Thomas Hardy

Yeah, I am good at writis literature 尽管他是以他的文学著名于世的
he started his career as an architect 但他一开始并没有直接步入文坛,而是从搬砖盖房子开始了他的职业
And he succeeded! From the first novel, "The Desperate Remedies" to the fourth novel "Far from the Madding Crowd", he has had become a famous novelist.
Thomas Hardy
Rage-comic Version
Today I am going to introduce a writer, Thomas Hardy. 大家好,今天我向大家介绍一位文学家——托马斯哈代。 (好像掺进来了什么奇怪的东西)
Hello , I am Hardy
他最有名小说有两部,《德伯家的苔丝》《无名的裘德》。这两部小说是如此 的引起争议,以至于这两部小说也是哈代的最后两部小说。
At that time, someone who wanted to prove his noble, he would buy these novels, and then criticize Hardy immoral after reading. Therefore, somebody said the reason why Hardy no longer writes a novel is that these books gave him enough money.

2.1 Nostalgic touch for declining
rural life.
Living at the turn of the century, Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer. In him we see the influence from both the Victorian and the modern. As some people put it, he is intellectually advanced and emotionally traditional.
The points of views
1. Nostalgic touch for declining rural life.
2. Attitude toward science and contemporary philosophy
3. His combined force of "nature" --view of Fatalism
Biography (Lifemas Hardy was born in Dorsetshire, Southwest of England, the area that later became the famous "Wessex" in many of his novels.
Thomas Hardy (1840~1928)
• 1. A brief introduction to the biography. • 2. The points of views. • 3. Artistic features of his works. • 4. The Main points of the selected works. • 5.Relevent exercise. • Major works
thomas hardy the darkling thrush 赏析

thomas hardy the darkling thrush 赏析
托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)是19世纪末至20世纪初英国最杰出的文学家之一,他的作品主题深邃,笔触细腻,深受读者喜爱。
其中,《The Darkling Thrush》是他众多诗歌中的一首,通过对一只在冬日暮色中鸣叫的暗淡的知更鸟的描绘,传达了深沉而独特的情感。
《The Darkling Thrush》这首诗的情感基调是哀伤与希望并存。
《The Darkling Thrush》这首诗以其独特的情感和哲理,让读者在欣赏其美的同时,思考人生的意义和价值。

Thomas Hardy

1866年开始小说创作,第一部小说 《穷人与贵妇》未出版。随后创作 了一部以爱情、阴谋、凶杀、侦破 为内容的情节小说《计出无奈》, 出版后受到肯定性评价。
1874年与爱玛·拉文纳结婚。1912 年哈代的妻子去世。 1914年与他的秘书F.E.达格代尔 结婚,后者在他死后写有他的传记。 1928年1月11日,哈代在多塞特多 切斯特去世后,他的骨灰被安葬在 Grave of Thomas Hardy's heart 威斯敏斯特教堂。按照他的遗愿, at Stinsford parish church 他的心脏安葬在他的出生地附近的 斯廷斯福德教堂墓地。
哈代的观点和社会偏见尖锐对立,他通过苔丝这 个形象对当时虚伪的道德标准严加抨击。哈代坚 持道德的纯洁在于心灵的纯洁,不在于一时的过 错,不仅仅在于她得过去,更包含她的将来,因 此苔丝是“一个纯洁的女人”。哈代认为世界上 没有完人。哈代严厉批评了克莱代表的资产阶级 的伦理道德,指出它已经成为人们精神上的枷锁。 然而正是这种民族风俗习惯结晶的伦理道德,它 具有神圣的性质,是不成文的法律,被认作永远 正当的东西。苔丝就是这种世俗谬见的牺牲品。 哈代通过苔丝的悲惨遭遇无情结揭示出这种伦理 道德的伪善及其劣根性,把它的残酷内容暴露出。
Thomas Hardy was born at Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, England in 1840.
多 塞 特 郡
哈代1840年生于英国西南部的多塞特郡,毗邻多 塞特郡大荒原,这里的自然环境日后成了哈代作 品的主要背景。
Thomas Hardy's birthplace at Higher Bockhampton
1856年(16岁)哈代离开学校 开始做建筑 学徒,后为建筑师助理,司教堂修复。建筑 论文曾获英国皇家建筑学会奖。有音乐、绘 画及语言才能,通古希腊文及拉丁文。在哲 学、文学和自然科学方面有广博学识。受当 时科学重大发现进化论影响,在宗教方面成 为怀疑论者。
英国文学Thomas Hardy简介

1.Character and Environment
The Poor Man and the Lady(1867, unpublished and lost) 《穷汉与贵妇人》 Under the Greenwood Tree(1872) 《绿树荫下 》 Far from the Madding Crowd(1874) 《远离尘嚣》 The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886) 《卡斯特桥市长》 Tess of the d'Urbervilles(1891) 《德伯家的苔丝》 Jude the Obscure(1895) 《无名的裘德》
Religious Symbols
From numerous pagan(异教的) and neo-Biblical references made about her, Tess has been viewed variously as an Earth goddess or as a sacrificial victim. Early in the novel, she participates in a festival for Ceres, the goddess of the harvest, and when she performs a baptism she chooses a passage from Genesis, the book of creation, over more traditional New Testament verses. At the end, when Tess and Angel come to Stonehenge, commonly believed in Hardy's time to be a pagan temple, she willingly lies down on an altar, thus fulfilling her destiny as a human sacrifice.

Many of Hardy's books and letters were burnt
A Poet & A Novelist
He wrote much poetry in the last thirty years of his life and remains a highly regarded poet and novelist.
Poet’s Corner
➢ He himself grouped his novels into three series: ➢ romances and fantasies “传奇和幻想作品”(罗曼史) ➢ novels of ingenuity “机巧和试验小说”(爱情阴谋故事) ➢ novels of character and environment. “性格和环境小说”
Wessex Works
❖ Wessex novels: novels describing the characters and environment of his native countryside.
❖ Their setting is the agricultural region of the southern counties of England. He truthfully depicts the poverty and decay of small farmers who become hired field hands and roam of the traditional mode of life in rural England.
➢After Jude the Obscure, Hardy never wrote another novel.
第七章第三节2 哈代

①罗曼史和幻想 (Romances and Fantasies) ②爱情阴谋小说(Novels of Ingenuity) ③性格与环境小说(Novels of Character and Environment)
《苔丝》 Tess of the D’urbervilles (1891)
纯洁、善良、坚强、具有反抗精神 传统道德观念和父权文化思想的束缚
生态女性主义认为,社会和男性对于自然和女性长时间存在着一种侵犯和 压迫,而这两种压迫有着直接的联系,因为自然和女性两者之间有着极大 的亲近性和相连性,女性与自然都经历过帝国战争、殖民扩张以及工业文 明的摧残与排挤。
乡下石匠的儿子—— 建筑师——诗人—— 小说家——诗人
Thomas Hardy (1840~1928)
“威塞克斯小说”(Wessex Novels )
威塞克斯是哈代家乡的古地名。 威塞克斯是6世纪中叶盎格鲁-撒克逊人入侵英 国后,建立的7个割据王国之一。公元838年, 威塞克斯王爱格柏统一了整个英国。
例如:艾拉白拉(《裘德》)、亚雷(《苔丝》) (3)灵肉性人物(soul incarnate)
例如:裘德(《裘德》)、苔丝(《苔丝》)、亨察尔(《卡斯特桥市 长》)、游苔莎(《还乡》)

小说以威塞克斯出生的商 人克林·姚伯回到家乡以实 现自己的田园理想终究失 败的悲剧性故事,揭示了 “我们不能打算怎样在人 生里光荣前进,而只得打 算怎样不丢脸地退出人生 ”的主题。在小说中,爱 敦荒原第一次作为总体的 象征出现在威塞克斯小说 序列中。
哈 代 墓 地
哈代的小说大都以他的家乡——英国西南 部的多塞特郡为背景,表现十九世纪中后 期在北方工业资本主义的侵袭下,这块英 国宗法制乡村的最后绿洲逐渐沦陷的历史 遭遇。多塞特古称“威塞克斯”,故哈代 将这些小说命名为“威塞克斯小说”,其 中的《卡斯特桥市长》(1886)、《德伯家 的苔丝》(1891)、《无名的裘德》(1895) 等无疑代表了哈代小说创作的最高成就。
Thomas Hardy
哈代不仅是十九世纪后半叶英国最伟大的 小说家,也是这一时期最富独创性的诗人 之一。他的诗歌以深广的悲悯情怀、鲜明 的命运主题、浓郁的乡土气息、非个人化 的戏剧化手法和强烈的形式感而独树一帜, 为英语诗歌的现代化奠定了基础。他的主 要诗歌作品包括《威塞克斯诗篇》 (1898)、《新旧诗集》(1901),诗剧 《列王》(1903)等。
哈代思想深受古希腊悲剧作家埃斯库罗斯 和德国非理性主义哲学家叔本华的影响, 具有浓厚的命运观念和悲观主义情绪,这 使得哈代同十九世纪英国主流社会和伦敦 文学圈子始终格格不入。他小说的人物或 是受一种难以抑止的本能的驱使,或是因 某种无法逆料的偶然的捉弄,往往陷入可 怕的悲剧结局。
英国文学Thomas Hardy作者介绍ppt

1856 At 16, he was apprenticed to a local architect.
He moved to London and become an architect. Meanwhile, he tried writing poetry, but was rejected
by publishers, so he failed to get any published.
poor health forced him to return to Dorset, but he still worked as an architect to support himself while writing
• Their setting is the agricultural region of the southern counties of England. He truthfully depicts the poverty and decay of small farmers who become hired field hands(沦落为雇佣的田间劳动者) and these labourers are mercilessly exploited by the rich landowners.
Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代 (1840-1928)
17英语2 Rita
0 1 Life 0 2 Writing styles 0 3 Works 0 4 Comments
• Novelist and poet, is one of the representatives of English critical realism at the turn of the 19th century.
Thomas Hardy

• 哈代一生共发表了近20部 长篇小说,其中最著名的 当推《德伯家的苔丝》、 《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure)、《还乡》和 《卡斯特桥市长》。诗8集, 共918首,此外,还有许 多以“威塞克斯故事”为 总名的中短篇小说,以及 长篇史诗剧《列王》。
• 生平
• 16岁开始做建筑学 • 25岁写诗 • 1866年开始小说创作,第一 部小说《穷人与贵妇》未出 版 • 1874年与爱玛· 拉文纳结婚。 • 1903年——1908年哈代关于 拿破仑战争的三卷诗剧《列 王》问世 • 1928年1月11日,哈代在多 塞特多切斯特去世
• Through the slow summer, when the sun • Called to each frond and whorl • That all he could for flowers was being done, • Why did it not uncurl?
• It must have felt that fervid call • Although it took no heed, • Waking but now, when leaves like corpses fall, • And saps all retrocede. • Too late its beauty, lonely thing, • The season"s shine is spent, • Nothing remains for it but shivering In tempests turbulent.
《韦塞克斯诗集》《今昔诗集》 《早期与晚期抒情诗》《艾丽西娅日 记》《时光的笑柄》《列王》《一双 湛蓝的眼》《今昔诗篇》《德伯家的 苔丝》《计出无奈》

Wessex Poems and Other Verses (1898) Poems of the Past and the Present (1901) Time's Laughingstocks and Other Verses (1909) Satires of Circumstance (1914) Moments of Vision (1917) Collected Poems (1919) Late Lyrics and Earlier with Many Other Verses (1923)
Novels of love trapping
Novels of character and environment
Novels of romance and fantasy
A Pair of Blue Eyes
The Trumpet major Two on a Tower The Well-Beloved A Group of Noble Dames
Thomas Hardy 托马斯·哈代
Thomas Hardy
Born : June 2, 1840
Died : January 11, 1928 (aged 87)
Graduated :King‘s College , London
Occupation : Novelist, Poet, Short Story writer
Far from the Madding Crowd Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Jude the Obscure
Novels of character and environment
In 1872 74 95 91
Thomas Hardy

wife died in 1912,and in 1914 he married Florence Emily Dugdale, a children’s book writer, some 40years his junior. He was finally buried in Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey.
Life experience
He was born near Dorchester. The son of a stonemason, he derived a love of music from his father and a devotion to literature from his mother In 1861 he went to London to learn construction then he learnt literature, philosophy and theology From 1862 to 1867 he served as assistant of one architect. Ill health forced him to return to Dorsetshire where he worked for Hicks an his successor until 1874.
Features of Hardy’s writing
Hardy’s language has the simplicity of a countryman’s speech coupled with the sophisticated vocabulary of an educated man. Symbolism is an important feature of Hardy’s words, so that many objects, natural phenomena and characters in the novels are given symbolic meanings. Wessex novels

创作于1891年,描写贫穷的农家女子苔丝一生的 遭遇。她渴望凭自己的劳动过日子,但是在当时 的社会中却接二连三地受到沉重珠打击。
苔丝还非常年轻的时候,就因为家庭贫困,不得 不上德伯家去当女工,遭到资产阶级纨绔子弟亚 雷·德伯的污辱,怀了身孕,成为一个“失了身的 女子。她忍受周围人们歧视和道德偏见的压力, 孩子病死后,她在一家牛奶场工作,认识了一个 牧师的儿子,青年大学生安玑·克莱,不久便和他 相爱。苔丝向克莱讲述了自己过去的不幸经历之 后,充满资产阶级的虚伪的伦理偏见的克莱,突 然一反往常的态度,遗弃了苔丝,使她走上更加 悲惨的道路。苔丝转到另一个农场劳动,受到资 本家更残酷的剥削。后来父亲死去,一家人沦 落街头,纨绔子弟亚雷又来纠缠她,她不得已而 又迁就了他。克莱的突然归来使苔丝受刺激太深 终于酿成了她杀死亚雷的悲剧。她成了一个杀人 犯,被法庭判处死刑。
创作于1895年,写青年石匠裘德一生的遭遇。他 自幼无信朊靠,凭自修学会了拉丁文、希腊文, 获得了不少知识。他一心希望入大学,将来做一 个教师,但资本主义社会的高等学府蔑视这个出 身低微的青年,把他排斥在门外,他的求学计划 失败了。他和表妹的爱情触犯了资本主义社会的 宗教和道德教条,在社会舆论的压力下,爱人离 去,孩子惨死,他自己也在孤独中死去。资产阶 级社会的道德、法律、宗教以至教育制度就这样 一步步地把这青年石匠逼上了死路。裘德一生个 人奋斗,最后还是默默无闻,没有实现他成名的 愿望。作者通过裘德的遭遇,谴责了资本主义社 会的教育制度和婚姻关系的不合理。
托马斯·哈代 Thomas Hardy
托马斯·哈代,英国作家。他生于农村没落 贵族家庭。16岁开始做建筑学徒,后为 建筑师助理,司教堂修复。25岁写诗, 他把自己的诗看得比小说更重要,他的诗 作很多,其中一小部分表达了高度提炼和 深刻的个人感情,这可能是他最优秀的文 学成就。1866年开始小说创作,第一部 小说《穷人与贵妇》未出版。随后创作了 一部以爱情、阴谋、凶杀、侦破为内容的 情节小说《计出无奈》,出版后受到肯定 性评价。 1874年与爱玛·拉文纳结婚。在 爱玛的鼓励下,连续创作了《绿林荫下》 、《一双湛蓝的秋波》、《远离尘嚣》。 《远离尘嚣》一书以清新自然的风格和鲜 明生动的人物形象获得极大成功,他从此 放弃建筑行业,走上专业创作道路。
Thomas Hardy托马斯哈迪

2010级12班王之宜201005421227Thomas HardyThomas Hardy (1840-1928) is in the last of the great Victorian novelist. Hardy was born in Dorset, southern England. Son of a builder, he became a builder himself. At the age of 22, he began to write poetry. He insisted in studying literature and philosophy by himself. Then in 1867, he began to write novels. While, for the last three decades of his life, he turned back to poetry and became one of the major Victorian poets. Hardy was the most pessimistic novelist of the Victorian Age. Life after 1870s became drastically different with drastic changes in mood and tenor. The age of Emile Zola’s naturalism had arrived. Hardy was apparently affected: the spirit of determinism characteristic of the naturalistic works of the period permeated his later novels as well. But Hardy is not a naturalistic writer. Hardy was a prolific writer. His Victorian novels were divided into 3 groups, novels of character and environment, romances and fantasies and novels of ingenuity. He also wrote short stories and post-Victorian poetry.In his early life, Hardy tried to write some poems but all of them were not published, so he began to write novels. Hardy's first novel, The Poor Man and The Lady, finished by 1867, but he failed to find a publisher. With the advices of his friend, he gave up trying to publish and destroy the manuscript. In 1871, he published his first novel Desperate Remedies, and then publishes Under the Greenwood Tree in 1872, A Pair of Blue Eyes in 1873. Hardy’s greatest nove ls are T ess of the D’Urbervilles,Jude the Obscure. And the former attracted criticism for its sympathetic portrayal of a "fallen woman" and was initially refused publication. Its subtitle, A Pure Woman: Faithfully Presented was intended to raise the eyebrows of the Victorian middle-classes. Unlike the novels of Charles Dickens and George Eliot, Hardy's novels do not beg to be filmed or to be adapted for the stage. Some scholars have suggested that this is due to the absence of flair in Hardy for the overtly dramatic.Naturalism and fatalism can be sensed everywhere by readers in his novels. His works capture the ethos of England, and contain symbolism, allusions as well ascombination of naturalism, realism and symbolism. Hardy is skillful in using nature and landscape to express human feelings. Hardy’s writing features lie in his determinist stance on the nature of life and the cosmos, his sharp sense of the humorous and absurd and his love and observation of the natural world with strong symbolic effect. H ardy’s stories are always moving and bewitching. He deviates consciously from traditional Victorian realism that emphasizes plot more than characterization. It is definitely to his credit that he manages to bring back to fiction a high sense of tragedy, th e Greek sense of fatality. What’s more, Hardy places emphasis on the deeper psychology of his characters. Hardy’s language possesses a silent power and charm. His prose is studded with rhetorical devices and poetic imagery, and is richly connotative. He is also famous for his uneven style. While there are some minor flaws in Hardy’s works-his ideas are not always clear, and his plots may occasionally jump and dislocate.The features in his novels cannot separate from his experience.Firstly,the source of his thoughts of destiny came from the great influence from his mother and grandmother in his childhood and the child memories greatly affected his future writing.Secondly,ancient Greek tragedies played a key role in the literary education he had got.The characters in his novel are quite different from those in ancient Greek tragedies,but they both have strong tragic flavor,no escape from destiny and strong sense of fatalism.The readers can taste the bitterness,pain,helplessness and unreasonable fate.Finally,the social causes of the thoughts of tragic destiny in Hardy s novels are explored as followed:the dark society,the gap between the poor and then rich and the invasion of capitalism into countryside driving many poor peasants into bankrupt and plights.So the unchangeable social reality and the social vicious power forced him into believing in fate and made him a tragic fatalist.Tess of the D’Urbervilles is Thomas Hardy’s great work which possesses a very important position in literary history of the world. Since it was born 100 years ago, it has attracted people’s attention and argument, in part because it challenged the sexual mores of Hardy's day. The story is about the tragic fate of Tess. Tess is a beautiful and pure girl at first, but her innocence and ignorance of sex caused her seduced by Alecand therefore she has no chastity. When Tess experiences physical, material and spiritual sufferings, Angel comes to Tess, caring her and loving her. He gives Tess great condors like an angel sending good news of God. However, when he knows Tess has been seduced by Alec, his attitude changes very drastically. He cannot forgive Tess and asks to stop the marriage. Then he leaves Tess. The pain he has brought to Tess is much more serious than that brought by Alec, and it is even fatal in some sense. Under the torment of the hate for Alec and the love for Angel, Tess falls into great despair and she stabs Alec and runs away with Angel. But she is finally arrested and hanged.The story reveals the spirit of determinist defeatism and enforces its shibboleth of predestination, and no amount of human effort can alter its design of darkness. Tess is a paragon of innocence. What she asks for life is simple enough: to be loved and happy. But she is not got it because she is at the mercies of the odds against her. (Two men must appear in her life to confuse and distract her. One is totally evil; the other apparently good. The two both serve as the instruments of Chance. So many coinc idences occur in Tess’ life that the hand of Chance is in evidence wherever she goes.) This novel is a mirror for the spirit of the time. Hardy describes his critical attitude towards the unjust treatment of women and his denunciation of the hypocrisy of the social structures a moral code of Victorian England.“Ache of modernism" is one theme of this novel, and this theme is notable in Tess, which, as one critic noted, portrays "the energy of traditional ways and the strength of the forces that are destroying them". His works focuses on the representation of the psychic ache that modern civilization brings on to man. They have a grave sense of crisis and bear strong affinity with the modernist literature. Angel's middle-class fastidiousness makes him reject Tess. When he parts from her and goes to Brazil, the handsome young man gets so ill that he is reduced to a "mere yellow skeleton". All these instances are typically interpreted as indications of the negative consequences of man's separation from nature, both in the creation of destructive machinery and in the inability to rejoice in pure nature. However, Marxist critic Raymond Williams in The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence questions the identification of Tess with apeasantry destroyed by industrialism. Tess is not a peasant, she is a school educated member of the rural working class: she suffers a tragedy through being thwarted, in her aspirations to rise and her desire for a good life (among which is love and sex), not by "industrialism" but by the landed bourgeoisie (Alec), liberal idealism (Angel) and Christian moralism in her family's village.You can also find sexual double standard in this novel. Hardy criticizes certain social constraints that hindered the lives of those living in the 19th century. It was also moral conflict at that time when women were not allowed to have the same rights as men. Alec’s seduction of Tess destroys her happiness and brings her shame. But n o one thought that Alec was guilty but blamed Tess. Besides, Tess tried to be honest about her unfortunate past before the marriage, but following the order of fate, her husband didn’t read her letter. At the weeding day Angel confess he had done something bad at the past and gain forgive from his wife, while Tess told him her tragedy and gain discard from him. The body hurt from Alec and the physical hurt from Angel make the final tragedy to Tess.References:蔡健,《从女性主义批评解读苔丝的悲剧》,《南京航空航天大学学报》(社会科学版)2009/4。

Thomas Hardy was born on June 2, 1840, in Higher Bockhampton in Dorset, a rural region of southwestern England that was to become the focus of his fiction. His father , who likes music very much, was a stonemason. Hardy parents attached great importance to his education. Being the child of a builder, Hardy left school and apprenticed at the age of sixteen to John Hicks, an architect who lived in the city of Dorchester. The location would later serve as the model for Hardy’s fictional Casterbridge. In 1862, Hardy went to London served as architectural draftsman. And studied language at London University, meanwhile,he began his writing.哈代的文学生涯开始于诗歌,后因无缘发表,改事小说创作。
Thomas Hardy

Selected reading : The Woman Pays
The failure of her wedding journey to the d'Urberville manor marks the beginning of Tess's decline, which proves to be continuous and irreversible. She is humiliated by how her reappearance in Marlott looks to friends and neighbors. There is no longer a place for her in the family home; not only is her bedroom occupied by her siblings, but her father doubts whether she is really married. Tess's isolation deepens. Her social and economic status decline with the temporary jobs she takes. They become more physically demanding, and she suffers poverty. Pride prevents her from letting either her parents or Angel's parents know of her financial difficulties. She is completely alone.
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
英国作家哈代个人及作品简介 1_Thomas_Hardy__

❖ In a recent biography on Hardy, Claire Tomalin argues that Hardy became a truly great English poet after the death of his first wife, Emma
❖ There he met and fell in love with Emma Gifford.
❖ His break with architecture occurred in the summer of 1872.
❖ He published A Pair of Blue Eyes in the form of 11 monthly installments
❖ born at Higher Bockhampton
a hamlet in the parish of Stinsford to the east of Dorchester in Dorset, England.
❖ His father (Thomas) worked as a stonemason and local builder.
William Boldwood, the deeply obsessive farmer.
❖ Wessex Tales (《威塞克斯故事 集》,1888) was the first collection of the short stories that Hardy had long been publishing in magazines.

Thomas Hardy (1840-1904)Thomas Hardy was born at Higher Bockhampton, Dorset, on June 2, 1840, where his father worked as a master mason and builder. From his father he gained an appreciation of music, and from his mother an appetite for learning and the delights of the countryside about his rural home.Hardy was frail as a child, and did not start at the village school until he was eight years old. One year later he transferred to a new school in the county town of Dorchester.At the age of 16 Hardy helped his father with thearchitectural drawings for a restoration of Woodsford Castle.The owner, architect James Hicks, was impressed by the younger Hardy's work, and took him on as an apprentice.Hardy later moved to London to work for prominent architect Arthur Blomfield. He began writing, but his poems were rejected by a number of publishers. Although he enjoyed life in London, Hardy's health was poor, and he was forced to return to Dorset.In 1870 Hardy was sent to plan a church restoration at St. Juliot in Cornwall. There he met Emma Gifford, sister-in-law of the vicar of St.Juliot. She encouraged him in his writing, and they were married in 1874.Hardy published his first novel, Desperate Remedies in 1871, to universal disinterest. But the following year Under the Greenwood Tree brought Hardy popular acclaim for the first time. As with most of his fictional works, Greenwood Tree incorporated real places around Dorset into the plot, including the village school of Higher Bockhampton that Hardy had first attended as a child.The success of Greenwood Tree brought Hardy a commission to write a serialized novel, A Pair of Blue Eyes, for Tinsley's Magazine. Once more Hardy drew upon real life, and the novel mirrors his own courtship of Emma.Hardy followed this with Far From the Madding Crowd, set in Puddletown (renamed Weatherby), near his birthplace. This novel finally netted Hardy the success that enabled him to give up his architectural practice and concentrate solely on writing.The Hardys lived in London for a short time, then in Yeovil, then in Sturminster Newton (Stourcastle), which Hardy described as "idyllic". Itwas at Sturminster Newton that Hardy penned Return of the Native, one of his most enduring works.Finally the Hardys moved to Dorchester, where Thomas designed their new house, Max Gate, into which they moved in 1885. One year later Hardy published The Mayor of Casterbridge, followed in 1887 by The Woodlanders and in 1891 by one of his best works, Tess of the d'Urbervilles.Tess provoked interest, but his next work, Jude the Obscure (1896), catapulted Hardy into the midst of a storm of controversy. Jude outraged Victoria morality and was seen as an attack upon the institution of marriage. Its publication caused a rift between Thomas and Emma, who feared readers would regard it as describing their own marriage.Of course the publicity did no harm to book sales, but reader's hid the book behind plain brown paper wrappers, and the Bishop of Wakefield burned his copy! Hardy himself was bemused by the reaction his book caused, and he turned away from writing fiction with some disgust.For the rest of his life Hardy focussed on poetry, producing several collections, including Wessex Poems (1898).Emma Hardy died in November 1912, and was buried in Stinsford churchyard. Thomas was stricken with guilt and remorse, but the result was some of his best poetry, expressing his feelings for his wife of 38 years.All was not gloom, however, for in 1914 Hardy remarried, to Florence Dugdale, his secretary since 1912. Thomas Hardy died on January 11, 1928 at his house of Max Gate in Dorchester. He had expressed the wish to be buried beside Emma, but his wishes were only partly regarded; his body was interred in Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey, and only his heart was buried in Emma's grave at Stinsford.A rumor has persisted since Hardy's death that it is not the author's heart that was buried beside Emma. The story goes that Hardy's housekeeper placed his heart on the kitchen table, where it was promptly devoured by her cat. Apparently a pig's heart was used to replace Hardy's own. Truth? Fiction? We will probably never know.English poet and regional novelist, whose works depict the imaginary county "Wessex" (=Dorset). Hardy's career as writer spanned over fifty years. His earliest books appeared when Anthony Trollope (1815-82) wrote his Palliser series, and he published poetry in the decade of T.S. Eliot'sThe Waste Land. Hardy's work reflected his stoical pessimism and sense of tragedy in human life."Critics can never be made to understand that that the failuremay be greater than the success... To have the strength toroll a stone weighting a hundredweight to the top of amountain is a success, and to have the strength to roll a stoneof then hundredweight only halfway up that mount is a failure.But the latter is two or three times as strong a deed." (Hardyin his diary, 1907)Thomas Hardy's own life wasn't similar to his stories. He was born on the Egdon Heath, in Dorset, near Dorchester. His father was a master mason and building contractor. Hardy's mother, whose tastes included Latin poets and French romances, provided for his education. After schooling in Dorchester Hardy was apprenticed to an architect. He worked in an office, which specialized in restoration of churches. In 1874 Hardy married Emma Lavinia Gifford, for whom he wrote 40 years later, after her death, a group of poems known as VETERIS VESTIGIAE FLAMMAE (Vestiges of an Old Flame).At the age of 22 Hardy moved to London and started to write poems, which idealized the rural life. He was an assistant in the architectural firm of Arthur Blomfield, visited art galleries, attended evening classes in French at King's College, enjoyed Shakespeare and opera, and read works of Charles Darwin, Herbert Spencer, and John Stuart Mills, whose positivism influenced him deeply. In 1867 Hardy left London for the family home in Dorset, and resumed work briefly with Hicks in Dorchester. He entered into a temporary engagement with Tryphena Sparks, asixteen-year-old relative. Hardy continued his architectural work, but encouraged by Emma Lavinia Gifford, he started to consider literature as his "true vocation."Unable to find public for his poetry, the novelist George Meredith advised Hardy to write a novel. His first novel, THE POOR MAN AND THE LADY, was written in 1867, but the book was rejected by many publishers and he destroyed the manuscript. His first book that gained notice, was FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD (1874). After its success Hardy was convinced that he could earn his living as an author. He devoted himself entirely to writing and produced a series of novels, among them THE RETURN OF NATIVE (1878), THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE (1886).TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES (1891) came into conflict with Victorian morality. It explored the dark side of his family connections in Berkshire. In the story the poor villager girl Tess Durbeyfield is seduced by the wealthy Alec D'Uberville. She becomes pregnant but the child dies ininfancy. Tess finds work as a dairymaid on a farm and falls in love with Angel Clare, a clergyman's son. They marry but when Tess tells Angel about her past, he hypocritically desert her. Tess becomes Alec's mistress. Angel returns from Brazil, repenting his harshness, but finds her living with Alec. Tess kills Alec in desperation, she is arrested and hanged.Hardy's JUDE THE OBSCURE (1895) aroused even more debate. The story dramatized the conflict between carnal and spiritual life, tracing Jude Fawley's life from his boyhood to his early death. Jude marries Arabella, but deserts her. He falls in love with his cousin, hypersensitive Sue Bridehead, who marries the decaying schoolmaster, Phillotson, in a masochist fit. Jude and Sue obtain divorces, but their life together deteriorates under the pressure of poverty and social disapproval. The eldest son of Jude and Arabella, a grotesque boy nicknamed 'Father Time', kills their children and himself. Broken by the loss, Sue goes back to Phillotson, and Jude returns to Arabella. Soon thereafter Jude dies, and his last words are: "Wherefore is light given to him that is in misery, and life unto the bitter in soul?".In 1896, disturbed by the public uproar over the unconventional subjects of two of his greatest novels, Tess of the D'Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure, Hardy announced that he would never write fiction again. A bishop solemnly burnt the book, 'probably in his despair at not being able to burn me', Hardy noted. Hardy's marriage had also suffered from the public outrage - critics on both sides of the Atlantic abused the author as degenerate and called the work itself disgusting. In April, 1912, Hardy wrote:"Then somebody discovered that Jude was a moral work - austerein its treatment of a difficult subject - as if the writerhad not all the time said in the Preface that it was meantto be so. Thereupon many uncursed me, and the matter ended,the only effect of it on human conduct that I could discoverbeing its effect on myself - the experience completely curingme of the further interest in novel-writing."By 1885 the Hardys had settled near Dorchester at Max gate, a house designed by the author and built by his brother, Henry. With the exceptions of seasonal stays in London and occasional excursions abroad, his Bockhampton home, "a modest house, providing neither more nor less than the accommodation ... needed" (as Michael Millgate describes it in his biography of the author) was his home for the rest of his life.After giving up the novel, Hardy brought out a first group of Wessex poems, some of which had been composed 30 years before. During the remainder ofhis life, Hardy continued to publish several collections of poems. "Hardy, in fact, was the ideal poet of a generation. He was the most passionate and the most learned of them all. He had the luck, singular in poets, of being able to achieve a competence other than by poetry and then devote the ending years of his life to his beloved verses." (Ford Madox Ford in The March of Literature, 1938) Hardy's gigantic panorama of the Napoleonic Wars, THE DYNASTS, composed between 1903 and 1908, was mostly in blank verse. Hardy succeeded on the death of his friend George Meredith to the presidency of the Society of Authors in 1909. King George V conferred on him the Order of Merit and he received in 1912 the gold medal of the Royal Society of Literature.Hardy kept to his marriage with Emma Gifford although it was unhappy and he had - or he imagined he had - affairs with other women passing briefly through his life. Emma Hardy died in 1912 and in 1914 Hardy married his secretary, Florence Emily Dugdale, a woman in her 30's, almost 40 years younger than he. From 1920 through 1927 Hardy worked on his autobiography, which was disguised as the work of Florence Hardy. It appeared in two volumes (1928 and 1930). Hardy's last book published in his lifetime was HUMAN SHOWS, FAR PHANTASIES, SONGS AND TRIFLES (1925). WINTER WORDS IN VARIOUS MOODS AND METRES appeared posthumously in 1928.Hardy died in Dorchester, Dorset, on January 11, 1928. His ashes were cremated in Dorchester and buried with impressive ceremonies in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. According to a literary anecdote his heart was to be buried in Stinsford, his birthplace, and all went according to plan, until a cat belonging to the poet's sister snatched the heart off the kitchen, where it was temporarily kept, and disappeared into the woods with it.The center of Hardy's novels was the rather desolate and history-freighted countryside around Dorchester. His novels bravely challenged many of the sexual and religious conventions of the Victorian age, and dared to present a bleak view into human nature. In the early 1860s, after the appearance Darwin's Origin of Species (1859), Hardy's faith was still unshaken, but he soon adopted the mechanical-determinist view of nature's cruelty, reflected in the inevitably tragic and self-destructive fates of his characters. In his poems Hardy depicted rural life without sentimentality - his mood was often stoically hopeless. "Though he was a modern, even a revolutionary writer in his time, most of us read him now as a lyrical pastoralist. It may be a sign of the times that some of us take his books to bed, as if even his pessimistic vision was one that enabled us to sleep soundly." (Anatole Broyard in New York Times, May 12, 1982)For further reading: The Life of Thomas Hardy: A CriticalBiography by P.D.L. Turner (1998); Thomas Hardy in Our Timeby R.W. Langbaum (1995); Hardy and the Erotic by T.R. Wright(1989); Thomas Hardy by M. Millgate (1982); The Older Hardyby R. Gittings (1980); An Essay on Thomas Hardy by J. Bayley(1978); The Final Years of Thomas Hardy, 1912-1928 by H. Orel(1976); Young Thomas Hardy by R. Gittings (1975); ThomasHardy: A Critical Biography by J.I.M. Stewart (1971); ThePoetry of Thomas Hardy: A Handbook and Commentary by J.O.Bailey (1970); Thomas Hardy by I.Howe (1967); Thomas Hardy:A Critical Biography by E. Hardy (1954); Thomas Hardy by A.J.Guerard (1949); Hardy of Wessex: His Life and Career by C.J.Weber (1940) - See also: Wladyslaw Reymont, C.D.Lewis (TheLyrical Poetry of Thomas Hardy, 1953), Michael Innes,Francois La Rochefoucauld - "Hardy had an observing eye, aremembering mind; he did not need the Greeks to teach him thatthe Furies do arrive punctually, and that neither act, notwill, nor intention will serve to deflect a man's destiny fromhim, once he has taken the step which decides it." CatherineAnne Porter in Notes on a Criticism (1940)Selected works:•DESPERATE REMEDIES, 1871•UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE, 1872• A PAIR OF BLUE EYES, 1973 - Sininen silmäpari•FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD, 1874 - film 1967, dir. by John Schlesinger, starring Julie Christie , Peter Finch, Terence Stamp, Alan Bates, Prunella Ransome•THE RETURN OF THE NATIVE, 1878 - Paluu nummelle•THE TRUMPET-MAJOR, 1880•THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE, 1886 - Pormestarin tarina•WESSWX TALES, 1888•THE WOODLANDERS, 1887• A GROUP OF NOBLE DMES, 1891 - Ylhäisiä naisia•TESS OF THE D'URBERVILLES, 1891 - Tessin tarina - film 1980, Roman Polanski."The 18th-century world Polanski presents is so believable that we sense the people we see really do live in those farmhouses, shacks, country estates, and townhouses. There is wonderful period detail, and few films have been more exquisitely photographed (Geoffrey Unsworth and Ghislain Cloquet share the credit). A lovely film." (Danny Perry in Guide for the Film Fanatic, 1986)•LIFE'S LITTLE IRONIES, 1894•JUDE THE OBSCURE, 1895 - Jude, film adaptation in 1996, dir. by Michael Winterbottom, starring Christopher Eccleston, Kate Winslet, Liam Cunningham, Rachel Griffiths, June Whitfield•WESSEX POEMS, 1898•POEMS OF THE PAST AND THE PRESENT, 1901•THE DYNASTS, 1903-08•TIME'S LAUGHINGSTOCKS, 1909• A CHANGED MAN AND OTHER TALES, 1913•SATIRES OF CIRCUMSTANCE, 1914•MOMENTS OF VISION, 1917•THE PLAY OF ST. GEORGE, 1921•LATE LYRICS AND EARLIER, 1922•THE FAMOUS TRAGEDY OF THE QUEEN OF CORNWALL, 1923•HUMAN SHOWS, FAR PHANTASIES, 1925•LIFE AND ART, 1925•COLLECTED POEMS, 1927•WINTER WORDS, 1928•LIFE OF THOMAS HARDY, 1928-30 (with Florence Hardy)•AN INDISCRETION IN THE LIFE OF AN HEIRESS, 1934•THE LETTERS OF THOMAS HARDY, 1954•THOMAS HARDY'S NOTEBOOKS AND SOME LETTERS FROM JULIA AUGUSTRA MARTIN, 1955•"DEAREST EMMIE": THOMAS HARDY'S LETTERS TO HIS FIRST WIFE, 1963 •THE ARCHITECTURAL NOTEBOOKS OF THOMAS HARDY, 1966•THOMAS HARDY'S PERSONAL WRITINGS, 1972•THE LITERARY NOTES OF THOMAS HARDY, 1974•THE NEW WESSEX EDITION OF THE STORIES OF THOMAS HARDY, 1977 (3 vols.) c•THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF THOMAS HARDY, VOL. 1, 1840-1892, 1978 •THE PERSONAL NOTEBOOKS OF THOMAS HARDY, 1979•THE VARIORUM EDITION OF THE COMPLETE POEMS OF THOMAS HARDY, 1979 •THE COLLECTED LETTERS OF THOMAS HARDY, VOL. 2, 1893-1901, 1980。
thomas hardy

Features of Hardy’s works
哈代一生共创作15部长篇小说,4个短篇小说集,8卷诗集和两部 诗剧。他的作品虽不像狄更斯那样诙谐幽默,但却含蓄隽永,令人回味。其作 品在散发着浓浓的乡土人情味的同时,又闪烁着启迪人的智慧与悟性的光辉。 哈代以一位冷峻、严肃的现实主义作家的责任感,在其作品中倾注了对宗教、 伦理、人生、社会、爱情、婚姻等诸多问题的思考。
Angel Clare - The son of a clergyman, Tess’ husband. Finally,he comes back to renew the love with Tess.
Alec D'Urberville - He seduces Tess and causes her many sorrows. He is killed by Tess in the end.
Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Pure Woman (1891)
Major characters
Tess Durbeyfield - The protagonist, an innocent and pretty country girl. She was arrested and hanged.
Tess of the D'Urbervilles (1891) Jude the Obscure(1895) The Mayor of Casterbridge (1901)
作品目录列表 一双蓝眼睛 A Pair of Blue Eyes 德伯家的苔丝 Tess of the d'Urbervilles 无名的裘德 Jude the Obscure 还乡 卡斯特桥市长 三怪客 儿子的否定权 一个富有想像力的女人 彼特利克夫人 呼唤声
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Thomas Hardy(1840-1928)Thomas Hardy was an Englishnovelist and poet.For he lived at the turn of the century, he was generally regardedas a Victorian realist, in the tradition of George Eliot, also influenced both in his novels and poetry by Romanticism.Charles Dickens is another important influence on Thomas Hardy. Like Dickens, he was also highly critical of much in Victorian society, though Hardy focused more on a declining rural society.While Hardy wrote poetry throughout his life, he gained fame mainly as the author of such novels as Far from the Madding Crowd(1874), The Mayor of Casterbridge(1886), Tess of the d'Urbervilles(1891), and Jude theObscure (1895).Hardy’s fictional works were set in the semi-fictional region of Wessex and explored tragic characters struggling against their passions and social circumstances. Hardy's Wessex is based on the medieval Anglo-Saxon kingdom and eventually came to include the counties in south west England.Tess of D’Urbervilles:A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented *Plot SummaryThis book is the most pastoral of Hardy’s novels. Its plot centers on the tragic occurrences of its heroine Tess’s life. Tess comes from a poor farmer’s family, the Durbeyfields. One day her father learns that they are the descendants of the ancient family, the D’Urbevilles. More than excited at this “news” (actually a joke)and in earnest hope of changing the miserable condition of family, he sends daughter to claim kin with a distant relative noble D’Urbeville family. (类似但不同于《红楼梦》中的刘姥姥寻亲) For the quest of the family genealogy (宗谱, 系谱), Tess comes in contact with Alec D’Urbeville, which leads to her later tragedy. Before long the rich and guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl, and the following pregnancy compels her to return home in disgrace. She gives birth to a child, who dies soon.Out of financial need, Tess goes out to work as a dairymaid on a farm, where she and Angel Clare fall in love and get married. Out of genuine love for Clare, Tess confesses on the wedding night of her earlier misfortune in the hands of Alec, but Clare is unable to accept and forgive her. So he deserts her and goes to Brazil. Later, Alec takes the advantage of theDurbeyfield’s poverty and continues to harass Tess. Tess returns to be his Mistress in order to support the life of her mother and her sister and brother after the untimely death of her father. To her surprise, Clare, who is repentant for his ruthless treatment of her whom he still loves, returns from abroad. Such a circumstance throws Tess into the abyss of despair. She stabs Alec in a fit of anger and despair, (for she thinks he has ruined all her life), and then escape with Clare. They manage to hide foe a while in a wood, where they spend a couple of days with real love and happiness, before Tess is arrested in Stonehenge and sentenced to death.The turn of events prove that the novel is a classic tragedy. The real causes of her tragedy lie in the wicked nature and hypocritical morality of the society.Criticism on Themes*Hardy's writing often illustrates the "ache of modernism", and this theme is notable in Tess, which portrays “the energy of traditional ways and the strength of the forces that are destroying them”. Hardy describes modern farm machinery with infernal imagery; also, at the dairy, he notes that the milk sent to the city must be watered down because the townspeople cannot stomach whole milk. Angel's middle-class fastidiousness makes him reject Tess, a woman whom is always in harmony with the natural world. When he parts from her and goes to Brazil, the handsome young man gets so ill that he is reduced to a "mere yellow skeleton". All these instances are typically interpreted as indications of the negative consequences of man's separation from nature, both in the creation of destructive machinery and in the inability to rejoice in pure nature.However, Marxist critic Raymond Williams in The English Novel From Dickens to Lawrence questions the identification of Tess with a peasantry destroyed by industrialism. Tess is not a peasant, she is a school educated member of the rural working class: she suffers a tragedy through being thwarted, in her aspirations to rise and her desire for a good life (among which is love and sex), not by “industrialism”but by the landed bourgeoisie (Alec), liberal idealism (Angel) and Christian moralism in her family's village.Another important theme of the novel is the sexual double standards to which Tess falls victim; despite being, in Hardy's view, a truly good woman, she is despised by society after losing her virginity before marriage.Subtitling the book: a pure womanfaithfully presentedAt Victorian age, the double standards makes the heroine's tragedy possible, and thus serves as a mechanism of Tess's broader fate.In Chapter35, there is classic dialogue between Tess and Angel Clare in the wedding night. Clare told Tess his past and begged her forgiveness. Tess forgave him and told Clare her affair with Alec in the hope of his forgiveness, but to her surprise, Clare was stunned (shocked) and felt hurt at her past. He refused to accept her as a wife and was cold to her.“O Tess, forgiveness does not apply to the case! You were one person; now your are another. My God —how can forgiveness meet such a grotesque —prestidigitation (变戏法) as that!”Here Hardy criticizes the selfishness and hypocrisy of Angel Clare, who is representative of the bourgeois bycomparing to the frankness and honesty of Tess.(Criticism on Symbolism or Religious Criticism)Tess has been viewed variously as an Earth goddess or as a sacrificial victim. Early in the novel, she participates in a festival for Ceres, the goddess of the harvest, and when she performs a baptism, she chooses a passage from Genesis, the book of creation, over more traditional New Testament verses.At the end, when Tess and Angel come to Stonehenge, commonly believed in Hardy's time to be a pagan temple, she willingly lies down on an altar, thus fulfilling her destiny as a human sacrifice.Tess as a personification of nature —lovely, fecund, and exploitable: Animal imagery throughout the novel strengthens the association.(More criticism and selected reading Chapter 13,See 李正栓, 2008, 443; Chapter 35, 458)。