




雅思口语part1话题新题配答案:News(新闻) 变题不慌!News题目参考答案1. Are you very interested in the news?2. Why do you want to know the latest news?3. How important is it to you to get the news every day?4. What sort of news are you most interested in?5. How do you usually find this news?6. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?7. Do you ever get your news from the internet?8. Do you (often/ever) read newspapers?9. What sections of the newspaper do you usually read?10. Do you think newspapers are important?11. Besides newspapers, what are some other ways people get news?12. How important do you think the news is?13. Which do you think is more important, domestic news or international news?14. Would you say the news affects your life very much?15. Are old people and young people interested in the same news? (Why?/Why not?)Yes, I’m really fond of getting news from various sources because I just want to make myself better informed about the world.范文It’s very important for me to know what happened in the domestic and international events.I’m more interested in foreign cultures. I like to learn about their religions, customs, and the foods they eat. Occasionally, foreign news interests me, too. I really like reading scientific related news.Normally I read news from TV news programmes, which are very convenient and updated; but if I’m too busy to watch TV, I’ll read news from the Internet in my mobile phone.Well, if I have free time at home, I’d like to watch the news and editorials in the TV with my family; whereas you know, it takes time for the newspaper to publish so the news are always not so updated.Yes, it’s very convenient for me to get news from internet such as mobile phone. The news apps usually send me the most urgent notifications to me so it keeps me posted.Not very often. Newspaper always take time to get published so that they are not so updated. Besides, I have to go to the kiosks and spend money to buy newspapers. It’s quite troublesome.I always read news in the politics section because I’m interested in political events happened in the domestic and abroad.Yes, newspapers are very important in current society because they are still the most important medium for understanding the world. They deliver the most urgent and valuable news to the audience so that readers can know what happens in the current world.Well, besides newspapers, people can get news by many other sources, such as TV programmes, radio, and Internet, which can all cater for the different kinds of people.I believe news is very critically important because without regular access to news, most people would be unaware of the various events taking place, both locally and around the world, that have an impact on their lives.I believe that domestic news is more important than international ones because it’s closer to home, and affects me more.News very much effects my life. If the news is bad, for example, which much of it is at present, considering the economic downturn etc., then I start to feel depressed about losing my job and how I’m going to pay the bills.No, I guess old people are interested in different kinds of news from young people, such as political news, etc, because they have a greater interest in protecting their benefit programmes, from medicare to social security; whereas young person might be interested in the latest teen fashion, sports events.News相关语料TYPES OF JOURNALISM AND MEDIAbroadcast journalismnews on television or radioprint journalismwritten news in newspapers, magazines, etc.online journalismnews on the internetcitizen journalisma new expression describing the kind of journalism based on images, audio and reports sent in to news groups by ordinary members of the public who witnessed eventsindependent mediamedia groups which are not controlled by the governmentbroadsheetsnewspapers (traditionally larger in size) which generally contain serious reports and analyses of newstabloidsnewspapers (usually smaller than broadsheets) which contain lighter stories and focus more on entertainment and gossip24 hour news channelsstations which provide news all day and nightrolling newsnon-stop newsCOMMON JOURNALISM LANGUAGEto cover a storyto report on an event or developmentin-depth coverage ofa thorough analysis ofto verifyto check that something is correcteyewitness reportsdescriptions of what happened by people who actually saw an event take placebreaking newsnews which is just coming inMEDIA BUSINESScirculationhow many copies of a newspaper are sold each day or each weekadvertising revenuethe money a firm makes by selling space to other firms to advertise their productsTypes of Newspaperstabloids = gossip newspapersbroadsheets = newspapers printed on large sheets which are usually considered more seriousdaily / weekly / monthly newspapers = papers printed once a day / once a week / once a monthquarterly newspapers = newspapers printed once every 3 monthsheavy newspaper = a newspaper with serious contentgutter press = newspapers which focus on sensational journalism, often about the lives of famous peopleperiodical = a newspaper or magazine published at regular intervalslocal / regional newspaper = a newspaper which contain news from a particular areanational newspaper = a newspaper which contain news from the whole countryNewspaper Contentheadlines = heading or title appearing at the top of a page or articlecolumns = news that is printed in vertical columns rather than taking a whole pageobituaries = a section in the newspaper about people who have recently diedhoroscope = a section in the newspaper about star signs and zodiac signs which foretell the futureweather report = a section in the newspaper for weather forecastsbusiness section = a section in the newspaper with business newsinternational / world news section = a section in the newspaper which focuses on news from abroadcaption = a explanation or title matching a picture or cartoon letter to the editor = a section in the newspaper for people to express their views to the editor of the newspaperspecial feature = a special storyeditorial = a news article containing the editor’s opinionscomic strip = a cartoon series in the newspaperadvice column = a column in the newspaper where advice is given to people who write in for itTV guide = a section in the newspaper with a guide for TV programs for the coming day or weekcirculation = the number of copies a newspaper distributes on an average day (some newspapers have a wider circulation than others)edition = a particular version of a textlayout = the way articles are designed on a page (this can include the position of pictures, the number of columns and the size of headlines)attention-grabbing = a news story which draws public attentioneye-catchin g = a picture or layout which catches a person’s eye in-depth = with many detailssensational news = news which causes public excitement or interestblack and white = without colourdirect quotation = words taken directly from what a person has saidpaparazzi = a freelance photographer who follows celebritiesfront page = the first page of a newspapersupplementary magazine = a magazine which sometimes is given free with a newspaperback issue = an old newspaper editionsubject matter = the topic dealt with in an articleproof reader = a person who checks a text for errorsfact checkers = a person (people) who checks if the newspaper facts and information in an article are correcthot off the press = news that has just been printed and is very recentreadership = the collective readers of a newspaper (some newspapers have a large readership)雅思口语part1话题预测配答案:Gifts(礼物) 变题Gifts 题目参考答案及范文1. Do you like to receive gifts?(Why?/ Why not?)Yeah, I really enjoy receiving gifts fr om friends because I’m always moved when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday. I sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close friends.2. What kind of gifts do you like to receive?(Why?)Actually, I really enjoy r eceiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm, reading is my favourite habit. When I was a little boy, I had received a wide variety of gifts that I really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so on.3. Do you like giving gifts to people?(Why?/ Why not?)Yes, I do. I’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the friendship between friends, although they will cost much, I still like sending gifts because I believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.4. What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?I just remembered when I was young, I was used to send friends something I made by myself, like making a postcard.5.When do people give gifts in your country?Answer A)I think like in most countries, people tend to give gifts on special occasions like birthdays or marriages, graduation from college or university or any other major event in someday’s life. People also give gifts to each other when they are meeting after a very long time or before they are leaving to some other place.Answer B) People in my country, tend to give gifts whenever we feel like. Most of the people understand, that we are living busy lives and it is through gifts that we can actually make people feel good about each other and tell them how much we care for them. So, you could find us exchanging gifts on small occasions like, ameeting or may be small hangout at someone’s place. Although, the gifts that we exchange are not very expensive, I think it is a good idea express oneself through gifts.Answer C) People in my country, rarely do exchange gifts. We all live very close to each other and work together, that it is like a big family only. Also, the economic condition of our country, does not allows people to spend lots of money. But, I think, although we cannot give expensive gifts to each other, being close to one another during rough and happy times, is the biggest gift one can ever give to anyone, and we give it every day.6.Do you like giving or receiving gifts?Sample 1 –“I like being given something. It’s exciting to unwrap a present and see what it is. Also it shows that someone cares about you. Or maybe it just means that they want something in return!”Sample 2 –“I prefer to give rather than receive. I love the look on someone’s face when they open a present. I also like to make things for people. I think it’s more meaningful than just buying something in a store.”Sample 3 –“I like both. It’s nice to get something, especially something that you want, or if the gift is from someone that you like. But, I really like to give people things as well. It doesn’t have to be anything big or cost a lot of money. I just really like to see their reaction when they open it.”7.What kind of gifts do you prefer?Sample 1 –“I li ke to get things that I can use – I mean things that are practical. It might be kind of boring, but I like to get things like socks and underwear because I always need those and I don’t like shopping for those things!”Sample 2 –“I really appreciate som ething that I know the person giving it to me has put in a lot of thought into it. Maybe they remembered something that I mentioned liking and then a long time after that they see something like it and buy it more me. The cost doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.”点评:There is no right or wrong answer in speaking. As long as you can say something clear and try to speak for a few sentences, you can get a good mark. In the first example, the person likes toreceive gifts, in the second example they like to give gifts, and in the third example they like both.Try to use some different structures when answering the question. In the first example, instead of saying “I like receiving gifts” (the same as the question), the answer is “I like to be giv en something”.Try to explain your main points to make them clear (you can even repeat and clarify your idea using different language). In the first example “things that I can use” is made clearer by saying “things that are practical”.Try to use some natural language and common expressions. In the second example, the expression “It’s the thought that counts” is used.雅思口语库Part2话题参考范文之:好的父母(a good parent) Describe a good parent you knowYou should say:Who the parent isHow you know the parentWhat the parent looks likeAnd explain why you think the parent is good1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:我的爷爷奶奶3.故事线:在我看来,我爷爷和奶奶是我所认识的最好的父母。



Confirmation QuestionsGood morning/afternoon. How are you?Morning/afternoon. Fine, thank!How do you do?How do you do?Hi, good to meet you.Good to meet you too.Hi, how are you doing?Not too bad. And you?1.Can I see your ID card please?Sure, here you are.2.Could you tell me your full name please?My full name is ……. But you can call me….3. And what shall I call you?Mo st people call me …...Hometown Questions4. Whereabouts is your hometown?Xian is located in Shanxi province, which is in central China.5. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?My hometown is a small place, just outside of Beijing. It takes about an hour to reach/get to there. The people there are mostly farmers, but a lot of the young people work in Beijing. It's a quiet place and I like it.6. Could you tell me something about your hometown?a. Well, it's quite big and it's the capital of Shanxi province. The population's about 6 million and it's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi' an used to be the capital of China, and it's the beginning of the famous Silk Road.b. Okay. Well, my hometown is Beijing and I live just outside of it near the 4th ring road. As you probably know, Beijing's the political and cultural center of China, and it's quite a historical place as well. It's huge-about 12 or 13 million people live in it now-and it seems to be getting bigger every year.7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?a. Harbin's right near the Song Hua Jiang River and it's kind of in a flat area, with mountains in the distance.b. Indio's a coastal city near the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches and bays. There are also some nice hills nearby.8. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown?There's the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. These are the two that are most well known. They are also symbols of China. They attract most visitors, but there are quitea lot of other famous sites as well.9. What are the people like in your hometown?They're usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think people there are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they'll always try to help you out, or find someone else who can.10. What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why?I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. It has a lot of space and there are lots of really nice and old trees there. In the early morning, it's very peaceful.The older people practice their Tai-ji, while the younger children just run around and play. I like it there a lot.11. What places in your hometown might a visitor be interested to visit, and tell me why?I'd recommend the Great Wall, Summer Palace, and the Forbidden City. Those are the most famous places in the city, and I think they best represent Beijing.12. Do you like your hometown, and tell me why or why not?a. Yes. Although it may not have as many opportunities, I think my hometown is a warmhearted place and the people are not as selfish as they are in some of the bigger cities.b. To be frank, I don't really like my hometown that much. I mean, perhaps there are many people who are happy to live there, but I find that the pollution problem is just too bad, and to me it doesn't seem like a good place to raise a family.13. Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live?a. Yes I do, because it's got a lot of opportunities and the entertainment facilities are quite good. You can get a decent job here if you have some skills, and you can make a lot of good friends if you have a good personality.b. No, I think if you're young you'd be better off going to a bigger city with more opportunities. I think my hometown is more suitable for an older crowd, who enjoy a more peaceful life. Younger people get bored with the way things are here.14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown?I think the biggest advantage is that it's a place where you can find a good job with a good salary, if you try very hard. Also, the people are quite kind and generous. The main disadvantages are the traffic and pollution problems. If you stay in my hometown you will know that these are the two things that everyone here hates the most.Weather Questions15. What is the climate like in your hometown?It's generally very hot in the summer, like about 40 degrees Celsius. In the winter, it's cold about minus 14 degrees Celsius. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from around 12 to 25 degrees Celsius. Oh, and summertime is extremely humid as well..There are four seasons. Winter is cold and snowy; spring is short and rainy; summer is hot and humid; and autumn is beautiful.16. What is the weather like in Beijing?In general, it's pretty dry. Winters are a bit cold. They are dry and windy, with a bit of snow. Spring is short and a bit windy. Summers are hot and a bit more humid, and temperatures can go as high as 30 degrees, so it can be kind of uncomfortable in the summer unless you have air conditioning. Fall is probably the best season-it's very comfortable-not windy, and not too cold or hot like the other seasons.17. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities?Well there are definitely places that have a milder climate. My hometown's weather is a little bit uncomfortable for some people in the summer and winter. There are places where the weather is quite stable all year round. On the other hand, there are some places where the weather's even worse, like in Daqing.18. What're the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown? Advantages and disadvantages? That's a difficult question to answer, let me think for a second. Well, I guess the main advantage is that its dry, so we don't have to worry about too much rain, and the winters are not too cold like in some other places innorthern China. The disadvantage is that it can get windy here, and when there is a sandstorm, well, that can be terrible to put up with.19. What's your favorite weather in your hometown?Actually, I've never thought about that. I guess it would have to be a sunny but not too hot day. It would be just a bit hot, like the kind of weather we get here in Beijing during autumn.Food questions20. What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown?Most people in Changsha like spicy dishes because it's quite hot and humid there, so we need to eat a lot of chilies to help us adapt to the weather. Many people say that in all of China people in Changsha eat the spiciest food.21.What is the main food in China?Well, I'd say it's rice, but I think there are areas where rice is not that important. Each major area in China might eat rice in different quantities, but I think its still the biggest food and probably will always be the top one.22. In what ways has the diet of people in your country been changing?Well, we tend to eat more convenience foods now, especially fast food from restaurants like McDonalds and Chinese fast food places. Also, I'd guess we are now eating a lot of dishes regularly that we thought were big luxuries about 20 years ago.23. How has your diet changed?I don't think it has changed that much. I still eat the same things as I ate when I was a child. I guess the main change is that I have more time and money to go out for dinner.Festival Questions24. Tell me what's the biggest traditional festival in your country.Definitely the Spring Festival. I suppose it's somewhat like Christmas is in western countries. Spring Festival is the only time when all families gather together and stores and business are closed for several days.25. What do you do during the Spring Festival?I usually go back to my hometown and spend a week in my parents' home. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV. I also like to try and contact my high school friends and see how they're doing and what they're up to. We give each other presents and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New Year. 26. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country? National Day, which is on October 1st, is a big holiday. We get three days off and there are a lot of fireworks displays. There are large flower pictures and other types of flowers decorating the city, and some of the larger cities hold parades.Changes Questions27. What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years?Well, I'm pretty young, but may parents always complain that my hometown's traffic is much worse, and they say that prices are a lot higher. But I think on the positive side, life is better, houses are in better condition and there are much better shops and cleaner conditions in the restaurants.28. Has your life changed in the last 10 years, and if so, in what ways?I think my life has changed. It's a bit more comfortable than it used to be, because my parents have more money than they used to have. I think I am a bit more responsiblethan I used to be, and am not quite as carefree.29. Is there anything you'd like to change in your life?Yes, my dependence upon my parents. Right now I'm quite dependent on them for money, so I hope I can be more independent in the future and one day be able to support them instead of their always supporting me.30. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?It's very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more comfortable life than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can't really imagine life like that, so I'm grateful that I have a better life than my parents dig. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives.31. Has tourism changed China very much?Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists coming to China since the open door policy. People see more foreigners, and are used to the sight of them now. China is becoming more cosmopolitan, and people are getting to know more about the outside world.32. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?Yes, a lot. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get to and from places in the city. But now in big cities there are more bus lines, so it's a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines, and that makes things faster. There are also more taxis in cities, and more people are using them as a mode of transportation.Travels and Holiday Questions33. Do you enjoy traveling?Yes, very much. I've been to most of the major cities in China, and I've also traveled to Thailand and Singapore. I think the more I travel, the more I want to travel. I just like seeing how other people live, and it's really amazing to learn about differentcu1tures-much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook.34. What do you usually do in your holidays?During my holiday, I try to catch up with friends and go out together somewhere. That's the only time I can relax and do something I enjoy. Other than that, it's really difficult because I am always busy with my work, and sometimes I have to work overtime.35. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?Yeah, I guess the best places to me are beaches. You see, I really like beaches because I just like watching the water come in and I love riding up and down the waves as they come into the shore. So places like Qingdao and Dalian are great places to me. Yes, I'd love to visit Xinjiang if I have a chance. Xinjiang is in the western part of China. The people there are mostly minorities, and I've seen the landscape in some pictures. It's incredible. If I travel to Xinjiang, I'll take a train so that I can see the landscape throughout the journey.36. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?In my country, if it's a long trip, I prefer taking a train. Not only is it more economical, but also the time has shortened tremendously in the past few years. Air travel is more expensive, and I don't think its worth the extra cost.Transportation Questions37. Which type of transportation do you usually use in your hometown?I use the bicycle. It's fast and cheap and I can always trust it to get me places in the same amount of time.38. Which type of transportation do you prefer for traveling around?Trains are better because they don't encounter any traffic jams, whereas sometimes in the bus, we get struck in traffic. Also, it is always difficult to get on buses during peak hours, whereas with a train you have a better chance of getting a seat during peak hours.39. What's the traffic situation like in your hometown?It's quite bad now, and I think it's getting more and more serious. The big problems are too many cars and not enough space. I think that building more roads sometimes just adds to the problem because people just buy more cars.Accommodations Questions40. Tell me about the kind of accommodations you live in?In my country, I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my parents. The apartment's not big, but we've made it very comfortable to live in. We live on the third floor, and there's no lift in our apartment. The highest floor is the sixth floor, so whoever lives on the sixth floor has to climb up and down everyday.41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the kind of housing you live in? Let me think. The biggest advantage? I guess it would be the convenience of it. I can do anything I want. As for the biggest disadvantage, some people might say the space, but I think the biggest disadvantage of living in a flat is that you never really get to know your neighbours.42. Which do you prefer, a flat or a house?Well, it depends on the condition that they are in. I'd probably have to say a flat, because you don't have to worry so much about maintaining it.43. Which floor do you live on, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of living on that floor?I live on the 1st floor. The advantage is that it's easier to get to, because you don't have to climb any steps. The bad thing is that it's a bit noisier, although we don't have to put up with too much noise from downstairs, since there is no downstairs!Family Questions44. Can you tell me something about your family?I have 3 brothers and no sisters. Both of my parents are still alive, and are still working. My grandparents on my father's side are both alive too, though my mother's parents have already passed away. I am also married...I got married 2 years ago. 45. What do your family members do for a living?My father's retired, and my mother's still working as a nurse at the Xie He hospital. My father used to be a city inspector. I have no brothers and sisters.46. What do you and your family like to do together?I guess we mainly just talk about a lot of things and then watch TV together. My parents and I like to visit people together. Sometimes we go shopping together, but to tell you the truth I prefer doing that by myself.47. Do you prefer big families or small families? What do you think are theadvantages of big families and small families?Well, big families are probably good for the children, because there are so many people to play with. But I think that big families also create a big burden for the parents and it's difficult for each child to receive the attention he or she deserves. Studies Questions (Academic Module Students)48. What is your major?I major in Accounting, which is part of the School of Business at my university. I mainly study the international accounting system as it relates to foreign trade.49. Why did you choose your major?Because I've always enjoyed working with computers, and I was always good at math and logic. I was fortunate to have a computer in my home when I was in high school, and I spent quite a lot of time just playing around on the computer. My parents bought me all sorts of books on computer programming, and I just started to read them and pick up the ideas in them.50. How do you like your major?a. I enjoy it, actually. I didn't know that much about it before I studied it, but I'm glad I chose it because it suits me a lot. My father actually suggested that I major in Accounting, because he thought that I'd enjoy it, too.b. I don't like it at all. I wish I could switch to a different one, but it's next to impossible to change majors. I just hope that when I get a job, I won't have to do a lot of work related to my major.51. What do you like most about your studies?I just like learning the principles, and I like solving problems successfully. I also like getting to know my classmates, and working with them.52. Is there anything you don't like about your studies?Generally I like my subjects, but I hate the examination system. There are too many examinations, and most of the time we have to memorize lots of things in books. I'm not very good at that and I find it's a waste of time and energy. Other than that, I quite enjoy my time at school.53. How do you like your life in the People's University?A.I don't like it very much. The dormitory's very crowded, the food is tasteless and my teachers aren't very inspiring. When I was a high school student, I was looking forward to university life so much. I'm quite disappointed, because it's really not what I expected.B.I like it a lot. Sometimes it is a little hard to live in the university, but I have made many good friends and I enjoy my major. It was hard at first to live apart from my parents, but I think that it has been a good change for me. I am much more independent and more able to deal with troubles on my own. My courses are mostly interesting too, so I'm glad that I chose the major I did.54. What do you think of the training you got in the university?a. I think most of my courses will be helpful in the future. My university has tried very hard to keep up to date with the latest developments in our field. There were some compulsory classes that I didn't like, such as politics and history, but overall, I think I was provided with a pretty good education. I don't think it's possible to learn everything you need to know in a future career, but I'm satisfied my courses have given me a good start.b. I don't think it was very good. There were some compulsory classes that I had no interest in. Also, our facilities were not very modern, so there were many things we couldn't do.55. How was your high school experience?I had a good high school experience because I was at a good school, and I made so many good friends there. I think I was lucky to have good teachersI think my high school experience was not a happy one because I seemed to always be under a lot of pressure, and for some reason I always seemed to have bad luck. When I got to University my luck started to improve.Work Questions56. Where do you work?I work in the main office of Motorola. It's near the Lufthansa Centre, by the third ring road and Liangmahe road in Beijing. I've been there since 1985.57. When do you go to work everyday?I am required to get to work at 9:00 o'clock, but sometimes I get there at 8:00 o'clock, or even earlier.58. How do you get to work?I drive a car. I own a Santana car, and each morning I have to fight through the traffic. Sometimes I wonder if having a car is really worth it.59. What do you do for a living?I'm an engineer. But my day-to-day work involves quite a lot of management. In fact, I'm in charge of the Beijing branch of Motorola, and have a dozen or so engineers working under me to handle the technical side of the work.60. What are some of your responsibilities? I mean, what does your job involve?I'm a sales manager. I'm in charge of overseeing sales operations for all of northern China, including Beijing. I have about 40 employees under me who are the regional sales representatives.61. Tell me about a typical day at work. What do you do on a daily basis?Most of the time, I sit behind a desk and answer phone calls. It's not a very active job, but I do enjoy it most of the time, except when I get a phone call from a very angry customer. Sometimes, they just want to shout at someone, and because I'm the first one to answer the phone, I get the full vent of their anger.62. How do you like your job?I enjoy it very much. It does have its ups and downs, but really it's quite a good job. I enjoy the people I work with too, which really can make or break a job. We work very well together and can trust each other to do our fair share.63. What do you like most about your job?A.My job is challenging and interesting, and I think that the best thing about it is the satisfaction I get from solving problems. Each time I manage to make things go smoothly, I get a great sense of satisfaction.B.I guess I like the pay. I know that sounds cold, but in fact my job is very routine and so I just feel that at least the pay gives me some satisfaction.64. What don't you like about your job?a. I think the worst part of the job is all the unnecessary bureaucracy that exists to do everything. I jut wish that there could be simpler routines and not so many steps to everything.b. I think the worst part of my job is the long hours that I'm sometimes required to work. I think it should be designed so that I can be allowed to go home on time every night.65. Tell me something about your job?Well, I'm a French teacher. I teach undergraduate students who are majoring in French.I've been working for about 10 years already, teaching a whole variety of courses over the past 10 years.66. Which part of the day do you like best?Going home from work! Well actually I should say stepping into my flat and greeting my baby daughter who is now about 2 years old.67. What made you decide to get into this field?I didn't really plan to be a teacher at first, but my parents encouraged me to go into teaching. At first I really hated it, but after a while I got used to standing in front of a room full of students. I enjoyed my classes and the challenges of teaching, so that's when I knew that teaching was the right profession for me.Hobbies and Spare Time68. What kind of hobbies do you have?I'm a big basketball fan, even though I'm not very good at playing basketball myself. I love to watch the NBA on TV whenever I get a chance. I also play ping-pong and volleyball whenever I can.69. How did you become interested in your hobby?Since I was young, my father has always involved me in different activities. My father is a ping-pong coach in a high school. So I always have a chance to follow him when he coached. When I was in the school, I got a chance to play with other students in other sports. So that's how I developed an interest in different sports.70. What do you do in your spare time?I like to play on the computer and surf the Internet. Once I get on the Internet, I find that time really passes very quickly. Before I know it, several hours have passed and my back and neck are aching. I also like to go for walks and read novels on ancient Chinese history.71. Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you're free?I like being with a group of people. It's livelier and I feel more at ease, especially when I feel that my friends are also having a good time.72. How do you spend your weekends?I usually sleep in on Saturday morning if I can, study in the afternoon in the library, and go out with friends in the evening. On Sundays, I like to go shopping and just spend time walking around outside if the weather is nice. If I don't have much money,I still like to go window-shopping, and I get almost as much pleasure out of that!73. How do you spend your free time?I attend training courses in the evenings. However, as a mother, I also take my son somewhere at the weekend. For example, I may drive to the suburbs or the countryside around Beijing and go fishing, swimming and mountain climbing. I enjoy family life very much.74. What kinds of things do you like doing when you're not working?I'm kind of an indoor type of person, so I guess I like reading most. I'm interested in reading all kinds of books and newspaper or magazine articles, especially those on current issues. I just want to be informed of what's going on in the world.75. Do you like doing these things with a group of friends or by yourself?I prefer being with my friends and family. I'm kind of an outdoor type. I like to go swimming or play badminton with my family or friends during weekends or holidays. If I have a longer vacation, I usually travel to further away places all over the country. Reading76. What kinds of books do you like to read in your spare time?I like reading biographies of interesting people. I like these because they teach me something and also I find that other people's lives are sometimes even stranger than the lives of people in fictional stories77. Do you like reading books and newspaper?Yes, I like to read the 21st Century and the China Daily. I usually read as much as I have time for, which is sometimes quite a lot. Both of these newspapers are in English, and I find that it really is a good way for me to practice my English.78. Where do you like to read books?I suppose it depends on the book. If it's just a normal novel, then I guess I'd rather read it at home in my room. But if it's a non-fiction, informational book I guess I'd rather read it in a library.79.Do you discuss the books you read with friends?Yeah, if there's something interesting in them. For example some of the things people say in the biographies make good quotes and I like talking about these people to others.80. Is reading popular in your country with young people?No, I'd say that it's getting less popular. There are just so many other things to do that we don't really have to rely on books that much for entertainment. I think TV is the main reason. Is just more efficient and easier on the brain to watch a show than read a book.Sports81. What is your favourite sport?My favourite sport is basketball. I've been playing it regularly for about a year, andI'm quite crazy about it now.82. Why do you like it so much?Basketball is fast and it's a bit more exciting than playing other sports like football. I love the NBA, so that also makes me more interested in the sport as well.83. What sports are played in your country?Ping-pong and football are probably the most popular sports. China has a very large following of football fans. Especially now that China has qualified for the World Cup, we've become quite crazy about football.84. What is the most popular sport in your country?I'd have to say that football's really the most popular sport in China. There are literally millions of crazy football fans. Whenever there's a match on TV between China and another country, you can hear loud cheers and shouts all around the city whenever China scores a goal, and loud groans and moans when the other country scores.85. What are the sports facilities like in your hometown?Beijing has a lot of modem indoor facilities offering bowling, tennis, swimming, and other things. But, it's too expensive for most Chinese, and you have to belong to the club in order to use the facilities. There aren't very many sporting facilities that are free and open to the public. Most of the indoor facilities require you to be a member. The outdoor fields are open for anyone to use.Films and TV86. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?a. Yes. On Friday nights, I usually go and watch whatever's playing. It's kind of a family tradition that I started when my son was young.b. No. I'm not really interested in the theatre. I'd much rather read newspapers and watch TV than pay for the theatre.。

雅思口语PART12024 新题-题目+答案

雅思口语PART12024 新题-题目+答案

雅思口语PART 12024年1-4月新题1.Sunglasses1.Do you often wear sunglasses?Yes, I often wear sunglasses, especially when I'm outdoors on sunny days. They help protect my eyes from the bright sunlight and also make me feel more comfortable.2.Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?Not really. I usually look for good quality sunglasses that are within my budget. I believe that you don't have to spend a lot of money to get a pair of functional and stylish sunglasses.3.Do you give sunglasses as a gift?Yes, I have given sunglasses as a gift before. I think they can be a great present for people who enjoy being outdoors or who appreciate fashionable accessories. I usually choose a pair that suits the recipient's taste and style.4.Why do you wear sunglasses?I wear sunglasses primarily to protect my eyes from the harmful UV rays of the sun. But they also help reduce the glare and make it more comfortable for me to look around when it's bright outside. Additionally, I like how sunglasses can enhance my appearance and complete my outfit.2.Social media1.When did you start to use social media?I started using social media quite a few years ago, probably around the time when platforms like Facebook and Twitter became popular. Initially, I used it mostly to keep in touch with friends and family, but over time, I've discovered various other uses for it as well.2.Do you think you spend too much time on social media?Sometimes, I do feel like I spend more time on social media than I should. It can be easy to get caught up in scrolling through feeds and engaging with posts, but I'm trying to be more mindful of my usage and make sure it doesn't interfere with other importanttasks or activities.3.What do people do on social media?People use social media for a wide range of activities. They share updates about their daily lives, post photos and videos, and engage in conversations with friends and followers. Many also use it to follow news and trends, discover new products and services, and even for professional networking. Additionally, social media has become a platform for expressing opinions, raising awareness about important issues, and organizing campaigns and movements3.Memory1.What do you have to remember to do every day?Every day, I have to remember to check my emails and messages to keep up with work and personal communications. Additionally, I need to remember to complete my daily tasks and responsibilities, whether it's related to my job, studies, or household chores. Staying hydrated and having regular meals is also something I try to remember every day to maintain good health.2.Is it easy for you to forget to do these things?Sometimes, it can be easy to forget to do certain things, especially when I'm busy or have a lot on my mind. However, I try to set reminders or create a to-do list to help me stay organized and ensure I don't overlook any important tasks. I also find that having a routine helps me remember things more easily.3.Are you good at memorizing things?I think I'm decent at memorizing things, but it depends on the type ofinformation. For example, I find it easier to memorize factual information or lists when I associate them with something familiar or create a mnemonic device.However, memorizing abstract concepts or long passages can be more challenging for me.4.How do you help yourself to remember things?To help myself remember things, I use several techniques. I often write down important information or create notes to refer to later. I also use reminders onmy phone or computer to alert me of upcoming deadlines or appointments.Additionally, I try to associate new information with something I already know, which helps me retain it better. Sometimes, repeating the information out loud or discussing it with someone else also helps me to remember.5.Have you ever forgotten something important?Yes, I have forgotten something important before. One example is when I missed a crucial meeting because I forgot to put it in my calendar. It was a valuable lesson for me to always double-check my schedule and reminders to ensure I don't miss anything important again. Since then, I've been more diligent about tracking my appointments and deadlines4.Cake or dessert1.Do you like cakes or desserts?Yes, I do enjoy cakes and desserts, but I try to indulge in them occasionally to maintaina balanced diet.2.Why do some people not like eating sweet food?Some people don't like sweet food because of personal taste preferences, health considerations, cultural backgrounds, dietary restrictions, or simply not enjoying the taste of sugar.5.Video games1.Do you play video games?Yes, I do play video games occasionally. I find them a fun way to relax and unwind after a busy day.2.What kinds of video games do you like to play?I enjoy playing a variety of video games, especially strategy and adventure ones. They challenge my thinking and keep me engaged for hours.3.Is it good for young people to play video games?I believe it depends on the balance. Video games can be beneficial for young people in terms of entertainment and cognitive development, but it's important to strike a balance with other activities like sports and socializing.6.Colours1.What is your favourite colour?My favourite colour is blue. It's calm and relaxing, and reminds me of the beautiful sky and sea.2.Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your culture?Yes, in my culture, red often symbolizes luck, prosperity, and joy, especially during festivals and celebrations.3.Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?Yes, I often wear clothes in blue, as it complements my skin tone and makes me feel comfortable and confident.4.What is your preferred car colour for purchase?If I had to choose, I'd probably prefer a silver car. It's sleek and modern, and goes well with various styles and designs7.Singing1.Do you like singing?Yes, I enjoy singing, especially when I'm feeling happy or relaxed. It's a fun way to express myself.2.Do you have any singing classes at school?No, my school doesn't offer singing classes specifically. But we have music classes where we learn about different musical instruments and genres.3.Do you think there are many Chinese that can sing?Yes, I believe there are many Chinese people who can sing well. Singing is a popular hobby and many Chinese have a natural talent for it. Plus, there's a rich cultural tradition of singing in China.8.Advertising1.Do you like advertisements on TV or some other products?I'm neutral about advertisements on TV and other products. Sometimes they can be informative and entertaining, but too many can be annoying.2.Were there any advertisements that impressed you when you were young?Yes, there were a few advertisements that caught my attention when I was young. One was a toy advertisement that had a catchy jingle and bright colors.3.Will you do work related to advertising?Currently, I'm not planning to work directly in advertising. But I appreciate the creativity and strategy involved in making effective advertisements.4.What kind of advertisements are shown in public places?In public places, you often see billboards and posters advertising various products and services. These can range from food and beverages to clothing and electronics9.Celebrity news1.Do you pay attention to famous people in the news?Yes, I do pay attention to famous people in the news, especially those who are involved in current events or have achieved remarkable feats.2.Do you think news reports about famous people are always true?Not always. Sometimes news reports about famous people can be exaggerated or even fabricated for sensationalism. It's important to verify the source and cross-check information.3.What kind of famous people do you often see in the news?I often see actors, singers, politicians, and sportspeople in the news. Their personal lives, achievements, and controversies often grab headlines.4.Who is your favorite celebrity in your country?My favorite celebrity in my country is an actor known for his talent and dedication to his craft. He inspires me with his hard work and positive attitude.10.Feel bored1.Do you often feel bored?Not often. I usually have enough to do and enjoy keeping busy with various activities.2.What kinds of things would make you feel bored?Repetitive tasks or long periods of inactivity without stimulation would make me feel bored.3.What will you do if you feel bored?If I feel bored, I'll try to find something new and exciting to do, like reading a book, exploring a new place, or engaging in a hobby.4.Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring?I don't think either childhood or adulthood is inherently boring. It depends on the individual's experiences and how they choose to spend their time. Both stages of life can be filled with fun and meaningful activities.11.Crowded place1.Is the city where you live crowded?Yes, the city where I live can be quite crowded, especially during peak hours and in popular areas.2.Is there a crowded place near where you live?Yes, there's a popular shopping mall near my house that's always crowded with people.3.Do you like crowded places?I don't mind being in crowded places occasionally, but I prefer less crowded environments for daily activities. Crowds can be overwhelming sometimes.4.When was the last time you were in a crowded place?The last time I was in a crowded place was probably at a concert last weekend. The venue was packed with fans and it was quite lively.12.Money1.How do you save money?I save money by budgeting, avoiding unnecessary expenses, and investing in long-term savings plans.2.What do you think of e-payment?I think e-payment is convenient and efficient, especially for online transactions. It saves time and reduces the risk of carrying cash.3.Do you often use credit cards?I do use credit cards occasionally, but I'm careful with my spending and always pay off my balance on time.4.Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?While e-payment is becoming more common, I believe cash will still have its place in the future. Some people may prefer it for small transactions or personal reasons.5.Do you like spending money or saving money?I enjoy both spending and saving money. Spending can be fun and rewarding, but saving is also important for financial security and future plans. It's a balance that I try to maintain.。



PART1Names1. Who gave you your n ame?The n ame was give n by my pare nts.2. Does your n ame have any particular (or special meaning?I don ' t know about that.3. Do you like your n ame?I guess yes.4」n your country do people feel that their name is very important?Most of people thi nk so, because n ames are the first impressi on to other people.5. Would you like to cha nge your n ame?I don ' t think it ' s necessary.6.1s it easy to cha nge your n ame in your coun try?Maybe there will be some procedures to do.7. Who usually n ames babies in your coun try?Pare nts or gran dpare nts.8. Do you have any special traditi ons about naming childre n?It depends on the tradition of the hometown.It depends on the tradition of the hometown.Work or study1. Do you work or are you a stude nt?I ' m work in g. I have bee n worki ng for 16 years.2. What work do you do?I work for automobile repairing factory as a manager. I ' m in charge of everything.3. Why did you choose to do that kind of work (or that job?Because I am in terested in this job.4. Would you recomme nd that job to other people?It depends on if the other people feel interested.Home/Accommodati on1. Do you live in a house or a flat?I live in a house with my family.2. Please describe it a littleIt ' s floored house with a small yard and garage. It has a living room, 3 bedrooms,a kitche n and 2 bathrooms.3. What ' s your favorite room in your home?It ' s the bedroom.Paint with my favorite colors.5. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?Their bedrooms.6. What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Surf the internet or watch TV.7. Are the tran sport facilities to your home very good?Not really. Only one or two buses pass by.8. Do you pla n to move?No, I don ' t.9. Would you like to move to ano ther place to live?(Why? Where?I guess I would n 't, because I like the neighborhood.10. Are you prepared to move?It depe nds.Hometow n1. What ' s your hometown?I ' m from Shun de, Gigdto ng Provin ce. This city is on ly 45-mi nu tes drive far from here.2. Do you like your hometow n?Yes, I do.3. Would you say it ' s an interesting place?I don ' t think so. small town, no wonderful nightlife.4. What would you say are the good points and the bad points of your hometow n?People are friendly and food is delicious. At the same time, too much pollution, a little crowded.5. What ' s your favorite part of your hometown?The liv ing en vir onment is not bad.6. Are there any tourist attracti ons in your hometow n?Some temples and parks.7. Did you frie nds also grow up in the same place as you?Yes, most of them.8. Would you like to live there in the future?I don ' t really know about that.House/apartme nt1. Do you live in a house or an apartme nt?I live in a house with my family.2. How do you like it? And why?I like it very much, it ' s convenient and spacious.d like tohavethe liv ing room has much space for my family.4. Ca n you describe your room?There are a livi ng room, 3 bedrooms, a kitche n and 2 bathrooms.5. Do you want to cha nge your room?Not really. 6. What would it be if you could change something about your room? I more colors pain ted in my room.7. Where do you live now? And how long have you bee n there?I live in my hometown now. I have been living there for more than 30 years. 8.Who do you live with? My whole family.Bicycles1. Do you ever ride a bicycle?Of course yes.2. What do you use a bicycle for?In the past, I rode to school, but no w, I do exercises.3. How old were you whe n you first lear ned to ride a bicycle?I guess it was 5 years old.4. Are bicycles popular in China?s hard to get the bala ncs societ It ' s getting more popular these two years. 5. Would you say it ' s difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?Maybe it ' s a little difficult at the beg inning because it6.What are the reas ons why people ride bicycles?Riding bicycles is a healthy life style.7. What are the adva ntages(or ben efitsof ridi ng a bicycle?It is good for our health especially lun gs.8. What kinds of people ride bicycles?Elderly people and childre n.9. Do childre n also ride bicycles in your coun try?Yes, they do.10. Why do childre n enjoy ridi ng bicycles?They can ride to school.11. Would you say bicycles are suitable for people of all ages?Yes, I thi nk so.12. Can you think of any people who are not suited to riding a bicycle?Maybe some disable patie nts13. Would you say it ' s still suitable to ride a bicycle in todayFor public transportation no, but for keep healthy yes.14. Do you thi nk bicycles are suitable for prese nt society?For public transportation no, but for keep healthy yes.15. What do you think are the adva ntages (and disadva ntages of bicycles compared to cars? less pollution and more fun.16. Would you say it ' s safe to icyd® ib the city(or ,in China?I don ' t think so, because there are too many cars on road already.Advertiseme nts1. Are there many advertiseme nts in your coun try?Yes, there are.2. Why do you think there are so many advertiseme nts now?Because the marketi ng is doing better tha n before.3. What are the various places where we see advertiseme nts?What I can think of is on TV, radio, websites, n ewspapers.4. How do you feel about advertiseme nts?Some of them are good-desig ned, but some of them are annoying.5. What kinds of advertiseme nt do you like the most?Some carto ons.6. Do advertiseme nts(ever in flue nee your choice about what to buy?s world? Of course yes. Especially the new brands can only be known by advertiseme nts.7. Where can we (or ,what are the various places where we can see advertiseme nts?What I can think of is on TV, radio, websites, n ewspapers.8. D0 you like advertiseme nts on TV?Sometimes yes.9. Do you prefer advertiseme nts on TV or those in magaz in es?I would rather in magaz in es.10. What do you thi nk is the purpose of advertiseme nts (or ,advertis ing? Promote the brands and attract the atte ntio ns.11. Do you thi nk advertis ing plays a very importa nt role in today'Yes, it ' s a booming industry.12. What sorts of advertis ing leave the deepest impressi on on people?Some world-wide famous brands like NIKE or Addidas.13. What do you think about the developme nts in advertis ing in China today? It could be more creative and attractive.Sunshine1. Do you like going outside on sunny days?Yes, it can make me feel en ergetic.2. What ben efits can (or do people get from sunshine?People can absorb more en ergy and oxyge n.In door Games1. Do you play any in door games?Sometimes I play badm inton.2. Do you prefer to play in door games or outdoor games?I like both.3. What in door games did you play whe n you were a child ?Maybe “ hide and seek ”.4.Is there any particular in door game that you liked(whe n you were a child? Maybe hide and seek ”.5. What sorts of in door games do childre n play now?Role-play ing or running after others.6. Did you play electro nic games whe n you were a child?(If yes ,what games or why?If no. why not ?No, I didn ' t7. Do you think electronic games are good for children?No, I don ' t think so.8. What sorts of (in doorgames do you thi nk childre n will be play ing in the future?Singing or dancing.9.1s where any in door game you ' d like to lear n( howto play?Sorry, I n ever think about that.Leisure time /Relax1. What do you do in your spare time?I ofte n play video games on li ne or chat with frien ds.2. What do you do to relax?Sing in the Karaoke or watch a movie.3. How do you usually spe nd your eve nings ?Sing in the Karaoke or watch a movie.4. What do you usually do after work/after classes?Han gout with frie nds.5. Do you prefer to stay at home in the eve nings or do you prefer to go out? I prefer to go out with frie nds.6. Do you thi nk modern lifestyles give people eno ugh time for leisure?I don ' t think so, most of the working people are under great stress so that they can really enjoy the leisure time.7. Do you think people today have more time to relax tha n in the past?I don ' t think so, most of the working people are under great stress so that they can really enjoy the leisure time.8. Do you think it ' s important for people to have leisure time(or eilaX?tOf course, but it depe nds on whether people can earn eno ugh money to support their lives.9. Do old people and young people spe nd their leisure time(or relax in the same wayIt ' s quite different I guess. Most of old people do exercises in the mornihgt young people go out for dinner or movies in the eve nin gs.10. What do you think are the good points and the possible bad points about hav ing leisure time?People can relax and tie up the relations with families or friends. For bad points, people may be lazier.11. How do people in your country spe nd their holidays?Travelling or visiting relatives.12. Do you like to travel in your holidays?Yes, I do.13.lf you had a child ,what leisure places would you go to with your child? Some places by the beaches.Mobile pho nes1. Do you have a mobile pho ne(=a cell pho ne?Yes, I do.2. Whe n did you first have (or ,geta mobile phone?About my 15 years old.3.1s your cell phone important(or ,usefulfor you in your daily life?It ' s the most important.4. What do you use it for?con tact other people, do bus in ess.5. Do you prefer texti ng or talk ing on the phoneyes, I do.6. Do people in your country like using mobile phon es?yes, it ' s getting more and more popular.7. Do you think people should tur n off their phones in public places?It ' s not necessary to turn off, can tune to silent mode.8.Is there anything you dislike about using cell pho nes?It ' s easy to out of battery.9. Have you ever had any problems using your mobile phone while traveli ng? It was out of service in some remote areas.10. Do you think you will be using your mobile phone more often(than you use it nowin the future?Yes, I do.11. How do you think mobile phones will develop(or cha ngein the future?It can have more fun cti ons like audio messages or make movies.Music1. Do you ofte n (like to liste n to music?Yes, I do.2. Whe n do you liste n to music?before bed or driv ing.3. How much time do you spe nd liste ning to music every day? Almost an hour.4. What kinds of music do you like to liste n to ?Pop music.5. What s your favorite kind of music?Pop music.6. How ofte n do you liste n to (that type ofmusic?every day.7. Whe n did you start liste ning to this type of music?Since junior high school8. Where do you listen to it?by cell phone or radio.9. How do you feel whe n you liste n to this music?I feel relaxed and enjo yable.did. 10. Do you like liste ning to son gs?Yes, I do.11. Have you ever bee n to a musical performa nee?No, I haven ' t.12. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?I wish to do that when I was a chid, but I didn ' t make it.13.1s music an importa nt subject at school in China?I don ' t think it is important.14. Did you often listen to music when you were a child?(If yes ,give details. Yes, I15. What kinds of music are (most popular in Chi na?Pop, country and rock music.Neighbors1. Are there many people livi ng n ear you?Yes, there are.2. Do you know (allyour n eighbors?Of course no.3. How ofte n do you see (or talk to your n eighbors?Every day.s n eighbors? 4. Whe n do you meet (or seeyour n eighbors?Go to work.5. How ofte n do you talk to your n eighbors?Hardly ever.6. Do you think it ' s important(or necessaryto know your neighbors?Yes, I do.7. How well do you know your n eighbors?I only know two or three of them.8. Do you thi nk it ' s importa nt for a pers on aqgoaVselati on ship with their n eighbors?yes, because they can help you whe n you n eed them for some time.9. What do you think of you n eighbors?I thi nk they are helpful if I n eed some help.10. What kind of people are your n eighbors?Most of them are families.11. How (welldo you get along with your n eighbors?I will say hi to them whe n I saw them.12. What are the ben efits of hav ing good relati on ships with oneI thi nk they are helpful if I n eed some help.13. What sorts of problems can people have with their n eighbors?People may argue with some small problems like clea nli ness.14.ln what ways can n eighbors help each other?In the case of the emergency like fire or theft. 15.Have you ever asked a neighbor for help? So far no.16.Would you prefer to have young people as you n eighbors or old people? It doesn ' t really matter to me.。



Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。





2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。


3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。




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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please pay attention!雅思口语Part1新题预测【通用3篇】雅思口语题库part1新题:family(家庭篇一Part 1、问题1.Do you have a large or small family?2.How much time do you spend with your family?3.What do you like to do together as a family?4.Do you get along well with your family?5.Is yours a typical family?6.Are there many different types of family in your country?7.Who are you closest to in your family?1.part1参考答案:1.Do you have a large or small family?– I come from a large family.Now,I just have my mom,an older brother and three younger brothers.My father passed away 17 years ago.I am the only daughter in the family.2.How much time do you spend with your family?– For now,I live one in another city far from my family so I only spend about two weeks each year with them.3.What do you like to do together as a family?-My family enjoys cooking together and having special meals together.We catch up and talk about our lives.We look back andshare memories especially when we were still young.We enjoy music as well.So,when we get together,we play several mu ≤≥sical instruments and sing along.4.Do you get along well with your family?-Sure.We are really close to each other.I am happy that I could tell them anything.They are always there to listen whenI have problems.5.Is yours a typical family?-Well,I can say that,yes,our family is a typical one.A family,who stays by each other through good times and bad times.6.Are there many different types of family in your country?-Yes,types of family in terms of number and the members of a household.There are small families with one two children to large families with about eight or more children.There are also households with eXtended families.7.Who are you closest to in your family?-I am closest to my mom.I think it is because we are the only women in the family.So,we share the same ideas about many things.2.相关part2&3、话题及范文:Describe the person in your family who you most admire.You should say:what their relationship is to youwhat they have done in their lifewhat they do nowand eXplain why you admire them so much.The person I admire the most,not just in my family but in the whole world is my mom.She is a great wife and a wonderful mother.She is loving,caring,open-minded and very understanding.I love how she looks at things.She is very optimistic.I love her courage in raising me and my brothers well since my father passed away.She has been a single mom for about 17 years and did her best to act both a mother and a father to us.She’d always stood up for us.My mom resigned from work few years after my father died.Her reason was to spend much more time for the family especially when we were growing up.She felt the need to guide us physically and emotionally.She then started her own business which she is still running till now.I love her so much.She is not just a mom but also a mentor and a friend.Part 3In what ways have families in your country changed in recent?The roles of husbands and wives changed in recent years.Both spouses have been more open to perform different roles such as working outside the home or pitching-in with the household duties.Another change I think is limiting the number of children in the family.Parents nowadays think of having smaller families due to high cost of living.Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?Traditionally,husbands and wives had clear-cut roles in the society.Husbands used to provide the financial need of the family,while women were eXpected to take care of the house.Changes had occurred over time and both husbands and wives started to take part in each of these roles.I think this change is good.It is not necessary to define each role.I think whatever role each husband or wife takes,as long as it is good for the family,it is okay.Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?Both are important but family is more important for me than friends.Friends may come and go but I know that my family is always there and will always be there no matter what happens in my life and no matter what decisions I take.3.family 相关词汇:husbandwifeunclecousinspouse stepdaughter stepmothermother-in-law father-in-law eXtended family upbringingdivorcechildcare adolescencebring up upbringingdivorcemarriagefamily background member of a family family gathering close-knitsingle-parentbring upover-protectivenuclear family雅思口语新题part1预测配范文:Parents篇二Parenting问题参考答案:1.Should parents be strict to their children?yeah.strict rules is a must.strict discipline causes the child to have values such as perseverance,hard work and fair play instilled in them.2.What’s the most valuable thing parents can give to their children?my mother is the most loving person I could possibly meet in my life.She taught me the basic values of life and she put a great effort to teach me to distinguish the right from wrong.She is a virtuous and benevolent women and I have a great admiration for her.3.Are parents the best teachers for children?of course they are! Parents are more engaged in their children’s activities than any other person because they spend more time with them than even teachers in schools,so they can find more deeply their children’s personalityweaknesses.Sensationally,they feel closer to their children than any other people are.Bonding helps mothers to love their children more than any other else.4.Do your parents teach you lots of things than cannot be learnt in school?yes,my mother never hesitates to inspire me whenever I do something good.She is the best critic I can possibly have and because of her,I have learned computer programming,art and other important skills.She is a hard working woman who has devoted her entire life for her family.I learned the importance and necessity of a close family from her.5.Have you ever had conflicts with your parents?Well yes,occasionally I and my parents disagreed on many issues regarding social connections or the choices of electronic gadgets to improve our home,but those can not surpass the conflicts that I had when my parents saw my boyfriend/girlfriend being with me in the same room.6.How to solve them?I guess proper communications,empathy and understanding are the keys here to resolve any conflicts.7.Should parents set goals for their childrenI would say yes,mainly due to the fact that goals motivateand direct humanity toward achieving incredible results.With that being said,children needs to learn how to do housework and to take responsibility for their actions since very young age,also they need to complete their education in time and goals must be set in order to secure those objectives.8.What is the role of parents?parenting is the most difficult job in the world,with zero compensation and 24/7 work hours,no vacations,no insurances and you can not quit this job!9.How to be a good parent?generally speaking,parents need to learn vital skills such as: cooking,educational methods,how to multitask effectively.Also,compassion and an incredible patience is a must-have for all parents.Parents高分语料:Good parentingnurturing environmentinstil lovefoster empathygenerally speaking,parents need to learn vital skills such as: cooking,educational methods,how to multitask effectively.Also,compassion and an incredible patience is amust-have for all parents.After all,what is the goal when youre dealing with children? To show whos boss? To instill fear? Or to help the child develop into a decent,self-confident human being?Good parenting helps foster empathy,honesty,self-reliance,self-control,kindness,cooperation,and cheerfulness,says Steinberg.It also promotes intellectual curiosity,motivation,and desire to achieve.It helps protect children from developing anXiety,depression,eating disorders,anti-social behavior,and alcohol and drug abuse.How to Be a Good Parent?Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling eXperiences of your life,but that doesnt mean its easy.No matter what age your child/children is/are,your work is never done.To be a good parent,you need to know how to make your children feel valued and loved,while teaching them the difference between right and wrong.At the end of the day,the most important thing is to create a nurturing environment where your children feel like they can thrive and develop into confident,independent,and caring adults.雅思口语Part 1新题预测:Going Out(Hanging out篇三Do you like going out or staying at home?What do you like to do when you go out?How often do you go out?Do people in your country go out a lot?How and where do people in your country usually socialize?What kind of entertainment is popular in your country?1.Do you prefer going out or staying at home? Why?版本1.I am the person who is interested in spending my spare time with my family.What matters is not about whether going out or staying at home,but being with my family,so both is ok to me.We can stay at home watching a whole day of old movies and ordering take-aways or we can make a wild field trip to the rarely beaten part of the city.版本2.For me it depends.i prefer to go out when i have works offline and need my immediate attention.i also love to stay at home especially when my internet connection is fast.i can have my online works faster too and as i am also taking priority over my career development.2.What will do if you go out?版本1、In weekends,I am used to hanging out with my family members and spend on outdoor,sometimes we go to cinema or parks.In weekdays,I have to go to work and study.This is the usual thing I would be doing if I go out.Apart from that,sometimes I would like to hang out with my friends and visit naturally beautiful places in my hometown.版本2、Generally,I would like to do some team activities with my friends,like playing football and playing poker.However,I would occasionally go to a cafe shop,order my farourite Latte and read a book for the whole afternoon.Its always very enjoyful to spend an afternoon alone.3.When you go out for an evening,what do you like to do?I call my close friends to check out what they are doing and whether they are busy or not.If they are free,I either choose to visit a park and spend time there with my friends or arrange an outdoor game like cricket or badminton.Sometimes I go out for shopping in the evening if this is necessary or enjoya movie in a movie theatre.4.Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends?You bet!being alone is boring while being someones company is joyful.So my motto is the more the better.it really feels wonderful even when we just slob around the streets and do some idle joking and poking at each other.5.How often do you like to hang out with your friends?版本1、I love enjoying with my friends but because of the tight schedule that we all have,it has become quite tough thesedays to hang out on regular basis.But,we make sure that during weekends we do spend sometime together.So,we play badminton together and then during evenings we either eat at each other place or go out for walks and eat at road side.版本2、I hang out with my friends to somewhere from time to time.Normally if we have lots of time in the weekends,we will go to the cinema to watch movies with our kids to have a good time; but if we don’t have plenty of time,we’ll just have dinner together in a restaurant.6.Who do you usually like to hang out with?Usually I’d like to hang out with one of my close friends.Actually we live in the same community so we can meet frequently.Besides,both of our kids are in the same class in the kindergarten,so we’d like to take them to the park or playground together.7.Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?Well,that depends.We sometimes go to the restaurants to enjoy the tasty food if someone finds adecent place; and if we have plenty of time,we’d like to plan a hike or camp in the nearby forest park to enjoy the natural life.That would be a very memorable eXperience.8.Do you like to hang out with a big group of friends orjust a few friends?版本1、I think it all depends on the place we are going to hang out.So,if it is just the long walks and some sort of fast food eating,I usually prefer my two close friends.But,for places like museums or for that matter water parks it is always fun to go out with a big group of friends.There are so much more memories that one makes with a huge group of friends.版本2、Well,if I were to choose between the two,I will probably go with hanging out with a big group people because I feel that I am an eXtrovert,I like to meet different people to know about different kinds of life and make myself more sociable; whereas,you know,with few people around,it would be hard to find something interesting to do,such as travelling,hiking,etc.10.Who do you usually like to spend time with?I have two really nice friends in the current city that I am living.Although,there are many other friends that I have made but it is usually them that I love spending time with.We three like spending time together,not only because we know each other well but it is amazing to tease each other.The best part of our friendship is that we can have the silliest of the conversation and then a serious conversation together.。



1. Sure, I have used internet since I went to middle school. I use it quite often.2. Generally when I am in the school, I go onto the internet using wifi in the library.Sometimes I surf the internet at my dormitory.3.I often search for information and browse news to keep up to the date. Also, Idownload films and music from the internet and contact with my friends.4.Yes, because computers are common in most every households, internet is more andmore popular. People use it for work and entertainment. It become parts of people’s life.5. Internet can be informative and educational. When people run into some unfamilarthings, it is easy to find answers on the internet. And people can talk freely and exchange ideas through the internet, which can learn from each other.1.Yes, we own a Japan Honda. My father drives it to work every weekdays andtakes us to go outside at the weekend.2. Yes, my father encouraged to learn driving and I learned how to drive from acouch.3.I got my driver’s license two years ago when was in my first year in theuniversity. But I haven’t drive a lot because I am busy with study.4.Sure. I don’t encourage everyone to drive to work but knowing how to drivecan be useful.For example, if you want to take a trip, and everyone knows how to drive, it maybe much easier, because everyone can take turns driving.5.Of course. You know, life is the most precious.You have to be cautious enough.If we don’t pay attention to safety when driving,we risk not only our lives but the lives of others.6.No,in China, only those who are above 18 can take driving classes and getdriving licenses.7. Not really. Teenagers don’t have a good self-control and sometimes they areimpulsive. This means that it’s not safe to have driving licenses at school.1. Yes, I often write emalis to keep in touch with my friends and ask my teacher questionsvia emals.2. I prefer to use a comperter. The reason is that it is faster and cheaper.3. I write emalis more oftern. Because it’s more time-savingand convenient, especially thatmany of my friends have gone abroad to study.4. It really depends. I check my emails everyday and I will reply as soon as possible if myfriends send me an email. And if I have questions, I will write to my teacher.5. Letters are written by hand, which are more meaningful, with love and wishes. On theother hand, emails are writen on computer, which means it look the same with less special feeling.6. I usually write something about what happen recently, exchange feelings to my friends.7. I oftern write to my friends and teachers.8.Not really. It is all about daily stuff.9. I guess the hardest is the cover letter. Every cover letter you write should be customizedfor the job you are applying for, clear and concise, grammatically correct, and error-free.10. It really depends. If I receive emails from my friends,I will be happy. And if I receive thereport card, will feel nervous. In addtion, it is annoying to receive emails advertising on some products.11. I guess emails from a friend whom I haven’t seen for a long time will make me everyhappy, especially when there is a good news. It is wonderful to share their happiness.12. No, I don’t think so. Time is efficiency. People living in the a new era of informationwould more likely to write emails to contact each other in different places all over the world.1. Winter is a little cold and dry while in summer, it is quite hot and it has a lot of rainy days. It is mild and warm in spring and autumn, about 15 centigrade.2. Well, my favorite season would probably be spring. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. And there are green trees and colourful flowers everywhere. It is a perfect time to go outside and have fun with friends.3. I often go for a walk with my parents in a park near my home and hike the hills with my friends.4. I don’t really like winter. The cold weather make me feel less likely to move around and it is chilly to go outside.5. I would like to have a picnic with my parents in sunny days. And it would be nice to enjoy the blooming flowers in the park.1. It was the Luohu Primary school which I first attend. I was about 6 years old.2. It is in the center of Luhu district, surrounding by large supermarkets and blocks ofbuildings.3.No, It is near where I live, about 10- minutes’ walk.4.At first, my parents drove me to school. And when I was eight years old, I walked to schoolwith my friends who lived in the same neighborhoods.5. Sure. Although the school was not big enough, there was a large playground where weplayed games and did sports. I really liked skipping with my friends when I was young.6. Sure. The teachers are learned and have good communication skills. The school not onlytaught us knowledge but also helped us to developed different interests, such as singing , dancing and spots.7. Yes, the learning atmosphere is good for study. If I have a child, I would send him to thatschool. And I would share the past story with him.8. I have been to primary school, middle school, senior school. And I am studying inuniversity now.9. I liked my primary school best. It is mainly because we were carefree at the time withoutmuch stress from academic work and I took part in different activities.110. No, my parents gave me some advices but let me chose it by myself.1.Yes, I am a big fan of dancing, especially ballroom dance. I still remember that thelast time when I danced was on my father’s birthday two month ago.2.I guess people love dancing because it is a good way to relax themselves and get rid of the stress from daily life. Also,it is fun to move with the changing music and make friends while dancing.3.I feel really exciting want to dance with them when I watch dancing programs on TV. Last week I watched a dancing show called “stricly come dancing” and I saw the dancer performed an excellent Latin dance.4.Sure, I used to watch hip-hop dance show when I was at school. And I really love to watch dance performances on rumba,ballet and folk dancing.5.Sure, my father taught me how to dance when I was 12 years old. It was not easy at first but I practiced a lot. And I can dance well now.6. Of course, when you learn dancing, you can develop your music sensation and body coordination. More importantly, Dancingl is a communication tool which provide a relaxed envienment for you to socialize with others.1.Yes, I learned how to swim when I was a kid, my father taught me.I often go to swimmming with my friends in the summer.2.Of course. Although, I am not a good swimmer and I can not swim as fast as someof my friends, I enjoy swimming. Because I feel free and relaxed under the water.3.Yes, my father used to train me twice a week when I was young. I learnedbreaststroke and praciticed with my good friend,Lily.4.Definitely, swimming is a kind of sport which can improve your lung capacity. It is also a stress reliver because you feel peaceful and free under the water.5.I prefer swimming in a swimming pool rather than the sea. The salt in the sea is not pleasant if you swallow it. And sometimes it can be really dangerous due to under currents and rising tide.。



Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。





2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。


3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。




雅思口语pat1话题预测配答案:Reading Books(阅读)变题不慌!Reading Books 相关参考题目1. Do you like to read books?2. How often do you go to the cinema?3. Do you prefer reading books or watching films?4. Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?5. Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?6. Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and online downloads. Why do you think this might be?7. Do you like reading books? Why or why not?8. What (kinds of) books do you like to read?9. Did you read much when you were a child?10. What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you werea child?11. Do (young) children like reading books?12. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?13. What do you think are the benefits of reading to children?范文Marie: Yes … I love reading … I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good book … I regularly take o ut books from the library and usually read them from cover to cover in no time … and I can’t go to sleep at night without some good bedtime reading …Jemma: Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the latest movie (I)usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I prefer low-budget films … sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like these …Louisa: I’m not really a big reader … I find books quiteheavy-going … so I much prefer to see a film … perhaps it’s thespecial effects or the soundtrack … I don’t know … I just prefer a film …Alise: personally I prefer reading a paperback or hardback … especially if I’m reading a classic which I don’t think feels right as an e-book … but I can see it can be good for others … my grandmother has an e-reader and she loves the way you can enlarge the text …Thomas: I think so … at least I hope so … I love flicking through boo ks in a bookshop … online shopping is useful … finding out on Amazon if a book you want has got a good review … maybe getting one that is difficult to find … but I still love the experience of being in a bookshop …Jamie: I think it’s the whole experienc e that the cinemaoffers … going out to see a film when it goes on general release … and seeing it on the big screen is more exciting than watching the film at home on TV … especially if it’s an action movie … and watching it with others makes it even more special …Yes, I’m really into reading because I believe that reading can be both entertaining and educational. Reading broadens my knowledge by opening up the whole world to me. While I’m reading, I can be visiting another country or a different time period, ortraveling through space. I can find out how people solve problems or think up new ideas.Oh, it’s a tough question, or it should be more of what books I don’t read. I have a really open mind to books and what genre they are. Classic literature, novel, autobiography, historical story…whatever.Yes, I remember when I was a kid, I’d like to take some historical books from my father’s bookshelf, and read the historical stories, which were really entertaining and educational to me. As a result, I’m very familiar with our Chinese ancient history.It’s kind of hard to say but young children that I know around me tend to read fairy tales to cultivate their mental development, but maybe for others, they just want to watch TV and play toys.I believe if you want your children to be smart, they have to acquire a love for reading, which has numerous benefits. Reading opens the door to child’s early academic success, imparts a love of learning and leads to higher grades in every subject. Besides, reading can help children Improve linguistic skills in the form of a richer vocabulary, correct grammar, and more articulate oral communication. On top of that, books teach child aboutrelationships, situations, personalities, and what is good and what is bad in the world he lives in.口语高分语料an action movie: a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violenceto be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thingbedtime reading: something to read in bed before you go to sleepto be a big reader: someone who reads a lotto be based on: to use as a modala box office hit: a financially successful filmto be heavy-going: difficult to reada blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial successto catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just come out the central character: the main person in a film or booka classic: of the highest qualityto come highly recommended: to be praised by another personcouldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a bookan e-book: a digital bookan e-reader: a device for reading e-booksto flick through: to look quickly through a bookto get a good/bad review: to receive positive or negative feedbackto go on general release: when a film can be seen by the general publichard back: a book with a rigid cover (see ‘paperback’ below)a historical novel: a story set in the pasta low budget film: a film made with a small amount of moneyon the big screen: at the cinemaa page turner: a book that you want to keep readingpaperback: a book with a flexible cover (see ‘hardback’ above) plot: the main events in a film or bookto read something from cover to cover: to read a book from the first page to the lastsci-fi: science fictionto see a film: to see a film at t he cinema (see ‘watch a film’ below)the setting: where the action takes placeshowings: performances of a filmsoundtrack: the music that accompanies a filmspecial effects: the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturallyto take out (a book from the library): to borrow a book from the libraryto tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s life or an eventto watch a film: to watch a film on TV (see ‘to see a film’ above)雅思口语pat1话题预测:Musical Instruments(乐器)Musical Instruments 相关参考题目1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument withouta teacher?5. Did you ever learn a musical instrument as a child?6. If you could learn to play any musical instrument, what would you choose?7. What kind of music do you listen to?8. Do you play any instruments?9. Have you got any hobbies or interests?范文My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there are different types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety of sounds a guitar can make.。




雅思口语pat1话题猜测配答案:Hats(帽子)变题不慌!Hats题目参考答案1. Do you like to wear hats?Although hats help shield your hair and face from direct sunlight, to be honest I don’t really like wearing hats daily. My hair is always a mess after I take them out. Instead of wearing hats, I think I prefer bringing an umbrella with me.2. What kinds of hats do you have?/3. Where do you like to buy hats?Well as I’ve mentioned, wearing hats is definitely not my daily style, so generally I don’t have any hats at home. There is the only type of hat I’m particularly fond of, which is baseball caps. This kind of hat can give me a sporty and strong look, you know.4. Is wearing hats popular in your country?It’s not much sought after in my country where motorbike is the most common means of transportation, and it is a must to wear a helmet whenever you ride a motorbike for safety. I think you can imaginehow much uncomfortable it is to wear a hat under the helmet. Thus in most of the case, hats are for pedestrians and fashionista.5. Do you wear hats/caps? Do you like them?I wear caps…I just had one big brown cowboy hat when I was in college but I didn’t wear it much….never found a liking for it.6. Why do you wear them?I wear them every day as I ride to work on my bike and I don’t want my hair to be wrecked…and since I need a cap every day, I have bought quite a few different kind of caps so that I don’t repeat just the one or two.7. Why do people generally wear a hat?To shade their heads from the sun…or maybe to hide their baldness…I think in my country these are the main reasons…and another reason can be for people who are fashionable and want to try hats with their look…some people also wear hats as it is a part of the uniform they’re wearing…for example, policemen.8. Does it represent any fashion?Yes they do…nowadays young boys and girls were these very quirky beret caps…I think they are in trend right now…9. On what occasion people generally prefer wearing a hat?Muslims generally wear a small round cap when they go to the mosques to pray, and in Hindu households, men wear a white cap called‘Gandhi cap’ at the time they are a part of any religious or traditional ceremony.Hats(Caps)相关语料Sought after (adj) in demand; generally desiredPedestrian (n) a person walking rather than travelling in a vehicleFashionista (n) a person who dresses in fashion雅思口语pat1话题猜测配答案:Parks(公园)变题不慌!Parks题目参考题目1. Does your hometown have many parks?2. Do you often visit public parks?3. What do you usually do there?4. Do you like parks?5. What kinds of parks do you like?6. What do you like most about (going to) a park?7. Did you go to parks when you were a child?8. What did you do there?9. Do you think it’s good to have parks and public gardens in cities (Why?)10. DO you think there should be more of them?11. Do you think you will go to parks more often in the future?12. Do you like parks? Why / why not?13. How often do you visit parks?14. Why are parks an important part of many towns and cities?15. What do you think could be done to make parks better?参考范文Not so many, actually there is only one park in my small county along the river.Yes, I go to the parks a lot, for example, when it is sunny in the daytime, I’d like to go running in the park to get exercises, or just take a walk there at night after dinner with my family to enjoy ourselves.Yes, I’m really into parks. The main factor is that it’s quiet in the park in which I can unwind myself without any interruptions and also it’s a good chance to take exercises like jogging or just sit by the lake talking with friends, which can really bring people closer together.Yes, I just remembered I went to the amusement park for one time, but didn’t have a good time there because I was too scared to play around. I was a timid boy then.I believe there should be more parks in big cities because parks with plenty of trees and grass can function like lungs to human bodies. They can purify the air efficiently, provide sun shade to citizens and to some extent reduce the city noise.Yes, I like parks because they’re great places to relax or go for a walk.I think every city needs some green space where people can escape from the crowds.There’s a park very close to where I live, so I probably go there once or twice a week if the weather’s nice.Parks are like an oasis where people get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. They are where people go to have lunch, to take some exercise, or to forget about work for a while.The parks in big cities are already really good in my opinion. If I think about the famous parks in London, Paris or New York, I can’t imagine what I would do to improve them.雅思口语pat1话题猜测配答案:Colour(颜色)变题不慌!Colour相关参考题目1. What’s your favourite colour?2. Are there any colours you dislike (Why?)3. Are colours important to you?4. Were colours important to you when you were a child?5. When you are buying something, is the colour important to you?6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favourite colour?7. Is colour very important to you when you are buying clothes?8. Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colours?9. Are there any colours that have a special meaning in your country?10. What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?11. Is there any colour you would not want your walls to be? (Why?)12. Do you think different types of people like different colours?13. What was your favourite colour when you were a child?14. Is that still your favourite colour now?15. Do you think colours are important?16. Is colour very important to you when you are buying clothes?17. If you were to paint the walls of your room, what colour would you choose?18.What was your favorite color when you were a child?19.Do you think colors are important?20.Is color very important for you when buying clothes?21.If you were to paint the walls of your room, what color would you choose?范文My favourite colour is blue, it is the colour of depth and stability. Blue symbolises wisdom, confidence and intelligence. And I don’t like the pink because it is too girly.I suppose so. You know, different colour conveys different meaning to people. Red represents passion and enthusiasm while green means energetic. So I always choose the suitable colours for things.Well, yes, I have several clothes in blue, which can bring calm and tranquil feelings to me. I believe that blue is always fashionable in men’s outfit.If I were to choose between the two, I’ll probably go with darkbecause I believe dark represents stability and wisdom, for example I always choose the dark outfit in my office to highlight my profession, whereas light suits juvenile better.Yes, there are many colours that have special meaning in my country such as black, which would make people think of mystery. Also like red, it means lucky and good fortune in China, when it is New Year, people like to wear red clothes, set red firecrackers and give red pocket money to children.I would like to paint my walls in light yellow or light blue because light colours convey warm and calm to me which should be suitable for household.Yes, I believe different people have different psychological demand for colours. Some need peace of mind, whereas others may feel like energetic and rebellious.When I was a child, my favourite colour was red. As a child I was very active and energetic and somehow red colour always attracted me.Not really. I love black colour now. I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated at the same time.Yes, I think colours are an important part of our everyday lives. This whole world is made up of different colours and each of them have their unique meaning. Its hard to imagine our life without colours.Oh definitely yes! I usually select clothes based on their colours. Ibelieve that there are certain colours that look good on me and can enhance my look. Black, for example, gives me a feeling that I look more slim and perhaps more elegant.Well, I would love to have the walls of my room white because white colour makes the room look spacious and clean. In addition to that, I can play with the colours of my decor and furnishing as every colour goes well with white.As a child, I remember not being very much fussy about the color, I loved all of them and there was nothing like favoritism for any color. There were times when I loved violet, the other times red, sometimes yellow and on and on.Well, I think yes. Colors tend to suggest the mood of a person and bring more of spark in a particular day. Like, on a wedding , people tend to wear bright clothes and it uplifts the entire mood. I think every color has its own significance, and they bring that significance alive.For me, the only thing that matters while buying clothes is that it should look good on me. So, I really don’t bother much about the color as long as the dress is looking nice on me.I would prefer white or beige color for the walls, with some drawing or styling done on the room. White or beige make the room look more spacious and I like room to be spacious and the styling brings more of personal touch to the room.。



雅思口语PART1新题预测优选份雅思口语PART1新题预测 1题目一:闲逛How often do you hang out with your friends?I'm pretty busy in general, but I always try to set aside some time to hang out with friends. I guess I see them once a week, usually at weekends. It's important to keep a good work life balance and being with my friends relaxes me.我通常很忙,不过我总会尽量留出时间和朋友相处。



Where do you often hang out? Why?If I'm with my friends then it's a pretty safe bet that I'll be in a bar. It's convenient for everyone to get to from different parts of the city and there's nothing like sharing a few beers and putting the world to rights with your mates.如果我和朋友一起,那么很肯定我会在酒吧里。


Do you want to hang out with a group of people or with a few friends?If I had the choice, I'd rather hang out with a few close friends. It'snice when you are all on the same wavelength, so you feel fortable with each other and there are no awkward silences. It’s also less likely that there will be someone there who I don’t really like that much.如果我可以选择,我宁愿和几个密友闲逛。



雅思口语part1新题预测配范文分享雅思口语part1新题预测配范文:weekend(周末)Weekend 相关话题参考答案1 Do you spend all your weekends the same way?Well, too an extent you can say yes. My job is such that I have very less time for travelling during weekdays, but travelling and blogging being very important for me, it is in weekends that I do the travel blogging part. So, every weekend I travel to a new place and get to know about the local culture and what is important about the place, the history and the changes it has seen since the time it was built. Sometimes, however, I travel with my friends as well and make some memories.2 What is the favorite day of your week? Why?I would definitely go for Saturday. This is the day that brings with it lot of possibilities for me. I am not working under any one on this day. I am free and free to take whatever decision I have to take for my life. I can travel, write, click photographs, meet people and enjoy the life that I work for on weekdays.3 What day is the busiest day for you? Why?There is no particular day because work can come out on any of the day and that day becomes busiest. But apart from the work, I would say weekends are the most busiest for me. Because these are the days when I have lot to do, travel, click photographs and then compile it all into a blog post which requires lot of draft work and then the final presentation.4 Do you wear a particular outfit on weekends and weekdays? Why /why not?I work at a software company, so there is a certain attire that I need to maintain while at work, i.e. on weekdays. I preferwearing Indian formals during weekdays, because I am more comfortable in them and they look more classy as well. On weekends, I put on t-shirts and jeans for most of the time. Because there is lot of ground work that I need to do and tshirts for some reason are easier when you feel like jumping and fighting.5 Will you change it in the future?I have thought about it, but I think with time if my preferences change I will surely adapt to it. Like, earlier, I did not liked wearing Indian formals but today I find them more comfortable then the western, so I wear them. Likewise if the preferences changes, I will definitely go ahead with it.6 In your country, do men and women do the same kind of things on weekends?Things are slowly changing with corporate culture creeping in. I remember earlier, on weekends we all as a family used to go out and spend some time at a nearby place but as I have grown and working in corporate, men and women surely do almost the same thing on weekends. But, with other occupations, you can find women mostly doing things related to family while men could be find juggling with relaxing and work.7 What did you do on last weekend?The last weekend, I was busy preparing for the IELTS and I remember, I had a mock test. So, I was giving the test and then working on all the grey areas.8 Do you like working on weekends?Definitely not. I would say, work is surely worship but I would prefer enhancing on my other areas of life during weekends rather than just working something that I do on weekdays. Like, I have signed up for a badminton club, so I go on and practicebadminton during weekends.9 Do you think employees should have to work on weekends?I think it depends on the person, but according to me, a person should definitely not work on weekends. A weekend is the time to work on yourself, to improve on oneself. There are so many things in life that we would want to learn and so many activities that we would want to do. I think weekend is the time that should be dedicated to this.10 Do you think weekends now are important to you than when you were a child?Definitely yes. As a child, I remember neither the weekdays, nor the weekends did mattered to me much. Because I had a perfect balance of play and work. But as I have grown up, I have realized that for some reasons the balance is missing out. So, weekends become those days for me, when I try to balance out my life.11 What are you planning to do next weekend?For the next weekend, I am planning to go to Jagganath temple. It has been quite a time that I have been in Bhubaneswar, but have not gone to the temple, so I am planning to visit it and some nearby areas along with it.12 How do you usually spend your weekends?I work for an IT firm in my country and weekend is the time I have for my own interests. So, on weekends I usually go out and explore the city or write on my blogs. This is also the time I get for practising speeches and there is a dance class I have to attend. So, Saturday and Sunday usually goes on in extra curricular things that I have planned for myself.13 In your country, do men and women usually do the same kind of things on weekend?Generally speaking, men and women do have different interests in my country. However, with time I believe the line of difference has got blurred between men and women. It has become more of an individual approach. So, people from IT industry usually go out and meet people or do some activities like Toastmasters or any other club. Then there are others who go to a cafe or read books or travel.14 When do you spend time with your family?I live quite far from my family so spending time with them involves a lot of planning. It is usually twice a year that I get to spend some time with them. On daily basis, we simply talk on the phone or over a skype.15 Do you have any plans for next weekend?There are some weekends I do plan for but then most of the time times there is no plan. But the next weekend is something I planned for almost a month ago. There is a camera workshop that is happening in my city over the next weekend. It is organised by Canon for women and they will be teaching the nuances of photo taking.16 Is there anything new that you’d like to do on weekends?There are some weekends I wish to travel and click photographs and get to know about the city more. Also, I am planning to join dance classes over the weekend. Presently, I am living in Orrissa and want to leran the regional dance of the place.17 Do you like working on weekends?Well, if the work revolves around things that I love, like writing or photography then yes I do love working on weekends. It makes working for others so much more easier. But, doing things that I am doing on weekdays even on weeknds is something I try to avoid.18 Do you think employees should work on weekends?We as individals are accountable first to ourselves and then towards others. So, working for teh company even on weekends is something I do not support. In my opinion, a person should work on himself or herself on weekends as it will help him or her to improve their personality.19 Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than when you were a child?Weekends for me have always been the source of entertainme me since childhood and I remember cherishing them for as long as I can go back down the memroy lane. They are important for me even now and so there is not much of a difference. However surley, an there is more of awareness on what differnet things cna be doen on weekends.20 How do you usually spend your weekends?Well, it depends on if I have any special plans or not. For example, last weekend I went to visit a friend for the weekend and while that’s not a usual weekend, nearly every other weekend I try to go out and do something different, either with friends, family or even by myself. But a normal weekend when I have nothing particular planned would revolve around my family and just being at home relaxing.21 Which is your favourite part of the weekend?Really, I don’t have a favourite part as in Saturday or Sunday or morning or night time. I guess I like having big meals with my family at weekends which we don’t alwa ys manage to do during the week, so that’s nice, but overall I enjoy all of the weekend and just being around my family.22 Do you think weekends are long enough?版本1:In general, yes, I mean it’s not something that isprobably going to change so I’ve never really considered if two days are long enough or not. It’s always been two days. I feel that it’s time enough to have a break in your routine from during the week, and it’s also enough time to do things like traveling and visiting other places.版本2:Sure, it might be nice to have a third day or even more sometimes, but that’s not something which is very likely to happen. And I suppose if we did have a three-day weekend, it would only make the four week days even busier than now, and I’m not sure a lot of pe ople would like that, unless of course, we add another day to the week and have eight-day weeks, but again, I can’t imagine that happening because it would disrupt so many things around the world.23 How important do you think it is to have free time at the weekends?Having enough free time is very important for overall wellbeing and balance in life, but it doesn’t necessarily all have to be at the weekends, it’s just that for most people it’s the case that the weekends are the time when they have most of their free time because they’re so busy during the week.But if you have a quiet day, say Wednesday for example, when you’re less busy than normal and you can have some free time to do something you like, then I suppose if Saturday was full of family activi ties or other things you had to do, you wouldn’t mind so much because you would’ve had some free time during the week.雅思口语话题part1新题配答案:Boat(船) 变题不慌!Boating题目参考答案:1. Do you like going boating?For sure I like it. as it is a beautiful and enjoyable way to seesome city or area or just enjoy the scenery that passes by.版本二:Absolutely, I am a big fan of boating which is a great outdoor sport. Being out in the fresh air and sunshine boosts your mood and contributes to youroverall fitness. More importantly, as soon as you step off the dock, you have an unbridled sense of freedom.2. Have you ever travelled by boat?Oh, dozen times, I guess. Boating is perfect way for me to unwind and reconnect in the natural environment. So, yeah, I always try to go on a boat trip while traveling near the water.3. Would you like to have your own boat?Oh yeah, I would do it with pleasure. I think it is an excellent investment and also a great fun and one of the best way to draw a family together.版本二:Yes, definitely! I've been longing for a cruise tour for ages since I watched the film Titanic, it looked so cool and luxurious to be on a ship with restaurants, bars and everything on it. Also, you can enjoy the gorgeous sunset on the sea, so I think cruising is the best way to travel as long as the ship doesn't crash with an iceberg like what happened in the film.版本三:No, not really. I get seasick easily, so staying on a boat for too long is absolutely not a good idea for me. I still remember that I had a 30-minute boat tour when I was travelling on LIJIANG river and kept throwing up for 10 minutes afterwards, it was a nightmare.4. Is boat trip popular in your country?No, not really, because China’s railway system is so advanced that most people under most circumstances will chose it over boat travel. but the sightseeing by boat on Changjiang river is a fun journey for many.5. Do you often travel by boat?first of all, travel有两种意思,出行和旅游,那么我们都在什么时候会坐船出行呢?试想住在意大利的威尼斯(Venice)或者云南水乡(watery place/region)的同学的日常出行除了坐船可能也并没有其他选择(other choices/alternatives),船是不可或缺(indispensable)的交通方式。



雅思口语Part1问题和答案(各个话题Confirmation QuestionsGood morning/afternoon. How are you?Morning/afternoon. Fine, thank!How do you do?How do you do?Hi, good to meet you.Good to meet you too.Hi, how are you doing?Not too bad. And you?1.Can I see your ID card please?Sure, here you are.2.Could you tell me your full name please?My full name is ……. But you can call me….3. And what shall I call you?Mo st people call me …...Hometown Questions4. Whereabouts is your hometown?Xian is located in Shanxi province, which is in central China.5. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?My hometown is a small place, just outside of Beijing. It takes about an hour to reach/get to there. The people there are mostly farmers, but a lot of the young people work in Beijing. It's a quiet place and I like it.6. Could you tell me something about your hometown?a. Well, it's quite big and it's the capital of Shanxi province. The population's about 6 million and it's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi' an used to be the capital of China, and it's the beginning of the famous Silk Road.b. Okay. Well, my hometown is Beijing and I live just outside of it near the 4th ring road. As you probably know, Beijing's the political and cultural center of China, and it's quite a historical place as well. It's huge-about 12 or 13 million people live in it now-and it seems to be getting bigger every year.7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?a. Harbin's right near the Song Hua Jiang River and it's kind of in a flat area, with mountains in the distance.b. Indio's a coastal city near the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches and bays. There are also some nice hills nearby.8. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown? There's the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. These are the two that are most well known. They are also symbols of China. They attract most visitors, but there are quite a lot of other famous sites as well. 9. What are the people like in your hometown?They're usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think peoplethere are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they'll always try to help you out, or find someone else who can.10. What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why?I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. It has a lot of space and there are lots of really nice and old trees there. In the early morning, it's very peaceful. The older people practice their Tai-ji, while the younger children just run around and play.I like it there a lot.11. What places in your hometown might a visitor be interested to visit, and tell me why?I'd recommend the Great Wall, Summer Palace, and the Forbidden City. Those are the most famous places in the city, and I think they best represent Beijing.12. Do you like your hometown, and tell me why or why not?a. Yes. Although it may not have as many opportunities, I think my hometown is a warmhearted place and the people are not as selfish as they are in some of the bigger cities.b. To be frank, I don't really like my hometown that much. I mean, perhaps there are many people who are happy to live there, but I find that the pollution problem is just too bad, and to me it doesn't seem like a good place to raise a family.13. Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live?a. Yes I do, because it's got a lot of opportunities and the entertainment facilities are quite good. You can get a decent job here if you have some skills, and you can make a lot of good friends if you have a good personality.b. No, I think if you're young you'd be better off going to a bigger city with more opportunities. I think my hometown is more suitable for an older crowd, who enjoy a more peaceful life. Younger people get bored with the way things are here.14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown?I think the biggest advantage is that it's a place where you can find a good job with a good salary, if you try very hard. Also, the people are quite kind and generous. The main disadvantages are the traffic and pollution problems. If you stay in my hometown you will know that these are the two things that everyone here hates the most. Weather Questions15. What is the climate like in your hometown?It's generally very hot in the summer, like about 40 degrees Celsius. In the winter, it's cold a bout minus 14 degrees Celsius. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from around 12 to 25 degrees Celsius. Oh, and summertime is extremely humid as well..There are four seasons. Winter is cold and snowy; spring is short and rainy; summer is hot and humid; and autumn is beautiful.16. What is the weather like in Beijing?In general, it's pretty dry. Winters are a bit cold. They are dry and windy, with a bit of snow. Spring is short and a bit windy. Summers are hot and a bit more humid, and temperatures can go as high as 30 degrees, so it can be kind of uncomfortable in the summer unless you have air conditioning. Fall is probably the best season-it's very comfortable-not windy, and not too cold or hot like the other seasons.17. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities?Well there are definitely places that have a milder climate. My hometown's weather is a little bit uncomfortable for some people in the summer and winter. There are places where the weather is quite stable all year round. On the other hand, there are some places where the weather's even worse, like in Daqing.18. What're the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown?Advantages and disadvantages? That's a difficult question to answer, let me think for a second. Well, I guess the main advantage is that its dry, so we don't have to worry about too much rain, and the winters are not too cold like in some other places in northern China. The disadvantage is that it can get windy here, and when there is a sandstorm, well, that can be terrible to put up with.19. What's your favorite weather in your hometown?Actually, I've never thought about that. I guess it would have to be a sunny but not too hot day. It would be just a bit hot, like the kind of weather we get here in Beijing during autumn.Food questions20. What kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown?Most people in Changsha like spicy dishes because it's quite hot and humid there, so we need to eat a lot of chilies to help us adapt to the weather. Many people say that in all of China people in Changsha eat the spiciest food.21.What is the main food in China?Well, I'd say it's rice, but I think there are areas where rice is not that important. Each major area in China might eat rice in different quantities, but I think its still the biggest food and probably will always be the top one.22. In what ways has the diet of people in your country been changing?Well, we tend to eat more convenience foods now, especially fast food from restaurants like McDonalds and Chinese fast food places. Also, I'd guess we are now eating a lot of dishes regularly that we thought were big luxuries about 20 years ago.23. How has your diet changed?I don't think it has changed that much. I still eat the same things as I ate when I wasa child. I guess the main change is that I have more time and money to go out for dinner.Festival Questions24. Tell me what's the biggest traditional festival in your country. Definitely the Spring Festival. I suppose it's somewhat like Christmas is in western countries. Spring Festival is the only time when all families gather together and stores and business are closed for several days.25. What do you do during the Spring Festival?I usually go back to my hometown and spend a week in my parents' home. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV. I also like to try and contact my high school friends and see how they're doing and what they're up to. We give each other presents and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the New Year.26. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?National Day, which is on October 1st, is a big holiday. We get three days off and there are a lot of fireworks displays. There are large flower pictures and other types of flowers decorating the city, and some of the larger cities hold parades.Changes Questions27. What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years?Well, I'm pretty young, but may parents always complain that my hometown's traffic is much worse, and they say that prices are a lot higher. But I think on the positive side, life is better, houses are in better condition and there are much better shops and cleaner conditions in the restaurants.28. Has your life changed in the last 10 years, and if so, in what雅思口语Part1问题和答案(各个话题ways?I think my life has changed. It's a bit more comfortable than it used to be, because my parents have more money than they used to have. I think I am a bit more responsible than I used to be, and am not quite as carefree.29. Is there anything you'd like to change in your life?Yes, my dependence upon my parents. Right now I'm quite dependent on them for money, so I hope I can be more independent in the future and one day be able to support them instead of their always supporting me.30. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?It's very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more comfortable life than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can't really imagine life like that, so I'm grateful that I have a better life than my parents dig. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives.31. Has tourism changed China very much?Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists coming to China since the open door policy. People see more foreigners, and are used to the sight of them now. China is becoming more cosmopolitan, and people are getting to know more about the outside world.32. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China? Yes, a lot. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get to and from places in the city. But now in big cities there are more bus lines, so it's a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines, and that makes things faster. There are also more taxis in cities, and more people are using them as a mode of transportation.Travels and Holiday Questions33. Do you enjoy traveling?Yes, very much. I've been to most of the major cities in China, and I've also traveled to Thailand and Singapore. I think the more I travel, the more I want to travel. I just like seeing how other people live, and it's really amazing to learn about different cu1tures-much more exciting than just reading about them in a textbook.34. What do you usually do in your holidays?During my holiday, I try to catch up with friends and go out together somewhere. That's the only time I can relax and do something I enjoy. Other than that, it's really difficult because I am always busy with my work, and sometimes I have to work overtime.35. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?Yeah, I guess the best places to me are beaches. You see, I really like beaches because I just like watching the water come in and I love riding up and down the waves as they come into the shore. So places like Qingdao and Dalian are great places to me.Yes, I'd love to visit Xinjiang if I have a chance. Xinjiang is in the western part of China. The people there are mostly minorities, and I've seen the landscape in some pictures. It's incredible. If I travel to Xinjiang, I'll take a train so that I can see the landscape throughout the journey.36. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?In my country, if it's a long trip, I prefer taking a train. Not only is it more economical, but also the time has shortened tremendously in the past few years. Air travel is more expensive, and I don't think its worth the extra cost.Transportation Questions37. Which type of transportation do you usually use in your hometown?I use the bicycle. It's fast and cheap and I can always trust it to get me places in the same amount of time.38. Which type of transportation do you prefer for traveling around?Trains are better because they don't encounter any traffic jams, whereas sometimes in the bus, we get struck in traffic. Also, it is always difficult to get on buses during peak hours, whereas with a train you have a better chance of getting a seat during peak hours.39. What's the traffic situation like in your hometown?It's quite bad now, and I think it's getting more and more serious. The big problems are too many cars and not enough space. I think that building more roads sometimes just adds to the problem because people just buy more cars.Accommodations Questions40. Tell me about the kind of accommodations you live in?In my country, I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my parents. The apartment's not big, but we've made it very comfortable to live in. We live on the third floor, and there's no lift in our apartment. The highest floor is the sixth floor, so whoever lives on the sixth floor has to climb up and down everyday. 41. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the kind of housing you live in?Let me think. The biggest advantage? I guess it would be the convenience of it. I can do anything I want. As for the biggest disadvantage, some people might say the space, but I think the biggest disadvantage of living in a flat is that you never really get to know your neighbours.42. Which do you prefer, a flat or a house?Well, it depends on the condition that they are in. I'd probably have to say a flat, because you don't have to worry so much about maintaining it.43. Which floor do you live on, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of living on that floor?I live on the 1st floor. The advantage is that it's easier to get to, because you don't have to climb any steps. The bad thing is that it's a bit noisier, although we don't have to put up with too much noise from downstairs, since there is no downstairs!Family Questions44. Can you tell me something about your family?I have 3 brothers and no sisters. Both of my parents are still alive, and are still working. My grandparents on my father's side are both alive too, though my mother's parents have already passed away. I am also married...I got married 2 years ago.45. What do your family members do for a living?My father's retired, and my mother's still working as a nurse at the Xie He hospital. My father used to be a city inspector. I have no brothers and sisters.46. What do you and your family like to do together?I guess we mainly just talk about a lot of things and then watch TV together. My parents and I like to visit people together. Sometimes we go shopping together, but to tell you the truth I prefer doing that by myself.47. Do you prefer big families or small families? What do you think are the advantages of big families and small families? Well, big families are probably good for the children, because there are so many people to play with. But I think that big families also create a big burden for the parents and it's difficult for each child to receive the attention he or she deserves.Studies Questions (Academic Module Students48. What is your major?I major in Accounting, which is part of the School of Business at my university. I mainly study the international accounting system as it relates to foreign trade.49. Why did you choose your major?Because I've always enjoyed working with computers, and I was always good at math and logic. I was fortunate to have a computer in my home when I was in high school, and I spent quite a lot of time just playing around on the computer. My parentsbought me all sorts of books on computer programming, and I just started to read them and pick up the ideas in them.50. How do you like your major?a. I enjoy it, actually. I didn't know that much about it before I studied it, but I'm glad I chose it because it suits me a lot. My father actually suggested that I major in Accounting, because he thought that I'd enjoy it, too.b. I don't like it at all. I wish I could switch to a different one, but it's next to impossible to change majors. I just hope that when I get a job,I won't have to do a lot of work related to my major.51. What do you like most about your studies?I just like learning the principles, and I like solving problems successfully. I also like getting to know my classmates, and working with them.52. Is there anything you don't like about your studies? Generally I like my subjects, but I hate the examination system. There are too many examinations, and most of the time we have to memorize lots of things in books. I'm not very good at that and I find it's a waste of time and energy. Other than that, I quite enjoy my time at school.53. How do you like your life in the People's University?A.I don't like it very much. The dormitory's very crowded, the food is tasteless and my teachers aren't very inspiring. When I was a high school student, I was looking forward to university life so much. I'm quite disappointed, because it's really not what I expected.B.I like it a lot. Sometimes it is a little hard to live in the university, but I have made many good friends and I enjoy my major. It was hard at first to live apart from myparents, but I think that it has been a good change for me. I am much more independent and more able to deal with troubles on my own. My courses are mostly interesting too, so I'm glad that I chose the major I did.54. What do you think of the training you got in the university?a. I think most of my courses will be helpful in the future. My university has tried very hard to keep up to date with the latest developments in our field. There were some compulsory classes that I didn't like, such as politics and history, but overall, I think I was provided with a pretty good education. I don't think it's possible to learn everything you need to know in a future career, but I'm satisfied my courses have given me雅思口语Part1问题和答案(各个话题a good start.b. I don't think it was very good. There were some compulsory classes that I had no interest in. Also, our facilities were not very modern, so there were many things we couldn't do.55. How was your high school experience?I had a good high school experience because I was at a good school, and I made so many good friends there. I think I was lucky to have good teachersI think my high school experience was not a happy one because I seemed to always be under a lot of pressure, and for some reason I always seemed to have bad luck. When I got to University my luck started to improve.Work Questions56. Where do you work?I work in the main office of Motorola. It's near the Lufthansa Centre, by the third ring road and Liangmahe road in Beijing. I've been there since 1985.57. When do you go to work everyday?I am required to get to work at 9:00 o'clock, but sometimes I get there at 8:00o'clock, or even earlier.58. How do you get to work?I drive a car. I own a Santana car, and each morning I have to fight through the traffic. Sometimes I wonder if having a car is really worth it.59. What do you do for a living?I'm an engineer. But my day-to-day work involves quite a lot of management. In fact, I'm in charge of the Beijing branch of Motorola, and have a dozen or so engineers working under me to handle the technical side of the work.60. What are some of your responsibilities? I mean, what does your job involve?I'm a sales manager. I'm in charge of overseeing sales operations for all of northern China, including Beijing. I have about 40 employees under me who are the regional sales representatives.61. Tell me about a typical day at work. What do you do on a daily basis?Most of the time, I sit behind a desk and answer phone calls. It's not a very active job, but I do enjoy it most of the time, except when I get a phone call from a very angry customer. Sometimes, they just want to shout at someone, and because I'm the first one to answer the phone,I get the full vent of their anger.62. How do you like your job?I enjoy it very much. It does have its ups and downs, but really it's quite a good job.I enjoy the people I work with too, which really can make or break a job. We work very well together and can trust each other to do our fair share.63. What do you like most about your job?A.My job is challenging and interesting, and I think that the best thing about it is the satisfaction I get from solving problems. Each time I manage to make things go smoothly, I get a great sense of satisfaction.B.I guess I like the pay. I know that sounds cold, but in fact my job is very routine and so I just feel that at least the pay gives me some satisfaction.64. What don't you like about your job?a. I think the worst part of the job is all the unnecessary bureaucracy that exists to do everything. I jut wish that there could be simpler routines and not so many steps to everything.b. I think the worst part of my job is the long hours that I'm sometimes required to work. I think it should be designed so that I can be allowed to go home on time every night.65. Tell me something about your job?Well, I'm a French teacher. I teach undergraduate students who are majoring in French. I've been working for about 10 years already, teaching a whole variety of courses over the past 10 years.66. Which part of the day do you like best?Going home from work! Well actually I should say stepping into my flat and greeting my baby daughter who is now about 2 years old.67. What made you decide to get into this field?I didn't really plan to be a teacher at first, but my parents encouraged me to go into teaching. At first I really hated it, but after a while I got used to standing in front of a room full of students. I enjoyed my classes and the challenges of teaching, so that's when I knew that teaching was the right profession for me.Hobbies and Spare Time68. What kind of hobbies do you have?I'm a big basketball fan, even though I'm not very good at playing basketball myself.I love to watch the NBA on TV whenever I get a chance. I also play ping-pong and volleyball whenever I can.69. How did you become interested in your hobby?Since I was young, my father has always involved me in different activities. My father is a ping-pong coach in a high school. So I always have a chance to follow him when he coached. When I was in the school, I got a chance to play with other students in other sports. So that's how I developed an interest in different sports.70. What do you do in your spare time?I like to play on the computer and surf the Internet. Once I get on the Internet, I find that time really passes very quickly. Before I know it, several hours have passed and my back and neck are aching. I also like to go for walks and read novels on ancient Chinese history.71. Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you're free?I like being with a group of people. It's livelier and I feel more at ease, especially when I feel that my friends are also having a good time.72. How do you spend your weekends?I usually sleep in on Saturday morning if I can, study in the afternoon in the library, and go out with friends in the evening. On Sundays, I like to go shopping and just spend time walking around outside if the weather is nice. If I don't have much money, I still like to go window-shopping, and I get almost as much pleasure out of that!73. How do you spend your free time?I attend training courses in the evenings. However, as a mother, I also take my son somewhere at the weekend. For example, I may drive to the suburbs or the countryside around Beijing and go fishing, swimming and mountain climbing. I enjoy family life very much.74. What kinds of things do you like doing when you're not working?I'm kind of an indoor type of person, so I guess I like reading most. I'm interested in reading all kinds of books and newspaper or magazine articles, especially those on current issues. I just want to be informed of what's going on in the world.75. Do you like doing these things with a group of friends or by yourself?I prefer being with my friends and family. I'm kind of an outdoor type. I like to go swimming or play badminton with my family or friends during weekends or holidays. If I have a longer vacation, I usually travel to further away places all over the country.Reading76. What kinds of books do you like to read in your spare time?I like reading biographies of interesting people. I like these because they teach me something and also I find that other people's lives are sometimes even stranger than the lives of people in fictional stories 77. Do you like reading books and newspaper?Yes, I like to read the 21st Century and the China Daily. I usually read as much as I have time for, which is sometimes quite a lot. Both of these newspapers are in English, and I find that it really is a good way for me to practice my English.78. Where do you like to read books?I suppose it depends on the book. If it's just a normal novel, then I guess I'd rather read it at home in my room. But if it's a non-fiction, informational book I guess I'd rather read it in a library.79.Do you discuss the books you read with friends?Yeah, if there's something interesting in them. For example some of the things people say in the biographies make good quotes and I like talking about these people to others.80. Is reading popular in your country with young people?No, I'd say that it's getting less popular. There are just so many other things to do that we don't really have to rely on books that much for entertainment. I think TV is the main reason. Is just more efficient and easier on the brain to watch a show than read a book.Sports81. What is your favourite sport?My favourite sport is basketball. I've been playing it regularly for abouta year, and I'm quite crazy about it now.82. Why do you like it so much?Basketball is fast and it's a bit more exciting than playing other sports like football. I love the NBA, so that also makes me more interested in the sport as well.83. What sports are played in your country?Ping-pong and football are probably the most popular sports. China has a very large following of football fans. Especially now that China has qualified for the World Cup, we've become quite crazy about football.84. What is the most popular sport in your country?I'd have to say that football's really the most popular sport in China. There are literally millions of crazy football fans. Whenever there's a match on TV between China and another country, you can hear loud cheers and shouts all around the city whenever China scores a goal, and loud groans and moans when the other country scores.85. What are the sports facilities like in your hometown?Beijing has a lot of modem indoor facilities offering bowling, tennis, swimming, and other things. But, it's too expensive for most Chinese, and you have to belong to the club in order to use the facilities. There aren't very many sporting facilities that are free and open to the public. Most of the indoor facilities require you to be a member. The outdoor fields are open for anyone to use.Films and TV86. Do you often go to the cinema/theatre?。




雅思口语pat1话题新题预测配答案:Teamwork变题不慌雅思口语相关话题:Teamworkwhen was the last time that you worked with a team?Do you like to work or study with others or just by yourself?what’s the most important thing for teamwork?do you like to be a leader?雅思口语part1参考答案Let me see, just during the summer vacation, I took my first part-time job in a restaurant, which has around 20 employee. we worked together for almost two months. It was really valuable and unforgettable experience for me.Personally speaking, I guess I prefer to work or study with a group of people rather than studying on my own. There are somebenefits that worth a mention. For example, I can get more ideas and build up my communication skills.I guess the communication between team members should be far more central. It is known to us that communication effectiveness between team member can enhance our efficiency in working or studying. In addition, it also can decrease the misunderstanding between team members.Well, to be honest, I really want be a leader, but the fact is that being a leader is not my strong suit. personally speaking, i think a leaders should be someone with vision and born leadership, but unfortunately, i was not born with these qualities.雅思高分口语语料Teamwork and CooperationEnglish has a number of words closely related to teamwork and cooperation: ways people can work together in groups to achieve their goals. Five others are collaboration, coordination, contribution, partnership, and participation.Ways of Working Togethercooperation: 2 people fitting puzzle pieces together1. Collaboration is literally working together toward a common goal. It can involve two or more people or groups, and is usually more structured and coordinated than cooperation.(There is another, negative meaning of collaboration: working together with the enemies of ones country. For example, during World War II the Germans used local people to run the governments of countries they invaded. Those French, Norwegian, or other people who helped the Germans against their own countrymen were called "collaborators," and were hated as traitors to their country.)2. Cooperation is voluntarily working together more informally, perhaps offering mutual help so groups or individuals can reach related goals.3. Coordination is organizing the work of different individuals or groups so it will all fit together and reach the planned goal.4. A contribution is something given to a common effort. People can contribute money, products, services, or time to their community or a group or cause they believe in.5. A team is a group of people working together on a common project, each having responsibilities and a part to contribute to thewhole. Teams are especially common in sports and at work (where several people may be assigned to the same project for a long period of time.)6. Networking is more informal-- meeting with others that share interests to see if mutually beneficial relationships may grow.7. Participation means being involved in some kind of activity with other people-- whether collaborating cooperating, networking, being on a team, or coordinating the efforts of others in the group.Businesses: Working Together (or Alone)There are three major types of businesses in the United States from a legal viewpoint.1. A sole proprietorship is a business owned and run by one individual (though he or she may have employees.)2. A partnership is a business run by two or more individuals cooperatively.3. A corporation is a business owned by a group of stockholders and run by a Board of Directors. There are legal advantages to incorporating-- the company’s losses and liabilities do not belong to the individuals involved, so there is less risk to the stockholder owners.雅思口语pat1话题预测配答案:film变题不慌!雅思口语相关话题:film1. Do you like to watch films?2. Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?3. How often do you go to a cinema or watch a movie?4. Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?5. What kinds of movies do you like best?6. What was the first film that you watched?7. Do you like watching films?8. Do you prefer foreign films or Indian films?9. How often do you visit cinema for watching films?10. How do people in your country react to cinema?11. What genre of movies do you really prefer?12. Which genre of movies do you try to avoid?13. Which was the first movie that you watched?14. What is your opinion on the people who blindly follow their favourite superstars?雅思口语part1参考答案No, not really... If I have some free time, Id rather read an interesting book... Books leave us a lot of space for imagination, while in movies everything is spelled out for us... Thats why I find films boring.Quite often, to be honest... I like catching the latest movies with my friends, so we go to the cinema almost every week. I especially like action movies and sci-fi films.I’m really into watching films beca use some films are very entertaining and provoking. I sometimes go to cinema with my friends and family to enjoy our leisure time in the weekends.Well, if I were to choose between the two, I will probably go with the foreign films, especially the Hollywood films because most of them are well-acted, with lots of charismatic celebrities and always are enormous box-office hit; whereas you know, the Chinese films are almost low-budget, so they are not as attractive as their American counterparts.I go to cinema to watch movies from time to time. Normally if I’m not busy with my work, I’ll check out the movies to see whetherthere are any movies that attract me; but if I have lots of things on my hands, I’ll probably focus on my work.It’s kind of hard to say but people that I know around me tend to like watching movies in the cinema, but maybe for others, they just prefer stay at home and watch TV programmes.As for me, I like the drama films the best because sometimes they just tell simple but warm and heartfelt stories with provoking endings, which would touch on my deepest emotions.The first film that I watched was the The Lion King many years ago in the cinema with my parents. What I can remember now is the terrific animation and the amazing soundtrack. I particularly liked the song Can You Feel the Love Tonight that I knew it was produced by Elton John later. And I’d learned lessons from this movies. It was about living up to our responsibilities, no matter how hard it is.part I.I do love watching films, but I am not a film maniac. So, you will not find me every Friday standing outside any of the theatres looking for movies. Or for that matter, watching old movies on television or internet 24/7. Whenever a movie of great story does come in, say for example, barfi or an inspiring film like Chak De, I do go and watch them.I love watching both, the only thing that matters is that the story should be good. I like watching films in which you get your answers for leading a beautiful life. This does not certainly means I love motivational movies. but then even a romcom can teach you so much. So, for me the story matters, every thing else is secondary,For most part, I like watching films at my home under by blanket. But, when there are lot of my friends going out, I do company them. However, this does not happen very often. So, one can say, if the movie is really nice and we all friends want to have some fun together, we go to cinema.Oh! People in my country love cinema and it certainly plays a very important role in our lives. There are so many people who take advance tickets to watch films of their favourite starts. Also, there are people who would just bare standing in lines for the one ticket to watch a film. You could hear claps and then fights taking place or the teary eyes. So, yes people in my country do love cinema and feel connected to it.i love romantic movies the most. For me, the emotion love is the most important emotion of all and I love it when two people fall in love with each other. Some of my favourite romantic movieshave been, What happens in vegas, Notebook, crazy stupid love. But, apart from romantic movies, I also like watching comedy movies and sometimes the motivational movies, the ones based on true life incidents.I r eally don’t like horror movies. Not primarily, because I get terrified but because I think movies are there to make you feel relaxed. For me, horror movies, give so much of emotion and excitement that it seems as if some work has been done.The first time I watched an entire movie was Stuart Little Our school took the students who had subscribed to the newspaper to a movie hall. For us, most of the class had subscribed. So, the entire class of VI B, that was my section, went to watch the movie in a cinema hall. It was an amazing experience, not only because it was the first time I was watching a movie but because with people I enjoy my school days.In my opinion, blindly following superstars is like living in a falsehood. Because, when a person blindly starts following the other person, they somehow forget that they are individuals and they have their own identity. Their circumstances and people around are different from their superstars, leading them to a black hole from where it gets tough getting out.相关雅思高分口语语料action-packed: full of action.My brother loves action-packed movies. Probably thats why his favourite film is "Terminator".addictive: a book or film that you quickly become addicted to."Harry Potter" series by Joanne Rowling are so addictive! I couldnt stop after the first book and read all volumes.creepy: producing a sensation of uneasiness or fear, scary.Noah finds Stephen Kings stories creepy.dreary: gloomy or depressing.I cant stand dramas, thrillers and other dreary movies.entertaining: funny and enjoyable.Comedies are very entertaining.futuristic: telling about the future."Star Wars" movie is futuristic and dynamic.heartbreaking: that breaks your heart and evokes sad emotions.When my aunt watched "Titanic" she cried all day! Its such a heartbreaking film.inspirational: evoking inspiration.intense: a book or film loaded with actions and emotions that evokes strong feelings.The plays plot was very intense. Just a minute after a couple had a quarrel in the forest, the secret lover appeared and started a fire-fight.tear-jerking: tragic, making you cry.My sister is very emotional. I would rather watch a comedy with her than a tear-jerking movie!thought-provoking: a book or film that makes you think of new ideas or that changes your attitude to something.Ray Bradburys novel "Fahrenheit 451" is deeplythought-provoking. I had to rethink my attitude to legislation and censorship after I read it.Advanced vocabulary:高阶词汇action movie: film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence.Last week I saw a great action movie with my brother at our local movie theatre.bedtime reading: a book you read in your bed before going to sleep.Im really addicted to books! I cant even fall asleep without an hour of bedtime reading.box office hit: a very successful movie, in terms of money.The new movie might be a box office hit, but I didnt like it at all.e-reader: a gadget for reading books.My e-reader broke a few days ago, so now Ill need to fix it or buy a new one.from cover to cover: from the first page to the last.I am a slow reader so it takes me a lot of time to read a book from cover to cover.hardcover: a book with hard cover. Opposite to softcover.My friend gave me a hardcover book as a present for my birthday.page turner: a book which is so good that you cannot stop reading it.My sister recommended me a great book. It was such a page turner that I read it in one day!plot: a storyline of a book or film.intricate plot: a very complex, labyrinthine plot.The famous Leo Tolstoys novel "War and Peace" has a very intricate plot. It tells a story of five different families and comprises of 4 volumes.subordinate plot (subplot): a plot that is related to, but less important than the main plot of a story.Ernest Hemingways novel "The Sun Also Rises" tells a love story of a man and a woman. However, the book involves many subordinate plots that raise questions about physical and spiritual affinity, trans-racial relationships and anti-Semitism.threadbare plot: a simple, primitive plot.The movies plot was threadbare, but cutely disarming in its own way.。



雅思口语Part1新题预测雅思口语Part 1新题预测:Going Out(Hanging out)Do you like going out or staying at home?What do you like to do when you go out?How often do you go out?Do people in your country go out a lot?How and where do people in your country usually socialize?What kind of entertainment is popular in your country?1. Do you prefer going out or staying at home? Why?版本1. I am the person who is interested in spending my spare time with my family. What matters is not about whether going out or staying at home, but being with my family,so both is ok to me.We can stay at home watching a whole day of old movies and ordering take-aways or we can make a wild field trip to the rarely beaten part of the city.版本2. For me it depends. i prefer to go out when i have works offline and need my immediate attention. i also love to stay at home especially when my internet connection is fast. i can have my online works faster too and as i am also taking priority over my career development.2. What will do if you go out?版本1:In weekends, I am used to hanging out with my family members and spend on outdoor, sometimes we go to cinema or parks. In weekdays, I have to go to work and study. This is the usual thing I would be doing if I go out. Apart from that, sometimes I would like to hang out with my friends and visit naturally beautiful places in my hometown.版本2:Generally, I would like to do some team activities with my friends, like playing football and playing poker. However, Iwould occasionally go to a cafe shop, order my farourite Latte and read a book for the whole afternoon. It's always very enjoyful to spend an afternoon alone.3.When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do?I call my close friends to check out what they are doing and whether they are busy or not. If they are free, I either choose to visit a park and spend time there with my friends or arrange an outdoor game like cricket or badminton.Sometimes I go out for shopping in the evening if this is necessary or enjoy a movie in a movie theatre.4.Do you prefer going out on your own or with friends?You bet!being alone is boring while being someone's company is joyful.So my motto is the more the better.it really feels wonderful even when we just slob around the streets and do some idle joking and poking at each other.5. How often do you like to hang out with your friends?版本1:I love enjoying with my friends but because of the tight schedule that we all have, it has become quite tough these days to hang out on regular basis. But, we make sure that during weekends we do spend sometime together. So, we play badminton together and then during evenings we either eat at each other place or go out for walks and eat at road side.版本2:I hang out with my friends to somewhere from time to time. Normally if we have lots of time in the weekends, we will go to the cinema to watch movies with our kids to have a good time; but if we don’t have plenty of time, we’ll just have dinner together in a restaurant.6. Who do you usually like to hang out with?Usually I’d like to hang out with one of my close friends. Actually we live in the same community so we can meetfrequently. Besides, both of our kids are in the same class in the kindergarten, so we’d like to t ake them to the park or playground together.7. Where do you like to go when you hang out with your friends?Well, that depends. We sometimes go to the restaurants to enjoy the tasty food if someone finds adecent place; and if we have plenty of time, we’d like to plan a hike or camp in the nearby forest park to enjoy the natural life. That would be a very memorable experience.8. Do you like to hang out with a big group of friends or justa few friends?版本1:I think it all depends on the place we are going to hang out. So, if it is just the long walks and some sort of fast food eating, I usually prefer my two close friends. But, for places like museums or for that matter water parks it is always fun to go out with a big group of friends. There are so much more memories that one makes with a huge group of friends.版本2:Well, if I were to choose between the two, I will probably go with hanging out with a big group people because I feel that I am an extrovert, I like to meet different people to know about different kinds of life and make myself more sociable; whereas, you know, with few people around, it would be hard to find something interesting to do, such as travelling, hiking, etc.10.Who do you usually like to spend time with?I have two really nice friends in the current city that I am living. Although, there are many other friends that I have made but it is usually them that I love spending time with. We three like spending time together, not only because we know each other well but it is amazing to tease each other. The best part of ourfriendship is that we can have the silliest of the conversation and then a serious conversation together.雅思口语题库part1新题:family(家庭)Part 1 问题1.Do you have a large or small family?2.How much time do you spend with your family?3.What do you like to do together as a family?4.Do you get along well with your family?5. Is yours a typical family?6. Are there many different types of family in your country?7. Who are you closest to in your family?1.part1参考答案:1.Do you have a large or small family?– I come from a large family. Now, I just have my mom, an older brother and three younger brothers. My father passed away 17 years ago. I am the only daughter in the family.2.How much time do you spend with your family?– For now, I live one in another city far from my family so I only spend about two weeks each year with them.3.What do you like to do together as a family?-My family enjoys cooking together and having special meals together. We catch up and talk about our lives. We look back and share memories especially when we were still young. We enjoy music as well. So, when we get together, we play several musical instruments and sing along.4.Do you get along well with your family?-Sure. We are really close to each other. I am happy that I could tell them anything. They are always there to listen when I have problems.5. Is yours a typical family?-Well, I can say that, yes, our family is a typical one. A family, who stays by each other through good times and bad times.6. Are there many different types of family in your country?-Yes, types of family in terms of number and the members of a household. There are small families with one two children to large families with about eight or more children. There are also households with extended families.7. Who are you closest to in your family?-I am closest to my mom. I think it is because we are the only women in the family. So, we share the same ideas about many things.2.相关part2&3 话题及范文:Describe the person in your family who you most admire. You should say:what their relationship is to youwhat they have done in their lifewhat they do nowand explain why you admire them so much.The person I admire the most, not just in my family but in the whole world is my mom. She is a great wife and a wonderful mother. She is loving, caring, open-minded and very understanding.I love how she looks at things. She is very optimistic. I love her courage in raising me and my brothers well since my father passed away. She has been a single mom for about 17 years and did her best to act both a mother and a father to us. She’d always stood up for us.My mom resigned from work few years after my father died. Her reason was to spend much more time for the family especially when we were growing up. She felt the need to guideus physically and emotionally. She then started her own business which she is still running till now.I love her so much. She is not just a mom but also a mentor and a friend.Part 3In what ways have families in your country changed in recent?The roles of husbands and wives changed in recent years. Both spouses have been more open to perform different roles such as working outside the home or pitching-in with the household duties. Another change I think is limiting the number of children in the family. Parents nowadays think of having smaller families due to high cost of living.Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?Traditionally, husbands and wives had clear-cut roles in the society. Husbands used to provide the financial need of the family, while women were expected to take care of the house. Changes had occurred over time and both husbands and wives started to take part in each of these roles. I think this change is good. It is not necessary to define each role. I think whatever role each husband or wife takes, as long as it is good for the family, it is okay.Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?Both are important but family is more important for me than friends. Friends may come and go but I know that my family is always there and will always be there no matter what happens in my life and no matter what decisions I take.3.family 相关词汇:husbandwifeunclecousinspousestepdaughterstepmothermother-in-lawfather-in-lawextended familyupbringingdivorcechildcareadolescencebring upupbringingdivorcemarriagefamily backgroundmember of a familyfamily gatheringclose-knitsingle-parentbring upover-protectivenuclear family雅思口语新题part1预测配范文:ParentsParenting问题参考答案:1.Should parents be strict to their children?yeah. strict rules is a must. strict discipline causes the child to have values such as perseverance, hard work and fair playinstilled in them.2.What’s the most valuable thing parents can giv e to their children?my mother is the most loving person I could possibly meet in my life. She taught me the basic values of life and she put a great effort to teach me to distinguish the right from wrong. She is a virtuous and benevolent women and I have a great admiration for her.3.Are parents the best teachers for children?of course they are! Parents are more engaged in their children’s activities than any other person because they spend more time with them than even teachers in schools, so they can fi nd more deeply their children’s personality weaknesses. Sensationally, they feel closer to their children than any other people are. Bonding helps mothers to love their children more than any other else.4.Do your parents teach you lots of things than cannot be learnt in school?yes, my mother never hesitates to inspire me whenever I do something good. She is the best critic I can possibly have and because of her, I have learned computer programming, art and other important skills. She is a hard working woman who has devoted her entire life for her family. I learned the importance and necessity of a close family from her.5. Have you ever had conflicts with your parents?Well yes, occasionally I and my parents disagreed on many issues regarding social connections or the choices of electronic gadgets to improve our home, but those can not surpass the conflicts that I had when my parents saw my boyfriend/girlfriend being with me in the same room.6.How to solve them?I guess proper communications, empathy and understanding are the keys here to resolve any conflicts.7. Should parents set goals for their childrenI would say yes, mainly due to the fact that goals motivate and direct humanity toward achieving incredible results. With that being said, children needs to learn how to do housework and to take responsibility for their actions since very young age, also they need to complete their education in time and goals must be set in order to secure those objectives.8. What is the role of parents?parenting is the most difficult job in the world, with zero compensation and 24/7 work hours, no vacations, no insurances and you can not quit this job!9. How to be a good parent?generally speaking, parents need to learn vital skills such as: cooking, educational methods, how to multitask effectively. Also, compassion and an incredible patience is a must-have for all parents.Parents高分语料:Good parentingnurturing environmentinstil lovefoster empathygenerally speaking, parents need to learn vital skills such as: cooking, educational methods, how to multitask effectively. Also, compassion and an incredible patience is a must-have for all parents.After all, what is the goal when you're dealing with children? To show who's boss? To instill fear? Or to help the child developinto a decent, self-confident human being?Good parenting helps foster empathy, honesty, self-reliance, self-control, kindness, cooperation, and cheerfulness, says Steinberg. It also promotes intellectual curiosity, motivation, and desire to achieve. It helps protect children from developing anxiety, depression, eating disorders, anti-social behavior, and alcohol and drug abuse.How to Be a Good Parent?Being a parent can be one of the most rewarding and fulfilling experiences of your life, but that doesn't mean it's easy. No matter what age your child/children is/are, your work is never done. To be a good parent, you need to know how to make your children feel valued and loved, while teaching them the difference between right and wrong. At the end of the day, the most important thing is to create a nurturing environment where your children feel like they can thrive and develop into confident, independent, and caring adults.。




雅思口语pat1话题猜测配答案:watch变题不慌!watch 相关参考题目1.Did you wear a watch when you were a child?2.Do you think children should wear a watch? Why/Why not?3.Can you think of one reason why some people like to wear expensive watches?4.How do you travel from your home to work? How long does the journey normally takes?5.What do you usually do while travelling?I don’t clearly remember wearing a watch while growing up on daily basis. However, whenever those fancy watches used to come around, I have always tried them. Sadly they did not work out for a long time, but it was always fun to have them. But, as I reached by Intermediate College I did start wearing watches on a regular basis.In my opinion, a child should wear a watch because it teaches the importance of time. Since it is ticking almost everytime on your hand, one subconsciously becomes aware of time passing by and understands the importance of it.One of the main reason could be that they themselves are rich, so surely one would like to go for expensive things in their bucket! Most of the people do it as a reward for achieving something… There are many who take them in a traditional way. So, a watch is something that passes on to generations. Having an expensive one adds on to it. Even some people go for the handmade watches. Well, few do it to save the handcraft others do it because it is more personalised and so more close to heart.I am a pedestrian so I commute by walking from home to work. Well, it is also because my office is very close to my house so using anything else does not make sense. Mostly I go with my friend to the office and the journey is all about talking things here and there.I love taking pictures so whenever I travel, I am mostly taking pictures and listening to music. If it is a road trip to a place I prefer collecting the local stuff that symbolises the importance of the place.雅思口语pat1话题猜测配答案:mirror变题不慌!1.How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?2.Have you ever bought mirrors?3.Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?4.Do you often look in the mirror?5.Do you have mirror at home?6.Is it a good idea to use mirrors in the interior design?I have a mirror in my bathroom, and I look at myself while I am brushing my teeth. I then have another mirror at my makeup stand, and I look at it while putting on makeup. After that I do not really use it during the day.Yes, when we were redecorating our bathroom, my mother asked me to come with her to choose a new mirror.There are several different types of mirrors being made these days, and some are quite artistic. I have seen ones that are decorated with shells, as well as other types of decoration. This means that mirrors can be used as a wall decoration, rather than just something to look at our reflection, and I would use them in my house.Not frequently. But, if I am going out for a party or may be on a date or if sometimes when I try a new look, I do look at mirror more than the usual times. So, one can find me catching a glimpse of me in the mirror of the car or the flash of a shiny thing, just to make sure that I am looking good. Apart from this, while preparing for a speech, well I usually prefer mirrors for that. But, otherwise mirror is surely not my best friend.Presently, I am living in a furnished apartment. So, everything that is there was already placed and yes I do have mirrors in my home. There are two mirrors, each in one room and then there is a mirror in the bathroom as well.I believe it depends on the individual’s choice. Someone who lovestheir own reflection, can probably have lot of mirrors in their interior designs, otherwise one may choose not to have. But, for me, I would love to have mirrors in the interiors of my house. But, I would prefer having them in such a way that they reflect the outside beauty in the mirrors.雅思索试算分方法大起底我们都知道,雅思索试的总分和每个单项的最高分都是9分。

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雅思口语pat1话题预测配答案:Gifts(礼物)雅思口语相关话题1. Do you like to receive gifts?(Why?/ Why not?)2. What kind of gifts do you like to receive?(Why?)3. What gifts did you receive in your childhood?4. Do you like giving gifts to people?(Why?/ Why not?)5. What gifts did you give to others in your childhood?6.When do people give gifts in your country?(3题答案)7.Do you like giving or receiving gifts?(3题答案)8.What kind of gifts do you prefer?(2题答案)雅思口语part1参考答案Yeah, I really enjoy receiving gifts from friends because I’m always moved when someone gives me a gift on some special occasion like my birthday. I sometimes receive some books, fruit, tea from my close friends.Actually, I really enjoy receiving books as gifts because I’m a bookworm, reading is my favourite habit. When I was a little boy, I had received a wide variety of gifts that I really liked, such as books, stationery, balls and so on.Yes, I do. I’m pretty into giving gifts to friends because gifts can enhance the friendship between friends, although they will cost much, I still like sending gifts because I believe giving is much more pleasure than taking.I just remembered when I was young, I was used to send friends something I made by myself, like making a postcard.Answer A) I think like in most countries, people tend to give gifts on special occasions like birthdays or marriages, graduation from college or university or any other major eve nt in someday’s life. People also give gifts to each other when they are meeting after a very long time or before they are leaving to some other place.Answer B) People in my country, tend to give gifts whenever we feel like. Most of the people understand, that we are living busy lives and it is through gifts that we can actually make people feel good about each other and tell them how much we care for them. So, you could find us exchanging gifts on small occasions like, a meeting or may be small hangout at someone’s place. Although, the gifts that we exchange are not very expensive, I think it is a good idea express oneself through gifts.Answer C) People in my country, rarely do exchange gifts. We all live very close to each other and work together, that it is like a big family only. Also, the economic condition of our country, does not allows people to spend lots of money. But, I think, although we cannot give expensive gifts to each other, being close to one another during rough and happy times, is the biggest gift one can ever give to anyone, and we give it every day.Sample 1 –“I like being given something. It’s exciting to unwrap a present and see what it is. Also it shows that someone cares about you. Or maybe it just means that they want something in return!”Sample 2 –“I prefer to give rather than receive. I love the look on someone’s face when they open a present. I also like to makethings for people. I think it’s more meaningful than just buying something in a store.”Sample 3 –“I like both. It’s nice to get something, especially something that you want, or if the gift is from someone that you like. But, I really like to give people things as well. It doesn’t have to be anything big or cost a lot of money. I just really like to see their reaction when they open it.”Sample 1 –“I like to get things that I can use – I mean things that are practical. It might be kind of boring, but I like to get things like socks and underwear because I always need those and I don’t like shopping for tho se things!”Sample 2 –“I really appreciate something that I know the person giving it to me has put in a lot of thought into it. Maybe they remembered something that I mentioned liking and then a long time after that they see something like it and buy it more me. The cost doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that counts.”雅思口语pat1话题新题配答案:reading books雅思口语相关话题:reading books1. Do you like reading books? Why or why not?2. What (kinds of) books do you like to read?3. Did you read much when you were a child?4. What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child?5. Do (young) children like reading books?6. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?7. What do you think are the benefits of reading to children?8. Examiner: Do you like to read books?9. Examiner: How often do you go to the cinema?10. Examiner: Do you prefer reading books or watching films?雅思口语part1参考答案Yes, I’m really into reading because I believe that reading can be both entertaining and educational. Reading broadens my knowledge by opening up the whole world to me. While I’m reading, I can be visiting another country or a different time period, or traveling through space. I can find out how people solve problems or think up new ideas.Oh, it’s a tough question, or it should be more of what books I don’t read. I have a really open mind to books and what genre theyare. Classic literature, novel, autobiography, historical story…whatever.Yes, I remember when I was a kid, I’d like to take some historical books from my father’s bookshelf, and read the historical stories, which were really entertaining and educational to me. As a result, I’m very familiar with our Chinese ancient history.It’s kind of hard to say but young children that I know around me tend to read fairy tales to cultivate their mental development, but maybe for others, they just want to watch TV and play toys.I believe if you want your children to be smart, they have to acquire a love for reading, which has numerous benefits. Reading opens the door to child’s early academic success, imparts a love of learning and leads to higher grades in every subject. Besides, reading can help children Improve linguistic skills in the form of a richer vocabulary, correct grammar, and more articulate oral communication. On top of that, books teach child about relationships, situations, personalities, and what is good and what is bad in the world he lives in.Marie: Yes … I love reading … I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good book … I regularly take out books from the。
