u9 (2)


U9 操作指引(完整版)

U9 操作指引(完整版)

U9 操作指引销售管理部份料品:50-0000-0001 指定存储地点及业务员客户:指定交易币种,价目表,出货原则,退货条件,出货条件,收款币种,收款条件,立账条件,其中立账条件及收款币种要与交易币种保持一致(重要)1.下达销售合同(注意起交日期在生效日期与失效日期之间)—提交—审核—客户确认(注意指定合同类型及流程)2.操作—批量生单(注意收款条件币种与单据币种一致)--提交—审核3.标准收货—批量生单—提交—审核4.退回流程:退货申请—批量生单(注意退货处理的单据类型)--受理—提交—审核5.采购管理—收货—销售退回收货—批量生单—进入检验流程6.采购管理—销售退回单—操作—检验—确定—提交—审核采购管理部份:料品:10-0000-0001 ,收货程序,勾选请购及询价属性1.查看是否点收及检验,操作—点收—提交—审核为可改,收货原则要填供应商:付款条件,付款币种,收货原则,立账条件2.下达采购合同(注意起交日期在生效日期与失效日期之间)--提交—审核—供应商确认3.采购申请—合同请购—批量生单(参照采购合同)提交—审核4.采购管理—料品询价范围—询价—批量生单(参照请购单)-比价—接受比价—提交—审核—转PO5.采购订单—提交—审核6.标准收货—批量生单—进入检验流程。

7.采购收货单—操作—检验—确定最终接受数量—提交—审核生产管理部份:料品:50-0000-0001 料品档生产页签可设超领百分比;物料清单中控制页也可以设,优先取物料清单的设置1、生产订单下达新增——单据类型——生产部门——生产数量——完工存储地点——计划开工时间——计划完工时间2、齐套分析指定存储地点——选取成套策略(生产数量、指定数量、可成套数)——选取生产订单——齐套分析3、生产订单开工开工:开工——开工数量——开工反开工:开工——开工历史——反开工4、生产订单领料与退料领料:后续处理——非成套领料——存储地点——实发数量——保存——审核——发料确认退料:生产退料——单据类型——选取生产订单——选取备料单——实退数量——退料理由——保存——审核——退料确认生产订单查询领退料明细、生产订单查询备料5、生产订单完工后续处理——完工——完工数量、报废数量、返工数量——质检页签(没有质检流程时:检验结果、不合格处理方式、数量)——保存——审核——进入质检流程---入库(打开生产订单、取消入库)6、返工生产订单生产管理参数:是否即时产生返工生产订单。



大金中央空调U9是什么意思怎样解决排除一、大金故障代码(内机)没带压力表时检测压力H)高压压力计算公2 R22高压=(VHA0-----保护装置动作低压=(VLA1-----室内机P板不良R410A高压=(A2-----风扇连锁器动作低压=(A3-----排水水位异常. A4-----热交换(1)温度异常A5-----热交换(2)温度异常五、检查热敏电阻的电A6-----风扇电动机过负荷过电流过或堵转. A7-----风向调整电动机堵转A8----AC输入过电流温度: -20度电阻A9-----电子膨胀阀异常-15度电阻为150AA-----加热器过热AH-----错误或着赃污-10度为116.5AC-----空负载运作0度67.2千欧姆AJ----容量设定不良5度51.9千欧姆AE----给水不足10度40千欧姆AF-----加湿器错误C0-----传感器异常15度31.8千欧姆C1---空白20度25千欧姆C2----空白25度20千欧姆C3----排水水位传感器异常30度16千欧姆C4-----热交换(1)温度异常C5-----热交换(2)温度异常35度13千欧姆C6----风扇电动机过负荷过电流连锁检测用传感器异常40度10.6千欧姆C7--风向调整电动机堵转检测用传感器异常45度8.7千欧姆C8----AC输入电流传感器异常50度7.2千欧姆C9----吸入空气温度传感器异常CA---吹出空气温度传感器异常六、内机风扇马达插接CH----空白CC----湿度传感器异常 1 检查插接件的连接CJ----温度传感器异常2检查马达电源电压输CE----辐射传感器异常CF----高压压力开关不良3检查马达控制电压(3 4检查旋转指令电压输二、大金室外机故障代码5检查旋转脉冲输入(4 1---旋转E0----保护装置动作2---旋转E1----室外机P板不良3---马达E2----空白E3----高压压力4---P.0V E4---低压压力5---未使E5----压缩机电动机过负荷E6----压缩机电动机过电流堵转6---未使E7-----风扇电动机过电流过负荷堵转7---马达E8-----AC输入过电流E9----电子膨胀阀错误EA----空白八、制冷能力EH----泵过电流堵转EC----水温异常R22型低压4千克-EJ----现场追加保护装置动作EE----排水水位异常R410A低压6千克克EF----畜热单元异常H0----传感器异常R410A高压24千H1----空气温度传感器异常低压低于0.07千克H2----电源传感器异常高压高于36千克连续H3----高压压力开关不良H4----低压压力开关不良压缩机温度高于60度H5----压缩机电动机过负荷传感器家用VRV制暖时四通频H6----压缩机电动机过电流堵转检测用传感器异常H7----风扇电动机过电流过负荷堵转检测用传感器异常九、电子膨胀阀的检查H8----AC输入过电流传感器异常H9----室外温度传感器异常HA----吹出空气温度传感器异常1-3-6是否导通HH----泵过电流连锁检测用传感器异常HC----水温传感器异常2-4-5是否导通HJ----空白1-62-63-HE----排水水位传感器异常十、压力传感器的检测HF----畜热单元异常F0----NO.1 NO.2系统共同保护装置动作红———+5VDCF1----NO.1系统保护装置动作黑———GND(3F2----NO.2系统保护装置动作F3----排出管温度异常绿———低压(2)F4----空白F5----空白黑———高压(1)F6----热交(1)温度异常十一、新冷煤表F7----空白计算公式以铜管液管为X0.26Kg,铜管15.9/每F8----空白F9----空白铜管12.7/每米X0.12FA----吐出压力异常大金内机型尺寸,4M或型.940X500><60型FH----油温异常50-60机型铜管为12型940X500>,FC----吸入压力异常内机63/71</PIXTEL_MMI_EBOFJ----空白FE---油压异常FF----油面异常十二、大金VRV中央J0----制冷温度传感器异常A1 室内机印刷电路板热交换器温度感应器系置动作。



1.Part 3 Video Appreciation2. Watch the video clip again and complete the following passage with the information you get. The first robots were made in Europe. About 350 years ago inventors designed 1) ______ like these. They could move their arms and legs and even 2) ______.But today robots have become much more useful. Robots don’t need 3)______. They never get bored and never 4) ______. And robots never complain or get tired or lazy either. They can do the same job over and over again without 5) ______. So now many factories use robots instead of humans for jobs like 6) ______. But there are some robots that help around the house today. This robotic vacuum cleaner can clean your carpets when there’s no one at home by following 7) ______.As it cleans it checks: Is the way in front clear? No,then go left. Now is the way in front clear?Yes, then 8) ______.This way it never bumps into anything or 9) ______. But there’s one thing it can’t do.In the future robots like this may well help us around the house. It may look as if there’s 10) ______ but there isn’t. It was designed to help humans do many different jobs, rather than just one like the vacuum cleaner. It can walk, pick things up and 11)______ but it still needs someone to 12) ______.正确答案:(1)extraordinary mechanical beings(2)play musical instruments(3)lunch breaks(4)daydream(5)making mistakes(6)welding or packing(7)a few simple instructions(8)go straight on(9)knocks anything over(10)someone inside this robot(11)climb stairs(12)program its actions2.Part 4 Further ListeningPart 4 Listening I1. Listen to a passage about soft contact lenses and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear on the recording.1 ______A Canada.B Czechoslovakia.C The United States.D The United Kingdom.2 ______A In 1954.B In 1961.C In 1964.D In 1971.3 ______A Fiber.B Glass.C Plastic.D Metal.4 ______A Duration.B Price.C Quality.D Brand.正确答案:(1)B(2)D(3)C(4)B3.Part 4 Listening I2. Listen to the passage again and complete the following table with the information you get. Advantages:1. Soft lenses are ______.2. No break-in period is necessary.3. Soft lenses are a ______,______ and attractive solution to the problem of ______ vision.Disadvantages:4.They cost more than ______ lenses.5. Their life is often measured in______.6. They ______ easily and become ______ by handling.7.They correct only a ______ range of visual problems.正确答案:(1)comfortable(2)safe(3)simple(4)poor(5)hard(6)months(7)tear(8)worn(9)limited4.Part 4 Listening II1. Listen to a conversation in which a woman is buying a spirometer and check (√) the words and phrases that the salesman uses in describing the spirometer.A easy to operateB beautifulC energy-savingD portableE clearly indicative of the diseaseF relatively inexpensiveG widely used in hospitalsH used to test lung problems______正确答案:(1)A D E F H5.Part 4 Listening II2. Listen to the conversation again and complete the following steps of operating the spirometer with the information you get.Step 1: Turn the machine on.Step 2: Take a ______ to fill your lungs up completely.Step 3:______ the mouthpiece in your mouth, ______ as long as possible.Step 4: The digital display unit of the machine ______ the volume of air that you blow out in ______.Step 5: ______ on the machine and the total volume of air that you have blown out will be ______.Step 6: The two numbers will provide a good ______ of how the lungs are working.正确答案:(1)deep breath(2)place(3)blowing out(4)records(5)one second(6)Move a switch(7)shown(8)Indication6.Part 4 Listening IIIListen to a conversation between Jim and Helen and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear on the recording.1 ______A This morning.B Last night.C Yesterday morning.D The day before yesterday.2 ______A This was the last time it could be filled.B It would cause no trouble any more.C It needed refilling some other time.D It would have been better to pull it out this time.3 ______A That the sound of drilling is painful.B That Helen has to have her tooth refilled.C That teeth cannot be transplanted.D That people can transplant hearts.4______A Dentists can transplant teeth the way cardiac surgeons transplant hearts.B Dentists have made plastic teeth work on animals.C Man can fly to the moon to have his teeth transplanted.D Dentists are trying to transplant a person’s tooth to another person.5 ______A Suspicious and funny.B Surprised but hopeful.C Doubtful and worried.D Shocked but moved.正确答案:(1)B(2)A(3)C(4)B(5)B7.Part 4 Listening IVIn this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 1 to 8 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 9 to 11 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.Modern science and technology have changed our lives in many 1) ______ ways. Airplanes, automobiles, communications satellites,computers, plastics, and televisions are only a few of the scientific and technological 2) ______ that have transformed human life. Research by nuclear physicists has led to the development of nuclear energy as a source of power. Agricultural output has 3) ______ as scientists have developed better 4) ______ of plants and highly effective fertilizers. The development of antibiotics and other new drugs has helped control many 5)______ diseases. Studies in anatomy and physiology have led to amazing new 6) ______ techniques and to the invention of 7) ______ machines that can do the work of such organs as the lungs, kidneys, and heart.Although scientific and technological achievements have benefited us in 8) ______ ways, they have also created serious problems. The rapid growth of industrial technology, for instance, has resulted in such grave side effects as environmental pollution and fuel shortages. 9) ______. Some people fear that advanced biological research will produce new disease-causing bacteria or viruses that resist drugs. 10) ______.The harmful effects of some technological applications of science have led some people to question the value of scientific research. But science itself is neither good nor bad. 11)______ .正确答案:(1)dramatic(2)inventions(3)soared(4)varieties(5)infectious(6)surgical(7)lifesaving(8)numerous(9)Breakthroughs in nuclear research have led to the development of weapons of mass destruction (10)Some people are also concerned that computerized information systems may end personal privacy(11)The uses that businesses, governments and individuals choose to make of scientific knowledge determine whether that knowledge will help or harm society。

U9 操作指引(完整版)

U9 操作指引(完整版)

U9 操作指引销售管理部份料品:50-0000-0001 指定存储地点及业务员客户:指定交易币种,价目表,出货原则,退货条件,出货条件,收款币种,收款条件,立账条件,其中立账条件及收款币种要与交易币种保持一致(重要)1.下达销售合同(注意起交日期在生效日期与失效日期之间)—提交—审核—客户确认(注意指定合同类型及流程)2.操作—批量生单(注意收款条件币种与单据币种一致)--提交—审核3.标准收货—批量生单—提交—审核4.退回流程:退货申请—批量生单(注意退货处理的单据类型)--受理—提交—审核5.采购管理—收货—销售退回收货—批量生单—进入检验流程6.采购管理—销售退回单—操作—检验—确定—提交—审核采购管理部份:料品:10-0000-0001 ,收货程序,勾选请购及询价属性1.查看是否点收及检验,操作—点收—提交—审核为可改,收货原则要填供应商:付款条件,付款币种,收货原则,立账条件2.下达采购合同(注意起交日期在生效日期与失效日期之间)--提交—审核—供应商确认3.采购申请—合同请购—批量生单(参照采购合同)提交—审核4.采购管理—料品询价范围—询价—批量生单(参照请购单)-比价—接受比价—提交—审核—转PO5.采购订单—提交—审核6.标准收货—批量生单—进入检验流程。

7.采购收货单—操作—检验—确定最终接受数量—提交—审核生产管理部份:料品:50-0000-0001 料品档生产页签可设超领百分比;物料清单中控制页也可以设,优先取物料清单的设置1、生产订单下达新增——单据类型——生产部门——生产数量——完工存储地点——计划开工时间——计划完工时间2、齐套分析指定存储地点——选取成套策略(生产数量、指定数量、可成套数)——选取生产订单——齐套分析3、生产订单开工开工:开工——开工数量——开工反开工:开工——开工历史——反开工4、生产订单领料与退料领料:后续处理——非成套领料——存储地点——实发数量——保存——审核——发料确认退料:生产退料——单据类型——选取生产订单——选取备料单——实退数量——退料理由——保存——审核——退料确认生产订单查询领退料明细、生产订单查询备料5、生产订单完工后续处理——完工——完工数量、报废数量、返工数量——质检页签(没有质检流程时:检验结果、不合格处理方式、数量)——保存——审核——进入质检流程---入库(打开生产订单、取消入库)6、返工生产订单生产管理参数:是否即时产生返工生产订单。

广州版新教材三年级下册Unit9 Who is this cute baby第二课时

广州版新教材三年级下册Unit9 Who is this cute baby第二课时

第二课时一、教学内容:Unit9 Fun with language二、教学目标:1、进一步熟练掌握Let’s talk的单词和句型。



2、重点句子Who is ….?He/She is my…./There is a ….. in the photo.的理解及运用。

四、教学准备:课件、金太阳、学生自己的全家福五、教学过程:(一)Revision1、Guessing game:复习单词。

2、Let’s Chant(二)Presentation and Practice1、看图说句子,以此回顾用来形容人的形容词。

2、Sharp Eyes:巩固用来形容人的形容词。

3、看图,操练句型Who is ….?He/She is my….4、Listen and match(书P52第1题)5、Read and write(书P52第2题):6、看图填空,操练句型There is a…..in the photo. He is …..7、Look and say(书P53第3题):让学生拿出自己的全家福,两两进行问答。

8、Fill in the Family Tree9、课件出示老师的全家福,老师示范如何介绍自己的家庭成员情况。

10、Group Work:学生四人一组,拿出自己的全家福,讨论自己的家庭情况。


(三)Development介绍family这个单词的由来,就是分别来自Father and mother I love you.的首字母。





UFIDA U9 ERP环境配置、补丁打法及UFIDA.UBF.SystemManage.exe的配置(一)u9环境BOE应用服务器2台,地址如下:erp1聚合后 ERP数据库服务器2台,地址如下:Erpdata1双机后地址二)补丁打法A)PORTAL覆盖‐‐‐‐应用服务器上打2次直接将补丁中PORTAL文件夹下文件覆盖到应用服务器上的PORTAL (2台应用服务器都要打)‐‐‐注意要备份路径:E:\U9V1.1\CD1\U9.VOB.Product.U9\PortalB)报表补丁(打在BIN目录下)‐‐‐‐‐数据库服务器上打2次报表服务安装路径erp1 E:\U9V1.1\CD1\U9.VOB.Product.U9\ReportServer\ReportServerLib对应 erpdata 1 MSSQL3erp2 E:\U9V1.1\CD1\U9.VOB.Product.U9\ReportServer\ReportServerLib对应 erpdata2 MSSQL2数据库服务器erpdata1双机后 erpdata报表服务安装路径:erpdata1 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin erpdata2 C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.2\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin注意:打reporting services时,群集要切换,备份群集活动的那台,哪台备份就把群集服务切换到哪台。

2021-2022学年牛津上海版七年级英语上册Unit9 l提升练习(二)(有答案)

2021-2022学年牛津上海版七年级英语上册Unit9 l提升练习(二)(有答案)

上海牛津版7AU9 International food festival提升练习(二)一、单项选择1.—Who taught _____ English?—Nobody. He learned it by ________.A.he; himself B.him; himself C.himself; him D.himself; himself 2.We need 200 ____________ of flour to make a cake.A.minutes B.meters C.kilograms D.grams 3.Alice likes English food very much. She is going to buy_______________.A.rice dumplings B.fish and chips C.prawn cakes D.moon cakes 4.- Could you_________________ the milk into the bottle?- Of course.A.sprinkle B.make C.pour D.drink5.Tom doesn't feel_____________ today.A.good B.well C.nice D.health6.I miss my penfriend very much. I hope ____________ her soon.A.to hear of B.to hear from C.hearing of D.hearing from 7.Don’t put _________ sugar in my coffee. Just a little, please.A.too many B.too much C.enough D.not enough 8.____________will they make for the food festival?A.When B.What C.Where D.Which9.I think we should__________ some money___________ the AIDS patients.A.rise; for B.rise; to C.raise; for D.raise; to10.Mum is out. I have to____________ my younger sister.A.look at B.look for C.take care D.take care of 11.Are you going to tell your penfriend ____________ your school?A.to B.about C.for D.with12.After three years' study, he____________ got the certificate(证书)for MBA.A.firstly B.secondly C.thirdly D.finally13.He usually __________ his bother______________ him.A.ask; to help B.asks; helping C.ask; helping D.asks; to help 14.- May I have a bar of chocolate?-______________________________.A.It's my pleasure.B.No, thanks.C.Of course.D.That's right. Keys:1.B2.D3.B4.C5.B6.B7.B8.B9.C10.D11.B12.D13.D14.C二、选词填空It was a dark day in Canada in 1998 when rain began to fall from the sky. However, this was not ordinary rain—it turned to ice as it fell __1__ the cold air. It rained for six days. On 5th January, the people of Montreal__2__ to find they had no electricity in their homes. It was dark and cold. The roads were covered in ice, and it was very dangerous to walk or drive anywhere. Families had to stay inside and burn wood to keep warm. They expected the power to come back __3__.__4__, the ice kept falling. It caused branches and whole trees to fall down. More power linesfell down, and the roads became even more dangerous.Keys:1.E2.A3.C4.D三、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.Mr. Hu is going to take part in an ____________ conference this coming Friday. (nation) 2.After the earthquake many children became_____________. (home)3.My little puppy is very lovely. It is a lot of ____________ to play with it. (funny)4.Make the____________ into a dough and then make some shapes you like. (mix)5.He______________ nine pairs of shoes yesterday. (sell)Keys:1.international2.homeless3.fun4.mixture5.sold四、句型转换1.There is going to be an international food festival this weekend. (改为反意疑问句)There is going to be an international food festival this weekend,_____________ _____________? 2.The SPCA needs money to take care of homeless animals. (对划线部分提问)_____________does the SPCA _____________ money?3.We will have a picnic at 11 o'clock this Sunday. (对划线部分提问)_____________ _____________will you have a picnic this Sunday?4.Coco's made some scones for our club. (改为否定句)Coco _____________ _____________any scones for our club.5.We spent hours working on the Maths problem. (保持句意基本不变)It_____________ us hours _____________work on the Maths problems.Keys:1.isn't there2.Why need3.What time4.hasn't made5.took to五、阅读(A)When I was in the seventh grade, I volunteered at a hospital during the summer vacation. Most of the time I was with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any visitors, and nobody seemed to care about him. I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him. He became a close friend of mine, although he never replied to me. Mr. Gillespie was still in a coma (昏迷).I was away for a week to go on vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie wasn't in the hospital. I didn't want to ask the nurses where he was. I was afraid they might tell me he was dead. However, I kept volunteering there for a long time.Several years passed. One day, when I was at the gas station, I noticed a familiar face. I asked him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, and if he was in a coma about five years ago. With an uncertain look on his face, he replied, "Yes." I explained how I knew him and what I did in the hospital. With tears in his eyes, he gave me a warm hug (拥抱).He told me that when he was in a coma, he could hear me talking and feel me holding his hand. He thought it was an angel (天使), not a person, who was there with him. Mr. Gillespie believed that my voice and touch kept him alive.Although I haven't seen him since then, he fills my heart with joy every day. I know that I made a difference between his life and death. More importantly, he has made a very big difference to my life, too. I'll never forget him and what he did for me—he made me an angel.1.The writer was when he volunteered in the hospital.A.a student B.a nurse C.a doctor2.The underlined word "familiar" means .A.陌生的B.熟悉的C.遥远的3.Mr. Gillespie when he saw the writer in the gas station.A.hugged the writer for his helpB.explained something to the writerC.asked the writer why he was in a coma4.Mr. Gillespie believed that the writer's kept him alive.A.hug and spirit B.voice and touch C.smiles and songs 5.From the passage, we know that the writer .A.is glad to make a difference to others by volunteeringB.thinks volunteering can help him make more friendsC.wants people to work as volunteers in their free timeKeys:1.A2.B3.A4.B5.A(B)“Amada,” say Adam, “do you know where apples come from?” “Why, yes,” Amanda says. “In boxes. I’ve seen them.” “They may end up in boxes,” Adam tells her. “But they 1 on trees.”He looks at the young tree he loves to sit under. “In spring, ” he goes on, “the apple tree is covered with the nicest pink and white 2 .I don’t think there’s anything that can make you feel as happy as an apple tree in blossom(开花).”“What’s the bee buzz(嗡嗡声)?”Amanda wants to know.“The bees 3 the sweet-tasting blossoms. Sometimes there are so many bees in the apple tree that it sounds at if the tree is 4 . Later, the blossoms fall off and the apples begin to grow. ”“And end up in boxes in fall.” Amanda 5 . Then she says thoughtfully. “You know a lot of important things. Adam.”Adam answered. “In the country, you will get to know about roots and about 6 things come from.”1.A.grow B.come C.begin D.start2.A.bees B.flowers C.apples D.boxes3.A.eat B.buy C.fly D.love 4.A.singing B.jumping C.walking D.dancing 5.A.makes B.sleeps C.laughs D.feels6.A.how B.what C.when D.whereKeys:1.A2.B3.D4.A5.C6.D(C)Two men are in the room of a h___1___ . They are very ill. One man has to lie on his back all day.Every day, the man s___2___ up by the window tells the other about things outside. “Some children are throwing bread to the ducks on the lake.” “The girls are so beautiful in their summer dresses.” The other man is happy to h___3___ about all the activities and colours of the world outside.Days and weeks pass. One morning, the man by the window d__4____. The other man asks the nurse to movie his bed n__5____ to the window. Finally he can sit up to see the outside, but he is very disappointed. All he can see is a w__6____ wall!“But my roommate told me so many wonderful things about outside!” he says.“He was b___7___. He couldn’t even see the wall. He just wanted you to live with hope,”says the nurse.Keys:1.hospital2.sitting3.hear4.died5.next6.white7.blind(D)Brooks White was born on July 11, 1899. He was the youngest child in his family. He had three sisters and two brothers. White’s brother, Stanley, taught him how to read before he even started going to school.All the White children learned music. After dinner, the White children played music together. They also did their homework. Their parents had been too poor to stay in school. But they wanted their children to get a good education.The Whites lived in Mount V ernon, New York. Today, Mount Vernon is a city. But when Brooks White lived there, it was a rural, or country, town. Wild animals lived in rural areas. Brooks loved animals. He always had a dog and lots of other pets. He kept birds, bunnies, lizards, snakes, and mice as pets.Brooks loved to watch nature. He watched birds hatch from their eggs. He watched the sun rise in the sky. One day, Brooks’ father brought home some chicken eggs. The eggs soon hatched. Brooks was excited to see the first chick come out of its shell.Brooks loved nature, but nature was not always good for him. He became allergic(过敏) to grass and flowers when he was six years old. His father thought it might help to live somewhere else. So the family went to Maine for the summers.1.How many children were there in the White’s family?______________________________________________________________________ 2.What did the White children do after dinner?______________________________________________________________________ 3.What did Brooks White see in Mount Vernon, New York?______________________________________________________________________ 4.How did Brooks feel when he saw the first chick come out of its shell?______________________________________________________________________ 5.What did Brooks White think of his childhood in Mount Vernon? Give your reasons. ______________________________________________________________________ Keys:1.Six.2.They played music and did homework.3.Wild animals.4.He felt excited.5.Any reasonable answer is acceptable.。












(绝对不可以安装.net 4.5 Beta,否则引起环境问题)注:.net 3.51是.net 2.0的升级版。

.net 3.51和.net4.0是两个平⾏版本,需要分别安装。












如果升级前存在未执⾏结束的调度⽅案,建议执⾏完成后,再继续升级;具体咨询祁宏伟qihw@/doc/21d0e0780b1c59eef9c7b41d.html9.如果是V2.1之前的版本,需要重新升级加密信息;10.确认客开程序是不是需要重新进⾏编译;2.2.备份数据库1.将数据库设置为“简单恢复模式”2. 有两个表已经不再使⽤了,删除这两个表可以减少备份⽂件⼤⼩。



Act out a dialogue between an expert and a learner talking about differences between British and American English. The expert gives examples and the learner responds with interest.

effect 短语
in effect 实际上, 有效 have the effect of 产生……的结果
have no/little/much/a great effect on 对……没有/几乎没有/有很大/有重大影响 bring/put sth. into effect 使生效, 实施 come into effect 生效, 开始实施 take effect 开始起作用, 见效
① Writing and rewriting can be helpful. ② Translating can also be helpful. ③ Watching movies and TV series and dubbing.
Search online to find more differences between British and American English.
recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend doing sth. 建议做某事 recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物 recommend sb. as … 推荐某人为…… recommend sb. for … 推荐某人担任……























1.Write down the root forms of the following words.For example, participation participate1 invention ______2. available ______3 innovation ______4 adaptable ______5 discovery ______6 acceptance ______7 evolution ______8 objectivity ______9 observation ______10 experimentation ______11 prosperity ______12 disastrous ______正确答案:(1) invent(2) avail(3) innovate(4) adapt(5) discover(6) accept(7) evolve(8) objective(9) observe(10) experiment(11) prosper(12) disasterplete the following sentences with the words from Exercise 1. Change the form if necessary. Note that there are more words than blanks.1 She was admitted to hospital for ______ after complaining of chest pains.2 Have you any rooms ______for next weekend?3 New scientific ______ are being made every day.4 There is now a general ______ that the war will eventually have to end through negotiations.5 Extensive ______ is needed before new drugs can be used.6 ______such as the radio and the dishwasher brought communication and automation to the ordinary home.7 Research on insects suggests that bacteria play a vital part in animal ______.8 The survivors seem to be those who are ______ to change.9 Susan’s design ______ saved the company a great deal of money.10 The reporter doubted the ______ of the corrupt (营私舞弊的) judge.正确答案:(1) observation(2) available(3) discoveries(4) acceptance(5) experimentation(6) Inventions(7) evolution(8) adaptable(9) innovation(s)(10) objectivityplete the following sentences with appropriate words or phrases from the list. Change the form if necessary.contradictconvertprecedeprosperitydisastroushave in mindnegativeout of the ordinaryto be exactproposegive birth tocatch one’s breath1 In my grandfather’s time it was quite ______ for a woman to go to college.2 George Bush (Senior) ______ Bill Clinton as President of the U.S.3 It’s six o’clock now. ______ , it’s 6:10.4 Your actions ______ your declared moral principles.5 A country’s future ______ depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people.6 The extraordinary experience ______ his latest novel.7 After running to the bus stop, we sat down to ______ .8 It’s a nice house, but it wasn’t quite what we ______ .9 He ______ a new method to increase the work efficiecy.10 They ______ the old barn (谷仓) into a holiday home.11 Lisa and Mike decided to rebuild their house after the ______ fire.12 The fact that he’s having difficulty breathing is a ______ sign正确答案:(1) out of the ordinary(2) preceded(3) To be exact(4) contradict(ed)(5) prosperity(6) gave birth to(7) catch our breath(8) had in mind(9) proposed(10) converted(11) disastrous(12) negativeplete the following passage with appropriate words from the list.wondersposedadditionproductioneffectivelyexistenceacceptancehighlycausedtransportothersinfluencedconvertdiagnoseAncestorsEverything in the universe has its uses and abuses. The same applies to science. Science has revolutionized the human 1) ______. It has made man’s life happier and more comfortable. Electricity is one of the greatest 2) ______of modern science. The growth of fast modes of 3) ______ and communication has changed the world into a global village. In the field of agriculture, science has helped in increasing the crop 4) ______and improving quality.Science has enabled man to 5) ______ and treat many dangerous rmation technology and computers have revolutionized our lifestyles. Much of the progress that mankind has made in different fields right from the stone age to the modern age is due to the progress made in the field of science. Not only material progress but also the mental outlook of man has been 6)______ by it. Agriculture,business, transport, communication and medicine, to name a few, are all 7)______ indebted to the wonders science has produced. We have become scientifically more advanced from our 8)______ . But, the boon (裨益) of science, in many cases, has been turned into bane (祸根) because of its misuse. Science has 9) ______a threat to the very existence of mankind with weapons—nuclear, biological, atomic, chemical, etc.Cyber crime (网络犯罪) is the latest 10) ______ to crimes’ list. Misapplication of science has broug ht mankind to the path of destruction正确答案:(1) existence(2) wonders(3) transport(4) production(5) diagnose(6) influenced(7) highly(8) ancestors(9) posed(10) addition5.TranslationComplete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.1. ______(她刚刚坐下) when the phone rang.2. You need to book your ticket in advance, ______(特别是如果你想要订一个好位子的话).3. Anger ______(并不一定是最有用的) or acceptable reaction to such events.4. ______(你心里觉得什么样的人适合) for the job?5. ______(有时间限制) you have to take the test.6. Woodhead ______(度过部分童年时光) in a small town in Italy.7. There were ______(女孩是男孩的三倍).8. I travel to London every day, ______(就像住在这个村子里的大多数人一样).9. On the one hand, expansion would be good, ______(但是另一方面,失去家庭氛围也是很悲哀的)10. ______( 虽然有来自国际上的压力) , progress has been made in the peace talks.正确答案:(1) Hardly had she sat down(2) especially if / when you want to reserve a good seat(3) is not necessarily the most useful(4) What sort / kind of person do you have in mind(5) There’s a limit on / to the time(6) spent part of his childhood(7) three times as many girls as boys(8) as do most of the people who live / living in this village(9) but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere(10) Despite / In spite of international pressure。






























Unit 9 What does he look like一.选择题( ) l. -- __________does he look like?--He is tall with a round face.A. HowB. WhatC. WhoD. Which( )2. --Do you know the girl in our school always wears a red skirt and white shoes?--Yes, I do._________name is Wang Ling.A. HisB. SheC. HerD. Hers( ) 3. They are _____ medium build, but they are very strong.A. ofB. inC. onD. at( ) 4. I have a new friend. He has ___________.A. blonde long hairB.blonde long hairsC. long blonde hairsD. long blonde hair( ) 5. I don’t like swimming , but my brotherA likes B. does C. do( ) 6.--What do you like doing when you are free?--I like playing __ chess with my brother.A./B.aC. the( ) 7. --How is the boy?-He is a good student. He ___ arrives at school on time.A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. some times( ) 8.-Who is your new classmate?-_ _ is my new classmate. He has a round face with long straight hair.( )9. --What do you think of new movie.--_______ likes it. It' s boring.A. EveryoneB. AnybodyC. NobodyD. Someone( ) 10. "You look very nice," she ___ to me.A. tellsB. speaksC. talksD. says〔〕11.Ann tall and big eyes . A. has has B. is , has C. has,is〔〕12.whatdoes he look like? He isA. relaxed B .tired C. tall, please, the baby sleeping.A. talkingB. to talkC. talk〔〕14.Mary hasA. long hairB. a long hairC. long hair二.完形填空Mike is an Englishman.He lives in a 1 building in the 2 London.Thereare eighteen floors in the building and he lives on the fifteenth floor.He 3 a lift(电梯)to go up and down.He works very hard.He 4 to work early.Everyday he leaves his 5 and walks to the lift.He gets into the lift.It 6 him down to the first floor.He gets out of the 1ift.Then he walks to 7 bus stop.The bus stop is in front of a station. It is about two hundred meters from 8 home.Usually,he catches the number 11 bus to work.but sometimeshe goes 9 .He works in a factory about ten 10 from his home.His work starts at half past eight,and finishes at a quarter to five.He gets back home at half past 5.〔〕 1. A. tall B. big C. small〔〕 2. A. country B. city C. village〔〕 3. A. makes B. takes C. plays〔〕 4. A.. runs B. come . C. goes〔〕 5. A. home B. school C. room〔〕 6. A. wants B. spends C. takes〔〕 7. A./ B. a C. the〔〕 8. A. his B. her C. my〔〕 9. A. by plane B. by train C. on foot( ) 10. A. meters B. kilometers C. minutes三.阅读理解AI have a happy family. My father is from Shanghai, China. He is of medium build. His face is long. He has short straight hair. He often wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing a white T-shirt and pants in summer. He likes reading and playing chess. My mother is from New York, America. She is tall with a round face. Her nose is big and her long curly hair is blonde. She often wears a blue dress. My mother can speak both Chinese and English. She likes watching TV and telling jokes. My name is Wang Kang. I'm not tall, but my short curly hair makes me look great. I'mvery heavy. I need to do more exercise. I have a younger sister. She's only four years old. She has long curly hair. She is good-looking. She often wears a red skirt. She likes talking. She never stops talking.根据短文内容,选择最正确答案。



代码异常水平故障内容显示条件A6 2 直流风扇停止风扇旋转的实际转速低于10rpmAA 2 加热器过热AKZ型防过热温度开关70摄氏度;AKZ J型防空烧热继电器105摄氏度。

E1 1 系统异常压缩机标识号(P 板转移设定)。

E3 2 高压压力异常或冷凝器温度65摄氏度以上持续10秒;者冷凝温度异常高压压力超过E5 2 排气温度异常或排气温度超过A持续10秒者压缩机异常过热压缩机头部温度超过115摄氏度E6 2 启动是压缩机锁定启动是压缩机无法检测E9 2 电子膨胀阀异常从电子膨胀阀开度和电子膨胀阀出口温度值检测出异常EH 1 油泵过电流继电器动作油泵电流超过B时或者搅拌机内部热继电器动作EJ 1 防空烧开关动作或者选配保护压力03mpa(AKZ438/AKZJ458的H 型)设备动作流量15L/min(AKZ568/AKZJ568的H型)与X2M饿12-13连接的保护设备动作短路FE 1 油压异常(油泵出口温度上升)油泵出口温度超过65摄氏度FH 2 进油口温度上升或者油箱进油口温度超过60摄氏度并持续60秒液体温度上升H1 2 室温热敏电阻异常或者热敏电阻短路或断线机体调谐热敏电阻异常J3 2 排气温度热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线J5 2 电子膨胀阀出口温度异常热敏电阻短路或断线J6 2 冷凝温度热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线JE 2 油泵出口温度热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线JH 2 出口油流热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线或者进口油温热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线L0 2 变频器或压缩机异常显示异常代码(L4,L5,L8,L9,LA其中之一)L4 2 散热片温度上升 95摄氏度(568型)120摄氏度(908型)L5 2 功率晶体管瞬时过电流输出过电流输入至电脑L8 2 压缩机过载压缩机输出转速异常L9 2 压缩机启动故障启动是压缩机不能平稳旋转LA 2 功率晶体管异常电脑检测出功率晶体管异常LC 2 变频器温度调节CPU之间变频器电脑与温度调节电脑之间传送异常传送异常P3 2 控制箱热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线P4 2 散热片温度热敏电阻异常热敏电阻短路或断线U0 2 冷媒不足指令能力大于或等于百分之95冷凝器温度-电子膨胀阀出口温度小于等于5摄氏度持续3分钟U1 1 电源反相,缺相或保险丝断在电源电路中检测出反相和缺相U2 2 电源电压异常电源电压低于170VU9 2 与子机之间传送异常母子机配对运转时与其他系统之间的数据传送发生异常UH 2 系统故障EEPROM发生故障UJ 2 外部保护装置动作主P板上的CN2端子之间发生短路。



U9 数据库访问API参考手册适用版本:U9 V1.5 UBF2.0修改状态:编写人:叶琳审核人:此部分要记录该文档形成过程中的历次版本变更过程及变更的内容版本修改与参与人修改时间修改原因修改内容审批人1.0 叶琳2008-7-8 原始文档建立叶琳2008-7-9 加上类的名空间概述U9数据库访问的API集中在UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.dll中,主要是封装直接执行sql和存储过程DataAccessorUFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.dll下的DataAccessor主要对外提供直接执行sql和存储过程的方法,名空间为UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess方法:public static IDbConnection GetConn()取当前的连接注意:这个连接是通过DatabaseManager.GetCurrentConnection()取得,是取当前环境下的连接static public int RunSP(string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams)用当前连接执行存储过程参数:sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表static public int RunSP(string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams, outDataSet ds)用当前连接执行存储过程参数:sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表ds 输出结果static public int RunSP(string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams, out IDataReader dr)用当前连接执行存储过程参数:sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表dr 输出结果static public int RunSP(string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams, out object obj)用当前连接执行存储过程参数:sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表obj输出结果static public int RunSP(IDbConnection conn, string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams)执行存储过程参数:c onn 数据库连接sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表static public int RunSP(IDbConnection conn, string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams, out DataSet ds)执行存储过程参数:c onn 数据库连接sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表ds 输出结果static public int RunSP(IDbConnection conn, string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams, out IDataReader dr)执行存储过程参数:c onn 数据库连接sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表dr输出结果static public int RunSP(IDbConnection conn, string sprocName, DataParamList dataParams, out object obj)执行存储过程参数:c onn 数据库连接sprocName 存储过程名dataParams 参数列表obj输出结果static public int RunSQL(IDbConnection con, string commandText, DataParamList dataParams)执行sql参数c on 数据库连接commandText sql语句dataParams 参数static public int RunSQL(IDbConnection con, string commandText, DataParamList dataParams, bool needCloseConn)执行sql参数c on 数据库连接commandText sql语句dataParams 参数needCloseConn 执行完后是否需要平台自动关闭连接static public int RunSQL(IDbConnection con, string commandText, DataParamList dataParams,bool needCloseConn, out IDataReader dr)执行sql参数c on 数据库连接commandText sql语句dataParams 参数needCloseConn 执行完后是否需要平台自动关闭连接dr 输出结果static public int RunSQL(IDbConnection con, string commandText, DataParamList dataParams, out DataSet ds)执行sql参数c on 数据库连接commandText sql语句dataParams 参数ds 输出结果static public int RunSQL(IDbConnection con, string commandText, DataParamList dataParams, out IDataReader dr)执行sql参数c on 数据库连接commandText sql语句dataParams 参数dr 输出结果static public int RunSQL(IDbConnection con, string commandText,DataParamList dataParams, out object obj)执行sql参数c on 数据库连接commandText sql语句dataParams 参数obj 输出结果public static IDataReader GetDataReaderByPage(string tableName, intpageSize,Int64pageIndex, string selectSql,string whereSql, stringorderbySql, string optimizesql, string aliasFileds, DataParamList dataParams)分页查询,返回IDataReader参数:tableName 主table名pageSize 页面大小pageIndex 页面索引selectSql 查询子句whereSql 条件子句orderbySql 排序子句optimizesql 优化子句aliasFileds 别名列,一般可以用*dataParams 参数列表注意,这个方法这个方法的参数很多,较复杂,一般平台用,开发尽量避免直接使用public static DataSet GetObjectsByPage(string tableName, int pageSize,Int64 pageIndex, string selectSql, string whereSql, string orderbySql,string optimizesql, string aliasFileds, DataParamList dataParams)分页查询,返回DataSet参数:tableName 主table名pageSize 页面大小pageIndex 页面索引selectSql 查询子句whereSql 条件子句orderbySql 排序子句optimizesql 优化子句aliasFileds 别名列,一般可以用*dataParams 参数列表注意,这个方法这个方法的参数很多,较复杂,一般平台用,开发尽量避免直接使用KeyGeneratorU9实体的ID是通过存储过程产生,UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess.dll下的KeyGenerator 提供一个辅助的方式提供一个新的ID,以避免直接访问产生ID的存储过程,名空间为UFSoft.UBF.Util.DataAccess方法:static public Int64 NewValue()取一个新的ID值。

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Unit 9 When was it invented?
●To learn to use Passive voice (questions and statements)
●To listen, talk and read about invention
Warming up by learn about Passive voice (questions and statements)
1a Doing group work
Look at the things on page 68. Number them in the order of their invention. A: I think the telephone was invented before the car.
A: I think the televisor was invented before the computer.
A: I think the calculator was invented before the plane.
B: Well, I think the calculator was invented after the planer.
1b Listening and matching
Now you are going to read the listening tapescript. Blacken the passive voice, circle all the linking words and underline all the useful expressions.
1c Doing pairwork
In pairs, one covers the dates and the other asks him when the things in the pictures on page 68
Next you are going to listen to a tapescript and number the inventions in the order that you hear
The inventions are heard in the following order.
battery-operated slippers→heated ice cream scoop→shoes with adjustable heels
2b Listening and matching
You shall listen to the recording again and match the items in the chart on page 69 in columns A,
Role play the conversations using the information in the chart in the middle of page 69. Pay
There are two kinds of inventions. One is helpful invention, and the other is annoying invention.
3b Doing pairwork
4 Doing groupwork
Imagine you are left alone on a small island in the sea. If you are allowed to take five inventions。
