2778A_09 Using Advanced Techniques


Atmel CryptoAuthentication

Atmel CryptoAuthentication

Application Note Single-Wire and I2C Interfaces Seamless DebuggingUsing Saleae Logic AnalyzerATSHA204A, ATECC108A, and ATECC508A Prerequisites●Hardware PrerequisitesAtmel® AT88CK490 or AT88CK590 Demo-Evaluation Board orAtmel AT88CK101-() KitSaleae Logic Analyzer●Software PrerequisitesAtmel Crypto Evaluation Studio (ACES)IntroductionThe purpose of this document is to help the user gain a better understanding of how to use the Atmel CryptoAuthentication™ ATSHA204A, ATECC108A, and ATECC508A devices (crypto device) with the Saleae Logic Analyzer. The Saleae Logic Analyzer is a powerful tool to debug and evaluate the commands coming to and from these devices. The tool supports both the standard I2C and the Atmel Single-Wire Interface (SWI) protocols.The goal of this application note is to:●Understand the bus interfaces of the crypto device using the Saleae LogicAnalyzer.●Develop and debug with the crypto device using the Saleae Logic Analyzer. SummaryThe Saleae Logic Analyzer provides an in depth tool to quickly develop and debug integration of the crypto device into a customer’s system. The bus decoding allows for easy understanding of all bus traffic to the crypto device. By reducing the development time, the Saleae Logic Analyzer greatly reduces the cost of adding the crypto device.CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_08201521.Saleae Logic AnalyzerOn load of the analyzer, either 8 or 16 channels will display depending on the analyzer used. Protocol specific settings are located on the far right under the heading, Analyzers .Figure 1-1.Channels and Protocol SettingsThe crypto device supports either a Single-Wire Interface (SWI) or I 2C Interface depending on the P/N. ●SWI — Supported through the use of a DLL library. Use version 1.1.16 or greater. This version comes with support on Win, LNX, and IOS.●I 2C — Supported by the use of the built-in I 2C interface that is included in the Saleae download.3CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820152.Single-Wire Interface (SWI)Use the SWI DLL library version 1.1.16 or greater.1.Copy the DLL into the Saleae LLC\Analyzers directory on the user’s PC. Once the driver has been copied to the correct folder, the Atmel SWI option will appear and be listed in the Analyzer drop-down options. The SWI Analyzer has three display modes:Token Byte Packet (as described in the datasheet)Figure 2-1.Atmel SWI Option2.Select the Atmel SWI Analyzer from the list. 3.After selecting Atmel SWI Analyzer , rename the channel when prompted, 4.Select the Falling Edge Trigger option and start sampling. Using ACES, select a command and send it to the device. For an overview of the ACES tool, please see “Using ACES Application Note”. This will cause the bus to become active and the Analyzer will trigger on the first falling edge and data line.In the screen shot below, the Wake command has been captured followed by Wake Status Read. The Wake command is a special token designed to wake the device and reset the watchdog timer.Figure 2-2.Wake Command Followed by Wake Status ReadEnlargement ofthe Analyzerpull-down options.CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820154The token view displays each logic bit which is made up of seven bits on the wire. Each group of seven bits is encoded either as a Logic 1 or Logic 0 as follows:●A Logic 1 is one low bit followed by six high bits. ● A Logic 0 is one low bit followed by one high bit, then by one low bit, and then by four high bits.Figure 2-3.Token View Figure 2-4.Logic BitsThe byte view builds on the token view by combining eight tokens into a single byte. This view allows for easy matching of information on the data bus to the command set defined in the datasheet. The byte view istransmitted with the less significant bit first.Figure 2-5.BytesThe packet view further builds on the byte view by ordering the data into logic packets based on the datasheet definition. This allow for quick and easy review of the commands without the need to reference the datasheet.Figure 2-6.Packets0x880x045CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820153.I 2C InterfaceThe crypto device supports an I 2C interface that is directly supported by the Saleae tool.1.To configure the Analyzer for I 2C , select the I2C option from the Analyzer drop-down list and follow the configuration guide.Figure 3-1.I2C Analyzer Option 2.Select the clock and data channels that will be used for the I2C bus. Different encoding options can also be selected. The crypto device uses the default 8-bit encoding.Figure 3-2.Clock and Data Channels Enlargement ofthe Analyzerpull-down options.CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820156 3.Next, the Update Channel Names dialog box will be prompted to rename the channels to reflect SCL andSDA. This is an optional step, but helps when analyzing more then one bus at a time.Figure 3-3.Update Channel Names 4.Now that the analyzer is configured, set-up the trigger settings. The Saleae has a One Shot trigger thatcan be triggered on either the falling or rising edge of the SCL channel. The bus is normally held high;therefore, setting a falling edge trigger is recommended.Figure 3-4.Trigger Settings7CryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820155.Once the analyzer has been started, execute a command in order to generate data on the bus.Figure 3-5.Execute a Command After the Analyzer has been triggered, it will collect the waveform information and display it in the viewer. The first token shown is the ATSHA204 Wake.Figure 3-6.First Token — ATSHA204 WakeThe Wake command is a special command that is required to wake-up the device. The command consists of a I 2C Start event followed by a long period of Logic 0 on the SDA line, then followed a Stop event.Figure 3-7.Wake CommandCryptoAuthentication for Single-Wire and I 2C Interfaces Seamless Debugging Using SaleaeLogic Analyzer [APPLICATION NOTE]Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_0820158After a Wake command, an optional Read can be performed to read the status of the crypto device as shown in the waveform below. After the Read command is issued, the device will send four bytes of data (1-count, 1-data, and 2-CRC).Figure 3-8.Read WaveformThe Saleae tool supports a variety of display options for the I 2C interface including Binary, Hex, and ASCII to help quickly and easily evaluate the data. It can be selected by clicking the Configuration button next to the analyzer of interest on the right.Figure 3-9.Display Options4.Revision HistoryX X X X X XAtmel Corporation 1600 Technology Drive, San Jose, CA 95110 USA T: (+1)(408) 441.0311F: (+1)(408) 436.4200| © 2015 Atmel Corporation. / Rev.: Atmel-8847B-CryptoAuth-SWI-I2C-Seamless-Debugging-Saleae-Logic-Analyzer-ApplicationNote_082015.Atmel ®, Atmel logo and combinations thereof, Enabling Unlimited Possibilities ®, CryptoAuthentication ™, and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation in U.S. and other countries. Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.DISCLAIMER: The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products. EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE ATMEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES LOCATED ON THE ATMEL WEBSITE, ATMEL ASSUMES NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ATMEL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS AND PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF ATMEL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and products descriptions at any time without notice. Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein. Unless specifically provided otherwise, Atmel products are not suitable for, and shall not be used in, automotive applications. Atmel products are not intended,authorized, or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.SAFETY-CRITICAL, MILITARY, AND AUTOMOTIVE APPLICATIONS DISCLAIMER: Atmel products are not designed for and will not be used in connection with any applications where the failure of such products would reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury or death (“Safety-Critical Applications”) without an Atmel officer's specific written consent. Safety-Critical Applications include, without limitation, life support devices and systems, equipment or systems for the operation of nuclear facilities and weapons systems.Atmel products are not designed nor intended for use in military or aerospace applications or environments unless specifically designated by Atmel as military-grade. Atmel products are not designed nor intended for use in automotive applications unless specifically designated by Atmel as automotive-grade.。

Agilent 7700x 7800 ICP-MS application note说明书

Agilent 7700x 7800 ICP-MS application note说明书

Analysis of flue gas desulfurization wastewaters with the Agilent 7700x/7800 ICP-MS Application noteAuthorsRichard Burrows TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. USASteve WilburAgilent TechnologiesUSAEnvironmentalIntroductionThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) is in the processof revising effluent guidelines for the steam electric power generating industry, due to increases in wastewater discharges as a result of Phase 2 of the Clean Air Act amendments. These regulations require SO2scrubbing for most coal-fired plants resulting in ‘flue gas desulfurization’ (FGD) wastewaters. The revised effluent guidelines will apply to plants ‘primarily engaged in the generation of electricity for distribution and sale which results primarily from a process utilizing fossil-type fuel (coal, oil or gas) or nuclear fuel in conjunction with a thermal cycle employing the steam water system as the thermodynamic medium’[1]. This includes most large-scale power plants in the United States. Effluents from these plants, especially coal-fired plants, can contain several hundred to several thousand ppmof calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, boron, chloride, nitrate and sulfate. Measurement of low ppb levels of toxic metals (including As, Cd,Cr, Cu, Pb, Se, Tl, V and Zn) in this matrix presents a challenge for ICP-MS,Sample preparationThe samples were collected in HDPE containers and acidified with trace metal grade nitric acid to pH <2. Sample preparation was performed according to EPA 1638, Section 12.2 for total recoverable analytes by digestion with nitric and hydrochloric acid in a covered Griffin beaker on a hot plate. All calibrations wereprepared in 2% HNO 3/0.5% HCl v/v as described in the method.Analytical methodA standard Agilent 7700x ICP-MS with Micromist nebulizer and optional ISIS-DS was used. HMI aerosol dilution was set to medium, using the MassHunter ICP-MS software to automatically optimize the plasma parameters and robustness (CeO +/Ce + ratio ~0.2%). MassHunter uses HMI optimization algorithms that take into account the type of nebulizer used, to ensure reproducible conditions from run to run and from instrument to instrument. Operating parameters are shown in Table 1.Table 1. Instrument parameters used, illustrating simple, consistentHMI modeRobust plasma, medium aerosol dilutionForward RF power (W)1550Carrier gas flow (L/min)0.56Dilution gas flow (L/min)0.33Extraction lens 1 (V)0Kinetic energy discrimination (V)4Cell gas flow (mL/min) 4 (He)4 (H 2)Acquisition conditions Number of isotopes (including ISTDs)253Number of replicates 3Total acquisition time (s)80 (total for both ORS modes)ISIS parameters Sample loop volume (μL)600Online dilution factor1:2due to the very high dissolved solids levels and potential interferences from matrix-based polyatomic ions. Furthermore, FGD wastewater can vary significantly from plant to plant depending on the type and capacity of the boiler and scrubber, the type of FGD process used, and the composition of the coal, limestone and make-up water used. As a result, FGD wastewater represents the most challenging of samples for ICP-MS; it is very high in elements known to cause matrix interferences, and also highly variable. To address this difficult analytical challenge, in 2009 the EPA commissioned the development of a new ICP-MS method specifically for FGD wastewaters. This method was developed and validated at TestAmerica Laboratories, Inc. using an Agilent 7700x ICP-MS equipped with an Agilent ISIS-DS discrete sampling system.Methods and materialsInstrumentationThe Agilent 7700x ICP-MS with ISIS-DS is uniquely suited to the challenge of developing a simple, robust analytical method for the analysis of regulated metals in uncharacterized high-matrix FGD wastewaters. Three attributes of the 7700x system are particularly critical and work together to enable reliable, routine analysis of large batches of variable high-matrix samples:•Agilent’s unique High Matrix Introduction (HMI) system enables controlled, reproducible aerosol dilution, which increases plasma robustness and significantly reduces exposure of the interface and ion lenses to undissociated sample matrix.•The Octopole Reaction System (ORS 3) operating in helium collision mode eliminates matrix-based polyatomic interferences regardless of sample composition, without the need for time consuming sample-specific or analyte-specific optimization.•The optional ISIS-DS discrete sampling system significantly reduces run time, while further reducing both matrix exposure and carryover.The ORS 3 was operated in two modes: helium collision mode (He mode) for all analytes except selenium, which was measured in hydrogen reaction mode (H 2 mode). Twenty-five masses including internal standards were acquired, with typical integration times of 50 ms per replicate and three replicates per sample. Instrument detection limits (IDLs) were automatically calculated by the MassHunter software, based on the precision of the calibration blank measurement and the slope of the calibration plots (Table 2). Method detection limits (MDLs) (3σ) were calculated from 7 replicate analyses of a low-level spike of the synthetic FGD matrix solution.Cr 520.05He Sc 0.17-Mn 550.05He Sc 0.440.68Ni 600.05He Sc 0.170.45Cu 630.05He Sc 0.150.48Zn 660.05He Ge 0.94 2.04As 750.1He Ge 0.490.61Se 780.05H 2Ge 0.080.31Ag 1070.05He In 0.020.29Cd 1110.05He In 0.190.59Sb 1210.05He In 0.050.36Tl 2050.05He Ho 0.020.23Pb2080.05HeHo0.030.36* MDL calculated as 3σ of low-level spike into synthetic FGD matrix sample (n=7). MDL not calculated for chromium due to significant contamination in the synthetic FGD matrix solution. Additional isotopes were acquired for internal confirmation, but not reported.Quality controlThe quality control used for the new FGD wastewater method was based on the typical protocols used in other EPA methods. Prior to commissioning for routine operation, initial method validation requires determination of method detection limits, linear ranges, and analysis of multiple, single-element interference check solutions, to assess the effectiveness ofpolyatomic interference removal under the collision/reaction cell conditions used in the method. In routine use, daily quality control in a typical analytical sequence includes the analyses outlined in Table 3.The FGD wastewater method requires the analysis of two new QC samples: a synthetic FGD matrix sample and a fortified FGD matrix sample.Prior to preparing the synthetic FGD matrix samples, each potential matrix component was analyzed as a separate single-element standard, in order to determine the source and magnitude of any potential contaminants and the effectiveness of He mode atremoving matrix-based interferences. Results are shown in Table 4. Nearly all contaminants and interferences were sub-ppb. The most significant contaminants were Cr, Ni and Zn in the 10,000 ppm Ca solution, confirmed by measuring secondary or qualifier isotopes for the analytes. Approximately 2 ppb of V was detected in the 10% HCl solution. This was either due to contamination, a small residual interference from 35Cl 16O, or acombination of the two, but at less than 2 ppb it did not present a problem for this analysis.After each matrix component was characterized individually, a mixed synthetic FGD solution was prepared with the composition shown in Table 5, together with a second solution with the same matrix components but additionally spiked with all the analyte elements at 40 ppb. These new FGD matrix samples are analogous to the interference check solutionsICS-A and ICS-AB required by EPA method 6020, except the synthetic FGD samples are much higher in total dissolved solids (TDS) than the ICS-A and AB solutions, and contain those matrix elements that are commonly high in actual FGD samples. The detailed composition of the FGD matrix samples, which contain a total of >1% (10,000 ppm) TDS, is listed in Table 5, and results from the analysis of the synthetic FGD matrix blank and synthetic FGD matrix spike are shown in Table 6.Table 3. Typical FGD analytical sequence including all required quality control. ICV: Initial Calibration Verification, ICB: Initial Calibration Blank,CCV: Continuing Calibration Verification, CCB: Continuing Calibration Blank, LCS: Laboratory Control Sample, MS/MSD: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike DuplicateTable 4. Initial demonstration of interference removal in single-element matrix solutions. Analyte concentrations (ppb) for each matrix (sum of analyte52 Cr0.7710.0000.17155 Mn0.0190.1370.64760 Ni 1.1150.7400.07863 Cu-0.0950.1870.17866 Zn 2.7060.160-0.12675 As0.689-0.1540.27178 Se0.0290.2130.320107 Ag0.0120.0400.002111 Cd-0.005-0.031-0.044121 Sb0.6560.0280.542205 Tl0.0620.013-0.003208 Pb0.0580.1350.037Table 5. Composition of synthetic FGD matrix sample. Laboratory fortified synthetic FGD sample is spiked with 40 ppb of each of the target elementsCalcium2000 mg/LMagnesium1000 mg/LSulfate2000 mg/LSodium1000 mg/LButanol 2 mL/LTable 6. Analysis of mixed matrix FGD interference check sample and spiked52 Cr12.699*96.6%0.01548.8510.11755 Mn-0.10194.3%-0.32848.4350.10060 Ni0.24788.4%-0.00948.5350.15463 Cu0.09491.6%0.09647.3160.11566 Zn 3.18186.1%-0.30249.8040.10075 As0.107110.0%-0.04348.2050.00978 Se0.538120.2%-0.14449.6050.186 107 Ag0.14594.3%0.01047.6320.003 111 Cd0.03998.9%-0.01748.6950.017 121 Sb0.18198.4%0.01550.8060.031 205 Tl0.02190.3%0.00048.1080.008 208 Pb0.43692.1%0.00348.3810.008* Cr contamination verified by secondary isotope.ResultsInitial performance verification indicated that the 7700x with HMI was able to analyze the very high matrix samples, and He mode successfully eliminated matrix-based spectroscopic interferences, while the use of ISIS-DS helped to minimize memory effects (Table 6). Accuracy, both in terms of calibration stability (CCV) and for spike recoveries in the matrix (spiked FGD solution), were well within the standard operating procedure (SOP) requirements (CCV ± 15%, matrix spike recoveries ± 30%).When running real FGD samples in a long sequence, continuing instrument performance must be monitored according to typical EPA criteria. Each group of 10 samples must include one laboratory control sample (LCS) of known concentration, and one matrix spike/ matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) pair in addition to 7 unknown samples.After each block of 10 samples, calibration and blank levels were verified through the analysis of a CCV and CCB standard (Figure 1). Additionally, internal standards were monitored for all samples and easily met the requirement to fall within 60 to 125% of the intensity measured in the calibration blank (Figure 2). Internal standard recoveries provide information on sample-specific matrix effects as well as longterm instrument drift.Figure 1. CCV recoveries over a sequence of 88 analyses including real FGD samples, all required QC samples and synthetic FGD matrix samples. Control limits (85–115%) are indicated in red.Internal standard recoveries for the 88 sample validation sequence are shown in Figure 2. All samples met the ISTD QC requirements of 60 to 125% recovery and total instrument drift over the course of the sequence was less than 10% as indicated by the ISTD response for the final CCV sample.In the complete sequence, a total of six MS/MSD pairs were analyzed and the relative percent difference (RPD) calculated for each pair is shown in Table 7. The method limit for RPD is < 20% which includes both measurement and sample preparation errors. Only silver proved to be problematic late in the sequence, most likely due to chemical stability/solubility problems in samples containing high and variable levels of chloride.Figure 2. Internal standard recoveries for entire 88 sample sequence. Control limits (60–125%) are indicated by red dashed lines.Table 7. Matrix spike (MS) and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) results and relative percent differences (RPD) for the sequence of 88 analyses. Spike concentrationwas 20 ppb except silver, which was 5 ppb.51 V21.4321.99 2.6%22.2021.85-1.6%21.3122.08 3.6%52 Cr20.0820.190.5%20.9519.55-6.7%20.4420.15-1.4%55 Mn5093.085097.500.1%5060.455121.08 1.2%5444.415340.90-1.9%60 Ni25.1720.08-20.2%19.0023.0721.4%20.5319.39-5.5%63 Cu19.2619.53 1.4%19.4518.73-3.7%19.2219.230.1%66 Zn21.4421.27-0.8%20.4721.73 6.1%21.0218.23-13.3%75 As25.7122.84-11.2%24.0724.080.0%24.1822.80-5.7%107 Ag 6.02 2.87-52.3% 5.758.3044.3% 5.22 6.0215.2%111 Cd17.6920.0613.4%17.4818.19 4.0%19.0018.71-1.5%121 Sb21.4222.69 5.9%21.6121.650.2%22.3821.82-2.5%205 Tl20.7920.45-1.7%20.4420.540.5%21.0820.53-2.6%208 Pb19.4019.62 1.1%19.4719.73 1.3%19.3019.27-0.2%ConclusionsFlue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater samples are extremely challenging due to their high and variable matrix composition and the fact that most of the required analytes can suffer from overlap from matrix-based polyatomic interferences. However, the new EPA method development and validation has demonstrated that these difficult sample matrices can be routinely analyzed for trace metal contaminants using the Agilent 7700x ICP-MS with optional ISIS-DS discrete sampling accessory.Based on extensive initial validation and strict ongoing EPA mandated quality control, the new method has been shown to be simple, robust, and reliable. Using the combined advantages of a highly robust plasma, HMI aerosol dilution, helium collision mode to eliminate interferences, and discrete sampling, this method has achieved performance comparable to that normally expected when analyzing much simpler samples such as waters and soil digests.References1. Technical Support Document for the Preliminary 2010 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan, 40 CFR Part 423.10, NoteResults presented in this document were obtained using the 7700x ICP-MS, but performance is also validated for the 7800 ICP-MS.Agilent shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.Information, descriptions, and specifications in this publication are subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2015Published June 1, 2015Publication number: 5990-8114EN。

Covaris E220 DNA Shearing Quick Guide

Covaris E220 DNA Shearing Quick Guide

Quick Guide:This Quick Guide provides DNA Shearing protocols when using microTUBE-130, microTUBE-50, microTUBE-15, microTUBE-500, or miniTUBE and a Covaris E220 Focused-ultrasonicator.Revision History010308 K 1/17 Format Changes; Addition of microTUBE-500 AFA Fiber Screw-Capprotocols; update ‘Additional Accessories’; update Appendix B 010308 L 2/17 Changes to 8 microTUBE-50 Strip V2 protocols; addition of 8 microTUBE-15AFA Beads H Slit Strip V2 and 8 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber H Slit Strip V2010308 M 5/17 Addition of 96 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber Plate Thin Foil (PN 520232) and 130ul 96 microTUBE AFA Fiber Plate Thin Foil (PN 520230)010308 N 7/17 Add the names of the well plates definition for 520230 & 520232. Changedyear for Rev M Date.Values mentioned in this Quick Guide are nominal values. The tolerances are as follows: -Temperature +/-2°C-Sample volumeo microTUBE-15: from 15 to 20 µl, +/- 1 µlo microTUBE-50: 55 µl, +/- 2.5 µlo microTUBE Plate, Strip, Snap and Crimp Cap: 130 µl, +/- 5 µlo microTUBE-500: 500 µl, +/- 10 µl or 320 µl, +/- 10 µlo miniTUBE: 200 µl, +/- 10 µl-Water Level +/- 1Sample guidelines-DNA input: up to 5 µg purified DNA (1 µg for the microTUBE-15; minimum 320 ng for the microTUBE-500) -Buffer: Tris-EDTA, pH 8.0-DNA quality: Genomic DNA (> 10 kb). For lower quality DNA, Covaris recommends setting up a time dose response experiment for determining appropriate treatment times.-DO NOT use the microTUBE or miniTUBE for storage. Samples should be transferred after processing. Instrument setup-Refer to the instrument manual for complete setup.-microTUBE and miniTUBE have specific holders or racks associated with them.-E220 and E220 evolution may require the Intensifier (PN 500141). Refer to Appendix C for instructions.-E220 and E220 evolution may require Y-dithering. Refer to Appendix A for instructions.Instrument settings-Recommended settings are subject to change without notice.-Mean DNA fragment size distributions are based on electropherograms generated from the Agilent Bioanalyzer with the DNA 12000 Kit (cat# 5067-1509), with the exception of the 320 µl microTUBE-500 protocol (HighSensitivity DNA Kit, cat# 5067-4626). DNA fragment representation will vary with analytical systems, please carry out a time course experiment based on settings provided in this document to reach desired fragment sizedistribution.See /wp-content/uploads/pn_010308.pdf for updates to this document.130 µl sample volume - from 150 to 1,500 bpVessel microTUBEAFA FiberSnap-Cap(PN 520045)microTUBEAFA FiberCrimp-Cap(PN 520052)8 microTUBEStrip(PN 520053)96 microTUBEPlate(PN 520078)96 microTUBEAFA Fiber PlateThin Foil(PN 520230)Sample Volume 130 µlE220RacksRack 24 PlacemicroTUBESnap-Cap (PN500111)Rack 96 PlacemicroTUBECrimp-Cap(PN 500282)Rack 12 Place 8microTUBE Strip(PN 500191)No Rack needed Plate Definitions“500111 24microTUBEsnap +4mmoffset”“E220_500282Rack 96 PlacemicroTUBE-6mm offset”“E220_500191 8microTUBE stripPlate -6mmoffset”“E220_52007896 microTUBEPlate -6mmoffset”“E220_52023096 microTUBEPlate Thin Foil -6mm offset”Water Level 6Intensifier (PN 500141) YesY-dithering NoE220 evolutionRacks Rack E220e 8 Place microTUBECrimp and Snap Cap (PN 500433)Rack E220e 8microTUBE Strip(PN 500430)Non Compatible Plate Definitions“500433 E220e 8 microTUBECrimp and Snap Cap -3.7mmoffset”“500430 E220e 8microTUBE Strip-6mm offset”N/A Water Level 6Intensifier (PN 500141) YesY-dithering NoAllTemperature (°C) 7Target BP (Peak) 150 200 300 400 500 800 1,000 1,500 Peak Incident Power (W) 175 175 140 140 105 105 105 140 Duty Factor 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 5% 2% Cycles per Burst 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 Treatment Time (s) 430 180 80 55 80 50 40 15Vessel microTUBE-50Screw-Cap (PN 520166)8 microTUBE-50 AFA FiberStrip V2 (PN 520174)8 microTUBE-50 AFA Fiber HSlit Strip V2 (PN 520240)96 microTUBE-50AFA Fiber Plate(PN 520168)96 microTUBE-50AFA Fiber Plate ThinFoil (PN 520232) Sample Volume 55 µlE220RacksRack 24 PlacemicroTUBE Screw-Cap (PN 500308)Rack 12 Place 8 microTUBEStrip (PN 500444) No Rack needed Plate Definitions“E220_500308 Rack24 Place microTUBE-50 Screw-Cap+6.5mm offset”“E220_500444 Rack 12 Place 8microTUBE-50 Strip V2-10mm offset”“E220_520168 96microTUBE-50 Plate-10.5mm offset”“E220_520232 96microTUBE-50 PlateThin Foil -10.5mmoffset”E220evolutionRacksRack E220e 4 PlacemicroTUBE ScrewCap (PN 500432)Rack E220e 8 microTUBE StripV2 (PN 500437) Non Compatible Plate Definitions“500432 E220e 4microTUBE-50 ScrewCap -8.32mm offset”“500437 E220e 8 microTUBE-50 Strip V2 -10mm offset” N/AAllTemperature (°C) 7Water Level 6 -2 0 Intensifier (PN 500141) Yes Yes YesY-dithering No No Yes (0.5mm Y-dither at10mm/s) Target BP (Peak) 150 200 250 300 350 400 550Screw-CapPeak Incident Power(W) 100 75 75 75 75 75 30Duty Factor 30% 20% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%Cycles per Burst 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 130 95 62 40 30 50 708-StripPeak Incident Power (W) 75 75 75 75 75 75 50Duty Factor 15% 15% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%Cycles per Burst 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 360 155 75 45 35 52 50 PlatePeak Incident Power (W) 100 100 75 75 75 75 75Duty Factor 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10%Cycles per Burst 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 145 90 70 49 34 50 32 The Y-dithering function is required for shearing with 96 microTUBE-50 plate (PN 520168). This function is only available on SonoLab versions 7.3 and up. Please see Appendix A for detailed instructions.Vessel microTUBE-15 AFA BeadsScrew-Cap (PN 520145)8 microTUBE-15 AFA BeadsStrip V2 (PN 520159)8 microTUBE-15 AFA BeadsH Slit Strip V2 (PN 520241)Sample Volume 15 µlE220Racks Rack 24 Place microTUBEScrew-Cap (PN 500308)Rack 12 Place 8 microTUBEStrip V2 (PN 500444) Plate Definitions“E220_500308 Rack 24 PlacemicroTUBE-15 Screw-Cap+15mm offset”“E220_500444 Rack 12 Place 8microTUBE-15 Strip V2 -1.5mmoffset”Water Level 10 6Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoE220evolutionRacks Rack E220e 4 Place microTUBEScrew Cap (PN 500432)Rack E220e 8 microTUBE StripV2 (PN 500437)Plate Definitions ”500432 E220e 4 microTUBE-15Screw Cap 0.18mm offset”“500437 E220e 8 microTUBE-15Strip V2 -1.58mm offset”Water Level 10 6Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoAllTemperature (°C) 20Target BP (Peak) 150 200 250 350 550Peak Incident Power (W) 18 18 18 18 18Duty Factor 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%Cycles per Burst 50 50 50 50 50Treatment Time (s) 300 120 80 45 22To ensure reproducible DNA shearing, it is required to centrifuge samples before processing DNA in amicroTUBE-15. Please see Appendix B for instructions.Please note that microTUBE-15 requires removal of the Intensifier (PN 500141) from the E220 focused-ultrasonicator. Please see Appendix C for instructions.200 µl sample - 2,000; 3,000 and 5,000 bpVesselminiTUBE Clear(PN 520064)Blue(PN 520065)Red(PN 520066) Sample Volume 200 µlE220Racks Rack 24 Place miniTUBE (PN 500205)Plate Definition “500205 24 miniTUBE +15mm offset”Water Level 11Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoE220evolutionRacks Rack E220e 4 Place miniTUBE (PN 500434)Plate definition “500434 E220e 4 miniTUBE 4.9mm offset”Water Level 11Intensifier (PN 500141) NoY-dithering NoAllTemperature (°C) 7 20 20 Target BP (Peak) 2,000 3,000 5,000miniTUBE Clear Blue RedPeak Incident Power (W) 3 3 25Duty Factor 20% 20% 20%Cycles per Burst 1000 1000 1000Treatment Time (s) 900 600 600Please note that miniTUBE requires removal of the Intensifier (PN 500141) from the E220 focused-ultrasonicator. Please see Appendix C for instructions.320 µl and 500 µl sample volume – from 150 to 600 bpVesselmicroTUBE-500 AFA Fiber Screw-Cap(PN 520185)Sample Volume320 µl 500 µlE220Rack Rack, 24 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap (PN 500452)Plate Definition “E220_500452 Rack 24 Place microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap +6mmoffset” Water Level6 Intensifier (PN 500141)Yes Y-dithering NoE220 evolutionRackRack E220e 4 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap (PN 500484) Plate Definition “500484 E220e 4 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap -9.9mm offset”Water Level6 Intensifier (PN 500141)Yes Y-ditheringNo AllTemperature (°C)7Target BP (Peak)500 - 600150200350550Peak Incident Power (W) 75 175 175 175 175 Duty Factor 25% 20% 20% 20% 5% Cycles per Burst 200 200 200 200 200 Treatment Time (s)7540018055110To fragment DNA to sizes larger than 5 kb, Covaris offers the g-TUBE: a single-use device that shears genomic DNA into selected fragments sizes ranging from 6 kb to 20 kb. The only equipment needed is a compatible bench-top centrifuge.Additional AccessoriesPart Number Preparation stationsmicroTUBE Prep Station Snap & Screw Cap 500330 microTUBE-500 Screw-Cap Prep Station 500510 miniTUBE loading and unloading station 500207 8 microTUBE Strip Prep Station500327 Centrifuge and Heat Block microTUBE Screw-Cap Adapter Fits microTUBE Screw-Caps into bench top microcentrifuges500406 Centrifuge 8 microTUBE Strip V2 Adapter Fits the 8 microTUBE Strip into a Thermo Scientific TM mySPIN TM 12 mini centrifuge 500541 g-TUBEg-TUBEs (10) and prep station520079Appendix A – Using Y-dithering with SonoLab 7.3 and upA Y-dithering step is required for DNA shearing with the 96 microTUBE-50 Plate-This feature is only available on SonoLab versions 7.3 and up.-To obtain a copy of the SonoLab 7.3 and the Plate Definition installers, please employ the Registered Users Login on the Covaris website, -For any assistance in this process, please contact your local representative, or Covaris Global Technical Services at ***********************.Use the following steps to include Y-dithering in sample treatment1.Go into the Method Editor2.Select ‘Add Step’ and enter the treatment settings for the desired fragment sizea.Note: The following steps must be done for each individual treatment3.Select the Motion tab4.Enter the following values into the ‘X-Y Dithering Box’a.Y Dither (mm): 0.5b.X-Y Dither Speed (mm/sec): 10.0c.Both X Dither (mm) and X-Y Dwell (sec) should be set to 0Appendix B – microTUBE-15 centrifugation before DNA Shearing1.Sample loading and centrifugationmicroTUBE-15 AFA Beads Screw-CapLoad and centrifuge microTUBE-15 Screw-Cap as described before placing the tubes in the rack.If some of the sample splashes onto the wall of the microTUBE while removing from centrifuge or placing into rack, repeat centrifuge step. All liquid should be at the bottom of the microTUBE-15 before starting the AFA treatment.8 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Strip V2The 8 microTUBE-15 AFA Beads Strip V2 will fit into the Covaris Centrifuge 8 microTUBE Strip V2 Adapter (PN 500541) for the Thermo Scientific TM mySPIN TM 12 mini centrifuge. Place the strip in the adapter and spin for a minimum of 1 minute.2.Sample processingUse settings provided in page 4.3.Sample recoveryRepeat the centrifuge step before recovering sample from microTUBE-15.Appendix C – Removing or Installing the Intensifier (Covaris PN 500141) from an E System The 500141 Intensifier is a small inverted stainless steel cone centered over the E Series transducer by four stainless wires. The wires are held by in a black plastic ring pressed into the transducer well.If an AFA protocol requires “no intensifier”, please remove the Intensifier, using the following steps:1.Empty the water bath. Start the E System and start the SonoLab software.2.Wait for the homing sequence to complete (the transducer will be lowered with the rack holder at it home position,allowing easy access to the Intensifier).3.Grasp opposite sides of plastic ring and gently pull the entire assembly out of the transducer well. Do not pull on the steelcone or the wires. The ring is a friction fit in the well – no hardware is used to hold it in place.The 500141 Intensifier (left) shown installed in the E System transducer well and (right) removed.Note the “UP” marking at the center of the Intensifier.If a protocol requires the Intensifier to be present, simply reverse this process:1.Align the black plastic ring with the perimeter of the transducer well. Note that the flat side of the center cone (marked UP)should be facing up (away from the transducer).2.Gently press each section of the ring into the well until the ring is seated uniformly in contact with the transducer, withapproximately 2 mm of the ring evenly exposed above the transducer assembly. Do not press on the cone or wires. The rotation of the ring relative to the transducer assembly is not important.3.Refill the tank. Degas and chill the water before proceeding.Technical Assistance•By telephone (+1 781 932 3959) during the hours of 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, United States Eastern Standard Time (EST) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) minus 05:00 hours•By e-mail at ***********************。

Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS 培训目录

Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS 培训目录
FUNDAMENTALS OF ICP-MS AND AGILENT 7700 DESIGN FEATURES........................................... 17
In This Section .................................................................................................................... 18 Measuring Matter ................................................................................................................ 19 Spectrometric Techniques ................................................................................................... 20 The Source and Analyzer .................................................................................................... 21 Atomic Structure ................................................................................................................. 22 Atomic Ions ......................................................................................................................... 24 Ionization Potential ............................................................................................................. 26 Isotopes and Abundance ..................................................................................................... 27 Control of Ion Motion ......................................................................................................... 28 Mass 6 to 260 ...................................................................................................................... 29 Neutral Particles .................................................................................................................. 30 Doubly Charged Ions .......................................................................................................... 31 Ion Energy and Spread of Ion Energy................................................................................. 32 Anatomy of a Signal ........................................................................................................... 35 The Conventional ICP-MS Mass Spectrum........................................................................ 36 Liquid Sample Introduction ................................................................................................ 37 Liquid-Aerosol Sample Introduction Components ............................................................. 38 Argon Gas Lines ................................................................................................................. 39 Nebulizer Basics ................................................................................................................. 40



INSTALLATION GUIDENI PXI-8186/8187This document contains information about installing yourNI PXI-8186/8187 controller in a PXI chassis.For complete configuration and troubleshooting information (includinginformation about BIOS setup, adding RAM, and so on), refer to theNI PXI-8186/8187 User Manual. The manual is in PDF format on therecovery CD included with your controller and on the National InstrumentsWeb site, .Installing the NI PXI-8186/8187This section contains general installation instructions for theNI PXI-8186/8187. Consult your PXI chassis user manual for specificinstructions and warnings.1.Plug in your chassis before installing the NI PXI-8186/8187. Thepower cord grounds the chassis and protects it from electrical damagewhile you install the module. (Make sure the power switch isturned off.)Caution To protect both yourself and the chassis from electrical hazards, leave the chassispowered off until you finish installing the NI PXI-8186/8187 module.2.Remove any filler panels blocking access to the system controller slot(Slot 1) in the chassis.3.Touch the metal part of the case to discharge any static electricity thatmight be on your clothes or body.4.Remove the protective plastic covers from the four bracket-retainingscrews as shown in Figure1.NI PXI-8186/8187 Installation Guide Figure 1. Removing Protective Screw Caps5.Make sure the injector/ejector handle is in its downward position.Align the NI PXI-8186/8187 with the card guides on the top andbottom of the system controller slot.CautionDo not raise the injector/ejector handle as you insert the NI PXI-8186/8187. Themodule will not insert properly unless the handle is in its downward position so that it doesnot interfere with the injector rail on the chassis.6.Hold the handle as you slowly slide the module into the chassis until the handle catches on the injector/ejector rail.7.Raise the injector/ejector handle until the module firmly seatsinto the backplane receptacle connectors. The front panel of theNI PXI-8186/8187 should be even with the front panel of the chassis.8.Tighten the four bracket-retaining screws on the top and bottom of thefront panel to secure the NI PXI-8186/8187 to the chassis.9.Check the installation.10.Connect the keyboard and mouse to the appropriate connectors. If youare using a PS/2 keyboard and a PS/2 mouse, use the Y-splitter adapterincluded with your controller to connect both to the PS/2 connector.11.Connect the VGA monitor video cable to the VGA connector.12.Connect devices to ports as required by your system configuration.13.Power on the chassis.14.Verify that the controller boots. If the controller does not boot, refer tothe What If the NI PXI-8186/8187 Does Not Boot? section.Figure2 shows an NI PXI-8186 installed in the system controller slot of aNational Instruments PXI-1042 chassis. You can place PXI devices in anyother slot.1PXI-1042 Chassis2NI PXI-8186 Controller3Injector/Ejector RailFigure 2. NI PXI-8186 Controller Installed in a PXI ChassisHow to Remove the Controller from the PXI ChassisThe NI PXI-8186/8187 controller is designed for easy handling. Completethe following steps to remove the unit from the PXI chassis:1.Power off the chassis.2.Remove the bracket-retaining screws in the front panel.3.Press the injector/ejector handle down.4.Slide the unit out of the chassis.© National Instruments Corporation3NI PXI-8186/8187 Installation GuideNational Instruments™, NI™, and ™ are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location:Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your CD, or /patents.© 2003–2004 National Instruments Corp. All rights reserved.323683B-01Jun04 *323683B-01*What If the NI PXI-8186/8187 Does Not Boot?Several problems can cause a controller not to boot. Here are some thingsto look for and possible solutions.Things to Notice:•Which LEDs come on? The Power OK LED should stay lit.The Drive LED should blink during boot as the disk is accessed.•What appears on the display? Does it hang at some particular point(BIOS, Operating System, and so on)? If nothing appears on thescreen, try a different monitor. Does your monitor work with adifferent PC? If it hangs, note the last screen output that you saw forreference when consulting National Instruments technical support.•What has changed about the system? Did you recently move thesystem? Was there electrical storm activity? Did you recently adda new module, memory chip, or piece of software?Things to Try:•Make sure the chassis is plugged in to a working power source.•Check any fuses or circuit breakers in the chassis or other powersupply (possibly a UPS).•Make sure the controller module is firmly seated in the chassis.•Remove all other modules from the chassis.•Remove any nonessential cables or devices.•Try the controller in a different chassis.•Try a similar controller in this same chassis.•Recover the hard drive on the controller.•Clear the CMOS.。

investigation of complex modulus of base and sbs modified bitumen with artificial neural networks

investigation of complex modulus of base and sbs modified bitumen with artificial neural networks

article info
Keywords: Bitumen Styrene–butadiene–styrene Complex modulus Artificial neural network
This study aims to model the complex modulus of base and styrene–butadiene–styrene (SBS) modified bitumens by using artificial neural networks (ANNs). The complex modulus of base and SBS polymer modified bitumen samples (PMB) were determined by using dynamic shear rheometer (DSRs). PMB samples have been produced by mixing a 50/70 penetration grade base bitumen with SBS Kraton D1101 copolymer at five different polymer contents. In ANN model, the bitumen temperature, frequency and SBS contents are the parameters for the input layer where as the complex modulus is the parameter for the output layer. The variants of the algorithm used in the study are the Levenberg–Marquardt (LM), scaled conjugate gradient (SCG) and Pola-Ribiere conjugate gradient (CGP) algorithms. A tangent sigmoid transfer function was used for both hidden layer and the output layer. The statistical indicators, such as the root-mean squared (RMS), the coefficient of multiple determination (R2) and the coefficient of variation (cov) was utilized to compare the predicted and measured values for model validation. The analysis indicated that the LM algorithm appeared to be the most optimal topology which gained 0.0039 mean RMS value, 20.24 mean cov value and 0.9970 mean R2 value.

KATANA Zirconia Technical Guide

KATANA Zirconia Technical Guide

UTML Ultra Translucent Multi-Layered STML Super Translucent Multi-Layered ML Multi-Layered H T High-TranslucentTECHNICAL GUIDEHigh Esthetic Potential for Zirconia Dental Restorations *New series which features translucency similar to natural tooth enamel is now available.Introducing the new series of ultra translucent multi-layered UTML and superior translucent multi-layered STML, ideal for efficient esthetic anterior teeth restorations.These high translucent zirconia materials require different technical methods from the previously introduced ML and HT. This technical guide will explain the important points to help you achieve successful restoration using KATANA ™ Zirconia.*Compared to our conventional productsFour-Layer Structure:Enamel Layer (35%)Transition Layer 1 (15%)Transition Layer 2 (15%)Body (Dentin) Layer (35%)Percentages shown in the brackets reflect the thickness ratio of the disc.Restoration process 1Series Selection2 Shade Selection3 Disc Thickness Selection 4Framework Design and Milling Process5 Sintering and Adjusting6 Finishing Methods6-1 Glazing6-2 Glazing and Staining 6-3 Build-upsCompletion››››››››››››››››››1Each series has different translucency and mechanical properties. By choosing the right series,you can successfully restore a wide-range of cases, from the esthetic anterior to posterior bridgework. Ultra Translucent Multi-Layered. Ideal for anterior crowns and veneers, inlays/onlays and posteriorsingle crowns.Super Translucent Multi-Layered. Ideal for up to 3 units posterior bridges with a well-balanced combinationof chromatic and gradational translucency, which reproduces esthetic enamel and dentin effects.High flexural strength zirconia is suitable for single unit frameworks and long-span bridges.Translucency (raw zirconia material) / Transmittance Rate (%)UTML STML ML&HT1020304050 60433831Measurement Condition Wavelength of light: 700mm Thickness of sample: 0.5mm(%)Mechanical Properties (raw zirconia material) / Flexural Strength (MPa)UTML STML ML&HT200400600800100012005577481125Measurement Condition ISO 6872: 2015(Three-point bending test)Distance: 30mmSample size: 40mm x 4mm x 3mm(MPa)Recommended Applications *Recommendations for each seriesUTML STMLML&HTVeneer Inlay/Onlay Anterior Crown Posterior Crown 3 Unit Bridge Long-span Bridge*HT is recommended for the framework if you overlay with layered porcelains.2Data Source: Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc. The numerical value varies according to the conditions.Data Source: Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc. The numerical value varies according to the conditions.UTML ShadesThere are two different shade groups: “Standard Shades” and “Enamel Shades”. Enamel Shades have reduced chroma in the upper layer (①) which allows you to enhance the translucent appearance of the incisal area, as desired, by utilizing external stain characterization.STML ShadesA well-balanced combination of chromatic and gradational translucency reproduces esthetic enamel and dentin effects.ML & HT ShadesML HTA-White A-Light A-Dark HT10 HT12 HT13B-Light C-Light D-Light3High translucency throughall the disc layers.Color of Shade Guide*High translucency throughall the disc layers.Reduced chroma from incisalto the middle layer ( part).TranslucencyColorHigh t rans lu cency th roug hyRedu ce d ch roma f rom inci sa lTranslucencyColorBody(Dentine)LayerTranslucency is gradually decreased from the incisal to thecervical region to increase the masking level in the cervical region.TranslucencyColorColor of Shade Guide*Body(Dentine)LayerML (Multi-Layered) is suitable for full contour crowns and bridges, and HT (High-Translucent) Monolithic Shaded is suitable for frameworks.SeriesShadeColorandShadeMatchingShade SelectionSeries A1A2 A3 A3.5 A4 B1 B2 Standard Shades B3B4C1 C2 C3C4D2D3D4UTMLEnamel ShadesENW EA1EA2 EA3STMLNWA1 A2 A3 A3.5 A4 Standard Shades B1B2B3C1C2C3D2D3ML A-WhiteA-Light A-DarkB-LightC-LightD-LightHT HT10HT12 HT13Select the shade number that corresponds to the target color.Select a shade number one level brighter than the target color (with external staining).Recommendations for Shade Selection1. Range of abutment color varies by translucency of the series.2. Zirconia with a high refractive index tends to look brighter on the posterior area. For posterior restorations using UTML or STML, choose one shade darker than the target shade to achieve a natural look with surrounding teeth.3. Even when the same shade color is used, the glazing and polishing finish will result in different color outcomes.For glazing, select the target shade color, and for polishing, it tends to become one shade darker. Therefore, select one lighter shade than the target shade color.For polishing, select the target shade color, and for glazing, it tends to become lighter. Therefore, adjust the color by external staining.4Multi-Layered UTML, STML and ML discs come in three thicknesses; 14, 18 and 22mm. When sintering, the thickness will reduce to 80%. Therefore, select the right disc thickness to achieve the appropriate gradation between the crown length the enamel to the body (dentin).Enamel Layer 35%Transition Layer 1 15%Transition Layer 2 15%Body (Dentin) Layer 35%11.2mm (14mm)14.4mm (18mm) 17.6mm (22mm)Actual sizeExample: Fabricating an anterior crown with 11mm length, use an 18mm disc (14.4mm after sintering) including the enamel layer to the body (dentin) layer. For the 7mm posterior crown fabrication, a 14mm disc (11.2mm after sintering) is recommended betweenenamel and body (dentin) layers.Anterior crown, Veneer, Posterior crown, Inlay, OnlayIt is crucial to keep a minimum wall thickness* for a successful restoration, and keep in mind:*Not including the thickness of build-up porcelain3Disc Thickness Selection4Framework Design and Milling Process5(Image of gradation)Bridge / Connector Cross SectionFollow the formula of applicable wall thickness.1) Do not make a sharp cut to adjust connector cross section by using a diamond disc as the disc creates sharp notches that may lead to cracks and imminent bridge failure.2) UTML and STML are not suitable for a cantilevered pontic bridge.3) ML and HT are limited to 2 pontics within a bridge. When 2 pontics connect, the cross section should be 12mm 2 or more. The cantilevered pontic is limited to 1 and cross section should be 12mm 2 or more.Follow the sintering schedule. After sintering adjust inside of the framework and margin.1) Be sure that material is fully cooled to avoid cracking.2) UTML and STML flexural strength are not as strong as ML and HT, therefore need special attention like not using excess force or work under running water for inside and/or margin adjustment.3) Use “Crack Finder” after adjustment to make sure no cracking occurred.Sintering Program SettingHigh Temperature 1550°C / 2822°F 1500°C / 2732°F Hold Time2 hours2 hoursRate of Temperature Increase 10°C / 18°F minute 10°C / 18°F minute Rate of Temperature Decrease-10°C / -18°F minute-10°C / -18°F minuteCompatible Materials Cerabien TM ZRCZR Press LFFL Glaze, VC Glaze, External Stain, LF External Stain, LF Internal Stain,Internal Stain, Luster, etc.LF Luster, etc.Warning: Do not mix Cerabien TM ZR and CZR Press LF powder for build-up.Do not use CZR Press (H-ingot, L-ingot, Esthetic White Ingot) for UTML and STML.Crucial technical points of finishing 1) Polish contact area with opposing tooth and clean restoration by using an ultrasonic cleaner for maximum benefits.2) After sintering and adjustment, clean restoration thoroughly.3) When glazing, staining and sintering porcelain always use a stand-pin. Sintering schedules vary per product, therefore review technical instructions.4) Do not fabricate until cool down to avoid potential cracking.5)Select the shade number that corresponds to abutment color and according to KATANA™ Zirconia.Minimum Connector Cross SectionAnterior 2-3 units 12mm 2 or more 12mm 2 or more7mm 2 or more Anterior 4 units or more .......(not recommended).........9mm 2 or morePosterior 2-3 units 16mm 2 or more 16mm 2 or more 9mm 2 or more(Premolar only)Posterior 4 units or more.......(not recommended).........9mm 2 or more5Sintering and Adjusting6Finishing Methods6The multi-layered zirconia is designed to achieve esthetic results by using glaze method at final process.Glazing method Create a surface texture over the entire crown under running water or wet conditionPolish areas in contact with opposing tooth. For polishing only finish complete entire crown with polishingAlumina sandblast surface of the crown (50~70μm, 30psi, 0.2MPa)Clean restoration using an ultrasonic cleaner in alcohol or acetone, or steam cleanerApply glaze, bake, complete** Under A, B or C method, it is possible to mix glaze and external stain then bake.Glazing Method: Select A, B or C method according to the materialMix Glaze and External Stain Method: Select A, B or C method according to the glaze material (or choice of glaze)CZR Press Glaze+ Cerabien™ ZR External Stain Blue, Gray, A+, etc .Baking Schedule A Cerabien™ ZR FL Glaze , VC Glaze + Cerabien™ ZR External Stain Blue, Gray, A+, etc . Baking Schedule BCZR Press LFGlaze+ CZR Press LF External Stain Blue, Gray, A+, etc . Baking Schedule CNo. ProductDry-out LowStart Heat VacuumRelease Hold Time High Cooling Time Temperature Vacuum Rate Level Vacuum in the air Temperature Timemin.℃/°F℃/°F ℃/°F min.kPa℃/°Fmin.℃/°F min.ACZR Press5600/1112 600/1112 65/117 96 850/1562 1 850/1562 4GlazeB Cerabien ™ ZR5 600/1112600/111265/11796 850/1562 1 850/1562 4 FL Glaze, VC Glaze C CZR Press LF 5600/1112 600/1112 45/8196800/14721840/1544 4GlazeGlazing712345After glazing, applied staining will enhance translucent appearance. The UTML enamel shades have reduced chroma in the upper layer which allows you to enhance the translucency appearance of the incisal area, as desired, by utilizing external stain characterization.1) In addition to the feature of horizontal gradation of the multi-layered disc, applying stain with a vertical direction will create three-dimensional appearance.2) Apply Gray, Blue on the incisal edge area, and A+, B+, C+, D+, etc . on the mamelon area to enhance internal texture and translucency.Technical Points of StainingExample of External StainBlue: Gray= 1:1• Apply stains to create shadows of mameloncharacterizations A+, B+, C+, D+, etc .• Apply external stain horizontally for adjusting chroma• Apply external stain vertically to show internal texture characterizationStain Glazing ProcessProcess glazing on zirconia surface using page 7 “Glazing ” method.Apply external stain over glazed surfaceBake (under schedule D or E), completionNo. ProductDry-outLowStart Heat VacuumRelease Hold Time High Cooling Time Temperature Vacuum Rate Level Vacuum in the air Temperature Timemin.℃/°F℃/°F ℃/°F min.kPa℃/°Fmin.℃/°F min.Cerabien ™ ZR D External Stain 5 600/1112 – 50/90 – – – 850/1562 4Blue, Gray, A+, etc. CZR Press LFELF External Stain 5600/1112 – 45/81 – – 1 840/1544 4Blue, Gray, A+, etc .External Stain: Select D or E according to the materialGlaze and Stain Method812Higher esthetic appearance will be created by layering Luster porcelain over zirconia.1) For UTML/STML, it is crucial to secure the minimum wall thickness as recommended on page 5 “Framework Design and Milling Process ”, and apply only one layer on the incisal part.2) Polishing finish on lingual side is recommended.Select layering material: either Cerabien TM ZR or CZR Press LF.Fabrication ProcessCreate mamelon structure under running water or wet condition Determine build-up and zirconia thicknessPolish areas in contact with opposing toothClean restoration using an ultrasonic cleaner in alcohol or acetone, or steam cleanerApply wash, then bake *1(schedule F)Apply internal stain, then bake (schedule G)Porcelain build-up, then bake (schedule H)Perform morphological correction and smooth surface Apply glaze, external stain, then bake, complete*2*2The surface without porcelain build-up (for example lingual side) is recommended polishing finish.For glazing, external stain and baking on the non build-upsurface of Cerabien TM ZR material it is crucial to follow methods of page 7 “Glazing ” step 5 and page 8 “Glaze & Stain Method” steps 1 and 2.UTML/STML Build-up Image ZirconiaPorcelain Build-up MethodTechnical Points of Build-up912345678910Perform Almina sandblast on the surface of the unpolished area of the crown (50~70μm, 30psi)*1In case there is not enoughbuild-up space, internal stain can be used during wash baking (schedule F), and be sure to cover entire build-up surface with internal stain.Cerabien™ ZR Baking ScheduleWash BakingF 5 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 930/1706 1 930/1706 4Wash Baking duringInternal StainG Internal Stain* 5 600/1112 – 50/90 –– – 900/1652 4H Translucent7 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 930/1706 1 930/1706 4Luster, etc.I External Stain– – 930/1706 45 600/1112 –45/81 –Glaze, Blue, Gray, A+,etc.*Can be eliminated if a wash coat baking was performed during the internal stain process. CZR Press LF Baking ScheduleWash BakingF 5 600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 840/1544 1 840/1544 4Wash Baking duringLF Internal StainG LF Internal Stain* 5 600/1112 – 45/81 – – – 840/1544 4H LF Translucent 7600/1112 600/1112 45/81 96 840/1544 1 840/1544 4 LF Luster, etc.I LF External Stain 5600/1112 –45/81 –– 0.5 840/1544 4 Glaze, Blue, Gray, A+, etc.*Can be eliminated if a wash coat baking was performed during the LF internal stain process.10。

Agilent 8890 5977C Series gas chromatograph mass s

Agilent 8890 5977C Series gas chromatograph mass s

Agilent 5977C GC/MSD SystemThe Agilent 8890/5977C Series gas chromatograph/mass selective detector (GC/MSD) builds on a tradition of leadership in GC and MS technology, with the world’s most competitive performance and productivity features.Agilent GC/MSD system featuresAgilent 5977C GC/MSD — the most sensitive and robust MSD provides:–Four EI source options including the revolutionary high-efficiency source (HES), which offers the industry’s lowest instrument detection limit (IDL) and bestcarrier gas applications.signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) and a HydroInert source for H2– A heated monolithic quartz gold quadrupole (heatable up to 200 °C) for rapid elimination of contamination to keep the analyzer clean.– A second-generation triple-axis detector (TAD) for eliminating neutral noise.–Scan speeds up to 20,000 u/sec (extractor ion source and HES).–An optional oil-free IDP-3 roughing pump: a cleaner, quieter, and greener alternative (for use with turbo molecular pump systems).10-Year value promiseSupport is guaranteed for 10 years from the date of purchase, or Agilent will provide credit for the residual value of the system toward a model upgrade.Installation checkout specifications Agilent verifies GC/MSD system performance at the customer site.IDL is a statistically based metricthat more accurately confirms system performance than an S/N measurement. Test specificationsare based on splitless injection intoan Agilent J&W HP-5ms Ultra Inert30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 μm column for helium and a 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 μm column for HydroInert with hydrogen. IDL analyses use lab helium (hydrogen for HydroInert) with GC gas filters installed. See more about the IDL test at /Library/ technicaloverviews/Public/5990-8341EN.pdf* IDL was statistically derived at 99% confidence level from the area precision of eight sequential splitless injections of OFN (octafluoronaphthalene). Demonstration of IDL specifications require a compatible system configuration, including a liquid autosampler with a 5 μL syringe.–HES IDL was measured using 10 fg injection, 1 µL injection.–Other IDLs were measured using 100 fg, 1 µL injection.–A 30 m column was used for helium IDL checkout; a 20 m column was used for hydrogenIDL checkout.–Helium carrier gas for Installation Specifications of the HES, Extractor, and Stainless steel sources; hydrogen carrier gas for Installation Specification of the HydroInert source only.–Reference IDL specifications from the above table will be confirmed only when purchased as an additional service with a compatible new system (GC and MS) installation.Signal-to-noise (S/N) specificationsa S/N checkout is performed only if there is no compatible autosampler (which is required for IDL checkout). Helium carrier gas, manual injection using a 30 m × 0.25 mm,0.25 µm column and in scan mode. Hydrogen carrier gas, manual injection using 20 m × 0.18 mm, 0.18 µm column and in scan mode. When the autosampler (ALS) is present, these specifications are a reference of the performance. Reference S/N specifications from the above table will not be confirmed at installation or introduction for ALS equipped systems.b Standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272.0 u ion.c 1 μL injection of 100 pg/μL benzophenone (BZP) standard, 80 to 230 u scan at nominal 183 u ion, using methane reagent gas.d 2 μL injection of 100 fg/μL OFN standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272 u ion, using methane reagent gas.2a Only applicable with optional Accurate Mass software package. Scan mode only. Not verified during installation.b As scan rate increases, sensitivity will decrease, and resolution may degrade.c A high flow rate into a fixed ion source will cause a loss in sensitivity.d The heated quadrupole mass filter should not require maintenance, but if maintenance is required, it should be performed by an Agilent service engineer.34aInlet temperature should be cool enough to touch when performing maintenance.bA micro ion gauge is shipped standard for the CI system, and is available optionally for EI systems.DE67854286This information is subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2022Printed in the USA, May 26, 20225994-4846EN。

Cambridge Technology ScanMaster

Cambridge Technology ScanMaster

Frequently Asked Questions about Cambridge Technology ScanMaster™ Controller SolutionsContents1 Introduction (2)2 How do I choose a laser adapter? (2)3 What additional features does the SMC Auxiliary I/O board provide, and when wouldI typically use one? (3)4 Can you compare some of the common APIs and which Cambridge Technologycontrollers they support? (4)5 What is ScanScript? Is it available through SMD and all types of APIs? (5)6 What are the differences between J1 (Power) and J3 (24V)? How do you choosebetween them? (5)7 How many scan heads can a single SMC control? (5)8 What is the current status of MOTF function? (5)9 What features does SMC currently support that SC500 and EC1000 do not? (5)10 Is it possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMC cards with four scanheads? (5)11 How do I set up the Start Mark signal on SMC? (6)12 How do I set up 5V Digital inputs on SMC? (6)13 SMD gives me the following error when I try to run a job: “SMC does not have thelicense to run this job. (200212.)” How do I get a license? (7)14 I installed the software and can see SMC on the network via ping, but the CTIsoftware doesn’t see the SMC device. What may be the problem? (8)1 IntroductionThis technical bulletin addresses some of the recent questions about how to integrate Cambridge Technology ScanMaster™ Controller Solutions into their laser systems.2 How do I choose a laser adapter?There are several popular commercial laser adapters to choose from depending on the type of laser you have and what your needs are.Table 1 - Laser adapters for popular commercial lasersManufacturer Model AdapterCoherent Avia_355-X LSR-03Coherent Coherent-C70 LSR-05Coherent Diamond E-400 LSR-05IPG YLM LSR-01IPG YLP LSR-01IPG YLR LSR-04IPG YLS LSR-01SPI G3 LSR-02SPI G4 LSR-02Synrad Ti60 LSR-03VGEN LSR-01LSR-01 – Provides IPG YLP 25 pin compatible connector.LSR-02 – Provides connector used by SPI Lasers on their G3 and G4 models.LSR-03 – A LSR-01 connector with BNC style LaserMod out signal.LSR-04 – 24V compatible, provides customizable connections via Phoenix style connections and a TTL BNC modulation signal.See the SMC hardware reference manual for details.3 What additional features does the SMC Auxiliary I/O boardprovide, and when would I typically use one?Use the SMC Auxiliary I/O board when you need extended Input/Output (see below) or a second XY2- 100 connection. The Auxiliary I/O board includes Phoenix Contact industrial automation connectors for easy PLC connections.•XY2-100 25 pin connections•Second XY2-100 port•DB9 COM port (COM3)•16 new AUX inputs (0-15)•16 new AUX outputs (0-15)•Phoenix connectors for easy wiring•RS485 Phoenix connection•5V or 24V I/O operationFigure 1 - SMC Auxiliary I/O boardUse the SMC Auxiliary I/O board when you need the extended I/O (see above) or a second XY2-100 connection. The board also provides Phoenix Contact industrial automation connectors for easy PLC connections.4 Can you compare some of the common APIs and whichCambridge Technology controllers they support?Table 2 - Comparison of APIs supported by Cambridge Technology controllersAPI Description Similarities &Differences Limitations ControllerScanMaster API (SMAPI) The common API forall CambridgeTechnologycontrollers and therecommended API. Itallows you toincorporate complexshape rendering, suchas barcodes, text,hatching, etc. intoyour applications.Built on top of theXML API, it addsmuch morefunctionality, includingscripting and complexshape support.Actively supported,including bug fixesand enhancements.Requires VisualStudio® but is themost functionalchoice.Requires .NET 4.0Runtime.All CambridgeTechnologycontrollersRecommendedselection.XML API XML API is a commonAPI forEC1000/SM1000 andSMC controllers. Itallows vector orientedlow level control ofmarking operation. Similar in scope toSMAPI for vectormarking but withoutbasic support for highlevel shapes.Actively supported,including bug fixesand enhancements.Jobs are representedas ASCII text in XMLformat. Less powerfulfunctionality thanSMAPI. Error codeswith some description.No line numbers witherrors.EC1000/SM1000or SMCUniversal API An earlier API used Similar in capability to Less functional than SC500 with the SC500 Visual XML API. SMAPI. Bug fixesStudio VC++ only. Notenvironment. recommended for newdevelopment.Remote API An ASCII based APIallowing the remotecontrol managementof controllers and theirjobs. To be used with PLCbased controlsystems.EC1000/SM1000or SMC5 What is ScanScript? Is it available through SMD and all typesof APIs?ScanScript is a domain-specific scripting language designed to support many intricate scenarios in the laser scanning industry. This lightweight yet powerful scripting language consists of several libraries of dedicated algorithms to perform laser scanning functions such as marking job flow control, process automation through I/O and much more. ScanScript is extensively used by SMD to extend its capabilities in automation situations. It is not available from the XML API.6 What are the differences between J1 (Power) and J3 (24V)?How do you choose between them?J1 is the standard power connection for SMC (differential voltage between V+ and V- must be in the range of 15–48V). J3 input is optional and is designed to conveniently supply digital I/O optical isolators on the expansion I/O board.7 How many scan heads can a single SMC control?The SMC can control two heads. Current design is limited to using the same job, one laser, but with different correction tables for each head.8 What is the current status of MOTF function?MOTF job setup is done in ScanScript. SMC supports either X or Y tracking.9 What features does SMC currently support that SC500 andEC1000 do not?SMC has ScanPack mode, supports more I/O options, and has faster processing, more working memory, and more onboard storage capacity for holding larger and more jobs than both SC500 and EC1000.10 Is it possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMCcards with four scan heads?Yes, it’s possible to get tightly synchronized control of two SMC cards with four scan heads. The user needs to control the two SMC controllers via a programmable PLC controller so they both get the same start signal.11 How do I set up the Start Mark signal on SMC?The easiest method to set up the Start Mark signal on the SMC is to connect a switch between pin 3 (start signal input) and pin 4 (GND). You can use the following code in SMD ScanScript to have your program wait for the start signal.Report("Waiting for the StartMark")count = 1while true doif (Io.ReadPin(Pin.Din.StartMark)==true) thenReport("Accepted the part Start Marking")ScanAll()Laser.WaitForEnd()Report("Marked" ..count)count = count + 1Sleep(1000) --for a short job you may need some time to release the switchelse--Keep the part on conveyor or start systemSleep(10)endend12 How do I set up 5V Digital inputs on SMC?The following diagram shows the setup to attach a button/switch to an SMC Digital I/O board input for 5V. Operation and switch on UserIn1.Figure 2 -Connection DescriptionAny 5V Out to GPICOM Provides 5V TTL operationOne end of switch to GPI0(Gen. purpose in#0=UserIn1) Provide switch operation I/O to UserIn1One end of switch to GND Provide Ground ref. to switch13 SMD gives me the following error when I try to run a job:“SMC does not have the license to run this job. (200212.)”How do I get a license?Customer Service will need two items of information to send you a license file:1. The sales order number from your controller purchase.2. The internal license key number from the controller:a. For SMC or EC1000, run the corresponding firmware loader application for the controller youare using (see section 4.2 - Running the Firmware Loader).b. For the SMC, you can also access the key using the configuration editor (see step 4 - Selectdevice configuration).Once the Firmware loader is running and the appropriate controller selected, note the license key number that is found in the lower left corner. Send this number along with the original Sales Order number to Cambridge Technology Technical Support. You will receive a license file in via e-mail.14 I installed the software and can see SMC on the network viaping, but the CTI software doesn’t see the SMC device. What may be the problem?Because the Cambridge Technology controllers are network-based devices, Cambridge Technology applications must have permission to go through the Windows Firewall to work properly. If your firewall is blocking the broadcast monitor, it will not show any devices present.For example, most Cambridge Technology applications need to sense the presence of controllers that periodically broadcast system information on the network. If the broadcast packets are blocked from reaching the applications by the Windows Firewall, they will not be aware of them and hence, not be able to connect to them.Please enable Firewall access to the Home/Work, and Public network categories for all Cambridge software products. It may also be necessary to enable the Domain category at some sites.You can access the firewall settings by:Start→Control Panel→System and Security→Windows Firewall→Allowed Programs。

Vaisala HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Tr

Vaisala HMDW110 Series Humidity and Temperature Tr

M211692EN-AVaisala HMDW110Series Humidity and TemperatureTransmittersPUBLISHED BYVaisala OyjStreet address:Vanha Nurmijärventie21,FI-01670Vantaa,FinlandMailing address:P.O.Box26,FI-00421Helsinki,FinlandPhone:+358989491Fax:+358989492227Visit our Internet pages at .©Vaisala2014No part of this manual may be reproduced,published or publicly displayed in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical(including photocopying),nor may its contents be modified,translated,adapted,sold or disclosed to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder.Translated manuals and translated portions of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions.In ambiguous cases,the English versions are applicable,not the translations.The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.This manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards customers or end users.All legally binding obligations and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or the General Conditions of Sale and General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.OverviewHMDW110series transmitters are accurate humidity and temperature transmitters for measurements in HVAC and cleanroom applications.The series consists of the following models:l HMD110/112models for installation in ventilation ducts.l HMW110/112models for wall installation.l HMS110/112models for outdoor use.All models are loop-powered,with2-wire current outputs for humidity and temperature.HMD112,HMW112,and HMS112are standard models.HMD110,HMW110,and HMS110are factory configurable models that are delivered with customer specific output settings,including calculated humidity parameters and special scaling of outputs.HMDW110series transmitters can be connected to Vaisala’s RDP100panel display for real-time viewing of the measurements.HMDW110series can also supply the operating power to the display using only the loop power from the outputs.1Output Parameters ExplainedHMDW110series transmitters offer several output parameters.Relative humidity(RH)and temperature(T)are the measured parameters,the others are calculated based on RH and T.Note:Check the type label on your transmitter to verify its output parameters and scaling of the output channels.2HMD110/112InstallationRequired tools:l Medium size crosshead screwdriver(Pozidriv)for screws on cover and flange.l Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.l Drill with2.5mm and13mm bits for making the installation holes.l Tools for cutting and stripping wires.l19mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland.1.Remove the yellow transport protection cap and separate the fasteningflange from the transmitter.e the flange to mark the location and size of the installation holes onthe side of the duct.3.Drill the installation holes in the duct.Secure the fastening flange to theduct with the two screws(included).4.Push the probe of the transmitter through the flange and into the duct.Theprobe should reach far enough so that the sensor is located in the middle of the duct.35.Secure the transmitter to the flange by tightening the screw on the flangethat holds the probe in place.6.Open the transmitter cover,and route the cable(s)through the cable gland(s).Connect the wires to the screw terminals.See section WiringHMDW110on page 9.7.Tighten the cable gland(s)and close the transmitter cover.4Required tools:l Medium size crosshead screwdriver(Pozidriv)for cover screws.l Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.l Two installation screws:Ø<3.5mm,headØ < 8 mm.l Depending on the wall material and screw type,you may need a drill and a suitable drill bit to make installation holes for screws.l Tools for cutting and stripping wires.l19mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland.1.Open the transmitter cover and use two screws(not included)to attachthe transmitter to the wall.The probe and cable gland should point down.2.Route the power and signal cable to the screw terminals and connect thewires.See section Wiring HMDW110on page 9.3.Tighten the cable gland and c lose the transmitter cover.4.Remove the yellow transport protection cap from the probe.5Required tools:l Medium size crosshead screwdriver(Pozidriv).l Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals.l Tools for cutting and stripping wires.l19mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland.Additional tools for pole installation:l Zip ties for securing the cable to the pole.Additional tools for wall installation:l Drill and bits.l Screws(2pcs,Ø<5.5mm)and wall plugs.l Cable clips for securing the cable to the wall.1.Open the six screws that holdthe transmitter cover.2.Route the power and signalcable to the screw terminalsand connect the wires Seesection Wiring HMDW110onpage 9.3.Disconnect the wired screwterminal blocks by pulling themoff from the component board.4.Adjust the length of cablebetween the cable gland and theterminal blocks.Make the cableshort enough to close the coverwithout leaving a cable loop inthe transmitter.65a.Pole installation-Use the supplied clamp andscrews to mount the transmitter on a pole.-To prevent the transmitter from turning on the pole,tighten the set screw on the center hole of the clamp.5b.Wall installation-Drill two holes for wall plugs 100mm apart.-Place the wall plugs in the holes.-Mount the transmitter using two screws of sufficientlength.6.Plug in the screw terminal blocks,close the cover,and tighten the screws.7.Secure the cable to the pole using a zip tie.Allow some cable to hang down from the cable gland to prevent water from entering the transmitter along the cable.7Component BoardAll HMDW110transmitter models use the same component board and have two 4 ... 20mA outputs(loop powered).There is also a service port for configuration and calibration use.1=Terminal block for4...20mA current loop outputs.2=Terminal block for RS-485output to RDP100display panel(optional).3=Service port connector(4-pin M8).Note:You can pull out the terminal blocks from the component board for easier installation,and to disconnect the transmitter from power and RS-485 when using the service port.8Wiring HMDW110You must always connect the humidity measurement current loop(HUM, terminals5 and6)to power the transmitter.Connecting the temperature measurement current loop(terminals7and8)is optional.You can also wire both loops with a single power supply.9Wiring HMDW110with RDP100DisplayYou must always connect the humidity measurement current loop(HUM, terminals5 and6)to power the transmitter.Connecting the temperature measurement current loop(terminals7and8)is optional.Connect the RDP100panel display using terminals1...4.The HMDW110 series transmitter provides both power and data to the RDP100.Note: When using the RDP100with HMDW110series transmitters,remove the jumper on the RDP100component board.10Power Supply RequirementsHMDW110series transmitters are designed for a supply voltage range of10 ... 28 VDC.The minimum required voltage depends on the loop resistance (0 ... 600 Ω)as shown below.11Connecting to the Service PortThe RS-485line of the service port is shared with the connection to RDP100 display panel;the M8service port connector is just an additional connector for easier access.You can use the service port for configuration,calibration,and troubleshooting of the transmitter.You can connect to the service port with the following equipment:l Computer with a Windows operating system,USB computer connection cable219690,and a suitable terminal program.l Vaisala MI70Hand-Held Indicator and the MI70connection cable 219980.Caution:Before using the service port,disconnect the terminal block that connects the transmitter to the power supply(terminals5...8).This prevents possible equipment damage that may be caused by ground loops. If the transmitter is connected to the RDP100panel display(terminals1 ... 4),disconnect that block also.This prevents the communication between the transmitter and display from interfering with your connection.Note:The default RS-485settings of a HMDW110series transmitter are 192008N1.These settings are needed for compatibility with the RDP100 panel display.If you are not using the display,you can change the settings using the SERI command.Note that the service port settings will also change.12List of Serial CommandsNote:For more information and examples of using the serial commands, refer to the HMDW110Series User's Guide.1314Download manuals from:/manualsTechnical support by e-mail:********************Warranty information:/warrantyVaisala Service Centers:/servicecentersPurchase instruments andspare parts online at:*M211692EN*c r。

Agilent N2795A 96A 97A单端活动探头数据手册说明书

Agilent N2795A 96A 97A单端活动探头数据手册说明书

N2795A/96A/97A Single-ended Active ProbesData SheetKey Features• High resistance (1MΩ) and low capacitance (1 pF) input for low loading• Wide input dynamic range (±8V) and offset range (±12V for N2796A/97A, ±8V for N2795A)• Built-in headlight for better visibility while probing • Includes various probe tip accessories• Direct connection to AutoProbe interface (no power supply required)• Provides full system bandwidth with InfiniiVision and Infiniium oscilloscopes with bandwidths up to 1 GHz• N2797A for extreme temperature environmentalchamber testing at –40 to +85 °CThe N2795A/96A are low-cost, 1 and 2 GHz single-ended active probes with the AutoProbe interface (compatible with Agilent’s InfiniVision and Infiniium family of oscilloscopes). These probes integrate many of the characteristics needed for today’s general-purpose, high-speed probing - especially in digital system design, component design/characteriza-tion, and educational research applications. Its 1MΩ input resistance and extremely low input capacitance (1 pF) provide ultra low loading of the DUT. This, accompanied with superior signal fidelity, makes these probes useful for most of today’s digital logic voltages. And with their wide dynamic range(±8 V) and offset range (±12 V for N2796A/97A, ±8 V forN2795A), these probes can be used in a wide variety of applications.For high signal integrity probing, the N2795A 1 GHz andN2796A 2 GHz active probes are perfect complements to Agilent’s 500 MHz – 600 MHz and 1 GHz bandwidth scopes, respectively. The N2796A 2 GHz probe can also be used with Agilent’s 2 GHz or higher bandwidth Infiniium scope as a low cost alternative to InfiniiMax probes.Testing devices over extreme temperature ranges is quite common these days. The N2797A single-ended active probe is the industry’s first low-cost high input impedance active probe with rugged probe tips for environmental chamber test-ing of ICs and devices. The probe gives the ability to probe signals at drastic temperature swings ranging from –40 to +85 °C. The probe provides 1.5 GHz of bandwidth and a 2 m long cable.The N2795A/96A/97A are equipped with a pleasant white LED headlight to illuminate the circuit under test. The probes are powered directly by the InfiniiVision and Infiniium Autoprobe interface, eliminating the need for an additional power supply. The probes also come with a number of accessories that allow for easy connections to the circuit under test.N2795A/96A active probewith standard accessoriesA White LED headlight can be turned on to illuminatethe circuit under test for better visibility while probingN2797A with standardaccessoriesN2795AN2796AN2797AProbe bandwidth* (–3 db) 1 GHz 2 GHz 1.5 GHz**Risetime (calculated, 10-90%)350 psec 175 psec 233 psec System bandwidth (with Agilent oscilloscope)500/600 MHz (with Agilent’s 500/600 MHz InfiniiVision/ Infiniium oscilloscope)1 GHz (with Agilent’s 1 GHz InfiniiVision/Infiniium oscilloscope) 1 GHz (with Agilent’s 1 GHz InfiniiVision/Infiniium oscilloscope)Attenuation ratio (@DC)10:1 ± 0.5%Input dynamic range–8 V to +8 V (DC or peak AC)Non-destructive max input voltage –20 V to +20 VOffset range ±8 V±12 V ±12 VDC offset error (Output zero)< ±1 mVFlatness (at 25 °C)Typical 0.4 dB(100 kHz - 100 MHz) Typical 0.6 dB(100 MHz - 500 MHz) Typical 0.8 dB (500 MHz - 1 GHz) Typical 1.3 dB (1 GHz - 2 GHz)Typical 0.3 dB (10 Hz – 100 MHz) Typical 0.8 dB (100 MHz – 1 GHz) Typical 2.0 dB (1 GHz – 1.5 GHz)Flatness over temperature (–40 to +85 °C)Typical 0.3 dB (10 Hz – 100 kHz) Typical 0.6 dB(100 kHz – 100 MHz) Typical 0.8 dB(100 MHz – 500 MHz) Typical 2.0 dB (500 MHz – 1 GHz) Typical 2.5 dB (1 GHz – 1.5 GHz)Input resistance* 1 MΩ +0 %, –2.5 %1 MΩ ±3%Inputcapacitance 1 pFProbe noise < 2.5 mVrms (referred to input)Output impedance50 ΩN2795AN2796A N2797AInternal power Agilent Autoprobe Interface from scope(InfiniiVision and Infiniium)Cable length 1.3 m 2 m Probe weight Approx. 100 g Approx. 108 g Ambient operating Temperature 0 to 50 °C –40 to +85 °C Ambientnon-operating temperature –40 to 70 °C–40 to +85 °COperating humidity95% RH @ 40 °C Non-operating humidity 90% RH @ 65 °COperating altitude 4000 mESD8 kV HBM Standard accessories- 2 each spring probe tip - 2 rigid probe tip- 1 each flex nose clip adapter (red and black)- 1 each copper pad, 10x - 1 each Y -lead adapter, 10 cm - 1 each right angle ground, 5 cm - 1 each right angle ground, 10 cm - 2 each ground blade - 1 each offset ground - 1 each flex ground- 4 color coded rings (each yellow, green, blue and purple)- 10 each solderable tip - 5 each rigid probe tip - 2 each flex nose clip adapter (red and black) - 1 each pico hook tip (red and black)- 2 each Y-lead adapter, 9 cm (800 MHz)- 2 each Y-lead adapter, 6 cm (1 GHz)- 2 each right angle ground, 5 cm- 2 each ground blade - 4 color coded rings (each yellow, green, blue and purple)Others (included)-1 each accessory configuration card Compatible Agilent scopes Agilent InfiniiVision 3000 X-, 4000 X-, 5000, 6000, 7000 (except 6000 100MHz) and Infiniium 9000, 90000, 90000 X-Series (with N5442A)Agilent InfiniiVision 3000 X-, 4000 X- andInfiniium 9000, 90000 and 90000 X-/Q-Series (with N5442A)* denotes warranted electrical specifications after 20 minute warm-up, all others are typical ** typical 2 GHz, when used with rigid probe tip, ground blade and handheldUse flex nose clip adapters with the dual lead adapter to obtainaccess to IC leads or head connectors.The dual lead adapter allows you to easily connect the probe to a popular 0.1” pin header with 0.025” square pins.Model numberDescriptionN2795A 1 GHz single-ended active probe N2796A 2 GHz single-ended active probeN2797A 1.5 GHz extreme temperature single-ended active probeN2798AAccessory kit for N2797ACharacteristics100.0 k 10.00 k 1.000 k 100.0Frequency (Hz)Impedance(Ohms)Frequency response of N2796A (Vout/Vin)Time domain step response of N2796A (with Agilent MSO9404A) Voltage derating over frequency (N2796A)Input impedance over frequency (Red = measured, Blue = model) Measurement PlotsN2797A measuring a step signal over –40 to +90 °C, oscilloscopein infinite persistence mode/find/N2795AFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus Americas Canada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444 Asia Pacific Australia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100 Europe & Middle East Belgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minute Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-3-1-13)Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010, 2013Printed in USA, August 17, 20135990-6480ENLAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilent is a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partners/find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience./qualityAdvancedTCA ® Extensions forInstrumentation and Test (AXIe) is an open standard that extends theAdvancedTCA for general purpose and semiconductor test. Agilent is a founding member of the AXIe consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers a rugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Quality Management SystemQuality Management Sys ISO 9001:2008DEKRA Certified /find/myagilentA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.myAgilentmy /find/AdvantageServices Accurate measurements throughout the life of your instruments./find/ThreeYearWarranty Agilent’s combination of product reliability and three-year warranty coverage is another way we help you achieve your business goals: increased confidence in uptime, reduced cost of ownership and greater convenience.。

SpatialAnalyzer User Manual

SpatialAnalyzer User Manual

131L eica T -ScanInterfaceHardware SetupThis Quick-start guide can be used for the initial setup of the Leica T-Scan5 system for operation within SA in conjunction with either an AT960 or AT901. ■Set up the unit following the manufacturer’s directions. The AT960 users the MCA-47 cable between the T-Scan and Tracker controller’s signal port (the trigger port is not used). The AT901 uses the MCA-36 cable which has a dual end for the tracker sig-nal line and trigger connections . A single network cable should be connected from the computer to the t-scan controller and a second Ethernet cable connects the tracker and t-scan system along with a signal cable (Figure 3-119).Figure 3-119. A T901CableConfiguration ■Ensure that you have the T-Scan License key to operate the sys-tem.■Ensure that you have the USB drive containing the *.mtx and*.emsys fi les (calibration fi les) which should also contain theLeica setup manuals and a version of the required software (T-Scan Collect or T-Scan Interface and TwinCat Engineering).Tracker Confi gurationThe T-Scan target defi nition must be defi ned on the tracker controller.The procedure to do so depends on the tracker type:■AT960 Confi guration:1. Open Tracker Pilot, and connect to the AT960 using the “Ad-vanced” permissions (if you need the current Tracker Pilot youcan browse directly to (or the trackers IP)and download Tracker Pilot from the controller).2. Go to targets and ensure the T-Scan is defi ned. If not use theImport Targets button and browse to the *.emsys fi le for thet-scan provided on the USB disk.3. Once defi ned Exit Tracker Pilot.■AT901 Confi guration:1. Open the Emscon TransferTool, enter the tracker IP and pressTest.2. In the Transfer to emScon section press Parameter File andbrowse to the *.emsys fi le for the t-scan provided on the USBdisk.3. Save and ExitSoftware Setup and Initial confi gurationDownload and install the current version of T-Scan Collect which canbe found on our website here:https:///ftp/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/Laser%20Trackers/Leica/TScan5/The current version is: T-Scan Collection Setup:1. Determine if you have a license key for either the T-Scan In-terface or the full T-Scan Collect Software (Either one or theother should be installed as require but not both), and installthe correct one on your machine.2. Transfer the *.mtx fi les from the USB drive to the T-Scan direc-tory. T-Scan looks for the fi les in a particular spot (C:\Program-Data\Steinbichler\T-SCAN\Calibration) you will need to buildthe Calibration directory and place the fi les in this folder.132TScanCol.ini Edit Process:1. Within the C:\ProgramData\Steinbichler\T-SCAN\T-SCAN In-terface 10.30\ folder (or T-Scan Collect 10.3 folder) you willfi nd a fi le called “TScanCol.ini”. Open and edit this fi le as fol-lows (it’s a long fi le so scroll through it to the correct section):2. Verify the Specifi c IP address of your tracker ( bydefault)3. Enter the TrackerInterfaceType (EMSCON for AT901 or LMF forAT960)4. Enter the ScannerAlignmentBaseName (such as LLS1100271).This number is on the front of the T-Scan.5. Enter the AMSNETID for the T-Scan Controller. W hich should beprinted on the front of the controller (Such as Once complete save and close the TScanCol.ini fi le (see Figure3-120).Figure 3-120. T ScanCol.ini fileInitial Network Confi guration:1. Confi gure your local area network connection as follows:2. Go to Control Panel> Network and Internet> Network andSharing Center3. Open the Local Area Network Connection properties (ensurethe cable is connected to the T-Scan Controller if you don’tsee it)4. Go to the properties for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)1335. Set the IP address to a static IP and use the following IP: (enter 201-250 only) and subnet Software:1. Install the TwinCAT Engineering Software (which will managethe dual network communication between the tracker andthe T-SCAN system). This software should be available on yourUSB drive, and is also on our webpage here:https:///ftp/SA/Install/Driver%20Downloads/Laser%20Trackers/Leica/TScan5/The current version is: TC31-ADS-Setup.3.1.4020.32.exe2. From the Windows task bar launch the TwinCAT System Man-ager and select Change AMS NetID and confi gure it to talk tothe T-Scan Controller. This will require a system restart (Figure3-121).Figure 3-121. S etting the AMSNetID to talk to your controller.3. Return to the TwinCAT Confi g Mode in the windows start menuand select Router>Edit Routes then choose Add...(see Figure3-122):134135Figure 3-122. T winCAT SystemManager and Target Selection.4. Perform a Broadcast Search and look for the AMS NetID of thecontroller which should show up on the network list. When it does, select it and select Add Route (see Figure 3-123):Figure 3-123. R outeSelection5. Enter the Login Information. The login selection depends onthe controller you have (Figure 3-124).Figure 3-124. T-Scan controllertypes.For Rev 2.0 controllers by default you will enter “Administrator” for theUser and “1” for the password, and make sure that the TwinCAD 2.xPassword Format is unchecked (Figure 3-125) ArrayFigure 3-125. R ev 2.0 passwordentry.For Rev 1.x controls leave both the User and the Password blank butcheck the TwinCAT 2.x Password Format check box. Then Press Okay.The route should then be displayed and marked with an X in theroute’s selection dialog(Figure 3-126).136137Figure 3-126. C onnected statusdisplay.Final Network Setup1. Return to properties for the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)2. Press Advanced and add a second IP (for the tracker). En-ter 192.168.0.XXX (enter 2-250 for the IP), again using for the subnet mask(see Figure 3-127).Figure 3-127. N etwork Confi gu-ration settings138 3. Click OK and close out of all dialogs and exit out of the net-work Sharing Center when done.You can double check that you have a successful connection to both the T-Scan Controller and the Tracker and that the system is ready to go by opening T-Scan Collect directly. Once you see the Status indi-cator in the bottom right report a green connected status for both devices you can close T-Scan Collect and connect within SA.Running the T-Scan Interface in SA:1. Add the Instrument (Instrument>Add…) and choose the ap-propriate Leica Tracker (AT901 or AT960)2. Start the Interface through the menu Instrument>Run Inter-face Module and choose Leica TScan. (Do not connect using the Laser Tracker Interface) (see Figure 3-128):Figure 3-128.F g re r e 312882T-Scan Interface in SA:When you start the Leica T-Scan interface it will automatically con-nect to either T-Scan Collect or the T-Scan Interface which will run in the background. The T-Scan interface in SA is designed to be as sim-ple as possible while providing full control (see Figure 3-129):Figure 3-129.F igure 3-129. T-Scan Interface■Collection and Cloud Name control is provided and a newcloud name will be incremented automatically with each sepa-rate scan.■ A progress report will be displayed in the connection window■T-Scan control is provided through the Settings button. Con-trol for both the TS50 and the new Tscan5 is available in sec-tions in the left hand column, the following Tscan5 controls areprovided:■Exposure Time can be set manually from 0.25 to 20.0 mil-liseconds■Line Width Set can be set from 0-12 (0=100%, 12=40%).This reduces the width of the line as you increase the integervalue (set as an integer for scripting purposes).■Refl ection Filter intensity setting (1 = Standard, 2 = Low, 3= Medium, 4 = High). Again this value is set as a simple integerfor easy scripting control.T-Scan MP Controls SA:Leica T-ScanIncrement Group/Cloud Name Increment the Current Group/Cloud Name by 1. This name is used for clouds when scanning.Is Laser Locked Succeeds if the laser is locked. Fails if not.Set Scan Point To Point Distance []Set Point to Point Distance to that designated by [] mm ([] notpart of string)Set Scan Line To Line Distance []Set Line to Line Distance to that designated by [] mm ([] not partof string)139140(Figure 3-130).3. Figure 3-130. S tarting the LeicaAutomation Interface.In the Connect dialog, select the tracker you’d like to connectto (Figure 3-131).141CHAPTER 3 ■ MEASURING WITH LASER TRACKERS 4. Figure 3-131. C onnecting to atracker.The Leica AIC Driver interface will appear, automatically con-nect to the AIC, and immediately be ready to use. Note that the AIC Driver will detect the current AI Controller’s connec-tion to hardware at the Multiplexer--it is the T-Scan in this case (Figure 3-132).Figure 3-132. T he AIC Driverwindow.Using the InterfaceEach tracker in use requires an assigned IP address and collection/in-dex, which indicates which instrument in the SA fi le is associated with the corresponding hardware. Use the radio button to switch between diff erent trackers.SPATIALANALYZER USER MANUALAll settings appropriate to the current device will be automaticallyset. Measurement parameters can be set via Measurement Plans.■The R ecord Position button is used to teach positions for auto-matically locking on the T-Scan via an MP command. TheCollection::Group::Target name is used for the storage of theauto-lock position in SA.■The Release Motors button will release the motors on the activetracker so that it can be pointed by hand.■The Find Refl ector button will initiate a search for a refl ector in or-der to lock onto the selected device. The distance fi eld next tothis button is used to provide the controller with an idea onhow far to search for the refl ector based on its distance fromthe tracker.Running the AIC Driver In Automation ModeThe Program I/O button is used to program the digital I/O signals forAutomation Mode. In this mode, the AIC Interface expects to receivesignals from the robot, and will send signals to the robot, for hand-shaking. The Program I/O button allows communication between theAIC interface and the device with which it is working--typically a ro-bot. You can defi ne the meaning for up to 6 input channels coming infrom the robot, and up to 3 channels going out to the robot (Figure3-133).Figure 3-133. P rogramming theI/O.A series of Instrument Operational Check Measurement Plancommand strings are available for interacting with the AIC in automa-tion mode. Refer to the “MP Command Reference” document for de-tails.142。

07Ms201 (2)

07Ms201 (2)

07Ms201IntroductionIn this document, we will discuss the features, advantages, and applications of 07Ms201. We will explore the characteristics that make this product unique and valuable.Features1. High PerformanceOne of the key features of 07Ms201 is its high performance. It is designed to deliver exceptional results, particularly in demanding applications where superior performance is crucial. Whether it is processing complex calculations or handling data-intensive tasks, this product offers outstanding performance to meet the needs of various industries.2. Advanced Technology07Ms201 incorporates advanced technology to ensure optimal functionality. It is equipped with state-of-the-art components and cutting-edge software, enabling it to provide accurate and reliable results. The incorporation of advanced technology also translates into faster processing speeds and improved efficiency, making it a top choice for users seeking advanced solutions.3. User-Friendly InterfaceThis product prioritizes user experience by offering a user-friendly interface. The intuitive design and easy-to-navigate layout make it suitable for both beginner and experienced users. The user-friendly interface ensures that users can quickly learn to operate the product, maximizing productivity and reducing the learning curve.4. Versatility07Ms201 is a versatile product that can be used in various industries and applications. Whether it is data analysis, simulations, or complex calculations, this product can handle a wide range of tasks effectively. Its versatility makes it a reliable and flexible tool for professionals from different fields.Advantages1. Increased EfficiencyThe high performance and advanced technology of 07Ms201 contribute to increased efficiency. The product enables users to process and analyze large datasets quickly, reducing the time required for various tasks. By streamlining processes and eliminating bottlenecks, users can maximize productivity and achieve efficient workflows.2. Accuracy and ReliabilityAnother significant advantage of 07Ms201 is its accuracy and reliability. The incorporation of advanced technology ensures precise calculations and reliableresults, allowing users to make informed decisions based on accurate data. This advantage is particularly crucial in industries where precision is vital for success.3. Cost-Effective SolutionDespite its advanced features and high performance, 07Ms201 is a cost-effective solution. Its competitive pricing and value for money make it an attractive option for organizations and professionals looking for a reliable tool without breaking the bank. The cost-effectiveness of this product makes it accessible to a wide range of users and businesses.4. Seamless Integration07Ms201 seamlessly integrates with various systems and software, ensuring compatibility and ease of use. This advantageous feature allows users to incorporate the product into their existing workflow without major disruptions or additional expenses. The seamless integration contributes to the pr oduct’s versatility and adaptability.Applications1. Scientific Research07Ms201 finds extensive use in scientific research, where accurate calculations and data analysis are pivotal. Researchers can rely on the product’s high performance and advanced technology to process complex data sets and derive meaningful insights. The product’s versatility makes it suitable for various fields within scientific research, including physics, chemistry, and biology.2. Financial AnalysisIn the financial industry, 07Ms201 serves as a valuable tool for data analysis, risk assessment, and decision-making. Financial analysts can leverage the product’s accuracy and reliability to perform complex calculations and simulations, aiding in investment strategies, risk management, and forecasting. The user-friendly interface ensures that professionals without advanced technical skills can benefit from this powerful tool.3. Engineering and SimulationEngineers and designers can utilize 07Ms201 for simulations, modeling, and opti mization tasks. The product’s high performance and versatility enable engineers to analyze and test different scenarios, ensuring optimal designs and efficient processes. The accuracy and speed of calculations provided by 07Ms201 make it an ideal choice for engineering professionals.4. Data AnalyticsIn the era of big data, 07Ms201 plays a crucial role in data analytics. The product’s ability to handle large datasets and provide accurate results makes it a valuable asset for data scientists and analysts. With its advanced technology and high performance, users can extract meaningful insights and patterns from complex data, leading to informed decision-making and business growth.Conclusion07Ms201 is a powerful and versatile product that offers high performance, advanced technology, and a user-friendly interface. Its advantages, including increased efficiency, accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and seamless integration, make it an excellent choice for various applications. Whether it is scientific research,financial analysis, engineering, or data analytics, this product can significantly enhance productivity and deliver reliable results.。



Supporting Information (Manuscript No. Y05730).This information is also available directly from the).Design and synthesis of an exceptionally stable andhighly porous metal-organic framework†Hailian Li, Mohamed Eddaoudi†, M. O'Keeffe & 0. M. Yaghi*’Materials Design and Discovery GroupDepartment of Chemistry and BiochemistryArizona State UniversityTempe, Arizona 85287-1604, USA†Current Address for : Department of ChemistryUniversity of Michigan930 North UniversityAnn Arbor, Michigan 48109-1055, USAIncluded Crystallography data:Zn4O(BDC)3·(DMF)8(C6H5CI)Zn4O(BDC)3 desolvatedZn4O(BDC)3 desolvated and heated to 300°C in airData were collected using a Siemens SMART CCD (charge coupled device) based diffractometer equipped with an LT-2 low-temperature apparatus operating at 213 K. A suitable crystal was chosen and mounted on a glass fiber using grease. Data were measured using omega scans of ' per frame for 10 seconds, such that a hemisphere was collected. A total of 1271 frames were collected with a final resolution of A. The first 50 frames were recollected at the end of data collection to monitor for decay. Cell parameters were retrieved using SMART' software and refined usinc, SAINT on all observed reflections. Data reduction was performed using the SAINT software- which corrects for Lp and decay. Absorption corrections were applied using SADABS6 supplied by George Sheldrick. The structures are solved by the direct method using the2SHELXS-97' program and refined by least squares method on F , SHELXL -97,' incorporated in SHELXTL-PC V . -The structure was solved in the space group Fm-3m (# 225 ) by analysis of systematic absences. All non-hydrogen atoms are refined anisotropically. Hydrogens were found by difference fourier methods and refined. The crystal used for the diffraction study showed no decomposition during data collection. Serveral other space groups were tried with no success as was the search for merohedral twin which may have contributed to the high R(int) value. The authors thank Seimens for examination of the data set.ReferencesI .SMART V Software for the CCD Detector System, Siemens Analytical Instruments Division, Madison, WI (I 995).V Software for the CCD Detector System, Siemens Analytical Instruments Division, Madison, WI (1995)., G. M. SHELXS-90, Program for the Solution of Crystal Structure, University of G6ttingen, Germany, 1986., G. M. SHELXL-97, Program for the Refinement of Crystal Structure, University of G6ttingen, Germany, 1993.(PC-Version), Program library for Structure Solution and Molecular Graphics, Siemens Analytical Instruments Division, Madison,WI (1995).. Program for absorption corrections using Siemens CCD based on the method of Bob Blessing. Acta Cryst. A51 (1995) 33-38.Table 1. Crystal data and structure refinementIdentification code oy01Empirical formulaFormula weightTemperature 213(2) KWavelength ACrystal system CubicSpace group Fm-3mUnit cell dimensions a = (3) A alpha = 90 deg.b = (3) A beta = 90 deg.c = (3) A gamma = 90 deg.Volume, Z (3) A^3, 30Density (calculated) mg/m^3Absorption coefficient mm^-1F(000) 3040Crystal size x x mmTheta range for data collection to deg.Limiting indices -27<=h<=27, -27<=k<=25, -23<=l<=27Reflections collected 16272Independent reflections 616 [R(int) = ]Absorption correction Semi-empirical from psi-scansMax. and min. transmission andRefinement method Full-matrix least-squares on F^2Data / restraints / parameters 616 / 0 / 26Goodness-of-fit on F^2Final R indices [I>2sigma(I)] R1 = , wR2 =R indices (all data) R1 = , wR2 = Extinction coefficient (2)Largest diff. peak and hole and ^-3Table 2. Atomic coordinates ( x 10^4) and equivalent isotropic displacement parameters (A^2 x 10^3) for 1. U(eq) is definedas one third of the trace of the orthogonalized Uij tensor.________________________________________________________________ x y z U(eq)________________________________________________________________ Zn(1) 2935(1) 2065(1) 2065(1) 51(1) O(1) 2500 2500 2500 42(5)O(2) 2818(3) 2182(3) 1339(4) 96(3) C(1) 2500 2500 1105(7) 87(6) C(2) 2831(4) 2169(4) 263(6) 123(8) C(3) 2500 2500 538(6) 98(8) ________________________________________________________________Table 3. Bond lengths [A] and angles [deg] for 1._____________________________________________________________Zn(1)-O(2) (9)Zn(1)-O(2)#1 (9)Zn(1)-O(2)#2 (9)Zn(1)-O(1) (2)Zn(1)-Zn(1)#3 (4)Zn(1)-Zn(1)#4 (4)Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5 (4)O(1)-Zn(1)#3 (2)O(1)-Zn(1)#4 (2)O(1)-Zn(1)#5 (2)O(2)-C(1) (12)C(1)-O(2)#5 (12)C(1)-C(3) (2)C(2)-C(2)#6 (3)C(2)-C(3) (2)C(3)-C(2)#5 (2)O(2)-Zn(1)-O(2)#1 (4)O(2)-Zn(1)-O(2)#2 (4)O(2)#1-Zn(1)-O(2)#2 (4)O(2)-Zn(1)-O(1) (3)O(2)#1-Zn(1)-O(1) (3)O(2)#2-Zn(1)-O(1) (3)O(2)-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#3 (3)O(2)#1-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#3 (3)O(2)#2-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#3 (3)O(1)-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#3O(2)-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#4 (3)O(2)#1-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#4 (3)O(2)#2-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#4 (3)O(1)-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#4Zn(1)#3-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#4O(2)-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5 (3)O(2)#1-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5 (3)O(2)#2-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5 (3)O(1)-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5Zn(1)#3-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5Zn(1)#4-Zn(1)-Zn(1)#5Zn(1)#3-O(1)-Zn(1)#4Zn(1)#3-O(1)-Zn(1)#5Zn(1)#4-O(1)-Zn(1)#5Zn(1)#3-O(1)-Zn(1)Zn(1)#4-O(1)-Zn(1)Zn(1)#5-O(1)-Zn(1)C(1)-O(2)-Zn(1) (11)O(2)-C(1)-O(2)#5 125(2)O(2)-C(1)-C(3) (9)O(2)#5-C(1)-C(3) (9)C(2)#6-C(2)-C(3) (8)C(2)-C(3)-C(2)#5 119(2)C(2)-C(3)-C(1) (8)C(2)#5-C(3)-C(1) (8)_____________________________________________________________Symmetry transformations used to generate equivalent atoms: #1 -y+1/2,z,-x+1/2 #2 -z+1/2,-x+1/2,y#3 x,-y+1/2,-z+1/2 #4 -x+1/2,y,-z+1/2 #5 -x+1/2,-y+1/2,z #6 x,y,-zTable 4. Anisotropic displacement parameters (A^2 x 10^3) for 1. The anisotropic displacement factor exponent takes the form:-2 pi^2 [ h^2 a*^2 U11 + ... + 2 h k a* b* U12 ]_____________________________________________________________________ __U11 U22 U33 U23 U13 U12_____________________________________________________________________ __ Zn(1) 51(1) 51(1) 51(1) -1(1) 1(1) 1(1)O(1) 42(5) 42(5) 42(5) 0 0 0O(2) 117(5) 117(5) 54(6) -5(4) 5(4) 29(6)C(1) 99(9) 99(9) 64(13) 0 0 2(14)C(2) 160(12) 160(12) 49(8) 4(5) -4(5) 93(14)C(3) 130(12) 130(12) 36(9) 0 0 40(15)_____________________________________________________________________ __Table 5. Hydrogen coordinates ( x 10^4) and isotropicdisplacement parameters (A^2 x 10^3) for 1.________________________________________________________________ x y z U(eq)________________________________________________________________ H(2A) 3059 1941 452 148________________________________________________________________2Crystallographic data for Zn4O(BDC)3 desolvatedIntroductionThe structure consists of Zn4O tetrahedra centered at 1/4 1/4 1/4 (and equivalent positions) in the unit cell. Each edge of the tetrahedron is bridged by one end of a bdc ligand, which form the edges of a latticework of hollow cubes centered at 0 0 0, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 and the faces of the cell.The space group is Fm3m with the ligand lying on the diagonal mirror planes.The final refinement of the cage showed several low angle data with values of Fobs > Fcalc, as expected for a model which did not account for the scattering of air in the open structure. The final refinement removed all reflections with a sin(O)/A < . This marginally improved the residuals and removed all large residual values of AF/,7(F).The highest peaks (lowest valleyes) in the AF map are and e- /Al, scattered randomly both near the molecular framework and in the void space. This contrasts with the relatively large values found in the non-evacuated sample. Clearly there is nothing in the hollows except freely moving air.ExperimentalData CollectionA colorless cubic crystal of Zn4Ol3C24Hl2 having approximate dimensions of x x mm was mounted on a glass fiber using Paratone N hydrocarbon oil. All measurements were made on a SMART" CCD area detector with graphite monochromated Mo-Kce radiation.Cell constants and an orientation matrix , obtained from a least-squares refinement using the measured positions of 5451 reflections in the range < 20 < ' corresponded to an F-centered cubic cell (laue class:m@m) with dimensions:a = (7)V =(8) A3For Z = 8 and . = , the calculated density is g/cm'. Based on the systematic absences of:hkl: h+k,k+l,h+l i4 2npacking considerations, a statistical analysis of intensity distribution, and the successful solution and refine-ment of the structure, the space group was determined to be:Fm3m (#225)The data were collected at a temperature of -104 ± I'C. Frames corresponding to an arbitrary hemi-sphere of data were collected using w scans of ' counted for a total of seconds per frame.Data ReductionData were integrated by the program SAINT" to a maximum 20 value of '. The data were corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects. Data were analyzed for agreement and possible absorption using XPREP 12 . An empirical absorption correction based on comparison of redundant and equivalent reflections as applied using SADABS 13 (Tmax = , Tmin = .Structure Solution and RefinementThe structure was solved by and expanded using Fourier techniques2. The non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically. Hydrogen atoms were included but not refined. The final cycle of full-matrix least- squares refinement' was based on 563 observed reflections (I > (I)) and 25 variable parameters and converged (largest parameter shift was times its esd) with unweighted and weighted agreement factors of:R = EllFol - lFclllFlFol =R,, = (Ew(IFol - lFcl)2/EwFo2)] =The standard deviation of an observation of unit weight' was . The weighting scheme was based on counting statistics and included a factor (p = to downweight the intense reflections. Plots of Ew(IFol - lFcl)2 versus IFol, reflection order in data collection, sin O/A and various classes of indices showed no unusual trends. The maximum and minimum peaks on the final difference Fourier map corresponded to e-/A3, respectively.Neutral atom scattering factors were taken from Cromer and Waber5 . Anomalous dispersion effects were included in Fcalc6; the values for Af' and Af' were those of Creagh and McAuley7. The values for the mass attenuation coefficients are those of Creagh and Hubbel'. All calculations were performed using the teXsan9 crystallographic software package of Molecular Structure Corporation.Table 1. Atomic coordinates and Bi,,/B,q and occupancyatom x y z B,q occZn(l) (9) (2) 1/160(i) (5) (6) (2) 1/20(2) (16) 1/24C(l) (13) (4) 1/4C (2) (12) (4) 1/4C (3) (8) (10) (4) 1/2H(l) 1/2B,q = 872(Ull(aa*)2 + U22(bb')2 + U33(CC* )2 + 2Ul2aa*bb' cos -y + 2Ul3aa*cc* cos + 2U23bb*cc* cos a)Table 2. Anisotropic Displacement ParametersAtom Ull U22 U33 U12 U13 U23Zn(l) (17) (13)0(i) (7) (9) (8) (6)0(2) (12)C(l) (13) (2) (2)C (2) (13) (2) (2)C(3) (13) 0,0651 (14) (17) (g)The general temperature factor expression:exp(-27r2(a*2U,lh2 + b*2 U22k2 + C*2 U33 12 + 2a*b*Ul2hk + 2a*c*Ul3hi + 2b*c*U'-)3kl))Table 3. Bond Lengths(A)atom atom distance atom atom distanceZNl 01 (16) ZNI 01 (16)ZNI 02 (4) 01 ci (2)ci C2 (4) C2 C3 (3)C2 C3 (3) C3 C3 (5)Table 5. Bond Angles(')atom atom atom angle atom atom atom angle01 ZNl 01 (5) 01 ZNI 02 (5)01 ZNI 02 (5) ZNI 01 ci (2)ZNI 02 ZNI (7) ZNl 02 ZNI (7)ZNI 02 ZNI (15) ZNl 02 ZNI (15)ZNI 02 ZNI (7) ZNI 02 ZNl (7)01 ci 01 (3) 01 ci C2 (16)01 ci C2 (16) ci C2 C3 (16)ci C2 C3 (16) C3 C2 C3 (3)C2 C3 C3 (16)Zn4O(BDC)3 desolvated and heated to 300°C in airT=-124C1. 14834E+01 +00 2 0。

Advanced Test Equipment Corp Surftest SJ-210 Serie

Advanced Test Equipment Corp Surftest SJ-210 Serie

評価長さRzRzRz R t Rz R t RzRzRz R tThe Surftest SJ-210 is a user-friendly surface roughnessmeasurement instrument designed as a handheld tool that can be carried with you and used on-site.2.4-inch color graphic LCD with backlightThe color LCD provides excellent readability and an intuitive display that's easy to navigate.The LCD also includes a backlight for improved visibility in dark environments.Simple key layoutComplies with many industry standardsThe Surftest SJ-210 complies with the following standards: JIS (JIS-B0601-2001, JIS-B0601-1994, JIS B0601-1982), VDA, ISO-1997, and ANSI.Displays assessed profiles and graphical dataIn addition to calculation results, the Surftest SJ-210 can display sectionalcalculation results and assessed profiles, load curves, and amplitude distribution curves.Advanced data storage capabilitiesOptional memory cardPassword protectionAccess to each feature can be password-protected, which prevents unintended operations and allows you to protect your settings.Multilingual supportThe display interface supports 16 languages, which can be freely switched.Stylus alarm (patent pending in Japan)An alarm warns you when the cumulative measurement distance exceeds a preset limit.Easy to useExtensive analysis and display featuresHighly functional評価長さ02040Rmr(c),%平均線cZ t 2Z t 3Z t 4Z t 5Z t 6High-speed USB communication Memory card supportData can be transferred to and from a computer via the high-speed USB interface.The memory card slot lets you store large amounts of data onto a memory card.Applicable standards In addition to JIS and ISO, the Surftest SJ-210 also complies with ANSI and VDA standards.Battery The battery charges in onequarter the time of previous Mitutoyo products.There are many different kinds of drive units and detectors available.Operation keys Color graphic LCD Backlight Large, 2.4-inch LCD Multilingual support The display interface supports 16 languages.Drive unit step.Many features in a compact bodyExtensive display features that assist measurementAdvanced features Advanced data storage capabilities Stylus alarm function Easy setting Setting parameters and recalculating results ●The highly visible 2.4-inch color graphic LCD with backlightlets you see the screen easily even in dark environments.●The multilingual display interface supports 16 languages, which can be freely switched.●Access to features can be password-protected.●A quick-charge, long-life battery is provided.●An alarm warns you when the cumulativemeasurement distance exceeds a preset limit. This feature can be used to prevent problems that would be caused by worn out styli.Any value can be specified as the limit. (Patent pending in Japan)●by pressing the left and right arrow keys under the sliding cover. For example, these keys can be used to switch the cut-off value (λc) and the number of sampling lengths (N) on the measurement screen.(Patent pending in Japan)●The required parameters can be selected from the screen. The sub-menu also lets you specify detailed settings such as the tolerance. After completing measurement, the parameters can be changed and calculation can be executed again* using the new parameters. *May not be possible, depending onthe measurement conditions.●Many interface options:•A USB interface is equipped as standard.•The Surftest SJ-210 also provides an RS-232C output, Digimatic output, printer output, and footswitch input.●Assessed profiles, load curves, and amplitude distribution curves can be displayed in addition to calculation results. Assessed profiles can also be zoomed up and down.●Pass/fail results are displayed in color.●The display mode can be freely switched between portrait and landscape.●Calculation results are displayed in large characters.(Example of the measurement screen)●Up to 10 measurement conditions can be stored in the internal memory. Conditions can be quickly read according to the workpiece.●An optional memory card can be used as an extended memory to store large quantities of measured profiles and conditions. *See page 10 for details about the memory card.Detector / Drive UnitsA wide variation in system setup is possible with the detector + drive unit + display unit combination.Highly functional detectors and drive unitsOptional detectors Carrying case display unit and reattached in one easy step.Selectable from the following two items.●Measuring force: 0.75mNStylus profile: Tip radius 2µmTip angle 60°●Measuring force: 4mNStylus profile: Tip radius 5µmTip angle 90°A wide range of optional detectors is available, including detectors for small holes, extra small holes, gear tooth surfaces, and deep grooves.*See page 8 for details about the Detectors.[Storing drive unit in Display unit]A convenient carrying case is supplied as standard for protecting theinstrument in the field.Drive units • Popular standard drive unit• The detector is in the retracted position at rest so it is immune from damage when inserted intoa feature whose profile cannot beeasily seen, such as a blind hole, etc.Battery-powered portability scores when making surface roughness measurements onthe shop floor.Capable of performing measurements in any orientation, including vertical and upside-down. Optional accessories, such as a height gage adapter, allow measurements to be performed efficiently in various situations and setups.*Refer to pages 8 to 11 for details of the optional accessories available.• Best suited for measurement of narrow, shrouded workpiece features such as crankshaft, EDM parts, etc.(Patent Registered in Japan)SpecificationsSee page 10 for details about the SJ-210 printer.*2: Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI. 16% rule cannot be selected in VDA.*3: Auto-sleep function is invalid when AC adaptor is used.*4: For connecting the calculation display unit and drive unit.Dimension Display Unit and Drive UnitDisplay unit, Drive unitUnit:inch(mm)(26.7)● Drive unit not stored inside display unit (Standard detector installed in drive unit)● Drive unit stored inside display unit (Standard detector installed in drive unit)Without back face cover With back face coverDimensions Detectors and Drive unitsDetectors Unit: inch(mm)Drive unit accessoriesOptional Accessories For Drive UnitNo.12AAE644*Transverse tracing drive unit type standard accessories.*Dedicated to the transverse tracing drive unit. No.12AAA216*Not attachable to the detector side of the transverse tracing drive unit.No.12AAA221 (ø8mm)No.12AAA220 (ø9.5mm)*Not available for theNo.178-033The V-width is adjustable to the cylinder diameter facilitating axialmeasurement of a wide range of cylinder diameters.• Adjustable range: ø 5 ~ 150mmNo.178-034Best suited for measurement of the flat surface of a workpiece that has partial indentions and steps and that ishard to set the drive unit. Combination use with the magnet type specimen holder (Option No. 12AAA910) further improves the ease of operation.No.178-035Greatly facilitates measurement of internal wall surfaces, for example, a cylinder block.• Applicable diameter: ø 75 ~ ø 95mm • Accessible depth: 30 ~ 135 mmNo.12AAA218*Not available for the transverse tracing drive unit.*Dedicated to the transverse No.12AAA219*Not available for the transverse tracing drive unit.No.12BAA303*For connecting between calculation display unit and drive unit.Setting attachments * Not available for the transverse tracing drive unitSupport feet set No.12AAA216Enhances measurement efficiency by facilitating the measurement setup of multiple workpieces of the same type and of the hard-to-access sections of a workpiece.Optional Accessories For External EquipmentUnit configuration:①Printer main unit②Printer connecting cable ③Printing paper 6-pack ④Battery pack 1 piece ⑤Exclusive use AC a daptor (with AC power cord)1 piece*Not all memory cards can be re cognized. Pleas e us e the memory card recommended by Mitutoyo.By connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-210's digimatic output, you can print calculation results, perform a variety of statistical analyses, draw a histogram or D chart, and also perform complicated operations for X-R control charts.A memory card for saving 500 measurement conditions, 10,000 measured profiles, 500 display images, text file (measurementconditions, measured profiles, assessed profiles, BAC, ADC)Example of the output by the printer264-504-5ASJ-210→DP-1VR Connecting cable 1m: No. 936937 Digimatic SPC cable 2m: No. 965014 Digimatic SPC cablePrinter for SJ-210 supplies:Printing paper (5-pack) No. 12AAA876No. 12AAL069Printer for SJ-210 Digimatic mini processor DP-1VRMemory card 178-421AAssessed profiles and calculation results and curves can be printedout by connecting the SJ-210-dedicated printer, which is palm sized 3.7 x 4.9 x 2.7" (W×D×H: 93×125×70mm) and can run on an internal battery.■Power supply can be selected. (AC adapter or battery pack)■ P rintable items: Measurement conditions, calculation results, assessed profile, bearing area curve (BAC), amplitude distribution curve (ADC), and environment settings.Example of the connection with SJ-210A footswitch is used to trigger measurement. This tool is very useful in cases where you need to measure the same workpiece multiple times using jigs and other fixtures.Surftest SJ-210 calculation results can be loaded directly into commercial spreadsheet software via this unit simply by connecting it to the USB connector on a computer or a PS/2 type keyboard connector. (See Catalog No. E4250-264 for details.)No. 12AAJ088The Surftest SJ-210 has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to spreadsheet or other software.We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.The optional USB cable is also required.• USB cable for SJ-210 series (2m)No. 12AAL068*Windows OS and Microsoft Excel are products ofMicrosoft Corporation.Required environment*:Optional Accessories For External OutputFootswitch Simplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ seriesInput Tool: Calculation results input unit USB keyboard signal conversion model IT-012U No. 264-012-10PS/2 keyboard signal conversion model IT-005D No. 264-005• OS: Windows XP-SP3 Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 (32/64bit)• Spreadsheet software: Microsoft Excel 2002Microsoft Excel 2003 Microsoft Excel 2007 Microsoft Excel 2010/13*Will not work with MS Excel 2016Coordinate Measuring Machines Vision Measuring SystemsTest Equipmentand SeismometersForm Measurement Optical MeasuringSmall Tool Instrumentsand Data Management©216MitutoyoAmericaCorporationNote: All inform ation regarding our products, and in particular the illustrations, drawings, dimdata contained in this printed matter as well as other technical data are to be regarded as approximate average values. We。

ADC0809-N资料datasheet (1)

ADC0809-N资料datasheet (1)

ADC0808-N,ADC0809-N SNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED MARCH2013 ADC0808/ADC08098-BitμP Compatible A/D Converters with8-Channel MultiplexerCheck for Samples:ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NFEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC0808,ADC0809data acquisition component •Easy Interface to All Microprocessorsis a monolithic CMOS device with an8-bit analog-to-•Operates Ratiometrically or with5V DC or digital converter,8-channel multiplexer and Analog Span Adjusted Voltage Reference microprocessor compatible control logic.The8-bit •No Zero or Full-Scale Adjust Required A/D converter uses successive approximation as theconversion technique.The converter features a high •8-Channel Multiplexer with Address Logicimpedance chopper stabilized comparator,a256R •0V to V CC Input Range voltage divider with analog switch tree and a•Outputs meet TTL Voltage Level Specifications successive approximation register.The8-channelmultiplexer can directly access any of8-single-ended •ADC0808Equivalent to MM74C949analog signals.•ADC0809Equivalent to MM74C949-1The device eliminates the need for external zero and KEY SPECIFICATIONSfull-scale adjustments.Easy interfacing tomicroprocessors is provided by the latched and •Resolution:8Bits decoded multiplexer address inputs and latched TTL•Total Unadjusted Error:±½LSB and±1LSB TRI-STATE outputs.•Single Supply:5VDC The design of the ADC0808,ADC0809has been •Low Power:15mW optimized by incorporating the most desirable aspectsof several A/D conversion techniques.The ADC0808,•Conversion Time:100μsADC0809offers high speed,high accuracy,minimaltemperature dependence,excellent long-termaccuracy and repeatability,and consumes minimalpower.These features make this device ideally suitedto applications from process and machine control toconsumer and automotive applications.For16-channel multiplexer with common output(sample/holdport)see ADC0816data sheet.(See AN-247(Literature Number SNOA595)for more information.)Block DiagramConnection DiagramsPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications ofTexas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED Figure1.PDIP Package Figure2.PLCCPackageSee Package N0028ESee Package FN0028AThese devices have limited built-in ESD protection.The leads should be shorted together or the device placed in conductive foam during storage or handling to prevent electrostatic damage to the MOS gates.Absolute Maximum Ratings(1)(2)(3)Supply Voltage(V CC)(4) 6.5V Voltage at Any Pin Except Control Inputs−0.3V to(V CC+0.3V) Voltage at Control Inputs−0.3V to+15V (START,OE,CLOCK,ALE,ADD A,ADD B,ADD C)Storage Temperature Range−65°C to+150°C Package Dissipation at T A=25°C875mW Lead Temp.(Soldering,10seconds)PDIP Package(plastic)260°CPLCC Package Vapor Phase(60seconds)215°CInfrared(15seconds)220°C ESD Susceptibility(5)400V (1)Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.DC and AC electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its specified operating conditions.(2)All voltages are measured with respect to GND,unless otherwise specified.(3)If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required,please contact the TI Sales Office/Distributors for availability and specifications.(4)A Zener diode exists,internally,from V CC to GND and has a typical breakdown voltage of7V DC.(5)Human body model,100pF discharged through a1.5kΩresistor.Operating Conditions(1)(2)Temperature Range T MIN≤T A≤T MAX−40°C≤T A≤+85°C Range of V CC 4.5V DC to6.0V DC (1)Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur.DC and AC electrical specifications do notapply when operating the device beyond its specified operating conditions.(2)All voltages are measured with respect to GND,unless otherwise specified.Electrical Characteristics–Converter SpecificationsConverter Specifications:V CC=5V DC=V REF+,V REF(−)=GND,T MIN≤T A≤T MAX and f CLK=640kHz unless otherwise stated.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units ADC080825°C±½LSBTotal Unadjusted Error(1)Tto T MAX±¾LSBMIN(1)Total unadjusted error includes offset,full-scale,linearity,and multiplexer errors.See Figure5.None of these A/Ds requires a zero orfull-scale adjust.However,if an all zero code is desired for an analog input other than0.0V,or if a narrow full-scale span exists(for example:0.5V to4.5V full-scale)the reference voltages can be adjusted to achieve this.See Figure15.2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedADC0808-N,ADC0809-N SNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED MARCH2013Electrical Characteristics–Converter Specifications(continued)Converter Specifications:V CC=5V DC=V REF+,V REF(−)=GND,T MIN≤T A≤T MAX and f CLK=640kHz unless otherwise stated.Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units ADC08090°C to70°C±1LSBTotal Unadjusted Error(1)Tto T MAX±1¼LSBMINInput Resistance From Ref(+)to Ref(−) 1.0 2.5kΩAnalog Input Voltage Range See(2)V(+)or V(−)GND−0.1V CC+0.1V DCV REF(+)Voltage,Top of Ladder Measured at Ref(+)V CC V CC+0.1VVoltage,Center of Ladder(V CC/2)−0.1V CC/2(V CC/2)+0.1VV REF(−)Voltage,Bottom of Ladder Measured at Ref(−)−0.10VI IN Comparator Input Current f c=640kHz,(3)−2±0.52μA(2)Two on-chip diodes are tied to each analog input which will forward conduct for analog input voltages one diode drop below ground orone diode drop greater than the V CC n supply.The spec allows100mV forward bias of either diode.This means that as long as the analog V IN does not exceed the supply voltage by more than100mV,the output code will be correct.To achieve an absolute0V DC to 5V DC input voltage range will therefore require a minimum supply voltage of4.900V DC over temperature variations,initial tolerance and loading.(3)Comparator input current is a bias current into or out of the chopper stabilized comparator.The bias current varies directly with clockfrequency and has little temperature dependence(Figure8).See ANALOG COMPARATOR INPUTSElectrical Characteristics–Digital Levels and DC SpecificationsDigital Levels and DC Specifications:ADC0808CCN,ADC0808CCV,ADC0809CCN and ADC0809CCV,4.75≤V CC≤5.25V,−40°C≤T A≤+85°C unless otherwise notedSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units ANALOG MULTIPLEXERV CC=5V,V IN=5V,I OFF(+)OFF Channel Leakage Current T A=25°C10200nAT MIN to T MAX 1.0μAV CC=5V,V IN=0,I OFF(−)OFF Channel Leakage Current T A=25°C−200−10nAT MIN to T MAX−1.0μA CONTROL INPUTSV IN(1)Logical“1”Input Voltage(V CC−1.5)VV IN(0)Logical“0”Input Voltage 1.5VLogical“1”Input Current(The ControlI IN(1)V IN=15V 1.0μAInputs)Logical“0”Input Current(The ControlI IN(0)V IN=0−1.0μAInputs)I CC Supply Current f CLK=640kHz0.3 3.0mA DATA OUTPUTS AND EOC(INTERRUPT)V CC=4.75VV OUT(1)Logical“1”Output Voltage I OUT=−360µA 2.4VI OUT=−10µA 4.5VV OUT(0)Logical“0”Output Voltage I O=1.6mA0.45VV OUT(0)Logical“0”Output Voltage EOC I O=1.2mA0.45VV O=5V3μAI OUT TRI-STATE Output CurrentV O=0−3μA Electrical Characteristics–Timing SpecificationsTiming Specifications V CC=V REF(+)=5V,V REF(−)=GND,t r=t f=20ns and T A=25°C unless otherwise noted.Symbol Parameter Conditions MIn Typ Max Unitst STCLK Start Time Delay from Clock(Figure7)300900ns Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED Electrical Characteristics–Timing Specifications(continued)Timing Specifications V CC=V REF(+)=5V,V REF(−)=GND,t r=t f=20ns and T A=25°C unless otherwise noted.Symbol Parameter Conditions MIn Typ Max Unitst WS Minimum Start Pulse Width(Figure7)100200nst WALE Minimum ALE Pulse Width(Figure7)100200nst s Minimum Address Set-Up Time(Figure7)2550nst H Minimum Address Hold Time(Figure7)2550nst D Analog MUX Delay Time From ALE R S=0Ω(Figure7)1 2.5μst H1,t H0OE Control to Q Logic State C L=50pF,R L=10k(Figure10)125250nst1H,t0H OE Control to Hi-Z C L=10pF,R L=10k(Figure10)125250nst c Conversion Time f c=640kHz,(Figure7)(1)90100116μsf c Clock Frequency106401280kHzClockt EOC EOC Delay Time(Figure7)08+2μSPeriodsC IN Input Capacitance At Control Inputs1015pFC OUT TRI-STATE Output Capacitance At TRI-STATE Outputs1015pF(1)The outputs of the data register are updated one clock cycle before the rising edge of EOC.4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedADC0808-N,ADC0809-N SNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED MARCH2013Functional DescriptionMULTIPLEXERThe device contains an8-channel single-ended analog signal multiplexer.A particular input channel is selected by using the address decoder.Table1shows the input states for the address lines to select any channel.The address is latched into the decoder on the low-to-high transition of the address latch enable signal.Table1.Analog Channel SelectionADDRESS LINESELECTED ANALOGCHANNEL C B AIN0L L LIN1L L HIN2L H LIN3L H HIN4H L LIN5H L HIN6H H LIN7H H HCONVERTER CHARACTERISTICSThe ConverterThe heart of this single chip data acquisition system is its8-bit analog-to-digital converter.The converter is designed to give fast,accurate,and repeatable conversions over a wide range of temperatures.The converter is partitioned into3major sections:the256R ladder network,the successive approximation register,and the comparator.The converter's digital outputs are positive true.The256R ladder network approach(Figure3)was chosen over the conventional R/2R ladder because of its inherent monotonicity,which ensures no missing digital codes.Monotonicity is particularly important in closed loop feedback control systems.A non-monotonic relationship can cause oscillations that will be catastrophic for the system.Additionally,the256R network does not cause load variations on the reference voltage.The bottom resistor and the top resistor of the ladder network in Figure3are not the same value as the remainder of the network.The difference in these resistors causes the output characteristic to be symmetrical with the zero and full-scale points of the transfer curve.The first output transition occurs when the analog signal has reached+½LSB and succeeding output transitions occur every1LSB later up to full-scale.The successive approximation register(SAR)performs8iterations to approximate the input voltage.For any SAR type converter,n-iterations are required for an n-bit converter.Figure4shows a typical example of a3-bit converter.In the ADC0808,ADC0809,the approximation technique is extended to8bits using the256R network.The A/D converter's successive approximation register(SAR)is reset on the positive edge of the start conversion start pulse.The conversion is begun on the falling edge of the start conversion pulse.A conversion in process will be interrupted by receipt of a new start conversion pulse.Continuous conversion may be accomplished by tying the end-of-conversion(EOC)output to the SC input.If used in this mode,an external start conversion pulse should be applied after power up.End-of-conversion will go low between0and8clock pulses after the rising edge of start conversion.The most important section of the A/D converter is the comparator.It is this section which is responsible for the ultimate accuracy of the entire converter.It is also the comparator drift which has the greatest influence on the repeatability of the device.A chopper-stabilized comparator provides the most effective method of satisfying all the converter requirements.The chopper-stabilized comparator converts the DC input signal into an AC signal.This signal is then fed through a high gain AC amplifier and has the DC level restored.This technique limits the drift component of the amplifier since the drift is a DC component which is not passed by the AC amplifier.This makes the entire A/D converter extremely insensitive to temperature,long term drift and input offset errors.Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED Figure6shows a typical error curve for the ADC0808.Figure3.Resistor Ladder and Switch TreeFigure4.3-Bit A/D Transfer Curve Figure5.3-Bit A/D Absolute Accuracy CurveFigure6.Typical Error Curve6Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedADC0808-N,ADC0809-N SNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED MARCH2013 Timing DiagramFigure7.Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED Typical Performance CharacteristicsComparator I INvsV IN(V CC=V REF=5V)Figure8.Multiplexer R ONvsV IN(V CC=V REF=5V)Figure9.8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H –OCTOBER 1999–REVISED MARCH 2013TRI-STATE Test Circuits and Timing Diagramst 1H ,t H1t 0H ,t H0t 1H ,C L =10pF t 0H ,C L =10pFt H1,C L =50pFt H0,C L =50pFFigure 10.TRI-STATE Test Circuits and Timing DiagramsCopyright ©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 9ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONOPERATIONRATIOMETRIC CONVERSIONThe ADC0808,ADC0809is designed as a complete Data Acquisition System(DAS)for ratiometric conversion systems.In ratiometric systems,the physical variable being measured is expressed as a percentage of full-scale which is not necessarily related to an absolute standard.The voltage input to the ADC0808is expressed by the equation•V IN=Input voltage into the ADC0808•V fs=Full-scale voltage•V Z=Zero voltage•D X=Data point being measured•D MAX=Maximum data limit•D MIN=Minimum data limit(1) A good example of a ratiometric transducer is a potentiometer used as a position sensor.The position of the wiper is directly proportional to the output voltage which is a ratio of the full-scale voltage across it.Since the data is represented as a proportion of full-scale,reference requirements are greatly reduced,eliminating a large source of error and cost for many applications.A major advantage of the ADC0808,ADC0809is that the input voltage range is equal to the supply range so the transducers can be connected directly across the supply and their outputs connected directly into the multiplexer inputs,(Figure11).Ratiometric transducers such as potentiometers,strain gauges,thermistor bridges,pressure transducers,etc., are suitable for measuring proportional relationships;however,many types of measurements must be referred to an absolute standard such as voltage or current.This means a system reference must be used which relates the full-scale voltage to the standard volt.For example,if V CC=V REF=5.12V,then the full-scale range is divided into 256standard steps.The smallest standard step is1LSB which is then20mV.RESISTOR LADDER LIMITATIONSThe voltages from the resistor ladder are compared to the selected into8times in a conversion.These voltages are coupled to the comparator via an analog switch tree which is referenced to the supply.The voltages at the top,center and bottom of the ladder must be controlled to maintain proper operation.The top of the ladder,Ref(+),should not be more positive than the supply,and the bottom of the ladder,Ref(−), should not be more negative than ground.The center of the ladder voltage must also be near the center of the supply because the analog switch tree changes from N-channel switches to P-channel switches.These limitations are automatically satisfied in ratiometric systems and can be easily met in ground referenced systems. Figure12shows a ground referenced system with a separate supply and reference.In this system,the supply must be trimmed to match the reference voltage.For instance,if a5.12V is used,the supply should be adjusted to the same voltage within0.1V.Figure11.Ratiometric Conversion System10Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedADC0808-N,ADC0809-N SNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED MARCH2013 The ADC0808needs less than a milliamp of supply current so developing the supply from the reference is readily accomplished.In Figure13a ground referenced system is shown which generates the supply from the reference.The buffer shown can be an op amp of sufficient drive to supply the milliamp of supply current and the desired bus drive,or if a capacitive bus is driven by the outputs a large capacitor will supply the transient supply current as seen in Figure14.The LM301is overcompensated to insure stability when loaded by the10μF output capacitor.The top and bottom ladder voltages cannot exceed V CC and ground,respectively,but they can be symmetrically less than V CC and greater than ground.The center of the ladder voltage should always be near the center of the supply.The sensitivity of the converter can be increased,(i.e.,size of the LSB steps decreased)by using a symmetrical reference system.In Figure15,a2.5V reference is symmetrically centered about V CC/2since the same current flows in identical resistors.This system with a2.5V reference allows the LSB bit to be half the size of a5V reference system.Figure12.Ground ReferencedConversion System Using Trimmed SupplyFigure13.Ground Referenced Conversion System withReference Generating V CC SupplyCopyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback11ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED Figure14.Typical Reference and Supply CircuitR A=R B*Ratiometric transducersFigure15.Symmetrically Centered ReferenceCONVERTER EQUATIONSThe transition between adjacent codes N and N+1is given by:(2) The center of an output code N is given by:(3) The output code N for an arbitrary input are the integers within the range:Where:•V IN=Voltage at comparator input•V REF(+)=Voltage at Ref(+)•V REF(−)=Voltage at Ref(−)•V TUE=Total unadjusted error voltage(typically•V REF(+)÷512)(4) 12Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedADC0808-N,ADC0809-N SNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED MARCH2013ANALOG COMPARATOR INPUTSThe dynamic comparator input current is caused by the periodic switching of on-chip stray capacitances.These are connected alternately to the output of the resistor ladder/switch tree network and to the comparator input as part of the operation of the chopper stabilized comparator.The average value of the comparator input current varies directly with clock frequency and with V IN as shown in Figure8.If no filter capacitors are used at the analog inputs and the signal source impedances are low,the comparator input current should not introduce converter errors,as the transient created by the capacitance discharge will die out before the comparator output is strobed.If input filter capacitors are desired for noise reduction and signal conditioning they will tend to average out the dynamic comparator input current.It will then take on the characteristics of a DC bias current whose effect can be predicted conventionally.Typical Application*Address latches needed for8085and SC/MP interfacing the ADC0808to a microprocessorTable2.Microprocessor Interface TablePROCESSOR READ WRITE INTERRUPT(COMMENT)8080MEMR MEMW INTR(Thru RST Circuit)8085RD WR INTR(Thru RST Circuit)Z-80RD WR INT(Thru RST Circuit,Mode0)SC/MP NRDS NWDS SA(Thru Sense A)6800VMA•φ2•R/W VMA•φ•R/W IRQA or IRQB(Thru PIA)Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback13ADC0808-N,ADC0809-NSNAS535H–OCTOBER1999–REVISED REVISION HISTORYChanges from Revision G(March2013)to Revision H Page •Changed layout of National Data Sheet to TI format (13)14Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©1999–2013,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPACKAGING INFORMATION(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Addendum-Page 1Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.(4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device.(5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device.(6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.Addendum-Page 2IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,enhancements,improvements and other changes to its semiconductor products and services per JESD46,latest issue,and to discontinue any product or service per JESD48,latest issue.Buyers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All semiconductor products(also referred to herein as“components”)are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its components to the specifications applicable at the time of sale,in accordance with the warranty in TI’s terms and conditions of sale of semiconductor products.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by applicable law,testing of all parameters of each component is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or the design of Buyers’products.Buyers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with Buyers’products and applications,Buyers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any patent right,copyright,mask work right,or other intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI components or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of significant portions of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI components or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that component or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI component or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that it is solely responsible for compliance with all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning its products,and any use of TI components in its applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Buyer represents and agrees that it has all the necessary expertise to create and implement safeguards which anticipate dangerous consequences of failures,monitor failures and their consequences,lessen the likelihood of failures that might cause harm and take appropriate remedial actions.Buyer will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of any TI components in safety-critical applications.In some cases,TI components may be promoted specifically to facilitate safety-related applications.With such components,TI’s goal is to help enable customers to design and create their own end-product solutions that meet applicable functional safety standards and requirements.Nonetheless,such components are subject to these terms.No TI components are authorized for use in FDA Class III(or similar life-critical medical equipment)unless authorized officers of the parties have executed a special agreement specifically governing such use.Only those TI components which TI has specifically designated as military grade or“enhanced plastic”are designed and intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments.Buyer acknowledges and agrees that any military or aerospace use of TI components which have not been so designated is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that Buyer is solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use.TI has specifically designated certain components as meeting ISO/TS16949requirements,mainly for automotive use.In any case of use of non-designated products,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet ISO/TS16949.Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Automotive and Transportation /automotiveAmplifiers Communications and Telecom /communicationsData Converters Computers and Peripherals /computersDLP®Products Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDSP Energy and Lighting /energyClocks and Timers /clocks Industrial /industrialInterface Medical /medicalLogic Security /securityPower Mgmt Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Microcontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID OMAP Applications Processors /omap TI E2E Community Wireless Connectivity /wirelessconnectivityMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2013,Texas Instruments Incorporated。

Gaming medium and gaming system using gaming mediu

Gaming medium and gaming system using gaming mediu

专利名称:Gaming medium and gaming system usinggaming medium发明人:Toshimi Koyama申请号:US12488742申请日:20090622公开号:US08052513B2公开日:20111108专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A gaming medium includes a wireless tag on a white side thereof, a wireless tag on a black side thereof and a high magnetic permeability member. Each wireless tag stores information to be read magnetically. The high magnetic permeability member isplaced between the wireless tags, prevents a magnetic field from affecting the wireless tag on the black side at a time when the information stored in the wireless tag on the white side is magnetically read from the white side, and prevents a magnetic field from affecting the wireless tag on the white side at a time when the information stored in the wireless tag on the black side is magnetically read from the black side.申请人:Toshimi Koyama地址:Koto-ku JP国籍:JP代理机构:Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



英语做题的技巧Here is an essay on "Techniques for Solving English Exercises" with over 1000 words, written in English without any additional title or punctuation marks.Mastering the techniques for solving English exercises is crucial for students who aim to excel in their language studies. Whether you are preparing for a proficiency exam, working on improving your writing skills, or simply seeking to enhance your overall English proficiency, developing effective strategies can make a significant difference in your learning outcomes. In this essay, we will explore various techniques that can help you tackle English exercises with confidence and efficiency.Firstly, it is essential to understand the importance of active engagement with the material. Passive reading or listening to English content is not enough; you must actively participate in the learning process. This means actively engaging with the text, asking questions, and seeking clarification whenever you encounter something you don't understand. By actively engaging with the material, you can better retain the information and apply it to your exercises.Secondly, it is crucial to develop a strong foundation in English grammar. Grammar is the backbone of the language, and a solid understanding of grammatical concepts can greatly improve your ability to solve English exercises. Take the time to study and practice various grammar rules, such as verb tenses, sentence structures, and parts of speech. Utilize grammar reference books, online resources, or seek the guidance of a tutor to ensure that you have a firm grasp of the fundamentals.Thirdly, practice, practice, practice. The more you expose yourself to English exercises, the more comfortable and proficient you will become. Seek out a variety of exercise types, such as reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing tasks. Regularly engage in practice exercises, and pay attention to the areas where you struggle the most. By consistently practicing, you will develop the necessary skills and strategies to tackle different types of English exercises.Fourthly, develop strong reading comprehension skills. Many English exercises, particularly in the areas of reading and writing, require a deep understanding of the text. Cultivate your ability to read and comprehend English passages by actively engaging with the content, identifying key ideas, and understanding the overall context. Employ strategies such as skimming, scanning, and close reading to enhance your comprehension abilities.Fifthly, expand your vocabulary. A robust vocabulary is crucial for success in English exercises. Regularly expose yourself to new words, learn their meanings, and practice using them in context. Utilize flashcards, word games, or online vocabulary-building tools to expand your lexical knowledge. Additionally, pay attention to word roots, prefixes, and suffixes, as understanding these elements can help you decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words.Sixthly, learn to identify and address common errors. Many English exercises are designed to test your ability to identify and correct grammatical, spelling, or usage errors. Familiarize yourself with the most common types of errors, such as subject-verb agreement, pronoun usage, and punctuation mistakes. Practice identifying and correcting these errors in sample exercises, and apply the same principles to your own writing.Seventhly, develop strong time management skills. Many English exercises, particularly in timed test settings, require you to work efficiently and effectively within a given time frame. Practice managing your time effectively by setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, and developing strategies to minimize distractions. This will help you complete exercises more accurately and efficiently, ultimately improving your overall performance.Eighthly, seek feedback and utilize resources. Engage with yourteacher, tutor, or peers to obtain feedback on your performance in English exercises. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and develop targeted strategies to address your weaknesses. Additionally, take advantage of the wealth of resources available, such as online tutorials, practice tests, and language-learning apps, to supplement your learning and practice.Lastly, maintain a positive and persistent attitude. Solving English exercises can be challenging, but it is important to approach the task with a positive mindset. Celebrate your successes, learn from your mistakes, and persist through any difficulties. Believe in your ability to improve, and don't be discouraged by setbacks. With consistent effort and a positive attitude, you can steadily enhance your skills and achieve success in English exercises.In conclusion, mastering the techniques for solving English exercises requires a multi-faceted approach. By actively engaging with the material, developing a strong grammatical foundation, practicing regularly, improving reading comprehension and vocabulary, identifying and addressing common errors, managing time effectively, seeking feedback and utilizing resources, and maintaining a positive and persistent attitude, you can significantly enhance your performance in English exercises and ultimately achieve greater proficiency in the language. Embrace these techniques, and embark on a journey of continuous learning and improvement.。



USER GUIDENI SMA-2164/2165 Test Fixture Differential Digital I/O AccessoryThe NI SMA-2164/2165 test fixture is a breakout box for National Instruments differential digital waveform generator/analyzer modules, arbitrary waveform generators, andNI FlexRIO™ adapter modules. This fixture provides an easy way to connect to other devices for testing and debugging.The NI SMA-2164 is intended for use with devices with a matching Infiniband connector such as NI6561/6562 modules, NI6583 adapter modules, and NI6587 adapter modules.The NI SMA-2165 is intended for use with devices with matching VHDCI connectors such as NI5421 modules and NI6585 adapter modules. The NI SMA-2164/2165 may be compatible with other NI modules depending on the connector type and pinout.This guide explains how to set up and use the NI SMA-2164/2165 test fixture. Contents Conventions (2)What You Need to Get Started (3)Related Documentation (3)Parts Locator (4)Installing Cables (6)Connecting Signals (7)Using SMA Connectors (12)Making a Solder Connection (13)Terminating Signals (15)Minimizing the Effects of Stubs (15)Differentially Terminating DIO and Control Signals (15)Using the Prototyping Area (15)Prototyping Circuits (16)Cleaning the Accessory (16)Specifications (17)Where to Go for Support (18)NI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide ConventionsThe following conventions are used in this manual:<>Angle brackets that contain numbers separated by an ellipsis represent a range of values associated with a bit or signal name—for example, DIO <0..3>.»The » symbol leads you through nested menu items and dialog box options to a final action. The sequence Options»Settings»General directs you to pull down the Options menu, select the Settings item, and select General from the last dialog box.This icon denotes a note, which alerts you to important information.This icon denotes a caution, which advises you of precautions to take to avoid injury, data loss, or a system crash. When this symbol is marked on a product, refer to the Specifications section for information about precautions to take.boldBold text denotes items that you must select or click in the software, such as menu items and dialog box options. Bold text also denotes parameter names.italicItalic text denotes variables, emphasis, a cross-reference, or an introduction to a key concept. Italic text also denotes text that is a placeholder for a word or value that you must supply.monospaceText in this font denotes text or characters that you should enter from the keyboard, sections of code, programming examples, and syntax examples. This font is also used for the proper names of disk drives, paths, directories, programs, subprograms, subroutines, device names,functions, operations, variables, filenames, and extensions.What You Need to Get StartedTo set up and use the NI SMA-2164/2165, you need the following items:❑(NI SMA-2164 only) NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS cable assembly❑(NI SMA-2165 only) NI SHC68-C68-D3 cable assembly❑Compatible NI digital waveform generator/analyzer, NI FlexRIO adapter module, or other NI device installed in a PXI or CompactPCI chassisYou also may need the following optional items:❑SMA cables❑Resistors for termination or characterization. The NI SMA-2164/2165 ships populated with 0Ω resistors.❑The documentation included with the digital waveform generator/analyzer and driver softwareRelated DocumentationRefer to the documentation set for the device that you are connecting to the NI SMA-2164/2165 for more information. Documentation is available at /manuals and in your hardware kit.© National Instruments Corporation3NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideNI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide Parts LocatorRefer to Figure 1 to locate connectors and components on the NI SMA-2164.Figure 1. NI SMA-2164 Parts Locator Diagram173-Pin Infiniband Connector 2SMA Connector 3Solder Pads4Resistor Network5Area Enlarged in Figure 86Solder Pads 7Labeling Strips© National Instruments Corporation 5NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideRefer to Figure 2 to locate connectors and components on the NI SMA-2165.Figure 2. NI SMA-2165 Parts Locator Diagram168-Pin VHDCI Connector 2SMA Connector 3Solder Pads4Resistor Network 5Solder Pads 6Labeling StripsNI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide 6Installing CablesThe NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS cable is designed for use with the NI SMA-2164 and the NI SHC68-C68-D3 cable is designed for use with the NI SMA-2165. Figure 3 shows how to connect either of these cables to another NI device.Figure 3. Connecting a Device to the NI SMA-2164/2165Refer to Figure 3 as you complete the following steps to install the NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS or the NI SHC68-C68-D3 cable.CautionDisconnect power from the device, accessory, and any other connectedhardware before connecting the cable to prevent damage to the hardware and personal injury. NI is not liable for damage resulting from improper connections.1.Install the driver software for your device using the installation instructions available with your device.NoteAlways install the module in a computer or PXI/CompactPCI chassis before attaching any cables or accessories. Refer to your device documentation for instructions on installing the module.1An NI Device Installed in a PXI Chassis2NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS or NI SHC68-C68-D3 Cable3NI SMA-2164/2165© National Instruments Corporation 7NI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide2.Attach either end of the NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS or the NI SHC68-C68-D3 cable to the appropriate connector on your other NI device and secure the cable with the captive screws on the cable connector.NotesDo not use cables other than the NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS cable with theNI SMA-2164, and do not use cables other than the NI SCH68-C68-D3 cable with the NI SMA-2165. NI is not liable for any damage resulting from improper cable connections.3.Attach and secure the other end of the NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS or the NI SHC68-C68-D3 cable to the connector on the NI SMA-2164 or NI SMA-2165, respectively, and secure them together with the captive screws on the cable connector, as shown in Figure 3.Connecting SignalsEach DIO, PFI, and clock channel on your connected NI device corresponds to a specific pin on the NI SMA-2164/2165. Most channels are routed differentially to high-bandwidth SMA connectors, but some channels may be used for other purposes depending on your NI device. Refer to you device documentation for more information.You can make connections to the DIO, PFI, or clock channels on the NI SMA-2164/2165 using an SMA coaxial cable or by soldering directly to the inline circuits. Examples of how to make these connections are provided in the following sections.CautionBefore powering down the chassis, remove power from the prototyping areaof the NI SMA-2164/2165. NI is not liable for any damage resulting from improper signal connections.CautionConnections that exceed any of the maximum ratings for theNI SMA-2164/2165 or the connected NI device can damage the module and the computer. Maximum input ratings are provided in the Specifications section and in the specifications document that shipped with the other NI device. NI is not liable forany damage resulting from such signal connections.NI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide8Figure 4 shows the pinout of the NI SMA-2164 connector. Table 1 describes the pinout signals.Figure 4. NI SMA-2164 Connector PinoutNoteIf you are designing a custom cabling solution with the NI SMA-2164 connector (779157-01) and the NI SHB12X-B12X LVDS cable (192344-01), the pinout is reversed at the end connector. Refer to your connected device documentation for more information.Table 1. NI SMA-2164 Signal DescriptionsSignal Name Signal DescriptionCLK_LVDS+Positive terminal for the LVDS exported Sample clock.CLK_LVDS–Negative terminal for the LVDS exported Sample clock.CLK_LVPECL+Positive terminal for the LVPECL exported Sample clock.CLK_LVPECL–Negative terminal for the LVPECL exported Sample clock. STROBE+Positive external Sample clock source, which can be used fordynamic acquisition.STROBE–Negative external Sample clock source, which can be used fordynamic acquisition.IO_<0..15>+Positive bidirectional digital I/O data channels 0through15.IO_<0..15>–Negative bidirectional digital I/O data channels 0through15.PFI_<1..3>+Positive input terminals to the connected device for external triggers,or positive output terminals from the connected device for events. PFI_<1..3>–Negative input terminals to the connected device for externaltriggers, or negative output terminals from the connected device forevents.GND Ground reference for signals.RESERVED These terminals are reserved for future use. Do not connect tothese pins.Refer to your device documentation for more information about the signals on your connected device. For information about how the signals on your connected device map to the SMA connectors on the NI SMA-2164/2165, visit /info and enter 216xpinmap.© National Instruments Corporation9NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideFigure5 shows the pinout of the NI SMA-2165 connector. Table2 describes the pinout signals.Figure 5. NI SMA-2165 Connector PinoutNI SMA-2164/2165 User Table 2. NI SMA-2165 Signal DescriptionsSignal Name Signal DescriptionGLCK+Positive terminal for the global clock.GLCK–Negative terminal for the global clock.P0_DIO<0..7>+Positive bidirectional digital I/O data channels 0through7 on port 0. P0_DIO<0..7>–Negative bidirectional digital I/O data channels 0through7 on port 0. P1_DIO<0..7>+Positive bidirectional digital I/O data channels 0through7 on port 1. P1_DIO<0..7>–Negative bidirectional digital I/O data channels 0through7 on port 1. P2_PFI<0..4>+Positive input terminals to the connected device for external triggers,or positive output terminals from the connected device for events.P2_PFI<0..4>–Negative input terminals to the connected device for external triggers,or negative output terminals from the connected device for events. GND Ground reference for signals.Refer to your device documentation for more information about the signals on your connected device. For information about how the signals on your connected device map to the SMA connectors on the NI SMA-2164/2165, visit /info and enter 216xpinmap.© National Instruments Corporation11NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideNI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide Using SMA ConnectorsEach signal pair is labeled on the NI SMA-2164/2165. These connectors are arranged so that you can make quick connections to each polarity using a standard SMA coaxial cable assembly. Connectivity is made by inserting the cable receptacle onto the appropriate connector and tightening the receptacle sufficiently.NoteRefer to the receptacle documentation to assure that proper connections are made to signal and ground.Figure 6 shows how to make an SMA coaxial cable assembly connection.Figure 6. SMA Coaxial Cable Connection1SMA Cable 2SMA ConnectorMaking a Solder ConnectionEach signal pair is routed through a simple circuit to provide solder and probe access to the signals. Signal pairs are routed to a symmetric circuit, as shown in Figure7.Figure 7. Symmetric Circuit© National Instruments Corporation13NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideNI SMA-2164/2165 User Guide Figure 8 is an enlarged portion of Figure 1. Figure 8 shows the routing of the signal pairs and the placement of the resistors shown in Figure 7.Figure 8. Solder ConnectionNoteThis figure shows channels IO_0 and IO_1 on the NI SMA-2164. This circuit is copied on the NI SMA-2164/2165 on each pair of channels, though the reference designators vary. Figure 7 is the schematic representation of the PCB shown in Figure 8.The resistors in the locations of R3, R4, R11, R12, R101, R377, R80, R67, R84, R105, and R345 above are unpopulated and discussed further in the Cleaning the Accessory and Prototyping Circuits sections. These pads are available for probing and for soldering.© National Instruments Corporation 15NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideTerminating SignalsTermination of high-speed digital signals is necessary to prevent signal reflections and force signal channels to a known state when no signal is present. Pads for terminating resistors are connected to all DIO and control channels on the NI SMA-2164/2165. These pads are labeled in Figures 1 and 2 and are shown in more detail in Figure 8.NoteProper termination needs are application-specific. For some special considerations for choosing resistor values, refer to the Cleaning the Accessory section.Minimizing the Effects of StubsStubs are unterminated tributaries from the original signal path. Stubs decrease the signal quality of the system by adding reflections to the transmission channels. To minimize the effect of stubs, termination is placed at the end of the signal path.NoteRefer to your connected device documentation for more information about proper signal termination.If your signal transmission line ends on the NI SMA-2164/2165, you can use the provided resistor pads to solder termination resistors. If your signal terminates somewhere other than the NI SMA-2164/2165, NI recommends terminating the transmission line at the final signal destination. Each signal pair is routed through a symmetric circuit, shown in Figure 7.Differentially Terminating DIO and Control SignalsUnpopulated resistors like R80, R63, R67, and R84 in Figure 8 can be populated with 0402-sized resistors to provide termination. It is recommended that these resistors are each populated with 50Ω resistors to provide the expected 100Ω of differential termination.Using the Prototyping AreaThe NI SMA-2164/2165 prototyping area is designed to aid you in the following tasks:•Prototyping and testing circuits—Use the NI SMA-2164/2165 in conjunction with other NI devices for prototyping, evaluating, and testing custom circuits and/or components.•Creating custom interfaces—Use the NI SMA-2164/2165 for creating custom interfaces to other cables or devices. You can use the prototyping area to mount and interface the integrated circuits (ICs) or connectors required for your application.•Prototyping a DUT load board—Use the NI SMA-2164/2165 as a simple DUT interface board or as a prototype of a custom DUT load board.The prototyping area is labeled in Figure 1.Also labeled in that diagram are the erasable labelingstrips for your notes as you use the prototyping area.Prototyping CircuitsEach signal pair is routed to a simple debug and prototyping circuitry illustrated in Figure7. By placing or removing components, each circuit can be configured to accomplish one of the following tasks, which are described in more detail in the following sections.•Differentially terminate the signals—For more information about differential termination, refer to the Differentially Terminating DIO and Control Signals section.•Externally provide a common mode or offset voltage to a differential signal—If an application requires an externally provided offset voltage, you may populate the R3, R4, R11, and R12 resistor locations with 0603-sized resistors to provide a connection point. For balanced application to a differential signal, it is recommended that R0 and R1 each be populated with a 3.74 kΩ resistor.The node shared by the resistors in the R3, R4, R11, and R12 location is electricallyconnected between all DIO circuits.•Externally probe or measure the common mode or offset of a differential signal—If an application requires that the offset voltage be measured on a differential signal, you can populate the R80 and R63 resistor locations. R80 and R63 are connected at a node which is connected to an SMA pad through a 0Ω jumper. This SMA can be populated for coaxial connectivity to the offset voltage of the signal. The R80 and R63 resistor locations should each be 50Ω if termination is required, else, larger values of 3.74kΩ are more appropriate.•Channel-to-channel connectivity—If it is required that two channels be connected to one another (for round-trip delay elimination for example), you can connect neighboringchannels by populating a size 1206 0 jumper on resistor locations R345 and R377 inFigure8. By populating these resistors, IO_0 connects to IO_1, IO_2 connects to IO_3, and so on, and CLKOUT_LVDS connects to STROBE.Cleaning the AccessoryDisconnect all cables to the NI SMB-2164/2165 before cleaning. To remove light dust, use a soft, nonmetallic brush. To remove other contaminants, use alcohol wipes. The unit must be completely dry and free from contaminants before returning to service.NI SMA-2164/2165 User SpecificationsDigital I/ODIO channels....................................................16, differentialControl I/O channels.........................................6, differentialResistors Number (44)VoltageMaximum voltage.............................................5 VPrototyping Area Dimensions.......................................................4 cm × 9 cm(1.57 in. × 3.54 in.)Solder pads.......................................................154, unconnectedTraces Type..................................................................Matched length to 100 milsAC impedance...................................................100 Ω differentialPhysical Dimensions.......................................................17.55 cm × 2.07 cm × 20.32 cm(6.91 in. × 0.816 in. × 8 in.)I/O connectors...................................................One 73-pin Infiniband connector or one 68-pinVHDCI connector, and 44SMA connectors Weight...............................................................216 g (7.6 oz)CE ComplianceRefer to the regulatory statement for this product for additional compliance information. To obtain this information for this product, visit /certification, search by model number or product line, and click the appropriate link in the Certification column.interference. In a residential environment, the user may be required to take adequatemeasures to reduce the radio interference.© National Instruments Corporation17NI SMA-2164/2165 User GuideWhere to Go for SupportThe National Instruments Web site is your complete resource for technical support. At/support you have access to everything from troubleshooting and application development self-help resources to email and phone assistance from NI Application Engineers.A Declaration of Conformity (DoC) is our claim of compliance with the Council of the European Communities using the manufacturer’s declaration of conformity. This system affords the user protection for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and product safety. You can obtain the DoC for your product by visiting /certification. If your product supports calibration, you can obtain the calibration certificate for your product at /calibration. National Instruments corporate headquarters is located at 11500North Mopac Expressway, Austin, Texas, 78759-3504. National Instruments also has offices located around the world to help address your support needs. For telephone support in the United States, create your service request at /support and follow the calling instructions or dial 5127958248. For telephone support outside the United States, visit the Worldwide Offices section of / niglobal to access the branch office Web sites, which provide up-to-date contact information, support phone numbers, email addresses, and current events.NI SMA-2164/2165 User LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, , the National Instruments corporate logo, and the Eagle logo are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Trademark Information at /trademarks for other National Instruments trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patents Notice at /patents. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data.© 2005–2011 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.374063B-01Oct11。

Buffalo Tools 3893999 JobSmart 20 Gallon Parts Was

Buffalo Tools 3893999 JobSmart 20 Gallon Parts Was

389399920 Gallon Parts WasherAssembly & Operating InstructionsREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.This manual provides important information on proper operation and maintenance. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. We reserve the right to change this product at any time without prior notice.STOP! DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE RETAILER.Questions? Problems? CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE.If you experience a problem or need parts for this product, visit our website or call our customer help line at 1-888-287-6981, Monday-Friday, 8 AM - 4 PM Central Time. A copy of the sales receipt is required.TABLE OF CONTENTSRECOGNIZE SAFETY SYMBOLS, WORDS AND LABELS (2)SERVICE (6)SPECIFIC SAFETY RULES AND/OR SYMBOLS (6)PACKAGE CONTENTS (7)COMPONENTS (7)ASSEMBLY (8)OPERATION (8)MAINTENANCE (9)ACCESSORIES (9)PARTS DIAGRAM (10)PARTS LIST (11)RECOGNIZE SAFETY SYMBOLS, WORDS AND LABELSWhat You Need to Know About Safety InstructionsWarning and Important Safety Instructions appearing in this manual are not meant to cover all possibleconditions and situations that may occur. Common sense, caution and care must be exercised whenassembling or using this product.Always contact your dealer, distributor, service agent or manufacturer about problems or conditions youdo not understand.This is a safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.This is a safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.GENERAL PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSFEATURES:• 20 Gallon Tank Capacity / 12 Gallon Solvent Capacity• Red Powder Coat Paint Finish / Heavy-Duty Steel Construction• 120 Volts / 60 Hz Water Pump• Fusible Link Arm & Steel Lid• Max. Pump Output: 192 GPH flow rate (with flexible pipe)• Max. Pump Output: 318 GPH flow rate (without flexible pipe)• Recirculates 2.6-3.2 GPM of Solvent• Flexible Chrome Plated Nozzle Adjusts For Full CoverageSPECIFICATIONSModel Type PWASH20• Rated Voltage 120V / 60 Hz 0.5A• Overall Dimensions: L x W x H 29 15/16” x 21 1/4” x 34 5/8”• Tank Dimensions: L x W x H 31 1/8” x 21 5/8” x 12 19/32”• Max Output Through Spigot: 2.64-3.1 Gallons/minKEEP THIS MANUAL, SALES RECEIPT & APPLICABLE WARRANTY FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT. When unpacking, check to make sure all parts listed are included. If any parts are missing or broken, please call Customer Serviceat 1-888-287-6981.FOR CONSUMER USE ONLY – NOT FOR PROFESSIONAL USEIMPORTANT SAFETY RULESCOMMON SENSE AND CAUTION ARE FACTORS WHICH CANNOT BE BUILT INTO ANY PRODUCT. THESE FACTORS MUST BE SUPPLIED BY THE OPERATOR.Keep your work area clean and well lit. Cluttered work benches and dark work areas may causeaccidents or injury.Do not operate the parts washer in explosive areas, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust. Power tools create sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.Keep bystanders, children and visitors away while operating the parts washer. Distractions cancause you to lose control.Double insulated tools are equipped with a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other.) This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician to install a polarized outlet. Do not change the plug in any way. Double insulation eliminates the need for the three wire grounded power cord andgrounded power supply system.Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such as pipes, radiators, ranges and refrigerators.There is an increased risk of electric shock if your body is grounded.Do not abuse the cord. Never use the cord to carry the tool or pull the plug from an outlet. Keepthe cord away from heat, oil, sharp edges, or moving parts. Replace damaged cords immediately.Damaged cords increase the risk of electric shock.When operating the tool outside, use an outdoor extension cord marked “WA” or “W.” These cords are rated for outdoor use and reduce the risk of electric shock. Make sure the extension cord being usedis in good condition. If there are any cuts or nicks (no matter how deep) in the insulation, DO NOT usethat cord. Also, make sure the extension cord is heavy enough to carry the current needed. DO NOT use small "around-the-house” lamp extension cords. These cords can easily overheat and/or catch fire whenused with power tools.Do not force tool. Use the correct tool for your application. The correct tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it is designed.Do not use the parts washer if the power switch does not turn it “ON” or “OFF”. Any tool thatcannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous and must be repaired.Disconnect the power cord plug from the power source before making any adjustments, changing accessories or storing the tool. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of starting the toolaccidentally.Store idle tools out of reach of children and other untrained persons. Tools are dangerous in thehands of untrained users.People with pacemakers or other electronic devices should consult with a physician beforeoperating this product. Interruption or failure of the pacemaker could occur when electrical equipment is operated within close proximity of electrical devices.Wash hands after handling the power cord. Touching the power cord could expose you to lead, whichis known in the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects and other reproductive harm.All work areas should be clean and well lit. Accidents are likely to occur in poorly lit, cluttered areas.Keep children, and other distractions at a distance while operating the parts washer.Keep the power cord in good condition, and replace damaged cords immediately. Do not use thecord to pull the plug from the outlet. Keep the cord away from materials and surfaces that could damagecords. The risk of electric shock increases when the power cord is damaged.Always use the appropriate extension cord, making sure it is rated for use with parts washer.Always be sure the extension cords are in good condition, free of cuts or nicks in the insulation. If usingthe power tool in an outside area with an extension cord, make sure the cord is rated for outdoor use.Do not make contact with a grounded surface while using this parts washer. Contact with surfaceslike pipes, radiators or major appliances increases your risk of electric shock.Use common sense while operating this parts washer.Do not use this tool if you are:•Feeling tired or are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.•Wearing loose clothing or jewelry. Keep long hair pulled back and away from moving parts.•Overreaching or have improper footing. Handling the tool in this way could cause serious injury.•When using this parts washer, always:•Wear the proper safety equipment, such as safety goggles, dust masks, non-skid shoes, etc.•Check to be sure all adjusting keys or wrenches have been removed before starting the power tool.•Check that the power switch is in the “OFF” position before plugging the unit into an electrical outlet.Follow these steps to maintain safe working conditions and good working condition of powertools. Improper care can result in electric shock or serious injury.Secure and support the work piece using clamps. Do not use your hands to hold the piece in place.Use the correct tool for the job. Using the correct tool is safer and faster.Make sure the power switch is in good working order. If the power switch no longer turns the tool“ON” or “OFF”, discontinue use, and have the tool replaced or repaired.Remove the power cord from the power source before storage, changing accessories, or moving.Keep out of reach of children, or any untrained person. Store tools in a safe and dry place.Keep tools clean, and cutting tools sharp. Maintaining tools with proper care will increase the life ofthe power tool, and reduce the risk of injury.Check to be sure all moving parts are free from binding and are properly aligned.Use only accessories that are recommended by the manufacturer for your tool model.Safety glasses and ear protection must be worn during operation.Never use items to support the lid.Use water based solvents only in the Parts Washer. The w ater b ased s olvent i s n onflammable, i t h as b een investigated a nd t ested a nd c an b e u sed s afely. I t c ontains n o f lash p oint a nd a utoignition t emperatures.These solvents have a PH of more than 7.SERVICETool service must be performed only by qualified repair personnel. Service or maintenance by unqualified personnel could result in a risk of injury.When servicing a tool, use only identical replacement parts and follow instructions in the manual. Use of unauthorized parts or failure to follow Maintenance Instructions may create a risk of shock or injury.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE.This manual contains important information regarding safety, operation, maintenance and storage of this product. Before use, read carefully and understand all warnings, cautions, instructions and labels. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury, property damage or even death.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSBefore using this tool, you need to become familiar with its operation. If you are unsure about theoperation of the tool, or have any questions about its proper use, call the Customer Service Departmentat 1-888-287-6981. Follow these instructions for safe handling of the tool:•Always secure and support the work piece using clamps.Do not use your hands to hold the piece in place.•Be sure your work area is clean and secure before turning the power switch into the “ON”position. Be sure the area is free from all foreign material, nails, staples, or any other material.•Turn the Parts Washer “OFF” and unplug from the power source before making any changes or adjustments.•Do not use solvents containing carbon tetrachloride, ammonia or acetone to clean the unit.Never use gasoline, paint thinner, or other caustic chemicals that can damage the unit.•Always use the appropriate safety gear when operating this parts washer. Including but not limited, to goggles, dust mask or respirator. Always work in a well-ventilated area to reduce yourexposure to harmful chemicals and dust particles.•Keep hands away from the cutting area.•Do not reach under the work piece.SPECIFIC SAFETY RULES AND/OR SYMBOLSThe following symbols may be used on your tool. Be familiar with and learn the symbols to operate the tool safely.Symbol Name DescriptionV Volts Voltage (Potential)A Amperes CurrentHz Hertz Frequency (Cycles per Second)W Watt PowerKg Kilograms WeightAlternating Current Type of CurrentDirect Current Type of CurrentAlternating or Direct Current Type of CurrentEarthing Terminal Grounding TerminalClass II Construction Denotes Double Insulationmin Minutes Times Seconds TimeDiameter Size of Drill Bits, Grinding Wheels, etc.No Load Speed No-load Rotational Speed…/min Revolutions per Minute Revolutions, Surface Speed, Strokes, etc. per Minute1,2,3…Ring Selector Settings Speed, Torque or Position SettingsPACKAGE CONTENTS• Parts Washer• Four Support Legs• ShelfCOMPONENTS1) Lid2) Fusible Link3) Flexible Pipe4) Power Switch5) Work Basket6) 20 Gallon Body7) Shelf8) Leg1683542ASSEMBLYDo not turn the power switch on until the Parts Washer has been completely assembled.Failure to do so could result in serious injury or electric shock.Unpack product from package and review contents. Keep all packaging until product has been reviewed.1. Follow the diagram (Figure 1).2. Place the body (#7) upside down onto a flatsurface.3 Begin by assembling the legs to the shelf (12).When the four legs (13) have been attached,mount them to the body. Be sure to use the appropriate Screws, Washers and Nuts oneach leg and on the shelf.4.Place the Parts Washer upright and on the legs.5. Run the Cord and the On/Off switch throughthe opening (Figure 2). Slide the assemblydown (Figure 3). The assembly should fit securely. (If the On/Off switch is too tight ontothe housing and won’t easily move down(Figure 4), loosen the screws slightly.)6. Place the filter screen into the filter cover. Movethe pump housing cover into the slots on thefront of the pump housing. OPERATIONDo not use volatile, flammable or combustible solvents, or fuels such as gasoline, diesel, or toluene. Use only non-corrosive water based solvents.The pump must be immersed in liquid while operating. Fluid should be replaced and the Parts Washer cleaned on a regular basis to avoid hazardous conditions.Chlorinated solvents such as 1-1-1 Trichloroethane and Methylene Chloride (also known as Methyl Chloride) can chemically react with aluminum and may explode.Many tools and pieces of equipment contain aluminum.Fill the body with the cleaning solution, to just below the horizontal crease on the body.Lift the cover, placing the items to be cleaned into the work basket. Then set the work basket into the cleaning solution.Plug the power cord into a power source. Turn the power switch ON.When the tool is cleaned, turn the power switch OFF, and unplug from the power source.Figure 1MAINTENANCEDisconnect the power supply before cleaning. Wear safety eyewear before cleaning.A qualified repair technician must perform any tool service or repair. Service or maintenanceperformed by unqualified personnel could result in injury. Use only identical replacement parts. Use ofunauthorized parts or failure to follow maintenance instructions may create a risk of electric shock orinjury.Do not make contact with a grounded surface while using this power tool. Contact with surfaces likepipes, radiators or major appliances increase your risk of electric shock.Warning: Always unplug the Power Cord from the electrical outlet before performing any maintenance. Replacing Cleaning Solution1. Replace the cleaning solution when it becomes dirty.2. Place an empty container on the lower Shelf that is large enough to hold all of the liquid which isin the Body.3. Remove the Plug from the bottom of the Body. The fluid should drain into the empty container onthe Shelf below.4. Dispose of the used cleaning solution properly. Do not drain the cleaning solution into the street drains, house drains, or into the earth. Contact your local waste management officials for proper disposal methods.5. Replace the Plug then refill the Body with new cleaning solution.When the cleaning solution flow is reduced or stopped, it may be necessary to clean theFlexible Pipe (24).Cleaning the Flexible Pipe and Impeller1. Make certain that the indicator light on the Switch Box is on.2. Turn the Switch to the OFF position.3. Unplug the Power Cord from the electrical outlet.4. Remove the Flexible Pipe from the Elbow. Drain the pipe, inspect its interior for debris. Use compressed air to blow clean.5. Remove the Pump Housing Cover by removing the Screws, then clear and remove any foreign matterfrom the impeller.6. Reattach the Flexible Pipe to the Elbow, and replace the Pump Housing Cover.ACCESSORIESUse only accessories that are recommended by the manufacturer for your model. Accessories that may be suitable for one tool may become hazardous when used on another tool.Always attach grounded (3-prong) extension cords to grounded (3-prong) outlets.If you must use an extension cord, be sure that the gauge is large enough to carry the amount of current necessary for your power tool. If not, your tool may experience a loss of power, excessive voltage drop or overheating. For example, the smaller the gauge number, the heavier the cord.PARTS DIAGRAM3893999 JobSmart 20 Gallon Parts Washer Assembly & Operating Instructions11PARTS LIST I TEMQTY DESCRIPTION ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION 01 1 COVER 15 5 NUT 29 1 PUMP HOUSING COVER 02 1 WORK BASKET 16 5 SPRING WASHER 30 1 ELBOW03 4 SPRING PAN 17 5 SCREW 31 1 PLASTIC WASHER 04 4 PIN 18 2 STRAIN RELIEF 32 1 SPIGOT05 1 SAFETY PLATE 19 1 CABLE AND PLUG 33 1 LOCATION OF KNOB 06 1 WORK SHELF 20 1 PUMP HOUSING 34 1 FILTER 07 1 BODY 21 1 SCREEN 35 1 SEAL RING 08 24 SPRING WASHER 22 1 SWITCH 36 1 IMPELLER 09 24 NUT 23 1 SWITCH BOX 37 1 SHIN WASHER 10 1 O-RING 24 1 FLEXIBLE PIPE 38 1 SEAL RING11 1 PLUG 25 1 ELBOW SEAT 39 1 IMPELLER HOLDER 12 1 SHELF 26 1 PUMP BODY13 4 LEG 27 1 PUMP BACK COVER14 24 PAN SCREW 28 1 FILTER COVERElectrical Principle FigureNOTES:(3893999201604)COS14 14 Inch Cut Off Saw Assembly & Operating Instructions 12。

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Lesson 1: Considerations for Querying Data
Execution Plans Data Type Conversions Implicit Conversions Explicit Conversions with CAST and CONVERT Data Type Precedence
DECLARE vend_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM Purchasing.Vendor OPEN vend_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM vend_cursor CLOSE vend_cursor DEALLOCATE vend_cursor
Demonstration: Working with Cursors
Implemented on server
Implemented by Native Client ODBC
and ADO
Caches all result set rows on the client
Using Cursors
Process of using a cursor Associate and define characteristics Populate the cursor Retrieve rows in the cursor Modify data if needed Close and deallocate the cursor
Module 9: Using Advanced Techniques
Module 9: Using Advanced Techniques
Considerations for Querying Data Working with Data Types Cursors and Set-Based Queries Dynamic SQL Maintaining Query Files
Demonstration: Working with Date/Time Data
In this demonstration, you will learn how to:
Use the correct methods for working with various
date/time data types
Execution Plans
Shows how the Database Engine navigates tables and indexes View Estimated Execution Plan before query execution View Actual Execution Plan after execution Generate Execution Plans with: SQL Server Management Studio T-SQL SET options SQL Server Profiler
Demonstration: Using Execution Plans
In this demonstration, you will learn how to:
View estimated and actual execution plans
Data Type Conversions
Data Type Conversion scenarios Data is moved to, compared, or combined with other data Data is moved from a result column, return code, or output parameter into a program variable
In this demonstration, you will learn how to:
Use cursors to work with result sets
Understanding Set-Based Logic
Set-based logic SQL Server iterates through data Deals with results as a set instead of row-by-row
Implementing the hierarchyid Data Type
CREATE TABLE Organization ( EmployeeID hierarchyid, OrgLevel as EmployeeID.GetLevel(), EmployeeName nvarchar(50) NOT NULL ) ; GO
With explicit conversion, this statement succeeds DECLARE @label varchar(12), @pageno int SET @label='Page Number ' SET @pageno = 1 Print @label + CONVERT(varchar, @pageno)
Demonstration: Using the hierachyid Data Type
In this demonstration you will learn how to:
Work with the hierarchyid data type
Lesson 3: Cursors and Set-Based Queries
Demonstration: Understanding Data Type Conversion
In this demonstration, you will learn how to:
Understand explicit and implicit data type conversions Use CAST and CONVERT to explicitly convert data types
Understanding Cursors Cursor Implementations Using Cursors Understanding Set-Based rsors
Cursors extend processing of result sets Allow positioning at specific rows Retrieve one or more rows from the current position Support data modification Support different levels of visibility Provide T-SQL statements access to data
SET DATEFORMAT ydm GO DECLARE @datevar datetime SET @datevar = ‘2008/31/12' SELECT @datevar
SET DATEFORMAT ymd GO DECLARE @datevar datetime SET @datevar = ‘2008/12/31' SELECT @datevar
Explicit Conversions with CAST and CONVERT
Using CAST USE AdventureWorks2008; GO SELECT SUBSTRING(Name, 1, 30) AS ProductName, ListPrice FROM Production.Product WHERE CAST(ListPrice AS int) LIKE '3%'; GO
Working with Hierarchies
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX Org_Breadth_First ON Organization(OrgLevel, EmployeeID); GO
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Org_Depth_First ON Organization(EmployeeID); GO
Recommendations for Querying Date/Time Data
Date/Time values can be queried using numeric operators
such as =, >, and < as well as date/time functions.
Implicit Conversion Transparent to the user
Explicit Conversion Uses CAST or CONVERT
Implicit Conversions
DECLARE @firstname char(10) SET @firstname = 'Kevin' SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Person.Person WHERE @firstname = FirstName
Recommendations for Inserting Date/Time Data
Use correct format and language settings Use language independent formats for portability
SET DATEFORMAT mdy GO DECLARE @datevar datetime SET @datevar = '12/31/2008' SELECT @datevar
Data Type Precedence
Without explicit conversion, this statement fails DECLARE @label varchar(12), @pageno int SET @label='Page Number ' SET @pageno = 1 Print @label + @pageno