一种基于 Hough 变换和图像融合的快速破损检测

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一种基于 Hough 变换和图像融合的快速破损检测
【摘要】The status of industrial breakage detection has been studied , we propose making the digital image processing system replace the traditional hardware detection , then the first is image preprocessing to membrane , using Hough transform to segment region of interest for two consecutive frames , image contrast enhancement using wavelet transform , the followed is to calculate the energy of Laplace(EOI) for each pixel and Visibility(VI), the normalized value of the processed image fusion as a factor , and fi-nally fused image was transformed into HSI space , then is the threshold segmentation , to discriminate the damaged .Experiments show that this detection method has strong anti-interference, low cost, high accuracy, small amount of calculation to identify the advantages of speed , meets the requirements of the real-time detection in the industrial field .%针对工业破损检测的现状进行研究,提出运用数字图像处理系统代替传统的硬件检测。

首先对薄膜进行图像预处理,运用Hough (霍夫)变换分割出连续2帧的感兴趣区域,运用小波变换增强图像对比度;其次计算各个像素点的EOI (拉普拉斯能量)和VI(对比度),将归一化处理后的值作为图像融合的系数;最后把融合后图像转化到HSI (色度、饱和度、亮度)空间,进行阈值分割,进


【作者单位】东华大学信息科学与技术学院,上海 201620;东华大学信息科学与技术学院,上海 201620;东华大学信息科学与技术学院,上海 201620
1.一种基于Hough变换的圆和矩形的快速检测方法 [J], 秦开怀;王海颍;郑辑涛
2.一种基于Hough变换的快速圆检测算法 [J], 王敏;童水光;陈玉辉;从飞云
3.一种快速的基于稀疏表示和非下采样轮廓波变换的图像融合算法 [J], 赵春晖;郭蕴霆
4.一种基于改进快速Hough变换的远程雷达航迹起始方法 [J], 郭璐;黄鹤;刘盼芝;李艳波;黄莺
5.一种基于改进Hough变换的直线快速检测算法 [J], 段汝娇;赵伟;黄松岭;陈建业因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
