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A sunny morning.


Dad solemnly announced a very important thing for him, he said: “I must lose more than ten kilograms.” I put up my thumb and said to him in a very surprised voice, “OK, you must succeed?” But mom didn't trust dad at all. Mom said, “then jog 70 laps in our neighborhood, or you won't want to watch TV.” “Dad said:” no problem, make sure to complete the adult assigned tasks for me 他穿着一双全新的跑步运动鞋下楼跑步了。这时妈妈叫我去外面的小卖部里买一瓶可口可乐,我一到小卖部买好可乐,这时看见筋疲力尽的老爸正往小卖部这里走。

He went downstairs in a new pair of running shoes. At this time, my mother asked me to buy a bottle of Coca Cola in the grocery

store. As soon as I got the coke, I saw my exhausted dad walking to the grocery store.


I stared at him and found that he had bought a 12 yuan Budweiser beer and was about to drink it. I stopped him and said, “Dad, do you want to lose weight? If you want, please don't drink it. Come home with me and drink the boiled water my mother has cooked. If you don't want, you can drink it.” He hesitated for a moment and threw the wine away.


He said, “yes, yes, I said I would lose more than ten kilograms. I can't fail to promise now!”


Three months later, dad has lost more than ten pounds. So Dad loved the fun sport.
