发 电 机[指南]
二、安全操作1. 环境检查在使用发电机之前,要确保工作环境干燥、通风良好,并远离易燃易爆物品。
2. 接地保护为了防止触电事故,发电机应正确接地。
3. 燃油存储和加注燃油是发电机运行的重要能源,应妥善存储和加注。
4. 操作人员要戴好个人防护装备在操作发电机时,操作人员要戴好适用的个人防护装备,包括护目镜、防护手套和耳塞等,以确保人身安全。
5. 定期检查维护发电机在使用一段时间后,需进行定期的检查和维护,以确保设备的正常运行。
三、操作步骤1. 准备工作(1)检查发电机的燃油、冷却液和润滑油的储量,确保充足。
2. 启动发电机(1)打开发电机的电源开关,并按下启动按钮。
3. 发电机调节(1)根据需要,通过调节控制面板上的电流、电压和频率等参数,确保输出电能符合使用要求。
4. 停止发电机(1)先将负荷逐渐减小,直至无负荷。
5. 关机后的处理(1)检查发电机外观和线路连接,确保无异常情况。
四、常见故障排除1. 发电机无法启动(1)检查燃油是否充足。
2. 发电机过载保护(1)检查负荷是否过重。
目录1.概述22.控制器外形结构与连线23.操作面板64.安装指南75.控制与操作说明76.测量显示数据97.警告和停机故障108.参数设置119.LCD显示和菜单系统1410.通讯功能1611.控制器启用前的准备工作2012.技术参数211 .概述:ACCESS4000X智能控制器是由一个微电脑处理器作为柴油发电机组的主要控制系统。
2 .控制器外形结构与连线:2.1详细尺寸如下:本说明书只适用卜ACCESS4 Hill X发电机智能控制器,凡使用者必须先详阅本说明书。
操作面板W280mmH215mm安装开孔口W250mH185m厚度D65.5mm(未连线)ACCESS4000X 280X)用。
E2.2接线端口:控制器“D/C”直流接线端控制器“RS485”通讯接线端23典型接线图:i ncx-g*>p*lx¥ucm,•二”・p口X。
口222.nn D<"BJr«!o i23g>-<-8:48:ETr-一E“gw jg:3JP¥^-J Alw—IX93』夕革”§▼S8Ss SME,岑F u8G Mn?•X En y cj d?A3M«d Au?cAT-4mU4Am3操作面板整个操作面板分三部分:测量参数LCD显示、操作开关和运行状态发光二极管指示。
精心整理一、概述1、本设计手册范围本手册适用于沃尔奔达(VeryPower )柴油发电机组的安装指南。
1000m小时;备80%~90%负e.机房的通风、排烟状况f.负载特性(如非线性负载,用电设备单机最大容量) 2.3功率折损当周围的环境比上述的“标准状态”更恶劣时,发电机组的功率会有一定的折损,要进行功率修正。
(1)计算容量式中:P jP∑η(2)按最大的单台电动机或成组电动机起动的需要,计算发电机组功率:P=(P∑-Pm)/η∑+PmKCcosψm(kW)式中:Pm---功率最大的电动机或成组电动机的功率(kW);η∑---总负荷的计算效率,一般取0.85;cosΨm---电动机的起动功率因数,一般取0.4;K---电动机的起动倍数;C---全压起动C=l.0,Y—△起动C=0.67,自耦变压器起动50%抽头C=0.25,65%抽头C==0.42,80%抽头C=0.64。
风力发电机型的选择需要考虑多个因素,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1. 风能资源评估:在选型前,需要对风能资源进行评估。
2. 厂家信誉与技术实力:选择具有良好信誉和较强技术实力的厂家可以确保风力发电机型的质量和服务。
3. 机型适应性:不同地区的风能资源、气候条件、地形地貌等都不尽相同,因此选型时需要考虑机型的适应性。
4. 效率和产能因素:机型的效率和产能是选型时需要关注的重要指标。
5. 维护和保养成本:除了初投资成本,维护和保养成本也是一个需要考虑的因素。
以下是一些需要考虑的因素:1. 电网类型:根据当地的电网类型和电网运行情况,选择适合的接入方案。
2. 并网发电:对于大规模的风力发电项目,通常采用并网发电方式。
3. 离网发电:对于一些偏远地区或岛屿等无法接入电网的地方,采用离网发电方式。
僵毁 发电机使用指南
![僵毁 发电机使用指南](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/47939c877e192279168884868762caaedd33bab6.png)
NOVA Hybrid GeneratorManual and Self-maintenance Guide V1.1Weight重量4.0kg(8.8lb)w/o Accessories/5.2kg(11.5lb)Total4kg 不含配件/5.2kg 总重量Generated Output功率1.8kW Continuous/2.0kW Max.Power1.8KW 持续功率/2KW 最大功率Dimension(L x W x H)尺寸(L x W x H )260x 312x 325mm/10x 12x 12in Applicable UAV Types适用机型Multicopters &VTOL Fix-wings多轴旋翼、垂直起降固定翼Max.Take-off Weight适用机型最大起飞重量18kg for Quadcopter 21kg for Hexacopter四轴建议18kg ,六轴建议21kgOutput Voltage适用机型动力电压12S (49V)12S (49V)Fuel Consumption油耗560g/kw ·h (hovering 1.5L/h )560g/kw ·h (悬停1.5升/小时)Service Temperature使用温度环境-20~40°C Altitude使用升限(海拔)2000m1.InstallationInstalling NOVA to UAV,default is lifted way.将NOVA 安装至无人机的合适位置,默认为吊装。
①Firstly mount the fuel tank under drone frame.首先吊装油箱总成。
②Secondly install NOVA under the tank.然后安装发电机。
Unit:mm 单位:mmDefault mounting method is in the lifted way.Other mounting methods may lead to damper failure.出厂默认为吊装,其他安装方式会导致减震器损坏。
1. 冷却剂选择选择合适的冷却剂非常重要。
2. 水泵的选择水泵是冷却系统的核心组件之一,负责将冷却剂循环送至散热器。
3. 散热器的设计散热器是冷却系统中起到关键作用的部件,它将冷却剂散热至周围环境。
4. 风扇系统的设计风扇系统通常与散热器相结合,用于增加空气对散热器的流动。
二、冷却系统的设计要点在柴油发电机的冷却系统设计中,以下几个要点需要特别注意:1. 热负荷计算在冷却系统设计之前,需要对发动机的热负荷进行准确的计算。
2. 流动分析冷却系统中的冷却剂流动状况对发动机的冷却效果有着直接影响。
熊猫发电机使用指南1. 引言1.1 目的和范围本文档旨在提供关于如何正确、安全地操作和维护熊猫发电机的详细说明。
1.2 定义与缩写词汇表- 熊猫发电机:一种便携式汽油或柴油驱动的发电设备,用于产生临时或应急用途所需的电力。
2. 准备工作在开始使用之前,请确保已经完成以下几个步骤:a) 检查所有附件是否完好无损,并按装配图示进行组装;b) 验证并添加足够量合适类型(汽油/柴油)的能源来源;c) 尽可能将其放置在平坦稳定而通风良好处;3. 启动过程步骤:a) 打开主控制台上断路器;b) 调整初始负载设置为最低值;c)打开可调节阀门, 并轻推手摇按钮直至引擎启动;4.运行中注意事项- 不要超出额定负载,以免损坏发电机;- 定期检查油位和冷却液水平,并根据需要进行添加或更换;- 避免长时间连续运行,应给予适当的休息时间;5.故障排除以下是一些常见问题及其解决方法:a) 发动机无法启动:检查燃料供应是否正常、点火系统是否工作等。
b) 输出功率不稳定:可能是由于过高或过低的负载引起,请调整合理的负荷。
6. 停止操作步骤:a)将初始设置恢复到最小值;b)关闭可调节阀门, 并断开主控制台上断路器;7. 维护与保养- 每次使用后清洗外壳并擦拭干净;- 定期更换空气滤清器和火花塞等易耗件;8. 法律名词及注释- 熊猫发电机: 根据《国家能源局关于加强便携式汽油/柴油驱动型内燃机组产品管理有关事项通知》规定生产销售企业必须具备相应资格证书方可经营该产品。
9. 附件- 熊猫发电机组装图示。
Fischer Panda 发电机与 Victron Energy GX 设备连接指南说明书
![Fischer Panda 发电机与 Victron Energy GX 设备连接指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1dbba2bc541810a6f524ccbff121dd36a22dc45d.png)
GX - Fischer Panda generatorsFischer Panda generator can be connected to a GX Device, which makes it possible to monitor & operate the generator as well as automatically start and stop it.The generator needs to be connected to the VE.Can port of the GX Device, which requires a Fischer Panda SAE J1939 module.RequirementsGX Device, with firmware v2.07 or laterFischer Panda generator, xControl or iGeneratorFischer Panda SAE J1939 CAN module (part number 0006107)Fischer Panda FP-Bus to VE.Can adapter (part number 0023441)Fischer Panda Firmware requirements:iControl (for the iGenerator): v2.17 minimumiControl panel: no minimum requirementxControl (for the constant speed generators): 4V38 minimumxContr panel: 4V29Fischer Panda SAE J1939 CAN module: 2V05Fischer Panda three phase module: 4V0bConnectingxControlThe schematic below shows how to connect a Fischer Panda xControl generator.iControlThe schematic below shows how to connect a Fischer Panda iControl generator.Important: Operation of the generator is only possible and allowed when the xControl or the iControl panel is switched on.GX DeviceIn Settings → Services, the selected canbus profile must be one that says NMEA2000. (The default). When all wiring is complete and the setup has been correctly carried-out, the Fischer Panda will show up in the device list:Entering the Fischer Panda device on the menu reveals a page like this:Notice that it features an on/off switch as well as displaying status information, and the main AC parameters: voltage, current and power.Engine temperature, RPM and additional information are all available by entering the Engine sub menu item.Generator start/stopIn addition to the manual start/stop and monitoring, there is also an automatic start/stop feature. This has the same comprehensive range of options as the Generator start/stop feature associated with the GX relay. See generator_start_stop for the manual.MaintenanceWhenever performing maintenance on the generator, be sure to stop the generator from the Fischer Panda control panel. This will disable the Fischer Panda autostart feature, and ensures that the generator cannot be remotely started - by a CCGX, for example.When the maintenance is completed, make sure you enable the autostart feature again. You can do this on the Fischer Panda control panel in the menu generator → autostart → turn on / off. MFD AppThe Marine MFD HTML5 app (more information here) also contains an element which allows monitoring as well as control of the Fischer Panda generator:TroubleshootingI've set the mode of the genset to 'On' or 'Auto start/stop' but the generator is not starting/running.Make sure the Fischer Panda autostart feature is on, this allows the GX control the remote on/off ofthe genset. You can find this option on the control panel in the menu generator → autostart →turn on / off.If you're manually trying to start the genset, a toast message appears with the text AutoStart functionality is currently disabled, enable it on the genset panel in order to start the genset from this menu.If the generator auto start/stop is enabled, it will show error #1 Remote switch controldisabled on the Auto start/stop page.。
二、柴油发电机组容量的选择(船舶电站容量的选择)发电机组采购指南——容量选定一个单位在购置发电机组时,对发电机组的容量选定必须做出科学.合理选择,既不要贪图节省,选用了容量不足的机组,以致系统无法正常工作,也应该避免盲目投资,买来容量过大的机组,造成资源浪费.通常发电机组容量选定可遵循以下二条法则:(一). 统计估算法1.充分统计本单位各用电设备的功率总和P1:包括生产设备.公共设施(如电梯等).办公设备.消防设施.生活设施等;2.估算今后一段时间(如3年)内,可能会增加的各类设施的容量P2;3.分析已经存在与准备增加的设施中,超过7KW的大功率用电器的情况,评估该类设施的起动功率P3,此为机组容量确定之难点本站对此提供免费咨询服务;4.最后确定发电机容量:P= P1+P2+P3。
of191Page 07-19-02RevisionI.Generator Construction and Principal of Operation.plate Data.Nameplate of the PORT Shaft Generator1.Typ – The first field on the nameplate is the AVK type designation,basically the model of the generator. This information needs to beprovided with the serial number of the machine when ordering spare parts.Both the PORT and STBD shaft generators have the same typedesignation which is DSG86L1-4W even though the configuration anddirection of rotation of the generators are different. The generators aremirror images of each other, both generators face forward and have theirpot heads on the inboard side. One generator turns clockwise, the otherturns counterclockwise.2.kVA – The kVA rating of a generator is the amount of apparent powerthat the generator is rated to supply. These generators are rated for 2500kVA. This rating only pertains to normal operation with the coolerfunctioning. Without the cooler the generator operation would have to bede-rated. kVA is a vector summation of active power (kilowatts) andreactive power (kVAR), the two are always 90° out of phase from eachother.The Power TriangleThe kVA rating is used in conjunction with the Power Factor to determinerated kVAR (reactive power) and rated kW (active power). kVA can becalculated by the following formula:10003⋅⋅=I E kVA Where:E = Voltage (read from panel voltmeter)I = Apparent Current (read from panel ammeter) Note: The square root of three is incorporated for three phase AC systemsonly, it’s equates to about 1.732. Example:If you read 460 VAC on the voltmeter and 1200 Amperes on the ammeterthe kVA you are currently supplying would be:95610009560641000732.11200460≅=⋅⋅=kVA kVA kVAThe result is just shy of 1000 kVA, which is almost 1 MVA.You can use the reading off of the kW meter with the kVA calculated inthe above mentioned formula to figure out your kVAR by using the following formula:22kW kVA kVAR −= Example:Using the kVA that we calculated above and a kW meter reading of 750kW we can calculate the kVAR:593351436562500-913936)750()956(22≅==−=kVAR kVAR kVAR kVAR3. Nr. – The serial number of the generator. The PORT generator’s serialnumber is 8124498 A102, and the STBD generator’s serial number is8124498 A202.4. V – The generator rated voltage. These generators are rated for a no loadvoltage of 460 VAC. The Wye symbol after the voltage has a little lineextending vertically from the intersection which designates that theNeutral of the Wye connected stator winding is connected outside in thepot head on a bar, not in the winding head. This is advantageous for doinginsulation tests on the windings phase to phase as well as individuallyphase to ground and provides accessibility to the differential protectioncurrent transformer.5. Current – AC, Alternating Current.6. Years of manuf . – The year that the generator left the factory, 2001.7. A – The rated apparent current of the generator. Again, like apparentpower, the apparent current is a vector summation of the active (orresistive) current and reactive current. Like the sum of active and reactivepower, they are always 90° apart from each other. The active current is thekilowatt portion and is due to the purely Ohmic resistance of the load,while the reactive current is due to the inductance or capacitance of theload. These generators are rated for 3138 amperes of apparent current.8. Coolant T. – Coolant temperature, 50°C.9. p.f. – Power Factor, the ratio of active power to apparent power or theratio of kW to kVA. The power factor can be read off of the Power Factorpanel meter or it can be calculated by taking the reading of the kW panelmeter and dividing it by the result of the kVA calculation above in I.A.2.In Germany a comma is used as a period in numbers, so the 0,80 on thenameplate would read as a power factor of 0.80.Example:We can calculate the power factor of the example on page 2 by dividingthe 750 kW read from the meter by the 956 kVA that we calculated:78.0..956750..==F P kVA kW F PA power factor of 0.78 is just under 0.80, just a slight amount on thereactive side. Power factor can be either “leading” or “lagging” dependingon the load. On these shaft generators, the power factor will always belagging because of the loads they supply, and because they are never runin parallel. If the load is mostly inductive, then the power factor will be“lagging” because the phase angle of the current “lags behind” the phaseangle of the voltage. When the load is mostly capacitive, then the powerfactor will be “leading” because the phase angle of the current “leadsahead of” the phase angle of the voltage.10. Rot. Direction – The direction of rotation as viewed from thedriven/coupling end. The PORT generator is counterclockwise rotatingand the STBD generator is clockwise rotating. The direction of rotation ofthe rotor effects the phase rotation of the generator, that is why the PORTshaft generator has a W-V-U phase sequence, and the STBD shaftgenerator has a U-V-W phase sequence.11. 1/min – This field shows the phase rotation of the generator as well as the r.p.m. (revolutions per minute). See 10. above for an explanation of phasesequence. Revolutions are a unit-less quantity, so the designation 1/min isused to indicate r.p.m. These generators are designed to produce a 60Hzvoltage at 1800 rpm. The Scana gearbox has a 1:2 ratio, so that when themain engine is running at 900 rpm, and there is no slippage in the clutch,the shaft generator will be rotating at 1800 rpm.12. cps - Cycles Per Second or Hz, Hertz. The frequency of the generator atrated speed. There is a formula for motors and generators involving thenumber of poles and the rated speed for a given frequency:nf rpm 60⋅= Where:f = frequency in Hz (cycles/second)n = number of pole pairs, the number of actual poles divided by 2. Note: The 60 is there to convert the cycles per second into revolutions perminute.These generators are four pole machines, which gives us two pole pairs. In order to get 60 Hz we need to turn the shaft of the generator at:18002360026060==⋅=rpm rpm rpmThere is something interesting worth noting here, at 1800 rpm the machineis making 30 revolutions per second. The frequency of the AC we get atthis speed is 60 Hz or 60 cycles per second, that means that we get twofull cycles of AC in each phase per every one revolution of the rotor.13. Phases – The number of phases in the generator stator winding. These arethree phase generators, labeled U, V, and W. Each phase is a separatewinding, and each winding is 120° out of phase from the others. The endsof the windings are labeled so that the load side of the winding is notedwith a subscript 1 and the neutral or Wye point end is labeled with asubscript 2. The U phase ends are U 1 and U 2, the V phase ends are V 1 andV 2, and the W phase ends are W 1 and W 2. U 2, V 2, and W 2 are allconnected on the N bar in the pot head.14. Excitation – The voltage and amperage of the excitation at rated load,which is 3.6 Amperes at 40 VDC.15. Insul. Class – Insulation Classification of the windings, class H.16. Circ. Diagr. – The schematic circuit diagram number.17. Aux. Excitation – The voltage of the pilot exciter windings, 90VAC at60Hz. The pilot exciter windings are inside the same slots as the mainstator windings. The same magnetic field from the main rotor that inducesa voltage in the main stator winding induces a voltage in the pilot exciterwindings. There are two separate pilot exciter windings.18. RIS degree – The rating of the static noise interference level.19. Weight – the weight of the generator, 5.6 metric tons.20. Anti condensation heater – Rating of the anti condensation heaterinstalled under the generator stator winding at the NDE (Non-DrivenEnd). The heater is rated at 550 Watts with an applied voltage of 120VACand a current draw of 4.6 Amperes.B. Stator Winding – The stator contains a three phase alternating current windingconnected in WYE with the Neutral or WYE point connected externally in the pot head of the generator. The 460 VAC is generated in this winding by themagnetic fields from the rotor poles cutting the conductors of the winding.One Rotation of the Rotor in a Four Pole Three Phase Generator-800-600-400-20020040060080025507510012515017520022525027530032535015406590115140165190215240265290315340Electrical Degrees of Rotation (2 times the physical rotation of the Rotor)V o l t s A CHere is a simplified explanation of the three phase winding voltages in yourfour pole shaft generators:At an angle of zero degrees of the rotor to the U phase, the U phase voltage is at zero Volts, the V phase voltage is at about –560 Volts, and the W phase isat about +560 Volts. As the rotor turns its magnetic fields through the statorwindings, the voltage in the U phase increases until the magnetic flux of therotor pole is at its maximum to the U phase, this is at 45°. At 45°, the voltagein the U phase reaches its maximum and thereafter it goes back down againtowards zero volts as the pole moves away from the winding, and gets to zero at 90° of rotation of the rotor. While all of this is happening in the U phase,the V phase has gone to its maximum negative voltage, back to zero, and is on its way to the maximum positive voltage when the U phase reaches zero Volts again. Through all of this the W phase has been decreasing from +560 Volts,gone through zero and worked its way to its maximum negative voltage and is on its way back to zero.From 90° on to 135° of rotor rotation, the other pole begins to approach the U phase, remember that if one pole is a “north” then the pole next to it will be a“south.” The flux lines move in the opposite direction causing the inducedvoltage in the winding to change direction, so now the voltage induced in theU phase reverses and becomes negative. The voltage in the U phase continues to become more and more negative until that pole is directly within thewinding with the most flux lines crossing the winding, and that is when themaximum negative voltage is induced in the U phase. From 135° to 180° thepole moves away from the maximum point and the voltage induced in the U phase becomes less and less negative until it reaches zero volts again. After 180° the whole cycle repeats itself since the next pole approaching will be the same as the first pole at 0°. Since there are two pole pairs on the rotor you get two full sine waves of AC for every revolution of the rotor.C.Rotor Poles – There are four salient poles in the rotor. The poles are securedby wedge clamps inserted in between the poles.View into NDE of Main Stator and RotorThe poles create the magnetic field which is rotated within the stator core and winding to create the three phase AC voltage. Each of the salient poles is a large electromagnet alternately wound as a North, South, North, South.Main Rotor Poles from a partially disassembled AVK generator of a similarconstruction as the shaft generatorsThe DC current supplying the poles of the rotor comes from the rotatingrectifier via the wires labeled J and K which run through the center of theshaft. All four poles are connected together in series, so in other words, the same current flows through all four poles.D.Pilot Exciter Winding in Stator – There are two separate single phase ACwindings inserted into the stator slots which comprise the pilot exciter. The pilot exciter winding connections are labeled UH1 – UH2 and WH1 – WH2.Just as in the main winding, an AC voltage is generated in the pilot exciter winding from the cutting of the windings by the magnetic fields of the rotor poles. When the generator is first exciting itself, this is where things first start to happen. Before the rotor poles are excited by the DC current from therotating rectifier, they normally have a certain amount of residual magnetism from being magnetized before. This residual magnetism begins inducing a voltage in the pilot exciter winding which is fed to the COSIMAT N+ AVR to begin exciting the exciter field and then the rotor poles via the rotatingrectifier. A good test of residual magnetism in the rotor is to run the generator at rated speed with the de-excitation switch in the switchboard in the “OFF”position, thereby you are not permitting any excitation to the exciter field and should only see the voltage induced by the residual magnetism, somewhere between 80 and 90 VAC.E.Pilot Exciter Protective Switch F1 – Since the pilot exciter winding is woundin the stator with the main winding there is a small overload device installed to protect the pilot exciter windings from an overload or a short circuit.F1 Pilot Exciter Winding Protection DeviceDO NOT SWITCH F1 DURING OPERATION OF THE GENERATOR!!! Should the current drawn from the pilot exciter winding exceed the rating of the protection device it will trip, open the circuit and de-excite the generator. Do not jumper, or replace this switch with anything other than an exact replacement part, the result could be damage of the pilot exciter winding which would require a complete rewind of the main stator winding.F.Exciter Machine – The exciter is a three phase AC generator with the DCwound magnetic poles on the stator (stationary part) and the three phase AC winding on the rotor (rotating part). This is just the opposite of the generators main winding and rotor, where the three phase AC winding is in the stator and the field is in the rotor.Exciter Machine – Stator and RotorThe exciter field winding gets supplied with a regulated DC current from the COSIMAT N+ voltage regulator. By varying the DC current to the exciter field the COSIMAT N+ can either increase or decrease the output of the three phase exciter rotor. The output of the exciter rotor goes directly to the rotating rectifier where it is converted from three phase AC to DC for the main rotor poles. The COSIMAT N+ uses Pulse Width Modulation to regulate thecurrent to the exciter field poles. By varying the current in the exciter field poles the voltage in the exciter rotors three phase winding is varied. The three phase AC is then rectified into DC current which is applied to the poles of the main rotor. Pulse Width Modulation is a regulation method by which the time duration or the pulse width of an “On/Off” signal is varied to regulatesomething. The longer the pulse is “On” the higher the resulting level, and conversely, the shorter the pulse “On” duration is the lower the resulting level.Example of Pulse Width ModulationThe first set of pulses are off for most of the period, in fact the pulses are on for about one quarter of the period. The Min Max charts to the right show a time based average of each of the three different examples of different pulse widths. Again, as the pulse “On” duration increases so does the time based average of the signal. On these generators as the COSIMAT N+ voltageregulator increases the pulse “On” time the current to the exciter fieldincreases causing an increase in the exciter magnetic field strength, which in turn increases the exciter rotor voltage.G.Rotating Rectifier – The rotating rectifier is a three phase full wave rectifierbuilt up using three diode modules each containing two diodes.View of one of the three diode modules on the rotating rectifierA diode works like a check valve for electric current. This is where we come to the Mike Jones Corollary to explain the three phase full wave rectifier on the rotating rectifier:The Mike Jones CorollaryRemember from page 5, the diagram illustrating the three phase sine waves of generator voltage. Each phase goes from zero to a maximum positive value, then back through zero to a maximum negative value, and then back to zero again where the cycle repeats itself. Furthermore, each phase does this either 120° ahead of or 120° behind another phase. The three phase full wave rectifier uses six diodes (electrical check valves) to convert these changing voltages (pressures) into an almost constant voltage, to produce a current (flow) in always the same direction through a load. First the schematic drawing of the three phase rectifier next to our hydraulic equivalent:The Mike Jones CorollaryAs you can see above, each diode is represented as a check valve in the hydraulic schematic, and like a check valve only allows fluid flow in one direction, a diode only allows current flow in one direction. Positive current flows through a diode from a higher positive voltage to a lower voltage. The same is true as fluid will flow through a check valve when there is a higher pressure on one side than on the other, just as long as the higher pressure is on the tail of the arrow in both cases. If the higher voltage or pressure is on the arrow head side, both the check valve and the diode will block flow.We must imagine for this example that our three pumps behave like the three phases of our exciter rotor. The pumps will go from 0 psi to a maximum of 14 psi, back to 0 psi and then into a vacuum of –14 psi and then back to 0 psi again. All three pumps make this change in pressure but at different times just like in the three phase winding, 120° apart from each other. If we graphed the discharge pressures of these three pumps it would look like this:Pump Discharge Pressures-20-15-10-505101520p o u n d s p e r s q u a r e i n c h (P S I G )The chart looks exactly the same as the chart for the three phase alternatingcurrent on page 5. The only difference is that we have substituted pressure inpsi for voltage, and we can do this because voltage is the pressure that causesthe flow of electric current through a resistance.We will make our first example when Pump U has a discharge pressure of 14psi. If we look at the chart above and find where Pump U is at 14psi, we willalso see that both Pump V and Pump W are at about –7 psi. Going back to thediagrams it would look like this:Since Pump U has a discharge pressure of 14 psi it will close the bottomcheck valve and open the top one causing flow in the direction of the arrowson the high pressure side. That same pressure will close the top check valvesfor Pump V and Pump W since their discharge pressures are at –7 psi(suction). The flow continues through the flow restriction of the cooler andgoes down the low pressure side opening the bottom check valves of Pump Vand Pump W. The pressure on the bottom of both of the bottom check valvesfor Pump V and Pump W have a lower pressure on the tops of those checkvalves than on the bottoms and that is why they open. This example can berepeated for any point in time along the three phase curve, and it will then beclear that as one or two pumps have a positive pressure there is always one ormore with a negative or even zero pressure causing a flow through our load.The result of this six check valve setup is that you will always have one highpressure or positive pressure side and one suction or negative pressure side.Even though the pumps are changing from discharge to suction 120 times asecond the cooler will always have positive pressure on its inlet side and anegative pressure on the outlet side. There is no difference in the case of theelectric rectifier, the load which happens to be an exciter field (electromagnet) always will have a positive voltage (positive pressure) on one side and anegative voltage (negative/suction pressure) on the other. The resultingpressure that the load sees would appear as follows:High Pressure Side15913172125293337414549535761656973778185899397101105109113117121125129133137141145p o u n d s p e r s q u a r e i n c h (p s i)The pressure on the high pressure side never drops below the pressure of thehighest pump pressure. The resulting pulsing pressure may vary, but it isalways positive, and although the flow would surge from higher to lower flow, it is always in the same direction as far as our load is concerned.Many details can be included in this example to further illustrate therectification of AC into DC using diodes, and there are ways to take the“ripple” out of this example setup, but that would take us too far beyond the scope of this document than we already have.Back to the Rotating Rectifier on the Shaft Generators…On the rotating rectifier disk there are also two Varistors connected in series with each other and parallel with the output of the rectifier and the rotor field windings. Varistors get their name from VARiable resISTORS.Rotating RectifierThe Varistors are connected to protect the rectifier from the spikes created by the pulses of the voltage regulator excitation transmitted through the exciter field, and then the exciter rotor. Varistors are semiconductor devices which have a very high resistance, or low conductivity, below their set voltage. Once the set voltage of a Varistor is reached, its conductivity changes from a sort of “open circuit” to a sort of “short circuit.” The spike is eaten by the almostshort circuit created by the drop in resistance of the Varistor. Varistors are used to dissipate voltage spikes and for this reason can also be found in the surge protectors used to protect sensitive electronic devices.H.Winding Temperature Sensors - The winding heads on both ends of the statorhave three PT-100 temperature sensors, one sensor per phase on each end.One set is connected to the panel mounted temperature indicator in theswitchboard, the other set is connected to the Techsol system.I.Differential Protection Current Transformers – This unit is installed inside thepot head of the generator between the windings and the WYE point. There are three current transformers inside of this unit, one per phase.Pot Head showing Differential Protection Current Transformers The outputs of these current transformers are sent to the differential protection unit mounted in the switchboard panel above the circuit breaker, along with the output of three more current transformers mounted inside the switchboard after the circuit breaker. The purpose of these current transformers is to send current signals to the differential protection unit so that it can detect avariation in the currents going into and out of the generator windings, if this were to happen it would indicate a problem in the generator winding.Connecting of differential protection current transformers has to be done in phase, and with the correct direction relative to the other current transformer (CT) in the same phase. If the CT from one phase on the Wye point isconnected to the CT of a different phase in the switchboard, the two willalways be out of phase from each other causing a differential current to flow.Also, if one CT is connected in the opposite orientation or flow direction than is required by the differential protection, even if they are both from the same phase, then the two signals will always be 180° out of phase from each other causing a differential current to flow. The differential current from eithermisconnection of the CT’s will cause false tripping of the differentialprotection relay in the switchboard.J.Droop Current Transformer – AVK supplied the generators with a burdened current transformer in the V phase of the generator. The purpose of thiscurrent transformer is to give a current proportional voltage signal to theCOSIMAT N+ so that it can calculate its voltage droop, which is necessary for reactive load sharing of parallel running synchronous generators. Since these generators will not run in parallel the droop setting on the AVR is to 0% droop (fully counterclockwise on R7) therefore the current transformers signal will not influence the voltage set point of the COSIMAT N+.K.Bearing Temperature Sensors – Each bearing has a PT-100 temperature sensor in the bearing housing. The bearing temperature readings are connected to theTechsol system.L.Standstill Heater – There is a coil type heating element installed in between the stator housing and the non-driven end winding head. The heating elementis rated for 550 Watts with a current draw of 4.4 Amperes at 120VAC.M.Shaft Grounding Brush and Insulated bearing Housing – To prevent the conduction of shaft induced currents through the ball bearings of the generatora shaft grounding brush is mounted on the outside bearing cover of the drivenend bearing.Generator Shaft Grounding BrushThis grounding brush works in conjunction with Teflon coatings in thebearing housings to direct shaft induced currents to ground without goingthrough the bearings.N.Bearing Pre-tension Springs, fixed and floating ends – The outside bearing cover on the driven end bearing of the generator has twelve axial compressionsprings installed in it to provide axial pre-loading of the bearing. The non-driven end bearing is axially fixed in the bearing housing on the outer race bythe inside and outside bearing covers. The reason for this is to provide foraxial expansion of the shaft as it warms and elongates, allowing the drive endbearing to float axially in the bearing housing while maintaining the non-driveend bearing axially fixed. Both bearings are press fitted on the shaft and havea slip fit in the bearing housings. WHEN OPENING THE DRIVE ENDBEARING COVER USE CAUTION NOT TO LET THE SPRINGS FALLOUT!!!II.Connection of the COSIMAT N+ AVR.A.Three Phase Voltage Sensing – The AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator)takes its actual value sensing from all three phases of the generator. Thesensing is connected to the AVR at U, V, and W. The sensing comes into theAVR via a multi-tapped transformer inside the AVR. Each phase has twoterminals so additional devices can be connected with the AVR. On thesegenerators connect to the outside row of terminals for 250-500 VAC, theinside row of terminals are for sensing of 90-250 VAC and would causeimproper output voltage.B.Power Supply and Excitation Supply – The AVR gets its power supply fromthe output of the pilot exciter windings UH1-UH2 and WH1-WH2. The power needed by the AVR internally for its circuits, and the power sent to the exciter stator field for excitation, comes from the pilot exciter windings. The pilot exciter can be interrupted in two locations on this configuration, either by the F1 overload protection device in the generator, or by the de-excitation switch in the switchboard.C.External Voltage Adjuster – The AVR can have an external voltage adjusterconnected to the terminals s and t. When not used, s and t must be shortcircuited with a jumper for proper operation of the AVR. In this installation there is a jumper inside the X2 terminal strip inside the generator to short s and t since there is no external voltage adjuster being used.D.Droop Current Transformer – In the case of a generator that is to run inparallel with other generators the burdened current transformer in the V phase is connected to terminals k and l on the AVR. The shaft generators are not intended to run in parallel with each other, therefore either the terminals k and l should can be shorted, or the droop setting can be set to 0%. In thisinstallation the droop was set to 0% and the k and l connections were leftalone.E.Output to Exciter Stator – The output of the AVR is the DC excitation to theexciter field. The DC excitation is on terminals I1 and K1 on the AVR. The wire labeled J1 goes to terminal I1, and the wire K1 goes to terminal K1.Since the excitation is DC always remember that J1 is positive and K1 isnegative, this becomes important when flashing the field (see IV.A.2).F.Protective Fuses – Mounted on the face of the AVR are two 10 Ampere superfast blow fuses to protect the exciter from prolonged over-excitation due to a possible internal failure of the AVR. WHENEVER REPLACING THESE FUSES MAKE CERTAIN ONLY TO USE SUPER FAST BLOW FUSES WITH THE SAME RATINGS FOR PROPER OPERATION ANDPROTECTION!!!G.Adjustment Pots and Switches, Setting up a new COSIMAT N+.1.Double check all connections and jumpers. Make sure that all wires aresecurely connected to the correct terminals and that all the necessaryjumpers are installed. Make notes or sketches or compare to the originalAVR being replaced.2.Turn R3 to the right hand stop. R3 is a multi-turn pot with a small clicknoise at either end detent, there is no physical stop at either end.3.Turn R4 to the left hand stop. If using an external voltage adjuster, makesure that the external adjuster is set in the middle position and then turn R4 to the left hand stop. R4 is also a multi-turn pot with a small click noise ateither end detent, there is no physical stop at either end. This installationdoes not have an external voltage adjuster.4.Turn R1 to the same position as the AVR being replaced.5.On S2 set the dip switches so that 1 is OFF, 2 is ON, 3 is ON, and 4 isON.6.Set S1 to the same position as on the AVR being replaced.7.R7 should be fully counterclockwise and therefore R6 has no function.。
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