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Unit 1 Chemic al Indust ry
1.Origin s of the Chemic al Indust ry
Althou gh the use of chemic als datesback to the ancien t civili zatio ns, the evolut ion of what we know as the modern chemic al indust ry starte d much more recent ly. It may be consid eredto have begunduring the Indust rialRevolu tion, about1800, and develo ped to provid e chemic als roe use by otherindust ries. Exampl es are alkali for soapma king, bleach ing powder for cotton, and silica and sodium carbon ate for glassm aking. It will be notedthat theseare all inorga nic chemic als. The organi c chemic als indust ry starte d in the 1860swith the exploi tatio n of Willia m HenryPerkin‘sdiscov ery if the firstsynthe tic dyestu ff—mauve. At the startof the twenti eth centur y the emphas is on resear ch on the applie d aspect s of chemis try in German y had paid off handso mely, and by 1914 had result ed in the German chemic al indust ry having 75% of the worldmarket in chemic als. This was basedon the discov ery of new dyestu ffs plus the develo pment of both the contac t proces s for sulphu ric acid and the Haberproces s for ammoni a. The laterrequir ed a majortechno logic al breakt hroug h that of beingable to carryout chemic al reacti ons undercondit ionsof very high pressu re for the firsttime. The experi encegained with this was to standGerman y in good stead, partic ularl y with the rapidl y increa sed demand for nitrog en-basedcompou nds (ammoni um sal tsfor fertil izers and nitric acid for explosi vesmanufa cture) with the outbre ak of worldwarⅠin 1914. This initia ted profou nd change s whichcontin ued during the inter-war years (1918-1939). 1.化学工业的起源
比如制肥皂所用的碱,棉布生产所用的漂白粉,玻璃制造业所用的硅及N a2CO3. 我们会注意到所有这些都是无机物。
有机化学工业的开始是在十九世纪六十年代以W i llia m HenryPerkin发现第一种合成染料—苯胺紫并加以开发利用为标志的。
date bake to/from: 回溯到
standsb. in good stead:对。
Since1940 the chemic al indust ry has grownat a remark ablerate, althou gh this has slowed signif icant ly in recent years.Thelion‘sshareof this growth has been in the organi c chemic als sector due to the develo pment and growth of the petroc hemic als area since1950s. The explos ivesgrowth in petroc hemic als in the 1960sand 1970swas largel y due to the enormo us increa se in demand for synthe tic polyme rs such as polyet hylen e, polypr opyle ne, nylon, polyes tersand epoxyresins.
The chemic al indust ry todayis a very divers e sector of manufa cturi ng indust ry, within whichit playsa centra l role. It makesthousa nds of differ ent chemic als whichthe genera l public only usuall y encoun ter as end or consum er produc ts. Theseproduc ts are purcha sed becaus e they have the requir ed proper tieswhichmake them suitab le for some partic ularapplic ation, e.g. a non-stickcoatin g for pans or a weedki ller.Thus chemic als are ultima telysold for the effect s that they produc e.
2. Defini tionof the Chemic al Indust ry
At the turn of the centur y therewouldhave been little diffic ultyin defini ng what consti tuted the chemic al indust ry sinceonly a very limite d rangeof produc ts was manufa cture d and thesewere clearl y chemic als, e.g., alkali, sulphu ric acid. At presen t, howeve r, many interm ediat es to produc ts produc ed, from raw materi als like crudeoil throug h (in some cases)many interm ediat es to produc ts whichmay be used direct ly as consum er goods,or readil y conver ted into them. The diffic ultyconesin decidi ng at whichpointin this sequen ce the partic ularoperat ion ceases to be part of the chemic al indust ry‘ssphere of activi ties. To consid er a specif ic exampl e to illust ratethis dilemm a, emulsi on paints may contai n poly (vinylchlori de) / poly (vinylacetat e). Clearl y, synthe sis of vinylchlori de (or acetat e) and its polyme rizat ion are chemic al activi ties. Howeve r, if formul ation and mixing of the paint,includ ing the polyme r, is carrie d out by a branch of the multin ation al chemic al compan y whichmanufa cture d the ingred ients, is this stillpart of the chemic al indust ry of does it mow belong in the decora tingindust ry?
It is theref ore appare nt that, becaus e of its divers ity of operat ionsand closelinksin many areaswith otherindust ries, thereis no simple defini tionof the chemic al indust ry. Instea d each offici al body whichcollec ts and publis hes statis ticson manufa cturi ng indust ry will have its defini tionas to whichoperat ionsare classi fiedas the chemic al indust ry. It is import ant to bear this in mind when compar ing statis tical inform ation whichis derive d from severa l source s.
3. The Need for Chemic al Indust ry
The chemic al indust ry is concer ned with conver tingraw materi als, such as crudeoil, firstl y into chemic al interm ediat es and then into a tremen dousvariet y of otherchemic als. Theseare then used to produc e consum er produc ts, whichmake our livesmore comfor table or, in some casessuch as pharma ceuti cal produc es, help to mainta in our well-beingor even life itself. At each stageof theseoperat ionsvalueis addedto the produc e and provid ed this addedexceed s the raw materi al plus proces singcoststhen a profit will be made on the operat ion. It is the aim of chemic al indust ry to achiev e this.
It may seem strang e in textbo ok this one to pose the questi on “do we need a chemic al indust ry?”Howeve r trying to answer this questi on will provid e(ⅰ) an indica tiono f the rangeof the chemical indust ry’s activi ties, (ⅱ) its influence on our livesi n everyd ay terms, and (ⅲ) how greati s societ y’s need for a chemic al indust ry. Our approa ch in answeri ng the questi on will be to consid er the indust ry’s contri butio n to meetin g and satisfyingour majorneeds. What are these? Clearl y food (and drink) and health are paramo unt. Otherwhichwe shallconsid er in theirturn are clothi ng and (briefl y) shelte r, leisur e and transp ort.
(1) Food. The chemic al indust ry makesa majorcontri butio n to food produc tionin at leastthreeways. Firstl y, by making availa ble largequanti tiesof artifi cialfertil izers whichare used to replac e the elemen ts (mainly nitrog en, phosph orusand potass ium) whichare remove d as nutrie nts by the growin g cropsduring modern intens ive farmin g. Second ly, by manufa cturi ng crop protec tionchemic als, i.e., pestic ides, whichmarked ly reduce the propor tionof the cropsconsum ed by pests. Thirdl y, by produc ing veteri naryproduc ts whichprotec t livest ock from diseas e or cure theirinfect ions.
(2) Health. We are all awareof the majorcontri butio n whichthe pharma ceuti cal sector of the indust ry has made to help keep us all health y, e.g. by curing bacter ial infect ionswith antibi otics, and even extend ing life itself, e.g. ?–blocke rs to lowerbloodpressu re.
(3) Clothi ng. The improv ement in proper tiesof modern synthe tic fibers over the tradit ional clothi ng materi als (e.g. cotton and wool) has been quiteremark able. Thus shirts, dresse s and suitsmade from polyes terslike Teryle ne and polyam ideslike Nylonare crease-resist ant, machin e-washab le, and drip-dry or non-iron. They are also cheape r than natura l materi als.
Parall el develo pment s in the discov ery of modern synthe tic dyes and the techno logyto―bond‖them to the fiberhas result ed in a tremen dousincrea se in the variet y of colors availa ble to the fashio n design er. Indeed they now span almost everycolorand hue of the visibl e spectr um. Indeed if a suitab le shadeis not availa ble, struct uralmodifi catio n of an existi ng dye to achiev e this can readil y be carrie d out, provid ed thereis a satisf actor y market for the produc t.
Othermajoradvanc es in this sphere have been in color-fastne ss, i.e., resist anceto the dye beingwashed out when the garmen t is cleane d.
(4) Shelte r, leisur e and transp ort. In termsof shelte r the contri butio n of modern synthe tic polyme rs has been substa ntial. Plasti cs are tendin g to replac e tradit ional buildi ng materi als like wood becaus e they are lighte r, mainte nance-free (i.e. they are resist ant to weathe ringand do not need painti ng). Otherpolyme rs, e.g. urea-formal dehyd e and polyur ethan es, are import ant insula tingmateri als for reduci ng heat losses and hencereduci ng energy usage.
Plasti cs and polyme rs have made a consid erabl e impact on leisur e activi tieswith applic ation s rangin g from all-weathe r artifi cialsurfac es for athlet ic tracks, footba ll pitche s and tennis courts to nylonstring s for racque ts and itemslike golf ballsand footba lls made entire ly from synthe tic materi als.
Likewi se the chemic al indust ry‘scontri butio n to transp ort over the yearshas led to majorimprov ement s. Thus develo pment of improv ed additi ves like anti-oxidan ts and viscos ity indeximprov es for engine oil has enable d routin e servic ing interv als to increa se from 3000 to 6000 to 12000miles. Resear ch and develo pment work has also result ed in improv ed lubric ating oils and grease s, and better brakefluids. Yet againthe contri butio n of polyme rs and plasti cs has been very striki ng with the propor tionof the totalautomo bilederive d from thesemateri als—dashbo ard, steeri ng wheel, seat paddin g and coveri ng etc.—now exceed ing 40%.
So it is quiteappare nt even from a brieflook at the chemic al indust ry‘scontri butio n to meetin g our majorneedsthat life in the worldwouldbe very differ ent withou t the produc ts of the indust ry. Indeed the levelof a countr y‘sdevelo pment may be judged by the produc tionleveland sophis ticat ion of its chemic al indust ry.
4. Resear ch and Develo pment(R&D) in Chemic al Indust ries
One of the main reason s for the rapidgrowth of the chemic al indust ry in the develo ped worldhas been its greatcommit mentto, and invest mentin resear ch and develo pment(R&D). A typica l figure is 5% of salesincome, with this figure beingalmost double d for the most resear ch intens ive sector, pharma ceuti cals. It is import ant to emphas ize that we are quotin g percen tages here not of profit s but of salesincome, i.e. the totalmoneyreceiv ed, whichhas to pay for raw materi als, overhe ads, staffsalari es, etc. as well. In the past this tremen dousinvest menthas paid off well, leadin g to many useful and valuab le produc ts beingintrod ucedto the market. Exampl es includ e synthe tic polyme rs like nylons and polyes ters, and drugsand pestic ides. Althou gh the number of new produc ts introd ucedto the market has declin ed signif icant ly in recent years, and in timesof recess ion the resear ch depart mentis usuall y one of the firstto suffer cutbac ks, the commit mentto R&D remain s at a very high level.
The chemic al indust ry is a very high techno logyindust ry whichtakesfull advant age of the latest advanc es in electr onics and engine ering. Comput ers are very widely used for all sortsof applic ation s, from automa tic contro l of chemic al plants, to molecu lar modeli ng of struct uresof
new compou nds, to the contro l of analyt icalinstru ments in the labora tory.
Indivi dualmanufa cturi ng plants have capaci tiesrangin g from just a few tonesper year in the fine chemic als area to the real giants in the fertil izerand petroc hemic al sector s whichrangeup to 500,000 tonnes. The latter requir es enormo us capita l invest ment, sincea single plantof this size can now cost $520 millio n! This, couple d with the widesp readuse of automa tic contro l equipm ent, helpsto explai n why the chemic al indust ry is capita l-rather than labor-intens ive.
The majorchemic al compan ies are trulymultin ation al and operat e theirsalesand market ing activi tiesin most of the countr ies of the world,and they also have manufa cturi ng unitsin a number of countr ies. This intern ation al outloo k for operat ions, or global izati on, is a growin g trendwithin the chemic al indust ry, with compan ies expand ing theiractivi tieseither by erecti ng manufa cturi ng unitsin othercountr ies or by taking over compan ies whichare alread y operat ing there.
Unit 2 Resear ch and Develo pment
Resear ch and develo pment, or R&D as it is common ly referr ed to, is an activi ty whichis carrie d out by all sector s of manufa cturi ng indust ry but its extent varies consid erabl y, as we will see shortl y. Let us firstunders tand,or at leastget a feel for, what the termsmean. Althou gh the distin ction betwee n resear ch and develo pment is not always clear-cut, and thereis oftenconsid erabl e overla p, we will attemp t to separa te them. In simple termsresear ch can be though t of
as the activi ty whichproduc es new ideasand knowle dge wherea s develo pment is puttin g thoseideasinto practi ce as new proces s and produc ts. To illust ratethis with an exampl e, predic tingthe struct ure of a new molecu le whichwouldhave a specif ic biolog icalactivi ty and synthe sizin g it couldbe seen as resear ch wherea s testin g it and develo pingit to the pointwhereit couldbe market ed as a new drug couldbe descri bed as the develo pment part.
1. Fundam ental Resear ch and Applie d Resear ch
In indust ry the primar y reason for cartin g out R&D is econom ic and is to streng thenand improv e the compan y‘spositi on and profit abili ty. The purpos e of R&D is to genera te and provid e inform ation and knowle dge to reduce uncert ainty, solveproble ms and to provid e better data on whichmanage mentcan base decisi ons. Specif ic projec ts covera wide rangeof activi tiesand time scales, from a few months to 20 years.
We can pick out a number of areasof R&D activi ty in the follow ing paragr aphsbut if we were to startwith thosewhichwere to spring to the mind of the academ ic, rather than the indust rial, chemis t then thesewouldbe basic,fundam ental(backgr ound)or explor atory resear ch and the synthe sis of new compou nds. This is also labele d―blueskie s‖resear ch.
Fundam ental resear ch is typica lly associ atedwith univer sityresear ch. It may be carrie d out for its own intrin sic intere st and it will add to the totalknowle dge base but no immedi ate applic ation s of itinthe―realworld‖wellbeappare nt. Note that it will provid e a valuab le traini ng in defini ng and solvin g proble ms, i.e. resear ch method ology for the resear ch studen t who carrie s it out undersuperv ision. Howeve r, later―spinoffs‖fromsuchworkcanleadtouseful applic ation s. Thus physic istsclaimthat but for the studyand develo pment of quantu m theory we mightnot have had comput ers and nuclea r power. Howeve r, to take a specif icall y chemic al exampl e, genera l studie s on a broadarea such as hydroc arbon oxidat ion mightprovid e inform ation whichwouldbe useful in more specif ic areassuch as cycloh exane oxidat ion for the produc tionof nyloninterm ediat es.
Aspect s of synthe sis couldinvolv e either develo pingnew, more specif ic reagen ts for contro lling partic ularfuncti onalgroupinterc onver sions, i.e. develo pingsynthe tic method ology or comple te synthe sis of an entire ly new molecu le whichis biolog icall y active. Althou gh the former is clearl y fundam ental the latter encomp asses both this and applie d aspect s. Thisterm‗applie d‘hastradit ional ly been more associ atedwith resear ch out in indust riallabora torie s, sincethis is more focuse d or target ed. It is a conseq uence of the work beingbusine ss driven.
Note, howeve r, that therehas been a majorchange in recent yearsas academ ic instit ution s have increa singl y turned to indust ry for resear ch fundin g, with the result that much more of theirresear ch effort is mow devote d to more applie d resear ch. Even so, in academ ia the emphas is genera lly is very much on the resear ch rather than the develo pment.
2. Typesof Indust rialResear ch and Develo pment
The applie d or more targeted type of resear ch and develo pment commonl y carrie d out in indust ry can be of severa l typesand we will briefl y consid er each. They are: (ⅰ)product develo pment, (ⅱ) proces s develo pment, (ⅲ) process improv ement and (ⅳ) application s develo pment. Even undertheseheadin gs thereare a multit ude of aspect s so only a typica l exampl e can be quoted in each case. The emphas is on each of thesewill vary consid erabl y within the differ ent sector s of the chemic al indust ry.
(1)Produc t develo pment. Produc t develo pment includ es not only the discov ery and develo pment of a new drug but also, for exampl e, provid ing a new longer-active anti-oxidan t additi ve to an automo bileengine oil. Develo pment such as this have enable d servic ing interv als to increa se during the last decade from 3000 to 6000 to 9000 and now to 12000miles.Note that most purcha sersof chemic als acquir e them for the effect s that they produc e i.e. a specif ic use. Teflon, or polyte trafl uoroe thyle ne (PTFE), may be purcha sed becaus e it impart s a non-sticksurfac e to cookin g pots and pans, thereb y making them easier to clean.
(2) Proces s develo pment. Proces s develo pment covers not only develo pinga manufa cturi ng proces s for an entire ly new produc t but also a new proces s or routefor an existi ng produc t. The push for the latter may origin ate for one or more of the follow ing reason s: availa bilit y of new techno logy, change in the availa bilit y and/or cost of raw materi als. Manufa cture of vinylchlori de monome r is an exampl e of this. Its manufa cturi ng routehas change d severa l timesowingto changi ng econom ics, techno logyand raw materi als. Anothe r stimul us is a marked increa se in demand and hencesalesvolume whichcan have a majoreffect on the econom ics of the proces s. The earlydays of penici llinmanufa cture afford a good exampl e of this.
P enici llin早期的制造就为此提供了一个很好的例子。
The abilit y of penici llinto preven t the onset of septic emiai n battle wounds during the Second WorldW ar (1939~1945) resulted in an enormo us demand for it to be produced in quanti ty. Up until then it had only been produced in smallamount s on the surface of the fermen tatio n brothin milk bottle s! An enormo us R&D effort jointl y in the U.S. and the U.K. result ed in two majorimprov ement s to the proces s. Firstl y a differ ent stainof the mouldgave much better yields than the origin al Penici llium notatu m. Second ly the majorproces s develo pment was the introd uctio n of the deep submer ged fermen tatio n proces s. Here the fermen tatio n takesplacethroug houtthe broth, provid ed steril e air is consta ntly, and vigoro usly, blownthroug h it. This has enable d the proces s to be scaled up enormo uslyto modern stainl ess steel fermen tershaving a capaci t y in excess of 50000liters. It is saluta ry to note that in the first world war (1914~1919) more soldie rs died from septicemiao f their wounds than were actual l y killed outrig ht on the battle field!
Penici llin能预防战争中因伤口感染引发的败血症,因而在第二次世界大战(1939-1945)中,penici llin的需求量非常大,需要大量生产。
而在那时,penici llin只能用在瓶装牛奶表面发酵的方法小量的生产。
Proces s develo pment for a new produc t depend s on things such as the scaleon whichit is to be manufa cture d, the by-produc ts formed and theirremova l/recove ry, and requir ed purity. Data will be acquir ed during this develo pment stageusingsemi-techni cal plant(up to 100 liters capaci ty)。