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世界建筑 2009/12

3-1 3-2 数澳字门建:构回归/D十I G年I T之A L建 筑T E与C T城O N市I C/SM A C A O : 1 9 9 9 - 2 0 0 9
邻里共建:光复围街区 龚恺 / 东南大学建筑系 设计小组成员:武宏伟,陈君,闵铭 胡宏,申世明 Mix Community: Patio da Claridade Gong Kai/Department of Architecture, Southeast University 2 Design team: Wu Hongwei, Chen Jun, Min Ming, Hu Hong, Shen Shiming
的参考:中国目前各城市急速的旧城改造过程 ,大多以全盘拆除的 residence: by capitalizing built heritages in their community as
方式进行,不仅对传统的都市肌理以及建筑形式造成破坏,还往往 their spatial tool for sustainable development, they would be able
Research and the Workshop
香港、台湾 5 个大学的研究团队,分别就澳门几个”围”和”里”的
This report covers two parts: 1) the basic survey and study of
历史肌理,提出其作为城市再生触媒空间的策略。这 5 个团队分别 Patio and Beco, or known as “Wai”; 2) urban strategies adapting
肌理研究与工作坊 研究分为两部分,第一部分是本王维仁建筑研究室对围与里的 城市肌理的基本勘查与定义,第二部分由澳门文化局邀请来自大陆、
plazas and cathedrals. Weaving with such spatial structure, a particular type of urban fabric originated from China, Patio and Beco were developed and became the basic neighborhood units of the city. Culture Institute of Macao intends to conduct a survey in the historical urban center of Macao, identify significant architecture and urban spaces that can be used as catalyst for urban regeneration. The study focuses on the investigation of Patio and Beco, looking into innovative strategies for their urban revitalization.
largos, plazas, and city wall. The urban framework of Macao ’s historical district can be understand as networks of monuments and urban spaces built along the ridgeline between Mount Fort in the north and Colina da Penha to its South. Street (Rua) and lane
to acquire additional resources for negotiation on sustaining their social and cultural ecology.
The research also intends to demonstrate alternative ways for responding to the urban crisis of contemporary Chinese Cities: the bulldozing process of urban renewal that not only caused destruction of historical city fabric but also acute social conflict resulting from the dislocation of communities. While many urban conservation projects only address the restoration and making of historical urban setting, the study aims to investigate how the in-depth study of
是清华大学的王路、南京大学的张雷、东南大学的龚恺、香港大学 ”Wai” as catalyst buildings proposed by research teams, through
的王维仁,以及台湾大学的夏铸九与吴金庸。 此项研究旨在为日后城市规划的策略提供基本参考:一方面寻
求保存澳门独有的空间肌理的方法,减低它们在短视的城市发展中 被拆毁的机会;另一方面则针对城市急速发展的需要提出活化旧城 的可行方案。最重要的,此项研究也希望让处于快速城市空间变迁 中的澳门社会和居民,在面对巨大的博弈资本主义的发展压力下, 对于身边这些与他们日常生活相关的空间肌理的价值和发展的潜力 有更深刻的认识,思考如何让他们在城市发展和观光的夹缝中,成
This study aims to provide basic information for formulating strategies to conserve the historical fabrics of Macau, while addressing the urgent needs for urban regeneration. Under the mode of accelerating development and tourism resulting from
以及大量的教堂、广场等公共建设。澳门历史城区沿山脊线兴建,由 type for the historical urban fabric could be used as an engine for
序列的地标建筑及广场形成一条线性的空间走廊,街道沿着等高线 generate innovative design approaches, making it a mechanism for
或山坡发展,构成城市街廓的基本架构。在这样的架构下,被街道 sustainable development.
Fabric of Wai: Patio and Beco
By the end of 18th century, Macao had established itself as a
澳门的街道分别以中文和葡文来命名,划分的专用语当中不但 (Travessa) meandering along the contour of hills or cutting through
反映了它们在动线系统里的等级,而且也反映了因地形或邻里特色 the slope, shapes the basic framework of its city block. Subdivision
overwhelming Casino capitalism, the project also aims to address
此研究更希望成为一个范例,提供解决中国当代城市发展问题 the value and potential of these unique buildings for Macao’s local
设计通过推行混合居住的模式,面对澳 门日趋严峻的人口老龄化问题,鼓励更 多的家庭与长辈共同居住。设计同时通 过内部加入钢结构支架,改善了结构体 系、空间关系和生活设施,使原有建筑 的外皮得到保留。这些措施使光复围街 区在重拾活力的同时,亦加强了与城市 空间的联系。/By mixing different family patterns to change the age profile in the community, the design addresses the issue of aging population in the Wai. With a new structure system, it enhances the spatial flexibility and upgrading the household facilities. Through the revitalization scheme, the design also helps to link the community to the urban spaces nearby.
an urban workshop organized by the Culture Institute of Macao. The five invited research teams include Wang Lu from Tsinghua University, Zhang Lei from Nanjing University, Gong Kai from South Eastern University, Wang Weijen from Hong Kong University, as well as Hsia Chujoe and Wu Jinyong from Taiwan University.
因为居民动迁而构成种种的社会矛盾和冲突。在少数以保存为主导 的例子中,又多半以复古作为的思维方式,而错失了成为现代城市 发展触媒的机会。从理论层面来说,此研究更希望探索如何通过对 于历史城市的肌理类型学的深入研究,发展出一种创新的设计机制, 作为城市空间与社区延续与可持续性发展的模式。
葡人在澳门经过近 200 年的发展,到了 18 世纪,已经把澳门变 成一个如里斯本一般的中世纪城市面貌,兴建了完善的炮台、城墙,
人发展出的街道结构内部,它其实又交织了另一组由华人居住的 “围”、“里”与“巷”所组成的城市肌理。澳门文化局计划针对澳门 历史城区及其外围,具有历史价值的城市空间与建筑形态进行勘察, 意图找出其具有活化城市潜力的空间。本研究针对围与里的城市肌理 为研究对象,探讨其空间特性与澳门旧区发展的城市再生策略。
是构成澳门历史城区的建筑组合与小区关系的最基本组件。一直到 little Lisbon with medieval cityscape of cathedrals, town hall,
19 世纪末以前,华人主要还是聚居于城墙以外,山脊以西的内港一 带。经过多年的填海造地,该地区慢慢发展出由“街”及“里”连 接形成的高密度肌理。
王维仁 /WANG Weijen
作者简介:香港大学建筑学系 / Faculty of Architecture, The Universily of Hong Kong 收稿日期:2009-11-10
Like many European medieval cities, the spatial structure of
系列广场、教堂、街道等城市空间组成的有机形态。在这个由葡萄牙 Macau was organized by a series of urban spaces with monuments,