



PER-005 System Personnel TrainingReference DocumentReference #1: Determining Task Performance RequirementsThe purpose of this reference is to provide guidance in writing a performance standard that describes the desired outcome of a task. A standard for acceptable performance should be in either measurable or observable terms.Clear standards of performance are necessary for an individual to know when he or she has completed the task and to ensure agreement between employees and their supervisors on the objective of a task. Performance standards answer the following questions:How timely must the task be performed?OrHow accurately must the task be performed?OrWith what quality must it be performed?OrWhat response from the customer must be accomplished?When a performance standard is quantifiable, successful performance is more easily demonstrated. For example, in the following task statement, the criteria for successful performance is to return system loading to within normal operating limits, which is a number that can be easily verified.Given a System Operating Limit violation on the transmission system, implement the correct procedure for the circumstances to mitigate loading to within normaloperating limits.Even when the outcome of a task cannot be measured as a number, it may still be observable. The next example contains performance criteria that is qualitative in nature, that is, it can be verified as either correct or not, but does not involve a numerical result.Given a tag submitted for scheduling, ensure that all transmission rights areassigned to the tag per the company Tariff and in compliance with NERC andNAESB standards.Reference #2: Systematic Approach to Training References:The following list of hyperlinks identifies references for the NERC Standard PER-005 to assist with the application of a systematic approach to training:(1) DOE-HDBK-1078-94, A Systematic Approach to Training/NuclearSafety/techstds/standard/hdbk1078/hdbk1078.pdf (2) DOE-HDBK-1074-95, January 1995, Alternative Systematic Approaches to Training, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. 20585 FSC 6910/NuclearSafety/techstds/standard/hdbk1074/hdb1074.html (3) ADDIE — 1975, Florida State University/~donclark/history_isd/addie.html(4) DOE Standard — Table-Top Needs AnalysisDOE-HDBK-1103-96/NuclearSafety/techstds/standard/hdbk1103/hdbk1103.pdfReference #3: Normal and Emergency Operations TopicsThese topics are identified as meeting the topic criteria for normal and emergency operations training per Requirement 1 and Requirement 3 of this standard.A. Recognition and Response to System Emergencies1.Emergency drills and responsesmunication tools, protocols, coordination3.Operating from backup control centers4.System operations during unstudied situations5.System Protection6.Geomagnetic disturbances weather impacts on system operations7.System Monitoring – voltage, equipment loading8.Real-time contingency analysis9.Offline system analysis tools10.Monitoring backup plans11.Sabotage, physical, and cyber threats and responsesB. Operating Policies and Standards Related to Emergency Operations1.NERC standards that identify emergency operations practices (e.g. EOPStandards)2.Regional reliability operating policies3.Sub-regional policies and procedures4.ISO/RTO policies and proceduresC. Power System Restoration Philosophy and Practices1.Black start2.Interconnection of islands – building islands3.Load shedding – automatic (under-frequency and under-voltage) and manual4.Load restoration philosophiesD. Interconnected Power System Operations1.Operations coordination2.Special protections systems3.Special operating guides4.Voltage and reactive control, including responding to eminent voltage collapse5.Understanding the concepts of Interconnection Reliability Operating Limitsversus System Operating Limits6.DC tie operations and procedures during system emergencies7.Thermal and dynamic limits8.Unscheduled flow mitigation − congestion management9.Local and regional line loading procedures10.Radial load and generation operations and procedures11.Tie line operations12.E-tagging and Interchange Scheduling13.Generating unit operating characteristics and limits, especially regardingreactive capabilities and the relationship between real and reactive outputE. Technologies and Tools1.Forecasting tools2.Power system study tools3.Interchange Distribution Calculator (IDC)F. Market Operations as They Relate to Emergency Operations1.Market rules2.Locational Marginal Pricing (LMP)3.Transmission rights4.OASIS5.Tariffs6.Fuel management7. Real-time, hour-ahead and day-ahead toolsDefinitions of Simulation and SimulatorsGeorgia Institute of TechnologyModeling & Simulation for Systems Engineering /conted/servlet/edu.gatech.conted.course.ViewCourseDetails?COUR SE_ID=840 Simulation is the process of designing a model of a system and conducting experiments tounderstand the behavior of the system and/or evaluate various strategies for the operation of the system. The modeling & simulation life cycle refers to steps that take place during the course of a simulation study, which include problem formulation, conceptual model development, and output data analysis. Explore modeling & simulation, by using the M&S life cycle as an outline for exploring systems engineering concepts.University of Central Florida – Institute for Simulation & Training /overview.htmJust what is "simulation" anyway (or, Simulation 101)?And what about "modeling"? (see below )But what does IST do with simulations? (answer )In its broadest sense, simulation is imitation. We've used it for thousands of years to train, explain and entertain. Thanks to the computer age, we're really getting good at using simulation for all three.Simulations (and models, too) are abstractions of reality. Often they deliberately emphasize one part of reality at the expense of other parts. Sometimes this is necessary due to computer power limitations.Sometimes it's done to focus your attention on an important aspect of the simulation. Whereas models are mathematical, logical, or some other structured representation of reality, simulations are the specificapplication of models to arrive at some outcome (more about models, below ).nstructive. Asimulation also may be a combination of two or more styles.xample of live simulation is testing a car battery usingan electrical tester.the important stuff, so to speak. A flight simulator falls into this "constructed" through application of temperatures, pressures, wind currents and other weather factors.ou feelThree types of simulationsSimulations generally come in three styles: live, virtual and co Live simulations typically involve humans and/or equipment and activity in a setting where they would operate for real. Think war games with soldiers out in the field or manning command posts . Time is continuous, as in thereal world. Another e Virtual simulations typically involve humans and/or equipment in acomputer-controlled setting. Time is in discrete steps, allowing users toconcentrate on Constructive simulations typically do not involve humans or equipment as participants. Rather than by time, they are driven more by the proper sequencing of events. The anticipated path of a hurricane might A simulator is a device that may use any combination of sound, sight, motion and smell to make ythat you are experiencing an actual situation. Some video games are good ex simulato am rs. For example, you have probably seen or played race car arcadegames.ife booth combineto create, or simulate, the experience of driving a car in a race.simulators" when they heare term "simulation." But simulation is much more.dexperiences can be just as valuable a training tool as the real thing.y" accurately,otherwise you may not learn the right way to do a task.ples of low-end The booths containing these games have a steering wheel, stick shift, gas andbrake pedals and a display monitor. You use these devices to "drive" your "racecar" along the track and through changing scenery displayed on the monitor. Asyou drive, you hear the engine rumble, the brakes squeal and the metal crunch you crash. Some booths use movement to create sensations of acceleration,deceleration and turning. The sights, sounds and feel of the gam Most people first think of "flight simulators" or "driving thBecause they can recreate experiences, simulations hold greatpotential for training people for almost any situation. Educationresearchers have, in fact, determined that people, especially adults,learn better by experience than through reading or lectures. Simulate Simulations are complex, computer-driven re -creations of the realthing. When used for training, they must recreate "realit For example, if you try to practice how to fly in a flight simulator game that does not accurately model (see definition, below ) the flight characteristics of an airplane, you will not learn how a real aircraft responds to your control.ions that accurately answer such questions as "If I do this, what happens then?" is even more, ation science. This independence, however, often led to sporadic or redundant research efforts.eeds and in 1982 established the Institute for Simulation and Training at the University Building simulator games is not easy, but creating simulat Over the years, government and industry, working independently with new technologies and hardwa developed a wide range of products and related applications to improve simul To benefit from each other’s latest advances, researchers from across the country needed better communication and, ideally, a common source of supporting academic studies. The State of Florida recognized these n of Central Florida .IST's mission is to advance the state of the art and science of modeling and simulation by d related fields ∙ serving public and private simulation communitiesWhat we do at IST∙performing basic and applied simulation research ∙supporting education in modeling and simulation an We don't produce simulator hardware. That's a job for industry. But we've successfully developed working prototype hardware that provides new uses for simulations. We'll also help develop new applications for existing hardware, and scientifically test the results using human factors and other criteria for effective human-machine interface and learning. Too often overlooked, human factors testing is crucial to ultimate simulation effectiveness. We're fortunate to be closely connected, through joint faculty appointments andnships, with one of the top, if not the leading human factors department in the nation—right here at UCF.ledge of ways to stimulate the human senses with advanced optical, audio and haptic technologies.Still obfuscated? Go here...working relatio We also explore the frontiers of simulation science, expanding our knowModeling: a model definitionmodel also can be a representation of a process—a weather pattern, traffic flow, air flowing over a wing.animation that you can see on a computer screen or by means of some other visual real life, accurate, real-time simulations require fast computers with lots of number crunching power.A computer model, as used in modeling and simulation science, is a mathematical representation of something—a person, a building, a vehicle, a tree—any object. A Models are created from a mass of data, equations and computations that mimic the actions of things represented. Models usually include a graphical display that translates all this number crunching into an Models can be simple images of things—the outer shell, so to speak—or they can be complex, carrying all the characteristics of the object or process they represent. A complex model will simulate the actions and reactions of the real thing. To make these models behave the way they would。



演示文稿模板2000例1.企业内部环境分析.ppt2.全国社会保障基金的投资管理与展望.ppt3.农业标准化.ppt4.战略管理.ppt5.珠三角it人才就业前景.ppt6.综合实践活动的理解与实施.ppt7.西文图书编目.ppt8.赢取资源.ppt9.2006迎新餐会.ppt10.20世纪科学.ppt11.20年代的国际关系.ppt12.21世纪遥感与gis的发展.ppt13.3c产业观察.ppt14.4000.ppt15.aids的药物治疗.ppt16.asp的内置组件.ppt17.a公司管理信息系统.ppt18.background20.ppt19.background22.ppt20.background25.ppt21.background28.ppt22.background30.ppt23.background31.ppt24.background4.ppt25.background40.ppt 26.background44.ppt27.background47.ppt28.background48.ppt29.background5.ppt30.background6.ppt31.background8.ppt32.chineseemail.pptposit.ppt34.dma方式及接口.ppt35.doyouoftenplayfootball.ppt36.erp业务需求分析方法.ppt37.foodstudy.ppt38.fourier分析简介.ppt39.hightemp1.ppt40.ict支持的问题学习法初探.ppt41.ic通路代理商之探讨.ppt42.internet入门.ppt43.internet基础知识.ppt44.io设备.ppt45.istp数据库及其它国内外会议文献的检索.ppt46.it效能管理.ppt47.it项目风险管理研究.ppt48.jpeg2000介绍.ppt49.life005.ppt50.life006.ppt51.matlab中的小波分析工具箱.ppt52.ngo定义、发展与政策建议.ppt53.pki技术在电子政务中的应用.ppt54.presentation.ppt55.psh6_presentation.ppt56.psh_10.ppt57.risc处理器设计.ppt58.rna生物合成市场分析.ppt65.wigner_ville分布.ppt66.xx地产及xx品牌规划.ppt67.xx牛肉市场展望.ppt68.“211”工程.ppt69.《企业会计与财务》教学辅导.ppt70.《企业会计制度》讲座.ppt71.《会计学》课件.ppt72.《史记》讲读.ppt73.《基础会计》教学辅导.ppt74.《昭明文选》讲读.ppt75.《税务会计》教学课件.ppt76.《自然辩证法概论》.ppt 77.《计算机游戏程序设计》课程简介.ppt78.《诗经》概说.ppt79.《财务会计学》讲稿要点.ppt80.一家人的旅游.ppt81.一束鲜花.ppt82.一次性发泡餐盒的现状与对策研究.ppt83.七个好习惯意愿强化培训.ppt84.三次追赶的启示.ppt85.三种模式教学方法研讨.ppt86.三级课程管理.ppt87.不确定原理.ppt88.与数学交朋友.ppt89.专业服务.ppt90.专案管理.ppt91.专題研究报告.ppt92.专题学习网站的应用.ppt93.专题研习问卷设计.ppt94.世界交往关系的大拓展.ppt95.世界历史引论.ppt96.世界地理-法国.ppt97.世界美食之经典.ppt98.业务经营与管理.ppt99.业务需求分析.ppt100.两纲监测评估中指标及数据.ppt 101.个人文档.ppt102.个人理财策划.ppt103.中和之美的创造.ppt104.中国internet的发展.ppt105.中国isptcp发展的反思.ppt106.中国it技术及产业的现状与趋势.ppt 107.中国与国际组织.ppt108.中国互联网经济现状和发展的制度条件.ppt 109.中国剪纸挂串制作.ppt110.中国古代文为学大纲.ppt111.中国古代的财政状况.ppt112.中国可持续发展道路.ppt113.中国啤酒市场第一洋啤品牌解密.ppt114.中国国情与绿色发展.ppt115.中国如何实现食品的可靠供应.ppt116.中国宏观经济.ppt117.中国式管理报告.ppt118.中国教育科研网格.ppt119.中国旅游.ppt120.中国旗袍.ppt121.中国汇率制度的启示.ppt122.中国汽车燃料经济性标准及政策研究.ppt 123.中国法治化.ppt124.中国消除艾滋病歧视行动.ppt125.中国湿地的生态状况.ppt126.中国特殊教育现状.ppt127.中国特色社会主义经济.ppt128.中国现代文学史.ppt 129.中国电力的清洁生产.ppt130.中国科普网络的发展与未来.ppt 131.中国经济与产业发展展望.ppt132.中国节能家电.ppt133.中国近现代科技发展的历史进程.ppt 134.中国陆地生态系统.ppt135.中国风险投资如何走出困境.ppt 136.中國文化之彩色剪紙.ppt137.中國民間工藝剪纸.ppt138.中外饮食文化大比拼.ppt139.中学思想政治学科课程标准.ppt 140.中学教育科研的方法与过程.ppt 141.中学数学学习过程评价.ppt142.中学数据管理.ppt143.中学生心理健康与辅导专题.ppt 144.中学生心理健康问题初析.ppt145.中学生心理档案的建立与应用.ppt 146.中学目标管理课题报告.ppt147.中学科学教育之我见.ppt148.中小学教学资源共建共享.ppt149.中文图书计算机编目.ppt150.中文录音资料着录探讨.ppt151.中文录音资料着录探讨2.ppt152.中文录音资料著录探讨.ppt153.中断方式及接口.ppt154.中期财务报告.ppt155.中级财务会计.ppt156.中级财务会计学.ppt157.中级财务会计课件.ppt158.中老年生殖健康保健讲座.ppt159.中考改革背景与思路.ppt160.中西方自然观比较.ppt161.临床试验.ppt162.为了学生的发展.ppt163.为了我们民族的嘱托.ppt164.为您制定生态企业战略.ppt165.为提升国家科学和技术原始创新能力而奋斗.ppt166.主体教育.ppt167.主机和外部设备的信息交换.ppt168.主要组织相容性复合体.ppt169.主要经济业务的核算.ppt170.主题的选定.ppt171.举足轻重的科技.ppt172.九寨旅游.ppt173.书目文献资源的利用.ppt174.买东西的策略.ppt175.事物发展的内外因.ppt176.二级综合性医院护理评分标准.ppt177.二进小波变换.ppt178.云游四方海豚图.ppt179.亚洲运动会介绍.ppt 180.交叉学科对高等学校发展的作用.ppt 181.交通运输设备绪论.ppt182.产后出血性休克.ppt183.产品与服务的设计.ppt184.产品与服务策略.ppt185.产品市场和货币市场的一般均衡.ppt 186.产品结构系统教育教材.ppt187.京剧及欣赏.ppt188.人与自然.ppt189.人力管理.ppt190.人力資源管理之研究.ppt191.人力资源及其管理.ppt192.人口变动情况抽样调查方案.ppt 193.人文与科学交融.ppt194.人文和社会发展.ppt195.人文思想与文化价值.ppt196.人文文化与科学文化的交融.ppt 197.人文艺术与人生境界.ppt198.人本主义心理学与教学.ppt199.人生散文的高山仰止.ppt200.人禽流感防治处理应急预案.ppt 201.人际关系技巧.ppt202.人际沟通与礼仪.ppt203.什么是科技创新.ppt204.从中间件技术看网络技术发展.ppt 205.从会议谈管理.ppt206.从机械工程服务业之路.ppt207.仓库管理.ppt208.以人为本和科学发展.ppt209.价格学讲授纲要.ppt210.价格构成.ppt211.价格的形成和运行.ppt212.价格的本质、职能和作用环保.ppt214.企业会计制度.ppt215.企业信息化建设.ppt216.企业信息工作管理复习.ppt217.企业信息管理.ppt218.企业应收账款全面解决方案.ppt219.企业战略及营销管理过程.ppt220.企业技术创新与科技项目申报实务.ppt 221.企业投资.ppt222.企业教练管理技术.ppt223.企业文化与中国人寿经营理念.ppt 224.企业文化与管理.ppt225.企业竞争.ppt226.企业管理.ppt227.企业管理预录入系统.ppt228.企业组织架构设计和运行管理.ppt 229.企业组织管理与领导艺术.ppt230.企业经济活动.ppt231.企业经营决策.ppt 232.企业经营管理.ppt233.企业至上.ppt234.企业财务会计.ppt235.企业财务危机的成因及其对策研究.ppt 236.企业资合erp简报.ppt237.企业通讯及其整合.ppt238.企业通讯整合.ppt239.企业采购系统培训.ppt240.企业销售计划演讲.ppt241.企業管理個案集.ppt242.企業資源整合系統.ppt243.企管之财务管理.ppt244.企管之风险管理.ppt245.休闲生活.ppt246.休闲的定义.ppt247.会展市场营销.ppt248.会计信息的组织.ppt249.会计信息系统.ppt250.会计制度设计.ppt251.会计基本理论.ppt252.会计基本结构.ppt253.会计学.ppt254.会计学原理.ppt255.会计学基础.ppt256.会计学基础篇.ppt257.会计实务总结.ppt258.会计实务教学课件.ppt259.会计工作的组织.ppt260.会计循环.ppt261.会计报表.ppt262.会计报表学.ppt263.会计核算业务培训.ppt264.会计核算程序.ppt265.会计概述.ppt266.会计的内容.ppt267.会计的基本概念.ppt268.会计要素和会计方程式.ppt269.会计要素和会计等式.ppt270.会计资讯系统概说.ppt271.会议及会谈实务.ppt272.传出神经系统药理概论.ppt273.住宅平面图.ppt274.住宿服务评估机制.ppt275.体育中心信息管理系统.ppt276.体育保健.ppt277.体育概述.ppt278.何为商务管理.ppt279.何为行为财务学.ppt280.供应链管理.ppt281.依法加强医疗废物管理.ppt282.依法纳税是公民的基本义务.ppt283.促进我国互联网产业持续稳定发展.ppt 284.俄国革命.ppt285.保护生态环境.ppt286.信号的时频分布及性质.ppt287.信息化建设.ppt288.信息化校园建设.ppt289.信息安全风险管理理论.ppt290.信息技术与新课程各领域教学整合.ppt 291.信息技术与经济发展.ppt292.信息技术与课程整合.ppt293.信息技术与课程的整合.ppt294.信息技术之文件管理.ppt295.信息技术在教学中具有的优势.ppt296.信息技术培训.ppt297.信息技术支持下传统课堂教学模式的改革.ppt298.信息技术的发展与档案工作.ppt299.信息技术高级培训.ppt300.信息系统发展和对未来的影响.ppt301.信息论课程总结.ppt302.信息资源与服务介绍.ppt303.信息资源人文管理资源)管理.ppt305.信源编码.ppt306.信用和利息.ppt307.借贷记账法的应用.ppt308.债券和商业保险.ppt309.假设检验.ppt310.做好企业教育工作.ppt311.做好招生工作.ppt312.做情绪的主人.ppt313.健康与生活.ppt314.健康煮食法.ppt315.健康的爱情观.ppt316.傳統民俗工藝课程.ppt317.傳統節日齊認識之-中秋節.ppt318.儿童卫生保健服务.ppt319.光盘镜像及下载管理系统.ppt320.兒童文學基本理論.ppt321.入学指南及问答.ppt322.全力推进基础教育课程改革.ppt323.全国建筑市场监督管理信息系统建设与实施.ppt324.全面建设小康社会.ppt325.公共卫生实践.ppt326.公共教研室.ppt327.公共经济学.ppt328.公共藝術.ppt329.公司理财课件.ppt330.公司的知识管理.ppt331.公司的重组.ppt332.公司背景.ppt333.公司背景以人为本.ppt 334.公司财务与财务预算.ppt335.公司财务分析.ppt336.公司财务分析与评价.ppt337.公司金融.ppt338.公开钥基础设施.ppt339.公民依法享有批评建议权.ppt340.六个生活的启示.ppt341.共同基金基础篇.ppt342.关于“国家海洋生态环境安全”问题的思考.ppt343.关于家居污染.ppt344.关于家居电路.ppt345.关于小学生的体能与摄取食物关系的讨论.ppt346.关于散文.ppt347.关于深化改革的意见.ppt348.关于电子政务的思考.ppt349.关于精品课程建设的若干思考.ppt350.关于网络环境下学与教学的几个问题.ppt 351.关于艺术.ppt352.内部网络管理.ppt353.再现与沟通科技.ppt354.写sci论文2003.ppt355.军事全球化.ppt356.军形.ppt357.农业的发展历程.ppt358.农业自然资源.ppt359.农业资金的筹集与利用.ppt360.农场品价格.ppt361.农耕时代的商业与城市.ppt362.准确定位并勇夺高分.ppt363.几种疾病的营养治疗.ppt364.出外旅游.ppt365.函数的应用.ppt366.分享公司危机新闻.ppt367.分娩镇痛的观察与护理.ppt368.分布式空间计算技术.ppt369.分布式联合虚拟参考咨询系统.ppt 370.分数阶傅立叶变换.ppt371.分析化学.ppt372.分析消费者市场.ppt373.分析财务的管理.ppt374.分质供水的卫生.ppt375.分销管理.ppt376.创业投资政府支持政策设计.ppt 377.创建农村合格中小学.ppt378.创建和管理帐号.ppt379.创建服务器控件.ppt380.创新习惯.ppt381.创新合作体系及个案辅导.ppt 382.创新型教师教学特色.ppt383.创新教育与教学改革.ppt 384.创新管理对企业的挑战.ppt385.创造力和生活.ppt386.创造性地使用《政治生活》教材.ppt 387.初一英语导言课.ppt388.初中探究型课程的开发与实施.ppt 389.初始登记业务培训.ppt390.初级会计学会计之基本概念.ppt 391.初级会计实务.ppt392.利息与利息率.ppt393.利率及其决定.ppt394.利用信息网络资源.ppt395.制定大纲与设计蓝图.ppt396.剪纸.ppt397.剪纸的世界.ppt398.剪纸的过去、现在和未来.ppt399.办公室沟通.ppt400.功平衡法和上限法及其应用.ppt 401.加强学习提高效率报告.ppt402.加强资源整合.ppt403.加拿大略览.ppt404.动态位置区定位管理算法.ppt405.动物保护学.ppt406.动物的权利.ppt407.动物的痛苦和动物的福利及保健.ppt 408.劳动分工混合经济与和谐社会.ppt 409.化学热力学基础.ppt410.化学电源.ppt411.化工原理.ppt412.化工热力学.ppt413.北京市停车现状调查.ppt414.北斗七星.ppt415.区域旅游.ppt416.区域网路原理.ppt417.医务人员素质教育.ppt418.医学情报调查与研究.ppt419.医学文献检索.ppt420.医药供应链管理.ppt421.医院废物分类.ppt422.医院感染管理.ppt423.十二招教养出快乐的小孩.ppt424.十种坊间减肥法.ppt425.升学考前心理辅导.ppt426.半导体存储器.ppt427.卓越的客户服务管理体系与技巧.ppt 428.南山经济.ppt429.卤素.ppt430.卫生年报数据管理系统.ppt431.印刷色彩管理.ppt432.历史上的三次工业科技革命.ppt 433.历史上的技术与科学.ppt434.历史与伦理学原则.ppt435.历史与社会学分析.ppt 436.历史散文.ppt437.历史经验,社会现实,与经济学的反思.ppt 438.历史计划.ppt439.历史课程标准解读.ppt440.压力与压力管理.ppt441.压力和压强.ppt442.原住民建築艺术.ppt443.原始社会.ppt444.原子结构和元素周期律.ppt445.原料药市场评估调查.ppt446.双降解地膜的制备,结构和性能研究.ppt 447.发展心理学理论与方法论的发展.ppt448.发展旅游业.ppt449.发展机会与挑战.ppt450.发展经济学.ppt451.变动会计概述物价.ppt452.变化着的商业环境.ppt453.古代科技发展的高峰.ppt454.可愛的黃金獵犬.ppt455.可持续性农户生计框架.ppt456.台湾生态旅游.ppt457.台湾生态旅游2.ppt458.司法会计的理论与实务.ppt459.各类消息的写作.ppt460.合同法教学重点.ppt461.后台管理系统.ppt462.后现代主义与管理学研究.ppt 463.后设数据标准.ppt464.周休旅游.ppt465.品德与生活和社会.ppt466.品德与生活教材介绍.ppt467.商业中心和商业网点.ppt468.商业在货品流转中的角色.ppt 469.商业城市.ppt470.商业学校服务于多元客户.ppt 471.商业应用.ppt472.商业心理学.ppt473.商业登记.ppt474.商业类科.ppt475.商业组织.ppt476.商业自动化.ppt477.商业自动化与电子商务.ppt 478.商业连锁企业网上填报培训.ppt 479.商务.ppt480.商务写作.ppt481.商务应用背景.ppt482.商务服务市场的内容及特点.ppt 483.商务礼仪训练.ppt484.商品和货币.ppt485.商品差价.ppt486.商品市场中的国民收入均衡.ppt 487.商品服务商场.ppt 488.商品服务市场和消费者.ppt489.商品服务市场的内容及特点.ppt490.商品表示管理法律制度.ppt491.商圈连锁经营与市场行销.ppt492.商学研究.ppt493.器材管理.ppt494.四大传统文明及其关系格局.ppt495.四季的脚步.ppt496.四月份代办卡类业务分析.ppt497.四标一体化管理体系.ppt498.回归分析预测法.ppt499.团体历程与社会影响.ppt500.团队管理.ppt501.固骼生应用2.ppt502.固骼生简介1.ppt503.固骼生简介2.ppt504.国家垄断资本主义.ppt505.国有企业劳动关系.ppt506.国民经济核算领域的国际合作需求.ppt 507.国贸法导论.ppt508.国防法.ppt509.国际企业管理.ppt510.国际企业管理挑战赛.ppt511.国际企业财务管理.ppt512.国际储备管理.ppt513.国际安全理论.ppt514.国际市场学.ppt515.国际市场定价策略.ppt516.国际收支.ppt517.国际收支及其均衡.ppt518.国际收支管理.ppt519.国际税收.ppt520.国际税收概述.ppt521.国际竞争市场的服务管理.ppt522.国际管理前沿文献选读.ppt523.国际结算.ppt524.国际联机检索系统-stn.ppt525.国际股票市场及其特点.ppt526.国际贸易利益及价值转移.ppt527.国际贸易基本理论.ppt528.国际贸易学.ppt529.国际贸易导论.ppt530.国际资本流动.ppt531.国际金融.ppt532.国际金融与国际贸易.ppt533.国际金融学.ppt534.国际金融市场.ppt535.国际金融有关背景知识和基本概念.ppt 536.国际金融组织.ppt537.图书数据分类与实作.ppt538.图书馆“信息素养”教育的功能.ppt 539.图书馆发展趋势.ppt 540.图书馆发展趋势及对员工素质要求.ppt 541.图书馆计算机应用知识(网络部分).ppt 542.圣经.ppt543.在生活中学习生活.ppt544.地产营销管理系统.ppt545.地球上的空气.ppt546.地球的系统.ppt547.地球运动的地理意义.ppt548.地理专题.ppt549.地理信息系统网络工程.ppt550.地理学研究进展.ppt551.地理报告.ppt552.地理数据与模型的时空尺度问题.ppt 553.地理热点.ppt554.地理研讨会.ppt555.地理科普.ppt556.地理课程评价.ppt557.均衡饮食自然瘦身.ppt558.埃及国宝展.ppt559.城域网建设及应用.ppt560.城市供水的发展和趋势.ppt561.城市公共管理绩效评价.ppt562.城市发展战略管理.ppt563.城市文化与城市精神.ppt564.城市旅游学.ppt565.城市旅游管理.ppt566.城市生态学1.ppt567.城市绿化.ppt568.城市轨道交通.ppt569.城市达标规划的综合分析和实施保障.ppt 570.域名与知识产权保护.ppt571.培训演讲标题.ppt572.基于互联网的校际合作学习.ppt573.基于战略的薪酬体系设计.ppt574.基于资源的学习.ppt575.基因,基因组和基因技术.ppt576.基本实现现代化的若干问题.ppt577.基督教文明的嬗变.ppt578.基础会计划绪论.ppt579.基础会计学.ppt580.基础会计学教程.ppt581.基础会计学课程.ppt582.基础会计教案.ppt583.基础会计演示稿.ppt584.基础教育建设.ppt585.基础教育课程介绍.ppt586.基础教育课程改革.ppt587.基础教育课程改革纲要.ppt588.基础教育资源库.ppt589.塑性加工过程的组织性能.ppt590.塑造良好道德,培育健康心理.ppt591.增值税.ppt 592.处于三岔路口的英美文学研究.ppt593.处理机管理.ppt594.复习注意事项.ppt595.复式记账和借贷记账法.ppt596.复杂性探索及科学与人文的新关系.ppt 597.外债管理.ppt598.外出务工人员填报说明外出务工人员填报说明.ppt599.外国人学中文之乐器篇.ppt600.外汇与外汇汇率.ppt601.外汇与汇率.ppt602.外汇之风险管理.ppt603.外汇交易实务.ppt604.外汇管理.ppt605.外观模板_p-1.ppt606.外观模板之花卉.ppt607.多元智能理论与学校教育.ppt608.多媒体信息处理.ppt609.多媒体在教学中的应用.ppt610.多媒体技术.ppt611.多媒体网络教室.ppt612.大学心得.ppt613.大学暑期英语夏令营.ppt614.大学生就业影响因素及指导对策.ppt615.大学生心理健康教育.ppt616.大学生思想道德修养.ppt617.大气环境保护.ppt618.大陆游戏市场.ppt619.天气与气候.ppt620.太阳能风能在能源供应中战略地位.ppt 621.奥林匹克知识概述.ppt622.奥运会场馆的赛后利用.ppt623.好好想想.ppt624.如何做饮水机市场营销.ppt625.如何学习《财务案例研究》.ppt626.如何学英文及念好英文教科书.ppt 627.如何提升企业执行力.ppt628.如何撰写商业计划书.ppt629.如何绘制质量体系流程图.ppt630.如何获得创业投资.ppt631.如何飼養爱犬.ppt632.妇幼卫生信息管理.ppt633.媒体及其教学.ppt634.媒体手段运用.ppt635.存储管理功能.ppt636.存款储蓄利国利民.ppt637.存货.ppt638.季节变化预测法.ppt639.孤立波.ppt640.学习与知识管理.ppt641.学习发达国家管理技术de.ppt642.学习型组织的五个基本问题.ppt 643.学习失败学开发课程资源.ppt644.学习如何正确而高效地工作.ppt645.学习技术形成技能的方法.ppt646.学习支持服务体系.ppt647.学校图书馆管理.ppt648.学校教育质量评估.ppt649.学校知识创新.ppt650.学校章程.ppt651.学校管理之创新.ppt652.学校管理原则.ppt653.学校管理心理学复习.ppt654.学校管理新理念.ppt655.学校管理者的影响力.ppt656.学校网络维护与管理.ppt657.学校财务管理.ppt658.学生课题开题报告.ppt659.学生辅导服务.ppt660.学科教学管理方法与策略.ppt661.学院简介.ppt662.孩子的人格培养与家庭教育.ppt663.安全生产法对主要负责人相关要求.ppt 664.安全的管理.ppt665.宏观经济分析.ppt666.宏观经济政策.ppt667.宏观经济的稳定政策.ppt668.定性预测法.ppt669.实战撰写商业计划书.ppt670.实施科学数据工程.ppt671.实践对认识的作用.ppt672.实验不确定度.ppt673.实验心理学个别差异与发展.ppt 674.宠物服饰创意diy选美活动.ppt 675.审计学原理.ppt676.审计学原理课件.ppt677.审计证据和审计工作底稿.ppt 678.客户关系管理.ppt679.客户关系管理2.ppt680.家居养殖的科学性及建议.ppt 681.家居安全.ppt682.家居維修服務说明.ppt683.家居色彩.ppt684.家居訓練及支援服務.ppt685.家庭财务管理软件的开发.ppt 686.家長座談會.ppt687.宽频时代.ppt688.宿舍網路流量管理與控制.ppt 689.寓言故事秋水.ppt690.对知识管理的理解.ppt691.对科学教材的思考.ppt692.对等计算应用与技术.ppt693.对语文应考的几点思考.ppt 694.寻址方式.ppt 695.寻访丝绸之路.ppt696.导学策略.ppt697.导游技巧.ppt698.导游服务的程序与规范.ppt699.小企业会计制度.ppt700.小学教育圆柱体.ppt701.小学教育心理学.ppt702.小波包分解.ppt703.小波变换在信号处理中的应用.ppt 704.小波变换的应用.ppt705.小波的生成方法.ppt706.小波采样定理.ppt707.小说的欣赏.ppt708.少数民族的服侍艺术.ppt709.就业市场趋势分析.ppt710.展开联想和想象的翅膀.ppt711.工业景气监测预警系统.ppt712.工业机器人.ppt713.工业生产活动.ppt714.工作壓力與魅力管理.ppt715.工作流管理.ppt716.工商企业经营管理.ppt717.工商管理类.ppt718.工程造价管理的现状及发展.ppt 719.工程项目管理.ppt720.巧妙应答技巧.ppt721.市场交易原则的内容.ppt722.市场交易的原则.ppt723.市场价格体系.ppt724.市场危机与分析的价值.ppt725.市场及政府的有效性.ppt726.市场及政府的有效性与局限性.ppt 727.市场发展与经济成长.ppt728.市场商情数据库.ppt729.市场失灵与政府.ppt730.市场失灵理论.ppt731.市场消费特征.ppt732.市场焦点研讨会系列.ppt733.市场现况分析.ppt734.市场理论.ppt735.市场目录.ppt736.市场研究为品牌战略奠定基础.ppt 737.市场竞争模型.ppt738.市场细分、选择目标市场.ppt 739.市场经济与宏观调控.ppt740.市场经济特征.ppt741.市场经济的一般特征.ppt742.市场经济能做什么.ppt743.市场结构2.ppt744.市场营销.ppt745.市场营销创新.ppt746.市场营销原理与策略.ppt 747.市场营销学.ppt748.市场营销概述.ppt749.市场营销管理哲学及其贯彻.ppt 750.市场营销管理过程.ppt751.市场营销调研.ppt752.市场营销调研与需求测量.ppt 753.市场计划.ppt754.市场评估.ppt755.市场调查与业务行销之简介1.ppt 756.市场调查的方法.ppt757.市场走在前面.ppt758.常用半导体器件.ppt759.常用服务器的安装与配置.ppt 760.平行思维工具训练.ppt761.年度企业财务预算报表.ppt 762.年度会计报表.ppt763.幼教機構行政管理.ppt764.库存管理.ppt765.应付应收系统.ppt766.应力分析与应变分析.ppt767.应用信息经济学.ppt768.应用数学系简介.ppt769.废水的深度厌氧处理技术.ppt 770.庫存管理簡介.ppt771.庫存管理系統.ppt772.康复训练.ppt773.建筑艺术.ppt774.建筑赏析.ppt775.开创学生工作新局面.ppt776.开创明天.ppt777.开卷有益.ppt778.开拓信息技术教育新局面.ppt779.开拓创新推进电子校务发展.ppt 780.开放经济.ppt781.开放经济的均衡.ppt782.弘扬社会主义道德.ppt783.当代世界市场1.ppt784.当代世界市场2.ppt785.当代世界市场3.ppt786.当代世界市场和我国的对外贸易.ppt 787.当代世界科技发展.ppt788.当代世界经济.ppt789.当代国际政治.ppt790.当前劳动市场情势分析.ppt791.当前宏观经济中的几个热点问题.ppt 792.当好教务处处长的几点思考.ppt 793.影响化学位移的因素.ppt794.影响智力因素研究.ppt795.微生态营养.ppt796.微生物的生态.ppt797.微积分基本运算.ppt798.微过程控制器原理.ppt 799.德育管理.ppt800.心理健康教育重要文件的学习.ppt801.心理健康的判定.ppt802.心理健康第一课.ppt803.心理健康调查研究.ppt804.心理咨询员的心理诊断技能.ppt805.心理学的基本问题.ppt806.心理学研究方法——访谈法.ppt807.心理实验设计与数据处理.ppt808.心理教育的理论与实践.ppt809.心理物理学方法.ppt810.心理语言学.ppt811.心理课教程课件.ppt812.心理课教程课件1.ppt813.心理辅导室的建设.ppt814.心理辅导站的基本建设.ppt815.态度决定一切.ppt816.怎样利用雨林.ppt817.怎样当好电大教务处处长.ppt818.思想道德修养.ppt819.性能调优管理篇.ppt820.总线.ppt821.恐怖主义历史演变与反恐现状前景展望.ppt 822.情绪与心理健康.ppt823.情绪管理与压力调适.ppt824.感受年文化.ppt825.感受高中新课程.ppt826.感觉器官.ppt827.成功人士七种习惯.ppt828.成功驱动力.ppt829.成本会计.ppt830.成本監控預測與改善.ppt831.成本管理.ppt832.成本計算课程教案.ppt833.我们的生态环境.ppt834.我国域名发展及管理概况.ppt835.我国旅游业的发展.ppt836.我国税收的性质和作用.ppt837.我国面临严峻的资源和环境形势.ppt 838.战略咨询培训手册.ppt839.房地产开发建设.ppt840.房地产开发统计年报培训.ppt841.房地产楼盘上市推广策划方案.ppt 842.房地产管理.ppt843.房地产评估重要性.ppt844.所有者权益.ppt845.手把手,教你做好菜.ppt846.手把手,教你剪纸.ppt847.手拉手地球村.ppt848.手表状况调查.ppt849.打造企业未来竞争力.ppt850.执行环境影响评价制度.ppt 851.投入产出分析.ppt852.投影机市场分析报告.ppt853.投资分析.ppt854.投资汇展.ppt855.投资经济学.ppt856.投资者关系管理平台.ppt857.投资资金的来源与形成.ppt858.抛射曲线问题.ppt859.护理教育学概论.ppt860.担保业务风险管理与控制.ppt861.拉丁美洲在国际关系中角色表现.ppt 862.拓展教育信息建设.ppt863.拥抱社会性软件.ppt864.拥有美好的明天.ppt865.指令类型.ppt866.指令系统.ppt867.按客观规律办事.ppt868.掌握你的未来.ppt869.探索教学中运用blog.ppt870.接触法制硫酸.ppt871.控制器原理.ppt872.控制技术与方法.ppt873.控制的工具与技术.ppt874.推动有机耕种.ppt875.推动生物多样性保护.ppt876.提高水平争创成果.ppt877.搜索网站.ppt878.撑起一把青春伞.ppt879.收益可以证明实力.ppt880.放射性示踪.ppt881.政治法律环境.ppt882.政治经济学.ppt883.故都的秋.ppt884.教务管理工作新局面.ppt885.教务系统开发总体思路.ppt886.教学之管理系统.ppt887.教学案例.ppt888.教学管理与创新工作回顾及思路.ppt 889.教室管理.ppt890.教室管理及其技巧.ppt891.教师素质.ppt892.教师职业道德.ppt893.教案设计.ppt894.教育11.ppt895.教育12.ppt896.教育17.ppt897.教育18.ppt898.教育19.ppt899.教育21.ppt900.教育24.ppt901.教育25.ppt902.教育26.ppt 903.教育27.ppt904.教育28.ppt905.教育29.ppt906.教育30.ppt907.教育31.ppt908.教育32.ppt909.教育35.ppt910.教育36.ppt911.教育38.ppt912.教育40.ppt913.教育41.ppt914.教育42.ppt915.教育43.ppt916.教育44.ppt917.教育45.ppt918.教育47.ppt919.教育48.ppt920.教育49.ppt921.教育5.ppt922.教育50.ppt923.教育6.ppt924.教育7.ppt925.教育8.ppt926.教育9.ppt927.教育与教学资源介绍.ppt 928.教育业2.ppt929.教育信息化.ppt930.教育信息化及其关键技术.ppt 931.教育信息化网络教学.ppt932.教育券的观念基础与政策设计.ppt 933.教育形势的基本判断.ppt934.教育心理学.ppt935.教育心理学及其研究.ppt936.教育技术学.ppt937.教育教学软件.ppt938.教育案例研究.ppt939.教育现代化与科学发展观.ppt 940.教育理念和实践概述.ppt941.教育研究报告相关问题的探讨.ppt 942.教育管理信息化标准.ppt943.教育管理探索和实践.ppt944.教育管理本科创新教学.ppt945.教育管理的新理念与实践探索.ppt 946.教育管理的理性探索.ppt947.教育类期报告.ppt948.教育系统及校园安全.ppt949.教育装备研究.ppt950.教育装备配套要求.ppt951.教育评价的准备.ppt952.教育评价的结构及类型.ppt953.教育资源建设.ppt954.教育资讯.ppt 955.教育进程化思考.ppt956.散文.ppt957.敬业资源库建设历程.ppt958.数位学习概论.ppt959.数列在生活中的应用.ppt960.数列的应用.ppt961.数字化学习活动框架设计.ppt962.数字化教学系统在信息检索课中的应用.ppt 963.数字城市与城市信息系统建设.ppt964.数字校园一卡通系统建设策略与实现.ppt 965.数学方法的优美.ppt966.数据处理.ppt967.数据库de管理.ppt968.数据库概论.ppt969.数据库的管理.ppt970.数据库管理大纲.ppt971.数据流管理.ppt972.文化与民族性的研究.ppt973.文化人类学引论.ppt974.文化经济学引论.ppt975.文学创作漫谈.ppt976.文档信息化处理系统.ppt977.文献与医学文献基础知识.ppt978.文献分类和图书目录.ppt979.文献检索课改革.ppt980.文理交融多元并举.ppt。



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常见心律失常心电图诊断的误区诺如 病毒感 染的防 控知识 介绍责 任那些 事浅谈 用人单 位承担 的社会 保险法 律责任 和案例 分析现 代农业 示范工 程设施 红地球 葡萄栽 培培训 材料
常见心律失常心电图诊断的误区诺如 病毒感 染的防 控知识 介绍责 任那些 事浅谈 用人单 位承担 的社会 保险法 律责任 和案例 分析现 代农业 示范工 程设施 红地球 葡萄栽 培培训 材料
Partially by Azer Bestavros, Boston University, 2008
常见心律失常心电图诊断的误区诺如 病毒感 染的防 控知识 介绍责 任那些 事浅谈 用人单 位承担 的社会 保险法 律责任 和案例 分析现 代农业 示范工 程设施 红地球 葡萄栽 培培训 材料
1.1 历史进程:主线复杂,来源不单一
1999年,美国麻省理工学院(MIT) Auto-ID中心,提出EPC系统及物联 网概念
A CPS integrates computing and communication capabilities with monitoring and/or control of entities in the physical world dependably, safely, securely, efficiently and in real-time. - S. Shankar Sastry, UC Berkeley, Dean CPS are integrations of computation with physical processes. - Edward Lee, UC Berkeley CPS are physical and engineered systems whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled and integrated by a computing and communication core. - Insup Lee, U. Pennsylvania; John A. Stankovic, U.

VAS 523 005 使用说明书

VAS 523 005 使用说明书

INSTRUCTION & OPERATION MANUALVW AG I VAS 523 005Diagnostic Smoke®Machinewith Integrated Nitrogen Generatorand non-contaminating UltraTraceUV®Trace Dye SolutionUSA | • 6,392,227 • 6,439,031 • 6,526,808 • 9,417,152 | 1,384,984 Canada 2,279,147 •2,394,911 | Int’l Patents PendingCaution and Usage TipsContentsAccessories; Included & Optional Product Overview & Technical Specifications Initial Setup & Proper FiltrationControl Valve OverviewFlow Meter Overview Vacuum / Pressure Gauge OverviewBasic EVAP Test ProcedureIntake Leak Test ProcedureOther Leak SamplesTroubleshooting GuideWarranty 1-3 45 678910-11 12-131415Thank You and Congratulations!Your Diagnostic Smoke® Machine VW AG I VAS 523 005 Evaporative Emissions System Tester & Smoke Machine is approved for Evaporative Emissions System (EVAP) leak-testing for both gasoline and ethanol vehicles.This tester incorporates STAR Diagnostic Smoke® Technology, inside.It is the simplest and quickest way to find many vehicle system leaks. Smoke vapor-generating leak detectors containing STAR Technology inside are the only leak detectors in the world approved by automakers (OEMs) which meet all safety standards for EVAP testing as well as for other systems.The patented technology inside your Diagnostic Smoke® Machine, including the vapor-producing solution (UltraTraceUV®), was designed in collaboration with major OEMs, in order to establish a standard for leak detection. It is designed to be safe for vehicle systems and will not void factory warranties.It is also the only smoke technology in the world that meets SAE INTERNATIONAL Published P apers’ safety standards recommendation for testing a vehicle’s fuel evaporative system [SAE: 2007-01-1235 & 2008-01-0554].(WVA-03) locates leaks around doors, windows, (WVA-01) for introducing smoke into theOutside view Inside viewProduct OverviewTechnical Specifications13.5 in. (34 cm) 13 in. (33 cm) 9 in. (23 cm) 20 lb. (9 kg) Solution Max. Volume Supply pressure Supply volume Smoke supply line 12 oz. (355 ml)14 in. H 2O (34.9 mbar | 3.49 kPa) 10 liters per minute 15 feet (4.6 m) This product containsSTAR licensed technologies, inside .Integrated Nitrogen Generatorand Handle AssemblyWorkshop Air Inlet * Flow Meter ’s Pointer FlagFlow MeterScratch-Resistant HousingSmoke Solution Dipstick Supply Hose Indicator Lights<ON> <OFF> Switch (on 5-minute timer)Vacuum/ Pressure GaugeFlow Control ValvePower Cables (Back of tester)Initial Setup1.2.3.Pour entire contents of one 356 ml. (12 oz.) UltraTraceUV® solution bottle into thesmoke chamber.NOTE: Use second bottle supplied to regularly maintain at or near FULL mark.It is very important to keep the nitrogen generator assembly free of oil, waterand other contaminants, in order to maintain high nitrogen purity and longservice life. Therefore maintain a clean filter system on your workshop aircompressor.Under normal use, we recommend you replace the filter elements inside FilterAssembly Kit WVRP-104once a year and use only approved Filter Elements KitPart No. ASE 523 006 80 C00, as noted in Optional Accessories page in thismanual. Turn filter bowl ¼ turn in counter-clock direction to gain access to thefilter elements.If not supplied; install correct air fitting. Use Teflon®thread-sealer and be sure sealer is not allowed toenter the filter housing.Connect workshop air to air fitting. Air pressure can bebetween 3.4 to 12 bar (50 ~ 175 PSIG).NOTE: The nitrogen generator naturally expels oxygen during thenitrogen-generation process. It is normal to hear a small amount ofoxygen exiting the generator’s bleed hole when connected to workshop air. Air fittingLowFullBleed holeControl Valve OverviewFLOW CONTROL: Controls smoke volume.> Locating the leak source is sometimes easier with less smoke volume. First, fill system with smoke at full volume and then reduce volume while still introducing smoke.Note: Flow Control does not affect delivery pressure; it only affects flow volume.Flow Meter OverviewA flow meter ball indicating flow means there is flow going into (or through) the system being leak-tested. This is normal while the system is being filled. If flow meter indicates flow after the system is filled, this indicates a leak. The higher the ball is in the flow meter, the larger the leak size. No flow indicates no flow through the system, or no leak.Leak Size Reference Points – Essential for EVAP testingThe flow meter has leak size reference points which quantifies the leak size in the system being leak tested. The 0.25 mm (.010”), 0.50 mm (.020”) and 1.0 mm (.040”) reference points are equivalent to leaks of those sizes in the EVAP system being tested.Once the system is filled (either in TEST (no smoke) or SMOKE setting) and the flow meter ball stops descending, compare the level of the ball with the reference points in order to determine a leak size or pass/fail.> Above reference point = FAIL.> Below reference point = PASS.NOTE: This Flow Meter reading is most accurate when the tester’s Control Valve is in TEST setting.Vacuum / Pressure Gauge OverviewThe pressure gauge serves two basic functions:1. Monitoring system test pressure, while performing a leak test in either TEST (no smoke) or SMOKE mode.2. Measuring system pressure-decay (pressure loss) once system undergoing a leak test has been filled in either TEST or SMOKE mode.NOTE: the pressure decay test is best performed immediately after the system undergoing a leak test has been filled in either TEST or SMOKE setting, since the system has already built up pressure.Test Procedure:1. Be sure the Diagnostic Smoke® Machine has completed filling the system being leak tested, with Control Valve in either TEST setting or SMOKE (full flow) setting.> A filled system is confirmed when the flow meter ball stops descending and the pressure gauge stops increasing in pressure.2. If the Diagnostic Smoke® Machine is still turned ON; turn it OFF (by pressing the button on the control panel) and immediately observe the pressure gauge for any decay, which would indicate a leak in the system being leak tested.NOTE:to perform a ‘vacuum’ test on a system; use a tee connection at the end of the Diagnostic Smoke® Machine supply hose and connect to a vacuum pump. When pumping the system to create vacuum, pump slowly to prevent damaging the vacuum gauge.NEVER run the vehicle’s engine with the Diagnostic Smoke® Machine supply hose Array connected to the vehicle. Normal engine vacuum will damage the pressure/vacuumgauge.Disconnect the supply hose from the vehicle after performing any test.NOTE: An EVAP test can be performed with the Flow Control Valve in either TEST position or in SMOKE position.TEST performs a test without smoke, so this position is used when you only want to quantify a leak size, in order to determine a Pass or Fail. The flow meter is most accurate in this TEST position.SMOKE (in full open position) performs a test with smoke, so this position is used when you want to both quantify and identify leaks.Quantify and identify leaks:1. Connect tester to 12V DC power and chassis ground.2. Connect tester’s smoke supply hose to EVAP system (refer to automaker instructions).3. Set Flow Control Valve to SMOKE (in full open position) and turn <ON> tester.4. Close EVAP’s vent valve after smoke is seen exiting the vent valve, (refer to automaker instructions).o Note: EVAP system will fill with smoke quicker by leaving vent valve open until smoke is seen exiting the vent valve. Plus, you can perform a vent valve test by opening andclosing the vent valve while smoke is exiting in order to determine if vent valve isproperly closing5. Continue to fill the system with smoke.o An indication that the system is full is when the flow meter ball stops descending and the pressure gauge stops increasing in pressure.6. Position the flow meter’s red flag so that it aligns with the flow meter ball position, once the ball stops descending. Compare flow meter ball po sition with flow meter’s Leak Size Reference Points.o A flow meter ball above Leak Size Reference Point = FAIL.o A flow meter ball below Leak Size Reference Point = PASS.7. If system failed; continue to introduce smoke and use white light supplied to look for exiting smoke. Use UV light supplied to see UV dye deposited at the exact location of leaks.o Note: the longer smoke is allowed to exit a leak, the more UV dye will deposit at the leak.1.2.c . Use optional adapter cone WVA-01 to accessintake/ induction system and connect smoke supply hose to adapter cone. Or use optional bladder WVA-096 or WVA-132.a . Position to SMOKE (full flow).b . Press START button.> Green and red lights turn <ON>.> A blinking green light indicates a weak battery. > System is on a 5-minute timer.a . Connect red clip to 12V-DC power.b . Connect black clip to chassis ground.Be sure and completely unwind smoke supply hose when connecting to the vehicle. A hose that is left wound up will collect excessive smoke vapor inside the hose which may impede smoke vapor flow through the hose. If this occurs, allow the supply hose to drain prior to its next use.Intake Leak Test Procedure, continued3.Use white light to find the smoke.Use UV light and yellow glasses to find the dye.> The laser light can ‘see’ the smoke vapor even if the naked -eye cannot as demonstrated by this difficult to see smoke vapor leak. Notice the yellow box in image ‘A’ showing w here the laser light is reflected by the small almost invisible smoke vapor leak. Then image ‘B’ finds the leak with the UV light.‘B’‘A’Other Leak SamplesThis Diagnostic Smoke® Machine can be used in virtually any vehicle low pressure system suspected of having a leak, such as; intake / induction, intercooler and turbocharger, vacuum, exhaust, EVAP and even wind/water leaks. Can also be used to verify air solenoid functions and test components prior to assembly.ExhaustFluorescent Dye DepositThe UltraTraceUV® smoke solution contains a special ultraviolet-activated fluorescent dye that deposits at theexact location of a leak. Use the UV light and wear the yellow glases provided to highlight the dye. >The longer the smoke is allowed to exit a leak, the more dye will be deposited .> This technology has been designed so that the dye deposits only if there is pressure-differential. So for instance; the dye will deposit when exiting a leak but will not deposit during a wind and water leak test.Leak Samples, continuedWind and Water Leaks1. S e t v e h i c l e ’s c l i m a t e c o n t r o l t o ‘F r e s h A i r ’ (n o t t o r e -c i r c u l a t e ). S e t b l o w e r o n f u l l s p e e d . > T h i s c r e a t e s p o s i t i v e c a b i n p r e s s u r e .2. C o n n e c t s u p p l y h o s e n o z z l e t o o p t i o n a l S m o k e D i f f u s e r W V A -03.3. L a y s m o k e p a t h a l o n g s e a l s .4. L o o k f o r s m o k e d i s t u r b a n c e i n d i c a t i n g a l e a k .No smoke distrurbance means ‘No Leak’ >< Smoke disturbance pinpoints the leakTroubleshooting GuideTwo lights on the control panel double as diagnostic lights.* If circuit board failure occurs, first disconnect power to your Tester for 10 seconds and reconnect. If failure code occurs a second time, disconnect Tester and contact Tech Support.WarrantyLIMITED ONE (1) YEAR WARRANTYLeak finder® Evaporative Emissions System Tester & Smoke MachineCPS Produces Inc. warrant to the original purchaser; under normal use, care and service, tester shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of original invoice.Seller's obligations under this warranty are limited solely to the repair or, at Seller's option, replacement of or refund of the original purchase price for, Equipment or parts which to Seller's satisfaction are determined to be defective and which are necessary, in Seller's judgment, to return the equipment to good operating condition.Repairs or replacements qualifying under this Warranty will be performed or made on regular business days during Seller's normal working hours within a reasonable time following Buyer's request. All requests for warranty service must be made during the stated warranty period.。



KBP005G - KBP10G1.5A GLASS PASSIVATED BRIDGE RECTIFIERFeatures• Glass Passivated Die Construction• High Case Dielectric Strength of 1500V RMS• Low Reverse Leakage Current• Surge Overload Rating to 40A Peak• Ideal for Printed Circuit Board Applications• UL Listed Under Recognized Component Index, File Number E94661• Lead Free Finish, RoHS Compliant (Note 2)Mechanical Data• Case: KBP• Case Material: Molded Plastic. UL Flammability Classification Rating 94V-0• Terminals: Finish – Matte Tin. Solderable per MIL-STD-202, Method 208• Polarity: As Marked on Body• Marking: Type Number• Weight: 1.52 grams (approximate)KBPDim Min MaxA 14.25 14.75B 10.20 10.60C 2.29 TypicalD 14.25 14.73E 3.56 4.06G 0.76 0.86H 1.17 1.42 J2.8 X 45°ChamferK 0.80 1.10 L 3.35 3.65 M 3° NominalN 2° NominalP 0.30 0.64 All Dimensions in mmMaximum Ratings and Electrical Characteristics@T A = 25°C unless otherwise specified Single phase, half wave, 60Hz, resistive or inductive load.For capacitive load, derate current by 20%.Characteristic Symbol KBP005GKBP01GKBP02GKBP04GKBP06GKBP08GKBP10GUnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Voltage Working Peak Reverse Voltage DC Blocking Voltage V RRMV RWMV R50 100 200 400 600 800 1000 VRMS Reverse Voltage V R(RMS)35 70 140 280 420 560 700 V Average Rectified Output Current @ T C = 105°C I O 1.5 A Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current, 8.3 msSingle Half Sine-Wave Superimposed on Rated LoadI FSM40 A Forward Voltage per element @ I F = 1.5A V FM 1.1 VPeak Reverse Current @T C = 25°C at Rated DC Blocking Voltage @ T C = 125°C I RM5.0500µATypical Total Capacitance per (Note 1) C T20 pF Typical Thermal Resistance, Junction to Case RθJC18 °C/W Operating and Storage Temperature Range T J, T STG-65 to +150 °C Notes: 1. Measured at 1.0 MHz and applied reverse voltage of 4.0V DC.2. RoHS revision 13.2.2003. Glass and high temperature solder exemptions applied, see EU Directive Annex Notes 5 and 7.3. Unit mounted on 300 x 300 x 1.6mm aluminum plate heat sink.Please click here to visit our online spice models database. , A V E R A G E R E C T I F I E D C U R R E N T (A )O T, TEMPERATURE (°C)Fig. 1 Forward Current Derating Curve10I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S F O R W A RD C U R RE N T (A )F V , INSTANTANEOUS FORWARD VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 2 Typical Forward Characteristics F1020304050110I , 100P E A KF O R W A R D S U RG E C U R R E N T (A )F S M NUMBER OF CYCLES AT 60 HzFig. 3 Max Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current110100C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )T V , REVERSE VOLTAGE (V)Fig. 4 Typical T otal CapacitanceR1.0101001,000I , I N S T A N T A N E O U S R E V E R S E C U R R E N T (A )R μPERCENT OF RATED PEAK REVERSE VOLTAGE (%)Fig. 5 Typical Reverse CharacteristicsOrdering Information (Note 4)Device Packaging ShippingKBP005G KBP 35 pieces per TubeKBP01G KBP 35 pieces per TubeKBP02G KBP 35 pieces per TubeKBP04G KBP 35 pieces per TubeKBP06G KBP 35 pieces per TubeKBP08G KBP 35 pieces per TubeKBP10G KBP 35 pieces per TubeNotes: 4. For packaging details, go to our website at /datasheets/ap02007.pdf.IMPORTANT NOTICEDiodes Incorporated and its subsidiaries reserve the right to make modifications, enhancements, improvements, corrections or other changes without further notice to any product herein. Diodes Incorporated does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, nor the rights of others. The user of products in such applications shall assume all risks of such use and will agree to hold Diodes Incorporated and all the companies whose products are represented on our website, harmless against all damages.LIFE SUPPORTDiodes Incorporated products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without the expressed written approval of the President of Diodes Incorporated.分销商库存信息:DIODESKBP005G KBP01G KBP06G KBP04G KBP02G KBP10G KBP08G。

英语晨读365 005The Wholeness of Life完美的人生

英语晨读365 005The Wholeness of Life完美的人生

英语晨读The Wholeness of Life 完美的人生Once a circle missed a wedge . The circle wanted to be whole, so it went around looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete and therefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. It chatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces, but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept on searching. Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. It was so happy. Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It incorporated the missing piece into itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could roll very fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. When it realized how different the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its found piece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with his limitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams and not feel like a failure for doing so. There is a wholeness about the man or woman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedy and survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.人生的完整从前有个圆圈,它丢失了一小段。

Soil Moisture Smart Sensor (S-SMx-M005) Manual

Soil Moisture Smart Sensor (S-SMx-M005) Manual

Soil Moisture Smart Sensor (S-SMx-M005) ManualSoil moisture smart sensors are used for measuring soil water content and are designed to work with smart sensor-compatible HOBO® stations. They combine the innovative ECH 2O® Dielectric Aquameter probe from METER Group with Onset’s smart sensor technology. All sensor conversion parameters are stored inside the smart sensor adapter so data is provided directly in soil moisture units without any programming or extensive user setup.SpecificationsS-SMC-M005 Measurement Range In soil: 0 to 0.550 m³/m³ (volumetric water content) Extended Range -0.401 to 2.574 m³/m³; see Note 1Accuracy±0.031 m³/m³ (±3.1%) typical 0 to 50°C (32° to 122°F) for mineral soils up to 8 dS/m and ±0.020 m³/m³ (±2%) with soil specific calibration; see Notes 2 and 3 Resolution0.0007 m³/m³ (0.07%) Volume of Influence 0.3 liters (10.14 oz) Sensor Frequency 70 MHzSoil Probe Dimensions 89 x 15 x 1.5 mm (3.5 x 0.62 x 0.06 in.) Weight180 grams (6.3 oz) METER ECH 2O Probe Part No. EC-5Sensor Operating Temperature0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F). Although the sensor probe and cable can safely operate at below-freezing temperatures (to -40°C/F) and the smart sensor adapter housing (the portion of the sensor cable that houses the electronics) can be exposed to temperatures up to 70°C (158°F), the soil moisture data collected at these extremetemperatures is outside of the sensor’s accurate measurement range. Bits per Sample12 Number of Data Channels* 1 Measurement Averaging Option No Cable Length Available 5 m (16 ft) Length of Smart Sensor Network Cable*0.5 m (1.6 ft)The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevant directives in the European Union (EU).* A single HOBO station can accommodate 15 data channels and up to 100 m (328 ft) of smart sensor cable (the digitalcommunications portion of the sensor cables). Note 1: The sensor is capable of providing readings outside the standard volumetric water content range. This ishelpful in diagnosing sensor operation and installation. See the Operation section for more details. Note 2: This is a system level accuracy specification and is comprised of the probe’s accuracy of ±0.03 m³/m³ typical(±0.02 m³/m³ soil specific) plus the smart sensor adapter accuracy of ±0.001 m³/m³ at 25°C (77°F). There are additional temperature accuracy deviations of ±0.003 m³/m³ / °C maximum for the probe across operating temperature environment, typical <0.001 m³/m³ / °C. (The temperature dependence of the smart sensor adapter is negligible.) Note 3: Given the nature of the sensor design and sensor operating frequency, the system has inherentsusceptibilities to Radio Frequency signals. The accuracy specification when subjected to certain RFI environments, such as those outlined in IEC 61000-4-3 and IEC 61000-4-6, is reduced to 0.061 m³/m³.The system level accuracy will be particularly affected when placed in an electric field of 3 V/m or greater in the 70 MHz range. RFI mitigation practices and physical deployment changes may reduce the systems susceptibility.Soil Moisture Smart Sensor Models: S-SMC-M005S-SMD-M005 Item included:• Protective capSoil Moisture Smart Sensor (S-SMx-M005) ManualSpecifications (continued)S-SMD-M005*Measurement Range In soil: 0 to 0.570 m³/m³ (volumetric water content)Extended Range -0.659 to 0.6026 m³/m³; see Note 1Accuracy ±0.033 m³/m³ (±3.3%) typical 0 to 50°C (32° to 122°F) for mineral soilsup to 10 dS/m and ±0.020 m³/m³ (±2%) with soil specific calibration;see Notes 2 and 3Resolution 0.0008 m³/m³ (0.08%)Volume of Influence 1 liter (33.81 oz)Sensor Frequency 70 MHzSoil Probe Dimensions 160 x 32 x 2 mm (6.5 x 1.25 x 0.08 in.)Weight 190 grams (6.7 oz)METER ECH2O Probe Part No. 10HSSensor Operating Temperature 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F). Although the sensor probe and cable cansafely operate at below-freezing temperatures (to -40°C/F) and thesmart sensor adapter housing (the portion of the sensor cable thathouses the electronics) can be exposed to temperatures up to 70°C(158°F), the soil moisture data collected at these extremetemperatures is outside of the sensor’s accurate measurement range.Extended temperatures above 50°C (122°F) will decrease loggerbattery life.Bits per Sample 12Number of Data Channels** 1Measurement Averaging Option NoCable Length Available 5 m (16 ft)Length of Smart SensorNetwork Cable**0.5 m (1.6 ft)The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevantdirectives in the European Union (EU).* HOBOware® 3.2.1 or greater is required for the S-SMD-M005 model only (if using HOBOware).** A single smart sensor-compatible HOBO station can accommodate 15 data channels and up to 100 m (328 ft) of smart sensor cable (the digital communications portion of the sensor cables). Note that the S-SMD-M005 smart sensor uses more battery power than other models. Therefore, when connecting this smart sensor to H21-00x loggers that use 4 AA batteries, attach no more than 6 of these sensors to maintain battery life of one year.Note 1: The sensor is capable of providing readings outside the standard volumetric water content range. This is helpful in diagnosing sensor operation and installation. See the Operation section for more details.Note 2: This is a system level accuracy specification and is comprised of the probe’s accuracy of ±0.03 m³/m³ typical (±0.02 m³/m³ soil specific) plus the smart sensor adapter accuracy of ±0.003 m³/m³ at 25°C (77°F). There areadditional temperature accuracy deviations of ±0.003 m³/m³ / °C maximum for the probe across operatingtemperature environment, typical <0.001 m³/m³ / °C. (The temperature dependence of the smart sensoradapter is negligible.)Note 3: Given the nature of the sensor design and sensor operating frequency, the system has inherent susceptibilities to Radio Frequency signals. The accuracy specification when subjected to certain RFIenvironments, such as those outlined in IEC 61000-4-3 and IEC 61000-4-6, may be significantly reduced.The system level accuracy will be particularly affected when placed in an electric field of 3 V/m or greater inthe 150 KHz to 1000 MHz range. RFI mitigation practices and physical deployment changes may reduce thesystems susceptibility, however will yield reduced system accuracy. If deployments are planned in high RFIenergy environments, Onset recommends on-site testing to determine system level accuracy.InstallationThis sensor measures the water content in the space immediately adjacent to the probe surface. Air gaps or excessive soil compaction around the probe can profoundly influence soil water content readings. Do not mount the probes adjacent to large metal objects, such as metal poles or stakes. Maintain at least 8 cm (3 inches) of separation between the probe and other objects. Any objects, other than soil, within 8 cm (3 inches) of the probe can influence the probe’s electromagnetic field and adversely affect output readings. The S-SMC-005 sensor must be installed at least 3 cm (1.18 inches) from the soil surface and the S-SMD-005 sensor must be installed at least 10 cm (3.94 inches) from the soil surface to obtain accurate readings.It is important to consider the particle size of the medium in which you are inserting the sensor because it is possible for sticks, tree bark, roots, or other materials to get stuck between the sensor prongs, which will adversely affect readings. Be careful when inserting these sensors into dense soil as the prongs can break if excessive sideways force is used to push them into the soil.To install the soil moisture sensors, follow these guidelines: •Good soil contact with the sensor probes is required. •Install the sensor probes into undisturbed soil where there aren’t any pebbles in the way of the probes.•Use a soil auger to make a hole to the desired depth (anangled hole is best) and push the probes into undisturbed soil at the bottom of the hole. Alternatively, dig a hole and push the probes into the side of the hole.•If the probe has a protective cap on the end, remove itbefore placing the probe into the hole.•To push the probe into the soil, use a PVC pipe with slotsfor the sensor and a longer slot for the cable. •Thoroughly water the soil around the sensor after it isinstalled with the hole partially backfilled to cause the soil to settle around the sensor.•As the hole is back-filled, try to pack the soil to the samedensity as the undisturbed soil.•Secure the smart sensor adapter to the mast with thecable ties as shown. Multiple smart sensor adapters can be stacked as shown in the example below on the right.Alternatively, mount the smart sensor adapter to a flatsurface using two screws (no larger than a #6) and twowashers as shown in the example below.•Secure the sensor cable to the mounting pole or tripodwith cable ties.•Use conduit to protect the cable against damage fromanimals, lawn mowers, exposure to chemicals, etc.If you need to calibrate your probe for the soil, you may want to gather soil samples from each sample depth at this time. When removing the probe from the soil, do not pull it out of the soil by the cable!Doing so may break internal connections and make the probe unusable.Connecting the Sensor to a StationTo connect the sensor to a station, stop the station from logging and insert the smart sensor’s modular jack into an available smart sensor port on the station. See the station manual for details on operating stations with smart sensors. Operating EnvironmentThe soil moisture smart sensor provides accurate readings for soil between 0 and 50°C (32° and 122°F). The sensor will not be damaged by temperatures as low as -40°C (-40°F); it is safe to leave the sensor in the ground year-round for permanent installation. The smart sensor adapter housing (the portion of the sensor cable that houses the electronics) is rated to 70°C (158°F) and are mounted outside the logger enclosure and secured to the mounting pole. The cable and smart sensor adapter are weatherproof.OperationThe soil moisture smart sensor measures the dielectric constant of soil in order to determine its volumetric water content. The dielectric constant of water is much higher than that of air or soil minerals, which makes it a sensitive measure of the water content. During operation, values of 0 to 0.5 m3/m3 are possible. A value of 0 to 0.1 m3/m3 indicates oven-dry to dry soil respectively. A value of 0.3 or higher normally indicates a wet to saturated soil. Values outside the operating range may be a sign that the sensor is not properly installed (poor soil contact or foreign objects are adjacent to the sensor) or that a soil-specific calibration is required. Note that sudden changes in value typically indicate that the soil has settled or shifted, which are signs that the sensor may not be installed properly or that it has been altered or adjusted during deployment. Thissensor does not support measurement averaging.Smart sensoradapter securedwith cable tiesOne Smart SensorAdapter MountedTwo Smart SensorAdapters Stackedand Mounted1-800-LOGGERS (564-4377) • 508-759-9500 /support/contact © 2010–2018 Onset Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Onset, HOBO, HOBOware, and HOBOlink are trademarks or registered trademarks of Onset Computer Corporation. ECH2O is a registered trademark of METER Group, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.MaintenanceThe soil moisture smart sensor does not require any regular maintenance. If cleaning, rinse the sensor with mild soap and fresh water.CalibrationThe soil moisture smart sensor comes pre-calibrated for most soil types. If, however, your soil type has high sand or salt content, the standard calibration will not be accurate. In such cases, you will need to convert the data provided by the probe with a specific calibration for your individual soil type. To determine the soil specific calibration formula, refer to the Calibrating ECH2O Soil Moisture Probes application note, available at /support/tech-notes/calibrating-ech2o-soil-moisture-sensors-application-note.Verifying Sensor PerformanceIf you need to check the performance of your sensor over time, you can perform the following two tests. Note that these tests are intended to verify the sensor is functioning as expected; they are not tests of the accuracy of the sensor. If you need to test the accuracy, you can perform a soil calibration check using a standard mineral soil. Refer to the Calibrating ECH2O Soil Moisture Probes application note for details, available at /support/tech-notes/calibrating-ech2o-soil-moisture-sensors-application-note.1.Wash the probe with water and let it dry.2.Plug the sensor into the logger.3.Check the status of the device in HOBOware®. If you areonly using HOBOlink®, check the Latest Conditions for your device. You may need to press the connect button on your HOBO station to upload the latest readings to HOBOlink if the connection interval is long.4.Conduct an air or water test to check the actual readingsagainst the expected readings.To conduct an air test, suspend the sensor by the cable so that it is hanging freely in the air and not near any objects.To conduct a distilled water test, suspend the probe in aroom temperature container of fresh water. Make sure the container is large enough to completely cover the entireprobe and that it does not touch the bottom or sides of the container.For both of these tests, it is important that the sensor’sentire volume of influence is in air or water. For the volume of influence for the S-SMC-M005 probe, see/support/tech-notes/ec-volume-sensitivity-application-note.For the volume of influence for the S-SMD-M005 probe, see /support/tech-note/10hs-volume-sensitivity-application-note.pare the value in HOBOware or HOBOlink while runningthe test with the expected values in the table below. The value should be within the specified range for the air or water test.Sensor Air WaterS-SMC-M005 -0.26 to -0.13 +0.47 to +0.57S-SMD-M005 -0.48 to -0.13 +0.46 to +0.70If these tests pass, your sensor is working normally. If not, then it may be damaged and should be replaced.。



Datasheet Fujitsu LIFEBOOK U9312Fujitsu recommends Windows 11 Pro Ultra-mobile and lightweight designExtraordinarily lightweight design for business professionals who are always on the move• A remarkably slim 15.5mm notebook weighting only 885 g with a minimalist style in a magnesium alloy housing• Stunning backlit keyboard available in red or black colour• The best viewing experience via anti-glare 13.3-inch FHD (1920 x 1080) display, with optional touch screen• Durability is Military Standard MIL-STD-810H testedMaximum securityProtect your notebook and business data from unaurthorized access at all times• Integrated PalmSecure™ or fingerprint sensor• HD Infrared Camera allows face recognition with Windows Hello • Integrated Privacy Camera Shutter • Kensington Lock support• SmartCard reader and TPM 2.0Convenient mobility on the goHighest productivity on business trips• All-day battery runtime offers you the exceptional mobility that you need when on the move• Anytime USB Charge functionality to charge telephones and other media devices, even when the system is turned off•Powerful performance, thanks to integrated SSDs, helping to process data fasterExcellent connectivityBe flexible and stay productive in a hyper-connected world• Compact and versatile Intel® Thunderbolt™ 4 connector to charge your laptop, transfer files at fast speeds, connect external monitors and other peripherals • Full set of interfaces with a full-sized HDMI, full-sized Flap-style LAN connector •WLAN, Bluetooth and 5G or LTE (CAT 12)Premium Ultra-mobility Business CompanionAre you looking for a slim, breathtaking notebook for frequent business trips? Available in red or black, the ultra-mobile Fujitsu LIFEBOOK U9312 weighs only 885 g. Enterprise-grade security features such as PalmSecure™ keeps your business data protected from unauthorized access. Powerful performance and the embedded 5G offers you the best-in-class user experience.ComponentsProcessor Intel® Core™ i7-1265U processor (10 Cores, up to 4.8 GHz), vPro Enterprise supportedIntel® Core™ i5-1245U processor (10 Cores, up to 4.4 GHz), vPro Enterprise supportedIntel® Core™ i5-1235U processor (10 Cores, up to 4.4 GHz), vPro Essentials supportedOperating systems1Windows 11 Pro. Fujitsu recommends Windows 11 Pro for business.Windows 11 HomeWindows 10 Pro through Windows 11 Pro downgrade rightsMemory Minimum: 8GB LPDDR4x-4266 (onboard) ; Maximum 32GB LPDDR4x-4266 (onboard)Internal Storage22TB, Gen 4 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SED1TB, Gen 4 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SED512GB, Gen 4 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SED256GB, Gen 4 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SED1TB, Gen 3 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SED512GB, Gen 3 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SED256GB, Gen 3 PCIe-SSD M.2 2280 NVMe module, SEDDisplay13.3 inch (33.8 cm), LED backlight, FHD, 1,920 x 1,080 pixel, Anti-glare display, Non-touch; 400 cd/m², 1000:113.3 inch (33.8 cm), LED backlight, FHD, 1,920 x 1,080 pixel, Anti-glare display, T ouch; 350 cd/m², 1500:1Graphics3Intel® Iris® X e GraphicsLAN Intel® Ethernet Connection I219-LMWLAN (Optional)Intel® Wi-Fi 6E AX211 - Bluetooth 5.2 (depends on OS support), SRD cat.2 (6E frequency only in dedicated regions)WWAN (Optional)4Fibocom FM350-GL (Sub-6/Cat.19) – 5G, LTE, UMTS (regional offering)Camera (Optional)Built-in HD Webcam with integrated privacy shutter (Windows Hello Supported)Audio Realtek® ALC257 HD Audio, Stereo SpeakersInternal Microphone(Optional)Dual digital array microphoneInterfaces51x Audio Combo2x USB 3.2 Gen 1 (1 with Anytime USB charge functionality)2x USB 4.0 Gen 3 Type-C or Intel® Thunderbolt™ 4 (with DisplayPort and Power delivery function)1x HDMI 2.01x Ethernet RJ-45Expansion Slots1x SD 4.0 card slot (supports SD, SDHC, SDXC)1x SIM card slot (available when WWAN module is configured)Keyboard and Pointing Device US/ Taiwan/ Thai Keyboard w/backlitNumber of keys: 84, Keyboard pitch: 19mm, Keyboard stroke: 1.5mm Multi gesture touchpad with two mouse buttonsSecurity Integrated Fingerprint sensor (Optional)Integrated PalmSecure™ palm vein sensor (Optional)Integrated Smartcard readerTrusted Platform Module (TPM 2.0) (Optional)Fujitsu EraseDiskFujitsu AuthConductor™ Client BasicFujitsu BIOS/Hard Disk password protectionKensington lock slot (lock to be purchased separately)Manageability Intel® AMT (depending on processor and configuration), WOL, WOM, PXE, WFM 2.0 Compliant DMIBIOS version UEFI Specification 2.8InsydeH20 BIOSAdditional Software Fujitsu USB Type-C TM charge and feeding power utilityFujitsu Battery UtilityFujitsu Function ManagerFujitsu DeskUpdate (driver and utility tool)Microsoft Office (free 30-day trial)WWAN Control UtilityFujitsu LIFEBOOK Application PanelFujitsu Mic Mute UtilityWaves MaxxAudioFujitsu Pointing Device UtilityAC Adapter20V/65W (3.25A), 100V – 240V, 50Hz – 60Hz, 3-pin (grounded) Type-C AC-AdapterBattery6Lithium polymer battery 4-cell, 64Wh, up to 12hr 34minsQuick Charge: Up to 80% charging in 1 hourDimension (WxDxH)7307 x 197 x 15.5 mm / 12.09 x 7.76 x 0.61 inchWeight Starting at 885 g / Starting at 1.95 lbs(Weight may vary depending on actual configuration)Warranty Please visit: https:///hk/microsite/warranty/*Accidental damage is not covered under standard limited warrantyCompliance Product: LIFEBOOK U9312; Model: 9U13A3Certifications CECBRoHSENERGY STAR® 8.0TCO 9EPEAT® Silver (dedicated regions only)MIL-STD-810H compliant**MIL-STD-810H test results are not a guarantee of future performance under identified test conditions.More informationThe word “Uvance” embodies a concept of “Making all (Universal) things move forward (Advance)in a sustainable direction.Fujitsu Uvance will leverage Fujitsu’s technological capabilities and problem-solving expertiseacross seven key focus areas, including Sustainable Manufacturing, Consumer Experience, HealthyLiving, Trusted Society, Digital Shifts, Business Applications, and Hybrid IT, to offer unprecedentedvalue to customers, while contributing to the achievement of its ultimate purpose —"to make the world more sustainable by building trust in society through innovation."Through Fujitsu Uvance, we are committed to transforming the world into a place where people can live their lives, enjoying prosperity and peace of mind. Empowering each other to make the world more sustainable.For more information of Fujitsu Uvance, please visit https:///global/uvanceT o grow in an uncertain world, it is imperative to stay resilient and agile to respond complex and unforeseen challenges.Under the global business brand – Uvance, Fujitsu provides a full range of reliable and best-in-class product, service, and solution offerings with digital innovation, from sustainable manufacturing to smart city ecosystem, to create a more sustainable world and resolve social issues. This empowers customers to strengthen resilience through Fujitsu’s trusted solutions using cutting-edge technologies, while increasing their business agility and improving the reliability of their IT operations.For more information, please visit https:///globalContact UsHONG KONGFujitsu Business Technologies Asia Pacific Ltd. T el: (852) 3910-8228Email:***********************.com/pc SINGAPOREFujitsu Asia Pte Ltd.T el: (65) 6512-7555Email:*********************/pcCHINAFujitsu (China) Holdings Co., Ltd. – PCChina DivisionT el: 86 (21) 58871000-8721Email:*************************.com/pcINDONESIAPT Fujitsu IndonesiaT el: (62) 21-570-9330Email:********************.com /pc PHILIPPINESFujitsu Philippines, Inc.T el: (63) 2-8841-8488Email:********************/pcMALA YSIAFujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn. BhdT el: (60) 3-8230-4188Email:*************************/pcTAIWANFujitsu Taiwan Ltd.T el: (886) 2-2311-2255 Email:************************ /pc THAILANDFujitsu (Thailand) Co., Ltd. T el: (66) 0-2302-1500 Email:******************* /pcVIETNAMFujitsu Vietnam LimitedT el: (84-24) 2220-3113Email:********************/pcNote: For countries not listed above, please contact Hong Kong office.Specification disclaimersNot all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows 11 is automatically updated, which is always enabled. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. GB = 1 billion bytes. TB = 1 trillion bytes, when referring to hard disk drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary, also depending on used software. Up to 20 GB of HDD space is reserved for system recovery. Shared memory depending on main memory size and operating system. WWAN module is optional and available in specific countries only. It requires separately purchased service contract. Check with service provider for coverage and availability in your area. Connection speeds will vary due to location, environment, network conditions, and other factors. Please contact our Fujitsu sales specialist for more information. Interfaces depend on the configuration selected by customers. Battery runtime information is based on worldwide acknowledged BAPCo® MobileMark® 2018 (office productivity). Refer to for additional details. The BAPCo® MobileMark® Benchmark provides results that enable direct product comparisons between manufacturers. It does not guarantee any specific battery runtime which actually can be lower and may vary depending on product model, configuration, application and power management settings. The battery capacity decreases slightly with every re-charge and over its lifetime. For more detail, please contact Fujitsu sales specialist. The stated thickness does not include rubber feet.Fujitsu shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Ultrabook, Celeron, Celeron Inside, Core Inside, Intel, Intel Logo, Intel Atom, Intel Atom Inside, Intel Core, Intel Inside, Intel Inside Logo, Intel vPro, Intel Evo, Itanium, Itanium Inside, Pentium, Pentium Inside, vPro Inside, Xeon, Xeon Phi, Xeon Inside, Intel Agilex, Arria, Cyclone, Movidius, eASIC, Enpirion, Iris, MAX, Intel RealSense, Stratix, and Intel Optane are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. USB Type-C™ and USB-C™ are trademarks of USB Implementers Forum. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.All rights reserved, including intellectual property rights. T echnical data subject to modifications and delivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective manufacturer, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner. For further information see /global/about/resources/terms/.© 2022 Fujitsu Business T echnologies Asia Pacific LimitedLast Update: May 27, 2022。



伴奏型编号 KB-309 KB-209 KB-308 KB-208


16Beat 16BeatUptempo GuitarPop JazzRock HipHopLight Classic16Beat CinematicPop PopShuffle1 PopShuffle2 KoolShuffle
Ballad 70sGlamPiano PopGtrBallad LoveSong OrganBallad PopBallad 16BeatBallad1 16BeatBallad2 6/8OrchBallad EpicDivaBallad OrchestraRockBallad WorshipAcoustic1 WorshipAcoustic2 WorshipRockBallad

215 E 产品说明书

215 E 产品说明书

Technical specificationsHydraulic dataMPC values achievable < 20Nominal flow:VMU-1 ~ 2.2 l/min VMU-4 ~ 8.9 l/minPermitted fluid temperature range 30 to 60 °C / 86 to 140 °F Operating pressure max.8 bar / 116 psiPermitted pressure at suction port IN -0.2 to 1 bar / 2.9 to 14.5 psi Viscosity range15 to 80 mm²/s / 15 to 80 cSt Permitted operating fluidsMineral oilsPlease observe application ranges of the elementsConnections IN / OUT 22L / M30x2 (male thread)Pump typeGear pump / without pumpElectrical data* Supply voltageSee model code Electrical power consumption 0.25 to 0.6 kW External fuse required16 A Protection class to DIN 40050IP 55Ambient conditionsOperating temperature range 0 to 40 °C / 32 to 104 °F Storage temperature range 0 to 60 °C / 32 to 140 °F Relative humidity0 to 80%, non-condensingGeneral data *Length of power cable10 m (for versions PKZ, FA1, FA2)Length of suction / pressure hose 5 m (for versions S5D5, SKDK)Sealing material FKMNoise level at 1m < 80 dB(A)Weight when empty VMU-1 ~ 70 kg VMU-4 ~ 300 kgRequired fluid cleanlinessISO 19/17/14 (ISO 4406:1999) 9A/9B/9C (SAE AS4059)We recommend that the VMU is operated only with the pre-filter, which is available as an option, to guarantee the required fluid cleanliness.* Others on requestDescriptionThe VarnishMitigation Units VMU are designed to condition mineral oils and are easy to use. They are particularly effective at removing oil ageing products (varnish) from mineral oils.Varnish takes the form of insoluble oil ageing products which settle in the tank, in valves or in bearings. These can be non-filterable gels or solid paint-type deposits.The VMU series units are used offline. The removal of varnish is on the basis of adsorption on an active surface.Special featuresz Removal of solid or gel-type oil ageing productsz Operating reliability of the system is increased because there are fewer deposits in hydraulic valves z Increase in the oil service life z Available as a complete unit for retrofitting to existing systems, as well as a modular system for new systemsVarnishMitigation Unit VMU Series216ExampleFilter membrane WITHOUT VarnishMitigation UnitFilter membrane WITH VarnishMitigation UnitItems suppliedz VMU with protective filter andadditional equipment as per model codez Operating manualz EC declaration of conformityVarnishMitigation elements and filterelements for pre-filter and protective filter must be ordered separately.DesignAs a rough guide, the VMU can be sized according to the tank volume of the system.Tank volume in litresVMU< 16,000VMU-116,000 - 60,000VMU-4Example of required order quantity:VMU- 4 -M-G-A -1-BM-Z /-S5D5-PKZ 4 x VME730 Element 2 x N5DM005(for pre-filter and protective filter)VMU - 4 -M-G-A -Z -BM-Z /-S5D5-PKZ 4 x VME730 Element1 x N5DM005 (only for protective filter)VMU- 1 -M-G-A -1-BM-Z /-S5D5-PKZ 1 x VME730 Element2 x N5DM005(for pre-filter and protective filter)VarnishMitigation ElementsVarnishMitigation elements must be ordered separately and installed before initial operation on site. The number and type of elements is based on the size of the VMU.Part no.Description Application range 3940510VME 720 D Turbine oilsTank volume < 4.000 l 3714795VME 730Turbine oilsTank volume ≥ 4,000 lOthers on requestThe maximum storage time for all VarnishMitigation elements is 6 months after supply.Filter elements for pre-filter and protective filterFilter elements must be ordered separately and installed before commissioning on site. One filter element per filter is required.Part no.Description Filtration rating 3068101N5DM005 5 µm 3102924N5DM01010 µm218NoteThe information in this brochure relatesto the operating conditions and applicati-ons described.For applications and operating conditi-ons not described, please contact the relevant technical department. Subject to technical modifications.HYDAC FILTER SYSTEMS GMBH IndustriegebietD-66280 Sulzbach / Saar Tel.:+49 (0) 6897/509-01Fax:+49 (0) 6897/509-9046 Internet: E-Mail:***********************220。



艾司西酞普兰联合运动方案对苯二氮艹卓类药物依赖焦虑症患者睡眠质量的影响王惠强 王哲伟(泉州市第三医院科教科,泉州,362000)摘要 目的:探讨艾司西酞普兰联合运动方案对苯二氮艹卓类(BDZ)药物依赖焦虑症患者睡眠质量的影响。




结果:治疗后,观察组匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)中主观睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠效率、睡眠障碍、日间功能5个维度评分及总分均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0 05),失眠严重程度指数(ISI)评分低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0 05);观察组汉密尔顿焦虑抑郁量表(HADS)评分均较对照组低,差异有统计学意义(P<0 05),健康调查简表(SF 36)评分较对照组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0 05)。


关键词 艾司西酞普兰;运动方案;苯二氮艹卓类;药物依赖;睡眠质量EffectofEscitalopramCombinedExerciseProgramonSleepQualityofPatientswithBenzodiazepine dependentAnxietyDisorderWANGHuiqiang,WANGZhewei(ScienceandEducationDepartment,NO 3HospitalofQuanzhou,Quanzhou362000,China)Abstract Objective:Toinvestigatetheeffectofescitalopramcombinedexerciseprogramonsleepqualityofpatientswithbenzo diazepine(BDZ) dependentanxietydisorder Methods:Atotalof120patientswithBDZ dependentanxietydisorderwhoweread mittedtothehospitalfromSeptember2021toFebruary2023wereselected,andrandomlydividedintotheobservationgroup(62patientstreatedwithescitalopramcombinedexerciseprogram)andthecontrolgroup(58patientstreatedwithescitalopramalone) Sleepquality,insomniadegree,negativeemotions,andqualityoflifeofthetwogroupswerecompared Results:Aftertreatment,thescoresforsubjectivesleepquality,timetofallasleep,sleepefficiency,sleepdisorderanddaytimefunctioninthePittsburghSleepQualityIndex(PSQI),andtotalscoreoftheobservationgroupwerelowerthanthoseofthecontrolgroup(Ps<0 05) TheInsomniaSeverityIndex(ISI)scoreandHospitalAnxietyandDepressionScale(HADS)scorewerealsolowerthanthoseoftheconventionalgroup(P<0 05) TheMOS36 itemShort formHealthSurvey(SF 36)scorewashigherthanthatoftheconvention algroup(P<0 05) Conclusion:Escitalopramcombinedwithexerciseprogramcansignificantlyimprovesleepquality,insomniasymptoms,negativeemotions,andthequalityoflifeofpatientswithbenzodiazepine dependentanxietydisorder.Keywords Escitalopram;ExerciseProgram;Benzodiazepine(BDZ);Drugdependence;Sleepquality中图分类号:R338 63;R749 7+2文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-7130.2024.02.062 苯二氮艹卓类(Benzodiazepines,BDZ)药物是临床常用镇静催眠药,主要治疗顽固性失眠症,同时具有抗焦虑、抗惊厥作用,但具有一定成瘾性和耐药性,长期或大剂量使用会产生药物依赖性,不仅无法改善临床症状,还会对患者身体产生一定不良反应[1],因此对于BDZ类药物依赖性患者通常予以替代药物治疗。



网络出版时间:2023-12-0116:49:32 网络出版地址:◇肾脏药理学◇氢氧化镧通过阻断HIF 1α信号通路抑制慢性肾病所致的血管钙化崔雅婷1,王琪雯2,王胜男1,李 刚2(1.内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市第一医院药剂科,2.内蒙古医科大学药学院药理学教研室,内蒙古呼和浩特 010110)收稿日期:2023-08-10,修回日期:2023-09-08基金项目:内蒙古自治区科技重大专项资助项目(Nozdzx201805);内蒙古自治区自然科学基金资助项目(No2022JQ01)作者简介:崔雅婷(1988-),女,硕士,副主任药师,研究方向:医院药学、药品毒理学、毒效学,E;李 刚(1979-),男,博士,教授,硕士生导师,研究方向:新药药理学、神经药理学,通信作者,E文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-1978(2023)12-2354-07中国图书分类号:R 332;R589 5;R692 5;R845 22;R916 3摘要:目的 研究氢氧化镧对慢性肾病(chronickidneydis ease,CKD)所致大鼠肾损伤及血管钙化的治疗作用及其机制。

方法 通过给予腺嘌呤构建CKD模型,造模后随机分为模型组、氢氧化镧低、中、高剂量组、碳酸镧组、碳酸钙组。

8周后,检测血清磷(Pi)、钙(Ca)、血肌酐(serumcreatinine,Scr)、血尿素氮(bloodureanitrogen,BUN)、甲状旁腺激素(parathyroidhormone,PTH)、成纤维细胞生长因子23(fibro blastgrowthfactor23,FGF23)、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶5b(tar trate resistantacidphosphatase5b,TRAP 5b)水平;组织病理学染色评估血管钙化程度;对血管中平滑肌蛋白22α(smoothmuscleprotein22α,SM22α)、Runt相关转录因子2(Runt relatedtranscriptionfactor2,RUNX2)、低氧诱导因子1(hypoxiainduciblefactor1,HIF 1)通路mRNA及其蛋白表达水平进行检测。



PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex®-268Version 05.01 (04 - 2023), en_GB012001212680001000PRODUCT DATA SHEETSikaflex®-268Assembly & glazing adhesive and sealant for rail applications with acceleration optionTYPICAL PRODUCT DATA (FURTHER VALUES SEE SAFETY DATA SHEET)Chemical base 1-component polyurethane Colour (CQP001-1)BlackCure mechanism Moisture-curing Density (uncured)1.3 kg/l Non-sag properties (CQP061-1)Very good Application temperature 5 ─ 40 °C Skin time (CQP019-1)60 minutes A Open time (CQP526-1)40 minutes A Curing speed (CQP049-1)(see diagram)Shrinkage (CQP014-1)1 %Shore A hardness (CQP023-1 / ISO 48-4)55Tensile strength (CQP036-1 / ISO 527) 6 MPa Elongation at break (CQP036-1 / ISO 527)500 %Tear propagation resistance (CQP045-1 / ISO 34)13 N/mm Tensile lap-shear strength (CQP046-1 / ISO 4587) 4.5 MPa Service temperature (CQP509-1 / CQP513-1)-50 ─ 90 °CShelf lifecartridge / unipack pail / drum 12 months B6 months BCQP = Corporate Quality ProcedureA) 23 °C / 50 % r. h.B) storage below 25 °C)DESCRIPTIONSikaflex®-268 is an adhesive system specific-ally designed for the rail industry. It is suitable for assembly bonding and glazing applica-tions; its outstanding weathering resistivity and unique resistance to a wide variety of cleaning agents make it an ideal solution for use in exterior joints in the rail industry.Sikaflex®-268 is compatible with Sika’s black-primerless bonding process.Sikaflex®-268 can be accelerated with Sika’s Booster and PowerCure systems.PRODUCT BENEFITSResistant to a wide variety of cleaning agents▪Passes EN45545 R1/R7 HL3▪Curing can be accelerated with Sika Booster and Sika PowerCure▪Excellent weathering stability▪Very good processing and tooling character-istics▪Solvent-free▪AREAS OF APPLICATIONSikaflex®-268 is designed for assembly and direct-glazing applications in rail, the com-mercial vehicle industry and for the repair market.It exhibits excellent tooling and application properties. With its superior resistance to a wide range of cleaning agents combined with outstanding weathering resistance, it can be used for exterior joints.Seek manufacturer’s advice and perform tests on original substrates before using Sikaflex®-268 on materials prone to stress cracking.Sikaflex®-268 is suitable for experienced pro-fessional users only. Test with actual sub-strates and conditions have to be performed ensuring adhesion and material compatibility.1 / 2CURE MECHANISMSikaflex®-268 cures by reaction with atmo-spheric moisture. At low temperatures the water content of the air is generally lower and the curing reaction proceeds somewhatslower (see diagram 1).Diagram 1: Curing speed Sikaflex®-268CHEMICAL RESISTANCESikaflex®-268 is generally resistant to fresh water, seawater, diluted acids and diluted caustic solutions; temporarily resistant to fuels, mineral oils, vegetable and animal fats and oils; not resistant to organic acids, glycol-ic alcohol, concentrated mineral acids and caustic solutions or solvents.It is resistant to a wide range of rail cleaning agents if used according to the guidelines of the manufacturer. Some rail cleaning agents contain aggressive chemicals such as phos-phoric acids which may influence the durabil-ity of Sikaflex®-268 significantly. Therefore it is of highest importance to limit the exposure time to a minimum, observe correct dilution of cleaning agent and to perform a thorough rinsing after the cleaning process. Test newly introduced cleaning agents.The above information is offered for general guidance only. Advice on specific applications will be given on request.METHOD OF APPLICATION Surface Preparation Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from grease, oil and dust. Surface treatment de-pends on the specific nature of the substrates and is crucial for a long lasting bond. All pre-treatment steps must be confirmed by pre-liminary tests on original substrates consider-ing specific conditions in the assembly pro-cess.ApplicationSikaflex®-268 can be processed between 5 °C and 40 °C (climate and product) but changes in reactivity and application properties have to be considered. The optimum temperature for substrate and sealant is between 15 °C and 25 °C.Consider the viscosity increase at low temper-ature. For easy application, condition the ad-hesive at ambient temperature prior to use. To ensure a uniform thickness of the bondline it is recommend to apply the adhesive in formof a triangular bead (see figure 1).Figure 1: Recommended bead configurationSikaflex®-268 can be processed with hand, pneumatic or electric driven piston guns as well as pump equipment. The open time is significantly shorter in hot and humid climate. The parts must always be installed within the open time. Never join bonding parts if the ad-hesive has built a skin.For advice on selecting and setting up a suit-able pump system, contact the System Engin-eering Department of Sika Industry.Tooling and finishingTooling and finishing must be carried out within the open time of the adhesive. We re-commend the use of Sika® Tooling Agent N. Other finishing agents must be tested for suit-ability and compatibility.RemovalUncured Sikaflex®-268 can be removed from tools and equipment with Sika® Remover-208 or another suitable solvent. Once cured, the material can only be removed mechanically.Hands and exposed skin have to be washed immediately using hand wipes such as Sika® Cleaner-350H or a suitable industrial hand cleaner and water. Do not use solvents on skin.FURTHER INFORMATIONThe information herein is offered for general guidance only. Advice on specific applicationsis available on request from the Technical De-partment of Sika Industry.Copies of the following publications are avail-able on request:Safety Data Sheets ▪General GuidelinesBonding and Sealing with 1-component Sikaflex®▪PACKAGING INFORMATION Cartridge 300 ml Unipack 600 ml Pail 23 l Drum195 lBASIS OF PRODUCT DATAAll technical data stated in this document are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control.HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION User must read the most recent correspond-ing Safety Data Sheets (SDS) before using any products. The SDS provides information and advice on the safe handling, storage and dis-posal of chemical products and contains phys-ical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related data.DISCLAIMERThe information, and, in particular, the re-commendations relating to the application and end-use of Sika products, are given in good faith based on Sika's current knowledge and experience of the products when prop-erly stored, handled and applied under nor-mal conditions in accordance with Sika's re-commendations. In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and actual site condi-tions are such that no warranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either from this information, or from any writ-ten recommendations, or from any other ad-vice offered. The user of the product must test the product's suitability for the intended application and purpose. Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The proprietary rights of third parties must beobserved. All orders are accepted subject toour current terms of sale and delivery. Usersmust always refer to the most recent issue ofthe local Product Data Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will be supplied on request.PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikaflex®-268Version 05.01 (04 - 2023), en_GB 012001212680001000SIKA LIMITED WatchmeadWelwyn Garden City Hertfordshire, AL7 1BQ Tel: 01707 394444Web: Twitter: @SikaLimited2 / 2。



Warning: Disconnect power b efore installing or servicing.Ratings Open And EnclosedContinuous-30 Amperes Per Pole Maximumlighting Load Maximum AC V9lts line LoadTungsten Lamp 480 480Bal l ast 600 600Maximum DC VoltsLighting Load 125250Tungsten Lamp 2 Poles In 3 Potes In Load OnlySeries Per Series Per DC Load DC LoadFeaturesHorizontal straight-line motion makes contactor compact, easy to maintain.Strongbox coil. Straight-through wiring. 0 Large combination knockouts.Oversized power tenninals will accommodate up to AWG 8 wire.InstallationBefore connecting contactor to power supply: 1. Remove all packing,2.Clean magnet mating surfaces.3.Operate movable magnet and operating ann by pressing on the name-plate to assure free movement.4.Mount contactor on a sturdy vertical support.5.Be certain wiring connections are tight.6.Give installation a final check for conformance with codes, branch cir­cuit protection and remove any foreign material from enclosure. Also check to see that no tools have been left in panel during installation.Review diagrams for intended operation and function.7.Before energizing, make final check to see that all power lines and ter­minals, are free of metal or pieces of wire that could cause shorts to other parts or ground and additionally that wiring and equipment on load side of contactor is free from grounds and shorts. An ohmmeter or other means, as appropriate, is recommended.Disconnect All Power Before Servicing. Read Instructions For This Equipment.COIL8MAGNET ASSEMBLYFigure 1. 30 ampere lighting contactor, CR360l.Maintenance1.Keep magnet mating surfaces free of any accumulated dirt or dust.2. DO NOT OIL OR GREASE the magnet mating surtaces.3.The silver-cadmium oxide contacts need only be replaced when nearly all tip material is gone and contact tip support material is exposed. DO NOT FILE the contacts. Filing or otherwise dressing the contacts results in lost tip material·and reduces contact life.4. Tenninal tightness should be checked periodically as part of preventive maintenance. Many users with average conditions find an annual check is satisfactory. Any point showing evidence of heating should immedi­ately be checked for tightness.OperationWhen energizing, be certain all equipment is ready for power and that all personnel are clear. Always observe all safety rules when operating this equipment.Warning: The opening of the branch circuit protective device may be an indication that a fault has been interrupted. Following this or any other evi­dence of fault or uninterrupted overcurrent condition, the following must be done before reenergizing to provide continued protection against fire or shock hazard.1.Examine all current-carrying parts and other components of the con­troller and replace if damaged.2.Examine all contacts to make certain they are not welded. Separate or isolated control circuits must be examined in the same manner.Removal Of Coil1.Press against coil while pulling slightly on coil retainers (A-Fig.1), and move retainers away from coil.2.Pull one end of spring clip (B--Fig. 1) forward and slide out of slot.3, Draw movable portion of magnet assembly and coil from the contactor.4.Replace coil and reassemble, reversing the procedure,Normally Closed ContactsThe contacts may be converted from nonnally open to nonnally closed with no additional parts. Perfonn steps 1 through 3 shown under Removal Of Coil. Lift coil and magnet from movable ann, Remove return spring from center of movable ann. Depress movable contact spring and spring seat against movable contact and rotate these parts 1/2tum without re-1Caution: Before installing in a nuclearapplicafion, determine that theproduct is intended tor s uch use.GEH-5099 Installation Instructions 300-Line Lighting Contactors CR360LFor 30 Amperes Continuous Ratingmoving them from window, Remove the stationary contacts, install the movable arm in the device. Install the stationary contacts so that their silver pads face the movable contact silver pads.Reassemble the device, To change contacts from normally closed to nor� mally open position, reverse the procedure.Removal Of Contacts1.Press against coll while pulling slightly on coil retainer (A-Fig. 1 ), and move retainer away from coil.2, Draw magnet assembty, including coil, molded cover, and operating arm, from the contactor.3.Depress and slide movable contacts, spring, and spring seat from the support.4.Remove screws which hold stationary contacts to the molded support and remove the contacts.5.Reassemble by reversing the above procedure."Standard" Short Circuit RatinasSuitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Dellverlng Not More Than 5,000 RMS Symmetrical Amperes, 600 Volts Maximum. Use Fuses Rated 90 Amperes Maximum, or Circuit Breakers Rated 120 Amperes Maximum."Hiah-Available" Short Circuit RatinasSuitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Than (a) RMSSymmetrical Amperes, (b) Volts Maximum, When Protected by (e) Type (f)Circuit Breakers, Rated (g) Amperes Maximum.Catalog Max Short Circuit Rating Maximum Breaker SizeNumber AmperesRMS Sym Volts Max Make Model Max. SizeAmperes(a)(b)(e) (ij (g)CR360L3 30 100,000 480 GE SEP 80CR360L3 30 65,000 480 GE SEL 60CR360L3 30 25,000 480 GE SEH 60CR360l3 30 18,000 480 GE SEO 60 Principal Renewal PartsComplete set of stationary and movable contacts wllh springs and screws For 4 poles ••......•...•.....•..•... C atalog Number 546A301G002 Coll (1 required) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Catalog Number 15021G***Coil Data (Order 15D21 G plus suffix number per table below) Frequency 115V200/ 230V 480V 585V 600V208V60 Hertz 002 023 003 004 005 006Frequency 110V 220V 380V 440V 550V 600V SO Hertz 007 008 064 009 010 011 Use 022 sufllx for 120V, 60 Hz/110V, 50 Hz coll,Example: 15D21G003 is complete catalog number for 230 volt, 6() Hertz coll.These Instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations In equipment nor to provide tor eve,y pos s/bis contingency to be met In connection with /nstallatlon, operation, or mainte­nance. Should particular p roblems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the Purchaser's purposes, the matter should be referred to the nearest ABB sales office.—ABB Inc.305 Gregson Drive Cary, NC 27511. —We reserve the right to make technicalchanges or modify the contents of thisdocument without prior notice. Withregard to purchase orders, the agreedparticulars shall prevail. ABB Inc. does notaccept any responsibility whatsoever forpotential errors or possible lack ofinformation in this document.We reserve all rights in this document andin the subject matter and illustrationscontained therein. Any reproduction orutilization of its contents – in whole or inparts – is forbidden without prior writtenconsent of ABB Inc.Copyright© 2019 ABBAll rights reserved—GE is a trademark of GE. Manufacturedby ABB Inc. under license from GE.1SQC9113M21GEH-599C,January22。

Morris Magneto M5 Instructions说明书

Morris Magneto M5 Instructions说明书

Morris Magneto M5 Instructions, ’70 -’99 Big Twins, types B, C, and DYour new Morris Magneto kit is a quality precision-built product. Installation should be performed by a qualified mechanic. Loosen or remove pushrods and remove stock gearcase cover. Referring to H-D manual “Engine Specifications” and “Engine Gearcase” sections, check general engine condition, and set cam end play to .001 – .005″. Install new gearcase cover. Cover should fit somewhat freely onto pinion shaft and cam. Set your engine on the correct stroke & position for installation, as follows:motor not completely assembled, use conventional “front valves closed” method;motor fully assembled, you may find the following method easier:a) Remove your rear spark plug only.b) Kick until you feel front cylinder compression; rear piston will be on the way up.c) Continue turning the motor until the rear piston gets to the top. At this point, the correct front cylinder advanced timing mark will be just appearing in the back of the hole. Continue until it is centered.Remove magneto cap (unless it is clear). Set magneto rotor so narrow cam lobe is located counter-clockwise from cam follower as in Picture 2, and breaker points are just opening. This is your correct front cylinder advanced timing position. On the bottom of the magneto, note position of drive lugs in relation to mounting flange. Install the drive gear and pin to the end of cam, meshing the teeth so that either pair of slots on drive is in a similar position, and will engage lugs when installing mag head. Be sure that the pin registers correctly in cam notch.Temporarily install the magneto to check drive alignment. Your cam gear positioning is correct if the advanced timing position is within the range of the flange adjustment. If not, re-mesh gear using other pair of drive slots. When done, securely bolt gear to end of cam using red loctite on threads and mating surface (insure threads are clean and oil-free). Install the gear cover plate and gasket. Install the magneto and gasket, securing with the nuts and heavy washers provided, in the advanced timing position visually as shown and outlined above. Static timing is all that is required. Timing can be dialed in exactly by using Morris Magneto p/n KATT, timing and testing tool. W e do not recommend the ‘cellophane’ method. NOTE: If magneto head was previously installed, you will need to go past your timing mark until magneto clicks, indicating that the impulse spring has been tripped (at approximately 5/16″ or 8mm past rear piston TDC, but on front cylinder compression stroke), then back up the motor in high gear and re-locate timing mark. Install cap if off, making sure coil springs line up, and tighten cap screws 1/8 turn past hand-tight. Stud on side of magneto is used to “kill” magneto with a grounding toggle switch or lever (p/n KSL), do not connect to your battery or 12-volt system. NOTE: Impulse mechanism is intended for starting only. Maintain a high enough idle so that it does not engage while running.Stuff to know: This magneto was designed to start with a moderate kick; hard kicks may actually hamper starting. Unit is also fully compatable with electric start. The long-lasting OEM-type points in your magneto have been set at .015, and will require no attention for years. When replacement is necessary, use Morris p/n P5 and condensor p/n P6. Use only original type cap, gasket, points and condenser. Initial spark plug gap, .025″. Due to the hot spark, you can expect the gap to burn larger somewhat faster than with a battery ignition. Use of a single-fire module, Morris p/n MSF, may help prolong plug life. W e recommend Autolite4275 or 4316 spark plugs for older H-D heads (short reach), or 4265 for long reach, as used on most aftermarket heads, and “76 -up stock H-D heads. Use copper or stainless steel solid core (non-suppression) spark plug wires (Morris p/n MWS).US Patents 4191157; D375509。




























Graduation Speech:Embracing the Future,Cherishing the Past,and Pursuing DreamsDear faculty,family,friends,and most importantly,my fellow graduates,Today,as we stand on the cusp of a new chapter in our lives,I am filled with a myriad of emotions —excitement for the adventures that await us,gratitude for the experiences we've shared,and perhaps a tinge of nostalgia for the days that have passed.This moment marks not just the end of our academic journey but the beginning of an infinite number of possibilities.Embracing the Future with CourageLooking ahead,the world seems vast and unpredictable.It's like standing at the base of a mountain,gazing up at its peaks,wondering how we'll ever reach the top.But remember,it's precisely this uncertainty that makes our journey exciting.Each step we take into the unknown is a step towards self-discovery and growth.For instance,take the story of Steve Jobs,who,after being fired from the company he co-founded, Apple,didn't give up.Instead,he used this setback as a catalyst to start NeXT and Pixar, eventually returning to Apple and revolutionizing the tech industry.His story teaches us that challenges are not roadblocks but stepping stones to greater achievements.As we embark on our own journeys,let us embrace the unknown with the same courage and resilience.Don't fear failure;instead,let it be your guide,showing you paths you might not have otherwise explored.Cherishing the Past with GratitudeWhile we eagerly anticipate what lies ahead,it's crucial not to forget the foundation upon which we stand—our shared experiences and the lessons learned.Our university years have been a crucible of friendships forged over late-night study sessions,laughter shared in dorm rooms,and tears shed during challenging times.Consider the impact of a single professor who inspired us,a classmate who pushed us to excel,or that one seminar that ignited a lifelong passion.These moments,though seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of life,have shaped us into who we are today.They remind us that every encounter,every lesson,holds value.Let us carry these memories with us,not as burdens but as beacons,illuminating our path whenever we feel lost or uncertain.They are our reminders of strength,perseverance,and the power of human connection.Pursuing Dreams with PassionLastly,let us not forget the dreams that brought us here—those aspirations that kept us going when the nights were long and the tasks seemed insurmountable.Our dreams are the compass that guides us through life's storms,the fuel that ignites our passion,and the reason we strive for more.Think of Malala Yousafzai,who,despite facing immense adversity,continued to fight for girls' education.Her dream was bigger than her fears,and it inspired a global movement.Each of us has a unique dream,a purpose that only we can fulfill.As we step into the world,let us pursue our dreams with unwavering passion,knowing that every effort,every step forward,brings us closer to realizing our full potential.And when obstacles arise,remember that it's not the destination that defines us but the journey we undertake to reach it.ConclusionIn closing,dear graduates,let us embrace the future with courage,cherish the past with gratitude,and pursue our dreams with passion.The world is ours to shape,and the legacy we leave behind will be a testament to the choices we make from this day forward.As we scatter across the globe,may we find success in our endeavors,happiness in our hearts, and fulfillment in the lives we lead.And whenever the road seems long or the journey hard,let us remember the words of Robert Frost:"The best way out is always through." Congratulations,Class of[Year]!Let's make our mark on the world.此演讲稿通过引用史蒂夫·乔布斯和马拉拉·优素福扎伊的例子,深入分析了面对未来挑战的勇气、珍惜过去经历的重要性,以及追求梦想的激情。








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