Safety checking of machine code




为了您的安全使用 Safety Instructions
1.安全使用的标记及其意义 Safety indications and their meanings
本使用说明书及产品所使用的标记和图案记号是为了您的安全而正确的使用产品,防止您及其他人受到危害和损 害。表示方法机含义如下 This instruction manual and the indications and symbols that are used on the machine itself are provided in order to ensure safe operation of this machine and to prevent accidents and injury to yourself or other people.
安 装 Installation
缝纫机重量约 50Kg,安装工作必须由两人以上 来完成。
在安装完成前,请不要连接电源,如果误按启动 开关,缝纫机动作会导致受伤。
请在切断电源后,再拔掉电插头。 不然易成为控制箱发生故障的原因。
工业缝纫机的特性之一,因为要在机针和旋梭等运动部件附近进行操作,而这些零部件很容易引起受伤的危险, 所以请在受过培训的人或熟练人员的安全操作知识的指导下,正确的使用本缝纫机。 With industrial sewing machines, it is normal to carry out work while positioned directly in front of moving parts such as the needle and thread take-up, and consequently there is always a danger of injury that can be caused operation before operating the machine so that you will know how to use it correctly.



国际航行船舶安全检查自查表(参考2012年1月1日东京、巴黎备忘录组织港口国检船名: IMO No:检查日期: 下一港:Code Label中文问题和缺陷01101Cargo Ship Safety Equipment (including exemption)安全设备证书01102Cargo Ship Safety Construction (including exempt.)安全结构证书01103Passenger Ship Safety (including exemption)客船安全证书01104Cargo Ship Safety Radio (including exemption)无线电安全证书01105Cargo Ship Safety (including exemption)货船安全证书01106Document of Compliance (DoC/ ISM)符合证明(ISM)01107Safety Management Certificate (SMC/ ISM)安全管理证书01108Load Lines (including Exemption)载重线证书01109Decision-Support System for Masters on Pass. Ships客船船长决策支持系统01110Authorization for grain carriage谷物装载批准文件01111Liquefied Gases in Bulk (CoF/GC Code)散装液化气适装证书01112Liquefied Gases in Bulk (CoF/IGC Code)国际散装液化气适装证书01113Minimum Safe Manning Document最低安全配员证书01114Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (ICoF/BCH Code)国际散装危险货物证书01115Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (CoF/IBC Code)散装危险货物证书01116Operational Limitations for Passenger ships客船限制操作清单01117Prevention of Pollution by Oil (IOPP)国际防油污证书01118Pollution Prevention by Noxious Liquid Sub in Bulk防止散装有毒液体证书01119International Sewage Pollution Prevention Cert.防止生活污水污染证书01120Statement of Compliance CAS符合声明(现有油轮状况评估计划)01121Interim Statement of Compliance CAS临时符合声明(现有油轮状况评估计划)01122International ship security certificate国际船舶保安证书01123Continuous synopsis record连续概要记录01124International Air Pollution Cert.国际防止大气污染证书01125Engine International Air Pollution Prev. Cert.柴油机国际防止大气污染证书01126Document of Compliance Dangerous Goods危险货物符合性声明01127Special Purpose Ship Safety特殊用途船舶安全证书01128High Speed Craft Safety and Permit to Operate高速船安全和营运许可证书01129Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit Safety近海钻井平台安全证书01130INF certificate of fitness辐射货物适载证书01131International Anti-fouling-System Certificate 国际防污底系统证书01132Tonnage certificate国际吨位证书01134Other (certificates)其他证书01135Documents for carriage of dangerous goods载运危险货物文件01201Certificates for master and officers船长和高级船员适任证书01202Certificate for rating for watchkeeping值班船员资格证书01203Certificates for radio personnel无线电人员证书01204Certificate for personnel on tankers液货船特殊培训资格证书01205Certificate for personnel on fast rescue boats快速救助艇证书01206Certificate for advanced fire-fighting高级消防证书01207Doc evidence for personnel on passenger ships客船特殊培训证明文件01208Doc evidence for personnel on ro-ro passenger ship滚装船特殊培训证明文件01209Manning specified by the minimum safe manning doc根据最低配员文件的最低配员01210Certificate for medical first aid精通急救证书01211Cert for personnel on survival craft & rescue boat精通救生艇筏、救助艇熟悉专业培训证书01212Certificate for medical care医护证书01213Evidence of Basic Training基本培训证明文件01214Endorsement by flagstate船旗国签注01215Application for Endorsement by flagstate船旗国签注申请01216Other (STCW)其他01217Ship Security Officer Certificate船舶保安员证书01301Cargo Gear Record Book起货机记录簿01302SAR Co-operation plan for pass.ships trad on fixe固定航线客船搜救合作计划01303Unattended Machinery Spaces (UMS) Evidence无人机舱证明01304Declaration of AFS compliance防污底系统符合声明01305Log-books/compulsory entries航海日志/强制性记录01306Schedules for watchkeeping personnel船员值班表01307Tables of working hours工作时间表01308Records of rest休息记录01309Fire control plan - all防火控制图-所有船舶01310Signs, indications符号,标识01311Survey report file检验报告文件夹01312Thickness measurement report测厚报告01313Booklet for bulk cargo loading/unloading/stowage散货装载/卸载/积载手册01314SOPEP船上油污应急计划01315Oil record book油类记录簿01316Cargo information货物资料01317Cargo record book货物记录簿01318P&A manual程序布置手册01319Shipboard mar.poll.emergency plan for NLS有毒液体物质海洋污染应急01320Garbage record book垃圾记录簿01321Endorsement of cargo booklet货物手册签注01322Conformance Test Report符合性测试报告01323Fire safety operational booklet 消防安全操作手册01324Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)材料安全数据清单01325ACM statement of compliance石棉材料符合声明02101Closing devices/watertight doors关闭装置/水密门02102Damage control plan破损控制图02103Stability/strength/loading information and instruments稳性/强度/装载资料和装载仪02104Information on the A/A-max Ratio (Roro/pass.only)分舱因素/最大分舱因素的值(滚装/客船适用)02105Steering gear 舵机02106Hull damage impairing seaworthiness船体损坏影响适航性02107Ballast, fuel and other tanks压载水,燃油舱和其他舱柜02108Electrical installations in general一般电器设备02109Permanent means of access永久性通道02110Beams, frames, floors-op.damage横梁,肋骨,底板的操作性损坏02111Beams, frames, floors-corrosion横梁,肋骨,底板的腐蚀02112Hull - corrosion船体腐蚀02113Hull - cracking船体开裂02114Bulkhead -corrosion舱壁腐蚀02115Bulkheads - operational damage舱壁操作性损坏02116Bulkheads - cracking舱壁开裂02117Decks - corrosion甲板腐蚀02118Decks - cracking甲板开裂02119Enhanced survey programme (ESP)特别加强检验02120Marking of IMO number IMO 标志02121Cargo area segregation货物区域隔离02122Openings to cargo area, doors, ... scuttles货物区域开口,门、舷窗等02123Wheelhouse -door -window驾驶室的门,窗02124Cargo pumproom货泵舱02125Spaces in cargo areas货物处所02126Cargo tank vent system液货舱透气系统02127Safe access to tanker bows通往液货船首的安全通道02129Bulkhead strength横舱壁强度02130Triangle mark三角标志02131Other (Bulk carriers)其他(散货船)02132Water level detectors on single hold cargo ships单个大舱的水位探测器02133Asbestos containing materials 石棉包扎材料03101Overloading超载03102Freeboard marks干舷标志03103Railing, gangway, walkway and means for safe passage栏杆,舷梯,步桥和安全通道03104Cargo & other hatchways货舱和其他舱口03105Covers (hatchway-, portable-, tarpaulins, etc.)舱盖(舱口,可移动舱盖,防水帆布等)03106Windows, sidescuttles and deadlights窗,舷窗和风暴盖03107Doors 门03108Ventilators, air pipes, casings通风筒,空气管,围板03109Machinery space openings机器处所的开口03110Manholes/flush scuttles人孔/小舱口03111Cargo ports and other similar openings货舱舷门和其他开口03112Scuppers, inlets and discharges泄水孔,进水孔和排出口03113Bulwarks and freeing ports舷墙和排水舷口03114Stowage incl.uprights, lashing,etc. (timber)系固包括立柱,绑扎等(木材)03115Other (load lines)其他(载重线公约)04101Public address system公共广播系统04102Emergency fire pump and its pipes应急消防泵和其管路04103Emergency, lighting,batteries and switches应急,照明,蓄电池和开关04104Low level lighting in corridors走道低位照明04105Location of emergency installations应急装置的位置04106Emergency steering position com./ compass reading应急操舵处的通讯/罗经数读取04107Emergency towing arrangements and procedures应急拖带装置和程序04108Muster list应变部署表04109Fire drills消防演习04110Abandon ship drills弃船演习04111Damage control plan破损控制图04112Shipboard Marine Pollution emergency operations船上海洋污染应急操作04113Water level indicator水位探测指示器04114Emergency source of power-Emergency generator应急电源-应急发电机05101Distress messages: obligations and procedures遇险通信-义务和程序05102Functional requirements功能要求05103Main installation主用设备05104MF Radio installation中频无线电设备05105MF/HF Radio installation中/高频无线电设备05106INMARSAT ship earth station国际海事卫星船舶地球站05107Maintenance/duplication of equipment维护/双套设备05108Performance standards for radio equipment无线电设备性能标准05109VHF radio installation甚高频无线电设备05110Facilities for reception of marine safety inform.海上安全信息接收设备05111Satellite EPIRB 406MHz/1.6GHz卫星示位标05112VHF EPIRB甚高频卫星示位标05113SART/AIS-SART雷达应答器/AIS雷达应答器05114Reserve source of energy备用电源05115Radio log (diary)无线电日志(日记)05116Operation/maintenance操作/维护05117Other (radiocommunication)其他(无线电通信)05118Operation of GMDSS equipment全球海上遇险安全系统设备的操作06101Cargo Securing Manual货物系固手册06102Grain谷物06103Other cargo/timber/deck/construction其他货物/木材/甲板/结构06104Lashing material绑扎材料06105Other (cargo)其他(货物)06106Cargo transfer - Tankers货物的驳运-液货船06107Cargo operation货物操作06108Cargo density declaration货物密度声明06109Loading instrument装载仪07101Fire prevention structural integrity防火结构完整性07102Inert gas system惰性气体系统07103Division - decks,bulkheads and penetrations防火分隔-甲板,舱壁和贯穿07104Main Vertical zone主竖区07105Fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions耐火分隔上的防火门/开口07106Fire detection and alarm system探火和火灾报警系统07107Fire patrol消防巡逻07108Ready availability of fire fighting equipment消防设备的即刻可用07109Fixed fire extinguishing installation固定灭火系统07110Fire fighting equipment and appliances消防装备和用品07111Personal equipment for fire safety消防安全个人装备07112Emergency Escape Breathing Device and disposition应急逃生呼吸器和布置07113Fire pumps and its pipes消防泵和其管系07114Remote Means of control (opening,pumps,ventilation,etc.) Machinery 机器处所的遥控(开口,泵,通风,等)07115Fire-dampers防火挡板07116Ventilation 通风07117Jacketed high pressure lines高压油管的套管07118International shore-connection国际通岸接头07119Other (fire safety)其他(防火安全)07120Means of escape逃生方式07121Crew alarm船员警报07122Fire control plan防火控制图07123Operation of Fire protection systems消防系统的操作07124Maintenance of Fire protection systems消防系统的维护07125Evaluation of crew performance (fire drills)船员消防演习的符合性评估08101General alarm通用警报08102Emergency signal应急信号08103Fire alarm火灾警报08104Steering gear alarm舵机警报08105Engineers' alarm轮机员警报08106Inert gas alarm惰性气体系统警报08107Machinery controls alarm机舱控制警报08108UMS - alarms无人机舱警报08109Boiler alarm锅炉警报08110Closing water-tight doors alarm水密门警报08111Other (alarms)其他(警报)09101Minimum age最低年龄09102Dirty, parasites不清洁,寄生虫09103Ventilation (Accommodation) 通风(起居处所)09104Heating供暖09105Noise噪声防护09106Sanitary Facilities卫生设施09107Drainage排水09108Lighting (Accommodation)照明(起居处所)09109Pipes, wires (insulation)管路,电线缆(绝缘)09110Electrical devices电器设备09111Sickbay病房09112Medical Equipment 医疗设备09113Access/structure通道/结构09114Sleeping room卧室09115No direct openings into sleeping rooms cargo/mach.从货物处/机器处所无直接通卧室的开口09116Furnishings家具09117Berth dimensions, etc.床的尺寸,等09118Clear head房间净高09119Messroom (location)餐厅(位置)09120Clothes locker衣柜09121Laundry洗衣房09122Record of inspection (Accommodation)检查记录(起居处所)09123Other (crew and accommodation)其他(船员和起居处所)09124Galley, handlingroom (maintenance)厨房,操作间(维护)09125Ventilation通风09126Lighting照明09127Cleanliness清洁09128Provisions quantity伙食数量09129Provisions quality伙食质量09130Water, pipes, tanks水,管路,柜09131Cold room冷藏室09132Cold room temperature冷藏室温度09133Cold room cleanliness冷藏室清洁09134Food personal hygiene食品个人卫生09135Food temperature食品温度09136Food segregation食品的分类09137Record of inspection检查记录09138Other (food)其他(食品)09201Ventilation (Working spaces)通风(工作处所)09202Heating供暖09203Lighting (Working spaces)照明(工作处所)09204Safe means of access通道安全措施09205Safe means of access Shore - Ship船/岸通道安全措施09206Safe means of access Deck - hold/tank, etc.甲板-货舱/液货舱等通道安全措施09207Obstruction/slipping, etc.防绊/防滑,等09208Protection machinery机器的防护09209Electrical电气09210Machinery机械09211Steam pipes and pressure pipes蒸汽管系和压力管系09212Danger areas危险区域09213Gas instruments气动工具09214Emergency cleaning devices应急清洗装置09215Other (working space ILO)其他09216Personal equipment个人装备09217Warning notices警告牌09218Protection machines/parts机器及部件的防护09219Pipes, wires (insulation)管路,缆线(绝缘)09220Structural features (ship)结构特征(船舶)09221Entry dangerous spaces进入危险处所09222Other (accident prevention)其他(事故预防)09223Gangway, accommodation-ladder舷梯,09224Stowage of cargo货物积载09225Loading and unloading equipment装卸设备09226Holds and tanks safety货舱和液货舱安全09227Ropes and wires缆绳和钢丝绳09228Anchoring devices锚设备09229Winches & capstans绞缆机和滚筒09230Adequate lighting - morring arrangements系缆装置足够的照明09231Other (mooring)其他(系泊)09232Cleanliness of engine room机舱的清洁09233Guards - fencing around dangerous machinery parts针对围绕危险机械部分的防护09234Night working for seafarer under the age of 1818岁以下船员的晚间工作情况09235Fitness for dutywork and rest hours职责健康-工作和休息时间09236Legal documentation on work and rest houes关于工作和休息时间的法定文件10101Pilot ladders and hoist/pilot transfer arrangements引水梯和升降式引水装置10102Type approval equipment设备的形式认可10103Radar雷达10104Gyro compass电罗经10105Magnetic compass磁罗经10106Compass correction log罗经误差记录10107Automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA)自动标绘雷达10108Direction finder测向仪10109Lights, shapes, sound-signals灯,号型,声响-信号10110Signalling lamp信号灯10111Charts海图10112Electronic charts (ECDIS) 电子海图10113Automatic Identification System (AIS)自动识别仪10114Voyage data recorder (VDR)/Simplified Voyage data recorder(S-VDR航行数据记录仪10115GNSS receiver/terrestrial radio navigation system全球导航卫星系统接受器/地面无线航行系统10116Nautical publications航海出版物10117Echo sounder回声测深仪10118Speed and distance indicator航速和航程显示器10119Rudder angle indicator舵角指示器10120Revolution counter转数表10121Variable pitch indicator可变螺距指示器10122Rate-of-turn indicator回旋速率指示器10123International code of signals-SOLAS国际信号规则-SOLAS公约要求10124Life-saving signals求生信号10125Use of the automatic pilot自动导航系统的使用10126Record of drills and test steering gear舵机的测试和演习记录10127Voyage or passage plan航行计划10128Navigation bridge visibility驾驶台可视范围10129Navigation records航行记录10130Other (navigation)其他(航行)10132Communication-SOLAS chap. 5通信-SOLAS第V章要求10133Bridge operation驾驶台操作10134HSC operation高速船操作10135Monitoring of voyage or passage plan航行计划的实施监督10136Estabilishment of working language onboard船上工作语言的建立10137Long-range identification and tracking system (LRIT)远程识别与跟踪系统11101Lifeboats救生艇11102Lifeboat inventory救生艇属具11103Stowage and provision of Lifeboats存放和救生艇粮食11104Rescue boats救助艇11105Rescue boat inventory救助艇属具11106Fast Rescue Boats快速救助艇11107Stowage of rescue boats救助艇的存放11108Inflatable liferafts气胀式救生筏11109Rigid liferafts刚性救生筏11110Stowage and provision of liferafts存放和救生筏粮食11111Marine Evacuation System海上撤离系统11112Launching arrangements for survival craft救生艇筏的释放装置11113Launching arrangements for rescue boats救助艇筏的释放装置11114Helicopter landing and pick-up area直升机降落和搭乘区域11115Means of rescue救助方式11116Distress flares遇险火焰信号11117Lifebuoys incl. provision and disposition救生圈包括配备和分布11118Lifejackets incl.provision and disposition救生衣包括配备和分布11119Immersion suits保温服11120Anti-exposure suits抗暴露服11121Thermal Protective Aids保温用具11122Radio life-saving appliances无线电救生设备11123Emergency equipment for 2-way comm.双向通信应急设备11124Embarkation arrangement survival craft救生艇筏登乘装置11125Embarkation arrangements rescue boats救助艇登乘装置11126Means of recovery of life saving appliances救生艇筏的回收装置11127Buoyant apparatus救生浮具11128Line-throwing appliance抛绳设备11129Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances救生设备的即刻可用11130Evaluation, testing and approval评估、试验和认可11131On board training and instructions在船训练和授课11132Maintenance and inspections维护和检查11133Other (life saving)其他(救生)11134Operation of Life Saving Appliances救生设备的操作11135Maintenance of Life Saving Appliances救生设备的保养12101Stowage/segregation/packaging dangerous goods危险货物的积载/隔离/包装12102Dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk散装液体化学品12103Liquefied gases in bulk 散装液化气12104Dangerous Goods Code危险品规则12105Temperature control温度控制12106Instrumentation仪表12107Fire protection cargo deck area货物甲板区域的消防保护12108Personal protection个人防护12109Special requirement特殊要求12110Tank entry货舱的进入12111Other (tankers)其他(液货船)12112Dangerous goods / harmful substances in pack. form包装形式的危险货物/有害物质13101Propulsion main engine主推进装置13102Auxiliary engine辅机13103Gauges,thermometers, etc仪表,温度表等13104Bilge pumping arrangements舱底污水排放系统13105UMS - Ship无人机舱-船舶13106Insulation wetted through (oil)热表面隔热13107Other (machinery)其他(机械)13108Operation of machinery机械操作13109Manuals, instructions, etc.手册,说明书等14101Control of discharge of iol油类排放的控制14102Retention of oil on board留存在船上的油类14103Segregation of oil and water ballast油和压载水的隔离14104Oil filtering equipment滤油设备14105Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements泵吸、管路和排放布置14106Pump room bottom Protection泵房双层底保护14107Oil disch. Monitoring and control system排油监控系统1410815 PPM Alarm arrangmts.15百万分之一报警装置14109Oil/water interface detector油水界面探测器14110Standard disch. conn.标准排放接头14111SBT, CBT, COW专用压载舱,清洁压载舱,原油洗舱14112Cow operations and equipment manual原油洗舱操作和设备手册14113Double hull construction双层壳结构14114Hydrostatically balanced loading静水压力平衡装载14115Condition assesment scheme状况评估报告14116Pollution report-MARPOL Annex I涉及MARPOL附则1的污染报告14117Ship type designation船型设计14118Other (MARPOL Annex I)其他(MARPOL附则1)14119Oil and oily mixtures from machinery spaces来自机器处所的油类和油类混合物14120Load, unload & clean proc. for cargo sp.(tankers)对(液货船)独立货舱的装载、减载和洗舱程序14121Suspected of discharge violation违章排放嫌疑14122Oil fuel tank protection重燃料油舱的保护14123Accidental oil outflow performance事故意外油溢出的执行情况14201Efficient stripping有效扫舱14202Residue disch.systems残液排放系统14203Tank washing equipm.液货舱洗舱设备14204Prohibited discharge of NLS slops含有有毒物质残夜洗舱水的禁止排放14205Cargo heating systems - cat Y substances货物加热系统-Y类物质14206Vent. Procedures/equipment通风,程序/设备14207Pollution report-MARPOL Annex II污染报告-MARPOL 附则2 14208Ship type designation船舶类型规定14209Other MARPOL Annex II其他 MARPOL 附则214301Packaging包装14302Marking and labelling标志和标签14303Documentation (MARPOL Annex III)文件和单证(MARPOL附则3)14304Stowage积载14305Other MARPOL Annex III其他 MARPOL附则314402Sewage treatment plant生活污水处理装置14403Sewage comminuting and disinfecting system生活污水粉碎消毒系统14404Sewage discharge connection生活污水标准排放接头14405Other (MARPOL Annex IV)其他(MARPOL附则4)14501Garbage垃圾14502Placards垃圾公告牌14503Garbage management plan垃圾管理计划14504Other MARPOL Annex V其他(MARPOL 附则5)14601Technical files and if applicable, monitoring manual技术案卷和如适用的监控手册14602Record book of engine parameters发动机参数记录簿14603Approval for exhaust gas cleaning system 废气系统认可文件14604Bunker delivery notes 燃油供应单14605Type approval certificate of incinerator 焚烧炉的形式认可文件14606Diesel engine relating to air pollution control需控制空气污染的柴油机14607Quality of fuel oil 重燃料油的品质14608Incinerator incl.operations and operating manual 焚烧炉包括操作和操作手册14609Volatile organic compounds in tankers 液货船蒸汽释放收集14610Operational procedures for engines or equipment 发动机或设备操作程序14611Ozone-depleting substances 消耗臭氧物质14612Other MARPOL Annex VI其他MARPOL 附则614613Approved method认可方法14614Sulphur oxides硫氧化物14701AFS supporting documentation防污底系统支持性文件14702Logbook entries referring AFS有关防污底系统的记录日志14703Paint condition油漆状况14704Other AFS其他防污底系统15101Safety and environment policy安全和环保方针15102Company responsibility and authority公司的责任和权力15103Designated person(s)指定人员15104Masters responsibility and authority船长的责任和权力15105Resources and personnel资源和人员15106Shipboard operations船舶操作15107Emergency preparedness应急准备15108Reports of non-conf., accidents & hazardous occur.不符合规定,事故和险情的报告、调查、分析和纠正15109Maintenance of the ship and equipment船舶及设备的维护保养15110Documentation-ISM文件-国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则15111Company verification, review and evaluation公司审核,复查和评价15112Certification, verification and control证书,审核和监督15113Other (ISM)其他(国际船舶安全营运和防止污染管理规则)16101Security related defects与保安有关缺陷16102Ship security alert system船舶保安报警系统16103Ship security plan船舶保安计划16104Ship security officer船舶保安员16105Access control to ship进入船舶通道控制16106Security drills保安演习16107Other (maritime security)其他(海上安全)17101Other safety in general其他安全方面的缺陷17102Other (SOLAS operational)其他(涉及国际海上人命公约的操作)17103Other (MARPOL operational)其他(涉及国际船舶防止海洋污染公约的操作) 452项 452项年1月1日东京、巴黎备忘录组织港口国检查项目)纠正措施自查责任船员主要公约章节条款项目IMO决议通函自查要点船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长、三副船长、三副船长船长船长、大副船长船长、轮机长船长、大副船长、大副船长、大副船长船长船长船长船长船长轮机长大副三副三副大副船长大副二副船长船长轮机长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长三副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副船长船长船长船长大副大副大副大副大副轮机长大副大副大副大副大副船长二副三副轮机长轮机长轮机长 大副二副船长船长船长船长船长船长轮机长轮机长船长船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副船长二副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副轮机长轮机长大副轮机长大副轮机长三副轮机长大副船长三副三副三副三副船长三副三副三副轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长大副轮机长大副轮机长大副轮机长大副轮机长大副大副大副轮机长轮机长船长船长轮机长大副船长轮机长大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副轮机长轮机长轮机长船长船长船长大副船长大副轮机长二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副二副船长船长三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副三副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副大副轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长船长轮机长大副船长轮机长大副船长轮机长大副船长轮机长大副大副大副轮机长轮机长大副大副大副船长大副船长大副船长大副船长船长船长轮机长轮机长大副轮机长 大副轮机长大副大副大副大副大副大副大副船长船长船长船长船长船长船长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长大副大副大副大副轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长轮机长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长船长保安员船长保安员船长保安员船长保安员船长保安员船长保安员船长保安员船长保安员船长船长船长。



关于计算机的常用词汇据360教育集团介绍:计算机基础知识:computer 电脑/电子计算机manipulate 操纵,操作information 消息/知识hand-hold 使携/手拿的calculator 计算器system 系统/体系scientific 科学的,系统的electronic 电子的machinery 机器/机关equipment 装备,设备dull 单调的,呆滞的network 网络circuit 电路/一圈/巡回switch 开关/电闸level 水平/标准status 状态binary 二进位的store 储存,储藏process 程序/过程character 字符sound 声音image 影像/图像programme 程序,计划logic inference 逻辑推理aid 帮助/援助instruction 指令convert 转变originality 创造力operate 操作,运转ENIAC 电子数值积分计算机vacuum 真空resistor 电阻器capacitor 电容器interference 干预technology 技术internal 内部的symbolic 代号language 语言span 跨越reliable 可靠的efficient 有效率的magnetic 一有磁性的Auxiliary 附加的/辅助物media 媒体headecimal 十六进制punched card tape 磁带memory 记忆/存储silicon 硅/硅元素chip 芯片terminal 终端机/终点/总站device 设备innovation 改革/创新external 外部的feature 特征component 元件/组件combination 联合/合并microprocessor 微处理器packed 包装的package 包裹/套装软件digital 数字的analog 模拟的hybrid 混合的discrete 离散的Vital 重要的/关键的monitor 显示器overwhelm 制服application 应用wire 电线,电报model 模型Versatility 多种变化,变通lump 使成块hardware 硬件stream 流resource 资源desktop 桌面cabinet 文件柜auxiliary storge 辅助存储器supercomputer 超级计算机minicomputer 小型计算机I/0 device 输入/输出设备system unit 系统部件cell 单元floppy disk 软盘consecutively 连续的/连贯的fix disk 硬盘CPU 中央处理器transmission 传送/传输操作系统与DOS操作基础storage space 存储空间Timer 计时器subdirectory 子目录Available 可用的structure 结构characteristic 特征/特性hierarchical 分层的Sophistication 复杂性issue 发行/放出Standard 标准backslash 反斜杠Online 联机the root directory 根目录Job Management 作业管理perform 执行Sequence 次序conjunction 联合Assess 评估procedure 过程Resource Management 资源管理tree 目录树Oversee vt.监督term 术语Control of I/0 Operation I/0 操作控制startup 启动Allocation 分配TSRs 内存驻留程序Undergo 经历/经受locate 定位Error Recovery 错误恢复sector 扇区Memory Management 存储器管理partition 分区interface 界面booting 自举streamlined 流线型的cluster 簇unleash 释放CMOS 互补金属氧化物体unhamperer 解脱emergency disk 应急磁盘spreadsheet 电子表格partition table 分区表Accessory 附件FAT 文件分配表Notepad 记事薄GUI 图形用户接口Macro Recorder 宏记录器command line 命令行Write 书写器icon 图标Paint-brush 画笔manual 手册modem 调制解调器dialog boxes 对话框Solitaire 接龙mechanism 机构/机械/结丰Reverse 挖地雷clipboard 剪贴板module 模块DDE 动态数据交换acronym 缩写字clumsy 笨拙的version 版本hot linked 映射的update 洲一级/更新real-mode 实模式internal command 内部命令standard mode 标准模式external command 外部命令directory 目录Pentium 俗称586 奔腾芯片sign-on 提示framework 框架/结构extension name 扩展名precedence 优先document 文档uppercase letter 大写字母workspace 工作lowercase letter 小写字母File Manager 文件管理volume label 卷标menu 菜单prompt 提示符Program Manager 程序管理器default 缺省值/默认值folder 卷宗symbol 符号divider 分配者cursor 光标subdivide 子分配者built-in 内置的tutorial 教程应用软件指南:maintenance 维护/维修Quit Batch 退出批处理install 安装.安置adapter 适配器advanced 高等的/在前的MDA 单显适配器copyright 版权/著作权CGA 彩色图形适配器duplication 副本,复制EGA 增强型图形适配器key letter 关键字VGA 视频图形阵列delete 删除destructive 破坏的/毁灭性的character string 字符串insert 寸击入/镶补verify 查证/证实bland 温和的/乏味的readable 可读的capacity 容量/能力attribute 属性/标志seek 搜寻/试图list 目录/名单/明细serial port 串行口sort 排序/分类/挑选loopback 回送alternate 交互的/轮流的specify 叙述/指定format 格式plug 插日argument 争论/引数/要旨ommunicate 沟通/传达match 使相配/使比赛peripheral 周边的/外设的path 路径/小路/轨道aspect 外观/方面pathname 路径名transfer 迁移/转移/传递head 头cache program 高速缓存程序relocation 再布置/变换布置subsystem 子系统/次要系统add 增加overall 全部的/全体的prune/graft 修剪/移植throughput 生产量/处延艳力resident 常驻程序numeric coprocessor 数学处理器compression 缩/缩小identify 识别/认明/鉴定reduce 减少/分解bargraph 长条图/直方图comment 批评/注解report 报告/报道extract 摘录/析取virus 病毒query 查询anti-virus 反病毒integrity 完整immunize 使免疫/赋予免疫性convert 使改变infection 传染/影响self-extractor 自抽出器original 最初的/原始的batch 批/成批result 结果/成绩/答案filename 文件名consider 考虑/思考/认为freshen (使)显得新鲜extra 额外的事物check 支票/检查restart 重新启动join 连接/结合detect 发现/察觉verbose 冗长/累赘的define 定义/详细说明edit 编辑编校suspicious 可疑的/疑惧的backup file 备份文件activity 活动/动作switch 开关转换warn 警告/注意beep 嘟嘟响present 现在的/出席的setting 设置exclusive 独占的/唯一的set mode 设置模式configuration 配置assume 假定/承担virus protection 防病毒density 密度scan 扫描细查inch 英寸signature file 签一名文件compatible 兼容的/能共处的editor 编辑器exception 例外/除外microcomputer 微机support 支持/支撑/援助retrieve 恢复/检索executable 可执行的/可运行的innovation 改革/创新documentation 文件manipulate 操纵/利用hit 打击/冲撞hardcopy 硬拷贝parameter 参数/媒介变数spell-checking 拼写检查evaluate 评估/评价thesaurus 辞典/同义词occur 发生/想到/存在merge 使合并/使消失valid 有效的/正当的function key 功能键buffer 缓冲区/缓冲familiarize 使熟悉/使熟知destination disk 目标盘wrap 包装/限制/包裹source disk 源盘blink 闪亮/闪烁overwrite 改写block 阻塞/封锁test 检验restore 恢复由backup制作的盘performance 绩效/表现/演出the space bar 空格键interrupt 中断accessory 附件/同谋group 团体/团retain 保持/留住/保有floppy drive 软盘驱动器locking 锁定hard drive 硬盘驱动器monitor 显示器parallel ports 并行口appropriate 适当的arrow 箭/箭头记号button 按钮highlight 加亮区/精彩场面optimize 使完善/优化horizontal 水平线/水平面indicator 指示器程序设计:creep 爬/潜行writing program 编写程序standardize 使标准化coding the program 编程simplify 单一化/简单化programming 程序revision 校订/修正programmer 程序员occupy 占领/住进logic 逻辑/逻辑学BASIC 初学者通用符号指令代码machine code 机器代码teaching language 教学语言debug DOS命令/调试simplicity 单纯/简朴compactness 紧凑的/紧密的timesharing system 分时系统description 描述/说明interactive language 交互式语言break 中断manufacturer 制造业者structure chart 结构图dialect 方言/语调the program flow 程序流expense 费用/代价manager module 管理模块uniformity 同样/划一worder module 工作模块archaic 己废的/古老的mainmodule 主模块sufficient 充分的/足够的submodule 子模块data processing 数据处理modify 修正/修改business application 商业应用outline 轮廓/概要scientific application 科学应用compose 分解lexical 字典的/词汇的code 代码non-programmer 非编程人员node 改为密码notation 记号法/表示法/注释pseudocode 伪代码verbosity 唠叨/冗长commas 逗点逗号record 记录documentation 文档subrecord 子记录flowchart/flow 程表/流程data division 数据部visual 视觉的procedure division 过程部represent 表现/表示/代表comprise 包含/构成structured techniques 结构化技术operator 运算符/算子straightforward 笔直的/率直的commercial package 商业软件包subroutine 子程序generator 产生器/生产者driver module 驱动模块mathematician 专家line by line 逐行operator 作符translate 翻译/解释forerunner 先驱modular 摸块化ancestor 祖宗cumbersome 讨厌的/麻烦的teaching programming 编程教学lengthy 冗长的/漫长的alter 改变flaw 缺点裂纹devclop 发达separate 各别的recompile 编译assist 帮助cycle 循环technician 技师remove 移动/除去straight line 直线category 种类/类项rectangle 长方形/矩形P-code p代码virtrally 事实上symology 象征学象征的使用register 寄存器to summaries 总之/总而言之by convention 按照惯例cyptic 含义模糊的/隐藏的diamond-shaped 菱形的bracket 括号decision 判断obviate 除去/排除terminal 终端机/终端的keyword 关键字card reader 阅读器underline 下划线translator program 译程序Programming 程序设计dec/binary 二进制source language 源语shift 变化/转移/移位machine language 机器overflow 溢出machine instruction 机器指令arithmetic 算术/算法computer language 计算机语言composite symbol 复合型符号assembly language 汇编语assignment 赋值floating point number 浮点数proliferation 增服high-level language 高级语pointer 指针natural language 自然语言array 数组矩阵,source text 源文本subscript 下标intermediate language 中间语言type conversion 类型转换software development 软件开发address arithmetic 地址运算map 映射/计划denote 指示/表示maintenance cost 维护费用subprogram 子程序legibility 易读性/易识别separate compilation 分离式编泽amend 修正/改善alphabetic 照字母次序的consumer 消费者digit 数字位数enormous 巨大的/庞大的numeric expression 数值表达式reliability 可信赖性/可信度tap 轻打/轻敲/选择safety 安全/安全设备print zone 打印区property 财产/所有权column 列correctness 正确functionality 机能semicolon 分号portable 叮携带的/可搬运的survey 概观altoggle 肘节开关task 作/任务declaration 宣告/说明source program 源程序mufti-dimension array 多维数组object program 目标程序数据库:transaction 交易/办理/执行query 查询license 执照/许可证/特许subschemas 子模式criminal 犯了罪的/有罪的individual 个体/个人conviction 定罪/信服/坚信employee 职员/受雇人员bureaus 局/办公处integrity 完整/正直insurance 保险/保险业/保险费duplicate 复制的/二重的retrieval 取回/恢复/修补interactive 交谈式security 安全/安全性audit 查帐/稽核integrity 完整/正直/廉正trail 痕迹/踪迹consume 消耗multiuse 多用户manually 用手full-fledged 喂养tedious 沉闷的/冗长乏味的compound document 复合文件DBMS 数据库管理系统recognizant 认识的/意识的consensus 一致/交感user manual 用户手册semantics 语义学bug 缺陷/错误impediment 妨碍/阻碍/阻止encrypt 加密/译成密码intuitively 直觉的malicious 环恶意的/恶毒的module 模块/组件bottleneck 瓶颈schema 轮廓/概要/图解mainstream 主流proposal 建议spatial 空间的/空间性的tailor 定制/制作/缝制relevant 有关联的/中肯的plausible 似真实的/似合理的urgency 紧急/催促virtually 事实上optimization 最佳化impracticably 不能实validation 确认flaw 缺点/裂纹/瑕疵typically 典型的/象征性的assumption 假定/视为当然之事index 索引/做索引duration 持续时间/为期component 组件/成分intolerably 难耐的程度temporal 当时的/现世的abort 流产/失败semantics 语义学rigorous 严厉的/严酷的/苛刻的interval 时间间隔criterion 标准/准据/轨范catalogue 目录/编入目录consistency 一致性/坚固性/浓度cabinet 橱柜/内阁adopt 采用/收养illustration 例证/插图serialization 连载长篇efficient 有效率的/能干的log 日志/记录clerical 事务上的/抄写员的focus 焦点/焦距access 进入twin 双胞胎中人warehouse 大商店/仓库protocol 协议wholesale 批发conflict 神突/矛盾chore 零工/家务negotiate 商议/谈判/谈妥mode 模式/模态drag 拖拉/拖累long-duration 长期architects 建筑师short-duration 短期partition 分割/隔离物ascend 上升/追溯/登高.inherent 固有的/与生俱来的descend 下降/传下necessitate 迫使/使成为必需dimensional 空间的versa 反physical organization 物理组织operator 操作员数字电路:digital circuit 数字电路inclusive 一包含的/包括的logic 逻辑bit 少量gate 逻辑门multibit 多位logical methodology 逻辑方法arithmetic operation 算术运算Boolean algebra 布尔代数bus 总线two-state 两态data bus 数据总线logical multiplication 逻辑乘simultaneously 同时地logical addition 逻辑加parallel register 并行寄存器logical complementation 逻辑非serial register 串行寄存器logical function 逻辑函数shift register 移位寄存器inverter 反相器transistor 晶体管electromechanical calculator 电动式计算器diode 二极管logic symbol 逻辑符号resistor 电阻器electromagnet 电磁铁logic circuit 逻辑电路energize 使活跃/激励Flip-flop 发器armature 电枢counter 计数器relay 电器adder 加法器mechanical latch 机械式,logic variable 逻辑变量set 置位logic operation 逻辑运算reset 复位characteristic 特征/特性figure 图the SET output 置位输出端conjunction(logical product) 合取the RESET input 复位输入端disjunction(logical sum) 析取first-level 一级active 有效的negation(NOT) 反(非)inactive 无效的AND gate 与门construct 构造/设想truth table 真值表resident program 常驻程序power 功率/乘幂utility 公用程序/实用condition 条件diskcopy 磁盘拷贝命令verbalize 以语言表现/唠叨exception 例外vice Vera 反之亦然batch 批/成批the AND function “与”函数specify 指定/说明the OR function “或”函数discrepancy 相差/差异/差别the NOT function “非”函数trigger 触发器exemplify 例证/例示representative 代表/典型硬件基础:microelectronics 微电子学adaptively 适合的/适应的actuator 主动器compensate 偿还/补偿integrated 集成的parasitic 寄生的arithmetic 算术/算法wobble 摆动/不稳定crossroads 交又路focal 焦点的/在焦点上的ROM 只读存储器eliminate 排除/除去RAM 随机存取存储器cornstalk 串音permanently 永久的/不变的affinity 密切关系/强烈的吸引Volatile 可变的/不稳定的stem 柄/堵塞物notepad 记事本introspection 内省/反省microprocessor 微处理器mechanism 机械/机理gateway 门/通路portability 一携带/轻便coprocessor 协处理器configuration 配置floating-point 浮点flexibility 适应性/弹性upgrade 使升级algorithms 运算法则optional 选择的/随意的channel 通道/频道bi-directional 双向性keystroke 键击simultaneous 同时发生的typematic 重复击键的cache 高速缓冲存储器comprise 包含/构成percentage 百分比/部分precommendation 预补偿controller 控制器track 磁轨intercept 截取/妨碍boot 启动significantly 重要地/有效地benchmark 基准/评效migration 移往/移动merit 优点/价值compact 紧凑的/紧密的restriction 限制/限定/约束digitally 数位intrinsic 本质的/原有的dip 双排直插封装Boolean 布尔逻辑/布尔值distortion 扭曲/变形imperative 命令式的playback 重现/录音再生nontrivial 不平常的robustness 健康的/强健的circumvent 绕行/陷害reliability 可靠性/可信赖性decentralize 使分散/排除集中resolvability 可移动性intelligent 智能的/聪明的counterpart 副本/配对物automatically 自动地/机械地archival 关于档案的innovation 改革/创新magneto 磁发电机synonym 同义字cylinder 柱面prototype 原型photodetector 光感测器paradigm 范例/模范predefined 预先确定microchip 微处理器split 分散的core 争论的核心tradeoff 交换,协定extended memory 扩充内存bootdevice 引导设备picture processing 图像处理reside 住/居留/属于sensor 传感器optical disk 光盘WS1 晶片规模集成laser 激光VLSI 超大规模集成storage densities 存储密度hiss 嘶嘶声modulate 调整/调制unveil 揭开/揭幕multiassociative processing 多关联处理技术workload 工作负荷计算机网络与分布式系统:network 网络zap 意志/活力coordinate 同等的/(使)协调hassle 争论minicomputer 小型计算机legacy 传统的facility 设备/容易Macintosh 大苹果机LAN 局部区域网络workstation 工作站irrespective 不顾的/无关的catapulting 发射机弹弓distributed network 分布式网络meteorological 气象学的central machine 中央主机centralization 集中appropriate 适当的immune 免疫的/免除的software packages 软件包immunity 免疫/免疫性meaningful 意味深长的equatorial 近赤道的,赤道的ring network 封闭网络discipline 训练/惩罚stress 重点/紧迫homogeneity 同种/同质open system 开放系统improvisation 即兴而作/即席演奏backup 做备份ultimately 终极/根本interconnection 互联historically 历史的/史实的quotation 引用语payroll 工资单catalog 目录/型录browser 浏览器bulletin 公告,neutral 中立者/中立国approach 接近/动手处理enhance 提高/加强impractical 不实际的endorse 支持/赞同crucial 决定性的/重要的accelerate 加速operability 相互操作性mission 任务/使命scaleable 可攀登的/可剥掉的critical 批评的/决定性的tightly 紧紧地/坚固地inventory 存货清单longevity 长命/长寿/寿命administrative 行政的/管理的evaluating 评估strategy 策略dispersed 被分散的remote 远程incremental 增加的monitoring 监听intervention 插入/介入conventional program 常规程序host 主机/主人supervisory 管理的/监督的warrant 凭证/正当理由versatile 万用的peripherals(计算机)辅助设备collaborate 合作realm 王国/领域download 下载analogize 以类推来说明proliferate 增殖/激增quadrate 求积/矩/弦website web地址amplitude 广阔/充足/增幅OSI 开放系统互联network management 网络管理product development 产品开发signal level 信号电平integrated network 集成网络object-oriented 面向对象file server 文件服务器object definition 对象定义mouse 鼠标fault isolation 故障隔离click 单击entry 登录/入口database system 数据库系统DTE 数据终端设备centralized system 集中式系统paralleled-to-serial 并串decentralized system 分散式系统serial-to-paralleled 串并distributed system 分布式系统Universal Synchronous 通用同步workstation 工作站Asynchronous Receiver 异步接收coordinate 坐标/同等的transmitter 发送器multipoint data 多点数据data stream 数据流FEP 前端处理机modulator 数传机arithmetic logic unit 算术逻辑部件keyboard 键盘printer 打印机skitter 磁盘statistical 统计的joystick 游戏棒/操纵杆software 软件category 种类simulate 模拟,模仿handle 控制interpret 解释feedback 反馈instrument 工具manufacture 制造CAD 计算机辅助设计engineer 工程师draft 草稿graphics 图形video 影像robotic 机器人学automation 自动化word processing 字处理text 文本communication 通讯electronic-mail 电子邮件teleconferencing 电话会议telccommunicating 远程通讯database 数据库CAI 计算机辅助教学transistor 晶体管DOS 磁盘操作系统RAM 随机存取存储器mouse 鼠标intense 强烈/紧张floppy 松软的fix 牢固的write-protect 写保护drive 驱动器mechanics 机械学access 访问byte 比特mega 兆decimal 十进制octal 八进制storage 存储器weight 权code 代码ASCII 美国信息交换标准代extended 扩充的/长期的voltage 伏特integer 整数negative 负的absence 缺席convenience 便利waveform 波形zone 区vendor 厂商/自动售货机implement 工具/器具quantity 数量rigid 硬的fragile 易脆的susceptible 易受影响的medium 媒体shutter 快门general-purpose 通用theory proving 定理证明information retrieval 信息检索persona computer 个人计算机time-consuming 费时的routine task 日常工作logical decision 逻辑判断programmable 可编程的rewire 重新接线generation 代unreliable 不可靠的。



Airport Handling ManualEffective 1 January—31 December 201838NOTICEDISCLAIMER. The information contained in thispublication is subject to constant review in the lightof changing government requirements and regula-tions. No subscriber or other reader should act onthe basis of any such information without referringto applicable laws and regulations and/or withouttak ing appropriate professional advice. Althoughevery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, theInternational Air Transport Association shall not beheld responsible for any loss or damage caused byerrors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation ofthe contents hereof. Furthermore, the InternationalAir Transport Association expressly disclaims anyand all liability to any person or entity, whether apurchaser of this publication or not, in respect ofanything done or omitted, and the consequencesof anything done or omitted, by any such person orentity in reliance on the contents of this publication.Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing inthis publication are the advertiser’s opinions and donot necessarily reflect those of IATA. The mentionof specific companies or products in advertisementdoes not imply that they are endorsed or recom-mended by IATA in preference to others of a simi-lar nature which are not mentioned or advertised.© International Air Transport Association. AllRights Reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, recast, reformatted or trans-mitted in any form by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, record-ing or any information storage and retrieval sys-tem, without the prior written permission from:Senior Vice PresidentAirport, Passenger, Cargo and SecurityInternational Air Transport Association800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113Montreal, QuebecCANADA H4Z 1M1Airport Handling ManualMaterial No.: 9343-38ISBN 978-92-9229-505-9© 2017 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage Preface (xv)Introduction (xvii)General (1)AHM001Chapter0—Record of Revisions (1)AHM011Standard Classification and Numbering for Members Airport Handling Manuals (2)AHM012Office Function Designators for Airport Passenger and Baggage Handling (30)AHM020Guidelines for the Establishment of Airline Operators Committees (31)AHM021Guidelines for Establishing Aircraft Ground Times (34)AHM050Aircraft Emergency Procedures (35)AHM070E-Invoicing Standards (53)Chapter1—PASSENGER HANDLING (91)AHM100Chapter1—Record of Revisions (91)AHM110Involuntary Change of Carrier,Routing,Class or Type of Fare (92)AHM112Denied Boarding Compensation (98)AHM120Inadmissible Passengers and Deportees (99)AHM140Items Removed from a Passenger's Possession by Security Personnel (101)AHM141Hold Loading of Duty-Free Goods (102)AHM170Dangerous Goods in Passenger Baggage (103)AHM176Recommendations for the Handling of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (105)AHM176A Acceptance and Carriage of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (106)AHM180Carriage of Passengers with Communicable Diseases (114)AHM181General Guidelines for Passenger Agents in Case of SuspectedCommunicable Disease (115)Chapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING (117)AHM200Chapter2—Record of Revisions (117)AHM210Local Baggage Committees (118)AHM211Airport Operating Rules (124)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING(continued)AHM212Interline Connecting Time Intervals—Passenger and Checked Baggage (126)AHM213Form of Interline Baggage Tags (128)AHM214Use of the10Digit Licence Plate (135)AHM215Found and Unclaimed Checked Baggage (136)AHM216On-Hand Baggage Summary Tag (138)AHM217Forwarding Mishandled Baggage (139)AHM218Dangerous Goods in Passengers'Baggage (141)AHM219Acceptance of Firearms and Other Weapons and Small Calibre Ammunition (142)AHM221Acceptance of Power Driven Wheelchairs or Other Battery Powered Mobility Aidsas Checked Baggage (143)AHM222Passenger/Baggage Reconciliation Procedures (144)AHM223Licence Plate Fallback Sortation Tags (151)AHM224Baggage Taken in Error (154)AHM225Baggage Irregularity Report (156)AHM226Tracing Unchecked Baggage and Handling Damage to Checked and UncheckedBaggage (159)AHM230Baggage Theft and Pilferage Prevention (161)AHM231Carriage of Carry-On Baggage (164)AHM232Handling of Security Removed Items (168)AHM240Baggage Codes for Identifying ULD Contents and/or Bulk-Loaded Baggage (169)Chapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING (171)AHM300Chapter3—Record of Revisions (171)AHM310Preparation for Loading of Cargo (172)AHM311Securing of Load (174)AHM312Collection Sacks and Bags (177)AHM320Handling of Damaged Cargo (178)AHM321Handling of Pilfered Cargo (179)AHM322Handling Wet Cargo (180)AHM330Handling Perishable Cargo (182)AHM331Handling and Protection of Valuable Cargo (184)AHM332Handling and Stowage of Live Animals (188)AHM333Handling of Human Remains (190)Table of ContentsPageChapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING(continued)AHM340Acceptance Standards for the Interchange of Transferred Unit Load Devices (191)AHM345Handling of Battery Operated Wheelchairs/Mobility AIDS as Checked Baggage (197)AHM350Mail Handling (199)AHM351Mail Documents (203)AHM353Handling of Found Mail (218)AHM354Handling of Damaged Mail (219)AHM355Mail Security (220)AHM356Mail Safety (221)AHM357Mail Irregularity Message (222)AHM360Company Mail (224)AHM380Aircraft Documents Stowage (225)AHM381Special Load—Notification to Captain(General) (226)AHM382Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP Format and NOTOC Service) (231)AHM383Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP NOTOC Summary) (243)AHM384NOTOC Message(NTM) (246)Chapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING (251)AHM400Chapter4—Record of Revisions (251)AHM411Provision and Carriage of Loading Accessories (252)AHM420Tagging of Unit Load Devices (253)AHM421Storage of Unit Load Devices (263)AHM422Control of Transferred Unit Load Devices (268)AHM423Unit Load Device Stock Check Message (273)AHM424Unit Load Device Control Message (275)AHM425Continued Airworthiness of Unit Load Devices (279)AHM426ULD Buildup and Breakdown (283)AHM427ULD Transportation (292)AHM430Operating of Aircraft Doors (295)AHM431Aircraft Ground Stability—Tipping (296)AHM440Potable Water Servicing (297)AHM441Aircraft Toilet Servicing (309)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING(continued)AHM450Standardisation of Gravity Forces against which Load must be Restrained (310)AHM451Technical Malfunctions Limiting Load on Aircraft (311)AHM453Handling/Bulk Loading of Heavy Items (312)AHM454Handling and Loading of Big Overhang Items (313)AHM455Non CLS Restrained ULD (316)AHM460Guidelines for Turnround Plan (323)AHM462Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling (324)AHM463Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations (337)AHM465Foreign Object Damage(FOD)Prevention Program (340)Chapter5—LOAD CONTROL (343)AHM500Chapter5—Record of Revisions (343)AHM501Terms and Definitions (345)AHM503Recommended Requirements for a New Departure Control System (351)AHM504Departure Control System Evaluation Checklist (356)AHM505Designation of Aircraft Holds,Compartments,Bays and Cabin (362)AHM510Handling/Load Information Codes to be Used on Traffic Documents and Messages (368)AHM513Aircraft Structural Loading Limitations (377)AHM514EDP Loading Instruction/Report (388)AHM515Manual Loading Instruction/Report (404)AHM516Manual Loadsheet (416)AHM517EDP Loadsheet (430)AHM518ACARS Transmitted Loadsheet (439)AHM519Balance Calculation Methods (446)AHM520Aircraft Equipped with a CG Targeting System (451)AHM530Weights for Passengers and Baggage (452)AHM531Procedure for Establishing Standard Weights for Passengers and Baggage (453)AHM533Passengers Occupying Crew Seats (459)AHM534Weight Control of Load (460)AHM536Equipment in Compartments Procedure (461)AHM537Ballast (466)Table of ContentsPageChapter5—LOAD CONTROL(continued)AHM540Aircraft Unit Load Device—Weight and Balance Control (467)AHM550Pilot in Command's Approval of the Loadsheet (468)AHM551Last Minute Changes on Loadsheet (469)AHM561Departure Control System,Carrier's Approval Procedures (471)AHM562Semi-Permanent Data Exchange Message(DEM) (473)AHM564Migration from AHM560to AHM565 (480)AHM565EDP Semi-Permanent Data Exchange for New Generation Departure Control Systems (500)AHM570Automated Information Exchange between Check-in and Load Control Systems (602)AHM571Passenger and Baggage Details for Weight and Balance Report(PWR) (608)AHM580Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Statement (613)AHM581Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Signal (615)AHM583Loadmessage (619)AHM587Container/Pallet Distribution Message (623)AHM588Statistical Load Summary (628)AHM590Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities (631)AHM591Weight and Balance Load Control and Loading Supervision Training and Qualifications (635)Chapter6—MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (641)AHM600Chapter6—Record of Revisions (641)AHM610Guidelines for a Safety Management System (642)AHM611Airside Personnel:Responsibilities,Training and Qualifications (657)AHM612Airside Performance Evaluation Program (664)AHM615Quality Management System (683)AHM616Human Factors Program (715)AHM619Guidelines for Producing Emergency Response Plan(s) (731)AHM620Guidelines for an Emergency Management System (733)AHM621Security Management (736)AHM633Guidelines for the Handling of Emergencies Requiring the Evacuation of an Aircraft During Ground Handling (743)AHM650Ramp Incident/Accident Reporting (745)AHM652Recommendations for Airside Safety Investigations (750)AHM660Carrier Guidelines for Calculating Aircraft Ground Accident Costs (759)Airport Handling ManualChapter7—AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT CONTROL (761)AHM700Chapter7—Record of Revisions (761)AHM710Standards for Message Formats (762)AHM711Standards for Message Corrections (764)AHM730Codes to be Used in Aircraft Movement and Diversion Messages (765)AHM731Enhanced Reporting on ATFM Delays by the Use of Sub Codes (771)AHM780Aircraft Movement Message (774)AHM781Aircraft Diversion Message (786)AHM782Fuel Monitoring Message (790)AHM783Request Information Message (795)AHM784Gate Message (797)AHM785Aircraft Initiated Movement Message(MVA) (802)AHM790Operational Aircraft Registration(OAR)Message (807)Chapter8—GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTS (811)AHM800Chapter8—Record of Revisions (811)AHM801Introduction to and Comments on IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement(SGHA) (812)AHM803Service Level Agreement Example (817)AHM810IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (828)AHM811Yellow Pages (871)AHM813Truck Handling (872)AHM815Standard Transportation Documents Service Main Agreement (873)AHM817Standard Training Agreement (887)AHM830Ground Handling Charge Note (891)AHM840Model Agreement for Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) (894)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (911)AHM900Chapter9—Record of Revisions (911)AHM901Functional Specifications (914)AHM904Aircraft Servicing Points and System Requirements (915)AIRBUS A300B2320-/B4/C4 (917)A300F4-600/-600C4 (920)A310–200/200C/300 (926)A318 (930)A319 (933)Table of ContentsPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)A320 (936)A321 (940)A330-200F (943)A330-300 (948)A340-200 (951)A340-300 (955)A340-500 (959)A340-600 (962)Airbus350900passenger (965)AIRBUS A380-800/-800F (996)ATR42100/200 (999)ATR72 (1000)AVRO RJ70 (1001)AVRO RJ85 (1002)AVRO RJ100 (1003)B727-200 (1004)B737–200/200C (1008)B737-300,400,-500 (1010)B737-400 (1013)B737-500 (1015)B737-600,-700,-700C (1017)B737-700 (1020)B737-800 (1022)B737-900 (1026)B747–100SF/200C/200F (1028)B747–400/400C (1030)B757–200 (1038)B757–300 (1040)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)B767—200/200ER (1041)B767—300/300ER (1044)B767—400ER (1048)B777–200/200LR (1051)B777–300/300ER (1055)Boeing787800passenger (1059)BAe ATP(J61) (1067)Bombardier CS100 (1068)Bombardier CS300 (1072)CL-65(CRJ100/200) (1076)DC8–40/50F SERIES (1077)DC8–61/61F (1079)DC8–62/62F (1081)DC8–63/63F (1083)DC9–15/21 (1085)DC9–32 (1086)DC9–41 (1087)DC9–51 (1088)DC10–10/10CF (1089)DC10–30/40,30/40CF (1091)EMBRAER EMB-135Regional Models (1092)EMBRAER EMB-145Regional Models (1094)Embraer170 (1096)Embraer175 (1098)Embraer190 (1100)Embraer195 (1102)FOKKER50(F27Mk050) (1104)FOKKER50(F27Mk0502) (1106)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)FOKKER70(F28Mk0070) (1108)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1110)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1112)IL-76T (1114)MD-11 (1116)MD–80SERIES (1118)SAAB2000 (1119)SAAB SF-340 (1120)TU-204 (1122)AHM905Reference Material for Civil Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1125)AHM905A Cross Reference of IATA Documents with SAE,CEN,and ISO (1129)AHM909Summary of Unit Load Device Capacity and Dimensions (1131)AHM910Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1132)AHM911Ground Support Equipment Requirements for Compatibility with Aircraft Unit Load Devices (1136)AHM912Standard Forklift Pockets Dimensions and Characteristics for Forkliftable General Support Equipment (1138)AHM913Basic Safety Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1140)AHM914Compatibility of Ground Support Equipment with Aircraft Types (1145)AHM915Standard Controls (1147)AHM916Basic Requirements for Towing Vehicle Interface(HITCH) (1161)AHM917Basic Minimum Preventive Maintenance Program/Schedule (1162)AHM920Functional Specification for Self-Propelled Telescopic Passenger Stairs (1164)AHM920A Functional Specification for Towed Passenger Stairs (1167)AHM921Functional Specification for Boarding/De-Boarding Vehicle for Passengers withReduced Mobility(PRM) (1169)AHM922Basic Requirements for Passenger Boarding Bridge Aircraft Interface (1174)AHM923Functional Specification for Elevating Passenger Transfer Vehicle (1180)AHM924Functional Specification for Heavy Item Lift Platform (1183)AHM925Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Conveyor-Belt Loader (1184)AHM925A Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Ground Based in-Plane LoadingSystem for Bulk Cargo (1187)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM925B Functional Specification for a Towed Conveyor-Belt Loader (1190)AHM926Functional Specification for Upper Deck Catering Vehicle (1193)AHM927Functional Specification for Main Deck Catering Vehicle (1197)AHM930Functional Specification for an Upper Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1201)AHM931Functional Specification for Lower Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1203)AHM932Functional Specification for a Main Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1206)AHM933Functional Specification of a Powered Extension Platform to Lower Deck/Container/ Pallet Loader (1209)AHM934Functional Specification for a Narrow Body Lower Deck Single Platform Loader (1211)AHM934A Functional Specification for a Single Platform Slave Loader Bed for Lower DeckLoading Operations (1213)AHM936Functional Specification for a Container Loader Transporter (1215)AHM938Functional Specification for a Large Capacity Freighter and Combi Aircraft TailStanchion (1218)AHM939Functional Specification for a Transfer Platform Lift (1220)AHM941Functional Specification for Equipment Used for Establishing the Weight of aULD/BULK Load (1222)AHM942Functional Specification for Storage Equipment Used for Unit Load Devices (1224)AHM950Functional Specification for an Airport Passenger Bus (1225)AHM951Functional Specification for a Crew Transportation Vehicle (1227)AHM953Functional Specifications for a Valuable Cargo Vehicle (1229)AHM954Functional Specification for an Aircraft Washing Machine (1230)AHM955Functional Specification for an Aircraft Nose Gear Towbar Tractor (1232)AHM956Functional Specification for Main Gear Towbarless Tractor (1235)AHM957Functional Specification for Nose Gear Towbarless Tractor (1237)AHM958Functional Specification for an Aircraft Towbar (1240)AHM960Functional Specification for Unit Load Device Transport Vehicle (1242)AHM961Functional Specification for a Roller System for Unit Load Device Transportation on Trucks (1245)AHM962Functional Specification for a Rollerised Platform for the Transportation of Twenty Foot Unit Load Devices that Interfaces with Trucks Equipped to Accept Freight ContainersComplying with ISO668:1988 (1247)AHM963Functional Specification for a Baggage/Cargo Cart (1249)AHM965Functional Specification for a Lower Deck Container Turntable Dolly (1250)AHM966Functional Specification for a Pallet Dolly (1252)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM967Functional Specification for a Twenty Foot Unit Load Device Dolly (1254)AHM968Functional Specification for Ramp Equipment Tractors (1256)AHM969Functional Specification for a Pallet/Container Transporter (1257)AHM970Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Potable Water Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1259)AHM971Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Lavatory Service Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1262)AHM972Functional Specifications for a Ground Power Unit for Aircraft Electrical System (1265)AHM973Functional Specification for a Towed Aircraft Ground Heater (1269)AHM974Functional Specification for Aircraft Air Conditioning(Cooling)Unit (1272)AHM975Functional Specifications for Self-Propelled Aircraft De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1274)AHM976Functional Specifications for an Air Start Unit (1278)AHM977Functional Specification for a Towed De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1280)AHM978Functional Specification for a Towed Lavatory Service Cart (1283)AHM979Functional Specification for a Towed Boarding/De-Boarding Device for Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM)for Commuter-Type Aircraft (1285)AHM980Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Petrol/Diesel Refueling Vehicle forGround Support Equipment (1287)AHM981Functional Specification for a Towed Potable Water Service Cart (1289)AHM990Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance of Aircraft Towbars (1291)AHM994Criteria for Consideration of the Investment in Ground Support Equipment (1292)AHM995Basic Unit Load Device Handling System Requirements (1296)AHM997Functional Specification for Sub-Freezing Aircraft Air Conditioning Unit (1298)Chapter10—ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS (1301)AHM1000Chapter10—Record of Revisions (1301)AHM1001Environmental Specifications for Ground Handling Operations (1302)AHM1002Environmental Impact on the Use of Ground Support Equipment (1303)AHM1003GSE Environmental Quality Audit (1305)AHM1004Guidelines for Calculating GSE Exhaust Emissions (1307)AHM1005Guidelines for an Environmental Management System (1308)Chapter11—GROUND OPERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM (1311)AHM1100Chapter11—Record of Revisions (1311)AHM1110Ground Operations Training Program (1312)Appendix A—References (1347)Appendix B—Glossary (1379)Alphabetical List of AHM Titles (1387)IATA Strategic Partners..............................................................................................................................SP–1。



SELECTED MACHINE SAFEGUARDINGTERMINOLOGYAuthorized Output:an output from a safety controller’s positive-guided relays (used to “authorize”or “enable”a machine’s start circuit when safety system conditions exist).Also known as “safety output.”Automatic Reset:a safety controller reset circuit that automatically resets the safety controller when safe system conditions (no system faults)exist.A manual reset button is optional.Auxiliary output:a non-safety related contact closure or semiconductor output primarily used for signaling component or system status to a PLC,audible alarm or visual indicator (such as a stack light).Also called a “signaling contact”or “auxiliary monitoring contact”.ANSI (American National Standards Institute):an association of industry representatives who,working together,develop safety and other technical standards.Auxiliary monitoring contact:See “auxiliary output”.BG (Berufgenossenschaft):an independentGermaninsurance agency whose legislative arm recommends industry safety practices.One of many “notified bodies”authorized to certify that safety products comply with all relevant standards.CE (ConformitéEuropeéne)mark:a symbol (CE)applied to finished products and machinery indicating it meets all applicable European Directives.For electrical and electronic “finished products”,such as a safety relaymodule,these include the Low Voltage Directive and,where relevant,the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)Directive.Coded-Magnet Sensor:a two-piece position sensor consisting of an array of reed switches and a multiple magnet array-actuating element.Such devices will only deliver an output signal when the reed switch element is in the presence of a matched,multiple-magnetic field array.Coded-magnet sensors cannot be actuated using a simple magnet.Hence they are far more difficult to defeat/bypass than a simple magnetic switch or proximity sensor.Control Reliability:A term applied to safety devices or systems which are designed constructed and installed such that the failure of a single component within the device or system does not prevent normal machinestopping action from taking place…but doesprevent a successive machine cycle frombeing initiated.CSA (Canadian Standards Association):an independ-ent Canadian testing and standards-making organization similar to UnderwritersLaboratories (UL)in the U.S.“CSA-certified”products meet relevant CSA electrical and safety standards.Declaration of Conformity:a manufacturer’s self-certi-fied document,signed by a highly-positioned technical manager,which lists all the Standards and Directives to which a product conforms.A Declaration of Conformity is mandatory for all CE-marked products,and formachine components which,if they fail,could lead to a dangerous or hazardous situation on a machine.Defined Area:a predetermined area scanned by a light beam within which the presence of an opaque object of specified minimum size will result in the generation of a control signal.Direct-Action Contacts:See “positive-break”contacts.Diverse Redundancy:the use of different components and/or different microprocessor instruction sets written by different programmers in the design and construction of redundant components/circuits.Its purpose is to increase system reliability by minimizing the possibility of common-mode failure (the failure of like components used in redundant circuits).Dual-Channel Safety System:a safety control system characterized by two inputs;each connected to one of two independent safety circuits.Dual-channel systems are typically capable of detecting interconnection wiring faults such as open circuits,short-circuits and ground faults.As such they provide a higher level of safety than single-channel systems.E-Stop (Emergency Stop):the stopping of a machine by actuation of an “emergency stop”switch (such as a safety interlock switch,emergency push button switch,rope-pull switch,foot switch,or other actuating device.European Machinery Directive (EMD)2006/42/EC:a set of machine safety design requirements which must be satisfied to meet the Essential Health and Safety standards established by the European EconomicCommunity.This Directive,and other relevant European Directives (such as the Low Voltage Directive,EMC Directive,et al)must be satisfied for the machine to bear the CE mark.388Fail-to-Danger:a component or system failure which allows a machine to continue operating,exposing personnel to a hazardous or unsafe condition.Fail-to-Safe:“Fail-to-Safe”safety devices are designed such that a component failure causes the device/system to attain rest in a safe condition.Fault Detection:the monitoring of selected safety sys-tem components whose failure would compromise the functioning of the safety system.The detection of such failures is known as“fault detection.”Examples are:•a short-circuit in the safety circuit’s interconnectionwiring•an open-circuit in the safety circuit’s interconnection wiring•a welded contact in the safety controller’s positive-guided relays•an open machine guardFault Exclusion:the ability to minimize known possible component failures(“faults”)in a safety system by design criteria and/or component selection.Simple examples of“excluded faults”are:•The use of an overrated contactor to preclude thepossibility of contact welding.•Design of a machine guard such that the safetyinterlock switch actuator cannot be damaged.•Selection of a suitable safety interlock switch.•Use of positive-break safety interlock switchestogether with a self-monitoring safety relay module, such that the possibility of a contact weld resultingin the loss of the safety function is eliminated.The elimination of such faults are generally a compro-mise between the technical safety requirements andthe theoretical probability of their occurrence.Design engineers are permitted to exclude such faults when constructing the machine’s safety system.However, each“fault exclusion”must be identified,justified,and documented in the Technical File submitted to satisfy the European Machinery Directive.Feedback Loop:an auxiliary input on a safety controller designed to monitor and detect a contact weld in the primary machine-controlled device(e.g.motor contactor, relay,et al)having positive-guided contacts.Force-Guided Contacts:See“Positive-Guided Contacts”.Fixed Barrier Guard:See“Hard Guarding”.Guard:a barrier that prevents entry of an individual’s hands or other body parts into a hazardous area.Hard Guarding:the use of screens,fences,or other mechanical barriers to prevent access of personnel to hazardous areas of a machine.“Hard guards”generally allow the operator to view the point-of-operation.Hazardous Area:an area of a machine or process which presents a potential hazard to personnel.Interlock:an arrangement in which the operation ofone device automatically brings about or prevents the operation of another device.Interlocked Barrier Guard:afixed or movable guard which,when opened,stops machine operation. Machine Primary Control Element(MPCE):an electrically powered component which directly controls a machine’s operation.MPCE’s are the last control component to operate when a machine’s motion is initiated or stopped.Machine Secondary Control Element(MSCE):a machine control element(other than an MPCE)capable of removing power from the hazardous area(s)of a machine.Manual Start-Up Test:a term applied to safety con-trollers designed such that at least one of the system’s interlocked machine guards must be manually-opened and closed(after applying power)before machine oper-ation is authorized.All SCHMERSAL’S even numbered Series AES microprocessor--based safety controllers (e.g.AES1136,AES1146,AES1156,AES3366,et al) are designed to require a manual start-up test. Manually-monitored Reset:a safety controller reset circuit requiring the presence of a discrete“trailing-edge”signal(24V to0V)to activate the controller’s authorized outputs.A reset button is mandatory.Muting:the ability to program a monitoring and/or control device to ignore selected system conditions. Negative Mode Mounting:the mounting of a single-piece safety interlock switch(e.g.a limit switch)such that the force applied to open the normally closed(NC) safety contact is provided by an internal spring.(See Figure1.)In this mounting mode the NC contacts may not open when the safety guard is“open”.Here welded/stuck contacts,or failure of a contact-opening spring,may result in exposing the machine operator to a hazardous/unsafe area.When mounted in the“negative-mode”,single-piece safety interlock switches can be easily circumvented/ defeated by the operator…simply by taping down the switch actuator when the safety guard is open.389OSHA (Occupational Safety Health Administration):a U.S.Department of Labor Federal agency responsible for monitoring and regulating workplace safety.OSHA enforcement may reference their own regulations,as well as those of other industry standards-making groups (e.g.ANSI,NFPA,UL,et al).Performance Level:outlined in EN ISO 13849-1,a required level of safety for SRPCS.Designated PL a through PL e .Point-of-Operation:the area(s)of a machine where material or the workpiece is positioned and a process is performed.Point-of-Operation Guarding:a device or guardinstalled at the interface between the operator and the point-of-operation which is intended to protect personnel from hazardous areas.Positive-Break Contacts:normally-closed (NC)con-tacts which,upon actuation,are forced to open by a non-resilient mechanical drive mechanism.Also called “positive-opening”or “direct-action”contacts.(See Figure 2.)Positive-Guided Contacts:Normally-open (NO)and normally-closed (NC)contacts which operate interde-pendently such that the NO and NC contacts can never be closed at the same time.They are designed such that if one of the contacts welds/sticks closed,the other contacts cannot change state.(See Figure 3.)The interdependent operation between NO and NC contacts permits self-checking/monitoring of the func-tioning of relays and contactors featuring positive-guided contacts.Hence they are desirable in machine safety circuits where “fail-to-safe”or “control reliability”is desired.Also called “force-guided contacts”.Positive Linkage:a term applied to roller lever,rocking lever and other switch actuating members designed such that the integrity of the linkage between the actua-tor and the shaft is heightened (beyond a set screw on a smooth shaft)by its mechanical design.Examples of positive-linkages are pinned,square and serrated shafts.(See Figure 4.)Figure 1NEGATIVE-MODE INSTALLATIONFigure 2CONVENTIONAL VERSUS POSITIVE-OPENINGCONTACTSFigure 3390Positive-Mode Mounting:the mounting of a singe-piece safety interlock switch (e.g.a limit switch)such that the non-resilient mechanical mechanism which forces the normally-closed (NC)contacts to open is directly driven by the interlocked machine safety guard.In this mode (as opposed to “negative-mode mounting”)the safety guard physically forces the NC contacts to open when the guard is opened.(See Figure 5.)Positive-Opening Contacts:See “Positive-Break Contacts”.Push/Pull Operation:a term applied to emergency rope-pull switches designed to actuate when the rope/trip-wire is pulled and when it is pushed (goes slack).Such rope-pull switches provide a higher level of safety than units which only actuate when the trip-wire/rope is pulled.Redundancy:the duplication of control circuits and/or components such that if one component/circuit should fail the other (redundant)component/circuit will ensure safe operation.Risk Assessment:a systematic means of quantifying the relative level of danger different types of machinehazards present to the machine operator and/or mainte-nance personnel.This assessment is usually done in the early stages of the machine’s design to permit such hazards to be designed-out or alternatively determine the scope of the safety system needed to protect per-sonnel from possible injury.One approach suggested in EN ISO 13849-1is summarized in Figure 6.Safeguarding:protecting personnel from hazards using guards,barriers,safety devices and/or safe working procedures.Safety Controller:an electronic and/or electromechani-cal device designed expressly for monitoring the integri-ty of a machine’s safety system.Such controllers are designed using positive-guided (force-guided)relays.Depending upon the model,SCHMERSAL ’s safety controllers are capable of detecting the following types of potential safety system faults:•Machine guard(s)open•Guard monitoring switch/sensor failure •Interconnection wiring “open circuit”•Interconnection wiring “short circuit”•Interconnection wiring “short-to-ground”•Welded contact in controlled output device•Failure of one of the safety controller’s positive-guided relays•Fault in the safety controller’s monitoring circuit •Insufficient safety controller operating voltageUpon detection of a system fault,the safety controller will initiate a “machine stop”command and/or prevent the restarting of the machine until the fault has been corrected.The “stop”command may be immediate or time-delayed depending upon the modelsafety controller selected.Figure 4PinnedSquare ActuatorPositive LinkageSerratedFigure 5391Safety Enable:(See“Authorized Output.”)Safety Interlock Switch:a switch designed expressly to safely monitor the position of a machine barrier guard. Such switches typically feature positive-break contacts and are designed to be more tamper-resistant than con-ventional position/presence-sensing switches.Safety Output:(See“Authorized Output.”)Safety Relay:an electromechanical relay designed with positive-guided contacts.Self-Checking:the performing of periodic self-diagnos-tics on the safety control circuit to ensure that critical individual components are functioning properly.Self-Monitoring:see“Self-Checking”.Single-Channel Safety System:a safety control sys-tem characterized by one safety interlock switch whose normally-closed contact is the sole input to a safety con-troller or a motor contactor.Such systems are unable to detect a short circuit failure in the interconnection wiring and are only recommended for addressing Safety Categories B,1and2(see“Risk Assessment”). Solenoid-Latching Safety Interlock Switch:a two-piece safety interlock(actuating key and switch mechanism)whose design prevents the removal ofthe actuating key until released by an integral latching solenoid.Solenoid latching is typically controlled by a time-delay,motion detector,position sensor or other control components.Stop Categories:“0”Requires immediate removal of power from the controlled devices.“1”Allows for a time delay up to30seconds for removal of power.This is commonly used with drive systems where immediate removal of power may result in alonger stop time.SRPCS:Safety Related Parts of Control Systems—(sub)systems which perform a safety function.Tamper-Resistant:a term applied to safety interlock switches referring to their relative ability to be defeated or bypassed using simple,readily available means such as a screwdriver,paper clip,piece of tape or wire,etc. Switches and sensors designed expressly for use as machine guard safety interlocks are designed to be more“tamper-resistant”than conventional switches/ sensors(e.g.proximity switches,reed switches,conven-tional limit switches).Time-delayed Authorized Outputs:a safety controller’s authorized outputs whose activation is delayed(up to30 seconds)to satisfy Stop Category1requirements.Trailing-edge Reset:(See“Manually-monitored Reset.”)Two-Hand Control:a machine control system which requires“simultaneous”use of both of the operator’s hands to initiate a machine cycle.UL(Underwriters Laboratories):an independenttesting and standards-making organiza-tion.UL tests products for compliance torelevant electrical and safety standards/requirements.392。



Mechanical DesignAbstract:A machine is a combination of mechanisms and other components which transforms, transmits. Examples are engines, turbines, vehicles, hoists, printing presses, washing machines, and movie cameras. Many of the principles and methods of design that apply to machines also apply to manufactured articles that are not true machines. The term "mechanical design" is used in a broader sense than "machine design" to include their design. the motion and structural aspects and the provisions for retention and enclosure are considerations in mechanical design. Applications occur in the field of mechanical engineering, and in other engineering fields as well, all of which require mechanical devices, such as switches, cams, valves, vessels, and mixers.Keywords: Mechanical Design ;Rules for Design ;Design ProcessThe Design ProcessDesigning starts with a need real.Existing apparatus may need improvements in durability, efficiency, weight, speed, or cost. New apparatus may be needed to perform a function previously done by men, such as computation, assembly, or servicing. With the objective wholly or partly.In the design preliminary stage, should allow to design the personnel fullyto display the creativity, not each kind of restraint. Even if has had many impractical ideas, also can in the design early time, namely in front of the plan blueprint is corrected. Only then, only then does not send to stops up the innovation the mentality. Usually, must propose several sets of design proposals, then perform the comparison. Has the possibility very much in the plan which finally designated, has used certain not in plan some ideas which accepts.When the general shape and a few dimensions of the several components become apparent, analysis can begin in earnest. The analysis will have as its objective satisfactory or superior performance, plus safety and durability with minimum weight, and a competitive cost. Optimum proportions and dimensions will be sought for each critically loaded section, together with a balance between the strengths of the several components. Materials and their treatment will be chosen. These important objectives can be attained only by analysis based upon the principles of mechanics, such as those of static for reaction forces and for the optimum utilization of friction; of dynamics for inertia, acceleration, and energy; of elasticity and strength of materials for stress and deflection; of physical behavior of materials; and of fluid mechanics for lubrication and hydrodynamic drives. The analyses may be made by the same engineer who conceived the arrangement of mechanisms, or, in a large company, they may be made by a separate analysis division or research group. Design is a reiterative and cooperative process, whetherdone formally or informally, and the analyst can contribute to phases other than his own. Product design requires much research and development. Many Concepts of an idea must be studied, tried, and then either used or discarded. Although the content of each engineering problem is unique, the designers follow the similar process to solve the problems.Product liability suits designers and forced in material selection, using the best program. In the process of material, the most common problems for five (a) don't understand or not use about the latest application materials to the best information, (b) failed to foresee and consider the reasonable use material may (such as possible, designers should further forecast and consider due to improper use products. In recent years, many products liability in litigation, the use of products and hurt the plaintiff accused manufacturer, and won the decision), (c) of the materials used all or some of the data, data, especially when the uncertainty long-term performance data is so, (d) quality control method is not suitable and unproven, (e) by some completely incompetent persons choose materials.Through to the above five questions analysis, may obtain these questions is does not have the sufficient reason existence the conclusion. May for avoid these questions to these questions research analyses the appearance indicating the direction. Although uses the best choice of material method not to be able to avoid having the product responsibility lawsuit, designs the personnel and the industry carries on the choice of material according to thesuitable procedure, may greatly reduce the lawsuit the quantity.May see from the above discussion, the choice material people should to the material nature, the characteristic and the processing method have comprehensive and the basic understanding.Finally, a design based upon function, and a prototype may be built. If its tests are satisfactory, the initial design will undergo certain modifications that enable it to be manufactured in quantity at a lower cost. During subsequent years of manufacture and service, the design is likely to undergo changes as new ideas are conceived or as further analyses based upon tests and experience indicate alterations. Sales appeal.Some Rules for DesignIn this section it is suggested that, applied with a creative attitude, analyses can lead to important improvements and to the conception and perfection of alternate, perhaps more functional, economical,and durable products.To stimulate creative thought, the following rules are suggested for the designer and analyst. The first six rules are particularly applicable for the analyst.1. A creative use of need of physical properties and control process.2. Recognize functional loads and their significance.3. Anticipate unintentional loads.4. Devise more favorable loading conditions.5. Provide for favorable stress distribution and stiffness with minimum weight.6. Use basic equations to proportion and optimize dimensions.7. Choose materials for a combination of properties.8. Select carefully, stock and integral components.9. Modify a functional design to fit the manufacturing process and reduce cost.10. Provide for accurate location and noninterference of parts in assembly.Machinery design covers the following contents.1. Provides an introduction to the design process , problem formulation ,safety factors.2. Reviews the material properties and static and dynamic loading analysis ,Including beam , vibration and impact loading.3. Reviews the fundamentals of stress and defection analysis.4. Introduces fatigue-failure theory with the emphasis on stress-life approaches to high-cycle fatigue design, which is commonly used in the design of rotation machinery.5. Discusses thoroughly the phenomena of wear mechanisms, surface contact stresses ,and surface fatigue.6. Investigates shaft design using the fatigue-analysis techniques.7. Discusses fluid-film and rolling-element bearing theory and application8. Gives a thorough introduction to the kinematics, design and stress analysis of spur gears , and a simple introduction to helical ,bevel ,and worm gearing.9. Discusses spring design including compression ,extension and torsion springs.10. Deals with screws and fasteners including power screw and preload fasteners.11. Introduces the design and specification of disk and drum clutches and brakes.Machine DesignThe complete design of a machine is a complex process. The machine design is a creative work. Project engineer not only must have the creativity in the work, but also must in aspect and so on mechanical drawing, kinematics, engineerig material, materials mechanics and machine manufacture technology has the deep elementary knowledge.One of the first steps in the design of any product is to select the material from which each part is to be made. Numerous materials are available to today's designers. The function of the product, its appearance, the cost of thematerial, and the cost of fabrication are important in making a selection. A careful evaluation of the properties of a. material must be made prior to any calculations.Careful calculations are necessary to ensure the validity of a design. In case of any part failures, it is desirable to know what was done in originally designing the defective components. The checking of calculations (and drawing dimensions) is of utmost importance. The misplacement of one decimal point can ruin an otherwise acceptable project. All aspects of design work should be checked and rechecked.The computer is a tool helpful to mechanical designers to lighten tedious calculations, and provide extended analysis of available data. Interactive systems, based on computer capabilities, have made possible the concepts of computer aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). How does the psychologist frequently discuss causes the machine which the people adapts them to operate. Designs personnel''s basic responsibility is diligently causes the machine to adapt the people. This certainly is not an easy work, because certainly does not have to all people to say in fact all is the most superior operating area and the operating process. Another important question, project engineer must be able to carry on the exchange and the consultation with other concerned personnel. In the initial stage, designs the personnel to have to carry on the exchange and the consultation on the preliminary design with the administrative personnel, and is approved.This generally is through the oral discussion, the schematic diagram and the writing material carries on.If front sues, the machine design goal is the production can meet the human need the product. The invention, the discovery and technical knowledge itself certainly not necessarily can bring the advantage to the humanity, only has when they are applied can produce on the product the benefit. Thus, should realize to carries on before the design in a specific product, must first determine whether the people do need this kind of productMust regard as the machine design is the machine design personnel carries on using creative ability the product design, the system analysis and a formulation product manufacture technology good opportunity. Grasps the project elementary knowledge to have to memorize some data and the formula is more important than. The merely service data and the formula is insufficient to the completely decision which makes in a good design needs. On the other hand, should be earnest precisely carries on all operations. For example, even if places wrong a decimal point position, also can cause the correct design to turn wrongly.A good design personnel should dare to propose the new idea, moreover is willing to undertake the certain risk, when the new method is not suitable, use original method. Therefore, designs the personnel to have to have to have the patience, because spends the time and the endeavor certainlycannot guarantee brings successfully. A brand-new design, the request screen abandons obsoletely many, knows very well the method for the people. Because many person of conservativeness, does this certainly is not an easy matter. A mechanical designer should unceasingly explore the improvement existing product the method, should earnestly choose originally, the process confirmation principle of design in this process, with has not unified it after the confirmation new idea.外文论文翻译译文机械设计摘要:机器是由机械装置和其它组件组成的。



Aabrasion耐磨ABS=acrylonitrile buladiene styrene丙烯accessory配件action of sulphur vapor test耐硫化测试activation活化adhesion test粘着测试adhesive胶水adjust调整aerobic shoe有氧舞蹈鞋after ski shoe雪靴age resister抗老化剂aging tester老化试验机air gun气枪all man-made material全人造材料alligator skin鳄鱼皮aluminum last铝楦amalfi construction条式外帮式凉鞋结构American size scale美制尺度amphibious boot水陆两用鞋angle on insole中底发角aniline finish leather苯染皮ankle boot短靴,足裹靴antelope leather羚羊皮antique oil安第古油appearance外观appliqué装饰品approve认可apron鞋头盖arch足弓arch cookie月眉片; 脚掌弓型片arch support足弓垫arithmetic grading算术级放artificial leather人造皮artisan; shoemaster鞋匠assembly成型, 装配athleisure shoe休闲运动鞋available size通用尺码Bbaby shoe婴儿鞋back cone height后锥体高度back cone top plane width后锥面宽度back cone top plane后锥顶平面back cone后锥体back height后帮高度back part width后踵宽度back part后踵back seam height鞋后踵高度back seam tack后踵高度位置back seam鞋后踵缝合back stay后贴片back stap too high后带太高back stap鞋后带back tab overlay后套接片back tab后上片backer补强内里backing补强内里bagging袋翻法balance均衡ball girth足掌围ball足掌Ballerina无内里平底女鞋ballet shoe芭蕾舞鞋Balmorals镶花边的鞋Banlnry橡胶用密闭式混合机bar shoe条扣鞋barring条状之补强车缝base plane基础平面baseball shoe棒球鞋basketball shoe篮球鞋beachcomber海滩鞋beaded shoe串珠鞋面beaded鞋面串珠beige灰棕色;米色belly皮革肚边部位bending弯曲试验binding滚边blade针杆blending agent混合剂blended insole迭合中底blind eyelet隐藏式鞋眼blowing agent发泡剂Bluches外耳式鞋boa长毛布boat shoe船用鞋boaded leather搓纹皮bond接着bone骨色BONTEX一中底布厂家boot靴boot vamp molding machine靴面定型机bootee轻巧女靴bottom鞋底台bottom filler底部填充料bottom pattern底部纸样bottom thread缝底部的线bottom view底视图bow蝴蝶结bowling shoe保龄球鞋boxing鞋面格状补强车缝boxing shoe拳击鞋boy’s shoe男童鞋brand name商标名称breast line跟胸线breast of heel鞋跟腹墙breathable leather透气皮bridging agent架桥剂bright color亮色brocade shoe浮花织棉鞋Brogue布洛克鞋brush毛刷buckskin公鹿皮buckle子母扣,饰扣buff软牛皮buffalo skin水牛皮built heel迭式鞋跟bull hide公牛皮burgundy酒红色burnished leather打蜡皮burnishing皮边整烫bursting strength tester破裂强度试验机butt臀部皮革butted seam平头接缝buttress heel nail鞋跟固定针Ccable stitching粗cabretta skin绵羊皮CAD=computer-aided design计算机辅助设计CAD gradamatic system计算机级放系统calendar出片机, 压延机calf hide/skin小牛皮California slip-lasted construction加洲入楦结构CAM computer-aided manufacture计算机辅助制造cabrella丽新布camel骆驼色canvas帆布cap鞋前套cape skin小羊皮cardboard filler纸版填补物carpicho hide河马皮carton label纸箱标签carton making machine纸箱成型机carton number C/No.箱号carton外箱case箱casting leather软皮casual shoe休闲鞋catalyst催化剂cattle hide大牛皮cement胶水cemented construction贴合结构法cemented lining贴合内里cementing上胶central grading中心级放central seam后踵中央接锋缝centerline中线certification of inspection检验证书chain stitch连环车缝法Chelsea boot侧边有松紧带的短靴Cherokee加洛基式凉鞋chic style新潮款式children’s shoe童鞋children’s footwear童鞋类chilling冷冻定型chip碎屑chromed tanned leather铬糅皮chukka boot恰克鞋; 马球鞋ciao boot俏靴(有鞋带的短统平底靴) clarino可丽柔人造皮classical shade传统色调clicking裁断clip打钉clobber鞋匠clog木屐close shoe满帮鞋close toe/back满帮式closing缝合cobalt blue钴蓝collar领口; 滚口collar foam滚口泡棉collar lining滚口内里;内加皮;反口里collection一系列款式color code颜色代码color fading test褪色试验color not matching颜色不一样color stability色彩稳定性color variation色差colored tape色带coloring agent着色剂; 色胶coloring match配色comfort footwear舒适鞋component组件compound混合料compression test耐压缩试验cone锥形体cone top surface outline锥体顶面周线CFM=confirm确认confirm sample确认样品construction结构continental size欧洲尺码control panel控制板conveyor传输带cookie足弓带cooling system冷却机co-ordinated grading调和级放cording滚边corduroy绒布cork软布corrected grain leather磨面皮cotton cloth棉布cotton woven面织物cotton yarn棉纱counter lasting machine后帮机counter lining后踵内里counter pocket reinforcer后套补强counter pocket鞋后套counter performing machine后踵套预先定型机counter sample对等样品court shoe草场上用鞋(网球鞋,足球鞋等) cover heel包皮跟cow hide母牛皮cowboy boots牛仔长统靴cowhide leather牛皮cracking test耐挠试验crampons钉鞋(冰上行走)crepe生胶crocodile skin鳄鱼皮crooked屈曲不平cross linking agent架桥剂crown楦底冠弧Cuban heel古巴跟cuboid骰型cuff鞋领口cushion垫cushion collar有软垫之领口custom shoe定制鞋custom checking海关检查cut out鞋面开洞cutter切割机; 裁断机cutting裁断cutting board切割板; 裁断板cutting direction裁断方向cutting machine裁断机cutting plank斩板Ddark blue深蓝dark color暗色decoration装饰物decorative stitching装饰车缝deep color深色deer skin鹿皮defects surface皮面瑕疵denim牛仔布design设计design of style型式设计designer设计师die斩刀digitizer数位板diluent稀释剂direct injection直接射出成型direct vulcanized process直接硫化制程dispersion kneader捏合机distance between stitching线距dogtail quarter狗尾巴式后帮double sole双层底double loop terry双圈毛巾布double stitching车双针draft草图dress shoe盛装鞋dressed leather熟皮dressy盛装的,考究的drilling machine钻孔机dry process PU leather干式PU皮dry time干燥时间drying干燥drying tunnel干燥箱duck细帆布dull color暗色duraplush长丝绒dust collector集尘器Dutch boy toe荷兰式男鞋头Dutchman填隙片dyeing/decoloring test染色/脱色试验机Eedging饰边egg crate蛋装法elastic band松紧带elegant幽雅elongation test延伸率试验emboss压花,压纹embossed leather压(印)花皮embossing machine压纹机embroidered刺绣embroidery shoe绣花鞋emery tape grinding machine砂带研磨机emery wheel grinding machine砂轮研磨机emery leather; patent leather漆皮engineer boot工程靴English size scale英制尺度equipment设备espadrille包麻底台布面鞋EV A=ethylene vinyl acetate塑料EV A sheet塑料片EV A sole塑料底everyday general purpose日常穿着exercise sandal健康鞋exhibition last样品鞋eye针眼eyelet鞋眼eyelets fasting machine鸠目机eyelet punching打鞋眼eyelet puncher打鞋眼机eyelet stay鞋眼片eyestay lining鞋眼内里eyestay overlay鞋眼饰片eyestay reinforcer鞋眼补强Ffabric布料,纤维face-to-face packingfacing鞋正面fashion流行时尚,流行款式fashion boot流行长靴fastening固定feather edge底边缘felt shoeferule铁套管filler填充物,填腹finish整饰fishing wader钓鱼鞋fitness shoe健身运动鞋fitting试穿fitting stool试穿凳fixing整理flake white片白flange heel凸缘形跟flared heel细腰形跟flash trimming machine鞋底溢料削除机flat bed sewing machine平台式针车flat foot扁平足flat shoe平底便鞋flesh side生皮内层flesher绵羊榔皮flexibility弯曲性flexing tester曲折测试机floater轻便鞋flocked leather舒美绒皮foam passing machine泡棉贴合机folding machine滚边机folding包边,折边football shoe足球鞋foot gauge量脚器foot measurement脚的测试foot pad鞋垫footwear鞋类footwear of leather皮鞋footwear of plastic塑料鞋footwear of rubber橡胶鞋footwear of textile纺织鞋fore & hind shank前后支铁心foreman领班forepart前段,鞋头前片forepart centerline楦底面前段中心线forepart featherline plane前段帮脚线切面forme半面平版forme cutting半面平版样裁断formula配方foxing后套foxing underlay后套内层foxing underlay logo后套下片商标foxing logo后套商标foxing reinforcer后套补强,边饰条补强freezing tester耐寒试验机French size法国尺码fringe鞋面之须坠front cone height前锥体高度front cone前锥体frosting吐霜frye boot(高到小腿肚的)馬靴full-breast heel卷跟full-grain leather珠面皮full-iron bottom全铁皮楦底full lining全内里full size全套尺码full sock全片式鞋垫function功能fur长毛绒布Ggender性别geometric grading几何级放get mildew发霉Gibson吉布森鞋girth measurement围度测量glazed leather镜面皮glue胶水glue cleaning machine清胶机goat skin山羊皮golf shoe高尔夫鞋Goodyear welt construction固特易延条结构Goodyear welt shoe固特易延条鞋gore松紧带grade级放grade increment级放尺度grade ratio级放率grading级放grading by hands手工级放grading theory级放原理grain leather珠面皮grey灰色=graygrind edge of shoe磨鞋边grinding腰边grip the foot包住脚groove针车沟gross weight毛重guide导杆gum boot长统橡胶靴gusset boot侧边有松紧带的短靴gusset三角片gym shoe健身鞋Hhairy起毛half boot中统靴half iron bottom半铁片楦惕底half sock半截式鞋垫hammer锤子hand cutting手裁hand tag吊牌hardness gauge硬度计hardness plank硬板hardness tester硬度计heat resistance耐热性heat sealing热熔结合heat setting热定型heated shrinkage test热收缩试验heated chamber加热器具heating加热heavy duty wear耐用鞋类heel appearance后跟外观heel breast后跟腹墙heel centerline后跟座中心线heel covering包鞋跟heel crown跟踵heel cup鞋跟杯heel curve后踵背弧度heel curve angle后踵弧度角度heel altitude楦跟高度heel feather line plane后跟帮脚线切?heel fit on outsole后跟与底密接heel wrap卷跟皮heel height后跟高度heel impact test鞋跟冲击试验heel lasting后帮heel lift天皮heel not straight后跟不正heel pad 鞋跟踵垫heel pitch鞋跟斜度heel plate后跟铁片heel point后跟端点heel seat后跟heel seat pounding or shaping machine后踵整型机heel seat width后跟座高度heel steel tip鞋跟铁片heifer skin小母牛皮herring bone forme鱼骨法hide大件皮high cut高统hinge钮键hinge cut两截式楦hinge last插销孔hinge pin holes钮键插销hinge slot键槽hook魔术勾带hydrolysis水解Iimpression外观in pair配双industrial/safety footwear工作安全鞋infant’s shoe婴儿鞋infants婴儿injection-molded PU射出式PU injection-molded PVC射出PVC inner booty鞋舌内套inner box label内盒标inner sole中底inside forme内腰平面样insole pattern中底纸样inspector检查员instep girth背围instep point脚背点JJapanese size日本尺码jockey boot马靴jogging shoe慢跑鞋joined together接合jute cloth麻布Kkangaroo skin袋鼠皮kid skin小羊皮kiln干燥室kiltie鞋面之须坠kip skin小牛皮knee boot长统靴kraft牛皮纸kungfu shoe功夫鞋Llab实验室label标签lace鞋带lace hole鞋带孔lacelock眼扣lace loop穿带孔laced shoe系带鞋lacquer漆ladies shoe淑女鞋lamb skin羔羊皮lapped seam迭合接缝laser cutting激光裁剪last楦头last ball break楦底接地线last bottom centerline楦底中心线last bottom featherline帮脚线last bottom width楦底宽度,掌面宽度last centerline楦底中心线last centerline plane楦底中心线切面last putting machine入楦机last slipping脱楦lasting allowance钳帮宽容lasting钳帮,入楦术latest design最新款式latex天然橡胶,白面糊latexing machine上胶机layer层,层次layout流程布置leather board皮浆板leather footwear皮革鞋类leg of the boot靴统leisure shoe休闲鞋length长度lift迭式鞋跟之每一层line up产前问题分析linen yarn亚麻纱lining stamp内里印刷lining trimming machine修内里机Litterway construction李威特结构lizard skin蜥蝪皮loafer包子鞋lock stitch锁缝logo商标long heel girth跟口围度long heel plate长跟铁片楦底loop魔术毛带loose松散loose thread脱线loss损耗Louis heel刘易斯跟low cut低统low heel casual低跟休闲鞋Mmachine sewn construction机器车底Mackay construction马凯结构Mackay stitcher内线机magic strap魔术带magic tape魔术带magnet hook磁性扣main mark正麦manufacture制造margin边距marking做记号marking pen记号笔Mary Jane背带式平底女鞋mass production量产mean forme中庸平面样medallion鞋头上似奖牌的饰物men’s shoe男鞋men’s footwear男鞋metal金属metal detector金属饰物metallic PVC leather金属PVC皮MEK=methyl ethyl keton microprocessor control微处理控制middle sole中插midsole中底,内底mighty band强力胶migration移行miner’s shoe矿工鞋misses shoe少女鞋mixing roller开放式混合机Moccasin马克森鞋mock stitching假饰缝mock welt假革条model型体modify修改moisture tester湿度计mold release脱模剂Monopoints蒙多点制monk shoe僧侣鞋monofilament mesh透明细布moon boot月亮鞋mould模具mould wedge模造中插molding定型mountaineering shoe登山鞋mule shoe前密后开之拖鞋mulling鞋面加热烘软multispandex加积布jazziNnail钉子nail detector铁钉探测器nail puller拔钉机nail sticks out(protrudes)钉子露出nailing machine打钉机nappa柔软皮nature rubber latex天然橡胶液neck颈部皮革needle车针net patterns网版net weight凈重neutral中性色调non-slipping sole防滑底non-woven fabric不织布non-yellowing test耐黄变测试not in pair不配双notch记号圈,记号齿nubuck磨绒面皮nurse shoe护士鞋nylon band尼龙带nylon zipper尼龙拉链Ooil resistant耐油性oil-tanned leather油糅皮old fashion老式的,过时的one-piece pump一片式大底open back鞋后开口式open seam露边接缝open toe鞋头开口式operator操作员OEM=original equipment manufacture原厂委托制造original sample原样orthopedic shoe矫正鞋ostrich skin鸵鸟皮out last拔楦out seam stitcher外线机out staple拔钉outer shoe外底out-of-fashion过时output产量outside forme外腰平面样outside welting stitching车外线outsole大底outsole not smooth大底不平oval toe椭圆形鞋头oven烘箱over shoe鞋套overlay饰片Oxford牛津鞋(紧鞋带浅帮鞋)Ppacking包装packing list装箱单,包装明细packing machine打包机padded collar有软垫的领口painting喷漆pairage双数pantograph缩图器paper filler纸团paper pattern纸版paper slipper纸拖鞋paratroop boot伞兵鞋Pairs blue巴黎蓝parts零件pasting machine上胶糊机patent leather漆皮pattern cutting纸版pattern designer(pattern cutter)纸版剪pattern engineering纸版工程pattern grading machine纸版级放机pattern wheel shaft stand橡胶片压纹pattern cutting & design纸版裁剪及设计peacock blue孔雀蓝peccary skin野猪皮peeling test剥离试验peep toe shoe露趾尖式凉鞋pelt生毛皮penny loafer(coin shoe)有硬币袋式包子鞋perforation打孔permanent compression永久压缩permanent tension test永久伸缩试验permanent white纯白picalon(纸版中底的)皮克隆pieces鞋面皮pig skin猪皮pigment finish leather涂料皮pincer钳子,前帮机的夹头pinch in缩进去pinned top-piece天皮钉plain pump素面女高跟鞋plane cutting press平面裁断机plastic chipping machine塑料切碎机plastic last塑料楦platform鞋台platform cover底台包皮rplug鞋铨pneumatic heel tacking machine气压钉机pneumatic last slipping machine气压拔钉机point针尖point toe尖形鞋头polybag塑料带PVC=polyvinyl chloridePBR=poly butadiene rubberPIR=poly isoprene rubberPU=polyurethane leatherpopsicle加洲式结构拖鞋pot life可使用时间position部位power consumption耗电量press重压,冲床press cutting斩刀裁断pressure vessel加硫罐,压力容器prewalker学步鞋price ticket价格标签priest shoe; monk shoe僧侣鞋primer处理剂primering药水处理process流程processing制程produce生产production control生管production trial生产试作profile侧面图PU-coated spilt leather PU榔皮pull-out last拔楦pump高跟鞋punching冲孔pure rubber天然橡胶put-on last入楦PVC sheet PVC塑料布PVC shoe PVC塑料底鞋python skin蟒蛇皮QQC=quality control品管quarter鞋身,腰身quarter insertion插腰quarter iron bottom鞋身中段铁片楦quarter lining鞋身内里quarter overlay鞋身饰片quarters鞋身中段Rrain boot雨靴rand延条raw eyelet没有包金属眼套的鞋眼raw hide生皮rayon yarn人造纱reel heel圆轴材料reflection material反光材料remove solvent去除溶剂reinforcing贴补强repacking翻箱repair cementing补胶resin树脂remain the shape保持形状returning collar lining翻反口里rib延条ribbed insole肋条中条rich color浓色ridge楦脊riding boot马靴rigid backer硬质后踵片rink system圆形小组式生产系统riveting machine铆合机roller skate溜冰鞋rope sole麻绳编底rotary vacuum vulcanizing machine回转真空加硫机rough(upper, bottom)打粗round square toe方圆形鞋头round toe圆形鞋头royal blue宝蓝rubber橡胶rubber band橡皮筋rubber chopper橡胶切碎机rubber cement stirrer橡胶糊搅拌机rubber footwear橡胶鞋类rubber mixing machine橡胶混合机rubber slicing machine橡胶切片机rubber smoked sheet烟胶片rubber sole橡胶底rubber sponge sole合成橡胶发泡棉rubber Lon合成橡胶发泡板running shoe跑步鞋rust test耐腐蚀试验rust铁红色Ssabot木鞋saddle shoe鞍形鞋saddle鞋鞍片safety shoe安全鞋sales sample销样sample working pattern样品生产纸版sandal凉鞋satin shoe缎面鞋scissors剪刀scoop wedge heel杓形跟scoop wedge杓形中插screw driver起子scribing machine划线机scrub磨seal skin海豹皮sealant填隙材料seam缝合线seat back heel后座式跟seat lasting后帮seat sock跟座垫section grading部分级放sectional pattern各部位样版semi-product半成品sensor感应器separate last楦盖分离式鞋楦setter定型机shade色度,色调shaft鞋统; shank board (中底后插纸板)于铁芯的中底板shank not straight铁芯不正shank plug铁芯栓shank riveting machine铁芯铆钉机shank too loose铁芯台松shape形式shape distortion变形shape of heel鞋跟的形式sharkskin鲨鱼皮sharp锐利;锋利sheepskin绵羊皮shell forme脱壳法shipping designer装船标识shipping sample装船样品shoe cream鞋面乳膏shoe designer鞋样设计师shoe factory鞋厂shoe finish鞋子表面处理shoe horn鞋拔shoe machinery鞋机shoe material鞋材shoe tree鞋撑shoemaking制鞋shoe tagged附标签shoes tied for packing鞋子绑合包装short heel girth跟背围度shoulder肩部皮革shrink leather皱纹皮side by side packing边对边包装side gore boot侧面有松紧带的靴子side lasting腰帮side leather半开皮side vamp两侧帮鞋side view侧视图side wall鞋边墙silhouettes cement process车内线延条法silica gel干燥剂sliver white银白size尺寸size notch尺寸记号size ranges尺码的分段size scale尺度size stick尺码分段skeleton lining鞋里垫皮skiing boot滑雪靴skin皮skiving削薄skiving machine削皮机slant toe斜形鞋头slate conveyor板条式输送带slender toe细长形鞋头sling back后带挑孔式凉鞋sling back court后带吊带式露跟女鞋slip lasted construction入楦成型结构slip resistance test耐滑试验slipper拖鞋slipper sock鞋袜slope cutting machine斜度切削机(EV A用) slotted construction鞋面由中底边缘之切口插slotted fabric forme平面样切割法slotting中底打洞smooth平滑snakeskin蛇皮snap fastener按扣sneaker胶底帆布运动鞋snow boot雪靴snow mabile boot滑雪靴soaking浸水soccer shoe足球鞋sock laying入鞋垫sock lining鞋垫sock stamp中底烫金soft color柔和色softener软化剂sole底部;鞋底sole attaching贴底sole comes off底脱胶sole edge底边缘sole edge inking machine大底边上墨机sole edge varnishing machine大底边喷漆机sole laying not proper贴底不正确sole laying贴底sole press压底sole thread stitching车大底纤solid接着剂solid forme实心法solid last全楦solid rotating conveyor立体转式输送带solid content固成份solvent溶剂solvent based cement溶剂型接着剂special purpose特定目的specific gravity比重specification规格spectro heel仿迭式跟spike heel锥形跟spilt leather二榔皮spiltting片皮spiltting machine片皮机sponge海棉sponge leather乳胶皮sport wear运动鞋类sporting color运动色调sporty有动感的square toe方形鞋头stabilizer安定剂stain污染;搬点stamping machine烫金机standard forme标准平版样standard making标准样的裁版staple空气钉steam heating pressing machine蒸汽式热风烫平机steel tip鞋头铁片steel toe钢头steer hide阉牛皮step-in便鞋step-on便鞋stick黏着stick length楦头程度stiffener补强stitch down process shoe外翻帮鞋stitching车缝stitching function缝线功能stitching machine针车stitching not even车缝不均匀stitching not on the mark未照记号车缝stock no.库存编号storage有效存放时间strain拉紧strap cutting machine剪带机strengthen补强string lasted construction拉帮结构strip cutting machine切条机strip长片stripping sandal多带式凉鞋strong shade强烈的色调stuck on construction黏贴结构stud饰钉style式样;款式stylist式样设计师SBR=styrene butadiene rubber苯乙烯丁二烯橡胶suede绒面羊皮supplier供货商surface scoured表面研磨swing beam cutting process摇臂式裁断机swoosh面饰synthetic leather合成皮synthetic resin合成树脂synthetic rubber合成橡胶Ttab鞋舌片Tabi日式矿工鞋tack鞋跟固定钉tack hole打钉子(楦底孔供打中底用)tack holes打钉孔tack range粘性维持时间tag标签take-out last拔楦tan棕色tanning agent糅制剂tanning糅制剂tape胶带taping forme贴胶带法tassel穗饰taut拉紧tearing test撕裂试验tensile strength tester拉力试验机terms of last楦头术语terry cloth毛巾布tensile force拉力the gathering stitching车缝鞋面两部分合而为一TPR=thermoplastic rubber热熔胶thermoplastic toe puff applying machine热熔胶套头机thickness gauge厚度计thigh boot统高至大腿之靴子thimble嵌环thimble hole centerline嵌环孔中心线thimble location嵌环孔位置thin shade浅色调thong opening鞋口长度throat reinforcer前襟tissue paper包装纸toe鞋头toe bottom shape楦头尖端底面图toe box前套,前港toe box toe broken down鞋头下陷toe cap鞋头toe lasting前帮toe part鞋头部分toe plate头尖铁片toe point楦头尖端点toe profile楦头侧视图toe puff鞋头儭toe spring翘度;鞋尖高度toe to heel packing鞋头对鞋跟包装tongue鞋舌tongue binding 鞋舌滚边tongue bottom 鞋舌下片tongue foam鞋舌泡棉tongue hid 鞋舌中片tongue label stitching车鞋舌布标tongue label 鞋舌布标tongue lining鞋舌内里tongue sleeves舌紧带tongue stitching接鞋舌tongue top鞋舌上片tongue top foam鞋舌上片泡棉top bumper鞋头套垫top collar外反口top eyestay眼上片top piece鞋跟上片泡棉top thread上线top view上视图toplift天皮topline鞋口topsider平底便鞋TQC=total quality control全员品管tower drier立式烘干机trainer shoe训练鞋transfer搬运tread point着地点treeing & packing整理&包装tread department成品鞋整理部门tricot特利可得trimming修边trimmings饰物turn shoe construction回翻结构turn yellow变黄tying绑标签Uuneven shade色调不均匀uniformity of color染色均匀度unit sole整片式大底universal materials tester自调式压底机upper鞋面upper conditioner鞋面蒸软机upper edge trimmer鞋面修边机upper ruffler鞋面褶景机up-to-date最新的urethane leather PU皮UV system紫外线照射Vvacuum forming真空成型法vacuum tank vulcanizing machine真空箱式加硫定型机vamp鞋面vamp heating humidifier鞋面蒸湿加热机vamp length鞋头常度vamp lining鞋面内里vamp open up鞋面裂开vamp point鞋口点vamp spilt off鞋面裂开vamp tack套前位置点vamp wing鞋类前片两翼位置various kinds of last楦头的类型varnish涂料veeing V型补强车缝vegetable fibers shoe植物纤维制鞋类vegetable tanned leather植物鞣皮velcro魔术带veldtchoen construction外翻帮结构velour leather绒皮viny/plastics footwear塑料鞋viscosity meter粘度剂volleyball shoe排球鞋vulcanizing accelerator硫化促进剂vulcanizing agent硫化剂vulcanizing tester硫化试验机Wwaist鞋腰waist girth腰围;楦头腰围walking shoe散步鞋wall楦墙面walled shoe attaching machine墙式压底机walrus skin海象皮warehouse仓库water-based cement水性胶water jet cutting水刀裁断water resistance耐水性water treatment test浸水试验water vapor absorption吸水量测试waterproof/Wellington boot防水靴waxing打蜡waxing machine打蜡机weak color色弱wedge中插wedge angle后跟面角度weight loss by aging老化减量试验welt延条welt attaching machine贴延条机welted construction延条结构welted seam加延条接缝welting rolling轮边wet blue蓝湿皮wet process PU湿式PU皮wet salting盐淹皮white lead铅白whole vamp全帮width宽度wine酒色wing tip翼型前片式winter boot冬靴wiper扫刀wire tacker打钢丝机women’s shoe女鞋women’s/ladies’ shoe女鞋wood bottom木底wood last木楦work shoe工作鞋work ticket工作单working pattern生产纸版WIP=work-in progress在制品wrapping攀鞋wrestling shoe摔跤鞋wrinkle皱纹Yyouth’s大童鞋Zzinc white锌白zipper拉炼zoris夹趾凉鞋;(日本的)草鞋,便鞋。



C语言常用基本词汇及其他提示语运算符与表达式:1.constant 常量2. variable 变量3. identify 标识符4. keywords 关键字5. sign 符号6. operator 运算符7. statement语句8. syntax 语法9. expression 表达式10. initialition 初始化11. number format 数据格式12 declaration 说明13. type conversion 类型转换14.define 、definition 定义条件语句 选择2. expression 表达式3. logical expression 逻辑表达式4. Relational expression 关系表达式5.priority优先6. operation运算7.structure 结构循环语句 循环2. condition 条件3. variant 变量4. process过程5.priority优先6. operation运算数组:1. array 数组2. reference 引用3. element 元素4. address 地址5. sort 排序6. character 字符7. string 字符串8. application 应用函数 调用2.return value 返回值3.function 函数4. declare 声明5. `parameter 参数6.static 静态的7.extern 外部的指针:1. pointer 指针2. argument 参数3. array 数组4. declaration 声明5. represent 表示6. manipulate 处理结构体、共用体、链表:1 structure 结构2 member成员3 tag 标记4 function 函数5 enumerate 枚举6 union 联合(共用体)7 create 创建8 insert 插入9 delete 删除10 modify 修改文件:1、file 文件2、open 打开3、close 关闭4、read 读5、write 写6、error 错误序号主要章节常用英汉对照词汇备注1 运算符与表达式(operator and expression )汉语英语常量constant变量variable标识符identify关键字keywords符号sign运算符operator语句statement语法syntax表达式Expression初始化Initialization数据格式number format说明Declaration类型转换type conversion定义Define 、definition2 条件语句(conditionstatement) 选择select表达式expression逻辑表达式logical expression关系表达式Relational expression 优先priority运算operation结构structure3 循环语句(circle statement) 循环circle条件condition变量variant过程process优先priority运算operation4 函数(function) 调用call返回值return value函数function声明declare参数parameter静态的static外部的extern5 数组和指针(array and pointer) 数组array 引用reference元素element地址address排序sort字符character字符串string应用application指针pointer参数argument数组array声明declaration表示represent处理manipulate6 结构体、共用体(structures 、union )结构structure 成员member标记tag函数function枚举enumerate联合( 共用体) union创建create插入insert删除delete修改modify7 文件(file) 文件file打开open关闭close读read写write错误errorProgram Design 程序设计writing program 编写程序standardize vt.使标准化coding the program 编程simplify vt.单一化,简单化programming 程序revision n.校订,修正programmer n.程序员occupy vt.占领,住进logic n.逻辑,逻辑学BASIC 初学者通用符号指令代码machine code 机器代码teaching language 教学语言debug n.DOS命令,调试simplicity n.单纯,简朴compactness a.紧凑的,紧密的timesharing system 分时系统description n.描述,说明interactive language 交互式语言break n.中断manufacturer n.制造业者structure chart 结构图dialect n.方言,语调the program flow 程序流expense n.费用,代价manager module 管理模块uniformity n.同样,划一worder module 工作模块archaic a.己废的,古老的mainmodule 主模块sufficient a.充分的,足够的submodule 子模块data processing 数据处理modify v.修正,修改business application 商业应用outline n.轮廓,概要scientific application 科学应用compose分解lexical a.字典的,词汇的code 代码non-programmer n.非编程人员node vt改为密码notation n.记号法,表示法,注释pseudocode n.伪代码verbosity n.唠叨,冗长commas n.逗点逗号record n.记录documentation 文档subrecord n.子记录flowchart/flow 程表/流程data division 数据部visual a.视觉的procedure division 过程部represent vt.表现,表示,代表comprise vt.包含构成structured techniques结构化技术operator n.运算符,算子straightforward a.笔直的,率直的commercial package 商业软件包subroutine n.子程序generator n.产生器,生产者driver module 驱动模块mathematician n.专家line by line 逐行operator n.作符translate vt.翻译,解释forerunner n.先驱modular 摸块化ancestor n.祖宗cumbersome a.讨厌的,麻烦的teaching programming 编程教学lengthy a.冗长的,漫长的alter vi./vt.改变flaw n.缺点裂纹devclop vt.发达separate a.各别的recompile v.编译assist n.帮助cycle n.循环technician n.技师remove,除去straight line 直线category n.种类,类项rectangle n.长方形,矩形P-code p代码virtrally ad.事实上symology n.象征学象征的使用register n.寄存器to summaries 总之,总而言之by convention 按照惯例cyptic n.含义模糊的,隐藏的diamond-shaped a,菱形的bracket n.括号decision n判断obviate 除去,排除terminal n. a终端机,终端的keyword n.关键字card reader 阅读器underline vt.下划线translator program 译程序monadic a. monad(单位)的Programming 程序设计dec/binary n.二进制source language 源语shift 变化,转移,移位machine language 机器overflow n.溢出machine instruction 机器指令arithmetic n.算术,算法computer language 计算机语composite symbol 复合型符号.assembly language 汇编语assignment n.赋值floating point number浮点数proliferation n.增服high-level language高级语pointer n.指针natural language 自然语言array n.数组矩阵,source text 源文本subscript n.下标intermediate language 中间语言type conversion 类型转换software development 软件开发address arithmetic 地址运算map vt.映射,计划denote vt.指示,表示maintenance cost 维护费用subprogram n.子程序legibility n.易读性,易识别separate compilation 分离式编泽amend vt.修正,改善alphabetic a.照字母次序的consumer n.消费者digit n.数字位数enormous a.巨大的,庞大的numeric expression 数值表达式reliability n.可信赖性,可信度tap n.轻打,轻敲,选择safety n.安全,安全设备print zone 打印区property n.财产,所有权column n.列correctness n.正确,functionality n.机能semicolon n.分号portable a.叮携带的,可搬运的survey n.概观.altoggle n.肘节开关task n.作,任务declaration n.宣告说明source program 源程序mufti-dimension array 多维数组object program 目标程序其他提示语:CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元mainboard主板RAM(random accessmemory)随机存储器(内存)ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器Floppy Disk软盘Hard Disk硬盘CD-ROM光盘驱动器(光驱)monitor监视器keyboard键盘mouse鼠标chip芯片CD-R光盘刻录机HUB集线器Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator,调制解调器P-P(Plug and Play)即插即用UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply)不间断电源BIOS(Basic-input-OutputSystem)基本输入输出系统CMOS(Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)互补金属氧化物半导体setup安装uninstall卸载wizzard向导OS(Operation Systrem)操作系统OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化exit退出edit编辑copy复制cut剪切paste粘贴delete删除select选择find查找select all全选replace替换undo撤消redo重做program程序license许可(证)back前一步next下一步finish结束folder文件夹Destination Folder目的文件夹user用户click点击double click双击right click右击settings设置update更新release发布data数据data base数据库DBMS(Data Base Manege System)数据库管理系统view视图insert插入object对象configuration配置command命令document文档POST(power-on-self-test)电源自检程序cursor光标attribute属性icon图标service pack服务补丁option pack功能补丁Demo演示short cut快捷方式exception异常debug调试previous前一个column行row列restart重新启动text文本font字体size大小scale比例interface界面function函数access访问manual指南active激活computer language计算机语言menu菜单GUI(graphical user interfaces )图形用户界面template模版page setup页面设置password口令code密码print preview打印预览zoom in放大zoom out缩小pan漫游cruise漫游full screen全屏tool bar工具条status bar状态条ruler标尺table表paragraph段落symbol符号style风格execute执行graphics图形image图像Unix用于服务器的一种操作系统Mac OS苹果公司开发的操作系统OO(Object-Oriented)面向对象virus病毒file文件open打开colse关闭new新建save保存exit退出clear清除default默认LAN局域网WAN广域网Client/Server客户机/服务器ATM( AsynchronousTransfer Mode)异步传输模式Windows NT微软公司的网络操作系统Internet互联网WWW(World Wide Web)万维网protocol协议HTTP超文本传输协议FTP文件传输协议Browser浏览器homepage主页Webpage网页website网站URL在Internet的WWW服务程序上用于指定信息位置的表示方法Online在线Email电子邮件ICQ网上寻呼Firewall防火墙Gateway网关HTML超文本标识语言hypertext超文本hyperlink超级链接IP(Address)互联网协议(地址)SearchEngine搜索引擎TCP/IP用于网络的一组通讯协议Telnet远程登录IE(Internet Explorer)探索者(微软公司的网络浏览器) Navigator引航者(网景公司的浏览器)multimedia多媒体ISO国际标准化组织ANSI美国国家标准协会able 能activefile 活动文件addwatch 添加监视点allfiles 所有文件allrightsreserved 所有的权力保留altdirlst 切换目录格式andfixamuchwiderrangeofdiskproblems 并能够解决更大范围内的磁盘问题andotherinFORMation 以及其它的信息archivefileattribute 归档文件属性assignto 指定到autoanswer 自动应答autodetect 自动检测autoindent 自动缩进autosave 自动存储availableonvolume 该盘剩余空间badcommand 命令错badcommandorfilename 命令或文件名错batchparameters 批处理参数binaryfile 二进制文件binaryfiles 二进制文件borlandinternational borland国际公司bottommargin 页下空白bydate 按日期byextension 按扩展名byname 按名称bytesfree 字节空闲callstack 调用栈casesensitive 区分大小写causespromptingtoconfirmyouwanttooverwritean 要求出现确认提示,在你想覆盖一个centralpointsoftwareinc central point 软件股份公司changedirectory 更换目录changedrive 改变驱动器changename 更改名称characterset 字符集checkingfor 正在检查checksadiskanddisplaysastatusreport 检查磁盘并显示一个状态报告chgdrivepath 改变盘/路径node 节点npasswd UNIX的一种代理密码检查器,在提交给密码文件前,它将对潜在的密码进行筛选。

Safety-M 安全模块 操作手册说明书

Safety-M 安全模块 操作手册说明书

operating manualforSafety-M modulesoperating manual (Vers. 1.-19.12.2007)Important advicetarget audience of this operating manual:maintaineance, replacement, electricians, usersDefinitionsThe synonym Safety-M is used as generic term for all derivates of the Safety-M product line. If the manual points directly to a certain derivate, though the entire term will be used (i.e. Safety-MS2).The following term …safe“ is used for safe function according to the EN 954-1 respectively according to EN 61508 in the particular category or level. Safety Adviceoperating and serviceBefore installation and demounting, or the disconnecting of signal- and power supply cables, the modules has to be de-energized.It has to be avoided to get electrostatics at the terminal blocks and connectors during the dismounting of the Safety-M modules.Guarantee and safety approval is void, if the modules has been manipulated.The Safety-M can only be operated in a temperature range between 0° and 50° C. Make sure that this temperature range will not exceeded.Checking the Certification Code (CRC)Before the normal operation of Safety-M at a machine or plant a safety audit has to be proceeded. As result a test report has to be existent. This report contains a certification code. This code assures that a Safety-M module will be operated with the correct program. By pressing the key “Function” in the normal operation mode …RUN“ (see underneath), the certification code is shown in the 7 – segment display. Compare these displayed numbers (i.e. C 56124) with the numbers of the test report of this particular machine or plant, that they are matching. If these numbers are different, the normal safe operation is not assured. In this case you have to stop the machine or plant at once and contact the company, who installed this machine.modification of an installationThe commissioning or changing of an installation of Safety-M can only achieved by qualified personal! Contact the company, who did the safety related test report. By changing the configuration the safety function of the module can be lost.programming interface7 segment display terminal blocks for input / output signalsLED´s show operating modefunction key for reset and CRC (test report code) encoder interfaceStart up sequencesAfter a start up is initiated, the particular start up phases are shown in the display. If no errors are occurring, the following phases will be passed.7 segment display mode description…1“ STARTUP synchronization, check of configuration- /firmware data…2“ SENDCONFIG synchronization, check of configuration- /firmware data zone check…3“ STARTUPBUSactivate bussystem…4“ RUN normal operating status…5“ STOP only for authorized personal available…A“ ALARM alarm can be reset by pressing the …Function“ key…F“FAILURE Failure can be reset by switching the Safety-M (power supply) OFF and ONLEDcolor mode descriptiongreen …blinking“ system OKyellow …blinking“ get in touch with authorized personalred …blinking“ alarmred …continious“ Fatal Error – Safety-M power supply must be disconnectednotice:Only the operating status 4 = RUN allows after a correct installation of the Safety-M to operate the machine or plant. All configurated safety functions are active. If the Safety-M is in the mode “alarm” = A or in the mode “failure” = F all safety related outputs are deactivated.modification / procedures with changes at the modules or installationrepairRepair of a module could only be achieved in the manufacturer.guaranteeBy changing the Safety-M layout or opening the enclosure the guarantee and safety approval is lost.mechanical modificationThrough modification of drives / mechanical transmission or changing the sensors (encoders) the safety function could be lost. Talk to the company who has installed or delivered the Safety-M modules, or to the person who has created the safety test report.electrical modificationThrough modification the cabling or wiring of the Safety-M modules the safety function could be lost. Talk to the company who has installed or delivered the Safety-M modules, or to the person who has created the safety test report. MaintaineanceExchange of a Safety-M modulAfter a Safety-M module has been changed it has to be assured, that the spare module contains the same configuration. The test report code (check sum / CRC) can be shown in the 7 segment display. It has to be sure, that the these numbers are the same in the test report.Follow the instructions by changing a Safety-M modul•disconnect the drive from the power supply•switch of the power supply of the Safety-M and disconnect ale cables and connections•loosen the connectors of the sensors and pull off•disconnect all further connections•get the Safety-M from the (DIN) rail and pack the Safety-M according to EMC prescriptions•install the new Safety-M at the (DIN) rail•rebuild all connections•switch on the drive•switch on the power supplynote:Basically no pluggable connection of the Safety-M can be disconnected or connected during the voltage is on. Especially the connected speed and position sensors (encoders) could be destroyed.failure modes of the Safety-MIn principle the Safety-M got two different failures according to the followingrelations:failure mode descriptionresult for thesystemreset conditionFatal Errorfatal exceptional error in theinternal program of the Safety-M.A cyclic program flow is not morepossible. The last active processis to operate the segment displayby system A. System B hasstopped.All outputs will bedisconnected - shutdown!Only resettable byswitching off thepower supply ofthe Safety-M(POR).Alarm functional failure, caused by aninternal process. Both systemswill still run in the cyclic processand handle all requirements ofthe communication interfaces.All outputs will bedisconnected - shutdown!Reset by the pre –defined reset inputIf an alarm or fatal error occurs more often, then contact the company who has installed the machine or plant.。

Glider Flying Handbook说明书

Glider Flying Handbook说明书

Glider Flying Handbook2013U.S. Department of TransportationFEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATIONFlight Standards Servicei iPrefaceThe Glider Flying Handbook is designed as a technical manual for applicants who are preparing for glider category rating and for currently certificated glider pilots who wish to improve their knowledge. Certificated flight instructors will find this handbook a valuable training aid, since detailed coverage of aeronautical decision-making, components and systems, aerodynamics, flight instruments, performance limitations, ground operations, flight maneuvers, traffic patterns, emergencies, soaring weather, soaring techniques, and cross-country flight is included. Topics such as radio navigation and communication, use of flight information publications, and regulations are available in other Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) publications.The discussion and explanations reflect the most commonly used practices and principles. Occasionally, the word “must” or similar language is used where the desired action is deemed critical. The use of such language is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR). Persons working towards a glider rating are advised to review the references from the applicable practical test standards (FAA-G-8082-4, Sport Pilot and Flight Instructor with a Sport Pilot Rating Knowledge Test Guide, FAA-G-8082-5, Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test Guide, and FAA-G-8082-17, Recreational Pilot and Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide). Resources for study include FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, FAA-H-8083-2, Risk Management Handbook, and Advisory Circular (AC) 00-6, Aviation Weather For Pilots and Flight Operations Personnel, AC 00-45, Aviation Weather Services, as these documents contain basic material not duplicated herein. All beginning applicants should refer to FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, for study and basic library reference.It is essential for persons using this handbook to become familiar with and apply the pertinent parts of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). The AIM is available online at . The current Flight Standards Service airman training and testing material and learning statements for all airman certificates and ratings can be obtained from .This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8083-13, Glider Flying Handbook, dated 2003. Always select the latest edition of any publication and check the website for errata pages and listing of changes to FAA educational publications developed by the FAA’s Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630.This handbook is available for download, in PDF format, from .This handbook is published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards Branch, AFS-630, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.Comments regarding this publication should be sent, in email form, to the following address:********************************************John M. AllenDirector, Flight Standards Serviceiiii vAcknowledgmentsThe Glider Flying Handbook was produced by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) with the assistance of Safety Research Corporation of America (SRCA). The FAA wishes to acknowledge the following contributors: Sue Telford of Telford Fishing & Hunting Services for images used in Chapter 1JerryZieba () for images used in Chapter 2Tim Mara () for images used in Chapters 2 and 12Uli Kremer of Alexander Schleicher GmbH & Co for images used in Chapter 2Richard Lancaster () for images and content used in Chapter 3Dave Nadler of Nadler & Associates for images used in Chapter 6Dave McConeghey for images used in Chapter 6John Brandon ( for images and content used in Chapter 7Patrick Panzera () for images used in Chapter 8Jeff Haby (www.theweatherprediction) for images used in Chapter 8National Soaring Museum () for content used in Chapter 9Bill Elliot () for images used in Chapter 12.Tiffany Fidler for images used in Chapter 12.Additional appreciation is extended to the Soaring Society of America, Inc. (), the Soaring Safety Foundation, and Mr. Brad Temeyer and Mr. Bill Martin from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for their technical support and input.vv iPreface (iii)Acknowledgments (v)Table of Contents (vii)Chapter 1Gliders and Sailplanes ........................................1-1 Introduction....................................................................1-1 Gliders—The Early Years ..............................................1-2 Glider or Sailplane? .......................................................1-3 Glider Pilot Schools ......................................................1-4 14 CFR Part 141 Pilot Schools ...................................1-5 14 CFR Part 61 Instruction ........................................1-5 Glider Certificate Eligibility Requirements ...................1-5 Common Glider Concepts ..............................................1-6 Terminology...............................................................1-6 Converting Metric Distance to Feet ...........................1-6 Chapter 2Components and Systems .................................2-1 Introduction....................................................................2-1 Glider Design .................................................................2-2 The Fuselage ..................................................................2-4 Wings and Components .............................................2-4 Lift/Drag Devices ...........................................................2-5 Empennage .....................................................................2-6 Towhook Devices .......................................................2-7 Powerplant .....................................................................2-7 Self-Launching Gliders .............................................2-7 Sustainer Engines .......................................................2-8 Landing Gear .................................................................2-8 Wheel Brakes .............................................................2-8 Chapter 3Aerodynamics of Flight .......................................3-1 Introduction....................................................................3-1 Forces of Flight..............................................................3-2 Newton’s Third Law of Motion .................................3-2 Lift ..............................................................................3-2The Effects of Drag on a Glider .....................................3-3 Parasite Drag ..............................................................3-3 Form Drag ...............................................................3-3 Skin Friction Drag ..................................................3-3 Interference Drag ....................................................3-5 Total Drag...................................................................3-6 Wing Planform ...........................................................3-6 Elliptical Wing ........................................................3-6 Rectangular Wing ...................................................3-7 Tapered Wing .........................................................3-7 Swept-Forward Wing ..............................................3-7 Washout ..................................................................3-7 Glide Ratio .................................................................3-8 Aspect Ratio ............................................................3-9 Weight ........................................................................3-9 Thrust .........................................................................3-9 Three Axes of Rotation ..................................................3-9 Stability ........................................................................3-10 Flutter .......................................................................3-11 Lateral Stability ........................................................3-12 Turning Flight ..............................................................3-13 Load Factors .................................................................3-13 Radius of Turn ..........................................................3-14 Turn Coordination ....................................................3-15 Slips ..........................................................................3-15 Forward Slip .........................................................3-16 Sideslip .................................................................3-17 Spins .........................................................................3-17 Ground Effect ...............................................................3-19 Chapter 4Flight Instruments ...............................................4-1 Introduction....................................................................4-1 Pitot-Static Instruments ..................................................4-2 Impact and Static Pressure Lines................................4-2 Airspeed Indicator ......................................................4-2 The Effects of Altitude on the AirspeedIndicator..................................................................4-3 Types of Airspeed ...................................................4-3Table of ContentsviiAirspeed Indicator Markings ......................................4-5 Other Airspeed Limitations ........................................4-6 Altimeter .....................................................................4-6 Principles of Operation ...........................................4-6 Effect of Nonstandard Pressure andTemperature............................................................4-7 Setting the Altimeter (Kollsman Window) .............4-9 Types of Altitude ......................................................4-10 Variometer................................................................4-11 Total Energy System .............................................4-14 Netto .....................................................................4-14 Electronic Flight Computers ....................................4-15 Magnetic Compass .......................................................4-16 Yaw String ................................................................4-16 Inclinometer..............................................................4-16 Gyroscopic Instruments ...............................................4-17 G-Meter ........................................................................4-17 FLARM Collision Avoidance System .........................4-18 Chapter 5Glider Performance .............................................5-1 Introduction....................................................................5-1 Factors Affecting Performance ......................................5-2 High and Low Density Altitude Conditions ...........5-2 Atmospheric Pressure .............................................5-2 Altitude ...................................................................5-3 Temperature............................................................5-3 Wind ...........................................................................5-3 Weight ........................................................................5-5 Rate of Climb .................................................................5-7 Flight Manuals and Placards ..........................................5-8 Placards ......................................................................5-8 Performance Information ...........................................5-8 Glider Polars ...............................................................5-8 Weight and Balance Information .............................5-10 Limitations ...............................................................5-10 Weight and Balance .....................................................5-12 Center of Gravity ......................................................5-12 Problems Associated With CG Forward ofForward Limit .......................................................5-12 Problems Associated With CG Aft of Aft Limit ..5-13 Sample Weight and Balance Problems ....................5-13 Ballast ..........................................................................5-14 Chapter 6Preflight and Ground Operations .......................6-1 Introduction....................................................................6-1 Assembly and Storage Techniques ................................6-2 Trailering....................................................................6-3 Tiedown and Securing ................................................6-4Water Ballast ..............................................................6-4 Ground Handling........................................................6-4 Launch Equipment Inspection ....................................6-5 Glider Preflight Inspection .........................................6-6 Prelaunch Checklist ....................................................6-7 Glider Care .....................................................................6-7 Preventive Maintenance .............................................6-8 Chapter 7Launch and Recovery Procedures and Flight Maneuvers ............................................................7-1 Introduction....................................................................7-1 Aerotow Takeoff Procedures .........................................7-2 Signals ........................................................................7-2 Prelaunch Signals ....................................................7-2 Inflight Signals ........................................................7-3 Takeoff Procedures and Techniques ..........................7-3 Normal Assisted Takeoff............................................7-4 Unassisted Takeoff.....................................................7-5 Crosswind Takeoff .....................................................7-5 Assisted ...................................................................7-5 Unassisted...............................................................7-6 Aerotow Climb-Out ....................................................7-6 Aerotow Release.........................................................7-8 Slack Line ...................................................................7-9 Boxing the Wake ......................................................7-10 Ground Launch Takeoff Procedures ............................7-11 CG Hooks .................................................................7-11 Signals ......................................................................7-11 Prelaunch Signals (Winch/Automobile) ...............7-11 Inflight Signals ......................................................7-12 Tow Speeds ..............................................................7-12 Automobile Launch ..................................................7-14 Crosswind Takeoff and Climb .................................7-14 Normal Into-the-Wind Launch .................................7-15 Climb-Out and Release Procedures ..........................7-16 Self-Launch Takeoff Procedures ..............................7-17 Preparation and Engine Start ....................................7-17 Taxiing .....................................................................7-18 Pretakeoff Check ......................................................7-18 Normal Takeoff ........................................................7-19 Crosswind Takeoff ...................................................7-19 Climb-Out and Shutdown Procedures ......................7-19 Landing .....................................................................7-21 Gliderport/Airport Traffic Patterns and Operations .....7-22 Normal Approach and Landing ................................7-22 Crosswind Landing ..................................................7-25 Slips ..........................................................................7-25 Downwind Landing ..................................................7-27 After Landing and Securing .....................................7-27viiiPerformance Maneuvers ..............................................7-27 Straight Glides ..........................................................7-27 Turns.........................................................................7-28 Roll-In ...................................................................7-29 Roll-Out ................................................................7-30 Steep Turns ...........................................................7-31 Maneuvering at Minimum Controllable Airspeed ...7-31 Stall Recognition and Recovery ...............................7-32 Secondary Stalls ....................................................7-34 Accelerated Stalls .................................................7-34 Crossed-Control Stalls ..........................................7-35 Operating Airspeeds .....................................................7-36 Minimum Sink Airspeed ..........................................7-36 Best Glide Airspeed..................................................7-37 Speed to Fly ..............................................................7-37 Chapter 8Abnormal and Emergency Procedures .............8-1 Introduction....................................................................8-1 Porpoising ......................................................................8-2 Pilot-Induced Oscillations (PIOs) ..............................8-2 PIOs During Launch ...................................................8-2 Factors Influencing PIOs ........................................8-2 Improper Elevator Trim Setting ..............................8-3 Improper Wing Flaps Setting ..................................8-3 Pilot-Induced Roll Oscillations During Launch .........8-3 Pilot-Induced Yaw Oscillations During Launch ........8-4 Gust-Induced Oscillations ..............................................8-5 Vertical Gusts During High-Speed Cruise .................8-5 Pilot-Induced Pitch Oscillations During Landing ......8-6 Glider-Induced Oscillations ...........................................8-6 Pitch Influence of the Glider Towhook Position ........8-6 Self-Launching Glider Oscillations During Powered Flight ...........................................................8-7 Nosewheel Glider Oscillations During Launchesand Landings ..............................................................8-7 Tailwheel/Tailskid Equipped Glider Oscillations During Launches and Landings ..................................8-8 Aerotow Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ............8-8 Abnormal Procedures .................................................8-8 Towing Failures........................................................8-10 Tow Failure With Runway To Land and Stop ......8-11 Tow Failure Without Runway To Land BelowReturning Altitude ................................................8-11 Tow Failure Above Return to Runway Altitude ...8-11 Tow Failure Above 800' AGL ..............................8-12 Tow Failure Above Traffic Pattern Altitude .........8-13 Slack Line .................................................................8-13 Ground Launch Abnormal and Emergency Procedures ....................................................................8-14 Abnormal Procedures ...............................................8-14 Emergency Procedures .............................................8-14 Self-Launch Takeoff Emergency Procedures ..............8-15 Emergency Procedures .............................................8-15 Spiral Dives ..................................................................8-15 Spins .............................................................................8-15 Entry Phase ...............................................................8-17 Incipient Phase .........................................................8-17 Developed Phase ......................................................8-17 Recovery Phase ........................................................8-17 Off-Field Landing Procedures .....................................8-18 Afterlanding Off Field .............................................8-20 Off-Field Landing Without Injury ........................8-20 Off-Field Landing With Injury .............................8-20 System and Equipment Malfunctions ..........................8-20 Flight Instrument Malfunctions ................................8-20 Airspeed Indicator Malfunctions ..........................8-21 Altimeter Malfunctions .........................................8-21 Variometer Malfunctions ......................................8-21 Compass Malfunctions .........................................8-21 Glider Canopy Malfunctions ....................................8-21 Broken Glider Canopy ..........................................8-22 Frosted Glider Canopy ..........................................8-22 Water Ballast Malfunctions ......................................8-22 Retractable Landing Gear Malfunctions ..................8-22 Primary Flight Control Systems ...............................8-22 Elevator Malfunctions ..........................................8-22 Aileron Malfunctions ............................................8-23 Rudder Malfunctions ............................................8-24 Secondary Flight Controls Systems .........................8-24 Elevator Trim Malfunctions .................................8-24 Spoiler/Dive Brake Malfunctions .........................8-24 Miscellaneous Flight System Malfunctions .................8-25 Towhook Malfunctions ............................................8-25 Oxygen System Malfunctions ..................................8-25 Drogue Chute Malfunctions .....................................8-25 Self-Launching Gliders ................................................8-26 Self-Launching/Sustainer Glider Engine Failure During Takeoff or Climb ..........................................8-26 Inability to Restart a Self-Launching/SustainerGlider Engine While Airborne .................................8-27 Self-Launching Glider Propeller Malfunctions ........8-27 Self-Launching Glider Electrical System Malfunctions .............................................................8-27 In-flight Fire .............................................................8-28 Emergency Equipment and Survival Gear ...................8-28 Survival Gear Checklists ..........................................8-28 Food and Water ........................................................8-28ixClothing ....................................................................8-28 Communication ........................................................8-29 Navigation Equipment ..............................................8-29 Medical Equipment ..................................................8-29 Stowage ....................................................................8-30 Parachute ..................................................................8-30 Oxygen System Malfunctions ..................................8-30 Accident Prevention .....................................................8-30 Chapter 9Soaring Weather ..................................................9-1 Introduction....................................................................9-1 The Atmosphere .............................................................9-2 Composition ...............................................................9-2 Properties ....................................................................9-2 Temperature............................................................9-2 Density ....................................................................9-2 Pressure ...................................................................9-2 Standard Atmosphere .................................................9-3 Layers of the Atmosphere ..........................................9-4 Scale of Weather Events ................................................9-4 Thermal Soaring Weather ..............................................9-6 Thermal Shape and Structure .....................................9-6 Atmospheric Stability .................................................9-7 Air Masses Conducive to Thermal Soaring ...................9-9 Cloud Streets ..............................................................9-9 Thermal Waves...........................................................9-9 Thunderstorms..........................................................9-10 Lifted Index ..........................................................9-12 K-Index .................................................................9-12 Weather for Slope Soaring .......................................9-14 Mechanism for Wave Formation ..............................9-16 Lift Due to Convergence ..........................................9-19 Obtaining Weather Information ...................................9-21 Preflight Weather Briefing........................................9-21 Weather-ReIated Information ..................................9-21 Interpreting Weather Charts, Reports, andForecasts ......................................................................9-23 Graphic Weather Charts ...........................................9-23 Winds and Temperatures Aloft Forecast ..............9-23 Composite Moisture Stability Chart .....................9-24 Chapter 10Soaring Techniques ..........................................10-1 Introduction..................................................................10-1 Thermal Soaring ...........................................................10-2 Locating Thermals ....................................................10-2 Cumulus Clouds ...................................................10-2 Other Indicators of Thermals ................................10-3 Wind .....................................................................10-4 The Big Picture .....................................................10-5Entering a Thermal ..............................................10-5 Inside a Thermal.......................................................10-6 Bank Angle ...........................................................10-6 Speed .....................................................................10-6 Centering ...............................................................10-7 Collision Avoidance ................................................10-9 Exiting a Thermal .....................................................10-9 Atypical Thermals ..................................................10-10 Ridge/Slope Soaring ..................................................10-10 Traps ......................................................................10-10 Procedures for Safe Flying .....................................10-12 Bowls and Spurs .....................................................10-13 Slope Lift ................................................................10-13 Obstructions ...........................................................10-14 Tips and Techniques ...............................................10-15 Wave Soaring .............................................................10-16 Preflight Preparation ...............................................10-17 Getting Into the Wave ............................................10-18 Flying in the Wave .................................................10-20 Soaring Convergence Zones ...................................10-23 Combined Sources of Updrafts ..............................10-24 Chapter 11Cross-Country Soaring .....................................11-1 Introduction..................................................................11-1 Flight Preparation and Planning ...................................11-2 Personal and Special Equipment ..................................11-3 Navigation ....................................................................11-5 Using the Plotter .......................................................11-5 A Sample Cross-Country Flight ...............................11-5 Navigation Using GPS .............................................11-8 Cross-Country Techniques ...........................................11-9 Soaring Faster and Farther .........................................11-11 Height Bands ..........................................................11-11 Tips and Techniques ...............................................11-12 Special Situations .......................................................11-14 Course Deviations ..................................................11-14 Lost Procedures ......................................................11-14 Cross-Country Flight in a Self-Launching Glider .....11-15 High-Performance Glider Operations and Considerations ............................................................11-16 Glider Complexity ..................................................11-16 Water Ballast ..........................................................11-17 Cross-Country Flight Using Other Lift Sources ........11-17 Chapter 12Towing ................................................................12-1 Introduction..................................................................12-1 Equipment Inspections and Operational Checks .........12-2 Tow Hook ................................................................12-2 Schweizer Tow Hook ...........................................12-2x。



中国民生银行新街口支行China Minsheng Banking. Cop., LTD网银体验区E-Banking Experience Zone暂停服务,请稍后Out of Service, Please Wait自动存取款机Automatic Withdraw/Deposit Machine请刷卡Please Swipe Card营业时间Business Hour对公For Corporate储蓄Saving24小时自助服务24 Hour Self Service中国银行Bank of China 新街口对公业务CORPRATE BANKING (拼写错误)节假日不办理Public Holiday Closed个人业务PRIV ATE BANKING节假日营业时间Public Holiday Opening Hours理财服务Wealth Management私人金融业务Personal Banking领取汇票To draw the draft here汇兑EXCHANGE & TRANSFER印鉴挂失Report of lost seal密码挂失Report of lost password存款证明Certificate of Deposit10元/笔/份/张RMB 10 per item退汇Refunding挂失止付(汇票)Loss reporting and payment stopping (draft) 存入收款人现汇账户Credit the payee’s amount of spot exchange 代售Agency sale买汇Exchange purchase光票托收Clean collection现钞托收Banknote collection退票Dishonor年费Annual Fee工本费(包括开卡和补发)Service Charge ( card issue and replacement)个人人民币汇款(现金)Personal RMB remittance ( CASH )人民币对公结算The Corporate settlement of RMB外币对公结算The Corporate settlement of Foreign Exchanges银行卡服务业务The custom service of bank card服务星级SERVICE LEVEL您对本次服务的评价PLEASE LEA VE YOUR V ALUABLE OPINIONS满意SATISFACTORY基本满意A VERAGE不满意DISSATISFIED代保管业务SAFE DEPOSIT DEPT.货币兑换EXCHANGE24小时自助服务24 hour self-service banking理财Wealth Management兑换机EXCHANGE MACHINE自动取款机AUTOMA TIC TELLER MACHINE请将银行卡正确插入插卡处Insert your card into the slot correctly输入正确密码(请注意安全防止他人窃取)Input your correct password (watch out to avoid being peeped)按屏幕提示进行转账、存折补登、代缴费、查询业务Make transfer, entry account to passbook, payment, and query according to the direction on the screen.出门请按钮(一按即放)PLEASE PRESS THE BUTTON ( PRESS THEN REALASE)灭火器箱FIRE EXTINGGUISHER BOX东亚银行The Bank of East Asia(China)Ltd. 新街口24小时自助服务24 Hour Banking Services南京分行Nanjing branch营业时间Banking Hour投诉箱Complain Box小心地滑Slippery Floor请在此排队Please Queue Here个人理财服务Personal Financial Services企业银行服务Corporate Banking企业及银团贷款部Corporate Lending and Syndication Department 房地产贷款部Property Lending Department贸易融资部Trade Finance Department柜台服务Counter Services小心地滑CAUTION WET FLOOR交通银行Bank of Communications 新街口24小时自助服务24 Self Service Banking进门请刷卡,无需输密码Please Insert Your Card For Entry营业时间Business Hour星期六、日休息Closed on Saturday and Sunday储蓄时间Business Hours for Savings Deposits存取款一体机Cash Recycling Machine金融快线BOCOM EXPRESS自动终端Multimedia Self Banking现金服务Cash-related Services对公服务Corporate Banking交行理财BOCOM Fortune交通银行湖南路对私服务Private Banking理财服务Financing Service外汇兑换Foreign Exchange注意自动门Caution Automatic Door中国建设银行China Construction Bank 新街口外汇储蓄营业点Foreign Currency Deposit Taking Office24小时自助服务24 Hour Self Banking中山路支行Zhongshan Road Sub-branch对公服务Corporate Banking节假日不办理Public Holiday Close个人业务Private Banking周一至周五Monday to Friday节假日营业时间Public Holiday Operate Hours个人理财中心Personal Finance Center现役军人优先Servicemen Priority大堂经理Lobby Leader客户服务电话Customer Service Hotline残疾人优先窗口Particular Counter for the Disabled个人业务顾问Personal Banker叫号机Queuing Machine存款机Cash Deposit Machine自动门Automatic江苏银行Bank of Jiangsu总行营业部Headquarters Business Dept.广东发展银行玄武支行Guangdong Development Bank对公业务CORPORAT SERVICE 拼写错误储蓄业务PRIV ATE SERVICE营业时间BUSINESS HOURS24小时自助服务24 HOURS SELF-SERVICE银行提示REMINDER请妥善保管银行卡和密码Please Safeguard Your Bank Cards and PIN 安全提示Safety Hints个人服务Personal Banking对公服务Corporate BankingVIP服务VIP Banking等候区Waiting Area上海浦东发展银行Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 新街口对公业务Corporate Banking个人业务Personal Banking营业时间Business Hour理财经理Financial Planner叫号机Cueing Machine24小时自助服务Self Service Banking现金业务Teller Counter公司业务Corporate Account等待区Waiting Area理财专区Wealth Management Service自助银行Self-service Banking大堂经理Duty Manager中国工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China长江路支行自助服务银行Self-service Banking大堂经理CLIENT MANEGER现金服务CASH SERVICE华夏银行Huaxia Bank 新街口对公业务Wholesale Banking Service对私业务Retail Banking Service等待区Waiting Areas保管箱Safe Deposit Box自助银行区Self-service Areas储蓄*出纳Savings出纳Cash涉外服务For Foreigners保管箱Safe keeping box收费项目Items开卡工本费Administrative charge for card activation补卡工本费Administrative charge for card replacement卡挂失手续费Administrative charge for card loss reporting.免费Free of charge每笔十元The charge is 10 yuan per transaction外汇业务Foreign Exchange Business汇入/汇出汇款Inward/Outward Remittance多币种汇款Multiple currency remittance电子邮件通知Email Notification强行改密(密码挂失)Overriding change of password ( loss of password) 异地柜台存款Exterritorial counter deposit取款Withdrawal卡卡转账Card-Card Transfer跨行取款Inter-bank withdrawal跨行查询Inter-bank enquiry退汇Rejected Remittance止付Payment termination自动取款机Self-Drawing自动存款机Self-Saving服务流程图Service Flow Chart华夏银行湖南路营业时间Opening Time节假日不营业Weekend/Holiday Closed渣打银行Standard Charted Bank 新街口业务办理时间Banking Hours理财咨询时间Financial Consultancy Hours投诉热线Complaint Hotline电话银行服务Phone Bank Service中国邮政储蓄China Postal Savings 浮桥外币储蓄点Foreign Deposit Service Available意见箱Suggestion Box业务办理Postal Service深圳发展银行Shenzhen Development Bank 新街口自动查询缴费机Automatic Inquiry Payment Machine 营业时间Business Hours存取款一体机CRS大堂经理Lobby Manage填单处Form Filling Area业务咨询处Information个人柜台Personal Banking Counter本行网址Bank Web Address网点咨询电话Network Information非本行人员莫入Only Stuff自动取款机操作指引A TM Operational Guide服务热线Service Line存取款机操作指引CRS Operation Guide招商银行China Merchants Bank营业时间Business Hours个人营业时间Personal Business Hours对公营业时间Corporate Business Hours节假日照常营业Holiday Business as Usual自助服务区Self Service Area监督Oversight理财中心Premier Customers投诉Complaints全国统一客户服务电话China Client Service Telephone 综合业务Integrated Services代发业务Salary Release Service现金快速通道Fast Track Deposit and Withdrawal接待区Reception理财服务区Financial Services个人贷款业务咨询Personal Loan Business Consultant 会计结算Accounting Settlement个人理财专柜Wealth Management Area一卡通金卡业务All-in-one-card gold card service.储蓄专柜Cashier Service因您而变We are here just for you光大银行China Everbright Bank 新街口营业时间Customer Service个人业务Retail Service出纳Cashier会计结算Accounting理财缴费机Self Help Machine for Paying Bill现金存取款机Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine现金取款机Cash Drawing Machine多媒体查询机Multi-media Checking Machine取款机操作提示Note for ATM Operation南京银行Bank of Nanjing 新街口综合业务General Services私人业务Personal Banking公司业务Corporate Banking国际业务International Banking大堂经理Reception Manager现金取款机Cash Drawing Machine现金存取款机Cash Deposit & Drawing Machine自助服务终端Self-help Service Terminal操作说明Operating Instruction中信银行China Citic Bank 湖南路营业时间Business Time储蓄时间Deposit Time大堂经理HALL MANAGER对公业务Corporating Banking Business对私业务Retail Banking Business现金结算Cash Settlement24小时服务热线24 Hour Hotline紧急按钮Emergency Button中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China 湖南路现金服务区Cash Service自助服务区Self-Service Area客户等候区Customer Waiting Area咨询引导区Consulting Area保管箱Lock Box24小时自助服务24 Hours Banking自助服务终端Self-service Terminal操作指南Operation Instructions插卡Insert card输入密码Key in PIN查询Inquiry转账Account Transfer改密Modify PIN挂失Reporting a loss理财卡Wealth Management Card查询子帐户Inquiry Subaccount通知存款Call Deposit外汇查询Foreign Exchange Inquiry市价交易Market price transaction委托Request银证Banxecurity第三方存款The third partysafe keeping银期转账Bank-option account transfer银行转期货Bank-to-futures查期方余额Inquiry the balance of the future输入账号、密码Input account number, password代缴费Charging service as agents存折补登The passbook renewed交易结束Transaction end退出、取卡或存折Exit, take card or passbook无卡存折Non-card deposit核对户名Check Username放入现金Put in Banknote核对张数、金额Check up number of sheets, account确认存款Confirm the deposit活期存折Demand account for passbook活期/定期Demand account/Time account自动存取款机Automatic Deposit and Withdrawal Machine自动取款机Automatic Teller Machine自助服务终端使用说明User’s guides for Self-service Terminal百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我本机只受理农行金穗系列卡和存折等业务Kin card series and passbook of Agriculture Bank of China only本机不能办理存取款业务Non-cash Business客户热线Custom Service Hot-line本机可受理加入“银联”的其他银联卡This machine can handle any “union pay” card请妥善保管好银行卡和密码,在使用时请用时候身体挡住他人视线,谨防他人窥视您的密码Please take of your bank card and PIN, guide against others peeping your PIN while using the card 每次取款上限2000元,每日累计最多取款十次,每日累计取款限额20000元Ceiling of 2000 yuan per withdrawal, with 10 times at most, for amount of 20000 limit per day存款现钞面额仅限100元Deposit domination: 100 yuan only请不要将残币、不平整的钞票或其他异物放入本机Please do not put the damaged, untidy banknotes or things other banknotes into this machine.如遇机器吞卡,请于次日持本人有效证件到营业厅柜台领取In case of card-swallowing, please go to the business hall with your own identity documents to take back your card the next day恒丰银行Evergrowing Bank湖南路中国人寿保险股份有限公司China Life Insurance Company Limited11。



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适用机型 Applicable Model
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EAGLE ™10,000OPERATOR’S MANUALFor Machines with Code Number: 11096IM830November, 2005Safety Depends on YouLincol n arc wel ding and cutting equipment is designed and buil t with safety in mind. However, your overall safety can be increased by proper installation ... and thought-ful operation on your part.DO NOT INSTALL, OPERATE OR REPAIR THIS EQUIPMENT WITHOUT READING THIS MANUAL AND THE SAFETY PRECAUTIONS CONTAINED THROUGHOUT.And, most importantl y, think before you act and be careful.Copyright © 2005 Lincoln Global Inc.This manual covers equipment which is nolonger in production by The Lincoln Electric Co. Speci cations and availability of optional features may have changed.Mar ‘95for selecting a QUALITY product by Lincoln Electric. We want you to take pride in operating this Lincoln Electric Company product ••• as much pride as we have in bringing this product to you!Read this Operators Manual completely before attempting to use this equipment. Save this manual and keep it handy for quick reference. Pay particular attention to the safety instructions we have provided for your protection.The level of seriousness to be applied to each is explained below:vv1. Output rating in watts is equivalent to volt - amperes at unity factor.Output voltage is within +/-10% at all loads up to rated capacity.When welding available auxiliary power will be reduced.Internal combustion engines are designed to run in a level condition which is where the optimum perfor-mance is achieved. The maximum angle of operation for the engine is 15 degrees from horizontal in any direction. If the engine is to be operated at an angle, provisions must be made for checking and maintain-ing the oil at the normal (FULL) oil capacity in the crankcase in a level condition.When operating at an angle, the effective fuel capaci-ty will be slightly less than the specified 9 gal (34 L). LIFTINGThe EAGLE 10,000 weighs approximately 575 lbs. (281kg) with a full tank of gasoline. A lift bail is mounted to the machine and should always be used when lifting the machine.ADDITIONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS• Lift only with equipment of adequatelifting capacity.• Be sure machine is stable when lift-ing.• Do not lift this machine using lift bailif it is equipped with a heavy acces-sory such as trailer or gas cylinder.FALLING • Do not lift machine if lift bail isEQUIPMENT can damaged.cause injury. • Do not operate machine whilesuspended from lift bail.-----------------------------------------------------------------------HIGH ALTITUDE OPERATIONIf the EAGLE 10,000 will be consistently operated ataltitudes above 5000 ft, a carburetor jet designed forhigh altitudes should be installed. This will result inbetter fuel economy, cleaner exhaust, and longerspark plug life. It will not give increased power whichis decreased at higher altitudes. Engine horsepoweris reduced by 3.5% per 1000ft.(3280m) for altitudesabove 377 ft.(1237m).Do not operate a EAGLE 10,000 with a high alti-tude jet installed at altitudes below5000ft.(16,404m). This will result in the enginerunning too lean and result in higher engine oper-ating temperatures which can shorten engine life.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Contact your local Kohler Authorized Dealer for highaltitude jet kits that are available from the enginemanufacturer.•Shut off welder and allow muffler to cool beforetouching muffler.------------------------------------------------------------------------The EAGLE 10,000 is shipped with the exhaust com-ing out on the left side. The exhaust can be changedto the opposite side by removing the two screws thathold the exhaust port cover in place and installing thecover on the opposite side. (Operating the EAGLE10,000 without the cover in place will result in a highernoise level and no increase in machine output.)LOCATION / VENTILATIONThe welder should be located to provide an unrestrict-ed flow of clean, cool air to the cooling air inlets and toavoid heated air coming out of the welder recirculatingback to the cooling air inlet. Also, locate the welder sothat engine exhaust fumes are properly vented to anoutside area.STACKINGEAGLE 10,000 machines cannot be stacked.CONNECTION OF LINCOLN ELECTRICWIRE FEEDERSNote:A constant voltage (CV) power source is rec-ommended for wire feeder applications. TheLN-15 and LN-25 may be used with a constantcurrent (CC) power source, such as the EAGLE10,000, for non-critical applications where weldquality and deposition properties are not critical.Shut off welder before making any electricalconnections.------------------------------------------------------------------------WIRE FEED CONNECTION OF LN-15 ACROSS-THE-ARC WIRE FEEDERThe LN-15 has an internal contactor and the electrodeis not energized until the gun trigger is closed. Whenthe gun trigger is closed the wire will begin to feedand the welding process is started.a. Shut the welder off.b.For electrode Positive, connect the electrodecable to the "+" terminal of the welder and workcable to the "-" terminal of the welder. For elec-trode Negative, connect the electrode cable "-"terminal of the welder and work cable to the "+"terminal of the welder.120 V DUPLEX RECEPTACLESThe 120V auxiliary power receptacles should only be used with three wire grounded type plugs or approved double insulated tools with two wire plugs.The current rating of any plug used with the system must be at least equal to the current load through the associated receptacle.MOTOR STARTINGMost 1.5 hp AC single phase motors can be started if there is no load on the motor or other load connected to the machine, since the full load current rating of a 1.5 hp motor is approximately 20 amperes (10amperes for 240 volt motors). The motor may be run at full load when plugged into only one side of the duplex receptacle. Larger motors through 2 hp can be run provided the receptacle rating as previously stated is not exceeded. This may necessitate 240V operationonly.*Current Sensing for Automatic Idle.(Receptacle viewed from front of Machine)EAGLE 10,000 Extension Cord Length Recommendations(Use the shortest length extension cord possible sized per the following table.)Current (Amps)1520152038Voltage Volts 120120240240240Load (Watts)180024003600480090003060(9)(18)40307560(12)(9)(23)(18)755015010050(23)(15)(46)(30)(15)1258822517590(38)(27)(69)(53)(27)175138350275150(53)(42)(107)(84)(46)300225600450225(91)(69)(183)(137)(69)Maximum Allowable Cord Length in ft. (m) for Conductor SizeConductor size is based on maximum 2.0% voltage drop.14 AWG 12 AWG 10 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 4 AWG 120/240 VOLT DUAL VOLTAGE RECEPTACLE The 120/240 volt receptacle can supply up to 38 amps of 240 volt power to a two wire circuit, up to 38 amps of 120 volts power from each side of a three wire cir-cuit (up to 76 amps total). Do not connect the 120 volt circuits in parallel. Current sensing for the automatic idle feature is only in one leg of the three wire circuit as shown in the following column.TABLE lllELECTRICAL DEVICE USE WITH THE EAGLE 10,000.Type Common Electrical Devices Possible ConcernsResistive Heaters, toasters, incandescent NONElight bulbs, electric range, hotpan, skillet, coffee maker.Capacitive TV sets, radios, microwaves, Voltage spikes or high voltageappliances with electrical control.regulation can cause the capac-itative elements to fail. Surgeprotection, transient protection,and additional loading is recom-mended for 100% fail-safeoperation. DO NOT RUNTHESE DEVICES WITHOUTADDITIONAL RESISTIVE TYPELOADS.Inductive Single-phase induction motors, These devices require largedrills, well pumps, grinders, small current inrush for starting.refrigerators, weed and hedge Some synchronous motors maytrimmers be frequency sensitive to attainmaximum output torque, butthey SHOULD BE SAFE fromany frequency induced failures. Capacitive/Inductive Computers, high resolution TV sets,An inductive type line condition-complicated electrical equipment. er along with transient andsurge protection is required,and liabilities still exist. DONOT USE THESE DEVICESWITH A EAGLE 10,000The Lincoln Electric Company is not responsible for any damage to electrical components improperly connect-ed to the EAGLE 10,000.1.Install a double pole, double throw switch betweenthe power company meter and the premisesdisconnect.Switch rating must be the same or greater thanthe customer’s premises disconnect and serviceovercurrent protection.2.Take necessary steps to assure load is limited tothe capacity of the EAGLE 10,000 by installing a38 amp 240V double pole circuit breaker.Maximum rated load for the 240V auxiliary is 38amperes. Loading above 38 amperes will reduceoutput voltage below the allowable -10% of ratedvoltage which may damage appliances or othermotor-driven equipment.3.Install a 50 amp 120/240V plug (NEMA type 14-50)to the Double Pole Circuit Breaker using No. 8,4 conductor cable of the desired length. (The50 amp 120/240V plug is available in theoptional plug kit.)4.Plug this cable into the 50 amp 120/240Vreceptacle on the EAGLE 10,000 case front.*Each duplex receptacle is limited to 20 amps.**Not to exceed 40A per 120VAC branch circuit whensplitting the 240 VAC output.LOADNATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FOR ALTERNATE WIRESIZE RECOMMENDATIONS.EAGLE 10,000 APPROXIMATE FUEL CONSUMPTIONARC GOUGINGThe EAGLE 10,000 can be used for limited arc goug-ing.Set the Range switch to adjust output current to the desired level for the gouging electrode being used according to the ratings in the following table:TIG (CONSTANT CURRENT) WELDINGThe K930-[ ] TIG Module installed on a EAGLE 10,000 provides high frequency and shielding gas control for GTAW (TIG) welding processes. Output Control is from the Eagle 10,000. The control on the TIG Module is not functional. After flow time is adjustable from 0 to 55 seconds. A K814 Arc Start Switch is required.The K930-[ ] TIG Module should be used with the EAGLE 10,000 on HIGH IDLE to maintain satisfactory operation. It can be used in the AUTO position but the delay going to flow idle after welding is ceased will be increased if the AFTER FLOW CONTROL is set above 10 seconds. A K814 Arc Start Switch is required.PLASMA CUTTINGK1580-1 Pro-Cut 55Cuts mild steel using the 3-phase AC generator power from the engine driven welder. Accepts 3-phase or 1-phase input power. Requires the K1816-1 Full KVA adapter kit, if connected for 1-phase input power.BATTERY1. When replacing, jumping, or otherwise connectingthe battery to the battery cables, the properpolarity must be observed. Failure to observethe proper polarity could result in damage to thecharging circuit. The positive (+) battery cablehas a red terminal cover.2.If the battery requires charging from an externalcharger, disconnect the negative battery cablefirst and then the positive battery cable beforeattaching the charger leads. Failure to do socan result in damage to the internal chargercomponents. When reconnecting the cables,connect the positive cable first and the negativecable last.HARDWAREBoth English and Metric fasteners are used in this welder.This Troubleshooting Guide is provided to help you locate and repair possible machine malfunctions.Simply follow the three-step procedure listed below.Step 1.LOCATE PROBLEM (SYMPTOM).Look under the column labeled “PROBLEM (SYMP-TOMS)”. This column describes possible symptoms that the machine may exhibit. Find the listing that best describes the symptom that the machine isexhibiting.Step 2.POSSIBLE CAUSE.The second column labeled “POSSIBLE CAUSE ” lists the obvious external possibilities that may contribute to the machine symptom.Step 3.RECOMMENDED COURSE OF ACTIONThis column provides a course of action for the Possible Cause, generally it states to contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.If you do not understand or are unable to perform the Recommended Course of Action safely, contact your local Lincoln Authorized Field Service Facility.HOW TO USE TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEService and Repair should only be performed by Lincoln Electric Factory Trained Personnel.Unauthorized repairs performed on this equipment may result in danger to the technician and machine operator and will invalidate your factory warranty. For your safety and to avoid Electrical Shock, please observe all safety notes and precautions detailed throughout this manual.__________________________________________________________________________E A G L E 10,000 / L N -25 A C R O S S T H E A R C C O N N E C T I O N D I A G R A MM 20295JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicREAD AND UNDERSTAND THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTION FOR THIS EQUIPMENT AND THE CONSUMABLES TO BE USED AND FOLLOW YOUR EMPLOYER’S SAFETY PRACTICES.SE RECOMIENDA LEER Y ENTENDER LAS INSTRUCCIONES DEL FABRICANTE PARA EL USO DE ESTE EQUIPO Y LOS CONSUMIBLES QUE VA A UTILIZAR, SIGA LAS MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DE SU SUPERVISOR.LISEZ ET COMPRENEZ LES INSTRUCTIONS DU FABRICANT EN CE QUI REGARDE CET EQUIPMENT ET LES PRODUITS A ETRE EMPLOYES ET SUIVEZ LES PROCEDURES DE SECURITE DE VOTRE EMPLOYEUR.LESEN SIE UND BEFOLGEN SIE DIE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG DER ANLAGE UND DEN ELEKTRODENEINSATZ DES HER-STELLERS. DIE UNFALLVERHÜTUNGSVORSCHRIFTEN DES ARBEITGEBERS SIND EBENFALLS ZU BEACHTEN.JapaneseChineseKoreanArabicLEIA E COMPREENDA AS INSTRUÇÕES DO FABRICANTE PARA ESTE EQUIPAMENTO E AS PARTES DE USO, E SIGA AS PRÁTICAS DE SEGURANÇA DO EMPREGADOR.。


Bulbs, Halogen............................... 290
Capacities Chart .................... 344, 346 Carbon Monoxide Hazard .............. 52 Carrying Cargo .............................. 202 Cassette Player
Charging System Indicator .... 58, 328 Checklist, Before Driving............. 206 Child Safety ...................................... 20 Child Seats........................................ 25
Before Driving ............................... 191 Belts, Seat ..................................... 8, 41 Beverage Holder............................ 101 Body Repair .................................... 310
Maintenance............................... 279 Usage .................................. 111, 117 Air Outlets (Vents)................ 110, 115 Air Pressure, Tires ........................ 282 Alcohol in Gasoline........................ 350 Aluminum Wheels, Cleaning........ 305 Antifreeze ....................................... 253 Anti-lock Brakes (ABS) Indicator................................ 59, 219 Operation .................................... 218 Anti-theft, Audio System............... 179 Anti-theft Steering Column Lock .. 76



中考英语工业机械单选题80题1. There are many different types of ___ in the factory.A. machineB. machinesC. machineriesD. machinery答案:B。


“machine”是可数名词,复数形式是“machines”,A 选项是单数形式,C 选项“machineries”错误,“machinery”是不可数名词,不能用many 修饰,故选B。

2. The workers need to ___ the machines carefully before starting to work.A. checkB. controlC. operateD. repair答案:A。


“check”有“检查”之意,工作前仔细检查机器符合语境;“control”是“控制”;“operate”是“操作”;“repair”是“修理”,在工作前首先应是检查机器,A 选项更合适。

3. The new ___ can improve the production efficiency greatly.A. machineB. equipmentC. toolD. instrument答案:B。


“equipment”意为“设备”,范围较广,可包含多种机器和工具;“machine”侧重指具体的机器;“tool”常指手工工具;“instrument”多指精密仪器,新的设备能大幅提高生产效率,B 选项更符合。

4. We should ___ the machine regularly to make it work well.A. maintainB. protectC. defendD. save答案:A。


“maintain”有“维护,保养”之意;“protect”是“保护”;“defend”是“防御”;“save”是“拯救,节省”,定期保养机器能使其良好运行,A 选项恰当。

安全操作规程 (英文)

安全操作规程 (英文)


, LTD.SAFETY OPERATION PROCEDURESFOR THE MINING MACHINESTable of ContentsChute Feeder Safety Operation Procedures (2)400 x 600 Jaw Crusher Operation Procedures (2)Belt Conveyor Operation Procedures (4)1500 x 3600 Ball Mill Safety Operation Procedures (5)FC—1500 Grading Machine Safety Operation Procedures (6)Flotation Machine Safety Operation Procedures (7)Press Filter Safety Operation Procedures (8)Slurry Pump Safety Operation Procedures (9)Chute Feeder Safety Operation Procedures1) Equipment check1. Before turning on the machine(1) Machine Parts:A. Safety protection device is it working properly?B. Coupling bolts and roller is it working normally?Lubricating oil and grease for the deceleration part is it working properly?C. The wear and tear condition of the shield and funnelD. Pushing rod or handle is it balance, the bolts installed are they loose?(2) Motor:A. Are the starting device and the index lights working properly?B. Is the handle of the manual motor easy to rotate?2. Operating Check(1) Machine PartsA. Is the mine feeding process normal?B. Are they any debris or large pieces of ore that impact the mine feedingprocess?C. Is there any abnormal sound coming from the decelerator? Does thetemperature of the decelerator keep rising?(2) MotorA. Is there any abnormal sound coming from the electric parts? Does thetemperature of the electric parts keep rising?B. Is the electric current above the control cabinet working normally?2) The procedure to turn on and off the machine1. The procedure to turn on the machine(1) Follow the equipment check process and conduct equipment check(2) Caution about the switch on order. Press the switch on button after ensuringthat the machine is ready to work2. The procedure to turn off the machineUpon receiving the switch off order or emergency stop order on the machine, press the stop button right away to stop the machine from operating and then turn off the electric source inside the controlling cabinet.3) Note1. Following the production requirement to feed the mine evenly。



挖掘机操作指南英文版Excavator Operating Instructions.Introduction.Operating an excavator is a skilled trade that requires meticulous attention to detail and strict adherence to safety guidelines. This machine, with its powerful digging capabilities and precise maneuvering abilities, is a vital piece of equipment in construction, mining, and other heavy industries. To ensure the safety of operators and bystanders, as well as the efficiency and longevity of the machine, it is essential to understand and follow the correct operating procedures.Pre-Operational Checks.Before starting the excavator, it is crucial to perform a thorough pre-operational check. This includes:Verifying that all safety guards and shields are in place and in good condition.Checking the oil and fuel levels to ensure they are within the recommended range.Inspecting the tracks, undercarriage, and hydraulics for any signs of damage or leakage.Testing all controls, including levers, switches, and pedals, to ensure they are functioning properly.Starting the Excavator.To start the excavator, follow these steps:Engage the parking brake.Turn on the power switch.Start the engine and allow it to warm up for a few minutes.Check for any abnormal noises or vibrations.If everything is in order, disengage the parking brake and begin operating the excavator.Operating the Excavator.When operating the excavator, it is important to follow these guidelines:Always maintain a clear view of the work area and be aware of any potential hazards.Operate the excavator smoothly and avoid sudden movements that could cause instability or damage to the machine.Use the levers and pedals to control the digging bucket, arm, and boom. Practice precise maneuvering to minimize the risk of hitting obstacles or overdigging.When digging, maintain a stable footing by properly positioning the tracks or wheels. Avoid digging on slopes that are too steep or in unstable ground conditions.When transporting material, be sure to secure the load properly and avoid swinging or spilling the material.Safety Precautions.Safety should always be the top priority when operating an excavator. Here are some key safety precautions to follow:Wear appropriate protective gear, including safety glasses, gloves, and steel-toed boots.Do not operate the excavator if you are feeling fatigued or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.Always maintain a clear line of communication with other operators and crew members.Avoid operating the excavator in areas where there are power lines or other potential hazards.If the excavator malfunctions or an emergencysituation arises, immediately stop the engine, engage the parking brake, and evacuate the machine.Maintenance and Storage.Proper maintenance is essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of the excavator. Regularly inspect and lubricate all moving parts, replace worn-out components, and keep the machine clean. When storing the excavator, make sure it is placed on a flat and stable surface, with the tracks or wheels properly secured. Cover the machine with a tarp or other protective covering to protect it from the elements.Conclusion.Operating an excavator requires skill, precision, and strict adherence to safety guidelines. By following theprocedures outlined in this guide, operators can ensure the safety of themselves and others, while maximizing the efficiency and productivity of the machine. With proper training and maintenance, the excavator can remain a reliable and valuable asset in any construction or mining operation.。





三、单词用法:1. 在物理学和工程学领域经常使用。


可以说“The torque of the engine shaft is calculated by multiplying the force applied to it by the length of th e lever arm.”(发动机轴的力矩是通过施加在其上的力乘以力臂长度来计算的。

)2. 也可用于描述机械装置中的扭转力。

“The torque in this gear system determines how smoothly the gears will rotate.”(这个齿轮系统中的力矩决定了齿轮转动的平滑程度。

)四、近义词:1. moment(在物理学中也可表示力矩,不过使用场景更为广泛一些,还可表示瞬间、时刻等其他含义)2. turning force(比较直白的“转动力”,和力矩表达的概念相近)五、短语搭配:1. torque wrench(扭矩扳手,一种用于精确控制力矩大小的工具)2. torque converter(液力变矩器,常用于汽车等交通工具的传动系统中)3. torque sensor(扭矩传感器,用来检测力矩大小的设备)六、双语例句:1. “Hey, do you know what torque is?” I asked my friend. “Well, it's like the magic power that makes things spin around,” I added. “Oh, really? So it's super important in machinery then?” my friend replied. Yup, just like how a dancer needs balance to spin, machinery needs torque to rotate.(“嘿,你知道力矩是什么吗?”我问我的朋友。



Preparing and proving CNC machine tool programsOverviewThis standard covers a broad range of basic computer numerical control(CNC) programming competences that will prepare you for entry intothe engineering or manufacturing sectors, creating a progressionbetween education and employment, or that will provide a basis for thedevelopment of additional skills and occupational competencies in theworking environment.You will be required to produce the component program, using manualdata input or by use of a remote computer, saving the preparedprogram on to a storage device or by downloading it into the machinecontroller from the computer.You will be expected to prepare part programs, using operationalsequences and machining techniques that avoid unnecessarytool/cutter movements or tool changes, and to use repetitive programsand canned cycles, to reduce program size and input time. You willprepare component programs that combine a number of differentoperations, such as parallel, stepped and tapered diameters, drilled,bored and reamed holes, internal and external threads, flat, square andparallel faces, angular faces, slots and recesses, special forms andprofiles.You will need to check the program using single block run and programedit facilities. You will also be required to adjust the machine toolequipment and program, following proving/editing procedures, toachieve component specification. You must ensure that any editedprograms are saved safely and correctly.Your responsibilities will require you to comply with health and safetyrequirements and organisational policy and procedures for theprogramming activities undertaken. You will need to take account of anypotential difficulties or problems that may arise with the programmingactivities, and to seek appropriate help and advice in determining andimplementing a suitable solution. You will work under a high level ofsupervision, whilst taking responsibility for your own actions and for thequality and accuracy of the work that you produce.Your underpinning knowledge will provide an understanding of yourwork, and will enable you to apply appropriate CNC programming andproving techniques safely. You will understand the CNC programmingPreparing and proving CNC machine tool programsprocess, and its application, and will know about the machine operatingprograms and setting-up procedures, to the required depth to provide asound basis for carrying out the programming activities to the requiredspecification.You will understand the safety precautions required when working withthe CNC machines, and with their associated tools and equipment. Youwill be required to demonstrate safe working practices throughout, andwill understand the responsibility you owe to yourself and others in theworkplace.Specific Standard RequirementsIn order to prove your ability to produce programs that combine differentfeatures, at least one of the programs produced must be of a significantnature, and must cover a minimum of five of the features listed in scope5.Preparing and proving CNC machine tool programsPerformance criteriaYou must be able safely at all times, complying with health and safetylegislation, regulations, directives and other relevant guidelinesplan the programming activities before you start them2.3.determine an operational sequence that avoids wasted tool/cuttermovements and tool changes4.develop component programs using appropriate programmingcodes and techniques5.specify positional information and machine axes that areconsistent with the requirements of each stage/operation6.load/input the program to the machine controller, and check/provethe program for errors using approved and store the program in line with organisational proceduresdeal promptly and effectively with problems within your control,8.and seek help and guidance from the relevant people if you haveproblems that you cannot resolve9.shut down the equipment to a safe condition on completion of theprogramming activitiesPreparing and proving CNC machine tool programsKnowledge andunderstandingthe safe working practices and procedures to be followed when developing and proving CNC machine tool programs 1. the hazards associated with using CNC machine tools (such as automatic machine operations, power operated chucks, revolving/moving parts of machinery, airborne and hot metal particles, sharp cutting tools and burrs and sharp edges on component), and how they can be minimised 2. the importance of wearing the appropriate protective clothing and equipment (PPE), and of keeping the work area clean and tidy 3. the safety mechanisms on the machine (such as emergency stop buttons, emergency brakes), and the procedure for checking that they function correctly 4. the correct operation of the various hand and automatic modes of machine control (such as program operating and control buttons)5. how to stop the machine in both normal and emergency situations, and the procedure for restarting after an emergency 6. how to use and extract information from engineering drawings or data and related specifications (to include symbols and conventions to appropriate BS or ISO standards) in relation to work undertaken 7. how to interpret first and third angle drawings, imperial and metric systems of measurement, absolute and incremental systems, workpiece zero/reference points and system of tolerancing 8. the computer coding language used in CNC programs (with regard to machine axes, positional information, machine management and auxiliary functions)9. how to prepare part programs (using operational sequences and machining techniques that avoid unnecessary tool/cutter movements or tool changes)10. the use of features that enable reductions in program size and input time (such as canned cycles, subroutines and labels)11. the function keys and operating system of the machine computer control system being operated 12. how to set machine datums for each of the machine axes being used 13. how to set the machine control system in the programming and editing mode, download (input) and upload (output) modes 14.You need to know andunderstand:Preparing and proving CNC machine tool to deal with error messages and faults on the program to access the program edit facility, in order to enter toolingdata (such as tool datums, positions, lengths, offsets and radiuscompensation)17.the use of tool posts, magazines, carousels and turrets, and howto identify the tools in relationship to the operating programhow to conduct trial runs (using single block run, dry run and feed18.and spindle speed override controls)factors that may affect the feeds and spindle speeds being used,19.and why they may need to be adjusted from the programmedvalues (such as condition of material, workholding method, toolingused, tolerance and finish to be achieved)20.the checks to be made before allowing the CNC machine tooperate in full program run to save the completed programs in the appropriate format,and the need to store programs and storage devices safely andcorrectly, away from contaminants and possible corruption22.typical problems that can occur with the programming, loadingand editing activities, and what to do if they occurthe methods and procedures used to minimise the chances of23.infecting a computer with a virus24.the implications if the computer you are using does becomeinfected with a virus and who to contact if it does occurwhen to act on your own initiative and when to seek help and25.advice from others26.the importance of leaving the work area and machine in a safecondition on completion of the activities (such as correctlyisolated, operating programs closed or removed, cleaning themachine and removing and disposing of waste)Preparing and proving CNC machine tool programsEnsure that you apply all of the following checks and practices at all times during the programming activities:1. adhere to procedures or systems in place for risk assessment, COSHH, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other relevant safety regulations 1. the correct component drawings are obtained and checked for currency and validity 2. the appropriate reference manuals and programming codes are used to suit the machine controller 3. the machine controller is prepared ready to accept the operating program 4. the prepared program is input/loaded into the controller safely and correctly 5. programs are stored safely and correctly in the appropriate format 6. program media is stored safely and correctly, away from contaminants and corruption 7. Prepare and prove programs for one of the following types of CNC machine tool:2. two axis machine 1.multiple axis machines (5 or more)2.three axis machine 3.machining centres 4. Produce CNC programs using one of the following methods:3.entered directly into the machine controller ing computer software 2. Develop part programs which contain all of the following, as applicable to the machine type:4. all necessary positional information 1.appropriate codes 2.machine management commands (preparatory/auxiliary functions)3. repetitions within programs (using features such as subroutines, canned cycles, labels)4. absolute or incremental co-ordinates 5.tool/cutter change positions 6.tool information (such as lengths, offsets, radius 7.Scope/range relatedto performancecriteriaPreparing and proving CNC machine tool programscompensation)Develop programs to produce components which cover eight of5.the following features:1.parallel diameters2.angular faces3.enclosed slots/recesses4.stepped diameters5.internal ended slots7.tapered diameters8.external profiles9.eccentric diameters10.flat faces11.reamed holes12.external screw threads13.internal undercuts14.tapped holes15.internal screw threads16.external undercuts17.drilled holes18.chamfers and radii19.steps/shoulders20.holes on pitched circles21.bored holes22.parallel faces23.holes linearly pitched24.special forms (such as concave, convex)25.faces that are square to each other26.parting-off6.Develop part programs to machine components made from two ofthe following types of material:1.low carbon/mild steel2.cast iron3.plastic/nylon/composite4.high carbon steel5.brass/brass alloysaluminium/aluminium alloys6.7.other specific materialPreparing and proving CNC machine tool programs7.Prove the part program using six of the following:1.single block mode2.graphic displays/ input facilities4.full dry run (in air)search facilities5.6.edit facilities7.program override controls (spindle speed, feed rate, tooldata)8.program save/store facilities8.Confirm that the program operates safely and correctly, bychecking all of the following:1.datums for each machine axis are set in relation to allequipment and tooling used2.all operations are carried out to the program co-ordinatestool change positions are safe and clear of the workpiece3.and machine equipment4.the correct tools are selected at the appropriate points in theprogramtool offsets are correctly entered into the machine controller5.6.tool cutter paths are executed safely and correctly7.auxiliary functions operate at the correct point in theprogram (cutter start/stop, coolant flow)8.programs have been saved in the appropriate formatPreparing and proving CNC machine tool programsBehavioursAdditional InformationYou will be able to apply the appropriate behaviours required in theworkplace to meet the job profile and overall company objectives, suchas:•strong work ethic•positive attitude•team player•dependability•responsibility•honesty•integrity•motivation•commitmentPreparing and proving CNC machine tool programsDeveloped by SemtaVersion Number3Date Approved March 2017April 2020Indicative ReviewDateValidity CurrentStatus OriginalSemtaOriginatingOrganisationOriginal URN SEMPEO2-14Engineering; Engineering and manufacturing technologiesRelevantOccupationsSuite Performing Engineering Operations Suite 2Keywords engineering; engineering operations; CNC machine tool programs; CNCprogramming; manufacturing; component program; data input; ; disc;operational sequences。

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1 Introduction
Our goal is to check statically whether it is safe for a piece of untrusted foreign machine code to be loaded into a trusted host system. We start with ordinary machine code and mechanically synthesize (and verify) a safety proof. In an earlier paper [35], we reported on initial results from our approach, the chief advantage of which is that it opens up the possibility of being able to certify code produced by a general-purpose off-the-shelf compiler from programs written in languages such as C, C++, and Fortran. Furthermore, in our work we do not limit the safety policy to just a fixed set of memory-access conditions that must be avoided; instead, we perform safety checking with respect to a safety policy that is supplied on the host side. Our earlier work was based on a C-like type system, which does not suffice for machine code whose origin is C++ source code. In the present paper, we address this limitation and also introduce several other techniques that make our safety-checking analysis more precise and scalable. When our proof-synthesis techniques are employed on the host side, our approach can be viewed as an alternative to the Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) approach [20]: PCC requires a code producer to create not just the machine code but also a proof that the code is safe, and then has the host perform a proof-validation step. When our proof-synthesis techniques are employed by the code producer (on the foreign side of the untrusted/trusted boundary), our approach can be viewed as an ally of PCC that helps to lift current limitations of certifying compilers [7, 18, 19], which produce PCC automatically, but only for programs written in certain safe source languages. In this paper, we present the following improved techniques for use in proof synthesis: • An improved typestate-checking system that allows us to perform safety-checking on untrusted machine code that implements inheritance polymorphism via physical subtyping [24]. This work introduces a new method for coping with subtyping in the presence of mutable pointers (Section 3). • A mechanism for summarizing the effects of function calls via safety pre- and post-conditions. These summaries allow our analysis to stop at trusted boundaries. They form a first step toward checking untrusted code in a modular fashion, which makes the safety-checking technique more scalable (Section 4). • A technique to infer information about the sizes and types of stack-allocated arrays (local arrays). This was left as an open problem in our previous paper [35] (Section 5). October 19, 2000
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Typestate Checking of Machine Code
Zhichen Xu, Thomas Reps, and Barton P. Miller
University of Wisconsin at Madison {zhichen, reps, bart}@
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A symbolic range analysis that is suitable for propagating information about array bounds. This analysis makes the safety-checking algorithm less dependent upon expensive program-verification techniques (Section 6). Section 2 provides a brief review of the safety-checking technique from our earlier work [35]. Section 7 illus-
trates the benefits of our techniques via a few case studies. Section 8 compares our techniques with related work. As a result of these improvements, we can handle a broader class of real-life code sequences with better precision and efficiency. For example, allowing subtyping among structures and pointers allows us to analyze code originating from object-oriented source code. The use of symbolic range analysis eliminated 60% of the total attempts to synthesize loop invariants in the 11 programs of our test suite that have array accesses. In 4 of these programs, it eliminated the need to synthesize loop invariants altogether. The resulting speedup for global verification ranges from -0.4% to 63% (with a median of 37%). Together with improvements that we made to our global-verification phase, range analysis allows us to verify untrusted code that we were not able to handle previously.
We check statically whether it is safe for untrusted foreign machine code to be loaded into a trusted host system. (Here “safety” means that the program abides by a memory-access policy that is supplied on the host side.) Our technique works on ordinary machine code, and mechanically synthesizes (and verifies) a safety proof. Our earlier work along these lines was based on a C-like type system, which does not suffice for machine code whose origin is C++ source code. In the present paper, we address this limitation with an improved typestate system and introduce several new techniques, including: summarizing the effects of function calls so that our analysis can stop at trusted boundaries, inferring information about the sizes and types of stack-allocated arrays, and a symbolic range analysis for propagating information about array bounds. These techniques make our approach to safety checking more precise, more efficient, and able to handle a larger collection of real-life code sequences than was previously the case. For example, allowing subtyping among structures and pointers allowed our implementation to analyze code originating from object-oriented source code. The use of symbolic range analysis eliminated 60% of the total attempts to synthesize loop invariants in the 11 programs of our test suite that have array accesses. In 4 of these programs, it eliminated the need to synthesize loop invariants altogether. The resulting speedup for the globalverification phase of the system ranges from -0.4% to 63% (with a median of 37%).