



世界煤炭协会(WCA)主要公司会员介绍时间:2012-5-29 23:01:11 编辑:煤炭网(世界能源及煤炭巨头)神华集团有限责任公司(Shenhua Group)神华集团有限责任公司成立于1995年,是煤、电、路、港、航、煤制油化工一体化,产运销一条龙经营的特大型国有能源企业,是全球最大的煤炭经销商,2011年位列全球财富500强第293名。



神华煤直接液化项目第一条年产108 万吨生产线已投运,全球最大的60万吨神华包头煤制烯烃项目投产。










博地能源通过其子公司及遍及美国和澳大利亚的各大煤炭产区的28 家控股煤炭公司,拥有约90 亿吨的探明储量和可能储量。
































中国 糟 , 工 业 21年 期 孝 00 第3
21 0 5》 指 6 ,在 大台沟 l 0 月 2 0米深处 找到 了探 明储量 3 亿 吨、远景储 ( 0 0~2 l ) , 出 国 内尾 矿 堆 存 管 理 的 现 状 和 问题 ,并提 0
量 7 亿 吨的 世界最大 单体铁 矿。随后 ,在大 台沟附近 的花红 出尾矿综 合利用 的基本 原则和发展 目标 。金 属尾矿 的规划治 0 沟 、鞍 山黑石砬 子 、辽 阳 弓长岭铁矿 又找到 了探 明储量 2 亿 理 对 提 高 资 源 利 用 率 , 解 决 当 前 国 内 资 源 、环 境 对 经 济 发 展 2
0 0年 1 月 底 前 完 成 整 1 省钢铁 企业所 需铁矿 石的 9 %来 自省 内。而辽宁省 十余个 紧 产 资 源 开 发 重 点 整 合 矿 区 , 并 计 划 2 1 0 5个 减 少 至 9个 。 缺 矿 种 、 优 势 矿 种 的 发 现 ,特 别 是 在 矿 业 城 市 和 枯 竭 矿 山 外 合 工 作 。整 合 后 ,矿 业 权 数 将 由 目前 的 3 围找矿取得 重要突破 ,为全省 经济社 会又好又快 发展提 供 了 中,涉 及的矿 种主要为 钨 、稀土 、铜 、金 、铅锌 、萤石等矿
. %和 2 1 .%。国内有色金 属股价 则较弱 ,A股 有色金 新 、朝 阳等地 发现 了矿产地 2 5处 ,其 中 7处属 于大型 矿 山。 上涨 1 4
清 原满族 自治县 红透 山铜矿 曾经 是辽 宁省最 大 的铜矿 。
属 板块 当周 下跌 1 3 .%;但表 现好 于同期 沪深 3 0指数 ( 0 下跌
资源勘查 项 目3 8 。 2 个
铜 精矿 的加 工费再 度急剧 下 降


知识 产权 的最 大规格 设 备 ; 、 二 用 于乌 努格 吐 山项 目建 设 , 条 线 单
之一 ,9 3年整 体 资 产 划拨 中信 19
集 团公 司 , 名 为 中信 重 型 机 械 更 公 司 。2 0 0 8年 1月 改 制 成 立 中 信 重工 机 械股 份有 限公 司 。
2 0. 0 0 8 1 国 外 金 属 矿 选 矿 机 的纪 录 。
4 5

期 建设 投 产 后 , 即进 行 二 期 扩
计 的要 延长 8 时 间 。必 和必 拓 年 公 司在 埃斯 孔迪 达铜 矿 已累计投
建, 同样建设 采 、 选年处 理 6 O万 t 的生 产 规 模 , 终 形 成 采 、 最 选
生产 能 力 10 0 td 为 国 内 最 5 0 / , 大 , 备水 平最 高 。三 、 造周 期 装 制 短 , 行成本 相 对较低 , 用欧 美 运 采 标准 , 打破 6m 以上 大 型 矿用 磨
机 的 国际 公 司垄 断 , 型 装 备 国 大
今 年 黄 金 的 平 均 价 格 将 上 涨 3 以上 , 0 9年 则 将 守住 今 年 O/ 9 6 20
铝厂 的生 产量 占中国铝 生产总 量
的 7 。 O
今 年黄 金 价 格 预 期 上 涨 3 % 0
据 路透 调查 7月 2 4日显示 ,
澳 大 利 亚必 和 必 拓 公 司
在 智 利发 现 新 铜 矿
澳 大利 亚 必和必 拓公 司 在智 利 北部 地 区发 现 了一 处 新 铜 矿 ,
据 了解 , 中信 重 工 以 自 己 的
研 发制 造 实 力 , 积极 参 与 国际 大 磨 机 的高 层 次 竞 争 , 繁 打 入 国 频 际市 场 。2 0 0 7年 8月 1日, 功 成 在 澳 大 利 亚 S NO 铁 矿 项 目 中 I 标—— 6组 1 2台 世 界 最 大 最 先



氧化铝价格低位运行朱妍; 霍云波; 郭秋影【期刊名称】《《中国金属通报》》【年(卷),期】2012(000)026【总页数】3页(P24-26)【作者】朱妍; 霍云波; 郭秋影【作者单位】北京安泰科信息开发有限公司【正文语种】中文上半年,全球氧化铝价格低位运行。















几内亚法郎(Franc guinéen)1美元=5800几内亚法郎
几内亚共和国(The Republic of Guinea)投资合作情况介绍
总统阿尔法·孔戴(Alpha Condé):1938年生,马林凯族,信奉伊斯兰教。早年留学法国,获法学博士学位,后长期在法国大学任教。上世纪60年代在法国留学期间投身政治运动,创建劳动党,1988年改名为几内亚人民联盟,任党主席至今。曾两次参加总统大选。1995年当选国民议会议员。1998年大选期间被当局逮捕,并被判10年监禁。2001年被提前释放,随即流亡法国。2008年几政变后返几。2010年12月当选总统。



世界一流WORLD CLASS—— 必和必拓的世界一流之路从矿山赌徒到矿业寡头综合报道/本刊主笔 李岩“做矿的企业都是赌徒”,一语道出了采矿业高投入、高回报、高风险的特性。



国企管理2023.780Copyright ©博看网. All Rights Reserved.素有“坐在矿车上的国家”之称的澳大利亚,采矿业在世界经济版图中有着举足轻重的地位。

















铜加工费TC/RC介绍(国投中谷期货投资咨询部聂建军)TC/RC(Treatment and Refining charges for Processing concentrates),可以翻译成将铜精矿转化为精铜的处理和精炼费用。

TC就是处理费(Treatment charges)或粗炼费,而RC就是精炼费(Refining charges)。

在铜精矿国际贸易中,TC (Treatment charge的简称)和RC (Refining charge的简称)是协议中最基本、也是最重要的贸易条款。



铜精矿加工费分为粗炼加工费(Treatment Charges, TC)和精炼加工费(Refining Charges,RC),统称TC/RCs。







举例说明,例如:进口铜精矿含铜30%,回收率96.5%,TC 45美元/吨,RC 4.5美分/磅,计算如下:方法一:美分/磅转化为美元/磅粗炼费=1÷Cu%÷回收率%×TC =1÷30%÷96.5%×45=155.44美元/吨铜精炼费=RC×2204.62÷100=4.5×2204.62÷100=99.21美元/吨铜(1吨=2204.62磅,1美元=100美分)由此,综合加工费=粗炼费+精炼费=155.44+99.21=254.65美元/吨铜;亦可换算为:254.65×100÷2204.62=11.56美分/磅铜。



























麦克块矿(MAC TM)在唐钢1号高炉的工业试验应用摘要近几年中国钢铁工业迅猛发展,对进口炼铁原料的强劲需求促进了澳大利亚开发新的铁矿资源,马拉曼巴类矿资源被称为下一代矿将成为世界钢铁用户又一重要铁矿原料。


本文介绍了在唐钢No.1高炉对必和必拓公司生产的马拉曼巴矿-麦克 (MAC TM) 块矿的工业试验应用情况。


关键词马拉曼巴矿麦克(MAC TM) 块矿铁矿高炉工业试验INDUSTRIAL TRIAL ON MAC TM LUMP AT THE NO.1 BLAST FURNACEOF TANGGANGLiu Lianji1 Zhao Yong1 Song Runping1 Sun Qi2 Tim Sylow2(1Tangshan Iron & Steel Ltd Co., Ironmaking Plant 2BHP Billiton) ABSTRACT The Chinese iron and steel industry has been booming in recent years. Unprecedented demand for import ironmaking raw materials our products has accelerated Australian iron ore providers in the development of new iron resources. Marra mamba ore called the next generation will be one of important iron ore resources of worldwide steel mill. With the perspectives of strategy and actual increasing demand, Tanggang is pioneering in research and utilisation on Australian marra mamba resource. This article is introducing industrial test on MAC TM lump-BHP Billiton’s marra mamba lump at its No.1 blast furnace. Three months blast furnace practice showed that MAC TM lump can be charged at high level of lump burden.KEY WORDS marra mamba ore, MAC TM lump, iron ore, blast furnace, industrial trial1 前言澳大利亚生产主要为赤铁矿为主的布鲁克曼(Brockman)矿和河床豆状褐铁矿( Pisolite )。



造成较大的矿石损失 , 由于下盘围岩稳 固性较差 , 贫 化 是 不可 避免 的 , 因而 要求 爆 破 完 毕 后 进 行 强 出强 充, 以减少矿石贫化。
3 7 矿柱 回采 .
矿 柱 回采 工 艺 与矿 房 回采基 本 相 同 , 底 柱 的 顶 回采 与原 回采 工 艺过程 相 同 。
4 结 语
( )将采 矿 中段 划分 成分段 , 岩 、 破 均 在巷 1 凿 爆
l 型风动装药器装药 , O 装药密度 10k m 左右 , . g / 采 用 孔底 非 电导爆 管起 爆 技术 。
采 场爆 破 效 果 的好 坏 和拉 槽 质 量 有 直 接 的关 系, 由于切 割 天 井 不 垂 直 , G Y Z一9 0钻 机 打 整 排 倾

分段 中深孔充填采矿法 , 在铜绿山矿试验表明 , 该方法作为一种应用范围广 , 使用灵活 , 业安全 , 作 效率较高的采矿方法 , 将给铜绿 山矿带来 明显 的经
济效 益 和社会 效益 。
( 收稿 日期 :06—1 20 2—1 ) 5
孔 深 1 2m左 右 。
( )出矿 。4个 分 层爆 破 完 毕 后 , 减 小 地 压 3 为
3 6 贫化 损 失 .
整个 回采工 艺 为 分段 爆 破 、 留矿 、 快速 出矿 、 快
速嗣后充填。首先 , 以切割槽为 自由面 , 在第一分段 凿岩、 爆破并形成堑沟式底部结构之后 , 用铲运机出 少量矿石 , 便于第二分段装药、 爆破 ( 下部分段爆破 前 , 一分 段 须 完 成 凿 岩 ) 第 二 分 段 爆 破 后 , 出 上 , 再 部分矿石 , 便于三分段装药爆破 , 4个分段爆破完毕 后, 在第 一分 段 采用 铲运 机集 中快 速 出矿 , 出矿完 毕



2012年铁矿石行业分析报告2012年4月目录一、铁矿石简介 (5)二、全球铁矿石行业概览 (5)1、全球铁矿石资源分布 (5)2、全球铁矿石需求情况 (6)3、全球铁矿石供给情况 (7)4、国际贸易和铁矿石价格情况 (8)(1)铁矿石国际贸易 (8)(2)国际铁矿石定价机制 (8)(3)长协价格情况 (8)三、中国铁矿石行业 (9)1、我国铁矿石储量、分布与品位 (9)2、我国铁矿石需求情况 (10)(1)我国粗钢表观消费量保持增长且高位运行 (10)(2)我国铁矿石消耗量持续增长 (11)3、我国铁矿石供应情况 (12)(1)我国铁矿石原矿产量持续增长 (12)(2)铁矿石进口依存度高 (12)4、国内铁矿石价格 (14)(1)国内铁矿石价格形成机制及变动情况 (14)(2)影响国内铁矿石价格的主要因素 (15)四、本行业与上下游行业的关联性 (16)五、行业利润水平的变动趋势及变动原因 (17)六、行业的周期性、区域性和季节性特征 (17)七、影响行业发展的因素 (18)1、影响行业发展的有利因素 (18)(1)我国宏观经济良好,铁矿石下游行业需求稳步增长 (18)(2)工业化、城镇化为我国铁矿石需求持续增长提供了可能 (18)(3)国家产业政策支持我国铁矿石行业长期可持续发展 (19)2、影响行业发展的不利因素 (20)(1)全球铁矿石供应市场处于相对垄断状况 (20)(2)我国铁矿石资源的特点制约行业发展 (20)(3)国内铁矿石行业集中度低 (20)八、行业技术水平 (21)1、勘探技术 (21)2、采矿技术 (21)3、选矿技术 (21)九、行业监管情况 (22)1、行业主管部门和监管体制 (22)(1)投资主管部门 (22)(2)行业主管部门 (22)(3)安全生产主管部门 (23)(4)环境保护主管部门 (23)(5)行业协会 (23)2、行业法律法规 (24)(1)投资核准方面 (24)(2)矿产资源方面 (24)(3)安全生产方面 (25)(4)环境保护方面 (25)3、产业政策 (26)(1)综合性产业政策 (26)(2)产业结构规划与调整 (26)十、进入铁矿石行业的主要障碍 (27)1、行政许可壁垒 (27)2、资源禀赋壁垒 (28)3、资金壁垒 (28)4、人才壁垒 (28)十一、行业主要企业简况 (29)1、国际主要铁矿石生产商 (29)(1)淡水河谷(VALE) (29)(2)力拓(Rio Tinto Group) (29)(3)必和必拓(BHP) (29)(4)澳大利亚福特斯克金属集团(FMG) (29)2、国内主要铁矿石生产商 (30)(1)金岭矿业 (30)(2)中国铁钛 (31)(3)海南矿业 (31)一、铁矿石简介铁矿石是指含有铁元素或铁化合物的矿石。



2012年10月11日06:23 AM中国在成为铝业大国英国《金融时报》杰克•法尔基报道萨扬诺戈尔斯克(Sayanogorsk)是个因铝而兴的城镇,位于西伯利亚腹地,距离莫斯科2000多英里,这里一片片的苏式风格住宅区都围绕着一个目的:为当地冶炼厂服务。

叶夫根尼•谢尔贝科夫(Yevgeny Sherbakov)在冶炼厂里负责管理一个车间,这个车间里安放着许多陶瓷内衬的铁“罐”,它们就是用来生产铝的,他说:“很多当地人都是靠这间厂活着。


”铝为当地带来了繁荣,也让冶炼厂的老板、现年44岁的奥列格•杰里帕斯卡(Oleg Deripaska)成为了俄罗斯巨富。

当年正是在这里,25岁的他开始打造现在名为俄铝联合公司(UC Rusal)的铝业王国。












业内产量最高的五家生产商——俄铝、美国铝业(Alcoa)、伦敦上市的力拓(Rio Tinto)、中国国有的中铝(Chalco)以及挪威的海德鲁公司(Norsk Hydro)——的估值总和从5年前的近2000亿美元缩水到650亿美元左右。




浅谈中国矿企海外并购付霞【摘要】@@ 中国企业到海外投资主要有两种方式,即新建和并购,虽然新建方式的经济风险相对较小,但由于并购具有可以实现企业快速发展的优势,近年来,通过跨国并购以达到海外投资目的的中国企业越来越多,从而为中国企业海外投资闯出了一条新路.2009年上半年,中国已宣布的海外并购交易额已高达147亿美元.【期刊名称】《中国金属通报》【年(卷),期】2009(000)032【总页数】2页(P34-35)【作者】付霞【作者单位】山西华泽铝电有限公司【正文语种】中文并购是企业海外发展的有效方式之一,利于企业迅速做强做大。














必和必拓集团必和必拓集团简介必和必拓集团(BHP Group)是一家全球领先的综合性资源公司,总部位于澳大利亚墨尔本。






















China’s Outward FDI andResource-Seeking Strategy:A Case Study on Chinalco and Rio TintoShujie Yao a*, Dylan Sutherland a and Jian Chen aa University of NottinghamAbstractThe scale and frequency of foreign direct investment (FDI) in foreign mining companies by China’s large state-owned enterprises (SOEs) is still not well explained by existing investment or international business theories. This paper advances and verifies two important theoretical propositions. First, the efforts of China’s big businesses to “go global” can be thought of as being part of a national power-building globalisation strategy. Second, facilitated by extended protection from the state, reaching beyond China’s national boundaries, China’s large SOEs raise investment capital and take risks that their foreign competitors do not. This paper uses Chinalco as a case study to illustrate these propositions.JEL Classifications:F21, D21, L53Keywords:OFDI, Chinese big business groups, global financial crisis, globalisation, resource-seeking1. BackgroundChinalco’s failed strategic investment in Rio Tinto attracted worldwide attention and provoked sharp criticism of Rio Tinto back in China for its role in unilaterally scrapping the deal, initially struck at a time when Rio Tinto was on the verge of collapse. This was because Rio Tinto had accumulated huge debts immediately prior to the outbreak of the financial crisis. Its share price reflected its dire situation. It had dropped to less than £10/ share in early 2009, from a peak of over £70/share only several months earlier in 2008. After investing $14 billion in February 2008, approximately 9% of Rio Tinto’s equity, Chinalco had incurred more than $10 billion in paper losses. However, in February*Corresponding author: Shujie Yao, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, the University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, the University of Nottingham, Nottingham, NG8 1BB, UK. Tel: 0044-115 84 66179. Fax: 0044-115 84 66324. Email: shujie.yao@. We thank the anonymous reviewers for the valuable comments.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian ChenAsia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–3263142009 Chinalco went on to agree with a further $19.5 billion injection in Rio Tinto. This investment would have substantially reduced Rio Tinto’s large debts. For Rio Tinto, it secured a life line for its survival. For Chinalco, it would have helped secure China’s steel industry a secure, stable and cost-effective supply of iron ore, as well as allowing it to become a more truly global company. At the time when the deal was struck, therefore, it was an attractive proposition to both parties. (Table 1)Table 1: Reasons for and against strategic partnershipRio-Tinto ChinalcoBenefits and Reasons for Partnership Mounting debts of $34 billion frombuying Alcan makes it a target fortakeover. Partnership with Chinalcoprevents this from happening.Securing stable supply of raw ma-terials at reasonable prices. HelpingChina to own strategic resourcesoverseas.Costs and Reasons against Partnership China exerts influence on board andprice setting. Partial loss of ownershipof some mines. Resentment by politi-cians and shareholders to sell strategicassets to Chinese companies.First investment of $14 billion lost70% of value. Total debt costs of$33.5 billion cannot be justifiedon commercial basis given profitsdropping by 99% in 2008.Four months after the initial agreement the proposed deal had cleared most of the legal and administrative hurdles. It still, however, needed the final approval of the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) and Rio Tinto’s shareholders. But only one week before the FIRB meeting, on June 5, 2009, Rio Tinto withdrew from the deal and announced an alternative plan. This involved a $15.2 billion right issues as well as a joint venture with its arch rival BHP Billiton in its crucial iron ore mines in Western Australia. This came as an unexpected blow to both Chinalco and China’s self-esteem (Yao, 2009).Despite the failure of Chinalco in this deal, China’s relentless effort to acquire foreign assets is unlikely to diminish. Instead, its future forays may in fact become more tactical and forceful. Indeed, the Chinalco story highlights how the on-going global financial crisis and subsequent downturn presents new opportunities for China’s big business groups to actively seek substantial stakes in large foreign resource companies, often backed by China’s state-owned banks. It is most striking, in particular, that the terms of credit offered to Chinese companies making these foreign acquisitions are often very generous. This arguably raises important challenges for existing theories of international business.To address this puzzle, we use the Chinalco-Rio Tinto case as a study to investigate certain theoretical propositions. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides an introduction and background to the Chinalco-Rio Tinto case study, including consideration of world mining industry consolidation. Section 3 explains in more detail the national strategies of Chinese policy-makers and businesses and their aspirations to become global giants. Section 4 investigates two theoretical propositions regarding resource seeking strategies in the Chinese context. Section 5 concludes.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian Chen315 Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–3262. Consolidation of the world mining industry and Chinese OFDIChina’s OFDI has now risen from only several billion dollars to around $50 billion by 2008. Chinalco’s proposed investment in Rio Tinto, if successful, would have been the largest outward investment of a Chinese company to date. Table 2 summarises some of the most important aspects of their engagement.Table 2: Chinalco, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton’s struggle for controlImportant dates EventsOct 2007Rio Tinto bought Alcan for $38.6bn, but did so incurring $34bn of debts towards the very peak of the long commodity boom.Nov 2007BHP attempted to buy Rio on a 3:1 all-share swapFeb 2008Chinalco, along with the US’s Alcoa as a strategic partner, invested $14bn to buy 9% of Rio’s shares.Aug 2008Chinalco raised its stake in Rio to 11 per centNov 2008BHP abandoned its plans to buy Rio due to Chinalco’s intervention, which was there-fore hailed as a success at the time.Feb 2009Chinalco agreed to invest another $19.5bn in Rio: $12.3bn for minority stakes in iron ore, copper and aluminium assets and $7.2bn for convertible bonds to take its equitystake in Rio to 18 per cent and two non-executive seats in Rio’s board.5 Jun 2009Rio unilaterally abandoned its deal with Chinalco and proposed an alternative, to raise$15.2bn through right issues and $5.8bn from BHP Billiton by forming a joint venturewith the latter in western AustraliaSource: Yao and Sutherland (2009).Chinalco’s huge bid, and subsequent failure, is in the first instance representative of the fact that in general a large share of all global FDI has been carried out by a relatively small number of the very largest TNCs (UNCTAD, 2007). China’s OFDI is also concentrated in hands of a small number of large business groups (Morck, Yeung and Zhao, 2008; Sutherland, 2009). In this regard, the considerable concentration of China’s OFDI in a comparatively small number of big business groups mirrors international patterns. Despite its rapid growth, however, China’s total OFDI still accounted for only a small share of the global total. This was partly because prior to the onset of the global financial crisis the world had experienced an unprecedented wave of transnational consolidation (Nolan, 2001). In 2007, for example, global FDI (mostly M&A activity) exceeded the two trillion dollar mark (World Bank, 2009).1This merger wave was caused by numerous factors and has been referred to as a “global big business revolution” (Nolan, 2001). The metals and mining industries was no exception to this general trend. It too experienced rapid global consolidation. Between 1995 and 2006, 17 “mega-mergers” (deals exceeding one billion US$) took1 The real U.S. dollar price of commodities has increased by some 109% since 2003, or 130% since the earlier cyclical low in 1999. By contrast, the increase in earlier major booms never exceeded 60% (ibid.).Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian Chen316Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326place in the metals and mining industries (UNCTAD 2007: 241). As a result the degree of concentration also increased significantly. Interestingly, the degree of concentration rose fastest in areas such as iron ore (from 44% to 52%) and copper (from 51% to 58%) – some of the very areas important to China.2Large TNCs from the UK, the USA, Australia and Canada, however, dominated most of these deals. This consolidation wave, moreover, was also strongly driven by the very largest TNCs, including Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, Alcan (subsequently taken over by Rio Tinto) and Vale (also known as CVRD). In theory this increased the gap that China’s large groups faced in order to “catch up” with their global competitors.By late 2007, as the global credit crisis was beginning to unfold, the merger wave (and accumulation of debt) was reaching its zenith.3 The value of announced mining takeovers more than tripled to $199 billion in the first five months of 2008, when compared with 2007 (Choudhury and Foley, 2008). Some firms from emerging economies also tried to take part in this merger frenzy. The largest, such as CVRD, for example, failed in a takeover bid for Xstrata Plc. Chinalco and Sinosteel, among China’s largest groups, also bought significant stakes in mining assets worldwide to diversify their sources of raw materials.3. China’s national champions and the thorny path to become global championsAgainst the backdrop of impressive global consolidation, China has also been trying to push its own domestic consolidation process, not just in non-ferrous metals, but across a wide range of different industries, so as to catch up with the leading TNCs (SASAC, 2007). Indeed, going as far back as 1991, China’s State Council selected a batch of trial business groups to undergo trial reforms (Nolan and Zhang, 2002). Despite debate emerging in China concerning the significance of these large groups to her economic reforms, in the end the group strategy was accepted (Macro-economic Research Institute of the Chinese National Plan Commission, 1996; Pei, 1998). Indeed, the centrality the Chinese leadership attached to large business groups in China’s opening to trade and investment was aptly summarized in a speech by the then vice-premier Wu Bangguo in 1997:In reality, international economic confrontations show that if a country has several large companies or groups it will be assured of maintaining a certain market share and a position in the international economic order. America, for example, relies on General Motors, Boeing, Du Pont and a batch of other multinational companies.Japan relies on six large enterprise groups and Korea relies on 10 large commercial groupings. In the same way now and in the next century our nation’s position in the international economic order will be to a large extent determined by the position of our nation’s large enterprises and groups (Yao and Sutherland, 2009).2Iron ore and copper are the most important metal commodities globally. They account for close to around one half of the total value of all metallic minerals produced globally (UNCTAD 2007: 109).3 The start of the credit crunch is heralded by bad news from French bank BNP Paribas, which triggered a sharp rise in the cost of credit.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian Chen317 Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326Following from this strategy a wide variety of measures have been taken, and business groups (as opposed to stand alone firms, more commonly found in the Anglo-Saxon model), have rapidly emerged.4In 1991, 57 large groups were selected in a number of key industries. By 1997, this batch of business groups was further increased, from 57 to 120. Chinalco is among these national champion business groups, making it interesting as a case study.Although many of the Chinese national champions may appear large in terms of size, they cannot match their western counterparts in terms of technology, management, logistics, human resources and marketing. These deficiencies become more marked when they start to go expand beyond China’s national boundary. Beyond this point, they no longer enjoy the monopolistic positions and the market power held within their domestic market. This, in part, may explain why China has been unable so far to invest heavily in manufacturing and services industries in developed economies. Further, it also suggests that, for these champions to succeed overseas, they may also require extended state support. Chinalco is itself a large industrial corporation with many subsidiaries in China, enjoying significant monopolistic power in the aluminium industry. Due to its sheer size and market power, it has become a natural monopoly in its key product areas. This has allowed the group to rapidly increase its revenue, profits and assets (Table 3). This successful growth encouraged Chinalco to become ever more aggressive, leading to its involvement with Rio Tinto.Table 3: Chinalco’s key financial indicators (2002-1Q 2009, billion RMB)20022003200420052006200720081Q2009 Revenue16.8 23.3 32.3 37.1 61.9 76.2 76.7 13.9 Profits(gross) 3.4 6.8 10.9 12.3 20.0 19.0 6.7 -2.3 Assets31.9 35.1 49.0 59.0 78.0 94.3 135.5 132.6 Profit before tax 1.6 4.6 8.6 9.7 16.8 14.4 0.1 -2.3 number ofemployees n.a.n.a.n.a.n.a.8,8000 94,269 10,7887 n.a. Sources: /.Chinalco’s first investment in Rio Tinto, in February 2008, was made near the peak of the commodity market boom. The sharp market downturn (caused by the financial crisis and the subsequent drop in metal prices in the world market), as noted, reduced the share price of Rio Tinto from over £70/share in late 2007 to less than £10/share by February 2009. As a result, Chinalco’s first investment in Rio Tinto lost more than 70% of its value on paper. The second proposed investment in February 2009 looked to recoup some of the losses incurred by the first investment. Out of £19.5 billion, $7.2 billion was proposed to buy convertible bonds bearing 9% interest rate per annum. The bonds could be converted to shares at a price substantially lower than that of the initial investment, made in two tranches at $45/share and $60/share, respectively.5 The other4 For the definition and discussion of “business groups” in China, please see Hussain and Chen (1999).5 The price Chinalco paid to Rio Tinto was about $120/share (or £60/share) in February 2008.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian Chen318Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326 $12.3 billion would have been used for buying up to 49% of the shares in a number of important copper, aluminum, and iron ore mines in Australia.One critical advantage of the proposed deal to Rio Tinto was that it could pay off its immediate debts incurred after the purchase of Alcan and stop its share price from falling precipitously during late 2008 and early 2009, a difficult time for markets. The disadvantages, however, were also serious. In particular, the high interest rates attached to the convertible bonds and the eventual conversion of these bonds to share equity at a less favorable rate would lead to diluted ownership rights of many important mines, and the influence of the two Chinese Communist Party members as its board directors. For Chinalco, the failed deal was a serious blow, not only for itself as a commercial company but also for China’s national image and self-esteem. For Rio Tinto, on the other hand, the decision to reject Chinalco’s offer appeared to be primarily the result of shareholders drive for better returns. It was thus driven by private interests, rather than national interests. The failure of Chinalco to press home its advantage when Rio Tinto was most vulnerable also reflects the naivety and lack of familiarity of its senior management in making foreign acquisitions.4. Theories of OFDI in the Chinese contextAcademic literature suggests that FDI should generate mutual benefits for both the investing and host economies. For host economies, their incentives to attract FDI may include the transfer of new technologies, managerial skills and access to international markets. For investing economies, the key incentives may include resource-seeking, market penetration, exploitation of scale economies at the global level and lower costs. In most cases, FDI involves a significant component of technological transfer and spill-overs, as inferred from the new theory of endogenous growth (Romer, 1986; Sala-I-Martin, 1996). Export-orientation forces producers to respond to international competition. In the Asian newly industrialised economies (NIEs), Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore, the outward looking strategy has been associated with relatively free labour and capital markets (Balassa, 1988).Empirically, many recent econometric analyses have focused on understanding the causality between the dependent and independent variables. For example, does FDI cause GDP to grow, or vice versa? Most empirical results support the argument that FDI can promote output growth. Yao and Wei (2007) demonstrate that FDI into China explains up to one-third of economic growth and technological progress during the 1978-2004 period. Chuang and Hsu (2004) show that FDI has the biggest impact on the productivity of those industries that import appropriate technologies rather than the most advanced technologies. Among the OECD countries, Choi (2004) shows that per capita income disparity tends to decline as a result of rising bilateral FDI flows. Wang, Siler and Liu (2002) show that foreign firms are more productive than domestic firms in the UK.Many recent studies also suggest that market size, labor cost, location and timing are important determinants of FDI (Chakraborty and Basu, 2002; Filippaios, Papanastassiou and Pearce, 2003; Deichmann, Karidis and Sayek, 2003). Park (2003) and Love (2003)Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian Chen319 Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326try to explain the motives of Japanese and US firms to invest abroad. Japanese firms experienced three stages of their investment strategies, natural resource-seeking (1950s and 1960s), market penetration (1970s and 1980s), and the combination of cost-saving and market expansion from the 1990s (Park, 2003).Although existing literature may provide some insights as to why China has geared up its OFDI in recent years, the special characteristics of its OFDI in the form of resource-seeking have not been well considered. Based on existing theories of international business, firms making OFDI must possess some kind of advantages over their host-country competitors. These advantages can be technology, brand, or management skills. The key objective of any TNC is to maximize profits and increase their international competitiveness. However, if we compare Chinalco with Rio Tinto, the former does not appear to have any such advantages. It is actually smaller and less profitable. If, however, Chinese policy makers are seen as using Chinalco as a vehicle for national security and development, the high degree of asset specificity – China’s total dependence on iron ore to develop – may explain its desire to vertically integrate with Rio Tinto.Chinalco was selected as one of a few Chinese national champions to seek natural resources overseas through investments and acquisitions of large foreign TNCs. In this way it could guarantee that foreign resource supplies would be available to China’s large and growing metals industries. This was why Chinalco was allowed to become a large and monopolistic industrial group in China and to make such large investments abroad, which could not have been justified based on its own financial strength alone. As illustrated in Table 3, the company’s performance deteriorated sharply after its listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2007. Indeed, if Chinalco were a western TNC, it would have been close to bankruptcy and not launching a massive investment plan to acquire foreign assets. Banks would have called in their loans rather than putting them forward. Even despite its poor performance, however, four of the biggest Chinese state-owned banks agreed to lend Chinalco US$21 billion. These banks, moreover, charged very low interest rates, only 94.5 basis points above the six-month London inter-bank offered rate (LIBOR). Further, they did not set a time for Chinalco to pay back the loans. By comparison, BHP Billiton at the same time issued ten-year bonds which had to bear interest at 390 basis points above the six-month LIBOR.6This type and scale of lending activity is possible only in China, where state-owned banks and businesses are treated as the left and right arms of the state in order to achieve its national long-term development objectives (Yao, 2009). As a result, the OFDI of China’s national champions, such as Chinalco, cannot be well explained by existing theories. Instead an understanding of aspects of the political economy of OFDI is also required (Yao and Sutherland, 2009).To further understand the motivation and behavior of Chinese big businesses making OFDI, we propose two theoretical propositions.Proposition 1: The efforts of China’s big businesses to “go global” and undertake OFDI are part of the country’s power-building and globalisation strategy.6 Zhen Yang, “Easier loans lead to more M&As,” China Daily, 20th April 2009, p.4.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian Chen320Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326 Proposition 2: Soft budget constraints and extended protection by the government beyond the nation’s boundary are the key policy instruments compensating for the technological and managerial deficiencies of China’s national champion groups undertaking OFDI. This policy support enables these companies to outstrip their foreign competitors in taking risks and raising investment capital.These propositions can be illustrated in Figure 1 below. They have generally not been considered in the existing literature on management and international business. This may be because they are especially applicable to emerging economies such as China.Figure 1: Evolution of China’s business champions going globalNotes: (1) The top 3 squares show how state-owned enterprises are supported by soft budgets and monopo-listic power to become domestic giants. (2) The middle 3 squares show how these domestic giants are further supported by state banks and government protection to go global. (3) The bottom 3 squares show two key national objectives (power building and security) that these business giants are expected to achieve.Figure 1 implies that Chinese business champions undertaking OFDI cannot be regarded as isolated commercial entities. Their development has also been supported by the state and they are also tasked to achieve two important national objectives: world-power building and national security. However, the extent to which the government is prepared to support these champions and the extent to which these champions will respond to the country’s development ambitions through maximizing and balancing private (company interests) and social (national interests) benefits are two important questions that need to be addressed.These questions can be answered through a simple model, explained below. It is assumed there exist two utility functions, one for the state, denoted by U s, the other for a particular company, say Chinalco, denoted by U p.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian ChenAsia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326321In U s, the level of utility is determined by the state’s ability to gain power in the world economy, denoted by WP, and to raise the level of national security, denoted by NS, as a result of any OFDI made by the company but supported by the state, as shown in equation 1.In U p, the level of utility is determined by the company’s ability to increase profit (π) and world market share (MS) as a result of outward investment, as shown in equation 2. For simplicity, market risk and price volatility are not considered in the following model and discussion, although the model could potentially be elaborated to include the effects of price changes and market uncertainty.U s = f (WP, NS) (1)U p = f (π, MS) (2)WP, NS, πand MS are themselves non-declining functions of OFDI.However, whether the state needs to support or subsidize the outward investments made by the company depends on the returns to investments. Assuming the marginal return per unit of investment (e.g. $1 billion) in the domestic market is fixed as µand the return to thesame amount of investment made overseas is denoted by ∂U p∂O FDI , then, there are twopossible outcomes.First, if the return to overseas investment is equal to or greater than the fixed return in the domestic market, there is no need for state support. This is shown in equation 3. Second, if the return to foreign investment is than that from the domestic market, the company will need state support, as shown in equation 4.7 The first scenario is a possibility but it is not the focus of our interest. Instead, we focus on the case where state support is required.∂U p∂O FDI≥, no need for state support (3)∂U p ∂O FDI <, need for state support (4)The next question is how to determine the optimum level of support for a given amount of OFDI. In theory, the amount of support to the company should be equal tothe difference between µ and ∂U p∂O FDI, or denoted by dπ*. This level of support leaves the company indifferent as to whether it makes the same investment at home or abroad. The7 Equation 4 may also suggest that if the government can effectively reduce the return in the domestic market, the company will have incentives to invest abroad. We preclude this as a realistic possibility however, as all the evidence we find points to the alternative: namely that increased domestic returns have been consistently promoted by the state in its efforts to promote larger business groups that can compete internationally. We therefore assume that the state is constrained to act only in a positive manner towards the profitability of the companies it wishes to support.Shujie Yao, Dylan Sutherland and Jian ChenAsia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 17 (2010) 313–326322state, however, may or may not provide this support, depending on the additional utility that the state can derive from supporting this investment. As a result, the equilibrium condition triggering state support is dictated by the condition in equation (5), namely the amount of support should be equal or smaller than the additional utility accrued to the state as a result of the company making that investment.dπ*=(∂U p∂O FDI)≤dU s=df(WP,NS)–(5)The additional state utility can be decomposed into two parts: the marginal utility of increased world market share (or increased world power), and the marginal utility of the increased national security as a result of OFDI. This decomposition can be shown in equation (6).dU s=df(WP,NS)=∂U s∂W P∂W P∂OFD I dNS+∂U s∂N S∂N S∂OFD I dWP(6)With (6), the equilibrium condition for state support can be re-arranged in (7).dπ*≤∂U s∂W P∂W P∂OFD I dNS+∂U s∂N S∂N S∂O FDI dWP(7)It implies that the amount of state support to satisfy the condition that additional investment should achieve equal returns in both domestic and foreign markets to an individual company. This support should be equal to or smaller than the total derivative of the state utility function with respect to world power and national security. The total derivative of the state utility function can be decomposed into two parts: (1) the state’s marginal utility of world power resulting from making OFDI multiplied by the additional national security, and (2) the state’s marginal utility of national security resulting from making OFDI multiplied by the additional world power. These two components are shown on the right hand side of equation (7).This model can be applied to analyse Chinalco’s proposed second investment in Rio Tinto (of $19.5 billion). The state support can be quantified by the amount of possible interest subsidies for its proposed bank loans, which at about 3 percentage points amounts to an implicit subsidy of $585 million annually. State support can also be implied by the fact that, in the event that Chinalco made an absolute loss, the state would also act as its guarantor. Such soft budget constraints are seldom available to western private companies.The benefits to the state may not be easily quantified, but the fact that the state-owned banks were happy to provide the loans implies that the total benefits should be greater than the amount of implied subsidies. These benefits include the ability of China to increase the secure supply of iron ore, a key strategic resource, and the ability to negotiate for a lower price of seaborne iron ore with the large oligopolistic suppliers. In 2008, China imported about $60 billion of iron ore. Reducing the import price of iron ore by one percentage point would save $600 million annually for its steel industry.。







小松的Autonomous Haulage System(自动运输系统,AHS,名为FrontRunner)无人驾驶卡车方面的研究已经有大约20年的历史了,当时是同时可控制50-100辆车的系统。


关于AHS:小松的AHS是一个综合性的矿山车队管理系统,此系统下每一台卡车都安装有车辆控制器、一个高精度GPS(全球定位系统)、一个障碍物侦测系统和一个无线网络系统(由小松、小松美国和Modular Mining Systems公司联合开发),由一个装备了高精度定位能力GPS系统的车队监测中心管理,为每辆车指定运输目的地,车辆通过接收无线指令以合适的速度按照目标路线运行,卡车由GPS、控制中心无线指令(信息)和其它导引装置来确定车辆在矿山的准确坐标以及周围的情况,使得自卸车能在无人操作的情况下实现复杂的装载、运输和卸载循环的自动运行。










随着西安吉拉斯、Mac C矿区的开发,马拉曼巴矿的比例在不断增加。


目前,由于Hope Downs项目和FMG项目的投产,西澳铁矿产量中马拉曼巴矿的比例又有所提高,同时Rio Tinto已停止出售布鲁克曼矿,改为生产Pilbara Blend(皮尔巴拉混合矿,简称PB粉),质量已接近马拉曼巴矿。





图1 2000-2010年澳大利亚铁矿石产量及占世界产量比重澳大利亚现有铁矿石的生产主要集中在皮尔巴拉地区,约占全澳总产量的95%,主要生产企业有RioTinto(力拓)、BHP(必和必拓)和FMG等。



【摘要】[安泰科讯]全球最大的矿商必和必拓进一步撤出高成本的镍矿业务,于7月3日宣布出售其位于澳洲的Yabulu冶炼厂给当地一家矿业巨头Billionaire Palmer。

1.必和必拓Cerro Matoso镍矿镍产量下跌 [J], 范润泽
2.诺里尔斯克镍业完成从澳大利亚的退出必和必拓接手镍矿 [J],
3.必和必拓出售美陆上油气资产 [J],
4.必和必拓拟以10亿澳元出售Ravensthorpe镍矿 [J],
5.W2014082必和必拓计划出售西澳镍矿项目 [J],

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汇 报 完 毕
有利于与熔剂发生反应;亲水性好,但由于其堆积密度小,直接影响烧结利 用系数,还需要采取相应的工艺手段提高烧结利用系数——比如提高烧结料
2012年 BHP矿粉 在我厂使用情况介绍
船名 费城(杨迪粉) 新旺海(杨迪粉) 皇家赞美(麦克粉) 皇家赞美(杨迪粉) 新旺海(纽曼块)
数量(吨) 110000 100000 90000 80000 70000
费城 杨迪粉 57.38 5.56
皇家赞美 麦克粉 60.42 4.6 皇家赞美 杨迪粉 57.36 5.67 新旺海 杨迪粉 57.74 5.3 新旺海 纽曼块 63.46 3.78
品质 Fe SiO2
0.040 0.028
0.078 0.032
0.043 0.012
0.04 0.012
0.063 0.012
9.48.94Fra bibliotek3.623
1、从以上矿粉成分可以看出费城和新旺海都属于BHP公司的杨迪粉。 2、2012年通才原料场混匀料中使用费城和新旺海,使用比例10%、12%、27%、36% 、38%;近日高炉配用了15%的纽曼块。 3、杨迪粉Tfe较低、SiO2含量中等、Al2O3低、有害元素含量少、烧损高,属于高
4、杨迪粉在混匀料配用15%左右时,烧结垂直速度快,烧结产能较大,日产11000 吨,烧结矿转鼓指数基本上均能达79%以上,入炉吨烧固体燃耗大约在65kg左
迪粉结晶水含量大,生石灰供应不足,燃料粒度偏大,目前一直没有安装压料 辊而对料面不能进行压料等原因,致使烧结料料温低,出点火器的烧结料表层 几乎全是返矿,影响了烧结矿强度及成品率。