



摘要: 论文根据一系列 -<- 000 000 自然资源专题图, 把青藏高原生态资产划分为森林、 草地、 农田、 湿地、 水面、 荒漠 4 个一级类型, 应 用 6=+ 技 术 进 行 了 数 据 处 理 与 统 计 分 析 , 编 制 了 青 藏 高 原 -<8 对全球生态系统 服 务 价 值 评 估 的 -773 ) 000 000 自然资产图。生态资产价值评估以 ,>?@ABCA 等人( 部分成果为参考, 同时综合了对我国专业人士进行的生态问卷调查结果, 建立了中国陆地生态系统 单位面积服务价值表。以此表为基础, 通过生物量等因子的校正, 对青藏高原不同生态资产的服务 占全国 价值进行了估算, 结果表明, 青藏高原生态系统每年的生态 服 务 价 值 为 7 141;7D-0. 元 E 年 , 全球的 0;4-F 。在青藏高原生态系统每年提供的生态服务价值 生态系统每年服务价值的 -3;4.F , 中, 土壤形成与保护价值最高, 占 -7;1F ; 其次是废物处理价值, 占 -4;.F ; 水 源 涵 养 价 值 占 -4;GF , 生物多样性维持的价值占 -4F 。高原不同生态系统类型中, 森林生态系统和草地生态系统对青藏 高原生态系统总服务价值的贡献最大, 贡献率分别为 1-;1F和 8.;1F。 关 键 词:生态资产;生态系统服务;青藏高原;价值评估 文献标识码: & 文章编号: -000210135/00190/20-.720. 中图分类号: 6108
! "# 7 8$ # 6 % 9 &"
式中: ! "# 为订正后的单位面积生态系统的生态服务价值, " 7!:3: …, /: 分别代表气价值评估
气候调节等不同类型的生态系统服务价值; ! "#$!$ …, " $ 分别代表寒温带山地落叶针叶林、 温带山地常绿针叶林……高寒草甸草原类、高寒草原类、高寒荒漠草原类等不同生态资产 类型, #$ 为表 ! 中不同生态系统服务价值基准单价, % ! 为 ! 类生态系统的生物量, & 为 我国一级生态系统类型单位面积平均生物量。

Slimager RF Introduction射频治疗仪

Slimager RF Introduction射频治疗仪
3. 脂肪酸的分解和热导致的脂肪细胞的凋亡。脂肪组织对血流非常敏感。加 热产生的充血可以增加局部的血流,释放出游离脂肪酸(FFA),从而增加脂 肪分解,刺激局部血液里的儿茶酚安,促进FFA释放到血液里。因为对脂 肪细胞的热损伤,甘油三酯(三酰甘油)从脂肪细胞中释放出来。甘油三 酯在脂酶(LPL)的作用下容易裂解成游离脂肪酸和甘油(丙三醇)。游离脂 肪酸(脂溶性的)和血清蛋白结合,运送到肝脏。同时甘油(水溶性的)是通过 组织间液运送到肝脏,代谢排出体外。
女,61岁 治疗前效果
全脸治疗 1个疗程(5次)治疗后效果
女,61岁 治疗前效果
鱼尾纹治疗 1个疗程(5次)治疗后效果
女,27岁 治疗前效果
全脸治疗 3次治疗后效果
1次治疗后(左) 治疗前(右) 男,34岁
女,57岁 治疗前效果
2.2 射频减肥瘦身及橘皮组织的改善
1. 通过生物热引起纤维隔的真皮收紧,随后启动了创伤后的炎性反应,包括 纤维母细胞的增生,胶原的明显上调(胶原的形成/重组)。
2. 增强了局部的血液循环(扩张血管和充血)及沉积在细胞通过淋巴系统中脂 肪的引液,增强了局部的新陈代谢。
• 射频是一种理想的真皮胶原的加热技术,克服了激光或光子除皱的最大困 难——穿透深度不够及表皮基底层黑色素细胞的屏障。
2.1 蛋白质和氨基酸、多肽、肽链
• 胶原蛋白是大分子蛋白质,分子量在30万以上。 • 氨基酸是构成蛋白质大分子的基本单位。 • 一个氨基酸分子的羧基(-COOH)与另一个氨基酸分子的羟基(-NH2)脱水缩合
全脸治疗 3次治疗后效果



剩余骨高度<3mm 时联合CGF 与Bio-Oss 骨粉行液压法上颌窦内提升术并同期种植一例解孟佳1,2,周志霖1,2,张雅彤1,2,姬瑞1,2,张强2,李松南3,常财旺21.大连医科大学口腔医学院,辽宁大连116044;2.扬州大学附属医院(扬州市第一人民医院)口腔颌面外科,江苏扬州225000;3.扬州大学农业科技发展研究院(教育部农业与农产品安全国际合作联合实验室),江苏扬州225009【摘要】上颌后牙区域牙列缺损实施种植修复所面临的问题主要是上颌窦气化和牙槽骨吸收造成的剩余骨高度(RBH)不足。

本文报告一例RBH<3mm 时上颌窦底内提升联合浓缩生长因子(CGF)与Bio-Oss 骨粉同期种植的病例,并在术后6个月和12个月的锥形束计算机断层扫描中均观察到明显的影像学变化。

【关键词】牙种植;骨增量;剩余骨高度;浓缩生长因子;上颌窦底内提升【中图分类号】R783【文献标识码】D 【文章编号】1003—6350(2023)20—3008—04One case of maxillary sinus floor elevation combined with concentrated growth factor and Bio-Oss bone powder simultaneous implantation at residual bone height<3mm.XIE Meng-jia 1,2,ZHOU Zhi-lin 1,2,ZHANG Ya-tong 1,2,JI Rui 1,2,ZHANG Qiang 2,LI Song-nan 3,CHANG Cai-wang 2.1.School of Stomatology,Dalian Medical University,Dalian 116044,Liaoning,CHINA;2.Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of Yangzhou University (Yangzhou First People's Hospital),Yangzhou 225000,Jiangsu,CHINA;3.Institutes of Agricultural Science and Technology Development (Joint International Research Laboratory of Agriculture and Agri-product Safety of the Ministry of Education of China),Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,Jiangsu,CHINA【Abstract 】Inadequate residual bone height (RBH)caused by maxillary sinus gasification and alveolar bone re-sorption is one of the common problems in implant treatment of maxillary posterior dentition defects.This paper report-ed a case of maxillary sinus floor elevation combined with concentrated growth factor (CGF)and Bio-Oss bone powder simultaneous implantation at the RBH<3mm,and obvious imaging changes were observed in cone beam computed to-mography at 6months and 12months after operation.【Key words 】Dental implantology;Bone augmentation;Residual bone height;Concentrated growth factor;Sinus floor elevation ·个案报道·doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6350.2023.20.026基金项目:江苏省卫生健康委科研项目(编号:H2019035)。




















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综上所述,IPS e max CAD(LTA2色)瓷贴面采用喷砂方法进行处理用于前牙修复且牙齿目标色为A2患者中能获得良好的治疗效果,能提高患者咀嚼功能,值得推广应用。

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第十三届“挑战杯"全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛获奖作品名单(78件)城市学院三等奖作品《2013年大学生孝道践行问题的调查及分析》作品《包含平面硒原子层的稀土硒化物及硒氧化物二维纳米晶:2与4O43的液相合成与性质研究》作品《石墨烯的刚度增强效应》《激光斜射扫描显微技术》二等奖作品《基于有机组分及其来源特征分析我国大气颗粒物陆海长距离传输及其影响》《微观空间内的群际博弈策略基于门地铁口妇女贩证现象的经验研究》三等奖作品《农村产权制度中的基层建设与福利分配以XX市邛崃市临邛镇西江村为例》大学二等奖作品《基于空间连杆机构的蛙泳模拟训练健身器》三等奖作品《分子自组装渗透汽化优先透醇膜材料设计及规模化制备》未入围作品《音频调频定距离声速测量系统的研究》航空航天大学作品《空间上拟共形映照问题》《进一步推进法学专业教育探索的思考》《细胞机器人》《新型固定翼直升机复合式飞行器》二等奖作品《基于猫下落转体原理的仿生机器人》三等奖作品《移动端云计算虚拟三维效果展示》三等奖作品《新型鞋子杀菌除臭器的研制》大学二等奖作品《智能导航跟随多功能机器人》科技大学二等奖作品《从含钛电炉熔分渣制备六钛酸钾纳米晶须的研究》三等奖作品《多组分颗粒在振动和旋转激励下分聚行为研究》《金属粉末凝胶注模成形技术》《邻苯二甲酸二丁酯()单克隆抗体的制备及酶联免疫检测方法的建立》《纳米细菌纤维素多功能医用敷料的研究》理工大学作品《面向军工装备制造业的智能优化排产软件》作品《基于新型铜铟硫纳米晶的白光与光转换膜的制备和应用》《两栖蛙板机器人》《南水北调中线工程水资源保律制度研究》二等奖作品《“神行太保”多用途机器人》《基于的便携式跨平台网络安全云盘》联合大学二等奖作品《解决城市老旧小区停车难问题的对策研究——以市垡头老旧小区为例》林业大学二等奖作品《斑翅肩花蝽布丁人工饲料的饲养效果评价》三等奖作品《内分泌学新发现:垂体调节麝鼠泌香腺分泌性类固醇激素》未入围作品《城市生活垃圾分类中居民行为的影响因素研究基于某市8个分类达标试点小区的实证分析》作品《“听"懂你那无声的告白:听障学生手语使用状况的调研与分析》《荧光碳量子点的电化学制备及性质研究》《转型期乡村混混的生存机制基于对浙村拆迁改造的》三等奖作品《掺杂扶手椅型石墨烯纳米带中的铁磁涨落》《基于图像形状与颜色的三维模型检索》《甜与爱的味觉具身效应研究》外国语大学二等奖作品《微博全息透视及其在管理方面的正能量分析基于微博百万样本的实证研究》三等奖作品《基于的再制造与升级产品的生产定价问题研究》未入围作品《世界主流视域中的治形象构建--以四国对“”报道为例》信息科技大学三等奖作品《便携式心电诊疗设备与远程医疗系统》邮电大学二等奖作品《基于和的违章停车智能监控系统》三等奖作品《基于可见光通信的多信息传播系统》未入围作品《运动行为感知平台()(简称:体感服,)》对外经济贸易大学三等奖作品《校园整合型自提点需求及可行性的调研报告》华北电力大学()二等奖作品《光伏下乡可行性与应用前景的调查与研究》三等奖作品《城镇化进程中农村土地确权登记颁证的以市延庆县为视角》未入围作品《基于太阳能中低温利用技术的集热蓄热系统》作品《多光照环境下的第一人称手部检测》《建设工程表见纠纷的审判方法和风险防范研究——基于全国230件案例的实证分析》《可用于油水分离和水净化处理的双层2基网膜》作品《民办初中在贫困地区何以相对繁荣地—-基于河南省XX县的调研》《前下视可见光空间五轴模拟系统》二等奖作品《可变冲程发动机的设计、制造与研究》首都经济贸易大学二等奖作品《结构会影响国际资本流动吗?》首都师范大学二等奖作品《游动的生存,不游动的生活市海淀区18位流动摊贩生存状态的研究》三等奖作品《3D技术在古生物复原中的应用》未入围作品《远程控制多功能嵌入式智能车的设计与实现》地质大学()三等奖作品《7图形应用程序开发框架的设计与实现》农业大学作品《丁酸缓解幼龄动物断奶腹泻的作用和机制》三等奖作品《高通量作物穗部自动考种装置》《一种手推式半机械化牦牛便捡拾车》青年治学院二等奖作品《“失独”余生,不再孤独一生 -—从资本视角看“失独”的生存与》三等奖作品《新生代职业生涯研究——以资本视角进行分析》《新时期农村早婚青年的行动策略及其形象初探以福建、天津、浙江的3村为例》人民大学作品《迟暮之年,何处安放?对失独家庭及其相应支持和服务的研究》《大学生道德观现状及其影响因素研究基于高校大学生的调研》二等奖作品《莫让债权付流浙江网络自行司法拍卖的研究》《心理契约对规范型营销渠道治理方式影响基于江西省农业龙头企业调研》《新生代婚恋状况》三等奖作品《私营企业工会:方兴未艾与进退维谷基于辽宁省后英集团调研的思考》法大学二等奖作品《刑事诉讼变更管辖问题研究基于京、新、苏三地实证调查》中央财经大学三等奖作品《经济、出口退税与全要素生产率以入世后省际面板数据为样本》中央民族大学三等奖作品《民间金融创新监管视角下的P2P网贷平台法律规制研究》《新背景下地方府应对“危机"与服务型府建设研究-—以河南周口平坟事件为例》未入围作品《高浓度尾矿充填技术参数研究》天津(30件)南开大学作品《新能源工具对传统燃油汽车的替代性研究——电动推广可行性研究报告及策建议》二等奖作品《表面等离子激元诱导透明平面超材料的研究及应用》《居民财幸福感研究-—基于民生财支出结构的视角》《临床技能教学模拟训练装置》《新型储能材料的制备及其性能研究》三等奖作品《微孔材料的组装、磁性和吸附功能研究》天津财经大学二等奖作品《天津低碳城市建设现状调查及与、、典型城市的比较研究》三等奖作品《我国保障性住房现状的调查基于群众满意度的视角》天津大学二等奖作品《碱性阴离子交换膜燃料电池阳极的水管理》三等奖作品《超低温冻融循环后混凝土应力—应变全曲线试验研究》《基于的自主图书馆存储机器人》《紧凑型全光纤超连续白光激光光源》《应用合成生物学手段构建帕金森症药物左旋多巴工程菌》天津大学二等奖作品《纳米凝胶防伪技术的研制和开发》天津科技大学未入围作品《挤压雾化高含寡糖膳食纤维技术及成套装置开发》《兽药氯霉素免疫亲和凝胶检测柱及其制作方法》天津理工大学二等奖作品《智能电容器节电装置》三等奖作品《高分子的响应性能及其癌药物的控制释放》《基于菲涅尔透镜的光控三维显示系统》天津商业大学三等奖作品《现代文明冲击下落后地区少数民族文化生存现状调查以贵州省XX县XX 乡小花苗为例》天津师范大学三等奖作品《天津市城乡义务教育均衡现状研究》天津医科大学三等奖作品《低剂量和对间质细胞类固醇》《体内评价黄酮衍生物抗糖尿病作用及其机制》未入围作品《天津市高校大学生在校权益思想认知影响因素的调查—-以在校学生组织为例》天津职业技术师范大学二等奖作品《基于物联网技术的家居机器人》三等奖作品《基于的智能蔬菜生长柜》民航大学三等奖作品《基于北斗二代和数据链的空域监视系统》《基于多重校验算法的动态加密狗系统》人民军事学院二等奖作品《“蛛网"地面无人侦察系统》三等奖作品《三轮多向遥控玩具车》(53件)北华航天学院三等奖作品《XX市城市幸福指数调查及对策分析》承德医学院三等奖作品《山楂叶总黄酮对血管性痴呆大鼠学习记忆的作用及机制研究》北大学秦皇岛分校二等奖作品《环京津乡村圈的研究-—以秦皇岛、保定为例证》《柔性电路板自动光学检测设备运动设计》三等奖作品《谁来“救助”救助站—救助管理站工作人员工作困境及出路的探究》《先进节能建筑材料—新型酚醛保温板的制备》《蓄电池智能监控系统》《智能情绪感知与多表情对话机器人》北方学院三等奖作品《下丘脑垂体神经系统内3高表达促进大鼠实验性胃溃疡愈合》大学作品《拟步甲的自然选择与适应进化》二等奖作品《超声降解有机污水最佳频率的确定及处理装置的研发》《省中小企业就业人员保险现状》《一种新型免疫调节剂增强人细胞功能的体外研究》三等奖作品《乏氧选择性茚(1,2)喹喔啉-5,10—二氧—11-酮肟衍生物抗肿瘤前药设计、合成与细胞毒性研究》《宽光谱吸收双波段叠层染料敏化太阳能电池的光电性能研究》工程大学未入围作品《搜救机器人系统》大学二等奖作品《具有视觉感知与交互式的移动助理》三等奖作品《面向消防、、治安的无盲区三维定位及面向消防、、治安的无盲区三维定位》《颜料自动调配装置》经贸大学三等奖作品《正定“文化绿道"及“绿道经济"建设探究》科技大学三等奖作品《电动自动起降航拍无人机》《细菌性软腐病菌蛋白工程菌株的构建与表达》《灾后少数民族学生转移就学机制研究以玉树地震灾区转移安置学生异地就学为例》联合大学三等奖作品《新型永磁磁浮选机》农业大学二等奖作品《食品中苏丹红类染料的多残留免疫检测技术研究》师范大学作品《推动中小学职前职后教师专业的有效路径:课例研修》三等奖作品《”国培计划”参与性课程资源库的构建——以生物教师培训为例》《》《“高校志愿者关爱子女志愿服务新模式构建”的》《抗产气荚膜梭菌ε—毒素单链抗体的构建与筛选》《网络中法律功能发挥的现实状况及改进策略研究——以《网络信息保护的决定》为例》医科大学二等奖作品《齐墩果酸共晶的研制及热力学研究》未入围作品《以γ为靶点筛选飞机草活性成分研究》华北电力大学(保定)二等奖作品《西部无电区太阳能应用管理模式创新基于对省XX县太阳能利用的实证研究》《异地老人医疗报销障碍、损失评估及改进方案基于京津冀地区调查》三等奖作品《废旧陶瓷绝缘子的回收处理和再利用》《基于物联云的智能用电用能系统平台的开发》《绿色高效气相汞氧化剂的研发》《我国光伏业可持续协调共享机制构建与模拟效应研究--以保定“电谷”为例》经济学院三等奖作品《高级氧化技术处理有机废水的研究》未入围作品《基于财务管理视角对沙盘模拟的研究与创新》铁道大学未入围作品《高铁接触网补偿装置在线监测系统研究》燕山大学作品《蓝宝石光纤探针持气率测井仪》作品《基于力柔顺伺服控制技术的冗余驱动并联机器人》二等奖作品《机械增压式发动机新型动力传动装置和喷油量匹配技术研究》《将青春铭刻在新农村建设的蓝图上XX市XX县、抚XX县57个村庄综合环境整治规划与》三等奖作品《新型减摩材料的研制碳化硅衍生碳的制备、表征及其摩擦性能研究》《一种在金属材料表面制备具有梯度纳米组织结构的方法》人民军械工程学院二等奖作品《力挽狂澜-—式电梯快速响应安全防护系统》《饮水思源-基于帕尔贴效应的空气制水设备》三等奖作品《国民消费观念的转型调查分析—-由“光盘行动"的热议引发的几点思考》《灾区生命线-—带有自适应桩基的模块化应急道路系统》人民武装部队学院未入围作品《深井类多功能气体置换装置》(35件)长治医学院未入围作品《玲珑剔透反光球》吕梁学院三等奖作品《基于核桃青皮色素的染发剂研制》财经大学三等奖作品《平顺太行水乡社区居民参与业的调查与研究》未入围作品《助推县域经济战略研究-—以XX县为例》《省生鲜农产品质量标准与流通优化研究基于流通环节主体的问卷调查与访谈分析》大同大学未入围作品《大同大学化学实验室废弃物的处理》《施工场所安全保护装置及系统开发》大学作品《行走在城市边缘的人—-太原市棚户区居民收入消费结构调查》《用于精细农业的2浓度测量与装置》二等奖作品《夹缝中的第三身份城乡进程中新市民身份认同的实证研究》《资源型农村治理困境,?————基于两个村庄的比较研究》三等奖作品《省县级人民府网络信息公开调研报告—-基于120个府门户“信息公开栏”的数据分析》未入围作品《面向微博的观点句抽取系统》大学商务学院三等奖作品《省农村基础教育投入的调查与分析》农业大学三等奖作品《基于非物质文化遗产保护视角下民间布艺老虎的开发设计研究》未入围作品《公共汽车防雨板的发明与制作》《以槐花为原料的糕、果冻、饴等系列食品的研制》师范大学三等奖作品《五角枫天然种群叶片表型多样性研究》《中小学教师学习自主性的》未入围作品《花粉红枣苦荞复合保健饮料的研制》太原科技大学三等奖作品《基于软合并的协作频谱感知性能分析及优化》《可吸入颗粒物检测仪》《起重机的智能定位防摆系统装置研究》《煤矿工人生态意识》未入围作品《声控式自动翻书器》太原理工大学二等奖作品《深度脱除汽油中硫化物用吸附剂的制备及其性能研究》三等奖作品《囧途:草根与乡村治道——永济寨子村农民协会个案研究》《煤矿采空区高速公路路基健康监测嵌入式多参量无线传感系统》未入围作品《基于的地热能和太阳能辅助沼气发酵恒温监控系统设计》《空间行星轮系人力双向滚转洗衣机》《液压支架电液控制装置》忻州师范学院未入围作品《光谱法研究根皮苷和根皮素与的相互作用机制》中北大学三等奖作品《农村孤寡老人生活现状的报告—基于省忻州市两个镇的实地调查数据》《智能窗户系统》未入围作品《无源无线高温陶瓷微型压力检测系统》内(27件)呼伦贝尔学院三等奖作品《对餐桌浪费现象的》内财经大学三等奖作品《“城中村"改造后居民生活满意度探究以XX市府兴营村为例》《内峰市新农村建设典型示范调查》内大学三等奖作品《度区域经济质量评估模型基于内自治区案例研究》《基于词典、规则的斯拉夫文词切分系统》《金葡萄球菌诱导牛原代腺上皮细胞凋亡的研究》《矿产资源开采对草原生态环境保护和牧民利益的影响》《有序介孔材料钴基催化剂的42重整活性及积炭行为研究》未入围作品《新传播环境下族文化的传播现状及策略研究》内大学三等奖作品《分布式发电上网绿色建筑》《水中机器人2D仿真水球克策略优化》未入围作品《金属卟啉配合物固胺超分子识别2》内化工职业学院未入围作品《蒙药有效部位的提取及活性研究》内建筑职业技术学院三等奖作品《可折叠爬式脚手架》内科技大学二等奖作品《《春秋》内容的图表化解析》三等奖作品《基于体感识别技术的搬运机器人》未入围作品《高炉风口三通道观测仪》内民族大学三等奖作品《齿轮检测仪》未入围作品《幽门结扎性肝损伤模型的建立方法》内农业大学三等奖作品《逆境胁迫下1诱导马铃薯H2O2产量的研究》未入围作品《百里香地被植物在园林绿化中的应用研究》《农产品的电子商务化》内师范大学三等奖作品《大众传媒表达的价值观对于受众影响的调查以对于当代大学生影响的调查为例》《XX市打造我国“云谷”的前景与对策探析》未入围作品《高速绝热温变测量》内医科大学三等奖作品《蒙药金诃子中多糖物质对肺癌A549细胞抑制作用的研究》未入围作品《卫拉特蒙医学流派诊治甲状腺病与其传承》辽宁(63件)渤海大学三等奖作品《接力梦,推进新生代精神文化建设-—锦州新生代精神文化调研》《辽宁省滨海竞争力评价》《系统论视角下的锦州青少年法制教育研究:现状、问题与对策》大连大学三等奖作品《丁二酸酐改性玉米秸秆吸附阳离子翠蓝》《辽宁省老龄化状况与居民消费水平的》《新型小容量绿色能源发电系统》大连海事大学三等奖作品《便携式微流控芯片流式细胞仪》《莫让湿地变“失地”:辽宁省滨海湿地保护与管理的现状、问题及对策》未入围作品《电磁弹射式船舶主机油泵及其脉冲电源的研发》大连海洋大学未入围作品《海珍品采捕机器人》大连大学三等奖作品《商用厨房油烟净化及余热利用系统》大连理工大学作品《交互式声光显示屏》作品《探索科学家的工作时间表》二等奖作品《新结构功能石墨烯基整体材料的设计与构筑技术方法》三等奖作品《动压滑动轴承油膜压力实验装置》《利用人工锌指蛋白技术调控放线菌纤维素酶表达》《污泥菌剂强化修复四溴双酚A污染土壤的研究》大连民族学院三等奖作品《低温水溶液制备纳米氧化锌阵列》大连医科大学三等奖作品《恩替卡韦与485药物相互作用的分子药代动力学机制》《糖基因6家族在肝癌转移中的作用》《亚慢性砷暴露对小鼠脑组织表达的影响》北财经大学三等奖作品《生命周期视角下群体性中关键性少数的与仿真分析》未入围作品《基于两阶段的组合模型在高端理财客户中的应用》北大学二等奖作品《电磁振动/剪切耦合作用下半固态金属流变轧制成形》《管道漏磁探伤系统》三等奖作品《半自治分布式新能源双向并网智能逆变器》《脉冲电流对9合金再结晶行为的影响》《现代信息管理平台面向用户服务的智能检索系统》《老龄化财负担的预测研究》辽宁大学二等奖作品《对传统通信行业的影响》三等奖作品《保障生存,改善民生—-基于XX市沈北新区尹家乡农村保障》《与农民切身利益相关的几个档案问题的》《遗忘的契约——当代大学识调查的》辽宁工程技术大学二等奖作品《辽宁中小城市房屋空置率》《一种高传真推挽扩音机》三等奖作品《新型短壁薄煤层综合机械化开采设备》《新型矿车拉力智能检测仪》辽宁大学作品《对新兴集群的调研分析以锦州光伏为例》三等奖作品《锦州市城市子女受教育状况的》《纳米阵列太阳能电池》《小型方程式赛车》未入围作品《绿色、高效、节能荧光灯》辽宁何氏医学院未入围作品《1.4小切口预植入人工晶体的研制与开发》辽宁科技大学三等奖作品《一种底部吹气位置可以转动的钢水包》未入围作品《鞍山民营企业的》辽宁师范大学三等奖作品《辽宁省新型工农、城乡关系》辽宁石油化工大学三等奖作品《和同时去除的新型催化剂及反应机理研究》《稠油热采井口蒸汽分配计量装置研究》《气体分馏装置先进的设计与开发》沈阳工程学院未入围作品《多段式高效直线抽油机》沈阳航空航天大学三等奖作品《XX市环境状况调研分析》未入围作品《网络文化对当代大学生价值观影响》沈阳化工大学二等奖作品《介质阻挡放电与化学氧化耦合技术处理难降解焦化废水》《离子印迹硅胶材料的制备、表征及性能研究》三等奖作品《基于技术的代码行为诊断系统的设计和开发》沈阳建筑大学三等奖作品《XX市公交服务体系现状调查及改进方案》《志愿者支教服务事业现况的》未入围作品《XX市公交车服务现状的》沈阳理工大学三等奖作品《大飞机工程用聚合物基制备及力学性能研究》《微型高精度直流电机运动控制卡》未入围作品《废水中镍的新型试纸》沈阳师范大学未入围作品《“红绿"凉茶之争对品牌与驰名商标保护的法律思考》《特色化大学视阈下府规制限度研究》吉林(45件)白城师范学院三等奖作品《基于远程可控液体反应装置》北华大学作品《基于三维可视化技术的医生桌面图像处理平台》三等奖作品《速度自控式管道内检测器》二等奖作品《一种汽车机械自救装置的发明设计》三等奖作品《XX市立体停车场建设研究》未入围作品《基于三维会话头像的听障儿童发音康复训练系统》长春工程学院未入围作品《地下水源热泵系统适宜性评价研究》长春大学二等奖作品《区域能源合作稳定性模型与实证研究》《抑制氩氧精炼过程产生喷溅的研究》三等奖作品《冠心病无创性诊断智能化方法研究与应用》《老年长期护理服务需求调查及对策研究》《燃料电池用质子交换膜材料的分子设计与应用开发》未入围作品《智能仿人服务机器人》长春理工大学二等奖作品《智能跟随载物车》长春师范学院未入围作品《农民专业合作社状况——以吉林省XX县为例》长春中医药大学三等奖作品《“运腹通经”法治疗Ⅱ型糖尿病的适宜技术与社区医疗服务推广》《首批“国医”成功要素的》北电力大学三等奖作品《正负极交替互换式微藻燃料电池》三等奖作品《控制降解/组装{9W21}纳米簇构筑新型钨锑酸盐簇合物》《含过氧钛多金属氧酸盐纳米催化剂的设计合成及其氧化降解的研究》《三维氧化镍/硅酸镍纳米的合成及其作为锂电池负极材料的电化学性能研究》未入围作品《简易路线制备银@聚苯胺纳米纤维》《植物抗盐碱生理机制研究》吉林财经大学未入围作品《城市的低碳化转型驱动机制》《非货币财产出资形式再探讨》吉林大学作品《磁控多级孔纳米缓释骨修复材料的研制与性质探究》《封闭管制还是协商:管理新模式的与探索以吉林省XX市吊水壶村为例》二等奖作品《高性能纳米金属氧化物的高效、低成本可控制备》《激发活力:公众参与管理的新探索—-基于XX县“群众诉求XX”的调研》《重型车智能可调后防护装置》三等奖作品《超细晶构筑引导石墨烯包覆》吉林工程技术师范学院三等奖作品《基于多传感器信息融合技术废墟探测机器人》未入围作品《聚乙烯醇球珠的制备和研究》吉林农业大学三等奖作品《多功能承插式板材切割机》《农户农产品质量安全行为分析》《智能模拟灭火教学仪》。


( 收稿日期: !##" : #3 : !’) ( 本文编辑: 李莉 )
图 9 不同拉伸次数的头发角蛋白 & 7;.$ ### 0 %3 ### ( 电泳扫描图谱 综上所述,烫发、梳理和拉伸损伤条件均可造成 头发损伤, 导致头发角蛋白的丢失。头发损伤包括化 学、物理等诸多因素,其损伤的表观常常是起保护作 用的毛小皮鳞片翘起、或成裂纹状,最终使皮质纤维 断裂, 而损伤的本质却是头发的结构和组分受到了破 坏, 最显著的表现为头发角蛋白的丢失。本文的实验 结果还揭示了头发角蛋白丢失的程度随着头发损伤
头发毛干可分为毛小皮、 皮质和髓质三层, 其主要 成分为角蛋白,角蛋白是由低硫蛋白和高硫蛋白组 成。作者曾从法医物证学角度出发对正常人头发和动 物毛发角蛋白组分
) $K ! *
烫、 染等处理, 发长约 ("?F, 发质黑色, 有光泽。
$7 ! 发束制备
每束发样约 (7 "" U "7 "$G V 束, 每束发样根部用细 绳扎紧, 并用石蜡封固, 贴上标签, 编号, 备用。
所示, 抽提时间与 1TJ: ### L ;? ### 区域的角蛋白组 分的吸光值有显著的相关性 ( 见图 ") ,说明这种同步 扫描方法是可行的。对正常人头发作不同时间的抽 提, 由此可见 3 抽提时间对提取角蛋白量的多寡有很大 的影响。JK、 "!K、 "EK 抽提的角蛋白量最低; !;K、 ?JK 抽提的角蛋白量中等; 考虑 ;EK 抽提的角蛋白量最高。 到损伤处理本身会造成头发角蛋白的丢失,故选择
!""$ 年
$$ 月
第 $% 卷
・ !"#・
烫发、 梳理和拉伸损伤对头发角蛋白的影响










其中包括:世界预防与再生学会联盟主席、莱比锡大学干细胞生物学、细胞学技术教授、德国美肤泰斗Augustinus Bader(奥古斯丁.巴德);世界预防及再生医学联盟副主席、台湾国立阳明大学著名皮肤专家苏正尧教授;台大医院皮肤科主任、台大医院抗老化中心皮肤部负责人邱品齐医师;亚洲医学美容权威专家、广州美莱美容医院院长孙林潮教授;亚洲权威美肤专家、第四军医大学西京医院皮肤专家栾琪博士;亚洲祛斑专业博士、博士后麦跃;美莱集团资深祛斑专家李大铁教授;美莱无创与皮肤中心主任、美莱集团首席抗衰老专家、亚洲医疗美容和抗衰老专家夏秋教授;美莱集团色斑治疗专家、美莱集团权威皮肤美容专家蒙洁医生等50余位来自中德两国、海峡两岸的美肤专家出席了本次盛会,专家阵容空前。



施斌 武汉大学口腔医学院
17:00-17:20 牙种植植入区骨组织评估
上颌牙列缺失伴骨萎缩的种植修复原则与 策略
夹层植骨术三维重建牙槽突效果及种植效 果的观察
18:00-18:20 上颌窦底区的牙种植修复技术
宫苹 四川大学华西口腔医学院
张志勇 上海交大医学院附属第九人民医院
徐淑兰 广东省口腔医院
点评专家: 徐 欣 山东大学附属口腔医院 周 磊 广东省口腔医院 施 斌 武汉大学口腔医院种植科
威高洁丽康 生物材料 有限公司
15:20-15:35 茶歇
微纳米结构新型 HA 涂层种 15:35-15:45 植体介绍
欧阳晓蕾 北京莱顿医疗器械有限责任公司
appolo 种植体系统的设计和 15:45-16:25 临床体会
满毅 四川大学华西口腔医院
徐淑兰 广东省口腔医院
张宇 北京大学口腔医院
10 月 30 日 下午 / 晚上
分会场一 | 国际会议厅 | 口腔种植外科及相关
Surgical Techniques & Consideration for 13:00-13:45 Complicated Cases
08:00 -10:00 牙列缺失种植修复方案的选择和咬合设计
重度萎缩无牙颌患者数字化种植义齿修复 的挑战与突破
课程二 | 种植治疗高级外科技术
08:00 -10:00 颧种植体植入适应证及手术技巧
自体块状植骨技术的成功要素、适应证选 择、远期成骨效果评价及其临床应用


本研究 将 通 过 制 定 规 范 化 的"&B,F:Aa7F99 注射液制 备 流 程#并 参 照 ,中 国 药 典-)99*%,美 国 药 典-)9$*和,欧洲药典-)9!*拟定适用于本机构的"&B,F :Aa7F99 注 射 液 质 量 控 制 标 准& 回 顾 $%$%. $%$$年度 本 机 构 !9" 批 次 的"&B,F:Aa7F99 注 射 液的制备和 质 量 控 制 结 果#评 价"&B3'"&B,发 生 器 的淋洗 总 体 积 和 淋 洗 间 隔 时 间 对"&B,F:Aa7F99 标记率的影响&本研究有望指导核医学从业人 员顺利开 展"&B,F:Aa7F99 和 其 他"&B,标 记 药 物的 研 究#规 范 进 行"&B,药 物 的 制 备 和 质 量 控 制 #进 而 提 升 药 物 的 质 量 与 安 全 #加 速 其 临 床 转 化 #并 为 其 相 关 行 业 标 准 的 制 定 提 供 参 考 &
随着"&B3'"&B,发 生 器 制 备 技 术 和 配 位 化 学 的发展#"&B,F:Aa7F99注射液的制备工艺趋于成 熟#并 已 于 $%$% 年 被 美 国 食 品 与 药 品 管 理 局 !DZ7"批准 用 于 前 列 腺 癌 诊 断#目 前 国 内 也 正 在 进行药品注册和临床研究)!#NFK*&但国内目前仍缺 乏"&B,F:Aa7F99注 射 液 制 备 和 质 量 控 制 的 行 业 标准和指南#尤 其 因 各 机 构 人 员%设 备%场 所 条 件 不同#所拟定的质 量 控 制 标 准 差 异 较 大)9%*& 这 即 不利于监管其质量与安全#又阻碍了其临床转化&



A CUPUNCTURE: R EVIEW AND A NALYSIS OF R EPORTS ON C ONTROLLED C LINICAL T RIALSiiAcknowledgementsAcknowledgements The World Health Organization acknowledges its indebtedness to the experts who participated in the WHO Consultation on Acupuncture held in Cervia, Italy in 1996, at which the selection criteria for the data included in this publication were set. Special thanks are due to Dr Zhu-Fan Xie, Honorary Director of the Institute of Integrated Medicines, First Hospital of Beijing Medical University, China, who drafted, revised and updated this report. Further, Dr Xie made numerous Chinese language documents available in English. We also thank Dr Hongguang Dong, Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland for providing additional information.Appreciation is extended to the Norwegian Royal Ministry of Health and Social Affairs for providing the financial support to print this review.iiiivContentsContentsAcknowledgements (iii)Contents (v)Introduction (1)Background (1)Objectives (2)Use of the publication (2)1. General considerations (3)1.1 Definition (3)1.2 Need for evaluation (3)1.3 Evaluation methodology (3)1.4 Safety (5)1.5 Availability and practicability (5)1.6 Studies on therapeutic mechanisms (6)1.7 Selection of clinical trial reports (7)2. Review of clinical trial reports (9)2.1 Pain (9)Head and face (9)Locomotor system (9)Gout (10)Biliary and renal colic (10)Traumatic or postoperative pain (11)Dentistry (11)Childbirth (11)Surgery (11)2.2 Infections (12)2.3 Neurological disorders (12)2.4 Respiratory disorders (14)2.5 Digestive disorders (14)2.6 Blood disorders (15)2.7 Urogenital disorders (15)2.8 Gynaecological and obstetric disorders (16)v2.9 Cardiovascular disorders (17)2.10 Psychiatric disorders and mental disturbances (18)2.11 Paediatric disorders (19)2.12 Disorders of the sense organs (19)2.13 Skin diseases (20)2.14 Cancers (20)2.15 Other reports (21)3. Diseases and disorders that can be treated with acupuncture (23)4. Summary table of controlled clinical trials (27)References (67)viIntroductionIntroductionBackgroundOver its 2500 years of development, a wealth of experience has accumulated inthe practice of acupuncture, attesting to the wide range of diseases andconditions that can be effectively treated with this approach. Unlike many othertraditional methods of treatment, which tend to be specific to their national orcultural context, acupuncture has been used throughout the world, particularlysince the 1970s. In recognition of the increasing worldwide interest in the subject,the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a symposium on acupuncturein June 1979 in Beijing, China. Physicians practising acupuncture in differentcountries were invited to identify the conditions that might benefit from thistherapy. The participants drew up a list of 43 suitable diseases. However, this listof indications was not based on formal clinical trials conducted in a rigorousscientific manner, and its credibility has been questioned.The past two decades have seen extensive studies on acupuncture, and greatefforts have been made to conduct controlled clinical trials that include the use of“sham” acupuncture or “placebo” acupuncture controls. Although still limited innumber because of the difficulties of carrying out such trials, convincing reports,based on sound research methodology, have been published. In addition,experimental investigations on the mechanism of acupuncture have been carriedout. This research, while aimed chiefly at answering how acupuncture works,may also provide evidence in support of its effectiveness.In 1991, a progress report on traditional medicine and modern health care wassubmitted by the Director-General of WHO to the Forty-fourth World HealthAssembly.1The report pointed out that in countries where acupuncture formspart of the cultural heritage, its use in an integrated approach to modern andtraditional medicine presents no difficulty. However, in countries where modernWestern medicine is the foundation of health care, the ethical use of acupuncturerequires objective evidence of its efficacy under controlled clinical conditions.In 1996, a draft report on the clinical practice of acupuncture was reviewed at theWHO Consultation on Acupuncture held in Cervia, Italy. The participantsrecommended that WHO should revise the report, focusing on data fromcontrolled clinical trials. This publication is the outcome of that process.1Traditional medicine and modern health care. Progress report by the Director-General. Geneva,World Health Organization, 1991 (unpublished document A44/10).1Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials ObjectivesThe objective of this publication is to provide a review and analysis of controlledclinical trials of acupuncture therapy, as reported in the current literature, with aview to strengthening and promoting the appropriate use of acupuncture inhealth care systems throughout the world. Information on the therapeuticmechanisms of acupuncture has also been incorporated.Since the methodology of clinical research on acupuncture is still under debate, itis very difficult to evaluate acupuncture practice by any generally acceptedmeasure. This review is limited to controlled clinical trials that were publishedup to 1998 (and early 1999 for some journals), in the hope that the conclusionswill prove more acceptable. Such trials have only been performed for a limitednumber of diseases or disorders. This should not be taken to mean, however, thatacupuncture treatment of diseases or disorders not mentioned here is excluded. Use of the publicationThis publication is intended to facilitate research on and the evaluation andapplication of acupuncture. It is hoped that it will provide a useful resource forresearchers, health care providers, national health authorities and the generalpublic.It must be emphasized that the list of diseases, symptoms or conditions coveredhere is based on collected reports of clinical trials, using the descriptions given inthose reports. Only national health authorities can determine the diseases,symptoms and conditions for which acupuncture treatment can be recommended.The data in the reports analysed were not always clearly recorded. We havemade every effort to interpret them accurately, in some cases maintaining theoriginal wording in the text and summary table presented here. Research ontraditional medicine, including acupuncture is by no means easy. However,researchers should be encouraged to ensure the highest possible standards ofstudy design and reporting in future research in order to improve the evidencebase in this field.Dr Xiaorui ZhangActing CoordinatorTraditional Medicine (TRM)Department of Essential Drugsand Medicines Policy (EDM)World Health Organization 21. General considerations1. General considerations1.1 DefinitionAcupuncture literally means to puncture with a needle. However, the application of needles is often used in combination with moxibustion—the burning on or over the skin of selected herbs—and may also involve the application of other kinds of stimulation to certain points. In this publication the term “acupuncture” is used in its broad sense to include traditional body needling, moxibustion, electric acupuncture (electro-acupuncture), laser acupuncture (photo-acupuncture), microsystem acupuncture such as ear (auricular), face, hand and scalp acupuncture, and acupressure (the application of pressure at selected sites).1.2 Need for evaluationAcupuncture originated in China many centuries ago and soon spread to Japan, the Korean peninsula and elsewhere in Asia. Acupuncture is widely used in health care systems in the countries of this region; it is officially recognized by governments and well received by the general public.Although acupuncture was introduced to Europe as long ago as the early seventeenth century, scepticism about its effectiveness continues to exist in countries where modern Western medicine is the foundation of health care, especially in those where acupuncture has not yet been widely practised. People question whether acupuncture has a true therapeutic effect, or whether it works merely through the placebo effect, the power of suggestion, or the enthusiasm with which patients wish for a cure. There is therefore a need for scientific studies that evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture under controlled clinical conditions.This publication reviews selected studies on controlled clinical trials. Some of these studies have provided incontrovertible scientific evidence that acupuncture is more successful than placebo treatments in certain conditions. For example, the proportion of chronic pain relieved by acupuncture is generally in the range 55–85%, which compares favourably with that of potent drugs (morphine helps in 70% of cases) and far outweighs the placebo effect (30–35%) (1–3). In addition, the mechanisms of acupuncture analgesia have been studied extensively since the late 1970s, revealing the role of neural and humoral factors.1.3 Evaluation methodologyUnlike the evaluation of a new drug, controlled clinical trials of acupuncture are extremely difficult to conduct, particularly if they have to be blind in design and the acupuncture has to be compared with a placebo. Various “sham” or “placebo” acupuncture procedures have been designed, but they are not easy to3Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials perform in countries such as China where acupuncture is widely used. In these countries, most patients know a great deal about acupuncture, including the special sensation that should be felt after insertion or during manipulation of the needle. Moreover, acupuncturists consider these procedures unethical because they are already convinced that acupuncture is effective. In fact, most of the placebo-controlled clinical trials have been undertaken in countries where there is scepticism about acupuncture, as well as considerable interest.A more practical way to evaluate the therapeutic effect of acupuncture is tocompare it with the effect of conventional therapy through randomized controlled trials or group studies, provided that the disease conditions before treatment are comparable across the groups, with outcome studies developed for all patients.Because of the difficulty of ruling out the placebo effect, a comparative study with no treatment as the control may not be convincing in the evaluation of acupuncture practice. Retrospective surveys, in which the effect of acupuncture therapy is compared with past treatments, may not be of significance either, particularly if they have not been well designed. Non-comparative studies are certainly of little significance, particularly when acupuncture is used for the treatment of a self-limited disease. However, if rapid improvement can be achieved in the treatment of a long-standing, chronic disease, or if there is definite improvement in a disease that is generally recognized as intractable to conventional treatment, the effect of acupuncture should be viewed in a more favourable light, even when a well-designed, controlled study has not been carried out.Another difficulty in evaluating acupuncture practice is that the therapeutic effect depends greatly on the proficiency of the acupuncturists—their ability and skill in selecting and locating the acupuncture points and in manipulating the needles. This may partly explain the disparities or inconsistencies in the results reported by different authors, even when their studies were carried out on equally sound methodological bases.Evaluating acupuncture practice and arriving at generally accepted conclusions is no easy task, therefore. While effectiveness is doubtless of the utmost importance, other factors, including safety, cost, availability and the condition of local health services must also be considered. Given the same effectiveness, these other factors may lead to different evaluations of acupuncture in different countries and areas. However, conclusions are needed that apply to worldwide use, particularly for countries and areas where proper development of acupuncture practice would bring a great deal of benefit. Evaluations should not therefore be confined to those diseases for which modern conventional treatments are inadequate or ineffective.Because of the success of surgical procedures carried out under acupuncture analgesia, the treatment of pain with acupuncture has been extensively studied.For other conditions often treated with acupuncture, there are fewer reports that have adequate methodology.41. General considerations 1.4 SafetyGenerally speaking, acupuncture treatment is safe if it is performed properly by a well-trained practitioner. Unlike many drugs, it is non-toxic, and adverse reactions are minimal. This is probably one of the chief reasons why acupuncture is so popular in the treatment of chronic pain in many countries. As mentioned previously, acupuncture is comparable with morphine preparations in its effectiveness against chronic pain, but without the adverse effects of morphine, such as dependency.Even if the effect of acupuncture therapy is less potent than that of conventional treatments, acupuncture may still be worth considering because of the toxicity or adverse effects of conventional treatments. For example, there are reports of controlled clinical trials showing that acupuncture is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (4–6), although not as potent as corticosteroids. Because, unlike corticosteroids, acupuncture treatment, does not cause serious side-effects, it seems reasonable to use acupuncture for treating this condition, despite the difference in effectiveness.1.5 Availability and practicabilityThe availability and practicability of acupuncture are also important factors to consider. The advantages of acupuncture are that it is simple, convenient and has few contraindications. Although the success rate of acupuncture therapy in treating kidney stones, for example, is confirmed by comparative studies with other therapies (7), it is by no means as high as that of surgical intervention. However, acupuncture treatment of kidney stones is still worth recommending because of its simplicity, which makes it more acceptable to patients.There are also instances where acupuncture is not more practicable than conventional therapy. For example, the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment of acute bacillary dysentery has been shown to be comparable with that of furazolidone (8–10), but this is of rather academic significance because oral administration of furazolidone or other antidysenteric drugs is more convenient. The conditions of the health service in a given country or area should also be considered in evaluating acupuncture practice. In developing countries, where medical personnel and medicines are still lacking, the need for acupuncture may be considerable and urgent; proper use of this simple and economic therapy could benefit a large number of patients. On the other hand, in developed countries, where the health system is well established, with sophisticated technology, adequate personnel and a well-equipped infrastructure, acupuncture might be considered to be of great value in only a limited number of conditions. It could still serve as a valuable alternative treatment for many diseases or conditions for which modern conventional treatments are unsuccessful. It is also valuable in situations where the patient is frightened of the potential risks or adverse effects of modern conventional treatments. In fact, in some developed countries, the diseases for which patients seek help from acupuncturists tend to be beyond the scope of orthodox medicine.Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials 1.6 Studies on therapeutic mechanismsClinical evaluations indicate whether the therapy works; research on the mechanisms involved indicates how it works and can also provide important information on efficacy. Knowing that acupuncture is effective and why makes the practitioner confident in its use, and also allows the technique to be used in a more appropriate way.The clinical evaluation may precede studies on the mechanisms, or vice versa. For acupuncture, in most instances the clinical effect has been tested first. Use of the technique may then be further expanded on the basis of the results of research on the mechanisms. For example, experimental studies of the effect of acupuncture on white blood cells led to a successful trial of the treatment of leukopenia caused by chemotherapy.To date, modern scientific research studies have revealed the following actions of acupuncture:• inducing analgesia• protecting the body against infections• regulating various physiological functions.In reality, the first two actions can also be attributed to the regulation of physiological functions. The therapeutic effects of acupuncture are thus brought about through its regulatory actions on various systems, so that it can be regarded as a nonspecific therapy with a broad spectrum of indications, particularly helpful in functional disorders. Although it is often used as a symptomatic treatment (for pain, for instance), in many cases it actually acts on one of the pathogenic links of a disease.Although different acupuncture points and manipulations may have an effect through different actions, the most important factor that influences the direction of action is the condition of the patient. Numerous examples reveal that the regulatory action of acupuncture is bi-directional. Acupuncture lowers the blood pressure in patients with hypertension and elevates it in patients with hypotension; increases gastric secretion in patients with hypoacidity, and decreases it in patients with hyperacidity; and normalizes intestinal motility under X-ray observation in patients with either spastic colitis or intestinal hypotonia (11). Therefore, acupuncture itself seldom makes the condition worse. In most instances, the main danger of its inappropriate application is neglecting the proper conventional treatment.Since its therapeutic actions are achieved by mobilization of the organism’s own potential, acupuncture does not produce adverse effects, as do many drug therapies. For example, when release of hydrocortisone plays an important role in the production of a therapeutic effect, the doses of this substance released by acupuncture are small and finely regulated, thereby avoiding the side-effects of hydrocortisone chemotherapy (12). On the other hand—and for the same reason—acupuncture has limitations. Even under conditions where acupuncture is indicated, it may not work if the mobilization of the individual’s potential is not adequate for recovery.1. General considerations 1.7 Selection of clinical trial reportsIn recent decades, numerous clinical trials have been reported; however, only formally published articles that meet one of the following criteria are included in this review:• randomized controlled trials (mostly with sham acupuncture or conventional therapy as control) with an adequate number of patients observed;• nonrandomized controlled clinical trials (mostly group comparisons) with an adequate number of patients observed and comparable conditions in the various groups prior to treatment.In many published placebo-controlled trials, sham acupuncture was carried out by needling at incorrect, theoretically irrelevant sites. Such a control really only offers information about the most effective sites of needling, not about the specific effects of acupuncture (13). Positive results from such trials, which revealed that genuine acupuncture is superior to sham acupuncture with statistical significance, provide evidence showing the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment. On the other hand, negative results from such trials, in which both the genuine and sham acupuncture showed considerable therapeutic effects with no significant difference between them, can hardly be taken as evidence negating the effectiveness of acupuncture. In the latter case, especially in treatment of pain, most authors could only draw the conclusion that additional control studies were needed. Therefore, these reports are generally not included in this review.The reports are first reviewed by groups of conditions for which acupuncture therapy is given (section 2). The clinical conditions covered have then been classified into four categories (section 3):1. Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has beenproved—through controlled trials—to be an effective treatment.2. Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which the therapeutic effect ofacupuncture has been shown, but for which further proof is needed.3. Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which there are only individualcontrolled trials reporting some therapeutic effects, but for which acupuncture is worth trying because treatment by conventional and othertherapies is difficult.4. Diseases, symptoms or conditions in which acupuncture may be triedprovided the practitioner has special modern medical knowledge andadequate monitoring equipment.Section 4 provides a tabulated summary of the controlled clinical trials reviewed, giving information on the number of subjects, the study design, the type of acupuncture applied, the controls used and the results obtained.Acupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials2. Review of clinical trial reports2. Review of clinical trial reports 2.1 PainThe effectiveness of acupuncture analgesia has already been established in controlled clinical studies. As mentioned previously, acupuncture analgesia works better than a placebo for most kinds of pain, and its effective rate in the treatment of chronic pain is comparable with that of morphine. In addition, numerous laboratory studies have provided further evidence of the efficacy of acupuncture’s analgesic action as well as an explanation of the mechanism involved. In fact, the excellent analgesic effects of acupuncture have stimulated research on pain.Because of the side-effects of long-term drug therapy for pain and the risks of dependence, acupuncture analgesia can be regarded as the method of choice for treating many chronically painful conditions.The analgesic effect of acupuncture has also been reported for the relief of eye pain due to subconjunctival injection (14), local pain after extubation in children (15),and pain in thromboangiitis obliterans (16).2.1.1 Head and faceThe use of acupuncture for treating chronic pain of the head and face has been studied extensively. For tension headache, migraine and other kinds of headache due to a variety of causes, acupuncture has performed favourably in trials comparing it with standard therapy, sham acupuncture, or mock transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (17–27). The results suggest that acupuncture could play a significant role in treating such conditions.Chronic facial pain, including craniomandibular disorders of muscular origin, also responds well to acupuncture treatments (28–31). The effect of acupuncture is comparable with that of stomatognathic treatments for temporomandibular joint pain and dysfunction. Acupuncture may be useful as complementary therapy for this condition, as the two treatments probably have a different basis of action (2, 32).2.1.2 Locomotor systemChronically painful conditions of the locomotor system accompanied by restricted movements of the joints are often treated with acupuncture if surgical intervention is not necessary. Acupuncture not only alleviates pain, it also reduces muscle spasm, thereby increasing mobility. Joint damage often results from muscle malfunction, and many patients complain of arthralgia before anyAcupuncture: review and analysis of controlled clinical trials changes are demonstrable by X-ray. In these cases, acupuncture may bring about a permanent cure. Controlled studies on common diseases and conditions in this category have been reported by different authors, with favourable results for acupuncture treatments compared with standard therapy, delayed-treatment controls, control needling, mock TENS, or other sham acupuncture techniques. The conditions concerned include cervical spondylitis or neck pain due to other causes (33–37), periarthritis of the shoulder (38, 39) fibromyalgia (40), fasciitis (41), epicondylitis (tennis elbow) (42–44), low back pain (45–49), sciatica (50–53), osteoarthritis with knee pain (54–56), and radicular and pseudoradicular pain syndromes (57). In some reports, comparison was made between standard care and acupuncture as an adjunct to standard care. The conclusion from one such randomized controlled trial was that acupuncture is an effective and judicious adjunct to conventional care for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee (58). Rheumatoid arthritis is a systemic disease with extra-articular manifestations in most patients. In this disease, dysfunction of the immune system plays a major role, which explains the extra-articular and articular features. Acupuncture is beneficial in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (4–6). While acupuncture may not improve the damage that has been done to the joints, successful pain relief has been verified in the majority of controlled studies (58). The action of acupuncture on inflammation and the dysfunctional immune system is also beneficial (5, 59).2.1.3 GoutIn a randomized controlled trial, blood-pricking acupuncture was compared with conventional medication (allopurinol). The acupuncture group showed greater improvement than the allopurinol group. In addition, a similar reduction of uric acid levels in the blood and urine of both groups was noted (60). Plum-blossom needling (acupuncture using plum-blossom needles), together with cupping (the application to the skin of cups which are then depressurized), has been recommended for treating gouty arthritis (61).2.1.4 Biliary and renal colicAcupuncture is suitable for treating acute pain, provided the relief of pain will not mask the correct diagnosis, for which other treatments may be needed. Biliary and renal colic are two conditions for which acupuncture can be used not only as an analgesic but also as an antispasmodic. In controlled studies on biliary colic (62–64) and renal colic (7, 65, 66), acupuncture appears to have advantages over conventional drug treatments (such as intramuscular injection of atropine, pethidine, anisodamine (a Chinese medicine structurally related to atropine, isolated from Anisodus tanguticus), bucinnazine (also known as bucinperazine) or a metamizole–camylofin combination). It provides a better analgesic effect in a shorter time, without side-effects. In addition, acupuncture is effective for relieving abdominal colic, whether it occurs in acute gastroenteritis or is due to gastrointestinal spasm (67).2. Review of clinical trial reports2.1.5 Traumatic or postoperative painFor traumas such as sprains, acupuncture is not only useful for relieving pain without the risk of drug dependence, but may also hasten recovery by improving local circulation (68–70). Acupuncture analgesia to relieve postoperative pain is well recognized and has been confirmed in controlled studies (71–76). The first successful operation under acupuncture analgesia was a tonsillectomy. This was, in fact, inspired by the success of acupuncture in relieving post-tonsillectomy pain. Post-tonsillectomy acupuncture was re-evaluated in a controlled study in 1990, which not only showed prompt alleviation of throat pain, but also reduction in salivation and promotion of healing in the operative wound (76). 2.1.6 DentistryAcupuncture has been widely used in dentistry. There are reports of randomized controlled trials on the analgesic effect of acupuncture for postoperative pain from various dental procedures, including tooth extraction (77–78), pulp devitalization (79), and acute apical periodontitis (80). According to a systematic review of papers on the use of acupuncture in dentistry published between 1966 and 1996, 11 out of 15 randomized controlled studies with blind controls, appropriate statistics and sufficient follow-up showed standard acupuncture to be more effective than a placebo or sham acupuncture. It was therefore concluded that acupuncture should be considered a reasonable alternative or supplement to current dental practice as an analgesic (81). Its use in the treatment of temporomandibular dysfunction was also supported in these studies.2.1.7 ChildbirthIn childbirth, acupuncture analgesia is useful for relieving labour pain and can significantly reduce the duration of labour (82).In the case of weakened uterine contractions, acupuncture increases the activity of the uterus. Episiotomy and subsequent suturing of the perineum can also be carried out with acupuncture analgesia. In addition, the avoidance of narcotics is advantageous for newborn infants.2.1.8 SurgeryAcupuncture analgesia has the following advantages in surgical operations. It is a very safe procedure compared with drug anaesthesia; no death has ever been reported from acupuncture analgesia. There is no adverse effect on physiological functions, whereas general anaesthesia often interferes with respiration and blood pressure, for example. There are fewer of the postoperative complications that sometimes occur after general anaesthesia, such as nausea, urinary retention, constipation, and respiratory infections. The patient remains conscious and able to talk with the medical team during the operation so that injury of the facial and recurrent laryngeal nerve can be avoided. However, remaining conscious may be a disadvantage if the patient cannot tolerate the emotional stress of the procedure.。



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·国际医疗美容进展· 《中国医疗美容》第8卷 第5期(总第57期)2018年5月China Medical Cosmetology V ol.8 No.5(Total No.57)May.2018初步研究探索:用自体培养的成纤维细胞注射液纠正鼻颧骨沟背景:美国食药监局批准了一种含有自体培养成纤维细胞的注射液,用于改善鼻唇沟的外观。










在注射后24周后的自我评估评估显示,使用自体培养的成纤维细胞中72%的受试者与接受安慰剂治疗中45%的受试者出现改善(P = 0.0662)。



引文格式:Moon K C, Lee H S, Han S K, et al. Correcting Nasojugal Groove with Autologous Cultured Fibroblast Injection: A Pilot Study[J]. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2017(4):1-10.富血小板血浆(PRP)辅助治疗女性雄激素性脱发(AGA)的疗效背景:近年来,富血小板血浆(PRP)已经被认为是治疗雄激素性脱发(AGA)的潜在辅助治疗方法。



2023 年第 9 卷第 5 期Vol.9, No.5, 2023中西医结合护理Chinese Journal of Integrative Nursing皮内针对缓解肿瘤患者化疗相关性恶心呕吐症状的Meta 分析张敬1, 徐京巾2, 郭红2, 李野3, 唐玲3(1. 河北省邯郸市中心医院 护理部, 河北 邯郸, 056000;2. 北京中医药大学护理学院, 北京, 100029;3. 北京中医药大学东方医院护理部, 北京, 100078)摘要: 目的 系统评价皮内针对缓解癌症患者化疗引起恶心、呕吐(CINV )的临床疗效。

方法 通过计算机检索PubMed 、Embase 、the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTAL )、Web of Science 、中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI )、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM )、维普(VIP )和万方数据库(Wanfang Data ),检索时间均为建库至2022年11月,收集揿针埋针缓解癌症患者CINV 的随机对照研究。

经过文献筛选、资料提取、质量与偏倚风险评估后,采用RevMan 5.4.1软件进行Meta 分析。

结果 最终纳入9篇文献,涉及癌症化疗患者797例。

Meta 分析的结果显示,在常规止吐治疗的基础上加用皮内针治疗能有效缓解急性CINV 总有效率[RR=1.27, 95%CI (1.09,1.47), P =0.003]、缓解延迟性CINV 总有效率[RR=1.23, 95%CI (1.07,1.41), P =0.005],降低CINV 严重程度[RR=1.42,95%CI (1.02,1.79), P <0.001]、延长首次呕吐的时间[MD=5.88,95%CI (5.70,6.05), P <0.001]、提高恶心呕吐生活功能指数(FLIE )评分[MD=9.26,95%CI (4.63,13.88), P <0.001],观察组疗效优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义。

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