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幸亏遇上我的处女审稿,我想不会枪毙它的,给他一个major revision后接收吧。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.
In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.
Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experiments should be provided.
Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.
The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not show
if the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.
A hypothesis needs to be presented。
What was the rationale for the film/SBF volume ratio
Try to set the problem discussed in this paper in more clear,
write one section to define the problem
8、如何凸现原创性以及如何充分地写literature review:
The topic is novel but the application proposed is not so novel.
There is no experimental comparison of the algorithm with previously known work, so it is impossible to judge whether the algorithm is an improvement on previous work.
MNQ is easier than the primitive PNQS, how to prove that.
In addition, the list of references is not in our style. It is close but not completely correct. I have attached a pdf file with "Instructions for Authors" which shows examples.
Before submitting a revision be sure that your material is properly prepared and formatted. If you are unsure, please consult the formatting nstructions to authors that are given under the "Instructions and Forms" button in he upper right-hand corner of the screen.
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.
The authors must have their work reviewed by a proper
translation/reviewing service before submission; only then can a proper review be performed. Most sentences contain grammatical and/or spelling mistakes or are not complete sentences.
As presented, the writing is not acceptable for the journal. There are problems with sentence structure, verb tense, and clause construction. The English of your manuscript must be improved before resubmission. We strongly suggest that you obtain assistance from a colleague who is well-versed in English or whose native language is English.
Please have someone competent in the English language and the subject matter of your paper go over the paper and correct it
the quality of English needs improving.
Reviewer 4
Reviewer Recommendation Term: Reject
Overall Reviewer Manuscript Rating: 25
Comments to Editor: Reviewers are required to enter their name, affiliation and e-mail address below. Please note this is for administrative purposes and will not be seen by the author.
Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs.): Prof.
Name: XXX
Manuscript entitled "Synthesis XXX。
" it has been synthesized with a number of different methods and in a variety of forms. This manuscript does not bring any new knowledge or data on materials property and therefore only contribution may be in novel preparation method, still this point is not elaborated properly (see Remark 1). Presentation and
writing is rather poor; there are several statements not supported with data (for some see Remarks 2) and even some flaws (see Remark 3). For these reasons I suggest to reject paper in the present form.
1. The paper describes a new method for preparation of XXXX, but:
- the new method has to be compared with other methods for preparation of XXXXpowders (INTRODUCTION - literature data, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - discussion),(通常的写作格式,审稿人实际上很在意的)
- it has to be described why this method is better or different from other methods, (INTRODUCTION - literature data, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - discussion),
- it has to be added in the manuscript what kind of XXXXXX by other methods compared to this novel one (INTRODUCTION - literature data, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION - discussion),
- it has to be outlined what is the benefit of this method (ABSTRACT, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS).
2. When discussing XRD data XXXauthors
- state that XXXXX
- state that XXXX
- This usually happens with increasing sintering time, but are there any data to present, density, particle size
3. When discussing luminescence measurements authors write "XXXXXIf there is second harmonic in excitation beam it will stay there no matter what type of material one investigates!!!
Reviewer 5
Reviewer Recommendation Term: Reject
Overall Reviewer Manuscript Rating: N/A
Comments to Editor:
Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs.)rof.
Dear editor:
Thank you for inviting me to evaluate the article titled "XXXX“. In this paper, the authors investigated the influences of sintering condition on the crystal structure and XXXXXX, However, it is difficult for us to understand the manuscript because of poor English being used.
The text is not well arranged and the logic is not clear. Except English writing, there are many mistakes in the manuscript and the experimental results don't show good and new results. So I recommend to you that this manuscript can not be accepted. The following are the questions and some mistakes in this manuscript:
1. TheXXXXXXX. However, this kind material had been investigated since 1997 as mentioned in the author's manuscript, and similar works had been published in similar journals. What are the novel findings in the present work The synthesis method and luminescence properties reported in this manuscript didn't supply enough evidence to support the prime novelty statement.
2. In page 5, the author mentioned that: "XXXX Based on our knowledge, "sintering" describes the process when the powders become ceramics. So, I think the word "synthesis" should be better instead of "sintering" here. Second, the XRD patterns didn't show obvious difference between three "sintering" temperatures of 700, 800 and 900 C.
3. Also in the page X, the author mentioned that: XXX。
However, the author didn't supply the morphologies of particles at different synthesizing temperatures. What are the experimental results or the references which support the author's conclusion that the XXXX properties would be influenced by the particle size
4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX However, to my knowledge, after the milling, the particles size will be decreased exactly, but how and what to destroy the host structure
5. XXX on the vertical axis of the XRD patterns was meaningless, because author add several patterns in one figure. It is obvious that these spectra are not measured by ordinary methods. (都是老问题,不说了)
有次审稿,一个审稿人给的意见是增加两篇参考文献(估计也就是审稿人自己的文章啦),结果作者在回复中写到,making a reference is not charity!看到之后我当时就笑喷了,可以想象审稿人得被噎成什么样。
正如大家所想的那样,这篇稿子理所当然的被拒了,虽然后来经编辑调解改成了major revision,但毕竟耽误的是作者自己的时间不是?
一般来说可以把答复信分成三部分,即List of Actions, Responses to Editor, Responses to Reviewers。
第一部分List of Actions的作用是简明扼要的列出所有修改的条目,让编辑和审稿人在第一时间对修改量有个概念,同时它还充当着修改目录的作用,详见下面的例子。
List of Actions
LOA1: The revised manuscript is double spaced.
LOA2: A discussion on novelty of this work and a comparison with A and B have been added in page 3.
LOA3: A paragraph has been added in page 5 to further explain the algorithm ***.
LOA4: Explanations of the legend of Figure 3 have been added in page 7.
LOA5: Figure 2 has been enlarged.
LOA6: All typos have been removed.
Responses to Editor
We have double spaced the text throughout the revised manuscript, see LOA1. ==================分页=======================
Responses to Reviewers
To Reviewer 1:
Thank you for pointing this out. A and B’s research groups have done blablablabla. However, the focus of our work is on blablablabla, which is very different from A and B’s work, and this is also the major contribution of our work. We have added the following discussion on this issue in our revised manuscript, see LOA2.
We have added the following discussion to further explain algorithm ***, see LOA3.
We have added the following explanations of the legend of Figure 3, see LOA3.
To Reviewer 2:
We have enlarged Figure 2, see LOA 4.
We have removed all typos, see LOA5.
1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML:
I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like to submit for possib
publication in the journal of - .
Yours sincerely
2. Dear Dr. A:
Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publication in journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth w be of interest to the journal’s readers.
3. Dear Dr. A:
Please find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb. All aut have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure
integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conf of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this le the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.
We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comm from the reviewers.
Dear Editors,
We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, rec acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grat if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manusc again. Thank you in advance for your help.
Dear Editors,
It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publicatio your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reache decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possi
1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few m revision are list below.
2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statem require further justification. There are given below.
3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as –
4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.
5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of – because the ma observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - .
6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is satisfactory.
7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communi the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the ad of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker.
8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need car editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Sum which have been underlined.
9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in T
2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so variation between assays.
10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature Were antibody
1. In reply to the referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that –One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mix in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, parag
1 (line 3-8) and
2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result.
2. I have read the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxi table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity ra than an error or omission.
3. Thank you for your letter of –and for the referee’s comm ents concerning our manusc entitled “”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we meet with their approval.
4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments don the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed.
5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Rev portion are underlined in red.
6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript
7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentenc
8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is accept for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.
9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which ar summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.
10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the pa
11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments concerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.
12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had available.
13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.
14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the ce we consider it essential.
15. The running tit le has been changed to “”.
16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of iso and assaying hexokinase.
17. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the orig manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for poin out their error.
18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromo has been included (page16, paragraph 2).
19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submi and to which a scale has been added.
20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4.
21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the and Reference section. These are:
22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manusc is acceptable for publication.
23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvemen this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.
24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting ho improve our paper.
25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additi experiment, as suggested by referees.。