12500 kva矿热炉双联法生产高纯硅铁新工艺技术

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术ꎮ 该工艺引入了选择性氧化法ꎬ确定了多方案渣
CO 分压ꎬ确定 Cl 2 、O 2 混吹比例压力、时间和反应温
50% to more than 90%ꎬ and good economic benefits have been obtained.
Key Words: submerged arc furnaceꎻ duplex processꎻ high ̄pur小、产品合格率低ꎬ不
中图分类号:TF645 文献标识码:A
New Process Technology for Producing High Purity Ferrosilicon by
12 500 kVA Submerged Furnace Double Method
第 41 卷第 6 期
甘 肃 冶 金
2019 年 12 月
Vol.41 No.6
文章编号:1672 ̄4461(2019)06 ̄0026 ̄03
12 500 kVA 矿热炉双联法生产高纯硅铁新工艺技术
闻 斌
( 张掖市巨龙铁合金有限公司ꎬ甘肃 张掖 734019)
nace is developed through the systematic research of key pointsꎬ such as reducing CO partial pressureꎬ adjusting Cl 2 ꎬO2
mixing blowing ratioꎬ gas supply intensityꎬ prolonging effective reaction time and reaction temperature. The double connec ̄
the key to the production of high purity ferrosilicon. In this paperꎬ by using the double process production technology of out ̄
of ̄furnace refiningꎬ a new process technology for high purity ferrosilicon production by 12 500 kVA melting electric arc fur ̄
( Zhangye Julong Iron Alloy Limited Companyꎬ Zhangye 734019ꎬ China)
Abstract: With the rapid development of economy and societyꎬ the demand for ferroalloy continues to develop in the direc ̄
tion method of mine heating furnace solved many key technological problemsꎬ such as low productivityꎬ small scale and low
qualified rate. At the same timeꎬ the double connection method of mine heating furnace also has the advantages of simple
refining equipmentꎬ simple refining process and low environmental pollution. The large ̄scaleꎬ high efficiency and high qual ̄
ity production of high purity ferrosilicon has been realizedꎬ and the qualified rate of the product has been increased from
1 引言
具备向大型化、高效化发展的条件ꎮ 近年来ꎬ我们同
加剂和脱氧剂ꎬ其化学成分要求除有较高的 Si 含量
和一定的 Fe 含量外ꎬ其它元素( 特别是 C、Ca、Al、
Ti) 和杂质都力求最低
ꎮ 国内外高纯硅铁生产
摘 要:随着经济社会的快速发展ꎬ对铁合金的需求不断向纯净化、超纯净化、低合金化、微合金化方向发展ꎮ 高纯
采用炉外精炼双联法生产技术ꎬ通过降低 CO 分压ꎬ调整 Cl 2 、O2 混吹比例、供气强度ꎬ延长有效反应时间和反应温
tion of pure purificationꎬ ultra ̄pure purificationꎬ low alloying and microalloying. High purity ferrosilicon is very important to
the production of ferroalloy. High purity ferrosilicon is the basis of producing high performance ferroalloy. The technology is
度等关键工艺控制点的系统研究ꎬ开发了 12 500 kVA 矿热炉双联法生产高纯硅铁新工艺技术ꎬ解决了矿热炉生产
环境污染小的优点ꎬ实现了高纯硅铁的规模化、高效化、高质化生产ꎬ使产品的合格率由渣系法的 50% 提高到 90%