The Great Wall


the great wall 英语介绍

the great wall 英语介绍

the great wall 英语介绍摘要:I.长城的历史背景A.长城的建造始于哪个朝代B.长城的主要作用II.长城的建筑特点A.长城的建筑材料B.长城的城墙结构C.长城的关口和烽火台III.长城的知名景点A.八达岭长城B.慕田峪长城C.金山岭长城IV.长城的文化价值A.长城在中国历史中的象征意义B.长城在国际上的知名度C.长城被列为世界文化遗产的时间V.保护长城的责任与行动A.我国政府对长城的保护措施B.民间团体和个人在保护长城方面的努力C.长城保护面临的挑战和未来展望正文:I.长城的历史背景长城,作为世界文化遗产之一,是中国古代的军事防御工事。


明朝时期的长城东起鸭绿江,西至嘉峪关,全长约8,850 公里。













1987 年,长城被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,进一步彰显了其文化价值。




长城,像一条巨龙横亘华北地区,它穿 过沙漠,越过高山,跨过山谷,由西到东蜿 蜒曲折,最后到达大海。它是地球上最长的 墙,也是世界奇迹之一。

谢 阅 读
谢 阅

中国长城是世界上最伟大的奇观之一,被称为“万里长城”大约 有2000多年的'历史,大约有4000英里长。
The Great Wall, the world's cultural heritage, is also the Chinese and the world's only, majestic, magnificent, is enormous, engineering hard building, one of is also one of the wonders of the world, overlooking the astronauts in space to earth is the only building the Great Wall.
现在长城是一座著名的建筑。许多来自中 国或其他国家的游客被吸引参观。它一直是一 个名胜景地。
The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.
如今长城已失去 了它的军事用途, 更多的在体现我 中华民族精神文 明,激励着中华 儿女炎黄子孙保 卫我中华民族。 同时也在见证中 国人民在中国这 块土地上团结一 致拼搏进取,抒 写奇迹抒写辉煌。

关于长城的英语作文The Great Wall

关于长城的英语作文The Great Wall

长城的英语作文The Great Wall关于长城的英语作文The Great Wall导语:长城是我国古代劳动人民创造的伟大奇迹,是中国悠久历史的见证。

下面是yjbs 作文网小编为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。

长城英语作文(1)The Great Wall, is the symbol of the Chinese nation, its magnificence, is the place we look forward to the people of the world.The Great Wall is like a huge dragon winding is located in the badaling, ups and downs in the mountains, ancient and solemn.Look forward to the Great Wall, the Great Wall no head, looked back, the Great Wall isnot the tail. Ah! Really not the kui is called the "Great Wall". So how long wall built in? You might ask, how much manpower has been spent on the Great Wall? Chinese ancient working people with intelligence, just built the world famous Great Wall, thus, we the Chinese people are great!Grass at the foot of the Great Wall, slightly nod, the flowers waved. The wings of the butterfly flapping shine. Valley cloud, like a white gauze covered in the whole valley. Swallows dancing lightly over the valley, scissors tail like flash. What a beautiful view!Point of view, the Great Wall not only attracts people with its majestic, but also attracts people with beautiful scenery.I love my country's long history, splendid culture, the more love it was splendid.长城,是中华民族的象征,它雄伟壮丽,是世界人民向往的地方。

1.The Great Wall

1.The Great Wall


The Great Wall is one of the greatest ancient military defense projects in the world.2.长城因其悠久的历史和宏伟的建筑而闻名遐迩。

The Great Wall is famous far and wide owing to its long history and architectural grandeur / magnificent architecture.3.没有便捷的交通,长城的修建非常之困难。

Without the convenient transportation, the construction of the Great Wall was very difficult.4.长城,作为一个历史遗迹,是世界上最吸引人的景点之一。

The Great Wall, as a historical site, is one of the most appealing attractions in the world.5.长城,作为中国的象征之一,因其建筑之宏伟,历史意义之显著,是世界上最伟大的奇迹之一。

The Great Wall, as one of the symbols of China, is one of the greatest wonders in the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historicalsignificance.长城,作为中国的象征之一,不仅是中国的奇迹,也是整个世界的奇迹。

As one of the symbols of China, the Great Wall is a wonder not only to China but to the whole world as well.它始建于春秋战国时期。



孟姜女哭长城的故事,很快就被人们 所传颂,人们为纪念她,在山海关附 近的一个山头上,给她修了坟、建了 庙,取名为"姜女庙"。 孟姜女万里寻 夫送寒衣,哭倒长城八百里的故事家 喻户晓,流传至今。
A beacon tower
1. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 2. Where is The First Pass under Heaven? 3. What do you know about the Great Wall?
万里长城犹如一条巨龙,其龙头伸于渤海之中掀 浪戏水,人们俗称此地为“老龙头”。老龙头位于山 海关城南约5公里处,是明万里长城军事防御体系的 重要组成部分,也是山海关景区的重要景点。
老龙头呈半岛状伸入海中,墙体沿海岸线自然弯 曲延伸,由石块垒砌而成,分为入海石城、海庙店、 靖卤台、南海口、澄海楼、宁海城和滨海长城等七部 分。其中入海石城相传为明朝抗倭名将戚继光所筑; 澄海楼则是老龙头的最高点,是观海胜地,清朝皇帝 康熙、乾隆曾多次登临此楼。
booklet with a brief introduction to the Great Wall.
You can read it this evening and I’ll pick you up at 8 tomorrow Morning. Mr. Henson: Great! Thanks.
转眼一年过去了,范札梁杳无音信,急得孟姜女饭吃不下,觉睡不 着,不知如何是好,跟两家老人商量后,决定去找丈夫,发誓找 不到丈夫绝不回家。她带上干粮和给丈夫特制的御寒衣服上路了。 一路上,风吹雨淋、日晒风寒、饥寒交迫、步履艰难,经过千难 万险的万里跋涉,终于找到了修长城的地方,一打听才知道,为 修长城死了许多人,丈夫范杞梁早就累死了,并被埋在长城下, 尸骨都找不到了。这一消息如同晴天霹雳,孟姜女顿时就伤心地 恸哭起来,泪如泉,声如雷,哭得惊天动地,天昏地暗,眼看着 长城一段段的倒塌,哭到哪里塌到哪里,足有八百里长。这下可 急坏了工程总管,急忙去报告正来此巡查工程进展的秦始皇。秦 始皇赶忙去见孟姜女寻问根由。一见之后,便被她的美貌迷住了, 非要封她为"正宫娘娘"。孟姜女虽然怒火满腔,但还是压住心头 仇恨,灵机一动,将计就计地非要秦始皇答应她三个条件,才能 当"正宫娘娘"。一要找到丈夫范札梁的尸体;二要为其丈夫举行 国葬;三要秦始皇为范杞梁披麻戴孝、打幡送葬。秦始皇听罢孟 姜女提的三个条件,思索片刻,为了得到美貌的孟姜女,便硬着 头皮答应下来,孟姜女戴着孝拜了为筑城而死的范札梁坟墓后, 宿愿已偿,面对滚滚的渤海,纵身一跃,投海自尽了。

英语作文the great wall

英语作文the great wall

英语作文the great wallThe Great Wall。

The Great Wall is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It is a symbol of China's rich history and cultural heritage. The Great Wall stretches over 13,000 miles across northern China, from the east to the west. It is an architectural marvel that has stood the test of time and has captured the imagination of people from all over the world.The construction of the Great Wall began over 2,000 years ago, during the Qin Dynasty. It was built to protect China from invasions by nomadic tribes from the north. Over the centuries, the wall was expanded and reinforced by successive dynasties, including the Han, Sui, and Ming dynasties. The Great Wall was built using a variety of materials, including stone, brick, and wood. It was a massive undertaking that required the labor of millions of workers.The Great Wall is not just a physical barrier; it is also a symbol of unity and strength. It has been a sourceof inspiration for countless generations of Chinese people. The wall has also been a source of fascination for people from other countries. Many visitors come to Chinaspecifically to see the Great Wall and to marvel at its sheer size and complexity.In addition to its historical and cultural significance, the Great Wall also has a practical purpose. It has served as a transportation route and a means of communication. The wall is dotted with watchtowers and beacon towers, which were used to send signals and warnings in times of danger. The Great Wall has also been a source of inspiration for artists, writers, and poets. It has been depicted in countless paintings, poems, and works of literature.Today, the Great Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist destination. Millions of people from all over the world visit the wall each year to walk alongits ancient ramparts and soak in its rich history. The wallhas also been the site of various events and activities, including marathons and music festivals.The Great Wall is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the Chinese people. It is a reminder of the country's rich and diverse history. The wall is aliving testament to the power of human creativity and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Chinese people and their ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity.In conclusion, the Great Wall is a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Chinese people. It is a symbol of China's rich history and cultural heritage. The wall is a source of inspiration and fascination for people from all over the world. It is a living testament to the power of human creativity and the ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. The Great Wall is a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Chinese people and their ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity.。



长城英语作文30字左右以下是30篇关于长城的简短英语作文及其翻译:1、The Great Wall stands tall, a witness to China's history.长城高耸入云,见证了中国历史。

2、Stretching thousands of miles, the Great Wall guards China.长城绵延数千里,守护着中国。

3、The Great Wall is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture.长城是古代中国建筑艺术的杰作。

4、Built over centuries, the Great Wall is a symbol of resilience.历经数世纪修建的长城,是坚韧不拔的象征。

5、The Great Wall attracts tourists from all over the world.长城吸引着来自世界各地的游客。

6、Walking on the Great Wall, one feels the grandeur of ancient China.走在长城上,能感受到古代中国的雄伟。

7、The Great Wall is a testament to the wisdom and hard work of the Chinese people.长城是中国人民智慧和辛勤劳动的见证。

8、The Great Wall stands as a reminder of China's rich cultural heritage.长城屹立着,提醒人们中国丰富的文化遗产。

9、The Great Wall is a national treasure, cherished by all Chinese.长城是国宝,受到所有中国人的珍视。

10、The Great Wall is a symbol of China's unity and strength.长城是中国团结和力量的象征。

the great wall 英语介绍

the great wall 英语介绍

the great wall 英语介绍The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall of China, is an extraordinary ancient architectural marvel that stretches across the northern border of China. Spanning over 13,000 miles, it is considered one of the most magnificent and iconic man-made structures in the world.Construction of the Great Wall began around the 7th century BC and continued for several centuries, with various dynasties contributing to its expansion and enhancement. Initially built as a defensive structure to protect China from invasions and nomadic tribes, it served as a crucial line of defense, military post, and communication system.The Great Wall was constructed using a variety of materials, such as stone, brick, wood, and earth. It was ingeniously designed with watchtowers, beacon towers, and fortresses at strategic intervals. The wall's width varies between 15 to 30 feet, while its height ranges from 15 to 25 feet. These dimensions allowed for defensive measures and provided a vantage point to spot approaching enemies.Walking along the Great Wall offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, including mountains, forests, rivers, and valleys. The wall winds its way through diverse terrain, traversing mountains and valleys, adapting to the natural topography. Its construction demonstrates fantastic engineering skills and resourcefulness, as it was built over challenging landscapes and involved thousands of workers.Besides its military significance, the Great Wall also served as a symbol of China's ancient civilization and cultural heritage. It represents the resilience, tenacity, and unity of the Chinese people over centuries. The wall's historical and cultural significance has been acknowledged by UNESCO, which designated it as a World Heritage Site in 1987.Visiting the Great Wall offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in Chinese history and learn about one of the most monumental construction projects in human history. Many sections of the wall are open to visitors, providing the chance to walk along its ancient ramparts, explore watchtowers, and marvel at the stunning views.In summary, the Great Wall of China is a testament to China's rich history, architectural brilliance, and cultural heritage. Its colossal scale, strategic design, and picturesque location make it a must-visit destination for tourists from around the world.。

介绍the Great Wall的英语作文 (菁选精彩8篇

介绍the Great Wall的英语作文 (菁选精彩8篇

介绍the Great Wall的英语作文(菁选精彩8篇介绍the Great Wall的英语作文篇一The Great Wall is the symbol and pride of China,and it is famous all over the world.But,do you know about it?Let me tell you something about it.The Great Wall was first built during the Qin Dynasty,which was the beginning of the Feudal Society of China.Hower,it was not what it is now.It was very short.The following dynasties continued to build it It became longer and longer and finally reached to about 5000 kilometres,winding from the Shanhai Pass,north-east of China to the Jiayu Pass,north-west China.Being solid and strong ,the Great Wall acted a very important part,protecting the governors and their people from being attacted by their enemies in ancient China.Nowadays,the Great Wall has become one of well-known interesting places of China,attracting millions of visitors througth the world.介绍the Great Wall的英语作文篇二One Day 。

长城the great wall(课堂PPT)

长城the great wall(课堂PPT)
在公元前7世纪的春秋时代,楚国最早修筑了防御别国入侵的"楚方 城"揭开了中国历史上记载的长城修建的帷幕。一直到公元16世 纪,历史达2000多年。 长城的修建经历了19个王朝,历代长城总长度为21196.18千米。 其中最主要的三个王朝:秦(221-206 BC)、汉(206 BC-AD 220 )、明( AD 1368-1644)。今天所指的万里长城多指明代修建的 长城。
5:Wonder of the Great Wall
The Seven Wonders of the World
1、罗马斗兽场 2、亚历山大地下陵墓 3、中国万里长城 4、英国巨石阵 5、南京大报恩寺琉璃宝塔 6、意大利比萨斜塔 7、土耳其索菲亚大教堂
5:Wonder of the Great Wall
If we are talking about the China, what's the first word in your mind???
The Great Wall!!!

the Great Wall---长城简介

the Great Wall---长城简介
• 长城是由城墙、敌楼、关城、墩堡、营城、卫所、镇城 、烽火台等多种防御工事所组成的 一个完整的防御工程 体系。
• 在布局上,秦始皇修筑万里长城时就总结出了“因地形,用险制塞”的经验 • 在建筑材料和建筑结构上,以“就地取材、因材施用”的原则,创造了许多种结构方法。 有夯土、块石片石、砖石混 合等结构;在沙漠中还利用了红柳枝条、芦苇与砂粒层层铺筑 的结构,可称得上是“巧夺 天工”的创造 。 • 长城重要组成部分 • 城墙 城门 城门楼 水关• 瓮城罗城源自关城烽火台城河(壕堑)

Unit1 The great wall 长城解析

Unit1 The great wall 长城解析

1. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 2. Where is The First Pass under Heaven? 3. What do you know about the Great Wall?
The Great wall
The Great Wall is also called the “ Ten – Thousand – li Great Wall ”. It is one of the wonders of the world. It is the longest wall in the world and runs across north China like a huge dragon. It has a history of over 2,000 years. In old times, it was very difficult to build such a wall.
Read the text fast, and then answer the following questions.
1.Where is the Great Wall? 2. When was the Great Wall first built? 3. Why did they build the Wall? 4. Who decided to have the wall linked and extended? 5. How did they build it? 6. When was the Great Wall rebuilt? 7. Why did the ancient people build many beacon towers on the Wall?

the great wall 阅读理解

the great wall 阅读理解

the great wall 阅读理解The Great Wall: Exploring China's Majestic WonderAs one of the world's most famous landmarks, the Great Wall of China has captured the imagination of people around the globe. Stretching for over 13,000 miles across the northern part of the country, this ancient architectural marvel has stood as a symbol of China's rich history and heritage for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Great Wall, exploring its history, significance, and unique features.1. Historical BackgroundThe construction of the Great Wall can be traced back to the 7th century BC, during the Warring States period in China. Initially built as separate walls by various states, it was Emperor Qin Shi Huang who unified these defensive structures into one colossal barrier to protect the country from invading forces. The majority of the existing wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) to fortify the northern border and maintain territorial integrity.2. Structure and FeaturesThe Great Wall, known as "Chang Cheng" in Chinese, is a remarkable architectural feat. It is mainly composed of stone, brick, tamped earth, and other materials found in the local regions. The wall varies in height, ranging from 15 to 30 feet, and has an average width of 15 feet. Along its length, watchtowers were strategically built to enable soldiers to spot approaching enemies. These watchtowers also served as communication posts, allowing military signals to be relayed quickly and efficiently.3. Significance and PurposeThe primary purpose of the Great Wall was to protect China's borders from invasions by nomadic tribes, such as the Mongols and Xiongnu. Beyond its defensive function, the wall facilitated border control and transportation, along with serving as a symbol of the nation's strength and unity. It remains an enduring testament to the ingenuity and determination of the ancient Chinese people.4. Cultural ImpactsThe Great Wall holds immense cultural significance for the Chinese people. It is not only a reminder of China's military prowess but also serves as a symbol of national pride and identity. The wall has been an inspiration for art, literature, and countless legends and myths, further enhancing its cultural value. The structure's awe-inspiring scale and historical importance have made it a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987.5. Tourist AttractionsIn recent years, the Great Wall has become a popular tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors from around the world annually. While some sections of the wall have fallen into disrepair, others, such as Badaling and Mutianyu, have been restored and are open to the public. These sections offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes and a chance to walk in the footsteps of history.6. Preservation EffortsPreserving the Great Wall poses a significant challenge due to natural erosion, human activities, and urban development. Nonetheless, China hasmade concerted efforts to protect this cultural treasure. Numerous restoration projects, both domestic and international, have been initiated to safeguard and maintain the wall's integrity for future generations.7. Legacy and InspirationThe Great Wall's legacy extends far beyond its physical presence. It serves as a testament to human engineering and endurance, showcasing the ability to overcome challenges and create enduring structures. Many other nations have been inspired by the Great Wall's magnificence, leading to the construction of their own defensive barriers.In conclusion, the Great Wall of China stands as a pinnacle of human ingenuity and historical significance. Its grandeur and cultural value continue to captivate the world. Whether marveling at its architectural majesty or exploring the stories it holds, the Great Wall is a testament to the resilience and rich heritage of China.。

the great wall英语作文大学

the great wall英语作文大学

the great wall英语作文大学(中英文实用版)The Great Wall, stretching over 21,196 kilometers from east to west of China, is an architectural marvel that embodies the wisdom and tenacity of our ancestors.As a prominent symbol of Chinese culture, it has witnessed the history of our nation for thousands of years.Writing an essay about the Great Wall in college is not only an academic exercise but also a deep dive into the rich heritage of China.长城,东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,蜿蜒21,196公里,是中国古代建筑艺术的杰作,体现了我们先辈的智慧与坚韧。



Built over centuries by countless hands, the Great Wall stands as a testament to human perseverance and ingenuity.Its meandering path through mountains and valleys tells a story of defensive strategies and architectural innovations that are unparalleled in human history.历经数个世纪,无数双手建造的长城成为了人类坚韧与智慧的见证。



长城的英语作文五句话The Great Wall is a symbol of China's ancientcivilization and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is over 13,000 miles long and was built over several dynasties to protect against invasions from northern nomadic tribes.长城是中国古代文明的象征,也是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产。


The Great Wall is made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials. It stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the west, passing through deserts, grasslands, mountains, and plateaus.长城由石头、砖头、夯土、木头和其他材料构成。


Visiting the Great Wall allows one to appreciate the architectural ingenuity and historical significance of this massive structure. The views from the wall are breathtaking and offer a glimpse into China's rich past.游览长城让人们能够欣赏这座巨大建筑的建筑工艺和历史意义。





下面是整理发布的“初中英语作文:万里长城 The Great Wall”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注!【篇一】万里长城 The Great WallSince I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to the site when I have a chance.I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the books, I also watch it through TV. Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to there.当我还小的时候,我就听说过长城,它很长,很多人到北京去参观长城。






初中英语作文:万里长城 The Great Wall

初中英语作文:万里长城 The Great Wall

初中英语作文:万里长城The Great WallSince I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the books, I also watch it through TV. Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to there.当我还小的时候,我就听说过长城,它很长,很多人到北京去参观长城。







介绍the Great Wall的英语作文 (菁选

介绍the Great Wall的英语作文 (菁选

介绍the Great Wall的英语作文(菁选介绍the Great Wall的英语作文篇一Last year, I visited the Great Wall with my friends on May Day holiday. We enjoyed ourselves and we took lots of photos as well. As we all know, the Great Wall is so famous not only in China but also in the world that millions of people come to visit every year. We met some foreigners from America while we were walking up the Great Wall. They were very friendly and we offered to introduce the Great Wall to them. I told them that it was 6000 kilometers long, and there was a famous Chinese saying: He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man. What we said made them interested in this wonder of the world. I think China is famous for the Great Wall and we are proud of being Chinese.介绍the Great Wall的英语作文篇二One Day 。

I went to the Great Wall.I got on the bus in the early morning. On my way to the Great Wall, I saw lots of new buildings being built here and there.Beijing is changing a lot every day. After two hours the Great Wall appeared before my eyes.I saw that some foreigners also visted the Great Wall.The Great Wall was so wonderful that I could not help cheering. At once I started towards the top.I were very glad to be heroes in the end. I found that my classmates visited the Great WallHow great the Great Wall is! We were proud of the Great Wall and the people who had built it. And we made our mind to work harder than before. We will try our best to make our motherland richer and stronger.介绍the Great Wall的英语作文篇三there is a famous saying, he who doesnt reach the great wall is not a true man. this morning my classmatesand i got up early to visit the great wall.we went there by car.on our way to the great wall, we saw many tall buildings on both sides of the road.about two hours later, we arrived at the great wall. when the great wall appeared in front of us, we couldnt help crying, what a wonderful sight it is!how great it is! when we walked on the great wall we felt very proud because its the longest wall in the world. today it has become a place of interest to the people all over the world.after visiting the great wall, ive madeup my mind to study harder than ever.介绍the Great Wall的英语作文篇四The Great Wall is the symbol and pride of China,and it is famous all over the world.But,do you know about it?Let me tell you something about it.The Great Wall was first built during the Qin Dynasty,which was the beginning of the Feudal Society of China.Hower,it was not what it is now.It was very short.The following dynasties continued to build it It became longer and longer and finally reached to about 5000 kilometres,winding from the Shanhai Pass,north-east of China to the Jiayu Pass,north-west China.Being solid and strong ,the Great Wall acted a very important part,protecting the governors and their people from being attacted by their enemies in ancient China.Nowadays,the Great Wall has become one of well-known interesting places of China,attracting millions of visitors througth the world.。

长城 the Great Wall

长城 the Great Wall

长城the Great Wall一、有关长城的英语表达1 语块1)长城the Great Wall2) 长一万多里a length of more 5000 kilometers3) 烽火台watch tower4) 建长城construct the Great Wall ; The Great Wall was built…(被动语态)5) 八大奇迹之一one of the great wonders6)保护我们的领地guard our territory2. 句型1)在中国有一座长长的城墙,它的名字叫长城。

There is a long stretching wall in China called the Great Wall2)修建长城是为了期望国家和平。

The Great Wall was expected to protect national peace.3)它不仅是一道城墙,也是世界建筑奇迹。

It is not only a great wall but also one of the word’s historical architectural works.二、作文1 推荐信假如你是李华,你的加拿大网友Mike圣诞节期间打算来中国,他对中国传统文化非常感兴趣,希望你能为他推荐一些名胜古迹。




参考范文:Dear Mike,I'm glad to know that you are coming to China during Christmas.The following is a brief introduction about some places of interest that I strongly recommend to you.The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest wonders of the world and is visible from outer space. Because of its rich history and magnificent appearance,the Great Wall attracts a lot of tourists, scientists, and historians.The famous West Lake is like a brilliant pearl embedded in the beautiful and fertile shores of the East China Sea near the mouth of the Hangzhou Bay. The view of the West Lake is simply charming. Different time and different weather make it a different scene.Look forward to your arrival. There are many other wonderful places here. Wish you a nice journey.Yours,Li Hua2请根据下表提供的信息写一篇文章向外宾介绍长城。

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The Grቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱat Wall
Brief introduction of Great Wall

The Great Wall is one of the greatest sights in the world the longest wall in the world The Great Wall deserves its place among "the New Seven Wonders of the World" and the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in China. The Great Wall is made up of many sections, stretching across eight provinces of North China The construction and maintenance of the Great wall continued for nearly all the Chinese feudal dynasties
This is a legend about love and devotion. It tells the story of Meng Jiang Nü and her anguish after her husband died building the wall. It is said that her bitter weeping caused a section of the wall to collapse.
• The Xifengkou Legend (Happy Meeting Mouth).
• legend relates that in the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BC), a young man was taken away to build the Great Wall. Winter came but he failed to return. His father worried about him so much that he went to the site to look for him. They ran into each other at Songting Hill by chance. They were so happy that they laughed themselves to death. The pass where they were buried was later named Xifengkou Pass.
Fore snacks
People mountain people see
The famous of Great Wall
司马台长城 八达岭长城
"Until you reach the Great Wall, you're no hero." ("不到长城非好汉")
The legend of Meng Jiang Nü