B溶液的制备B.a称取30g细粉状的根〔如果样品中含有的鱼藤酮的量大于7%,所取样品的量应使得200ml溶液中含有1.0-1.5g鱼藤酮〕和10g活性炭(e),放入500ml 锥形瓶中,加入300mlCHCl3,在室温下测量;塞紧塞子,放在振荡器上振荡4h以上,最好在间隙振荡下过夜〔或者在不断振荡下过夜〕。
B.b交替提取法〔如果样品中含有的鱼藤酮的量大于7%,所取样品的量应使得200ml溶液中含有1.0-1.5g鱼藤酮〕和10g活性炭(e),放入500ml 锥形瓶中,加入300mlCHCl3,在室温下测量;塞紧塞子,放在振荡器上振荡4h以上,最好在间隙振荡下过夜〔或者在不断振荡下过夜〕。
第23卷第2期西 南 农 业 大 学 学 报V ol.23,N o.22001年4月Journal of S outhwest Agricultural University Apr.2001文章编号:1000-2642(2001)02-0140-04鱼藤酮的研究进展①徐汉虹,黄继光(华南农业大学昆虫毒理研究室,广东广州 510642)摘要:鱼藤酮是一种广谱性杀虫剂,对害虫高效且不易产生抗药性。
关 键 词:鱼藤酮;研究进展中图分类号:S 482.3+9 文献标识码:AADVANCES I N THE RESE ARCH OF ROTE NONEXU H an -hong ,HUANG Ji -guang(Laboratory of Insect T oxicology ,S outh China Agricultural University ,G uangzhou ,G uangdong 510642,China)Abstract :A detailed review is presented in this paper of the advances in the research of the bioactivity ,pest -controlling mechanisms and tissue culture techniques of rotenone ,a broad -spectrum insecticide ,and its analogs.K ey w ords :rotenone ;advance in research 鱼藤酮是早期人们从鱼藤属等植物中提取分离出来的一种有杀虫活性的物质,是3大传统植物性杀虫剂之一。
广 西 轻 工 业
G A G I O R A FL H D SR U N X U N LO I T I U T Y J G N 食 品 与 生 物
第 1 期 ( 第 14 ) 1 总 4 期
鱼 藤酮 应 用 与 分析 的研 究进 展
李 颖 1, 朱 莹 。 '王 z
5 1 mg ~ 0 浓度 的亚 甲基 盐溶液 中,这些 鱼便会 马上恢复活力。 应用鱼藤酮 的这一特性 , 以捕获到 高品质 的观赏 鱼 , 可 这种方 法有时也可用于某些科学研究 。
132 杀 虫 剂 ..
£ 作为 鱼藤酮 的一种新资源 , ) 是属 于豆科的~种优秀 的杀 虫植
物, 对害虫具有 多种生物活性 , 其植株 的叶片 、 秆 、 茎 豆荚 、 、 根 种子等部位都含有活性成分 , 中叶片中鱼藤酮类似物 的含量 其 最高 , W可达 42 %H耐具有 其他植物不可 比拟的优点 。此类鱼 . 5 _,
量 的分布 , 且很多地方 进行 了人工栽 培 , 如秘鲁建 有世界 上面 积最大 的尖荚豆属植物种植基地 。
12 鱼 藤 酮 的 产 品 及 应 用范 围 .
1 5个 目 1 7科 的 8 0多种害虫具有一定 的防治效果 ,对蚜螨 3 0 类害虫效果 尤其 突出。 适应 范同广 , 包括经济作物 、 住房 、 园、 果 从事农业生 产的房屋 、 、 、 狗 猫 兔子 、 以及储存 的谷 物、 马 温室 、
1 . 毒 鱼 剂 .1 3
几千年 以前南 美洲的土著 居 民就知 道把含鱼藤酮 的尖荚
豆属植物作为鱼毒剂 , 用来获取食物 。他们将这些植物在湖和
小 河 中拖 动 或将 这 些 植 物 的茎 杆 和 根 碾 打 出 的 汁 顺 着 小 溪 流
目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)1 前言 (1)2 应用开发现状 (1)2.1 资源 (1)2.2 化学成分 (1)2.2.1 酚性类成分 (2)2.2.2 萜类化合物 (2)2.3 检测现状 (2)3 杀虫机理 (2)3.1 毒理学性质 (2)3.2 致死过程 (3)3.3 导致细胞凋亡 (4)4 对人体的潜在危害 (4)4.1 对人有致死性 (4)4. 2 造成环境污染 (4)4.3 对健康的危害 (4)参考文献: (5)论述鱼藤酮的杀虫机理XXX摘要:鱼藤酮是一种毒性极强的杀虫剂,本文论述了鱼藤酮的发展状况,分析了其化学成分,主要论述了其杀虫机理,也辩证的讨论了鱼藤酮对人类的潜在危害。
关键词:鱼藤酮杀虫机理农药1 前言鱼藤酮目前是一种比较完善的植物源生物杀虫剂,具有对害虫的广谱作用大,对天敌干扰少,在环境中易于降解,资源丰富等特点。
2 应用开发现状2.1 资源鱼藤酮的资源十分丰富,目前发现的总共有68种豆科植物含有鱼藤酮,主要分布于鱼藤属、尖荚豆属和灰叶属植物中。
关键字:鱼藤酮;杀虫活性;应用研究Abstract:Is a broad spectrum insecticide rotenone,resistance to pests is efficientand easy.This paper on the distribution of sources of rotenone,insecticidal activity and its application in pest status,problems and prospects,and other aspects are discussed in detail.Key words:rotenone;insecticidal activity;applied research前言鱼藤酮主要来源于豆科的鱼藤属、灰毛豆属、合生果属、鸡血藤属、紫槐属、黄檀属、毒鱼豆属和蝶豆属等植物,迄今已发现的鱼藤酮类化合物在74种以上[1]-[3]。
1 鱼藤酮的来源与分布鱼藤,别名毒鱼藤。
为豆科鱼藤属(Derris Lour.)豆科蝶形花亚科多年生木质藤本植物,产于亚洲热带和亚热带地区,如东印度半岛,菲律宾群岛,马来半岛等地。
2 鱼藤酮的产品和应用范围近年来,鱼藤酮的产品的使用呈逐年递增的趋势,从1991年广东省广州农药厂从化市分厂登记第一个鱼藤酮产品到现在,共有11家企业登记鱼藤酮产品18个厂次,其中原药2个,单剂4个,复配制剂12个。
Extraction and Separation of Deguelin from the Roots of Derris trifoliate Lour and Its HPLC AnalysisGuan Yongguang1,2,Fang Yuchun3,Wu Liangxiang1,Zhu Longfeng1,Yang Haihua1,2,Lin yan1,Jian Wenjie1,2,Gan Chunji 1, *,1 Biotechnology Center,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou (350002)2 Food Science College,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou (350002)3 Institute of Marine Drugs,Ocean University of China,Qingdao,Shandong (266003)E-mail:guan00078@AbstractThree methods were applied to extract deguelin from Derris trifoliate roots. Different solvents were used to separate rotenoids, such as deguelin, rotenone and elliptone. The weight of total extract and the relative deguelin extraction efficiency were determined. The total amount of the extracted substance assisted by using ultrasound was lower than the Sohxlet or vibrating extraction method. However, deguelin extraction rate by using the ultrasound-assisted extraction was the highest. Furthermore, with respect of rotenoids separation, the solvent mixture of petroleum ether:chloroform:acetone at the ratio of 6:1:1 was found to be most effective. The maximum optical absorption of deguelin occurred at 271.6 nm. It suggested that the deguelin and rotenone content could be determined at 280 nm.Keywords:Extraction,Separation,HPLC,Deguelin,Derris trifoliate1 IntroductionDeguelin, a natural plant material, inhibits premalignant human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cell lines [1]. In addition to the deguelin’s effect on human bronchial epithelial cell, it was recently shown to be cancer-chemopreventive in models of both skin and mammary tumorigenesis [2, 3]. It also inhibited the expression of IkBa protein in U937 and Raji cells. The anti-proliferative activity of deguelin was related to the signal pathway of NF-kB. Recently, a number of beneficial non-skeletal efforts were also reported [4, 5]. The structure of deguelin is shown in Fig. 1 [6].OOOOO OFig.1. The structure of deguelinA number of techniques have been reported for the deguelin extraction. With cold extraction, deguelin was extracted by chloroform from tree roots of Derris elliptica. But, many rotenoids, such as rotenone, elliptone and dehydrorotenone, came in the mixture from the extraction [6, 7].The first objective of this work was to develop ultrasound-assisted extraction, Sohxlet extraction and vibrating extraction methods for deguelin extraction from Derris trifoliate. The second was to compare deguelin extraction efficiency and total extract by the various methods. The third was to establish a method for rotenoids separation. And, the last was to obtain the deguelin spectrum using HPLC.* Corresponding author. E-mail:ganchunji1949@ (C. Gan).2 Experimental2.1 InstrumentationThe HPLC system consisted of a Waters 2695 High Performance Liquid Chromatography (Waters, Massachusetts, USA), an automatic injector with a final volume loop of 20 µl, a C18 reversed-phase column and a Waters 2996 UV Absorbance Detector (Waters, Massachusetts, USA). System management and hardware interface for data acquisition were performed by the Empower computer sofeware package from Waters. The separation was performed with a mobile phase of 63:37 v/v methanol:water at a rate of 1.0 mL min-1. Chromatograms were monitored at 240, 254, 260, 280, 290 nm and the column temperature was kept at 25℃. A 900W JY92-2 Ultrasound Tissue Destrustor (Xinzhi, Zhejiang, China) and a THZ-D Desk-top Incubator (Peiying, Shanghai, China) were used for ultrasound-assisted extraction and vibrating extraction, respectively. A Sohxlet extractor was also used in the experimentation.2.2 ReagentsMethanol (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) was of liquid chromatographic grade for HPLC. Doubly distilled water was purified using a Milli-Q system (Milli-pore, Bedford, MA, USA). Methanol (SCRC, Shanghai, China), ethanol (SCRC, Shanghai, China), acetone (SCRC, Shanghai, China), chloroform (SCRC, Shanghai, China) and ethyl acetate (SCRC, Shanghai, China) used for extraction were AR. All reagents were kept in dark bottles at 4℃.2.3 MaterialsThe brown roots of Derris trifoliate containing 20-30% water was picked at Mt. WuYi, Fujian, in September 2007. The root length was 50 to 80 cm and the diameter 0.10 to 0.15 mm. Prior to experiment, the roots were dried in 50-60℃, and then comminuted to a particle size of 100 mesh.2.4 Extraction and Separation ProceduresAll operations were performed under subdued light. One gram of sample was added with 10 mL of methanol, ethanol, acetone, chloroform or ethyl acetate.2.4.1 Ultrasound-Assisted ExtractionSamples were loaded with 10 mL of various organic solvents and homogenized by using a 600 W ultrasound processor for 300 s. After placing in a dark place for 24 h, the suspension was centrifuged at 9000 rpm for 15 min at 4℃. The solvent in the round-bottom flask was evaporated as much as possible under reduced pressure. The concentrated solution was used as the primary extract for further analysis.2.4.2 Sohxlet ExtractionSamples were packed in filter paper and put into Sohxlet extractors. The extraction was terminated when the absorbency of filtrate drop became less than 0.01. The solvent was evaporated as much as possible under reduced pressure. The concentrated solution was used as the primary extract for further analysis.2.4.3 Vibrating ExtractionSamples were put in beakers with 10 mL of various organic solvents and placed on the Desk-Top Incubator with rotate speed 150 r min-1 for 24 h at 25℃. The suspension was centrifuged at 9000 rpm for 15 min at 4℃. The extraction was repeated 3 times. The primary extract was obtained by combining 3 filtrates and concentrated under reduced pressure.2.4.4 Depuration of the Primary ExtractAfter the primary extract was depurated in 200 to 300 mesh chromatography silica gel column with a mobile phase of petroleum ether (30-60℃): ethyl acetate (4:1). The filtrate was evaporated as much as possible under reduced pressure.2.4.5 Study of Thin-layer Chromatography (TLC)A drop of the concentrated filtrate was placed on a filter paper followed by addition of mobile phase solvents to observe their applicability. The mobile phase solvents tested included methanol:acetone (1:1), methanol:chloroform (1:1), methanol:acetone:chloroform (1:1:1), petroleum ether (30-60℃):chloroform:acetone (6:1:1), and chloroform:petroleum ether (30-60℃) (1:1). A suitable solvent mixture was thus selected for spreading various components. Under UV light at 254 nm, each individual component was analyzed. The solution was filtered through 0.45 µm Millipore chromatographic filters for HPLC analysis.2.5 Formula used for Data AnalysisThe weights of the total extracted substance and the dry sample before extraction were obtained. The absorption area of deguelin was calculated by HPLC. Two formula applied for the rate and efficiency were given as follows.Total extraction rate, % = (total weight of the extracted substance / weight of dry sample before extraction)×100%;Relative deguelin extraction efficiency (RDEE) = absorption area of deguelin / reference value (1.00).3 Results and Discussion3.1 Extraction3.1.1 Ultrasound-Assisted ExtractionThe efficiencies of the ultrasound-assisted extraction using different organic solvents were shown in Table 1. Deguelin was extracted under the ultrasound-assisted conditions as described. The highest extraction rate obtained was 20.21% using methanol as the steep. Change of polarity apparently affected the extraction rate. They are 15.56%, 9.15%, 10.39% and 7.28% using ethanol, acetone, chloroform and ethyl acetate, respectively. Different solvents also resulted in different relative deguelin extraction efficiency. The extraction efficiency of chloroform was 1.37 times higher than that of methanol (the reference). When ethyl acetate was used as solvent, the RDEE was only 0.68. Thus, it can be seen that methanol could extract more plant substances. However, impurities in the extract are rather difficult to be eliminated by separation. On the other hand, when chloroform was used, less impurities was found in the extracts obtained than either methanol or ethanol. Therefore, chloroform was considered to be most suitable for the extraction by ultrasound-assisted extraction.Table 1. Effect of Ultrasound-Assisted ExtractionSolvents methanolethanol acetone chloroformethyl acetateTotal extraction rate, % 20.21 15.569.15 10.39 7.28RDEE 1.00(Reference) 1.01 1.08 1.37 0.68 3.1.2 Sohxlet ExtractionTable 2 shows that, when methanol was the extraction solvent, the total extraction rate was the highestat 26.95%. It was 1.18, 1.99, 2.37, and 1.84 times higher than ethanol, acetone, chloroform and ethylacetate, respectively. When chloroform was used as the solvent, total extraction rate decreased to 11.35%, while the RDEE was the highest. The extraction efficiency was 4.56 times higher than that of methanol. Deguelin could be extracted more fully by methanol, but the extract contained much impurity that was difficult to be removed by separation. On the other hand, chloroform was a good choice for extracting deguelin, because less impurity came out in the extract and the RDEE was higher. Although the RDEE with acetone was nearly as high as chloroform, the total extraction rate was slightly higher than chloroform, i.e, 13.55%, indicating greater amounts of impurities in the extract when acetone was used as the solvent. Thus, chloroform was considered to be most suitable for the extraction by Sohxlet method.Table 2. Effect of Sohxlet Extraction Solventsmethanol ethanol acetone chloroform ethyl acetate Total extraction rate, %26.95 22.76 13.55 11.35 14.67 RDEE 1.00(Reference) 1.34 4.01 4.56 Vibrating ExtractionThe effect of the vibrating extraction with different organic solvents was shown in Table 3. Under the vibrating conditions used, the highest total extraction rate obtained was 24.15%, when methanol was the solvent. When ethanol was the solvent, the total extraction rate obtained was 21.98%. Only 6.31% substance was extracted by chloroform, which was 20% lower than acetone and 9% lower than ethyl acetate. Using acetone, the RDEE increased significantly. The RDEE’s were 1.17, 2.17, 1.97 and 1.54 times higher than the reference by using ethanol, acetone, chloroform and ethyl acetate, respectively. Thus, it can be seen that the vibrating extraction with acetone could be the choice for deguelin extraction. At the same time, acetone extracted less impurity from the roots of Derris trifoliate than others, and hence it was considered more appropriate for the extraction.Table 3. Effect of Vibrating Extraction Solventsmethanol ethanol acetone chloroform ethyl acetate Total extraction rate, %24.15 21.98 7.92 6.31 6.97 RDEE 1.00(Reference) 1.17 2.17 1.97 1.543.2 Comparison of Various ExtractionsTable 4 shows the results of the three extraction methods. Extraction with the ultrasound-assisted method proved to be most desirable. Using the method, although the total substance extraction rate was lower than the Sohxlet extraction, the RDEE was the highest. It was 1.33 and 1.10 times higher than the Sohxlet and vibrating extraction, respectively. Ultrasound might break the cell walls allowing full extraction of deguelin by various solvents. It was found that more deguelin was extracted with less impurity by using the ultrasound-assisted extraction method than the others by using chloroform. Therefore, the optimum conditions established from the experiments were used for the deguelin extraction from the roots of Derris trifoliate using chloroform as solvent in the ultrasound-assisted extraction.Table 4. Comparison of Various Extraction MethodsDifferent methods Total substance extractionrate, %RDEEUltrasound-Assisted Extraction 10.391.00(Reference)Sohxlet Extraction 11.35 0.75 Vibrating Extraction 7.92 0.913.3 Sample DepurationMany impurities were removed after the primary extract was depurated by petroleum ether (30-60℃):ethyl acetate (4:1) with a 200 to 300 mesh chromatography silica gel column. The comparison is shownin Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Impurities of high polarity are almost disappeared. And both deguelin anddehydrodeguelin are watched as the retention time is14.128 and 10.594, respectively in Fig. 3. On theother hand, the spectrogram of deguelin and dehydrodeguelin is shown in Fig.4.Fig. 2. Chromatogram before depurated by silica gel column Fig. 3. Chromatogram after depurated by silica gel columnFig. 4 The spectrogram of deguelin, dehydrodeguelin and unknown substance3.4 TLCSolvent mixture of methanol:acetone, methanol:chloroform and methanol:acetone:chloroform wereused to spread the rotenoids spot. No concentric circles appeared because the polarity of the developing solvents is higher. Chloroform: petroleum ether showed no concentric circle either. When acetone:chloroform:petroleum ether was mobile phase solvent, some clear concentric circles appeared. Therefore, acetone:chloroform:petroleum ether was selected for the TLC.Only two parts were obtained when more acetone existed in the solvent mixture. The Rf are 0.86 and 0.96, which are not adequate. The spot could be better spreaded when the ratio of acetone in solvent mix decreased while petroleum ether increased. Three different spots with Rf1=0.26, Rf2=0.42 and Rf3=0.68 appeared when the ratio of acetone:chloroform:petroleum ether was1:1:6.It can be seen as shown in Fig. 5 that the part whose Rf is 0.42 by TLC is known as deguelin. Clearly, the HPLC of deguelin is found as the retention time is 14.781. Thus, as the rate of acetone:chloroform:petroleum ether was1:1:6, deguelin and other rotenoids could evidently be separated.Fig. 5 The HPLC of deguelin3.5 CrystalMuch crystal was appeared in the petroleum ether (30-60℃), which was separated by a 200 to 300 mesh chromatography silica gel column as the mobile phase is petroleum ether (30-60℃):ethyl acetate (4:1) after placed in a dark place for 48 hours. The crystal whose picture is shown in Fig. 6 is a white piece and was confirmed as deguelin.Fig. 6 The crystal of deguelin4 ConclusionsA simple and specific method for the primary extract and an effective method for rotenoids separation have been established. The ultrasound-assisted extraction method using chloroform as the solvent could yield deguelin extract with less impurity. Many impurities were removed after the primary extract was depurated by petroleum ether (30-60℃): ethyl acetate (4:1) with a 200 to 300 mesh chromatography silica gel column. After the separation method applied a solvent mixture of petroleum ether:chloroform:acetone at the ratio of 1:1:6 by TLC, deguelin whose Rf is 0.42 is get. One the other hand, deguelin can be crystallization in petroleum ether (30-60℃). HPLC was chosen for its relatively rapid speed of analysis and equipment availability.References1. Chun, K-H., Kosmeder, J. W., Sun, S., Pezzuto, J. M., Lotan, R.,Hong, W. K., and Lee, H-Y (2003) Cancer Inst. (Bethesda) 95:291-3022. Cline JM, Hughes CL Jr (1998) Cancer Treat Res 94:107-1343. Gerhäuser C, Lee SK, Kosmeder JW, Moriarty RM, Hamel E, Mehta RG (1997) Cancer Res 57:429-4354. Udeani GO, Gerhauser C, Thomas CF, Moon RC, Kosmeder JW, Kinghorn AD (1997) Cancer Res 57:3424-34285. Wei-hua CHEN, Yan CHEN, Guo-hui CUI (2006) Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 27:485-4906. ZENG Xinnian, ZHANG Shanxue, LIU Xinqing (2001) Journal of Instrumental Analysis 20:18-207. ZENG Xinnian, COLL josep, ZHANG Shanxue, LIU Xinqing (2002) Chinese Journal of Chroma to Graphy 20:144-147Author Brief Introduction:Guan Yongguang, a master, is studying in Fujian Agriculture and Forest University. The main search is extraction and separation of effective component in plant.。
开启高效液相色谱仪 , 定好流动相 、 流速和检测波长 , 基线稳定后便可进样 , 每次进样量 l . O 本 实验均是在室温下进行. 流动相所用的溶剂及蒸馏水均用 04 m的滤膜过滤后再用. .5m
2 4 计 算方法 .
样品含量由实验方法所得峰面积按外标法进行计算 , 计算公式如下 :
乙腈( 色谱纯)蒸馏水 , , 其他所用试剂均为分析纯.
2 实验方法
2 1 鱼藤根抽提物的制备 . 称取鱼藤根干粉适量 , 用滤纸包好后装入索氏提取器 , 甲醇回流提取 2h 所得抽提液用石油醚 用 4.
收稿 日期 : 060 -8 2 0 -1 0
基金项 目: 国家 自然科 学基- 237 1)  ̄(0705 和广东省科技 计划项 目(03 10 , 03 265 资助项 目 20B63 20B 10 )
第3 卷 第 2 5 期
2006年 4月
上海师范大学学报 ( 自然科学版 )
Ju a o hn hi om lU i ri ( aua S i cs or l f ag a N r a nv sy N tr ce e ) n S e t l n
Vo . 5, . 1 3 No 2
2006 ,Ap r.
鱼 藤 根抽 提 物 中鱼藤 酮 的 高效 液 相 色 谱 分 析
杨晓云 , 张志祥, 黄继光, 徐汉虹
( 农药与化学生物学教育部重点实验室, 华南农业大学昆虫毒理研究室, 广州504 ) 162
要: 建立了鱼藤根抽提物中鱼藤 酮的高效液相 色谱分析方法, 试样用丙酮溶解, 鱼藤酮含
标准溶液配制 : 准确称取 9 % 的鱼藤酮干粉标准品 , 7 先用少量丙酮溶解 , 再用丙酮定容为 l gm m/ L 鱼藤酮贮备液 , 于冰箱中存放. 实验时, 其他浓度标准溶液均用此溶液稀释而成.
De e m i to fr t no n D e r s e l i a b e e s d— h s i h p r o m a e t r na i n o o e ne i r i lptc y r v r e p a e h g e f r nc i lq i h o a o r p i u d c r m t g a hy
o ae ntl ad0 1 p op a c lt n 4 5 ,/ ,H 2 6 wt f wrt a 10mL mi add t ia o ae nt t f ct ii n .% h sht ai s ui ( 8: 2 vv p . ) i o e t . / n n e r nt nw vl g a o re e do o hl a e m i e h
2 9 n u d r4 0 ℃ 、 s l : d r t e c n i o s d s r e ,t e c l rt n c r e o oe o e wa i e r o e h o c nr t n 9 m n e 0. Re u t Un e h o dt n e c b d h a i a i u v fr tn n s l a v rt e c n e t i s i i b o n ao
摘要 目的 : 建立 以反 相 高效 液相 色谱 法测 定毛 鱼 藤 中鱼藤 酮含 量 的方 法 。方 法 : Z R A c peX B 以 O B X E l s D i
第 3 0卷 20 0 2年 8月
分 析 化 学 ( E X U X E F N IH A U ) 来 稿 摘 登
Ch n s o r a fA ay ia h mit i e e J un lo n lt lC e sr c y
吸 收谱 初 步判 断是 否 为 鱼藤 酮类 化 合 物峰 。N MR氢 谱 以 c N 为 溶 剂 在 30MH 下 测 定 。 0 z
3 结 பைடு நூலகம் 与讨论
3. 鱼 藤 酮 类 化 合 物 的 分 离 纯 化 和 鉴 定 鱼 藤 酮 类 属 异 黄 酮 类 化 合 物 , 多 数 几 乎 不 溶 于 水 , 溶 于 多 种 有 机 溶 剂 。 1 大 但 在 超 声 波 水 浴 中 将 提 取 物 溶 于 I IM O H 0, 高 速 离 心 机 上 离 心 ,5 0d n 0m n 重 复 3次 , 并 上 清 液 。 以 cs : e H/ 2 置 2 0 r ,1 。 i a i 合 . 反 相 柱 进 行 层 析 , 2 :0M OH H O 洗 脱 能 有 效 地 去 除 大 部 分 杂 质 , 后 用 8 :5Me H H O 至 10 M O 洗 脱 , 集 用 0 8 e / : 然 5 1 O / 2 0 % eH 收 各 流 份 。将 各 流 份 的 N MR 氢 谱 与 已 有 文 献 数 据 比 较 , 以 鉴 定 该 2种 植 物 中 的 主 要 鱼 藤 酮 类 化 合 物 。 可 3. 检 测 波 长 的 确 定 鱼 藤 酮 类 化 合 物 的 化 学 结 构 变 化 主 要 发 生 在 E环 和 6 、2 2 a 1a位 上 的 不 同 水 平 氧 化 。 对 毛 鱼 藤 和 西非 灰 毛豆 的 H L P C初 步 分 析 表 明 , 主 要 的 鱼 藤 酮 类 化 合 物 u 吸 收 光 谱 有 四 种 类 型 。 鱼 藤 酮 、 藤 素 、 鱼 藤 酮 和 它 其 V 鱼 毛 们 的 脱 氢 氧 化 物 分 别 在 29 2 3 2 1和 2 1nl 有 吸 收 峰 , 它 们 均 在 2 0nl 有 强 吸 收 。 1a位 上 的 羟 基 化 对 u 9 、7 、 4 8 n 处 但 4 n 处 2 V吸 收 光 谱 没 有 大 的影 响 , 6 、2 脱 氢 会 引 起 吸 收 谱 的 较 大 改 变 。 很 显 然 , 现 有 方 法 中 采 用 2 0~30 nl 长 检 测 鱼 藤 但 a 1a 在 8 0 n 波
F i n g e r p r i n t s p e c t r u m i n t r a d i t i o n a l C h i n e s e me d i c i n e a n d q u a l i t y c o n t r o l t e c h n o l o g y a r e u s e d a s r e f e r e n c e f o r t h e e x t r a c t i o n a n d s e p a r a t i o n o f t h e ma i n i n g r e d i e n t s o f t h e De r r i s r o o t .h i g h e f f i c i e n c y l i q u i d c h r o ma t o g r a p h y( HP LC )wa s u s e d t o c o n d u c t q u a l i t a —
第3 6 卷第 2 期 2 0 1 5 年 6月
扬州大学学报 ( 农 业与生命科学版)
J o u r n a l o f Ya n g z h o u Un i v e r s i t y( Ag r i c u l t u r a l a nd Li f e S c i e nc e Ed i t i o n )
( HP L C ) 对鱼 藤 根 的主 要 特征 成 分 进 行 定性 分 析 , 研 究 丰 顺 鱼 藤 根 中染 料 木 素 ( 4 , 5 , 7 - 三羟基异黄酮) 、 鱼藤酮 、 反查 尔酮、 灰毛素、 脱 氢灰 毛 素 等 5 种 化 学 成 分 的 变化 规 律 。结果 表 明 : 当 为 2 4 0 n m 时 色谱 图 中 的峰 为 3 4个 ; 而 当 A为 2 5 4 n m时 ,
毛果鱼藤化学成分及生物活性研究蓝俊杰;张华;娄华勇;吴红果;潘卫东【摘要】In order to understand the bioactivity constituents formDerris eriocarpaHow, six compounds were isolated from ethyl acetate fraction of ethanol extract of its stems and roots by using chromatographic techniques. On the basis of spectral data, their structures were identified as (-)-maackiain (1), medicarpin (2), emodin (3), (-)-pinoresinol (4), (6R,9R)9-hydroxy-4-megastigmen-3-one (5), 2-methoxygliricidol (6). All these compounds were isolated from this species for the first time. Furthermore, compounds1and2 exhibited significantly inhibitory activitiesin vitro against some of tumor cell lines and mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Rv).%为了解毛果鱼藤(Derris eriocarpaHow)藤茎和根中的生物活性成分,采用柱色谱技术,从其乙酸乙酯萃取部位分离得到6个化合物,分别鉴定为:高丽槐素(1)、美迪紫檀素(2)、大黄素(3)、松脂醇(4)、(6R,9R)9-hydroxy-4-megastigmen-3-one (5)、2-methoxygliricidol (6)。
它的分子式为C9H10O2,相对分子质量为150.17 g/mol。
鱼藤鱼藤根中鱼藤素的分离与衍生研究的开题报告一、研究背景和意义鱼藤(Synanchum chinense Baill.)是我国一种特有的植物,又名鱼藤葛、地葛、南蛇藤等,为豆科植物。
1. 鱼藤根中鱼藤素的提取、分离和纯化:采用多种方法对鱼藤根进行提取和分离,包括超声波法、超临界流体法等。
2. 鱼藤素的结构鉴定:利用液相色谱-质谱联用技术(LC-MS)、核磁共振氢谱(NMR)等方法对鱼藤素的结构进行鉴定。
3. 鱼藤素衍生物的合成和活性研究:通过对鱼藤素进行不同官能团的修饰,合成其不同衍生物。