so that the measurement was as accurate as possible. During a test run the slurry flow rate was controlled by variation of the pump speed. The slurry density was controlled by the ball valve at the outlet of the cyclone tank. Once the required concentration of solids in the circuit was reached the valve was closed.The flow of solids through the circuit was steady. There was no significant variation in density along the circuit.51.Centrifugal pump2.Vertical U-bend3.150 mm dia. pipe4.200 mm dia. pipe5.200 mm rectangular pipe6.300 mm dia. pipe7.200 mm dia. pipe8.90 degree bend9.45 degree bend 10.Cyclone tankMeasuring facillity P:Pressure R:Density M:Flowrate D:Diff. press.T:Temperature10345672189TR DDDD DDDDD DDD PPPP PP PP PPlexiglassMFigure 1. Schematic diagram of the new dredging test loop.Figure 2. Pump performance curve of the JOOHO dredging slurry pump.Figure 3. Particle size distribution.One test run contained measurements of slurry flow parameters at different chosen mean slurry velocities from low mean velocity to high. During the measure-ment at one velocity the material circulated approxi-mately 30 times through the circuit. When the entire run (one concentration, various velocities) was finished,more sand could be added to get higher slurry density and continue with the next test run. During the measure-ments photos of the flow patterns were taken by a digital video camera in the perspex tube mounted in the horizontal pipe section. At the end of the test runs the sand was collected in the cyclone tank again so that the circuit remained sand free.Summary of test runsIn the 204-mm pipe the mean velocity of slurry wasmaintained between 1.68 m/s to 5.47 m/s, only velocities higher than the deposition limit velocity occurred in the pipe. The test runs were carried out for the volumetric concentrations of sand within the range 3.3% to 25.8%.The pump speed varied from 530 to 1,433 r.p.m., the r.p.m.increment per step (installing a new value of the mean velocity of slurry in the circuit) was about 100 r.p.m. For the 155-mm pipe the test runs were carried out for the sand volumetric concentrations of 7.3% and 21.8% and for the mean velocity between 2.91 m/s to 8.82 m/s. Four volumetric concentrations of sand from 3.3% to 19.8% were tested within the range of the mean flow velocities from 1.2 m/s to 3.6 m/s in the 305 mm pipe. The Table I summarised all test runs discussed in this article.6a) Sands before tests (b) Sands after testsFigure 4. Photos of Jumoonjin sand taken by scanning electric microscope.Table I. Summary of test runs.Size of pipe Fluid ␥(t/m 3)C vd (%)Pump speed [r.p.m.]155 mmWater 0.998053663773383393310351136–––Mixtures1.127.3531637733836925102811271229––1.3621.8530636730832928102311301230––204 mmWater 0.998053363572782892610361138122813311431Mixtures1.06 3.252962372882993110361132–––1.127.2531637733836925102811271229––1.3621.8530636730832926102311301230––1.4124.95346307348269261029113312291326–1.4325.8––7258289291035112612281325–305 mmWater 0.998052962973483092410341136122813301429Mixtures1.06 3.3––726829927102711281230132914301.127.2––726829928103111331228132614331.2012.4––––928103011261228132914251.3319.8–––––10291129123313351425T EST R ESULTSANDD ISCUSSIONPressure drop as a result of friction in the horizontal pipesThe pressure drop measurements were carried out for flow of water only. The reason was to determine the wall roughness of all three pipes. The water test results and their comparison with theoretical curves are in Figure 5. The water test revealed that both the 155-mm pipe and 204-mm pipe are smooth. Thus the friction coefficient is determined using the Blasiusequation f = 0.316/Re 0.25, in which Re is the Reynolds number of the water flow in the pipe. The 305-mm pipe is considerably rougher. The friction coefficient is determined using the universal friction-coefficient equation (Churchill, 1977) for the pipe-wall roughness k = 250 micron.The slurry tests covered different ranges of mean slurry velocities and thus also different flow patterns in the pipes of different diameters. A visual observation of the slurry flow pattern was possible only in the 204-mm pipe. The observation showed that the deposition limit velocity tended to vary with solids concentration in the flow and its value varied between approximately 1.7 m/s for the lowest concentration (3%) and 2.1 m/s for the highest concentration (26%). The pressure drops were measured for the range of mean velocities in the supercritical flow regime, in which a flow is free of a stationary bed. The flow was partially stratified. A portion of particles occupied the granular bed that slid over the bottom of the pipe. The flow patterns in the smaller pipe (155 mm)and in the larger pipe (305 mm)must be estimated according to the trends predicted by a suitable model. In the 155-mm pipe, the range of the tested velocities was broad and the flow was free of the stationary bed at all velocities.Presumably, there was no sliding bed at the highest velocities. The tests in the 305-mm pipe covered only a narrow range of mean slurry velocities, presumably below the deposition limit velocity. Thus there was always a stationary bed at the bottom of the pipe.Figures 6 through 8 show the plots of the hydraulic gradient data measured for flows of different velocities and concentrations in the three pipes of the laboratory circuit.Effect of pipe sizeA comparison of the pressure drop data from the Hyundai test circuit with the data and model by Clift et al.(1982) on Figure 9 shows very different behaviors.At the low slurry velocities (up to approximately 4 m/s)the values of the relative solid effect (I m –I w )/(S m -S w ) and of the hydraulic gradient Im of the Jumoonjin sandslurry in the Hyundai test circuit tend to be smaller than those measured and predicted by Clift et al . At the lowest velocities near the deposition limit velocity the I m values are extremely low.7a) I w -V m curve for the 155-mm pipeb) I w -V m curve for the 204-mm pipec) I w -V m curve for the 305-mm pipeFigure 5. Hydraulic gradients of water transport by using the dredging test loop.02468100. velocity V m [m/s]H y d r a u l i c g r a d i e n t I w [–]1234560. velocity V m [m/s]H y d r a u l i c g r a d i e n t I w [–]0.51 1.52 2.53 3.540.040.0350.030.0250.020.0150.010.0050Mean velocity V m [m/s]H y d r a u l i c g r a d i e n t I w [–]A possible explanation of this phenomenon is that the top of the (stationary or sliding) bed in the Hyundai test circuit was sheared off more than it was the case in the Georgia Iron Works pipes during the tests published in Clift et al.(1982). A partially stratified flow with a thinner bed obeys lower friction and thus exhibits lower pres-sure drops (hydraulic gradients). The I m values for high velocities in the 155-mm pipe tend to be higher than the Clift’s data and predictions.In Figures 10a and 10b the measured hydraulic gradients versus the Froude number N Fr = V m 2/(gD) are compared for the three different pipes. Interestingly enough the pressure drops in the 305-mm pipe seemed to be higher than in the 204-mm pipe for the flow of the same value of the Froude number and for a similarvalue of the solids concentration. It is assumed that this effect is associated with the different flow patterns that occur in the flows of the same Froude number in the pipes of the different sizes.Since the flow in all three pipes is partially stratified (at least for velocities up to approximately 4-5 m/s), it is useful to compare the measured pressure drops with predictions using a two layer model. Basically, the two-layer model predicts the pressure drops for fully or partially stratified flows with a sliding bed at the bottom of a horizontal pipe. The model, which is used for the comparison, was modified and calibrated for flows of various sand slurries in the 150-mm pipe (Matousek, 1997) and recently extended for the use in pipes of different sizes (Matousek et al ., 2004).8Figure 7. Measured hydraulic gradient in the 204-mm pipe.Figure 8. Measured hydraulic gradient in the 305-mm pipe.Figure 6. Measured hydraulic gradient in the 155-mm pipe.Figure 9. Relative solid effect versus the mean flow velocity.For the pipes of the diameter 155 mm and 204 mm,the model predicts higher hydraulic gradient values than measured (Figures 11a and 11b) at the velocities with the partially stratified flow pattern. Unfortunately,the tests did not provide concentration profiles across the pipes and thus the degree of flow stratification predicted by the model could not be compared with the real situation in the pipes. The measurements of the concentration profiles would indicate whether the extensive shearing of the top of the bed takes place and what are the sources of the extensive shearing-off. For the 305-mm pipe (Figure 11c) the direct comparison of the data and predictions is not possible (the available data are from the sub critical regime only and the model predicts only super-critical flows of a settling slurry).Specific energy consumption in the pipesFigure 12 compares the specific energy consumption (SEC), obtained as 2.7I m /(G s C vd ), versus solids throughput for the three pipes. In general, the low concentrated slurries (solids concentration of about 7%) exhibit high SEC values for all three pipes.9(b) 204mm and 305mmFigure 10. Comparisons of the hydraulic gradient for two different size pipes (I m -Froude number curve).12345670. velocity V m [m/s]H y d r a u l i c g r a d i e n t I m [–]a) the 155-mm pipe.12345670. velocity V m [m/s]H y d r a u l i c g r a d i e n t I m [–]b) the 204-mm pipe.12345670. velocity V m [m/s]H y d r a u l i c g r a d i e n t I m [–]c) the 305-mm pipeFigure 11. Two-layer model predictions and measurement results.Legend: (-) two-layer model; (- -) theoretical water; (o) slurry flow(a) 155mm and 204mmThe trends of the curves indicate that at velocities near the deposition limit velocity the SEC would be very similar for flows in all three pipes. The same effect holds for the higher concentrated slurries (solidsconcentration 22%). The SEC values are very similar in all three pipes at velocities near the deposition limit.However, these values are lower than those for the low concentrated slurry.The larger is the pipe the smaller is the change in the SEC with the increasing solids throughput. According to the observed trend, an operation at velocities far above the deposition limit velocity could be moreefficient in a pipe of a larger diameter than in a smaller pipe. However, the larger pipe requires the higher transport power. The size of the transport pipe has to be optimised considering both the power of the trans-port facility and the type of the transported soil.ConclusionsThe measurements of the Jumoonjin sand (d 50= 0.54mm) in laboratory pipes of three different diameters (155, 204 and 305 mm) showed that a flow pattern has a profound effect on the frictional pressure losses in slurry pipes.Very low frictional losses have been observed atvelocities near and below the deposition limit velocity in all three pipes. Further investigation is required on the internal structure (distribution of solids concentrations)of the flows to find out the reason for the low pressure drops. It is assumed that this is a result of the shearing of the top of the stationary/sliding bed at the low veloci-ties. More detailed tests are required to find the source of the shearing process.The test results indicate that the specific energy consumption at velocities near the deposition limit velocity is not very sensitive to the pipe size. However,the difference among the pipes of different sizes tends to increase with the increasing velocity in the pipes. For the selection of a pipe diameter in practice, it is necessary to look not only at the specific energy consumption, but also at the required power of the transport facility and other requirements of a dredging project.ReferencesAssar, M. (1996).A Theoretical and Experimental Study of Slurry Flow.Doctoral thesis, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,Ohio, USA.Bray, Bates and Land (1997).Dredging a Handbook for Engineers.Arnold, U.K.Clift, R., Wilson, K.C., Addie, G. R., and Carstens, M.R. (1982). “A mechanistically-based method of scaling pipeline tests for settling slurries”. Proceedings Hydrotransport 8.BHRA Fluid Engineering, Cranfield, UK, pp. 91-101.Churchill, S.W. (1977).“Friction-factor equation spans all fluid-flow regime”. Chemical Engineering,84(24), pp. 91-2.Gillies, R. G. (1993).Pipeline Flow of Coarse Particle Slurries.Doctorial thesis, UMI Dissertation Services, pp 56-81.Herbich, J.B. (1992).Handbook of Dredging Engineering.McGraw Hill, New York. Lee, M. S., Matousek, V., Chung, C. K., Lee,Y. N.(2003).“Hydraulic transport of Jumoonjin sand experiments in Hyundai dredging test loop”. Proceedings CEDA Dredging Day 2003,Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 165-174. Matousek, V. (1997).Flow Mechanism of Sand-Water Mixtures in Pipelines. Doctoral thesis, Delft Univ. Press, pp 73-144.Matousek, V., Chara, Z., and Vlasak, P. (2004).“On the effect of particle size and pipe size on slurry flow friction”. Proceedings 12th Int. Conf. Transport and Sedimentation of Solid Particles .Wilson, K.C., Addie, G.R., Sellgren, A., and Clift, R. (1997). “Slurry Transport Using Centrifugal Pumps”. Blackie A & P ,London, UK, pp 50-152.10Figure 12. Specific energy consumptions amongst 3-different pipes.50100150200250300350400654321Solids throughput (ton/hour)S E C (k W h /t o n n e .k m )C vd =3%C vd = 12%C vd =7%C vd =7%C vd =7%C vd = 22%C vd =22%C vd =20%Empty Circle, Triangle:200 mm Rectangular, Diamond:200 mm Solid Circle, Triangle:150 mm Rectangular, Diamond:300 mm。