Edge and impurity response in two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets
浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)48(6):692~700,2022Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric.&Life Sci.)http :///agrE -mail :zdxbnsb @稻飞虱生物学、生态学及其防控技术研究进展蒯鹏,娄永根*(浙江大学农业与生物技术学院昆虫科学研究所,水稻生物学国家重点实验室/农业农村部作物病虫分子生物学重点实验室,杭州310058)摘要稻飞虱是制约我国水稻生产的一类最主要害虫,主要包括褐飞虱、白背飞虱和灰飞虱。
关键词稻飞虱;生物学特性;种间互作关系;灾变机制;可持续治理中图分类号S 435.11文献标志码A引用格式蒯鹏,娄永根.稻飞虱生物学、生态学及其防控技术研究进展[J].浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版),2022,48(6):692-700.DOI:10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2022.08.221KUAI Peng,LOU Yonggen.Research advances in biology,ecology and management of rice planthoppers[J].Journal of Zhejiang University (Agriculture &Life Sciences),2022,48(6):692-700.Research advances in biology,ecology and management of rice planthoppersKUAI Peng,LOU Yonggen *(State Key Laboratory of Rice Biology/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Crop Pathogens and Insects,Institute of Insect Sciences,College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China )Abstract Rice planthoppers,mainly including Nilaparvata lugens ,Sogatella furcifera ,and Laodelphaxstriatellus ,are one of the most important insect pests of rice in China.In this review,we summarized the latest research progress on the molecular basis of important genetic characteristics (wing-morph differentiation,fecundity,insecticide resistance)of rice planthoppers,interactions among rice,rice planthoppers,natural enemies of rice planthoppers and other organisms,mechanisms underlying rice planthopper outbreak,and management of rice planthoppers.Finally,we suggest that future studies should further dissect the molecular basis of biology and ecology related to rice planthopper outbreak,and find the coordination mechanisms between intensified agriculture and rice ecosystem resistance at the micro level,so as to maintain or improve the rice ecosystem resistance,and achieve sustainable management of rice planthoppers in the context of intensified agriculture.Key words rice planthoppers;biological characteristics;interspecific interactions;outbreak mechanisms;sustainable management稻飞虱是危害我国和东南亚国家水稻生产的一类主要迁飞性害虫,主要包括褐飞虱(Nilaparvatalugens )、白背飞虱(Sogatella furcifera )和灰飞虱(Laodelphax striatellus ),属于半翅目(Hemiptera )DOI :10.3785/j.issn.1008-9209.2022.08.221基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD1401100);农业农村部现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS -01-43)。
ʌ述评ɔ系统生物学方法在骨质疏松症中医证候研究中的应用❋章轶立1,2,齐保玉1,魏㊀戌1ә,戴建业3,王㊀旭1,申㊀浩4,谢雁鸣5(1.中国中医科学院望京医院,北京㊀100102;2.北京中医药大学中医学院,北京㊀100029;3.兰州大学药学院,兰州㊀730020;4.北京市丰台区长辛店社区卫生服务中心,北京㊀100072;5.中国中医科学院中医临床基础医学研究所,北京㊀100700)㊀㊀摘要:随着现代科学技术的进步及证候学研究的逐步深入,借助系统生物学的方法研究骨质疏松症中医证候以阐释证候科学内涵的研究逐年增多㊂本研究发现,目前骨质疏松症相关证候的基因组学与蛋白质组学研究仍停留在单个基因层面,主要包括骨钙素基因㊁雌激素受体基因以及Smad ㊁β-catenin 等蛋白,并未从整体的角度探究证候发生㊁发展的本质问题㊂代谢组学方面,虽然通过对骨代谢指标相关产物的检测,发现了与证候相关的代谢指标,但对于骨代谢终端产物的组学研究较少㊂未来研究仍需进一步运用组学技术手段,全方位㊁多层次㊁宽视角的探讨骨质疏松症中医证候的发生发展规律㊂㊀㊀关键词:骨质疏松症;证候;系统生物学;组学㊀㊀中图分类号:R2-03㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1006-3250(2021)04-0703-04Application of Systematic Biology Method in Traditional Chinese Medicine SyndromesResearch of OsteoporosisZHANG Yi-li 1,2,QI Bao-yu 1,WEI Xu 1ә,DAI Jian-ye 3,WANG Xu 1,SHEN Hao 4,XIE Yan-ming 5(1.Wangjing Hospital,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100102,China;2.Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100029,China;3.School of pharmacy,Lanzhou university,Lanzhou 730020,China;4.Changxindian Community Health Service Center of Fengtai District,Beijing 100072,China;5.Institute of BasicResearch and Clinical Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)㊀㊀Abstract :With the progress of science and technology and the gradual deepening of syndrome research ,the research on TCM syndromes of osteoporosis with the help of the method of systematic biology is increasing year by year.This study found that at present ,the genomic and proteomic studies of osteoporosis-related syndromes are still at the level of a single gene ,mainly including osteocalcin gene ,estrogen receptor gene ,Smad ,β-catenin and other proteins ,but fail to explore the nature of the occurrence and development of osteoporosis syndrome as a whole.In the aspect of metabolomics ,although the metabolites related to TCM syndrome have been found ,there are few studies on the end products of bone metabolism.Future research still needs to further use multi-omics technology to further explore the occurrence and development of TCM syndromes of osteoporosis.㊀㊀Key words :Osteoporosis ;Traditional Chinese medicine syndrome ;Systematic biology ;Omics❋基金项目:国家中医临床研究基地项目第二批科研专项(JDZX2015076)-中医综合干预方案预防原发性骨质疏松症骨折的前瞻性队列研究;中国中医科学院优秀青年科技人才(创新类)培养专项(ZZ13-YQ-039)-中医药防治脊柱退行性疾病的临床与基础研究;中国中医科学院循证能力提升建设项目(ZZ13-024-7)-骨伤科疾病中医药优先主题设置及循证研究实施方案设计;中国博士后科学基金(2019M662284)-基于多组学技术探究补肾中药治疗骨质疏松症的共有机制;中华中医药学会(2017 2019年度)青年人才托举工程项目(CACM-2017-QNRC2-A03)作者简介:章轶立(1991-),男,安徽芜湖人,在读博士研究生,从事老年病中医证候及中医药临床评价方法研究㊂ә通讯作者:魏㊀戌(1985-),男,四川绵阳人,研究员,博士研究生,博士研究生导师,从事骨关节退变与骨代谢疾病的临床与基础研究,Tel :134****6557,E-mail :weixu.007@ ㊂㊀㊀骨质疏松症(osteoporosis ,OP )主要表现为骨代谢异常,以全身性骨痛和易发生脆性骨折为特征性表现,与增龄关系密切,发病率呈逐年递增趋势[1]㊂中医药在提高OP 患者骨密度㊁改善临床症状㊁促进骨质疏松性骨折愈合等方面具有一定的优势[2-3]㊂证候作为中医临床诊治的重要依据,是中医学研究中的核心要素与学理支点[4]㊂系统生物学是研究生物系统中所有组分(如基因㊁蛋白质㊁代谢产物等)构成,以及在特定条件下(如遗传㊁环境变化等)各组分之间相互关系的学科,以多种组学技术为代表,为阐释中医证候生物学基础与辨证论治的科学内涵提供了重要的方法学支撑[5-7]㊂现就近年来系统生物学方法在OP 中医证候研究中的应用进行述评㊂1㊀基因组学研究基因组学关注微观的㊁相对稳定的生物基因精确结构㊁相互关系及表达调控,强调基因表达的差异是造成个体差异的主要原因㊂证候基因组学是在中医证候学理论指导下,运用基因组学的方法探讨OP 中医证候的科学内涵,特别是研究同病异证或异病3072021年4月第27卷第4期April 2021Vol.27.No.4㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine同证时基因的差异表达情况,揭示与证候形成相关的基因及其功能[8-9]㊂肾藏精,主骨生髓,肾虚证与OP发病关系密切㊂郑洪新等[10]通过实验证实,OP肾虚证病理机制与转化生长因子β1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)㊁TGFβ诱导早期应答基因1(TGF-βinducible early gene,TIEG1)mRNA等表达异常有关,并运用补肾益髓中药发挥对下丘脑-肾-骨反馈机制的调控作用以预防OP的发生发展㊂尚德阳等[11]发现,OP的发生可能与骨㊁肾㊁下丘脑组织中Smad泛素化调节因子1(Smad ubiquitination regulatory factor1,Smurf1)和Smad泛素化调节因子2(Smad ubiquitination regulatory factor2,Smurf2)的mRNA表达的异常变化有关,补肾中药可能通过调控上述因子表达发挥防治OP的作用㊂王爱坚等[12]研究提示,载脂蛋白E等位基因ε4频率升高与绝经后妇女肾虚证发生关系密切,肾虚证与载脂蛋白E基因多态性存在联系㊂在绝经后OP易感基因与基因多态性研究方面,国内葛继荣教授团队前期研究结果表明,OP证候与遗传特征可能存在关联性,在维生素D受体基因bb型中,绝经后OP肾阴阳两虚证腰椎骨密度明显低于肾阴虚证患者[13]㊂另有研究证实[14-15],绝经后OP肾阳虚证与骨钙素基因多态性㊁雌激素受体基因多态性存在关联,而肾阴虚证的发生与lncRNA uc431+的表达下调㊁富亮氨酸2糖蛋白1(leucine-rich-alpha-2-glycoprotein1,LRG1)的mRNA表达升高有关[16-18]㊂研究还发现,LINC00334等8条lncRNAs可能通过调控Janus激酶/信号传导与转录激活子(janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription,JAK/STAT)信号通路㊁丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinases,MAPKs)等信号通路参与绝经后OP肾阴虚证的发生发展过程[19]㊂此外,李颖等[20]研究发现,绝经后OP中医证候与线粒体DNA拷贝数㊁DNA氧化损伤的产物8 -羟基脱氧鸟苷酸含量存在相关性,其中肝肾阴虚证与线粒体DNA拷贝数相关性高,脾肾阳虚证与8 -羟基脱氧鸟苷酸关系密切㊂李生强等已完成对原发性骨质疏松症肾阴虚证㊁肾阳虚证骨组织基因表达谱的测定,不同肾虚证候相关基因均与免疫调节相关,肾阴虚证基因还与激素合成㊁组氨酸代谢㊁矿物质吸收等通路相关,而肾阳虚证基因还与TGF-β㊁细胞周期等信号通路相关[21-22]㊂基于现有文献,目前针对OP证候的基因组学研究主要停留在个别基因对OP证候的关联,并未从整体的角度探究OP证候发生发展的本质问题,未来研究仍需构建OP非肾虚证候相关的基因差异表达谱,筛选出与之有关的基因,并从功能基因组学的角度对其调控网络进行分析㊂同时,从 同病异证 和 同证异病 的角度比较基因表达谱的差异,寻找OP证候的同一性和差异性,进而揭示OP证候的科学内涵,并为其客观化诊断提供依据㊂2㊀蛋白质组学研究蛋白质组学是对基因组学的继承与发展,可系统分析细胞内动态变化的蛋白质组成㊁表达水平和修饰状态,了解蛋白质之间存在的相互关系,揭示蛋白质功能与细胞生命活动规律[23-24]㊂证候蛋白质组学研究有助于获得疾病证候的生物学实质与生物标志物,进一步使证候研究走向客观化与标准化[25]㊂国内学者已初步发现绝经后OP肾阳虚证与LTBP1蛋白表达下调相关联,而肾阴虚证与CLCFI 蛋白下调存在关联[26-28]㊂王蕾等[29]研究发现,破骨细胞相关因子蛋白表达水平与肾阳虚证㊁脾胃虚弱证㊁肝肾阴虚证㊁气滞血瘀证具有相关性㊂其中,巨噬细胞集落刺激因子㊁核因子κB受体活化因子可作为区别肾阳虚证与其他证候的生物标志物㊂邓洋洋等[30]发现,肾虚OP模型大鼠Smurf1蛋白在股骨㊁肾中表达降低,在下丘脑中表达水平升高,而补肾中药可能通过调控股骨㊁肾㊁下丘脑中Smurf1表达发挥防治原发性OP的作用㊂章建华等[31-32]运用左归丸与右归丸含药血清,对去卵巢大鼠肾阴虚证与肾阳虚证动物模型进行干预,结果证实两方均能促进成骨细胞增殖与碱性磷酸酶表达水平,并对细胞外调节蛋白激酶(extracellular regulated protein kinases,ERK)与β-catenin的蛋白表达具有一定调控作用㊂此外,对比不同动物模型中蛋白表达水平发现, 左归丸滋肾阴 作用更强,而 右归丸温肾阳 作用更强,与中医理论相符㊂伍超等[33]结合网络药理学与实验验证,发现肾精亏虚证可能与促红细胞生成素(erythropoietin,EPO)信号通路中低氧诱导因子-1(hypoxia inducible factor-1,HIF-1)㊁生长因子受体结合蛋白2(growth factor receptor-bound protein2,GRB2)㊁MAPK3等蛋白密切相关,而补肾益精中药通过调控EPO信号通路中靶点蛋白水平的降低,可能是治疗肾精亏虚证的作用机制之一㊂另1项研究表明,电针命门穴可促进骨形态发生蛋白(bone morphogenetic protein-2,BMP-2)及其信号传导蛋白Smad1/5表达水平,为电针治疗绝经后OP提供了基础研究证据[34]㊂与证候基因组学的研究现状相似,OP证候层面的蛋白质组学研究仍然集中于对疗效机制的科学阐释,多数聚焦于补肾类中药可能作用的靶点㊂而从证候衍变规律角度出发,探索证候动态变化及其生物学内涵的相关研究还不够深入,尚未形成完整的OP证候蛋白质组学证据链㊂3㊀代谢组学研究代谢组学是对生物体内的代谢物进行定量分析,试图寻找代谢物与生理病理变化相对关系的研407中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年4月第27卷第4期April2021Vol.27.No.4究,也是系统生物学的重要技术方法之一[35-36]㊂OP 属于全身代谢性疾病,代谢组学为OP临床诊断和治疗提供了一种整体的方法,对深入理解OP病理机制及中药等干预机制具有重要作用[37]㊂证候代谢组学通过测定不同证候间代谢产物的差异,为证候生物学基础研究开辟了新途径㊂徐琬梨等[38]应用核磁共振氢谱技术测定绝经后OP常见实证(肾虚对照组㊁肾虚血瘀组㊁肾虚痰湿组㊁肾虚气滞组)血清代谢产物,结果表明各组间存在差异代谢物,主要生物学功能涉及体内能量代谢㊁氨基酸代谢㊁蛋白代谢等方面,证实不同中医证候与代谢产物密切相关㊂张波等[39]通过OP肾虚血瘀证与骨质疏松症常规检测指标相关性研究证实,OP肾虚血瘀证可能与血清Ⅰ型胶原C末端肽㊁骨密度㊁25羟维生素D㊁雌二醇等具有相关性㊂帅波等[40]研究证实,骨转换标志物β-骨原交联㊁血清白细胞介素-6㊁肿瘤坏死因子含量与中医 本痿标痹 证候评分存在正相关,建议骨代谢与炎症指标可作为OP进展评价及疗效判定的依据㊂当前多数研究虽然通过对骨代谢指标相关产物检测,发现与OP证候相关的部分代谢指标,但针对骨代谢终端产物的代谢组学研究依然较少㊂此外,在中医药干预OP的作用机制研究中,虽然应用了代谢组学方法,但因与证候关联性较弱,因此未引用相关原始研究文献㊂除应用基因组学㊁蛋白质组学㊁代谢组学方法研究OP证候外,还有学者运用表观遗传学方法研究中医证候,主要表观遗传机理是miRNA㊁DNA甲基化,但相关研究仍处于探索阶段[41]㊂4 讨论随着生命科学大数据时代的到来,组学技术广泛运用于中医中药研究,各种组学方法已在证候生物学基础研究方面取得了积极进展[43]㊂系统生物学因其强调整体性㊁时效性的特点与中医学整体观念㊁辨证论治的思想较为吻合[44],借助系统生物学的方法与思路,不仅丰富了OP证候的理论内涵,拓宽了研究思路,也有助于搭建微观研究(基因㊁蛋白㊁代谢组学研究)与整体研究(证候研究)的桥梁,为OP证候客观化提供科学依据[45]㊂尽管目前运用系统生物学进行OP证候本质研究尚处于探索㊁发展阶段,但基于系统生物学特点㊁研究思路㊁技术方法为OP证候本质的研究带来了新的方向[46-47]㊂因此,将系统生物学运用于OP证候研究,建立多方向㊁多层次的组学技术平台,并通过计算生物学等数学语言定量描述生物体功能㊁表型及行为,对揭示OP证候本质具有重要意义,进而促进中医药现代化研究进程㊂参考文献:[1]㊀QASEEM 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气泡形核 bubble nucleation ,growth and coalescence
Bubble nucleation,growth and coalescence during the 1997Vulcanian explosions of Soufrière Hills Volcano,MontserratT.Giachetti a ,b ,c ,⁎,T.H.Druitt a ,b ,c ,A.Burgisser d ,L.Arbaret d ,C.Galven eaClermont Université,UniversitéBlaise Pascal,Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans,BP 10448,F-63000Clermont-Ferrand,France bCNRS,UMR 6524,LMV,F-63038Clermont-Ferrand,France cIRD,R 163,LMV,F-63038Clermont-Ferrand,France dInstitut des Sciences de la Terre d'Orléans,Universitéd'Orléans,1A,rue de la Férollerie,45071Orléans Cedex 2,France eLaboratoire des Oxydes et Fluorures,Facultédes Sciences et Techniques,Universitédu Maine,Avenue Olivier Messiaen,72085Le Mans Cedex 9,Francea b s t r a c ta r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 29July 2009Accepted 5April 2010Available online 13April 2010Keywords:Vulcanian explosions Soufrière Hills vesiculationbubble nucleation bubble growth coalescenceamphibole boudinageSoufrière Hills Volcano had two periods of repetitive Vulcanian activity in 1997.Each explosion discharged the contents of the upper 0.5–2km of the conduit as pyroclastic flows and fallout:frothy pumices from a deep,gas-rich zone,lava and breadcrust bombs from a degassed lava plug,and dense pumices from a transition zone.Vesicles constitute 1–66vol.%of breadcrust bombs and 24–79%of pumices,all those larger than a few tens of µm being interconnected.Small vesicles (b few tens of µm)in all pyroclasts are interpreted as having formed syn-explosively,as shown by their presence in breadcrust bombs formed from originally non-vesicular magma.Most large vesicles (N few hundreds of µm)in pumices are interpreted as pre-dating explosion,implying pre-explosive conduit porosities up to 55%.About a sixth of large vesicles in pumices,and all those in breadcrust bombs,are angular voids formed by syn-explosive fracturing of amphibole phenocrysts.An intermediate-sized vesicle population formed by coalescence of the small syn-explosive bubbles.Bubble nucleation took place heterogeneously on titanomagnetite,number densities of which greatly exceed those of vesicles,and growth took place mainly by decompression.Development of pyroclast vesicle textures was controlled by the time interval between the onset of explosion –decompression and surface quench in contact with va-plug fragments entered the air quickly after fragmentation (∼10s),so the interiors continued to vesiculate once the rinds had quenched,forming breadcrust bombs.Deeper,gas-rich magma took longer (∼50s)to reach the surface,and vesiculation of resulting pumice clasts was essentially complete prior to surface quench.This accounts for the absence of breadcrusting on pumice clasts,and for the textural similarity between pyroclastic flow and fallout pumices,despite different thermal histories after leaving the vent.It also allowed syn-explosive coalescence to proceed further in the pumices than in the breadcrust bombs.Uniaxial boudinage of amphibole phenocrysts in pumices implies signi ficant syn-explosive vesiculation even prior to magma fragmentation,probably in a zone of steep pressure gradient beneath the descending fragmentation front.Syn-explosive decompression rates estimated from vesicle number densities (N 0.3–6.5MPa s −1)are consistent with those predicted by previously published numerical models.©2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionExplosive volcanic eruptions are driven by the nucleation,growth and coalescence of gas bubbles,followed by fragmentation of the magmatic foam into a suspension of pyroclasts and gas that is discharged at high velocities into the atmosphere.Studies of pyroclast textures,coupled with experimental and numerical approaches,have advanced understanding of these processes (Lensky et al.2004;Spieler et al.2004b;Adams et al.2006;Toramaru 2006;Gardner 2007;Cluzel et al.2008;Koyaguchi et al.2008and references therein),but many questions remain.One concerns the relative importance of homogeneous versus heterogeneous nucleation.Homogeneous nu-cleation requires gas supersaturations of at least several tens of MPa (Mangan and Sisson 2000;Mourtada-Bonnefoi and Laporte 2002;2004;Mangan et al.2004),whereas heterogeneous nucleation requires lower supersaturations (Hurwitz and Navon 1994;Gardner 2007;Cluzel et al.,2008).The degree of equilibrium between gas and melt during bubble growth also has an effect.Equilibrium degassing requires ef ficient volatile diffusion coupled with melt viscosity low enough to allow free gas expansion (Lyakhovsky et al.,1996;Liu and Zhang,2000;Lensky et al.,2004).High degrees of disequilibrium favour short-lived eruptions,whereas equilibrium allows more sustained fragmentation (Melnik and Sparks,2002;Mason et al.,2006).Another issue concerns the timing of bubble growth andJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 193(2010)215–231⁎Corresponding author.Clermont Université,UniversitéBlaise Pascal,Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans,BP 10448,F-63000Clermont-Ferrand,France.E-mail address:giachettithomas@club-internet.fr (T.Giachetti).0377-0273/$–see front matter ©2010Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.04.001Contents lists available at ScienceDirectJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Researchj o u r n a l h o me p a g e :w w w.e l s ev i e r.c o m/l o c a t e /j vo l g e o r e scoalescence relative to fragmentation and eruption.Some authors postulate little growth following fragmentation(Klug and Cashman, 1991)whereas others envisage significant post-fragmentation growth(Thomas et al.1994;Kaminski and Jaupart,1997).Post-fragmentation bubble growth is largely controlled by melt viscosity, being important in mafic melts and less so in silicic melts with viscosities N108–109Pa s(Thomas et al.,1994;Gardner et al.,1996; Kaminski and Jaupart,1997).Bubble coalescence and connections control permeability acquisition and the ability of magma to outgas during ascent.Vesicle size distributions provide information on magma vesicu-lation history.Pumices commonly contain multiple vesicle popula-tions covering a large range of sizes(Klug and Cashman,1996;Klug et al.,2002;Adams et al.,2006)that may result from coalescence following a single nucleation event(Orsi et al.,1992;Klug and Cashman,1994,1996;Klug et al.,2002;Burgisser and Gardner,2005). Alternatively,each population may represent a distinct nucleation event,consistent with some ascent models which predict multiple events for viscous magma(Witham and Sparks,1986;Proussevitch and Sahagian,1996;Blower et al.,2001;Massol and Koyaguchi,2005). Small vesicles are commonly attributed to syn-explosive vesiculation that generates an exponential size distribution(Mangan et al.,1993; Klug and Cashman,1996;Klug et al.,2002;Adams et al.,2006).Size distributions of larger populations typically obey power laws usually attributed to coalescence(Klug et al.,2002;Houghton et al.,2003; Gurioli et al.,2005;Adams et al.,2006;Klug and Cashman,1996), although multiple nucleation events also generate power-law distributions(Blower et al.,2001).Magma decompression rates can be estimated from vesicle number densities assuming a unique and brief nucleation event(Toramaru,2006;Cluzel et al.,2008).Detailed studies of eruptive products are required to address these questions and provide ground truth for models.Most vesiculation studies to date have concerned Plinian eruptions.In this paper we study vesiculation during a sequence of well documented Vulcanian explo-sions at Soufrière Hills Volcano in1997.The explosions have been previously described(Druitt et al.,2002;Cole et al.,2002)and modelled (Melnik and Sparks,2002,Clarke et al.,2002;Formenti et al.,2003;Diller et al.,2006;Mason et al.,2006),and their products studied texturally (Formenti and Druitt,2003;Clarke et al.,2007)and chemically(Harford et al.,2003).A key feature was the eruption of pyroclasts of a wide range of types,including dense lava fragments,breadcrust bombs and pumices of different densities.Textural analysis,including a set of high-resolution vesicle-size distributions,enables us to recognize populations of vesicles formed by explosion decompression,quantify bubble nucleation mechanisms and decompression rates,and constrain the timing of bubble nucleation,growth and coalescence during,and immediately following,a typical explosion.In a companion paper we present measurements of groundmass water contents and reconstruct the state of the pre-explosion conduit(Burgisser et al.,in press).2.The1997Vulcanian explosions of the Soufrière Hills VolcanoThe eruption of Soufrière Hills Volcano(Fig.1)began phreatically in July1995;extrusion of lava began in November of the same year and continued intermittently until the time of writing.The explosions in 1997occurred every3–63h(mean of∼10h)in two periods:thirteen between4and12August,and seventyfive between22September and 21October(Druitt et al.,2002).Each consisted of an initial high-intensity phase lasting a few tens of seconds,followed by a waning phase lasting1–3h.Multiple jets were ejected at40–140m s−1during thefirst10–20s of each explosion,then collapsed back to form pumiceous pyroclasticflows that travelled up to6km from the crater (Formenti et al.,2003).Fallout of pumice and ash occurred from high (3–15km)buoyant plumes that developed above the collapsing fountains.Fallout andflow took place at the same time from individual explosions.Each explosion discharged on average8×108kg of magma,about two-thirds as pyroclasticflows and one-third as fallout, representing a conduit drawdown of0.5–2km(Druitt et al.,2002). Studies of quench pressures using microlite contents and glass water contents support a maximum drawdown of∼2km(Clarke et al.,2007; Burgisser et al.,in press).Each explosion started when magma overpressure exceeded the strength of an overlying degassed plug and a fragmentation front propagated down the conduit at a few tens of m s−1 (Druitt et al.,2002;Clarke et al.,2002;Melnik and Sparks,2002;Spieler et al.,2004a;Diller et al.,2006;Mason et al.,2006).After each explosion, magma rose up the conduit before the onset of a new explosion.The Soufrière Hills andesite contains phenocrysts of plagioclase, hornblende,orthopyroxene,magnetite,ilmenite and quartz set in rhyolitic glass.The pre-eruptive temperature was∼850°C(Devine et al., 2003).3.MethodolgyField work was carried out in2006and2008at three sites(Fig.1): sites1and2are situated on the fans of overlapping pyroclasticflow lobes from the explosions,and site3is a composite layer of fallout pumice from many explosions.Fallout pumices were also collected at a fourth site(site4;Fig.1)during an explosion in August1997.Field descriptions were made using a rock saw to cut perpendicular to any flow banding and parallel to any crystal fabric,and over100 representative pyroclasts were taken for laboratory study.Abundances of isolated and connected vesicles were measured on 2–5cm cubes cut from30breadcrust bombs and34flow and fall pumices using a Multivolume1305Helium Pycnometer and the method of Formenti and Druitt(2003),which is explained in the Supplementary electronic material.Separate measurements were made on the rims and cores of22 breadcrust bombs.Twenty-six of the pumice clasts ranged from lapilli to block size,all being b20cm in diameter.Measurements were also made on multiple core-to-rim samples from eight pumices N30cm in diameter. Texturally or compositionally banded pyroclasts were not included.Microscopic observations were made on the broken surfaces of pyroclast fragments using a Jeol JSM-591LV Scanning Electron Micro-scope(SEM)at an acceleration of15kV,and on polished epoxy-impregnated thin sections using the SEM and a stereomicroscope.Six samples representative(in terms of vesicularity and texture)of the pyroclast assemblage were chosen for high-resolution analysis of vesicle and crystal size distributions.Banded clasts,and those with a significant fraction of non-spherical vesicles,were excluded,thereby justifying use of a single,randomly oriented thin section for each sample.Vesicle and crystal size distributions were measured by image analysis in two dimensions(Toramaru,1990;Mangan et al.,1993; Klug and Cashman1994,1996;Klug et al.,2002;Adams et al.,2006;Shea et al.,2010).The technique,described fully in Appendix A,allowed objects as small as∼1µm to be measured.Differential epoxy penetration enabled us to distinguish interconnected from isolated vesicles.To represent the state of the magma immediately prior to the last discernible stage of coalescence,we manually‘decoalesced’neighbouring vesicles separated by a partially retracted wall.Volume distributions were assumed to equal area distributions(Klug et al.,2002).Volumetric number densities(N v)were calculated from area number densities(N a) using both the methods of Cheng and Lemlich(1983)and of Sahagian and Proussevitch(1998),which yield very similar values(Table1).Values of N v presented in this paper are those obtained using thefirst method,for reasons discussed in the Appendix A.4.Field descriptionsThe pyroclast assemblage consists predominantly of pumices of different colours,vesicularities and textures,with less than a few percent of breadcrust bombs and dense glassy lava clasts.Pyroclasts of all types were present in the pyroclasticflow deposits,although the216T.Giachetti et al./Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research193(2010)215–231relative proportions varied from lobe to lobe,while dense lava and breadcrust bombs were absent in the fallout.The samples described below come from several different explosions,and cannot be assigned to speci fic dates/times owing to the complex superposition of flow and fallout lobes from the many events.They represent the products of an ‘average ’explosion,as justi fied by (1)the first-order similarity of all the explosions (Druitt et al.,2002),and (2)the presence of the entire pyroclast spectrum in all pyroclastic flow lobes we examined.Pumices in the pyroclastic-flow deposits occur as lapilli and blocks up to N 1m in diameter with subangular-to-rounded shapes due to abrasion during transport.They range from beige,well vesiculated varieties,to grey,brown or black denser varieties (Fig.2a –b).A pink colouration affects the surfaces of many blocks,but rarely pervades the interiors.While the majority of pumices are texturally homoge-neous in hand specimen,some denser ones are flow banded with phenocryst alignment in the plane of banding.Rare compositional banding de fined by trails of disintegrated ma fic inclusions also occurs.All pumice clasts (as distinguished from breadcrust bombs)lack surface breadcrusting.This probably cannot be explained by abrasion,because breadcrust fragments are not observed in the flow matrices.All pumices smaller than ∼30cm lack radial gradients in vesicle abundance or size.However,some blocks larger than this exhibit visibly obvious radial gradients in vesicle size,with an outer 3–7-cm-thick rind with vesicles up to several mm,and a more coarsely vesicular interior containing vesicles up to an order of magnitude larger (Fig.2c).In some cases a crude cm-scale radial jointing affects the rind.The rind is inferred to represent the initial textural state of the pumice,while the interior records vesicle coarsening that took place during or after emplacement.The possibility that the interior represents the initial state,and that the rind developed by compaction during rolling in the pyroclastic flow,is not favoured because (1)the rinds texturally resemble the majority of smaller pumice blocks and lapilli,whereas vesicles in the interiors are abnormally coarse,and (2)no circumferential flattening of rind vesicles is observed.Many blocks also contain large voids up to several cm across,including anastamosing vesicle pipes and channels,ductile tears in the plane of flow banding,and curviplanar tears and cracks subparallel to clast margins (Fig.2d),which together account for b 10%of the total vesicularity.Fallout pumices are up to several cm in size and most preserve their original eruption –fragmentation shapes,unmodi fied by abrasion in pyroclastic flows or breakage on ground impact.They range in colour from white to brown and in shape from spheroidal to tabular,the latter comprising about three-quarters of the sample suite.Again,no surface breadcrusting is observed.Breadcrust bombs occur from a few cm to over a metre in diameter.They have vesicular interiors surrounded by darker,less vesicular b 10mm glassy rinds.A continuous range of textural varieties are observed between two endmembers.Coarsely breadcrusted bombs are relatively dense,with well de fined,dark-grey-to-black,poorly-to-non-vesicular rinds,broad,deep surface fractures de fining large polygons,and grey-to-brown vesicular interiors (Fig.2e –f).Finely breadcrusted bombs are less dense,with diffuse,pale vesicular rinds,finer polygonal networks of narrower,shallower surface fractures,and paler,commonly flow-banded interiors (Fig.2g –h).Some bombs that broke during eruption exhibit two generations of breadcrusting,the breakage surface being more finely breadcrusted than the original,outer surface of the bomb.Breakage is inferred to have exposed the already vesicular interior,which then developed a second generation of finer breadcrust-ing.Bombs were abraded during transport in the pyroclastic flows;most lack completely preserved breadcrust surfaces with sharp edges and corners,and partial rind removal,rounding of polygon edges,and abrasion of vesicular interiors are common.Clasts of black,essentially nonvesicular lava resembling the glassy rinds of the coarsely breadcrust bombs are interpreted as an integral component of the explosion-pyroclast suite.On the other hand,grey-to-brown holocrystalline lava and cinderblock clasts resembling typical dome rock are probably derived either from the crater walls or from earlier block-and-ash flow deposits traversed by the explosion pyroclastic flows.Fig.1.Map of Montserrat showing Soufrière Hills Volcano and sampling locations.Grey:pyroclastic flow deposits of the 1997Vulcanian explosions.217T.Giachetti et al./Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 193(2010)215–231Fig.2.Pumices and breadcrust bombs from the explosions.a)Dark brown pumice with 60%vesicularity,b)Pale pumice with 76%vesicularity,c)Large grey pumice exhibiting a radial gradient in vesicularity,line marks the outer surface of the clast,d)Curviplanar tears and cracks subparallel to clast margins in a dense pumice,e –f)Exterior and cross section of a coarsely breadcrust-bomb,g –h)Exterior and cross section of a finely breadcrusted bomb.219T.Giachetti et al./Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 193(2010)215–2315.Pyroclast vesicularitiesVesicularities of texturally homogenous pumice lapilli and blocks range from24to79vol.%(Fig.3)and correlate with colour,being lowest in darker pumices and higher in paler ones.The fraction of isolated vesicles(isolated divided by total vesicularity)is universally low(b0.25,with85%b0.1).Flow pumices cover the entire vesicularity range and have isolated fractions of0–0.13,whereas fallout pumices have vesicularities of43–72vol.%and isolated fractions of0.04–0.14,a single sample having0.25(Fig.3).No variation of either vesicularity or isolated vesicle fraction with clast size is observed.Vesicularity profiles across eight N30cm pumice blocks are shown in Fig.4.Four of these appeared homogeneous in thefield,and four had visually obvious radial gradients in vesicle size.The four homogeneous blocks(SHV4–12–13–22)lack significant gradients in vesicularity from core to rim,as anticipated from inspection.The four vesicle-size-graded blocks(SHV2–14–23–25),on the other hand, exhibit vesicularity gradients,but these vary from sample to sample and no systematic decrease in vesicularity from core to rim is evident.The coarse interiors of these pumices are no more vesicular than the morefinely vesicular rims.Textural coarsening in the interiors therefore took place without inflation,as consistent with the absence of surface breadcrusting.Breadcrust-bombs differ from pumices in that(1)their vesicular-ity range(20–66vol.%most lying between35and55%,Fig.3)is smaller,and highly vesicular(N66%)samples are not observed;and (2)the fraction of isolated pores(0.05–0.33,N80%being0.1–0.2) is higher than in pumices of similar vesicularity.Bomb rinds contain 1–25vol.%vesicles,most of which are isolated.Rind and interior vesicularities are broadly correlated(Fig.5).Coarsely breadcrusted bombs have the lowest vesicularities,both in rinds and interiors,and finely breadcrusted bombs are more vesicular.It is the existence of vesicular rinds onfinely breadcrusted bombs that gives these bombs their pale colours and make distinction between rind and interior less clear than in the coarsely breadcrusted bombs.Full tables of vesicularity data are provided as Supplementary electronic material.6.Microscopic vesicle texturesThe pyroclasts contain vesicles with a broad range of sizes set in microlite-bearing groundmass.In this section we focus on vesicles less than a few mm in diameter present in hand specimens,and distinguish three populations:small(less than a few tens ofµm),intermediate(few tens to a few hundreds ofµm)and large(few hundreds ofµm to a few mm).It is shown later that these three populations also have genetic significance.Vesicle textures in fallout andflow pumices are very similar and are described together.The large vesicles form interconnected networks with curved,scalloped walls indicative of rge vesicles in the more vesicular pumices are quasi-spherical to elliptical in shape. Those in dense pumices commonly have more ragged,fissure-like shapes,suggesting that perhaps they already existed prior to explosion. About15%of the large vesicles are angular voids associated with fractured amphibole phenocrysts(Fig.6a).Intermediate-sized vesicles in all pumices have variably rounded to ragged shapes and,like the large ones,form interconnected networks in three dimensions.In contrast, small vesicles are commonly spherical and many are isolated;they either form a‘matrix’in which the intermediate vesicles are dispersed (Fig.6b),or are situated in the walls separating the latter.In some samples the smallest isolated vesicles form sub-spherical clusters several tens of microns in diameter that protrude with bulbous, cauliform shapes into larger vesicles(Fig.6c;Formenti and Druitt, 2003).There is textural evidence that many vesicles of intermediate size formed by coalescence of the small vesicles(rather than pre-existing them),the process commonly being preserved quenched in progress (Fig.6d).The sizes of some intermediate vesicles appear to be inherited from the clusters of small vesicles when the latter coalesced while preserving the overall sub-spherical form of the cluster.Vesicles in pumices are commonly observed in spatial association with rge,angular voids are associated with fractured amphiboles,and have two endmember types:(1)voids in amphiboles boudinaged uniaxially in the plane offlow foliation,with well defined length-perpendicular fractures(Fig.7);(2)voids in amphiboles that are fractured both perpendicular and parallel to length,and the fragments dispersed around the vesicle margins in a manner suggestive of more isotropic expansion.In both types,crystal fragments arecommonlyFig.3.Plot of connected versus total vesicularity for all the samples of this vasamples from dome collapses at Soufrière Hills Volcano are also shown(Formenti andDruitt,2003).As connected vesicularities could not be determined for breadcrustbombs rinds,we just show the range of bulk vesicularities obtained(thick blackline).Fig.4.Vesicularity as a function of relative position inside large pumices(N30cm).Filled diamonds with solid lines are those pumices that were judged in thefield to betexturally homogeneous;squares with dashed lines are those that had larger vesicles inthe interior than in therind.Fig.5.Relationships between rind and interior vesicularities of breadcrust bombs,including both coarsely andfinely breadcrusted types.220T.Giachetti et al./Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research193(2010)215–231connected by thin,delicate threads of glass generated either by the bursting of melt inclusions,or by the pulling-out of thin,pre-existing melt films in incipient cracks.A single type of amphibole-associated void is commonly dominant within a given pumice block.Type 1is observed in ∼45%of pumices and type 2in ∼35%,the remaining ∼20%of pumices lacking voids associated with amphibole.Another common texture involves radial arrangements of stretched vesicles around phenocrysts of plagioclase or amphibole (Fig.6e).This is attributed to expansion of a magmatic foam around a rigid crystal;it cannot be due to heterogeneous bubble nucleation because in each case the vesicles are separated from the crystal by a thin glass film,showing that the crystal was not wetted by gas.Only in the case of titanomagnetite is it common to see vesicles in direct contact with crystals without intervening glass,suggesting that titanomagnetite provided nucleation sites for bubbles (Fig.8).There is abundant evidence that bubble coalescence was ongoing at all scales larger than a few µm at the time of sample quench:ovoid,neck-like connections with partially retracted walls between neighbouring vesicles (Fig.6d),wrinkling of thin vesicle walls (Fig.6f),the occurrence of thin glass fibres,and the interconnection of all but a fraction of the smallest vesicles.Minimum observed vesicle wall thicknesses are b 1µm.Breadcrust bomb rinds contain small,mostly isolated,vesicles that are irregularly distributed,being most abundant near rind-penetratingsurface fractures and around phenocrysts (Fig.9a,c).Areas of vesicle-free groundmass occur in the rinds of coarsely breadcrusted bombs,but not in those of the finely breadcrusted bombs.The lower limit of the rind is commonly marked by string-like networks of small vesicles,which then merge to form the more uniformly distributed vesicle population of the interior.The interiors of all bombs contain distinct large and small vesicle rge vesicles are invariably associated with fractured amphiboles,like those in the pumices.However,well developed uniaxial boudinage is never observed in breadcrust bombs,and the voids are mostly of the more isotropic type 2.Small vesicles are uniformly distributed throughout the bomb interiors (Fig.9b,d);they are mostly isolated,with quasi-spherical forms,and commonly occur in strings and clusters around crystals and large vesicles.Evidence for vesicle coalescence is abundant in bomb interiors,although less so than in pumices.7.Size distributions of vesicles and crystalsThe six samples chosen for analysis of vesicle and crystal size distributions were a coarsely breadcrusted bomb (BCP1),a finely breadcrusted bomb (BCP43),three pyroclastic-flow pumices (AMO29,AMO36and PV3),and a fallout pumice (R2).SeparatemeasurementsFig.6.SEM images of broken surfaces (a –d)and thin sections (e –f)of pumices.a)Angular void in a fractured amphibole phenocryst,the fragments being connected by thin glass fibres (white arrows),b)Visual evidence for three different size populations (large,intermediate and small)of vesicles in pumices,c)Cauliform-shaped clusters of small vesicles protruding into intermediate ones,d)Evidence for coalescence of small vesicles to form intermediate-sized ones,e)Microphenocryst of plagioclase surrounded by radiating,elongated vesicles,f)Wrinkling of vesicle wall indicative of the onset of rupture (white arrow).221T.Giachetti et al./Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 193(2010)215–231。
Potential mechanisms explaining why hydrolyzed casein-based diets outclass single amino acid-based diets in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes in diabetes-prone BB ratsJ.T.J.Visser 1*N.A.Bos 2L.F.Harthoorn 3F.Stellaard 4S.Beijer-Liefers 1J.Rozing 1E.A.F.van Tol 31Department of Cell Biology,Section Immunology,University of Groningen,University Medical Center Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands 2Institute of Medical Education,University Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands 3Mead Johnson Nutrition,Evansville,IN,USA4Department Laboratory Medicine,Laboratory of Liver,Digestive and Metabolic Diseases,University Medical Center Groningen,University of Groningen,Groningen,The Netherlands *Correspondence to:Jeroen Visser,Department of Cell Biology,Section Immunology,University of Groningen,University Medical Center Groningen,A.Deusinglaan 1,9713AV Groningen,The Netherlands.E-mail:j.t.j.visser@med.umcg.nlAbstractBackground It remains controversial whether avoidance of dietary diabetogenic triggers,such as cow ’s milk proteins,can prevent type 1diabetes in genetically susceptible individuals.Here,different extensive casein hydrolysates (HC)and single amino acid (AA)formulations were tested for their effect on mechanisms underlying autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis in diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats.Intestinal integrity,gut microbiota composition and mucosal immune reactivity were studies to assess whether these formulations have differential effects in autoimmune diabetes prevention.Methods Diabetes-prone BioBreeding rats received diets in which the protein fraction was exchanged for the different hydrolysates or AA compositions,starting from weaning until the end of the experiment (d150).Diabetes development was monitored,and faecal and ileal samples were collected.Gut microbiota composition and cytokine/tight junction mRNA expression were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction.Cytokine levels of ileum explant cultures were measured by ELISA,and intestinal permeability was measured in vivo by lactulose-mannitol assay.Results Both HC-diet fed groups revealed remarkable reduction of diabetes incidence with the most pronounced effect in Nutramigen W -fed animals.Interestingly,AA-fed rats only showed delayed autoimmune diabetes development.Furthermore,both HC-fed groups had improved intestinal barrier function when compared with control chow or AA-fed animals.Interestingly,higher IL-10levels were measured in ileum tissue explants from Nutramigen W -fed rats.Bene ficial gut microbiota changes (increased Lactobacilli and reduced Bacteroides spp.levels)were found associated especially with HC-diet interventions.Conclusions Casein hydrolysates were found superior to AA-mix in autoimmune diabetes prevention.This suggests the presence of speci fic peptides that bene ficially affect mechanisms that may play a critical role in autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis.Copyright ©2012John Wiley &Sons,Ltd.Keywords autoimmune diabetes;hydrolysed casein;amino acids;intestinal barrier;gut microbiota;mucosal immune systemIntroductionType 1diabetes (T1D)is an autoimmune disease leading to the destruction of the insulin producing b -cells in the islet of Langerhans.Both genetic andR ES E A R C H A RT I C L EReceived:8December 2011Revised:16March 2012Accepted:2April 2012DIABETES/METABOLISM RESEARCH AND REVIEWS Diabetes Metab Res Rev 2012;28:505–513.Published online in Wiley Online Library ()DOI:10.1002/dmrr.2311environmental factors play a causal role in the induc-tion of T1D.It seems well established–in both animal models and clinical studies–that environmental factors such as diet and intestinal microbial antigens play an important role in the onset of T1D[1–3].These diabe-togenic triggers from food sources,including cow’s milk proteins,may induce an immune cascade eventually leading to the autoimmune process typical of T1D[1–3].Two decades ago,it was hypothesized that cow’s milk protein was a potential dietary trigger of T1D[4–6], based on epidemiological data[7],as well as the higher prevalence of antibodies against bovine serum albumin and casein in sera of T1D patients[8].Hence,it has been suggested that cow’s milk protein avoidance may prevent autoimmune diabetes in the diabetes prone(DP) BioBreeding(BB)rat[9].Later epidemiological studies did seem to contradict this hypothesis where a cow’s milk protein containing diet reduced autoimmune diabetes development in the DP-BB rat[10,11].Nevertheless,it remains plausible to hypothesize that avoidance of dietary diabetogenic triggers will modulate diabetes development.Several groups,including our own,have found that casein hydrolysates reduced autoimmune diabetes development in rodent models of T1D[12–16].These observations in animal models led to the instigation of the Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk[17].The preliminary results of a Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk pilot study in Finland suggest that casein hydrolysates reduce autoim-mune reactivity against theß-cell in children at risk for T1D development[17].Until now,little is known about the qualitative differ-ences or mechanisms of action of the casein hydrolysates or single amino acids in the prevention of autoimmune diabetes.This is important to know,because it may not be just cow’s milk protein avoidance but also specific functional peptides in casein hydrolysates that may contribute to the prevention of autoimmune activation in the development of T1D.To study this concept,different casein hydrolysates as well as single amino acid formulations were compared with a whole protein containing lab chow for their efficacy in preventing autoimmune diabetes in the DP-BB rat.For this purpose,different mechanisms that may contribute to the development of autoimmune reactivity,that is,intestinal barrier function,gut microbiota composition and mucosal immune function were studied. MethodsAnimalsDiabetes-prone BioBreeding rats were maintained and bred at the Institutional Central Animal Facility of UMCG as previously described[18].Animal care and handling was in compliance with the principles of laboratory animal care(NIH publication no.85–23;revised1985), and the animal experiments were approved by the local UMCG Ethical Board for Animal Studies.Diets and intervention protocolDietsThe rats received the following diets:(1)A standard control diabetogenic lab chow(Rmh-B2181,AB Diets, Woerden,the Netherlands)with similar macronutrient composition as the experimental basal mix(TD08102, Harlan-Teklad,Madison WI,USA).The basal mix was supplemented with a replacement for the protein fraction by(2)Nutramigen W Hydrolysed Casein(Mead Johnson Nutrition,Zeeland,MI,USA),(3)Pancase™Hydrolysed Casein(Sensient Flavours,Strassbourg,France),and(4) amino acid(AA)mix(Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Emmersville,WI,USA).Intervention protocolThe four groups of DP-BB rats were fed ad libitum the specific diets from weaning(d21)until the end of the experiment(d150).Faecal samples were collected at 56days of age,65days of age,at diabetes onset or at the end of the experimental period.Intestinal ileal tissue samples were collected at diabetes onset or at the end of the experimental period(d150).Monitoring for diabetes onsetDiabetes-prone BioBreeding rats were monitored for the development of T1D until150days of age.Animals were weighed three times per week.In case of weight loss,blood glucose was measured in tail vein blood using blood glucose test strips(Accu Check Comfort,Roche Diagnostics,The Netherlands).When blood glucose(non-fasting)exceeded 11mmol/L on two consecutive days or once≥15mmol/L, rats were considered diabetic and sacrificed.At diabetes onset or at endpoint(if animals did not develop diabetes; 150days of age),rats were sacrificed and gut tissue and blood were collected for analysis.The development of T1D in DP-BB rats is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the islets of Langerhans(insulitis).These infiltrating immune cells destroy the insulin producingß-cells.The degree of insulitis was rated on a scale of1–4as described previously by Visser et al.[19,20].Briefly,1,normal islet appearance and no infiltration;2,mild insulitis,where macrophages/mononuclear cells are around and not affecting more than50%of the islet;3,severe insulitis, where macrophages/mononuclear cells completely penetrate and infiltrate the islets;4,end-stage islets.Per pancreas section,an average histological insulitis score was calculated by adding up the histological insulitis score of each islet and dividing it by the total number of islets counted.On average,10–20islets were counted per animal.The result is the average score of two analysis performed independently by two persons.506J.T.J.Visser et al.Lactulose-mannitol test for measuring intestinal permeability in vivoThe lactulose-mannitol(LA/MA)test is a non-invasive technique to measure intestinal barrier function in vivo[21]. At65days of age,6–8animals per group were randomly chosen and subjected to a LA/MA test.A LA/MA test as described by Meddings et al.[21]was performed before the onset of diabetes at65days of age.Briefly,a stock solution was made containing4g mannitol and6g lactulose per100mL distilled water.Each rat was given 2mL of the probe.Rats were placed in stainless steel metabolic cages with wire bottoms to separate faeces from urine.Plastic tubes were mounted underneath a spout on the bottom of each cage to collect urine.Rats were denied access to water for 3h,at which point they were allowed free access to water for the remainder of the experiment.Urine was collected for a total of24h,at which point the rats were returned to their normal cages and monitored until150days of age for T1D development.Urine volumes were measured,and the urine composition was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).HPLC analysisBriefly,cellobiose was added as an internal standard,and the urine wasfiltered through a0.4-m mfilter and diluted as necessary.Samples were deionized and then injected on a Dionex MA-1ion exchange column.Sugars were eluted with NaOH at aflow rate of0.4mL/min with a concentration gradient from400to600mM.Peaks were detected using pulsed amperometric detection on a Dionex HPLC and quantified as peak areas.Calibration was performed on a daily basis with authentic standards at multiple concentrations,and the experimental standards were diluted so that the areas of all peaks fell within the calibration range.Final data were reported as a ratio of fractional excretions(lactulose-mannitol).Fractional excre-tion is defined as the fraction of the gavaged dose recovered in the urine sample.Quantitative PCRFrom the diabetic(between70and150days of age)or nondiabetic rats(150days of age)ileal tissue(Æ1cm) was obtained,frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at À80 C.RNA was isolated from seven control rats(six diabetic and one nondiabetic),11Pancase S fed rats (eight diabetic and three nondiabetic),12Nutramigen fed rats(six diabetic and six nondiabetic)and12AA-mix fed rats(11diabetic and one nondiabetic).Expression of genes encoding TJ-related proteins,IFN-g and TNF-a could be studied for all animals.Expression of IL-10could be measured for the seven control rats,seven Pancase S fed rats(five diabetic and two nondiabetic),11Nutramigen fed rats(five diabetic and six nondiabetic)and ten AA-mix fed rats(nine diabetic and one nondiabetic).Expression of TGF-ßcould be measured for the seven control rats,ten Pancase S fed rats(seven diabetic and three nondiabetic), 11Nutramigen fed rats(five diabetic and six nondiabetic) and12AA-mix fed rats(11diabetic and one nondiabetic). For RNA isolation,tissue was homogenized in1mL of TRI reagent(Sigma-Aldrich,Zwijndrecht,The Netherlands), and the RNA concentration determined using a nanodrop (ND-1000,Isogen,Maarsen,The Netherlands)at230nm. Isolated RNA of5m g was converted to cDNA using the SuperScript II Reverse Transcriptase kit(Invitrogen Life Technologies,Breda,The Netherlands).In order to measure differences in expression levels of genes encoding for TJ-related proteins(Myo9B,claudin-1,claudin-2, occludin)and cytokines(IL-10,TGF-ß,IFN-g and TNF-a), transcript levels of the subsequent genes and the reference gene hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl-transferase(HPRT) were quantified using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)as described previously[16].Primer sequences were as follows:Myo9B forward CGCAGTCGTGTGAGCAGTGT and revers ACTCTTCCTC-CGTCCAGTGT;claudin-1forward ATTGGCATGAAGTGCAT-GAG and reverse CCACTAATGTCGCCAGA CCT;claudin-2 forward GCTCCGTGAGTATCTGCTCTG and reverse TCA-CAG TGTCTCTGGCAAGC;occludin forward CCATGTCTGT-GAGGCCTTTT and reverse AAAGAGTATGCCGGCTGAGA; HPRT forward GCGAAAGTGGAAAAGCCAAGT and reverse GCC ACATCAACAGGACTCTTGTAG;IL-10forward AGT-GAAGACCAGCAAAGGC reverse TCATTCATGGCCTTGTA-GACAC;TGF-ßforward GACCGCAACAACGCAATCTA reverse ACCAAGGTA ACGCCAGGAAT.Real-time PCR analysis was performed using iQ SYBR Green Supermix(Bio-Rad Laboratories,Veenendaal,The Netherlands)according to the manufacturer’s instructions on an iCycler iQ Real-Time PCR Detection System(Bio-rad),using the following programme:3min95 C,40 cycles of(30s95 C and30s at60 C,10s at58 C) and then80times an increase in temperature of0.5 C to create a melting curve.Results were expressed as ratio target gene:HPRT according to a mathematical method described by Pfafflet al.[22].Snap well assay for measuring IL-10 release by ileum explantsIL-10release by ileum explants was measured in vitro by snap well assay as described by Visser et al.[16].Briefly, a small sample(of a standard length of50mm)was taken from the ileum.In the time(15min)between sacrifice and mounting in the snapwells(Corning B.V., Schiphol-rijk,The Netherlands),the samples were kept in incubation medium(IM;DMEM+4.5g glucose, Gibco,Breda,The Netherlands)at4 C.The dissected ileum tissue was cleaned,cut into smaller fragments, rinsed with IM and mounted in snap well inserts,with the mucosal side facing upwards.The insert was then placed in a pre-warmed six wells plate containing2mL of IM in each well.On top of the insert450m L IM was added.After mounting,the inserts in the six wells plate were incubated for8h at37 C.After incubation,theHC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D507supernatants of the upper compartments were collected, and IL-10levels were measured by ELISA(Beckton Dickinson).Measuring bacterial DNA in rat faecal samples by qPCRBacterial DNA was isolated of seven control rats(six diabetic and one nondiabetic),12Pancase S fed rats(eight diabetic and four nondiabetic),Nutramigen fed rats(six diabetic and seven nondiabetic)and13AA-mix fed rats (11diabetic and two nondiabetic).Bacterial DNA was isolated and analysed by qPCR as described previously [23].Briefly,DNA from faecal samples was extracted using the PSP Spin Stool Kit(Invitek,Berlin,Germany)according to the manufacturer’s instructions.After isolation,the concentration of DNA was measured with the Nanodrop method as described previously[16].DNA was diluted to 10ng/m L.A qPCR with the SYBR Green detection system (Bio-Rad)was performed on the samples,using group-specific primers based on bacterial16S ribosomal DNA. To detect all bacteria,the following universal bacte-rial primer set was used:UnivF340-ACTCCTACGGGAGG-CAGCAGT and UniR514-ATTACCGCGGCTGCGGC.The bacteria representative for the Bacteroides spp.group were measured with the primers BactF285-GGTTCTGA-GAGGAAGGTCCC and UnivR338-GCTGCCTCCCGTAG-GAGT;Lactobacillus group LABF-AGCAGTAGGGAATCTTCCA and LABR-CACCGCTACACATGGAG;Eubacterium rectale/ Clostridium coccoides group(Erec)UniF338-ACTCCTACGG-GAGGCAGC and CcocR-GCTTCTTAGTCAGGTACCGT-CAT;Mouse intestinal bacteroides group UniF516-CCAG-CAGCCGCGGTAATA and MIBR-CGCATTCCGCATACTTCTC. Each primer set was evaluated against reference bacterial strains for primer efficiency and specificity.See supple-mentary table1for detailed information about primer sets (design and validation)and reference strains.Each reaction mixture was composed of12.5m L SYBR Green PCR Master Mix(Bio-rad),2m L of primer mix (10pmol/m L each),8.5m L of sterile H2O and2m L of stool DNA(10ng/m L).For the negative control,2m L of sterile H2O was added to the reaction mix.The amplification programme consisted of one cycle of95 C for3min (enzyme activation),then40cycles of95 C for10s and 58 C for30s.After the amplification programme,the programme was as follows:95 C for1min,58 C for 1min,58 C for10s,then80times an increase in temper-ature of0.5 C to create a melting curve.The qPCR was performed in triplicate,for both standards and samples. Each plate had a standard curve.Internal standard curves were constructed from serial dilutions of reference bacterial strain genomic DNA,in order to translate the qPCR values into number of bacte-ria/g faeces.Briefly,the reference strain was cultured, DNA was extracted,and the amount of DNA was measured using the Nanodrop.The calculations to obtain from the ng/m L outcome of the Nanodrop to the amount of all bacteria per ng DNA were done as follows:Escherichia coli,genome size(i.e.1bacteria)is4.7Â106bp,which is 5.07Â10À15g(1bp=650Dalton and1Dalton=1.66Â10À24g).So1ng DNA isolated from an E.coli culture repre-sents1.97Â105bacteria.The calculations to obtain from the ng/m L outcome of the Nanodrop to the amount of Bacteroides spp.per ng DNA were done as follows:Bacteroides fragilis,genome size (i.e.1bacteria)is5.2Â106bp,which is5.6Â10À15g (1bp=650Dalton and1Dalton=1.66Â10À24g).So 1ng DNA isolated from a B.fragilis culture represents 1.79Â105bacteria.The amount of bacteria per ng sample DNA is then calculated using the standard curve.This calcu-lation was also performed for the other bacteria tested using the specific genomic size of each bacterium.Because the amount of DNA isolated per gramme faeces is known,the number of bacteria per gramme faeces can be calculated. Statistical analysisStatistical analysis was done by using the software package of Graphpad Prism version4(Graphpad Software,San Diego,CA,USA).Difference in diabetes incidence between the different diets was calculated by the log rank test for Kaplan–Meier survival curves.Differences between the four treatments groups in LA/MA ratio,mRNA expression of ileal tight junction proteins and cytokines,and IL-10production in snapwell cultures was calculated by Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Mann–Whitney U-test to identify the differ-ences between the groups.Differences in gut microbiota were analysed by paired T-test.Correlations were tested for significance using the Spearman correlation method.A p-value<0.05was considered statistically significant. ResultsDiabetes incidence and histology of pancreas tissueAll experimental diets delayed the development of autoimmune diabetes,based on clinical manifestations (e.g.weight loss,blood glucose,etc.),in the DP-BB rat as shown in Figure 1.However,only the hydrolysed casein-based diets(Pancase S and Nutramigen W)resulted in both a delay and significant reduction of diabetes devel-opment,with the Nutramigen W fed group showed the lowest incidence of diabetes at the age of150days.The development of autoimmune diabetes in the DP-BB rat is characterized by the infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages in the islets of Langerhans(insulitis).As expected,the diabetic rats showed severe insulitis (score above3),and the nondiabetic rats show a low insulitis score(below1.5);no differences were observed between the different treatment groups(data not shown). The insulitis scores in the nondiabetic rats at150days of age are comparable with the insulitis scores of healthy diabetes resistant BB rats[19].508J.T.J.Visser et al.Intestinal barrier functionality established by LA/MA testThe effect of the different diets on the intestinal barrier function in vivo was measured by the LA/MA test.Interestingly,when performing the in vivo intestinal permeability measurement for the combined study groups,the prediabetic urinary LA/MA ratio measured at 65days of age revealed a strong negative correlation with the day of diabetes onset (Figure 2,left image).Hence,early increased intestinal permeability seems to be associated with autoimmune diabetes development later in life.As shown in Figure 2,the hydrolysed casein-based diets signi ficantly reduced the urinary LA/MA ratio re flecting improved intestinal barrier function in vivo ,whereas the AA-mix based diet had no effect on the intestinal barrier function as measured by the LA/MA test.Expression of tight junction mRNA in ileal tissueAt endpoint,as compared with the control diet group,all the experimental diets resulted in an increased ileal mRNA expression of claudin-1(Figure 3).With regard to ileal occludin mRNA expression,Kruskal –Wallis analysis of the four groups together showed no signi ficance (p =0.3).However,separate comparison between the control group and the three different treatment groups by Mann –Whitney U -test showed a difference between the Nutramigen fed group and the control group.It has to be noted that this result might be affected by the two outliers in the Nutramigen fed group.As compared with the control diet group,none of the experimental diets affected ileal Myo9B and claudin-2mRNA expression.Cytokine pro file of ileum tissueAt endpoint,Kruskal –Wallis analysis showed a trend (p ≤0.1)between dietary intervention and ileal IL-10mRNA expression and production (Figures 4and 5).After performing Mann –Whitney analysis,only the Nutramigen W based diet resulted in a signi ficant increased ileal IL-10mRNA expression as compared with the control diet (Figure 4).Furthermore,a trend (p =0.1)could be observed for increased TGF-ßmRNA expression in ileum tissue of Nutramigen W fed rats.No differences between the various treatment groups could be observed with regard to IFN-g and TNF-a mRNA expression (data not shown).In addition,IL-10protein production of ileal tissue was measured in vitro in the supernatants of snapwell cultures.Again,only DP-BB rats fed the Nutramigen W based diet have a signi ficant increased ileal IL-10protein production (Figure 5),which extended the mRNA data.Gut microbiota analysisFeeding the hydrolysed casein and AA-mix diets resulted in a decline of relative Bacteroides spp.levels in the gut microbiota of DP-BB rats,whereas in the control rats,the Bacteroides spp.levels remained stable over time (Figure 6).The Nutramigen and AA-mix fed groups showed a decline after 65days of age,whereas the Pancase S fed rats showed a decline atendpoint.Figure 1.Kaplan Meijer curve showing diabetes development in DP-BB rats fed the control diet (n =15),Pancase S based diet (n =14),a Nutramigen W based diet (n =15)and an AA-mix based diet (n =15).*,p <0.05for mean day of onset and incidence as compared with controls;#,p <0.05for mean day of onset as com-pared with controls.The experiment was ended at 150days ofageFigure 2.Correlation between urinary lactulose-mannitol (LA/MA)ratio at 65days of age and day of diabetes onset (left image)and urinary LA/MA ratio at 65days of age in DP-BB rats on the indicated diets (right image).Group sizes for (B):Controls (n =6),Pancase S (n =7),Nutramigen W (n =8)and AA-mix (n =8).In (B),the data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05as compared with controls and AA-mix groupHC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D 509Interestingly,the control group and the AA-mix fed rats showed a decline of lactobacilli levels over time,whereas the lactobacilli levels in the Pancase S and Nutramigen levels remained stable.The AA-mix fed rats showed already,at 65days of age,very low lactobacilli levels as compared with the controls and hydrolysed casein fed rats.No differences were observed between diabetic and non-diabetic rats and with regard to total bacterial load,mouse intestinal bacteroides and Erec levels (data not shown).DiscussionThe HC-based diets revealed a reduction of autoimmune diabetes incidence in the DP-BB rats at 150days ofageFigure 3.Ileal mRNA expression at endpoint of occludin (A),Myo9b (B),claudin-1(C)and claudin-2(D)in DP-BB rats fed the indi-cated diets.Data are expressed by a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05;**,p <0.01as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =11),Nutramigen W (n =11),and AA-mix (n =13)Figure 4.Ileal mRNA expression at endpoint of IL-10(A)and TGF-ß(B)in DP-BB rats fed the indicated diets.Data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.05as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =11),Nutramigen W (n =11),and AA-mix (n =13)Figure 5.IL-10production in vitro at endpoint by ileal tissue explants mounted in snapwells.Data are expressed as a scatter dot plot with the mean indicated by a horizontal line.*,p <0.01as compared with controls.Group sizes:Controls (n =4),Pancase S (n =6),Nutramigen W (n =9),and AA-mix (n =11)510J.T.J.Visser et al.with the Nutramigen W based diet having the most pronounced effect.Somewhat unexpected in this study,the AA-mix based diet,which completely avoided complete proteins,only showed a delay in the onset of autoimmune diabetes when compared with the control diet.This differential effect on autoimmune diabetes development between the HC diets and the AA-mix based diet suggests involvement of speci fic functionality of small peptides in the casein hydrolysates on mechanisms underlying autoim-mune diabetes pathogenesis in the DP-BB rat.Several observations showed that gut microbiota have a strong impact on diabetes development in animal models of T1D [24–29].Lowering intestinal bacterial load in NOD mice and DP-BB rats by antibiotics reduced and delayed autoimmune diabetes development [24,25,28,29].Gut microbiota manipulation by antibiotics combined with HC even completely prevented autoimmune diabetes in DP-BB rats [24].However,germ-free nonobese diabetic (NOD)mice and DP-BB rats show robust autoimmune diabetes development [27–29].This suggests that a certain level of exposure to gut microbes is essential for protection against T1D development.In addition,in DP-BB rats,the composi-tion of the gut microbiota determined the chance to developautoimmune diabetes [24,26].DP-BB rats with low intes-tinal levels of Bacteroides spp.did not develop autoimmune diabetes,whereas the rats with high levels of these bacteria developed autoimmune diabetes [24].Interestingly,expo-sure of DP-BB rats to Lactobacillus johnsonii N6.2delayed and prevented autoimmune diabetes development [26].In view of these results,it is reasonable to hypothesize that lactobacilli might be associated with the prevention of autoimmune diabetes and Bacteroides spp.bacteria might be associated with the induction of autoimmune diabetes.Intriguingly,recent preliminary data with a small group of four T1D patients indicate that high intestinal Bacteroides spp.levels and low intestinal lactobacilli levels might be associated with an increased chance to develop T1D [30].From the results presented here,it is reasonable to conclude that speci fically,the HC-based diets induced the development of a more bene ficial or protective gut microbiota associated with a lower chance to develop autoimmune diabetes [24,26,30]and characterized by low Bacteroides spp.and high lactobacilli levels.This change in the gut microbiota might be one of the factors responsible for the delay and/or reduction in autoimmune diabetes development in the DP-BBrat.Figure 6.Longitudinal faecal bacteria levels of the individual rats exposed to the different experimental diets.Relative levels of Bacteroides spp.(top)and lactobacilli (bottom)expressed as proportion (%)of total bacteria.Data are expressed as mean ÆSEM.56d:(56days of age),65d:(65days of age)and End:(endpoint).*,p <0.05as compared with 56days of age.Group sizes:Controls (n =7),Pancase S (n =12),Nutramigen W (n =12),and AA-mix (n =13)HC-Diets Outclass AA-Diet to Prevent T1D 511。
微生物屏障试验 DIN 58953-6_2010 Test report
Interlaboratory T est …Microbial barrier testing of packa ging materials for medical devices which are tobe ster ili ze d“according to DIN 58953-6:2010Test re portJanuary 2013Author: Daniel ZahnISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungsgesellschaft mbHTest report Page 2 / 15Table of contentsSeite1.General information on the Interlaboratory Test (3)1.1 Organization (3)1.2 Occasion and Objective (3)1.3 Time Schedule (3)1.4 Participants (4)2.Sample material (4)2.1 Sample Description and Execution of the Test (4)2.1.1 Materials for the Analysis of the Germ Proofness under Humidityaccording to DIN 58953-6, section 3 (5)2.1.2 Materials for the Analysis of the Germ Proofness with Air Permeanceaccording to DIN 58953-6, section 4 (5)2.2 Sample Preparation and Despatch (5)2.3 Additional Sample and Re-examination (6)3.Results (6)3.1 Preliminary Remark (6)3.2 Note on the Record of Test Results (6)3.3 Comment on the Statistical Evaluation (6)3.4 Outlier tests (7)3.5 Record of Test Results (7)3.5.1 Record of Test Results Sample F1 (8)3.5.2 Record of Test Results Sample F2 (9)3.5.3 Record of Test Results Sample F3 (10)3.5.4 Record of Test Results Sample L1 (11)3.5.5 Record of Test Results Sample L2 (12)3.5.6 Record of Test Results Sample L3 (13)3.5.7 Record of Test Results Sample L4 (14)4.Overview and Summary (15)Test report Page 3 / 15 1. General Information on the Interlaboratory Test1.1 OrganizationOrganizer of the Interlaboratory Test:Sterile Barrier Association (SBA)Mr. David Harding (director.general@)Pennygate House, St WeonardsHerfordshire HR2 8PT / Great BritainRealization of the Interlaboratory Test:Verein zur Förderung der Forschung und Ausbildung fürFaserstoff- und Verpackungschemie e. V. (VFV)vfv@isega.dePostfach 10 11 0963707 Aschaffenburg / GermanyTechnical support:ISEGA Forschungs- u. Untersuchungsgesellschaft mbHDr. Julia Riedlinger / Mr. Daniel Zahn (info@isega.de)Zeppelinstraße 3 – 563741 Aschaffenburg / Germany1.2 Occasion and ObjectiveIn order to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the ISO 11607-1:2006 …Packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices -- Part 1: Requirements for materials, sterile barrier systems and packaging systems“ validated test methods are to be preferably utilized.For the confirmation of the microbial barrier properties of porous materials demanded in the ISO 11607-1, the DIN 58953-6:2010 …Sterilization – Sterile supply – Part 6: Microbial barrier testing of packaging materials for medical devices which are to be sterilized“ represents a conclusive method which can be performed without the need for extensive equipment.However, since momentarily no validation data on DIN 58953-6 is at hand concerns emerged that the method may lose importance against validated methods in a revision of the ISO 11607-1 or may even not be considered at all.Within the framework of this interlaboratory test, data on the reproducibility of the results obtained by means of the analysis according to DIN 58953-6 shall be gathered.1.3 Time ScheduleSeptember 2010:The Sterile Barrier Association queried ISEGA Forschungs- und Unter-suchungsgesellschaft about the technical support for the interlaboratory test.For the realization, the Verein zur Förderung der Forschung und Ausbildungfür Faserstoff- und Verpackungschemie e. V. (VFV) was won over.November 2010: Preliminary announcement of the interlaboratory test / Seach for interested laboratoriesTest report Page 4 / 15 January toDecember 2011: Search for suitable sample material / Carrying out of numerous pre-trials on various materialsJanuary 2012:Renewed contact or search for additional interested laboratories, respectively February 2012: Sending out of registration forms / preparation of sample materialMarch 2012: Registration deadline / sample despatchMay / June 2012: Results come in / statistical evaluationJuly 2012: Despatch of samples for the re-examinationSeptember 2012: Results of the re-examination come in / statistical evaluationNovember 2012: Results are sent to the participantsDecember 2012/January 2013: Compilation of the test report1.4 ParticipantsFive different German laboratories participated in the interlaboratory test. In one laboratory, the analyses were performed by two testers working independently so that six valid results overall were received which can be taken into consideration in the evaluation.To ensure an anonymous evaluation of the results, each participant was assigned a laboratory number (laboratory 1 to laboratory 6) in random order, which was disclosed only to the laboratory in question. The complete laboratory number breakdown was known solely by the ISEGA staff supporting the proficiency test.2. Sample Material2.1 Sample Description and Execution of the TestUtmost care in the selection of suitable sample material was taken to include different materials used in the manufacture of packaging for terminally sterilized medical devices.With the help of numerous pre-trials the materials were chosen covering a wide range of results from mostly germ-proof samples to germ permeable materials.Test report Page 5 / 15 2.1.1 Materials for the Analysis of Germ Proofness under Humidity according to DIN 58953-6, section 3:The participants were advised to perform the analysis on the samples according to DIN 58953-6, section 3, and to protocol their findings on the provided result sheets.The only deviation from the norm was that in case of the growth of 1 -5 colony-forming units (in the following abbreviated as CFU) per sample, no re-examination 20 test pieces was performed.2.1.2 Materials for the Analysis of Germ Proofness with Air Permeance according to DIN 58953-6, section 4:The participants were advised to perform the analysis on the samples according to DIN 58953-6, section 4, and to protocol their findings on the provided result sheets.2.2 Sample Preparation and DespatchFor the analysis of the germ proofness under humidity, 10 test pieces in the size of 50 x 50 mm were cut out of each sample and heat-sealed into a sterilization pouch with the side to be tested up.Out of the 10 test pieces, 5 were intended for the testing and one each for the two controls according to DIN 58953-6, sections 3.6.2 and 3.6.3. The rest should remain as replacements (e.g. in case of the dropping of a test piece on the floor etc.).For the analysis of the germ proofness with air permeance, 15 circular test pieces with a diameter of 40 mm were punched out of each sample and heat-sealed into a sterilization pouch with the side to be tested up.Test report Page 6 / 15 Out of the 15 test pieces, 10 were intended for the testing and one each for the two controls according to DIN 58953-6, section 4.9. The rest should remain as replacements (e.g. in case of the dropping of a test piece on the floor etc.).The sterilization pouches with the test pieces were steam-sterilized in an autoclave for 15 minutes at 121 °C and stored in an climatic room at 23 °C and 50 % relative humidity until despatch.2.3 Additional Sample and Re-examinationFor the analysis of the germ proofness under humidity another test round was performed in July / August 2012. For this, an additional sample (sample L4) was sent to the laboratories and analysed (see 2.1.2). The results were considered in the evaluation.For validation or confirmation of non-plausible results, occasional samples for re-examination were sent out to the laboratories. The results of these re-examinations (July / August 2012) were not taken into consideration in the evaluation.3. Results3.1 Preliminary RemarkSince the analysis of germ proofness is designed to be a pass / fail – test, the statistical values and precision data were meant only to serve informative purposes.The evaluation of the materials according to DIN58953-6,sections 3.7and 4.7.6by the laboratories should be the most decisive criterion for the evaluation of reproducibility of the interlaboratory test results. Based on this, the classification of a sample as “sufficiently germ-proof” or “not sufficiently germ-proof” is carried out.3.2 Note on the Record of Test Results:The exact counting of individual CFUs is not possible with the required precision if the values turn out to be very high. Thus, an upper limit of 100 CFU per agar plate or per test pieces, respectively, was defined. Individual values above this limit and values which were stated with “> 100” by the laboratories, are listed as 100 CFU per agar plate or per test piece, respectively, in the evaluation.Test report Page 7 / 153.3 Comment on the Statistical EvaluationThe statistical evaluation was done based on the series of standards DIN ISO 5725-1ff.The arithmetic laboratory mean X i and the laboratory standard deviation s i were calculated from the individual measurement values obtained by the laboratories.The overall mean X of the laboratory means as well as the precision data of the method (reproducibility and repeatability) were determined for each sample3.4 Outlier testsThe Mandel's h-statistics test was utilised as outlier test for differences between the laboratory means of the participants.A laboratory was identified as a “statistical outlier” as soon as an exceedance of Mandel's h test statistic at the 1 % significance level was detected.The respective results of the laboratories identified as outliers were not considered in the statistical evaluation.3.5 Record of Test ResultsOn the following pages, the records of the test results for each interlaboratory test sample with the statistical evaluation and the evaluation according to DIN 58953-6 are compiled.Test report Page 8 / 153.5.1 Record of Test Results Sample F1Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Comment:Laboratory 4, as an outlier, has not been taken into consideration in the statistical Evaluation.Outlier criterion: Mandel's h-statistics (1 % level of significance)Overall mean X:91.0CFU / agar plateRepeatability standard deviation s r:17.9CFU / agar plateReproducibility standard deviation s R:19.8CFU / agar plateRepeatability r:50.0CFU / agar plateRepeatability coefficient of variation:19.6%Reproducibility R:55.5CFU / agar plateReproducibility coefficient of variation:21.8%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 3.7:Lab. 1 - 6:Number of CFU > 5, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:All of the participants, even the Laboratory 4 which was identified as an outlier, came to the same results and would classify the sample material as “not sufficiently germ-proof”Test report Page 9 / 153.5.2 Record of Test Results Sample F2Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Comment:Laboratory 4, as an outlier, has not been taken into consideration in the statistical Evaluation.Outlier criterion: Mandel's h-statistics (1 % level of significance)Overall mean X:0CFU / agar plateRepeatability standard deviation s r:0CFU / agar plateReproducibility standard deviation s R:0CFU / agar plateRepeatability r:0CFU / agar plateRepeatability coefficient of variation:0%Reproducibility R:0CFU / agar plateReproducibility coefficient of variation:0%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 3.7:Lab. 1 – 3:Number of CFU = 0, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proofLab. 4:Number of CFU ≤ 5, i.e. a re-examination on 20 test pieces would have to be done Lab. 5 – 6:Number of CFU = 0, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proofConclusion:All of the participants, except for the Laboratory 4 which was identified as an outlier, came to the same results and would classify the sample material as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 10 / 153.5.3 Record of Test Results Sample F3Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:30.1CFU / agar plateRepeatability standard deviation s r:17.2CFU / agar plateReproducibility standard deviation s R:30.9CFU / agar plateRepeatability r:48.2CFU / agar plateRepeatability coefficient of variation:57.1%Reproducibility R:86.5CFU / agar plateReproducibility coefficient of variation:103%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 3.7:Lab. 1 - 4:Number of CFU > 5, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 5:Number of CFU = 0, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 6:Number of CFU > 5, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:Five of the six participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “not sufficiently germ-proof”. Only laboratory 5 would classify the sample material as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 11 / 153.5.4 Record of Test Results Sample L1Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:0.09CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r:0.32CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R:0.33CFU / test pieceRepeatability r:0.91CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:357%Reproducibility R:0.93CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:366%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1 - 6:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:All participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 12 / 153.5.5 Record of Test Results Sample L2Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:0.73CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r: 1.10CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R: 1.18CFU / test pieceRepeatability r: 3.07CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:151%Reproducibility R: 3.32CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:163%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1:Number of CFU > 15, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 2 - 6:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:Five of the six participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “sufficiently germ-proof”. Only laboratory 1 exceeds the limit value slightly by 1 CFU, so that the sample would be classified as “not sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 13 / 153.5.6 Record of Test Results Sample L3Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:0.36CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r: 1.00CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R: 1.06CFU / test pieceRepeatability r: 2.79CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:274%Reproducibility R: 2.98CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:293%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1 - 6:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:All participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as “sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 14 / 153.5.7 Record of Test Results Sample L4Individual Measurement values:Statistical Evaluation:Overall mean X:35.1CFU / test pieceRepeatability standard deviation s r:18.8CFU / test pieceReproducibility standard deviation s R:42.6CFU / test pieceRepeatability r:52.7CFU / test pieceRepeatability coefficient of variation:53.7%Reproducibility R:119CFU / test pieceReproducibility coefficient of variation:122%Evaluation according to DIN 58953-6, Section 4.7:Lab. 1 - 3:Number of CFU > 15, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 4:Number of CFU < 15, i.e. the material is classified as sufficiently germ-proof. Lab. 5 - 6:Number of CFU > 15, i.e. the material is classified as not sufficiently germ-proof.Conclusion:Five of the six participants came to the same result and would classify the sample as“not sufficiently germ-proof”.Test report Page 15 / 15 4. Overview and SummarySummary:In case of four of the overall seven tested materials, a 100 % consensus was reached regarding the evaluation as“sufficiently germ-proof”and“not sufficiently germ-proof”according to DIN 58 953-6.As for the other three tested materials, there were always 5 concurrent participants out of 6 (83 %). In each case, only one laboratory would have evaluated the sample differently.It is noteworthy that the materials about the evaluation of which a 100 % consensus was reached were the smooth sterilization papers. The differences with one deviating laboratory each occurred with the slightly less homogeneous materials, such as with the creped paper and the nonwoven materials.。
2005 年 4 月Journal of Chemical Engineering of Chinese Universities Apr. 2005 文章编号:1003-9015(2005)02-0228-05稀释复性法体外复性重组牛凝血酶原-2包涵体陈建梁, 关怡新, 崔志芳, 姚善泾(浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学系, 浙江杭州 310027)摘要:对重组牛凝血酶原-2包涵体的体外重折叠复性进行了研究。
重组牛凝血酶原-2在E.coli中高效表达并形成包涵体,经2.5mol⋅L−1脲和0.7% Triton X-100洗涤,再用8 mol⋅L−1脲和0.3 mol⋅L−1 DTT溶解后,得到了包涵体裂解液。
研究优化了体外复性溶液,其组成为含2.7 mol⋅L−1脲、0.6 mmol⋅L−1 GSSG、GSSG/GSH 0.9、0.1% PEG6000和0.5 mol⋅L−1 L-Arg、pH 7.4 Na3PO4缓冲液。
牛凝血酶原-2复性后经透析,再被Echis Carinatus Snake Venom激活,转化为有活性的α-凝血酶,其总活力可达2948 U⋅mL−1。
关键词:重组牛凝血酶原-2;复性;包涵体;一次回归正交试验中图分类号:Q51;Q513.2;Q556.9 文献标识码:ARenaturation of Recombinant Bovine Prethrombin-2 in vitrofrom Inclusion Bodies in E.coliCHEN Jian-liang, GUAN Yi-xin, CUI Zhi-fang, YAO Shan-jing(Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China)Abstract: Prethrombin-2 is the smallest single-chain precursor to thrombin and has the same molecular weight with thrombin. The recombinant bovine prethrombin-2 was expressed and overproduced in E.coli BL21(DE3) as intracellular insoluble inclusion bodies. After washed by 2.5mol⋅L−1 urea and 0.7% Triton X-100, solubilized by 8 mol⋅L−1 urea and 0.3 mol⋅L−1 DTT, the key parameters in the refolding process, such as GSSG concentration, GSSG/GSH, urea concentration, L-Arg concentration and operation temperature were investigated by linear regression orthogonal experiments combined with steepest ascent experiments. Good results are obtained when refolding buffer consisted of 2.7 mol·L-1 urea, 0.6m mol⋅L−1 GSSG, GSSG/GSH 0.9, 0.1%PEG6000, and 0.5 mol⋅L−1 L-Arg. After dialysed, the refolded prethrombin-2 was activated by Echis Carinatus snake venom and assayed by using peptide chromogenic and fluorogenic substrate S-2160 (Bz-L-Phe-L-Val-L-Arg-p NA). Using the refolding process with the above mentioned parameters, the total activity of the activated refolded prethrombin-2 is about 2948 U⋅mL−1 at optimum refolding process. The results indicate that the refolding process used is feasible to recover native activity of recombinant bovine prethrombin-2.Key words: recombinant bovine prethrombin-2; refolding; inclusion body; linear regression orthogonal experiment1前言凝血酶是目前临床上应用最为广泛的止血剂,在体内以凝血酶原的形式存在。
在前期克隆了两个小麦NBR1基因的基础上,本研究通过常规的分子克隆技术构建了两个基因的原核表达载体并将其转化到大肠杆菌中,利用SDS-PAGE 方法鉴定了两个NBR1基因在大肠杆菌中的表达情况。
结果表明,导入大肠杆菌的两个小麦NBR1均能够被IPTG 诱导表达;表达重组蛋白两端含有His(6)标签,其表观分子量与理论分子量基本一致;重组蛋白在诱导后2h 即表现较高的表达量,并在诱导后4h 达到最高的表达量。
关键词:选择性自噬;小麦;NBR1基因;原核表达中图分类号:S512.1文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2019.04.001Prokaryotic Expression of The Wheat Key Selective Autophagy Gene NBR1LIU Yanni,YANG Wenwen,WANG Huazhong(Tianjin Key Laboratory of Animal and Plant Resistance,School of Life Sciences,Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300387,China)Abstract :Autophagy plays an important role in the growth,development,aging and stress responses of plants and animals.NBR1functions in selective autophagy as a substrate receptor,which recognizes specific ubiquitinated proteins and presents them to the au ⁃tophagic degradation process through its interaction with ATG8on autophagic membranes.Previously,two wheat NBR1genes were cloned in Tianjin key laboratory of animal and plant resistance.In this study,prokaryotic expression vectors for the two wheat NBR1s were constructed and transformed into E.coli .Results from SDS-PAGE showed that wheat NBR1s could express efficiently in E.coli through IPTG induction.The expressed recombinant proteins had N-and C-terminal His (6)tags,and their molecular weights were consistent with the predicted values.High levels of recombinant proteins were detected at as early as 2h after IPTG induction,and the highest levels were reached at 4h after IPTG induction.These results laid a foundation for the preparation of recombinant wheat NBR1proteins and their antibodies for use in assays on the interaction and expression features of wheat NBR1s.Key words :selective autophagy;wheat (Triticum aestivum L.);NBR1gene;prokaryotic expression天津农业科学Tianjin Agricultural Sciences 圆园19,25(4):1-4自噬(autophagy )是一种保守的真核生物细胞内物质降解过程。
[收稿日期]2022-02-28 [修回日期]2023-03-22[基金项目]河北省沧州市科技计划自筹经费项目(204106112)[作者单位]河北省沧州市中心医院神经内科,061000[作者简介]王媛媛(1989-),女,硕士,主治医师.[文章编号]1000⁃2200(2023)12⁃1709⁃05㊃临床医学㊃缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量与预后的相关性分析王媛媛,王 博,刘媛媛,郭岩松,李 猛,董巧云[摘要]目的:研究缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中N⁃Myc 下游调节基因2(NDRG2)蛋白㊁哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR)的含量,并分析其与病人预后的相关性㊂方法:选取缺血性脑卒中病人300例为观察组,根据神经功能缺损评分分为轻度组(n =99)㊁中度组(n =113)㊁重度组(n =88),根据出院90d 改良Rankin 量表(mRS)分为预后不良组(mRS >3分,n =108)与预后良好组(mRS≤3分,n =192),同期随机选取体检的健康者278名为对照组㊂收集研究对象的一般资料并检测常规生化指标水平;利用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量,Pearson 法分析NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 与缺血性脑卒中病人常规生化指标的相关性;病人出院后随访3个月,利用ROC 曲线分析NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量预测缺血性脑卒中预后不良的价值㊂结果:观察组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR 含量均显著高于对照组(P <0.01);病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR 含量神经功能缺损重度组高于中度组和轻度组,中度组亦高于轻度组(P <0.05);缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量分别与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP 呈正相关关系(P <0.05~P <0.01),与HDL⁃C 呈负相关关系(P <0.01)㊂预后良好组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR 含量均低于预后不良组(P <0.01);外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量评估缺血性脑卒中预后不良AUC 分别为0.733㊁0.952,敏感度分别为62.04%㊁89.81%,特异度分别为76.56%㊁89.58%;二者联合评估缺血性脑卒中AUC 为0.958,敏感度为86.11%,特异度为93.23%㊂结论:缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 均呈高水平,二者联合检测对缺血性脑卒中预后不良具有较高的预测价值㊂[关键词]缺血性脑卒中;N⁃Myc 下游调节基因2蛋白;哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白[中图法分类号]R 743;R 446.1 [文献标志码]A DOI :10.13898/ki.issn.1000⁃2200.2023.12.020Correlation analysis of NDRG2protein and mTORin peripheral blood of ischemic stroke patients with prognosisWANG Yuan⁃yuan,WANG Bo,LIU Yuan⁃yuan,GUO Yan⁃song,LI Meng,DONG Qiao⁃yun(Department of Neurology ,Cangzhou Central Hospital ,Cangzhou Hebei 061000,China )[Abstract ]Objective :To explore the expression levels of N⁃Myc downstream regulated gene 2(NDRG2)protein and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)in peripheral blood of patients with ischemic stroke,and analyze its correlation with patient prognosis.Methods :A total of 300patients with ischemic stroke were selected as the observation group,and divided into mild group (n =99),moderate group (n =113)and severe group (n =88)according to the National Institute of Health stroke scale.According to the modified Rankin scale (mRS)90days after discharge,they were divided into poor prognosis group (mRS >3,n =108)and good prognosis group (mRS≤3,n =192).At the same time,278healthy subjects were randomly selected as the control group.The clinical data of patients were collected,enzyme⁃linked immunosorbent assay was used to detect the expression levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in peripheral blood.Pearson method was used to analyze the correlation between NDRG2protein,mTOR,and routine biochemical indicators in patients with ischemic stroke.The patients were followed up for 3months after discharge,and the ROC curve was used to analyze the value of NDRG2protein and mTOR in predicting poor prognosis of ischemic stroke.Results :The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in the peripheral blood of patients in the observation group was significantly higher than those in the control group (P <0.01).The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in the peripheral blood of patients with severe neurological deficits were higher than those in the moderate and mild groups,and which in the moderate group was also higher than those in the mild group (P <0.05).The peripheral blood NDRG2protein and mTOR levels in ischemic stroke patients were positively correlated with low⁃density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL⁃C ),triacylglycerol (TG ),total cholesterol (TC ),homocysteine (Hcy ),D⁃dimer (D⁃D ),lipoproteina,hypersensitivity C⁃reactive protein (Hs⁃CRP)(P <0.05to P <0.01),and negatively correlated with high⁃density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL⁃C)(P <0.01).The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in peripheral blood of patients with good prognosis were lower than those of patients with poor prognosis (P <0.01).The peripheral blood NDRG2protein and mTORlevels were evaluated for poor prognosis in ischemic stroke,with AUC of0.733and0.952,sensitivity of62.04%and89.81%,and specificity of76.56%and89.58%,respectively.The AUC of the combined assessment of ischemic stroke was0.958,with a sensitivity of86.11%and a specificity of93.23%.Conclusions:The levels of NDRG2protein and mTOR in peripheral blood of patients with ischemic stroke are both high.The combined detection of NDRG2protein and mTOR has high predictive value for poor prognosis of ischemic stroke.[Key words]ischemic stroke;N⁃Myc downstream regulated gene2protein;mammalian target of rapamycin 脑卒中按病理类型可分为缺血性和出血性,临床表现主要有头晕㊁目眩㊁恶心等,严重的会出现脑组织局部不可逆损伤[1-2]㊂寻找敏感外周血指标及时评估缺血性脑卒中病情对控制疾病发展及判断预后具有重要意义㊂Myc下游调控基因2(N⁃Myc downstream regulated gene2,NDRG2)是NDRG家族的一员[3],是一种肿瘤抑制因子,其不仅有助于激素㊁离子㊁体液代谢和其他细胞代谢过程,而且还有助于应激反应,如在缺氧环境和脂质毒性下的反应[4]㊂已有研究[5]证明NDRG2与神经肿瘤㊁乳腺癌㊁肺癌㊁甲状腺癌等癌症之间存在相关性㊂此外, NDRG2在星形胶质细胞中表达丰富,其在脑卒中发病的作用引起越来越多的关注㊂哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR),是一种保守的丝氨酸/苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在生物体的许多生物过程中起着核心调节作用,包括代谢㊁蛋白质合成㊁能量平衡㊁增殖和存活[6]㊂目前mTOR信号通路在中枢神经系统疾病中所起作用受到越来越多的关注,尤其是缺血性脑损伤,但mTOR㊁NDRG2蛋白2种因子同时在缺血性脑卒中含量及相关性尚不清楚,本研究通过检测缺血性脑卒中外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量,分析二者相关性,讨论其对病人预后的预测价值㊂现作报道㊂1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 选取2020年6月至2021年6月本院收治的缺血性脑卒中病人300例为观察组,其中男166例,女134例,年龄55~72岁,平均年龄(61.15±8.37)岁㊂根据神经功能缺损评分(NIHSS)对病人病情严重程度进行评估,NHISS评分为<5分㊁5~20分㊁>20分分别代表轻度㊁中度㊁重度功能损伤,分为轻度组(n=99)㊁中度组(n= 113)㊁重度组(n=88)㊂根据出院90d改良Rankin 量表(mRS)分为预后不良组(mRS>3分,n=108)与预后良好组(mRS≤3分,n=192)㊂纳入标准: (1)符合缺血性脑卒中诊断标准,参考‘中国急性缺血性脑卒中诊治指南2014“[7];(2)经头颅CT和MRI影像学检查证实为缺血性脑卒中;(3)第1次发病,发病时间<72h;(4)病人家属或监护人均知情同意,并自愿签署知情同意书㊂排除标准:(1)颅脑外伤㊁颅内动脉瘤所致缺血性脑卒中;(2)排除有精神类疾病病人;(3)排除有恶性肿瘤㊁代谢紊乱㊁免疫疾病等;(4)近3个月内服用过影响凝血功能的药物如抗凝剂㊁溶栓等;(5)临床资料不完整病人㊂同期随机选择于本院体检的健康者278名为对照组,其中男150名,女128名,年龄58~75岁,平均年龄(59.94±7.52)岁㊂本研究获得本院伦理委员会批准㊂1.2 方法 1.2.1 主要试剂与仪器 人NDRG2蛋白ELISA 试剂盒购自睿信生物科技有限公司;人mTOR ELISA试剂盒(货号:ab279869)购自上海恒元生物科技有限公司;人D⁃二聚体(D⁃D)ELISA试剂盒(货号:ab229437)购自上海樊克生物科技有限公司;人脂蛋白(Lipoprotein,Lp)(a)ELISA试剂盒(货号:ab212165)购自上海仁捷生物科技有限公司;iChem⁃520型全自动生化仪购自深圳市美思康电子有限公司㊂1.2.2 样本采集 病人于入院次日采集静脉血5mL,对照组人群于体检当天采集静脉血5mL,均在3000r/min条件下离心10min,收集上清液转移至干净EP管中,-80℃保存,待统一检测㊂1.2.3 ELISA法检测外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 测定 采用ELISA法检测各组外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量,具体操作步骤按照试剂盒说明书进行㊂1.2.4 临床资料收集 收集所有研究对象临床资料,包括性别㊁年龄㊁吸烟史㊁饮酒史㊁糖尿病史㊁高血压史㊁冠心病史㊂采用全自动生化仪检测所有研究对象的三酰甘油(TG)㊁总胆固醇(TC)㊁高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL⁃C)㊁低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL⁃C)含量㊂循环酶法测定外周血同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)含量,ELISA试剂盒检测D⁃二聚体(D⁃D)㊁Lp(a)含量,免疫比浊法测定超敏C反应蛋白(Hs⁃CRP)含量㊂1.2.5 随访 根据改良Rankin量表(mRS)评分评估发病90d后的预后情况,mRS≤2分为预后良好, mRS≥3分为预后不良㊂1.3 统计学方法 采用t检验及Pearson相关分析和ROC特征曲线㊂2 结果2.1 一般资料比较 对照组与观察组病人的年龄㊁性别㊁吸烟史㊁饮酒史㊁高血压史㊁高脂血症㊁糖尿病㊁冠心病等一般资料比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)㊂观察组病人LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP表达显著高于对照组,HDL⁃C表达显著低于对照组(P<0.01)(见表1)㊂表1 2组一般资料比较(x±s)分组n男女年龄/岁吸烟史饮酒史高血压史高脂血症糖尿病冠心病观察组30016613461.15±8.37150178120675045对照组27815012859.94±7.5213516290453630 t 0.11* 1.820.12*0.07* 3.63* 3.49* 1.57* 2.26* P >0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05>0.05分组TG/(mmol/L)TC/(mmol/L)HDL⁃C/(mmol/L)LDL⁃C/(mmol/L)Hcy/(μmol/L)D⁃D/(mg/L)Lp(a)/(mmol/L)Hs⁃CRP/(mg/L)观察组 2.01±0.88 6.02±2.21 1.08±0.26 4.26±0.8515.15±3.850.95±0.2685.69±25.69 5.88±1.02对照组 1.43±0.72 4.25±1.53 1.25±0.33 2.78±0.8012.12±1.130.35±0.1630.26±7.43 2.08±0.56 t8.7011.26 6.8421.5113.0333.6735.7956.05 P<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01 *示χ2值2.2 观察组和对照组外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR 含量比较 观察组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR含量均显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)(见表2)㊂ 表2 观察组和对照组外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量比较(x±s;ng/mL)分组n NDRG2mTOR观察组3000.58±0.18 2.75±0.53对照组2780.31±0.11 1.55±0.34t 21.9332.63P <0.01<0.01 2.3 不同神经功能缺损程度病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量比较 病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR含量神经功能缺损重度组高于中度组和轻度组,中度组亦高于轻度组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)(见表3)㊂2.4 缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量与常规生化指标的相关性分析 缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量分别与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP呈正相关关系(P<0.01~P<0.05),与HDL⁃C呈负相关关系(P<0.01)(见表4)㊂2.5 预后良好和预后不良病人外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量比较 预后良好组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白与mTOR含量均低于预后不良组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)(见表5)㊂2.6 ROC曲线分析外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量预测缺血性脑卒中预后不良的价值 ROC结果显示,外周血NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR含量评估缺血性脑卒中预后不良AUC分别为0.733㊁0.952,敏感度分别为62.04%㊁89.81%,特异度分别为76.56%㊁89.58%;二者联合评估缺血性脑卒中AUC为0.958,敏感度为86.11%,特异度为93.23%(见表6)㊂ 表3 不同神经功能缺损程度病人外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR 含量比较(x±s;ng/mL)分组n NDRG2mTOR轻度组990.45±0.14*# 2.29±0.42*#中度组1130.58±0.17* 2.71±0.56*重度组880.71±0.23 3.31±0.62F 47.9884.28P <0.01<0.01MS组内 0.0300.290 q检验:与重度组比较*P<0.05;与中度组比较#P<0.05 表4 缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量与常规生化指标的相关性项目名称NDRG2 r P mTOR r P TG0.996<0.010.521<0.01TC0.128<0.050.588<0.01 HDL⁃C-0.556<0.01-0.481<0.01 LDL⁃C0.157<0.010.226<0.01Hcy0.521<0.010.192<0.01D⁃D0.312<0.010.138<0.05 Lp(a)0.299<0.010.132<0.05 Hs⁃CRP0.292<0.010.271<0.01 表5 预后良好和预后不良外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量比较(x±s;ng/mL)分组n NDRG2mTOR 预后良好组1920.38±0.21 1.75±0.43预后不良组1080.61±0.25 2.87±0.54 t 8.0818.50P <0.01<0.01 表6 外周血NDRG2㊁mTOR含量预测缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的价值分析指标截断值AUC敏感度/%特异度/%95%CI NDRG2>0.52ng/mL0.73362.0476.560.679~0.782 mTOR>2.24ng/mL0.95289.8189.580.921~0.973联合诊断 0.95886.1193.230.929~0.9783 讨论 随着我国人口老龄化加剧,缺血性脑卒中已成为死亡和残疾的主要原因㊂近年来,缺血性脑卒中有逐渐年轻化的趋势[8]㊂在中国每年有190余万人因为卒中死亡[9-10]㊂缺血性脑卒中的病理过程复杂,脑血管闭塞后血供中断,伴随着能量衰竭㊁酸中毒㊁兴奋性氨基酸释放㊁细胞内钙离子超载㊁自由基生成,最终导致脑实质坏死㊁凋亡㊁自噬等损伤[11]㊂目前缺血性脑卒中的主要治疗方法为溶栓治疗,但此方法受时间窗的限制[12-13]㊂加之缺血性脑卒中分子机制仍未完全阐明,早期诊断及预后评估标志物缺乏,迫切需要寻找有效预防手段㊂NDRG2是多种癌症的候选抑癌基因,在控制肿瘤生长和癌症发病率方面发挥积极作用,主要表达于大脑㊁心脏㊁肝脏㊁肾脏等多种组织器官[14];NDRG2可显著抑制肿瘤的生长㊁迁移㊁增殖和侵袭,促进细胞凋亡[15]; NDRG2与细胞增殖和应激反应有密切关系,参与全身多个器官的生理活动和功能调节,有研究[16]证明NDRG2可通过调节凋亡通路相关分子发挥作用进而参与脑卒中损伤机制㊂本研究中缺血性脑卒中病人与健康对照组人群相比外周血中NDRG2蛋白含量升高,随着神经功能缺损程度加重逐渐升高;此外,LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP水平显著高于对照组,HDL⁃C水平显著低于对照组, NDRG2蛋白与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP呈正相关关系,与HDL⁃C呈负相关关系,提示NDRG2参与缺血性脑卒中疾病的发生㊁发展进程,有可能成为预测缺血性能脑卒中病情严重程度的潜在生物学指标;研究进一步显示预后不良组病人外周血中NDRG2蛋白高于预后良好组,推测原因可能是:NDRG2过表达促进了星形胶质细胞凋亡,且可促进炎症介质的释放,增加局部炎性反应的同时加剧了脑细胞凋亡,从而使神经功能缺损程度加重,增加预后不良发生风险㊂ROC结果显示,NDRG2含量评估缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的AUC为0.733,对应的敏感度为62.04%,特异度分别为76.56%㊂表明NDRG2蛋白的异常高表达与缺血性脑卒中病人的不良预后密切相关,可作为诊断缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的潜在生物标志物㊂mTOR是细胞生命活动的重要调控分子,上游信号分子㊁下游信号蛋白和mTOR复合体共同组成mTOR的相关信号转导通路,其在细胞生长㊁存活以及凋亡等方面有重要作用[17]㊂mTOR广泛存在于中枢神经系统中,广泛表达于海马㊁下丘脑㊁大脑皮层中,可以整合多种生长调节信号,在多种神经退行性疾病中起关键作用[18]㊂本次研究发现与对照组相比,缺血性脑卒中病人外周血中mTOR含量升高,mTOR与LDL⁃C㊁TG㊁TC㊁Hcy㊁D⁃D㊁Lp(a)㊁Hs⁃CRP呈正相关关系,与HDL⁃C呈负相关关系,提示mTOR表达下调可作为诊断缺血性脑卒中的潜在生物学指标㊂本研究进一步发现,预后良好组病人外周血中mTOR含量低于预后不良组病人,分析原因可能是:缺血性脑卒中病人外周血mTOR水平增高加剧体内炎性反应,进一步加剧神经功能缺损程度,导致预后不良㊂ROC结果显示,mTOR含量预测缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的AUC为0.952,对应的敏感度为89.81%,特异度为89.58%㊂并且NDRG2蛋白与mTOR二者联合预测缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良的AUC为0.958,敏感度为86.11%,特异度为93.23%,提示二者共同参与缺血性脑卒中的发生发展,且对缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良具有较高的预测价值㊂临床可对外周血中NDRG2蛋白㊁mTOR水平升高的病人加强看护和及时调整治疗㊂综上,缺血性脑卒中病人外周血NDRG2蛋白与mTOR的含量均升高,可能参与缺血性脑卒中的病情发展,对缺血性脑卒中病人预后不良具有较高的预测价值,可作为临床诊断缺血性脑卒中病情发展的潜在外周血指标㊂但本研究样本量较少,后续还应开展更大样本量的研究对本结果进行验证㊂[参考文献][1] 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92 (22 羟乙基) 2 吖啶酮柱前衍生胆汁酸高效液相色谱分析
第32卷2004年9月 分析化学(FE NXI H UAX UE ) 研究报告Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 第9期1131~113492(22羟乙基)2吖啶酮柱前衍生胆汁酸高效液相色谱分析张 琳1 尤进茂2 张 曦1 田 燕1 段继诚1 梁 振1张维冰1 阎 超1 张玉奎311(中国科学院大连化学物理研究所,大连116011) 2(曲阜师范大学化学系,曲阜273165)摘 要 采用一种新型紫外、荧光衍生试剂92(22羟乙基)2吖啶酮(HE A ),在缩合剂12乙基232(32二甲氨丙基)2碳酰二亚胺(E DC ・HCl )及碱性催化剂42二甲氨基吡啶(DM AP )的存在下,对10种胆汁酸进行柱前衍生,并通过荧光检测的方法进行高效液相色谱(HP LC )分析。
在Hypersil BDS C 18柱上,采用梯度洗脱,10种胆汁酸衍生物获得了基线分离,衍生物的激发和发射波长为λex /λem =404/440nm 。
衍生产物稳定性好,检测灵敏度高,按信噪比S/N =3∶1,平均检出限可达8.3fm ol 。
关键词 胆汁酸,衍生,荧光检测,高效液相色谱 2003208212收稿;2004203225接受本文系国家自然科学基金(N o.20375040,N o.20175039,N o.20075016)资助项目1 引 言胆汁酸由于其独特的物理化学性质,对胆固醇的平衡、脂肪的消化及胆结石的形成起着关键作用。
Zhao [3]等曾利用RP 2HP LC 及柱后酶反应衍生荧光检测方法要求在高效液相色谱柱后增加酶柱,降低了色谱柱的分离效能,同时对分离条件有严格要求。
第21卷第2期高分子材料科学与工程V o l.21,N o.2 2005年3月POL Y M ER M A T ER I AL S SC IEN CE AND EN G I N EER I N G M ar.2005聚乙二醇 聚乙烯共混物薄膜表面的浓度梯度Ξ钱 浩,林志勇(华侨大学材料科学与工程学院,福建泉州362021)摘要:利用变角衰减全反射傅立叶转变红外光谱(A TR2FT2I R)法,分别以峰高和峰面积比为参考基准,分析了聚乙二醇 聚乙烯共混物薄膜的表面浓度梯度变化,认为在薄膜样品的制备过程中,金属模具的界面诱导作用是引起共混物薄膜表面层中产生浓度梯度的主要因素。
通过A TR2FT2I R法和水接触角法,分析了聚乙二醇组分的表面富集程度随本体浓度的变化,从聚乙二醇组分相畴尺寸和分散相密度的角度讨论了聚乙二醇组分表面富集的过程。
关键词:变角衰减全反射傅立叶转变红外光谱;梯度浓度;聚乙二醇中图分类号:TB383 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100027555(2005)022******* 聚合物制品的表面特性对其应用有重要的影响,而这些性能要求有时并不是聚合物自身所固有的,需要采取各种方法进行改性[1~3]。
在前期工作的基础上[6],我们采用可变角A TR2FT2 I R、接触角等方法对共混物的表面特性进行了研究,分析了表面改性剂在聚合物表面层中形成的浓度梯度结构,讨论了极性组分向表面选择性迁移富集的影响因素。
1 实验部分1.1 原料线性低密度聚乙烯:广州石化有限公司产品;聚乙二醇:分子量400,进口分装。
1.2 制备聚合物共混物和共混物薄膜聚乙烯和聚乙二醇共混物在流变仪的密炼室中混炼,混炼后取出,在室温中冷却。
Dimensionless formulae for penetration depth of concrete target impacted by a non-deformable project
Q.M. Li, X.W. Chen / International Journal of Impact Engineering 28 (2003) 93–116
between 27 and 312 m/s and assessed published empirical formulae on concrete impact. Comparison between various empirical formulae and published test data was conducted by Williams [3]. Recently proposed formulae on penetration depth and perforation limit are discussed in Refs. [5,6]. Among the most commonly used formulae are the Petry formula, the Army Corps of Engineers formula (ACE), the UKAEA formula (i.e., the Barr formula) and the National Defence Research Committee (NDRC) formula [1–5]. These empirical formulae provide the most reliable, straightforward approach to design a concrete protective structure. However, some shortcomings, as shown below, in these empirical formulae confine their applications. First, most of the empirical formulae are not dimensionally homogeneous, leading to the disadvantage of unit dependency. This makes it difficult to identify important physical quantities in a given empirical formula. There are few exceptions, e.g., Chang formula [7], Haldar formula [8] and Hughes formula [9], which are unit independent. Second, definition of nose shape factor in the existing empirical formulae is not unique. For example, in NDRC and relevant formulae, the nose shape factor NN is defined as 0.72 for flat nose, 0.84 for blunt nose, 1.0 for spherical nose and 1.14 for sharp nose. In Hughes formula [9], the nose shape coefficient NH is chosen as 1.0, 1.12, 1.26 and 1.39 for a flat, blunt, spherical and sharp nose, respectively. Thus, it is necessary to define a unique nose shape factor for empirical penetration formulae. Thirdly, most of the published empirical formulae are valid for a small range of penetration depth in the low to medium impact velocity range. For example, it was shown in Refs. [2,3] that the modified NDRC formula and the Barr formula give good prediction of penetration depth only in the range of 0:6oX =d o2:0: When the impact velocity falls in the range of 500–1000 m/s, which may be associated with a KE weapon attack, a kinetic fragment or a tornado-generated projectile, X =d could be quite large. Nash et al. [10] reported penetration tests impacted by a solid steel projectile at velocities between 365 and 610 m/s. Iremonger et al. [11] conducted penetration tests using arms rounds at velocities between 800 and 924 m/s, which showed a relatively poor agreement with existing empirical formulae due to the high deformability of the projectile. Systematic studies on penetration of concrete with ogive-nose projectile have been conducted by Forrestal et al. [12,13] and Frew et al. [14], which covered a broad range of concrete strengths for striking velocities up to 1 km/s (X =d ranges from 6.21 to 92.8) until nose erosion becomes excessive. In the present paper, a dimensionless formula on penetration depth is proposed using two dimensionless numbers, i.e., the impact function I and the geometry function of projectile N ; obtained from a dimensional analysis and a penetration model based on dynamic cavity expansion theory. It is shown that these two dimensionless numbers are capable of representing test data on penetration depth in a broad range of impact velocity as long as the projectile deformation is negligible, which covers the applicable range of empirical formulae.
10 B细胞 上
应答特点: 合成低亲和力IgM、多反应性、无Ig类别转换、无免疫记忆; 自发分泌针对微生物脂多糖和某些自身抗原的天然抗体
前B细胞 不成熟 B细胞 成熟B 细胞
重链基因 轻链基因
表面Ig 祖B细胞:表达Iga/Igb异源二聚体 大前B细胞:合成完整的μ链,表达前B受体 小前B细胞:轻链开始重排 不成熟B细胞:表达完整IgM,B细胞中枢免疫耐受的形成
未成熟B细胞结合骨髓中的自身抗原后诱导中枢 免疫耐受的机制 克隆清除(clone deletion)
重链可变区发生V-D-J重排轻链可变区V-J重排。 轻链重排过程中,首先优先进行k 链的重排,若k 链重排失败,则随即进行l 链重排
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1987
"for his discovery of the genetic principle for generation of antibody diversity"
这种抗体基因不是作为完整的基因, 而是作为片段散布在染色体上遗传 给下一代的。利用顺序组合的原理, 这些有限的抗体基因片段通过种种 组合,形成数量巨大的新的抗体基 因。这就是他发现的“抗体多样性 生成的遗传规律”理论的核心内容
Susumu Tonegawa 利根川进 1939 ~
• 只表达于不成熟阶段的淋巴细胞 • 特异性识别并切除V, (D), J基因片段两侧的重组信号序列 (RSS)的保守序列
nuo as iesntehp oa u frs J .C i h r cl ert nmt r i ipcmpso t[ ] hnP amao r t h a
f n t n o o s l i p c mp s e r n a d f t e u ci f d r a h p o a u n u o s n o h GI/GAB o u A
[ ] Qa Z agH Y, n . h linhobtena gr 1 ioM Q,hn WagH J T er a osi e e ne— et w
1 1 动物及 模 型制 备 . 1 1 ,0只 , 均
大 鼠作为对 照 , 分别取愤怒 、 郁怒模型组 以及经前平 、 经前 舒
给药组大 鼠的海 马用 以基 因芯 片检测 , 步筛选 出与 愤怒 、 初 郁怒密切相关 的基因 5H R C、 A A R - T 2 G B B 2和 5H R B, - T 3 运用 R —C TP R和 Wet nbo 技术仅对海 马中基 因 5H R C进一 s r l e t -T 2
1 材料 与 方法
文献标 识码 : 文章编 号 :0 1—17 (0 1 0 0 2 0 A 10 9 8 2 1 )3— 3 5— 4 摘要 : 目的 怒是影 响人类健 康 的重 要情 志 因素 , 为愤 怒 分 和郁怒两种 表达方式 , 两者诱 发病证 的机 制 尚未完全 明确 。 该文 主要 探索愤怒 、 郁怒情 志反应的微观机制 。方法 采用 居住人侵 和社 会隔离 的方 法制 备愤怒 、 怒反 应大 鼠模 型 , 郁 并分别予 以调肝方药经前 平颗 粒 、 前舒 颗粒 干预 , 经 以正 常
ʌ临证验案ɔ朱章志运用扶正祛邪法论治糖尿病经验❋曾绘域1,朱章志2ә,周㊀海3,陈㊀珺3,张文婧3(1.深圳市中西医结合医院,广东深圳㊀518104;2.广州中医药大学第一附属医院,广州㊀510405;3.广州中医药大学,广州㊀510405)㊀㊀摘要:糖尿病属于中医学 消渴病 范畴,以往医家多认为其病机为阴虚燥热,治疗以滋阴清热为法㊂朱章志教授通过长期的临床观察与实践,立足于张仲景 保胃气,扶阳气 的理论,认为糖尿病的病机为正虚邪滞,即太阴虚损㊁阳气不足㊁收敛不及,寒㊁水㊁湿之邪阻滞阳气运行通道㊂治疗上不囿陈法,以扶正祛邪为大法,通过固护太阴㊁扶助阳气㊁收敛阳气,祛除寒水湿之邪,恢复阳气运行之通畅,使阳气功能复常㊁运行有序,为糖尿病的治疗提供临床新思路㊂㊀㊀关键词:扶正祛邪;糖尿病;朱章志㊀㊀中图分类号:R587.1㊀㊀文献标识码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1006-3250(2021)01-0149-03Discussion on ZHU Zhang-zhi's Experience in Treating Diabetes Mellitus by Using The Method of Reinforcing The Healthy Qi and Eliminating The Pathogenic FactorsZENG Hui-yu 1,ZHU Zhang-zhi 2ә,ZHOU Hai 3,CHEN Jun 3,ZHANG Wen-jing 3(1.Shenzhen Hospital of Integrated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine,Guangdong,Shenzhen 518104,China;2.The First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,China;3.Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guangzhou 510405,China)㊀㊀Abstract :Diabetes mellitus belongs to the category of "xiao ke"in traditional Chinese medicine.Doctors used to think that its pathogenesis was Yin deficiency and dryness heat ,and the treatment was nourishing Yin and clearing heat.Through long-term clinical observation and practice ,and based on ZHANG Zhong-jing's theory of protecting stomach Qi and supporting Yng Q ,professor ZHU Zhang-zhi believes that the pathogenesis of diabetes is deficiency of healthy Qi and stagnation of pathogen.Because of the deficiency of greater Yin and Yang Qi ,and the lack of convergence ,the cold ,water and dampness block the operational channel of Yang Qi.The treatment of diabetes mellitus should be based on reinforcing the healthy Qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors.By strengthening Taiyin ,supporting Yang Qi ,astringent Yang Qi ,dispelling the evil of cold ,water and dampness ,we can restore the smooth operation of Yang Qi ,restore the function of Yang Qi to normal and operate orderly ,which provides a new clinical method for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.㊀㊀Key words :Reinforcing the healthy Qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors ;Diabetes mellitus ;ZHU Zhang-zhi❋基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(81873190)-降糖三黄片在糖脂毒性所致胰岛β细胞损伤的自噬调控作用作者简介:曾绘域(1990-),女,广东云浮人,住院医师,硕士研究生,从事六经辨治内分泌疾病的临床与研究㊂ә通讯作者:朱章志(1963-),男,湖南衡阳人,主任医师,博士研究生导师,从事六经辨治内分泌疾病的临床与研究,Tel :************,E-mail :zhuangi@ ㊂㊀㊀随着人口老龄化和生活方式的改变,我国糖尿病的患病率呈上升趋势,2013年我国18岁以上人群糖尿病患病率为10.4%[1]㊂中医药在延缓糖尿病的进展及防治其并发症方面具有一定优势[2-4]㊂糖尿病属于中医学 消渴病 范畴,以往医家多认为其病机为阴虚燥热,治疗以滋阴清热为法,但疗效尚不能令人满意㊂朱章志教授通过长期的临床观察与实践,认为正虚邪滞乃糖尿病病机之核心,采用扶正祛邪法治之屡获奇效㊂1㊀正虚邪滞之糖尿病病机‘素问㊃经脉别论篇“曰: 饮入于胃,游溢精气,上输于脾,脾气散精 水精四布,五经并行㊂食物入胃,经脾胃运化化生精气,然后输布全身㊂糖尿病患者常嗜食肥甘,起居无常,烦劳紧张,致太阴虚损,正气内虚,阳气戕伐,津液代谢异常,而生寒水湿之邪㊂寒㊁水㊁湿之邪气作为阴邪,又可阻滞阳气运行之通道㊂阳气运行通道不畅,不能敷布温煦四肢,可见手足逆冷;阳气运行受阻,又可出现郁而化热之象㊂因此朱章志认为,疗糖尿病的关键在于恢复阳气运行之通畅,根据糖尿病正虚邪滞的病机,治疗以扶正祛邪为法,顾护太阴㊁扶助阳气㊁收敛阳气,祛除寒水湿之邪,使阳气功能复常则行有序㊂2㊀运用扶正祛邪法治疗糖尿病2.1㊀扶正2.1.1㊀固护中气,扶助阳气㊀张仲景遣方用药常体现 保胃气 之思想[5],如桂枝汤中配伍生姜㊁大枣㊁炙甘草,发汗祛邪不忘顾护中气;又如白虎汤中加梗米㊁炙甘草以和中益胃,又可防止石膏㊁知母大寒伤中㊂ 有胃气则生,无胃气则死 ,故扶正之要以保胃气为先㊂朱章志认为,阳气在人体的生命活动中占主导9412021年1月第27卷第1期January 2021Vol.27.No.1㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine地位㊂‘素问㊃生气通天论篇“曰: 阳气者若天与日,失其所则折寿而不彰 是故阳因而上,卫外者也㊂ ‘黄帝内经“把阳气比作太阳,阳气运行失常可致短寿㊂阳气具有抵御外邪㊁护卫生命㊁维持机体生命活动的作用,津液的气化㊁血液的运行均需阳气的温煦与推动㊂因此,在人体的阴阳平衡中阳气起着主导作用㊂朱章志认为,正气虚衰㊁太阴虚损㊁阳气不足是糖尿病发生发展之根本原因,因此扶正首当 固护中气,扶助阳气 ,故常以附子理中汤为底方,固护中宫㊂太阴脾土居中央,犹如足球比赛之中场,能联系前锋与后卫进可攻退可守,进可充养肺卫之气抵御外邪,退可顾护少阴以防寒邪内陷㊂‘四圣心源㊃卷二太阴湿土“提到: 湿者,太阴土气之所化也故胃家之燥,不敌脾家之湿,病则土燥者少而土湿者多也㊂[6] 阴脾土易挟寒湿,附子理中汤功善固护中气㊁温补脾阳而散寒湿,为治疗太阴阳虚寒湿之要方㊂方中附子辛温大热,补坎中真阳,又能散寒湿,荡去群阴;干姜去脏腑沉寒痼冷,温暖脾土,复兴火种;人参被誉为 百草之王 能大补元气,为扶正固本之极品;白术味苦性温,功善健脾燥湿,乃扶植太阴之要药;炙甘草善益气补中,调和药性,诸药合用以收培补中阳㊁散寒除湿之效㊂若其人神疲懒言,气虚较甚,在附子理中汤的基础上可重用红参㊁北芪以大补元气,健脾益气;若其人四肢不温㊁肢体困重㊁寒湿较重者,可加重附子㊁干姜之量,并加细辛㊁吴茱萸以散久寒;若其人口干口苦㊁舌苔黄腻㊁大便黏滞不爽兼夹湿热之象,可仿当归拈痛汤之意,加茵陈㊁当归㊁黄芩以利湿清热㊂2.1.2㊀收敛阳气,阳密乃固㊀朱章志认为, 阴 可理解为 阳气 的收敛㊁收藏状态,糖尿病 阴虚燥热 之象乃阳气不足㊁收敛不及㊁升发太过所致[7]㊂‘素问㊃生气通天论篇“提到: 阳气者,烦劳则张 ㊂现代人起居无节,以妄为常,阳气因而不能潜藏,常常浮越于外容易出现假热之象,医者不察,妄投清热泻火之品,实乃雪上加霜㊂ 凡阴阳之要,阳密乃固 ,收敛阳气即是扶正,犹如太极之能收能放,收敛是为了聚集能量,阳气固密,正气才能强盛,方能更好的制敌㊂朱章志常用砂仁㊁肉桂㊁白芍㊁山萸肉㊁泽泻等药物收敛阳气㊂砂仁辛温,既能宣太阴之寒湿,又能纳气归肾,使阳气收敛于少阴,少火生气㊂‘本草经疏“提到: 缩砂蜜,辛能散,又能润 辛以润肾,故使气下行 气下则气得归元㊂[8] 肉桂引火归原,导浮越之阳气归于命门,益火消阴㊂若患者出现咽痛㊁牙龈肿痛㊁痤疮等阳气不敛㊁虚火上冲之象,常用砂仁㊁肉桂以收敛阳气,纳气归肾,引火归原㊂白芍味酸能敛,敛降甲木胆火,使相火归位㊂‘本草求真“曰: 气之盛者,必赖酸为之收,故白芍号为敛肝之液,收肝之气,而令气不妄行也㊂[9] 朱章志常使用白芍以补肝之体㊁助肝之用,收敛肝气,肝平则郁气自除,火热自消㊂山萸肉秘精气㊁敛阳气,使龙雷之火归于水中㊂朱章志常用山萸肉收敛正气,遇汗出多者,常重用以固涩敛汗㊂泽泻能泻能降,能入肾泻浊,开气化之源,泻浊以利扶正,又能降气而引火下行㊂朱章志常用泽泻打通西方潜藏之要塞[10],在温阳之品中加入泽泻,利于阳气潜藏,使孤阳有归㊂2.1.3㊀填补阴精,以滋化源㊀‘素问㊃金匮真言论篇“提到: 夫精者,身之本也㊂ 精 是人体生命活动的物质基础,能化气生髓,濡养脏腑㊂人体之精禀受于父母,又由后天水谷之精不断充养,归藏于肾中㊂ 孤阴不生,独阳不长 ,无阳则阴无以生,无阴则阳无以化㊂肾乃水火之脏,阴精充足才能涵养坎中真火,使真阳固密于内,化生正气㊂朱章志常在秋冬之季嘱糖尿病患者进补阿胶等血肉有情之品填补肾精㊂肾主封藏,秋冬进补使肾精充养,以滋阳气化生之源㊂阿胶用黄酒烊化,既能祛除阿胶之腥,又能借黄酒通行之性解阿胶滋腻碍胃之弊,每日少量服用,以有形之精难以速生,填补肾精以缓补为要㊂除此之外,遣方用药时亦会注意顾护阴精,在使用温阳药的同时常常配伍山萸肉㊁白芍等养阴药,以防温燥伤阴之弊㊂2.2㊀祛邪2.2.1㊀外散寒水以运太阳㊀ 太阳为开 ,太阳乃三阳之表,巨阳也,其性开泄以应天,为祛邪之重要通道㊂在运气里,太阳在天为寒,在地为水,合而为太阳寒水㊂张仲景太阳病篇研究的是水循环过程,治太阳就是治水[11]㊂寒㊁水之邪闭郁在表,气血运行不畅,可见肌肤麻木不仁㊂邪气滞留太阳,阻碍阳气运行,当因势利导㊁开太阳之表以发汗,外散寒㊁水之邪㊂糖尿病患者正气亏虚为本,祛邪不能伤正,朱章志临床常用桂枝麻黄各半汤小发其汗,使玄府开张,邪有出路㊂桂枝麻黄各半汤乃发汗轻剂,为桂枝汤与麻黄汤相合而得,其中麻黄㊁桂枝㊁生姜㊁北杏发散宣肺以开皮毛,芍药㊁大枣㊁炙甘草酸甘化阴以益营,诸药相合,刚柔相济,祛邪而不伤正㊂邪去正安,阳气运行通畅,水液代谢复常则阳气自充,而无寒水之扰㊂若寒邪较重可用三拗汤,此为麻黄汤去桂枝而成,功善开宣肺气,疏散风寒,因去辛温之桂枝发汗力不及麻黄汤,祛邪而不伤正㊂2.2.2㊀下利水湿以健少阴㊀少阴乃水火交会之脏,元气之根,人身立命之本㊂‘医理真传“提到: 坎中真阳,一名龙雷火,发而为病,一名元阳外越,一名孤阳上浮,一名虚火上冲㊂此际之龙,乃初生之龙,不能飞腾而兴云布雨,惟潜于渊中,以水为家,以水为性,遂安其在下之位㊂水盛一分龙亦盛一分,水高一尺龙亦高一尺,是龙之因水盛而游 [12]㊂阴盛051中国中医基础医学杂志Journal of Basic Chinese Medicine㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀2021年1月第27卷第1期January2021Vol.27.No.1则阳衰,水湿之邪泛滥,则龙雷之火因而飞越在外㊂叶天士深谙张仲景之理,提到 通阳不在温,而在利小便 [10,13],通过利小便的方法,使水湿之邪从下而解,阳气运行通道无水湿之邪阻碍,则阳气无需温养而自通,水盛得除则真龙亦安其位㊂朱章志常用五苓散㊁真武汤下利水湿,以复阳气之通达,少阴之健运㊂五苓散具有通阳化气利水之效,治疗膀胱气化不利形成的蓄水证㊂方中猪苓㊁茯苓㊁泽泻导水湿之邪下行;白术健脾燥湿,杜绝生湿之源;桂枝助膀胱气化,通阳化气行水又通气于表,使全身在表之湿邪皆得解,五药合用,膀胱气化复常,水道通调使小便得利,水湿得出㊂真武汤为治疗少阴阳虚㊁水气泛滥之主方,方中附子振奋少阴阳气,使水有所主;白术㊁茯苓健脾制水;生姜助附子敷布阳气,宣散水气;芍药利小便,制附㊁姜之燥,五味相合共奏温阳利水之功㊂2.2.3㊀开郁逐寒以畅厥阴㊀肝为将军之官,肝气主动主升发,能统帅兵马,捍卫君主㊂厥阴肝经,体阴用阳,内寄相火,相火敷布阳气,祛阴除寒,是祛邪的先锋主力军㊂朱章志常用吴茱萸汤祛除厥阴肝经之寒邪,恢复肝经阳气之运行㊂方中吴茱萸辛苦而温,芳香而燥,‘本草汇言“曰: 开郁化滞,逐冷降气之药 [14],能温胃暖肝,降浊阴止呕逆,为治疗肝寒之要药㊂配以生姜温胃散寒,佐以人参㊁大枣健脾益气补虚,全方散寒与降逆并施,共奏暖肝温胃㊁降逆止呕之效㊂‘素问㊃至真要大论篇“说: 帝曰:厥阴何也?岐伯曰:两阴交尽也㊂ 物极必反,重阴必阳㊂厥阴为阴尽阳生之脏,足厥阴肝经与足少阳胆经互为表里,若出现肝气不疏㊁枢机不利㊁气郁化火,朱章志常用小柴胡汤和畅枢机,开郁以复气机调达㊂方中柴胡疏泄肝胆之气;黄芩清泄胆火,一疏一清,气郁通达,火郁得发;生姜㊁半夏和胃降逆;人参㊁大枣㊁炙甘草固护中宫,全方寒温并用㊁补泻兼施,以复厥阴疏泄之职,使气机和畅㊁阳气运行有序㊂3㊀典型病案患者杨某,女,65岁,2017年3月10日初诊:2型糖尿病病史6年余,症见疲乏,双下肢轻度浮肿,下肢冰凉,背部易汗出,口苦口干,偶有腰膝酸软,纳眠可,二便调,舌淡暗,苔黄腻,脉沉细㊂辅助检查示糖化血红蛋白10.8%,空腹血糖14.59mmol/L,总胆固醇6.38mmol/L,甘油三酯3.66mmol/L,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇4.34mmol/L㊂西医诊断2型糖尿病㊁高脂血症,治疗给予门冬胰岛素30(早餐前22u晚餐前20u)控制血糖,阿托伐他汀钙片(20mg, qn)调脂㊂中医诊断消渴病,少阴阳虚寒湿证㊂患者少阴阳气衰微不足以养神,固见疲乏;腰为肾之府,少阴阳虚则见腰膝酸软,阳虚寒盛则见下肢冰凉;背部正中乃督脉运行之所,阳气虚衰无以固摄则见背部汗出;少阴阳虚不能主水,寒水泛滥则见双下肢浮肿;水湿内停有郁而化热之象,则见口苦口干㊁舌苔黄腻㊁舌淡暗,脉沉细为少阴阳虚寒湿之征,治以温阳散寒㊁利水除湿为法㊂方以扶正祛邪方合当归拈痛汤加减:炮附片10g(先煎1h),红参10g (另炖),干姜15g,白术30g,炙甘草15g,桂枝12 g,麻黄8g,生姜30g,猪苓10g,泽泻30g,茯苓30 g,白芍30g,酒萸肉45g,当归15g,茵陈10g,5剂水煎服,2d1剂,水煎至250ml,饭后分2次服用,次日复煎㊂方中以附子理中汤为底方温补中焦,散寒除湿;加桂枝㊁麻黄使寒湿之邪从皮毛而解;加五苓散通阳化气,使湿邪从下而出;生姜散寒除湿;白芍㊁酒萸肉收敛阳气,以助正气祛邪;当归活血利水;茵陈清热利湿㊂2017年3月24日二诊:患者双下肢浮肿减轻,疲乏较前好转,无口干口苦,无腰膝酸软,仍觉下肢冰凉,背部仍有汗出,动则尤甚,大便每日二行,质偏烂,舌淡暗,苔白腻,脉细㊂患者大便质烂,乃邪有出路,导水湿之邪从大便而解㊂患者无口干口苦,舌苔由黄腻转为白腻,知湿郁化热之象已除,遂去茵陈㊂仍觉下肢冰凉乃内有久寒,加制吴茱萸12g以散沉寒痼冷;上方加酒萸肉至60g以加强收敛阳气㊁固摄敛汗之效,加黄芪60g以健脾益气敛汗;加砂仁6g(后下)㊁肉桂3g(焗服)以加强收敛阳气㊁扶助正气之效,7剂水煎服,服法同前㊂2017年4月7日三诊:患者背部汗出减少,下肢转温,余症皆除,大便每日二行质软,舌淡红,苔薄白,脉细较前有力,继续服二诊方药5剂㊂后给予附子理中丸(每次8粒,每日3次)服用1个月巩固疗效㊂2017年11月17日复诊:患者上述症状皆除,纳眠可,二便调㊂复查糖化血红蛋白6.8%,空腹血糖6.5mmol/L,总胆固醇5.14mmol/L,甘油三酯1.65 mmol/L,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇2.43mmol/L㊂4㊀结语以往医家多以滋阴清热为法治疗糖尿病,通过长期的临床实践,朱章志不囿陈法,根据糖尿病患者当前之病因病机特点,运用扶正祛邪法治疗糖尿病,通过顾护太阴㊁扶助阳气㊁收敛阳气,祛除寒水湿之邪气,恢复阳气运行之通畅,为糖尿病的治疗提供新思路㊂参考文献:[1]㊀WANG L GAO-P-ZHANG-M,et al.Prevalence and EthnicPattern of Diabetes and Prediabetes in China in2013[J].JAMA,2017,317(24):2515-2523.[2]㊀谭宏韬,刘树林,朱章志,等. 首辨阴阳,再辨六经 论治惠州地区2型糖尿病的临床观察[J].中华中医药杂志,2018,33(9):4240-4244.(下转第181页)offspring of sleep-deprived mice[J].Psychoneuroendocrinology,2009,35(5):775-784.[9]㊀覃甘梅,覃骊兰.心肾不交型失眠动物模型研究进展[J].中华中医药杂志,2018,33(1):229-231.[10]㊀吕志平,刘承才.肝郁致瘀机理探讨[J].中医杂志,2000,41(6):367-368.[11]㊀游秋云,王平,田代志,等.老年肝郁失眠证候大鼠模型的建立和评价[J].中国实验方剂学杂志,2013,19(2):222-225. 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基金项目:科技部2018年十三五传染病重大专项(2018ZX10302205-003);上海市科学技术委员会资助项目(17411960500);上海市 浦东新区卫生系统重要薄弱学科建设资助项目(PWZbr2017-01)作者简介:别立翰,男,1985年生,学士,主管技师,主要从事糖类肿瘤标志物研究。
唾液酸类标志物在肿瘤发生发展中的研究进展别立翰1, 房 萌1, 陆志成2, 高春芳1(1. 上海东方肝胆外科医院实验诊断科,上海 200438;2. 上海中医药大学附属第七人民医院医学检验科,上海 200137)摘要:在肿瘤的发生、发展中,唾液酸转移酶的异常表达可调节肿瘤细胞的生物学特性。
关键词:唾液酸化;唾液酸转移酶;肿瘤Research progress of sialic acid markers in tumor occurrence and development BIE Lihan 1,FANG Meng 1,LU Zhicheng 2,GAO Chunfang 1.(1. Department of Laboratory Diagnosis ,Shanghai Eastern Hepatobiliary Surgery Hospital ,Shanghai 200438,China ;2. Department of Clinical Laboratory ,the Seventh People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine ,Shanghai 200137,China )Abstract :In the occurrence and development of tumors ,the abnormal expression of sialyltransferase can regulate the biological characteristics of tumor cells. Abnormal sialylation can enhance the adhesion and metastasis ability of tumor cells ,and can enhance tumor resistance to chemotherapy drugs. The abnormal expression of sialyltransferase is also related to the tissue and organ specificity of tumor metastasis. Sialic acid-modified glycoproteins with abnormal structures are of value in the early diagnosis and prognostic evaluation of tumors ,which makes it possible to find new tumor markers. This review introduces the related mechanisms of sialylation affecting tumor occurrence and development in the recent years and the role of serum sialic acid markers in tumor diagnosis and prognosis.Key words :Sialylation ;Sialyltransferase ;Tumor文章编号:1673-8640(2020)12-1304-06 中图分类号:R446.1 文献标志码:A DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1673-8640.2020.12.025糖基化是蛋白质翻译后修饰的主要方式,糖链结构的变化与病理生理过程相关。
·120· Chinese Journal of Information on TCM Mar.2021 Vol.28 No.3 高荣林从肝脾辨治高血压病经验戴方圆,李思琪,李平北京中医药大学第三附属医院,北京 100029摘要:“诸风掉眩,皆属于肝”,高荣林教授结合高血压病血压升高、头晕、头痛、疲乏等症状,从肝脾论治,认为本病基本病机为本虚标实,本虚即脾虚,标实即肝风(阳)上扰。
关键词:名医经验;高荣林;高血压病;肝脾同治中图分类号:R259.441 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2021)03-0120-03DOI:10.19879/ki.1005-5304.201908087 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):Experience of Gao Ronglin in Treating Hypertension from Syndrome DifferentiationTreatment of Liver and SpleenDAI Fangyuan, LI Siqi, LI PingThird Affiliated Hospital of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China Abstract: “The winds and dizziness belong to the liver.” Combined with symptoms of hypertension, such as high blood pressure, dizziness, headache, fatigue and so on, Professor Gao Ronglin treats hypertension from the liver and spleen. He believes that the basic pathogenesis of hypertension is the deficiency in essence and excess in symptoms: deficiency in essence means spleen deficiency, and excess in symptoms means the disturbance of liver wind (yang). Based on this, 3 methods of treating the spleen were proposed: transporting in tonifying, nourishing spleen and reducing phlegm, and tonifying qi and yin; 9 methods of treating the liver: calming the liver, softening the liver, balancing the liver, nourishing the liver, smoothing the liver, regulating the liver, clearing the liver, cooling down the liver, and tonifying the liver. Its prescriptions and medication are exquisite and the clinical efficacy is quite good.Keywords: experience of famous doctors; Gao Ronglin; hypertension; Simultaneous treatment of liver and spleen临床上,目前西医治疗高血压病常用降压药物有利尿剂、血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂、血管紧张素Ⅱ受体阻滞剂、β-受体阻滞剂等,单纯西药可起到良好降压效果,但无法有效缓解患者眩晕、头痛、乏力等症状,且不良反应较多[1]。
鉴定和预测长非编码RNAs的生物信息学方法第27卷第7期2015年7月生命科学Chinese Bulletin of Life SciencesV ol. 27, No. 7Jul, 2015文章编号:1004-0374(2015)07-0946-07DOI: 10.13376/j.cbls/2015131技术与应用 ?收稿日期:2015-01-06;修回日期:2015-02-26基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ13C060002);国家自然科学基金项目(31301084);宁波大学王宽诚教育基金*通信作者:E-mail: liaoqi@/doc/5410030701.html;Tel: 0574-********鉴定和预测长非编码RNAs 的生物信息学方法陈思佟1,岑益2,柳建发1,李洋1,廖奇1*(1 宁波大学医学院,宁波 315211;2 宁波市公安局鄞州分局,宁波 315100)摘要:越来越多的研究表明,长非编码RNAs(long non-coding RNAs, lncRNAs)可以调节蛋白质编码基因的表达、稳定性及亚细胞定位,参与众多重要的生物过程。
由于lncRNAs 是一类新发现的非编码RNAs ,挖掘各物种的lncRNAs 仍然是一个值得研究的问题。
其中,利用生物信息学方法挖掘和鉴定lncRNAs 已经成为当前生物信息学家研究的一个热点。
现就基于生物信息学方法对lncRNAs 的鉴定研究作一综述,主要内容分为两大类:基于测序和基于特征的计算机预测方法。
基于测序又包括EST 测序、cDNA 测序及二代转录组RNA 测序;而基于特征的计算机预测则主要包含基于序列保守性、基于碱基排列顺序及基于表观遗传修饰特征。
通过以上几方面的论述,来阐明目前lncRNAs 鉴定方法的现状和进展。
关键词:长非编码RNAs ;鉴定;计算机预测,测序中图分类号:Q522;Q612 文献标志码:A Bioinformatics methods of identifying and predicting long noncoding RNAsCHEN Si-T ong 1, CEN Yi 2, LIU Jian-Fa 1, LI Yang 1, LIAO Qi 1*(1 School of Medicine, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China; 2 Yinzhou Branch ofNingbo Public Security Bureau, Ningbo 315100, China)Abstract: More and more researches show that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play an important role in a number of biological processes through regulating the expression, stability and subcellular location of protein-coding genes. As lncRNAs are a kind of ncRNAs recently found, identification of lncRNAs in each organism is an emergency task. Among them, identification of lncRNAs using bioinformatics methods is a hot topic for bioinformatists. In this review, we mainly summarize the bioinformatics approaches of lncRNAs identification and prediction. The mothods are divided into two major parts: sequencing technology-based method and sequence characters-based computational prediction method. Sequencing technology-based method includes EST sequencing, cDNA sequencing and next-generation RNA-seq, while sequence characters-based computational prediction method includes sequence conservation, nucleotide arrangement and epigenetics modifications. The review aids to clarify the present status and progress of lncRNAs identification method.Key words: long noncoding RNAs; identification; computational prediction; sequencing真核生物的基因组由庞大的DNA 序列构成,其中有50%的DNA 可以转录成RNA ,但约有5%的RNA 负责翻译蛋白质,剩余的大概95%则被称为非编码RNA (non-coding RNA, ncRNA)。
双重响应两亲性聚前药的合成及其在药物控释方面的应用韩克;张国颖【摘要】通过可逆加成-断裂链转移(RA FT)聚合制备了能够对紫外光和还原环境进行双重响应,以聚乙二醇为亲水嵌段、以侧基中分别含有邻硝基苄硫醚结构的甲基丙烯酸酯衍生物单体及含二硫键结构的喜树碱(CPT)前药单体的共聚嵌段为疏水嵌段的两亲性聚前药.采用紫外-可见吸收光谱和动态光散射跟踪研究了由该聚前药自组装得到的复合囊泡组装体的光响应特性及喜树碱原药分子的释放过程.结果表明,紫外光照可以有效促进CPT 的释放,经紫外光照20 min后,CPT在96 h内的累积释放量可达近60%.%Polymeric assemblies capable of in-situ constructing redox microenvironments in the hydrophobic domains were designed and fabricated to promote the release of covalently conjugated camptothecin(CPT) drug molecules.The ultraviolet(UV)and redox responsive amphiphilic polyprodrug diblock copolymer, PEG-b-P(NTMA-co-CPTM), was synthesized via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT)polymerization,in which the hydrophilic block was polyethylene glycol(PEG)and the hydrophobic block was copolymerized from two kinds of stimuli-responsive methacrylate derivative monomers,UV-responsive NTMA monomer and redox-sensitive CPTM monomer.In the side group of (2-(3-(4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzyl)mercapto-propanamido)ethoxycarbonylamino)ethyl methacrylate (NTMA)monomer,o-nitrobenzyl thioether moiety was introduced to protect the mercapto group;while in the side group of CPTM prodrug monomer,CPT drug moiety was linked to the ethyl group of ethylmethacrylate via disulfide linkage.T he chemical and chain structure of the corresponding monomers and diblock polymers were characterized by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance(NMR),High Performance Liquid Chromatography(HPLC),Electron Spray Ionization Mass Spectrometry(ESI-MS)and Gel Permeation Chromatography(GPC).The prepared amphiphilic PEG-b-P(NTMA-co-CPTM)diblock polyprodrug copolymer could self-assemble into compound vesicles in aqueous solution,as confirmed by Transmission Electron Microscope(TEM)and Dynamic LightScattering(DLS)measurements.The dual responsiveness of the P(NTMA-co-CPTM)compound vesicles and the release of CPT were monitored via Ultraviolet-Visible(UV-Vis)spectroscopy and DLS.It was found that under UV irradiation,in the side chains of P(NTMA-co-CPTM)blocks,mercapto groups could be decaged due to the photo-cleavage of the o-nitrobenzyl thioether moieties,thus in-situ constructing reductive microenvironments in the hydrophobic domains of the compound vesicles.Then,CPT drug molecules were released via the exchange reaction between the decaged mercapto groups and the adjacent disulfide linkages.After being subjected to UV irradiation for 20 min,the cumulative release of CPT drug molecules within 96 h from PEG-b-P(NTMA-co-CPTM)compound vesicles was as high as 60%,comparable to the result obtained within the same duration time after addition of 5 mmol/L glutathione(GSH)and without UV irradiation.【期刊名称】《功能高分子学报》【年(卷),期】2018(031)002【总页数】11页(P98-107,127)【关键词】双重响应性;两亲性聚前药;自组装;复合囊泡【作者】韩克;张国颖【作者单位】中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系,合肥230026;中国科学技术大学高分子科学与工程系,合肥230026【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O63刺激响应性聚合物是一类能够对外界的物理、化学和生物类等刺激做出响应的功能高分子。
第29卷,第7期 光谱学与光谱分析Vol 129,No 17,pp1889218912009年7月 Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis J uly ,2009 胸腺嘧啶在改进银溶胶溶液中的表面增强拉曼散射光谱信号与浓度的定量关系张 磊1,张玉兰1,张 伟1,王文明1,杜一平13,Yukihiro Ozaki 211华东理工大学分析测试中心,上海 200237 21School of Science and Technology ,Kwansei 2Gakuin University ,Sanda 66921337,J apan摘 要 尝试使用高分子材料作为银溶胶的稳定剂,以吡啶作为内标化合物研究胸腺嘧啶浓度与其SERS信号强度的关系。
在胸腺嘧啶的浓度为2×10-4~1×10-3mol ・L -1的范围内,谱峰强度之比与胸腺嘧啶的浓度之间呈现良好的线性关系,线性回归方程为y =31143x +013487,线性相关系数R 2=019754。
关键词 表面增强拉曼散射;胸腺嘧啶;稳定剂中图分类号:O65713 文献标识码:A DOI :1013964/j 1issn 1100020593(2009)0721889203 收稿日期:2008203228,修订日期:2008206229 基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划“973”项目(2007CB914104)和上海市科委纳米专项项目(0652mm020)资助 作者简介:张 磊,1984年生,华东理工大学分析测试中心硕士研究生 3通讯联系人 e 2mail :yipingdu @引 言 自从1974年Fleischmann [1]等发现吸附在银电极粗糙表面上吡啶的表面增强拉曼散射光谱(SERS )以来,SERS 由于具有灵敏度高、水干扰小等特点,被广泛应用于药物分析,生物化学等方面[224]。
SERS 效应与基底的关系十分密切,基底制作的好坏直接影响着SERS 效果[5]。
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Edge and impurity response intwo-dimensional quantum antiferromagnetsMax A.Metlitski and Subir SachdevDepartment of Physics,Harvard University,Cambridge MA 02138(Dated:August 4,2008)Abstract Motivated by recent Monte-Carlo simulations of H¨o glund and Sandvik (arXiv:0808.0408),we study edge response in square lattice quantum antiferromagnets.We use the O(3)non-linear σ-model to compute the decay asymptotics of the staggered magnetization,energy density and local magnetic susceptibility away from the edge.We find that the total edge susceptibility is negative and diverges logarithmically as the temperature T →0.We confirm the predictions of the continuum theory by performing a 1/S expansion of the microscopic Heisenberg model with the edge.We propose a qualitative explanation of the edge dimerization seen in Monte-Carlo simulations by a theory of valence-bond-solid correlations in the N´e el state.We also discuss the extension of the latter theory to the response of a single non-magnetic impurity,and its connection to the theory of the deconfined critical point.a r X i v :0808.0496v 1 [c o n d -m a t .s t r -e l ] 4 A u g 2008I.INTRODUCTIONThe Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is one of the best known model magnetic systems.It has been studied extensively both numerically by quantum Monte-Carlo and analytically by1/S expansion andfield-theoretic methods.It is known to have an ordered ground state at zero temperature with the staggered magnetization reduced by quantumfluctuations to N b= N =0.307for the spin S=1/2.1Despite many years of study,the simple Heisenberg model does not cease to surprise us. Recent Monte-Carlo simulations2on the S=1/2model have shown that the edge response in this system is very peculiar.In particular,a negative edge susceptibility is observed at low temperatures.This result is in contrast with an intuitive picture of a“dangling”edge spin leading to an enhancement in the susceptibility.The simulation of local susceptibility near the edge shows that the negative sign does not come from the edge spins per se,whose susceptibility is,indeed,enhanced,but rather from a tail in the response decaying away from the edge.Another curious effect observed in Ref.2is the dimerization of bond response near the edge,leading to the appearance of a comb-like structure,as in Fig.1.The tendency to dimerize into singlets near the edge was argued in Ref.2to be the source of negative edge susceptibility.FIG.1:A schematic picture of the comb structure in bond strengths observed in Monte-Carlo simulations2,with a free edge on the left side.In the present paper,we study large-distance asymptotics of the edge response of a square lattice quantum antiferromagnet by means of an effective O(3)σ-model description. Thisfield-theoretic method is an expansion in powers of energy and momentum,with the microscopic physics entering at each order through afinite number of parameters,such as the spin-wave speed c,the spin stiffnessρs and the value of the staggered moment N b.1 The O(3)σ-model has proved powerful for studyingfinite temperature/size effects,which typically lead to a crossover into an O(3)model of lower dimension.3It turns out to be also1We will use the subscript b from here on to denote bulk properties.useful for studying the edge behaviour,particularly as no new parameters beyond the bulk ones are needed to describe the leading low temperature,large distance asymptotics in the edge response.We concentrate our attention on the staggered moment N (x ) ,the local energy density (x ) and the local magnetic susceptibility χ⊥(x ).We show that at zero temperature these quantities approach their bulk values away from the edge with simple power law forms,N (x ) −N b N b =−c 8πρs x (1.1) (x ) − b =c 16πx 3(1.2)χ⊥(x )−χ⊥,b =−18πxc (1.3)Integrating eq.(1.3),we conclude that the total edge susceptibility per unit edge length is negative and diverges logarithmically with the system size,χ⊥,edge =−18πc log(L/a )(1.4)We show that at finite temperature the 1/x power law in the susceptibility (1.3)is cut-offfor distances larger than the thermal wave-length,x c/T ,leading to the total edge susceptibility,χ⊥,edge =−18πclog(c/T a )(1.5)Such a log divergent susceptibility is indeed seen in the Monte Carlo simulations 2.For the co-efficient of the logarithm in χedge =(2/3)χ⊥,edge ,with c =1.69J ,we find −0.0157/J ,while the Monte Carlo has a best fit value of −0.0182/J (see Fig.2).This is in reasonable-0.06T/JJFIG.2:Edge susceptibility:Comparison of the Monte Carlo data of Ref.2(dots)with the best fit line Jχedge =−0.0182log(0.219J/T )to the low T data.agreement,with the difference probably attributable to difficulties in numerically reaching the asymptotic low T limit.As for the edge comb structure seen in Ref.2,this is a short distance phenomenon, which cannot be studied within our continuum O(3)σ-model.In fact,the standard,“per-turbative”treatment of the O(3)model describes only the low-energy excitations which live near the wave-vector(π,π)and cannot provide any information about valence-bond-solid correlations,which live near(π,0)and(0,π).Because these correlations are gapped in the antiferromagnet,they must decay exponentially away from the edge,as seen in Monte-Carlo. To capture the short-distance physics,we have performed a1/S expansion of the Heisenberg model on the lattice with an edge.Wefind the large-distance asymptotics in agreement with the predictions of our continuum theory.However,we don’t reproduce the multiple short-distance oscillations of bond energies away from the edge seen by Monte-Carlo.Instead,we find that the bonds touching the edge are stronger than the bulk,while all the subsequent bonds are weaker.We conclude that the edge dimerization is,likely,a non-perturbative effect in1/S,which is invisible in the spin-wave expansion.It is remarkable that such non-perturbative effects are present in the simple S=1/2Heisenberg model,where the1/S expansion yields quantitatively accurate results for many quantities.In principle,one may be able to explicitly incorporate the non-perturbative physics in the form of hedgehogs into the semi-classical,large S treatment of the Heisenberg model. The hedgehog configurations are relevant for the dimerization physics,as they carry Berry phases,4which endow them with non-trivial quantum numbers under the lattice symmetry.5 However,studying the hedgehog contribution to the edge physics is technically intractable.Instead,we pursue a more phenomenological approach,in which we assume that the system possesses a dynamical valence-bond-solid order parameter with a large correlation length.This assumption is justified close to a phase transition into a valence-bond-solid phase,which can be tuned by adding additional frustrating interactions to the Heisenberg model.6,7Moreover,even for the pure,nearest neighbour Heisenberg model with S=1/2,it has been argued long ago8that the quantumfluctuations are strong enough that the system is“proximate”to a phase transition at which the magnetic order is lost.This proximity is manifested by the existence of an intermediate temperature window,dominated by the quantum critical point(the low temperature physics is dominated by the antiferromagnet, while the high temperature physics is dominated by the non-universal lattice effects).The observation of edge dimerization over more than5lattice spacings in the latest Monte Carlo simulations implies that the correlation length of the valence-bond-solid order parameter in the S=1/2Heisenberg model is rather large,further supporting the proximity to a phase transition.We show that the comb structure of the bond order seen in Monte-Carlo simulations can be qualitatively understood in the quantum critical language.The particular details of the critical theory are not very important for this purpose-the physics can be read offstraight-forwardly from the transformation properties of observables under the lattice symmetry.In particular,we demonstrate that close to the critical point the oscillations ofbonds perpendicular to the edge and lines parallel to the edge in the comb can be related to each other.In another recent paper with Kaul and Melko9,we have discussed the response of the valence bond solid order to a single non-magnetic impurity(such as a Zn site replacing a Cu site).We used there a phenomenological theory similar in spirit to that used here for the edge response.We will review that theory here and also discuss its connection to the impurity response in the deconfined theory of the N´e el to valence bond solid transition discussed in Ref.10.For this single-site impurity case,we are able to infer the non-perturbative role of hedgehogs and Berry phases in somewhat greater detail.This paper is organized as follows.Section II A is devoted to the description of the edge in the framework of the O(3)model at zero temperature.In section II B we discuss the crossover of edge susceptibility tofinite temperature.In section III we perform the large S expansion of the Heisenberg model with an edge.In section IV we discuss edge dimerization in a quantum antiferromagnet in the proximity to a phase transition into a valence-bond-solid.Finally,in section V we discuss the related theory of the response near a non-magnetic impurity.Some concluding remarks are presented in section VI.II.EDGE RESPONSE IN THE O(3)σ-MODELA.Zero TemperatureIn this section we discuss the large distance asymptotic behaviour away from the edge of the staggered moment,local uniform susceptibility and the bond energies using the contin-uum O(3)σ-model.The advantage of this approach is that the results obtained are exact, depending only on a few phenomenological parameters,such as spin-wave velocity c,spin-stiffnessρs and bulk staggered moment N b.These parameters are known from1/S-expansion and Monte-Carlo simulations.Theσ-model action for the local order parameter n,satisfying n2=1,isS=ρ0s2d2xdτ(∂µ n)2(2.1)Here,we’ve set c=1,we will restore c at the end of the computations.Since we are studying the problem with an edge,we also have to consider boundary perturbations.The simplest terms allowed by symmetries are,S bound=µcµdydτ(∂µ n)2(2.2)This term is irrelevant by power counting(the coupling has scaling dimension−1),and can be ignored for the leading asymptotic behaviour calculations performed below.Note that the“lower dimension”surface term n∂x n vanishes identically due to the constraint n2=1.The absence of a boundary term,implies that n obeys free boundary conditions,∂x n=0(2.3) as can be seen by varying the action(2.1)with respect to n,integrating by parts andrequiring that the surface term be zero.To set up perturbation theory,we write n=( π,√1− π2)and expand the action in π,obtaining,S=ρ0s2d2xdτ(∂µ π)2+11− π2( π∂µ π)2(2.4)The second term in brackets above can be expanded as a power series in π-yielding terms with couplings of scaling dimension−1and lower.These terms again will not influence the leading asymptotic behaviour of observables discussed below.We are,thus,left with the free theory for the Goldstonefields π,supplemented by the free boundary condition∂x π=0.The propagator with these boundary conditions is,πa( x,τ)πb( x ,τ ) =δabρ0sdω2πdk y2πdk xπ1ω2+k2x+k2ye iω(τ−τ )e ik y(y−y )cos(k x x)cos(k x x )=δabρ0s(D(x−x ,y−y ,τ−τ )+D(x+x ,y−y ,τ−τ ))(2.5)where D(x)is the standard3d massless propagator,D(x)=14π|x|(2.6)Now,we can calculate the observables.Let’s start with the staggered moment N .The microscopic N(x)is related to the O(3)field n(x)via a multiplicative renormalization, N(x)=NbZ N n(x)where N b is the exact value of the bulk staggered magnetization and Z Nis a formal power series inρ−1s,adjusted order by order to give N3 =N b in the bulk.Hence,the staggered moment,to leading order is,n3(x) = 1− π22=1−1ρ0s(D(0)+D(2x,0,0))=1−1ρ0s(D(0)+18πx)(2.7)Thus,as lim x→∞Z N n3(x) =1,and to leading orderρ0s=ρs,Z N=1+1ρsD(0)=1+1ρsd3k(2π)31k2(2.8)which is the familiar expression known from calculations with no boundary.So,N3(x) =N b1−c8πρs x(2.9)xFIG.3:Depletion of the staggered moment,−( N(x ) −N b )near the edge.The dotted line is the calculation in the 1/S expansion.The solid line is the O (3)σ-model result for asymptotic behaviour,with phenomenological parameters ρs ,c ,N b matched to 1/S expansion.where we’ve reinserted the spin-wave velocity c .The result (2.9)is asymptotically exact and shows suppression of the N´e el moment near the edge.We can check the result (2.9)against the large distance asymptotics of the 1/S expansion performed in section III.The parameters ρs ,c and N b are known in 1/S expansion to be at leading order,ρs =JS 2,c =2√2JSa,N b =S (2.10)where a is the lattice spacing.Substituting these parameters into (2.9)and comparing to our numeric integration results from 1/S expansion on the lattice with an edge,we find very reasonable asymptotic agreement (see Fig.3).Next we consider the uniform transverse susceptibility χ⊥.Recall,the uniform magnetic field enters (2.1)as,S H =ρ0s2 d 2xdτ (∂τn a −i abc H b n c )2+(∂i n )2 (2.11)The corresponding response function is,χab (x,x)=δ2log Z δH a (x )δH b (x )=ρ0s (δab − n a n b (x ) )δ3(x −x )−(ρ0s )2 acd bef n c ∂τn d (x )n e ∂τn f (x ) (2.12)Specializing to the transverse susceptibility,a,b=1,2and expanding in π,χab(x,x )≈δµνρ0s(δab− πa(x)πb(x ) )δ2( x− x )δ(τ−τ )−(ρ0s )2 ac bd( ∂τπc(x)∂τπd(x ) +( ∂τπc(x)(πd π∂τ π−12π2∂τπd)(x ) +(x↔x ,c↔d)))(2.13)Now,we are actually interested in local response to a static,uniform externalfield,χab ⊥(x)=limq y→0dx dy dτ χab(x,x )e−iq y(y−y )(2.14)Note that for afinite system size/temperature relevant for Monte-Carlo simulations,at zero externalfield,there is no distinction between parallel and transverse susceptibility,and weexpect,χ(x)=23χ⊥(x)(2.15)Since we are working with the static susceptibility,the contribution of the terms in the last two lines of(2.13)is zero,andχab ⊥(x)=ρ0s(δab− πa(x)πb(x ) )=ρ0sδab(1−1ρ0s(D(0)+D(2x,0,0)))(2.16)We know that in the bulk,χ⊥,b=lim x→∞χ⊥(x)=ρs by Lorentz invariance.The bare spin-stiffnessρ0s=ρs Zρwhere Zρis a formal power series in1/ρs.Thus,Zρ=1+1ρsD(0)=1+1ρsd3kk2(2.17)and we recognize the standard renormalization factor forρs.Note that the equality of the first non-trivial terms in Z N and Zρis an accident,which occurs in the O(3)model(for O(N)the coefficients are generally different).Thus,χ⊥(x)=ρsc2−18πxc(2.18)where we’ve reinserted c.Note that the deviation ofχ⊥(x)from its bulk value is negative, in agreement with Sandvik’s simulations.Moreover,the long distance contribution to the total edge susceptibility(per edge length)is given by,χ⊥,edge=∞0dx(χ⊥(x)−χ⊥,b)∼−18πclog(L x/a)(2.19)At zero temperature,the log divergence of the long-distance tail will always overpower any short-distance contribution(which can be positive as suggested by the1/S calculation in section III),leading to a negative total edge susceptibility,as seen by Sandvik.At afinitetemperature T(and in the infinite volume limit)the log L x divergence will be cut-offat the “thermal length,”c T−1,leading toχ⊥,edge∼−18πclogcT a(2.20)This result will be confirmed by an explicit calculation in the next section.Finally,we come to the behaviour of the bond energies.We observe that the sum of bonds energies along the x and y directions is just the local energy density(x)∼Ja2( S i S i+ˆx+ S i S i+ˆy)(2.21)For the freefield theory describing our Goldstones,in Minkowski space,(x)=ρs2(∂t π)2+(∂i π)2(2.22)Continuing this to Euclidean space,(x)=ρs2−(∂τ π)2+(∂i π)2(2.23)Now,ρs 2 ∂µ π(x)∂ν π(x) =limx→x∂2∂xµ∂x ν(D(x−x ,y−y ,τ−τ )+D(x+x ,y−y ,τ−τ ))(2.24)Thefirst term on the righthandside is independent of the distance from the edge and, therefore,we drop it.Noting,∂µ∂νD(x)=−14π|x|3δµν−3xµxν|x|2(2.25)the second term in(2.24)yields,ρs 2 (∂τ π)2(x) =−∂2τD(2x,0,0)=14π(2x)3(2.26)ρs 2 (∂x π)2(x) =+∂2xD(2x,0,0)=24π(2x)3(2.27)ρs 2 (∂y π)2(x) =−∂2yD(2x,0,0)=14π(2x)3(2.28)Collecting terms we obtain,(x) =c16πx3(2.29)Note that energy density is enhanced near the edge,corresponding to a decrease of bond strengths,− S i S j .We can again compare the asymptotically exact expression(2.29)to∆E JS x105FIG.4:Asymptotic increase of local bond energy near the edge.The dotted line is the calculation in the1/S expansion.The solid line is the O(3)σ-model result for asymptotic behaviour,with phenomenological parametersρs,c,N b matched to1/S expansion.the results of the1/S expansion in section III,by using the parameters(2.10).We see from Fig.4that the agreement is rather good.B.Edge susceptibility atfinite temperatureTo compute the uniform susceptibility atfinite temperature T ρs,we follow the usual strategy of dividing thefield n( x,τ)into zero frequency piece,n( x)andfinite frequencymodesπα( x,τ),n a( x,τ)=√1−παπαn a( x)+πα( x,τ)e aα( x)(2.30)whereα=1,2and eα( x)and n( x)form an orthonormal basis.The strategy is tofirst inte-grate over the“fast”modesπαto obtain an effective action for the slow nfield.Expanding the action in powers ofπto leading order,S≈ρ0s2d2xdτ(∂µπα)2+ρ0s2d2xdτ((∂i n a)2(1− π2)+∂i e aα∂i e aβπαπβ+2∂i e aαe aβπα∂iπβ)(2.31)In setting up the perturbation theory inπthefirst term above is treated as the free piece, while the coupling ofπto the slowfields in the second term is treated as a perturbation. Thus,in a theory with the edge atfinite temperature,the bare propagator for theπfield still satisfies free boundary conditions,πα( x,τ)πβ( x ,τ ) =1ρ0sδαβD n(x,x )(2.32)where,D n(x,x )=ˆD(x−x ,y−y ,τ−τ)+ˆD(x+x ,y−y ,τ−τ )(2.33)withˆD( x,τ)=1βωn=0d2k(2π)21k2+ω2ne i( k x+ωnτ)(2.34)Now,expanding the susceptibility(2.12),χab(x)=ρ0s (δab− n a n b(x) )−(ρ0s)2 acd befd3x e cαe dβ( x)e eγe dδ( x )πα∂τπβ(x)πγ∂τπδ(x )(2.35)At leading order,we may factorize the correlator of slow e and fastπfields in(2.35). Moreover,since atfinite temperature rotational invariance is restored,n a n b(x) =δab3n2(x) =δab3(2.36)Hence,the local susceptibility becomes,χab(x)=23ρ0sδab−(ρ0s)2 acd befd3x e cαe dβ( x)e eγe dδ( x ) πα∂τπβ(x)πγ∂τπδ(x ) (2.37)We see that the susceptibility involves a convolution of correlators of slow and fastfields. Evaluating the correlation function of the fastfields explicitly,χab(x)=23ρ0sδab− acd bef(δαγδβδ−δαδδβγ)d3x e cαe dβ( x)e eγe fδ( x ) (∂τD n(x,x ))2(2.38)We note,dτ (∂τD n(x,x ))2=1βωnω2nD n( x, x ,ωn)2=1βωnω2n(D( x− x ,ωn)2+2D( x− x ,ωn)D( x−R x ,ωn)+D( x−R x ,ωn)2)(2.39)where R denotes reflection across the edge at x=0.In the absence of an edge,we can drop the last two terms in(2.39).Then we note that the correlation function ofπ s decays exponentially for large distances,hence only| x− x | T−1contribute to the integral in (2.37).The slow degrees of freedom n( x)and eα( x)fluctuate only on much larger distances (in fact T−1serves as an effective short-distance cut-offfor the slow degrees of freedom), hence we can to leading order set x= x in the correlation function of the e’s.This leads toa considerable simplification as,e a αe bα=δab−n a n b(2.40)and,(δαγδβδ−δαδδβγ) e cαe dβ( x)e eγe fδ( x) =13(δecδd f−δcfδde)(2.41)andχab(x)=23δabρ0s−2d3x (∂τD n(x,x ))2(2.42)Now let’s introduce the edge back.We wish to compute the deviation of local susceptibility from its bulk value.The major difference from the situation in the bulk is that eq.(2.39) no longer depends just on the difference x− x .For xT 1,the integral over x in(2.38)is saturated with x T 1and hence,we can effectively set x=x =0,y=y in the correlation function of the e’s and recover the simple form(2.42).However,for xT 1,the part of the integral in(2.38)that representsχ(x)−χb is no longer saturated at x ∼x.Hence,one really has to compute the correlation function of the slow degrees of freedom.For T−1 x ξ, we expect this to modifyχ(x)−χb(which,as we shall see,is exponentially suppressed as e−4πT x)by logarithmic corrections.On the other hand,for x ξ,we expect additional exponential suppression coming from the slow degrees of freedom.As we shall see,the total edge susceptibility is saturated by xT 1and,hence,can be computed directly from(2.42).Keeping the above remarks in mind,we obtain from(2.39)and(2.42),χ(x)=23ρ0s−21βωn=0ω2n∞−∞dx∞−∞dy (D( x− x ,ωn)2+D( x− x ,ωn)D( x−R x ,ωn))(2.43)Thefirst term under the integral in(2.43)is the familiar temperature dependent correction to bulk susceptibility,while the second term represents the edge contribution.Performing the integral over x ,χ(x)=χb(T)−431βωn=0d2k(2π)2ω2n(k2+ω2n)2e2ik x x(2.44)where,χb(T)=23ρ0s−21βωn=0d2k(2π)2ω2n(k2+ω2n)2=23ρsc2(1+T2πρs)(2.45)Now,we can compute the asymptotics of(2.44).For xT/c 1,we can replace the sum overωn by an integral,χ(x)→χb(T)−43d3k(2π)3ω2(k2+ω2)2e2ik x x=χb(T)−13d2k(2π)21ke2ik x x=χb(T)−112πxc(2.46)which agrees with our earlier T=0result(2.18)upon the usual replacement(2.15).In the opposite limit xT/c 1,the sum in(2.44)is going to be dominated by the smallest thermal mass,ωn=1,and,χ(x)→χb−23Tc2xT2c12e−4πT x/c(2.47)As noted earlier,this result will be modified by logarithmic corrections for x ξand additional exponential suppression for x ξ.It is also now clear from(2.47)that the total edge susceptibility is saturated by xT 1,so that the corrections mentioned above can be ignored for its computation,and we can use eq.(2.44),which obeys the scaling form,χ(x)−χb=T fχ(T x)(2.48)Thus,χedge=∞a dx(χ(x)−χb)=∞T aduf(u)(2.49)where a is a short distance cut-off.We observe that the singular behaviour ofχedge for T→0 can be extracted from the short distance asymptotic ofχ(x)(2.46).Noting,fχ(u)→−112πufor u→0,χedge∼−112πT aduu=−112πclogcT a(2.50)as predicted from T=0behaviour in the previous section.RGE S EXPANSION OF THE HEISENBERG MODEL WITH AN EDGEIn this section we perform the large S expansion of the Heisenberg model on a square lattice with an edge.We start with the usual nearest neighbour Hamiltonian,H=Jij SiSj(3.1)and use the Holstein-Primakoffrepresentation of spin operators,which at leading order in 1/S reads,S z i =S−b†ib i,S+i=√2Sb i,S−i=√2Sb†i,i∈A(3.2)S z i =−S+c†ic i,S+i=√2Sc†i,S−i=√2Sc i,i∈B(3.3)where A and B are the two sublattices.We place the edge at i x=0.Utilizing the transla-tional invariance along the y direction,b i x,i y =1N y/2k yb ix,k ye ik y i y,c ix,i y=1N y/2k yc ix,k ye ik y i y(3.4)where−π/2<k y<π/2and N y is the number of sites in the y direction,we obtain the Hamiltonian,H=4SJki,ib i,kc†i,−k†h iib i ,kc†i ,−k(3.5)withh ii =A iiB iiB ii A ii,A ii =δii (1−14δi0),B ii =12cos kδii +14(δi ,i+1+δi ,i−1)(3.6)We perform a Bogoliubov transformation by writing,b i,kc†i,−k=λ>0φ+λ(i)β↓λ,k+φ−λ(i)β†↑λ,−k(3.7)where theβ’s obey canonical commutation relations and the two component vectorsφλ(i)= (uλ(i),vλ(i))are eigenstates ofτ3h,τ3hφ+λ=λφ+λ(3.8)τ3hφ−λ=−λφ−λ(3.9)Explicitly,φ−λ=τ1φ+λ.We normalize theφ’s as,φ+λ|τ3|φ+λ =δλ,λ (3.10)Then,up to a constant,H=4SJkλ>0λ(β†↑λ,kβ↑λ,k+β†↓λ,kβ↓λ,k)(3.11)The solutions to the eigenvalue problem(3.8)with positive eigenvalues can be divided into the normalizable and non-normalizable branches.The normalizable branch has dispersionλ=1√2|sin k y|(3.12)The continuum branch can be parameterized by momentum0<k x<π−k y and hasdispersion,λ=1−14(cos k x+cos k y)2(3.13)We normalize our continuum solutions to,φ(k x)|τ3|φ(kx ) =(2π)δ(k x−kx)(3.14)Explicit forms of the eigenstates are given in Appendix A.We note that forfixed k y→0,the energies of both the normalizable state and the continuum threshold tend to1√2|k y|,with the splitting between these two energies of order k3y.This is the reason why the bound state does not show up in the effective low energy O(3)description-it is treated as being part of the continuum.Now,we can compute the observables.The staggered magnetization is given by,N j =S− c†j c j =S−π/2−π/2dk yπλ>0|vλ(j)|2(3.15)We have evaluated the sum(integral)over the eigenstates numerically-the result is plotted in Fig. 3.The staggered moment is depleted near the edge and approaches its bulk value monotonically.If we plug S=1/2into our expansion,the staggered moment at the edge is N edge=0.217compared to N b=0.303in the bulk.As already noted,the long distance asymptotics of the staggered moment are in good agreement with the predictions of the O(3) continuum theory.Similarly,we can compute the bond energies,S j S j+x =−S2+S( b†j b j + c†j+xc j+x + b j c j+x + b†jc†j+x)=−S2+Sπ/2−π/2dk yπλ>0(|vλ(j)|2+|vλ(j+1)|2+vλ(j+1)∗uλ(j)+uλ(j)∗vλ(j+1))S j S j+y =−S2+S( b†j b j + c†j+yc j+y + b j c j+y + b†jc†j+y)=−S2+Sπ/2−π/2dk yπλ>0(2|vλ(j)|2+(uλ(j)∗vλ(j)+vλ(j)∗uλ(j))cos k y)(3.16)The short distance behaviour of the bond energies is shown in Fig.5.We see that both the perpendicular and parallel bonds touching the edge are stronger than in the bulk( S i S j is more negative),while all the subsequent bonds are weaker than in the bulk.Substituting S=1/2into our expansion,wefind that at the edge S j S j+x =−0.352, S j S j+y =−0.368, while in the bulk, S j S j+µ =−0.329.Thus,comparing to the results of quantum Monte Carlo,the1/S expansion reproduces qualitatively the behaviour of thefirst two rows of bonds away from the edge,but fails to capture the subsequent oscillations in bond strengths on short distances.We expect that these oscillations cannot be seen in the perturbative1/S expansion.In the next section,we will argue that the appearance of such oscillations can be linked to the existence of a competing valence-bond-solid order parameter.As for the long distance asymptotics,we can compare the sum of bond strengths along x and y directions to the local energy density computed in the continuum O(3)model;the two are in good agreement(see Fig.4).。