
雅思口语Part 2考试是一个个人陈述的环节,考生需要在规定的时间内针对所给的话题进行发言。
以下是一些可能出现的雅思口语Part 2话题:
1. 描述一个你喜欢的电影/电视节目。
2. 描述一个你喜欢的假期地点。
3. 描述一个你喜欢的运动。
4. 描述一个你喜欢的餐馆。
5. 描述一个你喜欢的音乐会/音乐节。
6. 描述一个你喜欢的书籍。
7. 描述一个你喜欢的运动员/名人。
8. 描述一个你喜欢的家庭成员。
9. 描述一个你喜欢的广告。
10. 描述一个你喜欢的购物中心。
1. 描述清楚所选话题,包括地点、时间、人物等相关信息。
2. 详细描述自己对该话题的喜好原因,可以从外观、氛围、服务、价格等多个角度进行描述。
3. 尽量使用多样的词汇和句式,以展示自己的语言能力。
4. 尽量避免使用口头禅和重复的词汇,可以通过多练习来提高语言表达的流利程度。
总之,雅思口语Part 2的目的是考察考生的口语表达能力和语言组织能力,考生在准备时可以多加练习,提高自己的口语表达水平。
IELTS雅思口语话题库 PART1(81个)+PART2(100个)

精心整理Part OneHometown1.Where do you come from? Could you tell me something abouthometown?Leisure Activities/ Hobbies1.What do you do in your spare time?2.What are your spare time interests/hobbies?3.How do you spend your leisure time?4.How do you spend your weekends? /What do you like doing atthe weekend?5.Do you like reading? What kind of books do you read?6.What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?7.Do you often read newspapers? Which ones do you read?4.Have you ever thought to have your own business? What kindof business do you hope to have?5.How do you want to develop your career?Future Plan1.What are your plans for your future?2.What are your plans on your returning to Chins?3.What do you intend to do after you finish studying?Living/Studying Abroad1.Do you want to study abroad?get12.What problems can you foresee in the future when youcome back to China?Education1.Say something about your educational background. /Can youtell me a little about your educational background?2.What is your major? / How do you like it?3.What subjects did you study at university? Do you think theyare useful in preparing you for your future work?4.Which is the best university in your country?1.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?2.Do you think foreign language learning is important?3.Do you think you will be able to cope with theEnglish-language demands of your intended program?4.How do you think language should be learned?5.How many foreign languages can you speak?City1.How do you like Shanghai? Compare it to your hometown.2.What do you think about the city you live in?to1.What’s the house like you live in now? How do you feel aboutit?2.Could you describe your home?3.If you were given a choice, what sort of house would you like tolive in? why?4.Could you describe the traditional architecture of yourcountry?Cooking1.Do you enjoy cooking?精心整理100.。

2024雅思口语最新60个话题Part 1 答案请看我的文档《雅思口语高频话题及9分答案Part 1》Places-crowded places1. Is the city where you live crowded?2. Is there a crowded place near where you live?3. Do you like crowded places?4. Do most people like crowded places?5. When was the last time you were in a crowded place? Accommodation1. Do you live in a house or a flat?2. Why do you live in an apartment/house?3. How long have you lived there?4. What do you like the most about it?5. What is your favorite room? Why?6. Can you describe the view from your windows?7. Do you plan to live there in the future?8. What are the advantages of living in your own home?9. What kind of accommodation do you wish to have in the future?10. C an you tell me about your house when you were a child? Favorite food1. Do you like cakes or any other desserts?2. Do you know how to bake a cake?3. Why do some people not like eating sweet food?4. Are there any traditional desserts in your country? Artificial intelligence1. Do you like robots?2. Would you like to have a robot in your house/apartment?3. How do robots affect our lives?4. Did you like any films about robots when you were a child?5. Will you feel comfortable in a car driven by a robot?hobby1. Do you collect anything as a hobby?2. Do you keep things for a long time?3. Why do some people like collecting things?4. Do boys and girls collect the same things?Memory1. What do you have to remember to do every day?2. Is it easy for you to forget to do these things?3. Are you good at memorizing things?4. How do you help yourself to remember things?5. Have you ever forgotten something important?Fish and fishing1. Is fishing popular in your country?2. Do you like eating fish?3. Have you ever been to a place with lots of fish around you?4. Have you ever seen any movies with lots of fish? hometown1. Where is your hometown?2. Do you like your hometown? Why?3. How long have you been living in your hometown?4. Do you believe it is a proper place to grow up? Why5. How could your hometown be improved?6. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child?7. Is there good public transportation in your hometown?8. Will you be moving away from your hometown?color1. What is your favorite color?2. Do you think color is important in your daily life?3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your culture?4. Do you usually help people around you?5. How do you help people around you?6. Do your parents teach you how to help others?7. What have you done to help the elderly?gifts1. What gifts do you want?2. Are you good at choosing gifts?3. Have you given other gifts made by you?Getting bored1. Do you often feel bored?2. When would you feel bored?3. What do you do when you feel bored?4. Do you think childhood is more boring or adulthood is more boring? Sunglasses1. Do you often wear sunglasses?2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses?3. Do you give sunglasses as a gift?4. When do you wear sunglasses?Living area1. Where are you living now?2. Do people of different age groups live in your area?3. What do you like most about where you live?4. What is the neighborhood like where you live?5. Do you have any friends there?6. What can be improved in the area where you live?7. Do you know any famous people in the area where you live?8. Do you intend to stay in this area in the future?Running1. Do you like running?2. Where do you run?3. Which places do you think are perfect for running?4. Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy?Social media1. When did you start to use social media?2. Do you think you spend too much time on social media?3. What do people do on social media?Save money1. How do you save money?2. What do you think of e-payment?3. Do you often use credit cards?4. Do you think cash will still be popular in the future?5. Do you like spending money or saving money?music1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?2. Do you think students should learn to play musical instruments atschool?3. Have you taken any classes on musical instruments in school?4. Which musical instrument do you like?5. How easy would it be to learn to play a musical instrument without ateacher?study1. What subjects are you studying?2. Why did you decide to study those subjects?3. Do you like your subject?4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or the afternoons?5. Do you miss being a student?6. Is it exciting?7. Are you looking forward to working?8. How much time do you spend on your studies each week?9. Do you want to change your major?10. W hat changes would you like to see in your school?11. W hat work do you do?12. D o you like your job?13. W hy did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?14. W hat technology do you use at work?15. W ho helps you the most? And How?16. D o you want to change to another job?2024雅思口语题库更新Part 2Describe a place where you can relax.You should say:•Where it is•What it is like•How often you go there•And explain how you feel about this place.Describe an unusual holiday/vacation you had.You should say:•When and where you went•Who you went with•What you did there•And explain why it was unusual.Describe a foreigner who can speak your language well.You should say:•who he/she is•where he/she is from•why he/she can speak your language well•and explain how you feel about this person.Describe an interesting conversation you had with an old person.You should say:•Who this person is•When and where you had the conversation•What you talked about•And explain why you think it was interesting.Describe a time when you helped someone.You should say:•Where you helped him/her•Why you helped him/her•How you helped him/her•And explain how you felt about the experience.Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting.You should say:•where it is•how you knew it•what special features it has•and explain why you are interested in it.Describe an interesting person you never met but would like to know more about him/her.You should say:•who this person is•how you knew him/her•why you think he/she is interesting•and explain how you feel about this person.Describe a job you don't want to do in the future.You should say:•What it is•Where you knew it from•Whether the job is difficult or not•And explain why you don't want to do it.Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place recently. You should say:•What the activity is•Who invited you to participate in it•Whether you asked for help in the activity•And explain what change you had in the activity. Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant or shop. You should say:•when and where it happened•what happened•how you dealt with it•and explain how you felt about the experience. Describe a time you bought something from a street market. You should say:•When it was•Where it was•What you bought•And how you felt about it.Describe a skill that you learned when you were a teenager. You should say:•What the skill is•Who you learned it from•Why you learned it•Explain how you felt about learning itDescribe a good advertisement that you think is useful.You should say:•where you can see it•what it is about•why you think it is useful•and explain how you feel about it.Describe a uniform you wear (e.g., at school, at work).You should say:•Where you wear the uniform•How long you need to wear it•What it looks like•And explain how you feel about it.Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions. You should say:•who this person is•how you knew him/her•what this person does•and explain why you think his/her ideas or opinions are interesting. Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed.You should say:•Where you planned to travel to•Why you were looking forward to it•Why it had to be delayed•And explain how you felt about the experienceDescribe a time when you waited a long time for a nice thing.You should say:•what you waited for•where you waited•why it was special•and explain how you felt while you were waiting.Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot.You should say:•Who this person is•How you knew this person•What he/she usually talks about•And explain how you feel about him/her.Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without.You should say:•What it is•What you can do with it•How often you use it•And explain why you cannot live without it.Describe a beautiful city you have visited.You should say:•where the city is•how you knew the city•what it is famous for•and explain why it is beautiful.2024雅思口语话题汇总Part 31. Do people have enough places to relax in your country?2. What do people usually do when they are relaxed?3. Is physical activity good for relaxation?4. Do you think spending time in front of a screen helps people relax?1. Do you think people in your country have long enough holidays?2. Which holidays are popular in your country?3. What are the differences between old and young people whenspending their holidays?1. When do students in your country start to learn foreign languages?2. What qualities should a language teacher have?3. Do you have any techniques for learning languages?4. Do you think it is faster for children to learn languages than adults?5. How does technology influence language learning?1. How do people have a conversation with an elderly person?2. What can young people learn from old people?3. Do you think old people can work better than young people?4. What are the advantages of having people of different ages living inthe same house?1. Should people be very kind when they help others?2. Should children be taught to be kind to others?3. What kind of advice should parents give to their4. Can children provide any help for parents?1. How can people access travel information?2. Do people have different personalities in different regions of yourcountry?3. What causes the differences between different regions of yourcountry?4. Is an excellent tourist destination also a good place to live?1. Are there any differences in the relationship between you and yourfriends and between you and other people?2. Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?3. Can clothing tell and reveal a person's personality?4. Why do individuals from the same family have differentpersonalities?1. Do you think Al will take over many jobs?2. What would you say are the important factors to be consideredwhen choosing a career?3. Technology will make some people unemployed. How can thisproblem be solved?4. Is it common in your country for people to move to other citiesbecause of work?1. Do people go outdoors more or less now?2. What can people do outdoors besides exercising?3. When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature?4. What can people do to get close to nature?1. How do most people respond to bad services?2. Do you think most restaurants and shops provide better servicesthan before?3. Why do some people remain silent when receiving bad service?4. What would you do as a boss to prevent bad service?1. Why do some people like to buy luxuries?2. Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?3. What are the differences between shopping in street markets andbig shopping malls?4. Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have goodquality?1. Where do children learn skills in your country?2. What are the differences between learning skills on your own andfrom others?3. What important skills should a child learn?4. What skills do you think teenagers should have?1. How do you feel about online advertising?2. Are there any great online advertisements?3. Why does buying new things make people happy?4. Do people still watch useless advertisements nowadays?1. Why should students wear uniforms?2. On what occasion should people wear uniforms?3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?4. Should companies ask for employees' opinions about the design ofuniforms?1. How do inventors and philosophers come up with new ideas?2. Do you think children should have their own opinions?3. Why do children often have opinions similar to their parents?4. Do you think teachers influence students' opinions?1. How do people usually go traveling?2. In what ways can traffic conditions in a city be improved?3. Do people still drive a car if public transportation is free of charge?4. How can transportation in rural areas be developed?1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?2. What do people usually do while waiting?3. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?4. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train? 1. How should parents encourage their children to express themselveswhen being asked questions that they are afraid to answer?2. Why do some children talk more than their peers?3. What kind of professions involve talking to groups of people?1. What equipment do you find difficult to use?2. Why do some people in the workplace dislike technology?3. Why do people buy a lot of household appliances?4. What do people often do with electronic devices?1. What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?2. Why do some people like to visit historical sites?3. Does historic preservation contradict economic development?4. Who should be responsible for protecting historical buildings?。

一、个人信息(Personal Information)个人信息是雅思口语考试中的一个常见话题,考官通常会询问学生的姓名、年龄、居住地、工作/学习情况等。
范例回答:Well, my name is Lisa and I am currently 27 years old. I live in a small city called Oxford, which is located in the southeastern part of England. I work as a marketing executive in a multinational company, where I have been employed for the past three years.二、家庭(Family)家庭是人们生活中最重要的一部分,也是雅思口语考试经常涉及的一个话题。
范例回答:I come from a rather small family. I have my parents and an elder brother. My father is a businessman and my mother is a homemaker. My brother works as a software engineer in a well-known IT company. We all live together in a cozy apartment in the city center.三、教育(Education)教育是一个非常重要的话题,它涉及到学生的学习经历、学术成就等方面。

2023年雅思口语最新9-12月份题库Part1本季新题:1.TravellingDo you like travelling?How often do you go travelling?Where do you usually travel?How do you feel when you are travelling?2.TransportHow do you go to work or go to school?What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? How far is it from your home to work or to school?Do you think people will drive more in the future?3.MapsDo you often use maps?Do you use paper maps?How often do you use maps on your phone?Do you have maps at home?4.ClothingWhat kind of clothes do you like to wear?Do you prefer to wear comfortable and casual clothes or smart clothes? Do you like wearing T-shirts?Do you spend a lot of time choosing clothes?5.Musical instrumentsHave you ever learned to play a musical instrument?What musical instruments do you enjoy listening to the most?Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school? Do you think music education is important for children?6.NoiseDo you like to stay in a place with a lot of noise?What kind of noises are there in the area where you live?Do you want to move to a quieter place?Do you think there is too much noise in today’s world?Is making noise one of people’s rights?7.Tea or coffeeDo people like tea and coffee nowadays?Do you prefer to use tea or coffee to serve your guest?When was the last time you had a cup of coffee or tea?Do you usually buy your coffee in a coffee shop?8.RobotsAre robots important?Would robots affect people’s lives?Have you ever watched a movie about robots?Should we set a robot drive for us for long journeys?What can robots do for you at home?9.RunningDo you go running a lot?Where do you usually go running?When was the last time you went running?What do you think of running as a sport?10.GiftsHave you ever sent handmade gifts to others?Have you ever received to great gift?What do you consider when choosing a gift?Do you think you are good at choosing gifts?11.ChattingDo you like chatting with friends?What do you usually chat about with friends?Do you prefer to chat with a group of people or with only one friend? Do you prefer to communicate face to face or via social media?Do you argue with friends?12.GeographyHow do you like geography?Do you think geography is useful?Have you ever learned geography?Do you want to be a geography teacher?13.filmsWhat films do you like?Did you often watch films when you were a child?Did you ever go to the cinema alone as a child?Do you often go to the cinema with your friends?Do you think going to the cinema is a good way to spend time with friends?14.Helping othersDo you usually help people around you?How do you help people around you,such as neighbors family and friends? Do your parents teach you how to help others?Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?What have you done to help the elderly?15.FishingIs fishing popular in your country?Do you like eating fish?Have you ever been to a place where there are lots of fish around you? Have you seen any movies with lots of fish?本季度保留旧题16.TeachersDo you want to be a teacher in the future?Do you remember one of your teachers?What were your primary school teachers like?Do you have a favorite teacher?17.FriendsHow important are friends to you?Do you often go out with your friends?Where do you often meet each other?What do you usually do with your friends?Do you have a friend you have known for a long time?18.Dream and ambitionWhat was your childhood dream?Are you the kind of person who sticks to dreams? What is your dream job?Do you think you are an ambitious person?19.RainDo you like rainy days?Why?Does it rain much in your city?Would you like to live in a dry or wet place?Would you change your plan if it rained?20.WeekWhat is your favorite day of the week?What is your least favorite day?What is the busiest day of the week for you?Is there anything that you do everyday?What do you usually do on weekends?Are weekdays and weekends the same for you? nguageWhat languages can you speak?What languages would you like to learn in the future? How do you learn a foreign language?How are languages taught and learned in your school?22.HealthHow do you keep healthy?What are your favorite sports?Are there health classes in your school?What sports help people stay healthy?Is it easy for people to exercise in your country? 23.Ice creamDo you like ice cream?Do you eat ice cream a lot?Did you eat ice cream as a child?Are there shops selling ice cream near where you live?Would you like to make your own ice cream?24.BagsDo you usually carry a bag?Do you change your bags often?What kind of bags would you use when travelling?Is a bag an ideal gift?Did you use a backpack when you were a child?25.Wild animalsAre there wild animals in your country?Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?What is the animals you would like to see in the wild?Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?26.Day offWhen was the last time you had a few days off?What do you usually do when you have days off?Do you usually spend your days off with your parents or with your friends? What would you like to do if you had a day off tomorrow?27.ConcentrationDid you stay focused in class when you were a child?Are you a focused person?How do you stay focused?Is it easy to stay focused in a noisy environment?28.Fixing thingsCan you fix things?Did anybody teach you to fix things when you were a child?Do you think it’s necessary for people to learn to fix things?What do you do when a thing is broken and cannot be fixed?29.The city you live inwhat city do you live in?Do you like this city?Why?How long have you lived in this city?Are there big changes in this city?Is this city your permanent residence?30.Riding a bikeDid you have a bike when you were young?Did you ride a bike when you were little?Did you ride a bike to school?Do you ride a bike when you go out now?必问话题Work or Study-Do you work or study?-What technology do you use at work?-What work do you do?-Why did you choose that type of work or job?-Do you miss being a student?-Do you like your job?-What subject are you studying?-Why did you choose to study that subject?-Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon? Home and Accommodation-Do you live in a house or apartment?-Which one do you prefer,house or apartment?-Can you describe the place where you live?-What room does your family spend most of the time in? -How long have you lived there?-Do you plan to live there for a long time?-Please describe the room you live in?-Which room do you like the most in your home?Why?-What part of your home do you like the most? Hometown-Where is your hometown?-Is that a big city or a small place?-How long have you been living there?-Do you like your hometown?-Is there anything you dislike about it?-What do you like(most)about your hometown?-Do you like living there?-Please describe your hometown a little-Do you think you’ll continue living there for a long time?The area you live in-Do you know any famous people in your area?-What are some changes in the area recently?-Do you like the area that you live in?Part2/3话题完整版人物类(10个)● 1.Describe a successful businessperson you know(e.g.running a familybusiness)(新题)You should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhat business he/she doesAnd explain why he/she is successfulPart3What factors lead to success?What do people need to sacrifice for success?Which is more likely to be successful,family business or large corporations?Is it easy for a business to be successful without affecting the environment?Can you provide some examples of family business in your country?What qualities should be considered when recruiting employees?● 2.Describe a sportsperson you admire新题You should say:Who this person isWhat you know about him/herWhat he/she is like in real lifeWhat achievement he/she has madeAnd explain why you admire him/herPart3Question1:Should students have physical education and do sports at school? Question2:What qualities should an athlete have?Question3:Is talent important in sports?Question4:Is it easy to identify children’s talents?Question5:What is the most popular sport in your country?Question6:Why are there so few top athletes?Part3Is money the only measure of success in your country?How do you define whether one is a successful person?What is the standard of success in you country?Is there a contradiction between success and happiness?What are the factors that influence students’grades at school?● 4.Describe an interesting person that you haven’t met in personbut would like to know more about(新题)You should say:Who this person isHow you knew him/herWhat interesting things he/she has doneAnd explain why you want to know more about him or herPart3Are there any differences in the relationship between you and your friends and between you and other people?Do people feel lonely in crowded cities?Where and how can people get to know new people?Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?Why do the individuals from the same family have different personalities?How does society influence a person’s personality?● 5.Describe a person who always has interesting ideas of opinions(新题)You should say:Who this person isWhat this person doesHow you knew him/herAnd explain why you think his/her ideas or opinions are interestingPart3When do you think children start to have their own opinions?Are children’s opinions influenced by their parents?Who are the smart children likely to be influenced by?How do inventors or philosophers come up with new ideas?Are there only old ideas from books or previous writers?What kind of people have lots of great ideas in your country?● 6.Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese well(新题)You should say:Who this person isWhere he/she is fromHow he/she learns ChineseAnd explain why he can speak Chinese wellPart3What foreign languages do Chinese children learn?Why do Chinese children learn English?Why are so many people learning English?How can you help children learn English?Do you think the way people learn English today is the same as in the past?What are the benefits of the Internet for people's learning?●7.Describe a person who likes to cook for others(新题)You should say:Who this person isWhat he/she likes to cookWho he/she cooks forAnd explain why he/she enjoys cookingPart3Question1:What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?Question2:Do you agree that food is an important part of Chinese festivals and ceremonies?Question3:Which dishes are a must at festivals?Question4:Should students learn to cook at school?Question5:Do you think cooking should be a compulsory or an elective course? Why?Question6:Are there any differences between cooking today and in the past?Part3How can children help their parents at home?Should children be taught to help others?What makes children help each other at school?Should students do community service?Why?Do students in your country do volunteer work?Why do some people do volunteer work all over the world?Part3What kinds of famous people are there in your country?What are the differences between famous people today and those in the past? Do you think famous people are necessarily good in their fields?Do you think media is putting too much attention on famous people?●10.Describe a popular/well-known person in your country.(旧题) You should say:Who the person isHow you know of this personWhat this person has doneAnd explain why they are so popularPart3Question1:What qualities can help a person be popular?Question2:Do you know any popular star who likes helping other people? Question3:In what ways do you think popular stars influence teenagers? Question4:What are some advantages and disadvantages of being a star? Question5:What kind of people/students are popular in the workplace/school? Question6:Do you think popular stars have more freedom or less freedom?地点类(5个)● 1.Describe a park or garden in your city.(新题)You should say:When you often go thereWhere it isWho you often go withwhat it is likeAnd explain why you like to visit itPart3Do young people like to go to parks?What do old people like to do in parks?What benefits can parks bring to a city?What are the benefits of going to the park for young people and old people?Why do some people like planting flowers?Would you say people should help maintain public parks and gardens?● 2.Describe a beautiful city(新题)Where the city isHow you knew the cityWhat buildings the city hasWhat it is famous forAnd explain why you think this city is beautifulPart3What are the differences between modern towns and modern cities?Why do some people like to visit historical sites?How can people preserve historical buildings?Is it the government’s responsibility to preserve historic cities and historic buildings?● 3.Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting(新题)Where it isHow you knew itWhat special features it hasAnd explain why you think it is interestingPart3How can people access travel information?Do people have different personalities in different regions of your country?What causes the differences between different regions of your country?Is it just youngsters who like to try new things,or do people of your parents'age also like to try new things?Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?Why do people who go to live in small towns think these towns are more interesting than the big cities?Part3Where do young people like to go?Are people happy living in crowded apartments?Which scenic spots will have queues of people?What are the advantages of living on a higher floor?What are the disadvantages of living on a lower floor?What do you think of phenomenon of people queuing in restaurants for more than an hour?Part3Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?What are the disadvantages of working overtime?Where do Chinese people like to travel to?What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?Do people in your country like to have holidays?物品篇(19个)● 1.Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful(新题)Where you can see itWhat it showsWhy you think it is usefulAnd explain how you feel about itPart3What do you think of online advertising?Are there any great online advertisements?What do people usually buy?Why does buying new things make people happy?Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?● 2.Describe a photo that makes you happy(新题)You should say:When and where you took the photoWhat the photo is likeHow often you watch the photoAnd explain why it makes you feel happyPart3Question1:Do you think people are taking too many photos these days? Question2:What kinds of photos do people like to take?Question3:Do you think people take more photos now than in the past? Question4:Do you think equipment is important for photography?Question5:Do you think being a professional photographer is a good job?Why? Question6:Why do some people like to post their photos on social media?● 3.Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work(新题) You should say:What the rule is aboutWhat happens when people break the ruleWhy you think it is an important ruleAnd explain how you feel about the rulePart3What rules should children follow at home in your country?On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don't follow some rules?What rules should people follow when using public transport?What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?When people break rules,how would they be punished in your country?● 4.Describe an activity that made you feel tired.(新题)You should say:When it happenedWhere it took placeWhat the activity wasAnd explain why it made you feel tiredPart3Does learning make people feel tired today?When do people usually feel tired?What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising? How can people solve the problem of old people easily getting tired?● 5.Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone(新题) Who you gave the advice toWhat the advice wasWhy you gave the adviceAnd explain how he/she followed your advicePart3Do you think parents should give their children advice?Should teachers give students advice?Do you think it is necessary for us to listen to friends’advice?How do people give young people and old people advice?What are the areas in which people are more or less willing to accept advice? Have you ever received any advice from professional people,like a doctor,a lawyer or a teacher?● 6.Describe a painting/drawing that you like(新题)You should say:When you first saw this paintingWhat the painting is aboutWho the painter isAnd explain how you feel about this paintingPart3What are the differences between painting and drawing?Why do some people keep a painting for a long time?How does building style affect people's lives?Should children learn to draw and paint?Why?How do young people share arts with others?Do you think the objects we use in our daily lives should be beautifully designed?●7.Describe an area of science(biology,robotics,etc.)that you areinterested in and would like to learn more about(新题)Which area it isWhen and where you came to know this areaHow you got information about this areaAnd explain why you are interested in this areaPart3Why do some children not like learning science at school?Is it important to study science at school?Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?Should people continue to study science after graduating from school?How do you get to know about scientific news?Should scientists explain the research progress to the public?●8.Describe a book you have read many times(旧题)You should say:What the book is and what it is aboutWho it was written byHow often you read itAnd say why you enjoy reading itPart3-Do you think it’s important for children to read books?Why or why not?-Do you think reading books is better than watching movies?Why or why not?-What benefits do you think reading books has for individuals?-Do you think reading books can help people learn more about different cultures? Why or why not?-Do you think people should read books that are difficult or challenging to understand?Why or why not?-Do you think e-books will make people read more?Why?Part3-What are the most popular jobs for young people in your country?-What is the difference between high-income and low-income jobs in your country? -When is the right time for young people to start making serious plans for their future career?-Which jobs have the highest salaries?-Which jobs pay low wages but require a high level of skills?Part3Which sport do you think most people like to do?Why?Do children need exercise?What are the benefits of exercise?What can be done to get children into sports?What sports programs do people like to watch in your country? What’s the difference between watching sports on TV and watching it live?Part3-Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?-What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation? -Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?-Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping? -How do people usually make important decisions?Part3-What qualities do inventors have?-Do you think only scientists can invent new things?-What inventions do you think should be improved?-Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?Part3-Is it important for children to learn about traditional festivals at school?-Do children like to learn about traditional festivals?-Why do people hold events to celebrate?-Are traditional festivals disappearing?-Is music important in traditional festivals?Part3-What are the most common architectural styles in Chinese cities?-What’s the difference between an apartment and a house?-What’s the difference between living in the countryside and living in the city-What are the advantages of the facilities of the apartment and the facilities of the house?-What difficulties do people living in the city?-What can be done to reduce stress of city life?Part3-Do you like buying clothes?-What kind of clothes do most people wear in your country?-Under what circumstances would people in your country wear formal clothes?-What is the difference between the clothing of the elderly and young in China?-When do people in your country wear traditional clothes?-Does the climate affect what people wear?Part3-What games do kids like to play now?-Do boys and girls play different games?-Are outdoor sports important for kids?-Why do people play different games now than before?-Is winning important in games?-Which is better,individual games or team-based games?Part3-What kinds of shops are popular in your city?-Why do young people enjoy going to some boutiques?-Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers? -What is the difference between a small shop and a large shop? -Why is cheap fashion so popular?Part3What do you think of people who waste water?What are the characteristics of goods transported by water?Do you think it is good to teach swimming in schools?What kind of water sports are popular nowadays?Why do people like to live near water?Part3-Do you believe movie reviews?-What are the different types of films in your country?-Are historical films popular in your country?Why?-Do you think films with famous actors or actresses are more likely to become successful films?-Should the director pay a lot of money to famous actors?事件篇(17个)Part3-What kind of activities do young people like to do?-Why do some young people like adventurous activities?-Do you think older people would like to have changes?-Why can exciting activities relieve people’s stress?-What skills do people need to take part in adventurous activities?2.Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/study that you felt proud of(新题)What the task wasHow you completed itWhy the task was difficultAnd explain why you were proud of the completion of the taskPart3What are the things that make people feel proud of?Do people often feel proud of themselves when they complete a difficult task? What challenges do young people face today?How do young people handle difficult or challenging tasks?What kinds of rewards do people receive from work?What are the most difficult jobs that people do?3.Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways.(新题)When and where it happenedWhat happenedHow you felt about itAnd explain how it changed your life in good waysPart3-Do you like new things or changes in life?-Why do some people quit and change jobs?-How to adapt to changes in life?-Who can adapt better to changes,children or adults?-When things like getting married or moving home happen,what kinds of things would you consider?-What are the disadvantages when people keep making changes?4.Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing (新题)When it happenedWhat the nice thing wasWhy you waited for a long timeAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart3On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?What do people do while waiting?Are most people patient while waiting?Do you like like to wait for a long time?Why?Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?5.Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer (新题)When it happenedWhere it happenedWhat the problem wasAnd explain how you solved the problem at lastPart3What do people use computers for?Should students be allowed to use computers at school?What do you think of people addicted to playing computers?Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?Why do people often have problems when using new products?6.Describe a party you enjoyed(新题)When and where the party was heldWho attended the partyWhat kind of party it wasWhat you did in the partyAnd explain why you enjoyed the partyPart3-Why do people like parties?-Why do some people not like going to parties?-Do you think those who tend to stay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties?-Do you think music and dancing are a must at a party?-What would you do if you were disturbed by a neighbor's party?-What are the differences between holding a party at home and in a public place? 7.Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop(新题) When and where it happenedWhat happenedHow it was solvedAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart3-How do most people respond to bad services?-Do you think services are better now than in the past?-What kind of services are bad services?-Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?-Who should be responsible for bad services?-What can employers do to improve the service that their employees provide?Part3-Do you think children should have a lot of toys?-Where do children usually play?-Do you think there are too many rules for children to follow,whether at school or home?-Do you think children should follow all rules?-Do you think it’s necessary for parents to make decisions for their children?-Do you think it is good for parents to help their children to choose friends?Part3-Who likes to read adventure books?-Do people prefer adventure novels or adventure movies?-Why do some people like to read adventure books rather than take an adventure? -Who doesn’t like to take adventure?-Will experiencing adventures broaden people’s horizons?Part3-Why do some young people keep moving?-What’s the difference between living alone and living with roommates?-Is it beneficial for young people to live by themselves?-Besides cooking,are there any other skills that people need to learn if they live in their own?-How can parents and teachers help young people to live independently?。


雅思口语part1:1. Work or study⚫What technology do you use when you study?⚫What technology do yo use at work?⚫What work do you do?⚫Do you like your job? Is it very interesting?⚫Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?⚫Do you miss being a student?⚫Why did you choose to study that subject/ why did you choose to study those subjects? ⚫What subjects are you studying?⚫Is it very interesting?⚫Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?⚫Are you looking forward to working?⚫Do you like your subject? (Why? /Why not?)2. Home/Accommodation⚫Who do you live with?⚫What kinds of housing/accommodation do you live in?⚫Do you live in a house or a flat?⚫What the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived inthe past?⚫Can you describe the place where you live?⚫What room does your family spend most of the time in?⚫How long have you lived there?⚫What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?⚫Do you plan to live there for a long time?⚫Are the transport facilities to your home very good?⚫Please describe the room you live in.⚫Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?⚫What part of your home do you like the most?3. hometown⚫Where is your hometown?⚫Is that a big city or a small place?⚫How long have you been living there?⚫Do you like your hometown?⚫Is there anything you dislike about it?⚫What do you like most about your hometown?⚫Do you like living there?⚫Please describe your hometown a little.⚫Do you think you will continue to living there for a long time?4. Morning time⚫Do you like getting up early in the morning?⚫What do you usually do in the morning?⚫What did you do in the morning when you were little?⚫Are there any differences between what you do in the morning now and what you didin the past?5. Technology⚫What technology do you often use, computers or cellphones?⚫What electronic devices have you bought lately?⚫Is there any technology you want to buy?⚫Is technology important in your life?6. Public transportation⚫What kind of transportation do you usually take?⚫When do you usually take public transportation, in your everyday life or when you are travelling?⚫Do most people prefer public transportation in your country?⚫Did you take public transportation when you were a kid?7. Weather⚫What is the weather like where you live?⚫Do you prefer cold or hot weather?⚫Do you prefer dry or wet weather?⚫Do you have the habit of checking the weather forecast? When/how often?8. Birthday⚫What do you usually do on your birthday?⚫What did you do on your birthday when you were young?⚫Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?⚫Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China?9. Names⚫Does your name have any social meaning?⚫How would you choose names for your next generation?⚫Does anyone in your family have the same name as you?⚫Are there any difference between how Chinese name their children now and in the past?10. Snacks⚫What snacks do you like to eat?⚫Did you often eat snacks when you were young?⚫Do you think it is healthy for you to eat snacks?⚫When do you usually eat snacks now?11. Geography⚫Do you like geography?⚫Have you ever studied geography at school?⚫Are you good at reading a map?⚫Would you visit a country because of its geographical location?12. Social media⚫Do you or your friends like using social media?⚫Do you think you or your friends use too much social media?⚫Do you want to work in social media? Why?⚫What’s the most popular social media in China? Why?13. Puzzles⚫Did you do puzzles in your childhood?⚫Do you want to make your dreams come true?⚫Do you like doing word puzzles or number puzzles? Which is more difficult for you?⚫Do you think it is good for old people to do puzzles?14. Books and reading habits⚫Do you often read books? When?⚫Do you read differently now than you did before?⚫Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?⚫Which do you prefer, reading books or watching movies?15. Evening time⚫Do you like the morning or evening?⚫What do you usually do in the evening?⚫What did you do in the evening when you were little? Why?⚫Are there any differences between what you do in the evening now what you did in the past?16. Advertisement⚫Are you interested in watching TV advertisements or internet advertisements?⚫What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?⚫Do you share advertisements with others?⚫Do you want to work in advertising in the future?17. Computers⚫In what conditions would you use a computer?⚫When was the first time you used a computer?⚫What would your life be like without computers?⚫In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?18. Old buildings⚫Have you ever seen some old buildings in the city?⚫Do you think we should preserve old buildings in cities?⚫Do you prefer to live in an old building or a modern house?⚫Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?19. Talents⚫Do you have a talent or something you are good at?⚫Was it mastered recently or when you were young?⚫Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?⚫Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?20. Watch⚫Do you wear a watch?⚫Have you ever got a watch as a gift?⚫Why do some people wear expensive watches?⚫Do you think it is important to wear a watch? Why?21. Housework and cooking⚫Do you do some cooking/help your family cook at home now?⚫Did you do some house cleaning when you were young?⚫Do you have breakfast at home every day?⚫Do you want to learn how to cook well?22. Birthday⚫What do you usually do on your birthday?⚫What did you do on your birthday when you were young?⚫Do you think it is important for you to celebrate your birthday?⚫Whose birthday do you think is the most important to celebrate in China?23. Writing⚫Do you write a lot?⚫What do you like to write? Why?⚫Do you think the things you write would change?⚫Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?⚫Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing?24. Singing⚫Do you like singing? Why?⚫Have you ever learned to sing?⚫Who do you want to sing for?⚫Do you think singing can bring happiness to people?25. Doing sports⚫What sports do you like?⚫Where did you learn how to do it?⚫Did you do some sports when you were young?⚫Do you think students need more exercise?26. Sitting down⚫Where is your favorite place to sit?⚫Do you always sit down for a long time?⚫Do you feel sleepy when you are sitting down?⚫When you were a child did you usually sit on the floor?27. Collecting things⚫Do you collect things?⚫Are there any things you keep from childhood?⚫Would you keep old things for a long time?⚫Where do you usually keep things you need?28. Boring things⚫What kinds of things are boring to you?⚫What will you do when you feel bored?⚫What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?⚫Do you think school is boring?29. Meeting places⚫Where is your favourite place to meet with your friends?⚫Do you think there are some places more suitable for meeting with friends?⚫Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places in the present and in your childhood?⚫Why are some meeting places better than others?30. Street market⚫What do people usually buy at the street market?⚫Do you prefer to go shopping in the shopping mall or on street market?⚫When was the last time you went to a street market?⚫Are there many street markets in China?31. Cinemas⚫Did you usually go to the cinema when you were a kid?⚫Do you usually go to the cinema with your friends?⚫Do you still like watching the movie which you liked when you were a kid?⚫Do you prefer watching movies at home or at the cinema?32. the area you live in⚫Where do you like to go in that area?⚫Do you know any famous people in your area?⚫What are some changes in the area recently?⚫Do you like the area that you live in?雅思口语part 2——人物类话题1. 发小Describe a friend from your childhoodYou should say:Who he/she isWhere and how you met each otherWhat you often did togetherAnd explain what make you like him/herPart 3:⚫Do you still keep in touch with your friends from childhood? Why or why not?⚫How important is childhood friendship to children?⚫What do you think of communicating via social media?⚫Do you think online communication through social media will replace face-to-face communication?2. 认识的不同文化的人Describe a person you know who is from a different cultureYou should say:Who he/she isWhere he/she is fromHow you knew him/herAnd explain how you feel about him/herPart 3⚫Where and how can we get to know people of different cultures better?⚫What are the advantages and disadvantages of culture diversity?⚫How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?⚫Which Chinese traditions are disappearing?3. 喜欢种花果之人Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (eg. Vegetables/fruits/flowers etc.)You should say:Who he/she isWhat he/she growsWhere he/she grows themAnd explain how he/she enjoys growing plantsPart 3⚫Are there many people growing their own vegetable now?⚫Do you think it’s good to let kids learn how to plant?⚫What do you think of the job of a farmer?⚫What are the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?4. 时尚人士Describe a person who likes to dress fashionably/wellYou should say:Who he/she isWhat job he/she doesWhat kind of clothes he/she wearsAnd explain why he/she likes fashionPart 3⚫Do you think online shopping will replace in-store shopping in the future? Why?⚫Why is fashion very important to some people?⚫Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?⚫Are women more fashionable than men? Why?5. 喜欢一起聊天的朋友Describe a person you enjoyed talking with.You should say:Who he/she isWhen you talkedWhat you talked aboutAnd explain why you enjoyed talking with this personPart 3⚫Where do young people like to meet?⚫What do young people talk about when they meet up?⚫Do you think it is necessary to be honest when talking with friends?⚫On what occasions do we need to talk with strangers?6. 你的国家的名人Describe a popular person in your country.You should say:Who he/she isWhat he/she has doneWhy he/she is popularAnd explain how you feel about him/herPart 3⚫What kinds of people are popular at work?⚫Are bosses more popular than employees at work?⚫Which one is important, maintaining a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at work?⚫What benefits can children get if they become popular at school?7. 想要共事的家人Describe a family member you want to work with in the future.You should sayWho he/she isWhether you worked together beforeWhat kind of work you would like to do with him/herAnd explain how you feel about him/herPart 3⚫What kinds of family businesses are common in China?⚫Is it good to work with family members? Why?⚫Why do people want to have a family business?⚫What are the benefits of working with family members?8. 有趣的邻居Describe an interesting neighbor.You should say:Who this person isHow you know this personWhat he or she doesAnd explain why you think this person is interestingPart 3⚫Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?⚫How can people improve the relations with neighbors in a community?⚫How do children build relations with others in a community?⚫Is it beneficial to get along with neighbors?雅思口语part 2——地点类话题1. 常去的熟人之家Describe the home of someone you know well and that you often visitYou should say:Whose home it isHow often you go thereWhat it is likeAnd explain how you feel about the homePart 3⚫What are the differences between buildings in the city and in the countryside?⚫Do you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside?⚫What safety risks are there in residential buildings in cities?⚫Is it expensive to decorate a house or an apartment in the place where you live?2. 运动场所Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. a stadium) that you've been toYou should say:Where it isWhen you went thereWhat you did thereAnd explain how you felt about this placePart 3⚫Do young people like to do sports?⚫What are the benefits of sports for children?⚫Is it necessary to build public sports spaces?⚫What do you think of companies donating sports venues for poor children?3. 宜居之地Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your hometown). You should say:What it isWhere it isWhat you know about this placeAnd explain why you recommend it as a nice place to live.Part 3⚫Where do people like to live in your country?⚫Why do many people move to the city?⚫What are the advantages of living close to the workplace?⚫What kinds of places do older people prefer to live in?4. 重要河流/湖泊Describe an important river/lake in your country.You should say:Where it isHow big/long it isWhat it looks like And explain why it is importantPart 3⚫How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?⚫Do you think rivers and lakes attract tourists?⚫How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?⚫Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?⚫Do people like that river in your country?⚫Do you like any activities on water?⚫Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming?⚫Do people in your country go to swing in their spare time?5. 安静的地方Describe a quiet place where you like to spend your time.You should say:Where it isHow often you go thereWhat you do thereAnd explain how you feel about this placePart 3⚫Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?⚫Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?⚫Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?⚫Why are there more noises made at home than in the past?⚫Why do some people like to use noise as background sound when they are workingor studying?雅思口语part 2——事物类话题1. 有趣小说/故事Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interestingYou should say:When you read itWhat the story or novel was about Who wrote itAnd explain why it was interestingPart 3⚫How does technology help people tell stories?⚫Do you prefer to read e-books or paper books?⚫Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?⚫What kinds of novels are suitable for film adaptation?2. 喜欢看的电影Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch againYou should say:What type of movie it was What it was aboutWhere you watched itAnd explain why you would like to watch it againPart 3⚫Where do people normally watch movies?⚫What are the differences between watching movies at home and in a cinema?⚫Are actors or actresses important to movies? Why?⚫Why are there fewer people going to the cinema to watch movies nowadays?3. 印象深刻的英语课Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyedYou should say:What it was about When you had itWhat the teacher didAnd why you enjoyed the lessonPart 3⚫Why do people learn foreign languages?⚫What makes a good foreign language teacher?⚫Do you think grammar is important when learning foreign languages?⚫Is it interesting to be a foreign language teacher? Why?4. 让你自豪的照片Describe a photo you took that you are proud ofYou should say:When you took itWhere you took itWhat is in this photoAnd explain why you are proud of itPart 3⚫Why do some people like to record important things with photos?⚫What can people learn from historical photographs?⚫Is taking photos the best way to remember something?⚫which is better, taking photos or keeping diaries?5. 喜欢的节目Describe a program you like to watchYou should say:What it isWhat it is aboutWho you watch it withAnd explain why you like to watch itPart 3⚫What programs do people like to watch in your country?⚫Do people in your country like to watch foreign TV programs?⚫What is the benefit of letting kids watch animal videos than visiting zoos?⚫Do teachers play videos in class in your country?6. 漂亮物品Describe an object that you think is beautifulYou should say:What it isWhere you saw itWhat it looks likeAnd explain why you think it is beautifulPart 3⚫Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past? Why?⚫What beautiful scenery spots are there in your country?⚫Where do you think people usually come into contact with beautiful things?⚫Why do you think people create beautiful things?7. 节约时间的方法/改变Describe a recent change in life that helps you save a lot of time.You should say:What it isWhat you have doneHow it helps you save timeAnd explain how you feel about this changePart 3⚫What can people do to save time?⚫Do you think technology helps people to save time? How and why?⚫Do you think parents and schools should be responsible for teaching children to save ⚫time?⚫Do people can manage time well become successful more easily?8. 工作/学习中的建议Describe a time when someone gave you positive advice on your work.You shouldsay:When it happenedWho the person isHow the advice affected youAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫Is it important to give children positive feedback?⚫What would happen if parents overly encourage their children?⚫Do you think negative feedback is more important that positive feedback?9. 积极改变Describe a positive change you made in your life.You should say:What the change wasWhen it happenedHow it happenedAnd explain why it was a positive changePart 3⚫When should parents encourage their children?⚫Should parents always encourage their children?⚫Do you think negative feedback is more important that positive feedback? Why?⚫Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?10. 改变世界的发明Describe an invention that changed the world.You should say:What the invention wasWhat it can doHow popular it isWhy it is an important inventionPart 3⚫What is the most helpful innovation at home?⚫What household appliance make us lazy?⚫What kinds of inventions can be used at school?⚫Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?11. 传统产品Describe a traditional product in your country.You should say:What it isWhen you tried this product for the first timeWhat it is made ofAnd explain how important this product isPart 3⚫Why are traditional products important?⚫Do you think traditions are important for a country? Why?⚫What are some traditional Chinese products?⚫Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?12. 想参加的比赛Describe a contest/competition you would like to participate inYou should say:What the contest/competition is aboutWhere the contest/competition will take placeWhen it will be heldAnd explain why you would like to participate in itPart 3⚫What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?⚫Why are competition shows popular?⚫What kinds of industries need competition? Why?⚫Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with others in companies?雅思口语part 2——事件类话题1. 收钱Describe a time when you received money as a giftYou should say:When it happened Who gave you moneyWhy he/she gave you moneyAnd explain how you used the moneyPart 3⚫Why do people rarely use cash now?⚫When do children begin to comprehend the value of money?⚫Should parents reward children with money?⚫Is it good and necessary to teach children to save money?2. 塑料废品Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste ( a park, on the beach etc.) You should say:Where and when you saw the plastic wasteWhy there was a lot of plastic wasteWhat you did after you saw themAnd explain what your thoughts were about thisPart 3⚫Do you think we should use plastic products?⚫How can we reduce our use of plastic?⚫What kinds of plastic waste are often seen in your country?⚫Why do people like to use plastic products?3. 失约Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointmentYou should say:What the appointment was forWho you made it withWhy you forgot/missed itAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart 3⚫How do people who are busy remember things they need to do?⚫Do you think people should remember family history?⚫If someone doesn't really like whom they are going to meet they may deliberately miss their appointment. Is that true? Why?⚫Which is more important: work-related appointment or an appointment with a friend?Why?4. 信息搜索Describe a time when you needed to search for informationYou should say:What information you needed to search forWhen you searched for itWhere you searched for itAnd explain why you needed to search for itPart 3⚫How can people search for information now?⚫What information can people get from television?⚫Do you think libraries are still important in the digital age?⚫Does the development of the Internet have any impact on some disadvantaged people?5. 分享Describe something you had to share with othersYou should say:What it wasWho you shared it withWhy you had to share it with othersAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫Do you think kids like to share? Why?⚫How can parents teach their children to share?⚫What do you think is the benefit of sharing for children?⚫Is there anything that parents would persuade children to share with others?6. 糟糕购物Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a storeYou should say:When it happenedWhat you boughtWhat problem you hadAnd explain how you felt about the experiencePart 3⚫What kind of service do you think is good?⚫What are the differences between shopping online and in stores?⚫What problems do customers often have while shopping?⚫What do you think customers should do when there are problems with the products they bought online?7. 争论Describe a disagreement you had with someoneYou should say:Who you had the disagreement withWhat the disagreement wasWhat happenedAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫What would you do if you disagree with someone?⚫How can we stop an argument with escalating into a fight?⚫Who do you think should teach children to respect their teachers?⚫What disagreements do parents and children usually have?8. 征求意见Describe a time when someone asked for your opinionYou should sayWho asked you for opinionWhy he/she wanted to know your opinionWhat opinion you gaveAnd explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion.Part 3:⚫Why do some people dislike gibing their opinions?⚫Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?⚫Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?⚫What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the internet?9. 困难决定终成功Describe a difficult decision that you made and had a good resultYou should sayWhat the decision wasWhen you made that decisionWhy it was difficult to makeAnd explain how you felt about the good resultPart 3⚫Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?⚫Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?⚫Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?⚫What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the internet?10. 用手机做重要事情Describe a time when you used your cellphone to do something important.You should say:When it happenedWhat happenedHow important the cellphone wasAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫What do you usually do with a cellphone?⚫What are the differences between young people and old people when they use⚫cellphones?⚫Which one is more important, using a cellphone to make phone calls or to read messages?⚫Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in public places?11. 交通拥堵Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jamYou should say:When it happenedWhere it happenedHow you passed the time while waitingAnd explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jamPart 3⚫When do traffic jams usually happen?⚫What are the causes of traffic jams?⚫Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased in the future or will it become worse?⚫What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?12. 一次非常忙碌的经历Describe a time when you were very busy.You should say:When it happenedWhere you wereWhat you didAnd explain why you were very busyPart 3⚫Are you often busy?⚫What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?⚫Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?⚫What kind of stressful things do people experience at work?13. 帮助小孩Describe a time when you helped a child.You should say:When it happenedWho you helpedHow you helped him/herAnd explain how you felt about itPart 3⚫Do you often help kids? How?⚫Why is it necessary to do volunteer services?⚫what can school do to develop students’ awareness of volunteering?⚫Who benefit more from the volunteer services, the volunteers or the people they help? 14. 提高注意力Describe something that helps you concentrate on study/work.You should say:What it isHow it helps you concentrateWhen you do itAnd explain how you feel about itPart 3⚫Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?⚫Do you think technology will harm children’s ability to concentrate?⚫What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?⚫Can exercise help people improve concentration?15. 花费甚少的外出日Describe a special day out that didn’t cost you much.You should say:When the day wasWhere you wentHow much you spentAnd explain how you feel about that dayPart 3⚫Do people like to spend their leisure time our inn your country?⚫How do people spend their leisure time in your country?⚫How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?⚫Do you think only old people have time for leisure?16. 丢东西的经历Describe an occasion when you lost something in a public place.You should say:What you lostWhen and where you lost itWhat you did to find itAnd explain how you feel about this experiencePart 3⚫What kinds of things do people usually lose?⚫What do people often do when they lose personal belongings?⚫is it effective to offer rewards to find lost things?⚫What kinds of people often lose things?17. 保健方式Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy.You should say:What it isWhen you do itWho you do it withAnd explain why it can help you keep fit and healthyPart 3⚫How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?⚫What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?⚫How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?⚫Do you think it is good for governments to utilize celebrities to help people build health ⚫awareness?18. 惊喜之事Describe something that surprised you.You should say:What it isWho did thisHow you found out about it and what you didAnd explain why it surprised you and made you happyPart 3⚫How do people express happiness in your culture?⚫Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?⚫How can people be happy?⚫Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?。
雅思口语考试 Part 1 话题与词汇总结

SPEAKING TEST IN IELTSPART 1TOPICS QUESTIONS AND WORDS RELATED1.Studies QuestionsWhat’s your subject ?Why did you choose your subject ?How do you like your subject ?What do you like most about your studies ?Is there anything you don’t like about your studies ?How do you like your life on campus ?Is your university a good place to study in ?What do you think of the training you got in the university ?How was your high school experience ?How long have you been studying English ?Do you think English is important for China ?What do you think is the best way to study English ?What aspect of English do you find the most difficult ?What is most rewarding about learning a foreign language ?What do you intend to study when you’re abroad ?Which university are you going to study at ?What do you intend to do after your graduation ?Words related to this topic:Schoolwork Brach of learning Field of study Discipline LecturerTheoryRevise Comprehend Succeed in Become skilled in Hands-onJob-relatedTheoreticalReputableHighly regardedCompulsoryOptionalProfessionLine of businessLine of workOccupationBe involved inShare responsibilityWork within a teamHecticExhaustingTaxingIntricate2. Hometown QuestionsWhere is your hometown ?Let’s talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it ?Could you tell me something about your hometown ?What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown ?What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown ?What are the people like in your hometown ?What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why ?What places in your hometown might a visitor be interested in visiting, and tell me why ?Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live ?What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown ?What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years ?Does your hometown have a lot of modern buildings or are they mostly traditional ? Words related to this topic:Urban Suburb Architecture Back alley The locals Local cuisine Shopping District Residential area Estate Neighborhood Municipality[mju:,nisi'pæləti]n. 市民;市政当局Apartment complex公寓大楼CapitalDowntownUptownSprawlingadj. 不规则地伸展的Regionally importantCommercialUniqueDistinctiveBuilt-upadj. 组合的,拼合的;建筑物多的AffluentIndustrialProvincial3. Weather & Seasons & RainWhat’s the climate like in your hometown ?How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown ? What is your favorite type of weather in your hometown ?Words related to this topic:ClimateAverage temperature Shower SpellBlizzardDrizzleRaincoatShiftVaryRain torrential Sun-drenched Muggy=humid Clammy=humid Balmy=warm Sweltering=hot Chilly=cold Nippy=cold SunnyTime of year Average temperatureVariableVaryFluctuateDifferSeasonalUnpredictableErraticConstantDownpourPour downSpitRain slightlyShoweryDampWaterloggedWaterproofSoaked4. Public TransportWhich type of transport do you usually use in your hometown ? Which type of transport do you prefer for traveling around ? What’s the traffic situation like in your hometown ?What kinds of public transport do you have in your hometown ? Words related to this topic:Transport network Bus system’MinicabTraffic Congestion Delay FareCommuterJourneyRush hourCommuteCatchOld-fashionedInefficientWell-organizedGovernment subsidized5. Hobbies and Spare timeWhat kind of hobbies do you have ?How did you become interested in your hobby ?What do you do in your spare time ?Do you like to be with a group of people or alone when you are free ? How do you spend your free time ? How do you relax yourself ? Words related to this topic:Leisure pursuit Spare time PastimeAmuse oneself by Unwind byKill time byFascinatingCaptivatingTime-consumingappealing6. Travels & SeaDo you enjoy traveling ?Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays ? Where and why ?For a long trip, how do you prefer to travel?Words related to this topic:Package tour Independent travel TourismTouristTourist trap Sightseeing Holiday-maker Travel agentGo backpacking Go sightseeing TouristyTacky OverdevelopedExclusiveLuxuriousCoastShorelineSeashoreWater’s edgeWaveScuba divingMarine wildlifeSea breezeBeach resortSunbatheGet a suntanPaddleGo for a swimMarineRockySandyPebblyTropicalExoticCoastalCrystal-clear7.Sports & Outdoor activity & Cycling What is your favorite sport ?Why do you like it so much ?What sports are played in your country ?What are the sports facilities like in your hometown ? Words related to this topic:Team game Spectator sport Physical activity SquadSolo sport Compete ChallengeGet fit=keep fitStay in shapeBe out of shapeLose weightStay healthyStrenuousPhysicalEnergizingRevitalizing8. Films and TVHow often do you go to the cinema ?Do you prefer watching film in the cinema or at home ?Do you like to watch alone or with your friends ? What kind of films do you like ?Who’s your favorite film star ?What is your favorite TV program ?Words related to this topic:Big nameStarDirectorCurrent releaseDVD releaseOldie=old movie Soundtrack BlockbusterFlickThe pictures=the cinema TellyEpisodeSeriesSoap opera Documentary MainstreamSitcom AudienceviewerProduceDirectStar inAct inPlay the lead roleTurn on/off/overTune inSit in front of the tellyBroadcastRepeatProduceTeleviseWittyEnlighteningMind-numbing=boringTelevisedLive-broadcastAttention-grabbing=interestingPre-recordedViolentSillyRomanticMind-openingUnforgettableThrillingAvant-gardetear-jerkingSpellbindingSameyaction-packedBig-budget9. MusicHow often do you listen to music ?What kinds of music do you like ?Do you like listening to music?Where do you usually listen to music?Can you play instruments?Do you think it’s important for children to learn to play a musical instrument? Do you prefer listening to live performance or recorded music?Words related to this topic:Harmony Melody Lyric Synthesizer Concert Gig=concert AlbumTunePortableCD playerMP3 playerA hit recordDownloadBurn CD’sPut on a CDPut on piece of musicFunkyCatchySoothing atmospheric10. Accommodation & Building & Hotels & MuseumsTell me about the kind of accommodation you live in.What are the advantages and disadvantages of the kind of housing you live in ? Which do you prefer, a flat or a house ?Which floor do you live on, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of living on that floor ?What sort of accommodation would you like to live in when you get to the country you’re going to ?Words related to this topic:House Apartment MansionFlat Architecture Structure design Skyscraper OfficeBlock Residence Construct Erect Renovate DemolishElegantWell-designedUnsightlyContemporaryOld-fashionedHotel chainHotel innRoom serviceReside in a hotelStay in a hotelBe a hotel guest orresidentSpartanBasic and simpleLuxuriousExclusiveNatural history museumAntiqueArtefactFossilPut on displayExhibitRarePrehistoricPrimitive11. FamilyCan you tell me something about your family ?What do your family members do for a living ?What do you and your family like to do together ?Do you prefer big families or small families ?What do you think are the advantages of big families and small families ? Words related to this topic:Family unit Family reunion Relative Household chore HouseworkFamily circleFamily connectionAdoreAdmireEnjoy the company ofAffectionateIntimatedistant12. Birthdays & Weddings & Parties & GiftsHow important are birthdays in your country ?How do Chinese people celebrate their birthdays ?Do you like to celebrate your birthday with your parents or with your friends ? What do children get for their birthdays in your country ?Which is the most important birthday for a Chinese ?Words related to this topic:Get-togetherShindigBallGreeting cardSurpriseGet olderGrow olderCrack open a bottle of wine UnexpectedCustomaryMarriage ceremonyBrideGroomHoneymoonBridal gownBanquetBest manBride’s maidGet marriedGive presentsDrink a toastConventionalCustomaryCeremonial13. ClothingWhat kind of clothing do you like best ?What kind of clothing is popular in China ?What does traditional clothing in China look like ?How do older people feel about younger people’s clothing ? Words related to this topic:Clothing Pants Shirt Skirt Dress Gown Pajama Socks SlacksHigh-heelsFlatsSportswearGarmentTrendBoutiqueFlauntShow offDress upStylishChicWell-madeHard-wearingsubdued14. Food & Cooking & Eating & RestaurantWhat kind of food and dishes do people eat in your hometown ? What is the main food in China ?In what ways has the diet of people in your country been changing ? How has your diet changed ?Words related to this topic:Cuisine Regional dish Local specials CaloryFlavorEat our=dine out Eat at home Scrumptious Appetizing Revolting Fattening Wholesome PepperySpicy CrunchyCrispChewySugary Vinegary Cookery IngredientRecipeHome economicsBite to eat=snackOvenBecome skilled atPrepareEntertainYummyFull of flavorFlavorfulNourishingHome-cookedFamishedCholesterolVitaminMineralProteinMunchLose weightPut weight onNutritiousHarmfulEateryMealSpecialty dishSettingAtmosphereEnvironmentDecorationFurnishingDelicacyServiceFeast onSampleSwankyPoshLow-costunsophisticated15. Festival and TraditionTell me about the biggest traditional festival in your country. What do you do during the festival ?Has the festival changed since you were younger ? Words related to this topic:Celebration FestivalReunionFamily get-together Ceremony RitualLegendFolkloreCelebrateReuniteRevisitPay one’s respects toCheerfulCustomaryLong-establishedTime-honored16. “Changes”QuestionsHas your life changed in the last 10 years ? And if so, in what ways ?Is there anything you would like to change in your life ?How different is your life from the lives of your parents ?Has tourism changed China very much ?17.Future Plan QuestionWhat problems or difficulties do you think you may have in the country you’re going to ?Can you imagine what life in …will be like ?What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and …? Are there any special places you want to see in …? What are they ?What kind of things do you want to do in …that you can’t do in China ?What are your goals in life ?18.People & FriendsHow much time do you spend with your friends?What do you usually do with your friends?Do you prefer spending time with your family or friends?Is friendship important to you?Words related to this topic:Companion Acquaintance Best-buddy Best-mate Company Sibling Shared interests Similar hobbies Individual Meeting point Gathering placeNightclubCongregateFlock toMeet for the first timeCrowd togetherGet acquainted withBefriendGet togetherHang out withSocializeSociableGregariousOut-goingChummyExtrovertIntrovertApproachableantisocial19.Birds & animalsAre there many birds where you live?How do people in China feel about birds?Do birds have any special meaning in your culture?Should we protect birds?Do you like animals?What types of animals do people keep as pets in your culture? How do most people feel about animals in your culture? What are animals used for in your culture?Words related to this topic:Wildlife Species Domestic animal Mammal ReptileDairy farming Protect Conserve Raise Endangered ExtinctDomesticatedPoultryDomestic fowlHabitatMigratory birdResident birdPestSymbolizeOffer protectionProvide food forRareEndangeredWidespreadCommonplaceMythicalFairy-taleSymbolic20.Noise and industry21.Going out & Weekends & ShoppingHow often do you go out in the evening?Who do you usually spend your evening with?When you go out in the evening what do you usually do?Do you think there is enough to do in the evening in your city? What do you usually do at the weekend?What do people usually do at weekends in your country?Do you weekends are long enough?How important do you think it is to have free time?So you like shopping?How often do you go shopping?What kind of shops are there in the area where you live?What’s the worst thing about shopping? Words related to this topic:DustNightlifeNightspot DiscothequeCafeGo for a stroll Wander aroundPay a visit to Invigorating Happening=fashionable Late-nightLeisure pursuitSpare time PastimeTime offAmuse byUnwind byKill time bySoothingPleasingEngagingEssentialLuxuryIndependent retailerChainStoreMarket stallPurchaseFlog=sellHagglePick outInexpensiveLow-pricedPriceyOver-pricedFakeGeniusPoshclassy22.PhotosDo you like taking photos of new places?Is photography popular in your culture?What kinds of photographs so you like looking at?Would you prefer to buy a postcard or take a photograph of a new place? Words related to this topicSnapshot Likeness Landscape shot Studio print GetDevelopPose for the cameraPhotogenicCamera-friendlyPicturesquePhotographable23.Colors and FlowersWhat’s your favorite color?What can we learn about a person from the colors they wear?Do any colors have a special meaning in your culture?Do you like flowers?On what occasions do people give flowers in your culture?Do any flowers have a special meaning in your culture?Words related to this topic:Vibrate colors Vivid colors Dull colorsHueShade of a certain color SignifySymbolizeFloraPedal Lotus flowerA bunch of rosesFloristHay feverA bouquet flowersArtificial flowerSilk flowerCultivateSneezeFragrantSweet-scented。

(part 1)【事物】1.News 新闻1.Who is your favourite celebrity in your country? 你最喜欢的名人是谁?2.What kind of famous people do you often see in the news? 你经常在新闻中看到什么样的名人?3.Do you pay attention to famous people in the news? 你关注新闻中的名人吗?4.Do you believe that the news about famous people in the media is true? 你相信媒体上关于名人的新闻是真的吗?5.Would you like to be a famous person in the news? 你想成为新闻界的名人吗?2.Money 钱1. Do you prefer to save money or spend money? 你喜欢存钱还是花钱?2. How do you save money? 你是如何省钱的?3. What do you think about payment apps or mobile payments? 你对支付应用程序或移动支付有什么看法?4. Do you use a credit card to buy things? 你用信用卡买东西吗?5. Do you think cash will still be popular in the future? 你认为现金在未来还会流行吗?3.Memory 记忆力1. Are you good at memorising things? 你擅长记东西吗?2. Have you ever forgotten something important? 你有没有忘记一些重要的事情?3. What do you need to remember in your daily life? 你在日常生活中需要记住什么?4. How do you remember important things? 你是如何记住重要的事情的?4.Advertisement 广告1. ls there an advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child? 当你还是个孩子的时候,有没有给你留下深刻印象的广告?2. Do you see a lot of advertising on trains or other transport? 你在火车或其他交通工具上看到很多广告吗?3. Do you like advertisements? 你喜欢广告吗?4. What kind of advertising do you like? 你喜欢什么样的广告?5.Video games 电子游戏1.Do you play video games? 你玩电子游戏吗?2.Would you watch others play video games? 你会看别人玩电子游戏吗?3.Do you think people spend too much time playing video games? 你认为人们花太多时间玩电子游戏吗?4.Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others? 你喜欢一个人玩电子游戏还是和别人一起玩?6. Cakes 蛋糕1. Do you like to eat cakes or other sweet foods? 你喜欢吃蛋糕还是其他甜食?2. Did you like to eat cakes as a child? 你小时候喜欢吃蛋糕吗?3. Can you make cakes? 你会做蛋糕吗?4. Are there any traditional Chinese cakes? 有中国传统的蛋糕吗?5. Do you like to have some desserts after meals? 你喜欢饭后吃点甜点吗?7. Colours 颜色1. What's your favorite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色?2. What's the colour you dislike? Why? 你不喜欢什么颜色?为什么?3. What colours do your friends like most? 你的朋友最喜欢什么颜色?4. What colour makes you uncomfortable in your room? 什么颜色让你在房间里感到不舒服?8.Social media 社交媒体1.When did you start using social media? 你什么时候开始使用社交媒体的?2.Do you think you spend too much time on social media? 你认为你在社交媒体上花了太多时间吗?3.Do your friends use social media? 你的朋友使用社交媒体吗?4.What do people often do on social media? 人们经常在社交媒体上做什么?9.Sunglasses 太阳镜1. Do you often wear sunglasses? 你经常戴墨镜吗?2. Do you spend a lot of money on sunglasses? 你在太阳镜上花了很多钱吗?3. Do you give sunglasses as gifts? 你送太阳镜当礼物吗?4. Have you ever lost your sunglasses? 你的太阳镜丢过吗?【事件】10.Singing 唱歌1. Do you like singing? Why? 你喜欢唱歌吗?为什么?2. Have you ever learnt how to sing? 你学过唱歌吗?3. Who do you want to sing for? 你想为谁唱歌?4. Do you think singing can bring happiness to people? 你认为唱歌能给人们带来快乐吗?11.Feeling bored 感到无聊1. Do you often feel bored? 你经常感到无聊吗?2. When would you feel bored? 你什么时候会感到无聊?3. What do you do when you feel bored? 当你感到无聊时,你会做什么?4. Do you think childhood is boring or adulthood is boring? 你认为童年无聊还是成年无聊?12.Collecting things 收集东西1. Do you collect things? 你收集东西吗?2. Are there any things you keep from childhood? 你小时候有什么东西吗?3. Would you keep old things for a long time? Why? 你会把旧东西放很久吗?为什么?4. Where do you usually keep things you need? 你通常把需要的东西放在哪里?【地点】13.Crowded place 拥挤的地方1. ls the city where you live crowded? 你住的城市很拥挤吗?2. ls there a crowded place near where you live? 你住的地方附近有拥挤的地方吗?3. Do you like crowded places? 你喜欢拥挤的地方吗?4. Do most people like crowded places? 大多数人喜欢拥挤的地方吗?5. When was the last time you were in a crowded place? 你上一次在拥挤的地方是什么时候?(part 2&3)【人物】1.能说会道的人Part 2Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot 描述一个你认识的喜欢说话的人You should say:Who this person is 这个人是谁How you knew this person 你是怎么认识这个人的What he/she usually talks about 他/她通常谈论的内容And explain how you felt about him/her 并解释你对他/她的感受Part 31. What communication skills does a talkative person have? 一个爱说话的人有什么沟通技巧?2. ls it good to be talkative? 健谈好吗?3. How should parents encourage their children to talk more? 父母应该如何鼓励孩子多说话?4. How should people encourage children to express themselves when being asked questions that they are afraid to answer? 当被问到孩子们害怕回答的问题时,人们应该如何鼓励他们表达自己?5. On what occasion do you think a child should talk less than usual? 你认为孩子在什么情况下应该比平时少说话?6. What jobs need employees to be talkative? 哪些工作需要员工健谈?2.给力队友Part 2Describe a time when someone who did quite well in a team (e.g. schoolwork or a community) 描述一个在团队中表现出色的人(例如,学校作业或社区)的经历You should say:Who this person is 这个人是谁When you worked together 当你们一起工作的时候What he/she did in the team 他/她在团队中做了什么And explain why you think he/she was a great team player 并解释为什么你认为他/她是一个伟大的团队成员Part 31.What qualities should a leader have? 领导者应该具备哪些素质?2.What should people do without a good team leader? 没有一个好的团队领导者,人们该怎么办?3.Does a team's best player make a good leader? 一支球队最好的球员会成为好的领导者吗?4.Why do some people dislike teamwork? 为什么有些人不喜欢团队合作?5.Do you think young people are good team players? 你认为年轻人是优秀的团队成员吗?6.What are the advantages of working as part of a team? 作为团队的一部分工作有什么优势?3.好客之人Part 2Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home 描述一个善于让人们在他/她的家里感到受欢迎的人You should say:Who this person is 这个人是谁How you knew him/her 你是怎么认识他的How he/she makes you feel welcome 他/她如何让你感到受欢迎And explain why you think he/she is good at making people feel welcome 并解释为什么你认为他/她善于让人们感到受欢迎Part 31. Do people in your country often invite others to their homes? Why? 你们国家的人经常邀请别人到家里做客吗?为什么?2. What do you think of serving food to visitors? 你觉得为来访者提供食物怎么样?3. What kind of people do you think are more likely to invite others to their homes? 你认为什么样的人更有可能邀请别人到家里做客?4. Who are more likely to invite others to their homes,people in the countryside or people in the city? 谁更有可能邀请别人到家里做客,是农村人还是城里人?5. Are tourist attractions in the countryside more popular than those in the cities? 农村的旅游景点比城市的更受欢迎吗?6. What facilities are there in the tourist attractions in your country? 你们国家的旅游景点有什么设施?【事物】4.超有共鸣的电影Part 2Describe a movie/film that you felt strongly about 描述一部你有强烈感受的电影You should say:What it is about 它是关于什么的When you watched it 当你看的时候Where you watched it 你在哪里看的And explain why you felt strongly about it 并解释为什么你对此有强烈的感受Part 31.Do most people prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema? Why? 大多数人喜欢在家里还是在电影院看电影?为什么?2.What are the advantages of going to the cinema with friends? 和朋友一起去电影院有什么好处? going to the cinema still popular? 去电影院仍然很受欢迎吗?4.What kind of movies do you think need to be seen in the cinema to be fully appreciated? 你认为什么样的电影需要在电影院里看才能得到充分的欣赏?5.What can cinemas do to attract more audiences? 影院能做些什么来吸引更多观众?6.Do you think people can learn new cultures through movies? 你认为人们可以通过电影学习新文化吗?5.年少学艺Part 2Describe a useful skill that you learned as a teenager 描述一下你十几岁时学到的一项有用的技能You should say:What the skill is 是什么技能When and how you learned it 你是何时以及如何学会的Who you learned it from 你是从谁那里学到的Why you learned it 你为什么学它And explain how you felt about learning it 并解释你对学习它的感受Part 31.Where do children learn skills in your country? 在贵国,孩子们在哪里学习技能?2.What are the differences between learning skills on your own and from others? 自己学习技能和从别人那里学习技能有什么区别?3.What important skills should a child learn? 孩子应该学习哪些重要技能?4.What skills do you think teenagers should have? 你认为青少年应该具备哪些技能?5.Who should teach teenagers skills? 谁应该教青少年技能?6.What are the differences between children learning skills and adults learning skills? 儿童学习技能和成人学习技能有什么区别?6.制服Part 2Describe a uniform you wear (e.g. at school, at work) 描述你穿的制服(例如在学校、工作中)You should say:Where you wear the uniform 你穿制服的地方How long you need to wear it 你需要穿多久What it looks like 它看起来是什么样子Who bought it for you 谁给你买的And explain how you feel about it 并解释你对此的感受Part 31.Why should students wear uniforms? 为什么学生要穿校服?2.Why should people at work wear uniforms? 为什么上班的人要穿制服?3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform? 穿制服有哪些优点和缺点?4. Can people tell a person's personality by his or her clothes? 人们能通过一个人的衣服来判断他的个性吗?5. On what occasion should people wear uniforms? 人们在什么场合应该穿制服?6. Should companies ask for employees’opinions about the design of uniforms? 公司是否应该征求员工对制服设计的意见?7.地图Part 2Describe an occasion when you used a map (e.g. a paper map, an electronic map) that was useful 描述您使用有用地图(如纸质地图、电子地图)的情况You should say:When and where you used the map 您使用地图的时间和地点What it was like 它是什么样子的How useful it was 它有多有用Why you used it 你为什么使用它And explain how you felt about the experience 并解释你对这次经历的感受Part 31.What do people usually do when they get lost? 人们迷路时通常会做什么?2.What are the differences between paper and digital maps? 纸质地图和数字地图有什么区别?3. What do you think of in-car GPS navigation systems? 你认为车载GPS导航系统怎么样?4. What do people often do with a map? 人们经常用地图做什么?5. Why do most people prefer to use a paper map? 为什么大多数人更喜欢使用纸质地图?6. How does learning to read a map help you learn more about your country? 学习阅读地图如何帮助你更多地了解你的国家?8.不喜欢做的工作Part 2Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future 描述一份你将来不想做的工作You should say:What it is 它是什么How you know about the job 你对这份工作的了解Whether the job is difficult or not 无论工作是否困难And explain why you would not like to do it 并解释为什么你不想这么做Part 31. What kind of jobs do young Chinese people like to do? 中国年轻人喜欢做什么样的工作?2. Do young Chinese people prefer to choose an interesting job or a job with a high salary? 中国年轻人更喜欢选择一份有趣的工作还是高薪的工作?3. Do you think it is easier to get a job now than in the past? 你认为现在找工作比过去容易吗?4. ls it important to be successful in a job? 在工作中取得成功重要吗?5. Do you think Al will take over many jobs? 你认为艾尔会接手很多工作吗?6. Can Al improve people's lives? If so, how? 艾尔能改善人们的生活吗?如果是,如何?9.改善的公共设施Part 2Describe a public facility (e.g. a museum, a library)that has been renovated and improved 描述经过翻新和改进的公共设施(如博物馆、图书馆)You should say:What the facility is设施是什么When it was renovated and improved 当它被翻新和改进时What has been renovated and improved 翻新和改进了什么And explain how you feel about it 并解释你对此的感受Part 31.What are the benefits of public facilities? 公共设施的好处是什么?2.Why are some public transport methods popular,such as the subway? 为什么一些公共交通方式很受欢迎,比如地铁?3. Why are some public transport methods unpopular? 为什么有些公共交通方式不受欢迎?4. What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer? 年轻人和老年人更喜欢哪种交通工具?5. Do you think people would feel happier when they are in a park or a coffee shop? Why? 你认为人们在公园或咖啡店会感到更快乐吗?为什么?6. ls a public park necessary in every area? Why? 每个地区都需要一个公共公园吗?为什么?10.长久目标Part 2Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve描述你想要实现的长期目标You should say:How long you have had this goal 你有这个目标多久了What the goal is 目标是什么How you will achieve it 你将如何实现And explain why you set this goal 并解释你为什么设定这个目标Part 31. What goals should a society have? 一个社会应该有什么目标?2. Do people need to have goals? 人们需要有目标吗?3. What goals do people at your age have? 你这个年纪的人有什么目标?4. ls it necessary to give advice to children? 有必要给孩子们提建议吗?5. What goals do young people usually have? 年轻人通常有什么目标?6. What should people do to achieve their goals? 人们应该做些什么来实现他们的目标?11.家中重要物品Part 2Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without 描述你家里一个你离不开的有用物品You should say:What it is 它是什么How long you have had it 你吃了多久了What you can do with it 你能用它做什么How often you use it 你多久使用一次And explain why you cannot live without it 并解释为什么你离不开它Part 31. What equipment do you find difficult to use? 你觉得哪些设备很难使用?2. What can you do with a laptop? 你能用笔记本电脑做什么?3. What are the benefits of using technology in the workplace? 在工作场所使用技术有什么好处?4. Why do some people in the workplace dislike technology? 为什么职场上有些人不喜欢科技?5. Why do people buy a lot of household appliances? 为什么人们会买很多家用电器?6. What do people often do with electronic devices? 人们经常用电子设备做什么?【事件】12.延期旅行Part 2Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed 描述一次你期待但被推迟的旅行You should say:Where you planned to travel to 你计划去哪里Why you were looking forward to it 你为什么期待它Why it had to be delayed 为什么要推迟And explain how you felt about the experience 并解释你对这次经历的感受Part 31. What are the main means of transport in your country? 贵国的主要交通工具是什么?2. What can the government do to improve transport in your country? 政府能做些什么来改善贵国的交通运输?3. Do you think travelling was better in the past than it is now? 你认为过去旅行比现在好吗?4. Do you think that tourist attractions help people learn about new cultures? 你认为旅游景点能帮助人们了解新文化吗?5. What difficulties do people often face when travelling? 人们在旅行时经常面临哪些困难?6. Do you think technology makes travelling more difficult? 你认为科技会让旅行更加困难吗?13.一次非常忙碌的经历Part 2Describe a time you were very busy 描述一下你很忙的一段时间You should say:When it happened 事情发生的时候Where you were 你在哪里What you did 你做了什么And explain why you were busy 并解释你为什么很忙Part 31. Are you often busy? 你经常忙吗?2. What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy? 当人们忙的时候,优点和缺点是什么?3. Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure? 你认为孩子应该通过游戏学习还是在压力下学习?4. What kind of pressure people may experience at work? 人们在工作中可能会遇到什么样的压力?5. How does technology help with time management? 技术如何帮助时间管理?6. Does technology distract people? 技术会分散人们的注意力吗?14.街市购物Part 2Describe a time you bought something from a street (or outdoor) market 描述一次你从街头(或户外)市场买东西的经历You should say:When it was 什么时候Where the market was 市场在哪里What you bought 你买了什么And how you felt about it 以及你对此的感受Part 31.What kinds of markets are there in China? 中国有哪些市场?2.Do you think small markets will disappear in the future? 你认为小型市场将来会消失吗?3. Have people's shopping habits changed in recent years? 近年来,人们的购物习惯发生了变化吗?4. What are the differences between shopping in street markets and big shopping malls? 在街市购物和在大型购物中心购物有什么区别?5. Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good values or qualities? 你认为折扣店出售的商品没有好的价值或质量吗?6. Why do some people like to buy expensive goods? 为什么有些人喜欢买昂贵的商品?15.速战速决的事Part 2Describe a time you had to finish something quickly 描述一次你必须快速完成某事的经历You should sayWhat it was 它是什么When it happened 事情发生的时候How you finished it 你是怎么完成的Why you had to finish it quickly 为什么你必须尽快完成And explain how you felt about it 并解释你对此的感受Part 31. On what occasions do people have to do things in a hurry? 在什么情况下,人们不得不匆忙行事?2. Why do some people spend a long time on having a meal? 为什么有些人会花很长时间吃饭?3. Would people feel more satisfied if they finished doing something quickly? 如果人们很快完成某件事,他们会感到更满足吗?4. What kinds of jobs need to be done quickly? 哪些工作需要快速完成?5. What are some examples of work that needs to be done quickly? 哪些工作需要快速完成?6. What might make some people more productive than others in completing tasks? 是什么让一些人在完成任务时比其他人更有效率?16.捡到失物Part 2Please describe a time when you picked up an item that someone else lost 请描述你捡起别人丢失的物品的时间You should say:What the item was 物品是什么When and where you found it 你在何时何地找到它What you did after finding it 你找到它后做了什么And explain how you felt about the experience 并解释你对这次经历的感受Part 31. What kind of people tend to lose things more often than others? 什么样的人比其他人更容易失去东西?2. What kind of things do people often lose? 人们经常失去什么样的东西?3. Why do some people find lost things easier than others? 为什么有些人比其他人更容易找到丢失的东西?4. What do you think are the reasons why some people pick up lost things and don't give them back? 你认为有些人捡到丢失的东西却不归还的原因是什么?5. Should parents teach their children to return things lost by others? 父母应该教孩子归还别人丢失的东西吗?6. Why do some people enjoy collecting antiques or second-hand items? 为什么有些人喜欢收集古董或二手物品?17.投诉Part 2Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places 描述一下你在餐馆/商店或其他商业场所听到有人抱怨某事的情景You should say:When and where it happened 事情发生的时间和地点What he/she complained about 他/她抱怨的内容What the result was 结果是什么And explain how you felt about the experience 并解释你对这次经历的感受Part 31. How do companies train their staff to deal with complaints? 公司如何培训员工处理投诉?2. What do people usually complain about? 人们通常抱怨什么?3. How do most people complain, in writing or by other methods? 大多数人是如何通过书面或其他方式抱怨的?4. How do people often respond to poor customer service? 人们通常如何应对糟糕的客户服务?5. How would you react if you received a poor service at a restaurant? 如果你在餐馆的服务很差,你会有什么反应?6. Who are more likely to make complaints, older people or younger people? 老年人和年轻人谁更容易抱怨?18.户外活动Part 2Describe an outdoor activity you did 描述你所做的一项户外活动You should say:What the activity was 活动是什么When and where you did it 你什么时候在哪里做的Who you did it with 你和谁一起做的And explain why you enjoyed it 并解释你为什么喜欢它Part having outdoor activities important to people? 户外活动对人们来说重要吗?2.Do people go outdoors more or less now than in the past? 人们现在比过去更多还是更少地去户外?3.What can people do outdoors besides exercising? 除了锻炼,人们在户外还能做什么?4.When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature? 人们通常什么时候去户外亲近大自然?5.What can people do to get close to nature? 人们能做些什么来亲近大自然?6.Do people like doing outdoor activities in the winter time? 人们喜欢在冬天做户外活动吗?19.不寻常假期Part 2Describe an unusual holiday/vacation you had 描述你度过的一个不同寻常的假期You should say:When and where you went 你何时何地去了Who you went with 你和谁一起去的What you did there 你在那里做了什么And explain why it was unusual 并解释为什么它不同寻常Part 31. Do you think people in your country have long enough holidays? 你认为你们国家的人假期够长吗?2. Which holidays are popular in your country? 哪些假期在你们国家很受欢迎?3. Are there any popular places for holidays in your country? 你们国家有什么受欢迎的度假地点吗?4. What are the differences between old and young people when spending their holidays? 老年人和年轻人在度假时有什么区别?5. Do you think having holidays help people learn other countries ’cultures? 你认为度假有助于人们学习其他国家的文化吗?6. Why do some people dislike holidays? 为什么有些人不喜欢假期?20.帮助他人Part 2Describe a time when you helped someone 描述你帮助别人的一段时间You should say:Where you helped him/her 你在哪里帮助他/她Why you helped 你为什么帮忙How you helped 你是如何帮助的And explain how you felt about it 并解释你对此的感受Part 31.Should people be very kind when they help others? 人们在帮助他人时应该非常友善吗?2.Should children be taught to be kind to others? 应该教育孩子善待他人吗?3.Should parents help their kids with their homework? 父母应该帮助孩子做家庭作业吗?4. What kind of advice should parents give to their children? 父母应该给孩子什么样的建议?5. Should parents give children advice? Why? 父母应该给孩子建议吗?为什么?6. Can kids provide any help to parents? 孩子们能为父母提供帮助吗?21.对学习工作有助的事情Part 2Describe something you do to help you study or work 描述你为帮助你学习或工作所做的事情You should say:What it is 它是什么How you learn it 你是如何学习的When you do it 当你这么做的时候And how you feel about the method 以及你对这种方法的感受Part 31.Do you think everyone's routine is different? 你认为每个人的日常生活都不一样吗?2.Which jobs need a morning routine? 哪些工作需要晨练? a daily routine important? 日常生活重要吗?4.How do people organize their routines after getting up in the morning and after work? 人们早上起床后和下班后是如何安排日常生活的?5.Do you think children need to have a routine too? 你认为孩子们也需要养成习惯吗?6.Do you think routine is important for companies? 你认为日常工作对公司来说重要吗?22.和老人的有趣谈话Part 2Describe an interesting conversation you had with a very old person 描述你与一位老人的一次有趣的谈话You should say:Who this person is 这个人是谁When and where you had the conversation 你在何时何地进行了交谈What you talked about 你谈了什么And explain why you think it was interesting 并解释为什么你认为他很有趣Part 31. How do people have a conversation with an elderly person? 人们如何与老年人交谈?2. What can young people learn from old people? 年轻人能向老年人学习什么?3. Do you think old people can work better than young people? 你认为老年人比年轻人工作更好吗?4. What are the advantages of having people of different ages living in the same house? 让不同年龄的人住在同一所房子里有什么好处?5. Has old people's life quality improved when compared to the past? 与过去相比,老年人的生活质量是否有所提高?6. Do old people share the same interest with young people? 老年人和年轻人有相同的兴趣吗?23.小学活动Part 2Describe an interesting activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school 描述一个你记得在小学时最喜欢的有趣活动You should say:What the activity was 活动是什么How often you did the activity 你多久做一次活动Who you did it with 你和谁一起做的And explain why you enjoyed doing it 并解释你为什么喜欢这样做Part 31. What activities do children often do in your country? 在你们国家,孩子们经常做什么活动?2. At what time do children often have activities? 孩子们经常在什么时候进行活动?3. What are the differences between activities at home and at school? 在家和在学校的活动有什么区别?4. Why do some people like to participate in activities? 为什么有些人喜欢参加活动?5. What activities do people do in their free time? 人们在空闲时间做什么活动?6. Does technology affect children's activities? If so,how? 技术会影响孩子的活动吗?如果是,如何?24.噪音Part 2Describe a time when some people near you made a lot of noise 描述一段时间,你附近的一些人发出了很大的噪音You should say:When and where it happened 事情发生的时间和地点Who made the noise When and where it happened 事情发生的时间和地点How you reacted to the noise 你对噪音的反应And explain how you felt about the noise 并解释你对噪音的感受Part 31.What kinds of places should be noise-free? 什么样的地方应该没有噪音?2.On what occasions do people need to be quiet? 人们在什么场合需要保持安静?3.Can people bring children to these noise-free places? 人们能把孩子们带到这些没有噪音的地方吗?4.Why can't people make noise in places like libraries and museums? 为什么人们不能在图书馆和博物馆这样的地方制造噪音?5. What public morals should people follow in your country? 在你们国家,人们应该遵守什么样的公共道德?6. Do you think we should allow children to make noise in public places? 你认为我们应该允许孩子们在公共场所制造噪音吗?【地点】25.想去放松之地Part 2Describe a place you would like to go to relax 描述一个你想去放松的地方You should say:Where it is 它在哪里When you would like to go there 你什么时候想去那里What you would do there 你会在那里做什么And explain why you would like to go to this place to relax 并解释为什么你想去这个地方放松Part 31.Do people have enough places to relax in your country? 在你们国家,人们有足够的地方放松吗?2.What do people usually do when they are relaxed? 人们在放松的时候通常会做什么? physical activity good for relaxation? 体育活动有益于放松吗?4.Do you think that spending time in front of a screen helps people relax? 你认为花时间在屏幕前有助于人们放松吗?5.Do people have to spend a lot of money to relax? 人们必须花很多钱才能放松吗?6.Do people nowadays have more ways to relax than in the past? 现在的人们比过去有更多的放松方式吗?。

雅思口语话题part2参考篇一Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.You should say:what animal it waswhere you saw itwhat happened when you saw itand explain why you thought it was interesting.1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:锦鲤3.故事线:关于有趣的动物,我想告诉你关于锦鲤在中国很受欢迎,日本和其他亚洲国家。
雅思口语话题part2高分篇二Describe a public place that you think need improvementsYou should say:What the place isWhen do you go thereWhat do you like and dislike in the public place1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements)The public place that I think need improvements is the community library near my home. I often go there after work, probably twice a week.There are several aspects I like about the library. The first one is the whole atmosphere. Every time I go into the library, I can see people in all ages reading books, surfing in the inter, discussing questions, or watching movies, which makes me feel peaceful. The second one is the variety of books. It not only has Chinese books but also some English books. The third one is the easy access to all the materials. Application to the library card is easy and free. People can borrow 6 books for one time.However, there are some parts I don't like about the library. For example, the library doesn't have a quiet study area. It's pretty noisy for people or students who want to study lonely and quietly. The library can consider to build a quiet study room in the future.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:未来居住的城市(city or country you want to live)Describe a city or country you most want to live in the futureYou should say:What is itWhere is it locatedWhy do you like it1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:改进公共设施(public place that you think need improvements)The city I most want to live in the future is Guangzhou. It is located in Guangdong Province,southern China. It's not far away from Hong Kong.I like to live in this city for several reasons. First of all, it's warm in winter. I personally don't like cold weather. I can still wear sweaters or shirts in December in Guangzhou. Secondly, Guangzhou has a great job market. Career planning is one of the most important things for me. When I consider the city is livable or not, I pay more attention to the job market of the city. Guangzhou is one of the most developed cities in China. In the future, it will need all kinds of professionals to build the city better. I believe this will be a good opportunity. The last reason is the delicious food in Guangzhou. Guangzhou is famous for dim sum, and dim sum is my favorite food.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:从某处(人)学会(sth you learned in a place/from a person) Describe something you learned in a place/from a personYou should say:What was it that you learnedWhen did this happenWhere was it/ Who taught youHow difficult was it to learn1-4月雅思口语新题part 2范文之:从某处(人)学会(Describe sth you learned in a place/from a person)Several years ago, I tried to learn how to bake cakes in rice cooker and succeeded in making it. My roommate is a baking genius and she taught me to bake cakes at home.Learning how to bake cakes in rice cooker was pretty difficult because of several reasons. First of all, the portions of materials used were hard to control because I didn't have enough professional cooking tools. I estimated all the materials and merged together. I actually failed once, and succeeded at the second time. Secondly, baking cakes in rice cooker is different from baking in oven. I couldn't change the temperature of rice cooker and I couldn't know how well the cake became with the time passing by either. I had to guess and make sure the cake was not over-cooked. I had to pay more attention to the cake and couldn't leave the cake alone. The last difficult thing was how to take the cake out of the rice cooker. I had to slip the whole cake into a plate with some skills.雅思口语话题part2高分范文之:好的服务(where you received a good service)Describe an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shopYou should say:What the service wasWhen and where it happenedWhom you were together withHow you felt about itAnd explain why you think it was good service1-4月雅思口语新题part2范文之:好的服务(an occasion where you received a good service from a company or shop)Two years ago, I succeeded in returning a broken sweater to customer service at ABC store in Canada with my friend. I was very satisfied with the returning service there. It could be the best returning experience I've ever had.I bought a sweater from ABC store two years ago and washed it immediately after buying it. However, I found it's broken after being washed on the same day. I took this sweater to the store,wishing I could return it by some luck because usually clothes couldn't be returned or exchanged after being washed. The lady was so nice. She apologized immediately after listening to my request. She said it's their quality problem and promised to refund in 3 business days. She apologized again for the poor quality and shopping experience. I didn't expect it could be solved so smoothly and easily. I would like to shop there again just for their great service.雅思口语话题part2高分篇三i use social apps and knowledge-sharing apps everyday because the two meet my biggest two needs.i think in China there are already all kinds of apps to cater to people's every specific need, so it is hard for me to even name one special original app.But i would like the future world to have more apps for knowledge sharing like Quora and Zhihu(知乎).Definitely the Wechat,≮≮China's number one national app.It gets nearly a user pool of 1 billion.And you know what,more than half of them are daily active users. People socialise,buy,have fun and read ,basically do everything on the Wechat.The first app i really used is an app for podcast,named Zune. it is an app developed by Microsoft for the windows phone. i really enjoyed it so much since i can subscribe to and automatically download all kinds of podcasts from BBC,the Guardian and so on with ease.Yeah,of course, how can the smart app developers miss out on so important and vast a population,like 3 hundred million. There are some easy and relaxing game apps for old people and they really enjoy killing some time and even have some online social life over the fun gaming time.雅思口语题库part1话题范文之:Dictionary1-4月雅思口语part1相关话题:dictionary1. How often do you use your dictionary?2. Do you like paper dictionary or electronic dictionary?3. What kinds of dictionaries have you used before?4. How will dictionaries change in the future?雅思口语Part 篇四部分雅思口语Part2万能模板内容:Describe your job in detail.I am an Engineer. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I work for a large construction company. To be more precise, we specialize in the building of railway bridges. Secondly, I would like to mention that I am in the designing department. We have to look at the site for a new bridge, and then decide what type of bridge will be suitable. Lastly, we have to make recommendations to the railway company of all the alternatives, and give them some idea of the costs.Is your job important to you?That’s a broad question. Allow me to explain by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, my job is important to me because by doing it I can serve my community and my country. For example, when my company builds a new road, many people benefit from our work. Secondly, it makes me feel good about myself. For instance, I am earning enough money to be able to rent my own apartment.这类模板被称为是TSE方法。

20个最常见的雅思口语话题1. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent road accidents?2. As there are more and more private cars, what do you think the government should do in order to encourage citizens to use public transport?3. How do you see yourself in ten years" time?4. Have you ever thought to have your own business?5. What business do you hope to have?6. Do you know about any policies about opening a business abroad?7. What are your plans for your future?8. Why do you think there are more and more people leaving to immigrate to other countries?9. Is it good for China that so many people are going to other countries?10. Will your life change a lot after you immigrate to ABC?11. What will you do if you are ill abroad?12. Do you know what to do in case of emergency?13. What will do if you cannot find a job in ABC?14. Why do you want to immigrate to ABC?15. What will you do after the IELTS test?16. What will do if you fail the IELTS test?17. What"s your dream job?18. How long have you been learning English?19. What troubles you most at the moment?20. Does your family support your decision on going ABC? What help do they offer?第一招:减少描述,增加议论纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe,如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often go to(地点题),Describe a family event(事件题)。

●What kind of transport do you take to go to work?✓ Since I lived in Beijing, you can imagine how crowded it is to squeeze myself in to the underground during the commuting hours each working day.✓ However, its punctuality can never be matched by other public transport in this city, as long as you can jump on it, you will invariably arrive at your destination in time, because there is no traffic jam or hold-up.✓ To be more accurate, compared with the bus, it is relatively comfier for you to stand on, so I regard subway is the most efficient and effective, comfy and cozy, smooth and stable way of moving around in a cosmopolitan大都会city like Beijing. –melting pot大熔炉●What kind of identity are you?/ are you a student or do you work?必考✓ I major in accounting.✓ Actually, I have been working in a rental office as a bookkeeper for about 2 months, which is a very famous rental building in Montreal.✓ What I am dealing with are the bills and the invoices, and of coz the filing. Sometimes I also take care of the tax of payroll which I am still learning.✓ The freedom that I cherish is that I donnot have to work from Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00, which offers me a quite flexible work style most of the time.●Where are you from? Tell me about your hometown.必考✓ City born and city bred, Handan city is always the lovely hometown for me, which is the second big city in Hebei province.✓ Thousands of people come to my hometown for the purpose of enjoying the historic sites, and understanding the Culture, Custom and Civilization, since it has more than 3000 years of history and culture.✓ Nearly everyone who goes to my hometown will go visit the ancient city which naturally serves as a place for people to see real things vividly out of their history books.●What kind of food do you like best?✓ Hot-pot, for sure, is my favorite.✓ It is a traditional cuisine in Sichuan province, directly putting cleaned raw vegetables, fish and meat into the hot spicy oily soup to be boiled.✓ Usually it is served in a big pot on the dinner table, kind of, eating while cooking at the same time.●What kind of traditional dress do you have in your country?✓ Qipao, a traditional Chinese dress.✓ It originated from Tang Dynasty, usually having very delicate silk embroidery on.✓ Now it is very popular among Chinese girls when they attend some international big event to show a unique Chinese style of elegance.●What kind of hobbies do you have?✓ Well, actually, I do have a variety of hobbies that I take pleasure from.✓ I would particularly choose reading as my favorite type of entertainment.✓ To be more precise, I am really a big fan of Harry Potter, one of the bestsellers worldwide by J.K.Rowling.●What kind of places do you like to travel to?✓ I think I would probably choose the natural sceneries as my favorite destination.✓ It is because the sea, lakes, mountains and trees can always offer me a refreshing escape from the overcrowded city, which is usually full of competition and pressure.✓ Particularly, I consider Thousand Islands as one of the most attractive place that I have ever been in Canada, as the lakes there make you feel so pleased with the flawless beauty of the mother nature.●What is your purpose of taking IELTS?✓ I am considering immigrating to Canada. Not only because of its better education, but the comfier retired life here as well.✓ I believe I will have more chances to learn advanced technologies and techniques, get deeper insights of the unfamiliar foreign places, to experience how the outside world works.✓ It should be a big fun to meet interesting people from diversified cultural background.✓ Besides, the fresh air, the golden sunshine, and the beautiful environment are really something I always want.✓ That is why I take IELTS.●What kind of future plan do you have?✓ As you know, now I have a job as a bookkeeper in a rental company. After maybe 2 years of practicing in this area, I believe I will find a job as an accountant. And 5 years later, based on precious working experience, I will definitely acquire some sophisticated skill in accounting and will be competent in this field.✓ Meantime, I would like to have 2 kids in 5 years, since there is no doubt, a larger family will have more fun.●Do you like making other people laugh?✓ Of course, definitely, without a shadow of doubt.✓ Every time I make people laugh, I feel a little sense of achievement, sort of fulfillment, feeling I am being helpful and needed.✓ Usually, when my best friend gets sad, I would like to cheer her up, you know, life is most of the time, you know, full of disappointments, sadness, which is why we need to maintain a positive attitude towards it.●Do you think it is important for people to laugh?不同对象的重要性和必要性:Music, fims, books, dvds, cinema, //sports, gym center traveling, //food, restaurant, cooking //family and friends, socializing✓ I do consider laughing quite necessary.✓ When you laugh, you forget about annoying problems for the time being, temporarily, you feel so relaxed. The pressure, panic, and anxiety(anzairti) from daily life will just disappear.✓ Specifically, I always feel greatly released because of a big laugh on a dinner party.●Have you ever been in cold weather?✓ Of course, I am experiencing the coldest weather right now.✓ I have to admit that it is a little bit unpleasant that you cannot really go out to the street because of the particularly heavy snow, but the snow is really beautiful, the houses, the trees, it is white everywhere, it is so pure, sometimes I feel that I ruined the beauty when I step on it.●Are some parts of your country colder than others?✓ Generally, the northern part is much colder.✓ As China has a large territory, covering several climate zones.✓ Specifically Harbin, which is close to the Arctic Ocean, the coldest, while Hainan, near the equator, pleasantly warm all year around, a paradise for holidays.●Is healthy eating important?✓ Well, in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways it is fairly important.✓ Especially when you consider that a healthy diet can help to prevent a variety of diseases and health problems.✓ Such as diabetes糖尿病and obesity肥胖症.●Is laughing the same as feeling happy?✓ I am afraid I don`t really know how to put it, I suppose they are quite different.✓ Laughing could be because of something funny and amusing, such as jokes, it is psychologically being touched and refreshed. Such feeling usually Dis-Appears immediately.✓ Being happy is more likely the feeling of being lucky. You feel content about your life, precisely, for instance you are getting educated, you are going abroad to have a better future, not everyone in china has such great opportunities. The feeling of being happy lasts forever(permanently)●Do you prefer to live in a cold place or a hot place? Why?✓ I prefer cold places.✓ You can appreciate the beautiful snow.✓ You can make snowman, like a kid, and play the snow fights with your friends.✓ You can either go skiing or skating, even ice fishing.✓ Whenever you want to sleep, it is always so comfy and cozy; cuz the heating makes the room like spring.✓ To be more precise, I particularly like spring festival because of all the delicious food, though I am always too worried about getting weight.●Do you like to live in the city or live in the country?✓ I would probably say it depends on how old I am.✓ If I am 20 to 50, I would like to say living in the city offers me more chances and opportunities to develop my career and realize my ambition though I`d have to cope with the serious pollution and over crowdedness of the city life, pressured but aggressive, which is quite suitable for a young person.✓ On the contrary, when I am about to retire, I will definitely move to the country to enjoy the golden sunshine and the gentle pace of living.●Would you like to eat in a restaurant or at home?✓ The food in the restaurant there days is quite greasy with too much animal fat.✓ While eating at home could be healthier, food cooked by mum at home is always so delicious; dining together with the people who l love is also a great pleasure.✓ On most occasions, I`d choose the latter one.●Would you like to go to a historic building or natural scenery?✓ Visiting historic relics means you can learn some history vividly rather than from books, you can see and even touch, say, the Forbidden city in Beijing, which can help you understand the ancient Chinese culture, custom and civilization.✓ However, the natural place, you can really see the shape of the mountains and the beauty of lake, which can make you forget about the pressure of the city. The Thousand Islands is wonder of the Mother Nature.✓ Since I am faced with so much stress everyday from the city, I`d say, I will probably go for natural sceneries more often.●Describe a historical place in your country?What is the place?//Where is it?//How old is it?//Why do you think it is important?The most famous historical place in China is the Palace Museum, which is also called the Purple Forbidden City. It is one of the most comprehensive Chinese museums. This palace was established on the foundation of the palace that was the ritual center of two dynasties, the Ming and the Qing. Situated at the heart of Beijing, the Palace Museum is approached through Tiananmen Gate. Immediately to the north of the Palace Museum is Prospect Hill (also called Coal Hill), while on the east and west are Wangfujing and Zhongnanhai neighborhoods. The Forbidden City was built from 1406 to 1420 by the third Ming emperorYongle who, upon usurping the throne, determined to move his capital north from Nanjing to Beijing. There are twenty-four emperors lived and ruled from this palace during this 500-year span. Most travelers will attend the Palace Museum for its wonderful construction, superior situation, long history and comprehensive collections.What should the government do to protect historic buildings?I think the government should take some measures to protect historic buildings. Especially make some law to punish those who destroy the historic buildings. And the government should take more money to rebuild and maintain the historic buildings.What are the important reasons of protecting old buildings?One is old buildings stand for our country’s history. We can know the history from the old buildings. The other is so of old buildings has become tourism resource, we need protect them to earn money.How can we preserve our history best?I think the best way to preserve our history is to make sure that we protect all the symbols of our history, and that means that we try to set aside enough room for our old buildings and old sections of town to flourish. I think it's important to make sure that we also try to provide some re-enactments of history in our films, books and TV shows and also, if possible, though our tourist areas. I think another very important way is by keeping good records ofthe events that take place and by getting a variety of interpretations of history.Explain people's attitudes to old buildings.Well, if! Had to guess, I'd say that generally speaking people feel fond of them and even nostalgic.I mean they are part of our history and culture. But I think a lot of people are also impatient to see China develop and modernize quickly so our attitude towards the old buildings is often.Well... preserve them if we can, but if a more modem building needs to be built why not build it?●Your first cell phoneToday, I’d like to describe my first mobile phone, which is a “sumsung”. It is a flip phone with green backlit screen, not like the cell phones today, you can only send text messages and make phone calls with it. I had it when I was 20 years old, and my father thought it necessary for me to have a mobile device like other peers. And also, I was away from home for my university in Beijing. They could reach me anytime if they missed me.So he bought one for me, which cost him about 1000 Yuan. Since you won’t be charge anything if you bought the student package, I always use it for making and receiving phone calls. One thing that bothered me though at that time was the fact that the reception was really bad. I might lose signal when I was in a fast-moving car or a tall building. It was my first cell phone so I cherished it so much. I’d been using it for 4 years before it was replaced by a “nokia” phone, , but I somehow still missed the old days with the convenience and trouble it used to offer me.地点题—即兴演讲和高级问答✓开头:三句话-------方位交通Hangzhou is the city I`d like to talk about.HZ is located on the Yangtze River delta.It is not far from Shanghai, about 1 hour and 20 minutes by D-train.开头方法:‐Initially then首先, I would like to begin by saying something about where it is…‐So to begin with, in reply to the initial point of where it is….‐Ok, so my first point here would obvious be where it is…‐I guess I could begin by saying something about where it is…‐I guess I could start off by answering where it is…✓承接:三句话--------自然风景Moving on to the next issue of what I can do there.Nearly everyone who comes to HZ will go visit the west lake.The west lake is situated in the historic center of HZ, it is surrounded by mountains on its three sides, as you can imagine such a picturesque landscape.People come here for the purpose of fresh air and placidness of the lake, the beauty of the Mother Nature.承接方法:‐Going on to my next point which is what you can do there,….‐Continuing then with the next point of what you can do there, what I would like to add here is that…‐Now with regard to the next question of what you can do there, what I need to emphasize here is that…‐Now concerning the matter of what you can do there, I would like to point out that…✓再添加:三句话--------历史古迹With reference to what the features are, I would like to point out…再添加方法:‐Progressing to the subject of what the features are, I would like to explain that….‐Moving onto the business of features, you really have to understand that…‐Drawing attention to the matter of what the feature are, I suppose I should underline the fact that…‐Proceeding with the issue of what the features ate, what I would like to make clear is that…‐Moving forward onto the area of what the features are, what I would like to shed light on here is that…✓结尾:三句话Finally, if I still have time, I would like to deal with the last question which is why I like it, I would say…结尾:‐Finally then, if there is time, I could deal with the last question of why I like it…‐To end with, if I still have time, I could take care of the final question of why I like it…‐As a final point, if time permits, I would like to bring in the point of why I like it…‐To cut a long story short, as my very last point, the reason why I like it is mainly because…与地点相关的第三部分-------Advanced Q & A✓ Comparing –time, social group, location. 比较过去和未来,社会组群,男女老少,方位✓ Predicting 预测Advantages 优势✓ Why…为什么Disadvantages 劣势✓ Problems caused by…导致的问题✓ Solutions 解决方案●How do people feel about the protection of historic buildings in your country?✓People have begun to realize the importance of protecting historic buildings.✓ They do know they are a precious heritage of significant historic value that reflects the culture, custom and civilization of 5000 years history. 一种有重要价值的珍贵遗产✓ Another reason why people feel the necessity to protect historic buildings is because they are tired of the identical, block-like, unfriendly concrete skyscrapers.非正面回答:To be honest, I have never really thought about it…Actually, I don`t think this is something I have ever considered, but I suppose…Basically, I am not really sure how to put it , but I guess…●Do you think an area can benefit from having an interesting historic place? In what way?✓ Yes, of course. No doubt about it.✓ It inspires people`s interest in history, people can learn history in a vivid way when they visit these old places.✓ It also serves as a good example to promote people`s consciousness of protecting historic places.∙To promote people`s consciousness of…提高人们的意识∙the premise is that…前提是…∙in a vivid way…以一种鲜明的方式✓ Historic sites are also good resources for tourists.✓ Local people can benefit a lot economically if a site attracts thousands of tourists worldwide.✓ But the premise is that people have to protect it in the first place.●What do people enjoy doing when they go to rivers, lakes or the sea?Why do you like these activities are popular?✓ I think I would have to say it really depends.✓ Many people love to stroll along the beach or river bank, or just sit there and relax, enjoy the placidness of the vast lake.✓ Of course, there are more energetic things to do, like scuba diving, snorkeling and surfing, in winter; people go skating or ice fishing on the frozen rivers or lakes as well.●What are the differences between men and women when they go shopping?✓ Well, women like window shopping; however, what men are concerned about most is the quality and how soon they can get it.✓ Women are more likely interested in comparing and bargaining and rarely make a sudden decision to buy something.✓ But for men, they usually go direct to the store and make the purchase as long as they think the products are of good quality.●What do you think of on-line shopping?✓ The good thing about shopping online is that people can click and buy from their homes or offices to save the time and the hassle of going to the mall. ✓ The negative point is that the computer image of the products can hardly compare with piles of racked and shelved clothes that can be touched for quality and tried on for comfort.✓ Since I am too busy all the time, online shopping is truly a good choice.第二部分必须准备的话题1:City Historic buildingNatural sceneries Park- ---shopping mall---- restaurantLibrary---museum An ideal house事件题—即兴演讲和高级问答Events-----speech & advanced questions Array第二部分必须准备的话题2:An ideal jobA completion====a contest 一次比赛A party that you enjoyedA piece of advice✓ Psychologist✓ Help people✓ Major▫A variety of▫In the short term▫In the long run∙Atmosphere∙Near the sea∙人际关系✓…✓ Actually, it might sound a bit too ambitious, or a bit unusual, but I am really keen on becoming a…✓ The main reason why I think it is … to be a … is that it can contribute to …✓ Not only because of my major which is … but also I aim to …✓…✓ As I have never been a …, before, I don`t really have a clue.✓ But in my observation, I suppose, I reckon, being a/an …means you would have to deal with/ cope with…✓ in the short term, it is quite possible that I would do…✓ in the long run, it is more likely that I would do…✓…✓ The working environment, affects the productively physically and mentally most of the time.✓ The location had better be…(I hope to work near a beach , with fresh air from the sea every day. And I believe my colleagues will also feel much better if they can come to the closeness of the nature, far away from the city, a kind of escape from the complicated place.)✓ The atmosphere, particularly the interpersonal relationship, would be…(the reason why I want to work as a … is also to avoid complex interpersonal relationship. People are considerate and thoughtful to each other, I would really enjoy it.)✓…✓ The main reason why I like it is because of its contribution to the society, my interest and niece environment.Ys7 ky-5-2即兴演讲9:30。

英语口语问答训练•当前位置: 主页/•考试辅导/IELTS英语NOTE:请先从下列180个问题中选择你想听的问题,然后转到问题和参考答案录音。
1. What is your name?2. Does your name have any special meaning?3. What’s the literal translation of your name?4. Does your name affect your personality?5. Where do you come from?6. Where were you born?7. Where is your hometown located?8. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?9. What kind of things grow in the fields in your hometown?10. What is the main crop in your hometown?11. Could you tell me something about your hometown?12. What are the main tourist attractions in Beijing?13. What is the climate like in your hometown?14. What is the character of the people like in the region where you live?15. What are the differences in accent between the people of your hometown and Beijing?16. What is people’s favorite food in your region?17. How do you make baozi?18. (omitted)19. What is the biggest traditional festival in your country?20. What do you do during the spring festival?21. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?22. Tell me something about the customs of your country?23. How long have you lived in Beijing?24. What is the weather like in Beijing?25. How do you compare the climate in Beijing with that in your hometown?26. What place in Beijing do you like best? Why?27. What places in Beijing should foreigner visit? Why?28. What are the major social problems in Beijing? How can they be solved?29. What is the biggest problem China faces?30. What places do you recommend a foreigner to visit in your hometown and why?31. Which city in your opinion is the best city in China?32. Could you tell me something about your family?33. Have you have any children?34. What is your child’s name? Does he or her name have a meaning?35. What is your son’s or daughter’s character like?36. What does your husband do?37. When did you get married?38. Describe your wedding please? Was there any kind of ceremony?39. What did you or your wife wear on your wedding day?40. Where did you go for your honeymoon?41. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you get married?42. Could you tell me what happens at wedding in your country?43. What kind of parent do you intend to be?44. What is the population control situation like in China today?45. What’s your opinion of family planning?46. Why do you people in China traditionally want to have a son?47. What is the birth control situation in the cities?48. What is the birth control situation in the rural areas?49. What’s the cause of the rising birth rate in the rural areas in China?50. What difficulties do Chinese farmers have concerning their old age?51. What do you think needs to be done to relieve the farmers worries?52. What hopes or fears do you have for your children?53. What sort of China would you like to see your children living in?54. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?55. As a parent, do you plan to do anything different for your child that your parents did for you?56. How different i s your life from the lives of your parents’?57. Are you going to bring up your child differently?58. As a parent, do you plan to do anything different for your child that your parents did for you?59. Do you enjoy shopping?60. Who do most of the shopping in your family?61. Do you enjoy cooking?62. Are you a good cook?63. Who does most of the cooking in your family?64. Is there sex discrimination in China?65. How do you sum up women’s conditions in China?66. What are the causes of sex discrimination in China?67. Is the motherhood a career?68. Would you want your wife to continue with her career or stay at home taking the household after you get married?69. Have you ever wished to be one of the opposite sex? Why or why not?70. What would you do if your next-door neighbor were noisy nearly allthe time?71. Do you have a lot of friends?72. What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people do you make friends with?73. What you think is the difference between friendship and love?74. What is your major?75. Why did you choose software development as your major?76. How do you like your major?77. When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you attained?78. Could you tell me something about your educational background?79. Which is the best university in your country?80. Why do you say QingHua is the best university in your country?81. Could you sum up your study habits in a few points?82. What would be your criteria for top students? Explain.83. What do you think of the practice of setting up key schools in primary and secondary school education in China?84. Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present dayssociety? Why?85. What do you think education should be? Should it be a process of learning what is useful for your future life or should it be simply learning for your enjoyment? Why?86. Where do you work?87. What do you do for a living?88. What’s your line of business?89. What is your job? What does your job involve?90. What is your routing work? What do you do exactly everyday?91. How do you like your job?92. Could tell me something about your job, your teaching method?93. What made you decide to become a teacher?94. Do you have any hobbies?95. What do you do in your spare time?96. How do you spend your weekends?97. What is your favorite sport? What are the rules?98. What is the most popular sport in your country?99. What are the sporting facilities like in your university or in Beijing?100. What do you know about qigong? Do you believe in qigong?101. How do you spend your free time?102. Do you often read newspapers? If not, why not? If you do, which one do you read?103. What do think of TV and newspapers?104. Do you often go to the cinema or theater?105. Which cinema do you often go to?106. What kind of films do you like best?107. What is your favorite past time?108. Do you often watch TV? What is your favorite program?109. What kind of music do you like best?110. Who is your favorite film star? Will you describe him to me? 111. Do you enjoy traveling?112. Do you smoke?113. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention as to be solved? If so, why?114. What do you know about Canada?115. What problems do you think you will have in Canada?116. How will you overcome the difficulties? How will you deal with them? 117. Do you think you will be able to cope with the English demands of your intended English study program in Canada?118. What difficulties do you think you will encounter in your studies in Canada?119. Can you image what life in Canada will be like?120. How will you feel in Canada with your family?121. What do you intend to study?122. Which university are you going to study at?123. Why did you choose this university? Could you tell me why you choose to study at the university?124. Where are you going to studying in Canada? Why?125. What are your plans in Canada?126. What’s your research proposal all about in detail?127. What do you hope for most from your study abroad?128. What will your study abroad do or your career?129. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.130. How important are the roles of theory and practice in your discipline?131. What kind of differences in the cultures are you respecting between China and the UK?132. How will your studying in Britain benefit your work in China when you come back to China?133. What do you intend to do after you finish your study?134. What problem can you foresee in the future when you come back to China?135. Will there be any adjustment problems in your life when you come back to China? If so, what are they?136. Will you have to make any changes in your life when you come back to China?137. Do you think there will be a gap between your knowledge gained in China and the level of knowledge you are going to encounter on arrival?If so, what will it be?138. What do think of the future of China if China keeps a normal policy? 139. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country’s recent history?140. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada?141. What do you especially want to do in Canada?142. How do like your life in your university?143. What you think of training in your university?144. In what way do you think university training is helpful?145. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?146. Do you find American English easier to understand than British English?147. What sports are played in your country?148. Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country? 149. What roles does religion play in everyday life your country? 150. What you think is the most important event in China recent history? 151. How aware do you think people are nowadays about the environmental issues?152. Could you tell me why you choose to study at the university? 153. What are the sporting facilities like in your hometown?154. What role does tourism play in your country’s economy?155. How serious is unemployment in your country?156. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?157. What you think have been the most important changes in your field over the past five years?158. What are you going to major in?159. Are you going to do your own cooking when you are in the university? 160. Some local students feel that oversea students get preferential treatment, what’s your opinion?161. Do you think you will have any difficulties with your English when you study abroad?162. What do you think are the main causes of road accident?163. How do you think road accidents can be prevented?164. Do you think the government is doing enough to prevent the road accidents?165. What do you see yourself doing in your five years’ time?166. What are your goals in life?167. How do you think China’s mem bership in WTO will benefit China? 168. Do you think drug traffic is a serious problem in China? What are the consequences?169. What do you think of the unemployment problem in China?170. How do you think the unemployment problem could be solved? 171. Wh at’s your opinion of the gap between rich and poor?172. How do you understand knowledge economy?173. What’s the housing condition like in your city?174. What do you think are the main consequences of smuggling? 175. What do you think is the most serious problem in China?176. Global warming has become a popular topic nowadays, what do you know about it?177. How do you think global warming can be prevented?178. How do you anticipate the development of information technology? 179. What’s your view on the increasing divorce rate in China? 180. What does happiness mean to you?。

雅思考试口语题库雅思考试口语题库Part 1: Personal Information1. What is your full name?2. Can I see your ID/ passport?3. Where are you from?4. Can you tell me more about your hometown?5. Do you live in a house or an apartment?6. Describe your house/ apartment.7. Do you like your house/ apartment? Why or why not?8. Who do you live with?9. What is your occupation?10. Do you enjoy your job? Why or why not?Part 2: Personal Preferences and Hobbies11. What is your favorite hobby?12. When did you start this hobby?13. How often do you do this hobby?14. Where do you usually do this hobby?15. Who do you do this hobby with?16. What do you like about this hobby?17. Have you ever taught someone else to do this hobby?18. What would you like to learn in the future?Part 3: Society and Culture19. How has your culture influenced you?20. Do you think traditional customs are still important in today'ssociety? Why or why not?21. How do you think technology has impacted society and culture?22. Are there any positive or negative impacts of globalization on culture?23. How do people in your country celebrate holidays and festivals?24. Do you think it's important for young people to be aware of their cultural heritage? Why or why not?Part 4: Education and Work25. What is your favorite subject in school?26. Why do you enjoy this subject?27. What do you plan to study in the future?28. Why did you choose this field of study?29. Do you think it's better to study abroad or in your home country? Why?30. How do you think education will change in the future?31. What skills do you think are important for success in the workplace?32. Is work-life balance important to you? Why or why not?Part 5: Technology and Artificial Intelligence33. How often do you use technology in your daily life?34. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using smartphones?35. How has technology changed the way people communicate?36. Do you think technology has improved or worsened people's social skills?37. How do you feel about the development of artificialintelligence?38. What are the potential risks and benefits of artificial intelligence?Part 6: Travel and Leisure39. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? Where did you go?40. What did you enjoy most about your travel experience?41. Where would you like to travel in the future? Why?42. What do you think are the benefits of traveling?43. How has tourism impacted your country?44. Do you prefer to travel alone or with others? Why?Part 7: Environment and Sustainability45. What do you think are the biggest environmental problems in your country?46. What can individuals do to protect the environment?47. How do you think we can encourage people to be more environmentally friendly?48. What are some sustainable lifestyle choices people can make?49. What responsibility do governments have in protecting the environment?50. Do you believe renewable energy is a viable solution for the future?Part 8: Health and Fitness51. Do you engage in regular exercise? Why or why not?52. What are the benefits of physical fitness?53. How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle?54. What can people do to improve their mental health?55. Do you think it's important for employers to promote a healthy work environment?56. Should the government play a role in promoting healthy living? Part 9: Food and Nutrition57. Do you enjoy cooking? Why or why not?58. What is your favorite dish or cuisine?59. How important is it for you to eat healthy food?60. What are the benefits of a balanced diet?61. Do you think it's important for children to learn cooking and nutrition in school?62. How has globalization influenced food choices in your country? Part 10: Future Plans and Aspirations63. Where do you see yourself in five years?64. What are your long-term goals and aspirations?65. How do you plan to achieve your goals?66. What challenges do you anticipate in reaching your goals?67. Is it important to have a clear plan for the future? Why or why not?68. How do you feel about taking risks to achieve your goals?Part 11: Communication69. How do you prefer to communicate with others? Face-to-face,phone calls, text messages, or social media?70. Do you think technology has improved communication or made it more impersonal?71. How have social media platforms changed the way people communicate?72. Do you think people are more or less connected with each other due to advances in technology?73. Have you ever had a misunderstanding or miscommunication due to language barriers?74. How can effective communication skills be beneficial in everyday life?Part 12: Relationships75. What do you think makes a successful relationship?76. How has technology affected romantic relationships in today's society?77. Do you think it's important to have a lot in common with your partner?78. What role does trust play in a relationship?79. How do you handle conflicts in your relationships?80. Do you believe in love at first sight?Part 13: Fashion and Style81. How would you describe your personal style?82. Do you follow fashion trends? Why or why not?83. Do you think fashion is important? Why or why not?84. How has social media influenced fashion and style choices?85. Do you think it's important for companies to promotesustainable fashion?86. How do you feel about the fashion industry's impact on body image?Part 14: Arts and Entertainment87. What forms of entertainment do you enjoy the most?88. How has technology changed the way people consume entertainment?89. Do you think it's important to support local artists and musicians?90. Do you think arts and culture should be a priority in education?91. How has the internet impacted the music and film industries?92. What is the role of art in society?Part 15: Current Events and Global Issues93. What current global issues concern you the most?94. How do you stay informed about current events?95. Do you think it's important for individuals to be politically engaged? Why or why not?96. How can individuals make a positive impact on global issues?97. What role do governments play in resolving global issues?98. Why do you think it's important to have global cooperation? Part 16: Ethics and Morality99. What do you think is the difference between ethics and morality?100. Do you think ethical standards have changed over time?101. What ethical dilemma have you faced in your life? How did you handle it?102. How do you define the concept of "good" and "evil"?103. Have you ever been in a situation where your personal values clashed with societal expectations?104. How do you think your upbringing has influenced your moral compass?Part 17: Science and Technology105. How do you think science and technology have improved society?106. What scientific or technological advancement do you find most fascinating?107. Do you think it's important for children to develop an interest in science and technology?108. How can science and technology contribute to solving global problems?109. Do you believe in the ethical responsibility of scientists and engineers?110. What potential risks do advancements in science and technology pose to society?Part 18: Social Issues111. What social issues concern you the most?112. How do you think gender inequality can be addressed in society?113. Do you think it's important for men to be allies in the fight for gender equality?114. How can society work towards reducing discrimination and promoting inclusivity?115. What are the benefits of a diverse and inclusive society? 116. Do you believe education plays a role in combating social issues?以上是雅思考试口语题库的一部分,如有需要可以继续提供。


英文雅思聊天话题1. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?2. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?3. What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?4. What are your hobbies? 你的爱好是什么?5. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?6. What's your favorite color? 你最喜欢的颜色是什么?7. What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?8. What's your favorite movie? 你最喜欢的电影是什么?9. Do you like reading? 你喜欢阅读吗?10. What's your favorite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么?11. Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅行吗?12. Where have you been to? 你去过哪里?13. What's your favorite place? 你最喜欢的地方是什么?14. Do you have a pet? 你有宠物吗?15. What's your favorite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?16. Do you like sports? 你喜欢运动吗?17. What's your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?18. Do you play any musical instruments? 你会演奏乐器吗?19. What's your favorite music genre? 你最喜欢的音乐类型是什么?20. Do you like singing? 你喜欢唱歌吗?21. What's your favorite song? 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么?22. Do you watch TV? 你看电视吗?23. What's your favorite TV show? 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?24. Do you have a dream? 你有梦想吗?25. What's your goal in life? 你的人生目标是什么?26. Do you believe in destiny? 你相信命运吗?27. What's the most important thing in life? 生命中最重要的事情是什么?28. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? 你有女朋友/男朋友吗?29. How did you meet your significant other? 你是怎么认识你的另一半的?30. What's the best thing about being in a relationship? 恋爱中最好的事情是什么?31. Do you have any children? 你有孩子吗?32. What's the best thing about being a parent? 做父母最好的事情是什么?33. Do you like shopping? 你喜欢购物吗?34. What's your favorite store? 你最喜欢的商店是什么?35. Do you like fashion? 你喜欢时尚吗?36. What's your style? 你的风格是什么?37. Do you like cooking? 你喜欢烹饪吗?38. What's your favorite dish? 你最喜欢的菜肴是什么?39. Do you like trying new foods? 你喜欢尝试新食物吗?40. What's the best food you've ever had? 你吃过的最好吃的食物是什么?41. Do you like nature? 你喜欢大自然吗?42. What's your favorite season? 你最喜欢的季节是什么?43. Do you like going on picnics? 你喜欢去野餐吗?44. What's the most beautiful place you've ever been to? 你去过的最美丽的地方是什么?45. Do you like art? 你喜欢艺术吗?46. What's your favorite artist? 你最喜欢的艺术家是谁?47. Have you ever visited a museum? 你曾经参观过博物馆吗?48. What's the most interesting exhibition you've ever seen? 你看过的最有趣的展览是什么?49. Do you like watching movies? 你喜欢看电影吗?50. What's your favorite movie genre? 你最喜欢的电影类型是什么?51. What's the best movie you've ever seen? 你看过的最好的电影是什么?52. Do you like going to the theater? 你喜欢去剧院吗?53. What's your favorite play? 你最喜欢的戏剧是什么?54. Have you ever been to a concert? 你曾经去过音乐会吗?55. What's your favorite band? 你最喜欢的乐队是什么?56. Do you like photography? 你喜欢摄影吗?57. What's your favorite photo you've taken? 你拍摄的最喜欢的照片是什么?58. Do you like technology? 你喜欢科技吗?59. What's the latest gadget you've bought? 你最近买的最新小玩意儿是什么?60. Do you like spending time on social media? 你喜欢在社交媒体上花费时间吗?61. What's your favorite social media platform? 你最喜欢的社交媒体平台是什么?62. Do you like playing video games? 你喜欢玩视频游戏吗?63. What's your favorite video game? 你最喜欢的视频游戏是什么?64. Do you like sports? 你喜欢运动吗?65. What's your favorite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?66. Have you ever participated in a sports competition? 你曾经参加过体育比赛吗?67. Do you like reading? 你喜欢阅读吗?68. What's your favorite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么?69. Have you ever written a book? 你曾经写过书吗?70. Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅行吗?71. Where's the best place you've ever traveled to? 你曾经旅行过的最好的地方是哪里?72. Do you have any plans for future travels? 你有未来旅行的计划吗?73. Do you like learning new languages? 你喜欢学习新语言吗?74. What's the hardest language you've ever learned? 你曾经学过的最难的语言是什么?75. Do you have any tips for learning a new language? 你有学习新语言的技巧吗?76. Do you like animals? 你喜欢动物吗?77. What's your favorite animal? 你最喜欢的动物是什么?78. Have you ever owned a pet? 你曾经拥有过宠物吗?79. Do you like volunteering? 你喜欢做志愿者吗?80. What's the most meaningful volunteer work you've done? 你做过的最有意义的志愿者工作是什么?81. Do you have any plans for future volunteer work? 你有未来志愿者工作的计划吗?82. Do you like music? 你喜欢音乐吗?83. What's your favorite genre of music? 你最喜欢的音乐类型是什么?84. Do you play any instruments? 你会演奏任何乐器吗?85. Have you ever been to a music festival? 你曾经去过音乐节吗?86. Do you like watching TV shows? 你喜欢看电视节目吗?87. What's your favorite TV show? 你最喜欢的电视节目是什么?88. Do you like watching documentaries? 你喜欢看纪录片吗?89. Have you ever binge-watched a TV show? 你曾经一口气看完一部电视剧吗?90. Do you like fashion? 你喜欢时尚吗?91. What's your favorite fashion trend? 你最喜欢的时尚潮流是什么?92. Do you follow any fashion bloggers or influencers? 你关注任何时尚博主或影响者吗?93. Have you ever participated in a fashion show? 你曾经参加过时装秀吗?94. Do you like cooking? 你喜欢烹饪吗?95. What's your favorite dish to cook? 你最喜欢做的菜是什么?96. Do you have any cooking tips or tricks? 你有任何烹饪技巧或窍门吗?97. Have you ever tried any exotic foods? 你曾经尝试过任何异国风味的食物吗?98. Do you like working out? 你喜欢锻炼吗?99. What's your favorite form of exercise? 你最喜欢的锻炼方式是什么?100. Do you have a fitness routine? 你有健身计划吗?。

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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!雅思口语话题范文(精选十五篇)雅思口语话题范文(篇一)Describe someone who is talkative(New)You should say:Who the person isHow you knew this personWhat this person like to talk aboutHow you feel about this personPart3• What jobs need employees to be talkative?• Are you talkative?• What communication skills are important?• Should children be encouraged to talk more?Describe a popular comic actress/actor in your country (New) You should say:Who the person isHow you knew this personWhat comedies has this person performedAnd eXplain why this person is popularPart3• What influences do actors or actresses have on young people?• Are there many Chinese who want to become an actor?• Can you name another comic actor in your country?• What are more popular in China, TV stars or movie stars?• Should actors be paid more?Describe a childhood friend of yours(New)You should say:When you met him/herWhere you met him/herWhat you did with him/herHow you felt about the friendPart3• Is it important to have friends for children?• Do you still keep in touch with friends in your childhood?• For teenagers, do you think they should have lots of friends or just a few good friends?• How would you maintain friendship with a friend that is richer than you?• Are teenagers more influenced by their peers or their own parents?Describe a celebrity in your country (New)You should say:Who the person isHow you knew this personWhy is this person importantWhat sort of life they had before they became famousDescribe a building you like(New)You should say:Where it isWhat it is used forWhat it looks likeAnd eXplain why you like it or dislike itPart 3• How do people in China feel about old buildings?• Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards old buildings?• Is it important to preserve old buildings?• What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?• How do old buildings influence the appearance of a place?Describe something important that you lost(New)What it isWhere you lost itWhen you lost itAnd eXplain how you felt after losing itPart 3• What kinds of things have you lost so far?• What can we do to prevent losing important things? • What do you usually do to look for lost items?• What kinds of people may lose things often?Describe a magazine you enjoy reading(New)You should say:What it isHow often do you read itHow you knew this magazineWhat the content isAnd eXplain why you like this magazineDescribe something you own that you want to replace (New) You should say:What it isWhere it isHow you got itAnd eXplain why you want to replace itPart 3•What are other things that you want to replace? •What kinds of things do young people like to replace? •Do old people in China like to hoard things?•Who do you think will want new things, children or oldpeople?•Whats the difference between new things and old things?Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school (New)You should say:What the subject wasWhat your teacher was likeHow long you learned this subjectAnd eXplain it was interesting to youPart 3•Do you think schools should spend money on subjects such as PE and art, science?•What subjects do you think are the most important?•What subjects should be taught in high school in the future?•In what ages do you think students can make decisions about choosing art or science subjects?•Is science more important than art in your school?Describe a useful skill you learned in a math class from your primary/high school (New)You should say:What the skill wasHow you learned itWho taught youAnd why it was useful to youPart 3•Can computers help us in math areas?•What is the first subject learned by children in China?•What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?•How do you use math in your daily life?•Do you think everyone needs to learn math?Describe a time that you had to change your plan/ you changed your mind(New)You should say:When this happenedWhat made you change the planWhat the new plan wasAnd how you felt about the changePart 3•Do old people often change plans?•Do young people like to change plans?•What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?•How would you tell your friends when you must change yourplan?•What kinds of plans are practical?Describe a party that you joined(New)You should say:When it was heldWhere it wasWho held the partyWhat you did thereHow you felt about the partyPart 3•Do Chinese people like to hold parties?•Should parents spend a lot of money on their children’s birthday parties?•Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?•What do children often do in a birthday party?•What do adults do at parties?Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion(New)You should say:When was itWhere you wentWhat you woreHow you felt that dayPart 3•Do people wear formal clothes more often than before?•When should people wear formal clothes?•Where can you buy formal clothes in China?•Does personality affect how people dress themselves?Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study(New)You should say:What it isHow often you use itWhen you started doing itAnd eXplain why it helps you concentratePart 3• What can employers do to help employees concentrate?• What kind of jobs require higher concentration at work?• What kind of distractions are bothering you in your life?• Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?Describe a time when you were shopping in a street market (New)You should say:When it wasWhere you wereWhat you boughtHow you felt about the shopping eXperiencePart 3• Where do you like to go shopping?• Why do some people prefer street markets over shopping malls?Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good values /qualities?• Do you like shopping in big malls?• What do some people like to buy eXpensive goods?Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t (New)You should say:What it wasWhere your friend did itWhen your friend did itAnd eXplain why it is interestingPart 3• Do you think people are more influenced by their peers or their parents?•Do you think more and more people have become self-centered?• Why are they many self-centered people?• What have you learned from your friends?Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation(New)You should say:When it wasWhere you wentHow did you feel about the tripPart 3• Do you prefer public or private transportation? Why?• What is the most popular means of transportation in your country?• In what ways can we fiX traffic problems?• Is it fair to limit the use of private cars?Describe a competition you want to take part in (New)You should say:What it isWhen it was heldWhere it was heldWho you had to compete withAnd eXplain how you felt about the competitionPart 3• Do you think competition is important at workplace?• What kinds of jobs or work should not involve competition?• What do you think of those who lose in a competition?• Why are there many competition programs on TV today?以上就是20XX年5-8月雅思口语话题库,更多雅思口语考试相关内容,请关注小站雅思频道。
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I E L T S雅思口语话题库 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】P a r t O n eHometown1.Where do you come from Could you tell me something about your hometown?2.Where are you from / How long have you lived there3.Where do you live now What are the advantages and disadvantages of living there4.5.What places would you recommend a visitor to go to in your city / hometown?6.Have recent social changes created any problems in the place you live in?7.What changes have you seen in the past few years in your town?8.What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? What is the climate like in your hometown? What is the weather like in your hometown?9.What are the main places of interest in your hometown?Leisure Activities/ Hobbies1.What do you do in your spare time?2.3.What are your spare time interests/hobbies?4.5.How do you spend your leisure time?6.7.How do you spend your weekends /What do you like doing at the weekend8.9.Do you like reading What kind of books do you read10.11.What is your favorite sport What are the rules12.13.Do you often read newspapers Which ones do you read14.15.Do you often go to the cinema/ theatre?16.What kind of films do you like best?17.Do you often watch TV What id your favorite program18.19.What kind of music do you enjoy?20.Who is your favorite film star Will you describe him/her to me21.22.How do people usually spend their free time in your country?Ambitions1.Do you have any ambitions?2.If you could start your life again, would you do anything different?3.What do you see yourself doing in ten years’time?4.5.Have you ever thought to have your own business What kind of business do you hope to have6.7.How do you want to develop your career?Future Plan1.What are your plans for your future?2.What are your plans on your returning to Chins?3.What do you intend to do after you finish studying?Living/Studying Abroad1.Do you want to study abroad?2.Which country do you intend to go to?3.4.What are you going to study / What do you intend to study5.6.What are you going to major in?7.Which university are you going to study at?8.Have you been admitted by the university you apply for?9.What is your research proposal all about?10.Why do you want to study abroad?11.What will be your main problem when you are studying in a foreign country?12.Some Chinese students feel that overseas students get preferential treatment. What is your opinion?13.14.What kind of culture shocks do you think will be probably encountered in western world How will you overcome them15.16.What problems can you foresee in the future when you come back to China17.Education1.Say something about your educational background. /Can you tell me a little about youreducational background?2.What is your major / How do you like it3.What subjects did you study at university Doyou think they are useful in preparing you for your future work4.5.Which is the best university in your country?6.Could you sum up your own study habits in a few points?7.8.Do you think the subjects you are studyingtoday are relevant to present-day society Why 9.Campus Life1.Can you say something about your school life?2.3.Could you tell me something about your campus life?4.5.What impressed you most when you were at university?6.What are the best and the worst memories you have of your primary or secondary school days?7.Did you ever take part-time jobs when studying at university?8.9.Do you think it’s a good idea for full-time students to take part-time jobs?10.Language1.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?2.3.Do you think foreign language learning is important?4.5.Do you think you will be able to cope with the English-language demands of your intended program?6.How do you think language should be learned?7.How many foreign languages can you speak?8.City1.How do you like Shanghai Compare it to your hometown.2.What do you think about the city you live in?3.4.What place do you like best in Shanghai/Beijing?5.What places in Shanghai/Beijing should a foreigner visit?6.If you had the choice, where would you choose to live in?Traveling1.Do you like/enjoy traveling Where have you been to2.3.Which country/place would you most like to visit?4.Which parts of China would you recommend a foreigner to visit?5.Have you ever been to another country Where did you go6.7.Which is the best place you’ve been to in China/8. Which place do you like best?9.What do you like to do when you visit an unfamiliar place?House and Home1.What’s the house like you live in now How do you feel about it2.3.Could you describe your home?4.If you were given a choice, what sort of house would you like to live in why5.Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?6.Cooking1.Do you enjoy cooking?2.Who does most of the shopping / cooking in your family?3.4.What is the favorite food in your family?5.Friendship1.Do you have a lot of friends?2.What does friendship mean to you?3.4.What kind of people do you make friends with?5.6.What would you do if your next door neighbor were noisy nearly all the time?Part Two1.。