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and its staining rate was close to the data of pollen viability detected by germination method without significant
differenceꎻTTC staining and FDA staining were the next most effectiveꎬtwo methods could stain the active pollen of
P kesiya var langbianensisꎬbut the measured viability value was significantly different from that of the germination
Abstract: In order to explore the method suitable for the rapid determination of pollen viability of Pinus kesiya var
langbianensisꎬin vitro germination methodꎬI2  ̄KI stainingꎬTTC stainingꎬaceto carmine staining and FDA staining
付强1ꎬ2 ꎬ 陈伟1ꎬ3 ꎬ 李江1ꎬ3 ꎬ 冯弦1 ꎬ 陈绍安1 ꎬ 孟梦1 ꎬ 付玉嫔1ꎬ3 ꎬ 史富强4 ꎬ 何俊4
(1 云南省林业和草原科学院ꎬ 云南 昆明 650201ꎻ 2 普洱市林木种苗工作站ꎬ 云南 普洱 665000ꎻ
3 云南省森林植物培育与开发利用重点实验室ꎬ 云南 昆明 650201ꎻ 4 普洱市林科学研究所ꎬ 云南 普洱 665000)
Pinus kesiya var langbianensis
FU Qiang1ꎬ2 ꎬ CHEN Wei1ꎬ3 ꎬ LI Jiang1ꎬ3 ꎬ FENG Xian1 ꎬ CHEN Shao ̄an1 ꎬ
MENG Meng1 ꎬ FU Yu ̄pin1ꎬ3 ꎬ SHI Fu ̄qiang4 ꎬ HE Jun4
养基ꎬ 30℃ 条件下培养 24h 能测定出花粉活力ꎻ 染色法以 I2  ̄KI 染色效果最好ꎬ 染色速度快ꎬ 且染色率与萌发法
检测的花粉活力的数据较为接近ꎬ 无显著差异ꎻ TTC 染色法和 FDA 染色法的效果次之ꎬ 能对有活力的思茅松花
粉染色ꎬ 但测定的活力值与萌发法具有显著的差异ꎬ TTC 染色法活力测定值仅为萌发法的 32 8% ꎬ 而 FDA 染色
germination in vitroꎬand the pollen viability could be measured by using H3 BO3 solution at the concentration of
50mg / L under the condition of 30℃ for 24hꎻI2  ̄KI method was the best staining method with fast staining speedꎬ
第 49 卷 第 3 期
西 部 林 业 科 学
2020 年 06 月
Journal of West China Forestry Science
Vol 49 No 3
Jun 2020
doi︰10 16473 / j cnki xblykx1972 2020 03 002
摘要: 为探讨适于思茅松花粉活力快速检测的方法ꎬ 以普文思茅松种子园的花粉为材料ꎬ 采用离体萌发法、 I2  ̄
KI 染色法、 TTC 染色法、 醋酸洋红染色法和 FDA 染色法对思茅松花粉活力进行测定ꎮ 结果表明ꎬ 采用离体萌发
法测定思茅松花粉活力时ꎬ H3 BO3 溶液较 CaCl2 溶液更适于作为萌发培养基ꎬ 以 50mg / L 浓度的 H3 BO3 溶液为培
were used to determine the pollen viability of P kesiya var langbianensis which from the seed orchard. The results
showed that H3 BO3 solution was more suitable than CaCl2 solution as the culture medium for determining the pollen
3 Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Exploitation of Forest Plantsꎬ Kunming Yunnan 650201ꎬ P R Chinaꎻ
4 Forestry Research Institute of Pu’ er Municipalityꎬ Pu’ er Yunnan 665000ꎬ P R China)
(1 Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grasslandꎬ Kunming Yunnan 650201ꎬ P R Chinaꎻ
2 Forest Seed and Seedling Station of Pu’ er Municipalityꎬ Pu’ er Yunnan 665000ꎬ P R Chinaꎻ
法活力测定值则较萌发法偏高 34 2% ꎻ 醋酸洋红染色法对思茅松花粉不能染色ꎬ 不适宜思茅松花粉活力检测ꎮ
关键词: 思茅松ꎻ 花粉活力ꎻ 离体培养ꎻ 染色法
中图分类号: S 791 259 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672-8246 (2020) 03-0007-07
Selection of Measurements on Pollen Viability in
differenceꎻTTC staining and FDA staining were the next most effectiveꎬtwo methods could stain the active pollen of
P kesiya var langbianensisꎬbut the measured viability value was significantly different from that of the germination
Abstract: In order to explore the method suitable for the rapid determination of pollen viability of Pinus kesiya var
langbianensisꎬin vitro germination methodꎬI2  ̄KI stainingꎬTTC stainingꎬaceto carmine staining and FDA staining
付强1ꎬ2 ꎬ 陈伟1ꎬ3 ꎬ 李江1ꎬ3 ꎬ 冯弦1 ꎬ 陈绍安1 ꎬ 孟梦1 ꎬ 付玉嫔1ꎬ3 ꎬ 史富强4 ꎬ 何俊4
(1 云南省林业和草原科学院ꎬ 云南 昆明 650201ꎻ 2 普洱市林木种苗工作站ꎬ 云南 普洱 665000ꎻ
3 云南省森林植物培育与开发利用重点实验室ꎬ 云南 昆明 650201ꎻ 4 普洱市林科学研究所ꎬ 云南 普洱 665000)
Pinus kesiya var langbianensis
FU Qiang1ꎬ2 ꎬ CHEN Wei1ꎬ3 ꎬ LI Jiang1ꎬ3 ꎬ FENG Xian1 ꎬ CHEN Shao ̄an1 ꎬ
MENG Meng1 ꎬ FU Yu ̄pin1ꎬ3 ꎬ SHI Fu ̄qiang4 ꎬ HE Jun4
养基ꎬ 30℃ 条件下培养 24h 能测定出花粉活力ꎻ 染色法以 I2  ̄KI 染色效果最好ꎬ 染色速度快ꎬ 且染色率与萌发法
检测的花粉活力的数据较为接近ꎬ 无显著差异ꎻ TTC 染色法和 FDA 染色法的效果次之ꎬ 能对有活力的思茅松花
粉染色ꎬ 但测定的活力值与萌发法具有显著的差异ꎬ TTC 染色法活力测定值仅为萌发法的 32 8% ꎬ 而 FDA 染色
germination in vitroꎬand the pollen viability could be measured by using H3 BO3 solution at the concentration of
50mg / L under the condition of 30℃ for 24hꎻI2  ̄KI method was the best staining method with fast staining speedꎬ
第 49 卷 第 3 期
西 部 林 业 科 学
2020 年 06 月
Journal of West China Forestry Science
Vol 49 No 3
Jun 2020
doi︰10 16473 / j cnki xblykx1972 2020 03 002
摘要: 为探讨适于思茅松花粉活力快速检测的方法ꎬ 以普文思茅松种子园的花粉为材料ꎬ 采用离体萌发法、 I2  ̄
KI 染色法、 TTC 染色法、 醋酸洋红染色法和 FDA 染色法对思茅松花粉活力进行测定ꎮ 结果表明ꎬ 采用离体萌发
法测定思茅松花粉活力时ꎬ H3 BO3 溶液较 CaCl2 溶液更适于作为萌发培养基ꎬ 以 50mg / L 浓度的 H3 BO3 溶液为培
were used to determine the pollen viability of P kesiya var langbianensis which from the seed orchard. The results
showed that H3 BO3 solution was more suitable than CaCl2 solution as the culture medium for determining the pollen
3 Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Cultivation and Exploitation of Forest Plantsꎬ Kunming Yunnan 650201ꎬ P R Chinaꎻ
4 Forestry Research Institute of Pu’ er Municipalityꎬ Pu’ er Yunnan 665000ꎬ P R China)
(1 Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grasslandꎬ Kunming Yunnan 650201ꎬ P R Chinaꎻ
2 Forest Seed and Seedling Station of Pu’ er Municipalityꎬ Pu’ er Yunnan 665000ꎬ P R Chinaꎻ
法活力测定值则较萌发法偏高 34 2% ꎻ 醋酸洋红染色法对思茅松花粉不能染色ꎬ 不适宜思茅松花粉活力检测ꎮ
关键词: 思茅松ꎻ 花粉活力ꎻ 离体培养ꎻ 染色法
中图分类号: S 791 259 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1672-8246 (2020) 03-0007-07
Selection of Measurements on Pollen Viability in