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目前我国剖宫产率为 30%~50% , [1] 剖宫产术后恢复由于切口疼痛、活动受 限、肛门不通气等影响,较阴道分娩恢 复欠佳。本院采用八珍汤、生化汤加减 及足浴干预剖宫产术后恢复取得了良好 效果,现报告如下。
资料与方法 2018 年 1 月-2019 年 5 月收治剖宫产
患者 160 例,根据产妇意愿分为四组各 40 例 ; 对 照 组 年 龄 20~40 岁 , 平 均 (30.01±8.62)岁,孕周 34~42 周,平均 周期(38.01±1.23)周,孕次 1~3 次;治 疗 1 组 , 年 龄 21~40 岁 , 平 均 范 围 (30.13±8.64)岁,孕周 35~42 周,平均 周期(38.15±1.25)周,孕次 1~3 次;治 疗 2 组 , 年 龄 21~39 岁 , 平 均 范 围 (30.08±8.65)岁,孕周 34~41 周,平均 周期(38.15±1.26)周,孕次 1~3 次;治
郁岩杰 顾彦 陈红 211800 南京市浦口区中医院产科,江苏 南京
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1007-614x.2019.36.060 摘 要 目的:研究八珍汤合生化汤加减口服、足浴对剖宫产术后恢复的影响。方法:2018 年 1 月-2019 年 5 月收治 剖宫产患者 160 例,根据产妇意愿分为四组,各 40 例。对照组不使用中药治疗;治疗 1 组口服八珍汤合生化汤加减治 疗;治疗 2 组给予足浴治疗;治疗 3 组口服八珍汤合生化汤加减联合足浴治疗。对比四组治疗效果。结果:治疗 3 组 恶露量优于其他三组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗 3 组子宫底高度和泌乳量优于对照组、治疗 2 组,差异有统 计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:八珍汤合生化汤加减口服联合足浴可促进剖宫产患者术后恢复。 关键词 剖宫产;术后恢复;八珍汤合生化汤加减 The effect of modified Ba Zhen Decoction combined with Sheng Hua Decoction oral administration,foot bath on the recovery after cesarean section Yu Yanjie,Gu Yan,Chen Hong Obstetrics Department,the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Pukou District,Nanjing City,Jiangsu,Nanjing 211800 Abstract Objective:To explore the effect of modified Ba Zhen Decoction combined with Sheng Hua Decoction oral administration,foot bath on the recovery after cesarean section.Methods:From January 2018 to May 2019,160 cesarean section patients were selected,and they were divided into four groups with 40 cases in each group according to their wishes.The control group was not treated with traditional Chinese medicine.The first treatment group was treated with oral modified Ba Zhen Decoction combined with Sheng Hua Decoction.The second treatment group was treated with foot bath.The third treatment group was treated with oral modified Ba Zhen Decoction combined with Sheng Hua Decoction and foot bath.We compared the treatment effect of four groups.Results:In the third treatment group,the amount of lochia was better than the other three groups,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).In the third treatment group,the height of the uterine fundus and the amount of lactation were better than those of the control group and the first treatment group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:The applacation of oral modified Ba Zhen Decoction combined with Sheng Hua Decoction and foot bath can promote the recovery of cesarean section patients. Key Words Cesarean section;Postoperative recovery;Modified Ba Zhen Decoction combined with Sheng Hua Decoction