第9章 弧菌属

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–检疫传染病,是指鼠疫、霍乱、黄热病以及国务院 确定和公布的其他传染病。
History and spread of epidemic cholera
• Cholera has smoldered in an endemic fashion on the Indian subcontinent for centuries.
– First, the ratio of cases to carriers is much less than in cholera due to classic biotypes (1: 30-100 for El Tor vs. 1: 2 - 4 for "classic" biotypes).
• There are references to deaths due to dehydrating diarrhea dating back to Hippocrates and Sanskrit writings.
• The mode of transmission of cholera by water was proven in 1849 by John Snow, a London physician.
第九章 弧菌属
第一节 霍乱弧菌 第二节 副溶血性弧菌
• 弧菌属(Vibrio)细菌是一大群菌体短小,弯 曲成弧形、一端有单鞭毛的革兰阴性菌,运 动极活泼。
• 分布广泛,多存在于水中。 • 对人有致病性主要为霍乱弧菌(V. cholerae)
和副溶血弧菌(V. parahaemolyticus )。
• O antigens do distinguish strains of V. cholerae into 139 known serogroups.
Last cholera outbreak dates December 2006 in Angola
The physical map of the two replicons of classical V. cholerae strain 395. The circles represent the I-CeuI (Inner) and SfiI (Outer) maps. The order
• 印度恒河三角洲:O1群, 古典生物型:前六次世界性大流行, 始于1817年; • 印尼苏拉威西岛:O1群, 埃托生物型(EL-Tor bio-type) :第 七次世界大流行,始于1961年,累及140多个国家; • 孟加拉湾(O139,Bengal):始于1992年,危害相同。
• In 1961, the "El Tor" biotype (distinguished from classic biotypes by the production of hemolysins) reemerged and produced a major epidemic in the Philippines to initiate a seventh global pandemic. Since then, this biotype has spread across Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Europe.
• 抵抗力:较弱
怕干——干燥时易死亡,水环境中可存活两周(水源性传 播,水性爆发)
怕酸——正常胃酸4min 不耐热——100℃,1-2min 对消毒剂、抗生素敏感。
Antigenic Variation in V cholerae
• Antigenic variation plays an important role in the epidemiology and virulence of cholera.
第一节 霍乱弧菌
• 霍乱弧菌(V.cholera)是人类霍乱的病原体。 • 霍乱是一种古老且流行广泛的烈性传染病之一。
– 曾在世界上引起多次大流行,主要表现为剧烈的呕吐, 腹泻,失水,死亡率甚高。
– 属于国际检疫传染病。
第一章 总 则 • 第三条 本法规定的传染病是指检疫传染病和监
of genes within each SfiI fragment are arbitrary. (A) Replicon I. (B) Replicon II.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 November 24; 95(24): 14464–14469.
• V cholerae O139 appears to have been derived from the pandemic El Tor biotype but has lost the characteristic O1 somatic antigen; it has gained the ability to produce a polysaccharide capsule; it produces the same cholera enterotoxin; and it seems to have retained the epidemic potential of O1 strains.
– Between 1969 and 1974, El Tor replaced the classic strains in the heartland of endemic cholera, the Ganges River Delta of India.
• Differences in whole-genome expression patterns between the classical and El Tor biotypes of Vibrio cholerae O1 were determined under conditions that induce virulence gene expression in the classical biotype.
• 形态染色
– G—弧菌,单鞭毛,穿梭样动力,鱼群状排列, 有菌毛,个别有荚膜,无芽胞
• 培养特性
– 兼性厌氧,氧气充分生长良好; – 营养要求不高,故用pH8-9碱性培养基,耐碱不耐
酸(pH7.4-9.6),形成光滑透明湿润的“水滴样” 菌落,分离(选择)能在无盐培养基中生长(区 别其它弧菌)。
• Vibrio cholerae O1 has two biotypes, namely, classical and El Tor.
• The first long-distance spread of cholera to Europe and the Americas began in 1817, such that by the early 20th century, six waves of cholera had spread across the world in devastating epidemic fashion. Since then, until the 1960s, the disease contracted, remaining present only in southern Asia.
• A total of 524 genes (13.5% of the genome) were found to be differentially expressed in the two biotypes.
• The expression of genes encoding proteins required for biofilm formation, chemotaxis, and transport of amino acids, peptides, and iron was higher in the El Tor biotype. These gene expression differences may contribute to the enhanced survival capacity of the El Tor biotype in environmental reservoirs.
• The flagellar antigens of V. cholerae are shared with many water vibrios and therefore are of no use in distinguishing strains causing epidemic cholera.
• The expression of genes encoding virulence factors was higher in the classical than in the El Tor biotype.
• A large fraction (20.8%) of the genes that are differentially expressed in the classical versus the El Tor biotype are controlled by VieA in the classical biotype. Thus, VieA is a major regulator of genes in the classical biotype under virulence gene-inducing conditions.
Sinem Beyhan, Anna D. Tischler,, Andrew Camilli, and Fitnat H. Yildiz. Differences in Gene Expression between the Classical and El Tor Biotypes of Vibrio cholerae O1.Infection and Immunity, June 2006, p. 3633-3642, Vol. 74, No. 6
– Second, the duration of carriage after infection is longer for the El Tor strain than the classic strains.
– Third, the El Tor strain survives for longer periods in the extraintestinal environment.
• There are several characteristics of the El Tor strain thatof "epidemic virulence" allowing it to spread across the world as previous strains have done.
• In 1883, Robert Koch successfully isolated the cholera vibrio from the intestinal discharges of cholera patients and proved conclusively that it was the agent of the disease.
霍乱弧菌在硫代硫酸钠-柠檬酸钠-胆盐-蔗糖(TCBS) 琼脂平板上的生长状况
• 生化反应:
• 抗原分型:
有200多个血清群,其中O1群、O139群可引起霍乱,其 余不致病或仅引起胃肠炎等, O1群包括两个生物型:古典 生物型和埃托生物型(E1-Tor)