



弹性挡圈规格尺寸标准孔用弹性挡圈轴用弹性挡圈内径厚度钳孔厚度钳孔孔径外径内径孔径外径8 8.7 7 0.6 1 3 2.7 3.9 0.4 11 9 9.8 8 0.6 3.7 5 1 4 0.40.6 6.4 5 10 10.8 8.3 0.8 1 4.7 1.55.6 6 1.5 11 11.8 7.6 0.8 9.2 1.2 0.60.6 6.5 8.48 7 1.5 12 13 0.8 10.4 1.21.2 0.8 7.4 9.38 8 1.7 14.1 13 0.8 11.51.7 0.8 10.56 1.2 9 15.1 14 8.4 1 11.913 1 9.3 10 1.7 1 16.2 15 11.5 1.51 14.1 10.2 11 1.7 12.5 1.5 17.3 16 115.1 1 13.6 12 1.7 1.5 18.3 17 1 1113 1.7 11.9 1 19.5 18 1.7 1 16.3 14.71 15.7 12.9 14 20.5 19 1 16.72 1.71.7 16.8 13.8 15 21.5 20 2 1 17.7 118.2 16 2122.5 2 18.7 1 14.7 1 1.71 23.5 22 1 19.7 1.7 19.4 15.7 17 21.7 1 20.2 16.5 18 2 1.2 22.1 25.9 2425 26.9 22.7 1.2 2 19 17.5 21.2 1 21 2 1.2 2 20 18.5 22.5 26 27.9 23.71 2 19.5 23.5 28 30.1 25.7 1.2 2 211 2 30 32.1 27.3 1.2 2 22 20.5 24.51.2 27.2 2 22.2 28.6 1.2 2.5 24 31 33.41.2 2 23.2 28.2 32 34.4 29.6 1.22.5 251.2 2 1.5 34 36.5 31.12.5 26 24.2 29.21.2 2 28 25.9 31.3 35 37.8 32.4 1.5 2.51.2 2 26.9 33.4 36 38.8 1.52.5 29 32.51.2 30 27.9 33.5 2 37 39.8 34.4 1.5 40.8 38 35.42.5 32 29.6 2.5 35.534 37.3 1.5 2.5 31.5 38 1.5 2.5 4043.5轴用弹性挡圈孔用弹性挡圈钳孔孔径厚度外径孔径内径钳孔厚度外径内径32.2 39 1.5 2.5 35 42 45.5 39.3 1.5 345 48.5 40 36 3 33.2 1.5 2.5 41.5 1.541 34.2 37 1.5 2.5 3 44.5 4851.5 1.550 42.7 35.2 38 3 2 47.5 54.2 2.5 1.5产品名称:(A Type External Circlips) 型轴用弹性挡圈A又称为:外卡簧GB/T 894.1-1986:执行准标.常用材料:锰钢、不锈钢常用表面处理:发黑、镀锌硬度:孔径≤48:HRC 47~54、HV 470~580孔径≥48:HRC 44~51、HV 435~530一、GB/T 894.1-1986 A型轴用弹性挡圈的尺寸挡圈沟槽轴规格m D S d 2d 孔径 b n 3hd 基本基本极限极限基本极限极限基本1≤ d ≥≈0偏差偏差尺寸偏差偏差尺寸尺寸尺寸+0.14 +0.04 0 +0.03 3 2.70.8 0.50.3 10.952.80.47.2-0 -0.15 -0.06 -0.04+0.14 +0.03 0 +0.04 4 3.7 0.4 1.1 1 1.1 3.8 0.5 0.3 8.8-0 -0.06 -0.048 -0.15+0.14 +0.04 +0.04 0 5 4.7 0.6 1.25 1 1.25 4.8 0.7 0.3 10.7-0 -0.15 -0.048 -0.07+0.14 0 +0.04 +0.04 6 5.6 0.6 1.35 1.2 1.35 5.7 0.7 0.5 12.2-0 -0.048 -0.07 -0.15+0.14 +0 +0.06 +0.04 7 6.5 0.6 1.32 1.2 1.55 6.7 0.7 0.5 13.8-0 -0.07 -0.18 -0.058+0.14 +0.04 +0.06 +0 8 7.4 0.8 1.44 1.2 1.60 7.6 0.9 0.6 15.2-0 -0.10 -0.18 -0.058+0.14 +0.06 +0.04 +0 9 8.4 0.8 1.44 1.2 1.65 8.6 0.9 0.6 16.4-0-0.10-0.058-0.18d0≥10 A型轴用弹性挡圈尺寸(mm)挡圈沟槽轴规格S dD S d 孔径 b n 3 d 基本极限极限基本极限基本极限基本d偏尺尺尺尺偏偏偏+0.14+0.10+0.050101.449.31.19.611.50.617.6-0-0.13-0.058-0.36+0.140+0.10+0.051110.211.521.510.51.10.818.6-0-0.13-0.11-0.36+0.14+0.050+0.10121111.721.511.51.10.819.6-0-0.13-0.11-0.36 -0.13 -0.11 -0+0.14 +0.05 0 +0.10 0.91.713.42211412.91.11.88-0 -0.11 -0.13 -0.36+0.14 +0.05 0 +0.10 15 13.8 1 2.00 1.7 14.3 1.1 1.1 23.2-0 -0.13 -0.36 -0.11+0.14 +0.05 +0.10 0 16 14.7 1 2.32 1.7 15.2 1.1 1.2 24.4-0 -0.36 -0.13 -0.11+0.14 0 +0.05 +0.10 17 15.7 1 2.48 1.7 16.2 1.1 1.2 25.6-0 -0.36 -0.13 -0.11+0.14 +0.10 +0.05 0 18 16.5 1 2.48 1.7 17 1.1 1.5 27-0 -0.13 -0.36 -0.11+0.14 +0.10 +0.05 0 19 17.5 1 2.48 2 18 1.1 1.5 28-0 -0.11 -0.13 -0.36+0.14 0 +0.13 +0.05 20 18.5 1 2.68 2 19 1.1 1.5 29-0 -0.13 -0.13 -0.42+0.14 0 +0.13 +0.05 21 19.5 1 2.68 2 20 1.1 1.5 31-0 -0.13 -0.13 -0.42+0.14 0 +0.05 +0.13 22 20.5 1 2.68 2 21 1.1 1.5 32-0 -0.13 -0.13 -0.42+0.14 0 +0.21 +0.05 24 22.2 1.2 - 2 22.9 1.1 1.7 34-0 -0.21 -0.13 -0.42+0.14 0 +0.21 +0.05 25 23.2 1.2 - 2 23.9 1.1 1.7 35-0 -0.21 -0.13 -0.42+0.14 0 +0.21 +0.05 26 24.2 1.2 - 2 24.9 1.3 1.7 36-0 -0.13 -0.42 -0.21+0.14 +0.21 0 +0.05 28 25.9 1.2 - 2 26.6 1.3 2.1 38.4-0 -0.42 -0.13 -0.21+0.14 0 +0.05 +0.21 29 26.9 1.2 - 2 27.6 1.3 2.1 39.8-0 -0.21 -0.42 -0.13+0.14 +0.05 +0.21 0 30 27.9 1.2 - 2 28.6 1.3 2.1 42-0 -0.42 -0.13 -0.21+0.14 +0.21 0 +0.05 32 29.6 1.2 - 2.5 30.3 1.3 2.6 44-0 -0.13 -0.25 -0.42+0.14 +0.06 +0.25 03431.51.5-2.532.31.72.646-0-0.25-0.90-0.15+0.14+0.060+0.253532.21.5-2.5331.7348-0-0.25-0.90-0.15+0.14+0.25+0.0603633.21.5-2.5341.7349-0-0.15-0.25-0.90+0.14+0.250+0.063734.21.5-2.5351.7350-0-0.90-0.15-0.25 5131.7362.5-1.535.238+0.14+0.06+0.25二、A型轴用弹性挡圈的重量。


1,7s 2 1,12,7 1,28 1,12,2 1,15,8 1,18,2 1,19,5 1,12,8 1,15,9 2 1,2 2,11,55 1,29 2 2,15 1,15,9 22 2,15,5 1,278 2,24,5 1,19,78 2 2,4 2,14,9 22 2 2,4 22 2,24 2,24 2 2,4 1,26,45 22 2,15,65 2,24 1,25,5 2 2,4 2,16,52
请 参 看“沟槽表面加工精度”
Ss (mm)
≳ῑ⏅ᑺ˄ᕘ৥ W>PP@
沟槽宽度(轴向) ≳ῑᆑᑺLX˄[䕈m৥m]˅
/[ >PP@
0,6䴭5 ᗕ±0,050ࡼ,7ᗕ5 ⎆य़±0,02ࡼ0,8ᗕ0⇨ࡼ±0,02᮴1,ᣵ4 ೜
V1V106005362 PP50500088
V1V106015566 PP50500088
V1V106026003 PP50500088
V1V110016015 PP50500088
V1V110016520 PP50500088
V1V110120010 PP50500088
V1 1015 P5008
Sࡼ=7ᗕ,0ᑨm⫼m䳔 ⒵䎇 ҹϟ ᳔ᇣᮁ䴶ሎᇌd≤200 mm
聚s氨= 酯5,7O形m圈m 不易扭曲。 s = 7,0 mm
d 150 mm d 200 mm
介质中)请与本公司的咨询服务部HF联A系,以HF便B向您推荐 合适的材料和结构。 以上数据是在标准材料



材料 A5

A 约 90 的 NBR 橡胶。 标准材料为邵氏硬度 在决定所用材料之前,请与本公司的咨询
服务部联系。本公司还可提供派克聚氨酯 材料防尘圈,材料P5004。 对于高温及耐化学介质的工况,推荐用本 A 90 NBR 公司氟橡胶防尘圈,材料编号为
8 3 8,6 6,9 2,3 1 Ød D H D1 D2 L 19 25,4 4 26 22,4 2,8 1,2 5 8 3 8,6 6,9 2,3 20 19 28 25,4 7 4 28,6 2 26,0 2322,4 5,32,8 20 28 7 28,6 23 5,3 22 30 7 30,6 25 5,3 2 22 30 7 30,6 25 5,3 25 33 7 33,6 28 5,3 2 25 33 7 33,6 28 5,3 28 28 36 36 7 7 36,6 2 36,6 31 31 5,35,3 30 38 7 38,6 33 5,3 30 38 7 38,6 33 5,3 2 32 40 7 40,6 35 5,3 32 35 40 43 7 7 40,6 2 43,6 35 38 5,35,3 44,6 38 39 5,35,3 35 36 43 44 7 7 43,6 2 40 48 7 48,6 43 5,3 36 42 44 50 7 7 44,6 2 50,6 39 45 5,35,3 53,6 43 48 5,35,3 40 45 48 53 7 7 48,6 2 45 55 7 55,6 48 5,3 42 50 7 50,6 45 5,3 2 46 54 7 54,6 49 5,3 45 50 53 58 7 7 53,6 48 2 58,6 53 5,35,3 50 60 7 60,6 53 5,3 45 55 7 55,6 48 5,3 2 55 63 7 63,6 58 5,3 46 55 54 65 7 7 54,6 49 2 65,6 58 5,35,3 56 66 7 66,6 59 5,3 50 58 7 58,6 53 5,3 2 60 68 7 68,6 63 5,3 50 60 7 60,6 53 5,3 2 60 70 7 70,6 63 5,3 55 63 63 71 7 7 63,6 2 71,6 58 66 5,35,3 73,6 58 66 5,35,3 55 63 65 73 7 7 65,6 2 64 72 7 72,6 67 5,3 56 65 66 73 7 7 66,6 2 73,6 59 68 5,35,3 75,6 63 68 5,35,3 60 65 68 75 7 7 68,6 2 70 78 7 78,6 73 5,3 60 70 70 80 7 7 70,6 2 80,6 63 73 5,35,3 82,6 66 73 5,37,1 63 70 71 82 7 12 71,6 2 75 83 7 83,6 78 5,3 63 73 7 73,6 66 5,3 2 75 87 12 87,2 81 7,1 64 72 7 72,6 67 5,3 2 标准产品均用黑体字印刷。 65 73 7 73,6 68 5,3 2 65 70 70 70 75 75 � 75 78 80 82 83 87 7 7 7 12 7 12 75,6 68 78,6 73 80,6 73 82,6 73 83,6 78 87,2 81 5,3 5,3 5,3 7,1 5,3 7,1 2 2 2 5 2 5



橡胶种类 ISO1629 代号 材料编号及硬度 温度范围(C°) (邵氏A,±5°) AA150-70 AA154-75 AE152-70 AE153-75 B0318-70 B0612-70 B1167-80 C0267-50 C0873-70 C1124-70 E1561-60 E1512-70 E1514-70 E1549-70 E1583-70 E3609-70 E8790-70 E0692-75 E0740-75 E0540-80 E0962-90 LM151-50 LM152-60 LM153-70 LM159-70 LM160-80 N0299-50 N0525-60 N0674-70 N1499-70 N1470-70 N1510-70 N0757-70 N1220-70 N1527-70 N0304-75 N0508-75 N1500-75 N1490-90 N0552-90 N0300-90 N1444-90 NB194-90 -21 到 +177 -21 到 +177 -40 到 +163 -40 到 +163 -59 到 +121 -59 到 +121 -59 到 +121 -51 到 +121 -37 到 +107 -51 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -50 到 +150 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -57 到 +121 -51 到 +121 -73 到 +177 -73 到 +177 -73 到 +177 -73 到 +177 -67 到 +177 -48 到 +107 -32 到 +121 -34 到 +121 -34 到 +121 -40 到 +107 -34 到 +107 -34 到 +107 -34 到 +107 -34 到 +107 -54到 +107/+121 -34 到 +82 -37 到 +100 -34 到 +121 -34 到 +121 -40 到 +82 -34 到 +121 -34 到 +121 颜色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 蓝色 蓝色 蓝色 蓝色 蓝色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 推荐用途或特点 发动机,变速箱 发动机,变速箱 变速箱 变速箱,自润滑 AMS 3238 真空,通用材料 真空,通用材料 AMS,MIL,低温 通用材料 AMS 3209,低温 NSF61,KTW,WRAS 耐氯胺,NSF61,自润滑 耐氯胺 NSF61,KTW,WRAS,FDA NSF51,NSF61,自润滑 NSF51,NSF61,FDA,USP VI NSF61,WRAS,EN681-1,W534,KTW 蒸汽,高温水 核能应用 通用材料 高温蒸汽(260℃),抗气爆 通用材料 通用材料 通用材料 AMS AMS,MIL AMS 3205, UL AMS 3212, AMS 3220 通用材料,UL,MIL 通用材料,UL, 通用材料 NSF61,商用热水 NSF61.冷水 NSF51,FDA UL 低温,MIL FDA,USDA UL,低溶胀,燃油应用 通用材料 通用材料 挡圈材料 挡圈材料 低压变,抗挤出


本公司的密封件,只能在本公司的文件资料述及的应用参数范围与接触介质、压力、温度和 存放时间相一致的情况下才能使用。 在规定的应用参数范围外使用以及错误选用不同的材料都可能导致密封件寿命的缩短以及设 备的损坏,甚至更严重的后果(如生命安全,环境污染等)。 本公司出版印刷的资料和数据集数十年制造和应用密封件之经验。尽管如此,在密封件实际 应用中出现的各种未知因素可能会极大地影响本资料的全面使用,故样本中提出的各种建议 仅供参考。客户必须分析您的具体应用,确认相关产品和系统,并承担一切责任。派克汉尼 汾公司虽尽力但仍不能保证本样本资料的准确性和完整性,因此用户要承担信任本资料的风 险。 本公司保留设计修改而不预先通知的权利。该版本替代所有以前的样本。 样品是从实验模具制得的。但是以后的系列产品可以采用与样品生产不同的生产技术,除非 事先达成特殊协议。 本公司所有产品的模具使用年限为7年,因此产品交付保证可能受此影响。
• • 3 RodSeals 16
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当选择 O 形圈材料时,应从多方面考虑,尤其是被 密封的介质、压力和温度范围等。一种材料也许最 适合于蒸气,但在一个水冷却系统中将会由于酒精 或抗冻添加剂产生副作用。一种也许在低温时与液 氧相容,但在高温下完全不适用,例如:蒸气机。 这些例子表明, O 形圈材料选择必须根据具体应 用。 O 形圈密封涉及诸多因素,最终材料选择应该 是最综合的选择。对于这一点,派克针对每一个具 体应用提供有相应的材料,包括军用和航空领域的 应用。
派克汉尼汾流体传动产品(上海)有限公司 中国上海市金桥出口加工区云桥路280号 邮编:201206 电话:86 21 2899 5000 传真:86 21 5834 8975 北京办事处 北京市朝阳区光华路7号汉威大厦21层B2109室 邮编:100004 电话:86 10 6561 0520 传真:86 10 6561 0526 广州办事处 中国广东省广州市天河区体育东路138号金利来中心1706室 邮编:510620 电话:86 20 3878 1583 传真:86 20 3878 1700 派克汉尼汾香港有限公司 香港九龙长沙湾长义街九号建业中心八楼 电话:852 2428 8008 传真:852 2480 4256 长沙服务中心 长沙市开福区德雅路四季美景72-73号 邮编:410003 电话:86 0731 4530210 传真:86 0731 4530170 成都办事处 成都成华区成华大道一段36号东景丽苑2号楼 邮编:610051 电话:86 28 8436 7205 传真:86 28 8436 7282
动密封是指被密封的部件之间存在相对运动。由于 存在运动, O 形圈产生位移。在液压缸中, O 形圈 可用于活塞或者活塞杆密封,特别适用于短行程、 小直径缸中。无数的 O 形圈成功地被用在液压、流 体、甚至是在压缩空气的动密封上。在很多场合, O形圈被用于长行程、大直径缸内。若正确使用。O 形圈的寿命可以与所密封的元件寿命一样。影响动 密封的因素有:挤出、往复、表面粗糙度和材料硬 度。在设计过程中,将这些因素考虑周全是十分重 要的。

Parker Pneumatic B Guided Cylinders产品说明书

Parker Pneumatic B Guided Cylinders产品说明书

• Low profile guided assembly • Powered by the P1D cylinder• Bore sizes 32, 40, 50, 63, 80 and 100mm • Strokes to any practical length • Rod lock options available• Composite and ball bearing options availableOrdering informationFor sensors see page B294.Metric (inch)Boresize A1A2B1B2B3B4ØB5B6B7B8ØC1std.ØC1O.S.C2C3ØD1ØD2ØD3ØD4ØD5ØD63250(1.97)97(3.82)45(1.77)92(3.62)78(3.07)32.5(1.28)31.5(1.24)4(0.16)12.7(0.50)61(2.40)12(0.47)16(0.63)73.5(2.89)50(1.97)6.6(0.26)11(0.43)5.2(0.20)9(0.35)M6 x1.004(0.16)4058(2.28)115(4.53)50.8(2.00)110(4.33)84(3.31)38(1.50)31.5(1.24)11(0.43)12.7(0.50)69(2.72)16(0.63)20(0.79)86.5(3.41)58(2.28)6.6(0.26)11(0.43)5.2(0.20)9(0.35)M6 x1.004(0.16)5070(2.76)137(5.39)63(2.48)132(5.20)100(3.94)46.5(1.83)50(1.97)19(0.75)16(0.63)85(3.35)20(0.79)25(0.98)103.5(4.07)70(2.76)9(0.35)14(0.55)6.4(0.25)11(0.43)M8 x1.254(0.16)6385(3.35)152(5.98)82.5(3.25)145(5.71)105(4.13)56.5(2.24)50(1.97)15(0.59)16(0.63)100(3.94)20(0.79)25(0.98)118.5(4.67)85(3.35)9(0.35)14(0.55)6.4(0.25)11(0.43)M8 x1.254(0.16)80105(4.13)189(7.44)100(3.94)180(7.09)130(5.12)72(2.83)76(2.99)21(0.83)19(0.75)130(5.12)25(0.98)30(1.18)147(5.79)105(4.13)11(0.43)17(0.67)8.4(0.33)14(0.55)M10 x1.506(0.24)100130(5.12)213(8.39)120(4.72)200(7.87)150(5.91)89(3.50)76(2.99)24.5(0.97)19(0.75)150(5.91)25(0.98)30(1.18)171.5(6.75)130(5.12)11(0.43)17(0.67)8.4(0.33)14(0.55)M10 x1.506(0.24)Boresize E1E2E3ØF1G1H1H2L1L2L3L4L5N1P1P2P3PortsizePistonrodthread3212(0.47)7(0.28)4(0.16)30(1.18)17(0.67)81(3.19)16(0.63)153(6.02)120(4.72)17(0.67)71(2.80)64.7(2.55)17(0.67)36(1.42)31(1.22)40(1.57)1/8M10 x1.254012(0.47)7(0.28)4(0.16)35(1.38)24(0.94)99(3.90)19(0.75)166(6.54)130(5.12)20(0.79)71(2.80)74.7(2.94)17(0.67)36(1.42)36(1.42)44(1.73)1/4M12 x1.255016(0.63)9(0.35)9(0.35)40(1.57)27(1.06)119(4.69)23(0.91)194(7.64)150(5.90)25(0.98)79(3.11)90(3.54)24(0.94)42(1.65)44(1.73)50(1.97)1/4M16 x1.56316(0.63)9(0.35)9(0.35)45(1.77)27(1.06)132(5.20)28(1.10)224(8.82)180(7.09)25(0.98)109(4.29)90(3.54)24(0.94)58(2.28)44(1.73)60(2.36)3/8M16 x1.58020(0.79)11(0.43)5(0.19)45(1.77)32(1.26)166(6.54)36(1.42)252(9.92)200(7.87)30(1.18)113(4.45)109(4.29)30(1.18)50(1.97)52(2.05)70(2.76)3/8M20 x1.510020(0.79)11(0.43)5(0.20)55(2.17)32(1.26)190(7.48)45(1.77)272(10.71)220(8.66)30(1.18)128(5.04)114(4.49)30(1.18)49(1.93)51(2.01)70(2.76)1/2M20 x1.5The following curves are based on 10 million cycles at aspeed of 0.20 m/s (40 fpm). Higher dynamic loads will reduce cycle life. For static conditions, multiply the information in the graphs by 1.5.EXAMPLE: A P5E with 40mm bore, composite bushings and a “stroke+d” of 400mm will have a load capacity of 48N.L o a d ,N (l b )800(180)600(135)400(90)200(45)032mm Bore SizeL o a d ,N(l b )200(45)150(34)100(22)50(11)040mm Bore SizeL o a d ,N (l b )400(90)300(67)200(45)100(22)00100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)0100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)The following curves are based on 10 million cycles at a speed of 0.20 m/s (40 fpm). Higher dynamic loads will reduce cycle life. For static conditions, multiply the information in the graphs by 1.5.EXAMPLE: A P5E with 63mm bore, oversized support shafts and a “stroke+d” of 300mm would have a loadcapacity of 200N.L o a d ,N (l b )800(180)600(135)400(90)200(45)032mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)L o a d ,N (l b )200(45)150(34)100(22)50(11)050mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)L o a d ,N (l b )300(67)250(56)200(45)150(34)100(22)040mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke+ d,mm (inch)L o a d ,N (l b )400(90)300(67)200(45)100(22)00100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)63mm Bore SizeL o a d ,N (l b )400(90)300(67)200(45)100(22)080mm Bore Size100mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)0100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke+d,mm (inch)L o a d ,N (l b )1000(225)800(180)600(135)400(90)200(45)050(11)Asymmetrical loading occurs when an off-center load is applied to the unit. P5E Series units can resist torsional loads that are asymmetrical.EXAMPLE: A P5E with 63mm bore, ball bearings and a “stroke + d” of 300mm would have an asymmetrical torque capacity of 5 Nm.T o r q u e ,N m (l b -i n )60(531)45(398)30(266)15(133)032mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)T o r q u e ,N m (l b -i n )8(71)6(53)4(35)2(18)050mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)T o r q u e ,N m (l b -i n )12(106)10(89)8(71)6(53)4(35)040mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)T o r q u e ,N m (l b -i n )20(177)15(133)10(89)5(44)00100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)63mm Bore SizeT o r q u e ,N m (l b -i n )25(221)20(177)15(133)10(89)080mm Bore Size100mm Bore Size100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)0100(3.9)200(7.9)300(11.8)400(15.7)500(19.7)Stroke + d,mm (inch)T o r q u e ,N m (l b -i n )80(708)60(531)40(354)20(177)02(18)5(44)LoadAsymmetrical Torque CapacityP5E Series units mounted vertically will have the sameeccentric load capacity regardless of orientation. The graphs provide maximum load capacity for an eccentric mounted load. The load is assumed to be mounted at the face of the tooling plate.These load curves illustrate load ratings based on the bearing system of the product. Load rating is a key selection criterion but is not the only one to consider in the selection of a product.Note: Charts are based on 100mm of stroke.EXAMPLE: A P5E with a 40mm bore carrying an eccentric load located 300mm from the centerline has a capacity of approximately 200N (45 lbs).L o a d ,N (l b )1000(225)800(180)600(135)400(90)200(45)032mm Bore SizeL o a d ,N (l b )250(56)200(45)150(34)100(22)50(11)040mm Bore SizeL o a d ,N (l b )400(90)300(67)200(45)100(22)00150(5.9)450(17.7)300(11.8)600(23.6)750(29.5)Eccentricity,mm (inch)0150(5.9)450(17.7)300(11.8)600(23.6)750(29.5)Eccentricity,mm (inch)Vertical Eccentric Load Capacity。

派克(parker) O形圈密封样本

派克(parker) O形圈密封样本

!O 14.00 mm 1.78 mm N674-70 !"# A70 O-Ring,14 x 1.78, 2-015, N674-70
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Parker Seal Group产品安全指南及替代零部件目录说明书

Parker Seal Group产品安全指南及替代零部件目录说明书

© 2012 Parker Hanni n Corporation. All rights reserved.Catalog EPS 5298/USAParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298 Replacement Parts for PackersiParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersAVAILABLE COMPOUNDSThe above chart represents the typical physical properties of thematerials used to manufacture packer rubbers, cups and seals. Parker has a complete Research and Development lab available to develop custom compounds and test packer elements out of these compounds using state of the art packer rubber test equipment. Ask your Parker Territory Sales Manager, or Parker Customer Service Representative for assistance with your special application needs. Other materials available through R&D:• HNBR • EPDM • AFLAS ®*• VITON ®***Registered trademark of Asahi Glass Company, Limited** Registered trademark of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and CompanyParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for Packers iiiCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for Packers 1SECTION INDEXCatalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionCatalog EPS 5298 Replacement Parts for Packers3Catalog EPS 5298Replacement Parts for PackersParker Hannifin CorporationEPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS Division 21Parker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS DivisionParker Hannifin Corporation EPS Division 39Parker Hannifin Corporation EPS Division。



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1订货号 1 1 0,5 0015 N3587 1 0,5 0025 N3587 1 1 0035 N3587 1 1 0042 N3587 1 1 0045 N3587 1 1 1002 N3587 1 1 1005 N3587 1 1 1009 N3587 1 1 1010 N3587 1 1 1014 N3587 1 1 1 1 1015 N3587 1 1 1020 N3587 1 1 1016 N3587 1 1 1025 N3587 1 1 1030 N3587 1 1 1034 N3587 1 1 1035 N3587 1 1 2026 N3587 1 1 2005 N3587 1 1 2010 N3587 1 1 2015 N3587 1 1 2020 N3587 1 1 2025 N3587 1 1 2030 N3587 1 1 2035 N3587 1 1 3003 N3587 1 1 3005 N3587 1 1 3010 N3587 1 1 3015 N3587 1 1 3020 N3587 1 1 3025 N3587 1 1 3030 N3587 1 1 3035 N3587 1 1 4005 N3587 1 1 4015 N3587 1 1 4025 N3587 1 1 4030 N3587 1 1 4040 N3587 1 1 4045 N3587 1,5 1,5 4050 N3587 5005 N3587 5010 N3587


兰-代号61 弯头
M23311 M48310 FJ(剥 外胶)
43,46,70, 71,73,78 43,46,70, 71,73,78
17-SAE 法 兰-代号61 19-SAE 法 兰-代号6145°弯 头 90°弯 头
M23341 M48340 M23391 M48390
系列 代号 Manuli Aeroquip
46,70,71,73 6A-SAE法 直通 兰-代号62 ,78,79 46,70,71,73 6F-SAE法 兰-代号62 ,78,79 45°弯头
M23611 M48610 FJ9762 M23641 M48640 FJ9768 M23691 M48690 FJ9774
46,70,71,73 6N-SAE法 90°弯头 兰-代号62 ,78,79
• Manuli总成型号:
• 永华总成型号:
• 竟争对手的总成号转换成Parker总成型号
• 永华 • 1CO-22-10-RN • 1CO-22-10 • 1DO-24-10
谢 谢!
Tractor/2K FC735
Parker 增强 层 标准 Manuli Aeroquip
77C/771 钢丝4 SAE100R12 Goldenspir/R12 GH493 EN856-R12 701 钢丝4 DIN 20 023- Goldenspir/4SP 4SP, EN8564SP 钢丝4 DIN 20 023- Goldenspir/4SH GH506 4SH, EN8564SH



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请参考"沟槽表面加工精度" 和安装指导。 必须保证压力油可以完全作用在密封件上,所 以在轴向要有合适的间隙。安装时不得把密封 件拉过锐边,以免损坏密封唇部。 请参考"沟槽表面加工精度" 和安装指导。
H L+0,2
有关表面光洁度、入口倒角及其它安装尺寸,请参看“沟槽表面加工精度” d 8 10 12 12 12 14 14 15 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 20 20 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 28 28 28 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 D 15 17 19 19 20 22 22 23 24 24 26 25 26 26 28 26 28 28 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 33 33 35 37 40 36 36 38 40 40 37 38 38 40 45 H 6 6 6 6,5 7 6 8 6 6 7 8 7 6 7 9 5 6 7 8 10 6 7 8 7 9 6 6 6 7 9 10 10 6 7 8,5 9 12 6 6 8 9 8,5 L 6,5 6,5 6,5 7 7,5 6,5 8,5 6,5 6,5 7,5 8,5 7,5 6,5 7,5 10 5,5 6,5 7,5 8,5 11 6,5 7,5 8,5 7,5 10 6,5 6,5 6,5 7,5 10 11 11 6,5 7,5 9 10 13 6,5 6,5 8,5 10 9 订货号 D 0030 Z5002 1017 Z5048 15 1019 Z5048 17 1020 Z5002 19 1025 19 Z5002 1039 20 Z5048 1040 22 Z5002 1043 22 Z5048 1059 23 Z5048 1060 24 Z5002 1065 24 Z5002 1084 26 Z5002 1086 25 Z5048 1085 26 Z5002 1088 26 Z5002 2005 28 Z5002 26 2009 Z5048 28 2010 Z5002 28 2015 Z5002 30 2016 Z5002 30 2019 30 Z5048 2020 30 Z5002 2022 30 Z5002 2025 32 Z5002 2028 32 Z5002 2034 32 Z5048 2045 32 Z5002 2047 33 Z5048 2048 33 Z5002 2052 35 Z5002 2055 37 Z5002 2058 40 Z5002 36 2074 Z5048 36 2075 Z5002 38 2078 Z5002 40 2081 Z5002 40 2084 37 Z5002 3005 38 Z5002 3007 38 Z5048 3008 40 Z5002 3011 45 Z5002 3014 Z5002 dL 32 32 6,5 32 6,5 32 6,5 32 7 33 7,5 35 6,5 35 8,5 35 6,5 35 6,5 7,5 35 8,5 35 7,5 36 6,5 36 7,5 36 10 36 5,5 40 6,5 40 7,5 40 8,5 40 11 40 6,5 40 7,5 40 8,5 42 7,5 42 10 45 6,5 6,5 45 6,5 45 7,5 45 10 45 11 47 11 48 6,5 50 7,5 50 9 50 10 50 13 50 6,5 50 6,5 50 8,5 52 10 53 9 55 D H L 订货号 40 6 6,5 40 7 7,5 Q3 0030 Z5002 42 9 10 Q3 1017 Z5048 44 10 11 Q3 1019 Z5048 45 Q3 1020 10 11 Z5002 45 Q3 1025 10 11 Z5002 42 Q3 1039 7 7,5 Z5048 43 Q3 1040 6 6,5 Z5002 43 Q3 1043 7 7,5 Z5048 45 Q3 1059 9 10 Z5048 Z5002 45 Q3 1060 10 11 Z5002 50 Q3 1065 12 13 Z5002 43 Q3 1084 6 6,5 Z5048 44 Q3 1086 6 6,5 Z5002 8,5 44 Q3 1085 8 Z5002 48 Q3 1088 9 10 Q3 2005 Z5002 48 6 6,5 Q3 2009 Z5048 48 8 8,5 Q3 2010 Z5002 50 9 10 Q3 2015 Z5002 50 10 11 Q3 2016 Z5002 52 Q3 2019 15 16 Z5048 55 Q3 2020 10 11 Z5002 56 Q3 2022 9 10 Z5002 50 Q3 2025 6 6,5 Z5002 50 Q3 2028 7 7,5 Z5002 53 Q3 2034 8 8,5 Z5048 Z5002 55 Q3 2045 7,5 8 Z5048 60 Q3 2047 10 11 Z5002 60 Q3 2048 11 12 Z5002 60 Q3 2052 15 16 Z5002 57 Q3 2055 9 10 Q3 2058 Z5002 60 10 11 Q3 2074 Z5048 58 8 8,5 Q3 2075 Z5002 58 12 13 Q3 2078 Z5002 60 6,7 7,2 Q3 2081 Z5002 60 7,5 8 Q3 2084 Z5002 62 Q3 3005 10 11 Z5002 62 Q3 3007 12 13 Z5048 65 Q3 3008 10 11 Z5002 68 Q3 3011 12 13 Z5002 65 Q3 3014 10 11 Z5002 63 8 8,5 订货号 d 3019 Z5048 3020 Z5002 32 3023 Z5002 32 3025 Z5002 32 3032 Z5002 32 303532 Z5002 304533 Z5002 304935 Z5048 305035 Z5002 305435 Z5002 305735 Z5002 306035 Z5002 307035 Z5002 307236 Z5002 307336 Z5002 307836 Z5002 400436 Z5048 40 4005 Z5002 40 4009 Z5002 40 4012 Z5002 40 401540 Z5002 401840 Z5002 402140 Z5003 403142 Z5048 403042 Z5002 404045 Z5002 404445 Z5048 404545 Z5002 404845 Z5002 405345 Z5002 406547 Z5048 408048 Z5002 50 5005 Z5002 50 5008 Z5002 50 5011 Z5002 50 5010 Z5048 50 5012 Z5002 50 501550 Z5002 502152 Z5002 502553 Z5003 503255 Z5002 5045 Z5002


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Parker Balston 苯类化合物吸附器说明书

Parker Balston 苯类化合物吸附器说明书

Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division Haverhill, MA • 1-800-343-40481General DescriptionThese instructions must be thoroughly read and understood before installing andoperating this product. Any modification of the product will void the warranty. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Technical Services Department at800-343-4048, 8AM to 5PM Eastern Time (North America only) or email at balston-**********************.Forotherlocations,pleasecontactyourlocalrepresentative.The Parker Balston Halogenated Hydrocarbon Scrubber efficiently removes halogenated hydrocarbons from a compressed air supply. The scrubber should be used with any Parker Balston Zero Air Generator or UHP Nitrogen Generator if the compressed air supply contains halogenated hydrocarbons which can damage the generator. The Parker Balston Halogenated Hydrocarbon Scrubber consists of two high efficiency Balston coalescing filter assemblies, and two towers filled with a proprietary adsorbent material. The scrub-ber should be installed directly upstream from the Parker Balston Generator which it will protect.Bulletin TI-76080J2Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division Haverhill, MA • 1-800-343-4048InstallationMaintenanceDon’t Forget To:1 To activate your warranty go to /warrantyregistrations.2 Call the Technical Services Department at 800-343-4048, 8AM to 5PM Eastern Time with **************************************************.ForlocationsoutsideNorthAmerica, please contact your local representative.The serial number for the Parker Balston Halogenated Hydrocarbon Scrubber is located on the side of the vessel, near the top. For your own records, and in case service is required, please record the fol-lowing:DATE IN SERVICE SERIAL NO.Please have the serial number of scrubber and generator available when calling for assistance.Part No. Description 76080 Halogenated Hydrocarbon Scrubber Ordering InformationThe Parker Balston Halogenated Hydrocarbon Scrubber (P/N 76080) should be replaced in a timely manner to ensure optimal halogenated hydrocarbon removal from the compressed air supply. If the scrubber is not changed regularly, downstream equipment may be damaged by halogenated hydro-carbon breakthrough into the compressed air supply. For continuous usage, and an inlet challenge of 25 ppm of trichloroethylene at a flow rate of 17 slpm the scrubber will last for 18 months. At a flow rate of 30 slpm the scrubber will last 10 months. Higher flows and higher inlet challenges will reduce the lifetime of the scrubber. For use with Parker Balston Model 76-98, and an inlet challenge of 10 ppm, the scrubber will last 8 months.To change out the scrubber, simply turn off the compressed air supply to the scrubber, allow the unitto depressurize, and remove from its mounted position. Replace the spent scrubber with the new one.For proper maintenance of the Parker Balston Gas Generator being used, please refer to the Installa-tion, Operation, and Maintenance manual shipped with that product.Changing the Scrubber Serial NumbersModel NumberMin/Max Pressure Rating60 psig to 125 psig Inlet/Outlet Port Size1/4" NPT (female)Change Frequency @ 17 lpm flow 18 Months Dimensions41"h x 15"w x 8"d (104cm x 30cm x 2cm)Shipping Weight 29 lbs (13 kg)Principal Specifications Copyright© Parker Hannifin Corporation 2001, 2011 Printed in U.S.A. Bulletin TI-76080J All installation, operation, and maintenance procedures for the Parker Balston Halogenated Hydrocarbon Scrubbers should be performed by suitable personnel using reasonable care.The scrubber should be fastened securely, in a vertical orientation, to a wall or similar mounting surface. All mounting hardware used should be adequately sized to support the weight of the scrub-ber (29 lbs./ 13 kg) in its mounted position. Install the scrubber as close to the Parker Balston Gas Generator as possible.The inlet and outlet ports of the scrubber are 1/4" NPT (female). All piping and accessories used in conjunction with the scrubber should be at least 1/4" to prevent excessive pressure drops in the system. A shut-off valve and pressure regulator should be installed directly upstream from the scrub-ber to facilitate routine maintenance procedures. The inlet pressure to the scrubber should be set to maintain between 60 psig and 125 psig (4.1 barg and 8.6 barg). Pipe the drains from the prefilters to an appropriate disposal container. The liquid drainage will consist primarily of water and compressor oil.Parker Hannifin (UK) Ltd Gas Separation & Filtration Division EMEA Dukesway, Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 0PZ United Kingdom Ph: +44 (0)191 402 /gsfe Parker Hannifin Corporation Industrial Gas Filtration and Generation Division 4087 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086Tel: 716-686-3800 Fax: CELL: DRY。

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