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3.2.1The Depression of the “Sacred Feminine” Male and female are not equal in our society, that’s the case in the Christian belief. The inequality of male and female in religious includes two points: One is the God (male) domination, that is, the God of human beings is male which makes men are superior to women;Another is the suppression of female. In traditional Christian belief, the betrayer of the God includes a female named Marry Magdalene who was described as a prostitute. That’makes women inferior to men in religion. In The Da Vince Code, Dan’Brown overturns them one by one. 3.2.2Gods and Goddess The author even boldly proclaims that Jesus was the original feminist, whose radical ideas were swamped by patria ( 下 转 第 531 页 )
【Key wor ds】Feminism; Sacred Feminine; Depressed Feminine; Equality
② “The ancients envisioned their world in two halves—masculine
2004 has witnessed the soaring popularity of American writer Dan’ and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of
From this, we can clearly discern the author feminism views:
2.What Is Feminis m?
①indicates women are scared;
Many professional feminists give out different definitions of
【关键词】女权主义; 神圣女性; 被压迫的女性; 男女平等 The Feminism in The Da Vince Code
【Abstr act】The Da Vince Code has rocketed its popularity since its appearance. Many women readers and critics doubt the existence of feminism in this book, and this paper will discuss this issue. In the beginning, it gives out Dan Brown’s definition of feminism by citing other two famous feminism definitions, and then discusses the current feminism; at last it sums up the feminism of equality and wonderful combination of men and women through analyzing three aspects of “The Sacred Feminine”, “The Depressed Feminine”and “The Equality Of Male And Female”in The Da Vince Code.
female in religion.
3.Feminis m in The Da Vince Code The Feminism claimed in this book by the author, to some extent, can be concluded as “Sacred Feminine”and “Depressed Feminine”. In the following part, the paper will research on how the author claims those. 3.1.1.Pentacle and the Sacred Feminine. One example is the author’s re- explaining the magic pentagon- star. Traditionally,the pentacle is the sign of paganism, which stands for evil.However,in the chapter 6,the author gives out a complete new explanation: ①“This pentacle is representative of the female half of all things—a concept religious historians call the ‘sacred feminine’or the ‘divine goddess’.”
time in the history, women and men should be equal to each other, and the “Sacred feminine”for a long time. That history provides the religious
should be combined together to make up a wonderful union. To some basis for men’s power. To express his feminism, Dan Brown surprisingly
world. When they were unbalanced, there was chaos.”
This paper will mainly research on the feminism in The Da Vince
[The Da Vince Code, page 30].
Code, which is how the author claims his feminism in his masterpiece.
2.1Definition One
In the chapter 6 and 105, he points out that the upward triangle
(1)The belief that women and men are, and have been, treated stands for men while the downwards one represents women. When the two
Besides the “Sacred Feminine”, the author also writes the
feminism, that is, the Sacred Feminine has been suppressed for a long “Depressed Feminine”. He points that men in history have suppressed
“Mona Lisa”is actually the combine of two words “Amon”and “Isis”.
(- - - Toms Grandstand, Definition of Feminism, Free Radical, NO. “Amon” stands for the god of man’s power, while “Isis” was the
Man + Woman = Holly Feminine
(2)The movement organized on behalf of women's right and interests.
(1)①indicates women are equal;
(- - - from Merriam. Webster Online Dictionary (2006))
40 (20n’s power. It can be concluded like this:
2.2Definition Two
“Amon”+ “Isis”= Mona Lisa
(1)Belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes
2008 年 第 16 期
王 琳 隋英霞 ( 青岛农业大学外国语学院 山东 青岛 266109)
【摘 要】《达·芬奇密码》自问世以来风靡全球。众多女读者及评论家对书中的女权主义思想的存在有所争议。本文将着重探寻了该书中的 女权主义思想, 首先通过引用两个著名的女权主义的定义来引出丹.布朗作品中的女权主义涵义,然后探讨了女权主义的现状,最后通过对书中 “神圣女性”, “被压迫的女性 ”和“男女平等”三个方面分析总结出了作品中“男女平等”和“男女完美融合”的女权主义思想。
extent, his feminism, are, more or less, the same with the two definitions overturns the traditional Christian belief to seek equality of male and
Brown and his world- famous masterpiece The Da Vince Code, which was power. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the
regarded as “the best seller of 2004”by New York Time.
differently by our society, and that women have frequently and triangles are put together, they combine the pentacle, which stands for
systematically unable to participate fully in all social areas and the Sacred Feminine Venus.
3.1.2.Mona Lisa and Holly Feminine
(2)That this gives new points of view on society, when eliminating
Another example is about Dan Brown’s new explanation of the
②indicates male and female are equal from ancient time;
feminism. The following are two definitions:
Yet,to make it clearer, the author continues to re- explain.
old assumptions about the way they are, and looking at it from the famous artwork Mona Lisa. Usually, people regard it as the name of a
perspective that women are not inferior to men and men are not the noble rich woman, however, in the chapter 28 of this book, he claims
(2)②indicates male and female can equally form a wonderful union;
2.3Dan Brown’s Feminism
3.2The“Depressed Feminine”
In The Da Vince Code, Dan Brown has given out his own theory of