Entry Strategy to New Foreign Markets




开拓海外市场英语一、单词1. expand- 英语释义:to be or make larger in size, number, or amount.- 用法:expand可作及物动词或不及物动词。


- 双语例句:Thepany plans to expand its business overseas.(公司计划拓展海外业务。

)2. penetrate- 英语释义:to succeed in entering or joining a particular market or area of activity.- 用法:penetrate常与介词into搭配。

- 双语例句:It's difficult for smallpanies to penetrate into the overseas market.(小公司很难打入海外市场。

)3. venture- 英语释义:a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty.- 用法:可作名词和动词。


- 双语例句:Manypanies are willing to take a venture in overseas markets.(许多公司愿意在海外市场冒险一试。

)4. globalize- 英语释义:to make (something) operate on a global scale.- 用法:及物动词。

- 双语例句:The firm is trying to globalize its production and sales.(这家公司正试图使其生产和销售全球化。

)5. overseas- 英语释义:in, from, or to a foreign country that is across the sea.- 用法:可作形容词和副词。

Foreign Market Entry Strategies

Foreign Market Entry Strategies

China-USA Business Review, August 2015, Vol. 14, No. 8, 395-398 doi: 10.17265/1537-1514/2015.08.002Foreign Market Entry StrategiesKenneth ShawState University of New York, Oswego, USAThis paper discusses issues surrounding foreign market entry. Initially, the paper attempts to determine why andhow a company makes a decision to enter a foreign market. Then there is a discussion of the timing and scale ofentry which must be considered. Next is a discussion of government resources and organizations that can assist inentry decisions. Modes of entry are then examined followed by three case studies in foreign market entry.Keywords: foreign market entry, timing, scale, government resources, international business, US Export ImportBankIntroductionIn recent years, foreign market entry has become increasingly popular. Entry decisions are also gaining attention from researchers of international business.Entering into a foreign market can potentially offer a firm many benefits in the global marketing area. The primary obstacle encountered by a multi-national enterprise when entering a foreign market is the selection ofan entry mode. There are many decisions that need to be made when choosing to enter a foreign market. Thesedecisions include which foreign markets to enter, when to enter them, on what scale, and the choice of entrymode. All comprehensive foreign market entry strategies offer unique benefits and costs and no two specificfirm’s entry strategies and results are the same. This review will look at various cases of foreign marketexpansion and seek to find if there is a best entry strategy.When deciding which foreign markets to enter, the choice is based upon an analysis of a nation’s long-run profit potential. Not all nations can offer the same profit potential to a firm and the potential is based on factorssuch as the economic and political environment of the country. The economic attractiveness of a country iscomprised of the size and demographics of the market, the present and future wealth of the country, the livingstandards, and potential economic growth. A country’s attractiveness can also depend on the benefits, costs,and risks associated with doing business in that country. Costs and risks involved with conducting business in aforeign country are generally lower in countries that are economically advanced and politically stable whichhave a free market system with little inflation or private sector debt. However, the potential for growth may begreater in an undeveloped country. Lastly, the value an international business can create in a foreign market isanother important factor. This is dependent on how suitable the product offering would be to that market andthe nature of competition in the country. Entry in a foreign market will be successful, if the internationalbusiness can offer the market a product that is not readily available and satisfies an unmet need. That value willKenneth Shaw, Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Management and Marketing, State University of New York atOswego, USA.Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Kenneth Shaw, 312 Rich Hall Oswego, NY, 13126, USA.E-mail:***************.All Rights Reserved.FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES396 offer the business the opportunity to charge higher prices and rapidly increase sales. Taking all of these factors into consideration, a firm should then rank countries based on their long-run profit potential and attractiveness (Porter, 1980).Timing and ScaleAfter a firm has chosen an attractive market, the next decision to be made is the timing of entry. Entry is considered early, when an international business enters the market prior to other foreign firms and late when it enters after other firms have already established themselves in the market. Entering the market early brings first mover advantages that include the opportunity to establish a strong brand name, acquire demand from the market, increase sales volume, and create switching costs that attach a customer to a given product or service. However, entering the market early can bring pioneering costs that a firm that enters the market later may be able to avoid. Pioneering costs include the costs of promoting and establishing the product. The probability of a firm surviving in a market increases, if they enter after several other firms have already established the market. Government regulations can also put an early entrant at a disadvantage, because laws can hinder the value of the early entrant’s investment (Hill, 2013).The next decision that needs to be made is the scale of entry and strategic commitments. Significant assets and resources are needed for a large scale foreign market entry, which commits a firm to the market. Strategic commitments alter the competitive playing field for other firms and produce various changes and inflexibility for the firm. Large scale market entry implies rapid entry and offers the first mover advantages, such as demand acquisition, scale economies, and switching costs. An entry on a smaller scale allows the firm to build themselves up gradually while becoming better acquainted with the market and limiting exposure to the market.Small scale market entry can also make it difficult for the firm to increase market share, because of their lack ofcommitment to the market. The small scale entrant reduces potential risk but also misses out on the opportunity for first mover advantages (Porter, 1980).Taking all of these considerations into mind, there are not right or wrong decisions for a firm to make. Each series of decisions offers unique rewards and benefits and costs and risks. Entry strategies that are associated with high risk include entering into a developing nation and entering on a large scale. Such entry strategies offer many benefits as well. Entering on a large scale can offer first mover advantage and long-run potential in the market.ResourcesThere are many resources available through governments, non-governmental organizations, and multinationals which facilitate a solid framework for entering any foreign market. Most of these resources are free or have very low costs. Some examples of these resources include the United States Commercial Service, which administers market reports, local partner searches, trade missions, and support for U.S. firms interested in pursuing exporting or entering target markets. This service operates in the U.S. and 100 other foreign countries. Another example is the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, an agency of the federal government that provides political risk insurance and project financing for projects that seek direct investment by U.S. firms. The U.S. Export Import Bank is an export credit agency of the federal government that provides insurance and financing for various projects that involve direct investment by U.S. firms across various industries. The U.S. Trade Development Agency offers grants for overseas projects that involve U.S. exports.All Rights Reserved.FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES 397The Overseas Security Advisory Council aims to help U.S. businesses better protect their foreign operations,especially in countries with unstable conditions. The American Chamber of Commerce offers advocacy andsupport for U.S. firms in various foreign nations. A last example is The Princeton Council on World Affairswhich offers education, information, and strategic business development services for firms looking to expand inforeign markets (Gordin, 2011).Once a firm decides how they are going to enter the market, the next decision to make is what mode of entry they are going to pursue. There are six different modes of foreign entry: exporting, turn-key projects,licensing, franchising, establishing a joint venture with a host country firm, or establishing a wholly ownedsubsidiary in the host country. Each mode of foreign market entry offers various advantages and disadvantages(Root, 1987).In a case that examined 20 Romanian companies and their strategy of foreign market penetration, various conclusions were made. The objectives of this study were to identify a Romanian exporting company profile, tohighlight the organization of marketing activities for exporting enterprises, to identify the areas of activity forexporting enterprises, to identify the main export markets of the Romanian exporters, to identify theinternational experience of the Romanian exporting companies, and to identify the type of strategy used forentry into foreign markets by exporting Romanian enterprises and testing the model for grouping strategies onthe proposed foreign market penetration (Harangus & Duda, 2009). The main export markets of the surveyedcompanies were those of the European Union (EU), with over 88% of exports in 2007 being directed to marketsin the EU. The most targeted foreign markets were, in order of relevance, Italy, Germany, France, Hungary,Bulgaria, Austria, and also the United States (Harangus & Duda, 2009). The results of the research concludedthat approximately 60% of companies with high turnover used forms of direct export or had representationabroad. High turnover is defined by the study as having over 51 billion lei in capital (lei being the plural of leu,Romania’s currency). It was also concluded that 50% of companies with turnover less than 50 billion leipreferred cooperating with a foreign intermediary for their products to enter the foreign markets. This studyalso concluded that the most common strategy of foreign market entry for Romanian exporters in the developedmarkets of the EU or the U.S. was direct exporting, while the emerging markets of Central and Eastern Europeor Asia used the more cautious approach of a local intermediary in most cases.Another case looked at Tesco, the largest grocery store chain in the United Kingdom that owns a 25% share of the British market. By the early 1990s, their business was already booming and the company wasgenerating a large amount of free cash flow. Senior management had to decide what to do with the excessmoney they were earning and one strategy they agreed upon was foreign expansion. They decided that theywere interested in entering emerging markets in Eastern Europe or Asia. These emerging markets offered themone limited competitor and strong potential for growth. Their first endeavor was into a state-owned grocerychain with 43 locations in Hungary in 1994, when Tesco acquired a 14% market share. Then in 1995 theyacquired 31 stores in Poland. In 1996, they acquired 13 more stores in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (Hill,2013).Tesco began expanding into Asia in 1998 in Thailand, when they purchased 75% of Lotus, a local food retailer. Then they expanded into South Korea in 1999, when they partnered with Samsung. They then enteredinto Taiwan in 2000, Malaysia in 2002, and China in 2004. They were initially attracted to the Chinese marketbecause of its large size and rapid growth. They ultimately settled on a 50-50 joint venture with Hymall, ahypermarket chain. In 2007, Tesco entered the U.S. grocery market. By 2010, they had generated over 19 All Rights Reserved.FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES398 billion euros outside the United Kingdom. They believe that their success was based upon devoting a large amount of attention to transferring its core capabilities in retailing to the new acquisitions instead of sending expatriates, their partnering strategy with Asia, and their focus on markets with good growth potential (Hill, 2013).Another case involves the 2004 strategic alliance of Cisco Systems and Fujitsu, a Japanese computer, electronics and telecommunications equipment company. By entering into this alliance with Fujitsu, Cisco believes that it can accomplish a number of different goals. First, both firms are pooling their research and development efforts that enable them to share technology and produce new products more easily. Second, by combining Cisco’s cutting edge technology and Fujitsu production skills, they believe that they will be able to offer more reliable products for consumers. Third, Fujitsu will provide Cisco with a more prominent sales presence in the Japanese market. Fourth, sales may also increase by the bundling of the co-branded routers together with other telecommunication that Fujitsu offers and creating a marketing plan that provides a comprehensive solution to consumers. The alliance began offering their first products in May of 2006. Both firms benefit from the alliance.ConclusionsAs can be seen from the various cases and examples of foreign market entry, there is no right or wrong way of entering a market. Each case is unique and requires a special strategy that is completely different from any other. There is also no entry strategy that is superior to others. Each different strategy can be successful if the firm takes the time before hand to extensively research the attractiveness of possible countries, their political and economic environment, their potential for long-term growth, and the benefits and costs associatedwith entering any given market.ReferencesGordin, A. (2011). Destination unknown, opportunity certain. Industry Week, 260(2), 52-54.Harangus, D., & Duda, D. D. (2009). The strategies of foreign market’s penetration used by Romanian enterprises from Westernfive region. Proceedings from Annals of Danube Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing (DAAAM).Hill, C. W. I. (2013). International business: Competing in the global marketplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.Porter, M. E. (1980). Competitive strategy: Techniques for analyzing industries and competitors. New York: Free Press. Root, F. (1987). Entry strategies for international markets. Lanham: Lexington Books.All Rights Reserved.。



国际市场营销一、the three principles of markting〔三条市场营销原则〕1.customer value and satisfaction (顾客价值和满意度)2 petitive or different advantages〔竞争或者差异优势〕3.focus 〔营销焦点〕二、the traditionl markting management concepts(传统的市场营销概念)the production concept〔生产理念〕the product concept〔产品理念〕the selling concept〔推销理念〕the marketing concept 〔营销理念〕三、the newly emerge markting concept〔新出现的营销理念〕1.the social marketing concept 〔社会营销〕2.the relationship marketing concept〔关系营销〕四、the international trade system〔国际贸易体系〕1.tariff〔关税〕2.quota〔配额〕3.embargo〔禁运〕4.exchange control〔外汇管制〕5.nontariff trade barriers〔非传统贸易壁垒〕五、the world trade organization1.free trade area2.European Union—Pacific Economic Cooperationthe North America Free Trade Agreement六、the emerging economics〔BRIC〕1.Brazil2.Russia3.India4.China七、the group of five1.theunitedstates2.Britain3.France4.Germany5.Japan八、newlyindustrializedeconomiies1.Singapore2.Korea3.ChinaHongKong4.ChinaTaiwan九、incomedistribution1.lowincomecountries2.lower—middle—incomecountries3.upper—middle—incomecountries4.high—incomecountries十、threeaspectofcultureinfluencemarkting〔1〕taste〔2〕colour〔3〕style十一、needhierarchy〔需求层次〕1.self—actualization〔自我实现〕2.esteem〔自尊〕3.social〔社交〕4.safety〔安全〕5.physiologicalneed〔心理〕十二、structureofcompetitiveenvironment1.puremonopoly〔完全垄断〕2.oligopoly〔寡头垄断〕3.monopolisticcompetition〔垄断竞争〕4.purecompetition〔完全竞争〕十三、themarketingresearchprocess1.definingtheproblem2.developtheresearchplan3.collecttheinformation4.analyzetheinformation5.presentthefindings十四、marketingresearchapproaches1.primaryresearchmethods〔观察调研法〕2.focus—group〔焦点小组〕3.survey〔问询调查法〕4.experiment〔实验调研法〕十五、researchinstrument〔调查手段〕1.questionnaire〔问卷调查〕2.mechanicaldevices〔实地调查〕十六、contactmethods〔联系方法〕1.telephoneinterview2.personalinterview3.onlineinterview十七、basedforsegmentingconsumermarkets1.geographicsegmentation〔地理细分〕2.demographicsegmentation〔人口细分〕3.psychographicsegmentation〔心理细分〕4.behaviorsegmentation〔行为细分〕十八、fourgroupsofbuyersbybrandloyalty〔用品牌忠诚度来划分的四种类型买者〕1.hard-coreloyalconsumers〔坚决专一型〕2.splitloyalconsumer〔三心二意型〕3.shiftingconsumers〔见异思迁型〕4.switchers(无品牌信仰型)十九、basicstrategicforreachingtargetmarkets1.undifferentiatedmarketing〔无差异战略〕2.differentiedmarketing〔差异化营销战略〕3.concentratedmarketing〔集中化营销战略〕4.globaltargetingstrategy〔全球营销战略〕二十、the entry modes into foreign markets〔进入国外市场的进入模式〕1.exporting〔出口〕2.licensing 〔许可证贸易〕3.joint venture〔合资企业〕4.foreign direct investment〔对外直接投资〕二十一、standardized and localized marketing mix〔1〕二十二、global marketing organizations1.export department〔出口部门〕2.international division 〔国际分工〕3.a global organization 〔全球化组织〕二十三、model of consumer behavior〔4PS〕消费者行为模型1.economic 〔经济〕2.technological 〔技术〕3.political〔政治的〕4.cultural〔文化〕二十四、psychological factors1.motive2.perception3.learning4.belief5.attitude二十五、three levels of a production〔生产的三个理念〕1.core product〔核心产品〕2. actual product〔实际产品〕3. augmented product〔扩张产品〕二十六、types of consumer products〔几种顾客型产品类型〕1.convenience products〔便利性产品〕2.impulse goods〔冲动性产品〕3.staples〔日常用品〕4.emergency goods〔急用品〕二十七、product mixes〔产品组合〕1.the width of product mix2.the length of a product mix3.the depth of a product nix二十八、four services’characteristics〔四种效劳特征〕1.intangible〔无形性〕2.heterogeneity〔不可分割性〕3.inseparability〔异质性〕4.perishability〔意逝性〕二十九、pricing strategys〔产品策略〕1.Skimming price strategy〔撇脂定价法〕2.Penetration pricing strategy〔渗透定价法〕petitive pricing strategy〔同业定价定价〕三十、four basic types of pricing policies〔四种根本的价格政策类型〕〔4P〕1.Psychological pricing〔心理定价法〕2.Price flexibility〔价格灵活性〕3.Product—line pricing〔产品线定价法〕4.Promotional pricing〔推广定价法〕。



国际化策略英文Internationalization StrategyIntroductionIn today's globalized world, businesses are expanding their operations across borders to tap into new markets and gain a competitive advantage. This has led to an increased focus on internationalization strategies. An internationalization strategy refers to the plan and approach a company adopts to enter and operate in foreign markets successfully. In this essay, we will discuss the key components of a successful internationalization strategy and how these can be implemented.Market ResearchThe first step in developing an internationalization strategy is conducting thorough market research. This involves identifying potential markets and evaluating their attractiveness based on factors such as market size, growth potential, competition, and cultural fit. It is essential to understand the target market's demographics, consumer behavior, and preferences to adapt the company's products or services accordingly.Adaptation StrategyOnce the target markets have been identified, the next step is developing an adaptation strategy. This involves adapting the company's products or services to suit the unique needs and preferences of the target market. It may require making changes to the product design, packaging, pricing, or even the marketing message. For example, a food company expanding into a new country may need to modify its recipes to cater to local tastes andpreferences.Localization StrategyA crucial aspect of internationalization is the localization strategy. Localization refers to customizing the marketing message and communication to resonate with the target market. This includes translating marketing materials into the local language, using culturally appropriate imagery, and understanding the local nuances and customs. By effectively localizing their communication, companies can establish a strong connection with the target market, build brand loyalty, and gain a competitive edge. Distribution StrategyA robust distribution strategy is vital for successful internationalization. Companies need to identify and partner with suitable distribution channels in the target market. This could involve establishing partnerships with local distributors, wholesalers, or even setting up their own distribution networks. It is essential to understand the local distribution landscape, including customs, regulations, and logistics, to ensure efficient and timely delivery of products or services.Human ResourcesThe success of an internationalization strategy heavily relies on the capabilities and expertise of the human resources. Companies need to identify and recruit individuals who have knowledge of the target market, including its culture, language, and business practices. Additionally, training and development programs should be implemented to enhance cross-cultural understanding and help employees adapt to the new market. It may also be necessary tohire local talent to gain insights into the market and build strong relationships with local stakeholders.Risk ManagementInternational expansion comes with its share of risks and challenges. Therefore, a robust risk management strategy is essential. This involves identifying potential risks, such as economic volatility, political instability, legal and regulatory challenges, and developing contingency plans to mitigate these risks. It is important to constantly monitor and evaluate the market conditions and adjust the strategy accordingly.Case Study: NikeOne example of a company that has implemented a successful internationalization strategy is Nike. Nike is a global sports apparel and footwear company that has successfully entered and operated in multiple foreign markets. Nike's internationalization strategy focused on understanding local market trends, adapting its products, and leveraging local cultural insights in its marketing campaigns. Nike formed partnerships with local distributors and retailers and established a global supply chain network to ensure efficient delivery. The company also hired local talent to gain insights into the market and build strong relationships with local stakeholders. Through these strategies, Nike has been able to establish itself as a global leader in the sports apparel industry. ConclusionIn conclusion, developing a comprehensive internationalization strategy is crucial for businesses looking to expand into foreign markets. Market research, adaptation and localization strategies,distribution strategy, human resources, risk management, and understanding cultural nuances are all vital components of a successful internationalization plan. By implementing these strategies effectively, businesses can establish a strong presence, gain a competitive advantage, and achieve sustainable growth in new markets.Cooperation StrategyAnother important aspect of an internationalization strategy is the cooperation strategy. This involves identifying potential partners or collaborators in the target market that can provide valuable resources, expertise, and access to local networks. Collaboration with local partners can help businesses navigate the complexities of a new market, reduce risks, and accelerate their entry into the market.The choice of partners may vary depending on the nature of the business and the target market. It could include joint ventures with local companies, strategic alliances with industry players, or partnerships with distributors, suppliers, or retailers. The key is to find partners that have strong market knowledge and a good understanding of the local business environment.When forming partnerships, it is essential to establish clear objectives and roles for each party involved. This includes defining the scope of cooperation, resource-sharing, decision-making processes, and intellectual property rights. Open and transparent communication is crucial to ensure a successful collaboration. Cooperation strategies can also extend beyond just business partnerships. Engaging with local communities, industryassociations, and government agencies can provide valuable support and insights. These relationships can help businesses navigate regulatory frameworks, gain access to government incentives or grants, and build a positive reputation in the local market.Digital Expansion StrategyIn today's digital age, businesses cannot ignore the importance of a digital expansion strategy in their internationalization plans. The internet has significantly reduced barriers to entry into foreign markets, allowing businesses to reach global consumers with ease.A digital expansion strategy involves leveraging digital tools and platforms to market products or services, reach target customers, and facilitate transactions.A crucial aspect of a digital expansion strategy is the development of a localized online presence. This includes creating country-specific websites, mobile applications, and social media profiles that cater to the local market. Localization efforts should go beyond just translating content. It should consider cultural nuances, preferences, and online user behavior to create a seamless and personalized user experience.Digital marketing plays a vital role in a digital expansion strategy. Businesses should utilize various digital marketing channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing to reach and engage with their target audience. Targeted advertising campaigns can be developed to capture the attention of potential customers in thetarget market.E-commerce platforms are another essential component of a digital expansion strategy. Establishing partnerships with local e-commerce platforms or developing an in-house e-commerce platform can help businesses facilitate online transactions in the target market. E-commerce platforms should be optimized for local payment methods, languages, and delivery options to enhance the customer experience.Data analysis and insights should also be a priority when implementing a digital expansion strategy. By leveraging data analytics tools, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, preferences, and market trends. This data can guide business decisions and optimize marketing campaigns to maximize return on investment.Sustainability StrategyIn recent years, sustainability has become a critical consideration in business operations and strategies. Integrating sustainability into an internationalization strategy can provide businesses with a competitive advantage, enhance brand image, and meet the increasing consumer demand for environmentally and socially responsible products or services.A sustainability strategy in internationalization involves assessing and minimizing the environmental impact of business operations. This includes adopting sustainable manufacturing practices, reducing carbon emissions, optimizing energy usage, andimplementing waste management systems. Businesses should also consider sourcing sustainable materials and supporting suppliers that align with their sustainability values.In addition to environmental sustainability, social and ethical considerations should also be part of the strategy. Businesses should strive to create a positive impact on local communities, support fair trade practices, and ensure safe and fair working conditions for employees and suppliers. This can be achieved by establishing codes of conduct, conducting regular audits, and engaging in philanthropic initiatives.Transparent reporting and communication about sustainability practices are essential to build trust and credibility with consumers, stakeholders, and the local community. Businesses should regularly communicate their sustainability goals and progress through corporate social responsibility reports, annual sustainability audits, and public relations efforts. This transparency can help businesses differentiate themselves from competitors and attract conscious consumers.ConclusionAn internationalization strategy requires careful planning and execution to ensure successful entry into foreign markets. Market research, adaptation and localization strategies, distribution strategy, human resources, risk management, cooperation strategy, digital expansion strategy, and sustainability strategy are all critical components that businesses should consider. By implementing a comprehensive and well-thought-out internationalization strategy,businesses can overcome challenges, capture opportunities, and achieve sustained growth in global markets.。



国际化策略英文版Title: Internationalization Strategy: Expanding into Global Markets Introduction:In today's highly interconnected world, companies cannot afford to limit their operations to one domestic market. Internationalization has become a crucial aspect of business growth and expansion. This article will delve into the concept of internationalization strategy and discuss how companies can develop a comprehensive plan to enter and succeed in global markets.1. Market Research and Analysis:The first step in creating an internationalization strategy is conducting thorough market research and analysis. Companies need to identify potential target markets by considering factors such as market size, growth rate, competitive landscape, cultural differences, and regulatory environment. This research will help in making informed decisions about which markets offer the best opportunities for growth and profitability.2. Adaptation and Localization:Once the target markets have been identified, companies must adapt their products or services to suit the preferences and needs of the local consumers. Localization involves customizing marketing messages, product packaging, pricing, and distribution channels. By tailoring their offerings to local tastes and preferences, companies can increase their chances of success in foreign markets.3. Partnering and Collaborations:Entering new markets can be challenging, especially for companieswith limited knowledge and resources. To mitigate these challenges, companies can consider partnering with local businesses or forming collaborations with established companies in the target market. This can provide valuable market insights, access to distribution channels, and help in navigating cultural and regulatory complexities.4. Talent Acquisition and Training:Having the right talent is crucial for implementing an internationalization strategy successfully. Companies should invest in recruiting and training employees who possess cross-cultural competencies, language skills, and a deep understanding of the target market. This will help in building strong relationships with local stakeholders and adapting quickly to changing market dynamics.5. Technological Integration:In today's digital age, technology plays a vital role in international business operations. Adopting technology solutions, such as e-commerce platforms, supply chain management systems, and customer relationship management (CRM) software, can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer experience. Furthermore, companies should leverage social media and digital marketing strategies to promote their products and communicate with international customers effectively.6. Risk Management:Entering global markets also comes with certain risks and uncertainties. Companies must assess and manage risks associated with currency fluctuations, political instability, legal issues, andcultural differences. Developing contingency plans, diversifying the customer base, and establishing local partnerships can help in mitigating these risks and ensuring business continuity.7. Continuous Evaluation and Adaptation: Internationalization is an ongoing process that requires constant evaluation and adaptation. Companies should regularly monitor market trends, customer preferences, and competitive dynamics to identify new growth opportunities or adapt their strategies accordingly. Conducting post-entry evaluations and seeking feedback from local customers can provide invaluable insights for refining the internationalization strategy.Conclusion:In an increasingly globalized world, companies cannot afford to ignore the potential offered by international markets. By developing a comprehensive internationalization strategy that includes market research, adaptation, partnerships, talent acquisition, technological integration, risk management, and continuous evaluation, companies can position themselves for success in the global arena. While challenges may arise, the rewards of expanding into global markets can be immense, including increased market share, revenue growth, and enhanced brand reputation.Expanding into global markets can present numerous opportunities for companies, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. In this section, we will further discuss some key considerations and strategies that companies can employ as they embark on their internationalization journey.8. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity:Culture plays a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and preferences. Therefore, companies must invest in understanding the cultural nuances of the target market. This includes familiarizing themselves with local customs, traditions, language, and business etiquette. By demonstrating cultural awareness and sensitivity, companies can build trust and establish strong relationships with local customers and stakeholders.9. Pricing and Competitive Strategy:Setting the right pricing strategy is essential when entering foreign markets. Companies need to consider factors such as local purchasing power, competitive pricing, and cost structures. It may be necessary to adjust pricing to reflect market realities and the value proposition being offered. Additionally, companies should evaluate their competitive strategy by analyzing local competitors, differentiating their products or services, and identifying unique selling points that resonate with the target market.10. Regulatory Compliance:Regulations and legal frameworks can vary significantly from one country to another. Companies need to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations, which may involve obtaining licenses, permits, or certifications. Engaging with local legal counsel or consultants familiar with the foreign market can help navigate these complexities and ensure proper adherence to regulatory requirements.11. Supply Chain Management:Effectively managing the supply chain is critical for successful internationalization. Companies must evaluate their logisticalcapabilities, including shipping, warehousing, and distribution. They should consider establishing local partnerships or utilizing third-party logistics providers to ensure efficient and timely delivery of products or services to the target market. An optimized supply chain can help reduce costs, improve customer satisfaction, and enhance overall operational efficiency.12. Intellectual Property Protection:Protecting intellectual property (IP) is crucial when entering global markets. Companies need to be aware of their IP rights and ensure they have necessary safeguards in place. This may involve registering trademarks, patents, or copyrights in the target market and implementing robust IP protection policies. In some cases, companies may need to modify their products or services to comply with local IP regulations.13. Marketing and Branding Strategy:Developing an effective marketing and branding strategy is essential for gaining traction in new markets. Companies must tailor their marketing messages, advertisements, and promotional campaigns to resonate with the local audience. This may involve localizing marketing material, utilizing local influencers or endorsers, and leveraging digital marketing platforms that are popular in the target market. A strong brand presence coupled with effective marketing strategies can help companies establish themselves as trusted and preferred brands in the foreign market.14. Competitive Intelligence and Market Trends:International markets are highly dynamic, with ever-changing consumer demands and competitive landscapes. Companies mustinvest in gathering competitive intelligence and monitoring market trends to stay ahead of the curve. This involves analyzing competitors' strategies, identifying potential market disruptors, and adapting quickly to changing consumer preferences or emerging industry trends. Leveraging data analytics and market research can provide valuable insights for informed decision-making and proactive adaptation.15. Scaling and Replication:Once a company achieves success in one foreign market, it may consider scaling and replicating its internationalization strategy in other markets. The lessons learned and best practices identified can be applied to new target markets, thereby reducing risks and accelerating growth. However, it is crucial to recognize that each market is unique, and a comprehensive market analysis should be conducted to determine the feasibility and adaptability of the strategy in new markets.In conclusion, expanding into global markets requires a comprehensive and well-executed internationalization strategy. By conducting thorough market research, adapting to the local culture and preferences, forming strategic partnerships, acquiring and developing talent, leveraging technology, managing risks, and continuously evaluating and adapting their strategies, companies can position themselves for success in the global marketplace. Internationalization may present challenges, but the potential rewards of increased market share, revenue growth, and enhanced brand reputation make it a worthwhile endeavor for companies looking to expand their horizons.。

Entry Strategies for international Markets1

Entry Strategies for international Markets1

Entry Strategies for International Markets. By Franklin R. Root (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1987, 269 pp., $29.00).
Entry Strategies for International Markets is a book for many audiences. For the manager considering entering intemational markets for the first time, the book provides a roadmap for making such an important decision. For the manager with intemational marketing experience, the book offers a wealth of checklists, step-by-step processes, and assessments of pros and cons of the entry altematives. Expetienced managers can incorporate these many factors in their own decision process. The academician can benefit from the well-written chapters on intemational entry altematives. which provide excellent summaries useful for presentations and research. The policymaker may find this book helpful in improving understanding of the factors that may affect decisions made by companies subject to govemment policies. The book is concise and the author uses a direct style in addressing complex entry decisions and topics. A large body of knowledge is presented in eight chapters. This conciseness makes the book suitable for executive development training. Moreover, the concepts and ideas expressed in the second edition have been tested and used by the author in executive training programs. The first chapter is an integration of the many decisions involved in intemational market entry. The chapter identifies the major environmental, market, and production factors that affect the entry decision. Altemative entry decisions are listed and classified in three categories: export, contractual, and investment entry modes. The evolution of entry decisions over time also is discussed. The first chapter offers an excellent preview of the numerous topics and decisions examined in the following chapters. The author is very effective in presenting an overall framework of the entry decision and stressing the importance of a good decision process. The second chapter is on the product-country market selection. The intemational product life cycle introduces the dynamics of product evolution in intemational markets. However, the author fails to link the product life cycle to entry decisions. Such integration is necessary to highlight the need to adjust the intemational entry decision according to the product stage of a given country. This link could have provided an excellent transition to the discussion of the dynamics of the entry decisions over time. Considerations of product adaptation to intemational market requirements follow the discussion of the product life cycle. The author presents the virtues and

Market Entry Strategies

Market Entry Strategies

Market Entry StrategiesA market entry strategy is to plan a method of delivering goods or services to a target market and distributing them there. when importing or exporting services, it refers to establishing and managing contracts in a foreign country. There are a variety of ways in which organizations can enter foreign markets. The three main ways are by direct or indirect export or production in a foreign country.ExportingThe advantages of exporting are:•manufacturing is home based thus, it i s less risky than overseas based•gives an opportunity to "learn" overseas markets before investing in bricks and mortar•reduces the potential risks of operating overseas.The disadvantage is mainly that one can be at the "mercy" of overseas agents and so the lack of control has to be weighed against the advantages. For example, in the exporting of African horticultural products, the agents and Dutch flower auctions are in a position to dictate to producers. According to Collett (1991) exporting requires a partnership between exporter, importer, government and transport. Without these four coordinating activities the risk of failure is increased. Contracts between buyer and seller are a must.PiggybackingPiggybacking is an interesting development. The method means that organizations with little exporting skill may use the services of one that has. Another form is the consolidation of orders by a number of companies in order to take advantage of bulk buying. Normally these would be geographically adjacent or able to be served, say, on an air route. The fertilizer manufacturers of Zimbabwe ,for example, could piggyback with the South Africans who both import potassium from outside their respective countries.CountertradeBy far the largest indirect method of exporting is countertrade. Competitive intensity means more and more investment in marketing. In this situation the organization may expand operations by operating in markets where competition is less intense but currency based exchange is not possible. Also, countries may wish to trade in spite of the degree of competition, but currency again is a problem. Countertrade can also be used to stimulate home industries or where raw materials are in short supply. It can, also, give a basis for reciprocal trade.Countertrade has disadvantages: •Not covered by GATT so "dumping" may occur•Quality is not of international standard so costly to the customer and trader•Variety is tow so marketing of what is limited•Difficult to set pric es and service quality•Inconsistency of delivery and specification•Difficult to revert to currency trading - so quality may decline further and therefore product is harder to market.LicensingLicensing gives the following advantages:•G ood way to start in foreign operations and open the door to low risk manufacturing relationships•Linkage of parent and receiving partner interests means both get most out of marketingeffort•Capital not tied up in foreign operation•Options to buy into partner exist or provision to take royalties in stock.The disadvantages are:·Limited form of participation - to length of agreement, specific product, process or trademark· Potential returns from marketing and manufacturing may be lost· Partner develops know-how and so licence is short· Licensees become competitors - overcome by having cross technology transfer deals· Requires considerable fact finding, planning, investigation and interpretation.市场进入战略市场进入战略是计划一种提供商品和服务给目标市场,当进口或出口服务分销的一种方法,它涉及国外建立和管理合同。



缺 点
许可人获得的收益有限 许可人对目标市场的控制程 度有限 有可能将被许可方培养成许 可方的强劲竞争对手
特许经营是指双方通过特许合同, 特许方将其商业制度及其他工业产 权(如专利、商标、产品配方、公 司名称、技术诀窍和管理服务等无 形资产)许可给目标市场的企业或 个人(被特许方),被特许方按照 特许方的经营政策、经营风格从事 经营活动。
5.国际工程承包模式的优缺点。(1)国际工程承包的优点在 于国际工程承包进入策略是劳动力、技术、管理甚至是资 金等生产要素的全面进入和配套进入,这样有利于发挥工 程承包者的整体优势。(2)国际工程承包模式缺点在于因 为项目的长期性,使得经营这类项目的不确定性因素增加, 如遭遇政治风险等。对企业而言,预期外国政府政策的变 化以及这种变化对项目结果的影响往往是很困难的。
合同制造是指企业与外国企业签订供货合同,由本 企业提供零部件由合同企业进行组装或加工或是由
量和时间生产本企业所需要的产品,交由本企业进 行营销的一种契约策略。
合同制造的优缺点 优 点 缺 点
企业将全部或部分生产工作和责 所涉及的零部件或生产设备的进 任转移给了合同企业,便于企业 出口可能会受到贸易壁垒的影响 集中精力做好营销工作 企业不仅可以输出技术或商标等 企业向合同企业提供技术要求、 无形资产,而且还可以输出劳务、质量标准的时候,将自己的技术 参数泄露给合同企业,有可能将 管理以及资本等生产要素 合作伙伴培养成潜在竞争对手 有利于企业从生产国获得一些其 企业对生产的过程无法进行有效 他益处,如廉价劳动力等 监控
2.特许经营的优缺点。(1)特许经营的优点主要有:第一, 标准化的经营方式可以迅速的扩大特许方商标或商号的影响 力。第二,由于被特许方对其所在地区较为了解,往往更容 易开拓新的市场领域。第三,可以用较小的资金投入获得高 速的增长,同时规避了自身的风险。特许经营的不足之处包 括:第一,特许经营也可能会培养自己的潜在竞争对手。第 二,由于被特许方的经济独立性以及分散性,双方之间的沟 通可能会存在一定的滞后,特许方无法随时向被特许方提供 及时的帮助;同时当被特许方如果做出一些有悖于特许方的 经营活动时,无法及时进行监控。第三,当需要根据经营业 绩来支付一定比例的特许经营费时,被特许方可能会隐瞒自 己的真实财务状况。 3.合同制造的优缺点。(1)合同制造模式的优点在于:第 一,企业将全部或部分生产的工作和责任转移给了合同企 业,便于企业集中精力放在营销上。第二,企业不仅可以输 出技术或商标等无形资产,而且还可以输出劳务、管理以及 资本等生产要素。第三,合同制造还有利于企业从生产国获 得其他的一些益处。

International Market Entry Strategy

International Market Entry Strategy
Joint venture
Franchising Licensing Direct Exporting Indirect Exporting
Control and foreign market presence
Low Low
Production in home market
Production abroad

契约进入模式,又称合同经营或非股权经营,是企业通过与东道国企业签订有关技术、管 理、销售、工程承包等方面的合约,取得对东道国企业的某种控制权 1. Licensing 许可进入 The owner of the licence grants someone the right to produce goods using that licence, for example, CocaCola products. The owner of the licence allows other manufacturers to use the character in return for payment of a fee. a licensor own the rights and a licensee buys the rights.企业转让其专利,商标,配方等无形资产的使用权获得提成. 2. Franchising 特许经营 The franchisor owns the rights to a product and allows others to set up in other countries as the franchisee.企业将商业制度,专利,商标,公司名称,产品配方特许给企业或者是 个人.被特许方通常是一些小的企业. 3. Turnkey Entry Mode工程承包 A turnkey project refers to a project in which clients pay contractors to design and construct new facilities and train personnel. A turnkey project is way for a foreign company to export its process and technology to other countries by building a plant in that country.这种模式是指企业以通过与外国企业签订合同并完成某一大型项目,然后将 该项目交付给对方的方式进入国外市场. 设计-建造-交付 主要使用于一些大型的建设项目. 4. Contract manufacture合同制造进入模式 This is really a half-way house between licensing and investing in full manufacturing in another country. The company placing the order for goods to be made under contract still retains full control over distribution and marketing. It is a legally binding contract normally for 1–5 years. These are sometimes referred to as management contracts.合同 制造进入模式是指企业向外国提供零部件由其组装,或提供标准由其仿制,自身保留营销 责任的一种方式.



国际市场营销策划方案英文Introduction:The purpose of this international marketing plan is to outline the strategies and tactics that will be used to enter and expand into new international markets. The company, XYZ Corporation, is a leading provider of high-tech products and services in the technology industry. With a strong presence in the domestic market, XYZ Corporation is now seeking to explore new opportunities in international markets to increase its global reach and customer base. This marketing plan aims to define the target international markets, identify the marketing objectives, establish the marketing strategies, and outline the implementation and control measures to effectively penetrate these markets.1. Executive Summary:The executive summary provides a brief overview of the entire marketing plan, highlighting the key objectives, strategies, and tactics.2. Situation Analysis:This section provides an analysis of the internal and external factors that will have an impact on the international marketing plan. It includes a market analysis, competitive analysis, and a SWOT analysis. The market analysis examines the target international markets, their size, growth potential, and cultural, economic, and regulatory factors. The competitive analysis assesses the major competitors in these markets and their market share, pricing, distribution channels, and marketing strategies. The SWOT analysis identifies the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the international markets.3. Marketing Objectives:The marketing objectives identify the specific goals that the company aims to achieve in the target international markets. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Examples of marketing objectives include increasing market share by a certain percentage, expanding the customer base, establishing strategic partnerships, and achieving a certain level of brand awareness and recognition.4. Target Market Segmentation:This section identifies the target market segments in the international markets. The segmentation criteria can be geographic, demographic, psychographic, or behavioral. By dividing the market into smaller segments, the company can better understand the needs, preferences, and buying behaviors of its target customers and develop tailored marketing strategies and tactics.5. Positioning and Branding Strategy:This section outlines the positioning and branding strategy for the company's products and services in the target international markets. It defines the unique value proposition and competitive advantage that the company offers and highlights the key benefits and features that differentiate the company from its competitors.6. Marketing Strategies:This section outlines the marketing strategies that will be used to achieve the marketing objectives in the target international markets. It includes product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotion strategy.a) Product Strategy: This strategy defines the product offering for the international markets, including the product features, packaging, branding, and customization options.b) Pricing Strategy: This strategy determines the pricing approach for the company's products and services in the international markets. It takes into account factors such as production costs, competitor pricing, customer willingness to pay, and market demand.c) Distribution Strategy: This strategy outlines the distribution channels and logistics that will be used to deliver the company's products and services to customers in the international markets. It may involve direct sales, joint ventures, strategic partnerships, or third-party distributors.d) Promotion Strategy: This strategy defines the promotional activities that will be used to create awareness and generate demand for the company's products and services in the international markets. It includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and digital marketing tactics.7. Implementation Plan:The implementation plan details the specific actions, timelines, and responsibilities for executing the marketing strategies in the target international markets. It includes a budget allocation, resource allocation, and a timeline for each marketing activity. This section also outlines the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure the success of the marketing efforts.8. Control and Evaluation:The control and evaluation section establishes the monitoring and control measures that will be used to track the progress and performance of the international marketing plan. It includes regular performance reviews, data analysis, and feedback mechanisms to ensure that the marketing strategies are effectively implemented and aligned with the marketing objectives.Conclusion:In conclusion, this international marketing plan outlines the strategies and tactics that will be used to enter and expand into new international markets. By conducting a thorough analysis of the target markets, defining the marketing objectives, and implementing a comprehensive marketing strategy, XYZ Corporation can successfully penetrate these markets and achieve its business goals. Continuous monitoring and evaluation will be crucial to ensure the success of the plan and make any necessary adjustments to maximize results.。

Chap 4. Entering Foreign Markets1

Chap 4. Entering Foreign Markets1

Chapter. 4Entering Foreign MarketsThe Global Trade and Investment EnvironmentKey takeaways from previous chapterCross-cultural literacy and cultural adjustment⚫How can we manage different market trends and customer tastes to penetrate the local market-Adapt your offerings to better befit the social habits of consumers -Be flexible in strategies in response to regulations-Consider other forms of market entryLearning objectivesEntering Foreign Markets⚫Understand how firms enhance their capability and performance through global expansion in consideration of where, when, and how questions⚫Clarify the differences of entry modes (e.g., what scale and what nature should this entry have?) and understand the importance of choosing a right entry modeThree Basic Decisions⚫WHERE -Which markets to enter?⚫WHEN -When to enter these markets?⚫HOW -How to enter these markets? (i.e., what scale and what nature should this entry have?)OPENING CASE: Market Entry at StarbucksQuestion 1Why do you think Starbucks decided to enter the Japanese market via ajoint venture with a Japanese company? What lesson can you draw fromthis?Question 2What drove Starbucks to start expanding internationally?How is the company creating value for its shareholders by pursuingand international expansion strategy?Which Foreign Markets?⚫There are more than 200 countries•191 are member-nations of the UN…⚫Each country’s attractiveness as a market to a particular firm depends on:• A balance of benefits, costs, and risks, along with thefirm’s strategic objectives.•The value an international business can create in aforeign marketTiming of entry: First Mover Advantages⚫Preempt rivals; establish strong brand name; capture demand ⚫Build sales volume; ride down experience curve ahead ofcompetitors (learning effect and EoS); cost advantage⚫Create switching costs; tie customers to 1st mover’sproducts⚫Establish social ties ahead of following foreign competitorsTiming of entry First-mover disadvantages; Pioneering costs⚫Time spent to learn DOs-DON’Ts may benefit competitors who can learn from 1st mover⚫1st mover who starts a new industry builds the infrastructure ⚫1st mover “trains” customers for followers⚫Breaks through host country’s adjustment to “foreignness”issues•Regulations may change due to 1st mover’s effort•Followers benefit from 1st mover’s efforts/costsHow to enter foreign marketsWhat is foreign direct investment?Foreign direct investment (FDI) occurs when a firm invests directlyin new facilities to produce and/or market in a foreign countryOnce a firm undertakes FDI it becomes a multinational enterprise There are two forms of FDI:-A greenfield investment (the establishment of a wholly newoperation in a foreign country)-Acquisition or merging with an existing firm in the foreigncountryExporting & Licensing⚫Exporting involves producing goods at home and then shipping them to the receiving country for sale.⚫Licensing involves granting a foreign entity (the licensee) the right to produce and sell the firm’s product in return for a royalty fee on every unit sold.Why do firms prefer FDI to either exporting or licensing?T o answer this question, we need to look at the limitations of exporting and licensing, and theadvantages of FDI1. Limitations of Exporting⚫The viability of an exporting strategy can be constrained by transportation costs and trade barriers•When transportation costs are high, exporting can beunprofitable•Foreign direct investment may be a response to actualor threatened trade barriers such as import tariffs orquotas2. Limitations of LicensingThe Internalization theory (also known as market imperfections) suggests that licensing has three major drawbacks•it may result in a firm’s giving away valuable technological know-how to a potential foreign competitor•it does not give a firm the tight control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy in a foreign country that may be required to maximize its profitability•It may be difficult if the firm’s competitive advantage is not amendable to licensingExporting⚫Advantages:•Avoids cost of establishing manufacturing operations•May help achieve experience curve and scale economies ⚫Disadvantages:•May compete with low-cost location manufacturers•Possible high transportation costs•T ariff barriers•Possible lack of control over marketing reps⚫It is common for firms in the same industry to •have similar strategic behavior and undertake foreign direct investment around the same time•direct their investment activities towards certainlocations at certain stages in the product life cycle1. Strategic Behavior⚫Knickerbocker explored the relationship between FDI and rivalry in oligopolistic industries (industries composed of a limited number of large firms)⚫Knickerbocker suggested that FDI flows are a reflection of strategic rivalry between firms in the global marketplace⚫This theory can be extended to embrace the concept of multipoint competition (when two or more enterprises encounter each other in different regional markets, national markets, or industries)2. The Product Life Cycle⚫Vernon argues that firms undertake FDI at particular stages in the life cycle of a product they have pioneered⚫Firms invest in other advanced countries when local demand in those countries grows large enough to support local production ⚫Firms then shift production to low-cost developing countries when product standardization and market saturation give rise to price competition and cost pressuresThe Eclectic Paradigm⚫John Dunning’s eclectic paradigm argues that in addition to the various factors discussed earlier, two additional factors must be considered when explaining both the rationale for and the direction of foreign direct investment•location-specific advantages (that arise from using resourceendowments or assets that are tied to a particular location and that a firm finds valuable to combine with its own unique assets)•externalities(knowledge spillovers that occur when companies in the same industry locate in the same area)Entry Mode: Licensing⚫Licensor grants rights to licensee for•Intangible property use: patents, inventions, formulas,processes, designs, copyrights, trademarks•Specified period of time•Specified compensation⚫Licensee typically gives licensor•Quality assurance rights•Strategic brand control if licensee sells to consumersusing the licensor’s brand nameEntry Mode: Franchising⚫Franchising•Franchisor, grants franchisee use of intangibles under thecondition that franchisee follow strict rules of operating thebusiness (franchisor transfers to the franchisee a total business method --including production and marketing methods, salessystems, procedures, training, and the use of its name.)•Mode of operation is part of the brand image•Similarities to Licensing•More comprehensive and longer-term than licensing.Putting it into Practice Growing one store at a timeLicensing: Advantages⚫Reduces development costs and risks of establishing foreign enterprise⚫Don’t need to commit substantial resources to unfamiliar or politically volatile foreign markets⚫Overcomes restrictive investment barriers⚫Others can develop business applications of intangible property•Bell lab at AT&T –T exas Instrument•Coca cola ---clothing and accessoriesLicensing: Disadvantages⚫Lack of control over manufacturing, marketing, and strategy ⚫Inability to realize location and experience curve economies ⚫Inability to engage in global strategic coordination⚫May lose technology by licensing it•RCA ---Sony and Matsushita⚫Means to Reduce Risks•Cross-Licensing ---Amgen and Kirin•Link with Joint Venture ---Fuji-XeroxFranchising⚫Advantages:•Reduces costs and risk of establishing foreign operations ⚫Disadvantages:•May prohibit movement of profits from one country to support operations in another country•Quality control (master franchising subsidiary)Entry Mode: WOS & IJVThese involve Foreign Direct Investment⚫International joint ventures (IJV)•Firms that are owned jointly by two or more otherwise independent firms;•One (or more) parent firms are non-resident in the host market⚫Wholly owned subsidiaries (WOS)•Firms solely owned by a company in a foreign countryJoint VenturesAdvantages:⚫Benefit from the partner’s knowledge⚫Shared costs/risks with partner⚫Reduced political riskDisadvantages:⚫Risk giving control of technology to partner⚫May not realize experience curve or location economies ⚫Shared ownership can lead to conflictWholly Owned Subsidiary Advantages:⚫No risk of losing technical competence to a competitor ⚫Tight control of operations⚫Realize experience curve and location economies Disadvantage:⚫Bear full cost and risk⚫Slower to implementAcquisitionsAdvantages:⚫Quick to execute⚫Preempt competitors ⚫Possibly less risky Disadvantages:⚫Disappointing results⚫Overpay for firm⚫Optimism about value creation (hubris)⚫Culture clash⚫Problems with proposedsynergiesAcquisition or GreenfieldAcquisitions are attractive if:⚫There are wellestablished firms alreadyin operation⚫Competitors want to enter the region Greenfield ventures are attractive if:⚫There are no competitors⚫Competitive advantage consists of embedded competencies,skills, routines, and uniquecultureWhat we have done so far?Opening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in IndiaOpening up: JCB in India。



国际化经营 Richard. E. Caves 工商企业日趋国际化,但他们中大多数不是出于战略上的选择,而是经历了一个缓慢的“循序渐进”的进程。
















全球化Globalisation WK10 - Foreign_Market_Entry_Strategy_1_ (2)

全球化Globalisation WK10 - Foreign_Market_Entry_Strategy_1_ (2)
• Availability and capabilities of partners in the market
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Foreign Market Entry Strategy
• Goals and objectives of the firm, such as desired profitability, market share, or competitive positioning
Devise needed on-the-ground tactics; adapt products and marketing as needed
Additional Considerations for Exporting
Governmental policies Marketing concerns
• Retailers offer their services by establishing retail stores abroad via FDI. Retailing requires direct contact with customers.
• Overall, most services are delivered to foreign customers via entry strategies other than exporting.
• Collaborative ventures include joint ventures in which the firm makes similar equity investments abroad, but in partnership with another company.



英语作文-金融资产管理公司积极布局海外市场,拓展全球业务In recent years, financial asset management companies have been actively expanding their presence in overseas markets to explore global business opportunities. This strategic move allows them to tap into new markets, diversify their investment portfolios, and ultimately enhance their overall competitiveness. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this trend and discuss the benefits and challenges associated with venturing into international markets.First and foremost, the global expansion of financial asset management companies is driven by the increasing demand for diversified investment options. As the world becomes more interconnected, investors are seeking opportunities beyond their domestic markets. By entering foreign markets, these companies can offer a wider range of investment products and services, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of investors worldwide. This not only attracts new clients but also helps retain existing ones by providing them with a comprehensive investment solution.Moreover, venturing into overseas markets allows financial asset management companies to mitigate risks associated with a single market. By diversifying their operations geographically, they can reduce their exposure to country-specific risks such as regulatory changes, economic downturns, and political instability. This risk management strategy ensures the stability and sustainability of their business, even in the face of localized market fluctuations.Furthermore, expanding globally enables these companies to tap into emerging markets with high growth potential. Developing economies, such as those in Asia and Africa, offer immense opportunities for financial asset management companies to capitalize on the rising middle class and increasing disposable incomes. By establishing a presence in these markets, companies can leverage their expertise and experience tocapture a share of the growing wealth and contribute to the development of these economies.In addition to the benefits, venturing into international markets also poses challenges for financial asset management companies. One of the major challenges is adapting to different regulatory frameworks and compliance requirements. Each country has its own set of rules and regulations governing the financial industry, and companies must ensure strict adherence to these regulations to maintain their credibility and trustworthiness. This requires extensive research, continuous monitoring, and effective communication with local regulatory bodies.Another challenge is cultural and language barriers. Operating in foreign markets means dealing with diverse cultures, customs, and languages. Companies must invest in cross-cultural training and language support to effectively communicate with clients and build strong relationships. Understanding the local market dynamics and tailoring their products and services to suit the preferences of the target audience is crucial for success in international markets.Despite these challenges, the benefits of expanding globally outweigh the risks for financial asset management companies. By proactively embracing international markets, these companies can diversify their revenue streams, enhance their brand reputation, and gain a competitive edge in the global financial landscape. However, it is important for companies to carefully analyze market conditions, develop a robust expansion strategy, and continuously monitor and adapt to changes in the global economic environment.In conclusion, the proactive expansion of financial asset management companies into overseas markets is a strategic move to tap into new opportunities, diversify investment portfolios, and mitigate risks. By offering diversified investment options, managing country-specific risks, and capitalizing on emerging markets, these companies can enhance their competitiveness and contribute to the development of global financial markets. While challenges exist, with proper research, planning, and adaptation, the benefits of venturing into international markets far outweigh the risks.。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:1.国外市场进入模式2.市场进入战略文献、资料英文题目:1.Foreign Market Entry Modes2.Market Entry Strategies文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14外文文献翻译一:国外市场进入模式如何进入外国市场有着重大的影响。


















直接投资外国直接投资(FDI )是直接拥有设施的目标国家。






国际市场营销学第八版英文版International Marketing: 8th EditionAbstract:International marketing plays a crucial role in the global business landscape. It involves various activities and strategies aimed at expanding products and services into international markets. This article explores the key concepts, principles, and strategies of international marketing as discussed in the 8th edition of the book "International Marketing."Introduction:In today's interconnected world, businesses are increasingly looking towards international markets to expand their reach and increase profitability. International marketing involves the planning, implementation, and coordination of marketing activities across national boundaries to meet the diverse needs and preferences of global consumers. The 8th edition of "International Marketing" offers comprehensive insights into this dynamic field.1. Global Market Entry Strategies:International market entry strategies are vital for businesses aiming to establish a presence in foreign markets. This section explores several strategies, such as exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and direct investment. Each strategy has its benefits and challenges, and selecting the most suitable approach depends on factors like market characteristics, resources, and objectives.2. International Market Research and Analysis:Understanding the international marketplace is critical for successful market penetration. This segment emphasizes the significance of market research and analysis in international marketing. Topics covered include the identification of target markets, assessing market potential, consumer behavior analysis, and conducting competitive analysis. By utilizing these research techniques, companies can make informed decisions and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.3. Global Product and Brand Management:Adapting products and brands to international markets is essential for success. This section covers the challenges faced in global product and brand management, including product development, standardization versus adaptation, and brand positioning strategies. With insights from the 8th edition, businesses can effectively manage their product and brand portfolios across diverse cultures and markets.4. International Pricing Strategies:Pricing is a critical element in international marketing as it directly influences market acceptance and profitability. This segment explores various pricing strategies, such as cost-based pricing, market-based pricing, and competitive-based pricing. The 8th edition highlights the importance of considering factors such as local market conditions, currency exchange rates, and cost structures when determining international pricing strategies.5. Global Distribution and Supply Chain Management:Efficient distribution and supply chain management are essential for delivering products and services to international customers. This section addresses topics such as channel selection, logistics management, and transportation strategies. The 8th edition provides insights into the complexities and challenges of managing global distribution networks.6. International Marketing Communications:Effectively communicating with consumers in diverse cultural contexts is crucial for international marketing success. This segment examines the intricacies of international marketing communications, including advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and personal selling. The 8th edition highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity, language adaptation, and media selection in international marketing communications.7. Ethical and Sustainable International Marketing:The 8th edition delves into the ethical and sustainable aspects of international marketing. It covers topics such as fair trade, social responsibility, and green marketing. In an era of increased environmental consciousness and social awareness, businesses must consider these factors when formulating their international marketing strategies.Conclusion:The 8th edition of "International Marketing" provides valuable insights into the intricacies and dynamics of global marketing. By understanding the concepts, principles, and strategies discussed in this book, businesses can navigate the complexities of international markets and achieve success in their global endeavors. International marketing continues to evolve, and theknowledge shared in this edition paves the way for businesses to excel in an increasingly interconnected world.。

Entering a market。

Entering a market。

More market entry strategies
• Production at home Indirect exporting (export merchant(批发商)) Direct exporting (foreign customer, agent, distributor(经销商 ), representative office, foreign branch, foreign subsidiary(子公司)。Production abroad without direct investment (management contract, franchising, licensing, contract manufacturing) with direct investment ( partly owned subsidiary, acquisition of a foreign company, set up a new company, equity joint venture(合资企业 )).
Market entry and trade risks
• Some of the risks incurred(遭受) when entering a new market and start domestic or international trade include: • Weather risk • Systematic risk(系统性风险), different from systemic risk, the systematic risk is the risk inherent to the entire market or an entire market segment • Sovereign risk(国家主权) • Foreign exchange risk(外汇兑换风险) • Liquidity risk(流动资产的风险)






二、Entry作为名词的用法1. 具体场景下的entry在日常生活中,entry可以指涉各种不同场合和领域:(1) 在酒店、公园等公共场所,我们会看到“no entry”(禁止入内)的标志;(2) 在学校学术界,我们要向期刊投稿以使我们“get our entry”(获得发表机会);(3) 在商业领域,众多新兴企业希望能够“make their entry”(打开市场);(4) 在电影界,演员需要通过好莱坞杂志评选届时人物评选来尝试进入“the entries list”(被提名的入展候选人名单)。

2. 口语表达中的entry短语此外,在英语口语中,还存在一些常见搭配形式:(1) Make an entry:做一个记号/记录。

例如:I made an entry in my diary about the concert I attended last night.(我在日记中记了一下昨晚我参加的音乐会。

)(2) Gain entry:获得进入权限。

例如:Only authorized personnel are allowed to gain entry into the restricted area.(只有授权人员才能进入限制区域。

)(3) Entry fee:门票费。

例如:The entry fee for this museum is $10.(这家博物馆的门票费是10美元。

)三、Entry作为动词的用法1. 加入某个组织或参与某项活动entry还可以作为动词,表示加入某个组织或参与某项活动:(1) Entry to the competition is open to all students.(比赛对所有学生开放。

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Which Foreign Markets?

Target Nation’s long-term profit potential
• • •
Economic factors +
Political factors
1. Possible Markets 2. Analyse them 3. Rank them
Timing of Entry

“Early” entry - entry before other firms have established themselves

Advantages - “first-mover” advantages
• • • •
Demand capture by establishing a strong brand presence Build sales volume and ride down the experience curve

Timing of Entry

“Early” entry - entry before other firms have established themselves

Disadvantages - “first-mover” disadvantages

Potential for “pioneering” costs - the cost of learning HOW to do this business in the Country (others can learn from how you have succeeded)
Scale of Entry
Small Scale Entry
Large Scale Entry
Scale of Entry
Gather information about a foreign market before deciding on a large scale entry
Learn while limiting risk exposure
Timing of Entry
• •
“Early” entry - entry before other firms have established themselves
“Later” entry - after others have established the market and made the entry mistakes

There is a wide range of Countries to consider
Which Foreign Markets?

Target Nation’s long-term profit potential
• • •
Economic factors +
Political factors
Large Scale Entry
Difficult to reverse
Signals strength of customers
Signals strength of competition
Scale of Entry
Small Scale Entry
Large Scale Entry
No “right” or “wrong” decisions Different levels of risk and reward Late entrants into developed markets are probably would best be done with a clear cost or differentiation strategy - rather than a “me-too” strategy
What can we say about the Chinese Market?
Chinese Market

Economic factors
• • • •
Market size (Demographics) - Very Large
Likely future wealth of consumers - Low but rising
• • • •
The “rules of the game” cost money to learn Probability of success increases if you enter after several others have succeeded. Pioneering costs also include the cost of promotion and establishing a market (proportional to customer product familiarity) e.g. KFC introduced the Chinese to American-style fast food, but a later entrant, McDonald’s has capitalised on the Chinese market
Entry Modes
1. 2. 3.
Exporting Turnkey Projects Licensing
5. 6.
What did Tesco do?

Emerging markets in Eastern Europe & Asia
• • •
Lack of strong local competition Strong underlying growth trends Ability to add value by transferring its core competencies in retailing to these markets
Economic growth rate - Strong growth Living standards - Rising fast in urban areas
Good Investment Potential
Indonesian Market
What can we say about the Indonesian Market?
To the Company Benefits
Value created in the foreign market
Nature of indigenous competition
Price that can be charged Costs associated with product delivery to customers
Build a cost advantage through this early volume
Using the cost advantage cut prices below other entrants to keep them out Create switching costs that tie customers into their products create a switching barrier for the competition
Entry Strategy to New Foreign Markets
Basic Entry Decisions
1. 2.
Which new market to enter When to enter
What scale of entry
What entry mode to use
Which Foreign Markets?
Which Foreign Markets?

Economic factors
• • •
Market size (Demographics) Likely future wealth of consumers (Economic growth rate) Living standards
Does not allow market share to be captured
Small Scale Entry
Large Scale Entry
Limited early-mover advantages
Scale of Entry
Large financial investment Large strategic commitment Small Scale Entry If the Resource Implications are significant - can restrict scope for other strategic initiatives Long-term strategic impact
Which Foreign Markets?

Target Nation’s long-term profit potential
• • •
Economic factors +
Political factors
To the Company Benefits
Value created in the foreign market
Large Scale Entry
Difficult to reverse
Signals strength of customers
Signals strength of competition
Scale of Entry
How will the market (customers and competition) react to the entry? Large financial investment Large strategic commitment Small Scale Entry If the Resource Implications are significant - can restrict scope for other strategic initiatives Long-term strategic impact