Agile Software Development



• 定期收集团队的进度报告,确保项目按计划进行
• 及时发现和应对项目中的风险和问题
• 在Sprint回顾中,总结风险管理经验,提高团队的应对
• 在Sprint回顾中,总结团队经验和教训,提出改进建议
• 鼓励团队成员学习新的技术和方法,提高团队整体能力
• 站会:团队成员在固定的时间进行同步,分享进度和问题

• 确保Sprint目标与产品愿景和优先级保持一致
• 设定具体、可衡量的目标,便于评估Sprint成果

• 根据项目需求和团队能力,选择合适的Sprint周期长度
• 负责确保Scrum框架的正确实施,
• 参与Sprint评审和回顾,提供反馈
• 参与Sprint评审和回顾,分享进度
• 参与Sprint评审和回顾,确保过程
• 定期召开团队会议,分享进度和问题
• 风险降低:分阶段开发,降低项目失败的风险
• 灵活适应:便于调整需求,适应市场变化
• 需求变更管理:在迭代过程中,需求变更可能导致项目周期延长
• 团队协作:需要团队成员保持高度的协作和沟通能力
• 技术债务:在迭代过程中,可能出现技术债务累积的问题

敏捷可用性 - 敏捷项目中的用户体验

敏捷可用性 - 敏捷项目中的用户体验

敏捷可用性- 敏捷项目中的用户体验作者Scott W. Ambler1. 敏捷软件开发(ASD – Agile Software Development)为了解决软件开发者所面临的困难,2001年7月,一个由17个方法学家组成的小组成立了敏捷软件开发联盟(Agile Software Development Alliance),简称为敏捷联盟(AgileAlliance)。



如同软件工程协会的软件能力成熟度模型(Software Engineering Institute‘s Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI))为重量级软件开发过程定义的需求,敏捷宣言则定了敏捷软件开发过程的需求。

反应了这些需求的敏捷过程包含如下内容:∙Agile Data (AD)∙Agile Microsoft Solutions Framework (MSF)∙Agile Modeling (AM)∙Agile Unified Process (AUP)∙Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)∙Extreme Programming (XP)∙Feature Driven Development (FDD)∙Scrum∙Usage-Centered Design (UCD)绝大多数的敏捷项目的开发团队都少于10个人,在同一地点工作,可以直接和利益关系人们(stakeholders)沟通,利用一些常用的建模工具比如写字板(writeboard)和公告板(corkboard),拥有自己的开发机器,使用一些必需的工具,比如测试工具。



软件开发⽤英语怎么说 软件开发是根据⽤户要求建造出软件系统或者系统中的软件部分的过程。




软件开发的英语说法1: software development 软件开发的英语说法2: software engineering 软件开发的相关: 软件开发⼯具 programming tool 软件开发⼯程师 Software Engineer 统⼀软件开发过程 The Unified Software Development Process 软件开发⽣命周期 Software Development Life Cycle 软件开发单位 software development unit 软件开发模型 Software Development Model 软件开发的英语例句: 1. Ah yes. I'm meeting the senior partners to discuss software development. 啊,是的. 我要见⼀些⾼级合伙⼈,讨论软件开发的问题. 2. How software testing fits into the software development process. 软件测试是怎样融合到软件开发流程的. 3. It analyzes the influences of object - oriented development technology to software metrics. 着重分析⾯向对象软件开发技术的发展对软件度量的影响. 4. Undertook software development projects for industrial and commercial organization. 承担⼯商企业的软件开发项⽬. 5. So , component composition become the direction of software development and reuse. 构件组装成了软件开发和复⽤的必然趋势. 6. The software involves database, GIS, and man machine interface. 软件开发涉及数据库、地理信息(GIS) 、⼈机交互界⾯三部分. 7. Paul Allen joins MITS as director of Software Development. 保罗·艾伦成为MITS的软件开发主任. 8. Products: Computer software development and related consulting services Computerconsulting services. 经营范围: 计算机软件开发及其相关咨询服务. 9. CAMCTO is a rapid application development tool for engineering. CAMCTO是⼀款适⽤于⼯程学的⾼速应⽤软件开发⼯具. 10. What is the best feature of the big - bang model of software development? 软件开发中的“⼤爆炸”模型,最值得称道的地⽅是什么? 11. Knowledge of the Agile Software Development process is also a plus. 以及对Agile软件开发过程的认知. 12. However, almost all of the embedded software development using C language. 不过, ⼏乎所有的嵌⼊式软件开发都使⽤了C语⾔. 13. Software developers mostly focus on the research of the software development framework. 软件开发框架的研究⼀直是软件开发者关注的课题. 14. What major challenge is the component approach to system development addressing? 组件式软件开发⽅法欲解决软件开发上的哪些挑战或难题呢 ? 15. The increasing scale and complexity of software challenges software development dramatically. 软件的规模和复杂度不断增加,使得软件开发⾯临巨⼤挑战.。



Agile(即:敏捷方法)是一套与传统软件工程显著不同的价值观和原则,是包括Scrum 和XP(Extreme Programming,极限编程)在内的所有敏捷过程或方法所共同具有的某些性质和特征,而不是某一个具体的过程、方法论或做法。










一.Agile的目标简单说,Agile的目标就是Good Software, Quickly and at Low Cost!敏捷的目标应该是重新审视现有软件开发流程,放弃不切实际的梦想(流水线和准确计划),根据敏捷的基本原则,重新优化现有流程和文档体系,但不是全面推到重来。












是谁这么厉害,提出了敏捷开发思想?是⼀位名叫 Martin Fowler 的美国⼤叔。

⼤叔不但是敏捷开发的创始⼈之⼀,还在⾯向对象开发、设计模式、UML 建模领域做出了重要贡献。

⽬前担任 ThoughtWorks 公司的⾸席科学家。

Scrum开发3个⾓⾊Product Owner(PO) -- 产品负责⼈,产品所有者Scrum Master(SM) -- 敏捷顾问Development Team -- 开发团队细分之11个⾓⾊(领域和技术)加号为必须有的成员,其它视情况⽽定领域+Product Owner(PO)--产品⽅向及⽬标,并根据使⽤者的需求来设计有价值的产品+Scrum Master(SM)--顾问,确保团队是⽤敏捷的⽅式进⾏⼯作,追踪维持团队的效率Translator(技术转译)--协助PO理解技术内容,商业价值和技术沟通的桥梁Domain Expert --某个领域的专家,协助PO来判断产品价值Change Agent -- 公司内位阶较⾼者,协助SM来排除由于组织等造成的阻碍,加上组织变⾰的脚步技术+Tech Lead --设计技术架构并协调领导开发团队和技术⽅向,依照设计撰写程式,解决开发过程中的错误+UI/UX Designer -- 设计使⽤者界⾯+Developer -- 真正打造应⽤程式的程式设计师Data Architect 负责提供资料数据来源及设计整个数据架构Data Scientist--透过探索分析数据已及建⽴模型来寻找潜在的价值Data Engineer -- 负责处理整个数据与资料流中运算、储存分析与实作的各种相关事情主要负责和客户沟通确定产品的功能和达到要求的标准,并指定软件的发布⽇期和交付的内容,同时有权⼒接受或拒绝开发团队的⼯作成果,⼀般是由产品经理担任。



软件工程专业术语1. 软件工程 (Software Engineering)软件工程是一门关于设计、开发、测试和维护软件的学科。


2. 需求工程 (Requirement Engineering)需求工程是软件工程的一个重要环节,它负责收集、分析和规范软件系统的需求。


3. 软件开发生命周期 (Software Development Life Cycle, SDLC)软件开发生命周期是指软件从概念到退役的整个过程。


4. 原型设计 (Prototype Design)原型设计是软件开发过程中的一种设计技术,目的是通过建立一个简化的模型来验证系统的功能和用户界面。


5. 软件测试 (Software Testing)软件测试是用来检验系统是否满足规定要求的过程。


6. 配置管理 (Configuration Management)配置管理是为了管理和跟踪软件系统的版本和变更。


7. 敏捷开发 (Agile Development)敏捷开发是一种迭代和增量的软件开发方法,强调与客户的紧密合作、快速反馈和灵活应变。


8. 面向对象 (Object-Oriented)面向对象是一种常用的软件设计方法,它以对象为中心,将数据和对该数据的操作封装到对象中。


9. 设计模式 (Design Pattern)设计模式是一套被广泛应用于软件设计的解决方案。



IPD体系向敏捷开发模式转型实施成功的四个关键因素⽂/杨学明集成产品开发(IPD)、集成能⼒成熟度模型(CMMI)、敏捷开发(Agile Development)是当前国内外企业产品研发管理的最常⽤的3种模式。


另外,软件项⽬在产品开发中位置越来越重要,逐渐占领主导地位,这时传统的IPD流程和CMMI流程就显得有些繁锁,不能快速响应市场的变化和客户需求,敏捷开发(Agile Development)应运⽽⽣。



敏捷开发模式已应⽤于Microsoft、Google, Amazon,IBM等⼤型软件公司中,在中国,从2006年开始,华为、腾讯、阿⾥巴巴、百度等⼤型软件公司也陆续引进敏捷开发和测试的先进理念,并进⾏了成功的实践。

IPD和敏捷融合的过程中, 以下的问题是必须考虑到的:IPD更加重视过程,⽽敏捷更加重视结果,如何做到统⼀?IPD需求⼀个端到端的团队,⽽敏捷是⼀个⼩规模团队,如何适应?IPD要求⾯⾯俱到的⽂档,⽽敏捷要求简化⽂档,如何平衡?IPD更加关注产品的管理,⽽敏捷更加关注运营的管理,如何做互补?IPD要求产品质量完全⽆缺陷发布,⽽敏捷可以带着风险发布,是不是有冲突?………很多企业的产品或项⽬开发尝试使⽤敏捷开发模式,但还是有如下的问题:1. 越来越多的企业希望采⽤,但没有把握,没有精通敏捷思想的教练;2. ⼤部分的团队习惯于传统的IPD或CMMI已不满⾜快速发展需要,突然切换到敏捷也不现实;3. 缺少敏捷软件开发专家和⼈才;4. 技术⼈员需要观念的转变和⽅法培训;5. 缺乏相应的质量控制⽅法,敏捷在现⾏的质量体系下如何运作?6. 需要经常的和及时的质量度量、测试、决策;7. ⾃动化测试不能落到实处,每⽇构建(Daily Build)仍是纸上谈兵⾯对这些问题,共创⼒资深顾问杨学明⽼师根据多年研发管理和团队管理经验,结合为多家企业实施IPD和敏捷融合的经验,总结出以下四个关键因素:1、组织⽅⾯的变⾰1) IPD组织与敏捷组织的差异,IPD体系⽐较偏向于矩阵式管理,但敏捷更加偏向于扁平化,领导和员⼯共同为交付负责;2) 管理者思维的转变,以⼈和交流为中⼼,⽽⾮以流程和制度为中⼼;3) 开发⼈员思维的转变,需要多次提交在本地构建成功的版本进⾏与其它模块进⾏集成测试,原来是周期性提交,现在需要每⽇提交;4) 测试⼈员思维的转变,测试活动需要前移,测试⼈员需要参与开发过程的测试.5) 质量保持⼈员从警察到复合型⼈才的转变(医⽣、牧师、教练、警察四个⾓⾊)2、流程⽅⾯的变⾰1) 在IPD流程中嵌⼊敏捷开发流程,IPD依然是公司级流程,敏捷更偏重实践。


Agile Software Development 敏捷软件开发
Kris Zhang 章征晖 江苏微软技术中心 zhangzh@
什么是敏捷开发? 敏捷的4个宣言 敏捷的12个原则 XP敏捷方法 Scrum敏捷方法 对敏捷方法的思考
Jiangsu Microsoft Technology Center
本质1:敏捷强调适应而非预测。 本质2:敏捷过程以人为中心,而非以过程为中心。
Jiangsu Microsoft Technology Center 4
极限编程XP(eXtreme Programming) Scrum敏捷开发方法 动态系统开发方法DSDM(Dynamic System Development Method) 水晶系列开发方法(Crystal Methodologies) 适配性软件方法ASD(Adaptive Software Development) 特征驱动开发FDD(Feature Driven Development) 精益软件开发方法Lean 敏捷数据库技术AD(Agile Database Techniques) 敏捷建模AM(Agile Modeling)
Rational RUP (Booch、Rumbaugh、Jacobson) CMU/SEI CMM/CMMI(Watts Humphery)
Barry W. Boehm 在IBM得出的软件修改成本与修复时间 的关系曲线几乎是所有以计划驱动的重载软件开发过 程的理论基础 敏捷方法论正式从这条曲线上找到了攻击传统软件工 程,建立自己的新体系的突破口
Jiangsu Microsoft Technology Center 18



敏捷开发已经越来越受到人们的关注,User Story作为敏捷需求分析的一种重要工具和方法,也越来越受到敏捷开发团队的重视,但是市面上关于User Story 的资料目前较少,而且多为英文资料,所以将我自己读的这本《User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development》翻译如下。

User Story 在敏捷开发过程中的应用敏捷开发团队的彻底审查和努力实践证实了User Stories 应用提供了一种节省时间、减少重复工作、并且能够做出更好的软件需求过程。

构造满足客户需求的软件的最好方法就是从简短的、清晰的、扼要的并且对最终用户有价值的User Stories开始。

,在这本书中,Mike Cohn提供了一种如何编写User Stories以及如何在软件开发生命周期中运用它们的详尽蓝图。

你将会学习到,怎样编写一个好的User Story ,而怎样又会导致一个坏的User Story产生呢?你还将会学习即使在你无法和客户交谈的情况下,仍能获取到User Stories 的实用方法。

如果你已经编写完User Stories 了,Cohn 将会指导你怎样去组织他们,怎样来划分优先级,以及怎样运用他们来进行计划、管理和测试。

◆用户角色模型:理解用户的共同和不同之处◆获取stories:用户访谈、调查问卷、观察和讨论会(译者注:此处作者使用了workshop,但是翻译成工作场所,此处不合适,难道他的本意是到客户工厂去工作几天,这确实是个好方法)◆同客户中的管理者、培训人员、销售人员和其他代理商等一起工作◆编写可测试的User Stories。

◆根据User Stories 来划分优先级,制定计划,估算成本◆章尾问题和练习User Stories 应用对于使用任何敏捷开发方法的软件开发人员、测试人员、分析人员和管理者都是极其有价值的。



Agile Process (敏捷的开发流程) 是一种软件开发 流程的泛称,几项共通的特性 :
1. 客户与开发人员形成密切合作的团队,因为客户无法于 初期定义完整的规格,而开发人员于开发过程中也常常 无法知悉外在环境或业务的变动,所以需要两者密切合 作方能开发适用的软件。
2. 项目最终的目标是可执行的程序,因此所有的中间产品 必须经过审慎评估,确认有助于最终目标,才需要制作 中间产品。
给定周期内能够完成多少商业价值,以便用于 衡量将来该团队能够提供的商业价值。也即昨 天的天气。
优先级 主要考虑商业价值,同时兼顾市场风
险、商业风险、技术风险等因素在内的一个衡 量数字,优先级越高通常意味着其商业价值越 高
风险系数 综合商业环境、项目资源、技术以
Working software over comprehensive documentation 正在运行的软件本身重于复杂的文档
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation 与客户的沟通和交流重于使用合同约束客户
Responding to change over following a plan 对变化的快速响应重于跟随计划
依赖倒置原则DIP:Dependency Invertion Principle
接口隔离原则ISP:Interface Separate Principle
பைடு நூலகம்
最新版本 开发

敏捷宣言Agile Manifesto(中英对照版)

敏捷宣言Agile Manifesto(中英对照版)

Manifesto for Agile Software DevelopmentWe are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a planThat is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.敏捷软件开发宣言我们一直在实践中探寻更好的软件开发方法,身体力行的同时也帮助他人。










NUS-ISS EBAC硕士入学考试试卷样本

NUS-ISS EBAC硕士入学考试试卷样本

NUS-ISS Master of TechnologyEntrance Test Sample QuestionsSECTION A: General for Enterprise Business Analytics& Intelligent Systems (20 Questions)•Mathematical•Reasoning•Logical Capabilities1. A man on tour travelling on the Tour de France initially travels 80 km at 32 km/hr andthen the next 160 km at 40 km/hr. The average speed for the first 160 km of the tour is:A.25 km/hrB.34.2 km/hrC.35.56 km/hrD.40 km/hrE.44.2 km/hr2.NUS organised a special IT careers fair 40% of the local students and 50% of theforeign students participated in the same. What fraction of the total number of students took part in the fair?A.40%.B.45%C.50%.D.55%E.It is not possible to make an estimate3.Which of the below words is most likely to be the opposite to “passive”A.ImpassiveB.ReceptiveC.UnresponsiveD.EnthusiasticE.Active4. A fire which breaks out in the floor of a building and then subsequently spreads to allfloors of the building is best described as?A.An accidentB.A disasterC.A conflagrationD.A blazeE.An Incident5.“Agile software development describes a set of values and principles for softwaredevelopment under which requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams; It advocates adaptive planning,evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement, and itencourages rapid and flexible response to change”- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Based on the above description; what techniques or approaches are not employed in Agile SoftwareA.Evolutionary DevelopmentB.Teams with members coming from different business areasC.Adherence to challenging timescales and detailed plansD.Early delivery of working softwareE.Managing evolving requirementsSECTION B: Enterprise Business Analytics (30 Questions)•Basic Statistics•Data Visualisation1.The difference between the largest and the smallest data values is theA. SkewnessB. Interquartile rangeC. RangeD, Coefficient of variationE. Kurtosis2.What is the Mean, Median and Mode of the following data: 34, 34, 36, 30, 32, 28, 30, 30?A. 32.15, 31, 31B. 31.55, 30, 30C. 32, 30, 31D, 31.75, 31 ,30E. 31.55, 31 ,303. A clothing shop in the USA that specializes in warm outdoor clothing has experiencedhigher sales during months of October, November and December. Monthly sales patterns for this shop over the year are an example of which component of time series.?A.TrendB.SeasonalC.CyclicalD.IrregularE.Disruptive4.Two events, A and B, are mutually exclusive.•The probability of A occurring = P(A); (0 < P(A) <1)•The probability of B occurring = P(B); (0 < P(B) <1)Suppose event A occurs, then the probability of the occurrence of event B is?F.0G. 1H.P(B)I.P(A) * P(B)J.P(B)/P(A)5.The following statements are made:•Some Lawyers are fools.•Some fools are poor.Which of the below statements are true?K.“Some Lawyers are poor”L.“Some poor people are Lawyers”M.“Some Lawyers are poor” or “Some poor people are Lawyers”N.Neither “Some Lawyers are poor” and “Some poor people are Lawyers”O. Both “Some Lawyers are poor” and “Some poor people are Lawyers”SECTION B: Intelligent Systems (30 Questions)•Problem-solving skills•Computation abilities1.Which of the following pseudo code blocks will be executed by the following pseudocode?noSides := 4sidesEqual := Trueangles90 := TrueIf noSides = 3 Then// I am a triangleElse noSides = 5 Then// I am a pentagonElse If sidesEqual = True and angles90 = False Then//I am a rhombusElse If sidesEqual = False Then//I am a rectangleElse If angles90 = True Then//I am a squareend Ifend Ifend Ifend Ifend IfA. I am a triangle.B. I am a pentagon.C. I am a rhombus.D. I am a rectangle.E. I am a square.2.The payoff (X) for buying a $1 lottery ticket has the following probability distribution.Payoff ProbabilityX=Win $100 0.1%X= = Lose $0 99,9%What is the expected value of X?A.$50B.$10C.$1D.$0.1E.$0.013. A private educational advisor has guaranteed that any high school student who is taught byhim well have a 90% chance of entering the prestigious National University. Two high school students are currently being taught by the advisor. Assuming each student’s results are independent what is the probability that at least one of them will be successful inentering the National University?A.0.5B.0.65C.0.88D.0.9E.0.994..Peter walks south for 20 m, turns right and walks another 10 m.He then turns left and walks slowly for 10 m. Then he turns right, and runs 20m and stops.In which direction is he with respect to his initial position?A.South-EastB.North-EastC.North-WestD.South-WestE.South5.What is the next number in the series: 42, 41, 39, 36, 35, 33…?A.32B.31C.30D.29E.28Software Engineering (1 section, 42 questions) •Mathematical/Reasoning/Logical capabilities•General IT knowledge•Programming•Software development practices•Basic software technology (mobile/web)•Basic project management1.A man on tour travelling on the Tour de France initially travels 80 km at 32 km/hr and then the next 160 km at 40 km/hr. The average speed for the first 160 km of the tour is:A. 25 km/hrB. 34.2 km/hrC. 35.56 km/hrD. 40 km/hrE. 44.2 km/hr2.Which of the below words is most likely to be the opposite to “passive”A. ImpassiveB. ReceptiveC. UnresponsiveD. EnthusiasticE. Active3.“Agile software development describes a set of values and principles for softwaredevelopment under which requirements and solutions evolve through thecollaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams; It advocatesadaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuousimprovement, and it encourages rapid and flexible response to change”-Wikipedia, the free encyclopaediaBased on the above description; what techniques or approaches are not employed in Agile SoftwareA. Evolutionary DevelopmentB. Teams with members coming from different business areasC. Adherence to challenging timescales and detailed plansD. Early delivery of working softwareE. Managing evolving requirements4. One of the tasks involved in preparing a project plan is Precedence Analysis . Which of the below is a major reason for carrying out precedence analysis A. Estimating the Effort required to perform the tasks in the project plan B. Determining the resources required to carry out the tasks in the project plan C. Determine the links between the various tasks in the project plan D. Identifying the major requirements for the project E. All of the above are major reasons for carrying out precedence analysis5. Which example below represents the ‘Object Composition’ relationship? A.B.C.D.6. Which of the following statements is true about Version Control of software? A. It improves the quality of the software B. It restricts the number of versions of the software C. It is a mechanism to enable team members to work on the same copy of the source code D. It can only be used with source code and not on any other form of artefacts7.Inspect the code-snippets for the classe shown below.public class InterestRateComputer {public double interest (double amount) {double interest = 0;if (balance > MIN_BALANCE) {//compute the regular interestreturn interest;}else {//compute interest for below min balancereturn interest;}return -1;}}Which one of the following code-smells can you identify?A.Dead codeB.Duplicate codeC.Temporary FieldD.There is no code smell8.Which GoF design pattern is best represented by the following design?A.ObserverB.SingletonC.PrototypeD.Facade。



软件人员推荐书目(都是国外经典书籍!!!软件人员推荐书目(一大师篇一、科学哲学和管理哲学【1】"程序开发心理学"(The Psychology of Computer Programming : Silver Anniversary Edition【2】"系统化思维导论"(An Introduction to Systems Thinking, Silver Anniversary Edition【3】"系统设计的一般原理"( General Principles of Systems Design【4】"质量?软件?管理(第1卷——系统思维"(Quality Software Management:Systems Thinking【5】"成为技术领导者——解决问题的有机方法"(Becoming A Technical Leader:An Organic Problem Solving Approach 【6】"你的灯亮着吗?-发现问题的真正所在"( Are Your Lights On? How to Figure Out What the Problem Really Is【7】"程序员修炼之道"(The Pragmatic Programmer【8】"与熊共舞:软件项目风险管理" (Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects【9】"第五项修炼: 学习型组织的艺术与实务"( The Fifth Discipline二、计算机科学基础【10】"计算机程序设计艺术"(The Art of Computer Programming【11】"深入理解计算机系统"(Computer Systems A Programmer's Perspective【12】"算法导论"(Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition【13】"数据结构与算法分析—— C语言描述(原书第2版 "(Data Structure & Algorithm Analysis in C, Second Edition 【14】"自动机理论、语言和计算导论(第2版"(Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation(Second Edition 【15】"离散数学及其应用(原书第四版"(Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications,Fourth Edition【16】"编译原理"(Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools【17】"现代操作系统"(Modern Operating System【18】"计算机网络(第4版"(Computer Networks【19】"数据库系统导论(第7版"(An Introduction to Database Systems(Seventh Edition三、软件工程思想【20】"人件"(Peopleware : Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd Ed.【21】"人件集——人性化的软件开发"( The Peopleware Papers: Notes on the Human Side of Software【22】"人月神话"(The Mythical 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Explained【37】"设计模式:可复用面向对象软件的基础"( Design Patterns:Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented software【38】"面向模式的软件体系结构卷1:模式系统"( Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1: A System of Patterns 【39】"软件设计的艺术"(Bringing Design to Software六、程序设计【40】"编程珠矶"(Programming Pearls Second Edition【41】"C程序设计语言(第2版?新版"(The C Programming Language【42】"C++ 程序设计语言(特别版"(The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition【43】"C++ Primer (3RD"【44】"C++语言的设计和演化"(The Design and Evolution of C++【45】"C++ 编程思想(2ND"(Thinking in C++ Second Edition【46】"Effective C++" & "More Effective C++"【47】"C++编程艺术"(The Art of C++【48】"Java 编程思想:第3版"( Thinking in Java, Third Edition【49】"Effective Java"七、软件测试【50】"测试驱动开发(中文版"(Test-driven development:by example【51】"面向对象系统的测试"(Testing Object-Oriented System: Models, Patterns, and Tools【52】"单元测试之道Java版——使用Junit"/ "单元测试之道C#版——使用NUnit" (Pragmatic Unit Testing:In Java with JUnit / Pragmatic Unit Testing:In C# with NUnit八、软件维护和重构【53】"重构-改善既有代码的设计"(Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code九、配置管理和版本控制【54】"版本控制之道——使用CVS"(程序员修炼三部曲第一部:Pragmatic Version Control Using CVS十、领域专题(网络、平台、数据库相关【55】"TCP/IP详解"( TCP/IP Illustracted【56】"Unix网络编程"(UNIX Network Programming【57】"UNIX环境高级编程"(Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment 【58】"UNIX 编程艺术"(The Art of Unix Programming【59】"数据访问模式——面向对象应用中的数据库交互"软件人员推荐书目(二拾遗篇【1】"系统思考"( 第五项修炼的核心,经理人处理复杂问题的利器 (Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Manager's Guide to Applying Systems Thinking 【2】"模式分析的核方法"(Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis【3】"计算机科学概论:第8版"(Computer Science : An Overview (8th Edition【4】"计算机科学导论"(Foundations of Computer Science: From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation【5】"编码的奥秘"(CODE【6】"具体数学:计算机科学基础(英文版.第2版"(Concrete Mathematics A Foundation for Computer Science(Second Edition 【7】"数据结构与算法分析C++描述(第2版(英文影印版"(Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++(2nd ed.【8】"数据结构与算法分析—— Java语言描述"(Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java【9】"数据结构、算法与应用:C++描述"(Data Structures,Algorithms and Applications in C++【10】"数据结构与算法分析(C++版第二版" (Practice Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis (C++ Edition (2nd Edition【11】"数据结构C++语言描述"(Data Structures C++【12】"图论简明教程"(A Friendly Introduction to Graph Theory【13】"操作系统概念(第六版"(Operating System Concepts,Sixth Edition【14】"操作系统:设计与实现(第二版上册、下册(新版"(OPERATING SYSTEMS:Design and Implementation(Second edition 【15】"分布式系统-原理与范型"(Distributed Systems:Principles and Paradigms【16】"4.4 BSD操作系统设计与实现(中文版"(The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operation System【17】"莱昂氏UNIX源代码分析"(Lion' Commentary on UNIX 6th Edition With Source Code【18】"Linux内核设计与实现"(Linux Kernel Development【19】"编译原理及实践"(Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice【20】"数据与计算机通信(第七版"(Data and Computer Communications, Seventh Edition【21】"数据库系统概念"(Database System Concepts, Fourth Edition【22】"数据库管理系统:原理与设计(第3版" (Database Management Systems(Third Edition【23】"数据库原理、编程与性能(原书第2版" (Database-Principles, Programming, and Performance Second Edition 【24】"最后期限"(The Deadline:a novel about project management【25】"死亡之旅(第二版" (Death March, Second Edition【26】"技术人员管理—创新、协作和软件过程"(Managing Technical People:Innovation,Teamwork,and the Software Process 【27】"个体软件过程"(Introduction to the Personal Software Process【28】"小组软件开发过程"(Introduction to the Team Software Process【29】"软件工程规范"(A Discipline for Software Engineering【30】"快速软件开发——有效控制与完成进度计划"(Rapid Development【31】"超越传统的软件开发——极限编程的幻象与真实"【32】"敏捷软件开发-使用SCRUM过程(影印版"(Agile Software Development with Scrum【33】"解析极限编程:拥抱变化(影印版"(Extreme ProgrammingExplained:Embrace Change【34】"敏捷软件开发工具——精益开发方法"(Lean Software Development:An Agile Toolkit【35】"敏捷软件开发(中文版"(Agile Software Development【36】"特征驱动开发方法原理与实践"(A Practical Guide to Feature-Driven Development【37】"敏捷建模:极限编程和统一过程的有效实践"(Agile Modeling:Effective Practices for eXtreme Programming and the Unified Process【38】"敏捷项目管理"(Agile Project Management: Creating Innovative Products【39】"自适应软件开发—一种管理复杂系统的协作模式" (Adaptive Software Development:a collaborative approach to managing complex systems【40】"Rational统一过程:实践者指南"(The Rational Unified Process Made Easy: A Practitioner's Guide to the RUP 【41】"CMMI精粹--集成化过程改进实用导论"(CMMI Distilled: A Practical Introduction to Integrated Process Improvement 【42】"CMMI——过程集成与产品改进指南(影印版"(CMMI : Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement【43】"领域驱动开发"(Domain-Driven Design:Tacking Complexity in the heart of software【44】"创建软件工程文化"(Creating a Software Engineering Culture【45】"过程模式"(More Process Patterns : Delivering Large-Scale Systems Using Object Technology【46】"软件工艺"(Software Craftsmanship【47】"软件需求"(Software Requirements【48】"软件需求管理:统一方法"(Managing Software Requirements:A Unified Approach【49】"软件复用技术:在系统开发过程中考虑复用" (Software Reuse Techniques Adding Reuse to the Systems Development Process【50】"软件复用:结构、过程和组织"(Software Reuse Architecture,Process and Organization for Business Success 【51】"分析模式:可复用的对象模型" (Analysis Patterns :Reusable Object Models【52】"Design by Contract原则与实践"( Design by Contract by Example【53】"UML 用户指南"(The Unified Modeling Language User Guide【54】"UML参考手册"(The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual【55】"系统分析与设计(第5版"(Systems Analysis and Design, Fifth Edition【56】"软件构架实践(第2版" (Software Architecture in Practice,Second Edition 【57】"企业应用架构模式"(Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture【58】"软件体系结构的艺术"(The Art of Software Architecture:Design Methods and Techniques【59】"软件构架编档"(Documenting Software Architectures:Views and Beyond 【60】"OO项目求生法则"(Surviving Object-Oriented Projects【61】"OOD启思录" (Object-Oriented Design Heuristics【62】"对象揭秘:Java、Eiffel和C++"(Objects Unencapsulated: Java, Eiffel and C++【63】"软件开发的科学与艺术"(The Science and Art of Software Development 【64】"程序设计实践"(The Practice of Programming【65】"代码阅读方法与实践"(Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective 【66】"代码大全"(Code Complete【67】"重构手册(中文版"(Refactoring workbook【68】"程序设计语言——实践之路"(Programming Language Pragmatics 【69】"高质量程序设计指南--C++/C语言"【70】"C程序设计(第二版"【71】"C++程序设计"【72】"C++面向对象程序设计"(Object-Oriented Programming in C++ Fourth Edition【73】"C++ Gotchas(影印版"(C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design【74】"Essential C++ 中文版"(Essential C++【75】"C++经典问答"(C++ FAQs (2nd Edition【76】"C++ Templates中文版"(C++ Templates: The Complete Guide【77】"C++标准程序库—自修教程与参考手册"(The C++ Standard Library 【78】"C++ STL(中文版"(C++ Standard Template Library【79】"泛型编程与STL"(Generic Programming and the STL: Using and Extending the C++ Standard Template Library 【80】"C++多范型设计"(Multi-Paradigm Design for C++【81】"C++设计新思维(泛型编程与设计模式之应用"(Modern C++ Design : Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied 【82】"C++沉思录"(Ruminations on C++【83】"Accelerated C++ 中文版"(Accelerated C++【84】"Advanced C++ 中文版"(Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms【85】"Exceptional C++(中文版" "More Exceptional C++(英文版" (Exceptional C++, More Exceptional C++【86】"C++编程惯用法——高级程序员常用方法和技巧" (C++ Strategies and Tactics【87】"深度探索C++对象模型"(Inside The C++ Object Model【88】"Applied C++ 中文版——构建更佳软件的实用技术"(Applied C++: practical techniques for building better software 【89】"C++高效编程:内存与性能优化"(C++ Footprint and Performance Optimization【90】"提高C++性能的编程技术"(Efficient C++: Performance Programming Techniques【91】"代码优化:有效使用内存"(Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage【92】"大规模C++程序设计" ( large-Scale C++ Software Design【93】"Java编程语言(第三版"(The Java Programming Language,Third Edition【94】"UML Java程序员指南"(UML For Java Programmers【95】"最新Java 2 核心技术"(Core Java 2【96】"Java编程艺术"(The Art of Java【97】"J2EE核心模式(原书第2版"(Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies, Second Edition【98】"应用程序调试技术"(Debugging Applications【99】"软件测试"(Software Testing A Craftsmaj's Approach(Second Edition【100】"软件测试求生法则"(Surviving the Top Ten Challenges of Software Testing:A People-Oriented Approach【101】"功能点分析—成功软件项目的测量实践"(Function PointAnalysis:Measurement Practices for Successful Software Projects 【102】"走查、审查与技术复审手册—对程序、项目与产品进行评估(第3版"(Handbook of Walkthroughs,Inspections,and Technical Reviews:Evaluating Programs,Projects,and Products,3rd ed.【103】"配置管理原理与实践"(Configuration Management Principles and Practice【104】"软件发布方法"(Software Release Methodology【105】"Lex 与Yacc(第二版"(Lex & Yacc,Second Edition【106】"用TCP/IP进行网际互联"(TCP/IP网络互联技术(Internetworking With TCP/IP【107】"TCP/IP路由技术"(Routing TCP/IP【108】"Windows 程序设计(第5版(上、下册"(Programming Windows (Fifth Edition【109】".NET构架技术与Visual C++编程"(.NET Architecture and Programming using Visual C++【110】"Microsoft .NET程序设计技术内幕" (Programming Microsoft .NET【111】"Microsoft C# Windows程序设计(上、下册"【112】"基于C++ CORBA 高级编程"(Advanced CORBA Programming withC++【113】"计算机图形学"(Computer Graphics【114】"计算机图形学:C语言版(第2版"英文影印版"(Computer Graphics: C Version, Second Edition【115】"计算机图形学(第三版"(Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 3e【116】"Windows游戏编程大师技巧(第二版"(Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, 2nd【117】"顶级游戏设计:构造游戏世界"(Ultimate Game Design: Building Game Worlds【118】"汇编语言编程艺术"(The Art of Assembly Language【119】"软件剖析――代码攻防之道"(Exploiting Software:how to break code 【120】"编写安全的代码"(Writing secure Code【121】"应用密码学(协议算法与C源程序"(AppliedCryptography:Protocols,Algorithms,and Source Code in C【122】"网络信息安全的真相"(Secrets and Lies:Digital Security in a Networked World【123】"数据仓库项目管理"(Data Warehouse Project Management【124】"数据挖掘概念与技术"(Data Mining:Concepts and Techniques【125】"人工智能"(Artifical Intelligence: A new Synthesis 【126】"神经网络设计" (Neural Network Design【127】"网格计算"(Grid Computing【128】"工作流管理—模型方法和系统"(workflow management:models,methods,and systems。



云效敏捷开发流程Agile development is a software development methodology that emphasizes flexibility and adaptability. It is a mindset that values collaboration, response to change, and delivering working softwarein a timely manner. 敏捷开发是一种侧重于灵活性和适应性的软件开发方法论。


In recent years, with the rapid development of technology and the increasingly fierce competition in the software industry, many companies have turned to Agile development to improve their productivity and delivery speed. 近年来,随着技术的快速发展以及软件行业竞争日益激烈,许多公司转向敏捷开发,以提高他们的生产效率和交付速度。

One of the popular tools for Agile development is YunXiao. It provides a platform for project management, continuous integration, and deployment automation, helping teams collaborate effectively and deliver high-quality software. 用于敏捷开发的热门工具之一是云效。




瀑布敏捷开发方法Agile development is an incremental and iterative approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer feedback. 瀑布敏捷开发方法是一种逐步和迭代的软件开发方法,强调灵活性、合作和客户反馈。

Unlike traditional waterfall methods, which follow a sequential process of defining requirements, designing, coding, testing, and deploying, agile development takes a more flexible and collaborative approach to delivering value to customers. 与传统的瀑布方法不同,传统方法按照顺序进行需求定义、设计、编码、测试和部署,而敏捷开发则更注重灵活性和合作交付价值给客户。

One of the key principles of agile development is the idea of prioritizing individuals and interactions over processes and tools. 敏捷开发的一个关键原则是优先考虑个体和协作,而不是过程和工具。

This means that agile teams focus on building strong relationships and effective communication to ensure that everyone is aligned towards the same goals. 这意味着敏捷团队专注于建立良好的关系和高效的沟通,以确保每个人都朝着相同的目标努力。



敏捷开发方法论Agile development methodology is a popular approach in software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and quick iterations. This methodology values customer feedback and adaptability, allowing teams to respond to changes in requirements and priorities effectively. 敏捷开发方法论强调灵活性、协作和快速迭代,在软件开发中备受青睐。


One of the key principles of agile development is the concept of continuous improvement. By regularly reflecting on their processes and outcomes, teams can identify areas for enhancement and make adjustments accordingly. This iterative approach allows for incremental progress and helps teams deliver high-quality products that meet customer needs. 敏捷开发的一个关键原则是持续改进的概念。



In agile development, communication and collaboration among team members play a vital role in the success of a project. Open and transparent communication fosters trust and enables the team to work together towards a common goal. By sharing information, ideas, and feedback, team members can leverage each other's strengths and expertise to solve problems more effectively. 在敏捷开发中,团队成员之间的沟通和协作在项目的成功中起着至关重要的作用。



Agile(即:敏捷方法)是一套与传统软件工程显著不同的价值观和原则,是包括Scrum 和XP(Extreme Programming,极限编程)在内的所有敏捷过程或方法所共同具有的某些性质和特征,而不是某一个具体的过程、方法论或做法。










一.Agile的目标简单说,Agile的目标就是Good Software, Quickly and at Low Cost!敏捷的目标应该是重新审视现有软件开发流程,放弃不切实际的梦想(流水线和准确计划),根据敏捷的基本原则,重新优化现有流程和文档体系,但不是全面推到重来。






敏捷软件开发宣⾔–ManifestoforAgileSoftwareDevelopment 敏捷开发, 谁不会呀, 不就是
没⽂档, 出活快, ⽤户说啥都能改?
下⾯是⼀个笑话, 王屋村的⼤⽜说 -
我最近转⼿接了⼀个活, 完事能挣四五万, 我拿过图纸⼀看, 不就是盖⼀烟囱吗? 我们是敏捷 (Agile) 的团队,要⽂档作甚? 马上开始⼲活!
原来, 图纸看倒了,⼈家让挖⼝井。

不过, 我们是敏捷的团队, 被客户打了也要拥抱变化, 好不容易砌好的烟囱不能这么废了, 要不断重构, 代码重⽤。

于是我们在地上挖了⼀个⼤坑, 然后把重构后的烟囱强⼒插⼊, 终于把这⼝ “井”做好了!
我在《现代软件⼯程》这门课上讲到了敏捷开发流程, 其中内容⽐“没⽂档, 出活快, ⽤户说啥都能改” 要多得多。

我们认同“现有的做法”有其价值, 但是我们更倾向于“敏捷的做法”。

关于敏捷软件开发的 12 条原则, 仁者见仁, 智者见智. 。



cbam报告中文解读CBAM是Change-Based Agile Methodology的缩写,即基于变化的敏捷方法论。





以下是CBAM方法论的主要原则和流程:1. 变化导致的价值:CBAM认为变化是一种源自市场环境、客户需求和业务策略等方面的机会,而不仅仅是一个问题。


2. 团队协作和自组织:CBAM倡导高度自组织的团队工作方式,鼓励成员之间的密切合作和共享信息。


3. 基于反馈的迭代开发:CBAM强调通过快速迭代和不断反馈来预测和应对变化。


4. 敏捷价值交付:CBAM关注通过频繁的、小规模的交付来最大化价值。


5. 持续质量保证:CBAM强调质量的重要性,包括软件代码质量、用户体验以及与客户期望的一致性。


参考内容:1. Agile Project Management with CBAM: A Practical Guidebook for Agile Development Teams - 本书介绍了CBAM方法的实践指南,包括如何将CBAM方法应用于敏捷项目管理,以及具体的工具和技术。

2. Change-Based Agile Methodology: An Effective Approach for Agile Software Development - 这篇论文详细介绍了CBAM方法的核心原则和流程,并提供了在实际项目中应用CBAM的案例研究。

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软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
What is Methodology?
• It’s what you do–whatever that is–to create software • Series of related methods to coordinate people’s activities on a team • How work is done
Agile Software Development
• What is agile? And why agility? • Agile Manifesto and Principles • Agile Methodologies
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
Agile Development Process
• Iterative and evolutionary development • Timeboxing
– Set amount of time for iteration – Adapt future iteration based on the realities
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
Agile Manifesto and Principles
• Working software is the primary measure of progress. • Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. • Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. • Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential. • The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from selforganizing teams. • At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
XP Principles
• The Planning Game
– Scope next release with business priorities, technical estimates – Update the plan based on reality
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
Agile Manifesto
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
Agile Software Development
What is agile?
• What’s agility?
– Being agile
• What’s Agile?
– “marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace” – “having a quick resourceful and adaptable character”
• What does that mean?
– Process has to be lightweight and sufficient – Lightweight helps us adapt and move – Sufficient recognizes our ineffectiveness to be complete and relies on strong communication
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
Software School
Agile Software Development
Agile Software Development
Xidian University Software Engineering School
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Software School
Agile Software Development
XP (eXtreme Programming)
• • • • • XP Pair Programming Test-First Design Refactoring Continuous Integration
• • • •
Adaptive planning Incremental delivery Agility More focused on success than sticking with a plan • Working software is valued and considered measure of progress
Agile Manifesto and Principles
• Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. • Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. • Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. • Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. • The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is faceto-face conversation.
• Small Releases
– Put simply system into production quickly – Release new version in short cycle
• Metaphor
– Guide development with simple shared story of how the whole system works
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
XP (eXtreme Programming)
• At its core, XP is:
– Very Short Cycles – Intense Feedback – Networked Communication
软件工程研究所 Xidian University
Software School
Agile Software Development
Agile Methodologies?
Methodologies share common principles, but differ in practices • eXtreme Programming (XP) • Scrum • Evolutionary Project Management (Evo) • Unified Process (UP) • Crystal • Lean Development (LD) • Adaptive Software Development (ASD) • Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) • Feature Driven Development (FDD)