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1051.disadvantage [d s d vɑ nt d ] n. 不利条件;弱点
1052.disagree [d s ɡri ] vi. 意见不一致
1053.disagreement [d s ɡri m nt] n. 意见不一致;争论
1054.disappear [d s p ] vi. 消失
1055.disappoint [d s p nt] vt. 使失望
1056.disapprove [ d s pru v] vt. 反对;不批准,否决
1057.disaster [d zɑ st ] n. 灾难;祸患
1058.discipline [ d s pl n] n. 纪律,风纪;惩罚
1058.discount [ d ska nt] n. 折扣
1059.discourage [d sk r d ] vt. 使气馁;打消(念头)
1060.discover [d sk v ] vt. 发现
1061.discovery [d sk v r ] n. 发现
1062.discrimination [d skr m ne n] n. 歧视
1063.discuss [d s k s] vt. 讨论, 议论
1064.discussion [d s k n] n. 讨论, 辩论
1065.disease [d zi z] n. 病, 疾病
1067.dish [d ] n. 盘碟;盘装菜;盘形物
1068.disk =disc [d sk] n. 磁盘
1069.dislike [d s la k] vt. 不喜爱;厌恶
1070.dismiss [d s m s] vt. 让…离开;遣散;解雇1071.display [d sple ] vt. 陈列;显露
1072.distance [ d st ns] n. 距离
1073.distant [ d st nt] a. 远的, 遥远的
1074. distinctive[d st k v] a. 不同的;明显的1075.distinguish [d st ɡw ] v. 区分, 辨别, 分清1076.distribute [d str bju t] v. 分发, 分配
1077.district [ d str kt] n. 区;地区;区域
1078.disturb [d st b] vt. 扰乱;打扰
1079.disturbing [d st b ] a. 令人不安的, 引起恐慌的1080.dive [da v] vi. 跳水
1081.diverse [da v s] v. 不同的, 多种多样
1082.divide [d va d] vt. 分, 划分
1083.division [d v n] n. (算术用语)除
1084.divorce [d v s] v. 离婚
1085.dizzy [ d z ] a. 头眩目晕的
1086.do [d , du ] v. & aux. 做, 干
1087.doctor [ d kt ] n. 医生, 大夫;博士
1088.document [ d kj m nt] n. 文件;文献
1089.dog [d ɡ] n. 狗
1090.doll [d l] n. 玩偶, 玩具娃娃
1091.dominate [ d m ne t] vt. 统治,支配
1092.door [d ] n. 门
1093.dormitory [ d m t r ] n. 学生宿舍
1094.dot [d t] n. 点, 小点, 圆点
1095.double [ d b l] a. 两倍,双的n. 两个,双
1096.doubt [da t] n.& v. 怀疑, 疑惑
1097.down [da n] prep. 沿着ad. 向下
1098.download ['daunl ud] n.& v. 下载
1099.downstairs [ da nste z] ad. 在楼下;到楼下
1100.downtown [ da nta n] ad.在商业区n.中心区a.闹市区的维度二:英译汉版(disadvantage~downtown)
1051.disadvantage [d s d vɑ nt d ] n. ________
1052.disagree [d s ɡri ] vi. 意见不一致
1053.disagreement [d s ɡri m nt] n. ________
1054.disappear [d s p ] vi. ________
1055.disappoint [d s p nt] vt. ________
1056.disapprove [ d s pru v] vt. ________
1057.disaster [d zɑ st ] n. ________
1058.discipline [ d s pl n] n. ________
1058.discount [ d ska nt] n. ________
1059.discourage [d sk r d ] vt. ________
1061.discovery [d sk v r ] n. ________ 1062.discrimination [d skr m ne n] n. ____ 1063.discuss [d s k s] vt. ________ 1064.discussion [d s k n] n. ________ 1065.disease [d zi z] n. ________ 1067.dish [d ] n. ________
1068.disk =disc [d sk] n. ________
1069.dislike [d s la k] vt. ________
1070.dismiss [d s m s] vt. ________ 1071.display [d sple ] vt. ________ 1072.distance [ d st ns] n. ________ 1073.distant [ d st nt] a. ________
1074. distinctive[d st k v] a. ________ 1075.distinguish [d st ɡw ] v. ________ 1076.distribute [d str bju t] v. ________ 1077.district [ d str kt] n. ________
1078.disturb [d st b] vt. ________ 1079.disturbing [d st b ] a. ________ 1080.dive [da v] vi. ________
1081.diverse [da v s] v. ________ 1082.divide [d va d] vt. ________
1084.divorce [d v s] v. ________
1085.dizzy [ d z ] a. ________
1086.do [d , du ] v. & aux. ____
1087.doctor [ d kt ] n. ________
1088.document [ d kj m nt] n. _______
1089.dog [d ɡ] n. ________
1090.doll [d l] n. ________
1091.dominate [ d m ne t] vt. ________
1092.door [d ] n. ________
1093.dormitory [ d m t r ] n. ________
1094.dot [d t] n. ________
1095.double [ d b l] a. _____ n. ______
1096.doubt [da t] n.& v. ________
1097.down [da n] prep. _____ad. _____
1098.download ['daunl ud] n.& v. ________
1099.downstairs [ da nste z] ad. ________
1100.downtown [ da nta n] ad. ____n. ____a. _____维度三:汉译英版(disadvantage~downtown) 1051. ________ [d s d vɑ nt d ] n. 不利条件;弱点1052. ________ [d s ɡri ] vi. 意见不一致1053. ________ [d s ɡri m nt] n. 意见不一致;争论
1054. ________ [d s p ] vi. 消失
1055. ________ [d s p nt] vt. 使失望
1056. ________ [ d s pru v] vt. 反对;不批准,否决1057. ________ [d zɑ st ] n. 灾难;祸患
1058. ________ [ d s pl n] n. 纪律,风纪;惩罚1058. ________ [ d ska nt] n. 折扣
1059. ________ [d sk r d ] vt. 使气馁;打消(念头)1060. ________ [d sk v ] vt. 发现
1061. ________ [d sk v r ] n. 发现
1062. ________ [d skr m ne n] n. 歧视
1063. ________ [d s k s] vt. 讨论, 议论
1064. ________ [d s k n] n. 讨论, 辩论
1065. ________ [d zi z] n. 病, 疾病
1067. ________ [d ] n. 盘碟;盘装菜;盘形物1068. ________ [d sk] n. 磁盘
1069. ________ [d s la k] vt. 不喜爱;厌恶
1070. ________ [d s m s] vt. 让…离开;遣散;解雇1071. ________ [d sple ] vt. 陈列;显露
1072. ________ [ d st ns] n. 距离
1073. ________ [ d st nt] a. 远的, 遥远的
1074. ________ [d st k v] a. 不同的;明显的1075. ________ [d st ɡw ] v. 区分, 辨别, 分清
1076. ________ [d str bju t] v. 分发, 分配
1077. ________ [ d str kt] n. 区;地区;区域
1078. ________ [d st b] vt. 扰乱;打扰
1079. ________ [d st b ] a.令人不安的, 引起恐慌的1080. ________ [da v] vi. 跳水
1081. ________ [da v s] v. 不同的, 多种多样1082. ________ [d va d] vt. 分, 划分
1083. ________ [d v n] n. (算术用语)除1084. ________ [d v s] v. 离婚
1085. ________ [ d z ] a. 头眩目晕的
1086. ________ [d , du ] v. & aux. 做, 干
1087. ________ [ d kt ] n. 医生, 大夫;博士
1088. ________ [ d kj m nt] n. 文件;文献
1089. ________ [d ɡ] n. 狗
1090. ________ [d l] n. 玩偶, 玩具娃娃
1091. ________ [ d m ne t] vt. 统治,支配
1092. ________ [d ] n. 门
1093. ________ [ d m t r ] n. 学生宿舍
1094. ________ [d t] n. 点, 小点, 圆点
1095. ________ [ d b l] a. 两倍,双的n. 两个.双1096. ________ [da t] n.& v. 怀疑, 疑惑
1097. ________ [da n] prep. 沿着ad. 向下
1098. ________ ['daunl ud] n.& v. 下载
1099. ________ [ da nste z] ad. 在楼下;到楼下
1100. ________ [ da nta n] ad.在商业区n.中心区a.闹市区的维度四:词形转换版(disadvantage~downtown)
1.at a disadvantage n. 不利条件;弱点
advantage n. 优势
advantageous a. 有利的,有益的
2.disagree vi. 意见不一致
disagreement n. 意见不一致;争论
3.disappear vi. 消失
disappearance n. 失踪;消亡
4.disappoint vt. 使失望
disappointing a. 令人失望的,令人扫兴的disappointed a. 失望的,沮丧的
disappointment n. 沮丧;令人失望的人
5.disapprove vt. 反对;不批准,否决
disapproval n. 不赞同,反对
disapproving a. 反对的;不赞成的
approval n. 赞成;批准
approving a. 赞成的,赞许的
6.disaster n. 灾难;祸患
disastrous a. 灾难性的;损失惨重的
7.discourage vt. 使气馁;打消(念头)discouraging a. 使人沮丧的;令人气馁的discouraged a. 泄气的,心灰意冷的discouragement n. 气馁;挫折
8.discover vt. 发现
discovery n. 发现
discoverer n. 发现者
9.discrimination n. 歧视
discriminate vt. 歧视,区别对待
10.discuss vt. 讨论, 议论
discussion n. 讨论, 辩论
11.dismiss vt. 让…离开;遣散;解雇dismissal n. 解雇;不予考虑
12.distance n. 距离
distant a. 远的, 遥远的
13.distinctive a. 不同的;明显的distinction n. 区分;卓越
14.distinguish v. 区分, 辨别, 分清distinguished a. 卓越的
15.distribute v. 分发, 分配
distributor n. 经销商,批发商distribution n. 分发;分销
16.disturb vt. 扰乱;打扰
disturbing a. 令人不安的, 引起恐慌的disturbed a. 烦恼的;(睡眠)不安稳的disturbance n. 扰乱;骚乱
17.diverse v. 不同的, 多种多样
diversity n. 多样化;不同
18.divide vt. 分, 划分
division n. (算术用语)除
19.dominate vt. 统治,支配
domination n. 控制,统治
20.doubt n.& v. 怀疑, 疑惑
doubtful a. 怀疑的;不大可能的
1.at a disadvantage处于劣势
2.disagree with sb 不同意
3.in disagreement with与……不一致
4.be disappointed to do对某事感到失望
5.be disappointed at…对某事感到失望
6.to one’s disappointment令某人失望的是
7.disapprove of 不赞成
8.at a 10% discount打九折
9.discourage sb from doing劝某人打消做某事的念头
10.discrimination against…对……的歧视
11.be under discussion 正在讨论中
12.dislike it when… 不喜欢当……时
13.be on display 公开展出
14.in the distance 在远处
15.distinguish …from…与……不同的是
16.dive into 跳入
17.divide …into… 把……分割成
18.do away with 废除,取消
19.do up 扣好;翻新
20.do with 处理,应对
21.do without 设法应付过去
22.do a good deed 做一件好事
23.do justice to sb 公平对待
24.do’s and don’ts 注意事项
25.from door to door 挨家挨户
26.be dotted with 点缀着
27.There is no doubt that…毫无疑问……
28.without doubt 毋庸置疑
29.I doubt whether… 我怀疑是否……
30.go downtown 去市中心
1.Te applicitts beft the interviewer's office with________ (disappoint)looks on their faces.
2. The wine was excellent, but the food was________ (disappoint).
3. Don't be________ (discourage)when facing the difficulties.
4.The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant________ (discover).
5. The picture looks beautiful________a distance.
6. Speech distinguishes man________the animals.10.The world is divided________seven continents.
7.David's biggest headache is________to do with his money.
8.I'm happy that my 80-year-old grandma has leaned how ________ (download) from the Internet.
9.I don't doubt________ the gold ring belongs to her.
10.1 doubt________ that chair will bear your weight.
do up, dive into, do away with, dislike it when, go downtown, do without, is dotted with, do with,
1.We decided to _____________ our old cooker and buy a new one
2.If they can't get it to us in time, we'll just have to _____________.
3.Please _____________ these books and post them for Mr Smith.
4.Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to _____________ age.
5.But before we _____________ the details, let's review some examples.
6.On the front gate of each household _____________ red Chinese knots and lanterns.
7.Some people really_____________ you put fingerprints on their screens.
8.They buy foods at local shops but _____________ for clothes.
1.The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.
2.It seemed as if the battle against racial discrimination was gradually being won.
3.He was dismissed from the school for his rude behavior.
4. Men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.
5.The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the hall.
6.Water dissolves organic matter and minerals from the soil and carries them to deeper layers.
7.The African elephant is divided into two distinct species.
8.Clothes and blankets have been distributed to the earthquake victims.
9.Living in the city will put you in touch with people from diverse cultures.
10.His parents divorced when he was four.
11. The airplane climbed to a dizzy height.
12.---Can you lend me some money
---Sure, Will $20 do
13.To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.
14. Output consists of both exports and sales on domestic markets.
15.I wish people would just keep domestic animals such as dogs, cats rabbits and hamsters as pets.
16.As a matter of fact, the prices may double at Christmas time.
1. ________________ (使我们大失所望的是),it rained every day of the trip.
2.Visit the website and you can buy the book ________________ (以八折优惠价).
3.Recently we have ________(讨论) about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.
4. The stores have these clothes________(展出)in the window.
5. It's just________________ (一段……距离)50 meters from here to the restaurant.
6. It started to rain so we ________ (冲进) the nearest cafe.
7. I'm sorry about the accident, but it________________ (与……无关)me.
8. I don't have any sugar so you’ll have to ________ (将就).
9.The following are some________ (注意事项)of caring for dogs.
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
Games close with fond memories
By CUI JIA | chinadaily. | Updated: 2023-08-08 23:54
The 31st FISU World University Games concluded on August, 8 in
Chengdu, Sichuan province, 1 (win) wide praise from officials and athletes alike.
Declaring the games 2 (close), Leonz Eder, acting president of the International University Sports Federation, said the event has made the dreams of student-athletes come true 3 they have won medals or not.
The ceremony was held at the Chengdu Open Air Music Park. It was the first time in the world that the closing ceremony of a large international sporting event 4 (hold) in a park. "Some athletes dreamed of winning medals in the Chengdu games, and they did. Meanwhile, some people dreamed of competing at their 5 (good) level. Maybe they failed but they had 6 unique experience of competing with top athletes from around the world," Eder said.
A total of 6,500 student-athletes from 113 countries and regions competed in 269 7 (event) of 18 sports at the Chengdu games, which opened on July 28. China led the medal tally with 103 gold, 40 silver and 35 bronze. During the closing ceremony, the FISU flag 8 (hand) to a 9 (represent) of Rhine-Ruhr, Germany, 10 will host the 32nd FISU World University Games in 2025.disadvantage~downtown
1051.disadvantage [d s d vɑ nt d ] n. 不利条件;弱点1052.disagree [d s ɡri ] vi. 意见不一致
1053.disagreement [d s ɡri m nt] n. 意见不一致;争论1054.disappear [d s p ] vi. 消失
1055.disappoint [d s p nt] vt. 使失望
1056.disapprove [ d s pru v] vt. 反对;不批准,否决1057.disaster [d zɑ st ] n. 灾难;祸患
1058.discipline [ d s pl n] n. 纪律,风纪;惩罚1058.discount [ d ska nt] n. 折扣
1059.discourage [d sk r d ] vt. 使气馁;打消(念头)1060.discover [d sk v ] vt. 发现
1061.discovery [d sk v r ] n. 发现
1062.discrimination [d skr m ne n] n. 歧视
1063.discuss [d s k s] vt. 讨论, 议论
1064.discussion [d s k n] n. 讨论, 辩论
1065.disease [d zi z] n. 病, 疾病
1067.dish [d ] n. 盘碟;盘装菜;盘形物1068.disk =disc [d sk] n. 磁盘
1069.dislike [d s la k] vt. 不喜爱;厌恶
1070.dismiss [d s m s] vt. 让…离开;遣散;解雇1071.display [d sple ] vt. 陈列;显露
1072.distance [ d st ns] n. 距离
1073.distant [ d st nt] a. 远的, 遥远的
1074. distinctive[d st k v] a. 不同的;明显的1075.distinguish [d st ɡw ] v. 区分, 辨别, 分清1076.distribute [d str bju t] v. 分发, 分配
1077.district [ d str kt] n. 区;地区;区域
1078.disturb [d st b] vt. 扰乱;打扰
1079.disturbing [d st b ] a. 令人不安的, 引起恐慌的1080.dive [da v] vi. 跳水
1081.diverse [da v s] v. 不同的, 多种多样
1082.divide [d va d] vt. 分, 划分
1083.division [d v n] n. (算术用语)除
1084.divorce [d v s] v. 离婚
1085.dizzy [ d z ] a. 头眩目晕的
1086.do [d , du ] v. & aux. 做, 干
1087.doctor [ d kt ] n. 医生, 大夫;博士
1088.document [ d kj m nt] n. 文件;文献
1089.dog [d ɡ] n. 狗
1090.doll [d l] n. 玩偶, 玩具娃娃
1091.dominate [ d m ne t] vt. 统治,支配
1092.door [d ] n. 门
1093.dormitory [ d m t r ] n. 学生宿舍
1094.dot [d t] n. 点, 小点, 圆点
1095.double [ d b l] a. 两倍,双的n. 两个,双
1096.doubt [da t] n.& v. 怀疑, 疑惑
1097.down [da n] prep. 沿着ad. 向下
1098.download ['daunl ud] n.& v. 下载
1099.downstairs [ da nste z] ad. 在楼下;到楼下
1100.downtown [ da nta n] ad.在商业区n.中心区a.闹市区的维度二:英译汉版(disadvantage~downtown)
1051.disadvantage [d s d vɑ nt d ] n. ________
1052.disagree [d s ɡri ] vi. 意见不一致
1053.disagreement [d s ɡri m nt] n. ________
1054.disappear [d s p ] vi. ________
1055.disappoint [d s p nt] vt. ________
1056.disapprove [ d s pru v] vt. ________
1057.disaster [d zɑ st ] n. ________
1058.discipline [ d s pl n] n. ________
1058.discount [ d ska nt] n. ________
1059.discourage [d sk r d ] vt. ________
1060.discover [d sk v ] vt. ________
1061.discovery [d sk v r ] n. ________
1062.discrimination [d skr m ne n] n. ____
1063.discuss [d s k s] vt. ________
1064.discussion [d s k n] n. ________
1065.disease [d zi z] n. ________ 1067.dish [d ] n. ________
1068.disk =disc [d sk] n. ________ 1069.dislike [d s la k] vt. ________ 1070.dismiss [d s m s] vt. ________ 1071.display [d sple ] vt. ________ 1072.distance [ d st ns] n. ________ 1073.distant [ d st nt] a. ________ 1074. distinctive[d st k v] a. ________ 1075.distinguish [d st ɡw ] v. ________ 1076.distribute [d str bju t] v. ________ 1077.district [ d str kt] n. ________ 1078.disturb [d st b] vt. ________ 1079.disturbing [d st b ] a. ________ 1080.dive [da v] vi. ________
1081.diverse [da v s] v. ________ 1082.divide [d va d] vt. ________ 1083.division [d v n] n. ________ 1084.divorce [d v s] v. ________ 1085.dizzy [ d z ] a. ________
1086.do [d , du ] v. & aux. ____
1087.doctor [ d kt ] n. ________
1088.document [ d kj m nt] n. _______
1089.dog [d ɡ] n. ________
1090.doll [d l] n. ________
1091.dominate [ d m ne t] vt. ________
1092.door [d ] n. ________
1093.dormitory [ d m t r ] n. ________
1094.dot [d t] n. ________
1095.double [ d b l] a. _____ n. ______
1096.doubt [da t] n.& v. ________
1097.down [da n] prep. _____ad. _____
1098.download ['daunl ud] n.& v. ________
1099.downstairs [ da nste z] ad. ________
1100.downtown [ da nta n] ad. ____n. ____a. _____
维度三:汉译英版(disadvantage~downtown) 1051. ________ [d s d vɑ nt d ] n. 不利条件;弱点1052. ________ [d s ɡri ] vi. 意见不一致
1053. ________ [d s ɡri m nt] n. 意见不一致;争论1054. ________ [d s p ] vi. 消失
1055. ________ [d s p nt] vt. 使失望
1056. ________ [ d s pru v] vt. 反对;不批准,否决1057. ________ [d zɑ st ] n. 灾难;祸患
1058. ________ [ d s pl n] n. 纪律,风纪;惩罚
1058. ________ [ d ska nt] n. 折扣
1059. ________ [d sk r d ] vt. 使气馁;打消(念头)1060. ________ [d sk v ] vt. 发现
1061. ________ [d sk v r ] n. 发现
1062. ________ [d skr m ne n] n. 歧视
1063. ________ [d s k s] vt. 讨论, 议论
1064. ________ [d s k n] n. 讨论, 辩论
1065. ________ [d zi z] n. 病, 疾病
1067. ________ [d ] n. 盘碟;盘装菜;盘形物1068. ________ [d sk] n. 磁盘
1069. ________ [d s la k] vt. 不喜爱;厌恶
1070. ________ [d s m s] vt. 让…离开;遣散;解雇1071. ________ [d sple ] vt. 陈列;显露
1072. ________ [ d st ns] n. 距离
1073. ________ [ d st nt] a. 远的, 遥远的
1074. ________ [d st k v] a. 不同的;明显的1075. ________ [d st ɡw ] v. 区分, 辨别, 分清1076. ________ [d str bju t] v. 分发, 分配
1077. ________ [ d str kt] n. 区;地区;区域
1078. ________ [d st b] vt. 扰乱;打扰
1079. ________ [d st b ] a.令人不安的, 引起恐慌的1080. ________ [da v] vi. 跳水
1081. ________ [da v s] v. 不同的, 多种多样
1082. ________ [d va d] vt. 分, 划分
1083. ________ [d v n] n. (算术用语)除
1084. ________ [d v s] v. 离婚
1085. ________ [ d z ] a. 头眩目晕的
1086. ________ [d , du ] v. & aux. 做, 干
1087. ________ [ d kt ] n. 医生, 大夫;博士
1088. ________ [ d kj m nt] n. 文件;文献
1089. ________ [d ɡ] n. 狗
1090. ________ [d l] n. 玩偶, 玩具娃娃
1091. ________ [ d m ne t] vt. 统治,支配
1092. ________ [d ] n. 门
1093. ________ [ d m t r ] n. 学生宿舍
1094. ________ [d t] n. 点, 小点, 圆点
1095. ________ [ d b l] a. 两倍,双的n. 两个.双
1096. ________ [da t] n.& v. 怀疑, 疑惑
1097. ________ [da n] prep. 沿着ad. 向下
1098. ________ ['daunl ud] n.& v. 下载
1099. ________ [ da nste z] ad. 在楼下;到楼下
1100. ________ [ da nta n] ad.在商业区n.中心区a.闹市区的维度四:词形转换版(disadvantage~downtown)
1.at a disadvantage n. 不利条件;弱点
advantage n. 优势
advantageous a. 有利的,有益的
2.disagree vi. 意见不一致
disagreement n. 意见不一致;争论
3.disappear vi. 消失
disappearance n. 失踪;消亡
4.disappoint vt. 使失望
disappointing a. 令人失望的,令人扫兴的disappointed a. 失望的,沮丧的disappointment n. 沮丧;令人失望的人5.disapprove vt. 反对;不批准,否决disapproval n. 不赞同,反对disapproving a. 反对的;不赞成的approval n. 赞成;批准
approving a. 赞成的,赞许的
6.disaster n. 灾难;祸患
disastrous a. 灾难性的;损失惨重的
7.discourage vt. 使气馁;打消(念头)discouraging a. 使人沮丧的;令人气馁的discouraged a. 泄气的,心灰意冷的discouragement n. 气馁;挫折
8.discover vt. 发现
discovery n. 发现
discoverer n. 发现者
9.discrimination n. 歧视
discriminate vt. 歧视,区别对待
10.discuss vt. 讨论, 议论
discussion n. 讨论, 辩论
11.dismiss vt. 让…离开;遣散;解雇dismissal n. 解雇;不予考虑
12.distance n. 距离
distant a. 远的, 遥远的
13.distinctive a. 不同的;明显的distinction n. 区分;卓越
14.distinguish v. 区分, 辨别, 分清distinguished a. 卓越的
15.distribute v. 分发, 分配
distributor n. 经销商,批发商distribution n. 分发;分销
16.disturb vt. 扰乱;打扰disturbing a. 令人不安的, 引起恐慌的disturbed a. 烦恼的;(睡眠)不安稳的disturbance n. 扰乱;骚乱
17.diverse v. 不同的, 多种多样
diversity n. 多样化;不同
18.divide vt. 分, 划分
division n. (算术用语)除
19.dominate vt. 统治,支配
domination n. 控制,统治
20.doubt n.& v. 怀疑, 疑惑
doubtful a. 怀疑的;不大可能的
1.at a disadvantage处于劣势
2.disagree with sb 不同意
3.in disagreement with与……不一致
4.be disappointed to do对某事感到失望
5.be disappointed at…对某事感到失望
6.to one’s disappointment令某人失望的是
7.disapprove of 不赞成
8.at a 10% discount打九折
9.discourage sb from doing劝某人打消做某事的念头
10.discrimination against…对……的歧视
11.be under discussion 正在讨论中
12.dislike it when… 不喜欢当……时
13.be on display 公开展出
14.in the distance 在远处
15.distinguish …from…与……不同的是
16.dive into 跳入
17.divide …into… 把……分割成
18.do away with 废除,取消
19.do up 扣好;翻新
20.do with 处理,应对
21.do without 设法应付过去
22.do a good deed 做一件好事
23.do justice to sb 公平对待
24.do’s and don’ts 注意事项
25.from door to door 挨家挨户
26.be dotted with 点缀着
27.There is no doubt that…毫无疑问……
28.without doubt 毋庸置疑
29.I doubt whether… 我怀疑是否……
30.go downtown 去市中心
1.Te applicitts beft the interviewer's office with________ (disappoint)looks on their faces.
2. The wine was excellent, but the food was________ (disappoint).
3. Don't be________ (discourage)when facing the difficulties.
4.The Hubble Telescope has allowed astronomers to make significant________ (discover).
5. The picture looks beautiful________a distance.
6. Speech distinguishes man________the animals.10.The world is divided________seven continents.
7.David's biggest headache is________to do with his money.
8.I'm happy that my 80-year-old grandma has leaned how ________ (download) from the Internet.
9.I don't doubt________ the gold ring belongs to her.
10.1 doubt________ that chair will bear your weight.
6.from, into
8.to download
9.that 10.if/whether
do up, dive into, do away with, dislike it when, go downtown, do without, is dotted with, do with,
1.We decided to _____________ our old cooker and buy a new one
2.If they can't get it to us in time, we'll just have to _____________.
3.Please _____________ these books and post them for Mr Smith.
4.Beauty is an attitude. It has nothing to _____________ age.
5.But before we _____________ the details, let's review some examples.
6.On the front gate of each household _____________ red Chinese knots and lanterns.
7.Some people really_____________ you put fingerprints on their screens.
8.They buy foods at local shops but _____________ for clothes.
1. do away with
2. do without
3. do up
4. do with
5. dive into
6. is dotted with
7. dislike it when
8.go downtown
1.The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline.
2.It seemed as if the battle against racial discrimination was gradually being won.
3.He was dismissed from the school for his rude behavior.
4. Men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.
5.The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the hall.
6.Water dissolves organic matter and minerals from the soil and carries them to deeper layers.
7.The African elephant is divided into two distinct species.
8.Clothes and blankets have been distributed to the earthquake victims.
9.Living in the city will put you in touch with people from diverse
10.His parents divorced when he was four.
11. The airplane climbed to a dizzy height.
12.---Can you lend me some money
---Sure, Will $20 do
13.To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.
14. Output consists of both exports and sales on domestic markets.
15.I wish people would just keep domestic animals such as dogs, cats rabbits and hamsters as pets.
16.As a matter of fact, the prices may double at Christmas time.
1. ________________ (使我们大失所望的是),it rained every day of the trip.
2.Visit the website and you can buy the book ________________ (以八折优惠价).
3.Recently we have ________(讨论) about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks.
4. The stores have these clothes________(展出)in the window.
5. It's just________________ (一段……距离)50 meters from here to the restaurant.
6. It started to rain so we ________ (冲进) the nearest cafe.
7. I'm sorry about the accident, but it________________ (与……无关)me.
8. I don't have any sugar so you’ll have to ________ (将就).
9.The following are some________ (注意事项)of caring for dogs.
1.To our great disappointment / Much to our disappointment
2. at a 20% discount
3. had/held a discussion
4. on display
5.a distance of
6. dived into
7. has nothing to do with
8. do without
9. dos and don’ts / do’s and don'ts
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
___________________________________________________________ ______________________
1. One major disadvantage of this area is the lack of public transport.
2. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I can’t come after all.
3. The beach is within walking distance of my house.
4. Sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a minute
5.I have no doubt that he will succeed.
Games close with fond memories
By CUI JIA | chinadaily. | Updated: 2023-08-08 23:54
The 31st FISU World University Games concluded on August, 8 in Chengdu, Sichuan province, 1 (win) wide praise from officials and athletes alike.
Declaring the games 2 (close), Leonz Eder, acting president of the International University Sports Federation, said the event has made the dreams of student-athletes come true 3 they have won medals or not.
The ceremony was held at the Chengdu Open Air Music Park. It was the first time in the world that the closing ceremony of a large international sporting event 4 (hold) in a park. "Some athletes dreamed of winning medals in the Chengdu games, and they did. Meanwhile, some people dreamed of competing at their 5 (good) level. Maybe they failed but they had 6 unique experience of competing with top athletes from around the world," Eder said.
A total of 6,500 student-athletes from 113 countries and regions competed in 269 7 (event) of 18 sports at the Chengdu games, which opened on July 28. China led the medal tally with 103 gold, 40 silver and 35 bronze. During the closing ceremony, the FISU flag 8 (hand) to a 9 (represent) of Rhine-Ruhr, Germany, 10 will host the 32nd FISU World University Games in 2025.
1. winning
2. closed
3. whether
4. had been held
5. best
6. a
7. events
8. was handed
9. representative 10. which。