chp8Translating of Sentences I Subject

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的行为者,形成SV搭配 我的法语看报纸很吃力,你呢? I can’t read newspaper in French without difficulties, how about you? 中国的国民意识是把追求家庭幸福提到个人 幸福之上,而美国人似乎与此相反。 In the Chinese national ideology, the pursuit of family happiness has been elevated over personal happiness, while for the Americans the order seems to be reverse.
艘中小型船舶的建造合同和协议。 By the end of last year, contracts and agreements were signed with some provinces and cities for the construction of more than 100 medium-and-small-sized vessels.
在描写客观现象时主语常不出现;英语思维 重理性,还多以物或抽象概念作主语。 历史上,由于长江不断改道在武汉地区形成 了众多湖泊。(主题明显,主语不明显) The constant change of the course of the Yangtze River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan.
Financial resources are limited but
expenses limitless.

合、并容易形成对应。英语以动词作主语需 做相应的形态变化。 作弊不算数。 Playing foul doesn’t hold your score. 坐下来看不清,站起来才看得清。 Sitting obstructs your view; standing up makes it better. 倾囊相助是一种美德。 To empty one’s purse to help those in need is a virtue.
(3) choice and decision of subject in translating from C to E 汉语主语的多样性、无标记性,和对全 句主体结构缺乏句法引导性和提契机制, 常常引起主语辨识和确定的多样化,甚至 困难。主语辨识和确定可参考以下要求: 1、符合英语语言习惯; 2、符合英语思维方式; 3、主语必须是句中突出信息; 4、符合上下文逻辑关系和行文需要。

(2) 转移(shift) 词类转换式主语转移:在原句中挑选其他词 作目的语句子的主语。注意英语表达习惯 我们的自然科学比较落后,要努力向外国学 习。 In natural sciences, we are rather backward and hereby we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries. (定语转移) 你走吧,还有我在呢。 Off you go, I’m here close at hand.(宾语 转移)
b. Weak grammatical function 概念模糊、

种类繁多、功能较弱(无词性标记、无数的 一致性、多个主语并列等) 我吃了一碗饭。I ate a bowl of rice. 这碗饭我不吃了。I’m not going to … 桌上搁了一碗饭。A bowl of rice is… 一碗饭吃了三个人。Three of them ate … 今天早上吃的什么饭?What did you… 蹦蹦跳跳助消化。Jumping helps your … 干干净净逗人爱。Everyone loves … 跑得快就好,跑得快的先吃t in ES a. Decisive and Indispensable 实在太荒唐了。It’s utterly absurd. 是我不好。It’s my fault 热得我满头大汗。I’m all in sweat. 又盖了许多楼堂馆所。Many buildings, big mansions, hotels and guest houses were built. 有你的份。You will have your share. 蹦蹦跳跳助消化。Jumping helps your digestion.
Professional expertise comes from

夫呢,却老了十年。 Moving to Shanghai may have taken five years off her, but it put ten years on her husband. (谓语动词转移) 只要稍微恭维他几句,他就会乐而忘形。 A very little compliment would make him overjoyed. (分句动词转移) 游中国当然必游长城。 A must for all tourists to China is a visit to the Great Wall. (情态助动词转移)
Translation Theory and Practice
(Chinese - English) Chapter 8 Translating of Sentences I

英汉不同的表达习惯、上下文衔接对此较具 影响。 他那样悍然行事使我们非常气愤。 Hot anger burned in our minds against him at his flagrant action 一胎生了两个女儿。 Two daughters were born at one birth. 吃中餐用筷子。 Chopsticks are used for Chinese meals. 沿路都是小商店。 Small shops dot the way.

行为者+ 行动(或状态)类主谓关系 批评家的文字,看在不言之中,最为难解。 The unsaid meanings in critical essays make them the most difficult texts to be understood. 珠宝佩戴得体,可令你旧日的衣裳凭添色泽。 The right jewelry can revitalize the old standby that you have had in your wardrobe for years and bring it right into the “new look”.

名词性词语可作主语,若要其他词汇作主语, 必须做形式变化,使其具有名词性质。 如,“走行,不走也行”;“由主席召集会 议” To leave is Ok, so is to stay. It is the chairman who presides the conference. 在确定主语时,还要考虑主语和谓语在逻辑 上是否搭配。如,他的英语讲得很好。 His English speaks good.
b. Strong grammatical function
记、主谓一致性) 主谓提契机制,统领语句全局(SV concord)
The police are carefully searching the room. (SVO)
The girl is now a student at this university. (SVC)
The door was painted yesterday. (SVCA) It rained steadily all day. (SVA) I had taken the medicine twice by 6 P.M. (SVOA) They make him the chairman every year. (SVOC)
1. Differences between CS and ES (1) traits of CS (2) traits of ES (3) choice and decision of subject 2. From CS to ES (1) Equivalence (2) Shift (3) Supplement
1. Differences between CS and ES
(1) traits of subject in CS
a. Dispensable 如,非主谓句。(非主语省略) 实在太荒唐了。It’s utterly absurd. 是我不好。It’s my fault 热得我满头大汗。I’m all in sweat. 又盖了许多楼堂馆所。Many buildings, big mansions, hotels and guest houses were built. 有你的份。You will have your share.
符合上下文行文需要 长城八达岭这一段是1957年修复的,(?)是长城 的典型建筑,(?) 平均高7.8米,底部宽6.6米, 顶部宽5.8米。 The section at Badaling was restored in 1957, and it is typical in its structure. It is 7.8 meters high on an average, 6.6 meters wide at the bottom, and 5.8 meters wide on the top. The section at Badaling, restored in 1957, is typical in the structure of the Great Wall. It is 7.8 meters high on an average, 6.6 meters wide at the bottom, and 5.8 meters wide on the top.
2. From CS to ES
(1) Equivalence (对应)
苏轼是位才华横溢的文学家。 SU Shi was a writer with superb talent. 这种药治感冒特别灵。 This medicine is death on colds.
结为友好城市。(指代不清) It is anticipated that Haikou will establish friendly relation with more foreign cities in future.