



型自动生化分析仪仪器标准操作规程(一)HITACHI 7600型自动生化分析仪开/关机程序1 自动开机1.1 设定每天7:30自动开机。

1.2 自动进行相应的维护保养程序Power On, 包含:Inc. Water Exchg;Air Purge;Regent Prim;Ise Check;Photometer Check;SVP Essential Information Upload;Cell Blank。

1.3 开机后检查1.3.1 标本针、试剂针、搅拌棒是否沾有水滴、脏污;是否弯曲、堵塞;各清洗槽是否脏污或堵塞。

1.3.4 检查打印纸是否足够并已正确安装。

1.3.5 打开UPS开关。

1.3.6 打开供水开关,接通水机电源。

1.3.7 检查ISE系统的标本盘W2位置上电解质(N)清洗剂情况和仪器背面废液部有无结晶析出和污染,注射器、SIP管无漏液。

1.3.8 打开中文电脑。

1.3.9 试剂准备:按Reagen t→Status确定试剂信息,检查各项目可测定数(Available Tests)和每种试剂剩余测定数(Remaining Tests)的余量。


2 关机前工作2.1 做好各单元清洁工作2.2 确认进样部、标本回收部无标本架,无脏污。

2.3 处理完废液,确认废液桶是空的。

2.4 检查标本回收部内的供水箱水位是否在10cm以上。

2.5 清洁D模块和P模块部分的标本针、试剂喷嘴(针)、反应容器清洗喷嘴、搅拌棒等。

2.6 确认标本注射器、试剂注射器无漏液,注射器内无气泡。

2.7 检查纯水机电阻是否2MΩ/cm以上,否则更换树脂;水箱水50L以上,关闭水源开关和纯水机电源。

3 关机3.1 准备清洗架:将Hialkali-D装入试管,放入清洗架(绿色)的1 号位置。


3.2 启动每日关机程序:按Utilit y→Maintenance→Power_OFF→Select→Execute。

Konica Minolta fi-7600和fi-7700扫描仪说明书

Konica Minolta fi-7600和fi-7700扫描仪说明书

Gerader PapierpfadBedienfeld mit LCD drehbar.unverbindlich. Änderungen an den technischen Daten ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorbehalten.Technische DatenSoftwarepaketÜberragende Scanner-Treiber und Dokumenterfassungssoftware von RicohScanner-Treiber mit hochwertiger Bildverbesserung■Kompatibel zu TWAIN- und ISIS-Schnittstellen ■Überragende integrierte Bildverarbeitung ■Patchcode- und Barcode Erkennung■Vordefinierte und benutzerdefinierte Scanprofile für regelmäßige Aufgabenstellungen■Bei Bedarf unterstützt …Assisted Scan“ den Nutzer durch einfache bildliche Auswahl alternativer Scanergebnisse■Automatisches Zuschneiden und Schräglagenkorrektur, Farberkennung und Leerseitenerkennung sowie -löschungEffizientes Frontend und hochwertige Erfassungslösung■Durchgängige Stapel-Erfassungslösung die mittels …One Click Erfassung“ Arbeitsroutinen erleichtert und beschleunigt■Schnelles Scannen großer Mengen mit Bilddarstellung in Echtzeit, Barcodeerkennung und –indexierung■PaperStream IP Verarbeitungs- und Bildverbesserungs-Technologie ist fester Bestandteil von PaperStream Capture und sichert höchste Bildqualität■Scannen-Verifizieren-Indexieren-Validieren in einem einzigen rationalisierten Vorgang - ganz einfach, für jeden Nutzer■Unterstützt ad hoc Scannen und ermöglicht die spontane Ausnahmehandhabung mittels …Assisted Scan“ und, falls nötig, die einzelfallbezogene, spontane Änderungen von Einstellungen2023.5 8040-1.0PFU (EMEA) Limited BelmontBelmont Road Uxbridge, UB8 1HE GroßbritannienPFU (EMEA) Limited Tower 2Mies-van-der-Rohe Straße 880807 München DeutschlandPFU (EMEA) Limited Viale Monza, 25920126 Milano (MI)ItalienPFU (EMEA) LimitedCamino Cerro de los Gamos, 128224 Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid SpanienTel: +44 (0)20 8573 4444Tel: +49 (0)89 32378 0Tel: +39 02 26294 1Tel: +34 91 7849000。

ProSAFE 无线控制器 WC7600 用户手册

ProSAFE 无线控制器 WC7600 用户手册

Controlador Inalámbrico ProSAFE WC7600Contenido de la cajaEl paquete contiene los siguientes elementos:•Controlador inalámbrico ProSAFE® Wireless Controller WC7600•Cable de alimentación de CA•Cable Ethernet de categoría 5 de conexión directa•Kit de montaje en bastidor•Patas de goma (4), cuya parte posterior es adhesiva•Guía de instalaciónADVERTENCIA:NO coloque los dispositivos uno encima del otro (en una pila), ni en espacios reducidos o cajones. Asegúrese de que hay un espacio libre de al menos 5 cm alrededor del equipo para que ventile.Conozca su controlador inalámbrico Antes de instalar el controlador inalámbrico, familiarícese con los indicadores, botones y puertos.Panel frontalPower (Encendido), Status (Estado),Fan (Ventilador), Stack Master (Dispsitivo principal de pila)Panel posteriorIndicador del estado de la alimentaciónEntrada de la fuente de alimentaciónConfiguración del controladorinalámbricoCómo configurar el controlador inalámbrico:1.Configure el equipo con la dirección IP estática yla máscara de subred un extremo del cable Ethernet proporcionado al puertoEthernet del equipo y el otro extremo al puerto Ethernet delpanel frontal del controlador inalámbrico.3.Conecte el cable de alimentación proporcionado del controladorinalámbrico a una toma de corriente de CA.pruebe que se encienden los siguientes indicadores en elpanel frontal:Indicador DescripciónEntrada de la fuente de alimentación El indicador de encendido verde está iluminado. En caso contrario, compruebe las conexiones y cualquier interruptor en la toma de corriente que pudiera estar apagado.Estado El indicador de estado se ilumina en amarillo mientras el controlador inalámbrico se está inicializando.Después de aproximadamente dos minutos, cuando elcontrolador inalámbrico ha completado su inicialización,el indicador de estado se ilumina en verde. Ventilador El indicador de ventilador verde está encendido, lo que indica que los ventiladores están funcionandocorrectamente.Puerto Ethernet El indicador de puerto Ethernet de la derecha se ilumina en verde para una conexión de 1000 Mbps o en amarillo para una conexión de 100 ó 10 Mbps.Acceso al controlador inalámbricoPara obtener acceso al controlador inalámbrico:1.En el equipo, abra una ventana del navegador. En el campo dedirección, escriba muestra la pantalla de inicio de sesión del controladorinalámbrico:2.Introduzca admin como nombre de usuario y password comocontraseña (utilice minúsculas en ambos casos).3.Haga clic en el botón Login (Iniciar sesión).Se muestra la interfaz de gestión web del controladorinalámbrico.Configuración básicaPara configurar las opciones básicas:1.Desde el menú de navegación principal, seleccioneConfiguration (Configuración) > System (Sistema) > General (General).2.Introduzca un nombre para el controlador inalámbrico.3.Seleccione el país en el que se utiliza el controlador inalámbrico.4.Haga clic en el botón Apply (Aplicar).5.Seleccione Configuration (Configuración) > System (Sistema) >Time (Hora).6.Seleccione la zona horaria en la que se utiliza el controladorinalámbrico.7.(Opcional) Configure las opciones de NTP.8.Haga clic en el botón Apply (Aplicar).9.Seleccione Configuration (Configuración) > System (Sistema) >IP/VLAN.10.Introduzca la configuración de IP de la red y las VLAN quedesea asignar al controlador inalámbrico.Nota: Para grandes instalaciones, NETGEAR recomiendaque el controlador inalámbrico y los puntos de acceso esténen VLAN independientes para garantizar una conectividadsin interrupciones entre el controlador inalámbrico y lospuntos de acceso.Nota: Desactive la casilla Untagged VLAN (VLAN sinetiquetas) sólo si los concentradores y conmutadores de lared son compatibles con el estándar VLAN (802.1Q). Cambieel valor de VLAN sin etiquetar sólo si los concentradores yconmutadores de la red son compatibles con el estándarVLAN (802.1Q).11.Haga clic en el botón Apply (Aplicar).La conexión al controlador inalámbrico ha terminado porque ha cambiado su dirección IP.12.Vuelva a configurar el equipo con una dirección IP y unamáscara de subred que se encuentren en la misma subred IP que el controlador inalámbrico. Utilice la nueva dirección IP del controlador inalámbrico para iniciar una nueva sesión.13.Seleccione Configuration (Configuración) > System (Sistema) >DHCP Server (Servidor DHCP). El asistente para la detección (consulte Detección de puntos de acceso) necesita un servidor DHCP para detectar los puntos de acceso. Si ya dispone de un servidor DHCP en la red, desactive el servidor DHCP en elcontrolador inalámbrico. De lo contrario, configure los ajustes DHCP para el servidor DHCP en el controlador inalámbrico.14.Haga clic en Apply (Aplicar).15.Determine si desea utilizar el grupo de perfiles básicos (aptopara una WLAN pequeña) o uno o más grupos de perfilesavanzados (apto para una WLAN grande):•Basic (Básico). Permite hasta ocho perfiles (16 puntos de acceso de banda dual), cada uno de los cuales tiene supropio SSID, seguridad, ACL de MAC, configuración delimitación de velocidad, ajustes WMM, etc.a.Seleccione Configuration (Configuración) > Profile(Perfil) > Basic (Básico) > Radio (Radio).b.Configure uno o más perfiles, cada uno con suconfiguración de SSID y de seguridad.c.Haga clic en el botón Apply (Aplicar).•Advanced (Avanzado). Permite hasta ocho grupos de perfiles. Cada grupo incluye todos los ajustes que sonnecesarios para configurar un punto de acceso totalmentefuncional con hasta ocho perfiles de seguridad (16 puntos deacceso de banda dual).a.Seleccione Configuration (Configuración) > Profile(Perfil) > Advanced (Avanzado) > Radio (Radio).b.Configure uno o más grupos de perfiles, cada uno conuno o más perfiles con su propia configuración de SSID yde seguridad.c.Haga clic en el botón Apply (Aplicar).Nota: Para obtener más información sobre las opciones de configuración del controlador inalámbrico, incluidos los grupos de perfiles, consulte el manual de referencia.Instalación del controlador inalámbrico Para instalar el controlador inalámbrico:1.Desconecte el cable de alimentación del controladorinalámbrico.2.Desconecte el controlador inalámbrico del equipo y sitúelodonde desee instalarlo.3.Conecte un extremo de un cable Ethernet a un puerto LAN enun router o conmutador de la red y el otro extremo al puertoEthernet del panel frontal del controlador inalámbrico.4.Vuelva a conectar el cable de alimentación desde el controladorinalámbrico a una toma de corriente de CA.Los indicadores se iluminan como se describe en Configuración del controlador inalámbrico.Detección de puntos de accesoEl controlador inalámbrico gestiona los puntos de acceso de NETGEAR seleccionados. Para obtener una lista de los puntos de acceso de NETGEAR compatibles, visite el sitio web de asistencia técnica de NETGEAR.Antes de intentar detectar puntos de acceso, familiarícese con los indicadores de los puntos de acceso:Indicador DescripciónEntrada de la fuente de alimentación El indicador de alimentación verde parpadea cuando el punto de acceso se enciende por primera vez y, a continuación, se ilumina de color verde fijo. Si pasados 30 segundos el indicador de encendido no está iluminado o aún parpadea, compruebe las conexiones y si algún interruptor de la toma de corriente que está apagado.Indicador de actividad El indicador de actividad parpadea cuando el punto de acceso detecta tráfico de red.LAN Verde. Velocidad de conexión de 1000 Mbps.Ámbar. Velocidad de conexión de 10/100 Mbps.Apagado. No se detecta la conexión.2,4 GHz Tráfico de 2,4 GHz en la WLAN.5 GHz Tráfico de 5 GHz en la WLAN.El asistente para la detección puede detectar puntos de acceso que se encuentren en estado predeterminado de fábrica o ya instalados y en funcionamiento. Para que el asistente para la detección detecte puntos de acceso a través de una red de capa 2, red de capa 3 (detrás de un router) o puntos de acceso remoto, se tienen que cumplir los siguientes requisitos:•La red debe disponer de un servidor DHCP que tenga la opción43 activada con la dirección IP del controlador inalámbrico, o elservidor DHCP del controlador inalámbrico debe ser accesible para todos los puntos de acceso.•Cada punto de acceso debe tener una dirección IP.•Cada punto de acceso debe tener SNMP y SSH activado (que es el valor predeterminado).•El cortafuegos debe desbloquear el número de puerto UDP 7890. Para detectar puntos de acceso de:1.Acceda al controlador inalámbrico en la dirección IP de red queha configurado (consulte Configuración básica).2.Seleccione Access Point (Punto de acceso) > Discovery(Detección) > Discovery Wizard (Asistente de detección).3.Siga los pasos que aparecen en pantalla para detectar lospuntos de acceso y revise los resultados de la detección.4.Seleccione Access Point (Punto de acceso) > Discovery(Detección) > Managed AP List (Lista de PA gestionados).Agregue los puntos de acceso que desee que gestione elcontrolador inalámbrico a la lista de puntos de accesogestionados.Aunque los puntos de acceso se convierten de modo autónomo a modo gestionado, ocurre lo siguiente:•El controlador inalámbrico inserta el firmware de gestión en los puntos de acceso.•Los puntos de acceso se convierten en clientes DHCP y reciben una dirección IP del servidor DHCP en la red o del servidorDHCP en el controlador inalámbrico.•Los perfiles que ha configurado en el controlador inalámbrico se insertan en los puntos de acceso.Nota: Para obtener más información sobre el asistente para la detección y el proceso de detección, consulte el manual de referencia.Solución de problemasNo se puede acceder al controlador inalámbrico en su dirección IP predeterminada ( Realice las siguientes acciones:•Compruebe que el equipo esté conectado a un controlador inalámbrico.•Puede que no haya reiniciado el equipo con el controlador inalámbrico para que se apliquen los cambios de TCP/IP.Reinicie el ordenador.•El equipo puede estar configurado para activar NetBIOS a través de TCP/IP. Compruebe que TCP/IP está configurado para utilizar una dirección IP estática de y una máscara desubred (La configuración TCP/IP predeterminada para Windows es obtener una dirección IP automáticamente.) Reinicie el ordenador.Después de la configuración inicial, no se puede acceder al controlador inalámbrico en su propia dirección de red. Realice las siguientes acciones:•Utilice el comando ping para comprobar la conexión.•Compruebe que el equipo y el controlador inalámbrico están en la misma VLAN.•Puede que alguna configuración predeterminada del controlador inalámbrico no funcione con la red. Compruebe la configuración predeterminada del controlador inalámbrico comparándola con la del resto de dispositivos de la red.SoporteGracias por elegir un producto NETGEAR. Una vez instalado el dispositivo, busque elnúmero de serie en la etiqueta del producto y regístrelo en https://.Deberá registrar su producto para poder hacer uso de nuestro servicio telefónico de asistencia NETGEAR. NETGEAR recomienda registrar su producto a través del sitio web de NETGEAR.Encontrará actualizaciones del producto y asistencia técnica en . NETGEAR le recomienda que utilice solo los recursos del servicio técnico oficial de NETGEAR. Puede ponerse en contacto con los representantes del servicio técnico de NETGEAR a través de chat, correo electrónico o asistencia telefónica en/general/contact/default.aspx.Marcas comercialesNETGEAR, el logotipo de NETGEAR y Connect with Innovation son marcas comerciales o marcas comerciales registradas de NETGEAR, Inc. o sus filiales en Estados Unidos y otros países. La información contenida en el documento puede sufrir modificaciones sin previo aviso. © NETGEAR, Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.Cumplimiento normativoPara la declaración de conformidad actual de la UE, visite/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Para obtener información sobre el cumplimiento de normativas, visite/about/regulatory/.NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan José, CA 95134 Estados UnidosNoviembre de 2013。

Cisco 7600 Series 路由器模块指南说明书

Cisco 7600 Series 路由器模块指南说明书

C H A P T E R2-1Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-042Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesThis chapter describes the Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet switching modules, and it contains these sections:•10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules, page 2-1•Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules, page 2-13•Ethernet Module LEDs, page 2-2110/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching ModulesNoteSpecific combinations of supervisor engines and modules may not be supported in your chassis. Refer to the release notes for the software version running on your system for specific information on modules and supervisor engine combinations that are not supported.This section describes these 10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet switching modules:•24-Port 10BASE-FL Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6024-10FL-MT), page 2-4•48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6148-GE-TX), page 2-4•48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6148V-GE-TX), page 2-4•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6148-RJ21V), page 2-5•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6148-RJ45V), page 2-6•24-Port 100BASE-FX Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6224-100FX-MT), page 2-6•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6248-RJ45), page 2-7•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6248-TEL), page 2-7•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6248A-TEL), page 2-7•24-Port 100BASE-FX Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6324-100FX-MM), page 2-8•24-Port 100BASE-FX Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6324-100FX-SM), page 2-8•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6348-RJ21V), page 2-9•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6348-RJ-45), page 2-9•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6348-RJ45V), page 2-10Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules•24-Port 100BASE-FX Fabric-Enabled Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6524-100FX-MM), page 2-10•48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6548-GE-TX), page 2-11•48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6548V-GE-TX), page 2-11•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Fabric-Enabled Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6548-RJ-21), page 2-12•48-Port 10/100BASE-T Fabric-Enabled Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6548-RJ-45), page 2-12•48-Port 10/100/1000BASE-T Fabric-Enabled Ethernet Switching Module (WS-X6748-GE-TX), page 2-13Table 2-1 lists the features of the Ethernet switching modules.T able 2-1Ethernet Switching Modules FeaturesProduct Number Backplane Connection Forwarding Inline Power 1Port Buffer Size Queues Per Port WS-X6024-10FL-MT 32 Gbps Bus Centralized No 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6148-GE-TX 32 Gbps Bus Centralized Optional 2128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-6148V-GE-TX 32 Gbps Bus Centralized Yes 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6148-RJ21V 32 Gbps Bus Centralized Yes 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6148-RJ45V 32 Gbps Bus Centralized Yes 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6224-100FX-MT 32 Gbps Bus Centralized Yes 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6248-RJ-4532 Gbps Bus Centralized No 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6248-TEL 32 Gbps Bus Centralized No 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6248A-TEL 32 Gbps Bus Centralized No 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6324-100FX-MM 32 Gbps Bus Centralized No 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6324-100FX-SM 32 Gbps Bus Centralized No 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6348-RJ21V 32 Gbps Bus Centralized Yes 128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6348-RJ-4532 Gbps Bus Centralized Optional 2128 KB 2 transmit,1 receive WS-X6348-RJ45V32 Gbps BusCentralizedYes128 KB2 transmit,1 receiveCisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching ModulesWS-X6524-100FX-MMSwitch Fabric and BusCentralized Supportsoptional DFC card No1 MB4 transmit,2 receiveWS-X6548-GE-TX Switch Fabric and Bus Centralized Optional 2 1 MB 4 transmit,2 receive WS-6548V-GE-TX Switch Fabric and Bus Centralized Yes 1 MB 4 transmit,2 receive WS-X6548-RJ-21Switch Fabric and BusCentralized Supportsoptional DFC card No1 MB4 transmit,2 receiveWS-X6548-RJ-45Switch Fabric and BusCentralized Supportsoptional DFC card No 1 MB4 transmit,2 receiveWS-X6748-GE-TXSwitch Fabric CEF720No 1.3 MB4 transmit,2 receive1.Supports IP phones.2.Supports an optional inline power field upgrade module (WS-F6K-VPWR=)T able 2-1Ethernet Switching Modules Features (continued)Product Number Backplane Connection Forwarding Inline Power 1Port Buffer Size Queues Per Port2-4Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching ModulesNote2-5Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules2-6Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching ModulesNote2-7Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules2-8Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching ModulesNoteNote2-9Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules2-10Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Chapter 2 Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules10/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching ModulesNote2-11Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-0410/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules2-12Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-0410/100 and 10/100/1000 Ethernet Switching Modules2-13Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesCisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesT able 2-2Gigabit and 10-Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules FeaturesProduct Number Backplane Connection Forwarding Number of Transmit Queues/Port Number of Receive Queues/Port WS-X6316-GE-TX Bus Centralized 32WS-X6408-GBIC Bus Centralized 32WS-X6408A-GBIC Bus Centralized 32WS-X6416-GBIC Bus Centralized 32WS-X6416-GE-MT BusCentralized32WS-X6501-10GEX4Switch fabric and busCentralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optionaldistributed forwarding card (DFC)32WS-X6502 -10GESwitch fabric and bus Centralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optional DFC 32WS-X6516-GBIC Switch fabric and bus Centralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optional DFC 32WS-X6516A-GBIC Switch fabric and bus Centralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optional DFC 32WS-X6516-GE-TX Switch fabric and busCentralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optional DFC32WS-X6704-10GESwitch fabric 1(dual channel)1.The module can be installed in slots 2–6 in the Cisco 7606, slots 2–9 in the Cisco 7609 and OSR-7609, and slots 9–13 in the Cisco7613 routers. It cannot be installed in slots 2–8 of the Cisco 7613 router. The module requires a Supervisor Engine 720.Centralized. Support for distributed forwardingwith optional DFC 3222.Receive queues change depending on whether you have a centralized forward card (CFC) or a DFC. For information about queuestructures, see /en/US/docs/routers/7600/ios/12.2SXF/configuration/guide/qos.html#wp1673687.WS-X6724-SFPSwitch fabricCentralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optional DFC 322WS-X6748-SFP Switch fabricCentralized. Support for distributed forwarding with optional DFC322WS-X6816-GBIC Switch fabric 1 (dual channel)Distributed forwarding with integrated DFC 32WS-X6708-10G-3C Switch fabric Distributed forwarding with integrated DFC 882WS-X6708-10G-3CXLSwitch fabricDistributed forwarding with integrated DFC8822-15Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesNoteNote2-16Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesNoteNote2-17Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesNote2-18Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesNote2-19Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching Modules2-20Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Gigabit Ethernet Switching ModulesNoteNote2-21Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module Guide OL-9392-04T able2-3Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Module LEDs (continued)LED Color/State DescriptionOrange The module is booting or running diagnostics.An overtemperature condition has occurred. (A minor temperaturethreshold has been exceeded during environmental monitoring.)Red The module is resetting. The switch has just been powered on or themodule has been hot inserted during the normal initializationsequence.An overtemperature condition has occurred. (A major temperaturethreshold has been exceeded during environmental monitoring.)If the module fails to download code and configuration informationsuccessfully during the initial reset, the LED stays red; the moduledoes not come online.Off The module is not receiving power.Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04Cisco 7600 Series Routers Module Guide OL-9392-04LINK GreenThe port is active (the link is connected and operational).OrangeThe module or port is disabled through the CLI command or the module is initializing 1. FlashingorangeThe port is faulty and has been disabled.Off The port is not active or the link is not connected.PHONE Green The voice daughter card is installed.OffThe voice daughter card is not detected or is not installed.1.This is a good time to verify that all LINK LEDs are functioning.T able 2-3Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Module LEDs (continued)LEDColor/State DescriptionCisco 7600 Series Routers Module GuideOL-9392-04。

LEXMARK 7600系列 说明书

LEXMARK 7600系列 说明书
在 USB、以太网和无线连接之间转换(仅限于 Windows).....................................................49 在 USB、以太网和无线连接之间转换(仅限于 Macintosh 英文版)........................................51 高级无线设置............................................................................................................................53
在安装过程中允许使用软件......................................................................................................13 安装打印机(只用作复印机或传真机)....................................................................................13 了解打印机的部件.....................................................................................................................20 使用打印机操作面板按钮和菜单...............................................................................................22
7600 Series 用户手册

ProSAFE 无线控制器 Model WC7500 和 Model WC7600 安装指南说明书

ProSAFE 无线控制器 Model WC7500 和 Model WC7600 安装指南说明书

Installation ProSAFE Wireless ControllerModel WC7500 and Model WC7600Hardware OverviewBefore you install your wireless controller, familiarize yourself with its LEDs, buttons, and ports.ResetportEthernet ports Power, Status, Fan, Stack Master SD slot Digital access portsPackage Contents• Wireless controller• Ethernet cable• One or more power cords (varies by region)• Rack-mounting hardware• Installation guide (this document)Connect PowerWARNING: DO NOT place equipment in tight spaces or in drawers. Be sure that your equipment is surrounded by at least 5 cm (2 inches) of air space. Before deploying the wireless controller, we recommend that you set up and test the device.1. Plug the wireless controller into a power outlet.2. Check the LEDs on the wireless controller.The following table describes the behavior of the wireless controller LEDs.Wireless Controller LEDsConfigure the Wireless Controller1. Record your computer’s TCP/IP configuration settings, and thenconfigure the computer with a static IP address of with as the subnet mask.Note: If you are unsure how to do this, visit and search for Static IP address on computer.2. Connect one end of the supplied Ethernet cable to the Ethernet porton your computer and the other end to the Ethernet port on the front panel of the wireless controller.Note: All four Ethernet ports provide equal performance and arebonded together to form Linux active-backup mode.3. Open a web browser and enter Enter the password.The default password is password.Note: The first time you log in, you must change the password.You cannot change the admin user name, but you can create a newadministrative account with a customized user name.5. Click the Login button.6. To set up the wireless controller name and select the country in whichthe wireless controller is used, select Configuration > System >General.7. To choose the time zone and optionally configure NTP settings, selectConfiguration > System > Time.8. To configure the wireless controller IP settings, select Configuration> System > IP/VLAN.When you click the Apply button to save your settings, yourconnection to the wireless controller is terminated because youchanged its IP address.9. Reconfigure your computer with an IP address and subnet mask thatare in the same IP subnet as the wireless controller. Use the new IPaddress of the wireless controller to log in again.10. Select Configuration > System > DHCP Server and specify theDHCP server settings.The Discovery Wizard (see Discover Access Points on page 8)requires a DHCP server to discover the access points.If your network already includes a DHCP server, disable the DHCP server on the wireless controller. Otherwise, configure the DHCP settings for the DHCP server on the wireless controller.11. To configure the WLAN settings, select Configuration > Profile.Basic settings are suitable for a small WLAN. Advanced settings are suitable for a large WLAN with profile groups.For information about wireless controller configuration, including profile groups, see the reference manual.Deploy the Wireless Controller1. Disconnect the power cord from the wireless controller.2. Disconnect the wireless controller from the computer and place itwhere you intend to deploy it.3. Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to a LAN port on a router orswitch in your network and the other end to the Ethernet port on the front panel of the wireless controller.4. Reconnect the power cord from the wireless controller to an ACpower outlet.The LEDs light as described in Wireless Controller LEDs on page 4. Discover Access PointsThe Discovery Wizard can discover access points over a Layer 2 or Layer 3 network. The following general guidelines apply to the discovery process (for specific Layer 3 guidelines, see the reference manual):• The wireless controller can discover access points that are still in their factory default state and access points that are already deployed in a standalone configuration.Both access points in the factory default state and deployedstandalone access points run standalone firmware.• Access points in the factory default state that are in the same Layer 2 network and are assigned the same IP address can be discovered.In the factory default state, AP dynamic IP configuration is disabled by default. After discovering an access point, you can either enable it from the wireless controller or leave it in its default state. If youenable dynamic IP configuration on the access points, firmwareupgrades on access points occur in parallel. Otherwise, firmwareupgrades on access points happens sequentially, which takes longer.• Specifying an internal DHCP server on the wireless controller automatically enables DHCP option 43 (vendor-specific information) with the IP address of the wireless controller.When an external DHCP server is used, Option 43 is not required if the access points are in the same Layer 2 network as the wirelesscontroller. If the access points are not in the same L2 network, then Option 43 with the wireless controller IP must be configured on the external server.¾To discover access points and add them to the Managed AP List:1. Access the wireless controller at the network IP address that youconfigured (see Configure the Wireless Controller on page 5).2. Select Access Point > Discovery > Discovery Wizard.3. Follow the steps onscreen to discover the access points and reviewthe discovery results.4. Select Access Point > Discovery > Managed AP List. Add theaccess points that you want to be managed by the wireless controller to the Managed AP List.While the access points are being converted from standalone mode to managed mode, the following occurs:• The wireless controller pushes management firmware onto the access points.• The access points become DHCP clients and receive an IP address from either the DHCP server in your network or the DHCP serveron the wireless controller.• The profiles that you have configured on the wireless controller are pushed onto the access points.Note: For extensive information about the Discovery Wizard and the discovery process, see the reference manual.Troubleshooting TipsYou cannot access the wireless controller at its default IP address ( Do the following:• Confirm that the computer is connected to the wireless controller.• You might not have restarted the computer with the wireless controller to have TCP/IP changes take effect. Restart the computer.• The computer might be set to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.• Check to see that TCP/IP is set to use the same subnet as the wireless controller. By default, the wireless controller uses a subnet mask of255.255.255.0. (The default TCP/IP setting for Windows is to obtain an IP address automatically.) Restart the computer.After initial configuration, you cannot access the wireless controller at its network address. Do the following:• Use the ping command to verify the connection.• Verify that the computer and wireless controller are on the same VLAN.• After initial configuration, make sure that the wireless controller settings are correct and compatible with your network.11January 2016NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134, USASupportThank you for purchasing this NETGEAR product. You can visit /support to register your product, get help, access the latest downloads and user manuals, and join our community. We recommend that you use only official NETGEAR support resources.Trademarks© NETGEAR, Inc., NETGEAR and the NETGEAR Logo are trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. Any non-NETGEAR trademarks are used for reference purposes only.ComplianceFor the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit /app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.For regulatory compliance information, visit /about/regulatory/.See the regulatory compliance document before connecting the power supply.。

ProSAFE 无线控制器 WC7600 的中文名称说明书

ProSAFE 无线控制器 WC7600 的中文名称说明书

ProSAFE Wireless Controller WC7600Package ContentsThe package contains the following items:•ProSAFE® Wireless Controller WC7600•AC power cable•Straight-through Category 5 Ethernet cable•Rack-mount kit•Rubber feet (4) with adhesive backing•Installation guideWARNING: DO NOT stack equipment, or place equipment in tight spaces or in drawers. Be sure that your equipment is surrounded by at least 2 inches (5 cm) of air space.Meet Your Wireless ControllerBefore you install your wireless controller, familiarize yourself with its LEDs, buttons, and ports.Front PanelPower, Status, Fan, Stack MasterRear PanelPower Status LED Power inputSet Up the Wireless ControllerTo set up the wireless controller:1.Configure your computer with a static IP address of192.168.0.210 and a subnet mask of one end of the supplied Ethernet cable to the Ethernetport on your computer and the other end to the Ethernet port on the front panel of the wireless controller.3.Connect the supplied power cord from the wireless controller toan AC power outlet.4.Verify that the following LEDs on the front panel are lit:Access the Wireless ControllerTo access the wireless controller:1.On your computer, open a browser. In the address field, typehttp:// wireless controller’s login screen displays:2.Enter admin for the user name and password for the password,both in lowercase letters.3.Click the Login button.The wireless controller’s web management interface displays.Configure the Basic SettingsTo configure the basic settings:1.From the main navigation menu, select Configuration >System > General.2.Enter a name for the wireless controller.3.Select the country in which the wireless controller is used.4.Click the Apply button.5.Select Configuration > System > Time.6.Select the time zone in which the wireless controller is used.7.(Optional) Configure the NTP settings.8.Click the Apply button.9.Select Configuration > System > IP/VLAN.10.Enter the IP settings for your network and the VLANs that you wantto assign to the wireless controller.Note: For large deployments, NETGEAR recommends thatthe wireless controller and access points are in separateVLANs to ensure uninterrupted connectivity between thewireless controller and the access points.Note: Clear the Untagged VLAN check box only if the hubsand switches in your network support the VLAN (802.1Q)standard. Change the untagged VLAN value only if the hubsand switches in your network support the VLAN (802.1Q)standard.11.Click the Apply button.The connection to the wireless controller is terminated because you have changed its IP address.12.Reconfigure your computer with an IP address and subnet maskthat is in the same IP subnet as the wireless controller. Use the new IP address of the wireless controller to log in again.13.Select Configuration > System > DHCP Server. The DiscoveryWizard (see Discover Access Points) requires a DHCP server to discover the access points. If you already have a DHCP server in your network, disable the DHCP server on the wirelesscontroller. Otherwise, configure the DHCP settings for the DHCP server on the wireless controller.14.Click Apply.15.Decide whether to use the basic profile group (suitable for asmall WLAN) or one or more advanced profile groups (suitable for a large WLAN):•Basic. Allows up to eight profiles (16 for dual-band access points), each of which has its own SSID, security, MAC ACL,rate-limiting settings, WMM settings, and so on.a.Select Configuration > Profile > Basic > Radio.b.Configure one or more profiles, each with its SSID andsecurity settings.c.Click the Apply button.•Advanced. Allows up to eight profile groups. Each group includes all the settings that are required to configure a fullyfunctional access point with up to eight security profiles (16 fordual-band access points).a.Select Configuration > Profile > Advanced > Radio.b.Configure one or more profile groups, each with one ormore profiles that have their own SSID and securitysettings.c.Click the Apply button.Note: For extensive information about the configuration options of the wireless controller, including profile groups, see the reference manual.Deploy the Wireless ControllerTo deploy the wireless controller:1.Disconnect the power cord from the wireless controller.2.Disconnect the wireless controller from the computer and place itwhere you intend to deploy it.3.Connect one end of an Ethernet cable to a LAN port on a routeror switch in your network and the other end to the Ethernet port on the front panel of the wireless controller.4.Reconnect the power cord from the wireless controller to an ACpower outlet.The LEDs light as described in Setup the Wireless Controller.Discover Access PointsThe wireless controller manages selected NETGEAR access points. For a list of supported NETGEAR access points, visit the NETGEAR support site.Before attempting to discover access points, familiarize yourself with the access point LEDs:The Discovery Wizard can discover access points that are either in factory default state or already deployed and running. For the Discovery Wizard to discover access points across a Layer 2 network, Layer 3 network (behind a router), or remote access points, the following requirements apply:•Your network must have a DHCP server that has option 43 enabled with the IP address of the wireless controller, or theDHCP server on the wireless controller must be accessible to all access points.•Each access point must have an IP address.•Each access point must have SNMP and SSH enabled (which is the default).•UDP port number 7890 must be unblocked by your firewall.To discover access points:1.Access the wireless controller at the network IP address that youconfigured (see Configure the Basic Settings).2.Select Access Point > Discovery > Discovery Wizard.3.Follow the steps onscreen to discover the access points and reviewthe discovery results.4.Select Access Point > Discovery > Managed AP List. Add theaccess points that you want to be managed by the wirelesscontroller to the Managed AP List.While the access points are converted from standalone mode to managed mode, the following occurs:•The wireless controller pushes management firmware onto the access points.•The access points become DHCP clients and receive an IP address from either the DHCP server in your network or theDHCP server on the wireless controller.•The profiles that you have configured on the wireless controller are pushed onto the access points.Note: For extensive information about the Discovery Wizard and the discovery process, see the reference manual. Troubleshooting TipsYou cannot access the wireless controller at its default IP address ( Do the following:•Confirm that the computer is connected to the wireless controller.•You might not have restarted the computer with the wireless controller to have TCP/IP changes take effect. Restart thecomputer.•The computer might be set to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.Check that TCP/IP is set to use a static IP address of192.168.0.210 and a subnet mask of (The default TCP/IP setting for Windows is to obtain an IP addressautomatically.) Restart the computer.After initial configuration, you cannot access the wireless controller at its network address. Do the following:•Use the ping command to verify the connection.•Verify that the computer and wireless controller are on the same VLAN.•Some of the wireless controller’s default settings might not work with your network. Check the wireless controller’s default settings against the configuration of other devices in your network.SupportThank you for selecting NETGEAR products. After installing your device, locate the serial number on the label of your product and use it to register your product at https://.You must register your product before you can use NETGEAR telephone support. NETGEAR recommends registering your product through the NETGEAR website. For product updates and web support, visit . NETGEAR recommends that you use only the official NETGEAR support resources. You can contact NETGEAR tech support representatives via chat, e-mail or phone support at /general/contact/default.aspx. TrademarksNETGEAR, the NETGEAR logo, and Connect with Innovation are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NETGEAR, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. Information is subject to change without notice. © NETGEAR, Inc. All rights reserved.ComplianceFor the current EU Declaration of Conformity, visit/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.For regulatory compliance information, visit /about/ regulatory/NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134 USANovember 2013。

ICOM IC-7600 中文说明书(完全版)

ICOM IC-7600 中文说明书(完全版)
要小心! 长时间操作收发器,后面的面板会变得很烫. 只能使用ICOM 的麦克风 (提供或者选配). 其他麦
克风具有不同的引脚分配,如果连接到 IC-7600 可能 会损坏收发器或麦克风。
LCD 液晶显示器可能有出现深色或小光点瑕疵,这 不是故障或缺陷,而是一个正常的 LCD 显示器的特 点.
在海上移动操作时,使收发器和麦克风远离磁罗盘 导航医,以防止影响的正确的导航
❍ 高分辨率的频谱显示器,中心频率和固定频率模式,还有迷 你频谱显示.
❍ 前后面板上的 USB 控制接口. ❍ 大型液晶显示屏采用 LED 背光.
在你尝试操作之前. 如果你发现错误,希望你告知我们及时改正。
本手册包含 IC-7600 重要安全操作说明.
当连接到 [ACC 1] ........................................ 22
◇ AFSK 操作 ................................................. 22
◇ 当连接到 [USB] 接口……… ……………... 22
■ 麦克风连接器信息 .......................................... 23 ■ 麦克风............................................................. 23
○1 手持话筒
........................................................ 1
○2 直流电源线 ............................................................ 1

DS-9600 8600 7700 7600系列快速操作指南V2.2.0(标配中文)120629

DS-9600 8600 7700 7600系列快速操作指南V2.2.0(标配中文)120629

杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司 | 版权所有(C)
DS-9600/8600/7700/7600 系列 . 快速操作指南
1 安装注意事项
NVR 是一种专用的监控设备,请在安装使用时注意以下事项: 1. NVR 上不能放置盛有液体的容器(例如水杯) 。 2. 将 NVR 放置在通风良好的位置。 3. 使 NVR 工作在允许的温度及湿度范围内。 4. NVR 内电路板上的灰尘在受潮后会引起短路,请定期用软毛刷对电路板、接插件、机箱及机箱风扇进 行除尘。 5. 电池更换不当会有爆炸危险,不建议用户直接更换;如需更换,只能用同样类型或等效类型的电池进 行更换。 6. 请从正规渠道购买硬盘生产厂商推荐的 DVR 专用硬盘,以保证硬盘的品质和使用要求。
4、将 NVR 机箱侧立,对准硬盘螺纹口与机箱底部预留孔,用螺丝将硬盘固定。
杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司 | 版权所有(C)
杭州海康威视数字技术股份有限公司 | 版权所有(C)
DS-9600/8600/7700/7600 系列 . 快速操作指南
4.2 连接控制键盘
请使用硬盘生产厂商推荐的 DVR 专用 SATA 硬盘。在安装前,请确认已断开电源。 DS-9600N-XT 系列最多可安装 16 块硬盘, DS-9600N-ST 系列和 DS-8600N-ST 系列最多可安装 8 块硬 盘,DS-7700N-ST/SP 系列最多可安装 4 块硬盘;DS-7600N-ST/SP 系列最多可安装 2 块硬盘。 硬盘安装工具:十字螺丝刀一把。 DS-9600N-ST、DS-9600N-XT 系列硬盘安装步骤:



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Requirements 1 Redundant Uplinks Total Cost 2 20 GigE ES+ UNI ports
$8 0k $8 0k $6 0k $4 5k
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EPSON7600用户使用手册EPSON 7600 用户使用手册本手册将为您提供详细的使用说明和操作指南,旨在帮助您充分了解和正确使用EPSON 7600打印机。


目录1.产品概述1.1 产品外观和组件1.2 技术规格1.3 输入输出接口1.4 安装和设置要求2.快速入门2.1 打印机设置2.2 连接电源和数据线2.3 安装打印机驱动程序2.4 打印测试页3.打印模式设置3.1 打印质量调整3.2 打印速度选择3.3 纸张类型和尺寸选择3.4 打印方向设置4.打印任务管理4.1 打印队列管理4.2 打印取消和暂停4.3 打印进度跟踪4.4 打印设置保存5.维护与故障排除5.1 清洁和保养5.2 常见故障解决方案 5.3 打印头清洁与校准5.4 纸张卡住的处理方法6.进阶功能介绍6.1 打印调校选项6.2 打印特殊效果6.3 色彩管理设置6.4 打印网络设置7.资源与支持7.1 打印驱动程序7.2 用户手册7.3 常见问题解答7.4 联系客服技术支持:本手册中的图片和操作步骤可能与您的设备稍有不同,请以您的设备实际情况为准。




感谢您选择EPSON 7600打印机并阅读本使用手册。


Omega CN76000 微处理器基础温度 过程控制器用户指南说明书

Omega CN76000 微处理器基础温度 过程控制器用户指南说明书

CN76000Microprocessor-Based Temperature/Process Controller For latest product manuals: Shop online at e-mail:**************User’s Guide***********************The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains, and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.Servicing North America:U.S.A. Omega Engineering, Inc. Headquarters: Toll-Free: 1-800-826-6342 (USA & Canada only) Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 (USA & Canada only) Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 (USA & Canada only) Tel: (203) 359-1660 Fax: (203) 359-7700 e-mail:**************For Other Locations Visit /worldwide* SOFTWARE CONFIGURABLE AS SP1 OR SP2LineVac: 100 to 240 Vac, nom., +10% -15%, 50 to 400 Hz, single phaseVdc: 132 to 240 Vdc, nom., +10% -20%5 VA max * SOFTWARE CONFIGURABLE AS SP1 OR SP2LineVac: 100 to 240 Vac, nom., +10% -15%, 50 to 400 Hz, single phaseVdc: 132 to 240 Vdc, nom., +10% -20%5 VA max* SOFTWARECONFIGURABLEAS SP1 OR SP2Line Vac: 100 to 240 Vac, nom., +10% -15%, 50 to 400 Hz, single phase Vdc: 132 to 240 Vdc, nom., +10% -20%5 VA max®®CHROMEGA /ALOMEGA CHROMEGA /Constantan®Power:Vac: 100 to 240 Vac, nom., +10% -15%, 50 to 400 Hz, single phase Vdc: 132 to 240 Vdc, nom., +10% -20%WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s WARRANTY adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. T his ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request. Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser, including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits, improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corrosion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY / DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS/INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUST OMER SERVICE DEPART MENT (IN ORDER T O AVOID PROCESSING DELAYS). T he assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence.The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2017 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2. M odel and serial number of the product under warranty, and3. R epair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. P urchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and 3.Repair instructions and/or specific problemsrelative to the product.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at TEMPERATUREM U Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & AssembliesM U Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & ThermistorM U Calibrators & Ice Point ReferencesM U Recorders, Controllers & Process MonitorsM U Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEM U Transducers & Strain GagesM U Load Cells & Pressure GagesM U Displacement TransducersM U Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELM U Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow ComputersM U Air Velocity IndicatorsM U Turbine/Paddlewheel SystemsM U Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYM U pH Electrodes, Testers & AccessoriesM U Benchtop/Laboratory MetersM U Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & PumpsM U Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONM U Communications-Based Acquisition SystemsM U Data Logging SystemsM U Wireless Sensors, Transmitters, & ReceiversM U Signal ConditionersM U Data Acquisition SoftwareHEATERSM U Heating CableM U Cartridge & Strip HeatersM U Immersion & Band HeatersM U Flexible HeatersM U Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLM U Metering & Control InstrumentationM U RefractometersM U Pumps & TubingM U Air, Soil & Water MonitorsM U Industrial Water & Wastewater TreatmentM U pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen InstrumentsM1303/0818。

ProSAFE 万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600 商品说明书

ProSAFE 万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600 商品说明书

ProSAFE®万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600包装内容包装内容:•ProSAFE®万兆智能无线控制器 WC7600•交流电源线•直通 5 类以太网电缆•机架安装工具•橡胶脚垫(4 个,带粘性背衬)•安装指南警告:请勿叠放设备,也不要将设备置于狭小空间内或抽屉中。

设备周围务必有至少 2 英寸(5 厘米)的空间。

无线控制器示意图安装无线控制器之前,请熟悉其 LED、按钮和端口。

前面板电源、状态、风扇、主堆叠设备后面板电源状态LED 电源输入安装无线控制器:1.将计算机配置为静态 IP 地址如,并将子网掩码设为。



4.验证下列前面板中的 LED 指示灯点亮的状态:LED说明电源绿色电源 LED 亮起。

如果此 LED 熄灭,请检查电源连接,并检查电源插座的墙壁控制开关是否被关闭。

状态无线控制器启动过程期间,状态 LED 亮黄色灯。

大约 2 分钟后,当无线控制器正常启动完后,状态 LED 变成绿色。

排风口绿色风扇 LED 亮起,表明风扇运转正常。

以太网端口右侧以太网端口 LED 亮绿色(1000 Mbps 连接)或黄色(100 或 10 Mbps 连接)。





此时显示无线控制器的 Web 管理界面。

配置基本设置配置基本设置:1.在主导航菜单中,选择Configuration > System > General。


ProSAFE 无线控制器 WC7600 商品说明书

ProSAFE 无线控制器 WC7600 商品说明书

ProSAFE Wireless Controller WC7600LieferumfangIm Lieferumfang sind folgende Teile enthalten:•ProSAFE® Wireless Controller WC7600•Netzkabel•Durchgangs-Netzwerkkabel (Kategorie 5)•Montageset•Selbstklebende Gummifüße (4)•InstallationsanleitungWARNUNG:Stapeln Sie elektronische Geräte NICHT, stellen SieGeräte NICHT in engen Räumen auf, oder legen Sie sie NICHT in Schubladen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Gerät in einem freien Abstand von mindestens 5 Zentimetern aufgestellt ist.Ihr Wireless ControllerVor der Installation Ihres Wireless Controllers sollten Sie sich mit den LEDs, Tasten und Anschlüssen vertraut machen.VorderseitePower, Status, Lüfter, Stack-MasterRückseitePower-LEDAnschluss für das NetzteilEinrichten des Wireless ControllersSo richten Sie den Wireless Controller ein:1.Konfigurieren Sie für Ihren Computer die statische IP-Adresse192.168.0.210 und die Subnetzmaskeßen Sie ein Ende des im Lieferumfang enthaltenenNetzwerkkabels an den Netzwerkanschluss Ihres Computers und das andere Ende an den Netzwerkanschluss Ihres Wireless Controllers an.3.Schließen Sie das mitgelieferte Stromkabel des WirelessControllers an eine Steckdose an.4.Überprüfen Sie, ob die folgenden LEDs an der Vorderseite desRouters leuchten:LED BeschreibungStromver-sorgung Die grüne Power-LED leuchtet. Falls diese LED nicht leuchtet, überprüfen Sie, ob die Kabel richtig angeschlossen sind und ob die Steckdose eventuell über einen Wandschalter ausgeschaltet wurde.Status Die Status-LED leuchtet gelb, während der WirelessController initialisiert wird. Nach etwa zwei Minuten ist dieInitialisierung des Wireless Controllers abgeschlossen, unddie Status-LED leuchtet grün.Lüfteröff-nung Die grüne Lüfter-LED leuchtet, um anzuzeigen, dass die Lüfter ordnungsgemäß funktionieren.Netzwerk-anschluss Die rechte Netzwerkanschluss-LED leuchtet bei 1000-Mbit/s-Verbindungen grün und bei 100- oder 10-Mbit/s-Verbindungen gelb.Zugriff auf den Wireless ControllerSo greifen Sie auf den Wireless Controller zu:1.Öffnen Sie auf Ihrem Computer einen Browser. Geben Sie imAdressfeld ein.Der Anmeldebildschirm des Wireless Controllers wird angezeigt:2.Geben Sie als Benutzernamen admin und als Passwortpassword ein. Beide Wörter müssen klein geschrieben werden.3.Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Login (Anmelden).Die Web-Verwaltungsoberfläche des Wireless Controllers wird angezeigt.Konfigurieren der Grundeinstellungen So konfigurieren Sie die Grundeinstellungen:1.Wählen Sie im Hauptmenü Configuration (Konfiguration) >System > General (Allgemein).2.Geben Sie einen Namen für den Wireless Controller ein.3.Wählen Sie das Land aus, in dem der Wireless Controllerverwendet wird.4.Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Apply (Übernehmen).5.Wählen Sie Configuration (Konfiguration) > System > Time(Zeit).6.Wählen Sie die Zeitzone aus, in dem der Wireless Controllerverwendet wird.7.(Optional) Konfigurieren Sie die NTP-Einstellungen.8.Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Apply (Übernehmen).9.Wählen Sie Configuration (Konfiguration) > System > IP/VLAN.10.Konfigurieren Sie die IP-Einstellungen für Ihr Netzwerk sowie dieVLANs, die Sie diesem Wireless Controller zuweisen möchten.Hinweis: Bei größeren Bereitstellungen empfiehltNETGEAR, dass sich der Wireless Controller und die AccessPoints in unterschiedlichen VLANs befinden, um eineungestörte Verbindung zwischen dem Wireless Controllerund den Access Points zu gewährleisten.Hinweis: Deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen UntaggedVLAN (Ungekennzeichnetes VLAN) nur, wenn die Hubs undSwitches in Ihrem Netzwerk den VLAN-Standard 802.1Qunterstützen. Ändern Sie die Einstellung bzgl.desungekennzeichneten VLANs nur, wenn die Hubs undSwitches in Ihrem Netzwerk den VLAN-Standard 802.1Qunterstützen.11.Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Apply (Übernehmen).Die Verbindung mit dem Wireless Controller wurde unterbrochen, weil Sie seine IP-Adresse geändert haben.12.Konfigurieren Sie den Computer mit einer IP-Adresse undSubnetzmaske, die sich im selben IP-Subnetz wie der Wireless Controller befinden. Verwenden Sie die neue IP-Adresse des Wireless Controllers, um sich erneut anzumelden.13.Wählen Sie Configuration (Konfiguration) > System > DHCPServer (DHCP-Server). Der Erkennungsassistent (sieheErkennen von Access Points) benötigt einen DHCP-Server, um die Access Points zu erkennen. Wenn Sie in Ihrem Netzwerk bereits über einen DHCP-Server verfügen, deaktivieren Sie den DHCP-Server auf dem Wireless Controller. Ist dies nicht der Fall, konfigurieren Sie die DHCP-Einstellungen für den DHCP-Server auf dem Wireless Controller.14.Klicken Sie auf Apply (Übernehmen).15.Wählen Sie zwischen der Basic-Profilgruppe(geeignet für kleineWLANs) und einer oder mehreren Advanced-Profilgruppen(geeignet für große WLANs):•Basic (Einfach). Ermöglicht die Verwendung von bis zu acht Profilen (16 Profile für Dual Band Access Points), von denenjedes über eigene SSID, Sicherheit, MAC-ACL, Einstellungenzur Bandbreitenbeschränkung, WMM-Einstellungen usw.verfügt.a.Wählen Sie Configuration (Konfiguration) > Profile(Profil) > Basic (Einfach) > Radio (Funk).b.Konfigurieren Sie ein oder mehrere Profile, jedes miteigenem SSID und eigenen Sicherheitseinstellungen.c.Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Apply (Übernehmen).•Advanced (Erweitert). Ermöglicht die Verwendung von bis zu acht Profilgruppen. Jede Gruppe enthält alle Einstellungen,die erforderlich sind, um einen voll funktionsfähigen AccessPoint mit bis zu acht Sicherheitsprofilen zu konfigurieren(16 Profile für Dual Band Access Points).a.Wählen Sie Configuration (Konfiguration) > Profile(Profil) > Advanced (Erweitert) > Radio (Funk).b.Konfigurieren Sie eine oder mehrere Profilgruppen mitjeweils ein oder mehreren Profilen, die jeweils über eineneigenen SSID und eigene Sicherheitseinstellungenverfügen.c.Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Apply (Übernehmen). Hinweis: Umfangreiche Informationen über die Konfigurationsoptionen des Wireless Controllers, einschließlich der Profilgruppen, finden Sie im Referenzhandbuch.Inbetriebnahme des Wireless ControllersSo nehmen Sie den Wireless Controller in Betrieb:1.Trennen Sie das Netzkabel vom Wireless Controller.2.Trennen Sie den Wireless Controller vom Computer, und stellenSie ihn am gewünschten Standort auf.3.Schließen Sie ein Ende des Netzwerkkabels an einen LAN-Portam Router oder Switch in Ihrem Netzwerk an, und schließen Sie das andere Ende an den Netzwerkanschluss an der Vorderseite des Wireless Controllers an.4.Schließen Sie das Stromkabel des Wireless Controllers erneutan eine Steckdose an.Die LEDs leuchten wie unter Einrichten des Wireless Controllers beschrieben auf.Erkennen von Access PointsMit dem Wireless Controller können bestimmte Access Points NETGEAR verwaltet werden. Eine Liste der unterstützten NETGEAR Access Points finden Sie auf der NETGEAR Supportseite.Bevor Sie versuchen, nach Access Points zu suchen, machen Sie sich mit den Access Point-LEDs vertraut:LED BeschreibungStromver-sorgung Die grüne Power-LED blinkt, wenn der Access Point zum ersten Mal eingeschaltet wird, und leuchtet dann grün. Falls diese LED nach 30 Sekunden nicht leuchtet oder immer noch blinkt, überprüfen Sie die Anschlüsse und außerdem die Stellung eines eventuell vorhandenen Steckdosenschalters.Aktiv Die Aktiv-LED blinkt, wenn der Access Point Datenverkehr im Netzwerk erkennt.LAN Grün: Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit von 1000 MBit/sGelb: Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit von 10/100 MBit/sAus: Keine Verbindung erkannt.2,4 GHz2,4 GHz Datenverkehr auf dem WLAN.5 GHz 5 GHz Datenverkehr auf dem WLAN.Der Erkennungsassistent kann Access Points erkennen, die sich entweder im Lieferzustand (werkseitige Voreinstellungen) befinden oder bereits in Betrieb genommen wurden und ausgeführt werden. Für die Erkennung von Access Points in einem Layer 2-Netzwerk, einem Layer 3-Netzwerk (hinter einem Router) oder für die Erkennung von Remote Access Points durch den Erkennungsassistenten gelten folgende Anforderungen:•Ihr Netzwerk muss über einen DHCP-Server verfügen, bei dem die Option 43 mit der IP-Adresse des Wireless-Controllersaktiviert ist, oder der DHCP-Server auf dem Wireless-Controller muss für alle Access Points zugänglich sein.•Jeder Access Point muss über eine IP-Adresse verfügen.•Bei jedem Access Point muss SNMP und SSH aktiviert sein (Standardeinstellung).•Die UDP Port-Nummer 7890 darf nicht von Ihrer Firewall blockiert werden.So erkennen Sie Access-Points:1.Greifen Sie über die von Ihnen konfigurierte Netzwerk-IP-Adresseauf den Wireless Controller zu (siehe Konfigurieren derGrundeinstellungen).2.Wählen Sie Access Point > Discovery (Erkennung)>Discovery Wizard (Erkennungsassistent).3.Folgen Sie den Anweisungen auf dem Bildschirm, um die AccessPoints zu erkennen und die Suchergebnisse zu überprüfen.4.Wählen Sie Access Point > Discovery (Erkennung) > ManagedAP-Liste (Verwaltete AP-Liste). Fügen Sie die vom WirelessController zu verwaltenden Access Points zur verwalteten AP-Liste hinzu.Während die Access Points vom Stand-Alone-Modus zum verwalteten Modus umgewandelt werden, geschieht Folgendes:•Der Wireless Controller stellt die Verwaltungs-Firmware auf den Access Points bereit.•Die Access Points werden zu DHCP-Clients und erhalten eine IP-Adresse entweder vom DHCP-Server in Ihrem Netzwerk odervom DHCP-Server auf dem Wireless Controller.•Die von Ihnen auf dem Wireless Controller konfigurierten Profile werden auf den Access Points bereitgestellt.Hinweis: Umfassende Informationen über den Erkennungsassistenten und den Suchvorgang finden Sie im Referenzhandbuch.Tipps zur FehlerbehebungSie können nicht auf den Wireless Controller über dessen Standard-IP-Adresse ( zugreifen. Überprüfen Sie Folgendes:•Überprüfen Sie, ob der Computer mit dem Wireless Controller verbunden ist.•Womöglich haben Sie den Computer mit dem Wireless Controller noch nicht neu gestartet. Dies ist notwendig, damit die TCP/IP-Änderungen wirksam werden. Starten Sie den Computer neu.•Möglicherweise ist die Option NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBIOS über TCP/IP aktivieren) ausgewählt? Überprüfen Sie, dass TCP/ IP eingestellt ist, damit die statische IP-Adresse und die Subnetzmaske verwendet wird. (DieStandard-TCP/IP-Einstellung für Windows dient dazu, eine IP-Adresse automatisch zu beziehen.) Starten Sie den Computer neu.Nach der Erstkonfiguration können Sie auf den Wireless Controller nicht über dessen Netzwerkadresse zugreifen. Überprüfen Sie Folgendes:•Testen Sie die Verbindung mithilfe des Ping-Befehls.•Überprüfen Sie, dass sich der Computer und der Wireless Controller in demselben VLAN befinden.•Einige Standardeinstellungen des Wireless Controllers funktionieren möglicherweise nicht in Ihrem Netzwerk.Vergleichen Sie die Standardeinstellungen des WirelessControllers mit der Konfiguration anderer Geräte im Netzwerk.SupportVielen Dank, dass Sie sich für ein Produkt von NETGEAR entschieden haben. Registrieren Sie Ihr Gerät nach der Installation unter https://. Siebenötigen dazu die Seriennummer, die sich auf dem Etikett des Produkts befindet. Die Registrierung ist Voraussetzung für die Nutzung des telefonischen Supports von NETGEAR. NETGEAR empfiehlt, das Gerät über die NETGEAR-Website zu registrieren.Produkt-Updates und Internetsupport erhalten Sie unter . NETGEAR empfiehlt, nur die offiziellen NETGEAR Support-Stellen zu nutzen. Siekönnen die Mitarbeiter des technischen Supports von NETGEAR per Chat, E-Mail oder Telefon unter /general/contact/default.aspx kontaktieren. MarkenNETGEAR und das NETGEAR-Logo sind Marken und/oder eingetragene Marken von NETGEAR, Inc. und/oder seiner Tochtergesellschaften in den USA und/oder anderen Ländern. Informationen können ohne vorherige Ankündigung geändert werden.© NETGEAR, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.VorschrifteneinhaltungDie vollständige EU-Konformitätserklärung finden Sie unter/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/.Informationen zur Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften finden Sie unter/about/regulatory/.NETGEAR, Inc.350 East Plumeria DriveSan Jose, CA 95134 USA。


色调: 您可从五种色调中选择其一:普通,硬色调,鲜明, 仿古,单色。
普通 打印机使用 EPSON 标准彩色色调。 硬色调 打印机以高对比度打印,使图像边缘清晰。 鲜明 加强色彩,加亮图像的中间色调和高亮值。使用此设置用于演示图形,如图表和 图形。 仿古 调整亮度和对比度,在打印图像上应用仿古色调。 单色 图像只以黑白色打印。 无 对您的文档不进行色调调整。
指定彩色/黑白或者黑色墨水打印。当您选择黑色时,彩色自动转换为灰度 值。 打印彩色或单色照片,选择彩色/黑白。如果您仅打印草稿或黑色文本,选择黑 色。
1999 年爱普生推出了使用 6 色墨水,分辨率高达 1440X720dpi 的 EPSON STYLUS PRO9000,因其产品输出品质优秀,逐渐深入人心,从 CAD/GIS 领域的应用,逐渐 进入了数码影像行业。用它打印的大幅彩色照片,一点都不逊色于采用传统放大 工艺冲洗出来的照片。而且,采用数字技术处理的照片可以进行许多传统暗房操 作不了特技处理,所以,高打印精度的大幅面打印机在摄影行业得到广泛应用。
5 按下菜单键(MENU ) 选择,
6 按下菜单键(MENU ) 来确定命令执行.
7 如果需要清洗打印头,按住清洗键 3 秒钟后,打印机开始清洗打印头,清洗完 毕后再按以上步骤检测喷头。
操作 闪烁 打印机正在接收打印数据或正在关闭。
B 闪烁
单页纸 所有指示灯均 发亮
在打印机驱动程序中选择了单页纸,但在控制面板上选 择了卷纸自动切纸或卷纸非自动切纸。






本说明书包括PI7800和PI7600家族通用型和专用型两个系列,其中通用机型按负载大小分为F、G、M和H型,专用型分为S、T和Z 型,具体说明如下:F型:轻型负载G型:标准负载M型:较重负载H型:重型负载S型:纺织机专用型T型:提升机专用型Z型:注塑机专用型本说明书提供给用户安装、运行参数设定、异常诊断、日常维护及安全使用等相关注意事项。






本公司其他产品资料请查阅网页:http:// 。

普传科技有限公司2008年1月目录第一章检查与安全注意事项 (1)第二章安装及备用电路 (3)第三章操作键盘 (15)第四章试运行 (19)第五章功能参数一览表 (20)第六章功能参数说明 (32)第七章异常诊断与处理 (79)第八章标准规范 (81)第九章保养与检修 (94)第十章选件 (96)第十一章品质保证 (100)附录1 RS485通信协议 (101)附录2 PG卡使用说明 (111)附录3 变频供水控制器使用说明 (115)第一章 检查与安全注意事项普传变频器在出厂之前均已经过测试和品质检验。


ATTO FibreBridge FC 7600N 系列产品数据表 说明书

ATTO FibreBridge FC 7600N 系列产品数据表 说明书

The Power Behind the Storage+1.716.691.1999 | 09/03/19Performance EngineeredThe FibreBridge® 7600N is the latest in a line of ATTO products with an advanced architecture that pushes the envelope on performance adding less than fourmicroseconds of latency to storage. With a 10x order of magnitude improvement over previous generations of ATTO Controllers, the FibreBridge 7600N is primed for use in data center topologies maximizing the number of transactions from up to 240 direct attached SSD and HDD devices to a high performance Fibre Channel SAN. ATTOFibreBridge products provide industry leading performance with value added features that have addressed customer connectivity needs for over 28 years.xCORE Acceleration ProcessorThis approach radically improves performance with no features or services in the data path to slow down data transfers. This acceleration technology works in conjunction with the proven, reliable control functions of ATTO’s i ntelligent Bridging Architecture™ to create a unique controller that increases performance, reduces latency and lowers data center maintenance costs.Easy-to-use Management ToolsThe FibreBridge enables users to manage storage infrastructures with features not found in direct connect technologies. ExpressNAV™ System Manager is a remote management interface for configuration, monitoring and management of ATTOStorage Controllers. Advanced tuning and troubleshooting features include a built-in PCIe analyzer, performance monitoring, diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities, phone home notification and robust trace and event logging. Several available management interfaces include GUI, CLI, Telnet, SNMP and FTP .Direct Attached SAS Storage on the SANThe FibreBridge provides the lowest cost per drive for Fibre Channel connectivity to SAS storage. Adding Fibre Channel connectivity to SAS devices gives this storage all the benefits provided by a SAN that SAS storage cannot natively provide. ATTOprovides regular firmware updates and maintenance programs to keep the FibreBridge up to date with advances in technology.The ATTO FibreBridge 7600N bridge allows the addition of Enterprise Fibre Channel to SAS SSD and HDD storage with all the benefits of capacity aggregation and ATTO Acceleration Technology.T echnical F eaTures• Connects (2) 32Gb Fibre Channel SFP+ ports to (4) x4 12Gb mini-SAS connectors• Adds Enterprise Fibre Channel features to up to 240 SAS SSD or HDD devices• Auto negotiates to 3, 6 & 12Gb SAS• Auto negotiates to 8, 16 & 32Gb Fibre Channel• Creates a very low latency, high performance storage solution• i ntelligent Bridging Architecture™ provides optimized performance, flexibility of features and leverages proven software components for storage solutions• ATTO xCORE acceleration technologyimproves performance of small block transfer sizes with an optimal profile for transactional environments• Management capable through RS-232, Ethernet or in-band via Fibre Channel• Dual hot swap power supplies• Available in standard 1U 19” rackmount•1 year standard product warranty• Dual firmware image support for protection from firmware update failures• Performance and temperature monitoring • Support for Host-Bridge Time Synchronization through standard SET TIMESTAMP/REPORTTIMESTAMP commands• Managed Error Recovery of drives andenclosures• Core dump error analysis• SNMP, SNTP, Telnet, FTP, ICMP, DHCPD aTa r ouTing F abric T opology Incorporates advanced FPGA, firmware and interface technologies that enable users to fine tune ATTO contollers for specific applications • ATTO Embedded Operating System (AEOS) provides an integrated, multitasking enviroment that self optimizes to changing I/O patterns for maximum performance while maintainingpriority for data transfers.• Standard READ BUFFER commands allow the collection of inquiry data, event logs, portstatistics, phy statistics, SFP and SAS connector information, trace log, core dump, configuration and status information.• WRITE BUFFER commands are also supported to update controller firmware, clear the event log, clear Fibre Channel and SAS port and phystatistics and to also write a message to theevent log.p roDucT D imensions• Height 1.735” - Length 9.90” - Width 17.31”• Weight 9.7 pounds (unboxed) 12.9 pounds(boxed)o peraTing e nvironmenTc onTroller o peraTions:• Temperature 5 to 40° C at 10,000 feet• Humidity 10 to 90% non-condensingc onTroller s Torage:• Temperature -40°to 70°C• Humidity 5 to 95% non-condensing p ower anD a irFlow• Input 85-264 VAC, 0.5A, 47-63 Hz• 11 CFM (Ambient Air not to exceed 40° C) • Front to rear coolinga gency a pproval anD c ompliances aFeTy:• EN 60950, CSA 60950, CB IEC 60950-1, UL • 60950, BSMIe lecTromagneTic c ompaTibiliTy (emc):• FCC Part 15 Class A, CE, VCCI, AS/NZS, CISPR • 22, EN55022: 2006, Class A, EN55024, EN61000 • RoHS Compliant 2011/65/EU• Battery-free designb riDge F eaTures• Performance-critical commands and all reads/writes are accelerated in hardware• End-to-end data protection in the Acceleration Technology and control functions to safeguard data throughout the controller and also enables max login management capabilities • Proven and time-tested Universal Virtual Device Architecture (UVDA) which supports protocol conversion between hosts and targets and is designed to move data quickly and efficiently • Virtual Device Manager (VDM) is a proprietary software architecture that assures the smooth flow of data. VDM minimizes overhead by creating a virtual link between initiatorsand targets on a per-command basis• Platform has common services such as multi-initator access, reservations and vendor specific SCSI commands that are applied toall attached enclosure and disk devices• Maintains priority for data transfers while providing management of memory and cooperative multi-tasking capabilitiesc onnecTiviTyF ibre c hannel c onnecTions:• (2) 32Gb SFP+ Fibre Channel connectors• Optical SFP+ modules included• Auto negotiates to 32Gb/16Gb/8Gb• Full support for FC-AL, FC-AL2, FC-FLA, FC-FS, FCP-3, FC-PLDA• Fibre Channel retry logic for FLOGI, PLOGIsas c onnecTions:• (4) 12Gb x4 mini-SAS HD connectors• Auto negotiates to 12Gb/6Gb/3Gb• Supports SAS flash SSD storage• Supports SAS disk devicesm anagemenT T ools• Web based ExpressNAV™ System Manager • Local diagnostics supported via Command Line Interface (CLI) via RS-232 and Ethernet• Persistent Event Log gathers at least 40,000 hardware, software and network events• Retrieve event logs in-band or through the Ethernet port09/03/19。

RoMedic ReTurn7600 床椅转移杠说明书

RoMedic ReTurn7600 床椅转移杠说明书

System RoMedicReTurn7600SWL: 205kg/450lbs7600 User manual – EnglishEnglishReTurn7600 are used indoors for shorter transfers between wheelchair and bed, wheelchair and toilet/portabletoilet/wheelchair or chair/armchair. ReTurn7600 can also be used to aid repositioning farther back in the chair. ReTurn7600 is designed for easy manoeuvring and use in confined spaces. It is easy to assemble and disassemble in just two sections for easier transport and storage.Visual inspectionCheck the condition and function of the assistive device regularly. Always inspect the product after laundering. Check to ensure that seams and material are free from damage. Check to ensure that fabric is not worn or faded. If there are signs of wear, the product must be discarded.Always read the user manuals for all assistive devices used during a transfer. Keep the user manual where it is accessible to users of the product. Always make sure that you have theright version of the user manual.A. Push the rising ladder/tube down into the mounting fixtures on the chassis, so that the height-adjustment buttons are facing towards the caregiver.B. Insert the fixture knobs and tighten. Check to ensure that the fixture knobs are securely tightened before using the ReTurn.Assembly • ReTurn is intended for shorter transfers.• Return can only be used on flat floor.• The caregiver must always apply counter pressure in a safe way when the user is standing up, sitting down and during the actual transfer.Note! Always perform a risk assessment before using ReTurn.Special requirements and conditionsTransport The chassis and raising ladder can be carriedseparately. Carry the chassis by holding the tube on the front end of the product.Transport, e.g., by car, and storage are easy, since the ReTurn canbe disassembled in twopieces.To transfer with ReTurn, the user must be able to:• support weight while standing• stand up and maintain balance (with support) • grasp handles• understand instructionsABSystem RoMedicReTurn7600Adjust the lower-leg support appropriate height.There is a brake for each wheel. With your foot, press down on the red marking on the brake plate. Press all the way down.To release the brake, press on the brake plate so that it resumes its original position (green marking); ensure that the wheels roll freely.Testing standing functionReTurn is ideal for testing a user’s standing function in cases where there is uncertainty as to whether the user is able to rise from a seated to a standing position.Training standing functionReTurn can be used to train the user’s standing, sitting andsit-to-stand function. To measure improvement, use a stopwatch or clock with a second hand to time the user.Farther back in the chairIf the user slides forward in the wheelchair, the ReTurn can be used to help the user to slide farther back in the chair.Remove/raise the wheelchair foot plates, and then run the ReTurn in towards the wheelchair. The user places his/her feet on the foot plate, grasps the raising ladder, leans forward, and then lifts from the seat. The care-giver provides counter pressure. Slide the user farther back in the chair when he/she has lifted slightly from the seat.Ensure that the pins lock securely into place. The lower-leg support can also be adjusted laterally.TransfersBed to wheelchairPlace the wheelchair at some distance from the bed to allow enough working space. Lock the wheelchair wheels. Place the user’s feet on the base plate. The user grasps the raising ladder, leans forward, and then raises himself/herself.Pull the ReTurn back somewhat, and then steer in towards the wheelchair.Position the ReTurn close enough to enable good placement in the wheelchair. The caregiver applies counter pressure before the user sits down.EnglishBrake the wheels on the ReTurn. The user then leans forward and grasps the handles on the ReTurn. The caregivers then grasp the handles on the ReTurnBelt.ReTurnBelt allows different gripping alternatives, and helps and encourages the user to lean forward.One caregiver helps the user to lean forward and provides support during raising.Using ReTurnBelt together with ReTurn7600See manual for ReTurnBelt.ReTurnBelt is used for raising from a seated to a standing position, and for support in the standing position in combination with the use of ReTurn transfer platform. ReTurnBelt has a more rigid lower section for easy application and an elastic upper section for a better and more comfortable fit. ReTurnBelt has several gripping alternatives and a locking strap for extra support and safety in connection with the use of the ReTurn platform.Do not secure the clasp on the ReTurnBelt before rising. When the user is in a standing position facing the ReTurn, the strap can be placed around one of the vertical handles.Secure the clasp on the ReTurnBelt. A click is heard when the clasp is secured.Two caregivers with ReTurnBeltOne caregiver with ReTurnBeltFasten the clasp without tensioning the strap. A click is heard when the clasp is secured. Brake the wheels on ReTurn.The caregiver encourages the user to lean forward while pro-viding support during raising by grasping either a handle or the strap.The user leans forward and grasps the handles on ReTurn.When it is necessary to attach ReTurnBelt to ReTurn7600Now, transfer the user with ReTurn. P lan carefully to ensure that the transfer is as short as possible.To toilet/shower chairFor transfers to the toilet, space is allowed for the caregiver to assist the user with the pants. The back also has a small recess that allows the user to get close to the toilet and achieve a good seated position.Brake the wheels on the ReTurn. Ensure that the user is standing in a secure position facing the ReTurn, so that the locking strap is loosened. Undo the clasp and remove the strap from the ReTurn. Fold it under the edge of the belt, so that it does not catch on anything. Help the user into a seated position with the help of the ReTurnBelt.Sitting downEnglish• A rt.nr 7600 Complete ReTurn • 7601 Ladder to 7600SWL, Max weight: 205 kg/450 lbs (static load)Total weight: 26 kg/57 lbsPatentedTechnical specificationsSerialnumberCare of the productThe surface of the product can be cleaned with warm water or a soap solution. If disinfection is needed, 70 % ethanol, 45 % isopropanol or similar should be used.Contact your local distributor if you have any questions about the product and its use.Medical Device Class I. The product complies with therequirements of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.Medical Device Class IExpected lifetimeUp to 10 years of normal useAccessoriesReTurnBeltHeelStrapSupportStrapsPadding for leg support。

7600 Ultimate Series 传输器安装手册说明书

7600 Ultimate Series 传输器安装手册说明书

7600 Ultimate SeriesConveyorsInstallation ManualFor other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.asp851-624 Rev. A2Warnings - General Safety7600 Ultimate Series ConveyorDANGERSEVERE HAZARD!EXPLOSION HAZARD!SEVERE HAZARD!851-624 Rev. ADorner Mfg. Corp.SEVERE HAZARD!CRUSH HAZARD!Figure 3Position the frame sections in the correct order.1Figure 1Figure 47600 Ultimate Series Conveyor851-624 Rev. A Dorner Mfg. Corp.34. Connect the frame sections by bolting the hex postconnectors (Figure 5, item 1) to the sections offrame.5. Slide the belt (Figure 6, item 1) over the conveyorframe (Figure 6, item 2).6. Align the sprockets (Figure 7, item 1) with thecogged drive teeth (Figure 7, item 2) on the inside of the belt.Note: The cogged driveteeth on the belt (Figure 7,item 2) should engage thedeep grooves of theFor ALL Length ConveyorsBelt Return InstallationFlat BeltTypical Flat Belt Return Components (Figure 9).1. Slide the return shaft (Figure 10, item 1) up andthrough the large slot (Figure 10, item 2) in theframe.2. Push up on the return shaft (Figure 11, item 1) andslide the notched end of the shaft through thesmall slot (Figure 11, item 2) on the opposite sideof the frame.3. Repeat the procedure for all other belt returns.1 Flat Belt ReturnsFigure 11Figure 10 InstallationFigure 61 Figure 5Figure 77600 Ultimate Series Conveyor851-624 Rev. A Dorner Mfg. Corp.12214Figure 137600 Ultimate Series Conveyor851-624 Rev. A Dorner Mfg. Corp.561. Bolt limiter support plates (Figure 16, item 1) toconveyor frame stand off posts (Figure 16, item 2).2. Insert limiter (Figure 17, item 1) between supportplates (Figure 17, item 2).Belt Tensioning• Do not tension the conveyor belt.• Conveyors are shipped at proper tension.• Over tensioning of the conveyor will cause the conveyor to run improperly.•Some belt slack is required for proper operation (Figure 18).7600 Ultimate Series ConveyorInstallationFigure 16Dorner Mfg. Corp.851-624 Rev. AFigure 171212Notes7600 Ultimate Series Conveyor851-624 Rev. A Dorner Mfg. Corp.7Printed in the U.S.A.Return PolicyFor replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. All products and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2006Dorner Mfg. Corp.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20Hartland, WI 53029-0030 USAUSATEL 1-800-397-8664FAX 1-800-369-2440Internet: Outside the USA TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827851-624 Rev. A。

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15 UCWEB浏览器............................ 39
使用UCWEB搜索信息......................... 39 直接输入网址浏览网页 ....................... 39
16 GPS航家 ....................................... 41
添加播放列表 ....................................... 25 播放音乐 ............................................... 25
11 视频播放器...................................28
修改PIN码............................................. 24 锁键盘 ................................................... 24
10 音乐播放器...................................25
2 手机使用入门.................................. 6
安装电池、UIM卡和microSD卡 ........... 6 开机和关机............................................. 6 电池充电................................................. 6 使用触笔................................................. 7 使用滑动操作 ......................................... 7 GPS航家 ................................................. 8 JAVA........................................................ 8 语音播报................................................. 8
14 收音机.......................................... 36
开/关收音机.......................................... 37 录音....................................................... 37
新建和发送彩信 ................................... 18 接收彩信............................................... 18 查看彩信............................................... 18
4 输入文字.........................................14
输入模式介绍 ....................................... 14 手写输入 ............................................... 15 虚拟键盘输入 ....................................... 15
待机界面 ................................................. 9
3 通话功能.........................................11
拨打电话 ............................................... 11 接听电话 ............................................... 11 通话中的操作 ....................................... 12
7 电话簿............................................ 20
新增电话簿记录 ................................... 20 查找电话簿中的记录 ........................... 20 复制SIM/PIM卡电话簿........................ 21
1 了解您的手机.................................. 1
您的手机................................................. 1 按键说明................................................. 3 接口/指示灯说明.................................... 4 屏幕图标................................................. 4
使用手机前,请仔细阅读本节内容,也请让 您的孩子了解这些内容,以确保正确和安全 地使用手机。有关更详细的信息,请参阅本 手册中的“安全警告和注意事项”内容。
在禁止使用手机的场所,或者使用手机会 引起干扰或危险时,请关闭手机。
请勿将手机及附件放置于具有强大电磁 场的器具中。
请勿在驾驶汽车时使用手机,以免妨碍安 全驾驶。
若需将此产品手册描述的产品(包含但不限 于产品中的软件及技术数据等)出口、再出 口或者进口,您应遵守适用的进出口管制法 律法规。
文中提到的“手机”,即指 HUAWEI C7600 cdma2000 数字移动电话机。
格式 长按 按 选择
意义 按住某一按键并保持2~3秒,然后松开。 按下并快速松开某一按键。 点击屏幕相关文字内容。
请将手机远离磁性设备,手机的辐射会抹 掉磁性设备上存储的信息。
在医疗场所,请遵守有关规定或条例。在 靠近医疗设备的区域,请关闭手机。
请勿在高温处、有易燃气体的地方(如加 油站附近)使用手机。
登机时请关闭手机,以免无线信号干扰飞 机控制信号。
请将手机及附件放在儿童触摸不到的地 方,请勿让儿童在无人监管的情况下使用 手机。
拍摄位置照片 ....................................... 33
13 摄像机.......................................... 34
拍摄视频............................................... 34 播放录像............................................... 35
格式 粗体
多级菜单用“/”隔开。如“信息/短信息” 表示“信息”下的“短信息”子菜单。
本手册还采用各种醒目标志来表示在操作过 程中应该特别注意的地方,这些标志的意义 如下:
标志 说明 意义
注意 提醒操作中应注意的事项。
对操作内容的描述进行必要的补 充和说明。
5 短信息.............................................16
新建和发送短信息................................ 16 查看短信息 ........................................... 17
6 彩信................................................ 18
选择本地视频 ....................................... 28 播放视频 ............................................... 28 全屏播放 ............................................... 29 播放在线视频 ....................................... 29
9 安全................................................ 23
设置手机锁........................................... 23 修改手机密码 ....................................... 23 设置PIN码锁 ........................................ 23
12 照相机...........................................31
拍摄照片 ............................................... 31 查看照片 ............................................... 32 自拍照片 ............................................... 33 设置特殊效果 ....................................... 33