iRayDR 使用指导
XRayDR1.0.3.2 V
XRayDR User Guide
第 1 部分 概述 ................................................................................5
1.1 本手册的用途 ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 X线系统适用范围及禁忌症.......................................................................................................... 5 1.3 系统操作约定 ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 系统功能概述 ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.5 工作条件 ....................................................................................................................................... 7
西门子 syngo CT 说明书
syngo CT操作手册第三卷syngo Data Set Conversion syngo Calcium Scoring syngo Dental CTsyngo Dynamic Evaluation syngo Osteo CTsyngo Perfusion CT syngo Pulmo CT syngo Volume 软件版本B10Asyngo CT操作手册第一卷安全性软件包基础准备检查HeartView CT CARE Bolus CT CARE Vision CT第二卷syngo 病人浏览器 syngo 影像卡syngo 拍片卡syngo 3D第三卷syngo Data Set Conversion syngo Calcium Scoring syngo Dental CTsyngo Dynamic Evaluation syngo Osteo CTsyngo Perfusion CT syngo Pulmo CT syngo Volume第四卷syngo Colonography syngo InSpace 4D syngo LungCARE CT第五卷syngo Argussyngo Vessel Viewsy n g o C T 操作手册,第三卷西门子股份有限公司西门子医疗系统集团CT 部Siemensstr. 1D-91301 Forchheim, Germany 总部: 柏林和慕尼黑西门子股份有限公司Wittelsbacher Platz 2D-80333 Munich, Germany该产品带有符合1993年6月14日颁布的委员会规程93/42/EEC 中关于医疗器械的规定的CE 标志。
CE 标志仅适用于介绍的与上述综合EC 规程有关的医疗技术产品/医疗产品。
符号(数字)键盘快捷键窗位-(数字:数字)窗位+(数字:/)窗宽-(数字:*)窗宽+(数字:-)向后滚动检查(数字:7)向前滚动检查(数字:8)向后滚动系列(数字:4)向前滚动系列(数字:5)向后滚动图像(数字:1)向前滚动图像(数字:2)病人浏览器(数字:.)标记(数字:3)复制到底片(数字:Enter )发送到节点1 (数字:+)病人登记(数字:0)Alt +字母带有下划线字母的菜单/按钮的功能Ctrl + Tab 转换激活的任务卡/翻页滚动卡层叠(Ctrl + Shift + Tab 向后的方向)Alt + F4关闭浏览器Ctrl + C 复制Ctrl + I 导入数据Ctrl + P 底片曝光作业Ctrl + V粘贴Ctrl + W保存窗值s y n g o C T 操作手册,第三卷3概述简介 (7)Data Set Conversion (14)CaScoring (16)Dental (30)DynEva (42)Osteo (52)Perfusion (64)Pulmo (88)Volume (98)s y n g o C T 操作手册,第三卷4s y n g o C T 操作手册,第三卷5内容简介 (7)一般信息.........................11SOMATOM life (13)Data Set Conversion (14)数据集转换 (15)CaScoring (16)加载原始图像.....................17投照模式.........................17更改图像设置.....................19筛检.............................21标记发现的病变...................23评估结果.........................25报告.............................27编档和存储结果...................27Dental (30)加载原始图像.....................31更改图像设置.....................33计划全景图像和剖面图像..........35开始重建.........................39结果图像的评估、拍片和存储......41DynEva (42)加载原始图像.....................43更改图像设置.....................45评估图像区域.....................45评估结果的输出...................49结果的保存、输出和拍片. (51)Osteo (52)加载原始图像.....................53更改图像设置.....................55评估椎体扫描.....................57编辑轮廓线.......................59评估结果的输出...................61拍片和输出结果...................63s y n g o C T 操作手册,第三卷6Perfusion (64)加载原始图像.....................65选择计算模式.....................67更改图像设置.....................67分割.............................69参考血管定义.....................71血管定义.........................73Perfusion 结果计算...............75显示结果图像.....................79评估结果图像.....................83结果图像的拍片和存储............87Pulmo (88)加载原始图像.....................89更改图像设置.....................91标准评估.........................91校正肺轮廓.......................93评估结果的输出...................97Volume (98)加载原始图像.....................99更改图像设置....................101准备进行容积计算...............103互动容积评估....................105容积定义........................109进行评估........................111拍片和输出结果 (113)s y n g o C T 操作手册,第三卷7欢迎使用西门子公司SOMATOM ®CT 系统。
当你看到一幅Purejapan (文章最后将详细介绍Purejapan )出品的高质量的图片时,我想你心中的喜悦和那些艺术大师看见“梦娜丽莎的微笑”时是一样的。
一. 图片的来源目前在因特网上传播的成人图片,其来源大致可分为下列几种:1. 由明星的写真集或是杂志经扫描仪所扫出来的图;2. 由真人照片经过扫描仪所扫出来的图;3. 由数码相机直接拍摄的图;4. 从VCD或DVD上所撷取的画面;这些图片一般都是存储为JPG 格式,这些JPG 图象文件经过扫图高手的扫描及处理过后,传到扫图网站、新闻群组或贴图网站上供大家评鉴与收集,只要是扫描的技术好、图片的质量高,当然所取材的女主角更要漂亮,并且达到了一定的数量,就会受到集图家们的青睐和珍藏。
ISO EN 17636中文
焊缝的无损试验——熔焊接点的放射检验目录1.范围 (2)2.标准的参考文献 (2)3.术语和定义 (2)3.1额定厚度t (2)3.2穿透深度w (2)3.3 物体到胶片的距离b (3)3.4射线源大小d (3)3.5 射线源到胶片的距离SFD (3)3.6射线源到物体的距离f (3)3.7直径De (3)4符号和缩写 (3)5.放射技术的等级 (3)6概述 (4)6.1致电离射线辐射的防护 (4)6.2表面准备和生产步骤 (4)6.3在放射照片中焊缝的位置 (4)6.4 放射的标识 (4)6.5标注 (5)6.6胶片的重叠 (5)6.7图像质量指数的类型和位置 (5)6.8图像质量的评估 (6)6.9最低图像质量值 (6)6.10人员资格 (6)7进行辐射摄影建议的技术 (6)7.1检验调节 (6)7.2电压和辐射源的选择 (9)7.3胶片体系和屏幕 (10)7.4光束的调准 (12)7.5扩散辐射的减少 (12)7.6辐射源至物体的距离 (12)7.7一个单独照射的最大区域 (13)7.8辐射摄影术的色度 (14)7.9处理 (14)7.10胶片观测条件 (14)8试验报告 (15)附录A(规范化的) (16)铁材料的最低图像质量值 (16)A.1单面墙技术,IQI在辐射源边 (16)附录B(介绍性的) (20)圆形对接焊合格试验的参考曝光数量 (20)参考文献 (21)1.范围本国际标准规定了金属材料熔焊接点放射检验的基本技术。
正常现象。 当长时间拍摄或观 看图像时, 请使用 AC 电源适配 器。
2 照相机使用的是 AA 碱性
电池、锂电池或可充电镍 氢(镍金属氢化物)电池
* 有关您可使用的电池的详细信 息, 请参阅相机的用户手册。
■ 使用电池的注意事项
• 请勿加热电池或将电池扔进火 中。 • 请勿将电池触碰金属物体, 如 项链或发夹。 • 请勿将电池浸入水中, 弄湿电 池或将电池存放在潮湿场所。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池, 包括电 池的外壳。 • 请勿让电池受到强烈冲击。 • 请勿使用有泄漏、变形、变色 现象的电池。 • 请勿将电池存放在高温或潮湿 的地方。 • 请将电池存放在婴儿和儿童够 不着的地方。 • 确认电池按照极性标志 (C 和 D) 正确安装。 • 请勿混用新旧电池。 请勿混用 已充电电池和未充电的电池。 • 请勿混用不同型号或品牌的电
表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 备注 ○: ×: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。 “X (铅) 属欧盟 RoHS 指令的豁免范围之列。“X (Pb)” exempted from the application of EU RoHS. ” / is
下述标识表示误操作或忽略标识的警告信息可能造成的严重后 果。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成死亡或严重伤 害。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成人身伤害或物质 损失。
请勿在浴室 中使用相机。
警告 注意
请勿触摸内 部部件。
下述图标表示必须遵守的信息性质。 三角标志表示此信息需要注意 “重要” 。 ( ) 圆形标志加一斜线表示禁止行为 “禁止” 。 ( ) 实心圆形加一惊叹号表示用户必须执行的操作 “必 ( 须操作” 。 )
KODAK VISION3 50D 色彩肤色胶片 5203 7203的PDF文件说明书
KODAK VISION3 50DCOLOR NEGATIVE FILM 5203 / 7203TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR NEGATIVE FILM MARCH 2022H-1-5203 KODAK VISION3 50D Color Negative Film 5203/7203 is alow-speed daylight-balanced film. It is Kodak’s finest grainmotion picture film and ensures a pristine, clean imagesthat are full of color and detail.Like other films in the VISON3 Film family, VISION3 50D Filmfeatures unrivaled highlight latitude, flexibility inpostproduction, and proven archival stability. The expandeddynamic range allows for increased creative control in theextremes of exposure, especially high contrast daylightexteriors. Advances in grain and sharpness along withincreased exposure latitude also make this film ideal forrecorder output.Experience the improved extreme exposure performanceand consistent VISION3 Film family look along withunsurpassed image quality, real-world flexibility, and digitalpostproduction compatibility. Enjoy the benefits of thefinest grain capture film with the color and tonereproduction of the VISION3 Film portfolioBaseKODAK VISION3 50D Color Negative Films 5203 and 7203have an acetate safety base with rem-jet backing.StorageStore unexposed film at 13 C (55 F) or lower. For extendedstorage, store at -18 C (0 F) or lower. Process exposed filmpromptly.Store processed film according to the recommendations inISO 18911:2010, Imaging Materials - Processed SafetyPhotographic Films - Storage Practices.Short Term (less than 6 months)Long Term (more than 6 months)Unexposed film in original, sealedpackage13 C (55 F)RH below 60%-18 C(0 F)RH below 50%Exposed film, unprocessed-18 C(0 F)RH below 20%Not recommended.Process filmpromptly.Process film21 C (70 F)RH 20 to 50%2 C (36 F)RH 20 to 30%This relates to optimized film handling rather than preservation; static, dust-attraction and curl-related problems are generally minimized at the higher relative humidity. After usage, the film should be returned to the appropriate medium- or long-term storage conditions as soon as possible. Warm-up TimesTo prevent film telescoping, moisture condensation, and spotting, allow your film to warm to room temperature (21C/70F) before use:Film PackageRecommended Warm-up Time (Hours)8 C (15 F) Rise 39 C (70 F) Rise8 mm 1 1 ½16 mm 1 1 ½35 mm 3 5For more information about film storage and handling, see ANSI/PIMA ISO-18911, SMPTE RP131-2002, andKODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers, available online at/go/referenceguide.Darkroom RecommendationsDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.ExposureExposure IndexesDaylight (5500K): 50Tungsten (3200K): 12 (with 80A filter)Use these indexes with incident or reflected light exposure meters and cameras marked for ISO or ASA speeds or exposure indexes. These indexes apply for meter readings of average subjects made from the camera position or for readings made from a gray card of 18 percent reflectance held close to and in front of the subject. For unusually light or dark colored subjects, decrease or increase the exposure i ndicated by the meter accordingly.Color BalanceThese films are balanced for exposure with daylight illumination (5500K). For other light sources, use the correction filters in the table that follows.Daylight (5500 K)None50 Metal Halide None50H.M.I.None50 KINO FLO 55None50 Tungsten (3000 K)WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 80A12Tungsten (3200 K)WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 80A 12KINO FLO 29 KINO FLO 32WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 80A12Fluorescent, WarmWhite †Color CompensatingCC20M + CC05R25Fluorescent, CoolWhite †Color CompensatingCC40B20* These are approximate corrections only. Make final corrections during printing.† These are starting-point recommendations for trial exposures. If the kind of lamp is unknown, a KODAK Color Compensating Filter CC20M + CC10B can be used with an exposure index (EI) of 25.Note: Consult the manufacturer of high-intensity ultraviolet lamps for safety information on ultraviolet radiation and ozone generation.Exposure Table-Daylight IlluminationAt 24 frames per second (fps), 180-degree shutter opening, use this table for average subjects that contain a combination of light, medium, and dark colors:Lens Aperture f/1.4f/2f/2.8f/4f/5.6f/8f/11f/16FootcandlesRequired50100 200400800160032006400Reciprocity CharacteristicsYou do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjustments for exposure times from 1/1000 of a secondto 1 second.ProcessingProcess in Process ECN-2.Most commercial motion-picture laboratories provide a processing service for these films. See KODAK Publication No. H-24.07, Processing KODAK Color Negative Motion Picture Films, Module 7 available online at/go/h24, for more information on the solution formulas and the procedure for machine processing these films. There are also pre-packaged kits available for preparing the processing solutions. For more information on the KODAK ECN-2 Kit Chemicals, check Using KODAK Kit Chemicals in Motion Picture Film Laboratories KODAK Publication No. H-333, availableonline at /go/h333.IdentificationAfter processing, the product code numbers 5203, or 7203 emulsion, roll, and strip number identification, KEYKODE Numbers, and manufacturer/film identification code (ER) are visible along the length of the film.Post-ProductionScanningThe wider exposure latitude in KODAK VISION3 Films differentiate film capture from the limited dynamic range of digital capture. Digital "dodging and burning," a very powerful tool in the colorists' toolkit, is now even more powerful—up to two stops more image information canbe extracted from scene highlights in VISION3 Films.If traditional 10-bit scanner data encoding schemes are used to digitize films having this extended density range, highlight information captured on these films could be lost. Kodak has recommendations for extracting the full density range stored on highdynamic range films in a technical document titled Scanning Recommendations for Extended Dynamic Range Camera Films, available online at/go/scanning.Laboratory Aim Densities (LAD)To maintain optimum quality and consistency in the final prints, the laboratory must carefully control the color timing, printing, and duplicating procedures. To aid in color t iming and curve placement, negative originals should be t imed relative to Laboratory Aim Density (LAD) Control Film. The LAD Control Film provides both objective sensitometric control a nd subjective verification of the duplicating procedures used by the laboratory.In the LAD Control Method, the electronic color analyzer used for color timing is set-up with the LAD Control Film to produce a gray video display of the LAD patch, corresponding to 1.0 neutral density (gray) on the print. The negative printing original is then scene-to-scene timed. There are specific LAD values for each type of print or duplicating film that the original can be printed on. For print films, the LAD patch is printed to a neutral gray of 1.0 visual density. For duplicating films, the specified aims are at the center of the usable straight-line portion of the sensitometric curve of the film.Due to normal variations in exposure and processing of color negative films, particular scenes may not print exactly at the same printer lights as the LAD Control Film. The LAD Control Film is intended as a set-up tool for electronic color analyzers and printers. It is NOT a reference that every scene must match. Normal film-to-film and scene-to-scene exposure variability is accommodated by the color timing (grading) process, on an electronic color analyzer set up with the LAD Control Film. Normally exposed and processed color negatives will typically print well within the range of an additive printer setup with the LAD Control Film, although SIGNIFICANT or UNEXPECTED departures from this center point balance may indicate an exposure/filtration problem with the cinematography or with the process control. Some specialized films and/or specialized negative processing techniques (push-processing, pull-processing, "skip-bleach" processing, etc.) may require more extreme adjustment from the LAD printing condition to attain desired results.More information is contained in KODAK Publication H-61,Image StructureFor more information on image-structure characteristics, see KODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers available online at /go/referenceguide .Modulation Transfer FunctionThe "perceived" sharpness of any film depends on various components of the motion picture production system. The camera and projector lenses and film printers, among other factors, all play a role. But the specific sharpness of a film can be measured and is charted in the Modulation Transfer Function Curve.This graph shows a measure of the visual sharpness of this film. The x-axis, “Spatial Frequency,” refers to the number of sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved. The y-axis, “Response,”corresponds to film sharpness. The longer and flatter the line, the more sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved with a high degree of sharpness — and the sharper the film.rms GranularityThe “perception” of the graininess of any film is highly dependent on scene content, complexity, color, and density. Other factors, such as film age, processing,exposure conditions, and telecine transfer may also have significant effects.Read with a microdensitometer, using a 48-micrometre aperture. To find the rms Granularity value for a given density, find the density on the left vertical scale and follow horizontally to the characteristic curve and then go vertically (up or down) to the granularity curve. At that point, follow horizontally to theGranularity Sigma D scale on the right. Read the number and multiply by 1000 for the rms value.Note: This curve represents granularity based on modified measuringtechniques. Sensitometric and Diffuse RMS Granularity curves are produced on different equipment. A slight variation in curve shape may be noticed.SensitometryThe curves describe this film's response to red, green, and blue light. Sensitometric curves determine the change in density on the film for a given change in log exposure.Spectral SensitivityThese curves depict the sensitivity of this film to the spectrum of light. They are useful for determining,modifying, and optimizing exposure for blue- and green-screen special-effects work.Spectral Dye-Density CurvesThese curves depict the spectral absorption of the dyesformed when the film is processed. They are useful for adjusting or optimizing any device that scans or prints the film.Note: Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow Dye Curves are peak-normalized.Note: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.Available Roll Lengths and FormatsSee Kodak Motion Picture Products Catalog at /go/mpcatalog To order film in the United States and Canada, call 1- 800-356-3259, prompt 3.Worldwide customers can find the nearest sales office at /go/salesofficesKODAK VISION3 50D Color Negative Film 5203 / 7203KODAK Publication No. H-1-5203 Kodak, Keykode, Vision, and Wratten and the Kodak logo are trademarks.Revised 3-22© 2022 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY。
Canon IXUS 980 IS 相机 使用者指南
4 拍摄
● 进行拍摄,让相机进行设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
● 拍摄各种场景 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 - 56
- 拍摄良好的人物照
儿童和宠物 (第54页)
1 入门指南 .......................... 11
为电池充电........................................... 12 插入电池和存储卡............................... 14 设置日期和时间................................... 17 设置显示语言....................................... 19 按快门按钮........................................... 20 拍摄照片............................................... 21 观看图像............................................... 24 删除图像............................................... 25 打印图像............................................... 26 拍摄短片............................................... 28 观看短片............................................... 30 下载图像至计算机............................... 31 附件....................................................... 36 另售附件............................................... 38
SD CONN协会规范version3.0
T ai So ltL t d .Technical Committee SD Card AssociationT ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t d .©Copyright 2007-2009 SD Card AssociationStandard Size SD Card Mechanical Addendum Version 3.00 Draft 1.00ConfidentialiDraft Only PageThis Page is used to describe draft version and information limited to the draft. This page will be removed when releasing the Supplementary Notes.Draft Revision History for Version 2.00DateVersion Changes compared to previous issue Sep. 27, 20070.70 The first draftMechanical specification described in the Physical Layer Specification and Application Notes is merged in this Addendum. Appendix C Decoupling CapacitorAppendix F.5 ESD Test Method is changed.Oct. 24, 20072.01 Submit to TC Nov. 7, 2007 2.01 Edit by TC Dec. 4, 20072.01 Submit to TCChecked by MECH EditorsDec. 14, 2007 2.01 Draft for TC reviewTorque requirement is fixed.Dec. 27, 20072.01 Draft for IP reviewExplanation for "0 Min" is added in the Figure 3-2 and 3-6.A note for conductive area treatment is added in Figure 5-4 and 6-4. Cleanup editorial comments.Draft Revision History for Version 3.00DateVersion Changes compared to previous issue June 8, 2009 Draft 0.70 Add a detailed drawing in Section 3.2 Figure 2-1. Add a detailed drawing in Section 5.3 Figure 5-1.Add a detailed drawing in Section 6.3 Figure 6-1.June 17, 2009 Draft 0.71 Reference to the Physical Ver2.00 is changed to Ver3.00 or Ver3.01 Section 3.6 Temperature Specification for UHS-I Card is added.Table 3-2: Note 1 is added.June 29, 2009 Draft 0.71 "Temperature" Specification is changed to "Thermal" Specification Title of Figure3-9 is changed.Explanation of Section 3.6 is fixed.July 16, 2009Draft 0.72 The first draft for TG Review Section 6.3 Description of the minimum operating temperature isadded.July 27, 2009Draft 0.80 The final draft for TG review as Release Candidate Apply changes discussed in Mech TG on July/24."Temperature" in Table 3-2 is clarified to "Card Ambient Temperature" A Note 3 below Table 3-2 is fixed.Some portions in Section 3.6 are fixed.August 5, 2009Draft 0.81 The final draft for TG review A typo is fixed. "Tc" is changed to "Ta" in Table 3-2 :T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t d .©Copyright 2007-2009 SD Card AssociationStandard Size SD Card Mechanical Addendum Version 3.00 Draft 1.00DateVersion Changes compared to previous issue October 22, 2009Draft 1.00Draft for TC Review November 9, 2009 Draft 1.00 Draft for IP ReviewTe ct r on i cs Co .,L t DateVersion Changes compared to previous issue March 27, 2008 1.00 The first releaseMechanical specifications described in the Physical LayerSpecification and Application Notes are merged in this Addendum.2.00 Skip this version November 9, 20093.00 Add a detailed drawing to following sections:"3.2.Mechanical Form Factor and Dimensions.""5.3.miniSD to SD Card Adapter Mechanical Dimensions." "6.3.microSD to SD Card Adapter Mechanical Dimensions." Section 3.6 Thermal Specification for UHS-I Card is added.T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t Publisher and Copyright Holder:SD Card Association2400 Camino Ramon, Suite 375 San Ramon, CA 94583 USA Telephone: +1 (925) 275-6615, Fax: +1 (925) 886-4870 E-mail: office@Confidentiality:The contents of this document are deemed confidential information of the SD-3C LLC and/or the SD Card Association (the "Disclosers"). As such, the contents and your right to use the contents are subject to the confidentiality obligations stated in the written agreement you entered into with the Disclosers which entitled you to receive this document, such as a Non-Disclosure Agreement, the License Agreement for SDA Memory Card Specifications (also known as "LAMS"), the SD Host/Ancillary Product License Agreement (also known as "HALA") or the IP Policy.Disclaimers:The information contained herein is presented only as a standard specification for SD Card and SD Host/Ancillary products. No responsibility is assumed by SD Card Association for any damages, any infringements of patents or other right of the third parties, which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or rights of SD Card Association or others. Conventions Used in This DocumentNaming Conventions• Some terms are capitalized to distinguish their definition from their common English meaning. Words not capitalized have their common English meaning.Numbers and Number Bases• Hexadecimal numbers are written with a lower case "h" suffix, e.g., FFFFh and 80h. • Binary numbers are written with a lower case "b" suffix (e.g., 10b).• Binary numbers larger than four digits are written with a space dividing each group of four digits, as in 1000 0101 0010b.• All other numbers are decimal.Key Words• May: Indicates flexibility of choice with no implied recommendation or requirement. • Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement. Designers shall implement such mandatoryrequirements to ensure interchangeability and to claim conformance with the specification.• Should: Indicates a strong recommendation but not a mandatory requirement. Designers shouldgive strong consideration to such recommendations, but there is still a choice in implementation.Application NotesSome sections of this document provide guidance to the host implementers as follows: Application Note:This is an example of an application note.T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t Table of Contents1. General Description............................................................................................................1 1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Concept.. (1)2. Pin Assignment...................................................................................................................2 2.1 Pin Assignment of Standard Size SD Card....................................................................................2 3. Mechanical Specification for Standard SD Memory Card ...............................................3 3.1 Card Package................................................................................................................................3 3.1.1 Design and Format..................................................................................................................3 3.1.2 Reliability and Durability..........................................................................................................3 3.1.3 Electrical Static Discharge (ESD) Requirements ....................................................................4 3.1.4 External Signal Contacts (ESC)..............................................................................................4 3.1.5 Discontinuity and Micro-Interrupt............................................................................................4 3.2 Mechanical Form Factor and Dimensions.....................................................................................5 3.3 Thin (1.4 mm) Standard Size SD Memory Card............................................................................9 3.4 Nonconductive Area ....................................................................................................................11 3.5 Write Protect switch position .......................................................................................................12 3.6 Thermal Specification for UHS-I Card .........................................................................................13 3.6.1 Thermal Specification Based on Ambient Temperature ........................................................14 3.6.2 Thermal Specification Based on Card Case Temperature....................................................14 3.6.3 Storage Temperature.............................................................................................................14 4. Connector..........................................................................................................................15 4.1 SD Connector Reliability..............................................................................................................15 4.1.1 SD Connector Mechanical Performance...............................................................................16 4.1.2 SD Connector Environmental Performance..........................................................................17 4.1.3 SD Connector Environmental Resistance.............................................................................17 4.1.4 SD Connector Electrical Performance ..................................................................................18 4.1.5 SD Connector Environmental Durability................................................................................19 4.1.6 Connector Pin Spacing..........................................................................................................20 4.1.7 Card Over-travel in Push-Push Connector............................................................................21 4.2 Card Insertion and Removal........................................................................................................22 4.3 Inverse Insertion..........................................................................................................................22 5. miniSD to SD Adapter Specification ...............................................................................23 5.1 Design and Format......................................................................................................................23 5.2 Reliability and Durability..............................................................................................................23 5.3 miniSD to SD Card Adapter Mechanical Dimensions..................................................................24 5.4 miniSD to SD Adapter Reliability.................................................................................................30 5.4.1 miniSD to SD Adapter Mechanical Performance ..................................................................30 5.4.2 miniSD to SD Adapter Environmental Performance..............................................................31 5.4.3 miniSD to SD Adapter Environmental Resistance.................................................................32 5.4.4 miniSD to SD Adapter Electrical Performance......................................................................33 5.4.5 miniSD to SD Adapter Environmental Durability. (34)T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t d .©Copyright 2007-2009 SD Card AssociationStandard Size SD Card Mechanical Addendum Version 3.00 Draft 1.006. microSD to SD Adapter Specification.............................................................................35 6.1 Design and Format......................................................................................................................35 6.2 Reliability and Durability..............................................................................................................35 6.3 microSD to SD Card Adapter Mechanical Dimensions................................................................36 6.4 microSD to SD Adapter Reliability...............................................................................................42 6.4.1 microSD to SD Adapter Mechanical Performance................................................................42 6.4.2 microSD to SD Adapter Environmental Performance............................................................43 6.4.3 microSD to SD Adapter Environmental Resistance..............................................................44 6.4.4 microSD to SD Adapter Electrical Performance....................................................................45 6.4.5 microSD to SD Adapter Environmental Durability.. (46)Appendix A (Normative) : Reference...................................................................................47 A.1 Reference (47)Appendix B (Normative) : Special Terms............................................................................48 B.1 Terminology.................................................................................................................................48 B.2 Abbreviations. (48)Appendix C (Informative) : Card Detection Switch (49)6.4.6 Example of Recommended Card Detection Switch Circuit...................................................50 6.4.7 Example of Not Recommended Card Detection Switch Circuit .. (51)Appendix D (Informative) : ESD Test Method....................................................................52 D.1 Contact Discharge Test...............................................................................................................52 D.2 Air Discharge Test.. (52)Appendix E (Informative) : Mechanical Testing Methods..................................................54 E.1 Bend Test Fixture Example.........................................................................................................54 E.2 Torque Test Fixture Example.......................................................................................................55 E.3 Card Warpage Testing Fixture Example......................................................................................56 E.4 Card Friction Test Fixture Example For Durability.......................................................................57 E.5 WP-key Moving-Force Measured by Load Meter (58)Table of FiguresFigure 2-1: SD Memory Card Shape and Interface (Top View).....................................................................2 Figure 3-1 : SD Memory Card - Mechanical Description (1 out of 4).............................................................5 Figure 3-2 : SD Memory Card - Mechanical Description (2 out of 4).............................................................7 Figure 3-3 : SD Memory Card - Mechanical Description (3 out of 4).............................................................7 Figure 3-4 : SD Memory Card - Mechanical Description (4 out of 4).............................................................8 Figure 3-5 : Mechanical Drawing of Thin SD Memory Card (1 out of 2)........................................................9 Figure 3-6 : Mechanical Drawing of Thin SD Memory Card (2 out of 2)......................................................10 Figure 3-7 : Nonconductive Areas of SD Memory Card................................................................................11 Figure 3-8 : WP Switch Definition for All Cases and Card Types.................................................................12 Figure 3-9 : Example Heat Removal Path for UHS-I...................................................................................13 Figure 4-1 : Contact Resistance Measurement method..............................................................................18 Figure 4-2 : Connector Pin Spacing.............................................................................................................20 Figure 4-3 : Example of Over-travel Condition .. (21)T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t d .©Copyright 2007-2009 SD Card AssociationStandard Size SD Card Mechanical Addendum Version 3.00 Draft 1.00Figure 4-4: Inverse Insertion........................................................................................................................22 Figure 5-1 : Adapter Dimensions (1 out of 3)...............................................................................................24 Figure 5-2 : Adapter Dimensions (2 out of 3)...............................................................................................25 Figure 5-3 : Adapter Dimensions (3 out of 3)...............................................................................................26 Figure 5-4 : Adapter, Nonconductive Areas.................................................................................................27 Figure 5-5 : Adapter, Maximum Gap & Hole Dimensions............................................................................28 Figure 5-6 : SD Adapter - Mechanical Description.......................................................................................28 Figure 5-7 : Card Pulling Force Test Method...............................................................................................31 Figure 5-8 : Contact Resistance Measurement method..............................................................................33 Figure 6-1 : SD Adapter Dimensions (1 out of 3).........................................................................................36 Figure 6-2 : SD Adapter Dimensions (2 out of 3).........................................................................................37 Figure 6-3 : SD Adapter Dimensions (3 out of 3).........................................................................................38 Figure 6-4 : SD Adapter Non-Conductive Areas..........................................................................................39 Figure 6-5 : SD Adapter Interconnect..........................................................................................................39 Figure 6-6 : Adapter, Maximum Gap & Hole Dimensions............................................................................40 Figure 6-7 : Card Pulling Force Test Method...............................................................................................43 Figure 6-8 : Contact Resistance Measurement method (45)Figure C - 1 : Example of Recommended Card Detection Switch Circuit....................................................50 Figure C - 2 : Example of Not Recommended Card Detection Switch Circuit (51)Figure D - 1 : Top Face Discharge Positions...............................................................................................53 Figure D - 2 : Bottom Face Discharge (53)Figure E - 1 : Bending Test Fixture..............................................................................................................54 Figure E - 2 : Torque Test Fixture Example .................................................................................................55 Figure E - 3 : Testing Fixture Example to Measure Card Warpage..............................................................56 Figure E - 4 : Bottom Face Discharge Positions..........................................................................................57 Figure E - 5 : Measurement Description.....................................................................................................58 Figure E - 6 : Example of WP-key Moving-Force Measurement Results.. (58)Table of TablesTable 2-1: SD Memory Card Pad Assignment...............................................................................................2 Table 3-1 : SD Memory Card Package – Dimensions ...................................................................................3 Table 3-2 : Reliability and Durability ..............................................................................................................4 Table 3-3 : Standard Size SD Package - External Signal Contacts...............................................................4 Table 3-4 : Maximum Card Case Temperature...........................................................................................14 Table 4-1 : Office Environment Durability ....................................................................................................19 Table 4-2 : Harsh Environment Durability....................................................................................................19 Table 5-1 : miniSD to SD Adapter - Dimensions..........................................................................................23 Table 5-2 : Reliability and Durability ............................................................................................................23 Table 6-1 : microSD to SD Adapter - Dimensions........................................................................................35 Table 6-2 : Reliability and Durability (35)Table C - 1 : Card Detection Switch Type and Status (49)T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t 1. General Description1.1 ScopeThis Addendum Specification defines mechanical specification of standard size SD Memory Card based on the Physical Layer Specification.This document also contains Connecter Specifications for SD Host system and SD adapters for miniSD card or microSD Card.The usage of those notes shall be treated as mandatory requirements. It is always the product vender's (Card, Host, etc.) responsibility to design their products complied with the SD Specifications. At the same time, SD Card Association recommends the product vendors (Card, Host, etc.) designing products in conjunction with the Supplemental Note and Implementation Guideline.1.2 ConceptThis chapter describes the mechanical and electrical features, as well as the minimal recommendations for the SD Memory Card connector. The electrical features are applied to all types of SD Memory Cards and the mechanical features are applied to the Standard Size SD Memory Card. All technical drafts follow the DIN ISO standard.The functions of the card package are:- Protecting the chip- Easy handling for the end user - Reliable electrical interconnection- Reliable write protect/card detection capability - Bearing textual information and image - Appealing appearanceThe functions of the connector are:- Attaching and fixing the card- Electrical interconnecting the card to the system board - Write protect/card detect indication - Optional: switch on/off power supply - Protection against card inverse insertionThe functions of the SD Card Adapters are: - Providing the ability to use the microSD in a Standard Size SD Card socket. - Providing the ability to use the miniSD in a Standard Size SD Card socket.T ai So lE le ct r on i cs Co .,L t2.1 Pin Assignment of Standard Size SD CardwpFigure 2-1: SD Memory Card Shape and Interface (Top View)Figure 2-1 shows the general shape of the shape and interface contacts of the SD Memory Card. Table 2-1 defines the card contacts: Pin #SD Mode SPI ModeNameType 1DescriptionNameType 1 Description 1 CD/DAT32 I/O/PP 3 Card Detect/Data Line [Bit 3]CS I 3 Chip Select (neg true) 2 CMD PP Command/Response DI I Data In3 V SS1 S Supply voltage ground VSS S Supply voltage ground4 V DD S Supply voltage VDD S Supply voltage5 CLK I Clock SCLK I Clock6 V SS2 S Supply voltage ground VSS2 S Supply voltage ground7 DAT0 I/O/PP Data Line [Bit 0] DO O/PP Data Out8 DAT14 I/O/PP Data Line [Bit 1] RSV 9DAT25 I/O/PP Data Line [Bit 2]RSV1) S: power supply; I: input; O: output using push-pull drivers; PP: I/O using push-pull drivers; 2) The extended DAT lines (DAT1-DAT3) are input on power up. They start to operate as DAT lines after SET_BUS_WIDTH command. The Host shall keep its own DAT1-DAT3 lines in input mode, as well, while they are not used.3) At power up this line has a 50KOhm pull up enabled in the card. This resistor serves two functions Card detection and Mode Selection. For Mode Selection, the host can drive the line high or let it be pulled high to select SD mode. If the host wants to select SPI mode it should drive the line low. For Card detection, the host detects that the line is pulled high. This pull-up should be disconnected by the user, during regular data transfer, with SET_CLR_CARD_DETECT (ACMD42) command4) DAT1 line may be used as Interrupt Output (from the Card) in SDIO mode during all the times that it is not in use for data transfer operations (refer to "SDIO Card Specification" for further details).5) DAT2 line may be used as Read Wait signal in SDIO mode (refer to "SDIO Card Specification" for further details).Table 2-1: SD Memory Card Pad AssignmentT ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t d .©Copyright 2007-2009 SD Card AssociationStandard Size SD Card Mechanical Addendum Version 3.00 Draft 1.003. Mechanical Specification for Standard SD Memory Card3.1 Card PackageEvery card package shall have the characteristics described in this section.3.1.1 Design and FormatDimensions SD Memory Card package 24 mm x 32 mm; (min. 23.9 mm x 31.9 mm; max.24.1 mm x 32.1 mm) Other dimensions: Refer to Figure 3-1 through Figure 3-4. Testing according to MIL STD 883, Meth 2016Thickness'Inter Connect Area': 2.1 mm +/- 0.15 mm1.4 mm+/-0.15 mm for Thin SD Card.'Substrate Area': Max 2.25 mmMax 1.55 for Thin SD CardRefer to Figure 3-2 or Figure 3-6.Label or printable area In 'Substrate Area' only – refer to Figure 3-3. Surface Plain (except contact area) Edges Smooth edges, refer to Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-3. Inverse insertion Protection on left corner (top view). Refer to Figure 4-4.Position of ESC contacts Along middle of shorter edge. Refer to Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2.Table 3-1 : SD Memory Card Package – Dimensions3.1.2 Reliability and DurabilityCard Ambient Temperature (T a ) (Note 1)Operation Temperature: -25 to 85 deg.C Storage Temperature : -40 to 85 deg.C Storage Temperature test condition: -40 deg.C (168h)/85 deg.C (500 h)Moisture and Corrosion Operation: 25 deg.C /95% relative humidityStorage: 40 deg.C /93% relative humidity Storage Temperature test condition: 40 deg.C /93% relative humidity/500h Salt water spray:3% NaCl/35C; 24 h acc. MIL STD Method 1009Durability 10.000 mating cycles; Test procedure: tbd. Bending 10 N (Note 2: Appendix E.1 ) Torque 0.15Nm, +/-2.5 deg. max. (Note 2: Appendix E.2 ) Drop Test 1.5 m free fall UV Light Exposure UV: 254 nm, 15 Ws/cm² according to ISO 7816-1 X-ray Exposure 0.1 Gy of medium-energy radiation (70 keV to 140 keV,cumulative dose per year) to both sides of the card, according to ISO7816-1.Visual Inspection Shape and Form No mold skin; complete form; no cavities surface smoothness <= -0.1 mm/cm² within contour; no cracks; no pollution (fat, oil dust,etc.) (Note 2: Appendix E.3 and E.4 )Minimum Moving Force of WP Switch 0.4N min. at any point moving 0mm to 0.4mm from the edge of the card case. (Ensures that the WP switch will not slide while it isinserted to the connector). (Note 2: Appendix E.5 )WP Switch Cycles Minimum 1000 Cycles (@ Slide force 0.4 N to 5 N) Rib Strength Tolerance of 4N force 1 second. (Note 3)T ai So l E le ct r on i cs Co .,L t d .©Copyright 2007-2009 SD Card AssociationStandard Size SD Card Mechanical Addendum Version 3.00 Draft 1.00Note 1: Refer to Section 3.6 for the thermal specification of UHS-I Card Note 2: The test methods are shown in Appendix E.Note 3: The metal pillar with 1.5mm diameter is stood at right angles to a contact pad. From the side of the middleof each rib, each rib is pushed and applied the force of 4N for 1 second by this pillar. By this pressurization, each rib shall not be broken and junction shall not be separated. Moreover, after 10 minutes from removing pressurization, each rib transformation shall not overlap the minimum width of contact pads (0.9mm-1.4mm).Table 3-2 : Reliability and Durability3.1.3 Electrical Static Discharge (ESD) RequirementsESD requirements are defined in the Physical 3.00 Supplementary Notes (Physical Layer Version 3.01). The ESD test methods are shown in Appendix D.3.1.4 External Signal Contacts (ESC)Number of ESC 9Distance from front edge 1.2 mm ESC grid 2.5 mm Contact dimensions 1.7 mm x 4.0 mm Electrical resistance 30m-ohm (worst case: 100m-ohm)Table 3-3 : Standard Size SD Package - External Signal Contacts3.1.5 Discontinuity and Micro-InterruptRefer to Section 4.1.3 Vibration and Shock about discontinuity and micro-interrupt when the card is inserted to a connector.。
华为全系列设备胶片图标库1. 简介华为作为全球领先的科技公司,致力于为用户提供丰富多样的设备,涵盖了手机、平板、笔记本电脑等多种产品。
2. 胶片图标库的作用胶片图标库是华为为开发人员和设计人员提供的一套标准化的图标资源,主要用于设备的界面设计。
3. 胶片图标库的特点•多样化:华为胶片图标库涵盖了各种常见的图标,包括应用程序图标、系统功能图标、通知图标等,能够满足不同类型设备的需求。
4. 胶片图标库的使用方法胶片图标库可以通过以下几种方式使用:4.1 下载使用开发人员和设计人员可以通过华为官方网站下载胶片图标库的资源文件,在项目中引入相应的图标文件即可使用。
4.2 API调用华为提供了一套API接口,开发人员可以通过调用接口获取胶片图标库的相关资源。
5. 注意事项在使用胶片图标库时,需要注意以下几点:•不要将胶片图标用于商业用途,胶片图标库仅供个人和非商业性质的项目使用。
6. 总结华为全系列设备胶片图标库是华为为开发人员和设计人员提供的一套标准化的图标资源库,具有多样化、高清晰度、标准化和易于使用的特点。
EPSON Ribbon Cartridge S015019(#8750)物质安全数据表说明书
Material Safety Data SheetSECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Product identifier: EPSON Ribbon Cartridge S015019 (#8750)1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against:Dot Impact Printing1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet:Distributor: EPSONEUROPEB.V.Address: Azie building, Atlas ArenA, Hoogoorddreef5,1101BAAmsterdamZuidoost The NetherlandsTEL:+31-20-314-5000 FAX: +31-20-314-5100e-mail:Date Prepared: 27 July 2012Revision: A1.4. Emergency telephone: Giftnotruf Berlin +49 030 19240SECTION 2: Hazards identification2.1. Classification of the mixture:Classification (1999/45/EC); Not Classified2.2. Label elements: Label in Accordance with 1999/45/ECSymbol(s);NoneIndication(s) of danger; NoneRisk phrase; NoneSafety advice; None2.3. Other hazards:Classification (PBT,vPvB (EC)No1907/2006); No data availableSECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredientsSubstance / Mixture: Mixture (Ink Composition)Ink Composition CAS No.EEC No. EU registrationNo.% ByWeightEUSymbolsEUR-phraseEUOELsRemarkEster oils TradesecretTradesecretNot availablefor the moment35 - 45None None None NoneFatty acids 67701-06-8 266-930-6 Exempted 30 - 35None None None NoneColorant TradesecretTradesecretNot availablefor the moment20 - 30None None None NoneCarbon black 1333-86-4 215-609-9Not availablefor the moment1 - 5 None None None NoneSECTION 4: First aid measures4.1. Description of first aid measures4.1.1. Eyes : Immediately flush with room temperature, low pressure and clean water for at least 15 minutes.Seek medical attention if eye irritation continues.4.1.2. Skin : Wash surface areas with soap and water. Wash soiled clothing before wearing again.Consult a physician if irritation continues.4.1.3. Inhalation : Remove subject to ventilated fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration right away.If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek immediate medical attention.4.1.4. Ingestion : Seek medical advice; and attention if stomach continues to be upset.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed:Skin:Ink contact with skin may cause irritation, swelling or redness.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Not necessarySECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures5.1. Extinguishing Media5.1.1.Suitable extinguishing media: Dry chemical , carbon dioxide or water.5.1.2.Unsuitable extinguishing media: None5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture: None5.3. Advice for firefighters: No special fire fighting procedures are required other than breathing apparatus.No special explosion hazards are known.SECTION 6: Accidental release measures6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures6.1.1.For non-emergency personnel: Eye or Skin protection required during clean-up. Use proper ventilation.6.1.2. For emergency responders: None6.2. Environmental precautions: Do not release to sewer, surface- or ground-water.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up6.3.1. Advice on how to contain a spill:Use sponges to wipe-up ink.6.3.2. Advice how to clean-up a spill: Rinse area with damp cloth.Place waste in closed container for disposal.Wash hands with soap and water.6.3.3. Any other information: Do not dispose of waste to the sewer.6.4.Reference to other sections: NoneSECTION 7: Handling and storage7.1. Precautions for safe handling7.1.1. Recommendations:Keep out of reach of children and do not drink ink.Do not dismantle cartridge.7.1.2.Advice on general occupational hygiene:Avoid contact with eyes or clothing. In the case of skin contact, wash with soap and water.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:Do not store the cartridge in high or freezing temperatures. Keep cartridge out of direct sunlight. Do not store cartridges with oxidizing agents or explosives. Make sure cartridge is dry before insertion into printer housing.7.3. Specific end use(s): Not specifiedSECTION 8: Exposure controls / personal protection8.1. Control parameters: Not established8.2. Exposure Controls8.2.1. Appropriate engineering controls: Proper ventilation, in prevention8.2.2. Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment8.2.2.1. Use of personal protective equipment:Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer. Detailed specification on equipment to provide adequate and suitable protection(a) eye/face protection:Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.(b) skin protection: hand protection & others:Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.(c) respiratory protection:Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.(d) thermal hazards: Not required under suitable use as setting the cartridge on the printer.8.2.3. Environmental exposure controls: Not establishedSECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties:Appearance:Nylon 66 fabric with black inks.SlightlyOdour:Odour threshold:No data availableapplicable pH:NotMelting point / freezing point: No data availableInitial boiling point and boiling range: Over 200°CFlash point: No data availableEvaporation rate:No data availableFlammability (solid, gas): Not applicableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits:No data availableVapor pressure:No data availableVapor density: No data availableRelative density: about 1.0Solubility(ies):No data availablePartition coefficient: n-octanol/water:No data availableAuto-ignition temperature: No data availableDecomposition temperature:No data availableViscosity:No data availableExplosive properties: No data availableOxidizing properties:None9.2. Other information: NoneSECTION 10:Stability and reactivityReactivity: Stable under normal temperature10.1.10.2. Chemical stability: Stable under normal temperature10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions: None10.4. Conditions to avoid: High and freezing temperatures10.5. Incompatible materials:Oxidizers and explosives10.6. Hazardous decomposition products: No data availableSECTION 11: Toxicological Information11.1. Information on toxicological effects:Acute toxicity:Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/ECNot meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC Irritation: Eye:Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC Skin:Corrosivity:Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC Sensitisation: Skin: Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC Carcinogenicity: Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/ECWith excessive exposure, carbon black has been listed as a possible humancarcinogen. However, as engineered within this ink cartridge, emissions to air ofcarbon black during normal printing use have not been found. IARC, theInternational Agency for Research on Cancer, has found printing inks to be notclassifiable as human carcinogens.Mutagenicity:Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/EC Toxicity for reproduction:Not meet the criteria for classification according to EU Directive 1999/45/ECSECTION 12:Ecological information12.1. Toxicity: No data available12.2. Persistence and degradability: No data available12.3. Bioaccumulative potential: No data available12.4. Mobility in soil: No data available12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment: Has not carried out PBT and vPvB assessment12.6. Other adverse effects: No data availableSECTION 13: Disposal considerations13.1. Waste treatment methods: Disposal should be in accordance with federal, state, and local requirements. SECTION 14: Transport information14.1. UN number: Not applicable14.2. UN proper shipping name: Not applicable14.3. Transport hazard class(es): Not applicable14.4. Packing group: Not applicable14.5. Environmental hazards:Not applicable14.6. Special precautions for user: Not applicable14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code: Not applicable SECTION 15: Regulatory Information15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture:EU Information:Regulation (EC) No 2037/2000: Is not subjectRegulation (EC) No 850/2004: Is not subjectRegulation (EC) No 689/2008: Is not subjectUS Information:TSCA Section 4(a) Final Test Rules Regulated: Not regulatedTSCA Section 5 Significant New Use Rule Regulation: Not regulatedTSCA Section 8(a) Preliminary Assessment Information Rule (PAIR): Not regulatedTSCA Section 12(b) One-Time Export Notification Regulated: Not regulatedCalifornia Proposition 65: Not regulatedCanada Information:WHMIS Controlled Product: Not applicable (Manufactured article)Australia Information:Statement of Hazardous Nature: Not classified as hazardous according to criteria of NOHSC15.2. Chemical safety assessment: This ink has not carried out any Chemical Safety Assessment yet.SECTION 16: Other InformationList of relevant R-phrases: NothingThis “Material Safety Data Sheet” contains health, safety, and environmental information. It does not replace any precautionary language or use and disposal information which accompanies the product. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate at the time of preparation, but should only be used as a guide. It is subject to revision from time to time. EPSON does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information contained herein.。
停止拍摄也易如反掌,再次按下该按钮即可3、HS高感光度系统(部分机型): “HS SYSTEM”=“高感光度图像感应器”+“DIGIC影像处理器”,优势“高画质低噪点”4、、智能IS光学防抖:可自动转换IS防抖模式的智能IS光学影像稳定器。
(1)G1 X:1.基本参数:约1430万像素1.5"高感光CMOS、HS高感光度系统、DIGIC 5影像处理器、28mm 广角、4倍光学变焦,智能IS光学防抖、3.0寸可翻转液晶屏、2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(32种场景)、全高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、专业的机身设计(佳能小DC中最顶级的产品)、电子转盘、全手动拨盘操作、RAW图像格式、最高感光度12800、电子水准仪3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/M全手动/ SCN特殊场景[短片摘要/自动快门(笑脸/眨眼自拍/面部优先自拍)/高画质高速连拍(4.5张/秒)/手持拍夜景]/创意滤镜[HDR高反差景物/怀旧效果/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果](2)G12:1.基本参数:约1000万像素1/1.7”高感光CCD、HS高感光度系统、DIGIC 4影像处理器、28mm广角、5倍光学变焦、双重IS防抖、可翻转液晶屏、2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(28种场景)、720P标清视频拍摄、专业的机身设计、双重降噪、1cm的微距拍摄、电子转盘、全手动拍摄模式拨盘、RAW图像格式、电子水准仪3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/M手动/低光照/快速拍摄/SCN特殊场景[自动快门(笑脸/眨眼自拍/面部优先自拍)/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果/HDR高反差景物/怀旧效果/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果]/短片(标准/微缩景观效果)2、S系列:强调功能、机身小巧、全手动(1)S100V:1.基本参数:1210万有效像素1/1.7”高感光CMOS、HS高感光度系统、DIGIC 5影像处理器、24mm超广角、2.0大光圈、5倍光学变焦、智能IS光学防抖、3.0寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(32种场景)、全高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、复古外观、手动拍摄模式拨盘、独有的手动控制环操作、RAW图像格式、最高感光度6400、ND滤镜功能3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/Av光圈优先/M手动/SCN特殊场景[短片摘要/自动快门(笑脸/眨眼自拍/面部优先自拍)/高画质高速连拍(9.6张/秒)/手持拍夜景]/创意滤镜[高反差景物/怀旧效果/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果]/短片[标准/慢动作短片]3、SX系列:长焦系列,既便携又可进行超远摄拍摄,高性能变焦、(1)SX40HS:1.基本参数: 1210万有效像素高感光CMOS、HS高感光度系统、DIGIC 5影像处理器、24mm 超广角、35倍光学变焦、智能IS光学防抖、可翻转液晶屏、2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(32种场景)、全高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、24mm广角与35倍大变焦共存、辅助构图按钮3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/ M手动/ SCN特殊场景[短片摘要/自动快门(笑脸/眨眼自拍/面部优先自拍)/高画质高速连拍(10.3张/秒)/手持拍夜景/低光照]/创意滤镜[鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果]/短片[标准/慢动作短片] (2)SX240HS:1.基本参数: 1210万有效像素高感光CMOS、HS高感光度系统、DIGIC 5影像处理器、25mm 超广角、20倍光学变焦、智能IS光学防抖、3.0寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏、红银黑3种颜色2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(种场景)、全高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、25mm广角与20倍大变焦共存3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/M手动/实时显示控制/简易拍摄/短片摘要/SCN特殊场景[人像/平滑皮肤/自动快门(笑脸/眨眼自拍/面部优先自拍)/高画质高速连拍(10.3张/秒)/手持拍夜景/低光照]/创意滤镜[鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/柔焦/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果]/静谧/短片[标准/慢动作短片](3)SX150HS:1.基本参数: 1410万有效像素CCD、DIGIC 4影像处理器、28mm广角、12倍光学变焦、智能IS光学防抖、3.0寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏、红银黑3种颜色2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(种场景)、720P高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、25mm广角与20倍大变焦共存、手动拍摄模式拨盘、简易拍摄模式、3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/M手动/简易拍摄/SCN特殊场景[自动快门(笑脸/眨眼自拍/面部优先自拍)/低光照/海滩/植物/雪景/焰火]/创意滤镜[鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果]/静谧4、A系列:性价比高的家用相机(今年机型已取消模式转盘)(1)A4000 IS:1.基本参数:1600万有效像素CCD、DIGIC 4影像处理器、28mm广角、8倍光学变焦、智能IS光学防抖、3.0寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏、银橙红蓝黑5色2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(种场景)、720P高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、帮助按钮3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/实时显示控制/面部优先自拍/低光照/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果/静谧(2)A2400 IS:1.基本参数:1600万有效像素CCD、DIGIC 4影像处理器、28mm广角、5倍光学变焦、智能IS光学防抖、2.7寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏、银粉蓝黑4种颜色2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(种场景)、720P高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、帮助按钮3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/实时显示控制/面部优先自拍/低光照/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果/静谧/(3)A2300:1.基本参数:1600万有效像素CCD、DIGIC 4影像处理器、28mm广角、5倍光学变焦、2.7寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏、蓝银红黑4种颜色2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(种场景)、720P高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、帮助按钮3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/实时显示控制/数码影像稳定器/面部优先自拍/低光照/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果/静谧/(4)A810:1.基本参数: 1600万有效像素CCD、DIGIC 4影像处理器、28mm广角、5倍光学变焦、2.7寸“晶炫II”G型液晶屏、红银黑3种颜色2.产品卖点:智慧AUTO模式(种场景)、720P高清视频拍摄、一键短片拍摄、微缩景观短片、帮助按钮3.重点拍摄模式:智慧自动/实时显示控制/数码影像稳定器/面部优先自拍/低光照/鱼眼效果/微缩景观效果/玩具相机效果/单色/极鲜艳色彩/海报效果/静谧/。
Zoombrowser EX 使用说明
Windows Vista*1 Windows XP Professional/Home Edition*2 Windows 2000 Professional*3
计算机 CPU
预先安装以上操作系统之一的计算机 * 不支持升级的计算机。
Windows Vista
Pentium 1.3GHz 或更高
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3 故障排除 ...................................................................................................16 扫描仪初始化或硬件问题 ..........................................................................16 扫描仪操作问题 ........................................................................................17 幻灯片、底片和 TMA 问题 .......................................................................20
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柯达VISION3 500T彩色底片5219 7219技术数据说明书
KODAK VISION3 500TCOLOR NEGATIVE FILM 5219 / 7219TECHNICAL DATA / COLOR NEGATIVE FILM MARCH 2022H-1-5219 KODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 / 7219 givesyou control and flexibility at every phase of the filmmakingprocess—from capture through post, in both digital andtraditional workflows.KODAK VISION3 500T Film has outstanding skin tones andcolor reproduction, while adding technical innovations thatimprove product performance and increase productversatility. The proprietary, advanced Dye LayeringTechnology (DLT) provides noticeably reduced grain inshadows, allowing you to pull out an amazing amount ofshadow detail. The proprietary Sub-Micron Technologyenables 2 stops of extended highlight latitude, so you canfollow the action into bright light-in a single shot-withoutworrying about blown-out details.KODAK VISION3 500T Film is designed to extend thecapabilities of the DI (digital intermediate) process. Theimproved grain provides better to signal to noisecapabilities allowing the colorist to provide greater detail inshadows, while the extended highlight latitude enablesimproved digital "dodging and burning" to provide moredetails in highlights.BaseKODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Films 5219 and 7219have an acetate safety base with rem-jet backing.StorageStore unexposed film at 13 C (55 F) or lower. For extendedstorage, store at -18 C (0 F) or lower. Process exposed filmpromptly.Store processed film according to the recommendations inISO 18911:2010, Imaging Materials - Processed SafetyPhotographic Films - Storage Practices.Short Term (less than 6 months)Long Term (more than 6 months)Unexposed film in original, sealedpackage13 C (55 F)RH below 60%-18 C(0 F)RH below 50%Exposed film, unprocessed-18 C(0 F)RH below 20%Not recommended.Process filmpromptly.Process film21 C (70 F)RH 20 to 50%2 C (36 F)RH 20 to 30%This relates to optimized film handling rather than preservation; static, dust-attraction and curl-related problems are generally minimized at the higher relative humidity. After usage, the film should be returned to the appropriate medium- or long-term storage conditions as soon as possible. Warm-up TimesTo prevent film telescoping, moisture condensation, and spotting, allow your film to warm to room temperature (21C/70F) before use:Film PackageRecommended Warm-up Time (Hours)8 C (15 F) Rise 39 C (70 F) Rise8 mm 1 1 ½16 mm 1 1 ½35 mm 3 5For more information about film storage and handling, see ANSI/PIMA ISO-18911, SMPTE RP131-2002, andKODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers, available online at/go/referenceguide.Darkroom RecommendationsDo not use a safelight. Handle unprocessed film in total darkness.ExposureExposure IndexesTungsten (3200K) - 500Daylight - 320 (with 85 filter))Use these indexes with incident or reflected light exposure meters and cameras marked for ISO or ASA speeds or exposure indexes. These indexes apply for meter readings of average subjects made from the camera position or for readings made from a gray card of 18 percent reflectance held close to and in front of the subject. For unusually light or dark colored subjects, decrease or increase the exposure i ndicated by the meter accordingly.Color BalanceThese films are balanced for exposure with tungsten illumination (3200K). You can also expose them with tungsten lamps that have slightly higher or lower color temperatures (+/- 200K) without correction filters since final color balancing can be done in post-production.Tungsten (3000 K)None 500Tungsten (3200 K) None 500 KINO FLO 29KINO FLO 32 None 500Daylight (5500 K) WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320Metal Halide WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320H.M.I. WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320KINO FLO 55 WRATTEN 2 OpticalFilter / 85320Fluorescent, WarmWhite † CC30R + CC05M 320 Fluorescent, CoolWhite † CC40R 160* These are approximate corrections only. Make final corrections during printing.† These are starting-point recommendations for trial exposures. If the kind of lamp is unknown, a KODAK WRATTEN2 Color Compensating Filter CC30R + CC20Y can be used with an exposure index (EI) of 250. Note: Consult the manufacturer of high-intensity ultraviolet lamps for safety information on ultraviolet radiation and ozone generation.Exposure Table-Tungsten IlluminationAt 24 frames per second (fps), 180-degree shutter opening, use this table for average subjects that contain a combination of light, medium, and dark colors:Lens Aperture f/1.4f/2f/2.8f/4f/5.6f/8f/11f/16FootcandlesRequired510204080160320640 Reciprocity CharacteristicsYou do not need to make any filter corrections or exposure adjustments for exposure times from 1/1000 of a secondto 1 second.ProcessingProcess in Process ECN-2.Most commercial motion-picture laboratories provide a processing service for these films. See KODAK Publication No. H-24.07, Processing KODAK Color Negative Motion Picture Films, Module 7 available online at/go/h24, for more information on the solution formulas and the procedure for machine processing these films. There are also pre-packaged kits available for preparing the processing solutions. For more information on the KODAK ECN-2 Kit Chemicals, check Using KODAK Kit Chemicals in Motion Picture Film Laboratories KODAK Publication No. H-333, availableonline at /go/h333.IdentificationAfter processing, the product code numbers 5219, or 7219 emulsion, roll, and strip number identification, KEYKODE Numbers, and manufacturer/film identification code (EJ) are visible along the length of the film.Post-ProductionScanningThe wider exposure latitude in KODAK VISION3 Films differentiate film capture from the limited dynamic range of digital capture. Digital "dodging and burning," a very powerful tool in the colorists' toolkit, is now even more powerful—up to two stops more image information canbe extracted from scene highlights in VISION3 Films.If traditional 10-bit scanner data encoding schemes are used to digitize films having this extended density range, highlight information captured on these films could be lost. Kodak has recommendations for extracting the full density range stored on highdynamic range films in a technical document titled Scanning Recommendations for Extended Dynamic Range Camera Films, available online at/go/scanning.Laboratory Aim Densities (LAD)To maintain optimum quality and consistency in the final prints, the laboratory must carefully control the color timing, printing, and duplicating procedures. To aid in color t iming and curve placement, negative originals should be t imed relative to Laboratory Aim Density (LAD) Control Film. The LAD Control Film provides both objective sensitometric control a nd subjective verification of the duplicating procedures used by the laboratory.In the LAD Control Method, the electronic color analyzer used for color timing is set-up with the LAD Control Film to produce a gray video display of the LAD patch, corresponding to 1.0 neutral density (gray) on the print. The negative printing original is then scene-to-scene timed. There are specific LAD values for each type of print or duplicating film that the original can be printed on. For print films, the LAD patch is printed to a neutral gray of 1.0 visual density. For duplicating films, the specified aims are at the center of the usable straight-line portion of the sensitometric curve of the film.Due to normal variations in exposure and processing of color negative films, particular scenes may not print exactly at the same printer lights as the LAD Control Film. The LAD Control Film is intended as a set-up tool for electronic color analyzers and printers. It is NOT a reference that every scene must match. Normal film-to-film and scene-to-scene exposure variability is accommodated by the color timing (grading) process, on an electronic color analyzer set up with the LAD Control Film. Normally exposed and processed color negatives will typically print well within the range of an additive printer setup with the LAD Control Film, although SIGNIFICANT or UNEXPECTED departures from this center point balance may indicate an exposure/filtration problem with the cinematography or with the process control. Some specialized films and/or specialized negative processing techniques (push-processing, pull-processing, "skip-bleach" processing, etc.) may require more extreme adjustment from the LAD printing condition to attain desired results.More information is contained in KODAK Publication H-61,Image StructureFor more information on image-structure characteristics, see KODAK Publication No. H-845, The Essential Reference Guide for Filmmakers available online at /go/referenceguide .Modulation Transfer FunctionThe "perceived" sharpness of any film depends on various components of the motion picture production system. The camera and projector lenses and film printers, among other factors, all play a role. But the specific sharpness of a film can be measured and is charted in the Modulation Transfer Function Curve.This graph shows a measure of the visual sharpness of this film. The x-axis, “Spatial Frequency,” refers to the number of sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved. The y-axis, “Response,”corresponds to film sharpness. The longer and flatter the line, the more sine waves per millimeter that can be resolved with a high degree of sharpness — and the sharper the film.rms GranularityThe “perception” of the graininess of any film is highly dependent on scene content, complexity, color, and density. Other factors, such as film age, processing,exposure conditions, and telecine transfer may also have significant effects.Read with a microdensitometer, using a 48-micrometre aperture. To find the rms Granularity value for a given density, find the density on the left vertical scale and follow horizontally to the characteristic curve and then go vertically (up or down) to the granularity curve. At that point, follow horizontally to theGranularity Sigma D scale on the right. Read the number and multiply by 1000 for the rms value.Note: This curve represents granularity based on modified measuringtechniques. Sensitometric and Diffuse RMS Granularity curves are produced on different equipment. A slight variation in curve shape may be noticed.SensitometryThe curves describe this film's response to red, green, and blue light. Sensitometric curves determine the change in density on the film for a given change in log exposure.Spectral SensitivityThese curves depict the sensitivity of this film to the spectrum of light. They are useful for determining,modifying, and optimizing exposure for blue- and green-screen special-effects work.Spectral Dye-Density CurvesThese curves depict the spectral absorption of the dyesformed when the film is processed. They are useful for adjusting or optimizing any device that scans or prints the film.Note: Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow Dye Curves are peak-normalized.Note: The sensitometric curves and data in this publication represent product tested under the conditions of exposure and processing specified. They are representative of production coatings, and therefore do not apply directly to a particular box or roll of photographic material. They do not represent standards or specifications that must be met by Eastman Kodak Company. The company reserves the right to change and improve product characteristics at any time.Available Roll Lengths and FormatsSee Kodak Motion Picture Products Catalog at /go/mpcatalog To order film in the United States and Canada, call 1- 800-356-3259, prompt 3.Worldwide customers can find the nearest sales office at /go/salesofficesKODAK VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219 / 7219KODAK Publication No. H-1-5219 Kodak, Keykode, Vision, and Wratten and the Kodak logo are trademarks.Revised 3-22© 2022 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY。
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使用之前 开始步骤 基础拍摄与回放 基础动画录制与回放 Q(快速菜单)按钮 有关拍摄和回放的详细信息 菜单
部件名称 外壳(金属部件) 外壳(树脂部件) 传感器部件 显示部件 光学部件 基板部件 外壳(金属部件) 外壳(树脂部件) 基板部件 电缆 电池 光盘 电池充电器 电缆部件
铅* (Pb) × ○ ○ ○ × × × ○ × × × × 汞 (Hg) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 有毒有害物质或元素 镉 六价铬 (Cd) (Cr (VI)) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 多溴联苯 (PBB) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
在常温下,电池大约可以充电 300 次。当电池可容纳电量的使用时间长度明 显减少时,表明电池已达最终使用寿命,需要进行更换。
■ 存放
电池在充满电时若长期闲置不用,其性能可能会被削弱。存放电池前请先 将其电量放尽。
以5~10mm的透明塑料薄膜为原料,用重离子发生器产生的重离子辐射能源,通过加速器将重离子加速至能量为80Mev 以上。
再经特殊工艺处理后,在塑料薄膜上可形成由1′105/cm 个透氧透水微孔组成的防伪标识图案。
____- - - - - - - - - Rangefinder Eyepiece . .............. . . . . ..... . .... . ,-.';;;___________ Range- Viewfinder Magnification Control Lever.. . !!!!!!'--___________ Film Rewinding Knob .. .. .... .. ................. .. .
A time exposure may be obtained by using the B (Bulb ) position on the High Shutter Speed Dial. The shutter remains open from the time you press the Shutter Release Button until the pressure is removed . You may also obtain a time exposure with the Slow Shutter Speed Dial at T (Time). Press the Shutter Release Button and the shutter will open and remain open until you turn the Slow Shutter Speed Dial to 1. The Shutter will close only when this method is used.
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)
内网管理 视频系列 语音系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
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瘦AP 无线控制器 安全客户端
内网管理 视频系列 终端系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
隧道 无线 冗余
云图系列 衬底系列 按钮系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
一级标题 (24号华文细黑)
二级标题 (18号华文细黑)
区域 区域
路由系列 数据交换 安全系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
高端路由交换机 中端路由交换机 光纤路由交换机 路由交换机
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)
终端系列 SOHO系列 人物系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
NET Hotel
云图系列 衬底系列 按钮系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
云图系列 衬底系列 按钮系列
产品示意图标,使用时标上名称。 (组网图不能使用产品实物图, 大家要善于运用此示意图标)
终端类设脑, 显示器里的界面可更换成自己想要的(特殊用法时)
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)
作为组网图的小图标用,以说明技术或业务的相关功能 (禁止大幅面使用!如封面、封底、扉页等)