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XU Wei1 ,TIAN Zhensheng2 ,ZHEN Wenxuan1 ,HE Ruiqi1 ,WANG Hechao1 , LIU Minglei1 ,WANG Desheng1 ,WANG Meng1
( 1. China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,Langfang Hebei 065000,China; 2. The 2nd China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. ,Ltd. ,Xuzhou Jiangsu 221000,China)
0 引言
巴基斯坦是中国通往南亚和西亚之路上的重要站 点,中巴关系友好,双方高层互访频繁,两国关系具有广
徐 伟1 ,田振胜2 ,甄文选1 ,何瑞祺1 ,王鹤超1 ,刘明磊1 ,王德升1 ,王 猛1
( 1. 中国石油管道局工程有限公司,河北 廊坊 065000; 2. 中国石油天然气管道第二工程有限公司,江苏 徐州 221000)
摘 要: 基于 PMP 中干系人管理的思路,搭建海外安保管理平台,形成“1 个核心”“5 大支柱”,即以企业内部安保管理机制为核
通过 5 年的实践表明: 该安保管理模式发挥了预期效果,实现了社会安全事件“零伤害”的目标。最后,对照实际安保需求并学习
关键词: 海外项目; 安保管理; 高风险地区; 巴基斯坦
中图分类号: X915. 2
文献标志码: A
doi: 10. 11731 / j. issn. 1673-193x. 2019. S2. 030
Establishment and consideration of a security management pattern in overseas high risk are —Security management practice of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. ,Ltd. in Pakistan
Abstract: Based on the idea of stakeholder in project management professional,this paper builds an oversea security management platform to ensure the security and stability of the staff of China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co. ,Ltd. in Pakistan. There are one core and five pillars in the platform. The core is the internal security management mechanism of enterprises. The pillars are private security companies,government security forces,Chinese embassies,insurance companies and overseas Chinese enterprises association and associated organizations. They interworked and mutually-supported to form an effective interaction mechanism and framework,which combines enterprises with government,has a complete system,operates orderly,responses rapidly and defends responsibilities clearly. Five-year’s practice shows that the security management platform had reached the expected results and achieved the goal of “zero harm”in social security events. Finally,according to the actual security needs and comparing with some good management practices of the oversea projects of European and American companies,this paper found out the weakness of the platform and proposed some suggestions for upgrading the existing security management platform. Key words: overseas projects; security management; high-risk areas; Pakistan
第 15 卷 增刊 2 2019 年 12 月
中国安全生产科学技术 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
文章编号: 1673 - 193X( 2019) - S2 - 0122 - 2019
海外高风险地区安保管理模式构建与思考 ———管道局巴基斯坦安保管理实践