涂装对象 专业 工艺简介 涂装对象基本参数
主厂房、输煤栈桥、干煤蓬钢结构 土建 基本都是重钢 主厂房有全钢结构和混凝土厂房之分 全钢结构主厂房:8000~12000吨;混凝土厂房:2000~3000吨 输煤栈桥:1000~1500吨 干煤蓬:1000~2000吨 设备不同,但防腐要求基本一致 绝大多数电厂,要求底漆为环氧富锌,中间漆为云母氧化铁漆 面漆采用聚氨酯漆 计算公式:15×钢结构总重量 刷涂:1.1~1.3 喷涂:1.4~1.6 全钢结构主厂房:300~400万;混凝土主厂房:60~100万 输煤栈桥:20~40万 干煤蓬:20~40万 产品型号与膜厚 Jotamastic 80 改性环氧底漆 Hardtop xp 聚氨酯面漆
总包承建单位: 江苏电建三公司 上海基础工程公司 上海基础工程公司 上海基础工程公司 上海基础工程公司
涂装对象 专业 工艺简介
补给水管 水工结构 主要安装于电厂厂区之外,全部埋入地下 每安装一段,就需要将安装地段的土层全部挖开 每段管道安装过后,再将土回填 沿海电厂一般没有补给水管,内陆电厂几乎都有 补给水管的电厂,就一定有冷却塔 补给水管一般都很长,直径很小 内径:0.8~1米 壁厚:0.12~0.16米 总长度:2000米~18000米(取决于电厂与水源地的距离) 内、外壁都要做防腐 内壁:主要是防水流冲击,海水中氯离子腐蚀等 外壁:主要是耐磨,防土壤中酸、碱腐蚀等 内壁:3.14×内径×总长度 外壁:3.14×(内径+壁厚)×总长度 刷涂:1.1~1.3 喷涂:1.4~1.6 60万~300万
总包承建单位 上海冠达尔钢结构有限公司 山东鲁能光大有限公司钢结构厂 三井八布科克,山东鲁能光大公司钢 结构厂 山东鲁能光大有限公司钢结构厂 上海锅炉厂浦东分厂 陕西宝鸡桥梁厂 中国成达化学工程公司 上海中远川琦重工钢结构有限公司 上海锅炉厂 三门峡水工机械厂 上海锅炉厂 上海锅炉厂 总包承建单位 上海振华港机厂 华电杭州工程公司
经过测试,根据AS/NZS 4020:2005 与饮用水接触产品的测试。
符合ANSI/AWWA C210-15标准的要求。
颜色黑色、 绿色、 红色、 白色典型用途船舶漆领域:可用于饮用水舱、灰水和原油舱的涂料。
性能测试/标准描述光泽度 (GU 60 °)ISO 2813VOC - 美国 / 香港US EPA 方法 24 (测试值)(CARB(SCM)2007, SCAQMD rule 1113, Hong Kong)VOC- 欧盟IED (2010/75/EU) (理论值)闪点ISO 3679 方法 1100 ℃有光(70-85)90 克/升140 克/升密度1.5kg/l 理论值VOC- 欧盟EU VOC Directive 2004/42/CE (理论值)140 克/升GB/T 34682-2017 (经测试)48 克/升VOC- 中国所列数据是基于工厂批量生产的产品,因颜色不同会有些许变化。
光泽描述: 根据佐敦功能涂料的定义所有数据仅针对混合后的涂料有效。
2份份1佐敦牌412型无溶剂环氧饮水舱专用漆 组份B在饮用水舱施工之前用佐敦28号稀释剂冲洗施工设备;施工后用佐敦17号稀释剂清洗设备。
佐敦桥梁防护手册(混凝土 篇)
6 7
2004 2004
Jotun Protective Coatings Bridge Corrosion Protection 佐敦涂料桥梁腐蚀解决方案
广东中山二桥 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Hunan Yiyang KF Bridge 湖南益阳康富路桥 Guangzhou Keyun Road Bridge 广州科韵路高架桥 Guangzhou Yongfu Road Bridge 广州永福路高架桥 李家沱大桥翻新 钱江四桥(复兴大桥) Guangzhou Xingguan Bridge 广州新光大桥 Guangzhou New Port East Road Viaduct 广州市新港东路高架桥 XiangFan City Highway Concrete Bridge 襄樊市高速公路混凝土桥 Chongqin Chao Tian Men Bridge 重庆朝天门大桥 Guangzhou Wusan Road Viaduct 广州市五山路高架桥 Donguan Sihuan Road Viaduct 东莞市四环路高架桥 Guangzhou Bridge renew 广州市广州大桥翻新 Guangzhou Jiefang Bridge Renew 广州解放大桥翻新 Guangzhou Jiangwang bridge Renew 广州江湾大桥翻新 厦门仙岳路高架桥 22 23 24 25 HangZhou JiangDong Bridge 杭州江东大桥(钱江九桥) Lasha Liuwu Bridge 拉萨柳梧大桥 Xicheng bridge 锡澄大桥 闽江大桥(福厦线铁路桥) 2004-2006 2005 2005 2006-2008 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007~ 2007 2007 2007 2004 2004 2004
佐敦07专业水性外墙抗碱底漆 化学品安全技术说明书
化 学 品 安 全 技 术 说 明 书佐敦07专业水性外墙抗碱底漆紧急电话号码供应商/ 制造商::中远佐敦船舶涂料(广州)有限公司中国广州市黄埔区文冲华坑路,邮编:510725电话: +86 20 8236 0908传真: +86 20 82360661Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings (Guangzhou) Co Ltd.Huakeng Road, Wenchong, Huangpu, Guangzhou 510725, China Tel: +86 20 8236 0908Fax: +86 20 82360661佐敦涂料(张家港)有限公司江苏省张家港保税区扬子江化学工业园长江路15号 215634电话: +86 512 58937988传真: +86 512 58937986Jotun Coatings (Zhangjiagang) Co. LtdNo.15 Changjiang Road Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park, Zhangjiagang Free Trade Zone, Jiangsu Province 215634 Tel: +86 512 58937988Fax: +86 512 58937986*****************Jotashield Primer 07 (C)产品名称和/或代码:国家经贸委上海化学毒物咨询中心 Tel: +86 21 62679090本品依据指令1999/45/EC及其修正版的规定被分类为危险品。
刺激的危险物管理 67/548/EEC 的定义,意味着此配制品具有健康或环境危害的物质。
职业暴露限制, 如果有的话, 列在第 8 节中。
配制品物质/制剂:皮肤接触 措施脱去受污染的衣服和鞋子。
Jiang Feng
Technical Sale Support, PC, JCZC
根据ISO 12944/GB 30790来选择防腐涂层
第1步 确定钢结构的腐蚀环境和类别
1、先确定钢结构所在地的大环境是个什么情况。 例如:沿海、乡村地区、工业地区、化工等等。 2、再看看钢结构所在地的小环境 如酸,碱,盐,有机溶剂、侵蚀性气体、化学品侵蚀等等
Jiang Feng
Technical Sale Support, PC场
港口机械- 马来西亚元港
Jiang Feng
Technical Sale Support, PC, JCZC
第2步 确定防腐涂层体系
1、12944-5 附录 A 中按照不同的腐蚀环境, 2、不同的设计寿命(耐久性)给出了典型的涂层体系及膜厚要求。
第3步 选择符合标准的涂料体系
1、咨询涂料制造商,证实你选择的涂层体系(可行性、有效性和经济性) 2、并最终决定选择最经济或最高端及有竞争力的涂层体系。
Jiang Feng
涂料、粉末涂料等等 在世界各地45个国家设有办事处,全球有33家工厂
Jiang Feng
Technical Sale Support, PC, JCZC
佐敦 --- 世界油漆和涂料的领先者
挪威的山德福佐、阿 联酋迪拜、马来西亚、 韩国、美国和中国
Jiang Feng
Technical Sale Support, PC, JCZC
Technical Sale Support, PC, JCZC
jotun 6bp 硅树脂防污涂料 产品技术规格书说明书
有机硅不沾污涂料 Endura (6BP)这是一种基于先进的Elastotain®技术的三组份含防污剂不沾污涂料 它是一款高固含产品,可在挑战性的条件下有效控制防污剂的释放 光滑、低摩擦的表面,可以减少船体劣化,提高水动力学性能 推荐作为浸没区域的面漆使用,仅可施工在认可的连接漆表面佐敦有机硅不沾污涂料完整的坞修施工程序,请参考TSS-TI-084认证和证书符合国际海事组织防污系统公约AFS/CONF/26+国际海事组织MEPC.331(76)颜色红色、 黑色典型用途船舶漆领域:推荐用于新造船和坞修时水下船体。
专门设计作为优质解决方案,为船舶航行贸易提供灵活性 高光泽度,保色性优异,提供长时间的美学外观。
性能测试/标准描述VOC - 美国 / 香港US EPA 方法 24 (测试值)(CARB(SCM)2007, SCAQMD rule 1113, Hong Kong)VOC- 欧盟IED (2010/75/EU) (理论值)闪点ISO 3679 方法 132 ℃232 克/升247 克/升密度1kg/l 理论值VOC- 中国GB/T 23985-2009 (经测试)240 克/升所列数据是基于工厂批量生产的产品,因颜色不同会有些许变化。
17份份份0.750.7有机硅不沾污涂料 Endura 组份C有机硅不沾污涂料 Endura 组份B (固化剂)清洁剂:佐敦10号稀释剂不要添加稀释剂。
将Poraver R X 作为轻质填料进行添加,可应用在各种建筑涂料和砂浆等产品中,有效降低产品的导热系数和比重,提升产品表面的热反射性能和隔热性能,有效节约能源。
参考文献[1]孙顺杰,杨文颐,冯晓杰,等.彩色热反射隔热涂料的研制与性能研究[J].涂料工业,2013,43(4):17-22.[2]刘成楼,隗功祥.彩色太阳热反射隔热外墙涂料的研制[J].现代涂料与涂装,2011,14(12):18-20.[3]LEVINSON R ,BERDAHL P ,AKBARI H .Solar spectraloptical properties of pigments Part I :model for deriving scattering and absorption coefficients from transmittance and reflectance measurements [J].Solar Energy Materials &Solar Cells,2005,89(4):319-320.[4]胡家晖,胡传炘.热反射隔热涂料研究及应用现状[J].节能与环保,2009(1):34-37.[5]虞夏,许传华.高性能空心玻璃微珠对涂料隔热性能影响的研究[J].涂料工业2014,44(4):1-5.[6]孙顺杰,张琳,刘天池等.憎水型膨胀珍珠岩制备过程中吸水率影响因素探讨[J].化学建材2008,(5):32-34.基础研究FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH焦钰钰,等:低吸水膨胀玻璃微珠在热反射隔热涂料中的应用由全球防腐蚀权威NACE 国际(美国腐蚀工程师协会)携手中国海洋石油集团有限公司举办的第5届中国耐高温防腐和防火技术研讨会2018年8月27-30日在南京举办。
一、佐敦游艇涂料的应用范围及特点1. 佐敦游艇涂料的应用范围广泛,可用于游艇的外部和内部涂装,具有防水、防腐、防霉、防晒、耐磨等特点。
2. 佐敦游艇涂料采用先进的技术和环保的配方,保证了其持久性和耐候性,同时对人体和环境无害。
3. 佐敦游艇涂料提供多种颜色和饰面效果选择,可满足不同游艇外观风格和个性化要求。
4. 佐敦游艇涂料的施工方法简单,用户可以选择自行施工或请专业人士施工,提供了更多使用的灵活性。
三、佐敦游艇涂料的性能与效果分析1. 抗水性和防腐性:佐敦游艇涂料独特的防水和防腐配方,有效阻隔水分和盐蚀,保护游艇表面和内部结构不受侵蚀。
2. 耐候性和抗紫外线:佐敦游艇涂料的耐候性极佳,可在恶劣的海洋环境下持久保持色彩和光泽,同时具备出色的紫外线防护功能。
佐敦油漆技术手册JOTUN PAINTS HANDBOOK油脂的存在是漆膜脱皮、剥落的钢板上的可溶性盐结晶,起泡、脱皮等都由这些盐份所引起。
(1) GB 8923-88GB8923-88是我国的国家标准,等效采用于ISO8501-1:1988。
(2) ISO 8501:1988ISO8501则是现在普遍采用的国际标准,它建立于瑞典标准SIS 055900的基础之上,并且取代之,标准中的照片和定义、描述得到了最大程度的保留。
(3) SIS 055900:1967瑞典标准SIS 05 5900 1967,该标准最早由瑞典腐蚀研究所、美国测试和材料协会(ASTM)和钢结构涂装协会(SSPC)联合制定,是表面处理中影响最大的标准。
现在已经与ISO 8501相合并。
(4) SSPC/NACESSPC/NACE是北美地区使用的主要标准,并且随着NACE在全球推广涂装检查培训认证,以及很多钢结构设计机构也使用这一标准,因此我们在中国也经常会遇到并使用SSPC/NACE标准。
(5) JSRA SPSS日本造船研究协会制订的标准,主要适用于二次表面处理,同时也包括了钢材在车间底漆处理前的一次表面处理标准。
各个标准间的对应关系如下,供实际应用中参考:GB 8923-88 ISO 8501-1988SSPC NACE JSRA Sa 3 Sa 3 SP5 1 Sh(d)3Sa 2 ½ Sa 2 ½ SP10 2 Sh(d)2Sa 2 Sa 2 SP6 3Sh(d)1 Sa 1 Sa 1 SP7 4St 3 St 3 SP3 -- Pt3St 2 St 2 SP2 -- Pt2Pt1 注:1)SPSS SP11亦可对应于ISO St3,但是更为彻底且具有一定的表面粗糙度(Rz25µm)。
2)SSPC SP10与ISO Sa 2 ½ 相对应,但是,在某些招标文件或者某些涂装规格书中会发现与ISO Sa 2 ½ 相对应的可能是SSPC SP6,所以实际上SP6更偏向于Sa2 和Sa2 ½ 之间。
Megacote豪华游艇厚浆型耐磨环氧底漆 (0PS这是一种双组份胺固化纯环氧涂料。
认证和证书它具有根据BS 476, 第7部分, 1971. Warrington Fire reasearch, Naval Eng, Stand 713: Issue 3检测的1级低播焰证书。
按IMO Res. MSC 215(82认可,适用于PSPC 压载水舱颜色铝红色、白色、灰色典型用途外部和内部区域,包括船体、水线以上和以下、上层构造、甲板和压载水舱。
性能测试/标准描述体积固体含量 ± 2 %光泽度 (60 °ISO 2813VOC美国标准 / VOC 香港标准EPA 方法 24VOC(挥发性有机化合物溶剂排放指导SED (1999/13/ECg/lg/kg72闪点ISO 3679 方法 135 ℃半光(35-70 260192光泽度:根据佐敦功能涂料的定义。
ISO 3233最小最大典型干膜厚度湿膜厚度膜厚和涂布率理论涂布率 751059,63004152,41502154,8(微米(微米 (平方米/升为了确保下道涂层具有持久的附着力,所有表面必须清洁、干燥且无污染物。
施工产品混合比(体积3份份1豪华游艇厚浆型耐磨环氧底漆,B组分佐敦17号稀释剂17-23150 bar/2100 psi可踩踏干燥小时 48 小时 30 小时 16 小时 10 小时 5 小时 2 小时 21 天 14 天 10 天7 天3 天0 ℃5 ℃ 10 ℃ 23 ℃ 40 ℃干燥/固化至可使用-5 ℃干燥后复涂,最短间隔 24 小时 18 小时 10 小时 7 小时4 小时2 小时混合后使用寿命1。
干膜厚 固含 包装规 单价 理论 损 实际涂 理论造 实际造
度 Um
格升/ 元/升 涂布 耗 布率元/ 价元/㎡ 价元/㎡
率㎡ 系 ㎡
/L 数
Futura AS GREY
Futura AS
理或业主技术人员检查并签字确认合格后,才能进行下一道工序。 7.1.4、工程竣工阶段
工程竣工后,由项目质量员将所有的质量记录整理、分类装订成 册。质量记录中交工资料部分履行审核手续后,向业主移交,其余部 分交公司归档。 7.2、安全保证措施 7.2.1 安全管理体系
根据本项目的具体要求,建立以项目经理为第一责任人的安全管 理的体系。(如图所示)
石化表面温度时常达到 50°C 以上,对油漆施工性能有较大的影响, 在此情况下,是不能施工的。
⑤、湿膜测厚仪:油漆施工时,测定油漆湿膜厚度,并据此计算 出干膜厚度。
⑥、干膜测厚仪:油漆成膜后,测定油漆膜厚是否达到工艺规定 要求。重要的检测仪器之一。 7.1.3、施工过程保证措施 (1)、每批油漆使用前检查其生产日期、外观、产品名称等,保证在 工程上所使用的材料均能符合规定要求。发现油漆质量问题及时向油 漆供应商或业主报告。 (2)、基层处理质量控制,主要包括除锈质量和油污清理,根据相应 的规定执行,在除锈质量控制过程中,几个关键点的控制:
班组兼职质检员 7.1.2、施工准备阶段保证措施 (1)、工程开工前,按 ISO9002 质量体系的管理要求,由油漆监理或 项目经理组织有关人员,根据本项目的具体情况,详细编制的质量控 制计划,明确项目人员的职责和工作范围,将质量控制要素落实到责 任人员,明确他们在保证质量方面的任务、责任、权限、工作程序和 方法。 (2)、按经业主批准的施工组织设计等文件要求组织施工。 (3)、施工前由业主组织油漆供应商、现场监理人员、本公司施工人 员等进行油漆性能、施工技术交底,并作好书面记录。 (4)、施工现场配备足够的检测工器具, 以保证施工在规定的环境要 求、质量标准下完成。
面对海上发电的极端气候和风雨的侵蚀,佐敦加强型聚氨酯叶片涂料Jotatop BC800,具有优异的耐雨蚀性能,可为叶片前缘提供保护,有效抵御雨水冲击对叶片的侵蚀,同时可作为海上叶片的面漆,抵抗紫外线与雨水交替作用的严苛海上环境,为风机叶片提供坚实的外衣。
即将推出的第二代叶片前缘保护涂料Jo原tatopBC LEPII,具有更强的耐雨蚀和耐老化性能,能有效提高风电机组的发电效率,延长其维护周期,为海上叶片前缘提供最顶级的保护。
面对行业和风机制造商对绿色环保的需求,佐敦Jotatop BC300WF作为一款底面一体的水性叶片涂料,其VOC仅为26g/L,满足了国内所有水性涂料标准的要求,能有效降低施工中的VOC排放。
除尘器 预加热
溶 剂
钢板运输过程中或经过长期的堆放后,会产生变形,在工件制作中,影 响加工精度,所以应对钢板进行校平处理。经过校平可以将钢板表面氧化皮 松散部分脱落,对后道抛丸有很大好处,同时校平机能力各有不同一般5mm — 30mm为宜。
• 喷砂后把光滑试板用胶带固定在钢板上,通常放置三块(如图示)
• 对电子式测厚仪先进行校正。
• 喷漆干燥后取下试板进行测量。
• 通常按喷砂后要达到规定的干膜厚度在光滑试板上测量要高于规定值(见表)
• 对放置试板的位置要立即补涂。
光滑试板 R2=40微米 R2=75微米
• 超高压淡水清洗(一般船上使用)
* 去除盐份 * 去除海生物 * 松动的旧涂层 * 去除锈 * 氧化皮
• 手工和动力工具
动力工具 • 风动打锈锥(梅花锥) • 直柄砂轮机Ø25 -150的各种砂轮,及可装上笔型钢丝刷用于狭
• 保持好叶轮转速,不让钢砂抛射速度过快过慢,并且要控制钢砂的抛丸量。 • 调整好钢丸和棱角砂的配比。 • 钢丸和棱角砂直径、磨料颗粒度大小 • 控制好抛头与钢板角度和距离。
Cherry picker / hydraulic lift 液压起重机动臂起重机,车载升降台Collar plate 补板Companionway 升降口Compartment 隔离舱Compatibility 兼容性Component assembly 组件Compressed air 压缩空气Compulsory item 必要项目Condensate pump 冷凝泵Condenser 冷凝器Conning station 操舵(指挥)位置Construction 建筑Construction profile 建筑结构轮廓图Consumables 易耗品Container ship 集装箱船Control panel 操纵面板Cooling fresh water 冷却淡水Coordination 坐标Corrective action request 纠刚要求Corridor 通道,走廊Corrosion control 防腐Corrosion inhibitor 防腐剂Corrosion rate 腐蚀度Corrugated bulkhead 槽型舱壁Counter-balance valve 背压阀Coupling bolt 伸缩接头螺栓Cowl head ventilator 帽型通风筒Crack 裂纹Criteria 基准Cross section 横截面Cross tie 十字接头Crossover way 过道Crude oil washing 原油清洗Cruiser ship 巡洋舰Curing 硬化干燥Cutting 切割Cutting tip 气割嘴Cutting torch 割矩D mid (moulded depth) 型深Davit 吊柱Deadweight tonnage (总)载重吨Deck composition 甲板敷料Deck fittings 甲板附件Deck girder 甲板桁材Deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨Deck plan 甲板结构图Deck plating 甲板Deck store 储物间Deck water seal 甲板水封Deckhouse 甲板室,上层建筑Deep tank 深舱Deflection plate 反射板Deformation 变形Degreasing 脱脂Dehumidifier 除湿器Derrick post 起重机柱De-rusting 去锈Design load 设计载荷Design load water line 设计满载吃水线Detail 详细,节点Detailed assembly procedure 详细装配工艺Detector 探测器,检测机Deviation 偏差Dew point 【气,雾】露点Diagonal line 对角线Diaphragm 横膈膜Disassemble 分解Distribution 分散Dock trial 系泊试车Double bevel 双面破口Double continuous fillet welding 双面连续角焊Double fillet weld 两面填角焊Double hull 双船壳Double skin construction 双船壳结构Doubling plate/ doubler 复板Down-hand welding 俯焊Draft gauge 压差式风压计Draft marks 吹水标志Drain hole 流水孔Drain system 泄放系统Drain trap 防水弯Dresser coupling 伸缩接头Drip-tray 接油盘Dry film thickness 干镀膜的厚度Dry docking 干船坞Duct keel 箱型龙骨Dummy 虚拟的Duration 为期Dust collector 集尘器Earth connection 接地Echo sounder 回声探测仪Edge welding 边缘焊接Effective throat 有效焊喉Electric cable pipe 电缆管Electric load analysis 电器负荷分析Electric resistance welding 电阻焊Electro gas welding 电气焊Electrode holder 电焊钳Electro-hydraulic system 电动液压系统Electrostatic hazard 静电危险Elevation 侧视图Elevator 升降机,电梯Embarkation light 乘船灯Emergency door 应急逃生门Emergency escape trunk 紧急逃生通道Emergency exit 紧急出口Emergency fire pump 应急消防泵Emergency power supply 应急电源Enclosed space 封闭区域Engine control console 机控台Engine control room 机控室Engine room arrangement 机舱布置图Engine room bulkhead 轮机室舱壁Ensign staff 船尾旗杆Equipment list 设备名目Erection 合拢Erection schedule 合拢打算Even keel 平板龙骨Exhaust manifold 排气集管Exhaust valve 排气阀Expanded metal 多孔(操纵)金属网Expansion joint 膨胀节Expansion tank 膨胀柜Explosion-proof lamp 防爆灯Explosive atmosphere 防爆危险区域Exposed deck 露天甲板Extension loop 伸缩弯Extension rod 伸缩尺,伸长杆Eye plate 眼板Fabrication 制作,加工Face flat 面板Fairing(up) 流线型/整形Fairlead 导览孔Fairleader 导览器False bottom 活(假)底Fashion plate (钢板)组成船首材板Fatigue analysis 疲劳分析Fender 护舷Fillet welding 角焊Fin stabilizer 减摇鳍Finish paint 完工漆Finite element method (FEM) 有限元法Fire control station 消防站Fire damper 防火风阀Fire hose box 消防水龙带箱Fix jig 固定胎架Fixture 固定设备Flame screen 火焰掩遮物Flat bar 扁钢Flexible hose 软管,挠性管Flexible mounting 软安装Float valve 浮球阀Floating dock 浮船坞Floodlight 泛光灯,探照灯Flooding test 浸水试验Flow chart 流程图Flue gas 烟气,废气Flushing 溶剂Flux cored arc welding 熔芯弧焊(CO2 焊接)Foam fire extinguisher 泡沫灭火器Foam monitor 泡沫检测器Foot valve 底(背压)阀/ 脚踩阀Forecastle deck 艏楼甲板Foremast 前桅Forepeak tank 艏尖舱Forged steel 锻钢Forklift truck 叉车Foundation 底座Frame 骨架,肋骨Frame space 肋骨间距Freefall lifeboat 自由下落式救生艇Fuel oil tank 燃油舱Gangway 跳板Gantry crane 龙门吊,龙门起重机Gas detection system 气体探测系统Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) 气体金属弧焊Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) 气体钨弧焊Gasket 垫片Gas tight bulkhead 气密舱壁Gate valve 闸阀Girder 桁材Glass wool 玻璃丝Globe valve 球心截止阀Goliath crane 重型龙门起重机Goose neck ventilator 鹅颈式通风帽Gouging 气刨,表面切割Grating 格栅Gravity arc welding 重力式弧焊Gravity tank / head tank 重力罐Grease nipple 注油嘴Grid 格子Guard rail 爱护栏杆Guide piece 导向件Gunwale 船舷上缘Gutter bar 挡水扁铁Gutter pipe 排水管Gyrocompass 陀螺罗经Hatch 舱口Hatch coaming 舱口围板Hatch cover / pontoon / folding 舱口盖Hawse pipe 锚链管H- beam “H”型梁Headroom 净高Heat resistant paint 耐热漆Heating coil 加热盘管HV AC (heating ventilation and airconditioning)通风及空调Heavy fuel oil 重燃油Hexagon head bolt 六角头螺栓Hexagon wrench 六角扳手High stress zone 高应力区域High temp. cooling water system 高温冷却水系统High tensile steel 高张力钢Hinge 铰链Hogging 中拱Hold frame 舱内肋骨Holding down bolt 压紧螺栓Holiday 油漆漏掉部分Hopper tank 污水舱Horizontal girder 水平梁Horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材Position / horizontal welding 平焊Hull block construction method 船体分段建造法Hull form coefficient 船型系数Hull fouling 船体污损Hull opening 船体开口Hull outfit 船体配装Hull preservation 船体防腐Hull steel 船用钢Hull strength 船体强度Humidity control 湿度操纵Hydrant valve 消防栓Hydraulic jack 液压千斤顶Hydraulic oil 液压油Hydraulic power pack 液压动力装置Hygrometer 湿度计I-beam I 型材Ice breaker 破冰船Immersion unit 救生服Impact load 冲击荷重Impact wrench 套筒扳手Impeller 桨叶Impressed current catholic protection 外加电源阴极爱护Inboard 船内的Incinerator 焚烧炉Indicator 指示器,指示剂Inert gas generator 惰性气体发生器Inflammable life raft 膨胀式救生伐Injector 喷射器Inorganic zinc silicate 无机硅酸锌Insert block 嵌入分段Insert plate 嵌入板Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)电气与电子工程师协会Interlock 连锁Intermittent chain welding 间断焊Intermittent staggered welding 间断交错焊接Internal diameter 内径International Association of ClassificationSocieties 国际船级协会(IACS)International Electro-technical Commission国际电工委员会(IEC)International Gas Code 国际气体编码(IGC)International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织(ILO)International Load Line Convention 国际载重线规定(ILLC)International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织(IMO)International Maritime Pilots’ Association国际引航协会(IMPA)International Regulations for PreventingCollisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则International Standardization Organization国际标准化组织(ISO)Invar 不胀钢、Inverted angle 逆角钢Jack bolt 定位螺栓Jib crane 悬臂起重机Jig 装配架Joint length 接头长度Jumping stopper 止跳塞Keel block 底座,龙骨墩Keel line 龙骨线Keel plate 龙骨板Key plan 基本结构图Kingpost 主梁Knuckle 折弯Lap joint 搭接接头Lap welding 搭接焊Lapping 搭接,重叠Launching (船)下水Lavatory 卫生间Lead time 研制周期Leak test 密性试验Leg length 焊角长度Lever block 操纵杆部件Life buoy 救生圈Lifting beam 起重横梁Lifting lug (起重)吊(挂)耳Light welding 轻焊接Lightening hole 减轻孔Limit switch 限位开关Liquid Penetration test 渗液探伤试验Load water line 载重水线Louver 天窗Lub. Oil storage tank 润滑油储存舱M/V (motor vessel) 内燃机船Main control console 主操纵盘Masking tape 遮蔽胶带Master schedule 要紧日程打算、设计任务书Mid-ship 船舯Mid-ship section 舯剖面Mock-up (1:1 的)模型Mooring trial 系泊试验Mooring winch 系留绞车Moulded line 型线Movable ramp 可移动车道Mushroom ventilator 菌型通风口Muster list 集合表Nameplate 铭牌Nautical instrument 航海器械Navigation bridge deck 驾驶甲板NC machine 数控机器Needle valve 针阀Nonferrous metal 有色金属Non-return valve 止回阀Official sea trial 官方试航Offsets 型值表Oil coaming 拦油围板Oil discharge monitoring equipment (ODME)排油检测装置Oil seal 油封Oil-tight bulkhead 油密舱壁Oil water separator 油水分离器Outfitting quay 舾装码头Outreach 舷装跨距Outside diameter 外径Overboard discharge 舷侧排水孔Overflow pipe 溢流管Overhaul 大检修Overhead position welding 仰焊Overhead traveling crane 行车Overheating 过热Overlap 重叠Pad 垫片Pad plate 垫板Padlock 挂锁,扣锁Paint dipping 浸渍涂色Pallet 托盘Panel line 拼板流水线Passageway 通道Pedestal 机座,柱脚Pending 未决,保留Perforated flat deck 开口甲板Perpendicular 垂线Pillar 支柱Pilot ladder 引水员梯Pinhole 针孔Pipe hole 配管孔Piping diagram 管系图表Pitching 纵摇Plan 平面图Plan view 平面视图Poop deck 艉楼甲板Porosity 多孔性PSI (pounds per square inch) 压力单位Pour point 流点Power brushing 动力工具使用前处理Power factor 功率系数Power panel 功率仪表板Pre-erection 预合拢Preservation design 防蚀设计Pressure tank 压力舱Process analysis 流程分析Protection zinc 防腐锌块Prototype 原型,样机,样品Provision crane 食品吊P-V (pressure – vacuum) valve 压力、真空阀Quality deficiency report 质量缺陷报告书Radar mast 雷达桅杆Radiator 辐射板,散热器Rail gate 栏杆中间的门Receptacle 储槽,插座Reefer vessel 冷藏船Reference point 基准点Relief valve 减压阀Remnant control 剩余材料治理Remote indication 远程指示器Remote operated valve 遥控阀Repair of defect 缺陷修补Rescue boat 救助艇Respirator 呼吸器Rigging 缆具,索具Rolling 横摇Root gap 根部间隙Root valve 分支阀Rope guard 护绳Round bar 圆钢Rudder stock 舵杆Rudder trunk 舵杆筒Rust-proof oil 防锈油Sacrificial anode 防蚀阳极Safe load 安全载荷Safety hoop 爱护环Safety guard 爱护围栏Sagging 中垂Salinity 盐分Scaffold plank 脚手架Scallop 过焊孔Scantling draft 结构吃水Screw pump 螺杆泵Scupper pipe 排水管Sea chest 海底门Section 截面图Section modulus 剖面模数Sediment davit 沉淀池用吊柱Segregation 分离Self polishing copolymer 自抛光涂料Semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻探设备Sewage treatment plant 污水处理装置Shackle 卸扣Shaft withdrawal plan 船尾轴回收方案Shearing force 剪应力Sheer 船舷Sheer strake 船侧列板Shell plating 外板Shielded metal arc welding 电弧焊(SMAW)Shim plate 垫板Shipside valve 船舷阀Shop primer 爱护底漆Short-circuit test 短路试验Shot blasting 喷丸处理Shot (of chain) 锚链节Side girder 旁底桁Side longitudinal 舷侧纵骨Side opening 舷侧开口Side ramp 舷侧跳板Side scuttle 舷窗Sight glass 观看镜Silencer 消音器Silver brazing coupling 银铜焊联轴器Simulation 模拟试验Single point mooring 单点系泊系统Slop tank 废油舱Slot weld 槽焊Solenoid valve 电磁阀SONAR (sound navigation and ranging) 声纳、声波定位仪Sounding pipe 测深管Spectacle flange 盲通法兰Speed log 船用计程仪Spiral duct 螺旋风管Spool piece 短管Spot welding 电焊Sprinkler system 自动洒水装置Square bar 方钢Stanchion 支柱Standby 备用的Stay 船体内侧支柱撑条Steam turbine 蒸汽涡轮机Steering gear 舵机Steering gear room 舵机室Stem 船头Stern frame 尾框架Stern ramp 尾跳板Stern thruster 尾侧推Stern tube 艉轴管Storm valve 防暴阀Stringer 纵材Stress deck 纵通甲板Stringer plate 甲板边板Stripe coat 焊接部件的预先着色Stripping pump 清舱泵Strong beam 强横梁Stud bolt 双头螺钉Stud welding 螺柱焊Stuffing box 填料箱Submarine 潜水艇Submerged arc welding 埋弧焊(SAW) Suction filter 吸滤器Suction head 吸水头,负压水头Superstructure 上层建筑Support 支架,支座Support cap 柱帽Surface defect 表面缺陷Swage bulkhead 波形舱壁Swing check valve 转向检查阀Swivel joint 旋转接头Symmetrical 对称Tack welding 定位焊Thermostatic expansion valve 热膨胀阀Thimble 套筒,电缆接头Throttle valve 节流阀Tolerance 公差,许用误差Top bracing 顶撑Topside tank 顶边舱Torch 焊矩,焊枪Touch-up 补漆Towing hook 拉引用吊钩Towing rope 曳引绳Transducer 信号转换器,变频器Transmitter 传感器Transom stern 方形船尾Transverse 横向结构Transverse bulkhead 横向舱壁Trestle 栈桥,活动架Trim 修整Tripping bracket 防倾肘板Trolley 手推车Tug boat 拖船Tungsten inert gas arc welding 钨极惰性气体爱护电弧焊Turbo-generator 涡轮发电机Turnbuckle 花篮螺丝Turnkey base 承包方式TEU:twenty-feet equivalent unit 标准集装箱Ultraviolet dosimeter 紫外线测定仪Undercut 咬边Universal chock 通用导览孔Universal joint 万向接头U-tube U 形管Vacuum cleaner 真空泵Varnish (清)漆,腻子Ventilator 通风管,通风机Vertical web 垂直桁材Vertical welding 立焊VDU: visual display unit 可视显示装置V oid space 空舱V olatile corrosion inhibitor 挥发性防蚀剂V olatile organic compounds 挥发性有机物V olatile solvent 挥发性溶剂Waste oil tank 废油舱Water ballast tank 水压载舱Water content 水含量Water line 吃水线Water-tight bulkhead 水密舱壁Watertight compartment 水密舱Weather deck 露天甲板Weather-tight 风雨密Web frame 强肋骨Wedge 楔Weld defects 焊接缺陷Weld end 焊接尾端Weld geometry 焊接形相Weld penetration 熔深Welded joint 焊接接头Welding flux 熔剂Welding shrinkage 焊接收缩量Welding throat 焊喉Welding torch 焊炬Wet film thickness 湿膜厚度Wetted surface area 浸水面积Wharf ladder 码头梯子Wheel house 驾驶室Wheel house top 操舵室上面Wing tank 翼舱Zebra mark 斑马条纹Zinc anode 锌阳极Zone outfitting 区域舾装Zone outfitting method 区域舾装法(ZOFM)Zone painting method 区域涂装方式(ZPTM)。
佐敦涂料 游艇硬质高效防污漆说明书
产品类型应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::企业标识:化学品的推荐用途和限制用途产品代码:272中国化学事故应急服务 Tel: +86 532 83889090佐敦涂料(张家港)有限公司中国江苏扬子江国际化学工业园南海路39号 215634电话: +86 512 58937988传真: +86 512 58937986Jotun Coatings (Zhangjiagang) Co. LtdNO.39 Nanhai Road Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park,Jiangsu Province 215634 China Tel: +86 512 58937988Fax: +86 512 58937986中远佐敦船舶涂料(青岛)有限公司中国山东省青岛市高新区春阳路800号总机电话: +86-532-68689888总机传真: +86-532-66726750Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings (Qingdao) Co. Ltd.No. 800, Chunyang Road, High-tech Zone, Qingdao, P. R. China Tel: +86-532-68689888Fax: +86-532-66726750产品名称Racing :游艇硬质高效防污漆产品描述:油漆。
易燃液体 - 类别 3急性毒性 (口服) - 类别 4严重眼损伤/眼刺激 - 类别 1皮肤致敏物 - 类别 1特异性靶器官毒性 一次接触 (呼吸道刺激) - 类别 3特异性靶器官毒性 一次接触 (麻醉效应) - 类别 3危害水生环境一急性危险 - 类别 1危害水生环境一长期危险 - 类别 1GHS危险性类别:警示词:危险.象形图:标签要素H302 - 吞咽有害。
H317 - 可能造成皮肤过敏反应。
H318 - 造成严重眼损伤。
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PRE-formancecontractor productivity solutions2EATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutionsThe number of electricians continues to contract while demand continues to grow.Projects are becoming more complex and the schedules more demanding.The expectations on the contractor are at an all-time high – building requirements, digital models, waste management, incredibly tight budgets.Industry challengesProductivity challenges hit hardest at rough-in.Inefficient material management and slow installation when working in ceilings and walls is costly.We need efficiency to get it done right and quickly.Electricians need to be installing!FAST!Reduce material management.Speed up installation.Optimize skilled labor.3EATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutions Crouse-Hinds series & B-Line series solutions• Pre-fabricate as much as you can in your shop to help eliminateon-site assembly, without burdening your team with more material management.• Do the work locally that can't be done by the manufacturer – wire transformers, whip fixtures and pipe bends at your shop.• Work with a vendor that can provide rough-inassemblies and components to standardize your process and optimize your shop.• Move to common brackets for direct stud and between studmounting including boxes, mud rings and ground wire.• Buy these assemblies from a trusted manufacturer that canscale with your projects and provide more advanced assemblies.• Partner with a strong distributor who can deliver and stockyour assemblies. Reduce material management costs and eliminate assembly for all your work.• Configure your assemblies as far as possible dependingupon the project type and schedule.• Order assemblies with the devices installed and eliminateinstallation time required during trim out.• Optimize labor usage and maximize installation speed.Pull trim out forward with installed devices – save time at the end of the project when you need it most.• Use complete ETO solutions in highly repetitive projects likeapartments, dormitories and hotels.• Fully engineered and wired to your specifications, speedingup a consistent installation while optimizing your labor.• First touch installation.Optimize your pre-fab shopStandardize on basic assembliesConfigured assembliesComplete engineered to order solutions4If you are assembling in the field, you're wasting skilled labor.Stop having your electricians assemble on-site – the first time they touch a 4" box should be when they fasten it.Order your boxes assembled with ground screws and pigtails, mud rings and mounting brackets.If you own a pre-fab shop, have them work on more complicated tasks.Work with your foreman and project managers to standardize on a common assembly for day-to-day work and small projects. Choose the configurations that you'll use repetitively. Standardize to make your installs more consistent acrossthe team.Standardize on basic assembliesStandardizeHow you saveMaximize skilled laborBasic assemblies arrive per your specificationsKeep your skilled electricians doing skilled work.Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds series boxes with pre-installed ground screw and pigtail provide a simple, readily available way to meet grounding and bonding requirements for metal boxes. Includes the 4” or 4-11/16” square box with 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw.Telescoping bracket assemblies - all catalog numbers contain a 15-26” telescoping slider bracket, 4” square steel box, mud ring and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw.Single and double sided direct mount assemblies - all catalog numbers contain a single or double sided direct mount bracket (for 2-1/2” and 3-1/2” studs), 4” square steel box, mud ring, and 8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw.Multi-mount assemblies - 16 or 24” stud spanning multiple mount bracket. Each position can take a 4” square steel box, fixed or adjustable mud ring and8” insulated solid ground wire with ground screw.EATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutionsThe ultimate pre-fab solutionQuick-Lok box & telescoping open bracket5• Large 44 cubic inch capacity for theentire 4-11/16" square offering• 33.3 cubic inch capacity for entire 4" square offering• Extra 1/2" and 3/4" eccentric knockouts available on select models• Ground bump available on all models • Pre-installed pigtail provided as an option on all modelsMore space & options • Field installable cable management &backside support accessories• Integral insulator and easily removable knockout plug use the BBA bracket for stud mounting or for between stud mounting with telescoping bracket BBT-HF• Assembly can be centered at 18” above floor height without additionalmeasuring, meeting ADA requirements quickly• 4" square: (2) top only cable entries or (2) top & (2) bottom cable entry options • 4-11/16"square: (2-4) top only cable entries or (2-4) top & (2-4) bottom cableentry options• Extra 1/2 and 3/4" eccentric knockouts available on select models• S-curved shape allows 2 brackets interlocked and mounted side by side onsame stud• Available with single or double sided options• Assemblies without flat face bracket can be installed in conjunction with B-Line series stud mounting bracketsCable management & support Built-in height adjustmentPre-installed external connectorsEasy to mount• Snap to stud feature frees a handfor installation• Interlocking mounting allows for adjacent stud cavities• BBT-HF bracket adjusts from 14.5” –25” for various stud spacing scenarios• Continuous hole pattern allowsmounting of the box anywhere in the cavity• BBA and BBA-4 allow for direct stud mounting when dimensions are not criticalQuick installationFlexibilityBBT-HFBBA-4BBAEATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutionsConfigured assemblies6Perfect use in EMT and flex applications. Universities, healthcare facilities, offices and mixed use buildings are all going to have highly repetitive assemblies... just in different locations.Configure them all at take off. We can kit them by type, room or floor.Configured assemblies with devices installed allow you to manage the MC and conduit on-site, avoiding collisions, but getting out of the ceilings and walls faster with less on-site labor, less material management and pulling trim out hours into the rough-in!Your productivity will be up significantly and you can deploy your best labor to the next project!You won't need to send your best installers back to trim out at the end of a project.Start with your standard assembly – just configure more of it tobe assembled so your team installs it the first time they touch it.How you saveWhen to use configured assembliesEATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutions7Configured MTO assemblies greatly reduce time inprocurement, handling and overall speed of installation.Reduce quote and order lead times – enables specification of available product options to build error-free catalog numbers for quotes and orders. A digital order that is faster and gets completed right!Easily select your assemblies cafeteria style from Eaton's BIDMANAGER pricing and configuration tool.We understand that things always change on large commercial projects – changes that can come at you fast and are beyond your control. Whatever the obstacle, we’ll get you the assemblies you need to keep your electricians working on the big stuff.Kitted assemblies by type, floor and roomConfigured(Made to Order)Check it out in the contractor-built Field e Fex app.Call your local distributor or Eaton sales representative to walk you through it.Configured assemblies are ready to install the first time your electricians touch them.Less waste on-site. Less material to shuffle around and keep track of. Keep your electricians installing!Configure assemblies for your next project!/chconfigureEATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutions8Complete solutions are used in commercial buildings with highly repetitive installations such as hotels, condominiums, dormitories, retail offices, hospitals and apartments.Elimination of job site “engineering”, spot buying and excessive material handling Reduction of material overages and scrap, including expensive wire and cableData shows at least 8 minutes saved byrough-in crews per installed assembly on a typical hotel over traditional “stick-build” wiring methods for greatly improved job site efficiencyWhen to use complete assembliesHow you saveComplete (ETO)Engineered to Order solutionsEATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutions9Kitted assemblies by type, by floor and by roomCustom labeling and packaging simplifies materialmanagement and handlingSimplify material management and installation speedEngineered solutionsDigital integrationCrouse-Hinds engineering teams work with you to plan and design your next big project's exact requirements.Dedicated project management, local sales and distribution support.Labelled assemblies and detailed drawings make install faster and standardize repetitive work.We can work with you to incorporate our data into your plans. Streamline job and material management with fully integrated electrical layouts from our design engineering team. Eliminate job site material “piles” and inefficient searching for pieces and parts at the job siteWe'll work with your team & the tools you use.EATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutionsGo to/chconfigure and configure your standard assemblies and provide you with shop drawings for your submittal package.Embrace technology for ordering supplies and eliminating transaction costs.Outlet boxes and covers factory, Eaton's Meadowlands, PennsylvaniaPre-fab shop center of excellence in Meadowlands, PA. Satellite shops in Syracuse, NY and Pearland, TXOur Eaton sales and service team, along with the best manufacturer reps and distributor partners, will help keep you productive.Move away from the old cardboard supply list. Simplify your ordering & material management.This is the first step toward better efficiency and sets you up for configuring custom MTO assemblies on your next project.The next generation of journeymen will demand digital, which provides efficiency from selection to installation.Configure your assembliesPartner withEaton for assemblies and componentsDistribution partners will stock your assemblies and components.Ideally, they eliminate your material management.When your electricians touch it, they are installing.Standardize on assemblies.Leverage technology to become more efficient in ordering.Configure assemblies as far as possible depending on project.Partner with Eaton's Crouse-Hinds series and B-Line series solutions distributor.Partner with our distributors/chconfigure10INNOVATIVEproducts, services, resources & tools to increase productivityCrouse-Hinds series & B-Line series productivity solutionsEATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutions11Cut to length strutKwickSplice cable trayNEMA Type 1 Quick-connect wireway• Saves upfront prep time and job site cutting • No exposed edges, all cut-to-length strut is deburred before shipping • No wasted strut lying around the shop or job site• Ships pre-packaged and clearly labeled by cut lengths • Multiple accessories available to complete your project• I-beam splice retention groove feature • Only two bolts required to secure splice place• Maintains structural integrity and electrical grounding• Up to 50% savings on hardware materials• Universal fitting allows removal of side panels to create 90° horizontal bends, tees or crosses• Rated for NEMA 12A and 12B (CSA class C-3m and D-3m) load classes• Quick-connect method up to 20% faster to install • Multiple fittings to create bends, turns and to terminate ends • Features mounting holes on the back; available with or without knockouts • Connectors feature gate that swings completely open for lay-in of cable and wire• Universal style connectors available to adapt to other manufacturer’s wirewayStill cutting your own strut to length?*************************For more productivity solutions, check out:/Productivity-IQRegister for news/Productivity-IQ-newsVideo education series/Productivity-IQ-vlogSoftware, tools & samples/Productivity-IQ-ToolsProductivity IQ site/Productivity-IQ Productivity IQ solutionsSolutionsTime saving design solutionsToolsSoftware, drawings, videos and moreServicesEngineering support before, during and after the saleResourcesTechnical support, seismic engineering support and chat toolsAdditional B-Line series labor savings solutionsConduit trapeze support• Up to 50% quicker install than traditional trapeze; up to 75% part reduction• UL Listed for US and Canada; 500 lb. load rating with SF 3• Plastic bushing (BCTB) available for three hole sizes • Eliminates the need for conduit clamps at every supportEATON'S CROUSE-HINDS SERIES AND B-LINE SERIES PRE-formance solutionsPre-assembled strut fittings• Combine nuts and bolts into one fitting for faster installs • Reduces the number of parts to handle / purchase • Locking liquid applied – up to 5 ft./lbs. torque to loosen• No protruding springs or tangles spring nuts • Multiple options available: flat plate, cross and tee; 90 degree angle; angular fittings; clevis fittings and u-fittings.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States © 2022 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. BR406003EN February 2022India91-124-4683888FAX: 91-124-4683899******************Australia61-2-8787-2777FAX: 61-2-9609-2342************************Korea82-2-3484-6783 82-2-3484-6778*******************China86-21-2899-3600FAX: 86-21-2899-4055******************Singapore 65-6645-9888 FAX: 65-6297-4819********************Eaton Middle East 9714-8066100FAX: 9714-8894813CHBL *************Europe (Germany)49 (0) 6271 806-500 49 (0) 6271 806-476*****************Mexico/Latin America/Caribbean 52-555-804-4000FAX: 52-555-804-4020*************************CanadaToll Free: 800-265-0502 FAX: (800) 263-9504FAX Orders only: (866) 653-0645U.S. (global headquarters): Eaton's Crouse-Hinds, B-Line and Oil and Gas business 1201 Wolf Street Syracuse, NY 13208(866) 764-5454FAX: (315) 477-5179 FAX Orders Only: (866) 653-0640***************************。