

盟军 D1599 固定式洗衣机 干衣机 安装 操作 维护手册说明书

盟军 D1599 固定式洗衣机 干衣机 安装 操作 维护手册说明书
固定式机体 具体参考第 8 考。 小心:使用本机之前,请阅读说明书 (如果这台机器改变了所有权,本手册必须随机。)

零件号 D1599CNR15 9 月 2022
安全信息................................................................................................ 5 安全提示说明................................................................................................5 重要安全说明................................................................................................5 安全提示标签................................................................................................7 操作人员安全................................................................................................7
单相接线(可选)................................................................................... 49 三相接线..................................................................................................50 相位累加器.............................................................................................. 51 电压设置..................................................................................................51 频率设置..................................................................................................51 热过载保护器.......................................................................................... 52 电气规格 - 北美以外地区机型..................................................................53 电气规格 - 北美机型................................................................................ 64 蒸汽要求(仅限于蒸汽加热).....................................................................65 蒸汽阀安装.............................................................................................. 66 洗涤剂盒..................................................................................................... 66 外部液体供给接线.......................................................................................67 外部皂液供给系统的电气连接.....................................................................67 外部等待控制.............................................................................................. 67 化学剂注入管道系统................................................................................... 67

机床参数 电加工机床类

机床参数 电加工机床类

国标 0.63
0.005 0.8
MDX-104 0.01 0.025 500
0.01 /全长
0.005 0.8
JF-210G 晶体管电源

主电 机

外形尺寸 长×宽×高 (毫米)
3 3.5
1200× 1.1 1100×
200×100 120 300×200 150 200×300 250 200×300 250 250×150 250
电火花成型 机床
NGD400A 400×630
200×80 350×250 250 350×200 250
NG-CNC400 400×630
1100× 700× 1260
1600× 565×600 营口市电火花 1600× 机床总厂 565×600
1.1 6
1640× 1.4 1240×
1210× 950× 1260
1206× 400×725
1.2 1220×
1120× 2.4 1150×
300×600 320×500 320×500
160×200 (或固定 台)

SDQ 中文说明书

SDQ 中文说明书

安 全该机电设备是在工业强电流的条件下使用的。






目录一、 概述二、 产品型号三、 主要工作原理四、 主要技术数据及性能参数五、 外形及安装尺寸六、 安装与调整七、 电气控制八、 隔爆要点(隔爆型)九、 故障及排除方法一、概述SDQ/J(H)(B)系列部分回转/角行程阀门电动执行机构适用于开启和关闭蝶阀、球阀、挡板等90°角行程阀门。


其中核电型严格按照美国IEEE 382-1996标准进行了振动老化试验和地震试验并已获通过,试验中OBE 的地震加速度为4g ,SSE 的地震加速度达6g ,在国内同类产品中尚属首例,符合EJ/T1022.11-1996《压水堆核电厂阀门电动装置》中1E 级K3类产品安全方面的要求;隔爆型可在Ⅱ类A 、B 级T 1、T 2、T 3、T 4组爆炸性气体的工况环境下工作。

其使用环境如下:1、 环境温度:-20℃~60℃2、 相对湿度:≤90%(25℃时)3、 工作环境:无强腐蚀性介质4、 防护等级:IP655、 电 源:220V AC ,50 Hz 或三相 380V ,50Hz6、 隔爆型防爆等级:Exd ⅡBT47、 工作制式:调节型为S5,负载持续率为10%,最大工作次数为1200c/h ;开关型为S2,10 min 。

二、产品型号1、产品型号表示方法·m{表示隔爆型字母非隔爆型不表示B {表示核电型字母非核电型不表示H {表示部分回转字母表示角行程字母Q J三、主要工作原理 电动执行机构由电机、减速机构、控制机构、手轮和机械限位等组成。

品牌:IVQ Seriesчного标题:固定消防系统中的品牌和产品说明书

品牌:IVQ Seriesчного标题:固定消防系统中的品牌和产品说明书

Optionale externe Stromversorgung
04.02.21 11:42
Quick Selection Guide Fire Systems: Brandmelderzentrale GLT 500 Serie
Automatische Brandmelder
Kurzbeschreibung Akustischer Signalgeber rot, Aufputz-Montage Akustischer Signalgeber rot, Unterputz-Montage Akustischer Signalgeber weiß, Aufputz-Montage Akustischer Signalgeber weiß, Unterputz-Montage Meldersockelsirene weiß Rundumkennleuchte rot, Aufputz-Montage Rundumkennleuchte gelb, Aufputz-Montage Rundumkennleuchte durchsichtig, Aufputz-Montage Rundumkennleuchte grün, Aufputz-Montage Akustischer Signalgeber rot mit LED, Aufputz-Montage
Max. Anzahl/Zone lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten lokale Vorschriften beachten














目录1 用户快速使用指南 (1)1.1 使用须知 (1)1.2 操作面板简介 (1)1.3 按键功能简介 (1)1.4 指示灯逻辑状态 (2)1.5 遥控器 (2)1.6 初次使用 (3)2 产品型号表示方法 (4)3 安装、电气连接与调整 (4)3.1 安装 (4)3.2 电气连接与调整 (4)4 操作方法 (5)4.1 远方操作 (5)4.2 就地操作 (5)5 参数设置 (6)5.1 I/O参数设置 (6)5.2 控制参数设置 (8)6 参数浏览 (9)6.1 I/O参数浏览 (10)6.2 控制参数浏览 (11)6.3 故障记录浏览 (11)6.4 其它参数浏览 (12)7 外形及连接尺寸 (13)7.1 外形尺寸 (13)7.2 连接尺寸 (14)8 维修及保养 (15)附录1 2SDQ电动执行机构接线图 (16)附录2 2SDQ 主要技术参数 (18)附录3 2SDQ 主要性能参数 (19)附录4 2SDQ电动执行机构出厂默认参数一览表 (19)附录5 2SDQ电动执行机构故障显示以及解决方法浏览表 (20)附录6 2SDQ系列产品型号说明 (21)5 61、OLED显示屏2、红色-阀位指示灯(开向)3、黄色-报警灯4、绿色-阀位指示灯(关向)5、红外接收6、红外发射7、切换按键(状态切换)8、停止按键/菜单设置(确定)9、关向按键/菜单设置(下一个)10、开向按键/菜单设置(退出)1 用户快速使用指南1.1 使用须知●非侵入式2SDQ系列电动执行机构在运输、保管、安装、调试、运行、维修时应严格按照本说明书的各项要求进行,以避免发生故障及损伤。



福瑞达FRD 系列介质雾化重油燃烧机技术参数注: 供油压力 ≤0.3bar 供油粘度 ≤8°E ( 80°C ) 供气压力 ≤6bar海拔高于 1000 米 的用户需特殊订货。

蒂吉博纳ZZR 数控重渣油燃烧机型号 最大输出功率 (kw) 最大耗油量(kg/h) 耗气量 (m3/min)风机功率(kw) 油泵功率(kw) 调节比加热器功率(kw) FRD-JZ2000 14750 1250 2.4 15 2.2 1:6 9 FRD-JZ3000 20060 1700 3 22 4 1:6 13.5 FRD-JZ4000 2655022503.6305.51:618型号 500100015002000250030004000燃油量 (kg/h ) >=300 >=600 >=900 >=1200 >=1500 >=1800 >=2400 压缩空气压力 (Mpa ) >=0.6 >=0.6 >=0.6 >=0.6 >=0.6 >=0.7 >=0.7 额定泵压 (Mpa ) <=0.6 <=0.6 <=0.6<=0.6<=0.6 <=0.7 <=0.7电源 Power380 V调节比1:10 适用燃油种类各种牌号重油和渣油控制方式比例调节创一RMF系列煤粉燃烧炉豪科StarJet多燃料燃烧器表1:StarJet 系列燃烧器参数-标准直联鼓风机燃烧器型号风量(m3 /H)风压(Osig)TAB鼓风机型号电动机(KW)最大输出功率×104(Kcal/H)SJ0751,67024TAB-24-107.5305 SJ1502,54224TAB-24-1511572 SJ2003,66324TAB-24-2015933 SJ2604,87724TAB-24-25191137 SJ3607,39224TAB-24-40301774 SJ52010,19524TAB-24-50372351表2:StarJet 系列燃烧器参数-高压直联鼓风机燃烧器型号风量(m3 /H)风压(Osig)TAB鼓风机型号电动机(KW)最大输出功率×104(Kcal/H)SJ0752,03936TAB-36-2015383 SJ1503,11336TAB-36-2519703 SJ2004,75837TAB-36-40301021 SJ2605,94736TAB-36-50371242 SJ3609,17637TAB-36-75561905 SJ52012,40436TAB-36-100752440 SJ58013,42436TAB-36-100753024 SJ75016,89038TAB-36-125933780 SJ98020,76536TAB-36-1501125040说明:为了获得最佳的运行性能,Hauck建议对2~6号燃油使用36osi 高压鼓风机。



The SD Series is a range of surge protection devices combining unparalleled packing densities, application versatility, proven reliable hybrid circuitry, simple installation and optional ‘loop disconnect’facilities – features which make the series the ultimate surge protection solution for process equipment, systems I/O and communications networks.The exceptionally high packing densities are the consequence of an ultra slim ‘footprint’ for individual modules which can thus ‘double-up’ as feedback terminals. Each module provides full hybrid surge protection for 2 and 3 wire loop protection.Modules with a comprehensive range of voltage ratings cover all process related signals such as RTDs, THCs, 4 to 20mA loops, telemetry outstations, shut-down systems and fire and gas detectors. Optional ‘loop disconnect’,is a feature which allows commissioning and maintenance to be carried out without removal of the surge protection device.This facility is provided by the SD07, SD16,SD32 and SD55 units. In addition, a thirdconnection on the field and safe side ofthe protector is provided in order toterminate screens safely.For three wire applications the speciallydesigned SD RTD(ResistanceTemperature Detector) and the SD32T3,(for separately powered 4-20mA loops)provide full 3-wire protection in a singlecompact unit. The recommended choicefor the protection of 3-wire pressuretransducers on low power circuits is theSD07R3.For higher bandwidth applications,theSDR series has been developed to meetthe demands of today’s highest speedcommunication systems.120V and 240V AC versionsare available for I/O andpower supplies up tothree Amps of loadcurrent.Telephone networks can be protected bythe SDPSTN.One simple manual operation clampsmodules securely onto DIN rail, whichautomatically provides the essential high-integrity earth connection.‘Top-hat’ (T-section) DIN rail is generallysuitable for mounting SD modulesalthough for adverse environments, aspecially-plated version is available fromMTL Surge Technologies. Acomprehensive range of mounting andearthing accessories can also besupplied, see page 7 for furtherdetails.Ultra-slim user-friendly devices for protecting electronic equipment and systems against surges on signal and I/O cablingSD SeriesO Range of ATEX Certified intrinsically safe surge protectorsO Ultra-slim space-saving design; easy installationO Multistage hybrid protection circuitry – 10kA maximum surge currentO Range of voltage ratings -- to suit all process I/O applicationsO High bandwidth, low resistance, RTD, PSTN and 3-wire transmitter versions availableGuide to applications and selectionAnalogue inputs(high-level)2-wire transmitters, 4-20mA, conventional and smartThe SPDs recommended for use with ‘conventional’and ‘smart’ 4-20mA transmitters(fed by a well-regulated supply) are the SD32 and SD55, the choice depending upon the maximum working voltage of the system (32V and 55V respectively). The diagram illustrates a prime example of an application for which the fuse/disconnect facility is particularly useful, however, both models are available in ‘X’versions without the optional fuse/disconnect feature.Analogue inputs(low-level)RTDsThese applications are best served using the SD RTD. F or optimum accuracy, the energising current should be chosen to ensure the voltage across the RTD does not exceed 1V over the full measurement range. When using a PT100 device, we recommend an energising current of sensors, photocells, THCs, mV sources and turbine flowmetersThe SD07 or SD16 (depending upon the operational voltage) are the favoured choices for this application. SD07X and SD16X are also suitable.4561232xSD16X, SD32XPIVOVSD16 SD32 SD55SD16X SD32X SD55X (no fuse)456123SDVLogic signalOVSD07 SD16 SD32 SD55SD07X SD16X SD32X SD55X (no fuse)456123LED AlarmSD32X32V maxSD32SD32X(no fuse)IncomingtelephonelineModem,fax ortelephone456123Final output fromPLC,DCS,SCADAetc.110/120V acor220/240V acAnalogue outputsController outputs (I/P converters)F or this application, the recommendations are the SD16, SD32 and SD55 (and the equivalent ‘X’ versions), the final choice depending upon the operating voltage.Digital (on/off) inputsSwitchesSuitable SPDs for switches include the SD07, SD16, SD32 and SD55 modules – the choice depending upon the operating voltage of the system. The ‘X’ versions of these are also suitable. Digital (on/off) outputs Alarms, LEDs, solenoid valves, etcThe recommended choice for this application is the SD32 or SD32X.Telemetry (PSTN)Telemetry outstationsThe SD PSTN has been designed specifically for the protection of signals transmitted on public switched telephone networks.AC supplied equipmentPLC, I/O systemsFor systems on 110-120V ac, the SD150X is the recommended choice and for 220-240V ac systems, the SD275X is recommended.Controller outputs(I/P converters)SwitchesAlarms, LEDs,solenoid valves, etc.Telecom linePLC, I/O systemsFIELD CIRCUIT PROTECTED CIRCUIT32-wire transmitters or sensors4-20mA transmitters, conventional and smartWhere the TP48 is not an acceptable solution, either because of technical suitability or difficulties in mounting, the SD16X, SD32X and SD55X are an excellent alternative.3-wire transmitters or sensorsVibration Sensors and 4-20mA loop processcontrol systems invariably require threewire connections, when powered from anexternal source.This may be accomplished in one unit by usingthe SD32T3 three terminal Surge ProtectionDevice (SPD).Because the SD32T3 protects all threeconductors within the same unit, higherprotection is achieved, as the SPD hybridcircuitry is common to all three wires.The SD07R3 is available for the protection of 3-wire pressure transducers on low powercircuits.4-wire transmitters orsensorsFlow meters, level detectors, etc.4-wire systems such as level detectors requiretwo SDs, one for the supply and the other forthe transmitter output. Generally the voltagesacross the pairs are similar and so therecommended choice would be a pair ofSD16X, SD32X or SD55Xs. However, mainspowered transmitters should be protected withan SD150X or 275X (depending upon supplyvoltage) for the supply inputs.Loadcells are catered for by MTL SurgeTechnologies’ LC30 which is suitable for both 4and 6-wire load cells.series makes it the obvious choice for transmitter protection.The SDs within the junction box should be installed no further than one metre away but as close as possible to the sensor or transmitter they are protecting. A bond is required from the general mass of steelwork to the sensor or transmitter housing either using a flat short braid or a cable of at least 4mm2cross sectional area. In most instances this bond is automatically made by fixing the metallic transmitter housing to the plant structure. This bond ensures the voltage difference between the signal conductors and the transmitter housing is below the transmitter’s insulation rating. Please note that the transmitters or sensors are connected to the ‘Protected Equipment’ terminals of the SD and not the ‘Field Cables’.456123456123456123456123TP48SD32R (no fuse)SD32R (no fuse)SD32R (no fuse)TP48Communication systems protectionHigh speed data links between buildings or one part of a plant to another have become more common with the widespread use of smart transmitters and the increase in unmanned installations. The SD series has an SPD suitable for all process I/O applications with a choice of low resistance units, high bandwidth and a variety of voltage variants. The SDR series has been specially designed to meet the requirements for high speed data links with an extremely high bandwidth.Communication systemsRS232, RS422, RS485The recommended choice for these applications is the SD16R or SD32R depending on the maximum driver signal.Bus powered systemsThere are a variety of bus powered systems specially designed for the process industry. The ideal surge protection device for these systems is the SD32R as it has a very high bandwidth and a modest in-line resistance.Typical ApplicationsTable 1 shows suitable SD devices for different applications. In some applications alternative devices may be used, for example, where lower in-line resistance or a higher voltage power supply is used.Telematic have operationally tested therecommended SD series with representative highways listed but no formal approval for their use in systems by the respective bodies has been sought.RS232, RS422, RS485Bus powered systemsTable 1TP PROTECTED FIELD CIRCUITSD PROTECTED HOST CIRCUITPROTECTED FIELD CIRCUITSD PROTECTED HOST CIRCUITApplicationPreferred SPDAlternativeAllen Bradley Data Highway Plus SD16RFoundation Fieldbus 31.25kbits/s voltage mode SD32R 1.0/2.5 Mbits/s SD55R HART SD32X SD32, SD32R Honeywell DE SD32XSD32, SD32RLonWorks FFT-10SD32R LPT-10SD55R TP-78SD07R IS78†SD32R Modbus ‘& Modbus Plus (RS485)SD16R PROFIBUS DPSD32R PA (IEC 1158, 31.25 kbits/s)SD32R RS232SD16SD16XRS422SD07R RS423SD07R RS485SD07R WorldRP (IEC 1158)SD32R31.25 kbits/s voltage mode 1.0/2.5 Mbits/sSD55RThe SDs should be mounted on the field wiring side to ensure that any surges entering from the field do not damage any intrinsically safe barriers or galvanic isolators in the system. The SDs and IS interfaces should be mounted close to each other but on separate DIN rails in order to maintain the required 50mm clearance between safe area and hazardous area terminals.EarthingThe recommended earthing for field mounted devices has been illustrated previously but it is the earthing at the control panel that is more critical as there are usually a number of earthing systems, each with their own requirements. The earthing system illustrated here replaces the instrument 0V bond, the control system PSU bond and the IS earth with one single earth connection to meet all the design requirements and give the most effective protection against the effects of lightning induced surges.Zone 0 are considered real enough to require preventative measures. IEC 60079-14 (1996-12) Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines) stresses the importance of SPDs in hazardous areas. An outdoor installation where there is a high likelihood of both lightning induced transients and combustible gases requires the installation of SPDs to prevent possible ignition of the gases. Areas seen particularly at risk include flammable liquid storage tanks, effluent treatment plants, distillation columns in petrochemical works and gas pipelines.SPDs for transmitter protection should be installed in Zone 1 but sufficiently close to the Zone 0 boundary to prevent high voltages entering Zone 0. The distance from the SPD to Zone 0 should be less than one metre where possible. However, in practice the SPD would normally be mounted on the transmitter or sensor housing which usually lies in Zone 1and is very close to Zone 0. Because there is only a very small free volume, the SD Series is suitable for mounting in flameproof or explosion proof enclosures.Zone 2The SD series is suitable for protecting electrical circuits in Division 2, Zone 2 and can be used without affecting the safety aspects of the circuit.Non-incendive (low-current) circuits can be protected using any SD series unit mounted in either the safe or hazardous area including those with the fuse disconnect facility. Non arcing (high current) circuits can also be protected except that SPDs with the fuse disconnect facility may only be mounted in the safe area. F or use in these circuits the units must be mounted in a suitable enclosure, normally the minimum requirements are IP54 and 7Nm resistance to impact. The SD series is self certified by Telematic Ltd as being suitable for this purpose.CertificationIntroducing surge protection into Intrinsically Safe (IS) circuits is trouble free as long as the current and power parameters are not exceeded. In the SD Series, the SD**X, SD**R,SD**R3, SD RTD and SD**T3 all have ATEX certification for use in IS circuits located in Zones 0, 1 or 2. The certification parameters for the SD**X and SD**T3 are:EEx ia IIC T4, Li = 0.22mH Ii = 260mA for Ui up to 20V Ii = 175mA for Ui up to 26V Ii = 140mA for Ui up to 28V Ii = 65mA for Ui up to 60VThe certification parameters for the SD**R,SD**R3 and SD RTD are:EEx ia IIC T4, Li = 0Ii = 260mA for Ui up to 60VThe power rating for each of the above is dependent on the table shown below.Pi = 1W (–30°C to +75°C)Pi = 1.2W (–30°C to +60°C) Pi = 1.3W (–30°C to +40°C) The SD** Series are classifed as simple apparatus and are intended for use in Zone 2 or safe areas only, because their fuses are not fully encapsulated.SD Series mounting kits and accessories The SD Series has a full range of mounting kits and accessories to simplify installation and tagging of individual loops. Insulating spacers (ISP7000) are available to allow mounting of the units onto backplanes without compromising correct earthing practice.These are placed at regular intervals along the rail or at each end as required. Earth connections can be made to the DIN rail via the earth terminal (ETL7000). Weatherproof enclosures are also available with all the necessary mounting accessories to install the SD series surge protection devices.Two tagging systems are available. One consists of tagging strips (TAG57) with labels (TGL57) mounted on posts (IMB57) at each end of a row of surge protection devices (SPDs). The other consists of separate tagging identifiers (BRI7000) mounted on the tops of individual SPDs. Both methods can be used conjointly. Replaceable fuses or solid links are available in packs of 5 (SD-F25, SD-F05 and SD-LNK). 7BRI700012BIL7000/BIL7000LSpecification(all figures typical at 25°C unless otherwise stated)Note: all figures are typical at +25°C unless otherwise stated; *standard fuse; +over full working temperature range; †at 20mA with a 250mA standard fuse; ‡these units need external 3A fuses; ^Signal; **Power & Common; maximum energising current depends upon RTD resistance.ProtectionFull hybrid line to lineEach line to screen/groundNominal discharge surge current (I n )10kA (8/20µs),(not applicable to SD150X and SD275X)Nominal discharge surge current (I n )6.5kA (8/20µs),(SD150X and SD275X only)Reaction time (T a )Within nanoseconds (10–9s)RTD resistance range (SD RTD )10 to 1500ΩDegradation accuracy (SD RTD at 1mA)0.1% (RTD resistance >100Ω)0.1Ω(RTD resistance < 100Ω)Ambient temperature–30°C to +75°C (working)–40°C to +80°C (storage)Humidity5 to 95% RH (non-condensing)Terminals2.5mm 2(12 AWG)MountingT-section DIN-rail(35 x 7.5 or 35 x 15mm rail)Weight70g approximately Case flammability UL94 V-2EMC complianceTo Generic Immunity Standards, EN 50082, part 2 for industrial environments R&TTE complianceEN 50082-2 : 1995EN 41003 : 1999EN 60950 : 1992(not applicable to SD150X and SD275X)LVD complianceSD150X & SD275X EN 60950 : 1992EN 61010 : 1995SD PSTNEN 41003 : 1999IEC complianceEN 61643-21:2001To order specify -Order by module, as listed in the specification table and/or accessory part numbers as defined on page 7.Note: In accordance with our policy of continuous improvement,we reserve the right to change the product’s specification without notice.Definitions of terminology used in table 1Working voltage (U n )Maximum voltage between lines or lines/ground for the specified leakage current 2Maximum leakage current (I c )Maximum current drawn by the SPD at the。

9440 475 Vitodens 3in1 手册预览版

9440 475 Vitodens 3in1 手册预览版
安静、节能 5 板式换热器,快速加热生活热水 6 恒温式或气候补偿式运行的控制器
Vitodens 111-W 1 Inox 径向换热器 2 可调节式 MatriX 圆柱形燃烧器 3 数字控制器 4 膨胀水箱 5 不锈钢材质的储热水箱
1 2
Vitodens 200-W
1 Inox 径向换热器
温度(回水温度为 30 °C)
温度(回水温度为 60 °C)
∅ mm
∅ mm
单采暖型冷凝燃气采暖热水炉 两用型冷凝燃气采暖热水炉
6.5-19.0 5.9-17.3
– 6.1-17.8
< 37 5




Vitodens 111-W
燃气供热锅炉,制造型式 C



Q275 (C5) S275J2G3S275J2G4(St44-3N)1.01441.01451.0055S275J2G3S275J2G4Fe430ASS490(SS50)1430S275J2G3S275J2G4(43D)-K02901注:括号内为旧钢号(二)优质碳素结构钢中国德国法国国际标准日本瑞典英国美国GB DIN W-Nr NF ISO JIS SS14 BS ASTM/AISI UNS05F D6-2 1.0314 ----015A03 1005 G10050 08F USt4 1.0336 --S9CK --≈1008-08 --XC6 ---040A04050A041008 G1008010F USt13 ------≈1010-10 C10Ck101.03011.1121C10XC10-S10C 1265040A10045M101010 G1010015 C15Ck151.04011.1141C12XC15-S15C13501370040A15080M151015 G1015020 C22ECk221.1151C22EXC18-S20C 1435C22E070M201020 G1020025 C25ECk251.1158C25EXC25C25E4 S25C -C25E070M261025 G1025030 C30ECk301.1178C30EXC32C30E4 S30C -C30E080M301030 G1030035 C35ECk351.1181C35EXC38C35E4 S35C 1572C35E080M361035 G1035040 C40ECk401.1186C4EXC42C40E4 S40C -C40E080M401040 G1040045 C45ECk451.1191C45EXC48C45E4 S45C 1660C40E080M461045 G1045050 C50ECk531.1210 C50E C50E4 S50C 1674C50E080M501050 G1050055 C55ECk551.1203C55EXC55C55E4 S55C 1665C55E070M551055 G1055060 C60ECk601.1221C60EXC60C60E4 -1678C60E070M601060 G1060065 Ck67 1.1231 XC65 SL,SM -1770 060A67 1065 G10650 15Mn 15Mn3 1.0467 12M5 --1430 080A15 1016 G10160 20Mn 21Mn4 1.0469 20M5 --1434 080A20 1022 G10220 25Mn ------080A25 1026 G10260 30Mn 30Mn4 1.1146 32M5 ---080A30 1033 G10330 35Mn 36Mn4 1.0561 32M5 ---080A35 1037 G103740Mn 40Mn4 1.1157 40M5 SL,SM SWRH42B -080A40 1039 G1039 45Mn --45M5 SL,SM SWRH47B 1672 080A47 1046 G1046 50Mn ---SL,SM SWRH52B 1674 080A52 1053 G105360Mn 60Mn3 1.0642 -SL,SMS58CSWRH62B1678 080A62 1062 -二、建筑用钢筋钢号近似对照中国德国法国国际标准日本瑞典英国美国GB DIN -NF ISO JIS --ASTM -Q235 --FeE235 PB240 SR235 ----20MnSi BSt420S -FeE400 RB 400 SD 390 --A706M -20MnSiV --FeTE400 RB400W ---A615M -20MnTi --FeE 400FeTE 400RB 400RB 400W SD 390 --A706MA615M -25MnSi --FeE 400FeTE 400RB 400RB 400WSD 390 ----三、合金结构钢钢号近似对照中国德国法国国际标准日本瑞典英国美国GB DIN W-Nr NF ISO JIS SS14 BS ASTM/AISI UNS 20Mn2 20Mn6 1.1169 20M5 22Mn6 SMn420 -150M19 1320 -30Mn2 30Mn5 1.1165 32M5 28Mn6 --150M28 1330 G13300 35Mn2 36Mn5 1.1167 35M5 36Mn6 SMn433 2120 150M6 1335 G13350 40Mn2 --40M5 42Mn6 SMn438 --1340 G13400 45Mn2 46Mn7 1.0912 45M5 -SMn443 --1345 G13450 50Mn2 50Mn7 1.0913 55M5 ------15MnV 15MnV5 1.5213 -------20MnV 20MnV6 1.5217 -------42MnV 42MnV7 1.5223 -------35SiMn 37MnSi5 1.5122 38MS5 ---En46S②--42SiMn 46MnSi4 1.5121 41S7 ------40B ------170H41 14B35 -45B -------14B50 -40MnB --38MB5 ---185H40 --15Cr 15Cr3 1.7015 12C3 -SCr415 15X 523A14 5115 G51150523M1520Cr 20Cr4 1.7027 18C3 20Cr4 SCr420 -527A20 5120 G51200 30Cr 28Cr4 1.7030 32C4 -SCr430 -530A30 5130 G51300 35Cr 34Cr4 1.7033 38C4 34Cr4 SCr435 -530A36 5135 G5135040Cr 41Cr4 1.7035 42C4 41Cr4 SCr440 2245 530A40530M405140 G5140045Cr --45C4 -SCr445 --5145 G51450 50Cr --50C4 ----5150 G51500 12CrMo 13CrMoV44 1.7335 12CD4 --2216 1501-620 4119 -12CrMoV ------Cr27 --15CrMo①15CrMo5 1.7262 15CD4.05 -SCM415 -1501-620Cr31--20CrMo 20CrMo5 1.7264 18CD4 18CrMo4 SCM420 CDS12 4118 G41180 25CrMo①25CrMo5 1.7218 25CD4 --2225 ---30CrMo --30CD4 -SCM430 ----35CrMo 34CrMo4 1.7220 35CD4 34CrMo4 SCM435 2234 708A37 4135 G41350 35CrMoV ------CDS13 --42CrMo 42CrMo4 1.7225 42CD 42CrMo4 SCM440 2244 708M40 4140 C41400 35Cr2MoVA 24CrMo 1.7733 -------25Cr2Mo1VA V55 --------20Cr3MoWVA 21CrVMoW12 --------38CrMoA1 41CrA1Mo7 1.8509 40CAD6.1241CrA1Mo74-2940 905M39 --20CrV 21CrV4 1.7510 -----6120 -50CrVA51CrV4(50CrV4)1.8159, ,50CV413 SUP10 2230 735A50 6150 G6150015CrMn 16MnCr5 1.7131 16MC5 --2511 -5115 G51150 20CrMn 20MnCr5 1.7147 20MC5 20MnCr5 SMnC420 --5120 G51200 20CrMnMo ----SCM421 --4119 -40CrMnMo 42CrMo4 1.7225 -42CrMo4 SCM440 -708A42 4142 G41420 30CrMnTi 30MnCrTi4 1.8401 -------40CrNi 40NiCr6 1.5711 ----640M40 3140 G31400 12CrNi2 14NiCr10 1.5732 14NC11 -SNC415 --3415 -12CrNi3 14NiCr14 1.5752 14NC12 15NiCr13 SNC815 -665A12665M133310 G3310620CrNi3 --20NC11 ------30CrNi3 31NiCr14 1.5755 30NC11 -SNC836 -653M31 3435 -12Cr2Ni4 14NiCr18 1.5860 12NC15 ---659M15 2515 -20Cr2Ni4 ~14NiCr14 1.5752 18NC13 ~SNC815 ~665M13 3316 -20CrNiMo 21NiCrMo2 1.6523 20NCD2 20NiCrMo2 SNCM220 2506 805M20 8620 G86200 45CrNiMoVA 36CrNiMo4 1.6511 40NCD3 -SNCM439 -816M40 4340 G43400钢材知识大全【字体:】钢材知识资料来源:模具教育网目录:钢材分类什么是特殊钢?理论重量计算方法对钢材性能产生影响的元素冶金术语金属材料性能金属材料的检验金属型铸造国内外常用钢钢号对照表钢材分类线材:普线高线螺纹钢型材:工字钢槽钢角钢方钢重轨高工钢H型钢圆钢不等边角钢扁钢轻轨齿轮钢六角钢耐热钢棒合结圆钢合工圆钢方管碳工钢轴承钢碳结圆钢不锈圆钢轴承圆钢矩型管弹簧钢板材:中厚板容器板中板碳结板锅炉板低合金板花纹板冷板热板冷卷板热卷板镀锌板电镀锌板电镀锌卷锰板不锈钢板硅钢片彩涂板彩钢瓦楞铁镀锌卷板热轧带钢管材:焊管不锈钢管热镀锌管冷镀锌管无缝管螺旋管热轧无缝一、黑色金属、钢和有色金属在介绍钢的分类之前先简单介绍一下黑色金属、钢与有色金属的基本概念。



2.54±0.3 5.08±0.5
1 2 3
1: Base 2: Collector 3: Emitter EIAJ: SC-67 TO-220F-A1 Package
■ Electrical Characteristics TC = 25°C ± 3°C
Parameter Base-emitter voltage Collector-base cutoff current (Emitter open) Emitter-base cutoff current (Collector open) Forward current transfer ratio Symbol VBE ICBO IEBO hFE1 hFE2 * hFE3 Collector-emitter saturation voltage Transition frequency Collector output capacitance (Common base, input open circuited) VCE(sat) fT Cob Conditions VCE = 5 V, IC = 3 A VCB = 100 V, IE = 0 VEB = 3 V, IC = 0 VCE = 5 V, IC = 20 mA VCE = 5 V, IC = 1 A VCE = 5 V, IC = 3 A IC = 3 A, IB = 0.3 A VCE = 5 V, IC = 0.5 A, f = 1 MHz VCB = 10 V, IE = 0, f = 1 MHz 20 90 20 40 20 2.0 V MHz pF 200 Min Typ Max 1.8 50 50 Unit V µA µA


悬臂梁冲击强度 23℃







GB/T 3682
GB/T 1040
GB/T 1843
GB/T 9341
GB/T 1634
GB/T 3682
GB/T 1040
GB/T 1843
GB/T 9341
GB/T 3682
GB/T 1040
GB/T 1843
GB/T 3682
GB/T 3682



MODBUS代码 DL/T645代码 数据内容
1.2 产品特点
本仪表采用了高精度采样计量单元和高速 MCU 数据处理单元,可实现高精度宽范围准确计量
Bit 7
Bit 6
Bit 5
1: 分钟同步 0: 时钟同步
Bit 4
1:按日结; 0:按月结
Bit 3
Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
保留Leabharlann 0拟 制:刘展未 尹凌 2013-01-28 审 核: 工 艺: 标准化: 批 准:
GB/T17215.301-2007 多功能电能表 特殊要求
GB/T17215.322-2008 静止式有功电能表(0.2S级和 0.5S级)



官方微信官方网站目 录SDAC6000(u)量热仪SDACM4000量热仪SDACM3100量热仪SDC712量热仪SDC715量热仪01-05热值分析系列020*********-11元素分析系列SDCHN536碳氢氮元素分析仪SDCH536红外碳氢仪SDH536红外测氢仪SDS350红外定硫仪SDS820自动定硫仪SDS720自动定硫仪SDS-V 定硫仪SDFCl3000自动氟氯分析仪SDFCl1000(a)氟氯分析仪070707080909101111SDTGA8000(a)工业分析仪SDTGA6000工业分析仪SDTGA6000A 工业分析仪SDTGA6000V 工业分析仪SDTGA5000a 工业分析仪SDTGA520(a)水分测试仪SDTGA500光波水分测试仪SDIMF200智能马弗炉SDMF300马弗炉SDIDB413智能干燥箱SDDH315通氮鼓风干燥箱SDDH323鼓风干燥箱SDDH313鼓风干燥箱SDDH306鼓风干燥箱12-22成分分析系列1314151516171819202121222222SDAF105(a /b )灰熔融性测试仪SDAF4000灰熔融性测试仪SDHG60a 哈氏可磨性指数测定仪23-26物理特性分析系列242526S DUC3150(D )联合制样机S DHD150t 锤式破碎缩分机S DHC锤式破碎机S DJC颚式破碎机S DRC对辊破碎机S DHCW400×260湿煤破碎机S DPP制样粉碎机S DMD16自动机械缩分器S DNS300环保振筛机S DNS200a标准振筛机S DRD二分器采制样辅助工具30-38样品制备系列313232333334343535353637-38激光盘料仪系列SDLM200便携式激光盘料仪SDLM1250固定式激光盘料仪39-41404142-43公司简介44发展历程45运维服务2829S DVD25风透 式快速除湿干燥系统S DVD3mm 风透 干燥机27-29风透 式低温快速除湿干燥系列热值分析系列适用范围符合标准GB/T213-2008GB/T384-1981 GB/T30727-2014ASTM D5865-2007ISO 1928-2009 JC/T1005-2006《煤的发热量测定方法》《石油产品热值测定法》《固体生物质燃料发热量测定方法》《煤与焦炭总热值的标准试验方法》《固体矿物燃料-氧弹式量热计测定总值并计算净热值》《水泥黑生料发热量测定方法》三德科技是中国第一台自动量热仪(1996年)的发明者,先后自主研发出6代量热仪,缔造了2个“国家重点新产品”。

MOTOROLA MC14499 数据手册

MOTOROLA MC14499 数据手册

MC1449917-Segment LED Display Decoder/Driverwith Serial InterfaceCMOSThe MC14499 is a 7–segment alphanumeric LED decoder/driver with a serial interface port to provide communication with CMOS microprocessors and microcomputers. This device features NPN output drivers which allow interfacing to common cathode LED displays through external series resistors.•High–Current Segment Drivers On–Chip •CMOS MPU compatible Input Levels•Wide Operating Voltage Range: 4.5 to 6.5 V •Operating T emperature Range: 0 to 70°C •Drives Four Characters with Decimal Points •Also See MC14489BLOCK DIAGRAMDECIMAL h g f e d c b a I II III IVS E G M E N T O U T P U T SC H A R A C T E R S E L E C T O R SOrder this documentby MC14499/DMOTOROLASEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATAMC14499MC14499MOTOROLA2MAXIMUM RATINGS* (Voltages referenced to V SS )Rating Symbol Value Unit DC Supply Voltage V DD – 0.5 to + 7V Input Voltage, All InputsV in– 0.5 to V DD + 0.5VStorage T emperature RangeT stg– 65 to + 150°C*Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation should be restricted to the limits in the Electrical Characteristics table or Circuit Operation section.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (V DD = 4.5 to 6.5 V)0°C25°C70°CCharacteristicSymbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit Serial Port Input Voltage ‘0’ Level ‘1’ LevelV IL V IH —0.7 x V DD0.3 x V DD——0.7 x V DD0.3 x V DD——0.7 x V DD0.3 x V DD—V Serial Port Input Current (V in = 0 to V DD )I in —± 0.1—± 0.1—± 1.0µA Oscillator Input Voltage ‘0’ Level ‘1’ Level V IL V IH —0.75 x V DD 0.25 x V DD — —0.75 x V DD 0.25 x V DD ——0.8 x V DD 0.2 x V DD—V Oscillator Input CurrentV OSC = 0V OSC = V DDI IL I IH ——100– 10030– 3080– 8010– 10——µA Segment Driver Voltage Below V DDI out = 50 mA I out = 10 mA ∆V OH—— 1.10.8—— 1.00.75—— 1.10.8VSegment Driver Off Leakage V out = 0I OZ—100—50—100µA Digit Drivers Source (On)V out = 0.8 V Sink (Off)V out = 0.5 VI OH I OL 6– 0.2—— 5.5– 0.2——4– 0.1——mASupply Current V in = 0, I out = 0,C OSC = 0.015 µFI DD—1—1—1mA Maximum Power DissipationP D—500—500—500mWSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (V DD = 5 V ± 10%, T A = 0 to 70°C)CharacteristicFigure No.Symbol Min Max Unit Clock High Time 2t CH 2—µs Clock Low Time 2t CL 2—µs Clock Rise Time 2t CR —2µs Clock Fall Time 2t CF —2µs Enable Lead Time 2t E LEAD 200—ns Enable Lag Time 2t E LAG 200—ns Data Set–Up Time 2t D SUP 200—ns Data Hold Time 2t D HOLD 1—µs Scanner Frequency*41/t SCAN 50300Hz OSC/Digit Lead Time 4t OD —10µs OSC/Segment Lead Time 4t OS —10µs Digit Overlap4t OV—5µs*Scanner Capacitance = 0.022 µF.This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is ad-vised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than maxi-mum rated voltages to this high impedance circuit. For proper operation, it is recom-mended that V in and V out be constrained to the range V SS ≤ (V in or V out ) ≤V DD .MC14499MOTOROLA3CIRCUIT OPERATIONThe circuit accepts a 20–bit input, 16 bits for the four–digit display plus 4 bits for the decimal point — these latter four bits are optional.The input sequence is the decimal point code followed by the four digits, as shown in Figure 1.In order to enter data the enable input, ENB, must be ac-tive low. The sample and shift are accomplished on the fal-ling clock edge, see Figure 2. Data are loaded from the shift register to the latches when ENB goes high. While the shift register is being loaded, the previous data are stored in the latches.If the decimal point is used, the system requires 20 clock pulses to load data; otherwise only 16 are required.CASCADINGThe circuit may be cascaded in the following manner.If a 1111 word is loaded into the decimal point latch, the output of the shift register is switched to the decimal point driver, see Figure 3. Therefore, to cascade n four–digit dis-play drivers, a set–up is used which loads the 1111 cascad-ing word:1.ENB = active low.2.Load 20 bits, the first four bits being 1, with 20 clock pulses.3.ENB = high, to load the latch.4.Repeat steps 1 to 3 (n – 1) times.5.(n x 20) bits can be loaded into n circuits, with 1111 as decimal point word to continue the cascading.SCANNERThe scanner frequency is determined by an on–chip oscil-lator, which requires an external frequency–determining ca-pacitor. The capacitor voltage varies between two trigger levels at the oscillator frequency.An external oscillator signal can be used, within the recom-mended operating range of 200 to 800 Hz. For test purposes this frequency may be increased up to 10 kHz.A divide by four counter provides four non–overlapping scanner waveforms corresponding to the four digits — see Figure 4.SEGMENT DECODERThe code used in these matrix decoders is shown in Fig-ure 5.OUTPUT DRIVERSThere are two different drivers:•The segment and decimal point drivers; these are NPN emitter followers with no current limiting devices.•The digit output buffers; these are short–circuit protected CMOS devices.A typical application circuit is shown in Figure 6.Figure 1. Input Sequence1817161514131211109876541920321TIMESHIFTBIT NO.DIGIT IV DIGIT III DIGIT II DIGIT I DECIMAL POINTM S BL S BM S BL S BM S BD I G I T I VD I G I T I I ID I G I T I ID I G I T IM S BL S BL S BMC14499MOTOROLA4Figure 2a. Serial Input, Positive ClockDATAD1D2D NC2C1C NENBCLKt E LEAD t CLt CHt DHt E LAGt DSUPFigure 2b. Serial Input, Negative ClockDATA D1D2D NC2C1C NENBCLKt E LEAD t CLt CHt DHt SUPt E LAGFigure 2. Serial InputFigure 3. Cascading MC14499sDATA ENBCLK DIGIT SEGMMC14499(1)h10 k47DATAENBCLK DIGIT SEGMMC14499(2)h47MC14499MOTOROLA5Figure 4. Scanner WaveformsDIGIT IVDIGIT IIIDIGIT IISEGMENT OUTPUTSDIGIT It ODOSCt SCAN1/t OSCt OVt OSFigure 5. Segment Code0000000100100011010001010110011110001001101010111100110111101111DASHBLANKMC14499MOTOROLA6Figure 6. Application ExampleCLKENB DATA OSCSEGMENT OUTPUTS (7)Chg f e d c b a III III IV GNDDIGIT OUTPUTS (4)Q 1Q 2Q 3Q 4I DI SR1 – R8#1#2R1 – R8:36 – 82 ΩC:0.015 µF V DD Typ: 5 – 6 V I S max:40 – 50 mA I D max:8 I S max#3#4V DDMC14499...MC14499MOTOROLA7PACKAGE DIMENSIONSP SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP CASE 707–02MIN MIN MAX MAX MILLIMETERS INCHESDIM°0.510.8750.2400.1400.0140.0500.0400.0080.1150.9150.2600.1800.0220.0700.0600.0120.13515°1.022.54 BSC 7.62 BSC0.100 BSC 0.300 BSC 0°0.02015°0.040A B C D F G H J K L M NNOTES:1.POSITIONAL TOLERANCE OF LEADS (D),SHALL BE WITHIN 0.25 (0.010) AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION, IN RELATION TO SEATING PLANE AND EACH OTHER.2.DIMENSION L TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL.3.DIMENSION B DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH.191018BAHF GDSEATING PLANENKMJLCDW SUFFIX SOG PACKAGE CASE 751D–04NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION.4.MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.150(0.006) PER SIDE.5.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBAR PROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.13(0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.–A––B–2011110SAM0.010 (0.25)BST D20XMBM0.010 (0.25)P10XJFG18XKC–T–SEATINGPLANEMRX 45_DIM MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHESMILLIMETERS A 12.6512.950.4990.510B 7.407.600.2920.299C 2.35 2.650.0930.104D 0.350.490.0140.019F 0.500.900.0200.035G 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC J 0.250.320.0100.012K 0 7 0 7 P 10.0510.550.3950.415R0.250.750.0100.029____MC14499MOTOROLA8Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Motorola assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit,and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters can and do vary in different applications. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Motorola does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Motorola products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the Motorola product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use Motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold Motorola and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Motorola was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part.Motorola and are registered trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Motorola, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.◊。



华能福州电厂燃料部设备档案专业班组电热班设备编号0 0EAA04设备名称4#桥抓一、设备简述桥式抓斗安装较为先进控制和监控系统,采用较为理想的驱动机构,整机容量为2000KVA,抓斗最大负荷为34吨,连续出力为1250T/h,电气及控制部分采用ABB的技术(AC410系统),机械部分为柯尼公司和国产相结合,采用直流变流调速和交流变频调速系统,使用直DCS500和交流ACS600系列电动机驱动产品。







二、设备的技术规范1、提升机构1.1.提升电机驱动变流器型号:DCS500-1200-55-D (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH006 –U011.2.提升电机型号:DMG280XL (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH006 –M01功率:440KW电压:471V电流:997A转速:1550~2000rpm绝缘等级:F级励磁电压:310V励磁电流:14.2A1.3.提升电机制动器型号:ED301/6 2LL5 571-1(德国EMG)0 0EAA04 GH006 –M03制动力矩:3000N行程:60mm功率:550W电压:380V电流:1.3A频率:50Hz1.4.提升电机风机型号:M2AA132SA (3GAA131001-BDA)(ABB电气) 0 0EAA04 GH006 –M02功率:5.5KW电压:380V电流:10.9A转速:2855rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级1.5.提升限位开关:AGVL41 2个0 0EAA04 GH006 –S04 0 0EAA04 GH006 –S051.6.提升脉冲编码器:POG10 DN 1024L 0 0EAA04 GH006 –U021.7.提升超速开关:FSL SWITCHING SPEED 2300rpm0 0EAA04 GH006 –F091.8.提升变速箱温控器:TS120 T50 LANDIS STAEFA0 0EAA04 GH006 –B011.9.提升传感器:LE213(20KN) 2个0 0EAA04 GH006 –B03 0 0EAA04 GH006 –B042、开闭机构2.1.开闭电机驱动变流器型号:DCS500-1200-55-D (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH007 –U012.2.开闭电机型号:DMG280XL (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH007 –M01功率:440KW电压:471V电流:997A转速:1550~2000rpm绝缘等级:F级励磁电压:310V励磁电流:14.2A2.3.开闭电机制动器型号:ED301/6 2LL5 571-1(德国EMG)0 0EAA04 GH007 –M03制动力矩:3000N行程:60mm功率:550W电压:380V电流:1.3A频率:50Hz2.4.开闭电机风机型号:M2AA132SA (3GAA131001-BDA) (ABB电气) 0 0EAA04 GH007 –M02功率:5.5KW电压:380V电流:10.9A转速:2855rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级2.5.开闭限位开关:AGVL41 2个0 0EAA04 GH007 –S04 0 0EAA04 GH007 –S052.6.开闭脉冲编码器:POG10 DN 1024L 0 0EAA04 GH007 –U022.7.开闭超速开关:FSL SWITCHING SPEED 2300rpm0 0EAA04 GH007 –F092.8.开闭变速箱温控器:TS120 T50 LANDIS STAEFA0 0EAA04 GH007 –B013、小车机构3.1.小车电机驱动变流器型号:DCS500-0520-55-D (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH008 –U013.2.小车电机型号:DMG250S (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH008 –M01功率:160KW电压:500V电流:345A转速:1300rpm绝缘等级:F级励磁电压:310V励磁电流:7.2A3.3.小车电机制动器型号:ED121/6 2LL5 551-1(德国EMG)0 0EAA04 GH008 –M03制动力矩:1200N行程:60mm功率:330W电压:380V电流:1.1A频率:50Hz3.4.小车电机风机型号:M2AA090L(3GAA091002-BSA)(ABB电气) 0 0EAA04 GH008 –M02功率:2.2KW电压:380V电流:4.7A转速:2870rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级3.5.小车限位开关:AGVL41 0 0EAA04 GH008 –S043.6.小车脉冲编码器:POG10 DN 1024L 0 0EAA04 GH008 –U023.7.小车位置编码器:CE-65M 0 0EAA04 GH008 –U033.8.小车变速箱温控器:TS120 T50 LANDIS STAEFA0 0EAA04 GH008 –B013.9.小车接近开关:NJ15+U1+A2 3个0 0EAA04 GH008 –B06 0 0EAA04 GH008 –B070 0EAA04 GH008 –B083.10.小车张紧限位开关:TK015-11Y 2个0 0EAA04 GH008 –S11 0 0EAA04 GH008 –S123.11.小车紧急限位开关:TD250-02/02Z 2个0 0EAA04 GH008 –S05 0 0EAA04 GH008 –S063.12.磁力开关:BN20-11RZ 0 0EAA04 GH008 –B053.13.磁体:BP 21 N 0 0EAA04 GH008 –S094、臂架机构4.1.臂架电机驱动变流器型号:DCS500-0520-55-D (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH009 –U014.2.臂架电机型号:DMG200S (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH009 –M01功率:70KW电压:500V电流:153A转速:1245rpm绝缘等级:F级励磁电压:310V励磁电流:5.3A4.3.臂架电机制动器型号:ED80/6 2LL5 041-1(德国EMG)0 0EAA04 GH009 –M03制动力矩:800N行程:60mm功率:330W电压:380V电流:1.1A频率:50Hz4.4.臂架紧急制动器型号:LS100L 65716HD0100 0EAA04 GH009 –M04功率:3KW电压:380V电流:7.1A频率:50Hz4.5.臂架电机风机型号:M2AA090S(3GAA091001-BSA)(ABB电气) 0 0EAA04 GH009 –M02功率:1.5KW电压:380V电流:3.5A转速:2870rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级4.6.臂架限位开关:AGVL41 0 0EAA04 GH009 –S044.7.臂架脉冲编码器:POG10 DN 1024L 0 0EAA04 GH009 –U02 4.8.臂架超速开关:FS90 1173rpm 6A/230V0 0EAA04 GH009 –F094.9.臂架变速箱温控器:TS120 T50 LANDIS STAEFA0 0EAA04 GH009 –B014.10.臂架紧急制动接近开关:IFL 5-8-10ZAG SCHMEASAL 2个0 0EAA04 GH009 –B07 0 0EAA04 GH009 –B084.11.挂钩限位开关:T2L 035-11Z 2个0 0EAA04 GH009 –S16 0 0EAA04 GH009 –S175、挡料板机构5.1.挡料板电机型号:YZE 180L-6 0 0EAA04 GH013 –M01功率:18.5KW电压:380V电流:39.2A转速:940rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级制动器线圈电压:DC 170V控制制动力矩:345N.m5.2.挡料板限位开关:AGVL41 0 0EAA04 GH013 –S145.3.挡料板超速开关:FS90 1720rpm 0 0EAA04 GH013 –F055.4.挡料板负荷传感器:LE214(5T) 0 0EAA04 GH013 –B036、大车行走机构6.1.大车行走电机驱动变频器型号:ACS607-320-3 (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH010 –U016.2.大车行走电机型号:YZPE 180M-4 8台0 0EAA04 GH010 –M01 0 0EAA04 GH010 –M020 0EAA04 GH010 –M03 0 0EAA04 GH010 –M040 0EAA04 GH010 –M05 0 0EAA04 GH010 –M060 0EAA04 GH010 –M07 0 0EAA04 GH010 –M08功率:18.5KW电压:380V电流:35A转速:1435rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级制动器线圈电压:DC 170V制动力矩:200N.m6.3.锚锭接近开关:NJ15+U1+A2 4个0 0EAA04 GH010 –B01 0 0EAA04 GH010 –B020 0EAA04 GH010 –B03 0 0EAA04 GH010 –B046.4.夹轨器限位开关:T2L035-11Z 4个0 0EAA04 GH010 –S39 0 0EAA04 GH010 –S400 0EAA04 GH010 –S41 0 0EAA04 GH010 –S426.5.行走声光报警器:556-780AC220V50HZ 4个0 0EAA04 GH010 –H06 0 0EAA04 GH010 –H070 0EAA04 GH010 –H08 0 0EAA04 GH010 –H096.7.动力电缆卷盘:1538M/1/70/CT60BHT6.8.动力电缆卷盘电机型号:RF62DT90S4BMG0 0EAA04 GH010 –M10功率:1.1KW电压:380V电流:2.94A转速:208rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级制动器线圈电压:380V制动力矩:20N.m6.9.控制电缆卷盘:1231M/1/50/CT40BHT6.10.控制电缆卷盘电机型号:RF62DT90S4BMG0 0EAA04 GH010 –M11功率:1.1KW电压:380V电流:2.94A转速:208rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级制动器线圈电压:380V制动力矩:20N.m6.11.水缆卷盘:1255S/0/60/CT40BHT/P2/HR1506.12.水缆卷盘电机型号:RF62DT90S4BMG0 0EAA04 GH010 –M12功率:1.1KW电压:380V电流:2.94A转速:208rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级制动器线圈电压:380V制动力矩:20N.m7、给料皮带7.1.给料皮带电机驱动变频器型号:ACS601-0050-3 (ABB电气) 0 0EAA04 GH011 –U017.2.给料皮带电机型号:M2BA200MLA4B5 (3GBA2O2410-ADA032451) 0 0EAA04 GH011 –M01功率:30KW电压:380V电流:59A转速:1468rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级轴承型号:6312/C3 2个7.3.拉线开关:SID-UV2 601.2441.907 16A 380V BERNSTEIN0 0EAA04 GH011 –S027.4.拉线开关:LZD-1AMDC110V2A0 0EAA04 GH011 –S037.5.跑偏开关:T441-11Y-966 2个0 0EAA04 GH011 –S04 0 0EAA04 GH011 –S057.6.速度接近开关:NJ15+U1+A2 0 0EAA04 GH011 –B027.7.堵塞开关:042/0172(TIDAL CONTROL UNIT)REDLER0 0EAA04 GH011 –S017.8.给料皮带警报器:SEE 240 170 AC 230V0 0EAA04 GH011 –H018、卸料皮带8.1.卸料皮带电机:M2BA200MLA4B5 (3GBA2O2410-ADA032451) 0 0EAA04 GH011 –M02功率:30KW电压:380V电流:59A转速:1468rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级轴承型号:6312/C3 2个8.2.拉线开关:SID-UV2 601.2441.907 16A 380V BERNSTEIN0 0EAA04 GH011 –S108.3.拉线开关:LZD-1AMDC110V2A0 0EAA04 GH011 –S118.4.跑偏开关:T441-11Y-966 4个0 0EAA04 GH011 –S12 0 0EAA04 GH011 –S130 0EAA04 GH011 –S14 0 0EAA04 GH011 –S158.5.速度接近开关:NJ15+U1+A20 0EAA04 GH011 –B048.6.堵塞开关:042/0172(TIDAL CONTROL UNIT)REDLER0 0EAA04 GH011 –S098.7.卸料皮带警报器:SEE 240 170 AC 230V0 0EAA04 GH011 –H028.8.切换挡板限位开关:T2L035-11Z 2个0 0EAA04 GH011 –S24 0 0EAA04 GH011 –S258.9.皮带秤:ICS-20 0 0EAA04 GH011 –U02 8.10.磁铁分离器:R0DD1-161 DC220V 47.8A8.11.磁铁分离器电动滚筒:TJ-1600-2.50 0EAA04 GH011 –M03功率:4KW电压:380V电流:8.5A带速:2.5m/s直径:1600mm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级9、料斗系统9.1.料斗负荷传感器:LE220(100T) 2个0 0EAA04 GH013 –B01 0 0EAA04 GH013 –B029.2.防风门限位开关:T2L035-11Z 4个0 0EAA04 GH013 –S01 0 0EAA04 GH013 –S020 0EAA04 GH013 –S03 0 0EAA04 GH013 –S049.3.料斗振动器电机:MVS110/1100 4个0 0EAA04 GH013 –M01 0 0EAA04 GH013 –M020 0EAA04 GH013 –M03 0 0EAA04 GH013 –M04功率:0.75KW电压:400V电流:1.9A转速:1000rpm频率:50Hz10、司机室机构10.1.司机室远程站:S8000 0EAA04 GH012 –U0110.2.司机室电机驱动变频器型号:ACS603-0009-3 (ABB电气)0 0EAA04 GH012 –U0210.3.司机室行走电机型号:MF072C100-132031012T 4台0 0EAA04 GH012 –M01 0 0EAA04 GH012 –M020 0EAA04 GH012 –M03 0 0EAA04 GH012 –M04功率:0.75KW电压:380V电流:2A转速:1475rpm频率:50Hz绝缘等级:F级10.4.司机室监控微机:2-A0A4-00200 0EAA04 GH012 XP0110.5.司机室限位开关:TA471-03/03HY SPEZ 840 25A AC500V 0 0EAA04 GH012 –S2110.6.司机室防风插销接近开关:NJ15+U1+A20 0EAA04 GH012 –B0110.7.司机室过道门接近开关:NJ15+U1+A2 3个0 0EAA04 GH012 –B02 0 0EAA04 GH012 –B030 0EAA04 GH012 –B0410.8.司机室报警器:HGT 1.230 AC220 0.07A COMAX SINGAL 0 0EAA04 GH012 –H0110.9.风速表:E100007MKL 0 0EAA04 GH012 –P0310.10.抓斗负荷显示表:DQ96-P-C 0 0EAA04 GH012 –P0111、PLC系统11.1.主站:AC410 0 0EAA04 GH005 –U0111.2.MCC远程站:S800 0 0EAA04 GH005 –U01211.3.监控微机:2-A070-0120 0 0EAA04 GH005 XP0111.4.风速传感器:E100013 PENNY+GILES0 0EAA04 GH014 –B0111.5.风速信号转换器:E100016 PENNY+GILES0 0EAA04 GH014 –U0111.6.风速电源单元:E100010 PENNY+GILES0 0EAA04 GH014 –G0111.7.UPS:PWA30/1.8/EXT-12 FISKARS0 0EAA04 GH005 –G04112、电源及照明12.1.主变压器:SCB8-2000/6 Dyn110 0EAA04 GT001 –T01参数:2000KVA 6000V/525V 192A阻抗电压:6.06%12.2.辅助变压器:SGD-500 Dyn110 0EAA04 GT002 –T01参数:500KVA 500V/400V 577.4A阻抗电压:5.84%12.3.照明变压器:SGD-100 Dyn110 0EAA04 GT003 –T01参数:100KVA 400V/400V 144.3A阻抗电压:3.49%12.4. 6KV进线开关:RGCV 12KV0 0EAA04 GH001 –Q01参数:U:12KV In:630A Isc:21KA12.5. 6KV操作电池充电器:SNP 24/2.5 SAFT NIFE0 0EAA04 GH001 –G0112.6. 6KV操作电池:2VR 1224 24V/22AH0 0EAA04 GH001 –G0212.7.光敏开关:SSTL3514180-3 0 0EAA04 GH015 –B0112.8.探照灯:MNF 307 AC220V 1000W 16套 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E01 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E020 0EAA04 GH015 –E03 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E040 0EAA04 GH015 –E05 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E060 0EAA04 GH015 –E07 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E080 0EAA04 GH015 –E09 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E100 0EAA04 GH015 –E11 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E120 0EAA04 GH015 –E13 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E140 0EAA04 GH015 –E15 0 0EAA04 GH015 –E16三、设备主要技术资料目录四、润滑制度及换油记录根据规定每三个月电机加一次黄油。

55-JCM II 2GD 气栅式气缸说明书

55-JCM II 2GD 气栅式气缸说明书

Instruction ManualAir CylinderII2provided by compressed air into a force which causes mechanical linearNote 1: The X at the end of the certificate number represents that this product issubject to “Special Conditions of Use”, please see Section 2.3.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situationsand/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level ofpotential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in additionto International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines.(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements forindustrial robots - Part 1: Robots.•Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and HandlingPrecautions for SMC Products for additional information.• Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Warning•Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws andstandards.•All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person incompliance with applicable national regulations.2 SpecificationsThis product is suitable for use in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 only.2.1 Product Specifications:Refer to the operation manual for this product;The batch code printed on the label indicates the month and the year ofproduction as per the following table;2.3 Special Conditions of Use:•Products are suitable for sub-divisions IIC & IIIC.•Products are suitable for Zones 1, 2, 21 & 22 only.2.3.1 Temperature Marking: Standard Product:•In the normal ambient temperature range (+5°C to +40°C) the productis rated to temperature class T5 and has a maximum surfacetemperature of 99°C.•In the special ambient temperature range (+40°C to +60°C) the productis rated to temperature class T4 and has a maximum surfacetemperature of 119°C.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning•Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.•Do not twist or bend the cylinder, or mount the product when subjectto tension.•Do not use in an application where the product is stopped mid-stroke,via an external stop.•Do not use where cylinders are being synchronised to move a singleload.•In order to install the product, use one of the brackets available foundin the standard product catalogue;^Related Mounting Bracket Option (L)^Related Mounting Bracket Option (F, FZ & G)The “*” represents the Bore Size in three digits (e.g. Ø20 is 020), seecatalogue for more details.See the product catalogue for the exact code to order which relates to thebore size of your product.•Tighten these accessories with a suitable wrench using the flatsurfaces provided. Ensure that they are tightened against the rod end3.2 EnvironmentWarning•Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, saltwater or steam are present.•Do not use in an explosive atmosphere except within the specifiedrating.•Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.•Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.•Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result intemperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.•Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration and/or shock.•Do not use in wet environments, where water can remove the presenceof the lubrication.•Do not use in case of heavy dusty environments where dust canpenetrate into the cylinder and dry the grease.•Do not allow dust layers to build up on the cylinder surface and insulatethe product.3.3 PipingCaution•Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.•When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposedon the end of the pipe/fitting.Port Size Bore [mm]M5 / Rc1/8 / NPT 1/8 Ø 32M5 / Rc1/8 / NPT 1/8 Ø 403.4 LubricationCaution•SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.•If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.3.5 Basic Circuit•Plugging one of the ports on the actuator is considered a non-intendeduse, and could relate to an increase in maximum surface temperatureabove what the product specification declares.3.6 Electrical Connection•The product should be grounded by the piston rod and the body inorder to create an electrically conductive path to thesystem/application.•Ground the product in accordance with applicable regulations.•Do not pass an electrical current through the product.4 SettingsRefer to the standard product catalogue for general setup precautions.5 How to OrderRefer to the product catalogue for ‘How to Order’.6 Outline DimensionsRefer to the standard product catalogue for general dimensions.7 Maintenance7.1 General maintenanceCaution•Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the productto malfunction and lead to equipment damage.•If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.•Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only byqualified personnel.•Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sureto cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released toatmosphere.•After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure andpower to the equipment and perform appropriate functional andleakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.•If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensurethey are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out asrequired to ensure continued compliance with applicable nationalregulations.•Do not make any modification to the product.•Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation ormaintenance instructions.•Do not use a product which looks or contains damage, this willinvalidate the certification. If damage is seen, please replace theproduct immediately.•Periodically check the product for any damage or rust appearing. Thiscould result in an increase in friction and lead to dangerous conditions.Replace the whole actuator if any of these conditions appear.•Replace the product, when air leakage is above the allowable value ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS8.1 Limited warranty and disclaimer/compliance requirements Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products.Caution 8.2Obligations of the end-user•Ensure the product is used within the specification outlined. •Ensure that the maintenance periods are suitable for the application. •Ensure any cleaning processes to remove dust layers are made with the atmosphere in mind (e.g. using a damp cloth to avoid static build up).•Ensure that the application does not introduce additional hazards by mounting, loading, impacts or other methods.•Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and air circulation around the product.•If the product is subject to direct heat sources in the application, they should be shielded so that the actuator temperature stays within the stated operating range.Danger•Do not exceed any of the specifications listed in Section 2 of thisdocument as this will be deemed improper use.•Air equipment has an air leakage during operation within certain limits. Do not use this equipment when the air itself introduces additional hazards and could lead to an explosion.•Use only Ex certified auto switches. These should be ordered separately.•Do not use this product in the presence of strong magnetic fields that could generate a surface temperature higher than the product specification.•Avoid applications where the piston rod end and the adjoining part in the application can create a possible ignition source.•Do not install or use these actuators where there is the possibility for the piston rod to impact foreign objects.•In the event of damage or failure of any parts located in the vicinity where this product has been installed, it is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not this has compromised the safety andcondition of this product and/or the application.•External impact on the cylinder body could result in a spark and/or cylinder damage. Avoid any application where foreign objects can hit or impact the cylinder. In such situations the application should install a suitable guard to prevent this occurrence.•Do not use this equipment where vibration could lead to failure.This product shall not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment. Refer to or for your local distributor/importer.URL : https:// (Global) https:// (Europe) SMC Corporation, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2022SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.Template DKP50047-F-085M。

ASTM D1424-96冲击摆锤法测定织物的撕破强力 中文版

ASTM D1424-96冲击摆锤法测定织物的撕破强力 中文版

ASTM D1424-96冲击摆锤法测定织物的撕破强力关键词:ASTM D1424-96冲击摆锤法测定织物的撕破强力 1. 范围1.1 本标准规定了采用冲击摆锤装置测定织物进一步撕开所需的力。

1.2 本标准适用于大部分的织物,例如:机织物、多层毛毯、绒类织物、安全气袋织物。



1.3 对于经编织物,本标准仅可测试其经向撕破力,不适合测定其的纬向撕破力。


1.4 本标准有两种单位:SI制和美国客户的单位,两者单位务必区分。

1.5 本标准未涉及到安全方面的介绍。


2. 参考文献2.1 ASTM D123纺织品的相关术语;2.2 ASTM D629纺织品定量分析法;2.3 ASTM D689 测定纸的撕破强力;2.4 ASTM D1776纺织品测试的调湿;2.5 ASTM D2904 纺织品对比测试结果分布分析;2.6 ASTM D2906 纺织品精度和误差的说明2.7 ASTM D4848 纺织品的强力、变形及相关指标的术语。

3. 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 机器横向(CD):与织物受力方向垂直,即与两夹钳中心线垂直的方向。 机器横向与机织物的纬向或宽度方向类似。

3.1.2 撕破长度:从开始施加力到试样被撕开至终止时切口进一步撕开的距离。

3.1.3 机器方向(MD):与织物受力方向平行的方向,即与两夹钳中心线一致。 机器方向有点类似织物的长度方向或经向。

3.1.4 撕破能量:撕破试样时所做的功。

3.1.5 撕破强力:在规定条件下,将试样上初始切口进一步撕开所需的力。

3.1.6 抗撕破强力:织物抵抗被撕破的能力。

3.1.7 织物:由纤维或纱线交织而成的一种平面结构。

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2 3 3
f = 860 MHz f = 860 MHz PSYNC = 1 W PSYNC = 2 W f = 1 MHzVCB = 20V
VCE = 20 V VCE = 20 V VCE = 20 V VCE = 20 V
IC = 440 mA IC = 440 mA IC = 440 mA IC = 440 mA
IE = 0 mA RBE = 10 Ω IB = 0 mA IC = 0 mA IE = 0 mA IC = 200 mA
45 50 24 3.5 — 20
— — — — — —
— — — — 0.45 120
V V V V mA —
Symbol Test Conditions Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit
IM860 MHz 650 MHz 470 MHz VCC = 20 V IC = 440 mA
ZIN (Ω) 1.8 + j 0.8 1.9 − j 0.5 2.0 − j 1.5
ZOUT (Ω) 8.0 − j 15.0 15.0 − j 27.0 23.0 − j 35.0
SD1449 (TCC597)
PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA Ref.: Dwg. No.12-0122 rev. B
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics. ©1994 SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics - All Rights Reserved SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - France - Germany - Hong Kong - Italy - Japan - Korea - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - The Netherlands Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Taiwan - Thailand - United Kingdom - U.S.A.
Symbol Parameter Value Unit 1. Collector 2. Emitter 3. Base 4. Emitter
Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Device Current Power Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature
1 10 — — —
— — — — —
— — −58 −51 7
W dB dBc dBc pF
Note 1: P I N = 0.1W Note 2: P OUT = 1 W Note 3: Levels relative to PSY NC f 1 = 860.0 MHz − 8dBc f2 f3
.280 4L STUD (M122) epoxy sealed ORDER CODE SD1449 BRANDING TCC597
DESCRIPTION The SD1449 is a silicon NPN bipolar device specifically designed for high linearity applications in the UHF frequency range including TV Bands IV and V. Gold metallization and emitter ballasting assure high reliability under Class A linear amplifier operation. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T case = 25 ° C)
SD1449 (TCC597)
. . . . . .
= 863.5 MHz − 16dBc = 864.5 MHz − 7dBc
SD1449 (TCC597)
SD1449 (TCC597)
Symbol Test Conditions Value Min. Typ. Max. Unit
IC = 2 mA IC = 40 mA IC = 40 mA IE = .5 mA VCB = 28 V VCE = 5 V
45 25 3.5 1.2 19.4 +200 − 65 to +150
V V V A W °C °C
THERMAL DATA RTH(j-c) Junction-Case Thermal Resistance 9.0 °C/W
July 27, 1994