First version of a dataflow interchange format


Generalized network design problems

Generalized network design problems

Generalized Network Design ProblemsbyCorinne Feremans1,2Martine Labb´e1Gilbert Laporte3March20021Institut de Statistique et de Recherche Op´e rationnelle,Service d’Optimisation,CP210/01, Universit´e Libre de Bruxelles,boulevard du Triomphe,B-1050Bruxelles,Belgium,e-mail: Maastricht,Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Depart-ment,Quantitative Economics,P.O.Box616,6200MD Maastricht,The Netherlands,e-mail:C.Feremans@KE.unimaas.nl3Canada Research Chair in Distribution Management,´Ecole des Hautes´Etudes Com-merciales,3000,chemin de la Cˆo te-Sainte-Catherine,Montr´e al,Canada H3T2A7,e-mail: gilbert@crt.umontreal.ca1AbstractNetwork design problems consist of identifying an optimal subgraph ofa graph,subject to side constraints.In generalized network design prob-lems,the vertex set is partitioned into clusters and the feasibility conditionsare expressed in terms of the clusters.Several applications of generalizednetwork design problems arise in thefields of telecommunications,trans-portation and biology.The aim of this review article is to formally definegeneralized network design problems,to study their properties and to pro-vide some applications.1IntroductionSeveral classical combinatorial optimization problems can be cast as Network Design Problems(NDP).Broadly speaking,an NDP consists of identifying an optimal subgraph F of an undirected graph G subject to feasibility conditions. Well known NDPs are the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem(MSTP),the Trav-eling Salesman Problem(TSP)and the Shortest Path Problem(SPP).We are interested here in Generalized NDPs,i.e.,in problems where the vertex set of G is partitioned into clusters and the feasibility conditions are expressed in terms of the clusters.For example,one may wish to determine a minimum length tree spanning all the clusters,a Hamiltonian cycle through all the clusters,etc.Generalized NDPs are important combinatorial optimization problems in their own right,not all of which have received the same degree of attention by operational researchers.In order to solve them,it is useful to understand their structure and to exploit the relationships that link them.These problems also underlie several important applications areas,namely in thefields of telecommu-nications,transportation and biology.Our aim is to formally define generalized NDPs,to study their properties and to provide examples of their applications.We willfirst define an unified notational framework for these problems.This will be followed by complexity results and by the study of seven generalized NDPs.2Definitions and notationsAn undirected graph G=(V,E)consists of afinite non-empty vertex set V= {1,...,n}and an edge set E⊆{{i,j}:i,j∈V}.Costs c i and c ij are assigned to vertices and edges respectively.Unless otherwise specified,c i=0for i∈V and c ij≥0for{i,j}∈E.We denote by E(S)={{i,j}∈E:i,j∈S},the subset of edges having their two end vertices in S⊆V.A subgraph F of G is denoted2by F=(V F,E F),V F⊆V,E F⊆E(V F),and its cost c(F)is the sum of its vertex and edge costs.It is convenient to define an NDP as a problem P associated with a subset of terminal vertices T⊆V.A feasible solution to P is a subgraph F=(V F,E F),where T⊆V F,satisfying some side constraints.If T=V,then the NDP is spanning;if T⊂V,it is non-spanning.Let G(T)=(T,E(T))and denote by F P(T)the subset of feasible solutions to the spanning problem P de-fined on the graph G(T).Let S⊆V be such that S∩T=∅,and denote by F P(T,S)the set of feasible solutions of the non-spanning problem P on graph G(S∪T)that spans T,and possibly some vertices from S.In this framework,feasible NDP solutions correspond to a subset of edges satisfying some constraints.Natural spanning NDPs are the following.1.The Minimum Spanning Tree Problem(MSTP)(see e.g.,Magnanti andWolsey[45]).The MSTP is to determine a minimum cost tree on G that includes all the vertices of V.This problem is polynomially solvable.2.The Traveling Salesman Problem(TSP)(see e.g.,Lawler,Lenstra,RinnooyKan and Shmoys[42]).The TSP consists offinding a minimum cost cycle that passes through each vertex exactly once.This problem is N P-hard.3.The Minimum Perfect Matching Problem(MPMP)(see e.g.,Cook,Cun-ningham,Pulleyblank and Schrijver[8]).A matching M⊆E is a subset of edges such that each vertex of M is adjacent to at most one edge of M.A perfect matching is a matching that contains all the vertices of G.The problem consists offinding a perfect matching of minimum cost.This problem is polynomial.4.The Minimum2-Edge-Connected Spanning Network(M2ECN)(see e.g.,Gr¨o tschel,Monma and Stoer[26]and Mahjoub[46].The M2ECN consists offinding a subgraph with minimal total cost for which there exists two edge-disjoint paths between every pair of vertices.5.The Minimum Clique Problem(MCP).The MCP consists of determining aminimum total cost clique spanning all the vertices.This problem is trivial since the whole graph corresponds to an optimal solution.We also consider the following two non-spanning NDPs.1.The Steiner Tree Problem(STP)(see Winter[61]for an overview).TheSTP is to determine a tree on G that spans a set T of terminal vertices at minimum cost.A Steiner tree may contain vertices other than those of T.These vertices are called the Steiner vertices.This problem is N P-hard.32.The Shortest Path Problem(SPP)(see e.g.,Ahuja,Magnanti and Orlin[1]).Given an origin o and a destination d,o,d∈V,the SPP consists of deter-mining a path of minimum cost from o to d.This problem is polynomially solvable.It can be seen as a particular case of the STP where T={o,d}.In generalized NDPs,V is partitioned into clusters V k,k∈K.We now formally define spanning and non-spanning generalized NDPs.Definition1(“Exactly”generalization of spanning problem).Let G= (V,E)be a graph partitioned into clusters V k,k∈K.The“exactly”generaliza-tion of a spanning NDP P on G consists of identifying a subgraph F=(V F,E F) of G yieldingmin{c(F):|V F∩V k|=1,F∈F P( k∈K(V F∩V k))}.In other words,F must contain exactly one vertex per cluster.Two differ-ent generalizations are considered for non-spanning NDPs.Definition2(“Exactly”generalizations of non-spanning problem).Let G=(V,E)be a graph partitioned into clusters V k,k∈K,and let{K T,K S}be a partition of K.The“exactly”T-generalization of a non-spanning problem NDP P on G consists of identifying a subgraph F=(V F,E F)of G yielding min{c(F):|V F∩V k|=1,k∈K T,F∈F P( k∈K T(V F∩V k), k∈K S V k)}.The“exactly”S-generalization of a non-spanning problem NDP P on G consists of identifying a subgraph F=(V F,E F)of G yieldingmin{c(F):|V F∩V k|=1,k∈K S,F∈F P( k∈K T V k, k∈K S(V F∩V k))}.In other words,in the“exactly”T-generalization,F must contain exactly one vertex per cluster V k with k∈K T,and possibly other vertices in k∈K S V k.In the“exactly”S-generalization,F must contain exactly one vertex per cluster V k with k∈K S,and all vertices of k∈K T V k.We can replace|V F∩V k|=1in the above definitions by|V F∩V k|≥1 or|V F∩V k|≤1,leading to the“at least”version or“at most”version of the generalization.The“exactly”,“at least”and“at most”versions of a generalized NDP P are denoted by E-P,L-P and M-P,respectively.In the“at most”and in the“exactly”versions,intra-cluster edges are neglected.In this case,we call the graph G,|K|-partite complete.In the“at least”version the intra-cluster edges are taken into account.43Complexity resultsWe provide in Tables1and2the complexity of the generalized versions in their three respective forms(“exactly”,“at least”and“at most”)for the seven NDPs considered.Some of these combinations lead to trivial problems.Obviously,if a classical NDP is N P-hard,its generalization is also N P-hard.The indication“∅is opt”means that the empty set is feasible and is optimal for the correspond-ing problem.References about complexity results for the classical version of the seven problems considered can be found in Garey and Johnson[20].As can be seen from Table2,two cases of the generalized SPP are N P-hard by reduction from the Hamiltonian Path Problem(see Garey and Johnson[20]). Li,Tsao and Ulular[43]show that the“at most”S-generalization is polynomial if the shrunk graph is series-parallel but provide no complexity result for the gen-eral case.A shrunk graph G S=(V S,E S)derived from a graph G partitioned into clusters is defined as follows:V S contains one vertex for each cluster of G, and there exists an edge in E S whenever an edge between the two corresponding clusters exists in G.An undirected graph is series-parallel if it is not contractible to K4,the complete graph on four vertices.A graph G is contractible to an-other graph H if H can be obtained from G by deleting and contracting edges. Contracting an edge means that its two end vertices are shrunk and the edge is deleted.We now provide a short literature review and applications for each of the seven generalized NDPs considered.Table1:Complexity of classical and generalized spanning NDPs Problem MSTP TSP MPMP M2ECN MCP Classical Polynomial N P-hard Polynomial N P-hard Trivial,polynomial Exactly N P-hard[47]N P-hard Polynomial N P-hard N P-hard(with vertexcost)[35]At least N P-hard[31]N P-hard Polynomial N P-hard Equivalent toexactlyAt most∅is opt∅is opt∅is opt∅is opt∅is opt5Table2:Complexity of classical and generalized non-spanning NDPsProblem STP SPPClassical N P-hard PolynomialExactly T-generalization N P-hard PolynomialExactly S-generalization N P-hard N P-hardAt least T-generalization N P-hard PolynomialAt least S-generalization N P-hard N P-hardAt most T-generalization∅is opt∅is optAt most S-generalization N P-hard Polynomial if shrunk graphis series-parallel[43]4The generalized minimum spanning tree prob-lemThe Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem(E-GMSTP)is the problemoffinding a minimum cost tree including exactly one vertex from each vertexset from the partition(see Figure1a for a feasible E-GMSTP solution).Thisproblem was introduced by Myung,Lee and Tcha[47].Several formulations areavailable for the E-GMSTP(see Feremans,Labb´e and Laporte[17]).The Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree Problem in its“at least”version(L-GMSTP)is the problem offinding a minimum cost tree including at least onevertex from each vertex set from the partition(see Figure1b for a feasible solu-tion of L-GMSTP).This problem was introduced by Ihler,Reich and Widmayer[31]as a particular case of the Generalized Steiner Tree Problem(see Section9)under the name“Class Tree Problem”.Dror,Haouari and Chaouachi[11]showthat if the family of clusters covers V without being pairwise disjoint,then theL-GMSTP defined on this family can be transformed into the original L-GMSTPon a graph G′obtained by substituting each vertex v∈ ℓ∈L Vℓ,L⊆K by|L| copies vℓ∈Vℓ,ℓ∈L,and adding edges of weight zero between each pair of thesenew vertices(clique of weight zero between vℓforℓ∈L).This can be done aslong as there is nofixed cost on the vertices,and this transformation does nothold for the“exactly”version of the problem.Applications modeled by the E-GMSTP are encountered in telecommuni-cations,where metropolitan and regional networks must be interconnected by atree containing a gateway from each network.For this internetworking,a vertexhas to be chosen in each local network as a hub and the hub vertices must be con-nected via transmission links such as opticalfiber(see Myung,Lee and Tcha[47]).6Figure 1a: E−GMSTP Figure 1b: L−GMSTPFigure1:Feasible GMSTP solutionsThe L-GMSTP has been used to model and solve an important irrigation network design problem arising in desert environments,where a set of|K|poly-gon shaped parcels share a common source of water.Each parcel is represented by a cluster made up of the polygon vertices.Another cluster corresponds to the water source vertex.The problem consists of designing a minimal length irriga-tion network connecting at least one vertex from each parcel to the water source. This irrigation problem can be modeled as an L-GMSTP as follows.Edges corre-spond to the boundary lines of the parcel.The aim is to construct a minimal cost tree such that each parcel has at least one irrigation source(see Dror,Haouari and Chaouachi[11]).Myung,Lee and Tcha[47]show that the E-GMSTP is strongly N P-hard, using a reduction from the Node Cover Problem(see Garey and Johnson[20]). These authors also provide four integer linear programming formulations.A branch-and-bound method is developed and tested on instances involving up to 100vertices.For instances containing between120and200vertices,the method is stopped before thefirst branching.The lower bounding procedure is a heuris-tic method which approximates the linear relaxation associated with the dual of a multicommodityflow formulation for the E-GMSTP.A heuristic algorithm finds a primal feasible solution for the E-GMSTP using the lower bound.The branching strategy performed in this method is described in Noon and Bean[48].A cluster isfirst selected and branching is performed on each vertex of this cluster.In Faigle,Kern,Pop and Still[14],another mixed integer formulation for the E-GMSTP is given.The linear relaxation of this formulation is computed for a set of12instances containing up to120vertices.This seems to yield an7optimal E-GMSTP solution for all but one instance.The authors also use the subpacking formulation from Myung,Lee and Tcha[47]in which the integrality constraints are kept and the subtour constraints are added dynamically.Three instances containing up to75vertices are tested.A branch-and-cut algorithm for the same problem is described in Feremans[15].Several families of valid inequalities for the E-GMSTP are introduced and some of these are proved to be facet defiputational results show that instances involving up to200vertices can be solved to optimality using this method.A comparison with the computational results obtained in Myung,Lee and Tcha[47]shows that the gap between the lower bound and the upper bound obtained before branching is reduced by10%to20%.Pop,Kern and Still[51]provide a polynomial approximation algorithm for the E-GMSTP.Its worst-case ratio is bounded by2ρif the cluster size is bounded byρ.This algorithm is derived from the method described in Magnanti and Wolsey[45]for the Vertex Weighted Steiner Tree Problem(see Section9).Ihler,Reich,Widmayer[31]show that the decision version of the L-GMSTP is N P-complete even if G is a tree.They also prove that no constant worst-case ratio polynomial-time algorithm for the L-GMSTP exists unless P=N P,even if G is a tree on V with edge lengths1and0.They also develop two polynomial-time heuristics,tested on instances up to250vertices.Finally,Dror,Haouari and Chaouachi[11]provide three integer linear programming formulations for the L-GMSTP,two of which are not valid(see Feremans,Labb´e and Laporte[16]). The authors also describefive heuristics including a genetic algorithm.These heuristics are tested on20instances up to500vertices.The genetic algorithm performs better than the other four heuristics.An exact method is described in Feremans[15]and compared to the genetic algorithm in Dror,Haouari and Chaouachi[11].These results show that the genetic algorithm is time consuming compared to the exact approach of Feremans[15].Moreover the gap between the upper bound obtained by the genetic algorithm and the optimum value increases as the size of the problem becomes larger.5The generalized traveling salesman problem The Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem,denoted by E-GTSP,consists of finding a least cost cycle passing through each cluster exactly once.The sym-metric E-GTSP was introduced by Henry-Labordere[28],Saskena[56]and Sri-vastava,Kumar,Garg and Sen[60]who proposed dynamic programming formu-lations.Thefirst integer linear programming formulation is due to Laporte and Nobert[40]and was later enhanced by Fischetti,Salazar and Toth[18]who in-8troduced a number of facet defining valid inequalities for both the E-GTSP and the L-GTSP.In Fischetti,Salazar and Toth[19],a branch-and-cut algorithm is developed,based on polyhedral results developed in Fischetti,Salazar and Toth [18].This method is tested on instances whose edge costs satisfy the triangular inequality(for which E-GTSP and L-GTSP are equivalent).Moreover heuristics producing feasible E-GTSP solutions are provided.Noon[50]has proposed several heuristics for the GTSP.The most sophis-ticated heuristic published to date is due to Renaud and Boctor[53].It is a generalization of the heuristic proposed in Renaud,Boctor and Laporte[54]for the classical TSP.Snyder and Daskin[59]have developed a genetic algorithm which is compared to the branch-and-cut algorithm of Fischetti,Salazar and Toth[19]and to the heuristics of Noon[50]and of Renaud and Boctor[53].This genetic algorithm is slightly slower than other heuristics,but competitive with the CPU times obtained in Fischetti,Salazar and Toth[19]on small instances, and noticeably faster on the larger instances(containing up to442vertices).Approximation algorithms for the GTSP with cost function satisfying the triangle inequality are described in Slav´ık[58]and in Garg,Konjevod and Ravi [21].A non-polynomial-time approximation heuristic derived from Christofides heuristic for the TSP[7]is presented in Dror and Haouari[10];it has a worst-case ratio of2.Transformations of the GTSP instances into TSP instances are studied in Dimitrijevi´c and Saric[9],Laporte and Semet[41],Lien,Ma and Wah[44],Noon and Bean[49].According to Laporte and Semet[41],they do not provide any significant advantage over a direct approach since the TSP resulting from the transformation is highly degenerate.The GTSP arises in several application contexts,several of which are de-scribed in Laporte,Asef-Vaziri and Sriskandarajah[38].These are encountered in post box location(Labb´e and Laporte[36])and in the design of postal deliv-ery routes(Laporte,Chapleau,Landry,and Mercure[39]).In thefirst problem the aim is to select a post box location in each zone of a territory in order to achieve a compromise between user convenience and mail collection costs.In the second application,collection routes must be designed through several post boxes at known locations.Asef-Vaziri,Laporte,and Sriskandarajah[3]study the problem of optimally designing a loop-shaped system for material transportation in a factory.The factory is partitioned into|K|rectilinear zones and the loop must be adjacent to at least one side of each zone,which can be formulated as a GTSP.The GTSP can also be used to model a simple case of the stochastic vehicle routing problem with recourse(Dror,Laporte and Louveaux[12])and some families of arc routing problems(Laporte[37]).In the latter application,a9symmetric arc routing problem is transformed into an equivalent vertex routing problem by replacing edges by vertices.Since the distance from edge e1to edge e2depends on the traversal direction,each edge is represented by two vertices, only one of which is used in the solution.This gives rise to a GTSP.6The generalized minimum perfect matching problemThe E-GMPMP and L-GMPMP are polynomial.Indeed,the E-GMPMP remains a classical MPMP on the shrunk graph,where c kℓ:=min{c ij:i∈V k,j∈Vℓ}for {k,ℓ}∈E S.Moreover the L-GMPMP can be reduced to the E-GMPMP.7The generalized minimum2-edge-connected network problemThe Generalized Minimum Cost2-Edge-Connected Network Problem(E-G2ECN) consists offinding a minimum cost2-edge-connected subgraph that contains ex-actly one vertex from each cluster(Figure2).Figure2:A feasible E-G2ECN solutionThis problem arises in the context of telecommunications when copper wire is replaced with high capacity opticfiber.Because of its high capacity,this new technology allows for tree-like networks.However,this new network becomes failure-sensitive:if one edge breaks,all the network is disconnected.To avoid this situation,the network has to be reliable and must fulfill survivability condi-tions.Since two failures are not likely to occur simultaneously,it seems reasonable to ask for a2-connected network.10This problem is a generalization of the GMSTP.Local networks have to be interconnected by a global network;in every local network,possible locations for a gate(location where the global network and local networks can be intercon-nected)of the global network are given.This global network has to be connected, survivable and of minimum cost.The E-G2ECNP and the L-G2ECNP are studied in Huygens[29].Even when the edge costs satisfy the triangle inequality,the E-G2ECNP and the L-G2ECNP are not equivalent.These problems are N P-hard.There cannot exist a polynomial-time heuristic with bounded worst-case ratio for E-G2ECNP.In Huy-gens[29],new families of facet-defining inequalities for the polytope associated with L-G2ECNP are provided and heuristic methods are described.8The generalized minimum clique problemIn the Generalized Minimum Clique Problem(GMCP)non-negative costs are associated with vertices and edges and the graph is|K|-partite complete.The GMCP consists offinding a subset of vertices containing exactly one vertex from each cluster such that the cost of the induced subgraph(the cost of the selected vertices plus the cost of the edges in the induced subgraph)is minimized(see Figure3).Figure3:A feasible GMSCP solutionThe GMCP appears in the formulation of particular Frequency Assignment Problems(FAP)(see Koster[34]).Assume that“...we have to assign a frequency to each transceiver in a mobile telephone network,a vertex corresponds to a transceiver.The domain of a vertex is the set of frequencies that can be assigned to that transceiver.An edge indicates that communication from one transceiver may interfere with communication from the other transceiver.The penalty of an11edge reflects the priority with which the interference should be avoided,whereas the penalty of a vertex can be seen as the level of preference for the frequen-cies.”(Koster,Van Hoesel and Kolen[35]).The GMCP can also be used to model the conformations occurring in pro-teins(see Althaus,Kohlbacher,Lenhof and M¨u ller[2]).These conformations can be adequately described by a rather small set of so-called rotamers for each amino-acid.The problem of the prediction of protein complex from the structures of its single components can then be reduced to the search of the set of rotamers, one for each side chain of the protein,with minimum energy.This problem is called the Global Minimum Energy Conformation(GMEC).The GMEC can be formulated as follows.Each residue side chain of the protein can take a number of possible rotameric states.To each side chain is associated a cluster.The vertices of this cluster represent the possible rotameric states for this chain.The weight on the vertices is the energy associated with the chain in this rotameric state. The weight on the edges is the energy coming from the combination of rotameric states for different side chains.The GMCP is N P-hard(Koster,Van Hoesel and Kolen[35]).Results of polyhedral study for the GCP were embedded in a cutting plane approach by these authors to solve difficult instances of frequency assignment problems. The structure of the graph in the frequency assignment application is exploited using tree decomposition approach.This method gives good lower bounds for difficult instances.Local search algorithms to solve FAP are also investigated. Two techniques are presented in Althaus,Kohlbacher,Lenhof and M¨u ller[2]to solve the GMEC:a“multi-greedy”heuristic and a branch-and-cut algorithm. Both methods are able to predict the correct complex structure on the instances tested.9The generalized Steiner tree problemThe standard generalization of the STP is the T-Generalized Steiner Tree Prob-lem in its“at least”version(L-GSTP).Let T⊆V be partitioned into clusters. The L-GSTP consists offinding a minimum cost tree of G containing at least one vertex from each cluster.This problem is also known as the Group Steiner Tree Problem or the Class Steiner Tree Problem.Figure4depicts a feasible L-GSTP solution.The L-GSTP is a generalization of the L-GMSTP since the L-GSTP defined on a family of clusters describing a partition of V is a L-GMSTP.This problem was introduced by Reich and Widmayer[52].The L-GSTP arises in wire-routing with multi-port terminals in physical Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI)design.The traditional model assuming sin-12Figure4:A feasible L-GSTP solutiongle ports for each of the terminals to be connected in a net of minimum length is a case of the classical STP.When the terminal is a collection of different pos-sible ports,so that the net can be connected to any one of them,we have an L-GSTP:each terminal is a collection of ports and we seek a minimum length net containing at least one port from each terminal group.The multiple port locations for a single terminal may also model different choices of placing a single port by rotating or mirroring the module containing the port in the placement (see Garg,Konjevod and Ravi[21]).More detailed applications of the L-GSTP in VLSI design can be found in Reich and Widmayer[52].The L-GSTP is N P-hard because it is a generalization of an N P-hard problem.When there are no Steiner vertices,the L-GSTP remains N P-hard even if G is a tree(see Section4).This is a major difference from the classical STP(if we assume that either there is no Steiner vertices or that G is a tree,the complexity of STP becomes polynomial).Ihler,Reich and Widmayer[31]show that the graph G can be transformed(in linear time)into a graph G′(without clusters)such that an optimal Steiner tree on G′can be transformed back into an optimal generalized Steiner tree in G.Therefore,any algorithm for the STP yields an algorithm for the L-GSTP.Even if there exist several contributions on polyhedral aspects(see among others Goemans[24],Goemans and Myung[23],Chopra and Rao[5],[6])and exact methods(see for instance Koch and Martin[33])for the classical problem, only a few are known,as far as we are aware,for the L-GSTP.Polyhedral aspects are studied in Salazar[55]and a lower bounding procedure is described in Gillard and Yang[22].13A number of heuristics for the L-GSTP have been proposed.Early heuris-tics for the L-GSTP are developed in Ihler[30]with an approximation ratio of |K|−1.Two polynomial-time heuristics are tested on instances up to250vertices in Ihler,Reich and Widmayer[31],while a randomized algorithm with polylog-arithmic approximation guarantee is provided in Garg,Konjevod,Ravi[21].A series of polynomial-time heuristics are described in Helvig,Robins,Zelikovsky [27]with worst-case ratio of O(|K|ǫ)forǫ>0.These are proved to empirically outperform one of the heuristic developed in Ihler,Reich and Widmayer[31].In the Vertex Weighted Steiner Tree Problem(VSTP)introduced by Segev [57],weights are associated with the vertices in V.These weights can be negative, in which case they represent profit gained by selecting the vertex.The problem consists offinding a minimum cost Steiner tree(the sum of the weights of the selected vertices plus the sum of the weights of the selected edges).This problem is a special case of the Directed Steiner Tree Problem(DSP)(see Segev[57]). Given a directed graph G=(V,A)with arc weights,afixed vertex and a subset T⊆V,the DSP requires the identification of a minimum weighted directed tree rooted at thefixed vertex and spanning T.The VSTP has been extensively studied(see Duin and Volgenant[13],Gorres[25],Goemans and Myung[23], Klein and Ravi[32]).As far as we know,no Generalized Vertex Weighted Steiner Tree Problem has been addressed.An even more general problem would be the Vertex Weighted Directed Steiner Tree Problem.10The generalized shortest path problemLi,Tsao and Ulular[43]describe an S-generalization of the SPP in its“at most”version(M-GSPP).Let o and d be two vertices of G and assume that V\{o,d}is partitioned into clusters.The M-GSPP consists of determining a shortest path from o to d that contains at most one vertex from each cluster.Note that the T-generalization is of no interest since it reduces to computing the shortest paths between all the pairs of vertices belonging to the two different clusters.In the problem considered by Li,Tsao and Ulular[43],each vertex is as-signed a non-negative weight.The problem consists offinding a minimum cost path from o to d such that the total vertex weight on the path in each traversed cluster does not exceed a non-negative integerℓ(see Figure5).This problem with ℓ=1and vertex weights equal to one for each vertex coincides with the M-GSPP.The problem arises in optimizing the layout of private networks embedded in a larger telecommunication network.A vertex in V\{o,d}represents a digital cross connect center(DCS)that treats the information and insures the transmis-sion.A cluster corresponds to a collection of DCS located at the same location14。

Introduction to Data Mining

Introduction to Data Mining

Introduction to Data MiningData mining is a process of extracting useful information from large datasets by using various statistical and machine learning techniques. It is a crucial part of the field of data science and plays a key role in helping businesses make informed decisions based on data-driven insights.One of the main goals of data mining is to discover patterns and relationships within data that can be used to make predictions or identify trends. This can help businesses improve their marketing strategies, optimize their operations, and better understand their customers. By analyzing large amounts of data, data mining algorithms can uncover hidden patterns that may not be immediately apparent to human analysts.There are several different techniques that are commonly used in data mining, including classification, clustering, association rule mining, and anomaly detection. Classification involves categorizing data points into different classes based on their attributes, while clustering groups similar data points together. Association rule mining identifies relationships between different variables, and anomaly detection detects outliers or unusual patterns in the data.In order to apply data mining techniques effectively, it is important to have a solid understanding of statistics, machine learning, and data analytics. Data mining professionals must be able to preprocess data, select appropriate algorithms, and interpret the results of their analyses. They must also be able to communicate their findings effectively to stakeholders in order to drive business decisions.Data mining is used in a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and telecommunications. In finance, data mining is used to detect fraudulent transactions and predict market trends. In healthcare, it is used to analyze patient data and improve treatment outcomes. In retail, it is used to optimize inventory management and personalize marketing campaigns. In telecommunications, it is used to analyze network performance and customer behavior.Overall, data mining is a powerful tool that can help businesses gain valuable insights from their data and make more informed decisions. By leveraging the latest advances in machine learning and data analytics, organizations can stay competitive in today's data-driven world. Whether you are a data scientist, analyst, or business leader, understanding the principles of data mining can help you unlock the potential of your data and drive success in your organization.。



I G I T C W技术 研究Technology Study44DIGITCW2023.10从当前的网络发展形势来看,5G/LTE (长期演进)双网共存并存仍然是通信的主流趋势。

从用户角度出发,由于5G 网络的带宽大、网速快,使用感知更好。

倘若网络优化不完善、参数设置不合理等因素,导致大量5G 终端用户仍然驻留在4G 网络上,造成4G 网络负荷高、5G 网络空闲的高倒流现象,无法将5G 网络资源有效转换成为收入。

结合实际案例分析,我们摸索出了一套通过配置无线侧网络参数来解决5G 网络高倒流问题的策略和方法,提升5G 用户驻留比,提高5G 网络投资效益。

1 5G网络高倒流原因分析5G 网络高倒流小区定义:在4G 网络和5G 网络共同覆盖的区域,当该区域内的5G 用户产生的4G 流量占比大于30%,即定义为高倒流小区。

由于目前5G 网络处于建设期,网络覆盖范围相对于4G 网络存在一定的差距,其中一部分由于参数设置不合理,导致5G 网络的业务会回落至4G 网络,造成5G 流量倒流,5G 基站和4G 基站的负荷不均衡[1]。

1.1 5G网络覆盖分析运营商在5G 网络工程建设当中,为充分利用现有4G 杆塔资源进行建设,同时为降低投资,4G 网络与5G 网络基本都是共址建设。

前期在4G 网络建设过程中,为保证网络覆盖能力,天线多是占用最优势的点位,而5G 网络建设时只能依据现有天面剩余资源进行建设。

因此5G 天线安装时往往无法使用最佳天面位置,5G 网络覆盖能力与4G 网络相比存在较大差距,造成5G 网络深度覆盖能力弱于4G 网络。

1.2 无线参数分析4G/5G 的无线参数对5G 小区高倒流也存在影响,4G/5G 的互操作参数的配置策略会收缩5G 网络真实的覆盖范围。

包括空闲态的5G 用户驻留策略(4G/5G 网络间的小区重选流程)和连接态的驻留策略(4G/5G网络间的异系统切换与覆盖重定向流程)[2]。



CDA LEVELⅠ业务分析师_模拟题:一、单选1.北京市统计局发布2014年度全市职工平均工资为77560元,月平均工资为6463元.众多网友直呼“被平均”,你认为下面哪种统计量测度平均工资会更被信服()A几何平均数B众数C极差D中位数答案:D2.某企业2000年实现利润为200万元,2005年为300万元,则年平均增长速度为()A.5%B.11%C.10%D.8.4%答案:D3.当一组数据属于左偏分布时,则()A.平均数、中位数与众数是合而为一的B.众数在左边、平均数在右边C.众数的数值较小、平均数的数值较大D.众数在右边、平均数在左边答案:D4.作为一家制造类企业,以下哪个图适合比较不同产品各年的销售变化情况()A.分组饼形图B.堆叠面积图C.堆叠柱形图D.分组柱形图答案:D5.横截面数据主要注意以下哪个数据问题()A.异方差B.不独立C.非正态分布D.不随机答案:A.6.以下叙述正确的是()A.极差较少受异常值的影响B.四分位差较少受异常值的影响C.方差较少受异常值的影响D.标准差较少受异常值的影响答案:B。


A、单样本t检验B、两独立样本t检验C、两配对样本t检验D、方差分析答案:C9.中心极限定理的假设不包括()A.样本相互独立B.样本具有相同分布C.样本足够大D.样本服从正态分布答案:D10.下列场合下,()适合用t检验统计量A.样本为小样本,且总体方差已知B.样本为大样本,且总体方差已知C.样本为小样本,且总体方差未知D.样本为大样本,且总体方差未知答案:C11.方差分析表表如下,值20应填在哪个位置上()方差来源离差平方和自由度均方差F值组间14245.8334748.61 2.16组内A B C总和D23答案:B12.某信用卡公司为了分析客户教育程度对授信额度是否有显著性差异,已知教育程度分为5种,每个教育程度取30个客户,则因素的水平为()A5B6C30D15013.给出下列结论:(1)在回归分析中,可用指数系数R方的值判断模型的拟合效果,R方越大,模型的拟合效果越好;(2)在回归分析中,可用残差平方和判断模型的拟合效果,残差平方和越大,模型的拟合效果越好;(3)在回归分析中,可用相关系数r的值判断模型的拟合效果,r越小,模型的拟合效果越好;(4)在回归分析中,可用残差图判断模型的拟合效果,残差点比较均匀地落在水平的带状区域中,说明这样的模型比较合适.带状区域的宽度越窄,说明模型的拟合精度越高.以上结论中,正确的有(B)个.A.1B.2C.3D.414.下列关系中,属于正相关关系的有()A.合理限度内,施肥量和平均单位产量之间的关系B.产品产量与单位产品成本之间的关系C.商品的流通费用与销售利润之间的关系D.流通费用率与商品销售量之间的关系答案:A15.下列关于SQL的说法错误的是()A SQL对大小写不敏感B SQL为非过程化编程语言C不同的数据库的SQL完全一致D一种数据库查询和程序设计语言,用于存取数据以及查询、更新和管理关系数据库系统答案:C16.要查询book表中所有书名中以“中国”开头的书籍的价格,可用()语句。







A:围栏模型B:OCR文字识别C:舆情分析模型D:人脸识别【答案】:C7.对于navigate(self, url, *, wait=True, timeout=100),下列说法正确的是?A:在原网页的页面跳转到一个链接B:从一个网页跳转到另一个已经打开的网页链接C:和create一样创建一个新的网页D:和catch一样捕获一个网页【答案】:A8.Python在人工智能大范畴领域内的()等方面都是主流的编程语言,得到广泛的支持和应用。





Distributed Generation (DG) ManualDecember 3, 2020 (7th Edition)Revision 1.0December 3, 2020 Application for Interconnection of DG Page 46 of86Appendix DApplication for Interconnection of DGAPPLICATION FOR INTERCONNECTION OF DISTRIBUTEDGENERATION (DG Application)Must be completed for any size or type of DG1.All DG Owners must complete this Section regardless of size or typeDG Owner’s Name(s):__________________________________________________________DG Owner’s Mailing Address (specific including zip code):____________________________DG Site Address (include zip code):DG Owner’s Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Account Number (if applicable):Telephone (normal): (emergency):Information Prepared and Submitted By:Name:Address:Contact Number (24hrs. / 7days a wk.):______________________________________________ Email:Signature (required): Date:Name of DG Owner or DG Owner’s designated representative who can be contacted by CPS Energy at any time throughout ownership of DG system in case of emergency or important issues concerning the DG System.DG Owner or DG Owner’s designated representative(if not same as above):Contact Number (24hrs. / 7days a wk.):Email:Installer/Contractor (if not same as above):Contact Number (24hrs. / 7days a wk.):Email:The following information shall be supplied by the DG Owner or DG Owner’s designated representative and/or contractor. All applicable items must be accurately completed in order that the DG Owner’s generating facilities may be effectively evaluated by CPS ENERGY for interconnection.Is this DG System an upgrade to the existing DG System installed? Yes No Number of units/Configuration of modules:Module manufacturer:Type (Synchronous, Induction, Backup or Inverter):Fuel Source Type (Solar, Natural Gas, Wind, etc.):Kilowatt rating for this installation (95° F): kW ac Kilowatt rating for existing installation (95° F) (if applicable): kW ac Total aggregated Kilowatt Rating for DG installation (95° F): kW ac Kilovolt-Ampere Rating (95° F): kVA ac Power Factor:Voltage Rating: V ac Amperage Rating: A ac Frequency: Hz Number of Phases:If DG is a Grid-Tied system, amount expected to be exported to grid: kW acInstructions:For DG Systems with total capacity (including aggregate) less than 25 kW ac in a single parcel of property with single or multiple meters, complete section 2 and initial, sign, and date the last page of the application.For DG Systems with total capacity (including aggregate) of 25 kW ac and greater in a single parcel of property with single or multiple meters, or DG Systems of any size within the Downtown Network Area, complete sections 3 to 6 and initial, sign, and date the last page of the application.2.DG Systems with Total Capacity (Including Aggregate) Less Than 25 KW ac ina Single Parcel of Property with Single or Multiple MetersSubmit the following information:Detailed operational one-line diagramSite planMeter loop drawing (elevation view)/ Proposed Equipment Layout“Visible” disconnect device or breaker and include the following ratings as applicable: Full Load Rating, Momentary Rating, Interrupting ratingShow all protective devices and include as applicable size, rating, manufacturer, type, style, model, settingsNote: All drawings to scale – email in PDF format to****************Expected Start-up Date:Please describe the Normal Operation of Interconnection, provide operating procedure: (examples: provide power to meet base load, demand management, standby, back-up, other)Also, will the DG parallel continuously with CPS Energy? If only paralleling momentarily, forIf the type is not an Inverter, provide RMS Symmetrical Short Circuit Current and X/R Ratio at Rated Voltage at point of common coupling for:Line-to Ground Fault: X/R:3-Phase Fault: X/R:Wiring ConfigurationSingle or 3-Phase Winding Configuration Neutral Grounding System Used: (Choosewell if applicable6.Anti-Islanding ProtectionCPS Energy Instructions: Please describe in detail the anti-islanding protection scheme, as well as, the worst-case time delay for shutting down the DG system. Indicate how long it takes the DG system to disconnect from the grid. Anti-islanding sensing must meet the NEC, IEEE 1547-2018, and UL 1741.Specify the type of DG system you are applying for below:I am applying for a DG Systems with total capacity (including aggregate) of less than25 kW ac in a single parcel of property with single or multiple metersI am applying for a DG Systems with total capacity (including aggregate) of 25 kW ac orgreater in a single parcel of property with single or multiple metersIs the DG system on the Downtown Distribution Network system?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPS Energy internal use onlyCPS Energy Reviewer Comments:CPS Energy Reviewer Name (Print):Signature: Date:By executing this Application, the DG Owner, or its authorized representative, certifies that the information in the Application is true and accurate and DG Owner certifies that they have read, understand and agree to comply with all CPS Energy terms and conditions as stated or incorporated in the current DG Manual, including the Interconnection Requirements and the Interconnection Terms,applicable CPS Energy Rates and Riders, Rules and Regulations and Service Standards, which shall prevail over any inconsistent provisions in any form or acknowledgement submitted by the DG Owner. Any additional terms or different terms proposed by DG Owner are rejected unless expressly agreed to in writing by CPS Energy.DG Owner or authorized representative printed name, Title/Position:__________________________________________Signature: ____________________________ Date: ______________________________。

《海量数据处理》专辑 前言

《海量数据处理》专辑 前言

务 智能 的 大型数 据 中心 建设 以及 当代 科学 研究 理和计 算 的三
个 重要 领域 . W e 用 而言 , 就 b应 传统 的电子 商务 系统 和 搜 索 引擎 应 用 以及 正 在 兴 起 的社 会 网 络 和社 会
计 算是 典 型 的“ 以数 据 为 中心” 的应用 . 电子商 务 和搜 索 引擎 厂 商 已经 经 过 了早 期 的粗 放 式 的 仅仅 依 靠
创 新 的商业 模式 就 取得 成功 的发 展 阶段 , 他们 的核 心 业务 已经 变成 了商 品 推荐 、 客户 关 系 管 理 、 销 策 促 略设计 、 告关 键 字竞标 、 告投 放等 . 广 广 而这些 业务 完全 依 赖于 海量 的客 户行 为数 据 以及 We b内容 和结 构 数 据 的分析 . 社会 网络和 社会 计算 则是 更加 综合 性 的应 用 , 互 性更 强 , 据 的产生 和来 源也 更多 . 交 数 其 成 功 的商 业模 式必 然需 要精 细 的快速 的数 据处 理 和分 析 . 了商业 应用 外 , 除 社会 网络 和社 会分 析对 于政 府 把 握 民众意 愿 、 了解社 会 热点 问题 、 善 管理 、 时 化解 社 会 矛 盾 等 具 有 重 要 的 意义 . 商 务智 能 方 改 及 在 面, 随着 技术 的进 步和 理念 的更 新 , 型 数据 中心 的建 设 已被大 型 跨 国跨 地 域 企业 、 大 政府 服 务 机 构提 上
《 量数 据处 理 》 辑 前 言 海 专
周傲 英
16 9 5年 , 据库领 域 第 一个 获 得 图灵 奖 的计 算 机 科 学 家 C alsB c ma 表 了 他 的 重 要 论 文 数 h re a h n发
“n e rtdDaaSo e , Itgae t tr” 向世 人 介绍 了世 界 上第一 个数 据 库 系统 I . 一事 件 标 志着 数 据 库 的诞 生. DS 这

课文参考译文 (1)-信息科学与电子工程专业英语(第2版)-吴雅婷-清华大学出版社

课文参考译文 (1)-信息科学与电子工程专业英语(第2版)-吴雅婷-清华大学出版社

Unit 16 大数据和云计算Unit 16-1第一部分:大数据当前,全世界迎来数据大爆炸的时代。



















EN 55022-2010

EN 55022-2010

EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 55022NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMDecember 2010CENELECEuropean Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische NormungManagement Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels© 2010 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members. Ref. No. EN 55022:2010 EICS 33.100.10 Supersedes EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007 + A2:2010English versionInformation technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement(CISPR 22:2008, modified)Appareils de traitement de l'information - Caractéristiques des perturbations radioélectriques -Limites et méthodes de mesure (CISPR 22:2008, modifiée) Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik - Funkstöreigenschaften -Grenzwerte und Messverfahren (CISPR 22:2008, modifiziert)This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2010-12-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---EN 55022:2010- 2 -ForewordThe text of the International Standard CISPR 22:2008, prepared by CISPR SC I, "Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers", together with common modifications prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 210, "Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)", was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by CENELEC as EN 55022 on 2010-12-01.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN and CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.This document supersedes EN 55022:2006 + A1:2007 + FprA2:2009. The following dates were fixed:– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented at national level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement(dop)2011-12-01 – latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the EN have to be withdrawn(dow)2013-12-01This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and covers essential requirements of EC Directives 2004/108/EC and 1999/5/EC. See Annex ZZ. Annexes ZA and ZZ have been added by CENELEC._________Endorsement noticeThe text of the International Standard CISPR 22:2008 was approved by CENELEC as a European Standard with agreed common modifications as given below.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---- 3 - EN 55022:2010BS EN 55022:2010Annex ZAPublication Year Title EN/HD YearCISPR 16-1-1 A1 Specification for radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus and methods -Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus - Measuring apparatusEN 55016-1-1A120072007CISPR 16-1-4 Specification for radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus and methods -Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus - Ancillary equipment -Radiated disturbancesEN 55016-1-4 2007 Publication Year Title EN/HD YearCISPR 16-2-3 A1 20032005Specification for radio disturbance and immunitymeasuring apparatus and methods -Part 2-3: Methods of measurement ofdisturbances and immunity – Radiateddisturbance measurementsEN 55016-2-3A120042005(informative)--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---EN 55022:2010- 4 -BS EN 55022:2010Annex ZZ (informative)Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC DirectivesThis European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and within its scope the standard covers essential requirements as given in Annex I Article 1(a) of the EC Directive 2004/108/EC, and essential requirements of Article 3.1(b) (emission only) of the EC Directive 1999/5/EC.Compliance with this standard provides one means of conformity with the specified essential requirements of the Directives concerned.WARNING: Other requirements and other EC Directives may be applicable to the products falling within the scope of this standard.______________--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---This page deliberately set blankSC CIS/I/Publication CISPR 22 (2008), Sixth edition/I-SH 01INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT – RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS – LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENTINTERPRETATION SHEET 1This interpretation sheet has been prepared by CISPR subcommittee I: Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers, of IEC technical committee CISPR: International special committee on radio interference. The text of this interpretation sheet is based on the following documents:ISHReport on votingCISPR/I/299/ISH CISPR/I/312/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this interpretation sheet can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.___________Introduction:At the CISPR SC I plenary, held on the 27thOctober 2007, a decision was taken to set the maintenance date for CISPR 22, Edition 6 to 2012. As a result the work identified within CISPR/I/279/MCR will not be started for the time being. At the subsequent meeting of CISPR SC I WG3 it was decided that certain items within the MCR would benefit now from further clarification and an interpretation sheet would be helpful to users of the standard, with the intent of including this information in a future amendment to the standard.This information does not change the standard; it serves only to clarify the points noted. CISPR SC I WG3 hopes that these clarifications will be of use to users and especially laboratories testing to CISPR 22, Edition 6.0. The document is based on the comments received on CISPR/I/290/DC. Interpretation:1. Selection of Average detectorCISPR 22 defines limits for radiated emissions at frequencies between 1 GHz and 6 GHz with respect to both average and peak detectors. CISPR 16-1-1 defines two types of Average detector for use above 1 GHz. For the limits given in CISPR 22 the appropriate average detector is the linear average detector defined in 6.4.1 of CISPR 16-1-1:2006 with its Amendments 1:2006 and 2:2007.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---2. Measurement of conducted emissions on cabinets containing multiple items of equipmentWhere the EUT is a cabinet or rack that contains multiple items of equipment that are powered from an AC power distribution strip and where the AC power distribution strip is an integral part of the EUT as declared by the manufacturer, the AC power line conducted emissions should be measured on the input cable of power distribution strip that leaves the cabinet or rack, not the power cables from the individual items of equipment. This is consistent with the requirements in 9.5.1 paragraph 1 and sub paragraph c).___________BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---BS EN 55022:2010– 1 –SC CIS I/Publication CISPR 22:2008, Sixth edition/I-SH 02INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT –RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS –LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENTINTERPRETATION SHEET 2This interpretation sheet has been prepared by CISPR subcommittee I: Electromagnetic compatibility of information technology equipment, multimedia equipment and receivers, of IEC technical committee CISPR: International special committee on radio interference.The text of this interpretation sheet is based on the following documents:ISH Report on votingCISPR/I//323/ISH CISPR/I/326/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this interpretation sheet can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.___________IntroductionAt the CISPR SC I plenary, held on the 27th October 2007, a decision was taken to set the maintenance date for CISPR 22, Edition 6 to 2012. As a result the work identified within CISPR/I/279/MCR will not be started for the time being. At the subsequent meeting of CISPR SC I WG3 it was decided that 3 items within the MCR would benefit now from further clarification and an interpretation sheet would be helpful to users of the standard, with the intent of including this information in a future amendment to the standard.The first draft of an interpretation sheet CISPR/I/290/DC addressed the 3 items, however it was clear from the comments received (CISPR/I/293A/INF) that further work was required on the 3rd item related to ISN selection, and it was decided that this would be the subject of a separate document.This information does not change the standard; it serves only to clarify the points noted. CISPR SC I WG3 hopes that these clarifications will be of use to users and especially laboratories testing to CISPR 22:2008 (Edition 6.0).Selection of ISN for unscreened balanced multi-pair cablesSubclause of CISPR 22 states that:“When disturbance voltage measurements are performed on a single unscreened balanced pair, an adequate ISN for two wires shall be used; when performed on unscreened cables containing two balanced pairs, an adequate ISN for four wires shall be used; when performed on unscreened cables containing four balanced pairs, an adequate ISN for eight wires shall be used (see Annex D)”Therefore the selection of ISN is based on the number of pairs physically in the cable, not the number of pairs actually used by the interface in question.--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---– 2 –However, selection of a suitable ISN design from the examples given in Annex D requires further consideration. The ISN designs given in Figures D.4 to D.7 are only appropriate for use where all of the balanced pairs in the cable are ‘active’ and hence their use requires a more detailed knowledge of the EUT port being tested. The ISN designs given in Figures D.1 to D.3 have no such limitation and are better suited to applications where the actual use of the pairs is unknown.The ISN designs given in Figures D.2 and D.3 are also suitable for measurements on unscreened cables containing fewer balanced pairs than the maximum number of pairs the ISN is designed for (see example 2).The following definitions have been developed to help in determining what should be considered an ‘active’ pair of conductors:An active pair is a pair of conductors that completes an active digital, analogue, or power circuit, or is terminated in a defined impedance, or is connected to earth or the equipment frame/chassis.NOTE These circuits include such applications as "Power over Ethernet".A circuit is an a ctive circuit when it is in a state that is performing its intended function, which may include communications, voltage/current sensing, impedance matching or power supply.NOTE A conductor with no intended function is not part of an active circuit.A measurement using an ISN described in Figures D.4 to D.7, when not all of the pairs are ‘active’, may result in a significant error in the measured emissions. It is therefore important that test laboratories determine on which of the designs given in the annexes their particular ISNs are based. From this they can then determine if they need to establish the number of ‘active’ pairs within the cable or not and then whether their ISNs are suitable for the port being measured or whether an alternative measurement technique needs to be used. This is applicable when measuring in accordance with or It is recommended that test reports should make reference to:• the ISN category used;• the Annex D figure corresponding to their particular ISN design;• the total number of pairs in the cable and number of these that where active. Example 1:The EUT has an Ethernet port to which either a CAT 5 or 6 cable is connected. Typically these cables have four pairs requiring use of a four pair ISN. Transmission using 1000Base-T Ethernet protocol uses all four pairs of a typical cable. Transmission using 10Base-T and 100 Base-T Ethernet protocol uses only two of the four pairs for communication. One of the following ISNs could therefore be used:1) ISN as shown in Figure D.3, or2) ISN as shown in Figures D.6 or D.7 if it is known that all the pairs within the cable are‘active’. This would be the case if a 1000BaseT Ethernet protocol were being used. These ISNs would also be suitable for 10BaseT or 100BaseT protocol if the unused pairs have controlled terminations in the EUT port by design, making all pairs ‘active’ from an EMC perspective. Should an EUT with an Ethernet port be provided with a cable that contains only 2 pairs within it, then any of the following types of ISN could be used: D2, D3, D4 or D5.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---– 3 –Example 2:The EUT has a single ADSL port and is provided with a cable containing 2 pairs. ADSL is a single pair system so only 1 pair is active. The following ISNs could be used:1) ISN as shown in Figure D.2 or D.3.Cable length between ISN and EUT when measuring telecommunication portsSubclause 9.5.1 of CISPR 22 requires that the distance between the ISN and the EUT be nominally 0.8m and also clause 9.5.2 states that:“Signal cables shall be positioned for their entire lengths, as far as possible, at a nominal distance of 0,4 m from the ground reference plane (using a non-conductive fixture, if necessary).”No other requirement is given on the actual length of the cable to be used.Measurements have shown that non-inductive bundling of any excess cable can result in slightly higher emission levels measured at the ISN.It is therefore recommended that the cable between the telecommunication port and the ISN should be kept as short as possible, in order to avoid the need to bundle any excess, while maintaining the requirements given in 9.5.1 and 9.5.2.BS EN 55022:2010--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---CONTENTSINTRODUCTION (7)1Scope and object (8)2Normative references (8)3Definitions (9)4Classification of ITE (10)4.1Class B ITE (11)4.2Class A ITE (11)5Limits for conducted disturbance at mains terminals and telecommunication ports (11)5.1Limits of mains terminal disturbance voltage (11)5.2Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports (12)6Limits for radiated disturbance (13)6.1Limits below 1 GHz (13)6.2Limits above 1 GHz (13)7Interpretation of CISPR radio disturbance limit (14)7.1Significance of a CISPR limit (14)7.2Application of limits in tests for conformity of equipment in series production (14)8General measurement conditions (15)8.1Ambient noise (15)8.2General arrangement (15)8.3EUT arrangement (18)8.4Operation of the EUT (20)9Method of measurement of conducted disturbance at mains terminals and telecommunication ports (21)9.1Measurement detectors (21)9.2Measuring receivers (21)9.3Artificial mains network (AMN) (21)9.4Ground reference plane (22)9.5EUT arrangement (22)9.6Measurement of disturbances at telecommunication ports (24)9.7Recording of measurements (28)10Method of measurement of radiated disturbance (28)10.1Measurement detectors (28)10.2Measuring receiver below 1 GHz (28)10.3Antenna below 1 GHz (28)10.4Measurement site below 1 GHz (29)10.5EUT arrangement below 1 GHz (30)10.6Radiated emission measurements above 1 GHz (30)10.7Recording of measurements (30)10.8Measurement in the presence of high ambient signals (31)10.9User installation testing (31)11Measurement uncertainty (31)Annex A (normative) Site attenuation measurements of alternative test sites (42)Annex B (normative) Decision tree for peak detector measurements.....................................48--` ` , ` ` ` , ` , ` , ` , ` , , ` ` ` ` , , , , , ` ` ` , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---Annex C (normative) Possible test set-ups for common mode measurements (49)Annex D (informative) Schematic diagrams of examples of impedance stabilizationnetworks (ISN) (56)Annex E (informative) Parameters of signals at telecommunication ports (65)Annex F (informative) Rationale for disturbance measurements and methods on telecommunications ports (68)Annex G (informative) Operational modes for some types of ITE (77)Bibliography (78)Figure 1 – Test site (32)Figure 2 – Minimum alternative measurement site (33)Figure 3 – Minimum size of metal ground plane (33)Figure 4 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted and radiated emissions) (plan view) (34)Figure 5 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement - alternative 1a) (35)Figure 6 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 1b) (35)Figure 7 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (conducted emission measurement – alternative 2) (36)Figure 8 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment (conducted emission measurement) (37)Figure 9 – Example test arrangement for combinations of equipment (conductedemission measurement) (38)Figure 10 – Example test arrangement for tabletop equipment (radiated emission measurement) (38)Figure 11 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment (radiated emission measurement) (39)Figure 12 – Example test arrangement for floor-standing equipment with vertical riser --``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---and overhead cables (radiated and conducted emission measurement) (40)Figure 13 – Example test arrangement for combinations of equipment (radiatedemission measurement) (41)Figure A.1 – Typical antenna positions for alternate site NSA measurements (45)Figure A.2 – Antenna positions for alternate site measurements for minimumrecommended volume (46)Figure B.1 – Decision tree for peak detector measurements (48)Figure C.1 – Using CDNs described in IEC 61000-4-6 as CDN/ISNs (50)Figure C.2 – Using a 150 Ω load to the outside surface of the shield ("in situ CDN/ISN") (51)Figure C.3 – Using a combination of current probe and capacitive voltage probe with atable top EUT (52)Figure C.4 – Calibration fixture (54)Figure C.5 – Flowchart for selecting test method (55)Figure D.1 − ISN for use with unscreened single balanced pairs (56)Figure D.2 − ISN with high longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) for use with either one ortwo unscreened balanced pairs (57)Figure D.3 − ISN with high longitudinal conversion loss (LCL) for use with one, two,three, or four unscreened balanced pairs (58)Figure D.4 − ISN, including a 50 Ω source matching network at the voltage measuringport, for use with two unscreened balanced pairs (59)Figure D.5 − ISN for use with two unscreened balanced pairs (60)Figure D.6 − ISN, including a 50 Ω source matching network at the voltage measuringport, for use with four unscreened balanced pairs (61)Figure D.7 − ISN for use with four unscreened balanced pairs (62)Figure D.8 − ISN for use with coaxial cables, employing an internal common modechoke created by bifilar winding an insulated centre-conductor wire and an insulatedscreen-conductor wire on a common magnetic core (for example, a ferrite toroid) (62)Figure D.9 − ISN for use with coaxial cables, employing an internal common modechoke created by miniature coaxial cable (miniature semi-rigid solid copper screen or miniature double-braided screen coaxial cable) wound on ferrite toroids (63)Figure D.10 − ISN for use with multi-conductor screened cables, employing an internal common mode choke created by bifilar winding multiple insulated signal wires and an insulated screen-conductor wire on a common magnetic core (for example, a ferrite toroid) (63)Figure D.11 − ISN for use with multi-conductor screened cables, employing an internal common mode choke created by winding a multi-conductor screened cable on ferrite toroids (64)Figure F.1 – Basic circuit for considering the limits with defined TCM impedance of 150 Ω (71)Figure F.2 – Basic circuit for the measurement with unknown TCM impedance (71)Figure F.3 – Impedance layout of the components used in Figure C.2 (73)Figure F.4 – Basic test set-up to measure combined impedance of the 150 Ω and ferrites (74)Table 1 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class A ITE (11)Table 2 – Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class B ITE (12)Table 3 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbanceat telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for class A equipment (12)Table 4 – Limits of conducted common mode (asymmetric mode) disturbance at telecommunication ports in the frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for class B equipment (12)Table 5 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class A ITE at a measuring distance of 10 m (13)Table 6 – Limits for radiated disturbance of class B ITE at a measuring distance of 10 m (13)Table 7 – Limits for radiated disturbance of Class A ITE at a measurement distance of 3 m (13)Table 8 – Limits for radiated disturbance of Class B ITE at a measurement distance of 3 m (14)Table 9 – Acronyms used in figures (32)Table A.1 – Normalized site attenuation (A N (dB)) for recommended geometries with broadband antennas (44)Table F.1 – Summary of advantages and disadvantages of the methods described inAnnex C (69)INTRODUCTIONThe scope is extended to the whole radio-frequency range from 9 kHz to 400 GHz, but limits are formulated only in restricted frequency bands, which is considered sufficient to reach adequate emission levels to protect radio broadcast and telecommunication services, and to allow other apparatus to operate as intended at reasonable distance.--``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT –RADIO DISTURBANCE CHARACTERISTICS –LIMITS AND METHODS OF MEASUREMENT1 Scope and objectThis International Standard applies to ITE as defined in 3.1.Procedures are given for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and limits are specified for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both class A and class B equipment. No measurements need be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified.The intention of this publication is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60083:2006, Plugs and socket-outlets for domestic and similar general use standardized in member countries of IECIEC 61000-4-6:2003, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques – Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields1Amendment 1 (2004)Amendment 2 (2006)CISPR 11:2003, Industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment – Electro-magnetic disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement2Amendment 1 (2004)CISPR 13:2001, Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement3Amendment 1 (2003)Amendment 2 (2006)CISPR 16-1-1:2006, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-1: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Measuring apparatus4Amendment 1 (2006)Amendment 2 (2007)___________1There exists a consolidated edition 2.2 (2006) including edition 2.0, its Amendment 1 (2004) and its Amendment 2 (2006).2There exists a consolidated edition 4.1 (2004) including edition 4.0 and its Amendment 1 (2004).3There exists a consolidated edition 4.2 (2006) including edition 4.0, its Amendment 1 (2003) and its Amendment 2 (2006).4There exists a consolidated edition 2.2 (2007) including edition 2.0, its Amendment 1 (2006) and its Amendment 2 (2007). --` ` , ` ` ` , ` , ` , ` , ` , , ` ` ` ` , , , , , ` ` ` , , -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---CISPR 16-1-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment – Conducted disturbances 5Amendment 1 (2004)Amendment 2 (2006)CISPR 16-1-4:2007, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 1-4: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus – Ancillary equipment – Radiated disturbances6CISPR 16-2-3:2006, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 2-3: Methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity – Radiated disturbance measurementsCISPR 16-4-2:2003, Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods – Part 4-2: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling – Uncertainty in EMC measurements3 DefinitionsFor the purposes of this document the following definitions apply:3.1information technology equipment (ITE)any equipment:a) which has a primary function of either (or a combination of) entry, storage, display,retrieval, transmission, processing, switching, or control, of data and of telecommunication messages and which may be equipped with one or more terminal ports typically operated for information transfer;b) with a rated supply voltage not exceeding 600 V.It includes, for example, data processing equipment, office machines, electronic business equipment and telecommunication equipment.Any equipment (or part of the ITE equipment) which has a primary function of radio trans-mission and/or reception according to the ITU Radio Regulations are excluded from the scope --``,```,`,`,`,`,,````,,,,,```,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---of this publication.NOTE Any equipment which has a function of radio transmission and/or reception according to the definitions of the ITU Radio Regulations should fulfil the national radio regulations, whether or not this publication is also valid.Equipment, for which all disturbance requirements in the frequency range are explicitly formul-ated in other IEC or CISPR publications, are excluded from the scope of this publication.3.2equipment under test (EUT)representative ITE or functionally interactive group of ITE (system) which includes one or more host unit(s) and is used for evaluation purposes3.3host unitpart of an ITE system or unit that provides the mechanical housing for modules, which may contain radio-frequency sources, and may provide power distribution to other ITE. Power distribution may be a.c., d.c., or both between the host unit(s) and modules or other ITE___________5There exists a consolidated edition 1.2 (2006) including edition 1.0, its Amendment 1 (2004) and its Amendment 2 (2006).6There exists a consolidated edition 2.1 (2008) including edition 2.0 and its Amendment 1 (2007).。



•Creating a reference list or bibliographyA numbered list of references must be provided at the end of thepaper. The list should be arranged in the order of citation in the text of the assignment or essay, not in alphabetical order. List only one reference per reference number. Footnotes or otherinformation that are not part of the referencing format should not be included in the reference list.The following examples demonstrate the format for a variety of types of references. Included are some examples of citing electronic documents. Such items come in many forms, so only some examples have been listed here.Print DocumentsBooksNote: Every (important) word in the title of a book or conference must be capitalised. Only the first word of a subtitle should be capitalised. Capitalise the "v" in Volume for a book title.Punctuation goes inside the quotation marks.Standard formatSingle author[1] W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth,1993, pp. 123-135.[2] S. M. Hemmington, Soft Science. Saskatoon: University ofSaskatchewan Press, 1997.Edited work[3] D. Sarunyagate, Ed., Lasers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.Later edition[4] K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 3rd ed.Boston: Course Technology, 2004.[5] M. N. DeMers, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems,3rd ed. New York : John Wiley, 2005.More than one author[6] T. Jordan and P. A. Taylor, Hacktivism and Cyberwars: Rebelswith a cause? London: Routledge, 2004.[7] U. J. Gelinas, Jr., S. G. Sutton, and J. Fedorowicz, Businessprocesses and information technology. Cincinnati:South-Western/Thomson Learning, 2004.Three or more authorsNote: The names of all authors should be given in the references unless the number of authors is greater than six. If there are more than six authors, you may use et al. after the name of the first author.[8] R. Hayes, G. Pisano, D. Upton, and S. Wheelwright, Operations,Strategy, and Technology: Pursuing the competitive edge.Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2005.Series[9] M. Bell, et al., Universities Online: A survey of onlineeducation and services in Australia, Occasional Paper Series 02-A. Canberra: Department of Education, Science andTraining, 2002.Corporate author (ie: a company or organisation)[10] World Bank, Information and Communication Technologies: AWorld Bank group strategy. Washington, DC : World Bank, 2002.Conference (complete conference proceedings)[11] T. J. van Weert and R. K. Munro, Eds., Informatics and theDigital Society: Social, ethical and cognitive issues: IFIP TC3/WG3.1&3.2 Open Conference on Social, Ethical andCognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT, July 22-26, 2002, Dortmund, Germany. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2003.Government publication[12] Australia. Attorney-Generals Department. Digital AgendaReview, 4 Vols. Canberra: Attorney- General's Department,2003.Manual[13] Bell Telephone Laboratories Technical Staff, TransmissionSystem for Communications, Bell Telephone Laboratories,1995.Catalogue[14] Catalog No. MWM-1, Microwave Components, M. W. Microwave Corp.,Brooklyn, NY.Application notes[15] Hewlett-Packard, Appl. Note 935, pp. 25-29.Note:Titles of unpublished works are not italicised or capitalised. Capitalise only the first word of a paper or thesis.Technical report[16] K. E. Elliott and C.M. Greene, "A local adaptive protocol,"Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, France, Tech. Rep.916-1010-BB, 1997.Patent / Standard[17] K. Kimura and A. Lipeles, "Fuzzy controller component, " U.S. Patent 14,860,040, December 14, 1996.Papers presented at conferences (unpublished)[18] H. A. Nimr, "Defuzzification of the outputs of fuzzycontrollers," presented at 5th International Conference onFuzzy Systems, Cairo, Egypt, 1996.Thesis or dissertation[19] H. Zhang, "Delay-insensitive networks," M.S. thesis,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1997.[20] M. W. Dixon, "Application of neural networks to solve therouting problem in communication networks," Ph.D.dissertation, Murdoch University, Murdoch, WA, Australia, 1999.Parts of a BookNote: These examples are for chapters or parts of edited works in which the chapters or parts have individual title and author/s, but are included in collections or textbooks edited by others. If the editors of a work are also the authors of all of the included chapters then it should be cited as a whole book using the examples given above (Books).Capitalise only the first word of a paper or book chapter.Single chapter from an edited work[1] A. Rezi and M. Allam, "Techniques in array processing by meansof transformations, " in Control and Dynamic Systems, Vol.69, Multidemsional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.[2] G. O. Young, "Synthetic structure of industrial plastics," inPlastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York:McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15-64.Conference or seminar paper (one paper from a published conference proceedings)[3] N. Osifchin and G. Vau, "Power considerations for themodernization of telecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CEE/FSU) countries," in Second International Telecommunications Energy SpecialConference, 1997, pp. 9-16.[4] S. Al Kuran, "The prospects for GaAs MESFET technology in dc-acvoltage conversion," in Proceedings of the Fourth AnnualPortable Design Conference, 1997, pp. 137-142.Article in an encyclopaedia, signed[5] O. B. R. Strimpel, "Computer graphics," in McGraw-HillEncyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th ed., Vol. 4. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997, pp. 279-283.Study Guides and Unit ReadersNote: You should not cite from Unit Readers, Study Guides, or lecture notes, but where possible you should go to the original source of the information. If you do need to cite articles from the Unit Reader, treat the Reader articles as if they were book or journal articles. In the reference list or bibliography use the bibliographical details as quoted in the Reader and refer to the page numbers from the Reader, not the original page numbers (unless you have independently consulted the original).[6] L. Vertelney, M. Arent, and H. Lieberman, "Two disciplines insearch of an interface: Reflections on a design problem," in The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, B. Laurel, Ed.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990. Reprinted inHuman-Computer Interaction (ICT 235) Readings and Lecture Notes, Vol. 1. Murdoch: Murdoch University, 2005, pp. 32-37. Journal ArticlesNote: Capitalise only the first word of an article title, except for proper nouns or acronyms. Every (important) word in the title of a journal must be capitalised. Do not capitalise the "v" in volume for a journal article.You must either spell out the entire name of each journal that you reference or use accepted abbreviations. You must consistently do one or the other. Staff at the Reference Desk can suggest sources of accepted journal abbreviations.You may spell out words such as volume or December, but you must either spell out all such occurrences or abbreviate all. You do not need to abbreviate March, April, May, June or July.To indicate a page range use pp. 111-222. If you refer to only one page, use only p. 111.Standard formatJournal articles[1] E. P. Wigner, "Theory of traveling wave optical laser," Phys.Rev., vol. 134, pp. A635-A646, Dec. 1965.[2] J. U. Duncombe, "Infrared navigation - Part I: An assessmentof feasability," IEEE Trans. Electron. Devices, vol. ED-11, pp. 34-39, Jan. 1959.[3] G. Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijnnetworks and shufflenets for optical communications," IEEE Trans. Comp., vol. 46, pp. 695-701, June 1997.OR[4] J. R. Beveridge and E. M. Riseman, "How easy is matching 2D linemodels using local search?" IEEE Transactions on PatternAnalysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 19, pp. 564-579, June 1997.[5] I. S. Qamber, "Flow graph development method," MicroelectronicsReliability, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1387-1395, Dec. 1993.[6] E. H. Miller, "A note on reflector arrays," IEEE Transactionson Antennas and Propagation, to be published.Electronic documentsNote:When you cite an electronic source try to describe it in the same way you would describe a similar printed publication. If possible, give sufficient information for your readers to retrieve the source themselves.If only the first page number is given, a plus sign indicates following pages, eg. 26+. If page numbers are not given, use paragraph or other section numbers if you need to be specific. An electronic source may not always contain clear author or publisher details.The access information will usually be just the URL of the source. As well as a publication/revision date (if there is one), the date of access is included since an electronic source may change between the time you cite it and the time it is accessed by a reader.E-BooksStandard format[1] L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman. Software Architecture inPractice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E-book] Available: Safari e-book.[2] T. Eckes, The Developmental Social Psychology of Gender. MahwahNJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000. [E-book] Available: netLibrary e-book.Article in online encyclopaedia[3] D. Ince, "Acoustic coupler," in A Dictionary of the Internet.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. [Online]. Available: Oxford Reference Online, .[Accessed: May 24, 2005].[4] W. D. Nance, "Management information system," in The BlackwellEncyclopedic Dictionary of Management Information Systems,G.B. Davis, Ed. Malden MA: Blackwell, 1999, pp. 138-144.[E-book]. Available: NetLibrary e-book.E-JournalsStandard formatJournal article abstract accessed from online database[1] M. T. Kimour and D. Meslati, "Deriving objects from use casesin real-time embedded systems," Information and SoftwareTechnology, vol. 47, no. 8, p. 533, June 2005. [Abstract].Available: ProQuest, /proquest/.[Accessed May 12, 2005].Note: Abstract citations are only included in a reference list if the abstract is substantial or if the full-text of the article could not be accessed.Journal article from online full-text databaseNote: When including the internet address of articles retrieved from searches in full-text databases, please use the Recommended URLs for Full-text Databases, which are the URLs for the main entrance to the service and are easier to reproduce.[2] H. K. Edwards and V. Sridhar, "Analysis of software requirementsengineering exercises in a global virtual team setup,"Journal of Global Information Management, vol. 13, no. 2, p.21+, April-June 2005. [Online]. Available: Academic OneFile, . [Accessed May 31, 2005].[3] A. Holub, "Is software engineering an oxymoron?" SoftwareDevelopment Times, p. 28+, March 2005. [Online]. Available: ProQuest, . [Accessed May 23, 2005].Journal article in a scholarly journal (published free of charge on the internet)[4] A. Altun, "Understanding hypertext in the context of readingon the web: Language learners' experience," Current Issues in Education, vol. 6, no. 12, July 2003. [Online]. Available: /volume6/number12/. [Accessed Dec. 2, 2004].Journal article in electronic journal subscription[5] P. H. C. Eilers and J. J. Goeman, "Enhancing scatterplots withsmoothed densities," Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp.623-628, March 2004. [Online]. Available:. [Accessed Sept. 18, 2004].Newspaper article from online database[6] J. Riley, "Call for new look at skilled migrants," TheAustralian, p. 35, May 31, 2005. Available: Factiva,. [Accessed May 31, 2005].Newspaper article from the Internet[7] C. Wilson-Clark, "Computers ranked as key literacy," The WestAustralian, para. 3, March 29, 2004. [Online]. [Accessed Sept. 18, 2004].Internet DocumentsStandard formatProfessional Internet site[1] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 揇igitalVideo Broadcasting (DVB): Implementation guidelines for DVBterrestrial services; transmission aspects,?EuropeanTelecommunications Standards Institute, ETSI TR-101-190,1997. [Online]. Available: . [Accessed:Aug. 17, 1998].Personal Internet site[2] G. Sussman, "Home page - Dr. Gerald Sussman," July 2002.[Online]. Available:/faculty/Sussman/sussmanpage.htm[Accessed: Sept. 12, 2004].General Internet site[3] J. Geralds, "Sega Ends Production of Dreamcast," ,para. 2, Jan. 31, 2001. [Online]. Available:/news/1116995. [Accessed: Sept. 12,2004].Internet document, no author given[4] 揂憀ayman抯?explanation of Ultra Narrow Band technology,?Oct.3, 2003. [Online]. Available:/Layman.pdf. [Accessed: Dec. 3, 2003].Non-Book FormatsPodcasts[1] W. Brown and K. Brodie, Presenters, and P. George, Producer, 揊rom Lake Baikal to the Halfway Mark, Yekaterinburg? Peking to Paris: Episode 3, Jun. 4, 2007. [Podcast television programme]. Sydney: ABC Television. l. [Accessed Feb. 4, 2008].[2] S. Gary, Presenter, 揃lack Hole Death Ray? StarStuff, Dec. 23, 2007. [Podcast radio programme]. Sydney: ABC News Radio. Available: .au/newsradio/podcast/STARSTUFF.xml. [Accessed Feb. 4, 2008].Other FormatsMicroform[3] W. D. Scott & Co, Information Technology in Australia:Capacities and opportunities: A report to the Department ofScience and Technology. [Microform]. W. D. Scott & CompanyPty. Ltd. in association with Arthur D. Little Inc. Canberra:Department of Science and Technology, 1984.Computer game[4] The Hobbit: The prelude to the Lord of the Rings. [CD-ROM].United Kingdom: Vivendi Universal Games, 2003.Software[5] Thomson ISI, EndNote 7. [CD-ROM]. Berkeley, Ca.: ISIResearchSoft, 2003.Video recording[6] C. Rogers, Writer and Director, Grrls in IT. [Videorecording].Bendigo, Vic. : Video Education Australasia, 1999.A reference list: what should it look like?The reference list should appear at the end of your paper. Begin the list on a new page. The title References should be either left justified or centered on the page. The entries should appear as one numerical sequence in the order that the material is cited in the text of your assignment.Note: The hanging indent for each reference makes the numerical sequence more obvious.[1] A. Rezi and M. Allam, "Techniques in array processing by meansof transformations, " in Control and Dynamic Systems, Vol.69, Multidemsional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.[2] G. O. Young, "Synthetic structure of industrial plastics," inPlastics, 2nd ed., vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York:McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15-64.[3] S. M. Hemmington, Soft Science. Saskatoon: University ofSaskatchewan Press, 1997.[4] N. Osifchin and G. Vau, "Power considerations for themodernization of telecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CEE/FSU) countries," in Second International Telecommunications Energy SpecialConference, 1997, pp. 9-16.[5] D. Sarunyagate, Ed., Lasers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.[8] O. B. R. Strimpel, "Computer graphics," in McGraw-HillEncyclopedia of Science and Technology, 8th ed., Vol. 4. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997, pp. 279-283.[9] K. Schwalbe, Information Technology Project Management, 3rd ed.Boston: Course Technology, 2004.[10] M. N. DeMers, Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems,3rd ed. New York: John Wiley, 2005.[11] L. Vertelney, M. Arent, and H. Lieberman, "Two disciplines insearch of an interface: Reflections on a design problem," in The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design, B. Laurel, Ed.Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1990. Reprinted inHuman-Computer Interaction (ICT 235) Readings and Lecture Notes, Vol. 1. Murdoch: Murdoch University, 2005, pp. 32-37.[12] E. P. Wigner, "Theory of traveling wave optical laser,"Physical Review, vol.134, pp. A635-A646, Dec. 1965.[13] J. U. Duncombe, "Infrared navigation - Part I: An assessmentof feasibility," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol.ED-11, pp. 34-39, Jan. 1959.[14] M. Bell, et al., Universities Online: A survey of onlineeducation and services in Australia, Occasional Paper Series 02-A. Canberra: Department of Education, Science andTraining, 2002.[15] T. J. van Weert and R. K. Munro, Eds., Informatics and theDigital Society: Social, ethical and cognitive issues: IFIP TC3/WG3.1&3.2 Open Conference on Social, Ethical andCognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT, July 22-26, 2002, Dortmund, Germany. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2003.[16] I. S. Qamber, "Flow graph development method,"Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 33, no. 9, pp. 1387-1395, Dec. 1993.[17] Australia. Attorney-Generals Department. Digital AgendaReview, 4 Vols. Canberra: Attorney- General's Department, 2003.[18] C. Rogers, Writer and Director, Grrls in IT. [Videorecording].Bendigo, Vic.: Video Education Australasia, 1999.[19] L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman. Software Architecture inPractice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E-book] Available: Safari e-book.[20] D. Ince, "Acoustic coupler," in A Dictionary of the Internet.Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. [Online]. Available: Oxford Reference Online, .[Accessed: May 24, 2005].[21] H. K. Edwards and V. Sridhar, "Analysis of softwarerequirements engineering exercises in a global virtual team setup," Journal of Global Information Management, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 21+, April-June 2005. [Online]. Available: AcademicOneFile, . [Accessed May 31,2005].[22] A. Holub, "Is software engineering an oxymoron?" SoftwareDevelopment Times, p. 28+, March 2005. [Online]. Available: ProQuest, . [Accessed May 23, 2005].[23] H. Zhang, "Delay-insensitive networks," M.S. thesis,University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1997.[24] P. H. C. Eilers and J. J. Goeman, "Enhancing scatterplots withsmoothed densities," Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp.623-628, March 2004. [Online]. Available:. [Accessed Sept. 18, 2004].[25] J. Riley, "Call for new look at skilled migrants," TheAustralian, p. 35, May 31, 2005. Available: Factiva,. [Accessed May 31, 2005].[26] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, 揇igitalVideo Broadcasting (DVB): Implementation guidelines for DVB terrestrial services; transmission aspects,?EuropeanTelecommunications Standards Institute, ETSI TR-101-190,1997. [Online]. Available: . [Accessed: Aug. 17, 1998].[27] J. Geralds, "Sega Ends Production of Dreamcast," ,para. 2, Jan. 31, 2001. [Online]. Available:/news/1116995. [Accessed Sept. 12,2004].[28] W. D. Scott & Co, Information Technology in Australia:Capacities and opportunities: A report to the Department of Science and Technology. [Microform]. W. D. Scott & Company Pty. Ltd. in association with Arthur D. Little Inc. Canberra: Department of Science and Technology, 1984.AbbreviationsStandard abbreviations may be used in your citations. A list of appropriate abbreviations can be found below:。



Data Flow Diagramming
Page 2
What is a Data Flow Diagram?
• A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical tool that allows system analysts (and system users) to depict the flow of data in an information system. • The DFD is one of the methods that system analysts use to collect information necessary to determine information system requirements.
(Gane and Sarson, Structured System Analysis, 1974)
• DFD’s are easier to understand than text.
MIS @ SFU Data Flow Diagramming Page 6
DFD Symbols and Definitions
Data Flow Diagramming
Page 14
Level 1: Web Query
Data Flow Diagramming
Page 10
DFD Example
• You first go through each process, successively breaking up the process into smaller components until nothing remains divisible. The SFU Microcomputer Store can be broken down as per the following tables


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在大部分应用中,这些算法有两个共同点[9]:第一、根据经验风险最小化原则(Empirical Risk Minimization,ERM)[10]训练故障诊断模型。





数据增强算法是邻域风险最小化原则[12](Vicinal Risk Minimization,VRM)的实现方式之一,能够缓解ERM原则所带来的问题。









英文版计算机试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a function of an operating system?A. Process managementB. Memory managementC. Data storageD. File management2. In a computer network, what does the term "bandwidth" refer to?A. The width of the network cableB. The maximum rate of data transferC. The number of users connectedD. The speed of the network processor3. What is the primary purpose of a firewall?A. To prevent unauthorized access to a networkB. To encrypt dataC. To manage network trafficD. To store user passwords4. Which of the following is a type of software used for creating and editing documents?A. Spreadsheet softwareB. Database softwareC. Word processing softwareD. Graphics software5. What is the term used to describe the process of converting data from one format to another?A. Data migrationB. Data transformationC. Data conversionD. Data translation6. What does the acronym "CPU" stand for in computing?A. Central Processing UnitB. Central Processing UnitC. Computer Processing UnitD. Computing Processing Unit7. What is the function of a router in a network?A. To connect multiple networksB. To store dataC. To provide power to devicesD. To print documents8. What is the process of finding and fixing errors in software called?A. DebuggingB. PatchingC. UpdatingD. Patching9. Which of the following is a type of computer virus that replicates itself by attaching to other programs?A. TrojanB. WormC. RansomwareD. Spyware10. What is the term for the graphical representation of data on a computer screen?A. Data visualizationB. Data representationC. Data graphingD. Data mapping二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The _________ is the primary memory used by a computer to store data and instructions that are currently being processed.2. A _________ is a type of software that allows users to create and edit images.3. The process of converting analog signals to digital signals is known as _________.4. A _________ is a collection of data stored in a structured format.5. The _________ is a hardware component that connects a computer to a network.6. In computer programming, a _________ is a sequence of statements that perform a specific task.7. The _________ is a type of malware that hides its presence and waits for a trigger to activate.8. A _________ is a type of software that is designed to protect a computer from unauthorized access.9. The _________ is the process of organizing and managing data in a database.10. A _________ is a type of software that allows users tocreate and edit spreadsheets.三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Describe the role of a server in a computer network.2. Explain the difference between a compiler and an interpreter in programming.3. Discuss the importance of data backup and recovery in a computing environment.四、编程题(每题15分,共30分)1. Write a simple program in Python that calculates the factorial of a given number.2. Create a function in Java that takes an array of integers and returns the largest number in the array.答案:一、选择题1. C2. B3. A4. C5. C6. A7. A8. A9. B10. A二、填空题1. RAM (Random Access Memory)2. Graphics software3. Analog-to-digital conversion4. Database5. Network interface card (NIC)6. Function or procedure7. Trojan8. Antivirus software9. Database management10. Spreadsheet software三、简答题1. A server in a computer network is a powerful computer or system that manages network resources, including hardware and software, and provides services to other computers on the network, such as file storage, web hosting, and print services.2. A compiler is a program that translates source codewritten in a programming language into machine code that a computer can execute. An interpreter, on the other hand, reads and executes the source code line by line without the need for a separate compilation step.3. Data backup and recovery are crucial in a computing environment to prevent data loss due to hardware failure, software bugs, or malicious attacks. Regular backups ensure that data can be restored to a previous state in case of corruption or deletion.四、编程题1. Python Program for Factorial Calculation:```pythondef factorial(n):if n == 0:return 1 else:。



sandybridgeSandy Bridge: A Breakthrough in Processor TechnologyIntroductionSandy Bridge is a significant milestone in the evolution of processor technology, developed by Intel Corporation. Launched in 2011, this microarchitecture design revolutionized the market by introducing several groundbreaking features and advancements. This document aims to explore the Sandy Bridge architecture, outline its key components, discuss its advantages, and analyze its impact on the computing industry.Overview of Sandy Bridge ArchitectureThe Sandy Bridge architecture represents the second generation of Intel's Core processors. It succeeded the Nehalem microarchitecture and offered several improvements, including increased performance, enhanced power management, and improved graphics capabilities.Key Components of Sandy Bridge1. CPU Cores: Sandy Bridge processors featured up to four CPU cores, each capable of processing multiple threads simultaneously with Intel's Hyper-Threading technology. This allowed for greater efficiency in multitasking and improved overall performance.2. Integrated GPU: Sandy Bridge marked the first time that Intel integrated a graphics processing unit (GPU) directly onto the CPU die. The GPU provided a significant boost in graphics performance, enabling smooth playback of high-definition videos, improved gaming capabilities, and better visual effects.3. Ring Bus: Sandy Bridge introduced a new communication architecture called the Ring Bus. It replaced the traditional Front Side Bus (FSB) used in previous processor generations. The Ring Bus improved data transfer speeds between the cores, cache, GPU, and other components, resulting in faster and more efficient data processing.4. Smart Cache: Sandy Bridge processors featured an upgraded Smart Cache system that improved memory access and reduced latency. The Smart Cache dynamically allocatedresources to the CPU cores as needed, resulting in improved performance and efficiency.Advantages of Sandy Bridge1. Increased Performance: Sandy Bridge offered significant performance improvements over its predecessor, Nehalem. The combination of more CPU cores, Hyper-Threading technology, and a higher clock speed resulted in faster and more responsive computing experiences.2. Enhanced Graphics: The integrated GPU in Sandy Bridge processors delivered superior graphics performance, reducing the need for a separate graphics card in most everyday computing tasks. This resulted in cost savings for consumers and improved energy efficiency.3. Power Efficiency: Sandy Bridge processors introduced several power management features, including the ability to dynamically adjust clock speeds and voltages based on workload demands. This feature, known as Intel Turbo Boost, helped optimize performance while conserving power, making Sandy Bridge processors more energy-efficient.4. Greater Overclocking Potential: Sandy Bridge processors were well-regarded by PC enthusiasts and overclockers due to their high overclocking potential. The architecture's improved power management and thermal design enabled users to push their CPUs to higher clock speeds without compromising stability.Impact on the Computing IndustryThe launch of Sandy Bridge had a profound impact on the computing industry. Its improved performance, energy efficiency, and integrated graphics capabilities made it an attractive option for both mainstream users and professionals alike. Sandy Bridge CPUs powered a wide range of devices, from desktop computers and laptops to servers and workstations.Additionally, the integrated GPU capabilities of Sandy Bridge processors played a crucial role in improving the overall visual experience for users. Graphics-intensive tasks such as gaming and video editing became more accessible to a broader audience, as dedicated graphics cards were no longer a necessity for many applications.Sandy Bridge's success also prompted competing companies to invest in their own integrated graphics solutions, leading to significant advancements in GPU technology across the industry.ConclusionSandy Bridge represents a major breakthrough in processor technology, introducing several key advancements that revolutionized the computing industry. Its improved performance, energy efficiency, and integrated graphics capabilities set a new standard for processors, making it a popular choice for consumers and professionals alike. As Intel continues to innovate, Sandy Bridge remains a significant milestone in the evolution of CPU design and a testament to the ongoing quest for faster and more efficient computing.。




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责任 编辑 : 哈宏疆
收稿 日期 : 20 08 - 03- 04
NEC 新 推 支 持 多 国 标 准 的全 高清 广播 电视 系统芯片
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// Generate blockgenvar i;generatefor(i=0; i<8; i=i+1) begin:BLOCK1buffer_1buffer_1_1(.in(din[i]), .out(dout[i]));endEndgenerate类的显式定义有new(),隐式定义无,new()的作用是进行初始化,没有new()时,类默认为null,A错;构造类可以没有返回值,也没有返回值类型,但是可以有参数(包括形参int a),D错;类名与函数名一样,C对;返回值类型不一定是void,void用于有返回值的数据类型,用来取消返回值,B错类的显式定义如下:class Packet;bit [31:0] addr;function new ();//显示定义构造方法,并在方法中对addr进行初始化addr = 32'hfade_cafe;endfunctionEndclass类的隐式定义如下:class Packet;//没有显示定义构造方法bit [31:0] addr;endclass在QuartusII的一个培训文档里面解释了什么时候要用到FALSE PATH:1. 从逻辑上考虑,与电路正常工作不相关的那些路径,比如测试逻辑,静态或准静态逻辑。

2. 从时序上考虑,我们在综合时不需要分析的那些路径,比如跨越异步时钟域的路径。

一些情况下,不设置FALSE PATH也可以,工具会去分析相关时序路径,但是肯定会有setup或者hold不满足,这个时候就需要去确认这些路径是否有问题了。

而设置了FALSE PATH后,就告诉工具不用去分析这些路径了,这样工具就不会报告出来了,另外还有一个好处就是综合布局布线的时间会大幅减少,因为没有时序问题了,工具就可以跑的很快。

因此,一般比较正规的项目,都需要设置FALSE PATH。













答案:蒂姆·伯纳斯-李3.Mac OS系统的开发者是()。




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First Version of a Dataflow Interchange Format 1Fuat Keceli, Mingyung Ko, Shahrooz Shahparnia, andShuvra S. BhattacharyyaDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, andInstitute for Advanced Computer StudiesUniversity of MarylandCollege Park MD 20742, USAAbstractThe dataflow interchange format (DIF) is a textual language that is geared towards capturing the semantics of graphical design tools for DSP system design.A key objective of DIF is to facilitate technology transfer across dataflow-based DSP design tools by providing a common, extensible semantics for representing coarse-grain dataflow graphs, and recognizing useful sub-classes of dataflow mod-els. DIF captures essential modeling information that is required in dataflow-based analysis and optimization techniques, such as algorithms for consistency analysis,scheduling, memory management, and block processing, while optionally hiding proprietary details such as the actual code that implements the dataflow blocks.Accompanying DIF is a software package of intermediate representations and algo-rithms that operate on application models that are captured through DIF. This paper describes the structure of the DIF language together with several implementation and usage examples.1. IntroductionModeling of DSP applications based on coarse-grain dataflow graphs is widespread in the DSP design community, and a large and growing set of DSP design tools support such dataflow semantics [2]. Since a variety of dataflow model-ing styles and accompanying semantic constructs have been developed for DSP design tools (e.g., see [1, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13]), a critical problem in the process of tech-nology transfer to, from, and across such tools is a common, vendor-independent language, and associated suite of intermediate representations and algorithms for DSP-oriented dataflow modeling. This paper describes our first version of a data-1. This research is sponsored in part by DARPA (contract #F30602-01-C-0171, through the USC Information Sciences Institute), and the Semiconductor Research Corporation (contract #2001-HJ-905)Technical Report #UMIACS-TR-2002-98, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, University of Maryland at College Park, November, 2002flow interchange format (DIF) for addressing this problem.As motivated above, DIF is not centered around any particular form of data-flow, and is designed instead to express different kinds of dataflow semantics. Our present version of DIF includes built-in support for synchronous dataflow (SDF) semantics [12], which have emerged as an important common denominator across many DSP design tools and support powerful algorithms for analysis and software synthesis [3]. DIF also includes support for the closely related cyclo-static dataflow (CSDF) model [4], and has specialized support for various restricted versions of SDF, in particular, homogeneous and single-rate dataflow, which are often used in multiprocessor scheduling and hardware synthesis. Additionally, support for dynamic, variable-parameter dataflow quantities (production rates, consumption rates, and delays) is provided in DIF. DIF also captures hierarchy, and arbitrary non-dataflow attributes that can be associated with dataflow graph nodes (also called actors or blocks), edges, and graphs.2. The LanguageDIF is designed to be exported and imported automatically by tools. How-ever, unlike other interchange formats, DIF is also designed to be read and written by designers who wish to understand the dataflow structure of applications or the dataflow semantics of a particular design tool, or who wish to specify an application model for one or more design tools using the features of DIF. Indeed, DIF provides the programmer a unique, integrated set of semantic features that are relevant to dataflow modeling. As a result, DIF is not based on XML, which is more for pure data exchange applications, and is not well-suited for being read or written by humans. Due to the emphasis on readability, DIF supports C/Java-style comments, allows specifications to be modularized across multiple files (through integration with the standard C preprocessor), and is based on a block-structured syntax.A dataflow graph definition in DIF consists in general of six blocks of code: topology, interface, refinement, user-defined and built-in attributes, and parameters.These code blocks are contained in a main block defining the dataflow graph. Note that each block is optional without violating language basics. Using the basedon keyword, a graph can inherit the same topology as another graph while overriding arbitrary attributes and parameters. Figure 1 illustrates the general form of a graph definition block. The optional keyword on the first line denotes the type (form of dataflow). Further details on the different graph types available are described in Sec-tion 3.2.1Defining the Topology of a Dataflow GraphThe topology definition of a graph consists of node and edge definition blocks (nodes and edges). These define the sets of nodes and edges, and associate a unique identifier with each node and each edge. Since dataflow graphs are directed graphs, edges are specified by their source and sink node identifiers. A node defini-tion may also include a port association (described further in Section 2.2) for inter-facing to other graphs. The lower left side of Figure 3 shows an example of a topology definition block.2.2Hierarchical GraphsGiven the importance of hierarchical design in graphical design tools, a nec-essary feature of the DIF language is the general ability to associate a node of a graph with a “nested” subgraph. Such hierarchical nodes are called supernodes in DIF terminology. In addition to providing for hierarchy, this supernode feature allows for reuse of graph specifications: a topological pattern that appears multiple times in a graph can be defined as a separate graph and every occurrence in the orig-inal graph (parent graph) or in multiple graphs can be replaced with a single node.A graph can be declared as a nested subgraph in the refinement block of a parent graph. For a graph to be declared as a subgraph, it should have an interface block, which includes a list of directed ports. A port will then be associated either with a node (in the topology block) or with one of the ports of a supernode (in the refinement block).Figure 2 gives a detailed example of the hierarchy mechanism in DIF.[#include filename.dif”]…[keyword]graph graphID [basedon graphID] {params{param prm1, prm2, …;domain (prm1, {1, 2, …});domain (prm2, [1, 5]);…}interface {input portID, portID, …;output portID, portID, …;}topology {nodes{nodeID[:portID], nodeID[:portID], …}edges{edgeID sourceNodeID sinkNodeID;edgeID sourceNodeID sinkNodeID;...}}refinement{subgraphID nodeIDsubPortID:edgeID, subPortID:PortID,…;subgraphID nodeIDsubPortID:portID, subPortID:edgeID,…;…}attribute attributeName{edgeID value;nodeID value;...}…[built-in attribute] {…}[built-in attribute] {…}…}Figure 1. A sketch of a dataflow graph definition in DIF. Items in boldface in this fig-ure and throughout the paper are DIF keywords. Italicized words are to be defined by the user. Parts in square brackets are optional.n1n2P1P2graph Graph1 {…interface {input P1, P2;}topology {nodes {n1:P1, n2:P2}…}n4n3graph Graph2 {…refinement {Graph1 n4 P1:e2, P2:P3;}…}n1n3P3n2e1e2(a)(c)Figure 2. (a) (b) Definition of DIF graphs with interfaces and supernodes. A dashed line means a port association. The refinement expression in Graph2 specifies that node n4 will be associated with Graph1 connecting edge e3 and port P3 to ports P1 and P2 of Graph1 respectively. Note that the direction of each connection element (a port or an edge) should match the direction of the port that it is connected to. (c) The result after flattening the supernode (n4) in Graph2.e1e2P3P1P2Graph1Graph2(b)2.3User-defined and Built-in AttributesDIF supports assigning attributes to nodes, edges, and graphs. There are two types of attributes: user-defined and built-in. User-defined attributes are attributes with arbitrary names that can take on any value assigned by the user. Built-in attributes are pre-defined attributes, which have associated keywords in the DIF lan-guage, and are usually handled in a special way by the compiler. Depending on the particular semantics of a design tool and the type of the graph, a compiler might read built-in attribute values into special fields of the graph-related data structures, and it may perform checks on the values to see if they are acceptable (e.g., positive-valued). An example of a built-in attribute is the delay parameter of graph edges. 2.4ParametersParameterization of attribute values is possible in DIF with the params block. The capability of defining a possible set of values (domain) for an attribute instead of a specific value provides useful support for dynamic and reconfigurable dataflow graphs. The domain of a parameter can be an enumerated set of values, an interval, or a composition of both forms.2.5The basedon FeatureUsing the basedon keyword, a graph that has the same topology as another graph, but with different attribute or parameter values can be defined concisely with just a reference to the other graph. The user can change selected parameter and attribute values by overriding them in attribute and params blocks of the new graph.2.6Other Language SpecificationsThe DIF language employs C-language style identifiers: an edge, node, port or graph identifier should start with a non-digit (an alphabetic character or the underscore) and can be followed by digits or non-digits. Non-digits are defined as the combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and the underscore character (‘_’). Identifiers are unique and should not be repeated even across different kinds ofentities. Exceptions to this rule are subgraphs and subgraph port identifiers in sub-graph declarations.In the present version of DIF, a value for an attribute can be one of the fol-lowing four types: double , double matrix, string , and list . Double matrices are spec-ified in the row-by-row form.For example,specifies the matrix.Strings are specified in C-language style, allowing the ‘+’ operator for concatena-tion. Lists are specified in the form , where each is a double, dou-ble matrix, string, or (nested) list.2.6.1 Summary of KeywordsFollowing is a list of keywords that are used in DIF grouped according to the parts of DIF specifications in which they are used. The DIF language is case sensi-tive, and therefore, keywords must be used with correct case.• Top level definition: basedon , graph, dif, sdf, csdf, singleRate, hsdf.• Topology definition: topology, nodes, edges.• Interface declaration: interface, input, output.• Subgraph declarations: refinement.• Parameter definitions: params, param, domain.• Attribute definitions:• User-defined: attribute• Built-in: production, consumption, delay, transfer.These keywords are written in boldface throughout the paper for emphasis.a 11, a 12, … a 1n ,a 21, a 22, … a 2n ,…a m 1, a m 2, … a m n ,,,,()5 7 2 26 8,,()32×572268v 1v 2…v k ,,,[]v i3. Dataflow SupportThe DIF package is a Java-based software package for DIF that is being developed, along with the DIF language, at the University of Maryland. Associated with each of the supported dataflow graph types is an intermediate representation within the DIF package that provides an extensible set of data structures and algo-rithms for analyzing, manipulating, and optimizing DIF representations. Also, con-version algorithms between compatible graph types (such as CSDF to SDF or SDF to single-rate conversion) are provided. Presently, the collection of dataflow graph algorithms is based primarily on well-known algorithms (e.g., algorithms for itera-tion period computation [9], consistency validation [12], and loop scheduling [3]), and the contribution of DIF in this regard is to provide a common repository and front-end through which different DSP tools can have efficient access to these algo-rithms. We are actively extending this repository with additional dataflow modeling features and additional algorithms, including more experimental algorithms for data partitioning and hardware synthesis. Below is a summary of the dataflow models that are currently supported in DIF.3.1DIF GraphsDIF graphs are the default and most general class of dataflow graphs sup-ported by DIF. DIF graphs can be specified explicitly using the dif keyword. In DIF graphs, no restriction is made on the rate at which data is produced and consumed on dataflow edges, and other types of specialized assumptions, such as statically-known delay attributes, are avoided as well. In the underlying intermediate repre-sentation, an arbitrary Java object can be attached to each node/edge incidence to represent the associated dataflow properties. In the inheritance hierarchy of the DIF intermediate representations, DIF graphs are the base class of all other forms of dataflow. In this sense, all dataflow graphs modeled in DIF are instances of DIF graphs. Furthermore, if a tool cannot export to any of the more specialized versions of dataflow supported by DIF, it should export to DIF graphs.3.2CSDF GraphsIn restricted versions of the DIF graph model that are recognized in DIF, the number of data values (tokens) produced and consumed by each node may be known statically and edge delays may be fixed integers. For example, CSDF graphs,based on the cyclo-static dataflow model [4], are specified by annotating DIF graph definitions with the csdf keyword. In CSDF graphs, production and consumption rates can vary between node executions, as long as the variation forms a certain type of periodic pattern. Consequently, values of these rates are integer vectors. These vectors are associated with CSDF graph edges using the production and consump-tion keywords. For example, the code fragmentproduction {e1 [1 1 2 4]; e2 [2 2 3];}associates the periodic production patternsand with edges and , respectively.3.3SDF GraphsSimilar to CSDF graphs, token production and consumption rates of syn-chronous dataflow (SDF) graphs [12] are known at compile time, but they are fixed rather than periodic integer values. SDF graphs are specified using the sdf keyword,and the arguments of production and consumption specifiers in SDF graphs are required to be integers, as in:production {e1 4; e2 3;}consumption {e1 5; e2 2;}delay {e1 1; e2 2;}The last statement, which is permissible in other DIF graph types as well,associates integer-valued delays to the specified edges.3.4Single-Rate and HSDF GraphsSingle-rate graphs are a special case of SDF graphs in which the production and consumption values on each edge are identical. In single-rate graphs, nodes exe-cute (“fire”) at the same average rate [3]. In the slightly more restricted case of11241124…,,,,,,,,()223223…,,,,,,()e 1e 2homogeneous SDF (HSDF) graphs, production and consumption values are equal to one for all edges. Instead of production and consumption attributes, DIF uses the transfer keyword for edges in single-rate graphs. DIF does not associate an attribute for token transfer volume in HSDF graphs since it is not variable.3.5Parameterized Dataflow GraphsParameterized dataflow [1] graphs can be represented in DIF using the parameterization and hierarchy facilities of DIF. Specifically, separate subgraphs can be defined for the init, subinit, and body subsystems of a parameterized dataflow model, and variable parameters with associated parameter value domains can be defined and linked to outputs of the init or subinit graphs through user-defined attributes.4. DIF Language ImplementationThe DIF package includes a parser that converts a DIF specification into a suitable, graph-theoretic intermediate representation based on the particular form of dataflow used in the DIF specification. This parser is implemented using a Java-based compiler-compiler called SableCC [7]. The flexible structure of the compiler enables easy extensibility for different graph types.Using DIF writer classes, it is also possible to generate DIF files from inter-mediate representations (graph objects) in the DIF package. The default writer is the DIF graph writer, which generates a DIF graph specification, and custom writers can be constructed by extending the DIF graph writer base class to handle semantic additions/restrictions by converting them to appropriate built-in attributes, structural conventions, etc.The DIF package builds on some of the packages of Ptolemy II [11]. In par-ticular, the attribute features of DIF are built on the rich classes for managing attributes in Ptolemy II, and the intermediate representations of DIF build on the graph package of Ptolemy II, which provides data structures and algorithms for working with generic graphs.5. ExamplesThis section illustrates some further examples of the utility of the DIF pack-age.5.1PtolemyWe have developed a back-end for Ptolemy II that generates DIF graphs from dataflow-based Ptolemy II models. An example of Ptolemy-to-DIF conversion through this back-end is shown in Figure 3. A front-end that converts DIF specifica-tions into Ptolemy II models is under development.5.2MCCI Autocoding ToolsetAnother usage example of DIF is in the Autocoding Toolset of Management, Communications, and Control, Inc. (MCCI) [14]. This tool is designed for mapping large, complex signal processing applications onto high-performance multiproces-sor platforms. Through a DIF-generating back-end developed at MCCI, the Autoc-oding Toolset supports generation of DIF specifications after partitioning the application.Figure 4 shows a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) application developed in the Autocoding Toolset. The functional requirements of SAR processing consist of four logical processes: data input and conditioning, range processing, azimuth pro-cessing and data output. The Autocoding Toolset partitions the application into five parts dividing the azimuth processing into two parts. Figure 4(a) shows the top level functional definition graph and Figure 4(b) shows the range subgraph. DIF defini-tions of these graphs can be found in Figure 5. Range processing of data includes conversion to complex floating point numbers, padding the end of each data row with zeros, multiplying by a weighting function, computing the FFT, and multiply-ing the data by the radar cross-section compensation.5.3Visualization and Benchmark GenerationThe DIF package contains facilities to generate DIF specifications of ran-domly-generated, synthetic benchmarks. This can be useful for more extensive test-ing of tools and algorithms beyond the set of available application models. The benchmark generator is based on an implementation of Sih’s dataflow graph genera-tion algorithm [15], which constructs application-like graphs by mimicking patterns found in practical dataflow models.DIF specifications and intermediate representations can also be converted automatically into the input format of dot [10], a well-known graph-visualizationFigure 3. Ptolemy II model of a PAM communication system that is exported to DIF. This example represents the functionality of each node as a computation attribute, which is derived from the Ptolemy II library definition.sdf graph _graph {topology {nodes {n0, n1, n2,n3, n4, n5}edges {e0 n0 n1;e1 n1 n2;e2 n2 n4;e3 n3 n2;e4 n4 n5;}}production {e0 1;e1 16;e2 1;e3 1;e4 1;}consumption {e0 1;e1 1;e2 1;e3 1;e4 1;}delay {e0 0; e1 0;e2 0; e3 0;e4 0;}computation {n0 DiscreteRandomSource; n1 RaisedCosine;n2 AddSubtract; n3 Gaussian;n4 RaisedCosine; n5 SequenceScope;}}tool. Figure 6 shows a synthetic DIFGraph generated by the DIF package and laid-out through the dot generator.6. SummaryThis paper has presented the dataflow interchange format (DIF), a textual language for writing coarse-grain, dataflow-based models of DSP applications, and for communicating such models between DSP design tools. The objectives of DIF(a)(b)INpadin_sarpaddedrangewghtout_rngweightedAZI1fftout_azi1compressedAZI2compout_azi2OUTFigure 4. (a) The top-level partitioned application graph of a SAR application in the MCCI Autocoding Toolset. (b) Range processing graph.graph rangeGraph {interface {input rng_in;output rng_out;}topology {nodes {pad:rng_in,wght, fft, comp:rng_out }edges {padded pad wght;weighted wght fft;compressed fft comp;}}production {padded 1048576;weighted 1048576;compressed 1048576;}consumption {padded 1048576;weighted 1048576; compressed 1048576;}delay {padded 0; weighted 0; compressed 0;}}graph SAR {...refinement {rangeGraph rangerng_in:in_sar rng_out:out_rng;}...}Figure 5. (a) Range processing in DIF. (b) Range processing instantiation in SAR. Note that although Figure 4(b) represents a single-rate graph, the Autocoding Toolset presently exports this in the more general form of a DIF graph. This exam-ple is adapted due to space constraints.(a)(b)are to accommodate a variety of dataflow-related modeling constructs, and to facili-tate experimentation with and technology transfer involving such constructs. We are actively extending the DIF language, including the set of supported dataflow model-ing semantics, and the associated repository of intermediate representations and algorithms.7. Bibliography[1] B. Bhattacharya and S. S. Bhattacharyya. Parameterized dataflow modeling for DSP systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 49(10):2408-2421, October 2001.[2] S. S. Bhattacharyya, R. Leupers, and P. Marwedel. Software synthesis and code generation for DSP. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems — II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 47(9):849-875, September 2000.[3] S. S. Bhattacharyya, P. K. Murthy, and E. A. Lee. Synthesis of embedded soft-ware from synchronous dataflow specifications. 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